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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Navelbine belongs to a family of medicines called the vinca alkaloids, used to treat cancer.
Navelbine is presented in the form of a solution for injection administered intravenously.
Navelbine is used to treat some forms of lung cancer and some forms of breast cancer in patients over 18 years old.
This medicine is not recommended for children under 18 years old.

Never use Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial
• If you are allergic to vinorelbine (the active substance) or to other vinca-alkaloids.
• If you are allergic to any of the other ingredients contained in Navelbine (see section 6 of this leaflet).
• If you have or have had low levels of white cells (neutrophils) or severe infection during the last two weeks.
• If you have a low platelet count.
• If you are breastfeeding.
• If you are intending to be vaccinated against yellow fever or
if you have just been vaccinated.

Warnings and precautions
Please inform your doctor if:
• You have a history of heart attacks or severe chest pain.
• You have received radiotherapy during which the irradiation field included the liver.
• You have signs or symptoms or infection (such as fever, chills or cough).
• You are going to be vaccinated.
• You are pregnant.
• Your liver function is not normal.

Taking Navelbine with a live attenuated vaccine (other thanyellow fever vaccine, see Never use Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial) is not recommended (see section Other medicines and Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial). Blood tests will be performed before and during treatment with Navelbine in order to confirm that you can receive the treatment. If the results of the tests are unsatisfactory, your treatment may be delayed and additional tests performed until your test results have returned to normal.

Children and adolescents Not applicable.
Other medicines and Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial

This medicine must not be used in combination with the yellow fever vaccine (see Never use Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial).
Combination of this medicine with a live attenuated vaccine (such as measles vaccine, mumps vaccine or a vaccine against rubella...), with phenytoin or fosphenytoin (anti-epileptic medicines), itraconazole, ketoconazole or posaconazole (anti-fungal medicines), mitomycin C or lapatinib (anticancer medicines) is not recommended (See Warnings and Precautions).
Please tell your doctor or your pharmacist if you have taken or have recently taken another medicine even if this is a medicine obtained without a prescription.

Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial and food and drink.
Use of Navelbine produces no interactions with food or drink.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility
Men treated with Navelbine are recommended not to procreate during treatment and until three months after treatment is stopped and to obtain information about storage of sperm before treatment as Navelbine may irreversibly reduce male fertility.

Women of child-bearing potential
Women of child-bearing potential must be using an effective contraception during treatment and for three months after treatment is stopped.

If you are pregnant, think you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant, please ask your doctor for advice before taking Navelbine as there may be a risk for your child.
You must not take Navelbine if you are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding must be stopped if treatment with Navelbine is required.

Driving and using machines
No studies have been conducted on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines. Caution, however, is required in the event of adverse effects due to this medicine which may impede driving.
You must not drive if you do not feel well or if your doctor recommends that you do not drive.

Your doctor will check your blood profile before and during treatment with Navelbine. The results of your tests will enable the decision to be made whether or not you can receive the treatment. The dose will depend both on your height, weight and general health. Your doctor will calculate your body surface area and determine the dose which you will receive.
Method of administration
Navelbine must be diluted before administration. Navelbine must only be administered intravenously. The treatment should be administered by infusion over a period of 6 to 10 minutes. After administration the veins should be rinsed thoroughly with a sterile solution.
Frequency of administration
Navelbine is usually administered once weekly. The frequency of treatment will be determined by your doctor.
Duration of treatment
The duration of treatment will be determined by your doctor.
If you have taken more Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial than you should have:
The dose of Navelbine is determined with caution and is checked by your doctor and your pharmacist. If, however, you receive more Navelbine than you should have, please contact your doctor immediately. Severe symptoms related to blood cells may occur together with signs of infection (such as fever, chills or cough). You may also develop severe constipation. In this case contact your doctor immediately.
If you forget to take Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial:
Your doctor will decide when you should stop your treatment. If you wish to stop prematurely the treatment, however, you will need to discuss the other treatment options available to you with your doctor.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for further information if you have other questions about using this medicine.

If you stop taking Navelbine, solution for injection in a vial Not applicable.

Like all medicinal products, Navelbine may have side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Very common adverse effects (which may occur in over one in 10 patients):

Nausea, vomiting, constipation; A decrease in red blood cells which may result in pallor, fatigue or breathlessness; A decrease in white blood cells which makes you more vulnerable to infection; Lower limb weakness; Loss of some reflex reactions, sometimes with deterioration in sense of touch; Hair loss, generally mild during long term treatment; Inflammation or sores in the mouth or throat; Reactions at the Navelbine injection site such as redness, sensation of burning, discolouration of the vein, inflammation of the vein; Liver disorders (Abnormal liver test).
Common adverse effects (may occur in one to 10 per 100 people treated):
Reduced platelet count (thrombocytopenia) which may result in an increased risk of bleeding or haematomas; Joint pain; Jaw pain; Muscle pain; Fatigue (asthenia); Fever; Pain in various locations such as the chest and at the site of the tumour; Diarrhoea; Infections at different sites.
Uncommon adverse effects (may occur in one to 10 per 1,000 patients):
Severe difficulties in moving and in sensation to touch; Dizziness; Sensation of sudden hotness and reddening of the skin of the face and neck; Sensation of cold in the hands or feet; Breathing difficulties or wheezing breathing (dyspnoea and bronchospasm); Blood infection (sepsis) with symptoms such as high fever and deterioration in general health; High blood pressure.
Rare adverse effects (may occur in one to 10 per 10,000 patients):
Heart attack (ischaemic heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction, occasionally fatal); Lung toxicity (inflammation and fibrosis, occasionally fatal); Severe abdominal and back pain (inflammation in pancreas); Low sodium concentration in your blood (which may cause symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, cramps and coma); Ulceration at the injection site of Navelbine (local necrosis); Skin rash on you body such as rash and generalised skin reaction.
Very rare adverse effects (may occur in less than 1 per 10,000 patients treated):
Irregular heartbeats (tachycardia), palpitations, heart rhythm disorders.

Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data:

Abdominal pain, gastrointestinal bleeding; Heart failure which can cause shortness of breath and ankle swelling; Redness of hands and feet (erythema); Low sodium levels due to an overproduction of a hormone causing fluid retention and resulting in weakness, tiredness or confusion (Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion - SIADH); Lack of muscle control may be associated with abnormal gait, speech changes and abnormalities in eyes movement (ataxia); Headache; Chills with fever; Cough; Loss of apetite; Weight loss.

Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effect, talk to your doctor, your pharmacist or your nurse about it. This also applies to any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.
You can also report side effects directly through The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
- Fax: +966-11-205-7662
- Call NPC at +966-11-2038222,
Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
- Toll free phone: 8002490000
- E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
- Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority

By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use Navelbine after the expiry date shown on the vial and box (EXP). The expiry date refers to the last day of the month.
Store in a refrigerator (between 2°C and 8°C) and in its original external packaging protected from light.
Do not freeze.
After Navelbine has been diluted in a 9 mg/ml sodium chloride (0.9%) solution for injection or a 5% glucose solution for injection, the solution has been shown to be physico-chemical stable for 8 days at room temperature (20°C +/- 5°C) or in a refrigerator (+2°C to +8°C) protected from light in a neutral glass bottle or PVC or vinyl acetate bag.
From a microbiological perspective, however, the substance should be used immediately. If not used immediately, the storage times and conditions after dilution and before use are the responsibility of the user alone and should not exceed 24 hours at a temperature of between +2°C and 8°C, unless the dilution is carried out under appropriately monitored and validated aseptic conditions.

What Navelbine 10 mg/1 ml, solution for injection in a vial contains

• The active substance is:
Vinorelbine ditartrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.85 mg
Amount equivalent to vinorelbine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 mg
Per 1 ml of solution for injection.
• The other ingredients are: water for solution for injection.


• The active substance is:
Vinorelbine ditartrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69.25 mg
Amount equivalent to vinorelbine. . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 mg
Per 5 ml of solution for injection.
• The other ingredient is: water for solution for injection


This medicine is a clear, colourless to slightly yellow solution with a pH of between 3.3 and 3.8 which is a solution for injection in a vial (1 ml); box of 1 and 10. This medicine is a clear, colourless to slightly yellow solution with a pH of between 3.3 and 3.8 which is a solution for injection in a vial (5 ml); box of 1 and 10.

Marketing Authorisation holder
Les Cauquillous
81500 Lavaur - France

FAREVA PAU 1, Avenue du Béarn
64320 IDRON - France

Name of the medicine in Member States of the European Economic Area. Not applicable.
The last date on which this leaflet was approved was: February 2022

February 2022
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي نافيلبين إلى فئة من الأدوية تُسمّى القلوانيّات العناقيّة، وهي تُستعمل لعلاج السرطان.
يأتي نافيلبين على شكل محلول يُحقن عن طريق الوريد.
يُستعمل نافيلبين لعلاج بعض أنواع سرطان الرئة وبعض أنواع سرطان الثدي لدى المرضى الذين يفوق عمرهم 18 عامًا.
لا يُنصح باستعماله لدى الأطفال ما دون ال 18 من العمر.

لا تستعمل نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير، في الحالات الآتية:
• إذا كنت تعاني من فرط حساسيّة ضدّ الفينورلبين (المادة الفاعلة) أو ضدّ أي من القلوانيّات العناقيّة،
• إذا كنت تعاني من حساسيّة ضدّ أي مركّب آخر من مركّبات نافيلبين )المذكورة في القسم 6 من هذه النشرة(،
• إذا كان تعداد كريات الدّم البيض لديك منخفضًا )العدلات( أو كنت مصابًا بخمج حاد في خلال الأسبوعين الأخيرين،
• إذا كان تعداد صفيحات الدم لديك منخفضًا،

 • الإرضاع،
• إذا كنت تنوي تلقّي الطعم ضدّ الحمّى الصّفراء أو إذا تلقّيت الطّعم مؤخرًا.

التّحذير والوقاية
الرجاء أعلم طبيبك في حال:
• أُصبت سابقًا بنوبة قلبيّة أو بألم حاد في الصدر،
• تلقّيت معالجة بالأشعة تضمّن فيها مجال العلاج الكبد،
• كان لديك إشارات أو عوارض خمج (مثل الحمى والقشعريرات والسعال)
• كنت تنوي تلقّي لقاح،
• كنتِ حاملا

 • لم تكن وظيفتك الكبديّة طبيعيّة.
لا يوصى باستعمال نافيلبين مع لقاح حيّ ملطّف (غير لقاح الحمى الصفراء، راجع القسم موانع استعمال نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير وقسم الأدوية الأخرى
ونافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير)
قبل العلاج بنافيلبين وفي خلاله، يتمّ إجراء تحاليل للدّم للتأكّد من إمكانيّة تلقّي العلاج. في حال كانت نتائج هذه التحاليل غير مرضية، يمكن أن يتأخر علاجك ويمكن إجراء فحوصات إضافيّة إلى أن تعود هذه القيم إلى معدّلها الطبيعي.

الأولاد والمراهقون لا ينطبق.

الأدوية الأخرى ونافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير:
لا ينبغي استعمال هذا الدواء بالتزامن مع لقاح ضدّ الحمى الصفراء )راجع القسم موانع استعمال نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير(.
لا يوصى باستعمال هذا الدواء بالتزامن مع لقاح حيّ ملطّف (مثلاً لقاح الحصبة، أو لقاح النكاف، أو لقاح الحصبة الألمانيّة...)
ولا مع الفينيتوين أو الفوسفينيتوين (دواءان مضادان للصّرع) ولا مع الإتراكونازول أو الكيتوكونازول أو البوزاكونازول (أدوية مضادة للفطريات) ولا مع ميتوميسين C أو لاباتينيب (دواءان مضادان للسرطان) (راجع قسم التحذير والوقاية)

الرجاء أن تُعلم الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تأخذ أو أخذت مؤخرًا أي أدوية أخرى بما فيها تلك التي حصلت عليها من دون وصفة طبيّة.

نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير مع الطعام والشراب
ما من تفاعلات مع الطعام والشراب عند استعمال نافيلبين.

الحمل والإرضاع والخصوبة
يتمّ إعلام الرجال المعالجين بنافيلبين بضرورة عدم الإنجاب في خلال فترة العلاج وحتّى 3 أشهر بعد انتهاء العلاج. وطلب المشورة بشأن الحفاظ على الحيوانات المنويّة قبل العلاج
لأنّ نافيلبين قد يؤثر سلبًا على خصوبة الرجال على نحو لا رجعة فيه.
النساء في سن الإنجاب
يتع ين ين على النساء في سنّ الإنجاب استعمال وسيلة منع حمل فعّالة في خلال العلاج ولمدّة 3 أشهر بعد انتهاء العلاج.
إذا كنت حام لا أو تعتقدين نفسك حام لا أو تنوين أن تصبحي حام لا لا، الرجاء طلب المشورة من طبيبك قبل استعمال نافيلبين إذ قد يشكّل ذلك خطرًا على الطفل.
لا تأخذي نافيلبين إذا كنت تُرضعين.
يجب إيقاف الإرضاع إذا كان العلاج بنافيلبين ضروريًّا.

قيادة السيارات واستعمال الآلات

لم يتم إجراء أي دراسات حول التأثيرات على القيادة واستعمال الآلات. ولكن من الضروري الحذر في حال بروز تأثيرات جانبيّة قد تُعيق القيادة من جرّاء استعمال هذا الدواء. لا يجدر بك أن تقود السيّارة إذا كنت تشعر بتوعّك أو إذا نصحك الطبيب بعدم القيادة.


مقدار الجرعة
قبل العلاج بنافيلبين وفي خلاله، سيتحقّق طبيبك من حالة الدّم لديك. وستساعد نتائج الاختبارات على اتّخاذ القرار ببدء العلاج أم لا. وسيتوّقف تحديد الجرعة على الطول، والوزن، والصحّة العامّة للمريض. سيحسب الطّبيب مساحة جسمك ويحدّد الجرعة التي ستتلّقاها.
طريقة الإعطاء
يجب تخفيف نافيلبين قبل حقنه. لا ينبغي حقن نافيلبين إ لا في الوريد. يُحقن الدواء عن طريق تسريب يدوم من 6 إلى 10 دقائق بعد الحقن. يُشطف الوريد بدقّة بواسطة محلول معقّم.
عدد مرّات الإعطاء
يُعطى نافيلبين عادةً مرّةً في الأسبوع. سوف يحدّد طبيبك عدد مرّات الاستعمال.
مدّة العلاج
سوف يحدّد طبيبك مدّة العلاج.
إذا أخذت جرعة مفرطة من نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في قوارير
يحدّد الطّبيب والصيدليّ الجرعة التي عليك تلّقيها من نافيلبين ويتحققان بدقّة منها. أمّا إذا أخذت جرعة من نافيلبين تفوق الجرعة الموصوفة، فاتّصل بالطبيب على الفور. فقد تظهر عوارض حادّة تتعلّق بخلايا الدّم وقد تصاب بإشارات خمج (مثل الحمى، أو القشعريرات، أو السّعال) وقد تصاب كذلك بإمساك حادّ. في هذه الحالة، اتّصل بطبيبك على الفور.
إذا نسيت أخذ نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في الوريد
طبيبك هو من يقرّر متى عليك إيقاف العلاج. ولكن إذا رغبت في إيقاف العلاج قبل ذلك، عليك مناقشة خيارات العلاج الأخرى المتوافرة لك مع طبيبك.
إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة إضافيّة حول استعمال هذا الدواء، اسأل الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

إذا توقفت عن أخذ نافيلبين، محلول للحقن في الوريد لا ينطبق.

على غرار الأدوية كافّةً، م يكن أن يُسبّب نافيلبين تأثيرات جانبيّة لا تُصيب المرضى كلّهم.
التأثيرات الجانبيّة الشائعة جدًّا ) مكن أن تُصيب أكثر من مريض واحد من أصل 10 مرضى معالجين

الغثيان، التقيؤ، الإمساك. تدني عدد خلايا الدّم الحمراء (فقر الدم)  يمكن أن يسبّب شحوب البشرة، أو التّعب، أو ضيق النفس. انخفاض في عدد خلايا الدّم البيضاء مما يجعلك
أكثر عرضة للخمج. ضعف في الأطراف السّفلى. فقدان بعض المعنكاسات، أحيانًا فرق في كيفيّة الإحساس باللّمس. تساقط الشّعر (الثعلبة)، لا يكون عادةً حاداّ للعلاج الطويل الأمد. التهاب أو تقرّحات قلاعيّة في الفم أو الحلق. ارتكاسات في الموقع الذي حُقن فيه نافيلبين مثل الاحمرار، شعور بحريق، تغيّر لون الأوردة، التهاب الأوردة. اضطرابات في الكبد (نتائج فحص الكبد غير طبيعية)

التأثيرات الجانبيّة الشائعة (يمكن أن تُصيب مريضًا واحدًا إلى 10 مرضى من يأصل 100 مرضى معالجين)
انخفاض في تعداد صفيحات الدّم )قلة الصفيحات الدّمويّة( يمكن أن يزيد من خطر النّزف أو الازرقاق. ألم في المفاصل. ألم في الفكّ. ألم في العضلات. تعب (وهن) حمى. ألم في مواقع مختلفة من جسمك مثل ألم الصّدر وألم في موقع الورم. إسهال. أخماج في مواقع مختلفة.

التأثيرات الجانبيّة غير الشائعة (يمكن أن تُصيب مريضًا واحدًا إلى 100 مريض من أصل 1000 مريض معالج)
صعوبات حادّة على مستوى حركات جسمك وحاسّة اللّمس لديك. دوار. إحساس مفاجئ بحرارة واحمرار جلدي في الوجه والعنق. إحساس بالبرد في اليدين والقدمين. صعوبات في التنفّس أو أزيز (ضيق نفس وتشنّج قصبّي). خمج الدّم (تعفّن الدّم) مع أعراض مثل ارتفاع في درجة الحرارة وتدهور في الصحة العامة. ارتفاع ضغط الدم.

تأثيرات جانبيّة نادرة (يمكن أن تُصيب مريضًا واحدًا إلى 10 مرضى من أصل 10000 مريض معالج)
نوبة قلبيّة (مرض القلب الذاوي، الذبحة الصدريّة، الاحتشاء العضلي القلبي، قاتلة أحيانًا). تسمّم رئوي (التهاب وتليّف، قاتل في بعض الاحيان). ألم حادّ في البطن والظّهر (التهاب في البنكرياس). انخفاض تركيز الصوديوم في دمك (مما قد يسبّب عوارض تعب،وتشوّش ذهني، وارتعاش عضلي، والسبات. تقرّحات في موقع الحقن (نكروز موضعي)
طفح جلدي( على جسمك كالطفح، ورد الفعل الجلدي المعمم).

تأثيرات جانبيّة نادرة جدًّا (يمكن أن تُصيب أقلّ من مريض واحد من أصل 10000 مريض معالج)
عدم انتظام دقّات القلب (تسرّع القلب) خفقان، اضطرابات في النظم القلبي.

أعراض جانبيّة "بتواتر غير معروف": لا يمكن تقديره استنادًا إلى البيانات المتوفّرة

ألم في البطن، نزيف في الجهاز الهضمي. قصور القلب الذي يمكن أن يسبّب ضيقًا في النفس وتورّمًا في الكاحل. احمرار اليدين والقدمين (الحُمامى) انخفاض مستويات الصوديوم بسبب فرط إنتاج الهرمون الذي يسبّب احتباس السوائل، مؤديا إلى الضعف أو التعب أو التشوّش الذهني (متلازمة الإفراز غير الملائم للهرمون المضاد لإدرار البول)قد يترافق الافتقار إلى التحكّم في العضلات مع مشية غير طبيعية، وتغيّرات في الكلام وتغيّرات غير طبيعية في حركة العينين )رنح(. صداع. قشعريرة مع حمى. سعال. فقدان الشهيّة. فقدان الوزن.

التبليغ عن التأثيرات الجانبيّة
إذا أُصبت بأحد التأثيرات الجانبيّة هذه، اتّصل بالطبيب، أو الصيدلي، أو الممرّض.
وينطبق ذلك أيضًا على التأثيرات الجانبيّة غير المذكورة في النشرة هذه.
ويمكنك التبليغ عن التأثيرات الجانبيّة مباشرةً عن طريق المركز الوطني للتيقظ

SFDA Call Center: 19999
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البريد الالكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الالكتروني

دول الخليج الأخرى:
- الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والهيئات الوطنية في كل دولة.

من خلال التبليغ عن التأثيرت الجانبيّة، يمكنك المساعدة على توفير معلومات أكثر
حول سلامة الدواء هذا.

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن نظر الأطفال ومتناولهم.
لا تستعمل نافيلبين بعد انقضاء تاريخ الصلاحيّة المدوّن على اللصاقة وعلى العلبة.
يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحيّة إلى اليوم الأخير من الشهر المذكور.
احفظ الدواء في البراد في علبته الخارجيّة الأصليّة بعيدًا عن الضوء بدرجة حرارة تتراوح بين درجتين مئويتين و 8 درجات مئوية.
لا تجلّد الدّواء.
بعد تخفيف نافيلبين في محلول الصوديوم 9 ملغ/مل )% 0.9 ( للحقن أو في محلول الغلوكوز للحقن % 5، أقيم البرهان على الثبات الكيميائي والفيزيائي لثمانية أيّام في حرارة الغرفة( 20 درجة مئويّة ± 5 درجات مئويّة( أو في البرّاد )بين درجتين مئويّتين و 8 درجات مئويّة( بعيدًا عن النور، في قارورة زجاجيّة متعادلة، أكياس بلاستيك وأسيتات الفينيل. ولكن من وجهة نظر ميكروبيولوجيّة، يجب استعمال المنتج على الفور. وفي حال
عدم الاستعمال الفوري، تكون أوقات الحفظ وظروفه قبل الاستعمال من مسؤوليّة المستعمل ولا تزيد عادة عن 24 ساعة في درجة حرارة تتراوح بين درجتين مئويّتين و 8 درجات مئويّة، إلاّ إذا جرى التحضير في ظروف مراقبة ومعقّمة تم التحقق منها.

ماذا يحتوي نافيلبين 10 ملغ/ 1مل، محلول للحقن في قوارير

• المادة الفاعلة هي:
ثاني ترترات الفينورلبين . 13.85 ملغ .
الكميّة المعادلة للفينورلبين . 10.00 ملغ .
للتر واحد من محلول الحقن.
• المركب الآخر هو: ماء لمحلول الحقن.

ماذا يحتوي نافيلبين 50 ملغ/ 1مل، محلول للحقن في قوارير
• المادة الفاعلة هي:
ثاني ترترات الفينورلبين . 69.25 ملغ الكميّة .
المعادلة للفينورلبين . 50.00 ملغ .
ل 5 لتر من محلول الحقن.
• المركب الآخر هو: ماء لمحلول الحقن.

ما هو نافيلبين 10 ملغ/ 1مل، محلول للحقن في قوارير ومحتويات العلبة

هذا الدواء هو محلول صافٍ عديم اللون إلى أصفر باهت مع رقم هدروجيني يتراوح بين 3.3 و 3.8 ويأتي على شكل محلول للحقن في قوارير ) 1 مل( علبة من قارورة واحدة أو 10 قوارير.

ما هو نافيلبين 50 ملغ/ 1مل، محلول للحقن في قوارير ومحتويات العلبة

هذا الدواء هو محلول صافٍ عديم اللون إلى أصفر باهت مع رقم هدروجيني يتراوح بين 3.3 و 3.8 ويأتي على شكل محلول للحقن في قوارير ) 1 مل( علبة من قارورة واحدة أو 10 قوارير.

الشركة حاملة رخصة التسويق
بيار فابر ميديكامنت
لي كوكييوس
81500 لافور - فرنسا
Les Cauquillous
81500 Lavaur - France
الشركة المصنعة
فاريفا بو
فاريفا بو 1 - جادة بيارن
64320 إدرون - فرنسا

FAREVA PAU 1, Avenue du Béarn
64320 IDRON - France

فبراير 2022
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

NAVELBINE 10 mg/1 ml, solution for injection in a vial NAVELBINE 50 mg/5 ml, solution for injection in a vial

Vinorelbine ditartrate.................................................................................................................. 13.85 mg Amount equivalent to vinorelbine ............................................................................................... 10.00 mg Per 1 ml of solution for injection. Vinorelbine ditartrate………………………………………………………………………………….. 69.25 mg Amount equivalent to vinorelbine ............................................................................................... 50.00 mg Per 5 ml of solution for injection. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection Navelbine is a clear colourless to slightly yellow solution with a pH of between 3.3 and 3.8.

• non-small cell lung cancer
• metastatic breast cancer

Strictly for intravenous use only after appropriate dilution.
Intrathecal administration of Navelbine may be fatal.
Instructions for use and handling: see section 6.6.
It is recommended that Navelbine will be infused over a short period of time of 6 to 10 minutes after dilution in 20 to 50 ml of a 9 mg/ml (0.9%) sodium chloride solution for injection or a 5% glucose solution for injection.
Following administration the vein must always be rinsed with a minimum of 250 ml of physiological solution.
In monotherapy the usual dose is 25 to 30 mg/m² administered weekly.
In combination chemotherapy the usual dose (25 to 30 mg/m²) is generally continued, whereas the administration frequency is reduced; for example administration on D1 and D5 every 3 weeks or D1 and D8 every 3 weeks, depending on the protocol.

Administration in the elderly:
Clinical experience has not established any significant differences in elderly patients in terms of response, although it is not possible to exclude greater sensitivity in some of these patients. Age does not change the pharmacokinetics of vinorelbine.
Administration in patients suffering from liver insufficiency:
The pharmacokinetics of Navelbine are unchanged in patients with moderate or severe liver insufficiency. However, as a precautionary measure, it is recommended that the dose be reduced to 20 mg/m² and that haematological parameters be monitored in patients suffering from severe liver insufficiency (see sections 4.4 and 5.2).
Administration in patients suffering from renal insufficiency:
As renal excretion is low, there is no pharmacokinetic justification to reduce the dose of Navelbine in patients with renal insufficiency.
Administration in children: The safety and efficacy have not been studied in children and as a result administration of Navelbine is not recommended (see section 5.1).

This medicine is contraindicated in the following situations: • Known hypersensitivity to vinorelbine or other vinca alkaloids or to any other constituent of Navelbine. • Neutrophil count under 1500/mm3 or severe current or recent infection (within 2 weeks). • Platelet count < 100000/mm3. • Breastfeeding (See section 4.6) • In combination with the yellow fever vaccine.

Special warnings
Navelbine must be administered under the supervision of a physician experienced in the use of chemotherapy.
As the main risk associated with Navelbine is the inhibition of the hematopoietic system, treatment should be given under strict haematological monitoring before any new injection (measurement of haemoglobin, leukocyte, neutrophil and platelet counts on each day the product is administered).
The limiting toxicity is neutropenia. This non-cumulative effect reaches a nadir between the 7th and 14th day after administration and reverses rapidly in the subsequent 5 to 7 days.
Administration must be delayed until parameters have returned to normal if the neutrophil count is under 1500/mm3 and/or platelet count is under 100000/mm3,
Further investigations should be performed without delay if patients have signs or symptoms suggestive of infection.

Special precautions for use
Increased caution is recommended in all patients with history of ischaemic heart disease (see section 4.8).
The pharmacokinetics of Navelbine are unchanged in patients with severe or moderate liver insufficiency. For dosage adjustment in this group of patients, refer to section 4.2.
As renal excretion is low, there is no pharmacokinetic justification to reduce the dose of Navelbine in patients with renal insufficiency (see section 4.2).
Navelbine should not be given concomitantly with radiotherapy if the treatment fields include the liver.
Use of this medicinal product in combination with a live attenuated vaccine is not recommended (see contraindications for the yellow fever vaccine).
Caution is recommended when Navelbine is used at the same time as potent cytochrome CYP3A4 inhibitors or inductors. Hence, taking this medicinal product with phenytoin, fosphenytoin, itraconazole, ketoconazole or posaconazole is not recommended (see section 4.5).
Avoid any accidental contamination with the eye. Risk of severe irritation or even ulceration of the cornea if the substance is sprayed under pressure. In the event that the substance comes into contact with the eye, wash immediately with a 9 mg/ml (0.9%) sodium chloride solution for injection.
Increased caution is required in Japanese patients as cases of interstitial lung disease have been reported more frequently in this population.

Concomitant use contraindicated (see section 4.3) + Yellow fever vaccine: risk of fatal generalised vaccine disease.
Concomitant use not recommended (see section 4.4) + Live attenuated vaccines (see Concomitant use contraindicated for the yellow fever vaccine):
Risk of generalised, potentially fatal, vaccine disease. This risk is increased in subjects who are already immunodepressed due to the underlying disease. Use an inactivated vaccine when this exists (poliomyelitis).
+ Phenytoin (and, by extrapolation, fosphenytoin):
Risk of seizures due to reduced gastrointestinal absorption of phenytoin alone due to the cytotoxic or loss of efficacy of the cytotoxic agent due to an increase in its hepatic metabolism by phenytoin or fosphenytoin.
Concomitant use requiring precautions
+ Vitamin K antagonists
Increased risk of thrombosis and haemorrhage in tumour disease. In addition, possible interaction between the VKA and chemotherapy. More frequent monitoring of the INR.
+ Macrolides (clarithromycin, erythromycin, telithromycin)
CIS 6 818 442 5 Q11ADOC034 v.03 4
Risk of increased toxicity of the anti-mitotic agent due to a reduction in its hepatic metabolism by clarithromycin, erythromycin or telithromycin. Close clinical and laboratory monitoring. Possibly, use an alternative antibiotic.
Increased neurotoxicity of the antimitotic due to a reduction in its hepatic metabolism by cobicistat. Close clinical monitoring and possible adjustment of dosage of the anti-mitotic agent.
Concomitant use to take into consideration
+ Immunosuppressants (ciclosporin, everolimus, sirolimus, tacrolimus):
Excessive immunosuppression with risk of lymphoproliferative syndrome.
Concomitant use not recommended (see section 4.4)
+ Itraconazole, posaconazole, ketoconazole:
Increased neurotoxicity of the anti-mitotic agent due to a reduction in its hepatic metabolism by itraconazole, ketoconazole or posaconazole.
Concomitant use requiring precautions
+ Protease inhibitors
Increased toxicity of the antimitotic due to a reduction in its hepatic metabolism by the protease inhibitor. Close clinical monitoring and possible adjustment of dosage of the anti-mitotic agent.
Concomitant use to take into consideration
+ Mitomycin C:
Risk of increased pulmonary toxicity of mitomycin and the vinca alkaloids (see section 4.8).
+ As the vinca alkaloids are recognised to be substrates for glycoprotein P and in the absence of specific studies, precautions are required when Navelbine is used in combination with potent membrane transport modulators.
As CYP3A4 is mostly involved in the metabolism of vinorelbine, combination with potent inhibitors of this isoenzyme may increase blood vinorelbine concentration and combination with potent inducers of this isoenzyme may reduce the blood concentration of vinorelbine (see section 4.4).
Combination of Navelbine with other medicinal products known to have bone marrow toxicity is liable to worsen the myelosuppressive adverse effects.
There are no mutual pharmacokinetic interactions when Navelbine is used in combination with cisplatin during several treatment cycles. The incidence of granulocytopenias however was greater with combination of Navelbine with cisplatin than when Navelbine was used in monotherapy.
In a phase I clinical study examining a combination of intravenous vinorelbine and lapatinib an increased incidence of grade 3/4 neutropenia was suggested. In this study the recommended dose of intravenous vinorelbine was 22.5 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks in combination with 1000 mg of lapatinib administered daily. This type of combination must therefore be administered with caution.

There are inadequate data on the use of vinorelbine in pregnant women. In reproductive studies conducted in animals, vinorelbine was embryotoxic and teratogenic (see section 5.3). Based on the results of these animal studies and the pharmacological action of the medicinal product there is a potential risk of embryonic and foetal abnormalities.
Navelbine must not be used during pregnancy unless the expected individual benefit manifestly exceeds the potential risks. If a patient becomes pregnant during treatment she must be informed of the risks to the unborn child and monitored carefully. The possibility of genetic counselling should also be considered.
Women of child-bearing potential
Women of child-bearing potential must be using an effective contraception during treatment and for three months after treatment is stopped.
It is not known whether Navelbine is excreted into human breast milk. The excretion of Navelbine into milk has not been studied in animals. It is not possible to exclude a risk during breastfeeding. As a result, breastfeeding must be stopped before beginning treatment with Navelbine (see section 4.3).
Men treated with Navelbine must be warned not to conceive a child during treatment and for at least 3 months after treatment. Before treatment it is recommended that sperm storage be considered because of the risk of irreversible infertility following treatment with vinorelbine.

No studies on the ability to drive or use machines have been conducted although based on its pharmacodynamic profile vinorelbine does not affect these activities. Caution, however, is required in patients treated with vinorelbine because of the adverse effects due to this medicinal product.

The adverse reactions reported as non-isolated cases are listed below by System organ class and incidence.
Incidences are defined as follows: Very common (1/10), common (1/100, < 1/10), uncommon (1/1 000, <1/100), rare (1/10 000, < 1/1 000), very rare (<1/10 000), according to the MedDRA incidence convention and system organ classification.
The adverse reactions reported most commonly are: bone marrow depression with neutropenia, anaemia, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal toxicity with nausea, vomiting, stomatitis and constipation, transient rises in liver enzymes, alopecia and local phlebitis.

Additional adverse reactions pooled from Post Marketing Experience and clinical trials have been added using the MedDRA classification with an unknown incidence.
Detailed information: The reactions are described using the WHO Classification. (grade 1=G1; grade 2=G2; grade 3=G3; grade 4=G4; grade 1-4=G1-4; grade 1-2=G1-2; grade 3-4=G3-4).
Infections and infestations:
• Bacterial, viral or fungal infection at different sites (respiratory, urinary, gastrointestinal etc.), mild to moderate in intensity and usually reversing with appropriate treatment.
• Severe sepsis sometimes with other organ failure.
• Septicaemia
Very rare:
• Complicated septicaemia, occasionally fatal.
Not known:
• Septic neutropenia.
• Neutropenic infection G3-4
Blood and lymphatic system disorders
Very common:
• Bone marrow depression, particularly causing neutropenia (G3: 24.3% ; G4: 27.8%), reversible within 5 to 7 days and not cumulative over time.
• Anaemia (G3-4: 7.4%)
• Thrombocytopenia (G3-4: 2.5%), rarely severe.
Not known:
• Febrile neutropenia.
• Pancytopenia.
• Leucopenia G1-4

Immune system disorders
Not known:
• Systemic allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock or anaphylactoid reaction. Endocrine disorders Not known:
• Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH).
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
• Severe hyponatraemia

Not known:
• Anorexia
Nervous system disorders
Very common:
• Neurological disorders (G3-4: 2.7%) including loss of deep tendon reflexes.
• Cases of lower limb weakness have been reported after prolonged treatment.
• Severe paraesthesiae with sensory and/or motor abnormalities.
These effects generally reverse when treatment is stopped.
Not known :
• Headache G1-4
• Dizziness
• Ataxia
Cardiac disorders
Rare: Ischaemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, occasionally fatal)
Very rare:
• Tachycardia, palpitations and cardiac dysrhythmias.
Not known:
• Heart failure
Vascular disorders
• Arterial hypotension, arterial hypertension, vasomotor flushes and cold extremities.
• Severe hypotension, collapse.
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
• Like the other vinca alkaloids, Navelbine is liable to cause dyspnoea and bronchospasm.
• Occasionally fatal interstitial lung disease.
Not known:
• Cough G1-2
Gastro-intestinal disorders
Very common:
• Stomatitis (G1-4: 15% with Navelbine monotherapy).
• Nausea, vomiting (G 1-2: 30.4% and G 3-4: 2.2%). Occurence of nausea and vomiting may be reduced with anti-emetic treatment.
• Constipation is the main symptom (G3-4: 2.7%) which progresses rarely to paralytic ileus with Navelbine in monotherapy and (G3-4: 4.1%) with Navelbine in combination with other cytotoxics.

• Diarrhoea, usually mild to moderate.
• Paralytic ileus: treatment can be restarted as bowel motility has returned to normal.
• Pancreatitis
Not known:
• Gastrointestinal bleeding
• Severe diarrhoea
• Abdominal pain
Hepatobiliary disorders
Very common:
• Transient rises in liver enzymes (G 1-2) without clinical symptoms (AST 27.6% and ALT 29.3%).
Not know:
• Hepatic disorder
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Very common:
• Generalised alopecia, mild in severity (G3-4: 4.1% in monotherapy).
• Generalised cutaneous reactions
Not known:
• Palmo-plantar erythrodysesthesia.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
• Arthralgia, including jaw pain and myalgia.
General disorders and administration site abnormalities
Very common:
• Injection site reactions may involve erythema, burning sensations, discolouration of the vein and localised phlebitis (G3-4: 3.7% with Navelbine monotherapy).
• Asthenia, fatigue, fever, pain at various sites including chest pain and pain at the tumour site have been reported in patients receiving Navelbine.
• Local necrosis . These effects may be reduced by proper positioning of the needle or catheter in the vein and bolus injection followed by rinsing the vein.
Not known:
• Chills G1-2

Not known:
• Weight loss
For the oral formulation of Navelbine the following additional Adverse Drug Reactions were reported: neuromotor disorders, taste disorder, visual impairment, insomnia, dysphagia, oesophagitis, weight gain, dysuria, other genitourinary symptom.
Reporting of side effects
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important.
It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product.
Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system:
The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
- Fax: +966-11-205-7662
- Call NPC at +966-11-2038222,
Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
- Toll free phone: 8002490000
- E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
- Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority

Symptoms: Navelbine overdose may cause bone marrow hypoplasia, occasionally associated with infection, fever and paralytic ileus.
Emergency procedure: General symptomatic measures combined with blood transfusion, administration of growth factors and broad spectrum antibiotic therapy must be started if this is deemed necessary by the physician.
Antidote: There is no known antidote in the event of Navelbine overdose.

Pharmacotherapeutic class: Cytotoxic antineoplastic belonging to the vinca alkaloid family. ATC Code: L01CA04 (L Antineoplastics and immunomodulators) Navelbine is a cytostatic antineoplastic agent belonging to the vinca alkaloid family although unlike the other vinca alkaloids the catharantine part of vinorelbine has been structurally modified. On a molecular level, Navelbine acts on dynamic equilibrium of tubulin within the cell microtubular apparatus. Navelbine inhibits tubulin polymerisation. It acts preferentially on the mitotic microtubules and only affects axonal microtubules at high concentrations. Its tubulin spiralising potential is less than that of vincristine.
Navelbine blocks mitosis in G2+M phase and causes cell death in interphase or at the subsequent mitosis.

The safety and efficacy of Navelbine have not been established in the paediatric population.
Clinical data from two uncontrolled II studies (single arm) using vinorelbine as a solution for injection in 33 and 46 paediatric patients suffering from recurrent solid tumours including rhabdomyosarcomas, soft tissue sarcomas, Ewing’s sarcomas, liposarcomas, synovial sarcomas, fibrosarcomas, central nervous system cancers, osteosarcomas and neuroblastomas at doses of 30 or 33.75 mg/m² on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks or once per week for 6 weeks every 8 weeks did not show significant clinical efficacy. The toxicity profile is similar to that reported for adult patients (see section 4.2).

The pharmacokinetic parameters of vinorelbine have been evaluated in blood.
The steady-state volume of distribution is large 21.2 l/kg (range: 7.5-39.7 l/kg), characteristic of extensive tissue distribution.
Plasma protein binding is low (13.5%). Vinorelbine binds strongly to blood cells, particularly to platelets (78%).
Extensive amounts of vinorelbine enter lung tissues as shown by the mean tissue/serum concentration ratio found from surgical lung biopsy, which is over 300. Vinorelbine has not been found in the central nervous system.
All of the metabolites of vinorelbine are formed by the cytochrome P450 CYP3A4 isoform, except for the 4-O-deacetyl-vinorelbine which appears to be formed by carboxylesterases. 4-O-deacetyl-vinorelbine is the only active metabolite and the main metabolite found in blood. The metabolism of vinorelbine does not involve either sulphate or glucuronide conjugation.
The mean elimination half-life of vinorelbine is approximately 40 hours. The total clearance is high. 0.72 l.h-1.kg-1 (range: 0.32-1.26 l. h-1.kg-1) and approaching liver blood flow. Renal excretion is low (< 20% of dose administered and is mostly in the unchanged form. Biliary excretion is the predominant route of excretion in the form of unchanged vinorelbine which is the main compound found, and its metabolites.
Special populations
Patients with renal and liver insufficiency
Although the impact of renal dysfunction on the elimination of vinorelbine has not been assessed, there is no reason to reduce dosage in patients with renal insufficiency as the renal elimination of vinorelbine is low.
The effect of liver impairment on the pharmacokinetics of vinorelbine was firstly studied in patients suffering from liver metastases from a breast cancer. This study concluded that a change in clearance was only seen when liver invasion was over 75%. A phase 1 study has also been conducted in patients with hepatic dysfunction: 6 patients with moderate impairment (serum bilirubin ≤ 2 times the ULN and transaminases ≤ 5 times the ULN) treated at the maximum dose of 25 mg/m2 and 8 patients with severe impairment (serum bilirubin > 2 times the ULN and/or transaminases > 5 times the ULN) treated at the maximum dose of 20 mg/m2. Total clearance in these patients was similar to that of patients with normal liver function and indicated that the pharmacokinetics of vinorelbine are not altered in liver insufficiency regardless of extent. As a precautionary measure, however, it is recommended that the dosage be reduced to 20 mg/m² and that haematological indices be monitored closely in patients suffering from severe liver insufficiency.
Elderly patients
A study conducted on Navelbine in elderly people (≥ 70 year old) suffering from non-small cell lung cancer showed that the pharmacokinetic parameters of vinorelbine were not altered with age. As elderly people are frail, however, caution is required when doses of Navelbine are increased (see section 4.2). Pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic correlation A close correlation has been found between blood vinorelbine exposure and both leucopenia and neutropenia.

Mutagenic and carcinogenic potential
Vinorelbine causes chromosomal damage but was not mutagenic in the Ames test. It is accepted that Navelbine may cause mutagenic effects (induction of aneuploidy and polyploidy) in human beings.
Reproductive toxicity studies
Animal reproductive studies have shown that Navelbine was embryo foeto-lethal and caused teratogenic effects.
Pharmacological safety
No haemodynamic effects have been found in dogs which received vinorelbine at the maximum tolerated dose: only minor non significant repolarisation disturbances were seen, as applies to the other vinca alkaloids.
No cardiovascular system effects were seen in primates which received repeated doses of Navelbine for 39 weeks.

Water for solution for injection.

Navelbine must not be diluted in alkaline solutions (risk of precipitation). This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except for those listed in section 6.6.

Before opening. 3 years After Navelbine has been diluted in a 9 mg/ml sodium chloride (0.9%) solution for injection or a 5% glucose solution for injection, the diluted solution has been shown to be physico-chemical stable for 8 days at room temperature (20°C +/- 5°C) or in a refrigerator (+2°C to +8°C) protected from light in a neutral glass bottle or PVC or vinyl acetate bag. From a microbiological point of view, however, the substance should be used immediately. If not used immediately the storage times and conditions after dilution and before use are the responsibility of the user alone and should not exceed 24 hours at a temperature of between +2°C à to 8°C, unless the dilution is carried out under appropriately monitored and validated aseptic conditions.

Store in a refrigerator (between +2°C and +8°C) and in its original external packaging protected from light (See section 6.3). Do not freeze

1 ml or 5 ml in glass vial (type I) closed by a butyl or chlorobutyl stopper. The stopper is covered with an aluminium cap; box of 1 and 10 bottles.

Navelbine must be prepared and administered by trained staff. Protective glasses, disposable gloves, disposable surgical mask and disposable apron must be worn. Any accidental spillage or leakage of the substance must be wiped up. In the event that the substance comes into contact with the eye, immediately wash thoroughly for a long period of time with a 0,9% sodium chloride solution for injection. In the event of accidental spillage onto skin, wash thoroughly with water and then gentle soap and then rinse thoroughly for a long period of time. Once prepared, all surfaces exposed to the substance must be appropriately cleaned and both hands and faces should be cleaned. No container/contents interaction occurs between Navelbine and neutral glass bottle, PVC bag, vinyl acetate bag or infusion kit with PVC tube. It is recommended that Navelbine be infused over a short period of time of 6 to 10 minutes after dilution in 20 to 50 ml of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection or a 5% glucose solution for injection. Following administration, the vein should be appropriately rinsed with at least 250 ml of isotonic solution.
Navelbine must strictly be administered by intravenous route only. It is extremely important to ensure that the needle is correctly introduced into the vein before beginning the injection. In the event of extravasation: severe local irritation may occur if the substance passes outside of the vein (subcutaneous tissue) into the surrounding tissue during administration. In this case the injection should be stopped immediately, the vein rinsed with saline solution and as much of the extravasated substance aspirated as possible. The remaining amount should be administered through another venous access. Application of moderate heat facilitates diffusion of the substance and appears to reduce the risk of cellulitis. In the event of extravasation, in order to reduce the risk of phlebitis, IV glucocorticoids may be administered immediately. Pregnant women should be alerted and avoid handling cytotoxic agents. Before being administered, solutions for injection must be inspected visually to detect any presence of particles or discolouration. Any unused medicinal products or waste must be disposed of in accordance with current regulations.


February 2022

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية