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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

This medicine is used to treat nausea (feeling sick}and vomiting (being sick) in adults and adolescents (12 years of age and older and weighing 35 kg or more).

Do not take MOTILONE if you:

Signs of an allergic reaction include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue.

·       Are allergic (hypersensitive)to domperidone or any of the other ingredients of MOTILONE.

·       Have stomach bleeding or if you regularly have severe abdominal pain or persistent black stools (poo).

·       Have a blocked or perforated gut.

·       Have a tumour of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma).

·       Have a moderate or severe liver disease.

·       Have an ECG (electrocardiogram) that shows a heart problem called “prolonged QT interval’

·       Have or had a problem where your heart cannot pump the blood around your body as well as it should (condition called heart failure).

·       Have a problem that gives you a low level of potassium or magnesium, or a high level of potassium in your blood.

·       Are taking certain medicines (see “Taking other medicines”).


Warnings and precautions

These medicinal products are not suitable for neonates, infants and children less than 12 years of age or adolescents weighing less than 35 kg. If

MOTILONE is for a child, ask your doctor for the children’s formulation.

Before taking this medicine contact your doctor if you:

·       Suffer from liver problems (liver function impairment or failure) see “Do not take MOTILONE’).

·       Suffer from kidney problems (kidney function impairment or failure). It is advisable to ask your doctor for advice in case of prolonged treatment as you may need to take a lower dose or take this medicine less often, and your doctor may want to examine you regularly.

Domperidone may be associated with an increased risk of heart rhythm disorder and cardiac arrest. This risk may be more likely in those over 60 years old or in those taking doses higher than 30 mg per day. The risk also increases when domperidone is given together with some drugs. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking drugs to treat infection (fungal infections or bacterial infection) and/or if you have heart problems or AIDS/HIV (see “Taking other medicines’).

MOTILONE should be used at the lowest effective dose in adults and children.

While taking MOTILONE, contact your doctor if you experience heart rhythm disorders such as palpitations, trouble breathing, loss of consciousness.

Treatment with MOTILONE should be stopped.

Taking other medicines

Do not take MOTILONE if you are taking medicine to treat:

·       Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines. This includes medicines you can buy without a prescription, including herbal medicines. This is because Motilone can affect the way some other medicines work. Also, some medicines can affect the way Motilone works.

·       levodopa

·       Motilone and apomorphine: Before you use Motilone and apomorphine, your

·       doctor will ensure that you tolerate both medicines when used simultaneously. Ask your doctor or specialist for a personalised advice. Please refer to the apomorphine leaflet.

·       Fungal infections e.g. pentamide or azole anti - fungals, specifically itraconazole, oral ketoconazole, fluconazole posaconazole or voriconazole

·       Bacterial infections, specifically erythromycin, clarithromycin, telithromycin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, spiramycin (these are antibiotics).

·       Heart problems or high blood pressure (e.g., amiodarone, dronedarone, ibutilide, disopyramide dofetilide, sotalol, hydroquinidine, quinidine, diltiazem, verapamil).

·       Psychoses (e.g., haloperidol, pimozide, sertindole)

·       Depression (¢.9., citalopram escitalopram)

·       Gastro-intestinal disorders (e.g., cisapride, dolasetron, prucalopride).

·       Allergy (e.g., mequitazine, mizolastine)

·       Malaria (in particular halofantrine, lumefantrine)

·       AIDS/HIV such as tnovar, saquinavir or telaprevir (protease inhibitors).

·       Cancer (e.g., toremifene, vandetanib, vincamine)

Do not take MOTILONE if you are taking certain other medicines (e.g. bepridil, diphemanil, methadone).

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking drugs to treat infection, heart problems or AIDS/HIV.

It is important to ask your doctor or pharmacist if MOTILONE is safe for you when you are taking any other medicines, including medicines obtained without prescription.


Taking MOTILONE with food and drink

Take MOTILONE before meals, as when taken after meals, the absorption of the medicine is slightly delayed.


Itis not known whether the use of MOTILONE is harmful during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant or think you may be you should inform your doctor who will decide if you can take MOTILONE.


Small amounts of domperidone have been detected in breast milk.

·       You are breast-feeding. It is best not to take Motilone if you are breast-feeding.

·       (Motilone may cause unwanted side effects affecting the heart in a breast-fed baby. Motilone should be used during breast feeding only if your physician considers this clearly necessary. Ask your doctor for advice before taking this medicine)

Driving and using machines

MOTILONE does not affect your ability to drive or use machines.

Follow these instructions closely unless your doctor has advised you otherwise.

Take Motilone before meals, as when taken after meals, the absorption of the medicine is slightly delayed.

Duration of treatment

Symptoms usually resolve with 3-4 days of taking this medicine. Do not take MOTILONE for longer than 7 days without consulting your doctor.

Adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older and with a body weight of 35 kg or more tablets.

The usual dose is one tablet taken up to three times per day, if possible before meals. Take the tablet with some water or other liquid. Do not chew the tablet. Do not take more than three tablets per day.

Neonates, infants, children less than 12 years or age and adolescents weighing less than 35kg. Tablets are not suitable for children less than 12 years of age or adolescents weighing less than 35 kg. If MOTILONE is for a child, ask your doctor which formulation is appropriate.

If you take more MOTILONE than you should

The signs of taking more than you should include feeling sleepy, confused, uncontrolled movements (especially in children) which include unusual eye movements, unusual movements of the tongue or abnormal posture (such as a twisted neck).

If you have used or taken too much MOTILONE, contact your doctor, pharmacist or the poison center immediately, in particular if a child has taken too much. in the event of overdose, symptomatic treatment could be Implemented. An ECG monitoring could be undertaken, because of the possibility of a heart problem called “prolonged QT interval’.

Information for the doctor: close observation of the patient, gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal and general supportive measures are recommended. Anticholinergic anti- Parkinson medication may help to counteract the extrapyramidal disorders.

If you forget to take MOTILONE

Take your medicine as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, wait until that is due and then continue as normal. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects although not everybody gets them.

·       Disorders of the cardiovascular system: heart rhythm disorders (rapid or irregular heart beat) have been reported; if this happens, you should stop the treatment immediately. Motilone may be associated with an increased risk of heart rhythm disorder and cardiac arrest. This risk may be more likely in those over 60 years old or taking doses higher than 30 mg per day. Motilone should be used at the lowest effective dose in adults and children.

·       Feeling agitated or irritable Feeling more nervous than usual

·       Side effects such as feeling drowsy, nervous, agitated or irritable or having a fit are more likely to happen in children

Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

·       Involuntary movements of the face or arms and legs, excessive trembling, excessive muscle stiffness or muscle spasm.

Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):

·       Seizures

·       A type of reaction that may occur soon after administration and is recognised by skin rash, itching, shortness of breath, and/or a swollen face

·       A severe hypersensitivity reaction that may occur soon after administration that is characterised by hives, itching, flushing, fainting, and difficulty breathing among other possible symptoms.

·       Disorders of the cardiovascular system: heart rhythm disorders (rapid or irregular heart beat) have been reported; if this happens, you should stop the treatment immediately. Domperidone may be associated with an increased risk of heart rhythm disorder and cardiac arrest. This risk may be more likely in those over 60 years old or taking doses higher than 30mg per day.

Domperidone should be used at the lowest effective dose in adults and children. Stop treatment with MOTILONE and contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the unwanted events described above. Other unwanted effects that have been observed with MOTILONE are listed below:

Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

  • Dry mouth

Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Nervousness
  • Loss of interest in sex or diminished interest in sex
  • Headache
  • Sleepiness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Rash
  • Itchiness
  • Hives
  • Painful or tender breasts
  • Milk discharge from breasts
  • A general feeling of weakness

Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):

  • Upward movement of the eyes
  • Stopped menstrual periods in women
  • Enlarged breasts in men
  • Inability to urinate
  • Changes in certain laboratory test results.

Some patients who have used MOTILONE for conditions and dosages requiring medical oversight have experienced the following unwanted effects: Restlessness; swollen or enlarged breasts unusual discharge from breasts, irregular menstrual periods in women, difficulty breast feeding, depression, hypersensitivity

Keep this out of reach of children.

Store below 30° C. Protect from light and moisture.

The active substance is Domperidone. Each film - coated tablet contains Domperidone 10mg.

The other ingredients are:

Lactose monohydrate, Colloidal anhydrous silica, Microcrystalline cellulose, Crosscarmellose sodium, Sodium lauryl sulphate, Magnesium stearate, HPMC based coating material white, PEG 400, Purified water.

Motilone tablets are white, round, biconvex, film - coated tablets having embossing “703” on one side and plain on other side. Pack: Blisters of 10 tablets.

Marketing Authorization holder and Manufacturer:
National Pharmaceutical Industries Co.SAOG
Rusayl, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

This leaflet was last revised in 11/2018
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يستخدم هذا الدواء لمعالجة الغثيان ( الشعور بالمرض ) التقيؤ ( المرض ) للبالغين والمراهقين ( 12 سنة من العمر والأكبر سنا والوزن 35 كيلوجرام أو أكثر ) .

لا تتناول موتيلون إذا كنت مصاب بالآتي:

تتضمن علامات الحساسية ما يلي: طفح جلدي ، مشاكل في البلع أو التنفس ، تورم في الشفاه، الوجه، الحنجرة أو اللسان.

• مصاب بالحساسية (مفرط التحسس) لمضاد القيء أوأي مكونات أخرى لموتيلون.

• نزيف معدة أو تتعرض بانتظام لآلام البطن الحادة أو براز أسود مستمر .

• أمعاء مغلق أو مثقوب .

• ورم الغدة النخامية (ورم برولاكتيني).

• مرض كبد معتدل أو حاد .

• مخطط كهربائي القلب الذي يظهرمشاكل القلب التي تسمى" فترة QT في تخطيط كهربية القلب "

• مشكلة في عدم قدرة القلب على ضخ الدم حول الجسم كما يجب ( الحالة التي تسمى فشل القلب)

• مشكلة تمنحك مستوى متدني من البوتاسيوم أو المغنيزيوم في الدم ، أو مستوى عالي من البوتاسيوم في الدم .

• تتناول بعض الأدوية ( أنظر " تناول أدوية أخرى " )


التحذيرات والاحتياطات

هذه المنتجات الطبية غير مناسبة للأطفال حديثي الولادة ، الرضع والأطفال الأقل من 12 سنة من العمر أو المراهقين ذات الوزن الأقل من 35 كيلوجرام . إذا كان موتيلون لطفل ، أسأل طبيبك عن تركيبة الأطفال.

قبل تناول هذا الدواء قم بالاتصال بطبيبك إذا كنت :

• تعاني من مشاكل الكبد (ضعف أو فشل وظيفة الكبد)(أنظر" لا تتناول موتيلون").

• تعاني من مشاكل الكلية ( ضعف أو فشل وظيفة الكلية ). ونوصي باستشارة الطبيب في حالة العلاج المطول حيث قد تحتاج إلى جرعة أقل أوأخذ هذا الدواء في قليل من الأحيان وقد يرغب طبيبك في إجراء الفحص لك بشكل منتظم . الدواء المضاد للقيء قد تصاحبه مخاطر متزايدة لاضطراب نظم القلب وتوقف القلب. وهذه المخاطر قد تكون أكثر ترجيحا في أولئك الأشخاص الأكبر من 60 سنة من العمر أو الذين يتناولون جرعات أعلى من 30 ملغ في اليوم. تزداد المخاطر أيضا عند إعطاء الدواء المضاد للقيء مع بعض الأدوية.أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أدوية لعلاج التهاب (التهاب فطري أو التهاب بكتيري ) و / أو تعاني من مشاكل القلب أوالايدز/ فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (انظر" تناول أدوية أخرى").

يجب استخدام موتيلون بأقل جرعة مؤثرة للبالغين والأطفال.

عند تناول موتيلون، اتصل بطبيبك إذا كنت تعاني من اضطرابات نظام القلب مثل الخفقان، مشاكل التنفس، فقدان الوعي . ويجب إيقاف العلاج بموتيلوم.

تناول أدوية أخرى

لا تتناول موتيلون إذا كنت تتناول دواء آخر لعلاج:

• من فضلك أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو أخذت مؤخرًا أي أدوية أخرى. وهذا يشمل الأدوية التي يمكنك شراؤها دون وصفة طبية، بما في ذلك الأدوية العشبية. لأن موتيلون يمكن أن يؤثر على طريقة عمل بعض الأدوية الأخرى، ويمكن لبعض الأدوية ان تؤثر على الطريقة التي يعمل بها موتيلون .

• ليفودوبا

• موتيلون و ابومورفين: قبل ان تستخدم موتيلون و ابومورفين سوف يضمن طبيبك أنك تستطيع اخذهما معا عند استخدامها في وقت واحد. اطلب من طبيبك أو الأخصائي نصيحة شخصية. يرجى الرجوع إلى نشرة الآبومورفين.

• التهابات فطرية مثل بينتامايد أو آزول المضاد للفطريات لاسيما اتراكونازول ، كيتوكونازول الفموي فلوكونازول ، بوساكونازول أو فوريكونازول .

• التهابات البكتريا لاسيما إريثروميسين،كلاريسوميسين، تيلسروميسين، ليفوفلوكسين، موكسيفلوكسين ، سبيرامايسين (هذه مضادات حيوية ) .

• مشاكل القلب أو ضغط الدم العالي (مثل أميودارون ، درونيدارون ، ايبوتيليت ، ديسوبيراميد ، دوفيتايليت ، سوتالول ، هيدروكواينداين ، كينيدين ديلتيازم و فيرابميل .

• الإختلالات العقلية (مثل هالُوبِيرِيدُول ، بيموزيد ، سرتيدول) .

• الاكتئاب (مثل سايتالوبرام ، اسيتالوبرام) .

• اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي ( مثل سيسابرايد ، دو لاسيترون ، بروكالوبرايد ) .

• الحساسية ( مثل ميغويتازاين ، ميزولاستين ) .

• الملاريا ( على وجه الخصوص هالوفانترين ، ، لوميفانترين ) .

• الايدز / فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية مثل تنوفر ، ساكوينافير أو تيلابريفير (مثبط أنزيم البروتياز).

• السرطان  مثل توريمايفين، فانديتانيب، فينكامين ) .

لا تتناول موتيلون إذا كنت تتناول بعض الأدوية الأخرى (مثل بيبريديل، ديفيمانيل ، ميثادون ) .

أخبرطبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أدوية لعلاج التهاب ، مشاكل القلب أوالايدز / نقص المناعة البشرية .

من المهم استشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي حول ما إذا كان موتيلون آمن لك عند تناوله مع أدوية أخرى بما في ذلك الأدوية التي تم الحصول عليها بدون وصفة طبية.


تناول موتيلون مع الطعام والشراب

تناول موتيلون قبل الوجبات حيث أن تناوله بعد الوجبات يكون امتصاص الدواء متأخر بعض الشيء.


من غير المعروف ما إذا كان استخدام موتيلون مضر أثناء الحمل. في حالة الحمل أو الاعتقاد بالحمل يجب إبلاغ الطبيب الذي يقوم باتخاذ القرار حول تناول موتيلون من عدمه.

الرضاعة الطبيعية

تم اكتشاف كميات قليلة من دمبرايدون في لبن الثدي . اذا كنتي ترضعي : من الأفضل عدم أخذ موتيلون إذا كنت الرضاعة طبيعية. قد يسبب موتيلون آثارًا جانبية غير مرغوب فيها تؤثر على القلب في الرضاعة الطبيعية. يستخدم موتيلون اثناء الرضاعه الطبيعية فقط إذا حدد الطبيب ان ذلك ضروريًا. اطلب من طبيبك النصيحة قبل تناول هذا الدواء.

القيادة واستخدام الأدوية

لا يؤثر موتيلون على قدرتكم في قيادة أو استخدام المركبات.


قم بإتباع هذه الإرشادات بعناية ما لم يخبرك الطبيب بخلاف ذلك .

تناول موتيلون قبل الوجبات ، حيث أن تناوله بعد الوجبات يكون امتصاص الدواء متأخر بعض الشيء.

فترة العلاج

في العادة تنتهي الأعراض خلال 3- 4 أيام من تناول هذا الدواء . لا تتناول موتيلون لفترة أطول من 7 أيام دون استشارة الطبيب .

البالغين والمراهقين 12 سنة وما فوق بوزن جسم 35 كيلوجرام أو أكثر.

الأقراص الجرعة الاعتيادية أخذ قرص واحد حتى ثلاث مرات في اليوم وإذا كان ممكنا قبل الطعام . تناول القرص مع بعض المياه أو سائل آخر . لا تمضغ القرص . لا تأخذ أكثر من ثلاثة أقراص في اليوم .

حديثي الولادة ، الرضع والأطفال الأقل من عمر 12 سنة والمراهقين الأقل من وزن 35 كيلوجرام.

الأقراص غير مناسبة للأطفال الأقل من عمر 12 سنة أو المراهقين الأقل من وزن 35 كيلوجرام. . إذا كان موتيلون لطفل ، أسأل طبيبك عن التركيبة المناسبة .


في حالة تناول موتيلون بأكثر من اللازم

العلامات اذا اخذت جرعة اكثر مما ينبغي تشمل الشعور بالنوم ، والحيرة ، والحركات غير متحكم فيها (خاصة عند الأطفال) والتي تشمل حركات العين غير العادية ، وحركات غير معتادة للسان أو وضع غير طبيعي (مثل الرقبة الملتوية)".

إذا قمت باستخدام أو تناول موتيلون بكمية كبيرة ، اتصل بالطبيب أو الصيدلي أو مركز السميات مباشرة وعلى وجه الخصوص إذا تناول طفل كمية كبيرة منه . وفي حالة الجرعة الزائدة ، يمكن إجراء علاج أعراضي . ويمكن إجراء مراقبة مخطط كهربائي القلب بسبب احتمالية مشكلة القلب التي تسمى " فترة QT في تخطيط كهربية القلب ".

معلومات للطبيب : الملاحظة الوثيقة للمريض ، غسل المعدة ، الإدارة الفحمية النشطة والتوصية بإجراءات الدعم العامة . مضاد الكولينيات ومضاد الشلل الرعاشي قد يساعد على ابطال مفعول الاضطراب خارج الهرمي.

إذا نسيت تناول موتيلون

تناول الدواء بمجرد التذكر . إذا كان الوقت قريب جدا من الجرعة التالية ، انتظر حتى موعدها ومن ثم استمر كالمعتاد . لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية .

مثل جميع الأدوية ، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثار جانبية بالرغم من أن تلك الآثار لا تحدث لكل شخص.

اضطرابات الجهاز القلبي الوعائي: اضطرابات دقات القلب (ضربات القلب السريعة أو غير المنتظمة) تم الإبلاغ عنها ؛ إذا حدث هذا ، يجب إيقاف العلاج على الفور. قد يترافق موتيلون مع زيادة خطر اضطراب دقات القلب والسكتة القلبية. قد يكون هذا الخطر أكثر احتمالا في أولئك الذين تزيد أعمارهم عن 60 سنة أو تناول جرعات أعلى من 30 ملغ يوميا. يجب استخدام موتيلون بأقل جرعة فعالة لدى البالغين والأطفال.

الشعور بالإنفعال أو سرعة الغضب و التوتر أكثر من المعتاد

الآثار الجانبية مثل الشعور بالنعاس أو القلق أو العصبية أو النوبة يكون حدوثها أكثر عند الأطفال

غير شائع ( قد يؤثر على 1 من كل 100 شخص ) .

• حركات لا ارادية للوجه أو الذراعين أو الأرجل ، ارتجاف مفرط ، تصلب عضلي مفرط أو تشنج عضلي.

غير معروف ( تكرار الحدوث لا يمكن تقديره من البيانات المتوفرة ):

• الحجز

• نوع من رد الفعل قد يحدث مباشرة بعد الاخذ ويتم تمييزه بالطفح الجلدي ، الحكة ، ضيق التنفس و / أو وجه متورم.

• رد فعل حاد للحساسية المفرطة والتي قد تحدث مباشرة بعد الإدارة المميزة بالحمى القراصية ، الحكة ، الاحمرار ، الإغماء وصعوبة التنفس ضمن أعراض أخرى محتملة .

• اضطراب نظام القلب الوعائي : اضطرابات نظم القلب ( ضربات قلب سريعة أو غير منتظمة ) تم الإبلاغ عنها ، وإذا حدث ذلك يجب عليك التوقف مباشرة عن العلاج . مضاد التقيؤ قد يصاحبه زيادة في مخاطر اضطر ابات نظم القلب وتوقف القلب . وهذه المخاطر قد تكون أكثر ترجيحا في أولئك الأشخاص الأكبر من 60 سنة من العمر أو الذين يتناولون جرعات أعلى من 30 ملغ في اليوم .

يجب استخدام مضاد التقيؤ بأقل جرعة مؤثرة للبالغين والأطفال.

توقف عن العلاج بموتيلون واتصل بالطبيب مباشرة إذا تعرضت لأي من الحالات الغير مرغوب فيها والموضحة أعلاه.

آثار أخرى غير مرغوب فيها قد يتم ملاحظتها مع موتيلون مدرجة أدناه:

شائع ( قد يؤثر على 1 من كل 10 أشخاص) .

• جفاف الفم

غير شائع ( قد يؤثر على 1 من كل 100 شخص) .

• القلق

• التهيج

• العصبية

• فقدان الرغبة في الجنس أو تناقص الرغبة في الجنس .

• الصداع

• النعاس

• الإسهال

• الطفح الجلدي

• الحكة

• الحمى القراصية

• الألم أو ضعف الصدور

• افراز الحليب من الصدور

• الشعور العام بالضعف

غير معروف ( تكرار الحدوث لا يمكن تقديره من البيانات المتوفرة ) :

• حركة العينين المتجهة للأعلى .

• توقف فترات الحيض للنساء

• تضخم الصدر للرجال

• عدم القدرة على التبول

• التغيير في بعض نتائج فحص المختبر.

بعض المرضى الذين استخدموا موتيلون للحالات والجرعات التي تستلزم مراقبة طبية تعرضوا للآثار التالية الغير مرغوب فيها :

الأرق ، تورم أو تضخم الصدور ، إفراز غير اعتيادي من الصدور ، فترات غير منتظمة للحيض في النساء ، صعوبة الرضاعة الطبيعية ، الاكتئاب والحساسية المفرطة.

احتفظ بالدواء بعيدا عن نظر وتناول الأطفال.

تخزين الدواء في درجة حرارة أقل من ۳۰ درجة مئوية والحماية من الضوء والرطوبة .

العنصر النشط هو دومبيرايدون ( مضاد التقيؤ ) . يحتوي كل قرص على دومبيرايدون 10 ملغ .

المكونات الأخرى هي : لاكتوز أحادي ، سيليكا صمغية جافة ، سليولوز بلوري مكروي ، صوديوم جروسكارميلوس ، صوديوم كبريتات لوريل ، ستيارات المغنيسيوم ، مادة طبقية بيضاء HPMC ، PEG 400 ، مياه نقية.

أقراص موتيلون بيضاء ، دائرية ، مقوسة الوجهين ، أقراص مغلفة بها نقش " 703 " على جانب واحد وعادية من الجانب الآخر.

العبوة : حبوب من 10 أقراص.

الشركة المصنعة ومالك حق التسويق: 

الشركة الوطنية للصناعات الدوائية (ش م ع ع)

الرسيل، مسقط، سلطنة عمان

تمت مراجعة هذه النشرة في 11/2018
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


Motilone: Each film coated tablet contains Domperidone 10 mg

Oral Tablet White, round, biconvex, film coated tablets with embossing ‘703’ on one side and plain on the other side.

Motilone is indicated for the relief of the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Motilone should be used at the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration necessary to control nausea and vomiting.

It is recommended to take oral Motilone before meals. If taken after meals, absorption of the drug is somewhat delayed.

Patients should try to take each dose at the scheduled time. If a scheduled dose is missed, the missed dose should be omitted and the usual dosing schedule resumed. The dose should not be doubled to make up for a missed dose.

Usually, the maximum treatment duration should not exceed one week.See section 4.4. for further information

Adults and adolescents (12 years of age and older and weighing 35 kg or more)
One 10mg tablet up to three times per day with a maximum dose of 30 mg per day.
Neonates, infants, children (less than 12 years of age) and adolescents weighing less than 35 kg

Due to the need for accurate dosing, Motilone tablets are unsuitable for use in children and adolescents weighing less than 35 kg.

Use of the oral suspension is recommended in these patients

Hepatic Impairment

Motilone is contraindicated in moderate or severe hepatic impairment (see section 4.3). Dose modification in mild hepatic impairment is however not needed (see section 5.2).

Renal Impairment

Since the elimination half-life of domperidone is prolonged in severe renal impairment, on repeated administration, the dosing frequency of Motilone should be reduced to once or twice daily depending on the severity of the impairment, and the dose may need to be reduced.

Motilone is contraindicated in the following situations: • Known hypersensitivity to domperidone or any of the excipients • Prolactin-releasing pituitary tumour (prolactinoma). • when stimulation of the gastric motility could be harmful e.g in patients with gastro-intestinal haemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation. • in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (see section 5.2). • in patients who have known existing prolongation of cardiac conduction intervals, particularly QTc, patients with significant electrolyte disturbances or underlying cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure (see section 4.4) • co-administration with QT-prolonging drugs at the exception of apomorphine (see section 4.5) • co-administration with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (regardless of their QT prolonging effects) (see section 4.5)

Motilone tablets contain lactose and may be unsuitable for patients with lactose intolerance, galactosaemia or glucose/galacotose malabsorption.

Use with apomorphine: Domperidone is contra-indicated with QT prolonging drugs including apomorphine, unless the benefit of the co-administration with apomorphine outweighs the risks, and only if the recommended precautions for co-administration mentioned in the apomorphine SmPC are strictly fulfilled. Please refer to the apomorphine SmPC.

Renal impairment

Since the elimination half-life of domperidone is prolonged in severe renal impairment, on repeated administration, the dosing frequency of Motilone should be reduced to once or twice daily depending on the severity of the impairment, and the dose may need to be reduced.

Cardiovascular effects

Domperidone has been associated with prolongation of the QT interval on the electrocardiogram. During post-marketing surveillance, there have been very rare cases of QT-prolongation and torsades de pointes in patients taking domperidone. These reports included patients with confounding risk factors, electrolyte abnormalities and concomitant treatment which may have been contributing factors (see section 4.8).

Epidemiological studies showed that domperidone was associated with an increased risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death (see section 4.8). A higher risk was observed in patients older than 60 years, patients taking daily doses greater than 30 mg, and patients concurrently taking QT-prolonging drugs or CYP3A4 inhibitors.

Domperidone should be used at the lowest effective dose in adults and children.

Domperidone is contraindicated in patients with known existing prolongation of cardiac conduction intervals, particularly QTc, in patients with significant electrolyte disturbances (hypokalaemia, hyperkalaemia, hypomagnesaemia), or bradycardia, or in patients with underlying cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure due to increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia (see section 4.3). Electrolyte disturbances (hypokalaemia, hyperkalaemia, hypomagnesaemia) or bradycardia are known to be conditions increasing the proarrythmic risk.

Treatment with domperidone should be stopped if signs or symptoms occur that may be associated with cardiac arrhythmia, and the patients should consult their physician.

Patients should be advised to promptly report any cardiac symptoms.

Paediatric population

Although neurological side effects are rare (see section 4.8), the risk of neurological side effects is higher in young children since metabolic functions and the blood-brain barrier are not fully developed in the first months of life. Therefore, it is recommended that the dose be determined accurately and strictly followed in neonates, infants and children (see section 4.2).

Overdosing may cause extrapyramidal disorders in children, but other causes should be taken into consideration.

When antacids or antisecretory drugs are used concomitantly, they should not be taken simultaneously with oral formulations of Motilone (domperidone base), i.e., they should be taken after meals and not before meals.
Co-administration with levodopa
Although no dosage adjustment of levodopa is deemed necessary, an increase (maximum of 30% - 40%) of plasma concentration has been observed when domperidone was taken concomitantly with levodopa.
The main metabolic pathway of domperidone is through CYP3A4. In vitro data suggest that the concomitant use of drugs that significantly inhibit this enzyme may result in increased plasma levels of domperidone.
Increased risk of occurrence of QT interval prolongation, due to pharmacodynamic and/or pharmacokinetic interactions.
Concomitant use of the the following substances is contraindicated

QTc-prolonging medicinal products (risk of torsades de points)

apomorphine, unless the benefit of the co-administration outweighs the risks, and only if the recommended precautions for co administration are strictly fulfilled. Please refer to the apomorphine SmPC

• anti-arrhythmics class IA (e.g., disopyramide, hydroquinidine, quinidine)
• anti-arrhythmics class III (e.g., amiodarone, dofetilide, dronedarone, ibutilide, sotalol)
• certain antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol, pimozide, sertindole)
• certain antidepressants (e.g., citalopram, escitalopram)
• certain antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, spiramycin)
• certain antifungal agents (e.g., fluconazole, pentamidine)
• certain antimalarial agents (in particular halofantrine, lumefantrine)
• certain gastro-intestinal medicines (e.g., cisapride, dolasetron, prucalopride)

• certain antihistaminics (e.g., mequitazine, mizolastine)
• certain medicines used in cancer (e.g., toremifene, vandetanib, vincamine)
• certain other medicines (e.g., bepridil, diphemanil, methadone)
(see section 4.3).

Potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (regardless of their QT-prolonging effects), i.e.,:
• protease inhibitors (e.g. ritonavir, saquinaver, telaprevir)
• systemic azole antifungals (e.g. itraconazole, ketoconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole)
• certain macrolide antibiotics (e.g., clarithromycin, telithromycin)
(see section 4.3).

Concomitant use of the following substances is not recommended
• Moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors i.e., diltiazem, verapamil and some macrolides.

Concomitant use of the following substances requires caution with use

Caution with bradycardia and hypokalaemia-inducing drugs, as well as with the following macrolides involved in QT interval prolongation: azithromycin and roxithromycin (clarithromycin is contraindicated as it is a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor).

The above list of substances is representative and not exhaustive. Separate in vivo pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic interaction studies with oral ketoconazole or oral erythromycin in healthy subjects confirmed a marked inhibition of domperidone's CYP3A4 mediated first pass metabolism by these drugs.

With the combination of oral domperidone 10mg four times daily and ketoconazole 200mg twice daily, a mean QTc prolongation of 9.8 msec was seen over the observation period, with changes at individual time points ranging from 1.2 to 17.5 msec. With the combination of domperidone 10mg four times daily and oral erythromycin 500mg three times daily, mean QTc over the observation period was prolonged by 9.9 msec, with changes at individual time points ranging from 1.6 to 14.3 msec. Both the Cmax and AUC of domperidone at steady state were increased approximately three-fold in each of these interaction studies. In these studies domperidone monotherapy at 10mg given orally four times daily resulted in increases in mean QTc of 1.6 msec (ketoconazole study) and 2.5 msec (erythromycin study), while ketoconazole monotherapy

(200mg twice daily) led to increases in QTc of 3.8 and 4.9 msec, respectively, over the observation period.


There are limited post-marketing data on the use of Domperidone in pregnant women. A study in rats has shown reproductive toxicity at a high, maternally toxic dose. The potential risk for humans is unknown.

Therefore, Motilone tablets should only be used during pregnancy when justified by the anticipated therapeutic benefit.


Domperidone is excreted in human milk and breast-fed infants receive less than 0.1% of the maternal weight-adjusted dose. Occurrence of adverse effects, in particular cardiac effects cannot be excluded after exposure via breast milk. A decision should be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or to discontinue/abstain from Domperidone therapy taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman. Caution should be exercised in case of QTc-prolongation risk factors in breast-fed infants

Dizziness and somnolence have been observed following use of Domperidone (see section 4.8). Therefore, patients should be advised not to drive or use machinery or engage in other activities requiring mental alertness and coordination until they have established how Motilone affects them.

The safety of Domperidone was evaluated in clinical trials and in post-marketing experience. The clinical trials included1,275 patients with dyspepsia, gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), nausea and vomiting or other related conditions in 31 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. All patients were at least 15 years old and received at least one dose of Motilone (Domperidone base). The median total daily dose was 30 mg (range 10 to 80 mg), and median duration of exposure was 28 days (range 1 to 28 days). Studies in diabetic gastroparesis or symptoms secondary to chemotherapy or parkinsonism were excluded

The following terms and frequencies are applied: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1000), and very rare (<1/10,000). Where frequency can not be estimated from clinical trials data, it is recorded as “Not known”.

*exacerbation of restless legs syndrome in patients with Parkinson's disease

In 45 clinical studies where Domperidone was used at higher dosages, for longer duration and for additional indications including diabetic gastroparesis, the frequency of adverse events (apart from dry mouth) was considerably higher. This was particularly evident for pharmacologically predictable events related to increased prolactin. In addition to the reactions listed above, akathisia, breast discharge, breast enlargement, breast swelling, depression, hypersensitivity, lactation disorder, and irregular menstruation were also noted.

Extrapyramidal disorder occurs primarily in neonates and infants.

Other central nervous system related effects of convulsion, agitation and somnolence also are very rare and primarily reported in infants and children


Overdose has been reported primarily in infants and children Symptoms of overdosage may include agitation, altered consciousness, convulsion, disorientation, somnolence and extrapyramidal reactions.


There is no specific antidote to Domperidone. In the event of overdose, standard symptomatic treatment should be given immediately. ECG monitoring should be undertaken, because of the possibility of QTc interval prolongation. Gastric lavage as well as the administration of activated charcoal, may be useful. Close medical supervision and supportive therapy is recommended. Anticholinergic, anti-parkinson drugs may be helpful in controlling the extrapyramidal disorders

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Propulsives, ATC code: A03F A 03

Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist with anti-emetic properties.

Domperidone does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier. In domperidone users, especially in adults, extrapyramidal disorders are very rare, but domperidone promotes the release of prolactin from the pituitary. Its anti-emetic effect may be due to a combination of peripheral(gastrokinetic) effects and antagonism of dopamine receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, which lies outside the blood-brain barrier in the area postrema. Animal studies, together with the low concentrations found in the brain, indicate a predominantly peripheral effect of domperidone on dopamine receptors.

Studies in man have shown oral domperidone to increase lower oesophaegeal pressure, improve antroduodenal motility and accelerate gastric emptying. There is no effect on gastric secretion.

In accordance with ICH-E14 guidelines, a thorough QT study was performed. This study included a placebo, an active comparator and a positive control and was conducted in healthy

subjects with up to 80 mg per day (10 or 20 mg administered four times a day) of domperidone. This study found a maximal difference of QTc between domperidone and placebo in LS-means in the change from baseline of 3.4 msec for 20 mg domperidone administered four times a day on Day 4. The 2-sided 90% CI (1.0 to 5.9 msec) did not exceed 10 msec. No clinically relevant QTc effects were observed in this study when domperidone was administered at up to 80 mg/day (i.e., more than twice the maximum recommended dosing).

However, two previous drug-drug interaction studies showed some evidence of QTcprolongation when domperidone was given as monotherapy (10 mg administered four times a day). The largest time-matched mean difference of QTcF between domperidone and placebo was 5.4 msec (95% CI: -1.7 to 12.4) and 7.5 msec (95% CI: 0.6 to 14.4), respectively.


Domperidone is rapidly absorbed after oral administration, with peak plasma concentrations occurring at approximately 1 hr after dosing. The Cmax and AUC values of domperidone increased proportionally with dose in the 10 mg to 20 mg dose range. A 2- to 3-fold accumulation of domperidone AUC was observed with repeated four times daily (every 5 hr) dosing of domperidone for 4 days. 

Although domperidone's bioavailability is enhanced in normal subjects when taken after a meal, patients with gastro-intestinal complaints should take domperidone 15-30 minutes before a meal. Reduced gastric acidity impairs the absorption of domperidone. Oral bioavailability is decreased by prior concomitant administration of cimetidine and sodium bicarbonate.

Based on the Cmax resulting from administering multiple twice daily doses of 60 mg suppository, a 30 mg suppository given twice daily is expected to provide peak plasma levels similar to those of a 10 mg oral dose administered four times a day.


Domperidone is 91 - 93% bound to plasma proteins. Distribution studies with radio-labelled drug in animals have shown wide tissue distribution, but low brain concentration. Small amounts of drug cross the placenta in rats.

Oral domperidone does not appear to accumulate or induce its own metabolism; a peak plasma level after 90 minutes of 21 ng/ml after two weeks oral administration of 30 mg per day was almost the same as that of 18 ng/ml after the first dose


Domperidone undergoes rapid and extensive hepatic metabolism by hydroxylation and Ndealkylation. In vitrometabolism experiments with diagnostic inhibitors revealed that CYP3A4 is a major form of cytochrome P450 involved in the N-dealkylation of domperidone, whereas CYP3A4, CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 are involved in domperidone aromatic hydroxylation.


Urinary and faecal excretions amount to 31 and 66% of the oral dose respectively. The proportion of the drug excreted unchanged is small (10% of faecal excretion and approximately 1% of urinary excretion). The plasma half-life after a single dose is 7-9 hours in healthy subjects but is prolonged in patients with severe renal insufficiency.

Hepatic impairment

In subjects with moderate hepatic impairment (Pugh score 7 to 9, Child-Pugh rating B), the AUC and Cmax of domperidone is 2.9- and 1.5-fold higher, respectively, than in healthy subjects. The unbound fraction is increased by 25%, and the terminal elimination half-life is prolonged from 15 to 23 hours. Subjects with mild hepatic impairment have a somewhat lower systemic exposure than healthy subjects based on Cmax and AUC, with no change in protein binding or terminal half-life. Subjects with severe hepatic impairment were not studied. Motilium is contraindicated in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (see section 4.3).

Renal impairment

In subjects with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30ml/min/1.73m2) the elimination halflife of domperidone was increased from 7.4 to 20.8 hours, but plasma drug levels were lower than in healthy volunteers. Since very little unchanged drug (approximately 1%) is excreted via the kidneys, it is unlikely that the dose of a single administration needs to be adjusted in patients with renal impairment. However, on repeated administration, the dosing frequency should be reduced to once or twice daily depending on the severity of the impairment, and the dose may need to be reduced

Paediatric population
No pharmacokinetic data are available in the paediatric population.

Electrophysiological in vitro and in vivo studies indicate an overall moderate risk of domperidone to prolong the QTc interval in humans. In in vitro experiments on isolated cells transfected with hERG and on isolated guinea pig myocytes, exposure ratios ranged between 26- to 47-fold, based on IC50 values inhibiting currents through IKr ion channels in comparison to the free plasma concentrations in humans after administration of the maximum daily dose of 10 mg administered three times a day. Safety margins for prolongation of action potential duration in in vitro experiments on isolated cardiac tissues exceeded the free plasma concentrations in humans at maximum daily dose (10 mg administered three times a day) by 45-fold. Safety margins in in vitro pro-arrhythmic models (isolated Langendorff perfused heart) exceeded the free plasma concentrations in humans at maximum daily dose (10 mg administered three times a day) by 9- up to 45-fold. In in vivo models, the no effect levels for QTc-prolongation in dogs and induction of arrhythmias in a rabbit model sensitised for torsade de points exceeded the free plasma concentrations in humans at maximum daily dose (10 mg administered three times a day) by more than 22-fold and 435-fold, respectively. In the anesthetised guinea pig model following slow intravenous infusions, there were no effects on QTc at total plasma concentrations of 45.4 ng/ml, which are 3-fold higher than the total plasma levels in humans at maximum daily dose (10 mg administered three times a day). The relevance of the latter study for humans following exposure to orally administered domperidone is uncertain.

In the presence of inhibition of the metabolism via CYP3A4, free plasma concentrations of domperidone can rise up to 3-fold

At a high, maternally toxic dose (more than 40 times the recommended human dose), teratogenic effects were seen in the rat. No teratogenicity was observed in mice and rabbits.

Tablettose 80 (Lactose monohydrate)
Aerosil (Colloidal Anhydrous Silica)
Microcrystalline Cellulose
Crosscarmellose Sodium
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
Magnesium Stearate
HPMC based coating material White
Polyethylene Glycol 400

Not applicable

3 Years

Store below 30°C, protect from light and moisture.

Packed in PVC/PE/PVDC as blister foil & printed Aluminum backing foil


National Pharmaceutical Industries Co. (SAOG) P.O Box 120 Postal Code 124 Rusayl, Sultanate of Oman


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