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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Your medicine is called Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets. Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets belong to a group of medicines known as aromatase inhibitors. These drugs interfere with a substance called aromatase, which is needed to make the female sex hormone, oestrogen, especially in postmenopausal women. Reducing oestrogen levels in the body is a way of treating hormone-dependent breast cancer. Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets are used to treat hormone-dependent early breast cancer in postmenopausal women after they have completed 2-3 years of treatment with the medicine tamoxifen. It is also used to treat hormone-dependent advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women when a different hormonal drug treatment has not worked well enough.

Do not take Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets

if you are or have previously been allergic (hypersensitive) to Ezoloc (the active ingredient in Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets or any of the other ingredients of Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets (Please see section 6).

• if you have not already been through ‘the menopause’, i.e. you are still having your monthly period

• if you are pregnant, likely to be pregnant or if you are breast-feeding.

Take special care with Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets.

• Before treatment with Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets, your doctor may want to take blood samples to make sure you have reached the menopause.

• Before taking Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets, tell your doctor if you have problems with your liver or kidneys.

• If you have a history or are suffering from any condition which affects the strength of your bones. This is because drugs of this class lower the levels of female hormones and this may lead to a loss of the mineral content of bones, which might decrease their strength. You may have to undergo tests to measure your bone density before and during treatment. Your doctor can give you medicine to prevent or treat the bone loss.

Taking other medicines

Please tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets should not be given at the same time as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The following medicines should be used cautiously when taking Ezoloc 25 mg FilmCoated Tablets. Let your doctor know if you are taking medicines such as:

• rifampicin (an antibiotic)

. • carbamazepine or phenytoin (anti-convulsants used to treat epilepsy).

• the herbal remedy St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), or preparations containing it.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Do not take Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. If you are pregnant or think you might be, tell your doctor. Discuss contraception with your doctor if there is any possibility that you may become pregnant.

Driving and using machines

If you feel drowsy, dizzy or weak whilst taking Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets, you should not attempt to drive or operate machinery.



Always take Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure. Your doctor will tell you how to take Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets and for how long.

Adults and the elderly

The usual dose is one 25 mg film-coated tablet daily. Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets should be taken by mouth after a meal at approximately the same time each day.

Children and adolescents

Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets are not suitable for use in children and adolescents

If you take more Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets than you should

If too many tablets are taken by accident, contact your doctor at once or go straight to the nearest hospital casualty department. Show them the pack of Ezoloc 25 mg FilmCoated Tablets

If you forget to take Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets

Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. If you forget to take your film-coated tablet, take it as soon as you remember. If it is nearly time for the next dose, take it at the usual time.

If you stop taking Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated tablet

Do not stop taking your film-coated tablets even if you are feeling well, unless your doctor tells you.




Like all medicines, Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

In general, Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets are well tolerated and the following side effects observed in patients treated with Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets are mainly mild or moderate in nature. Most of the side effects are associated with a shortage of oestrogen (e.g. hot flushes).


Very common side effects, (occurring in more than 1 in 10 people):

• Difficulty sleeping. • Headache. • Hot flushes. • Feeling sick. • Increased sweating. • Muscle and joint pain (including osteoarthritis, back pain, arthritis and joint stiffness). • Tiredness.

Common side effects, (occuring in more than 1 in 100 but less than 1 in 10 people): • Loss of appetite. • Depression. • Dizziness, carpal tunnel syndrome (a combination of pins and needles, numbness and pain affecting all of the hand except the little finger). • Stomach ache, vomiting (being sick), constipation,indigestion, diarrhoea. • Skin rash, hair loss. • Thinning of bones which might decrease their strength (osteoporosis), leading to bone fractures (breaks or cracks) in some cases. • Pain, swollen hands and feet.

Uncommon side effects, (occurring in more than 1 in 1000 but less than 1 In 100 people): • Drowsiness. • Muscle weakness. Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) may occur. Symptoms include feeling generally unwell, nausea, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), itching, right sided abdominal pain and loss of appetite.

Contact your doctor promptly if you think you have any of these symptoms. If you have any blood tests done, it may be noticed that there are changes in your liver function. Changes in the amount of certain blood cells (lymphocytes) and platelets (blood cells which cause clotting) circulating in your blood may occur, especially in patients with a pre-existing lymphopenia (reduced lymphocytes in the blood). If any side effects gets serious or if you notice any side effect not listed on this leaflet, please tell your doctor or your pharmacist as soon as possible.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not store above 30°C. Do not use Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated – Tablets after the expiry date which is stated - on the carton after . The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is Ezoloc. Each film-coated tablet contains 25 mg Ezoloc.

The other ingredients are: Tablet core: Mannitol, Copovidone, Crospovidone, Silicified Microcrystalline Cellulose, Sodium Starch Glycolate (Type A), Magnesium Stearate. Film coating: Hypromellose, Macrogol 400, Titanium Dioxide


White to off-white, round compound cup tablet, debossed with “25” on one side and plain on the reverse. Ezoloc 25 mg Film-Coated Tablets are available in blister packs of: 10, 14, 20, 30, 50x1, 60, 90, 100 (Blisters of 10 or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

EirGen Pharma, Ireland for: SPIMACO Al-Qassim Pharmacutical Plant Saudi Arabia

This leaflet was last revised in January 2015.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يسمى الدواء إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة . إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة تنتمي إلى مجموعة من األدوية المعروفة باسم مثبطات الهرمونات )مثبطات األروماتيز(. هذه األدوية تتداخل مع مادة تسمى أروماتيز ، الالزمة لتكوين هرمون الجنس النسائي – إستروجين – وخصوصا بعد سن اليأس للنساء. خفض مستويات هرمون االستروجين في الجسم هو وسيلة لعالج سرطان الثدي المعتمد على الهرمون. تستخدم أقراص إيزولوك 25 ملجم لعالج سرطان الثدي المبكر المعتمد على الهرمون عند سن اليأس للنساء بعد إكمال 2-3 سنوات من العالج بدواء تاموكسفين. ً لعالج سرطان الثدي المتطور المعتمد على الهرمون عند سن اليأس للنساء عندما ال تعطي يستخدم أيضا األدوية األخرى نتائج فعالة. 

ال تتناول أقراص إيزولوك إذا كنت ً حساسية )حساسية مفرطة( لمادة اإلكزاميستان المادة الفعالة لمنتج إيزولوك ً أو مسبقا - إذا كان لديك حاليا 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة أو أي من المكونات األخرى لمنتج إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة . ) انظر الفقرة 6.) - إذا لم تدخلي بعد في مرحلة سن اليأس، بمعني إذا مازالت لديك الدورة الشهرية. - إذا كنتي حامال ، أو تخططين للحمل ، أو تقومين بالرضاعة الطبيعية. تحتاج عناية خاصة أثناء تناول أقراص إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة : - قبل العالج بمنتج إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ، من الممكن أن يطلب طبيبك عينات من الدم للتأكد من وصولك لسن اليأس. - قبل العالج بمنتج إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ، أخبر طبيبك إذا كانت لديك مشاكل بالكبد أو بالكلى. - إذا كان لديك تاريخ أو معاناة من أي حالة تؤثر على قوة عظامك. وذلك ألن األدوية من هذه الفئة تخفض مستويات الهرمونات األنثوية، وهذا قد يؤدي إلى فقدان المحتوى المعدني للعظام، والتي قد تقلل قوتهم. قد تضطر إلى الخضوع الختبارات قياس كثافة العظام قبل وخالل فترة العالج. من الممكن أن يقوم طبيبك بوصف دواء لمنع أو عالج تآكل العظام. تناول أدوية أخرى : يرجى إخبار طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرا أي أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك األدوية التي تم الحصول عليها دون وصفة طبية. إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ال ينبغي أن يتم وصفها في نفس الوقت مع العالج بالهرمونات البديلة. األدوية التالية يجب أن يتم تناولها بحذر عند استخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة . أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول أدوية مثل: • ريفامبسين )مضاد حيوي(. • كاربامازيبين أو فينيتوين )مضادات للتشنجات تستخدم في عالج الصرع(. • العالج العشبي عشبة القديس جونز )هيبريكام بيرفوراتم( أو مستحضرات تحتوي عليها. الحمل والرضاعة: ال تقومي بتناول إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة في حاالت الحمل والرضاعة.عليكي إخبار طبيبك إذا كنتي حامال أو تخططين لذلك. عليكي مناقشة وسائل منع الحمل مع طبيبك إذا كان هناك إمكانية للحمل. القيادة واستخدام اآلالت: إذا شعرت بنعاس ، دوار ، أو ضعف عند إستخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة، ال تقوم بالقيادة أو إستخدام اآلالت.


تناول دائما إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة كما وصفه الطبيب.

يجب أن تراجع الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكد من اإلستعمال. سوف يخبرك طبيبك بكيفية إستخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ومدة إستخدامه. البالغين وكبار السن: .ً ً الجرعة المعتادة هي 25 ملجم قرص مغلف يوميا يجب إستخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة عن طريق الفم بعد األكل في نفس الوقت تقريبا كل يوم. األطفال والمراهقين: إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة غير مناسب لإلستخدام في حالة األطفال والمراهقين. إذا تناولت أقراص إيزولوك 25 ملجم أكثر مما يجب إذا تناولت الكثير من أقراص إيزولوك عن طريق الخطأ، اتصل بطبيبك على الفور أو اذهب مباشرة إلى أقرب قسم طوارىء في المستشفى. قم بإظهار علبة أقراص إيزولوك 25 ملجم. إذا نسيت أن تتناول أقراص إيزولوك 25 ملجم ال تقم بنتاول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية. إذا كنت قد نسيت إستخدام أقراصك المغلفة، استخدمها في اقرب وقت تتذكر فيه. إذا كان الوقت تقريبا هو نفس ميعاد الجرعة التالية الخاصة بك، قم بتخطي الجرعة التي نسيتها وقم بتناول الجرعة التالية في وقتها. إذا توقفت عن تناول إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ال تتوقف عن تناول أقراص إيزولوك إذا لم يخبرك طبيبك بهذا حتى لو كنت على ما يرام.


مثل كل األدوية ، من الممكن أن يسبب إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة أعراض جانبية ، على الرغم من أن بعض األشخاص من الممكن أال يتعرضوا لها. ً عامة، إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة يتحملها الجسم ، و تلك اآلثار الجانبية تم مالحظتها على المرضى الذين يعالجون بإستخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة و كانت من خفيفة إلى متوسطة. معظم اآلثار الجانبية مرتبطة بنقص اإلستروجين مثل )التدفقات الساخنة(

. آثار جانبية شائعة جداً )تحدث ألكثر من شخص من عشرة اشخاص(:

• صعوبة في النوم. • صداع. • تدفقات ساخنة. • الشعور باإلعياء. • زيادة التعرق. • آالم العضالت والمفاصل )و منها هشاشة العظام، ألم الظهر، التهاب المفاصل ، خشونة المفاصل(.

• اإلرهاق.

آثار جانبية شائعة )تحدث ألكثر من شخص من مائة شخص و لكن أقل من شخص من عشرة أشخاص(:

• فقدان الشهية. • إكتئاب. • دوخة، ومتالزمة النفق الرسغ )مزيج من الدبابيس واإلبر، وتنميل وألم تؤثر على كل اليد ما عدا االصبع الصغير(. • ألم حاد في المعدة، تقيؤ ، واإلمساك، وعسر الهضم، واإلسهال. • الطفح الجلدي، وسقوط الشعر. • ترقق العظام الذي قد تنخفض قوتها )هشاشة العظام(، مما يؤدى إلى كسور العظام )كسور أوشقوق( في بعض الحاالت. • الم، و إنتفاخ األيدي و األرجل. آ

ثار جانبية غير شائعة )تحدث ألكثر من شخص من ألف شخص و لكن أقل من شخص من مائة شخص(:

• دوخة. • ضعف في العضالت. قد يحدث التهاب في الكبد )التهاب الكبد(. تشمل االعراض الشعور عموما بأنك لست على ما يرام، والغثيان، واليرقان )اصفرار الجلد والعينين(، حكة، ألم في الجانب األيمن من البطن وفقدان الشهية. اتصل بطبيبك على الفور إذا كنت تعتقد أن لديك أي من هذه األعراض. إذا كانت لديك أي تحاليل للدم من الممكن أن يالحظ أن هناك تغييرات في وظائف الكبد. قد تحدث تغييرات في كمية خاليا دم معينة )الخاليا الليمفاوية( والصفائح الدموية )خاليا الدم التي تسبب تخثر( المنتشرة في الدم، وخاصة في المرضى الذين يعانون من اللمفاويات الموجودة من قبل )انخفاض الخاليا الليمفاوية في الدم(.

إذا حدثت آثار جانبية خطيرة أو الحظت أي آثار جانبية غير المذكورة في هذه النشرة، يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي في أقرب وقت ممكن


تحفظ بعيدا عن متناول وبصر األطفال. ال يحفظ في درجة حرارة أعلى من 30 درجة مئوية. ال تقم باستخدام إيزولوك 25 ملجم أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصالحية المذكور على الكرتون بعد EXP .تاريخ اإلنتهاء يشير إلى اليوم األخير من ذلك الشهر. ال ينبغي التخلص من األدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من األدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة. وسوف تساعد هذه التدابير لحماية البيئة.

المادة الفعالة هي إكزاميستان. كل قرص مغلف بطبقة رقيقة يحتوي على 25 ملجم إكزاميستان.


المكونات األخرى هي: جوهر القرص: مانيتول ، كوبوفيدون، كروس بوفيدون، سيلكيفيد مايكروكريستالين، سيليولوز، جاليكوالت صوديوم النشا )النوع A ،)ماغنسيوم ستيارات. الطبقة المغلفة: هيبروميلوز ، ماكروجول 400 ، ثنائي أوكسيد التيتانيوم.

قرص أبيض إلي أبيض مطفي، على شكل دائري، مع »25 »مطبوع على جانب واحد من القرص ومنبسط بشكل عادي على الجانب األخر. أقراص إكزاميستان 25 ملجم مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة متاحة في عبوات تحتوي على: )14 أو 10 من شرائط )100 ،90 ،60 ،1×50 ،30 ،20 ،14 ،10 أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة. ليست كل العبوات متاحة للتسويق.

إيرجين فارما، أيرلندا. لصالح: الدوائية مصنع األدوية بالقصيم المملكة العربية السعودية

تمت الموافقة على هذه النشرة بتاريخ: يناير 2015
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

EZOLOC 25 mg film-coated tablets

Exemestane Each film coated tablet contains 25 mg exemestane. For full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Film-coated tablet. White to off-white, round compound cup film coated tablet, with “25” on one side and plainon the reverse.

EZOLOC is indicated for the adjuvant treatment of postmenopausal women with oestrogenreceptor positive invasive early breast cancer, following 2 – 3 years of initial adjuvanttamoxifen therapy. EZOLOC is indicated for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in women with natural orinduced postmenopausal status whose disease has progressed following anti- oestrogen therapy.Efficacy has not been demonstrated in patients with oestrogen receptor negative status.

Adult and elderly patients

The recommended dose of < EZOLOC > is one film-coated tablet (25mg) to be taken orallyonce a day, after a meal. In patients with early breast cancer, treatment with < EZOLOC > should continue untilcompletion of five years of combined sequential adjuvant hormonal therapy (tamoxifenfollowed by < EZOLOC >), or earlier if tumour relapse occurs. In patients with advanced breast cancer, treatment with < EZOLOC > should continue untiltumour progression is evident. No dose adjustments are required for patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency (see section5.2). 

Children and adolescents

Not recommended for use in children and adolescents 

EZOLOC is contraindicated in: - Premenopausal women. - Pregnant or lactating women. - Patients with hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

EZOLOC should not be administered to women with pre-menopausal endocrine status. Therefore, whenever clinically appropriate, the post-menopausal status should be ascertainedby assessment of LH, FSH and oestradiol levels.

EZOLOC should be used with caution in patients with hepatic or renal impairment. EZOLOC is a potent oestrogen lowering agent, and a reduction in bone mineral density andan increased fracture rate has been observed following administration (see section 5.1). Duringadjuvant treatment with < EZOLOC >, women with osteoporosis or at risk of osteoporosisshould have their bone mineral density formally assessed by bone densitometryat the commencement of treatment. Although adequate data to show the effects of therapy inthe treatment of the bone mineral density loss caused by <

EZOLOC > are not available,treatment for osteoporosis should be initiated in at risk patients. Patients treated with EZOLOC should be carefully monitored. 

In vitro evidence showed that the drug is metabolized through cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4and aldoketoreductases (see 5.2) and does not inhibit any of the major CYP isoenzymes. In aclinical pharmacokinetic study, the specific inhibition of CYP 3A4 by ketoconazole showed nosignificant effects on the pharmacokinetics of exemestane. In an interaction study with rifampicin, a potent CYP450 inducer, at a dose of 600mg daily anda single dose of exemestane 25mg, the AUC of exemestane was reduced by 54% and Cmax by41%. Since the clinical relevance of this interaction has not been evaluated, the coadministrationof drugs, such as rifampicin, anticonvulsants (e.g. phenytoin andcarbamazepine) and herbal preparations containing hypericumperforatum (St John's Wort)known to induce CYP3A4 may reduce the efficacy of EZOLOC. EZOLOC should be used cautiously with drugs that are metabolized via CYP3A4 and havea narrow therapeutic window. There is no clinical experience of the concomitant use of EZOLOC with other anticancer drugs. EZOLOCshould not be co administered with oestrogen-containing medicines as these would negate its pharmacological action.


No clinical data on exposed pregnancies are available with Exemestane. Studies on animalshave shown reproductive toxicity (See section 5.3). The potential risk for humans is unknown. EZOLOC is therefore contraindicated in pregnant women.


It is not known whether exemestane is excreted into human milk. EZOLOC should not beadministered to lactating woman.

Women of perimenopausal status or child-bearing potential

The physician needs to discuss the necessity of adequate contraception with women whohave the potential to become pregnant including women who are perimenopausal or whohave recently become postmenopausal, until their postmenopausal status is fully established(see sections 4.3 and 4.4).

Drowsiness, somnolence, asthenia and dizziness have been reported with the use of thedrug. Patients should be advised that, if these events occur, their physical and/or mentalabilities required for operating machinery or driving a car may be impaired. 

Exemestane was generally well tolerated across all clinical studies conducted with Exemestane at a standard dose of 25 mg/day, and undesirable effects were usually mild tomoderate. The withdrawal rate due to adverse events was 7.4% in patients with early breast cancerreceiving adjuvant treatment with Exemestane following initial adjuvant tamoxifen therapy.The most commonly reported adverse reactions were hot flushes (22%), arthralgia (18%)and fatigue (16%). The withdrawal rate due to adverse events was 2.8% in the overall patient population withadvanced breast cancer. The most commonly reported adverse reactions were hot flushes(14%) and nausea (12%). Most adverse reactions can be attributed to the normal pharmacological consequences of oestrogen deprivation (e.g. hot flushes). The reported adverse reactions are listed below by system organ class and by frequency. Frequencies are defined as: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon(≥1/1000 to < 1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1000) 

(*) Includes: arthralgia, and less frequently pain in limb, osteoarthritis, back pain, arthritis,myalgia and joint stiffness

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

In patients with advanced breast cancer thrombocytopenia and leucopenia have been rarelyreported. An occasional decrease in lymphocytes has been observed in approximately 20%of patients receiving Exemestane, particularly in patients with preexisting lymphopenia;however, mean lymphocyte values in these patients did not change significantly over timeand no corresponding increase in viral infections was observed. These effects have not beenobserved in patients treated in early breast cancer studies.

Hepatobiliary disorders

Elevation of liver function test parameters including enzymes, bilirubin and alkalinephosphatase have been observed.

The table below presents the frequency of pre-specified adverse events and illnesses in theearly breast cancer study (IES), irrespective of causality, reported in patients receiving trialtherapy and up to 30 days after cessation of trial therapy


In the IES study, the frequency of ischemic cardiac events in the exemestane and tamoxifentreatment arms was 4.5% versus 4.2%, respectively. No significant difference was noted forany individual cardiovascular event including hypertension (9.9% versus 8.4%), myocardialinfarction (0.6% versus 0.2%) and cardiac failure (1.1% versus 0.7%). In the IES study, exemestane was associated with a greater incidence of hypercholesterolemiacompared with tamoxifen (3.7% vs. 2.1%). In a separate double blinded, randomized study of postmenopausal women with early breastcancer at low risk treated with exemestane (N=73) or placebo (N=73) for 24 months,exemestane was associated with an average 7-9% mean reduction in plasma HDL-cholesterol,versus a 1% increase on placebo. There was also a 5-6% reduction in apolipoprotein A1 in theexemestane group versus 0-2% for placebo. The effect on the other lipid parameters analyzed(total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein-B and lipoprotein-a) was verysimilar in the two treatment groups. The clinical significance of these results is unclear. In the IES study, gastric ulcer was observed at a higher frequency in the exemestane armcompared to tamoxifen (0.7% versus <0.1%). The majority of patients on exemestane withgastric ulcer received concomitant treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agentsand/or had a prior history. Adverse reactions from post-marketing experience Hepatobiliary disorders: Hepatitis, cholestatic hepatitis

 Because reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not alwayspossible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. 


Clinical trials have been conducted with Exemestane given up to 800 mg in a single dose tohealthy female volunteers and up to 600 mg daily to postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer; these dosages were well tolerated. The single dose of Exemestane that couldresult in life-threatening symptoms is not known. In rats and dogs, lethality was observed aftersingle oral doses equivalent respectively to 2000 and 4000 times the recommended humandose on a mg/m2 basis. There is no specific antidote to overdosing and treatment must besymptomatic. General supportive care, including frequent monitoring of vital signs and closeobservation of the patient, is indicated. 

Pharmacotherapeutic group: hormone antagonists and related agents, enzyme inhibitors.

ATC: L02BG06

Exemestane is an irreversible, steroidal aromatase inhibitor, structurally related to the naturalsubstrate androstenedione. In post-menopausal women, oestrogens are produced primarily from the conversion of androgens into oestrogens through the aromatase enzyme in peripheraltissues. Oestrogen deprivation through aromatase inhibition is an effective and selectivetreatment for hormone dependent breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Inpostmenopausal women, Exemestanep.o. significantly lowered serum oestrogenconcentrations starting from a 5 mg dose, reaching maximal suppression (>90%) with a doseof 10-25 mg. In postmenopausal breast cancer patients treated with the 25 mg daily dose,whole body aromatization was reduced by 98%. 

Exemestane does not possess any progestogenic or oestrogenic activity. A slight androgenicactivity, probably due to the 17-hydro derivative, has been observed mainly at high doses. Inmultiple daily doses trials, Exemestane had no detectable effects on adrenal biosynthesis ofcortisol or aldosterone, measured before or after ACTH challenge, thus demonstrating itsselectivity with regard to the other enzymes involved in the steroidogenic pathway. Glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid replacements are therefore not needed. A nondosedependentslight increase in serum LH and FSH levels has been observed even at low doses:this effect is, however, expected for the pharmacological class and is probably the result offeedback at the pituitary level due to the reduction in oestrogen levels that stimulate thepituitary secretion of gonadotropins also in postmenopausal women. Adjuvant Treatment of Early Breast Cancer In a multicenter, randomized, double-blind study, conducted in 4724 postmenopausal patientswith oestrogen-receptor-positive or unknown primary breast cancer, patients who hadremained disease-free after receiving adjuvant tamoxifen therapy for 2 to 3 years wererandomized to receive 3 to 2 years of Exemestane (25 mg/day) or tamoxifen (20 or 30 mg/day)to complete a total of 5 years of hormonal therapy. After a median duration of therapy of about 30 months and a median follow-up of about 52months, results showed that sequential treatment with Exemestane after 2 to 3 years of adjuvanttamoxifen therapy was associated with a clinically and statistically significant improvement indisease-free survival (DFS) compared with continuation of tamoxifen therapy. Analysisshowed that in the observed study period Exemestane reduced the risk of breast cancerrecurrence by 24% compared with tamoxifen (hazard ratio 0.76; p=0.00015). The beneficial effect of exemestane over tamoxifen with respect to DFS was apparentregardless of nodal status or prior chemotherapy. Exemestane also significantly reduced the risk of contralateral breast cancer (hazard ratio 0.57, p=0.04158). In the whole study population, a trend for improved overall survival was observed for exemestane (222 deaths) compared to tamoxifen (262 deaths) with a hazard ratio 0.85 (logranktest: p = 0.07362), representing a 15% reduction in the risk of death in favor of exemestane. A statistically significant 23% reduction in the risk of dying (hazard ratio foroverall survival 0.77; Wald chi square test: p = 0.0069) was observed for exemestanecompared to tamoxifen when adjusting for the prespecified prognostic factors (i.e., ER status,nodal status, prior chemotherapy, use of HRT and use of bisphosphonates). Main efficacy results in all patients (intention to treat population) and oestrogen receptorpositive patients are summarized in the table below:


* Log-rank test; ER+ patients = oestrogen receptor positive patients; a Disease-free survival is defined as the first occurrence of local or distant recurrence,contralateral breast cancer, or death from any cause; b Breast cancer free survival is defined as the first occurrence of local or distant recurrence,contralateral breast cancer or breast cancer death; c Distant recurrence free survival is defined as the first occurrence of distant recurrence orbreast cancer death; d Overall survival is defined as occurrence of death from any cause.

In the additional analysis for the subset of patients with oestrogenreceptor positive orunknown status, the unadjusted overall survival hazard ratio was 0.83 (log-rank test: p = 0.04250), representing a clinically and statistically significant 17% reduction in the risk ofdying. Results from a bone sub study demonstrated that women treated with Exemestane following 2to 3 years of tamoxifen treatment experienced moderate reduction in bone mineral density. Inthe overall study, the treatment emergent fracture incidence evaluated during the 30 monthstreatment period was higher in patients treated with EZOLOC compared withtamoxifen (4.5% and 3.3% correspondingly, p=0.038). Results from an endometrial sub study indicate that after 2 years of treatment there was amedian 33% reduction of endometrial thickness in the Exemestane-treated patients comparedwith no notable variation in the tamoxifen-treated patients. Endometrial thickening, reported atthe start of study treatment, was reversed to normal (< 5 mm) for 54% of patients treated with EZOLOC. Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer In a randomized peer reviewed controlled clinical trial, Exemestane at the daily dose of 25 mghas demonstrated statistically significant prolongation of survival, Time to Progression (TTP), Time to Treatment Failure (TTF) as compared to a standard hormonal treatment with megestrolacetate in postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer that had progressed following,or during, treatment with tamoxifen either as adjuvant therapy or as first-line treatment foradvanced disease.


Absorption :

After oral administration of Exemestane tablets, exemestane is absorbed rapidly. The fractionof the dose absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is high. The absolute bioavailability inhumans is unknown, although it is anticipated to be limited by an extensive first pass effect. Asimilar effect resulted in an absolute bioavailability in rats and dogs of 5%. After a single doseof 25 mg, maximum plasma levels of 18 ng/ml are reached after 2 hours. Concomitant intakewith food increases the bioavailability by 40%. 


The volume of distribution of exemestane, not corrected for the oral bioavailability, is ca 20000 l. The kinetics is linear and the terminal elimination half-life is 24 h. binding to plasma proteinsis 90% and is concentration independent. Exemestane and its metabolites do not bind to red blood cells. Exemestane does not accumulate in an unexpected way after repeated dosing.

Metabolism and excretion:

Exemestane is metabolised by oxidation of the methylene moiety on the 6 position by CYP 3A4isoenzyme and/or reduction of the 17-keto group by aldoketoreductase followed by conjugation.The clearance of exemestane is ca 500 l/h, not corrected for the oral bioavailability.The metabolites are inactive or the inhibition of aromatase is less than the parent compound. The amount excreted unchanged in urine is 1% of the dose. In urine and faeces equal amounts(40%) of 14C-labeled exemestane were eliminated within a week.

Special populations


No significant correlation between the systemic exposure of Exemestane and the age ofsubjects has been observed.

Renal insufficiency:

In patients with severe renal impairment (CLcr< 30 ml/min) the systemic exposure to exemestane was 2 times higher compared with healthy volunteers. Given the safety profile of exemestane, no dose adjustment is considered to be necessary.

Hepatic insufficiency:

In patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment the exposure of exemestane is 2-3 foldhigher compared with healthy volunteers. Given the safety profile of exemestane, no doseadjustment is considered to be necessary.


Toxicological studies: Findings in the repeat dose toxicology studies in rat and dog weregenerally attributable to the pharmacological activity of exemestane, such as effects onreproductive and accessory organs. Other toxicological effects (on liver, kidney or centralnervous system) were observed only at exposures considered sufficiently in excess of themaximum human exposure indicating little relevance to clinical use.

Mutagenicity: Exemestane was not genotoxic in bacteria (Ames test), in V79 Chinese hamstercells, in rat hepatocytes or in the mouse micronucleus assay. Although exemestane wasclastogenic in lymphocytes in vitro, it was not clastogenic in two in vivo studies

Reproductive toxicology: Exemestane was embryotoxic in rats and rabbits at systemicexposure levels similar to those obtained in humans at 25 mg/day. There was no evidence of teratogenicity. 

Carcinogenicity: In a two-year carcinogenicity study in female rats, no treatmentrelatedtumors were observed. In male rats the study was terminated on week 92, because of earlydeath by chronic nephropathy. In a two-year carcinogenicity study in mice, an increase in theincidence of hepatic neoplasms in both genders was observed at the intermediate and high doses (150 and 450 mg/kg/day). This finding is considered to be related to the induction ofhepatic microsomal enzymes, an effect observed in mice but not in clinical studies. An increasein the incidence of renal tubular adenomas was also noted in male mice at the high dose (450mg/kg/day). This change is considered to be species- and gender-specific and occurred at adose which represents 63-fold greater exposure than occurs at the human therapeutic dose. None of these observed effects is considered to be clinically relevant to the treatment ofpatients with exemestane.


Tablet core: Mannitol (E421) Copovidone Crospovidone Silicified Microcrystalline Cellulose Sodium Starch Glycolate (Type A) Magnesium Stearate (E470b)

Film coating: Hypromellose (E464) Macrogol 400 Titanium Dioxide(E171) 

Not applicable. 

2 years

Store below 30° C. This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions. 

PVC-PVdC/Aluminum blisters of:

UK/H/1900/001/DC 10, 14, 20, 30, 50x1, 60, 90, 100 (Blisters of 10 or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1901/001/DC 10, 30, 90 (Blisters of 10) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1902/001/DC 30, 90 and 100 tablets (Blisters of 10) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1903/001/DC 10, 14, 20, 30, 60, 90, 100 and 120 (Blisters of 10 or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1904/001/DC 10, 14, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 100 (Blisters of 10 or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1905/001/DC 30 tablets (Blisters of 10) film-coated tablets.

UK/H/1906/001/DC 10, 14, 20, 30, 60, 90, 100 (Blisters of 10or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1907/001/DC 30, 100 (Blisters of 10) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

UK/H/1908/001/DC 14, 30 and 90 (Blisters of 10 or 14) film-coated tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.


Any unused product or waste should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. 

Manufactured by: EirGen Pharma Ireland For: SPIMACO Al-Qassim Pharmaceutical Plant Saudi Arabia

January 2015.

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