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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

The name of your medicine is “BioQ Ropivacaine 2 mg/ml sol. for infusion”. It contains an active
substance called ropivacaine hydrochloride. It belongs to a group of medicines called local anaesthetics.
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is used in adults for acute pain management. It numbs (anaesthetises)
parts of the body, e.g. after surgery.

- If you are allergic to ropivacaine hydrochloride or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.
- If you are allergic to any other local anaesthetics of the same class (such as lidocaine or bupivacaine).
- If you have been told that you have decreased volume of blood (hypovolaemia).
- Into a blood vessel, spine, or joint to numb a specific area of your body, or into the neck of the
womb to relieve pain during childbirth.
If you are not sure if any of the above applies to you, talk to your doctor before you are given BioQ
Ropivacaine 2mg/ml.

Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor or nurse before BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is given to you, especially:
- If you have heart, liver or kidney problems.
- If you have ever been told that you have a rare disease of the blood pigment called “porphyria”
or if anyone in your family has it, because your doctor may need to give you a different medicine.
- If you have any diseases or medical conditions.
Other medicines and BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml
Tell your doctor if you are taking, or have recently taken, any other medicines. This is because
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml can affect the way some medicines work and some medicines can have
an effect on BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml.
In particular, tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines:
- Other local anaesthetics.
- Strong pain killers, such as morphine or codeine.
- Drugs used to treat an uneven heart beat (arrhythmia), such as lidocaine and mexiletine.
Your doctor needs to know about these medicines to be able to assess if BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml
may be administered to you.
Also tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines:
- Medicines to treat depression (such as fluvoxamine)
- Antibiotics to treat infections caused by bacteria (such as enoxacin).
This is because your body takes longer to get rid of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml if you are taking
these medicines.
If you are taking either of these medicines, prolonged use of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml should be
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby,
ask your doctor for advice before using this medicine.
It is not known if ropivacaine hydrochloride affects pregnancy or passes into breast milk.
As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml during
Breast-feeding should be temporarily interrupted during treatment with BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml.
The milk should be pumped and discarded for this period.
Driving and using machines
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml may make you feel sleepy and affect the speed of your reactions. After
you have been given BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml, you should not drive or use tools or machines until
the next day.
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml contains sodium
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml contains up to 3.7 milligrams (mg) of sodium in each millilitre (ml) of
solution. If you are on a sodium controlled diet you will need to take this into account.

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml will be given to you by a doctor.
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml will be given to you as an infusion to reduce pain after surgery. During
surgery, your doctor will place a tube in the wound, which can be connected to the so called
“OneDose Readyfusor”.
The OneDose Readyfusor is a dispensing device that contains the solution for infusion and has a tube
permanently connected to it that can be attached to the tube in the wound.
Your doctor or nurse will activate the OneDose Readyfusor and connect it to the tube in the wound.
You will not need to do anything to the OneDose Readyfusor.
After its activation the OneDose Readyfusor will continuously administer a defined dose of the active
substance, sufficient for the relief of your pain.

- Kinking of the tube must be avoided.
- Do not place tight wrappings around the tube.
- Do not use the OneDose Readyfusor if any part has been damaged or cracked, or if the port on the
tubing appears broken, cracked, or damaged in any way.
- Do not reconnect the OneDose Readyfusor, if it is accidentally disconnected from the tubing during
medication delivery, as this may cause an infection. Contact your doctor or nurse to let them know
that the OneDose Readyfusor has disconnected.
- Do not bathe or shower with the OneDose Readyfusor, or while the tubing is still in place under
your skin, as this could cause an infection.
- Do not tamper with the wound dressings or with the tubing under your skin as this could cause
an infection.

If you have been given too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml
As the OneDose Readyfusor continuously administers a defined dose of the active substance, serious
side effects from getting too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml are very unlikely.
Should the dose be too high, you will need special treatment and the doctor treating you is trained
to deal with these situations. The first signs of being given too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml are
usually as follows:
- Feeling dizzy or light-headed.
- Numbness of the lips and around the mouth.
- Numbness of the tongue.
- Hearing problems.
- Problems with your sight (vision).
To reduce the risk of serious side effects, your doctor will stop the administration of BioQ Ropivacaine
2mg/ml as soon as these signs appear. This means that if any of these happen to you, or you think
you have received too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml, tell your doctor immediately.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or nurse.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Important side eects to look out for
Sudden life-threatening allergic reactions (such as anaphylaxis) are rare, affecting 1 to 10 users in
10,000. Possible symptoms include sudden onset of rash, itching or lumpy rash (hives); swelling of
the face, lips, tongue or other parts of the body; and shortness of breath, wheezing or difficulty

If you think that BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is causing an allergic reaction, tell your doctor
Other possible side eects
Very common (may aect more than 1 in 10 people)
- Low blood pressure (hypotension). This might make you feel dizzy or light-headed.
- Feeling sick (nausea).
Common (may aect up to 1 in 10 people)
- Pins and needles.
- Feeling dizzy.
- Headache.
- Slow or fast heart beat (bradycardia, tachycardia).
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Being sick (vomiting).
- Difficulty in passing urine.
- High temperature (fever) or shivering (chills).
- Back pain.
Uncommon (may aect up to 1 in 100 people)
- Anxiety.
- Decreased sensitivity or feeling in the skin.
- Fainting.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Low body temperature (hypothermia).
- Some symptoms can happen if you have been given too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml (see also
“If you have been given too much BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml” above). These include fits (seizures),
feeling dizzy or light-headed, numbness of the lips and around the mouth, numbness of the tongue,
hearing problems, problems with your sight (vision), problems with your speech, stiff muscles, and
Rare (may aect up to 1 in 1,000 people)
- Heart attack (cardiac arrest).
- Uneven heart beat (arrhythmias).
Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)
- Involuntary muscle movements (dyskinesia).
Possible side eects seen with other local anaesthetics which might also be caused by
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml
Rare (may aect up to 1 in 1,000 people)
- Damaged nerves. This may cause permanent problems.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the label after “EXP”. The expiry
date refers to the last day of that month.
Store at a temperature below 30°C.
Your doctor or the hospital will normally store BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml and they are responsible
for the quality of the product. The medicinal product should be visually inspected prior to use.
The solution should only be used if it is clear, practically free from particles and if the container is
They are also responsible for disposing of any unused BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml correctly.

- The active substance is ropivacaine hydrochloride. Each ml contains 2 mg ropivacaine

- The other ingredients are sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide solution or hydrochloric acid for pH
adjustment, and water for injections.

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is a clear, colourless solution for infusion. The OneDose Readyfusor is an orange cylinder with black caps on each side. The OneDose Readyfusor is designed to contain a transparent HDPE bellows bottle with 250 ml ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate solution for infusion. A latex free tube with luer lock fitting is permanently connected to the OneDose Readyfusor. Each pack contains one OneDose Readyfusor.

BioQ Pharma LTD, UK

Holopack Verpackungstechnik GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 20b
73453 Abtsgemünd-Untergröningen

last revised in 11/2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يسمى هذا الدواء "بيوكيو- روبيفاكيين بتركيز۲ مغ/مل محلول للتسريب". ويحتوي على المادة
الفعّالة روبيفاكيين هيدروكلوريد. و ينتمي للمجموعة الدوائية التي تُسمى المُخدرات الموضعية
ويستعمل بيوكيو- روبيفاكيين بتركيز ۲ مغ/مل لتسكين الألم الحاد عند البالغين وتخدير أجزاءٍ من
الجسم (مُخدرات موضعية) بعد العمليات.

- التحسس من روبيفاكيين هيدروكلوريد أو أيٍ من المكونات الأخرى لهذاالدواء
- التحسس من أي نوعٍ آخر من المخدرات الموضعية من نفس الفئة الدوائية (مثل الليدوكيين أو
- إذا تم إخبارك بأن لديك انخفاض في حجم الدم (حالات انخفاض حجم الدم)
- داخل أي وعاءٍ دموي، العمود الفقري أو مفصل لتنميل منطقة معينة في جسمك، أو داخل عنق
الرحم لتسكين الألم وقت الولادة.
یُرجى استشارة طبيبك قبل إعطائك بيوكيو- روبيفاكيينن بتركيز ۲ مغ/مل إذا لم تكن واثقًا من أن
لديك أيٍ من الحالات السابقة.
تحذيرات واحتياطات:
تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الممرض قبل إعطائك بيوكيو- روبيفاكيين بتركيز ۲ مغ/مل و خاصة في
الحالات التالية:
- إذا كان لديك مشاكل في القلب أو الكبد أو الكلى.
- إذا شُخصت بالإصابة بأحد أمراض صبغات الدم النادرة والذي يسمى (البورفيريا) أو إصابة أحد
أفراد أسرتك به؛ فقد يصف لك الطبيب دواءً آخرًا.
- إذا كنت تعاني من أي مرض أو حالات صحية أخرى.
الأدوية الأخرى و بيوكيو- روبيفاكيين بتركيز ۲ مغ/مل:
أبلغ طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أي أدوية أخرى؛ وذلك لأنه من الممكن أن يكون
ل بيوكيو-روبيفاكيين بتركيز ۲ مغ/مل تأثيراً على فعالية الأدوية الأخرى، كما يمكن أن يكون لبعض
الأدوية تأثيراً على فعاليته.
أبلغ طبيبك خاصة إذا كنت تتناول اياً من الأدوية التالیة:
- المخدرات الموضعیة الأخرى
- مسكنات الألم القویة مثل المورفین والكودایین
- الأدویة المُستخدمة في علاج اضطراب نظم القلب مثل اللیدوكیین والمیكسیلیتین
ویحتاج طبیبك إلى معرفة ما إذا كنت تتناول ھذه الأدویة و ذلك لتقییم إمكانیة إعطائك بیوكیو-
روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل في حالتك.
وكذلك أخبر طبیبك أیضًا إذا كنت تتناول أيٍ من الأدویة التالیة:
- الأدویة المُستخدمة في علاج الاكتئاب (مثل الفلوفوكسامین)
- المضادات الحیویة لعلاج العدوى البكتیریة (مثل الإینوكساسین)
ویرجع ذلك لأن جسمك سیحتاج وقتًا طویلًا للتخلص من بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل
إذا كنت تتناول ھذه الأدویة.
و إذا كنت تتناول أي من ھذه الأدویة، فإنھ یجب تجنب الاستخدام المطول لعقار بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین
بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل
الحمل والرضاعة:
استشیري طبیبك قبل بدء استخدام ھذا الدواء إذا كنتي مرضعة أو حامل أو تظنین أنك حامل أو
تسعین للإنجاب.
لا یُعرف ما إذا كان لروبیفاكیین ھیدروكلورید تأثیر على الحمل أو یمكنھ العبور إلى حلیب الثدي.
لذا فإنھ یُفضل تجنب استخدام بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل أثناء الحمل كإجراءٍ احتیاطي.
ویجب إیقاف الرضاعة الطبیعیة مؤقتًا أثناء تلقي بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل. ویجب
ضخ الحلیب والتخلص منھ خلال تلك الفترة.
القیادة واستخدام الماكینات:
قد یشعرك بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل بالنعاس وقد یؤثر على سرعة استجاباتك. ویجب
علیك تجنب القیادة واستخدام الآلات والماكینات إلى الیوم التالي من تلقي بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتر
كیز ۲ مغ/مل.
یحتوي بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل على الصودیوم:
یحتوي بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل على ۳٫۷ مللي غرام (مغ) من الصودیوم في كل مللي
لتر (مل) من المحلول. ویجب علیك أخذ ھذه المعلومة في الاعتبار إذا كنت على نظامٍ غذائي
مقنن لتناول الصودیوم.


سوف یتم إعطائك بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل من قبل الطبیب.
وسیُعطى بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل لك على ھیئة حقن متواصل لتسكین الألم عقب الجر
احة. سیقوم طبیبك بوضع أنبوب داخل الجرح أثناء العملیة الجراحیة والذي سیتم توصیلھ بما یُعر
ف باسم "جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة".
إن جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة ھو جھاز توزیع محتوٍ على محلول الحقن وموصل بأنبوب دائم
حتى یسھل توصیلھ بالأنبوب الموضوع في الجرح.
وسیشغّل طبیبك أو الممرض جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة وسیتم توصیلھ بالأنبوب الموضوع داخل
الجرح.ولن تحتاج للقیام بأي شيء مع جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة.
وسیعمل جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة بعد تشغیلھ على توصیل قدرًا محدداً من جرعة المادة
الفعّالة و الكافٍ لتسكین الألم.
- یجب تجنب فتل الأنبوب.
- لا تضع الضمادات الضیقة حول الأنبوب
- لا تستخدم جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة في حال تلف أي من مكوناتھ أو تشققھا أو إذا ظھر أن
مدخل الأنبوب مكسورًا أو متشققًا أو تالفًا.

- لا تعد توصیل جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة إذا انقطع التوصیل من الأنبوب عرضیًا أثناء حقن
الدواء، فقد یسبب ذلك الإصابة بالعدوى. واتصل بطبیبك أو الممرض لإعلامھم بانفصال جھاز
تسریب الجرعة الواحدة.
- لا تغتسل أو تستحم أثناء توصیل جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة أو أثناء وجود الأنابیب في مكانھا
تحت الجلد، فقد یسبب ذلك الإصابة بالعدوى.
- لا تعبث بضمادات الجرح أو الأنابیب تحت الجلد، فقد یسبب ذلك الإصابة بالعدوى.
إذا تم الإفراط في إعطائك بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل:
لا یُتوقع الإصابة بآثار جانبیة خطیرة إثر الإفراط في جرعة بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل
وذلك لأن جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة یعمل على توصیل جرعة محددة من المادة الفعّالة.
وإذا كانت الجرعة عالیة، فقد تحتاج إلى علاجٍ طبي خاص على ید الطبیب المدرب على التعامل مع
ھذه المواقف. ومن أولى العلامات الدالة على فرط جرعة بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل ما یلي:
- الشعور بالدوار أو الدوخة
- خدر الشفتین وحول الفم
- خدر اللسان
- اضطراب السمع
- اضطراب البصر
وسیوقف طبیبك إعطائك جرعة بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل في حال ظھور تلك العلامات و
ذلك لتقلیل خطر الإصابة بالآثار الجانبیة الشدیدة. ویجب إبلاغ طبیبك على الفور حال اعتقادك بتلقي
جرعة مفرطة من بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل.
في حال كان لدیك أیة أسئلة أخرى عن ھذا الدواء، فاسأل طبیبك أو ممرضك.

وقد یسبب ھذا الدواء كغیره من الأدویة آثارًا جانبیة ولكن لیس بالضرورة أن یُصاب بھا الجمیع.
الآثار الجانبیة المھمة و التي یجب توخي الحذر منھا:
یندر حدوث التفاعلات التحسسیة القاتلة (مثل التأقي) والتي تصیب شخص واحد إلى ۱۰ أشخاص من
۱۰٫۰۰۰ . حیث تتمثل الأعراض المحتملة ظھور طفح جلدي مفاجئ، الحكة، الشرى الجلدي،
تورم الوجھ والشفتین واللسان أو أي أجزاء أخرى من الجسم، قصر النفس، الصفیر وصعوبة التنفس.
أبلغ طبیبك على الفور حال اعتقادك بإلإصابة بتفاعل تحسسي إثر تلقیك بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتر
كیز ۲ مغ/مل.
الآثار الجانبیة المحتملة الأخرى:
آثار شائعة جدًا
- انخفاض ضغط الدم مما قد یؤدي إلى إصابتك بالدوار والدوخة.
- الغثیان
الآثار الشائعة
- الشعور بالوخز والإبر
- الدوار
- الصداع
- تسارع أو تباطؤ نظم القلب
- ارتفاع ضغط الدم
- الإقیاء
- عسر التبول
- ارتفاع درجة الحرارة (الحمى) أو الرعشات
- ألم الظھر
آثار غیر شائعة:
- القلق
- انخفاض الإحساس أو الشعور عند الجلد
- الإغماء
- صعوبة التنفس
- انخفاض درجة حرارة الجسم
- وقد تحدث بعض الآثار في حال تلقیك جرعات مفرطة من بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل
(یُرجى الاطلاع أیضًا على قسم "إذا تم الإفراط في إعطائك بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل"
في الأعلى). وقد تشمل تلك الأعراض النوبات التشنجیة أو الدوار أو الدوخة أو خدر الشفتین وحول
الفم أو خدر اللسان أو اضطراب السمع أو اعتلال البصر أو اضطراب الكلام أو تیبس العضلات
آثار نادرة
- النوبة القلبیة (توقف عضلة القلب)
- اضطراب نظم القلب
آثار جانبیة غیر معروفة (لا یُمكن تقدیر نسبة حدوثھا بحسب البیانات المتاحة)
- حركات العضلات اللاإرادیة (اعتلال الحركة)
الآثار الجانبیة المحتملة التي یُمكن أن تُلاحظ مع المخدرات الموضعیة الأخرى والتي
قد یُسببھا أیضًا بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل
آثار نادرة (قد تصیب شخص واحد من بین ۱۰۰۰ شخص):
- تلف الأعصاب والتي قد تسبب مشاكل دائمة.
الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبیة:
أبلغ طبیبك أو الممرض في حال الإصابة بأيٍ من الآثار الجانبیة. ویشمل ذلك أي آثار جانبیة غیر
مذكورة بالنشرة. و بذلك فإنك ستساعد في تقدیم معلوماتٍ عن سلامة ھذا الدواء.
للإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة
• المملكة العربیة السعودیة
المركز الوطني للتیقظ و السلامة الدوائیة
+966-11-205- فاكس: 7622
+966-11- للإتصال بالإدارة التنفیذیة للتیقظ و إدارة الأزمات. ھاتف: 20382222
2317-2356- تحویلة: 2340
للاتصال على الخط الساخن: 19999
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البرید الالكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الالكتروني
• الإمارات العربیة المتحدة
قطاع الدواء
قسم الیقظة الدوائیة
وزارة الصحة و وقایة المجتمع ، دبي، الامارات العربیة المتحدة
ص.ب: 1853
ھاتف: 80011111
pv@moh.gov.ae : البرید الالكتروني
• دول الخلیج الأخرى
الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات و الھیئات الوطنیة في كل دولة

یُحفظ ھذا الدواء بعیدًا عن متناول الأطفال وبصرھم.
ویشیر تاریخ ..EXP یُحظر استخدام ھذا الدواء بعد انتھاء تاریخ الصلاحیة المدون بعد الأحرف
الصلاحیة لآخر یومٍ في الشھر.
یحفظ عند درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئویة.

- المادة الفعّالة ھي روبیفاكیین ھیدروكلورید. ویحتوي كل مل على ۲ مغ من روبیفاكیین
- المكونات الأخرى: كلورید الصودیوم ومحلول ھیدروكسید الصودیوم أوحمض الھیدروكلوریك
لضبط درجة الحموضة وماء للحقن.

یتمیز بیوكیو- روبیفاكیین بتركیز ۲ مغ/مل بصفائھ وھو محلولٌ عدیم اللون للحقن.
ویتمیز جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة بأنھ أسطوانة برتقالیة اللون ذات غطاء أسود من الجھتین.
و تحتوي HDPE وصُمم جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة لیحتوي على زجاجة شفافة مصنعة من مادة
على ۲٥۰ مل من محلول روبیفاكیین ھیدروكلورید الأحادي للحقن. ویوجد أنبوب خالٍ من
اللاتكس و لھ قفل لویر، موصل دائمًا بجھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة.
وتحتوي كل عبوة على جھاز تسریب الجرعة الواحدة

BiQ Pharma, LTD, UK
بیوكیو فارما ، لتد، المملكة المتحدة
المصنع المسؤول عن تصنیع المنتج:
Holopack Verpackungstechnik GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 18. 74429. Sulzbach-Laufen. Germany.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml 2 mg/ml solution for infusion in administration system

1 ml solution for infusion contains ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate, equivalent to 2 mg ropivacaine hydrochloride. 1 dispensing device (“OneDose Readyfusor”) contains 250 ml ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate solution for infusion, equivalent to 500 mg ropivacaine hydrochloride. Excipient(s) with known effect Each ml contains 0.16 mmol (3.7 mg) sodium. Each unit contains 40 mmol (920 mg) sodium. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for infusion in administration system Clear, colourless solution in a bellows bottle, contained in a dispensing device (“OneDose Readyfusor”, see section 6.6).

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is indicated for acute, postoperative pain management in adults.

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml should only be used by, or under the supervision of, clinicians experienced in regional anaesthesia.
The dispensing device, the so called OneDose Readyfusor, delivers a flow rate of approximately 5 ml/h, equivalent to 10 mg/h, over a maximum of 48 hours.
The fixed infusion rate of 5 ml (10 mg) per hour provides adequate analgesia with only slight and non-progressive motor block in most cases of moderate to severe postoperative pain.
Depending on the patient’s clinical status, prescription of other oral analgesics (for patient-controlled analgesia), or additional bolus injections of a local anaesthetic should be considered. The product information of the other medicinal products should also be considered in that case.
Paediatric population
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is not indicated in children and adolescents.
Method of administration
For perineural use and infiltration. To maintain a continuous peripheral nerve block via a continuous

perineural infusion, the following technique can be recommended:
- First, unless perioperatively instituted, a block is induced with ropivacaine 7.5 mg/ml.
- Analgesia is then maintained with BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml.
For continuous wound infiltration the enclosed fenestrated catheter should be placed in wound during surgery (see sections 6.5 and 6.6).
Close monitoring of analgesic effect should be performed in order to discontinue the pain management as soon as the pain condition allows it. With this technique a significant reduction in the need for opioids has been observed.
Precautions to be taken before handling or administering the medicinal product
For instructions on the administration of the medicinal product before administration, see section 6.6.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to other local anaesthetics of the amide-type or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. - Intravenous regional anaesthesia. - Obstetric paracervical anaesthesia. - Hypovolaemia. - Intravascular use. - Intrathecal use. - Intracerebral use. - Intra-articular use.

Regional anaesthetic procedures should always be performed in a properly equipped and staffed area. Equipment and drugs necessary for monitoring and emergency resuscitation should be immediately available. The clinician responsible should be appropriately trained and familiar with diagnosis and treatment of side effects, systemic toxicity and other complications (see sections 4.8 and 4.9).
The following data is pertaining to all routes of administration of ropivacaine 2 mg/ml solution in order to cover the full spectrum of safety data.
Patients treated with anti-arrhythmic drugs class III (e.g. amiodarone) should be under close surveillance and ECG monitoring should be considered, since cardiac effects may be additive.
There have been rare reports of cardiac arrest during the use of ropivacaine for epidural anaesthesia or peripheral nerve blockade, especially after unintentional accidental intravascular administration in elderly patients and in patients with concomitant heart disease. In some instances, resuscitation has been difficult. Should cardiac arrest occur, prolonged resuscitative efforts may be required to improve the possibility of a successful outcome.
Head and neck blocks
Certain local anaesthetic procedures, such as injections in the head and neck regions, may be associated with a higher frequency of serious adverse reactions, regardless of the local anaesthetic used.
Major peripheral nerve blocks
Major peripheral nerve blocks may imply the administration of a large volume of local anaesthetic in highly vascularised areas, often close to large vessels where there is an increased risk of intravascular injection and/or rapid systemic absorption, which can lead to high plasma concentrations.

A possible cross–hypersensitivity with other amide-type local anaesthetics should be taken into account.
Patients with hypovolaemia due to any cause can develop sudden and severe hypotension during epidural anaesthesia, regardless of the local anaesthetic used.
Patients in poor general health
Patients in poor general condition due to ageing or other compromising factors such as partial or complete heart conduction block, advanced liver disease or severe renal dysfunction require special attention, although regional anaesthesia is frequently indicated in these patients.
Patients with hepatic and renal impairment
Ropivacaine is metabolised in the liver and should therefore be used with caution in patients with severe liver disease; repeated doses may need to be reduced due to delayed elimination. Normally there is no need to modify the dose in patients with impaired renal function when used for single dose or short-term treatment. Acidosis and reduced plasma protein concentration, frequently seen in patients with chronic renal failure, may increase the risk of systemic toxicity.
Acute porphyria
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is possibly porphyrinogenic and should only be prescribed to patients with acute porphyria when no safer alternative is available. Appropriate precautions should be taken in the case of vulnerable patients, according to standard textbooks and/or in consultation with disease area experts.
There have been post-marketing reports of chondrolysis in patients receiving post-operative intra- articular continuous infusion of local anaesthetics, including ropivacaine. The majority of reported cases of chondrolysis have involved the shoulder joint. Intra-articular continuous infusion is not an approved indication for BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml. Intra-articular continuous infusion with BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml should be avoided, as the efficacy and safety has not been established.
Prolonged administration
Prolonged administration of ropivacaine should be avoided in patients concomitantly treated with strong CYP1A2 inhibitors, such as fluvoxamine and enoxacin (see section 4.5).
When prolonged blocks through continuous infusion are used, the risks of reaching a toxic plasma concentration or inducing local neural injury must be considered. Cumulative doses up to 675 mg ropivacaine for postoperative analgesia administered over 24 hours were well tolerated in adults, as were postoperative continuous epidural infusions at rates up to 28 mg/hour for 72 hours. In a limited number of patients, higher doses of up to 800 mg/day have been administered with relatively few adverse reactions.
In clinical studies an epidural infusion of ropivacaine 2 mg/ml alone or mixed with fentanyl
1 - 4 μg/ml has been given for postoperative pain management for up to 72 hours. The combination of ropivacaine and fentanyl provided improved pain relief but caused opioid side effects. The combination of ropivacaine and fentanyl has been investigated only for ropivacaine 2 mg/ml.
Paediatric population
BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is not indicated in children and adolescents.
Excipients with recognised action/effect
This medicinal product contains 3.6 mg sodium per ml. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.



BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml should be used with caution in patients receiving other local anaesthetics or agents structurally related to amide-type local anaesthetics, e.g. certain antiarrhythmics, such as lidocaine and mexiletine, since the systemic toxic effects are additive. Simultaneous use of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml with general anaesthetics or opioids may potentiate each others’ (adverse) effects. Specific interaction studies with ropivacaine and anti-arrhythmic drugs class III (e.g. amiodarone) have not been performed, but caution is advised (see also section 4.4).
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 is involved in the formation of 3-hydroxy-ropivacaine, the major metabolite. In vivo, the plasma clearance of ropivacaine was reduced by up to 77 % during co- administration of fluvoxamine, a selective and potent CYP1A2 inhibitor. Thus, strong inhibitors of CYP1A2, such as fluvoxamine and enoxacin given concomitantly during prolonged administration of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml, can interact with BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml. Prolonged administration of ropivacaine should be avoided in patients concomitantly treated with strong CYP1A2 inhibitors (see also section 4.4).
In vivo, the plasma clearance of ropivacaine was reduced by 15 % during co-administration of ketoconazole, a selective and potent inhibitor of CYP3A4. However, the inhibition of this isozyme is not likely to have clinical relevance.
In vitro, ropivacaine is a competitive inhibitor of CYP2D6 but does not seem to inhibit this isozyme at clinically attained plasma concentrations.

Apart from epidural administration for obstetrical use, there are no adequate data on the use of ropivacaine in human pregnancy. Experimental animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryonal/foetal development, parturition or postnatal development (see section 5.3).
As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml during pregnancy. Breastfeeding
There are no data available concerning the excretion of ropivacaine into human milk.
Breast-feeding should be temporarily interrupted during treatment with BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml. The milk should be pumped and discarded for this period.
No data are available.

No data are available. Depending on the dose, local anaesthetics may have a minor influence on mental function and co-ordination even in the absence of overt CNS toxicity and may temporarily impair locomotion and alertness.

The adverse reaction profile for BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is similar to those for other long acting local anaesthetics of the amide-type. Adverse drug reactions should be distinguished from the physiological effects of the nerve block itself e.g. a decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia during spinal/epidural block.
The frequencies used in the following table are: very common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100), rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000), very rare (< 1/10,000) and not

known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

a Hypotension is less frequent in children (> 1/100). b Vomiting is more frequent in children (> 1/10).
* These symptoms usually occur because of inadvertent intravascular injection, overdose or rapid absorption, see section 4.9.
Class-related adverse drug reactions
Neurological complications
Neuropathy and spinal cord dysfunction (e.g. anterior spinal artery syndrome, arachnoiditis, cauda equina), which may result in rare cases of permanent sequelae, have been associated with regional anaesthesia, regardless of the local anaesthetic used.
Acute systemic toxicity
Systemic toxic reactions primarily involve the central nervous system (CNS) and the cardiovascular system (CVS). Such reactions are caused by high blood concentration of a local anaesthetic, which may appear due to (accidental) intravascular injection, overdose or exceptionally rapid absorption from highly vascularised areas (see also section 4.4). CNS reactions are similar for all amide local anaesthetics, while cardiac reactions are more dependent on the drug, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
Central nervous system toxicity
Central nervous system toxicity is a graded response with symptoms and signs of escalating severity. Initially symptoms such as visual or hearing disturbances, perioral numbness, dizziness, light- headedness, tingling and paraesthesia are seen. Dysarthria, muscular rigidity and muscular twitching are more serious and may precede the onset of generalised convulsions. These signs must not be

mistaken for neurotic behaviour. Unconsciousness and grand mal convulsions may follow, which may last from a few seconds to several minutes. Hypoxia and hypercarbia occur rapidly during convulsions due to the increased muscular activity, together with the interference with respiration. In severe cases even apnoea may occur. The respiratory and metabolic acidosis increases and extends the toxic effects of local anaesthetics.
Recovery follows the redistribution of the local anaesthetic drug from the central nervous system and subsequent metabolism and excretion. Recovery may be rapid unless large amounts of the drug have been injected.
Cardiovascular system toxicity
Cardiovascular toxicity indicates a more severe situation. Hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest may occur as a result of high systemic concentrations of local anaesthetics. In volunteers the intravenous infusion of ropivacaine resulted in signs of depression of conductivity and contractility.
Cardiovascular toxic effects are generally preceded by signs of toxicity in the central nervous system, unless the patient is receiving a general anaesthetic or is heavily sedated with drugs such as benzodiazepines or barbiturates.
Paediatric population
Frequency, type and severity of adverse reactions in children are expected to be the same as in adults except for hypotension which happens less often in children (< 1 in 10) and vomiting which happens more often in children (> 1 in 10).
Treatment of acute systemic toxicity See section 4.9.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system
National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) contact information for Saudi Arabia:
The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
Toll free phone: 8002490000
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc



Accidental intravascular injections of local anaesthetics may cause immediate (within seconds to a few minutes) systemic toxic reactions. In the event of overdose, peak plasma concentrations may not be reached for one to two hours, depending on the site of the injection, and signs of toxicity may thus be delayed (see section 4.8).
If signs of acute systemic toxicity appear, injection of the local anaesthetic should be stopped immediately and CNS symptoms (convulsions, CNS depression) must promptly be treated with appropriate airway/respiratory support and the administration of anticonvulsant drugs.
If circulatory arrest should occur, immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be instituted. Optimal oxygenation and ventilation and circulatory support as well as treatment of acidosis are of

vital importance.
If cardiovascular depression occurs (hypotension, bradycardia), appropriate treatment with intravenous fluids, vasopressor, and or inotropic agents should be considered. Children should be given doses commensurate with age and weight.
Should cardiac arrest occur, a successful outcome may require prolonged resuscitative efforts.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anaesthetics, local, Amides, ATC code: N01BB09
Ropivacaine is a long-acting, amide-type local anaesthetic with both anaesthetic and analgesic effects. At high doses ropivacaine produces surgical anaesthesia, while at lower doses it produces sensory block with limited and non-progressive motor block.
The mechanism is a reversible reduction of the membrane permeability of the nerve fibre to sodium ions. Consequently the depolarisation velocity is decreased and the excitable threshold increased, resulting in a local blockade of nerve impulses.
The most characteristic property of ropivacaine is the long duration of action. Onset and duration of the local anaesthetic efficacy are dependent upon the administration site and dose, but are not influenced by the presence of a vasoconstrictor (e.g. adrenaline (epinephrine)).
Healthy volunteers exposed to intravenous infusions tolerated ropivacaine well at low doses and with expected CNS symptoms at the maximum tolerated dose. The clinical experience with this drug indicates a good margin of safety when adequately used in recommended doses.

Ropivacaine has a chiral centre and is available as the pure S-(-)-enantiomer. It is highly lipid-soluble. All metabolites have a local anaesthetic effect but of considerably lower potency and shorter duration than that of ropivacaine.
The plasma concentration of ropivacaine depends upon the dose, the route of administration and the vascularity of the injection site. Ropivacaine follows linear pharmacokinetics and the Cmax is proportional to the dose.
Ropivacaine shows complete and biphasic absorption from the epidural space with half-lives of the two phases of the order of 14 min and 4 h in adults. The slow absorption is the rate-limiting factor in the elimination of ropivacaine, which explains why the apparent elimination half-life is longer after epidural than after intravenous administration. Ropivacaine shows a biphasic absorption from the caudal epidural space also in children.
Ropivacaine has a mean total plasma clearance in the order of 440 ml/min, a renal clearance of
1 ml/min, a volume of distribution at steady state of 47 litres and a terminal half-life of 1.8 h after i.v. administration. Ropivacaine has an intermediate hepatic extraction ratio of about 0.4. It is mainly bound to α1-acid glycoprotein in plasma with an unbound fraction of about 6 %.
An increase in total plasma concentrations during continuous epidural and interscalene infusion has been observed, related to a postoperative increase of α1-acid glycoprotein.
Variations in unbound, i.e. pharmacologically active, concentration have been much less than in total plasma concentration.
Since ropivacaine has an intermediate to low hepatic extraction ratio, its rate of elimination should

depend on the unbound plasma concentration. A postoperative increase in AAG will decrease the unbound fraction due to increased protein binding, which will decrease the total clearance and result in an increase in total plasma concentrations, as seen in the paediatric and adult studies. The unbound clearance of ropivacaine remains unchanged as illustrated by the stable unbound concentrations during postoperative infusion. It is the unbound plasma concentration that is related to systemic pharmacodynamic effects and toxicity.
Ropivacaine readily crosses the placenta and equilibrium in regard to unbound concentration will be rapidly reached. The degree of plasma protein binding in the foetus is less than in the mother, which results in lower total plasma concentrations in the foetus than in the mother.
Ropivacaine is extensively metabolised, predominantly by aromatic hydroxylation. In total, 86 % of the dose is excreted in the urine after intravenous administration, of which only about 1 % relates to unchanged drug. The major metabolite is 3-hydroxy-ropivacaine, about 37 % of which is excreted in the urine, mainly conjugated. Urinary excretion of 4-hydroxy-ropivacaine, the N-dealkylated metabolite (PPX) and the 4-hydroxy-dealkylated accounts for 1–3 %. Conjugated and unconjugated 3-hydroxy-ropivacaine shows only detectable concentrations in plasma.
Impaired renal function has little or no influence on ropivacaine pharmacokinetics. The renal clearance of PPX is significantly correlated with creatinine clearance. A lack of correlation between total exposure, expressed as AUC, with creatinine clearance indicates that the total clearance of PPX includes a non-renal elimination in addition to renal excretion. Some patients with impaired renal function may show an increased exposure to PPX resulting from a low non-renal clearance. Due to the reduced CNS toxicity of PPX as compared to ropivacaine the clinical consequences are considered negligible in short-term treatment. Patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis have not been studied.
There is no evidence of in vivo racemisation of ropivacaine.

Based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, single and repeated dose toxicity, reproduction toxicity, mutagenic potential and local toxicity, no hazards for humans were identified other than those which can be expected on the basis of the pharmacodynamic action of high doses of ropivacaine (e.g. CNS signs, including convulsions, and cardiotoxicity).

Sodium chloride
Sodium hydroxide solution or

hydrochloric acid for pH adjustment

Water for injections

In alkaline solutions precipitation may occur as ropivacaine shows poor solubility at pH > 6.

3 years

This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.

The OneDose Readyfusor is an orange cylinder with black caps on each side. The OneDose Readyfusor is designed to contain a transparent HDPE bellows bottle with 250 ml ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate solution for infusion. A tube with luer lock fitting is permanently connected to the OneDose Readyfusor.
Each pack contains one OneDose Readyfusor. A set including a sterile fenestrated catheter for placement in the wound and a carrying pouch are enclosed in the pack.

BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml is preservative-free and is intended for single use only.
The solution should be visually inspected prior to use. The solution should only be used if it is clear, practically free from particles and if the container is undamaged.
The OneDose Readyfusor
The OneDose Readyfusor is a non-electric medication dispenser that has been designed for point of care use. All materials needed for the administration of the medicinal product are included.
The OneDose Readyfusor contains a bellows bottle with 250 ml ropivacaine hydrochloride monohydrate solution for infusion. A tube with luer lock fitting is permanently connected. A sterile fenestrated catheter for placement in the wound is enclosed in the package. Both, the tube with luer lock fitting as well as the sterile fenestrated catheter are latex free.
During surgery, the enclosed fenestrated catheter should be placed in the wound. The catheter uniformly distributes BioQ Ropivacaine 2mg/ml along the length of the wound in a 360° radius.
The OneDose Readyfusor contains a fluid indicator that allows determination of the amount of fluid that remains during the delivery regimen.

Instructions for use

1. Remove the tamper proof seal from the dispenser. If the seal has been removed or compromised, do not use this dispenser.

2. Initiate fluid delivery by turning the device cap (1) clockwise until the indicator arrow
(2) is aligned with the ON position (3).
Fluid delivery has begun when the green monitor arrows (4) become visible in the fluid indicator window (5).
Note: A slight jump may occur due to the activating mechanism.

3. Uncap the tubing line cap (9) and ensure that the device has been initiated by observing fluid flowing through the tubing line.
Fluid flow can be seen upstream of the filter
(8) within a few seconds. It may take several minutes for the fluid to be seen at the terminus of the tubing line.

4. Connect the tubing line (6) of the dispenser to the patient’s port.

5. Place the dispenser in the carrying pouch provided. The carrying pouch may either be attached to the patient as a sling around the shoulder or around the waist as a belt.

6. Fluid delivery can be observed through the fluid indicator window (5) of the dispenser. The dispenser will deliver approximately
5 ml of fluid per hour.
The green monitor arrows (4) in the fluid indicator window show the volume remaining (in ml) in the dispenser.
Fluid can also be monitored by the circular indicators (10) where the closed circle indicates a full dispenser and an open circle indicates an empty dispenser.
Monitor the fluid indicator periodically for excessive flow rate. For symptoms of an overdose see section 4.9.

7. Delivery is complete when the unit is empty, as shown by the location of the green monitor arrows (4) in the fluid indicator window.

8. Remove the dispenser from the patient after delivery is complete.
9. Discard the empty OneDose Readyfusor, including any unused solution, after use.
- The OneDose Readyfusor is only intended for single use. Do not reuse or reconnect the OneDose Readyfusor.
- The OneDose Readyfusor must not be autoclaved. The fluid path in the dispensing system has been sterilized.

- Kinking of the tube must be avoided, as otherwise the maintenance of the peripheral block of the nerve cannot be warranted and re-institution of the block will require the repeated administration of ropivacaine 7.5 mg/ml (see also section 4.2).
- No tight wrappings should be placed around the tube.
- The OneDose Readyfusor should not be used if any part has been damaged or cracked, or if the port on the tubing appears broken, cracked, or damaged in any way.
- The OneDose Readyfusor should not be reconnected if it is accidentally disconnected from the tubing during medication delivery, as this may cause an infection.
- The patient should not bathe or shower with the OneDose Readyfusor, or while the tubing is still in place under the skin, as this could cause an infection.
- The patient should not tamper with the wound dressings or with the tubing under the skin as this could cause an infection.



BioQ Pharma LTD, UK


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