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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

ANGINET® (Valsartan) is an orally active, potent and specific angiotensin II receptor antagonist. It acts selectively on the AT1 receptor subtype, which is responsible for the known actions of angiotensin II (It has a wide variety of physiological effects, including direct and indirect involvement in the regulation of blood pressure. As a potent vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II exerts a direct pressor effect. In addition, it promotes Sodium retention and stimulation of aldosterone secretion).
Administration of ANGINET® to patients with hypertension results in reduction of blood pressure without affecting pulse rate.
In most patients, after administration of a single oral dose of Valsartan, onset of antihypertensive activity occurs within 2 hours, and the peak reduction of blood pressure is achieved within 4 - 6 hours. The antihypertensive effect persists over 24 hours after dosing. During repeated dosing, the maximum reduction in blood pressure with any dose is generally attained within 2 - 4 weeks and is sustained during long-term therapy. Combined with hydrochlorothiazide, a significant additional reduction in blood pressure is achieved.
Abrupt withdrawal of Valsartan has not been associated with rebound hypertension or other adverse clinical events.
Absorption of Valsartan after oral administration is rapid, although the amount absorbed varies widely. Mean absolute bioavailability of Valsartan is 23%.
Valsartan is highly bound to serum protein (94 - 97%), mainly serum albumin. Steady-state volume of distribution is low (about 17 L). Plasma clearance is relatively slow (about 2 L/h) when compared with hepatic blood flow (about 30 L/h). Of the absorbed dose of Valsartan, 70% is excreted in the feces and 30% in the urine, mainly as unchanged compound.
─ Treatment of hypertension.
─ Treatment of heart failure (NYHA class II-IV) in patients receiving usual therapy such as diuretics, digitalis and either ACE inhibitors or, beta-blockers but not both; presence of all these standard therapies is not mandatory.
In these patients, ANGINET® improves morbidity, primarily via reduction in hospitalization period.

ANGINET® can be taken either with or without food.
Hypertension: The recommended dose of ANGINET® is 80 mg once daily, irrespective of race, age or gender. In patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled, the daily dose may be increased to 160 mg, or a diuretic may be added.
No dosage adjustment is required for patients with renal impairment or hepatic impairment of non-biliary origin and without cholestasis. ANGINET® may also be administered with other antihypertensive agents.
Heart failure: The recommended starting dose of ANGINET® is 40 mg twice daily. Up titration to 80 mg and 160 mg twice daily should be done to the highest dose, as tolerated by the patient. Consideration should be given to reducing the dose of concomitant diuretics.

The maximum daily dose administered in clinical trials is 320 mg in divided doses.
Evaluation of patients with heart failure should always include assessment of renal function.
In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment without cholestasis, the dose of valsartan should not exceed 80mg.

ANGINET® is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment and in patients with cholestasis.
─ Hypersensitivity to any component of this medicine.
─ Pregnancy.
─ Have recently had a kidney transplant.
─ Primary aldosteronism.
─ Severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis.

Sodium- and/or volume-depleted patients: In severely Sodium-depleted and/or volume-depleted
patients, such as those receiving high doses of diuretics, symptomatic hypotension may occur in rare cases after initiation of therapy with Valsartan. Sodium and/or volume depletion should be corrected before starting treatment with Valsartan, for example by reducing
the diuretic dose.
If hypotension occurs, the patient should be placed in the supine position and, if necessary, given an I.V. infusion of normal saline solution. Treatment can be continued once the blood pressure has stabilized.
Renal artery stenosis: Since other drugs that affect the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system may increase blood urea and serum creatinine in patients with bilateral or unilateral renal artery stenosis, monitoring is recommended as a safety measure upon Valsartan treatment.

Special populations:
Elderly: A somewhat higher systemic exposure to Valsartan was observed in some elderly subjects than in young subjects; however, this has not been shown to have any clinical significance.
Children: The safety and efficacy of Valsartan have not been established in children.
Impaired renal function: Dose adjustment is not required in patients with renal impairment (renal clearance accounts for only 30% of total plasma clearance). In severe cases (creatinine clearance < 10 mL/min.) no data are available, and therefore caution is advised. No studies have been performed in patients undergoing dialysis. However, Valsartan is highly bound to plasma protein and is unlikely to be removed by dialysis.
Hepatic impairment: No dose adjustment for Valsartan is necessary in patients with hepatic impairment of non-biliary origin and without cholestasis (Valsartan does not undergo extensive
metabolism). The AUC with Valsartan has been observed to approximately double in patients with biliary cirrhosis or biliary obstruction. Valsartan is mostly eliminated unchanged in the bile. Patients with biliary obstructive disorders showed lower Valsartan clearance; particular caution should be exercised when administering Valsartan to these patients.
Heart failure: Caution should be observed when initiating therapy with Valsartan in patients with heart failure.
In patients with severe heart failure whose renal function may depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists has been associated with oliguria and/or progressive azotemia and, rarely, acute renal failure and/or death. Evaluation of patients with heart failure should always include assessment of renal function.
In patients with heart failure, the triple combination therapy (ACE inhibitor, beta-blocker and angiotensin II receptor blocker), Valsartan is not recommended.

Effects on ability to drive and use machines: As with other antihypertensive agents, it is advisable to exercise caution when driving or operating machinery.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy category C/D (2nd and 3rd trimesters)
Pregnancy: Due to the mechanism of action of angiotensin II antagonists, a risk for the fetus cannot be excluded. In utero exposure to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors given to pregnant women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters has been reported to cause injury and death to the developing fetus. As for any of drug that also acts directly on the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system, Valsartan should not be used during pregnancy. If pregnancy is detected during therapy, Valsartan should be discontinued as soon as possible.
Lactation: It is not known whether Valsartan is excreted in human milk. Valsartan was excreted
in the milk of lactating rats. Thus, it is not advisable to use Valsartan in lactating mothers.

Drug interactions:
- No drug interactions of clinical significance have been found. Drugs which have been studied in clinical trials include: Cimetidine, Warfarin, Furosemide, Digoxin, Atenolol, Indomethacin, Hydrochlorothiazide, Amlodipine and Glibenclamide.
- As Valsartan is not metabolized to a significant extent, clinically relevant drug-drug interactions in the form of metabolic induction or inhibition of the cytochrome P450 system are not expected with Valsartan.
- Although Valsartan is highly bound to plasma proteins, in vitro studies have not shown any interaction at this level with a range of molecules which are also highly protein bound, such as Diclofenac, Furosemide and Warfarin.
- Concomitant use of potassium-sparing diuretics (e.g. Spironolactone, Triamterene and Amiloride), potassium supplements, or salt substitutes containing potassium may lead to increases in serum potassium and in heart failure patients to increases in serum creatinine. If co medication is considered necessary, caution is advisable.

ANGINET® can be taken either with or without food.
Hypertension: The recommended dose of ANGINET® is 80 mg once daily, irrespective of race, age or gender. In patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled, the daily dose may be increased to 160 mg, or a diuretic may be added.
No dosage adjustment is required for patients with renal impairment or hepatic impairment of non-biliary origin and without cholestasis. ANGINET® may also be administered with other antihypertensive agents.
Heart failure: The recommended starting dose of ANGINET® is 40 mg twice daily. Up titration to 80 mg and 160 mg twice daily should be done to the highest dose, as tolerated by the patient. Consideration should be given to reducing the dose of concomitant diuretics.

The maximum daily dose administered in clinical trials is 320 mg in divided doses.
Evaluation of patients with heart failure should always include assessment of renal function.
In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment without cholestasis, the dose of valsartan
should not exceed 80mg. ANGINET® is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment and in patients with cholestasis.

Side effects showing an incidence of 1% or more in the Valsartan treatment group (irrespective of their causal association): Headache, dizziness, viral infection, upper respiratory tract infection, coughing, diarrhea, fatigue, rhinitis, sinusitis, back pain, abdominal pain, nausea, pharyngitis, ar-thralgia.
Other side effects with a frequency below 1% included: Oedema, asthenia, insomnia, rash, decreased libido, vertigo. It is unknown whether these effects were causally related to Valsartan therapy or not. Post-marketing data revealed very rare cases of angioedema, rash, pruritus and other hypersensitivity reactions including serum sickness and vasculitis.
Low blood pressure with or without symptoms such as dizziness and fainting when standing up.
Decreased kidney function (signs of renal impairment).
Laboratory findings:
No special monitoring of laboratory parameters is necessary for patients with essential hypertension receiving Valsartan therapy. In rare cases, Valsartan may be associated with decreases in hemoglobin and hematocrit, Neutropenia was observed in 1.9% of patients treated with Valsartan versus 1.6% of patients treated with an ACE inhibitor.
In controlled clinical trials in hypertensive patients, significant increases in serum creatinine, potassium and total bilirubin were observed, respectively, in 0.8%, 4.4%, and 6% of patients treated with Valsartan versus 1.6%, 6.4% and 12.9% of those treated with an ACE inhibitor.
Occasional elevations of liver function values were reported in patients treated with Valsartan.

Although there is no experience of overdosage with Valsartan, the major sign that might be expected is marked hypotension. If the ingestion is recent, vomiting should be induced. Otherwise, the usual treatment would be I.V. infusion of normal saline solution.
Valsartan is unlikely to be removed by hemodialysis.

Store in controlled room not above 30°C.

ANGINET® 40: Each film coated tablet contains Valsartan 40 mg in packs of 30 tablets.
ANGINET® 80: Each film coated tablet contains Valsartan 80 mg in packs of 30 tablets.
ANGINET® 160: Each film coated tablet contains Valsartan 160 mg in packs of 30 tablets.

Hospital packs are also available.
Microcrystalline Cellulose, Colloidal silicon dioxide, Cross Povidone, Magnesium Stearate, Opadry O-YL, Yellow Iron Oxide & Red Iron Oxide.

Anginet ®160mg F/C Tablets: Tablet Description: Beige Almond-shape, biconvex film coated tablets, embossed with E03. Packed in Aluminum /Aluminum blisters, in carton box with a folded leaflet Pack Size: 30 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 3 blisters/pack”. 100 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 10 blisters/pack”. 500 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 50 blisters/pack”. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

MS Pharma Saudi,
Riyadh, Kingdome Saudi Arabia.

Manufacturer by: 
 United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co. Ltd. - Jordan for MS Pharma-Saudi.

March,2020 SPM190596
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

AT1أنجينيت فالسارتان هو مثبط فعال وقوي، خاص بمستقبل أنجيوتنسين النوع الثاني، يعطى عن طريق الفم. يعمل بشكل إنتقائي على المستقبل الفرعي

 الذي يعتبر أنه المسوؤل عن الآثار المعروفة لأنجيوتنسين النوع الثاني يمتلك آثار فيسيولوجية مختلفة تتضمن إرتباطات مباشرة أو غير مباشرة في التحكم في ضغط الدم. كقابض فعال للأوعية الدموية، فإن أنجيوتنسين النوع الثاني يمارس تأثير مباشر قابض للأوعية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك فإنه يحفز الإحتفاظ بالصوديوم ويحفز إفراز الألديستيرون

إن إعطاء أنجينيت للمرضى الذين يعانون من إرتفاع ضغط الدم سينتج عنه إنخفاض في ضغط الدم بدون التأثير على معدل النبض


إن ظهور التأثير الخافض لضغط الدم سيظهر خلال ساعتين من تناول جرعة فموية مفردة من فالسارتان في معظم المرضى، بينما يحدث الإنخفاض الأقصى لضغط الدم خلال 4 – 6 ساعات. إن التأثير الخافض لضغط الدم يستمر لمدة 24 ساعة من تناول الجرعة. نتيجة للجرعات المتكررة، إن الإنخفاض الأعلى في ضغط الدم، بغض النظر عن الجرعة، يحدث في العادة خلال 2 – 4 أسابيع ويستمر خلال فترة العلاج طويلة الآمد. يمكن الحصول على إنخفاض إضافي ملحوظ في ضغط الدم في حالة العلاج المشترك مع هايدروكلوروثيازيد.

إن الإنقطاع المفاجئ لفالسارتان غير مصحوب بعودة الإرتفاع في ضغط الدم أو أحداث إكلينيكية جانبية أخرى. يتم إمتصاص فالسارتان بعد تناول الجرعة الفموية بشكل سريع على الرغم من أن الكمية الممتصة تختلف بشكل كبير. إن متوسط التوافر الحيوي المطلق لفالسارتان هو %23

إن فالسارتان يرتبط بقوة ببروتينات المصل 94 – 97%، وخاصة بالبومين المصل. إن حجم التوزيع في مرحلة الثبات (قليل حوالي 17 لتر). إن عملية التصفية من البلازما هي عملية بطيئة نسبياً (حوالي 2 لتر/ساعة) عندما نقارنها بكمية  تدفق الدم من خلال الكبد (حوالي 30 لتر/ساعة). تطرح 70% من الجرعة الممتصة من فالسارتان عن طريق البراز و 30% تطرح عن طريق البول، على شكل مركبات غير متحولة في العادة.

دواعي الإستعمال:

 علاج إرتفاع ضغط الدم 

NYHAعلاج قصور القلب (الدرجة الثانية - الرابعة) ه 

في المرضى الذين يتلقون العلاج المعتاد مثل مدرات البول، ديجيتاليس وأي من مثبطات الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين أو مثبطات مستقبلات بيتا ولكن ليس بالإثنين معاً؛ إن وجود كل هذه الطرق العلاجية غير ضروري

يحسن أنجينيت من نسبة إنتشار المرض في هؤلاء المرضى، إبتداء من خلال تقليل فترة المكوث في المستشفى

يمكن تناول أنجينيت مع أو بدون الطعام 

إرتفاع ضغط الدم: إن الجرعة الموصى بها من أنجينيت هي 80 ملغم تؤخذ مرة واحدة يومياً، بغض النظر عن العرق، العمر أو الجنس. في المرضى الذين يعانون من عدم ضبط في ضغط الدم بصورة مناسبة، يمكن زيادة الجرعة إلى 160 ملغم، أو إضافة مدر للبول

لا يطلب تعديل الجرعة للمرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف في الكلى أو ضعف في الكبد لأسباب غير صفراوية بدون ركود الصفراء 

يمكن إعطاء أنجينيت أيضاً مع أدوية أخرى خافضة لضغط الدم

قصور القلب: تبلغ الجرعة الإبتدائية الموصى بها من أنجينيت 40 ملغم مرتين يومياً. تزداد بمعايرة الجرعة لتصل إلى جرعة قصوى مقدارها 80 ملغم أو 160 ملغم مرتين يومياً وذلك حسب إحتمال المريض. يجب الأخذ بعين الإعتبار تقليل جرعة مدر البول والتي تعطى بالتزامن. إن الجرعة القصوى اليومية التي أعطيت في التجارب الإكلينيكية هي 320 ملغم وقد أعطيت على جرعات مقسمة

يجب، عادة، أن يتضمن تقييم المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي تقييم لوظيفة الكلى 

في المرضى الذين لديهم قصور كبدي لطيف ومعتدل بدون ركود الصفراء، يجب ان لا تزيد جرعة فالسارتان عن 80 ملغم. لا يوصى باستخدام أنجينيت في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور كبدي وفي المرضى الذين لديهم ركود الصفراء

:موانع الإستعمال

فرط التحسس لأي من مكونات هذا المستحضر


تم زراعة الكلية حديثا

 ارتفاع الالدوستيرون الاولي

قصور كبدي خطير، تشمع صفراوي و ركود الصفراء

:محاذير الإستعمال

المرضى الذين يعانون من نقص في الصوديوم و/أو حجم السوائل: قد يحدث، في حالات نادرة، في المرضى الذين يعانون من نقص شديد في الصوديوم و/أو حجم السوائل، مثل الذين يتناولون جرعات عالية من مدرات البول، أعراض إنخفاض ضغط الدم بعد بداية العلاج بفالسارتان. يجب تعديل نقص الصوديوم و/أو حجم السوائل قبل بداية العلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان، وذلك بتقليل جرعة مدر البول مثلاً 

إذا حدث إنخفاض ضغط الدم، يجب وضع المريض في حالة الإستلقاء، وإذا كان ضرورياً، إعطاء محلول ملحي عياري بالتسريب الوريدي. يمكن الإستمرار بالعلاج بعد إستقرار ضغط الدم 

تضيق الشريان الكلوي: بما أن الأدوية الأخرى التي تؤثر على نظام الرنين-أنجيوتينسين-الألديستيرون قد تزيد من مستوى اليوريا في الدم والكرياتينين في المصل في المرضى الذين يعانون من تضيق الشريان الكلوي الثنائي أو الأحادي؛ لذا يوصى بالمراقبة عند العلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان كإجراء إحتياطي

مجموعات خاصة

كبار السن: تمت ملاحظة تعرض جهازي أكبر، إلى حد ما، في بعض كبار السن عنه في الأصغر سناً، على الرغم من ذلك، فإن هذه الملاحظات ليس لها أي تأثيرات إكلينيكية ذات أهمية

الأطفال: لم يثبت بعد مدى آمان وفاعلية إستعمال فالسارتان في الأطفال 

ضعف في وظائف الكلى: لا يطلب تعديل الجرعة في المرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف في وظائف الكلى (التصفية الكلوية تشكل 30% فقط من تصفية البلازما الكّلية). لا يوجد معلومات متوفرة في الحالات الشديدة (تصفية الكرياتينين أقل من 10 مل/دقيقة)؛ لذا يوصى بإتخاذ الحيطة والحذر 

لم يتم إجراء دراسات على المرضى الذين يخضعون لعمل ديلزة. ومع ذلك فإن فالسارتان يرتبط بقوة ببروتينات البلازما وبعيد الإحتمال أن يزال بواسطة الديلزة

ضعف الكبد: من غير الضروري تعديل الجرعة في المرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف كبدي لأسباب غير صفراوية بدون ركود الصفراء (لا يخضع فالسارتان للأيض AUCبشكل كبير). تم ملاحظة زيادة في

الخاصة بفالسارتان بنسبة الضعف في المرضى الذين يعانون من تشمع صفراوي أو إنسداد صفراوي. يطرح فالسارتان غالباً بشكل غير متحول في الصفراء. أظهر المرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض صفراوية إنسدادية إنخفاض في تصفية فالسارتان؛ يجب ممارسة الحذر بصورة خاصة في هؤلاء المرضى عند تناول فالسارتان

قصور القلب: يجب إتخاذ الحيطة والحذر عند بداية العلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي

إن المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي شديد والذين تعتمد الوظيفة الكلوية لديهم على فاعلية نظام الرنين- أنجيوتينسين-الألديستيرون، فإن العلاج بإستعمال مثبطات الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين ومثبطات مستقبلات أنجيوتينسين كانت مرتبطة بقلة البول و/أو تفاقم تنترج الدم، ونادراً، قصور كلوي حاد و/أو الموت. يجب أن يتضمن، دائماً، تقييم المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي تقييم لوظيفة الكلى. لا يوصى بإستعمال فالسارتان في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي، والذين يتلقون العلاج الثلاثي المشترك (مثبط الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين، مثبط لمستقبلات بيتا ومثبط لمستقبلات أنجيوتينسين النوع الثاني) 

التأثيرات على القدرة على القيادة وإستعمال الآلات: كما هي الحال في خافضات ضغط الدم الأخرى، فإنه ينصح بإتخاذ الحيطة والحذر عند القيادة وتشغيل الآلات

الإستعمال خلال فترتي الحمل والإرضاع:فئة الحمل ج/د الثلثين الثاني والثالث

 الحمل: بسبب آلية عمل مثبطات مستقبلات أنجيوتينسين النوع الثاني، فإنه لا يمكن إستبعاد الأخطار على الجنين. تم تسجيل حدوث أذى ووفاة في الجنين في مرحلة التطور عند تعرضه لمثبطات الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين والتي تعطى للمرأة الحامل خلال الثلث الثاني والثلث الثالث من فترة الحمل. كما هي الحال مع أية من الأدوية التي تعمل بشكل مباشر على نظام الرنين-أنجيوتينسين-الألديستيرون يجب عدم إستعمال فالسارتان خلال فترة الحمل 

يجب الإنقطاع عن تناول فالسارتان في أقرب فرصة ممكنة عند حدوث الحمل خلال فترة العلاج بفالسارتان

الرضاعة: من غير المعروف إذا ما كان فالسارتان يطرح في حليب الإنسان. تم طرح فالسارتان في الحليب الفئران المرضعة. لذا لا ينصح بإستعمال فالسارتان في الأمهات المرضعات

:التداخلات الدوائية

لم يعثر على تداخلات دوائية ذات دلالات إكلينيكية. الأدوية التي تمت دراستها في التجارب الإكلينيكية تتضمن: سيميتيدين، وارفارين، فيورسيمايد، ديجوكسين، أتينولول، إندوميثاسين، هايدروكلوروثيازيد، أملوديبين وجليبنكلامايد. - بما أن فالسارتان لا يتم أيضه بكمية ذات أهمية، فإن التداخلات الدوائية ذات الصلة الإكلينيكية P450والتي تكون على شكل تحفيز أيضي أو تثبيط أيضي لنظام سيتوكروم

غير متوقعة مع فالسارتان 

على الرغم من أن فالسارتان يرتبط بشكل قوي ببروتينات البلازما، ولكن الدراسات الزجاجية لم تظهر أية تداخلات على هذا المستوى مع مجموعة من الجزيئات والتي هي أيضاً ترتبط بالبروتينات بشكل قوي مثل ديكلوفيناك، فيورسيمايد ووارفارين

إن الإستعمال المتزامن لمدرات البول الحافظة للبوتاسيوم مثل سبايرونولاكتون، ترايمتيرين وأميلورايد، المكملات التي تحتوي على البوتاسيوم أو البدائل الملحية التي تحتوي على البوتاسيوم، قد تسبب زيادة في البوتاسيوم في المصل وزيادة في كرياتينين المصل في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي. إذا كان من الضروري إستعمال العلاج المتزامن فيوصى بإتخاذ الحيطة والحذر


يمكن تناول أنجينيت مع أو بدون الطعام

:إرتفاع ضغط الدم

إن الجرعة الموصى بها من أنجينيت هي 80 ملغم تؤخذ مرة واحدة يومياً، بغض النظر عن العرق، العمر أو الجنس. في المرضى الذين يعانون من عدم ضبط في ضغط الدم بصورة مناسبة، يمكن زيادة الجرعة إلى 160 ملغم، أو إضافة مدر للبول

لا يطلب تعديل الجرعة للمرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف في الكلى أو ضعف في الكبد لأسباب غير صفراوية بدون ركود الصفراء

يمكن إعطاء أنجينيت أيضاً مع أدوية أخرى خافضة لضغط الدم

:قصور القلب

تبلغ الجرعة الإبتدائية الموصى بها من أنجينيت 40 ملغم مرتين يومياً. تزداد بمعايرة الجرعة لتصل إلى جرعة قصوى مقدارها 80 ملغم أو 160 ملغم مرتين يومياً وذلك حسب إحتمال المريض. يجب الأخذ بعين الإعتبار تقليل جرعة مدر البول والتي تعطى بالتزامن. إن الجرعة القصوى اليومية التي أعطيت في التجارب الإكلينيكية هي 320 ملغم وقد أعطيت على جرعات مقسمة.يجب، عادة، أن يتضمن تقييم المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور قلبي تقييم لوظيفة الكلى. في المرضى الذين لديهم قصور كبدي لطيف ومعتدل بدون ركود الصفراء، يجب ان لا تزيد جرعة فالسارتان عن 80 ملغم. لا يوصى باستخدام أنجينيت في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور كبدي وفي المرضى الذين لديهم ركود الصفراء

:الأعراض الجانبية التي ظهرت بنسبة 1% أو أكثر في العلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان بغض النظر عن الإرتباط السببي

صداع، دوار، إنتانات فيروسية، إنتانات في المجاري التنفسية العليا، سعال، إسهال، تعب، سيلان الأنف، إلتهاب الجيوب، ألم في الظهر، ألم في البطن، غثيان، إلتهاب البلعوم، ألم المفاصل

:أعراض جانبية أخرى بنسبة أقل من 1% تتضمن

وذمة، وهن، نعاس، طفح جلدي، نقصان الشبق، دوار. من غير المعروف إذا ما كانت هذه الأعراض مرتبطة سببياً بالعلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان أم لا

المعلومات ما بعد التسويق أظهرت حالات نادرة من الوذمة الوعائية، الطفح الجلدي، حكة، والتفاعلات فرط الحساسية الأخرى والتي تتضمن داء المصل وإلتهاب الأوعية الدموية.انخفاض في ضغط الدم مع او بدون اعراض مثل دوار وضعف او دوار عند الوقوف.انخفاض وظائف الكلى علامات اضطراب كلوي


نتائج مخبرية: من غير الضروري مراقبة النتائج المخبرية بشكل خاص للمرضى الذين يعالجون بإستعمال فالسارتان.قد يرتبط العلاج بإستعمال فالسارتان، في حالات نادرة، بنقصان في هيموغلوبين الدم ومكداس الدم. تم ملاحظة نقصان في الكريات البيضاء المتعادلة في 1.9% من المرضى الذين عولجوا بإستعمال فالسارتان مقابل %1.6 من المرضى الذين عولجوا بإستعمال مثبط الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين. في دراسات إكلينيكية مضبوطة للمرضى الذين يعانون من إرتفاع ضغط الدم، تم ملاحظة زيادة في كرياتينين المصل، البوتاسيوم والبيلوروبين الكلي بنسبة، على التوالي، 0.8%، 4.4% و6% عند المرضى الذين تم علاجهم بإستعمال

فالسارتان مقابل 1.6%، 6.4% و12.9% في المرضى الين تم علاجهم بإستعمال مثبطات الإنزيم المحول لأنجيوتنسين. تم تسجيل إرتفاعات عرضية في قيم وظائف الكبد في المرضى الذين تم علاجهم بإستعمال فالسارتان

فرط الجرعة: بالرغم من عدم وجود خبرة عن فرط الجرعة لفالسارتان، فإن العرض الرئيسي الذي يمكن توقعه هو إنخفاض ضغط الدم الواضح. إذا كان التناول قد حدث مؤخراً، فإنه يجب تحفيز القيء. وإلا، فإن العلاج المعتاد سيكون التسريب الوريدي لمحلول ملحي عياري

. من غير المتوقع التخلص من فالسارتان بواسطة الديلزة الدموي

يحفظ على درجة حرارة الغرفة لا تتجاوز 30°م

أنجينيت 80: كل قرص مغلف يحتوي على فالسارتان 80 ملغم في عبوات سعة 30 قرصاً

أنجينيت 160: كل قرص مغلف يحتوي على فالسارتان 160 ملغم في عبوات سعة 30 قرصاً

عبوات المستشفيات متوفرة أيضاً

السواغات: ميكروكريستالاين سيلليلوز، ثاني أوكسيد السيليكون الغروي، بوفيدون، ماغنيسيوم ستيريت، اوبادراي تغليف، أوكسيد الحديد الأصفر و أوكسيد الحديد الأحمر


إم إس فارما السعودية
الرياض ، المملكة العربية السعودية .

صنعت بواسطة :  
المتحدة للصناعات الدوائية - الأردن لصالح إم إس فارما – المملكة العربية السعودية  

March,2020 SPM190596
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

ANGINET® 160mg F/C Tablets.

Name of the Ingredient Amount /one Tablet Valsartan 160.00mg Avicel pH 101 131.00mg Cross Povidone 20.00mg Aerosil 200 3.0mg Magnesium Stearate 6.00mg Total 320.0mg Opadry O-YL- 28900 ~ 8.0mg Yellow Iron Oxide Red Iron Oxide

Film Coated Tablets Anginet ®160mg F/C Tablets: Tablet Description: Beige Almond-shape, biconvex film coated tablets, embossed with E03.

ANGINET® is indicated for the treatment of:


Treatment of essential hypertension in adults, and hypertension in children and adolescents 6 to 18 years of age.

Recent myocardial infarction

Treatment of clinically stable adult patients with symptomatic heart failure or asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction after a recent (12 hours- 10 days) myocardial infarction.

Heart failure

Treatment of symptomatic heart failure in adult patients when Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors cannot be used, or as add-on therapy to ACE inhibitors when beta blockers cannot be used.

Route of administration: Orally.



The recommended starting dose of valsartan is 80 mg once daily.

The antihypertensive effect is substantially present within 2 weeks, and maximal effects are attained within 4 weeks. In some patients whose blood pressure is not adequately controlled, the dose can be increased to 160 mg and to a maximum of 320 mg.

Valsartan may also be administered with other antihypertensive agents. The addition of a diuretic such as hydrochlorothiazide will decrease blood pressure even further in these patients.

Recent myocardial infarction

In clinically stable patients, therapy may be initiated as early as 12 hours after a myocardial infarction. After an initial dose of 20 mg twice daily, valsartan should be titrated to 40 mg, 80 mg, and 160 mg twice daily over the next few weeks. The starting dose is provided by the 40 mg divisible tablet.

The target maximum dose is 160 mg twice daily. In general, it is recommended that patients achieve a dose level of 80 mg twice daily by two weeks after treatment initiation and that the target maximum dose, 160 mg twice daily, be achieved by three months, based on the patient's tolerability. If symptomatic hypotension or renal dysfunction occur, consideration should be given to a dose reduction.

Valsartan may be used in patients treated with other post-myocardial infarction therapies, e.g. thrombolytics, acetylsalicylic acid, beta blockers, statins, and diuretics. The combination with ACE inhibitors is not recommended.

Evaluation of post-myocardial infarction patients should always include assessment of renal function.

Heart failure

The recommended starting dose of valsartan is 40 mg twice daily. Uptitration to 80 mg and 160 mg twice daily should be done at intervals of at least two weeks to the highest dose, as tolerated by the patient. Consideration should be given to reducing the dose of concomitant diuretics. The maximum daily dose administered in clinical trials is 320 mg in divided doses.

Valsartan may be administered with other heart failure therapies. However, the triple combination of an ACE inhibitor, a beta blocker and valsartan is not recommended. Evaluation of patients with heart failure should always include assessment of renal function.

Additional information on special populations


No dose adjustment is required in elderly patients.

Renal impairment

No dose adjustment is required for adult patients with a creatinine clearance >10 ml/min.

Hepatic impairment

Valsartan is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and in patients with cholestasis.  In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment without cholestasis, the dose of valsartan should not exceed 80 mg.

Paediatric population

Paediatric hypertension

Children and adolescents 6 to 18 years of age

The initial dose is 40 mg once daily for children weighing below 35 kg and 80 mg once daily for those weighing 35 kg or more. The dose should be adjusted based on blood pressure response. For maximum doses studied in clinical trials please refer to the table below.

Doses higher than those listed have not been studied and are therefore not recommended.


Maximum dose studied in clinical trials

≥18 kg to <35 kg

80 mg

≥35 kg to <80 kg

160 mg

≥80 kg to ≤160 kg

320 mg


Children less than 6 years of age

Available data are described in sections 4.8, 5.1 and 5.2. However safety and efficacy of valsartan in children aged 1 to 6 years have not been established.

Use in paediatric patients aged 6 to 18 years with renal impairment

Use in paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance <30 ml/min and paediatric patients undergoing dialysis has not been studied, therefore valsartan is not recommended in these patients. No dose adjustment is required for paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance >30 ml/min. Renal function and serum potassium should be closely monitored.

Use in paediatric patients aged 6 to 18 years with hepatic impairment

As in adults, valsartan is contraindicated in paediatric patients with severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and in patients with cholestasis. There is limited clinical experience with valsartan in paediatric patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment. The dose of valsartan should not exceed 80 mg in these patients.

Paediatric heart failure and recent myocardial infarction

Valsartan is not recommended for the treatment of heart failure or recent myocardial infarction in children and adolescents below the age of 18 years due to the lack of data on safety and efficacy.


Method of administration

Valsartan may be taken independently of a meal and should be administered with water.

- Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. - Severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and cholestasis. - Second and third trimesters of pregnancy..


Concomitant use with potassium supplements, potassium-sparing diuretics, salt substitutes containing potassium, or other agents that may increase potassium levels (heparin, etc.) is not recommended. Monitoring of potassium should be undertaken as appropriate.

Impaired renal function

There is currently no experience on the safe use in patients with a creatinine clearance <10 ml/min and patients undergoing dialysis, therefore valsartan should be used with caution in these patients. No dose adjustment is required for adult patients with creatinine clearance >10 ml/min.

Hepatic impairment

In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment without cholestasis, valsartan should be used with caution.

Sodium- and/or volume-depleted patients

In severely sodium-depleted and/or volume-depleted patients, such as those receiving high doses of diuretics, symptomatic hypotension may occur in rare cases after initiation of therapy with valsartan. Sodium and/or volume depletion should be corrected before starting treatment with valsartan, for example by reducing the diuretic dose.

Renal artery stenosis

In patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis to a solitary kidney, the safe use of valsartan has not been established.

Short-term administration of valsartan to twelve patients with renovascular hypertension secondary to unilateral renal artery stenosis did not induce any significant changes in renal hemodynamics, serum creatinine, or blood urea nitrogen (BUN). However, other agents that affect the renin-angiotensin system may increase blood urea and serum creatinine in patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis, therefore monitoring of renal function is recommended when patients are treated with valsartan.

Kidney transplantation

There is currently no experience on the safe use of valsartan in patients who have recently undergone kidney transplantation.

Primary hyperaldosteronism

Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism should not be treated with valsartan as their renin-angiotensin system is not activated.

Aortic and mitral valve stenosis, obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

As with all other vasodilators, special caution is indicated in patients suffering from aortic or mitral stenosis, or hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM).


Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (AIIRAs) should not be initiated during pregnancy. Unless continued AIIRA therapy is considered essential, patients planning pregnancy should be changed to alternative anti-hypertensive treatments which have an established safety profile for use in pregnancy. When pregnancy is diagnosed, treatment with AIIRAs should be stopped immediately, and, if appropriate, alternative therapy should be started.

Recent myocardial infarction

The combination of captopril and valsartan has shown no additional clinical benefit, instead the risk for adverse events increased compared to treatment with the respective therapies. Therefore, the combination of valsartan with an ACE inhibitor is not recommended. Caution should be observed when initiating therapy in post-myocardial infarction patients. Evaluation of post-myocardial infarction patients should always include assessment of renal function.

Use of valsartan in post-myocardial infarction patients commonly results in some reduction in blood pressure, but discontinuation of therapy because of continuing symptomatic hypotension is not usually necessary provided dosing instructions are followed.

Heart Failure

In patients with heart failure, the triple combination of an ACE inhibitor, a beta blocker and valsartan has not shown any clinical benefit. This combination apparently increases the risk for adverse events and is therefore not recommended.

Caution should be observed when initiating therapy in patients with heart failure. Evaluation of patients with heart failure should always include assessment of renal function.

Use of valsartan in patients with heart failure commonly results in some reduction in blood pressure, but discontinuation of therapy because of continuing symptomatic hypotension is not usually necessary provided dosing instructions are followed.

In patients whose renal function may depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin system (e.g patients with severe congestive heart failure), treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors has been associated with oliguria and/or progressive azotaemia and in rare cases with acute renal failure and/or death. As valsartan is an angiotensin II antagonist, it cannot be excluded that the use of valsartan may be associated with impairment of the renal function.

Paediatric population

Impaired renal function

Use in paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance <30 ml/min and paediatric patients undergoing dialysis has not been studied, therefore valsartan is not recommended in these patients. No dose adjustment is required for paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance >30 ml/min.  Renal function and serum potassium should be closely monitored during treatment with valsartan. This applies particularly when valsartan is given in the presence of other conditions (fever, dehydration) likely to impair renal function.

Impaired hepatic function

As in adults, valsartan is contraindicated in paediatric patients with severe hepatic impairment, biliary cirrhosis and in patients with cholestasis. There is limited clinical experience with valsartan in paediatric patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment. The dose of valsartan should not exceed 80 mg in these patients.

Warning about excipients:

This medicine contains sorbitol. Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine.

This medicine contains lactose monohydrate. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.

History of angioedema

Angioedema, including swelling of the larynx and glottis, causing airway obstruction and/or swelling of the face, lips, pharynx, and/or tongue has been reported in patients treated with valsartan: some of these patients previously experienced angioedema with other drugs including ACE inhibitors. Valsartan should be immediately discontinued in patients who develop angioedema and valsartan should not be re-administered.

Concomitant use not recommended


Reversible increases in serum lithium concentrations and toxicity have been reported during concurrent use of ACE inhibitors. Due to the lack of experience with concomitant use of valsartan and lithium, this combination is not recommended. If the combination proves necessary, careful monitoring of serum lithium levels is recommended.

Potassium-sparing diuretics, potassium supplements, salt substitutes containing potassium and other substances that may increase potassium levels

If a medicinal product that affects potassium levels is considered necessary in combination with valsartan, monitoring of potassium plasma levels is advised.

Caution required with concomitant use

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), including selective COX-2 inhibitors, acetylsalicylic acid >3 g/day), and non-selective NSAIDs

When angiotensin II antagonists are administered simultaneously with NSAIDs, attenuation of the antihypertensive effect may occur. Furthermore, concomitant use of angiotensin II antagonists and NSAIDs may lead to an increased risk of worsening of renal function and an increase in serum potassium. Therefore, monitoring of renal function at the beginning of the treatment is recommended, as well as adequate hydration of the patient.


In drug interaction studies with valsartan, no interactions of clinical significance have been found with valsartan or any of the following substances: cimetidine, warfarin, furosemide, digoxin, atenolol, indometacin, hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine, glibenclamide.

Paediatric population

In hypertension in children and adolescents, where underlying renal abnormalities are common, caution is recommended with the concomitant use of valsartan and other substances that inhibit the renin angiotensin aldosterone system which may increase serum potassium. Renal function and serum potassium should be closely monitored.


The use of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (AIIRAs) is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy.  The use of AIIRAs is contra-indicated during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

Epidemiological evidence regarding the risk of teratogenicity following exposure to ACE inhibitors during the first trimester of pregnancy has not been conclusive; however, a small increase in risk cannot be excluded. Whilst there is no controlled epidemiological data on the risk with AIIRAs, similar risks may exist for this class of drugs. Unless continued AIIRA therapy is considered essential, patients planning pregnancy should be changed to alternative anti-hypertensive treatments which have an established safety profile for use in pregnancy. When pregnancy is diagnosed, treatment with AIIRAs should be stopped immediately, and, if appropriate, alternative therapy should be started. Exposure to AIIRA therapy during the second and third trimesters is known to induce human fetotoxicity (decreased renal function, oligohydramnios, skull ossification retardation) and neonatal toxicity (renal failure, hypotension, and hyperkalemia). Should exposure to AIIRAs have occurred from the second trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound check of renal function and skull is recommended.

Infants whose mothers have taken AIIRAs should be closely observed for hypotension.


Because no information is available regarding the use of valsartan during breast-feeding, valsartan is not recommended and alternative treatments with better established safety profiles during breast-feeding are preferable, especially while nursing a newborn or preterm infant.


Valsartan had no adverse effects on the reproductive performance of male or female rats at oral doses up to 200 mg/kg/day. This dose is 6 times the maximum recommended human dose on a mg/m2 basis (calculations assume an oral dose of 320 mg/day and a 60-kg patient).

Anginet 160mg F/C Tablets has no studies on the effects on the ability to drive have been performed. When driving vehicles or operating machines it should be taken into account that occasionally dizziness or weariness may occur.

In controlled clinical studies in adult patients with hypertension, the overall incidence of adverse reactions (ADRs) was comparable with placebo and is consistent with the pharmacology of valsartan. The incidence of ADRs did not appear to be related to dose or treatment duration and also showed no association with gender, age or race.

The ADRs reported from clinical studies, post-marketing experience and laboratory findings are listed below according to system organ class.

Adverse reactions are ranked by frequency, the most frequent first, using the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000) very rare (< 1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, adverse reactions are ranked in order of decreasing seriousness.

For all the ADRs reported from post-marketing experience and laboratory findings, it is not possible to apply any ADR frequency and therefore they are mentioned with a "not known" frequency.


Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Not known

Decrease in hemoglobin, decrease in hematocrit, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia

Immune system disorders

Not known

Hypersensitivity including serum sickness

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Not known

Increase of serum potassium, hyponatremia

Ear and labyrinth system disorders



1.3.1 Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) Continued:


Vascular disorders

Not known


Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders


Abdominal pain

Hepato-biliary disorders

Not known

Elevation of liver function values including increase of serum bilirubin

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Not known

Angioedema, rash, pruritis

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Not known


Renal and urinary disorders

Not known

Renal failure and impairment, elevation of serum creatinine

General disorders and administration site conditions



Pediatric population


The antihypertensive effect of valsartan has been evaluated in two randomised, double-blind clinical studies in 561 paediatric patients from 6 to 18 years of age. With the exception of isolated gastrointestinal disorders (like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting) and dizziness, no relevant differences in terms of type, frequency and severity of adverse reactions were identified between the safety profile for paediatric patients aged 6 to 18 years and that previously reported for adult patients.

Neurocognitive and developmental assessment of paediatric patients aged 6 to 16 years of age revealed no overall clinically relevant adverse impact after treatment with valsartan for up to one year.

In a double-blind randomized study in 90 children aged 1 to 6 years, which was followed by a one-year open-label extension, two deaths and isolated cases of marked liver transaminases elevations were observed. These cases occurred in a population who had significant comorbidities. A causal relationship to valsartan has not been established. In a second study in which 75 children aged 1 to 6 years were randomised, no significant liver transaminase elevations or death occurred with valsartan treatment.

Hyperkalemia was more frequently observed in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years with underlying chronic kidney disease.

The safety profile seen in controlled-clinical studies in adult patients with post-myocardial infarction and/or heart failure varies from the overall safety profile seen in hypertensive patients. This may relate to the patients underlying disease. ADRs that occurred in adult patients with post-myocardial infarction and/or heart failure patients are listed below.


Post-myocardial infarction and/or heart failure (studied in adult patients only)

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Not known


Immune system disorders

Not known

Hypersensitivity including serum sickness

Metabolism and nutrition disorders



Not known

Increase of serum potassium, hyponatremia

Nervous system disorders


Dizziness, postural dizziness


Syncope, headache

Ear and labyrinth system disorders



Cardiac disorders


Cardiac failure

Vascular disorders


Hypotension, orthostatic hypotension

Not known


Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders


Nausea, diarrhoea

Hepato-biliary disorders

Not known

Elevation of liver function values

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders



Not known

Rash, pruritus

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Not known


Renal and urinary disorders


Renal failure and impairment


Acute renal failure, elevation of serum creatinine

Not known

Increase in blood urea nitrogen

General disorders and administration site conditions


Asthenia, fatigue


 To report any side effect(s):

·     Saudi Arabia:

-     National Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety Centre (NPC):

·     Fax: +966-11-205-7662

·     Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Ext.: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.

·     Toll free phone : 8002490000

·     E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·     Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

-   Other GCC States:

Please contact the relevant competent authority.


Overdose with valsartan may result in marked hypotension, which could lead to depressed level of consciousness, circulatory collapse and/or shock.


The therapeutic measures depend on the time of ingestion and the type and severity of the symptoms; stabilization of the circulatory condition is of prime importance.

If hypotension occurs, the patient should be placed in a supine position and blood volume correction should be undertaken.

Valsartan is unlikely to be removed by hemodialysis

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Angiotensin II Antagonists, plain, ATC code: C09CA03

Valsartan is an orally active, potent, and specific angiotensin II (Ang II) receptor antagonist. It acts selectively on the AT1 receptor subtype, which is responsible for the known actions of angiotensin II. The increased plasma levels of Ang II following AT1 receptor blockade with valsartan may stimulate the unblocked AT2 receptor, which appears to counterbalance the effect of the AT1 receptor. Valsartan does not exhibit any partial agonist activity at the AT1 receptor and has much (about 20,000 fold) greater affinity for the AT1 receptor than for the AT2 receptor. Valsartan is not known to bind to or block other hormone receptors or ion channels known to be important in cardiovascular regulation.

Valsartan does not inhibit ACE (also known as kininase II) which converts Ang I to Ang II and degrades bradykinin. Since there is no effect on ACE and no potentiation of bradykinin or substance P, angiotensin II antagonists are unlikely to be associated with coughing. In clinical trials where valsartan was compared with an ACE inhibitor, the incidence of dry cough was significantly (p<0.05) less in patients treated with valsartan than in those treated with an ACE inhibitor (2.6% versus 7.9% respectively). In a clinical trial of patients with a history of dry cough during ACE inhibitor therapy, 19.5% of trial subjects receiving valsartan and 19.0% of those receiving a thiazide diuretic experienced cough compared to 68.5% of those treated with an ACE inhibitor (p<0.05).


Administration of valsartan to patients with hypertension results in reduction of blood pressure without affecting pulse rate.

In most patients, after administration of a single oral dose, onset of antihypertensive activity occurs within 2 hours, and the peak reduction of blood pressure is achieved within 4-6 hours. The antihypertensive effect persists over 24 hours after dosing. During repeated dosing, the antihypertensive effect is substantially present within 2 weeks, and maximal effects are attained within 4 weeks and persist during long-term therapy. Combined with hydrochlorothiazide, a significant additional reduction in blood pressure is achieved.

Abrupt withdrawal of valsartan has not been associated with rebound hypertension or other adverse clinical events.

In hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria, valsartan has been shown to reduce the urinary excretion of albumin. The MARVAL (Micro Albuminuria Reduction with Valsartan) study assessed the reduction in urinary albumin excretion (UAE) with valsartan (80-160 mg/od) versus amlodipine (5-10 mg/od), in 332 type 2 diabetic patients (mean age: 58 years; 265 men) with microalbuminuria (valsartan: 58 µg/min; amlodipine: 55.4 µg/min), normal or high blood pressure and with preserved renal function (blood creatinine <120 µmol/l). At 24 weeks, UAE was reduced (p<0.001) by 42% (–24.2 µg/min; 95% CI: –40.4 to –19.1) with valsartan and approximately 3% (–1.7 µg/min; 95% CI: –5.6 to 14.9) with amlodipine despite similar rates of blood pressure reduction in both groups.

The valsartan Reduction of Proteinuria (DROP) study further examined the efficacy of valsartan in reducing UAE in 391 hypertensive patients (BP=150/88 mmHg) with type 2 diabetes, albuminuria (mean=102 µg/min; 20-700 µg/min) and preserved renal function (mean serum creatinine = 80 µmol/l). Patients were randomized to one of 3 doses of valsartan (160, 320 and 640 mg/od) and treated for 30 weeks. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal dose of valsartan for reducing UAE in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes. At 30 weeks, the percentage change in UAE was significantly reduced by

36% from baseline with valsartan 160 mg (95%CI: 22 to 47%), and by 44% with valsartan 320 mg (95%CI: 31 to 54%). It was concluded that 160-320 mg of valsartan produced clinically relevant reductions in UAE in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes.

Recent myocardial infarction

The Valsartan in Acute myocardial infarction trial was a randomised, controlled, multinational, double-blind study in 14,703 patients with acute myocardial infarction and signs, symptoms or radiological evidence of congestive heart failure and/or evidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (manifested as an ejection fraction ≤40% by radionuclide ventriculography or ≤35% by echocardiography or ventricular contrast angiography). Patients were randomised within 12 hours to 10 days after the onset of myocardial infarction symptoms to valsartan, captopril, or the combination of both. The mean treatment duration was two years. The primary endpoint was time to all-cause mortality.

Valsartan was as effective as captopril in reducing all-cause mortality after myocardial infarction. All-cause mortality was similar in the valsartan (19.9%), captopril (19.5%), and valsartan + captopril (19.3%) groups. Combining valsartan with captopril did not add further benefit over captopril alone. There was no difference between valsartan and captopril in all-cause mortality based on age, gender, race, baseline therapies or underlying disease. Valsartan was also effective in prolonging the time to and reducing cardiovascular mortality, hospitalisation for heart failure, recurrent myocardial infarction, resuscitated cardiac arrest, and non-fatal stroke (secondary composite endpoint).

The safety profile of valsartan was consistent with the clinical course of patients treated in the post-myocardial infarction setting. Regarding renal function, doubling of serum creatinine was observed in 4.2% of valsartan-treated patients, 4.8% of valsartan+captopril-treated patients, and 3.4% of captopril-treated patients. Discontinuations due to various types of renal dysfunction occurred in 1.1% of valsartan-treated patients, 1.3% in valsartan+captopril patients, and 0.8% of captopril patients. An assessment of renal function should be included in the evaluation of patient’s post-myocardial infarction. There was no difference in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality or morbidity when beta blockers were administered together with the combination of valsartan + captopril, valsartan alone, or captopril alone. Irrespective of treatment, mortality was lower in the group of patients treated with a beta blocker, suggesting that the known beta blocker benefit in this population was maintained in this trial.

Heart failure

Valsartan was a randomised, controlled, multinational clinical trial of valsartan compared with placebo on morbidity and mortality in 5,010 NYHA class II (62%), III (36%) and IV (2%) heart failure patients receiving usual therapy with LVEF <40% and left ventricular internal diastolic diameter (LVIDD) >2.9 cm/m2. Baseline therapy included ACE inhibitors (93%), diuretics (86%), digoxin (67%) and beta blockers (36%). The mean duration of follow-up was nearly two years. The mean daily dose of valsartan was 254 mg. The study had two primary endpoints: all cause mortality (time to death) and composite mortality and heart failure morbidity (time to first morbid event) defined as death, sudden death with resuscitation, hospitalisation for heart failure, or administration of intravenous inotropic or vasodilator agents for four hours or more without hospitalisation.

All cause mortality was similar (p=NS) in the valsartan (19.7%) and placebo (19.4%) groups. The primary benefit was a 27.5% (95% CI: 17 to 37%) reduction in risk for time to first heart failure hospitalisation (13.9% vs. 18.5%). Results appearing to favour placebo (composite mortality and morbidity was 21.9% in placebo vs. 25.4% in valsartan group) were observed for those patients receiving the triple combination of an ACE inhibitor, a beta blocker and valsartan.

In a subgroup of patients not receiving an ACE inhibitor (n=366), the morbidity benefits were greatest. In this subgroup all-cause mortality was significantly reduced with valsartan compared to placebo by 33% (95% CI: -6% to 58%) (17.3% valsartan vs. 27.1% placebo) and the composite mortality and morbidity risk was significantly reduced by 44% (24.9% valsartan vs. 42.5% placebo).

In patients receiving an ACE inhibitor without a beta-blocker, all cause mortality was similar (p=NS) in the valsartan (21.8%) and placebo (22.5%) groups. Composite mortality and morbidity risk was significantly reduced by 18.3% (95% CI: 8% to 28%) with valsartan compared with placebo (31.0% vs. 36.3%). In the overall Val-HeFT population, valsartan treated patients showed significant improvement in NYHA class, and heart failure signs and symptoms, including dyspnoea, fatigue, oedema and rales compared to placebo. Patients treated with valsartan had a better quality of life as demonstrated by change in the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Quality of Life score from baseline at endpoint than placebo. Ejection fraction in valsartan treated patients was significantly increased and LVIDD significantly reduced from baseline at endpoint compared to placebo.

Paediatric population


The antihypertensive effect of valsartan have been evaluated in four randomized, double-blind clinical studies in 561 paediatric patients from 6 to 18 years of age and 165 paediatric patients 1 to 6 years of age. Renal and urinary disorders, and obesity were the most common underlying medical conditions potentially contributing to hypertension in the children enrolled in these studies.

Clinical experience in children at or above 6 years of age

In a clinical study involving 261 hypertensive paediatric patients 6 to 16 years of age, patients who weighed <35 kg received 10, 40 or 80 mg of valsartan tablets daily (low, medium and high doses), and patients who weighed >35 kg received 20, 80, and 160 mg of valsartan tablets daily (low, medium and high doses). At the end of 2 weeks, valsartan reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner. Overall, the three dose levels of valsartan (low, medium and high) significantly reduced systolic blood pressure by 8, 10, 12 mm Hg from the baseline, respectively. Patients were re-randomized to either continue receiving the same dose of valsartan or were switched to placebo. In patients who continued to receive the medium and high doses of valsartan, systolic blood pressure at trough was -4 and -7 mm Hg lower than patients who received the placebo treatment. In patients receiving the low dose of valsartan, systolic blood pressure at trough was similar to that of patients who received the placebo treatment. Overall, the dose-dependent antihypertensive effect of valsartan was consistent across all the demographic subgroups.

In another clinical study involving 300 hypertensive paediatric patients 6 to 18 years of age, eligible patients were randomized to receive valsartan or enalapril tablets for 12 weeks. Children weighing between >18 kg and <35 kg received valsartan 80 mg or enalapril 10 mg; those between >35 kg and <80 kg received valsartan 160 mg or enalapril 20 mg; those >80 kg received valsartan 320 mg or enalapril 40 mg. Reductions in systolic blood pressure were comparable in patients receiving valsartan (15 mmHg) and enalapril (14 mm Hg) (non-inferiority p-value <0.0001). Consistent results were observed for diastolic blood pressure with reductions of 9.1 mmHg and 8.5 mmHg with valsartan and enalapril, respectively.

Clinical experience in children less than 6 years of age

Two clinical studies were conducted in patients aged 1 to 6 years with 90 and 75 patients, respectively. No children below the age of 1 year were enrolled in these studies. In the first study, the efficacy of valsartan was confirmed compared to placebo but a dose-response could not be demonstrated. In the second study, higher doses of valsartan were associated with greater BP reductions, but the dose response trend did not achieve statistical significance and the treatment difference compared to placebo was not significant. Because of these inconsistencies, valsartan is not recommended in this age group.

The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with valsartan in all subsets of the paediatric population in heart failure and heart failure after recent myocardial infarction.


Following oral administration of valsartan alone, peak plasma concentrations of valsartan are reached in 2–4 hours. Mean absolute bioavailability is 23%. Food decreases exposure (as measured by AUC) to valsartan by about 40% and peak plasma concentration (Cmax) by about 50%, although from about 8 h post dosing plasma valsartan concentrations are similar for the fed and fasted groups. This reduction in AUC is not, however, accompanied by a clinically significant reduction in the therapeutic effect, and valsartan can therefore be given either with or without food.


The steady-state volume of distribution of valsartan after intravenous administration is about 17 liters, indicating that valsartan does not distribute into tissues extensively. Valsartan is highly bound to serum proteins (94-97%), mainly serum albumin.


Valsartan is not biotransformed to a high extent as only about 20% of dose is recovered as metabolites. A hydroxy metabolite has been identified in plasma at low concentrations (less than 10% of the valsartan AUC). This metabolite is pharmacologically inactive.


Valsartan shows multiexponential decay kinetics (t½α <1 h and t½ß about 9 h). Valsartan is primarily eliminated by biliary excretion in faeces (about 83% of dose) and renally in urine (about 13% of dose), mainly as unchanged drug. Following intravenous administration, plasma clearance of valsartan is about 2 l/h and its renal clearance is 0.62 l/h (about 30% of total clearance). The half-life of valsartan is 6 hours.

In Heart failure patients:

The average time to peak concentration and elimination half-life of valsartan in heart failure patients are similar to that observed in healthy volunteers. AUC and Cmax values of valsartan are almost proportional with increasing dose over the clinical dosing range (40 to 160 mg twice a day). The average accumulation factor is about 1.7. The apparent clearance of valsartan following oral administration is approximately 4.5 l/h. Age does not affect the apparent clearance in heart failure patients.

Special populations


A somewhat higher systemic exposure to valsartan was observed in some elderly subjects than in young subjects; however, this has not been shown to have any clinical significance.

Impaired renal function

As expected for a compound where renal clearance accounts for only 30% of total plasma clearance, no correlation was seen between renal function and systemic exposure to valsartan. Dose adjustment is therefore not required in patients with renal impairment (creatinine clearance >10 ml/min). There is currently no experience on the safe use in patients with a creatinine clearance <10 ml/min and patients undergoing dialysis, therefore valsartan should be used with caution in these patients. Valsartan is highly bound to plasma protein and is unlikely to be removed by dialysis.

Hepatic impairment

Approximately 70% of the dose absorbed is eliminated in the bile, essentially in the unchanged form. Valsartan does not undergo any noteworthy biotransformation. A doubling of exposure (AUC) was observed in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment compared to healthy subjects. However, no correlation was observed between plasma valsartan concentrations versus degree of hepatic dysfunction. Valsartan has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic dysfunction.

Pediatric population

In a study of 26 paediatric hypertensive patients (aged 1 to 16 years) given a single dose of a suspension of valsartan (mean: 0.9 to 2 mg/kg, with a maximum dose of 80 mg), the clearance (liters/h/kg) of valsartan was comparable across the age range of 1 to 16 years and similar to that of adults receiving the same formulation.

Impaired renal function

Use in paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance <30 ml/min and paediatric patients undergoing dialysis has not been studied, therefore valsartan is not recommended in these patients. No dose adjustment is required for paediatric patients with a creatinine clearance >30 ml/min. Renal function and serum potassium should be closely monitored.

Not Applicable

Ø  Avicel PH 101

Ø  Cross Povidone

Ø  Aerosil 200

Ø  Magnesium Stearate

Ø  Opadry O-YL-28900

Ø  Yellow Iron Oxide

Ø  Red Iron Oxide

Not Applicable

3 Years.

Store in controlled room not above 30°C.

Packed in Aluminum /Aluminum blisters, in carton box with a folded leaflet


 Pack Size:

30 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 3 blisters/pack”.

100 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 10 blisters/pack”.

500 F/C Tablets “10tablets/blister, 50 blisters/pack”.

Any unused product or waste should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

MS Pharma-Saudi Almuraba Area Prince Abdulaziz bin Musaid bin Jalawi Street Mansour Alrusais Building - F1 Riyadh-KSA Tel: 00966114010606 Fax: 00966114010606 E-mail: Albaraa.bahhari@mspharma.com

Sep., 2012

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