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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Neostigmine injection belongs to a group of medicines used to:

Treat abnormally tired and weak muscles (myasthenia gravis).

Reverse the effects of muscle relaxants.

Improve movement in the small intestine.

Reduce urine retention after surgical procedures

are sensitive or allergic to neostigmine or any of the other ingredients in this injection.

have an intestinal obstruction or cannot urinate.

have peritonitis (an infection or inflammation of the outer layer of your stomach or intestines).

have a condition where your bowel may no longer be functioning.

you are receiving certain muscle relaxants (e.g. Suxamethonium).

Please tell your doctor or nurse before being given the injection if you have:



a slow pulse

any heart disease

vagotonia (you may suffer from sweating, constipation and involuntary movements)

an overactive thyroid gland

a stomach ulcer

Parkinson’s Disease

an anastomosis (an opening created by surgery, trauma, or disease) in your intestine

a controlled low sodium diet (this medicinal product contains sodium)

Using other medicines:

Please tell your doctor or nurse if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.   This is especially important with antibiotics known as aminoglycosides as they may interact with your medicine.

Pregnancy or breast feeding:

Please tell your doctor or nurse before being given this injection if you are pregnant or breast feeding. The doctor will then decide if the injection is suitable for you.

Driving and using machines:

You should not drive or use machinery if you are affected by the administration of this medicine

Your nurse or doctor will give you the injection. Your doctor will decide the correct dosage for you and how and when the injection will be given.

Since the injection will be given to you by a doctor or nurse, it is unlikely that you will be given too much. If you think you have been given too much, you must tell the person giving you the injection.

Like all medicines, Neostigmine Methylsulphate Injection can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.  You may:

feel or actually be sick

produce more saliva than usual

produce more tears than usual

suffer from bronchial spasm and increased bronchial secretion

suffer from diarrhoea and stomach cramps

have constricted (pin-point) pupils in your eye

suffer from urinary incontinence (you pass urine when you do not mean to) suffer from excessive sweating

have a slow pulse

suffer from hypotension (blood pressure that is much lower than usual)

suffer from muscle spasms

If you experience any of the side effects listed this may mean that you have been given an overdose and you should tell a doctor immediately. If you think this injection is causing you any problems, or you are at all worried, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Store below 30°C.

Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate Ampoules contains the active ingredient is Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 0.5 mg.

The other ingredients are: Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride for injection, water for injection

Clear, colourless solution for I.M./S.C. & slow I.V. injection. The pack consists of a plastic drawer including 5 ampoules packed in a carton box with a leaflet.  

Amriya Pharmaceutical Industries

Amriya , Km 25 Alexandria-Cairo desert road,


This leaflet was last revised in February 2014.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي نيوستجمين ميثيل سلفات أمبولات لمجموعة الأدوية التي تستخدم في الحالات التالية:

علاج ضعف وتعب العضلات (الغير اعتيادي) والمسمي بميثينيا جرافيس

لعكس تأثيرات الأدوية الباسطة للعضلات

تحسين حركة الأمعاء الدقيقة

تقليل احتباس البول عقب العمليات الجراحية

يجب ألا تستخدم أمبولات نيوستجمين ميثيل سلفات أمبولات إذا كنت تعاني من احدي الحالات التالية:

إذا كانت لديك حساسية للنيوستجمين أو لأي مكونات أخري من هذا الدواء

إذا كنت تعاني من انسداد الأمعاء أو عدم القدرة علي التبول

التهاب الغشاء المبطن للمعدة أو الأمعاء

الاصابة بتوقف عمل الأمعاء

إذا كنت تتناول نوع معين من باسط العضلات مثل السوكزاميثونيوم

يجب اخبار الطبيب أو الممرضة إذا كنت تعاني من أي من الأتي:

أزمة ربو


نبض بطئ

أمراض القلب

اختلال التوازن بين الجهاز العصبي السيمبثاوي والباراسيمبثاوي والمعروف باسم فاجوتونيا (قد يحدث عرق، امساك، وحركات لا ارادية)

فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية

قرحة المعدة

مرض باركنسون

 وجود فتحة بالأمعاء نتيجة التعرض لعملية جراحية أو مرض

إذا كنت تتبع نظام غذائي يحتوي علي معدلات صوديوم قليلة (هذا لأن الدواء يحتوي علي صوديوم)

الاستعمال مع الأدوية الأخري

يجب استشارة الطبيب إذا كنت تستخدم أي أدوية حتي الأدوية الغير خاضعة لوصفة الطبيب. يجب الحذر من الأدوية خاصة المضادات الحيوية المعروفة بالجليكوسيدات حيث أنها قد تتفاعل مع هذا الدواء.

الحمل والرضاعة

يجب اخبار الطبيب في حالة الحمل والرضاعة ويترك الأمر للطبيب لتحديد ما إذا كان الدواء مناسبا أم لا.

القيادة وتشغيل الماكينات

يجب عدم القيادة أو تشغيل الماكينات إذا شعرت أنك تأثرت نتيجة أخذ هذا الدواء.


الطبيب أو الممرضة هما من سيعطيانك هذا الدواء.  وسيقوم الطبيب بتحديد الجرعة المناسبة لك وكيفية اعطائها.

بما أن اعطاء الدواء سيتم بوسطة الطبيب المختص أو الممرضة، فإنه غير وارد أن يتم اعطاؤك جرعة زائدة.  إذا شعرت بأنه تم اعطاؤك أكثر مما يجب فيجب اخبار الطبيب.

مثل كل الأدوية، فإن قد تحدث أعراض جانبية ناتجة عن الدواء إلا أنه لا يشترط الاصابة بكل هذه الأعراض. تشمل هذه الأعراض ما يلي:

الشعور بالغثيان أو القيئ

زيادة اللعاب عن المعتاد

زيادة الدموع عن المعتاد

الاصابة بتشنج قصبي وزيادة الافرازات القناة التنفسية

اسهال و تقلصات بالمعدة

ضيق حدقة العين

تبول لا ارادي

غزارة العرق

بطء نبضات القلب

انخفاض ضغط الدم

تشنجات العضلات

إذا لاحظت أي أعراض جانبية اضافية عن ما تم ذكره فقد يعني هذا أنك قد تكون تناولت جرعة زائدة ويجب عليك اخبار الطبيب مباشرة.  إذا شعرت أن هذا الدواء سبب لك أي مشاكل فيجب عليك اخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

يحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من 30°م.

تحتوي أمبولات نيوستجمين ميثيل سلفات علي:

المادة الفعالة نيوستجمين ميثيل سلفات 0,5 مجم


محلول شفاف رائق للحقن العضلي أو تحت الجلد أو الحقن الوريدي البطئ.

العبوة عبارة عن درج بلاستيك به 5 أمبولات داخل علبة كرتون.

العامرية للصناعات الدوائية

العامرية، كم 25 طريق الاسكندرية – القاهرة الصحراوي

الاسكندرية – ج.م.ع.

آخر مراجعة للنشرة فبراير 2014.
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


Each NEOSTIGMINE METHYL SULPHATE Ampoule (1 ml) contains 0.5 Neostigmine Methylsulphate.

Sterile solution for Injection. Clear, colorless solution, free from particulate matters.

NEOSTIGMINE Ampoule is indicated for:


Myasthenia  Gravis,  antagonist  to  non-depolarizing  neuromuscular  blockade,  Paralytic  Ileus,  Post- operative Urinary Retention; Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia.

Neostigmine Methylsulphate should be given very slowly by the IV route. A syringe of Atropine Sulfate should always be available to counteract severe cholinergic reactions should they occur.

Myasthenia Gravis: 1 – 2.5 mg by IM or SC injection at intervals throughout the day, when maximum strength is needed. The usual duration of action of a dose is two to four hours. The total daily dose is usually 5 – 20 mg by injection but higher doses may be needed by some patients.

Neonatal Myasthenia Gravis, may be treated with 0.1mg Neostigmine intramuscularly initially. Thereafter, the dose must be titrated individually. But is usually 0.05 – 0.25mg IM or 0.03mg/kg IM, every two – four hours. Because of the self-limiting nature of the disease in neonates, the daily dosage should be reduced until the drug can be withdrawn.

Older Children: (Under 12 years of age) May be given 0.2 – 0.5mg by injection as required. Dosage requirements should be adjusted according to the response of the patient.

Antagonist to Non-depolarizing Neuromuscular Blockade: Reversal of Neuromuscular blockade with Neostigmine should not be attempted unless there is spontaneous recovery from paralysis.

Adults and Children: A single dose of Neostigmine 0.05 – 0.07 mg/kg body-weight and Atropine 0.02

– 0.03 mg/kg body weight, by slow IV injection over one minute is usually adequate for complete reversal of Non-depolarizing Muscle Relaxants within 5 – 15 minutes. The maximum recommended dose of Neostigmine in adults is 5 mg and in children 2.5 mg.

Atropine and Neostigmine may be given simultaneously, but in patients with Bradycardia, the pulse rate should be increased to 80 per minute with Atropine before administering Neostigmine.

Other Indications:


Adults: 0.5 – 2.5 mg Neostigmine Methylsulphate by SC or IM injection.


Children: 0.125 – 1 mg by injection. Doses may be varied according to the individual needs of the patient.

Elderly: There are no specific dosage recommendations for Neostigmine Methylsulphate in the elderly.

Neostigmine Methylsulphate Injection is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to the drug. Neostigmine Methylsulphate should not be administered to patients with mechanical obstruction of gastrointestinal or urinary tracts, peritonitis or doubtful bowel viability. Neostigmine Methylsulphate should not be used in conjunction with depolarising muscle relaxants such as suxamethonium as neuromuscular blockade may be potentiated.

Neostigmine should be used with extreme caution in patients with asthma as the parasympathomimetic action of Neostigmine may cause bronchoconstriction.

Bradycardia,  with  the  potential  for  progression  to  asystole,  may  occur  in  patients  receiving Neostigmine by intravenous injection unless atropine is given simultaneously. Extreme caution should 

be employed when treating patients with pre-existing bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmia or recent coronary occlusion.

Patients who are hyperreactive to Neostigmine experience a severe cholinergic reaction to the drug. Atropine sulphate should always be available as an antagonist for the muscarinic effects of Neostigmine.

Neostigmine should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy, vagotonia, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulceration or Parkinsonism.

Administration of anticholinesterase agents to patients with intestinal anastomoses may produce rupture of the anastomosis or leakage of intestinal contents.



Although there are no specific dosage requirements in the elderly, these patients may be more susceptible to dysrhythmias than younger patients.

Inhaled anaesthetics:


Neostigmine Methylsulphate should not be given during cyclopropane or halothane anaesthesia; although it may be used after withdrawal of these agents


Neuromuscular Blocking Agents:


Neostigmine effectively antagonises the effect of Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants (e.g. Tubocurarine, Gallamine or Pancuronium) and this interaction is used to therapeutic advantage to reverse muscle relaxation after surgery. Neostigmine does not antagonise, and it may in fact prolong, the phase I block of depolarizing muscle relaxants such as Succinylcholine.

Other Drugs:


Atropine antagonises the muscarinic effects of Neostigmine, the interaction is utilized to counteract the muscarinic symptoms of the Neostigmine toxicity.

Anticholinesterase agents are sometimes effective in reversing Neuromuscular Block induced by Aminoglycoside Antibiotics. However, Aminoglycoside Antibiotics and other drugs that interfere with Neuromuscular transmission should be used cautiously, if at all, in patients with Myasthenia Gravis and the dose of Neostigmine may have to be adjusted accordingly.

The use of Neostigmine Methylsulphate during pregnancy or lactation has not been established. Although the possible hazards to mother and child must be weighed against the potential benefits in every case. Experience with Myasthenia Gravis has revealed no untoward effect of the drug on the course of pregnancy. As the severity of Myasthenia Gravis often fluctuates considerably, particular care is required to avoid cholinergic crisis due to overdosage of Neostigmine.

Only negligible amounts of Neostigmine Methylsulphate are excreted in breast milk. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to possible effects on the breast-feeding infant

Not Applicable.

Adverse  effects  of  Neostigmine  are  chiefly  those  of  exaggerated  response  to  parasympathetic stimulation.

Nervous system disorders:


Cholinergic syndrome, especially at high doses. In patients with myasthenia gravis, cholinergic crisis may be difficult to distinguish from myasthenia crisis (see section 4.9).

Eye disorders:


Miosis, lacrimation increased.


Cardiac disorders:


Bradycardia, decreased cardiac conduction, in severe cases possibly leading to heart block or cardiac arrest.

Vascular disorders: Hypotension.

Respiratory, thoracic or mediastinal disorders: Increased bronchial secretion, bronchospasm.

Gastrointestinal disorders:


Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, salivary hypersecretion. Increased intestinal motility may result in involuntary defecation.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Hyperhidrosis.

Musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders: Muscle spasms

Renal and urinary disorders: Urinary incontinence

Neostigmine Methylsulphate overdosage may include Cholinergic Crisis, which is characterised by nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive salivation and sweating, increased bronchial secretions, miosis, bradycardia or tachycardia, cardiospasm, bronchospasm, incoordination, muscle cramps, fasciculation and paralysis. Extremely high doses may produce CNS symptoms of agitation, fear or restlessness. Death may result from cardiac arrest or respiratory paralysis and pulmonary oedema. In patients with Myasthenia Gravis, in whom overdosage is most likely to occur, fasciculation and adverse parasympathomimetic effects may be mild or absent making cholinergic crisis difficult to distinguish from Myasthenia crisis.

Treatment: Maintenance of adequate respiration is of primary importance. Tracheostomy, Bronchial aspiration and postural drainage may be required; Respiration can be assisted mechanically or with oxygen, if necessary.

Neostigmine Methylsulphate should be discontinued immediately and 1 – 4 mg of Atropine Sulphate administered IV. Additional doses of Atropine may be given every 5 – 30 minutes as needed to control muscarinic symptoms. Atropine overdosage should be avoided as tenacious secretions and bronchial plugs may result.

Neostigmine inhibits cholinesterase activity and prolongs and intensifies the muscarinic and nicotinic effects of acetylcholine. The anticholinesterase actions of Neostigmine are reversible. It is used mainly for its action on skeletal muscle and less frequently to increase the activity of smooth muscle. Neostigmine is used in the treatment of Myasthenia Gravis

Neostigmine is a quaternary ammonium compound and is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Following parenteral administration as the methylsulphate, Neostigmine is metabolised partly by hydrolysis of the ester linkage and is excreted in the urine both as unchanged drug and as metabolites. The half-life of Neostigmine is only one to two hours

No further information other than that which is included in the Summary of Product Characteristics.

Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Dihydrate.

Sodium Hydroxide.

Sodium Chloride for Injection.

Water of Injection.

Not Appilcable.

3 years

Store at temperature below 30°C.

A carton box containing a pamphlet and white opaque or transparent drawer (containing 5 amber glass ampoules, each of 1 ml).

Not special requirements

AMRIYA PHARM. IND. Amriya, Alexandria-Cairo Desert Road, Km 25, Alexandria- Egypt.

December 2018.

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