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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Wellbutrin belongs to a group of medicines called anti-depressants. It is used to treat depression.

Wellbutrin works by affecting two chemicals in the brain that are believed to help regulate your mood (dopamine and noradrenaline).

Don’t take Wellbutrin XL

Ÿ  if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to bupropion, or any of the other ingredients in Wellbutrin XL (listed in Section 6)

Ÿ  if you have a condition that causes fits, such as epilepsy

Ÿ  if you are usually a heavy drinker and you have just stopped drinking alcohol, or are going to stop while you’re taking Wellbutrin XL

Ÿ  if you have recently stopped taking sedatives, or if you are going to stop them while you’re taking Wellbutrin XL

Ÿ  if you are taking any other medicines which contain bupropion (such as Wellbutrin XL, to stop smoking)

Ÿ  if you have an eating disorder, or had one in the past (for example, bulimia or anorexia nervosa)

Ÿ  if you are taking other medicines for depression or Parkinson’s disease called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), or have taken them in the last 14 days

Ÿ   If you have a condition called Brugada syndrome (a rare hereditary syndrome that affects the heart rhythm) or if cardiac arrest or sudden death occurred in your family.


è   If any of these applies to you, don’t take Wellbutrin XL until you have checked with your doctor

Take special care with Wellbutrin XL

Wellbutrin XL is not recommended for people under 18 years because it has not been adequately studied in these patients. When people aged under 18 years take anti-depressants, they have a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour.

Your doctor needs to know certain information before you start taking Wellbutrin XL. This is because some conditions make it more likely that you will have side effects (see also ‘Possible side effects’ in Section 4). If any of these conditions applies to you, your doctor will monitor you more closely while you are taking Wellbutrin XL, or recommend another treatment.

Fits (seizures)

Wellbutrin XL has been shown to cause fits (seizures) in about 1 in 1000 people (see also ‘Taking other medicines’ in this section and ‘Possible side effects’ in Section 4).

Fits are more likely:

Ÿ  if you regularly drink a lot of alcohol

Ÿ  if you regularly take sedatives

Ÿ  if you have diabetes

Ÿ  if you take stimulants or other medicines to control your weight or appetite

Ÿ  if you have a brain tumour

Ÿ  if you have a history of fits

Ÿ  if you have ever had a serious head injury

Ÿ  if you take medicines that are known to increase the chance of having a fit

If you have a fit during treatment:

è   Stop taking Wellbutrin XL and don’t take any more. Contact your doctor for advice.

Bipolar disorder (extreme mood swings)

If you have bipolar disorder, Wellbutrin XL could bring on an episode of this illness.

è   Contact your doctor for advice if this happens to you.

You may have more risk of side effects:

Ÿ  if you have kidney or liver problems

Ÿ  if you are aged over 65

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if either of these applies to you. You may need to take a lower dosage and be checked more closely while you are taking Wellbutrin XL (see ‘How to take Wellbutrin XL’ in Section 3).

Thoughts of suicide or worsening of your condition

People who are depressed can sometimes have thoughts of harming or killing themselves. These thoughts may be increased when first starting anti-depressants. These medicines all take time to have their full effect - sometimes weeks.

You may be more likely to think like this:

Ÿ  if you have previously had thoughts about harming or killing yourself

Ÿ  if you are under 25 years old

If you have thoughts of harming or killing yourself at any time:

è   Contact your doctor or go to a hospital straight away

You may find it helpful to tell a relative or close friend that you are depressed, and ask them to read this leaflet. You might ask them to tell you if they think your depression is getting worse, or if they are worried about changes in your behaviour.

High blood pressure and Wellbutrin XL

Some people taking Wellbutrin XL have a rise in blood pressure which needs treatment. If you already have high blood pressure, it can become worse. This is more likely if you’re using nicotine patches to help you stop smoking.

è Tell your doctor if you have a history of high blood pressure

Other medicines and Wellbutrin XL

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any other medicines, if you’ve taken any recently, or if you start taking new ones, including medicines you bought without a prescription.

There may be a higher than usual risk of fits if you take (see also ‘Fits (seizures)’ earlier in this section): 

Ÿ  stimulants or other medicines to control your weight or appetite

Ÿ  medicines for diabetes.

è   If you take any medicines in this list, talk to your doctor straight away, before you take Wellbutrin XL

There may be a higher than usual risk of other side effects or other problems if you take (see also ‘Don’t take Wellbutrin XL’ in Section 2):

Ÿ  other medicines for depression or other mental health problems  (such as desipramine or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs))

Ÿ  medicines for Parkinson’s disease (such as levodopa, amantadine or orphenadrine)

Ÿ  carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, to treat epilepsy or some mental health problems

Ÿ  some medicines used to treat cancer (such as cyclophosphamide, ifosphamide or tamoxifen)

Ÿ  ticlopidine or clopidogrel, mainly used to treat heart disease or stroke

Ÿ  some beta blockers, mainly used to treat high blood pressure

Ÿ  some medicines for irregular heart rhythm

Ÿ  ritonavir or efavirenz, medicines to treat HIV infection

Ÿ  nicotine replacement patches (see ‘High blood pressure and Wellbutrin XL’ in section 2)

è   Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of these.

Alcohol and Wellbutrin XL

Some people find they are more sensitive to alcohol while taking Wellbutrin XL. Your doctor may suggest you don’t drink alcohol while you’re taking Wellbutrin XL, or try to drink as little as possible.

Laboratory tests 

Wellbutrin XL may interfere with some laboratory tests to detect other drugs. If you require a laboratory test, tell your doctor or hospital that you are taking Wellbutrin XL.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding 

If you are pregnant, or think you could be, or if you are planning to become pregnant don’t take Wellbutrin XL without checking with your doctor. Your doctor will consider the benefit to you and the risk to your baby of taking Wellbutrin XL while you're pregnant.  Some, but not all studies have reported an increase in the risk of birth defects, particularly heart defects, in babies whose mothers were taking Wellbutrin XL. It is not known if these are due to the use of Wellbutrin XL. 

Breast feeding is not recommended during treatment with Wellbutrin XL. The ingredients can pass into your breast milk, and so may harm your baby. Talk to your doctor about this.

Driving and using machines 

Wellbutrin XL may affect your ability to drive and use machines.

è  Don’t drive or use machines unless you are sure you’re not affected

Always take Wellbutrin XL exactly as your doctor has told you to. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

How much to take 

The usual starting dose is one 150 mg tablet once a day.

Your doctor may increase your dose to 300 mg once a day if your depression does not improve after several weeks. If there is still no improvement after several more weeks, your dose may be increased to a maximum of 450 mg once a day.

Take your dose of Wellbutrin XL in the morning. Leave at least 24 hours between doses. Don't take Wellbutrin XL more than once each day.

The tablet is covered by a shell that slowly releases medicine inside your body. You may notice something in your stool that looks like a tablet. This is normal. This is the empty shell passing from your body.

Some people may need to take a lower dose of Wellbutrin XL to reduce the risk of side effects:

Ÿ  if you are aged over 65

Ÿ  if you have liver or kidney disease

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if either of these applies to you.

How to take your tablets 

Swallow your Wellbutrin XL tablets whole. Don’t chew, crush or split them — if you do, the medicine will be released into your body too quickly. This will make you more likely to have side effects, including fits.

How long to take Wellbutrin XL for 

Don’t take any more Wellbutrin XL than your doctor has recommended. It takes time for the medicine to have its full effect, sometimes weeks.

Talk to your doctor regularly to decide how long you should carry on taking Wellbutrin XL. When you feel better, your doctor may advise you to keep taking it to stop your depression coming back.

If you forget to take Wellbutrin XL 

Don’t take extra tablets to make up for a missed dose. Just take your next tablet at the usual time.

If you take too much Wellbutrin XL

Don’t take more tablets than your doctor has recommended. If you take too many tablets of Wellbutrin XL, you may be more likely to have side effects, including fits.

è    Don’t delay. Contact your doctor or your nearest hospital emergency department immediately. If possible, show them the Wellbutrin XL pack.

Don’t stop Wellbutrin XL without advice 

Don’t stop taking Wellbutrin XL unless your doctor tells you to.

Like all medicines, Wellbutrin XL can cause side effects, but not everyone gets them.

Fits (seizures)

Fits may occur in approximately 1 in every 1000 people taking Wellbutrin XL.

Symptoms of a fit include convulsions, and usually loss of consciousness. Someone who has had a fit may be confused afterwards, and may not remember what has happened.

Fits are more likely if you take too much Wellbutrin XL, if you take some other medicines, or if you are at higher than usual risk of fits (see ‘Take special care with Wellbutrin XL’ in Section 2).

è   If you have a fit, don’t take any more Wellbutrin XL tablets. Contact your doctor when you have recovered.

Severe allergic reactions

Very rarely (up to 1 in 10000) people may have potentially serious allergic reactions to Wellbutrin XL. Signs of allergic reactions include:

Ÿ  skin rash which may blister, and looks like small targets (central dark spots surrounded by a paler area, with a dark ring around the edge – erythema multiforme)

Ÿ  a widespread rash with blisters and peeling skin, particularly around the mouth, nose, eyes and genitals (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)

Ÿ  unusual wheezing, or difficulty in breathing

Ÿ  swollen eyelids, lips or tongue

Ÿ  pains in muscles or joints

Ÿ  collapse or blackout

è   If you have any signs of an allergic reaction, don’t take any more Wellbutrin XL tablets. Contact your doctor immediately

Lupus skin rash or worsening of lupus symptoms

Lupus is an immune system disorder affecting the skin and other organs. Very rarely (up to 1 in 10,000) people may experience lupus skin rash or worsening of lupus symptoms while taking Wellbutrin XL. Symptoms include:

Ÿ  lupus flares

Ÿ  skin rash or lesions (particularly on sun-exposed areas)

è   If you experience lupus skin rash or worsening of lupus symptoms contact your doctor straight away, as it might be necessary to stop the treatment.

Very common side effects 

These may affect more than 1 in 10 people:

Ÿ  difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)

Ÿ  headache, dry mouth

Ÿ  feeling sick (nausea), being sick (vomiting)

Common side effects 

These may affect up to 1 in 10 people:

Ÿ  fever, dizziness, sweating, skin rash (sometimes due to an allergic reaction), itching

Ÿ  feeling shaky (tremor), feeling weak, chest pain

Ÿ  feeling anxious or agitated, stomach pain, constipation, changes in the taste of food, loss of appetite (anorexia)

Ÿ  increase in blood pressure (sometimes severe), flushing

Ÿ  persistent noise in the ears (tinnitus), visual disturbances

 Uncommon side effects 

These may affect up to 1 in 100 people:

Ÿ  feeling depressed (see also ‘Take special care with Wellbutrin XL’ in Section 2)

Ÿ  feeling confused

Ÿ  difficulty concentrating

Ÿ  rapid heartbeat

Ÿ  weight loss

Rare side effects 

These may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people:

Ÿ  fits (see the beginning of this section)

Very rare side effects 

These may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people:

Ÿ  severe allergic reactions (see the beginning of this section)

Ÿ  lupus skin rash or worsening of lupus symptoms (see the beginning of this section)

Ÿ  rash with pus filled pimples/blisters (acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis)

Ÿ  feeling aggressive, hostile, irritable or restless, strange dreams

Ÿ  seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations), feeling unreal or strange (depersonalisation), sensing or believing things that are not true (delusions), severe suspiciousness (paranoia), feeling of panic (panic attack)

Ÿ  loss of memory

Ÿ  twitching, uncontrollable muscle spasms, uncontrolled movements, problems with walking or coordination (ataxia)

Ÿ  stuttering

Ÿ  tingling or numbness

Ÿ  fainting, feeling faint when you stand up suddenly, because your blood pressure falls

Ÿ  fast or irregular heartbeats (palpitations)

Ÿ  urinating (passing water) more or less than usual

Ÿ  urinary incontinence (involuntary urination, leakage of urine)

Ÿ  your skin or the whites of your eyes turning yellow (jaundice), inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)

Ÿ  widening of blood vessels (vasodilatation).


Very rare side effects which may show up in blood tests:

Ÿ  increase in levels of liver enzymes

Ÿ  changes in blood sugar levels

Ÿ  decrease in blood sodium (hyponatraemia)


è Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the side effects becomes severe or troublesome, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet

·         Keep out of the reach and sight of children

·         Do not use Wellbutrin after the expiry date which is stated on the pack. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month

·         Store Wellbutrin in dry place at below 25°C

·         Store in the original package in order to protect from humidity and light

·         The bottle contains a small sealed canister containing charcoal and silica gel, to keep the tablets dry. Keep the canister in the bottle. Don’t swallow it

·         Don’t dispose of medicines in wastewater or household waste.  Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. This will help to protect the environment

The active substance is bupropion hydrochloride. Wellbutrin tablets come in different strengths.

Each tablet of Wellbutrin contains either:

150 or 300 mg bupropion hydrochloride


The other ingredients are:

Tablet Core

Polyvinyl alcohol

Glyceryl behenate


Tablet Coat

Ethyl cellulose 100

Polyethylene glycol 1450


Methacrylic acid copolymer dispersion (Eudragit L30 D-55)

Silicon dioxide

Triethyl citrate

Edible black ink (for printing)

White opaque high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles containing a combination charcoal/silica gel desiccant canister and closed with a child-resistant closure that includes an induction heat seal membrane. 150 mg: 30 tablets 300 mg: 30 tablets Not all presentations are available in every country. WELLBUTRIN XL is a trademark owned by or licensed the GSK group of companies. © 2023 GSK group of companies. All Rights Reserved.

Manufactured by:

Bausch Health Companies Inc.

Manufacturing Division, 100 Life Sciences Parkway, Steinbach, MB, Canada R5G 1Z7


Packed by:

Glaxo Wellcome S.A.*, Aranda, Spain

Marketing Authorization Holder:

Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd.*, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

*member of GSK group of companies


For any information about this medicinal product, please contact:

-GSK - Head Office, Jeddah

·       Tel: +966-12-6536666

·       Mobile : +966-56-904-9882

·       Email : gcc.medinfo@gsk.com

·       Website: https://gskpro.com/en-sa/

·       P.O. Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia.

GDS Version Number: GDS33 Date of issue: 9 November 2022
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي ويلبيترين أكس أل إلى مجموعة من الأدوية يُطلق عليها مضادات الاكتئاب. فهو يستخدم لعلاج الاكتئاب.

يعمل ويلبيترين أكس أل  عن طريق التأثير على مادتين كيميائيتين في الدماغ يُعتقد أنهما تساعدان على تنظيم الحالة المزاجية (الدوبامين والنورادرينالين).

لا تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل  

Ÿ     في حالة وجود حساسية (فرط الحساسية) لبوپروپيون، أو أي من المكونات الأخرى في ويلبيترين أكس أل (المدرجة في القسم 6)

Ÿ     إذا كنت مصابًا بحالة تسبب نوبات، مثل الصرع

Ÿ     إذا كنت معتادًا على الإفراط في الشراب وتوقفت لتوِّك عن شرب الكحوليات أو تنوي التوقف أثناء تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل

Ÿ     إذا كنت قد توقفت مؤخرًا عن تناول المهدئات، أو تنوي التوقف عن تناولها أثناء تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل

Ÿ     إذا كنت تتناول أي أدوية أخرى تحتوي على بوپروپيون (مثل ويلبيترين أكس أل، للإقلاع عن التدخين)

Ÿ     إذا كنت تعاني من اضطرابات في الأكل، أو كنت تعاني من أي منها فيما مضى (على سبيل المثال، النهام العصبي أو فقدان الشهية العصبي)

Ÿ     إذا كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى لعلاج الاكتئاب أو مرض باركنسون تسمى ‏‫مثبطات أوكسيديز أحادي الأمين ( MAOI) ، أو تناولتها خلال آخر 14 يومًا

Ÿ     متلازمة بروغادا

إذا كنت تعاني من حالة تسمى متلازمة بروغادا (متلازمة وراثية نادرة تؤثر على النظم القلبي) أو في حالة وجود تاريخ عائلي للسكتة

القلبية أو الموت المفاجئ.

ç         إذا كانت أي حالة من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك، فلا تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل إلا بعد استشارة الطبيب

توخَ الحذر البالغ عند استعمال ويلبيترين أكس أل  

لا يُنصح بتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل للأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا، حيث لم تتم دراسته بشكلٍ كافٍ على هذه الفئة من المرضى. عندما يتناول الأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا العقاقير المضادة للاكتئاب، تزيد لديهم خطورة ظهور ميول وسلوك انتحاري.

يحتاج طبيبك إلى معرفة معلومات معينة قبل البدء في تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل. وذلك لأن بعض الحالات تزيد من احتمالية ظهور آثار جانبية (انظر أيضًا "الآثار الجانبية المحتملة" في القسم 4). إذا كانت أي حالة من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك، فسوف يتابعك طبيبك عن كثب وأنت تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل ، أو يوصي بعلاج آخر.

النوبات (التشنجات)

لقد ثبت أن ويلبيترين أكس أل يسبب نوبات (تشنجات) لشخص واحد بين كل 1000 شخص (انظر أيضًا "تناول الأدوية الأخرى" في هذا القسم و"الآثار الجانبية المحتملة" في القسم 4).

يكون من الأرجح ظهور النوبات:

Ÿ     إذا كنت معتادًا على شرب الكثير من الكحوليات

Ÿ     إذا كنت معتادًا على تناول المهدئات

Ÿ     إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض السكري

Ÿ     إذا كنت تتناول منشطات أو أدوية أخرى للتحكم في وزنك أو شهيتك

Ÿ     إذا كنت مصابًا بورم في المخ

Ÿ     إذا كان لديك تاريخ مرضي من الإصابة بالنوبات

Ÿ     إذا تعرضت في أي وقت لإصابة خطيرة في الرأس

Ÿ     إذا كنت تتناول أدوية تُعرف بتسببها في زيادة فرص حدوث النوبات

إذا تعرضت لنوبة أثناء العلاج:

ç         توقف عن تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل ولا تتناول المزيد منه. اتصل بطبيبك للحصول على مشورة.

الاضطراب ثنائي القطب (التقلبات المزاجية الشديدة)

إذا كنت مصابًا بالاضطراب ثنائي القطب، يمكن أن يؤدي ويلبيترين أكس أل إلى حدوث نوبة من هذا المرض.

ç         اتصل بطبيبك للحصول على مشورة إذا تعرضت لهذا الأمر.

قد تتعرض لزيادة مخاطر الإصابة بالآثار الجانبية:

Ÿ     إذا كنت تعاني من مشكلات في الكلى أو الكبد

Ÿ     إذا كان عمرك يزيد عن 65 عامًا

أبلغ الطبيب أو الصيدلاني إذا كانت أي من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك. قد تحتاج إلى تناول جرعة أقل والخضوع لمتابعة وفحص عن كثب أكبر أثناء تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل (انظر "كيفية تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل " في القسم 3).

الأفكار الانتحارية أو تفاقم حالتك

يمكن أن تراود الأشخاص المصابين بالاكتئاب في بعض الأحيان أفكار بإيذاء أنفسهم أو بالانتحار. ويمكن أن تزيد هذه الأفكار عند بدء العلاج بالعقاقير المضادة للاكتئاب لأول مرة. وتستغرق هذه الأدوية وقتًا حتى يظهر تأثيرها بالكامل، وقد يستغرق ذلك أسابيع أحيانًا.

يكون من الأرجح أن تفكر بهذا الشكل:

Ÿ     إذا راودتك أفكار فيما سبق بإيذاء نفسك أو بالانتحار

Ÿ     إذا كان عمرك أقل من 25 عامًا

إذا راودتك أفكار في أي وقت بإيذاء نفسك أو بالانتحار:

ç         اتصل بطبيبك أو اذهب إلى المستشفى على الفور

قد تجد أنه من المفيد أن تخبر أحد أقاربك أو أصدقائك المقربين أنك مكتئب، وتطلب منهم قراءة هذه النشرة. ويمكن أن تطلب منهم أن يخبروك إذا شعروا أن حالة الاكتئاب تزداد سوءًا لديك، أو إذا شعروا بالقلق من التغيرات التي طرأت على سلوكياتك.

ارتفاع ضغط الدم وويلبيترين أكس أل

يصاب بعض الأشخاص الذين يتناولون ويلبيترين أكس أل بارتفاع في ضغط الدم، مما يستلزم علاجًا. إذا كنت تعاني بالفعل من ارتفاع في ضغط الدم، يمكن أن تزداد الحالة سوءًا. ومن الأرجح أن يحدث هذا إذا كنت تستخدم لصقات النيكوتين لمساعدتك على الإقلاع عن التدخين.

ç         أخبر طبيبك إذا كان لديك تاريخ مرضي من ارتفاع ضغط الدم

الأدوية الأخرى وويلبيترين أكس أل 

قم بإبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلاني إذا كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى، أو تناولت بعض الأدوية مؤخرًا أو عند بدء تناول أدوية جديدة، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي يمكن شراؤها دون وصفة طبية.

قد تكون هناك خطورة أكبر من المعتاد لحدوث نوبات إذا كنت تتناول (انظر أيضًا "النوبات (التشنجات)" سابقًا في
هذا القسم): 

Ÿ     منشطات أو أدوية أخرى للتحكم في وزنك أو شهيتك

Ÿ     أدوية مرض السكري.

ç         إذا كنت تتناول أي من الأدوية المدرجة بهذه القائمة، تحدث إلى طبيبك فورًا، قبل تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل

قد تكون هناك خطورة أكبر من المعتاد لحدوث آثار جانبية أخرى أو مشكلات أخرى إذا كنت تتناول (انظر أيضًا "لا تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل " في القسم 2):

Ÿ     أدوية أخرى لعلاج الاكتئاب أو مشاكل صحية نفسية أخرى )مثل ديسيبرامين أو مثبطات استرداد السيروتونين الانتقائية(SSRI) )

Ÿ     أدوية لعلاج مرض باركنسون (مثل ليفودوبا، أمانتادين أو أورفينادرين)

Ÿ     كاربامازيبين أو فينوباربيتال أو فينيتوين لعلاج الصرع أو لعلاج بعض المشكلات المتعلقة بالصحة النفسية

Ÿ     بعض الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج السرطان (مثل سيكلوفوسفاميد أو إيفوسفاميد أو تاموكسيفين)

Ÿ     تيكلوبيدين أو كلوبيدوجريل، المستخدم في الأساس لعلاج أمراض القلب أو السكتة الدماغية

Ÿ     بعض محصرات بيتا، والمستخدمة في الأساس لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم

Ÿ     بعض الأدوية لعلاج عدم انتظام ضربات القلب

Ÿ     ريتونافير أو إيفافيرينز، وهي الأدوية المستخدمة في علاج الإصابة بفيروس نقص المناعة

Ÿ     لصقات معالجة النيكوتين بالإعاضة (راجع "ارتفاع ضغط الدم وويلبيترين أكس أل " في القسم 2)

ç         ينبغي إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلاني إذا كنت تتناول أي من هذه الأدوية

الكحوليات وويلبيترين أكس أل  

يجد بعض الناس أنفسهم أكثر حساسية للكحوليات عند تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل. قد يقترح طبيبك ألا تشرب الكحوليات أثناء تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل أو أن تحاول تقليل الكمية قدر الإمكان.

الفحوصات المخبرية 

قد يتعارض ويلبيترين أكس أل مع بعض الفحوصات المخبرية الخاصة بالكشف عن الأدوية الأخرى. إذا كنت في حاجة إلى فحص مخبري، أخبر الطبيب أو المستشفى بأنك تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية 

إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو تظنين أنكِ حامل، أو كنتِ تنوين الحمل، لا تتناولي ويلبيترين أكس أل دون استشارة الطبيب. سوف يقدّر الطبيب الفائدة التي تعود عليكِ مقارنةً بالخطر الذي قد يهدد الجنين عند تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل أثناء الحمل. أفادت بعض الدراسات، وليس جميعها، بزيادة خطورة حدوث تشوهات خلقية، وخاصةً تشوهات القلب، في الأطفال الذين كانت أمهاتهم يتناولن ويلبيترين أكس أل. ومن غير المعروف ما إذا كان ذلك نتيجة لاستخدام ويلبيترين أكس أل.

لا يُنصح بالرضاعة الطبيعية أثناء العلاج بويلبيترين أكس أل. فقد تنتقل مكونات الدواء إلى لبن الأم، ومن ثَم تضر طفلك. تحدثي إلى طبيبِك في هذا الشأن.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات 

قد يؤثر ويلبيترين أكس أل على قدرتك على القيادة واستخدام الآلات.

ç         تجنب القيادة أو استخدام الأجهزة ما لم تتأكد من عدم تأثرك


ينبغي تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل دائمًا وفقًا للجرعة التي حددها الطبيب. ويجب استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلاني في حالة الشك بشأن طريقة استعماله على الوجه الصحيح.


الجرعة الأولية المعتادة هي قرص واحد 150 ملجم مرة واحدة يوميًا.

قد يزيد طبيبك الجرعة إلى 300 ملجم مرة واحدة يوميًا إذا لم يتحسن الاكتئاب بعد عدة أسابيع. إذا استمر عدم التحسن لعدة أسابيع أخرى، يمكن أن يتم زيادة الجرعة إلى 450 ملجم مرة واحدة يوميًا.

تناول جرعة ويلبيترين أكس أل في الصباح. يجب أن تكون الفترة بين الجرعات 24 ساعة على الأقل. لا تتناول ويلبيترين أكس أل أكثر من مرة واحدة في اليوم.

يغطي القرص غلاف يفرغ الدواء ببطء داخل جسمك. ربما تلاحظ شيئًا في البراز يبدو وكأنه قرص. هذا الأمر عادي. فهذا هو الغلاف الفارغ يخرج من جسمك.

قد يحتاج بعض الأشخاص إلى تناول جرعة أقل من ويلبيترين أكس أل للحد من خطر الإصابة بالآثار الجانبية:

Ÿ     إذا كان عمرك يزيد عن 65 عامًا

Ÿ     إذا كنت مصابًا بأمراض الكبد أو الكلى

أبلغ الطبيب أو الصيدلاني إذا كانت أي من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك.

طريقة تناول الأقراص

ابتلع أقراص ويلبيترين أكس أل كاملةً. لا تمضغها أو تسحقها أو تقسمها - فإذا قمت بذلك، سوف يتم إفراغ الدواء في جسمك بسرعة كبيرة جدًا. وهذا يجعلك أكثر عرضة لحدوث آثار جانبية، مثل النوبات.

مدة تناول ويلبيترين

لا تتناول جرعات ويلبيترين أكس أل لمدة تزيد عن المدة التي أوصى بها الطبيب. يستغرق الأمر وقتًا حتى يظهر تأثير الدواء بالكامل، وقد يستغرق ذلك أسابيع أحيانًا.

تحدث مع طبيبك باستمرار لتحديد مدة استمرارك في تناول ويلبيترين. عندما تشعر بالتحسن، قد ينصحك طبيبك أن تستمر في العلاج حتى لا يعود إليك الاكتئاب مرة أخرى.

في حالة نسيان تناول ويلبيترين

لا تتناول أقراصًا إضافية لتعويض الجرعة التي فاتتك. فقط تناول القرص التالي في الموعد المعتاد.

في حالة تناول جرعة زائدة من ويلبيترين

لا تتناول أقراصًا أكثر مما أوصى به الطبيب. فإذا تناولت أقراصًا زائدة عن الجرعة المحددة من ويلبيترين، قد تصبح أكثر عرضة لحدوث آثار جانبية، مثل النوبات.

ç         لا تتأخر. اتصل بالطبيب أو قسم الطوارئ بأقرب مستشفى على الفور. ويُفضل أن تريهم عبوة ويلبيترين أكس أل
إن أمكن.

لا تتوقف عن تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل دون استشارة الطبيب المختص

لا تتوقف عن تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل ما لم ينصحك الطبيب بهذا.

كما يحدث في جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يتسبب ويلبيترين أكس أل في حدوث بعض الآثار الجانبية، لكن ليس بالضرورة أن يصاب جميع الأشخاص بهذه الأعراض.

النوبات (التشنجات)

قد تحدث النوبات لشخص بين كل 1000 شخص تقريبًا يتناولون ويلبيترين أكس أل.

وتشمل أعراض النوبة حدوث تشنجات وعادةً فقدان الوعي. قد يعاني الشخص الذي تعرض للنوبة من تشوش بعد ذلك، وقد لا يتذكر ما حدث.

من الأرجح أن تحدث النوبات في حالة تناولك جرعات زائدة من ويلبيترين أكس أل أو إذا كنت تتناول بعض الأدوية الأخرى
أو إذا كنت معرضًا لخطورة أكبر من المعتاد لحدوث نوبات (انظر "توخي الحذر البالغ عند استعمال ويلبيترين أكس أل " في القسم 2).

ç         في حالة حدوث نوبة، توقف عن تناول المزيد من أقراص ويلبيترين أكس أل. اتصل بطبيبك بعد زوال النوبة.

الحساسية الشديدة

نادرة جدًا (تصل إلى 1 في كل 10000) قد يصاب الأشخاص بحساسية شديدة لويلبيترين أكس أل. وتشمل علامات الحساسية:

Ÿ     الطفح الجلدي، والذي قد يتقرّح ويشبه الأجزاء الناتئة الصغيرة (بقع سوداء متمركزة تحيط بها مساحة شاحبة، مع وجود حلقة داكنة حول الأطراف - حمامى متعددة الأشكال)

Ÿ     طفح واسع الانتشار مصاحب بتقرّح وتقشير في الجلد، وخاصةً حول الفم والأنف والعيون والأعضاء التناسلية (متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون)

Ÿ     أزيز صدري غير عادي، أو صعوبة في التنفس

Ÿ     انتفاخ الجفون أو الشفتين أو اللسان

Ÿ     آلام في العضلات أو المفاصل

Ÿ     الإغماء أو فقدان الوعي

ç         في حالة ظهور أي من علامات الحساسية، توقف عن تناول المزيد من أقراص ويلبيترين أكس أل. اتصل بالطبيب
على الفور

الطفح الجلدي الناتج عن مرض الذئبة أو تفاقم أعراضه 

ç   مرض الذئبة هو اضطراب الجهاز المناعي الذي يؤثر على الجلد والأعضاء الأخرى. نادراً جداً ما يصيب الأفراد (حتى 1 من بين 10.000) الطفح الجلدي الناتج عن مرض الذئبة أو تفاقم أعراضه خلال تناول ويلبيترين أكس أل. تتضمن الأعراض:  

Ÿ     نوبات احتدام مرض الذئبة  

Ÿ     الطفح الجلدي أو آفات الجلد (خاصة المناطق المُعرضة للشمس)

ç   إذا أصابك الطفح الجلدي الناتج عن مرض الذئبة أو تفاقمت أعراض المرض اتصل بطبيبك فوراً، فقد يستلزم ذلك إيقاف العلاج

الآثار الجانبية الشائعة جدًا 

يمكن أن تصيب تلك الآثار أكثر من شخص واحد بين كل 10 أشخاص:

Ÿ     صعوبة في النوم (أرق)

Ÿ     صداع، جفاف الفم

Ÿ     الشعور بالتوعك (غثيان)، إعياء (قيء)

الآثار الجانبية الشائعة 

قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا بين كل 10 أشخاص:

Ÿ     حمى، دوار، تعرق، طفح جلدي (في بعض الأحيان بسبب الحساسية)، حكة

Ÿ     الشعور بالارتجاف (الارتعاش)، الشعور بالضعف، ألم في الصدر

Ÿ     الشعور بالقلق أو الهياج، آلام في المعدة، الإمساك، تغييرات في مذاق الطعام، فقدان الشهية (القهم)

Ÿ     ارتفاع في ضغط الدم (ارتفاع شديد في بعض الأحيان)، تبيغ الدم

Ÿ     ضجيج مستمر في الأذنين (طنين)، اضطرابات بصرية

الآثار الجانبية غير الشائعة 

قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا بين كل 100 شخص:

Ÿ     الشعور بالاكتئاب (انظر أيضًا "توخي الحذر البالغ عند استعمال ويلبيترين أكس أل " في القسم 2)

Ÿ     الشعور بالارتباك

Ÿ     صعوبة في التركيز

Ÿ     سرعة ضربات القلب

Ÿ     فقدان الوزن

الأعراض الجانبية النادرة 

قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا بين كل 1000 شخص:

Ÿ     نوبات (انظر بداية هذا القسم)

الآثار الجانبية شديدة الندرة 

قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا بين كل 10000 شخص:

Ÿ     ‏‫الحساسية الشديدة (انظر بداية هذا القسم)

Ÿ     الطفح الجلدي الناتج عن مرض الذئبة أو تفاقم أعراضه (أنظر بداية هذا القسم)

Ÿ     الطفح الجلدي المصحوب بالبثرات والتقرحات التي تحتوي على الصديد (البُثار الطفحي الحاد المعمم)

Ÿ     شعور عدواني، شعور عدائي، تعكر المزاج أو التململ، أحلام غريبة

Ÿ     رؤية أو سماع أشياء غير موجود (هلوسة)، شعور غير واقعي أو غريب (اختلال الأنية)، استشعار أو الاعتقاد بأشياء غير صحيحة (أوهام)، ارتياب شديد (جنون الارتياب)، الأحساس بالخوف (نوبات الهلع)

Ÿ     فقدان الذاكرة

Ÿ     نفضان، تشنجات في العضلات لا يمكن السيطرة عليها، حركات لا إرادية، مشكلات في المشي أو تنسيق الحركة (ترنح)

Ÿ     التلعثم

Ÿ     ‏‫وخز أو تنميل

Ÿ     إغماء، شعور بالإغماء عند الوقوف فجأة، بسبب هبوط ضغط الدم

Ÿ     سرعة أو عدم انتظام ضربات القلب (خفقان)

Ÿ     التبول (البول) أكثر أو أقل من المعتاد

Ÿ     سلس البول (التبول اللاإرادي، تسرب البول)

Ÿ     تغير لون البشرة أو بياض العين إلى اللون الأصفر (يرقان)، التهاب الكبد (الالتهاب الكبدي)

Ÿ     توسيع الأوعية الدموية (توسع الأوعية).

من بين الآثار الجانبية شديدة الندرة التي تظهرها فحوصات الدم:

Ÿ     زيادة في مستوى أنزيمات الكبد

Ÿ     تغيرات في مستويات السكر في الدم

Ÿ     انخفاض الصوديوم في الدم (نقص صوديوم الدم)

قم بإبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلاني في حالة تفاقم الآثار الجانبية أو إذا أصبحت مزعجة، أو إذا لاحظت آثارًا جانبية أخرى غير مبيَّنة في هذه النشر

·        يُحفظ الدواء بعيدًا عن متناول ومرأى الأطفال

·        لا تستخدم ويلبيترين بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية الموضح على العبوة. يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من الشهر المذكور

·        يجب تخزين ويلبيترين في مكان جاف عند درجة حرارة أقل من 25 درجة مئوية

·        يُحفظ في العبوة الأصلية للحماية من الرطوبة والضوء 

·        تحتوي الزجاجة على عبوة صغيرة مغلقة تحتوي على جيل الفحم والسيليكا، للإبقاء على الأقراص جافة. احتفظ بالعبوة داخل الزجاجة. لا تبتلعها

·        لا يجوز التخلّص من الأدوية بإلقائها في الفضلات السائلة أو المخلفات المنزلية. وينبغي سؤال الصيدلاني عن الطريقة المناسبة للتخلّص من الأدوية التي لا يُحتاج إليها. فهذا من شأنه أن يساعد في الحفاظ على البيئ

المادة الفعالة في هذا الدواء هي بوپروپيون هيدروكلورايد. تتوفر أقراص ويلبيترين بتركيزات مختلفة.

يحتوي كل قرص من ويلبيترين على:

150 أو 300 ملجم بوپروپيون هيدروكلورايد

المكونات الأخرى هي:

لب القرص

‏‫كحول عديد الفينيل

بينيت الجليسيريل


غلاف القرص

إيثيل سيللولوز 100

البولي إيثيلين جلايكول 1450


بوليمر مبعثر حمض الميثاكريليك (أودراجيت L30 D-55)

ثاني أكسيد السيليكون

سترات الإيثيل الثلاثي

حبر أسود صالح للأكل (للطباعة)

زجاجات من البولي إيثيلين الأبيض غير الشفاف عالي الكثافة (HDPE) تحتوي مركب عبوة من الجيل من الفحم/السيليكا المجفف ومغلقة بغطاء مقاوم لعبث الأطفال يحتوي على

غطاء مقاوم للحرارة.

150 ملجم: 30 قرصًا

300 ملجم: 30 قرصًا



لا تتوفر كل العبوات في كل الدول.


ويلبيترين أكس إل هي علامة تجارية مملوكة أو مرخصة لمجموعة شركات جلاكسو سميث كلاين.

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الشركة المُصنعة:

شركات باوش هيلث، إنك 

قسم التصنيع، 100 لايف ساينسز باركواي، شتاينباخ، MB، كندا  R5G 1Z7


جلاكسو ويلكام أس.أيه*، أراندا، إسبانيا

صاحبة رخصة التسويق:

جلاكسو العربية السعودية المحدودة، جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية

* عضو مجموعة شركات جلاكسو سميث كلاين.


للاستفسار عن أية معلومات عن هذا المستحضر الدوائي، يرجى الاتصال بالأرقام التالية:

جلاكسو سميث كلاين – المكتب الرئيسي، جدة.

·       هاتف: 6536666 (12) 966 +

·       جوال: 9882-904-56  966 +

·       البريد الإلكتروني : gcc.medinfo@gsk.com

·       الموقع الإلكتروني : https://gskpro.com/en-sa/

·       ص.ب 55850، جدة 21544، المملكة العربية السعودية.

رقم إصدار النص: GDS33 تاريخ الإصدار: 9 نوفمبر 2022
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


WELLBUTRIN XL is available as: • tablets containing 150 mg of bupropion hydrochloride • tablets containing 300 mg of bupropion hydrochloride

Extended release film-coated tablet. 150 mg tablet.: Creamy white to pale yellow round tablet imprinted with “GS5FV” in black ink on one side and the other side plain. 300 mg tablet: Creamy white to pale yellow round tablet imprinted with“GS5YZ” in black ink on one side and the other side plain.

WELLBUTRIN XL is indicated for the treatment of major depressive episodes.  Following satisfactory response, continuation with WELLBUTRIN XL therapy is effective in preventing relapse.

WELLBUTRIN XL tablets should be swallowed whole. The tablets should not be cut, crushed or chewed as this may lead to an increased risk of adverse effects including seizures.

WELLBUTRIN XL tablets can be taken with or without food.

Use in Adults

The maximum single dose of WELLBUTRIN XL is 300 mg.

There should be an interval of at least 24 hours between successive doses.

Insomnia is a very common adverse event which is often transient. Insomnia may be reduced by avoiding dosing at bedtime (provided there is at least 24 hours between doses) or if clinically indicated, dose reduction.

Initial Treatment

The initial dose of WELLBUTRIN XL tablets is 150 mg taken as a single daily dose in the morning. Patients who are not responding adequately to a dose of 150 mg/day may benefit from an increase to the usual adult target dose of 300 mg/day, given once daily

The onset of action with bupropion has been noted as early as 14 days after starting therapy.  As with all antidepressants the full antidepressant effect of WELLBUTRIN XL may not be evident until after several weeks of treatment.

Switching Patients from WELLBUTRIN SR tablets

When switching patients from WELLBUTRIN SR (sustained release) tablets to WELLBUTRIN XL tablets, give the same total daily dose when possible. Patients who are currently being treated with WELLBUTRIN SR tablets at 300 mg/day (for example, 150 mg twice daily) may be switched to WELLBUTRIN XL 300 mg once daily.

Maintenance therapy

It is generally agreed that acute episodes of depression require 6 months or longer of antidepressant drug treatment.  Bupropion (300 mg/day) was shown to be efficacious during long-term (up to 1 year) treatment.

Use in Children and Adolescents

WELLBUTRIN XL is not indicated for use in children or adolescents aged less than 18  years (see Warnings and Precautions). The safety and efficacy of WELLBUTRIN XL tablets in patients under 18 years of age have not been established.

Use in elderly

Greater sensitivity of some elderly individuals to bupropion cannot be ruled out, hence a reduced frequency and/or dose may be required (see Warnings and Precautions).

Use in patients with liver impairment

WELLBUTRIN XL should be used with caution in patients with liver impairment.

Because of increased variability in the pharmacokinetics in patients with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis, a reduced frequency of dosing should be considered (see Warnings and Precautions).

WELLBUTRIN XL should be used with extreme caution in patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis.  The dose should not exceed 150 mg on alternate days in these patients (see Warnings and Precautions).

Use in patients with renal impairment

Treatment of patients with renal impairment should be initiated at reduced frequency and/or dose, as bupropion and its active metabolites may accumulate in such patients to a greater extent than usual (see Warnings and Precautions).

WELLBUTRIN XL is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to bupropion or any of the other components of the preparation. WELLBUTRIN XL is contraindicated in patients with a seizure disorder. WELLBUTRIN XL is contraindicated in patients undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol or sedatives. WELLBUTRIN XL tablets contain bupropion and should not be administered to patients currently being treated with any other preparation containing bupropion as the incidence of seizures is dose dependent. WELLBUTRIN XL is contraindicated in patients with a current or previous diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia nervosa as a higher incidence of seizures was seen in this patient population when an immediate release form of bupropion was administered. Concomitant use of WELLBUTRIN XL and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) is contraindicated. At least 14 days should elapse between discontinuation of irreversible MAOIs and initiation of treatment with WELLBUTRIN XL tablets.


The recommended dose of WELLBUTRIN XL should not be exceeded, since bupropion is associated with a dose-related risk of seizure. The overall incidence of seizure with WELLBUTRIN XL in clinical trials at doses up to 450 SSSSmg/day was approximately 0.1%.

The risk of seizures occurring with the use of bupropion appears to be strongly associated with the presence of predisposing risk factors. Therefore WELLBUTRIN XL should be administered with extreme caution to patients with one or more conditions predisposing to a lowered seizure threshold. These include:

-    history of head trauma
-    central nervous system (CNS) tumour
-    history of seizures
-    concomitant administration of other medications known to lower the seizure

In addition, caution should be used in those clinical circumstances associated with an increased risk of seizures. These include excessive use of alcohol or sedatives see Contraindications), diabetes treated with hypoglycaemics or insulin and use of stimulants or anorectic products.

WELLBUTRIN XL should be discontinued and not recommenced in patients who experience a seizure while on treatment.

Hypersensitivity reactions

WELLBUTRIN XL should be discontinued promptly if patients experience hypersensitivity reactions during treatment (see Adverse Reactions). Clinicians should be aware that symptoms may persist beyond the discontinuation of bupropion, and clinical management should be provided accordingly.

Hepatic impairment

Bupropion is extensively metabolised in the liver to active metabolites, which are further metabolised. No statistically significant differences in the pharmacokinetics of bupropion were observed in patients with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis compared with healthy volunteers, but bupropion plasma levels showed a higher variability between individual patients. Therefore WELLBUTRIN XL should be used with caution in patients with hepatic impairment and reduced frequency of dosing should be considered in patients with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis (see Dosage and Administration and Pharmacokinetics).

WELLBUTRIN XL should be used with extreme caution in patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis. In these patients a reduced frequency of dosing is required, as peak bupropion levels are substantially increased, and accumulation is likely to occur in such patients to a greater extent than usual (see Dosage and Administration and Pharmacokinetics).

All patients with hepatic impairment should be closely monitored for possible adverse effects (e.g., insomnia, dry mouth, seizures) that could indicate high drug or metabolite levels.

Renal impairment

Bupropion is extensively metabolised in the liver to active metabolites which are further metabolised and excreted by the kidneys. Therefore treatment of patients with renal impairment should be initiated at reduced frequency and/or dose as bupropion and its metabolites may accumulate in such patients to a greater extent than usual (see Pharmacokinetics). The patient should be closely monitored for possible adverse effects (e.g., insomnia, dry mouth, seizures) that could indicate high drug or metabolite levels. 

Elderly patients

Clinical experience with bupropion has not identified any differences in tolerability between elderly and other adult patients. However, greater sensitivity of some elderly individuals to bupropion cannot be ruled out; hence a reduced frequency and/or dose may be required (see Pharmacokinetics).

Children and adolescents <18 years

Treatment with antidepressants is associated with an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behaviour in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders.

Clinical worsening and suicide risk in adults with psychiatric disorders

Patients with depression may experience worsening of their depressive symptoms and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation and behaviours (suicidality) whether or not they are taking antidepressant medications. This risk persists until significant remission occurs. As improvement may not occur during the first few weeks or more of treatment, patients should be closely monitored for clinical worsening (including development of new symptoms) and suicidality, especially at the beginning of a course of treatment, or at the time of dose changes, either increases or decreases. It is general clinical experience with all antidepressant therapies that the risk of suicide may increase in the early stages of recovery. 

Patients with a history of suicidal behaviour or thoughts, young adults, and those patients exhibiting a significant degree of suicidal ideation prior to commencement of treatment, are at a greater risk of suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts, and should receive careful monitoring during treatment.

In addition, a meta-analysis of placebo controlled clinical trials of antidepressant drugs in adults with major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders showed an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behaviour associated with antidepressant use compared to placebo in patients less than 25 years old.

Patients, (and caregivers of patients) should be alerted about the need to monitor for any worsening of their condition (including development of new symptoms) and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation/behaviour or thoughts of harming themselves and to seek medical advice immediately if these symptoms present. It should be recognised that the onset of some neuropsychiatric symptoms could be related either to the underlying disease state or the drug therapy (see Neuropsychiatric symptoms including mania and bipolar disorder below; Adverse Reactions).

Consideration should be given to changing the therapeutic regimen, including possibly discontinuing the medication, in patients who experience clinical worsening (including development of new symptoms) and/or the emergence of suicidal ideation/behaviour, especially if these symptoms are severe, abrupt in onset, or were not part of the patient’s presenting symptoms.

Neuropsychiatric symptoms including mania and bipolar disorder

Neuropsychiatric symptoms have been reported (see Adverse Reactions). In particular, psychotic and manic symptomatology has been observed, mainly in patients with a history of psychiatric illness. Additionally, a major depressive episode may be the initial presentation of bipolar disorder. It is generally believed (though not established in controlled trials) that treating such an episode with an antidepressant alone can increase the likelihood of precipitation of a mixed/manic episode in patients at risk for bipolar disorder. Limited clinical data on use of bupropion in combination with mood stabilisers in patients with a history of bipolar disorder suggests a low rate of switch to mania. Prior to initiating treatment with an antidepressant, patients should be adequately screened to determine if they are at risk for bipolar disorder; such screening should include a detailed psychiatric history, including a family history of suicide, bipolar disorder, and depression.

Cardiovascular disease

There is limited clinical experience of the use of bupropion to treat depression in patients with cardiovascular disease. Care should be exercised if WELLBUTRIN XL is used in these patients. However, bupropion was generally well tolerated in studies for smoking cessation in patients with ischaemic cardiovascular disease (see Pharmacological Properties and Clinical Studies).

Blood pressure

In a study in non-depressed subjects (including both smokers and non-smokers) with untreated Stage I hypertension, bupropion did not produce a statistically significant effect on blood pressure. However, spontaneous reports of increased blood pressure (sometimes severe) have been received (see Adverse Reactions), and concomitant use of bupropion and a Nicotine Transdermal System may result in elevations of blood pressure (see Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction).

Inappropriate routes of administration 

Bupropion is intended for oral use only. The inhalation of crushed tablets or injection of dissolved bupropion has been reported, and may lead to a rapid release, faster absorption and a potential overdose. Seizures and/or cases of death have been reported when bupropion has been administered intra-nasally or by parenteral injection.

Serotonin syndrome

Serotonin syndrome has been reported when bupropion is co-administered with drugs known to be associated with serotonin syndrome, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). If concomitant treatment with other serotonergic agents is clinically warranted, careful observation of the patient is advised, particularly during treatment initiation and dose increases (see Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction).

Serotonin syndrome has also been reported with bupropion-only overdose (See Overdose).

Brugada syndrome 

Bupropion may unmask Brugada syndrome, a rare hereditary disease of the cardiac sodium channel with characteristic ECG changes (ST segment elevation and T wave abnormalities in the right precordial leads), which may lead to cardiac arrest and/or sudden death. Caution is advised in patients with Brugada syndrome or risk factors such as a family history of cardiac arrest or sudden death.

Bupropion is metabolised to its major active metabolite hydroxybupropion primarily by the cytochrome P450 IIB6 (CYP2B6) (see Pharmacokinetics). Care should therefore be exercised when WELLBUTRIN XL is co-administered with drugs known to affect the CYP2B6 isoenzyme (e.g. orphenadrine, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, ticlopidine, clopidogrel).

Although bupropion is not metabolised by the CYP2D6 isoenzyme, in vitro human P450 studies have shown that bupropion and hydroxybupropion are inhibitors of the CYP2D6 pathway. In a human pharmacokinetic study, administration of bupropion increased plasma levels of desipramine. This effect was present for at least 7 days after the last dose of bupropion. Concomitant therapy with drugs predominantly metabolised by this isoenzyme (such as certain beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics) should be initiated at the lower end of the dose range of the concomitant medication. If WELLBUTRIN XL is added to the treatment regimen of a patient already receiving a medication metabolised by CYP2D6, the need to decrease the dose of the original medication should be considered, particularly for those concomitant medications with a narrow therapeutic index (see Pharmacokinetics).

Drugs which require metabolic activation by CYP2D6 in order to be effective (e.g. tamoxifen), may have reduced efficacy when administered concomitantly with inhibitors of CYP2D6 such as bupropion.

Although citalopram (a SSRI) is not primarily metabolised by CYP2D6, in one study, bupropion increased the CRRmaxRR and AUC of citalopram by 30% and 40%, respectively.

Since bupropion is extensively metabolised, the co-administration of drugs known to induce metabolism (e.g. carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, ritonavir, efavirenz) or inhibit metabolism may affect its clinical activity.

In a series of studies in healthy volunteers, ritonavir (100 mg twice daily or 600 mg twice daily) or ritonavir 100 mg plus lopinavir 400 mg twice daily reduced the exposure of bupropion and its major metabolites in a dose dependent manner by approximately 20 to 80%. Similarly, efavirenz 600 mg once daily for two weeks reduced the exposure of bupropion by approximately 55%. This effect of ritonavir, ritonavir plus lopinavir and efavirenz is thought to be due to the induction of bupropion metabolism. Patients receiving any of these drugs with bupropion may need increased doses of bupropion, but the maximum recommended dose of bupropion should not be exceeded.

Although clinical data do not identify a pharmacokinetic interaction between bupropion and alcohol, there have been rare reports of adverse neuropsychiatric events or reduced alcohol tolerance in patients drinking alcohol during bupropion treatment. The consumption of alcohol during WELLBUTRIN XL treatment should be minimised or avoided.

Post-marketing data show a possible pharmacodynamic interaction between bupropion and SSRIs and SNRIs resulting in an increased risk of serotonin syndrome (see Special warnings and precautions for use).

Limited clinical data suggest a higher incidence of neuropsychiatric adverse events in patients receiving bupropion concurrently with either levodopa or amantadine.  Administration of WELLBUTRIN XL to patients receiving either levodopa or amantadine concurrently should be undertaken with caution.

Multiple oral doses of bupropion had no statistically significant effects on the single dose pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in 12 subjects and had only a slight increase in the AUC of lamotrigine glucuronide.

Concomitant use of WELLBUTRIN XL and a Nicotine Transdermal System (NTS) may result in elevations of blood pressure.

Coadministration of digoxin with bupropion may decrease digoxin levels.    

Digoxin AUC 0–24 h was decreased 1.6-fold and renal clearance was increased 1.8-fold in a healthy volunteer study.

Interactions involving laboratory tests

WELLBUTRIN XL has been reported to interfere with the assay used in some rapid urine drug screens, which can result in false positive readings, particularly for amphetamines. A more specific alternative chemical method should be considered to confirm a positive result.


There are no data on the effect of bupropion on human fertility. A reproductivestudy in rats revealed no evidence of impaired fertility (see Pre-Clinical Safety Data).


Some epidemiological studies of pregnancy outcomes following maternal exposure to bupropion in the first trimester have reported an association with increased risk of some congenital cardiovascular malformations. These findings are not consistent across studies. The prescribing physician will need to weigh the option of alternative treatments in women who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant and should only prescribe WELLBUTRIN XL if the expected benefits are greater than the potential risks.

The prospectively observed proportion of cardiac birth defects in pregnancies with prenatal exposure to bupropion in the first trimester in the international Pregnancy Registry was 9/675 (1.3%).

In a retrospective, managed-care database study (n=7,005 infants), there was no greater proportion of congenital malformations (2.3%) or cardiovascular malformations (1.1%) associated with first trimester exposure to bupropion (n=1,213 infants) compared with the use of other antidepressants in the first trimester (n=4,743 infants: 2.3% and 1.1% for congenital and cardiovascular malformations, respectively) or bupropion use outside the first trimester (n=1,049: 2.2% and 1.0%, respectively).

In a retrospective case-control analysis using data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, there were 12383 case infants and 5869 control infants. A statistically significant association was observed between the occurrence of a left outflow tract heart defect in the infant and self-reported maternal bupropion use in early pregnancy (n=10; adjusted OR=2.6; 95% CI 1.2, 5.7). No association was observed between maternal bupropion use and any other type of cardiac defect or with all categories of heart defects combined.

A further case-control analysis of data from the Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study included 7913 infant cases of cardiac defects and 8611 controls. This found no statistically significant increase of left outflow tract heart defects with maternal bupropion use (n=2; adjusted OR= 0.4; 95% CI 0.1, 1.6). However, a statistically significant association was observed for ventricular septal defects (n=17; adjusted OR=2.5; 95% CI 1.3, 5.0) following the use of bupropion alone during the first trimester.


As bupropion and its metabolites are excreted in human breast milk, mothers should be advised not to breast feed while taking WELLBUTRIN XL.

As with other drugs which act on the central nervous system (CNS) bupropion may affect ability to perform tasks that require judgement or motor and cognitive skills.  Patients should therefore exercise caution before driving or use of machinery until they are reasonably certain WELLBUTRIN XL tablets do not adversely affect their performance.

The list below provides information on the undesirable effects identified from clinical experience, categorised by body system.

Body (general):

Fever, chest pain, asthenia.


Tachycardia, palpitations, vasodilation, postural hypotension, increased blood pressure (in some cases severe), flushing, syncope.


Seizures (see Special warnings and precautions for use), insomnia, tremor, dystonia, ataxia, Parkinsonism, twitching, incoordination, concentration disturbance, headache, dizziness, depression, confusion, delusions, paranoid ideation, panic attack, hallucinations, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, hostility, aggression, depersonalisation, abnormal dreams, memory impairment, paraesthesia, dysphemia.

Endocrine and metabolic:

Anorexia, weight loss, blood glucose disturbances, hyponatraemia.




Dry mouth, gastrointestinal disturbance including nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation.


Urinary frequency and/or retention, urinary incontinence.


Elevated liver enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis.

Skin / Hypersensitivity:

Rash, pruritus, sweating.  Hypersensitivity reactions ranging in severity from urticaria to angioedema, dyspnoea/bronchospasm and rarely anaphylactic shock.  Arthralgia, myalgia and fever have also been reported in association with rash and other symptoms suggestive of delayed hypersensitivity.  These symptoms may resemble serum sickness.

Erythema multiforme, Stevens Johnson syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome aggravated and cutaneous lupus erythematosus, acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis have also been rarely reported.

Special Senses:

Tinnitus, visual disturbance, taste disorders.

To report any side effect(s):

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

-National Pharmacovigilance centre (NPC)

•       Reporting hotline: 19999

•       E-mail : npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

•       Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa


-GSK - Head Office, Jeddah

•       Tel: +966-12-6536666

•       Mobile: +966-56-904-9882

•       Email : saudi.safety@gsk.com

•       Website: Thttps://gskpro.com/en-sa/

•       P.O. Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia


For any information about this medicinal product, please contact:

GSK- Head Office, Jeddah

  • Tel:  +966-12-6536666
  • Mobile: +966-56-904-9882
  • Email: gcc.medinfo@gsk.com17T
  • Website: https://gskpro.com/en-sa/
  • P.O. Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia

Symptoms and Signs

In addition to those events reported under Adverse Reactions, overdose has resulted in symptoms including drowsiness, loss of consciousness and ECG changes such as conduction disturbances (including QRS prolongation) or arrhythmias; cases of fatal outcome have been reported. Serotonin syndrome has also been reported.


In the event of overdose, hospitalisation is advised.  ECG and vital signs should be monitored.

Ensure an adequate airway, oxygenation and ventilation.  The use of activated charcoal is recommended.  No specific antidote for bupropion is known.  Further management should be as clinically indicated or as recommended by the national poisons centre, where available.

ATC Code

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Other antidepressants, ATC code: N06 AX12.

Mechanism of Action

Bupropion is a selective inhibitor of the neuronal re-uptake of catecholamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) with minimal effect on the re-uptake of indolamines (serotonin), and does not inhibit monoamine oxidase.  While the mechanism of action of bupropion, as with other antidepressants is unknown, it is presumed that this action is mediated by noradrenergic and/or dopaminergic mechanisms.

In a study in healthy volunteers, no clinically significant effect of extended release bupropion tablets (450 mg/day) compared with placebo was observed on QTcF interval after 14 days of dosing to steady state.


Following oral administration of WELLBUTRIN XL to healthy volunteers, time to peak plasma concentrations for bupropion was approximately 5 hours.

The absorption of extended release bupropion tablets is not significantly affected when taken with food.

Bupropion and its metabolites exhibit linear kinetics following chronic administration of 150 to 300 mg per day.


Bupropion is widely distributed with an apparent volume of distribution of approximately 2000 L. Bupropion and hydroxybupropion are moderately bound to plasma proteins (84 % and 77 %, respectively).

The extent of protein binding of the threohydrobupropion metabolite is about half that seen with bupropion.


Bupropion is extensively metabolised in humans. Three pharmacologically active metabolites have been identified in plasma: hydroxybupropion and the amino-alcohol isomers, threohydrobupropion and erythrohydrobupropion. These may have clinical importance, as their plasma concentrations are as high or higher than those of bupropion.

Erythrohydrobupropion cannot be measured in the plasma after a single dose of WELLBUTRIN XL. The active metabolites are further metabolised to inactive metabolites and excreted in the urine.

In vitro studies indicate that bupropion is metabolised to its major active metabolite hydroxybupropion primarily by CYP2B6, while cytochrome P450s are not involved in the formation of threohydrobupropion (see Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction).

Bupropion and hydroxybupropion are both relatively weak competitive inhibitors of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme with Ki values of 21 and 13.3 μM, respectively. In human volunteers known to be extensive metabolisers of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme, co-administration of bupropion and desipramine has resulted in 2- and 5-fold increases in the Cmax and AUC, respectively, of desipramine. This effect was present for at least 7 SSdaysSS after the last dose of bupropion. Since bupropion is not metabolised by the CYP2D6 pathway, desipramine is not anticipated to affect the pharmacokinetics of bupropion.  Caution is advised when WELLBUTRIN XL is administered with substrates for the CYP2D6 pathway (see Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction).

Bupropion has been shown to induce its own metabolism in animals following sub-chronic administration. In humans, there is no evidence of enzyme induction of bupropion or hydroxybupropion in volunteers or patients receiving recommended doses of bupropion for 10 to 45 days.

Peak plasma concentrations of hydroxybupropion are approximately 10 times the peak level of the parent drug at steady state. The times to peak concentrations for the erythrohydrobupropion and threohydrobupropion metabolites are similar to that of the hydroxybupropion metabolite.

In humans, peak plasma concentrations of hydroxybupropion occur approximately 7 hours after administration of extended release bupropion.

In a healthy volunteer study, ritonavir at a dose of 100 mg twice daily reduced the AUC and Cmax of bupropion by 22% and 21%, respectively. The AUC and Cmax of the metabolites of bupropion were decreased by 0 to 44%. In a second healthy volunteer study, ritonavir at a dose of 600 mg twice daily decreased the AUC and the Cmax of bupropion by 66% and 62%, respectively. The AUC and Cmax of the metabolites of bupropion were decreased by 42 to 78%.

In another healthy volunteer study, lopinavir 400 mg/ritonavir 100 mg twice daily decreased bupropion AUC and Cmax by 57%. The AUC and Cmax of hydroxybupropion were decreased by 50% and 31%, respectively.


Following oral administration of 200 mg of 14C-bupropion in humans, 87 % and 10 % of the radioactive dose were recovered in the urine and faeces, respectively. The fraction of the dose of bupropion excreted unchanged was only 0.5 %, a finding consistent with the extensive metabolism of bupropion. Less than 10 % of this 14C dose was accounted for in the urine as active metabolites.

The mean apparent clearance following oral administration of bupropion is approximately 200 L/hr and the mean elimination half-life of bupropion is approximately 20 hours.

The elimination half-life of hydroxybupropion is approximately 20 hours and its area under the plasma drug concentration versus time curve (AUC) at steady state is approximately 17 times that of bupropion. The elimination half-lives for threohydrobupropion and erythrohydrobupropion are longer (37 and 33 hours, respectively) and steady-state AUC values are 8 and 1.6 times higher than that of bupropion, respectively. Steady state for bupropion and its metabolites is reached within 8 days.

The insoluble shell of the extended release tablet may remain intact during gastrointestinal transit and be eliminated in the faeces.

Patients with renal impairment

The elimination of bupropion and its major metabolites may be reduced by impaired renal function (see Special warnings and precautions for use). In subjects with end stage renal failure or moderate to severely impaired renal function, exposure to bupropion and/or its metabolites was increased.

Patients with hepatic impairment

The pharmacokinetics of bupropion and its active metabolites were not statistically significantly different in patients with mild to moderate cirrhosis when compared to healthy volunteers, although more variability was observed between individual patients.  For patients with severe hepatic cirrhosis, the bupropion Cmax and AUC were substantially increased (mean difference approximately 70 % and 3-fold, respectively) and more variable when compared to the values in healthy volunteers; the mean half-life was also longer (by approximately 40 %). For the metabolites, the mean Cmax was lower (by approximately 30 to 70 %), the mean AUC tended to be higher (by approximately 30 to 50 %), the median Tmax was later (by approximately 20 hours), and the mean half-lives were longer (by approximately 2 to 4-fold) than in healthy volunteers (see Special warnings and precautions for use).


Pharmacokinetic studies in the elderly have shown variable results. A single dose study showed that the pharmacokinetics of bupropion and its metabolites in the elderly do not differ from those in the younger adults. Another pharmacokinetic study, single and multiple doses, has suggested that accumulation of bupropion and its metabolites may occur to a greater extent in the elderly. Clinical experience has not identified differences in tolerability between elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity in older patients cannot be ruled out.

Clinical Studies

The efficacy and tolerability of WELLBUTRIN XL has been examined in 7 double blind studies.

In one of two identical flexible-dose studies (WXL101497, n=576) WELLBUTRIN XL (150 to 300  mg/day) was statistically significantly superior to placebo on the primary parameter, change from baseline in Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale the (MADRS) total score (p=0.006). Statistically significant effects were also found for a number of secondary endpoints including MADRS responders and remitters, Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) severity and global improvement, Sheehan Disability Scale, MEI and Q-LES-Q. The efficacy of WELLBUTRIN XL in this study was broadly similar to that of the comparator, venlafaxine. In the second study (AK130939, n=591), WELLBUTRIN XL did not separate significantly from placebo for the primary parameter, change from baseline in MADRS total score (p=0.146) although statistically significant effects were seen for venlafaxine (p<0.001 versus placebo).

WELLBUTRIN XL was shown to be of benefit in elderly patients in a placebo controlled flexible dose design study (AK130940, n=420) conducted over the dose range 150-300 SSSSmg/day. Statistically significant effects were shown for MADRS responders, CGI global improvement, Sheehan Disability Scale, MEI and Q-LES-Q although only a trend was seen on the primary parameter, change from baseline in MADRS total score (p=0.085).

Two placebo and escitalopram-controlled studies (AK130926, n=424 and AK130927, n=425) over the WELLBUTRIN XL dose range of 300-450 SSmg/day were conducted in adults. After 8 weeks of treatment, WELLBUTRIN XL subjects reported significantly less orgasm dysfunction than escitalopram treated subjects in each study (p=0.014 and p<0.001 versus escitalopram) although statistical significance for WELLBUTRIN XL versus placebo was not shown for either study on the co-primary parameter, change from baseline in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) total score (p=0.179 and p=0.184 versus placebo, respectively). WELLBUTRIN XL separated from placebo on a number of secondary endpoints: mean change from randomisation in Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale total score in the individual studies; HAMD-17 remission rates in study 1; and CGI-S mean change from randomisation and CGI-I responder rates in study 2.

In an 8-week study of adult patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and reduced levels of pleasure, interest and energy (AK130931, n=274), WELLBUTRIN XL showed statistically significantly greater improvement over placebo for the primary parameter, change from baseline in IDS self-rated scale (p=0.018). Statistical significance was also shown for a number of secondary endpoints including the clinician rated IDS, CGI severity of illness and CGI improvement.

In an active controlled 12-week study of WELLBUTRIN XL (300-450 SSSSmg/day) versus venlafaxine in adult patients with MDD (WXL100368, n=348), WELLBUTRIN XL showed significantly less negative impact on sexual functioning (the primary parameter; p=0.005) and an overall efficacy similar to that of venlafaxine. WELLBUTRIN XL and venlafaxine were comparable as evaluated by the HAMD-17 total score, the depressed mood item, Bech melancholia subscale, HAMD-17 responder rates and the change from randomisation in the CGI-S. Statistical significance in favour of WELLBUTRIN XL over venlafaxine was shown for the proportion of HAMD remitters and CGI-I responders.


The oncogenicity studies in the mouse and rat confirm the absence of carcinogenicity in these species.

Reproductive toxicology


There was no evidence of impaired fertility in rats at doses up to approximately 7 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) on a mg/m2 basis.


There was no evidence of teratogenicity in rats or rabbits at doses up to approximately 11 and 7 times the MRHD, respectively, based on a mg/m2 basis (the exposure at the high dose in one of the rat studies, 300 mg/kg/day, was 1.7-fold that in humans based on AUC values at steady state). In rabbits, a slight increase in skeletal variations (increased incidence of common anatomical variation of an accessory thoracic rib and delayed ossification of phalanges) was seen at doses approximately equal to the maximum human dose and above, and foetal weight was decreased at maternally toxic doses. At exposures up to approximately 7 times the MRHD on a mg/m2 basis no adverse effects were seen in offspring of rats administered bupropion prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation.

Animal toxicology and/or pharmacology

  Liver changes are seen in animal studies but these reflect the action of a hepatic enzyme inducer.  At clinical doses in human there is no evidence of any enzyme induction, which suggests that the hepatic findings in the laboratory animals have only limited importance in the evaluation and risk assessment of bupropion.

Tablet Core

Tablet Coat

Polyvinyl alcohol

Ethylc ellulose 100

Glyceryl behenate

Polyethylene glycol 1450




Methacrylic acid copolymer dispersion (Eudragit L30 D-55)


Silicon dioxide


Triethyl citrate


Edible black ink (for printing)


The expiry date is indicated on the packaging.

Do not store above 25°C.

Store in the original package in order to protect from moisture and light.

White opaque high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles containing a combination charcoal/silica gel desiccant canister and closed with a child-resistant closure that includes an induction heat seal membrane.

150 mg: 30 tablets

300 mg: 30 tablets





Not all presentations are available in every country.


WELLBUTRIN XL is a trademark owned by or licensed to Sthe GSK group of companies.

© 2023 GSK group of companies. All Rights Reserved.

Manufactured by: Bausch Health Companies Inc. Manufacturing Division, 100 LifeSciences Parkway, Steinbach, MB, Canada R5G 1Z7 Packed by: Glaxo Wellcome S.A.*, Aranda, Spain Marketing Authorization Holder: Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd.*, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia *member of the GSK group of companies

Version number: GDS33/IPI17 Date of issue: 09 November 2022

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