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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

What ELORES is

ELORES contains the active ingredient ceftriaxone as ceftriaxone sodium and sulbactam as sulbactam
sodium. This belongs to a class of medicines called cephalosporins and beta-lactamase inhibitor
antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria which can cause serious infections.
• Ceftriaxone sodium belongs to a group of medicines called ‘cephalosporin’ antibiotics.
Ceftriaxone is able to kill a wide range of bacteria. Bacteria are germs that may cause infection.
• Ceftriaxone sodium can be stopped from working (made inactive) by a reaction with betalactamase
enzymes, produced by some type of bacteria's.
• Sulbactam sodium stops this reaction, thereby increasing the concentration of ‘active’
ceftriaxone sodium.
• Sulbactam sodium is a ‘ beta-lactamase enzyme inhibitor’.

What ELORES is used for

• To treat Lower respiratory tract infections
• To treat Urinary tract infections
• Sepsis
• Bacterial meningitis
• Infections of bones or joints
• Infections of skin or soft tissues
• Surgical prophylaxis

Do not take ELORES if:

• You are allergic (hypersensitive) to ceftriaxone sodium, sulbactam sodium or any of the other ingredients of ceftriaxone/sulbactam powder for solution for injection/infusion.
• You have ever had a severe allergic reaction to any penicillin - or to an other beta-lactamantibiotic because you might also be allergic to this medicine.
• ELORES should not be used in newborn with jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) or preterm
newborn because the use of ceftriaxone, the active substance of ceftriaxone/sulbactam powder for solution for injection/infusion can lead to complications with possible brain damage in these patients.
• ELORES should not be used by intramuscular injection in infants under 2 years of age and in women during pregnancy and lactation.
• ELORES should not be used together with calcium treatment, because of the risk of pseudolithiasis; that is precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium salt in term newborn.
If you feel uncertain, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Take special care with ELORES if:
• You have ever had an allergic reaction to any antibiotic, tell your doctor or pharmacist before
you take this medicine
• You have ever had other type of allergic reaction or asthma. Hypersensitivity reactions against
ceftriaxone or sulbactam tend to occur more frequently in persons with a tendency for any
allergic reactions and may occur in all degrees of severity lead to anaphylactic shock.
• You have ever been told that your kidneys and/or liver do not work very well.
• You have ever had gall bladder or kidney stones, or you are nourished intravenously.
• If you have ever had inflammation of your bowel, called colitis, or any other severe disease
affecting your gut.
• This medicine can alter the results of some blood tests (such as the Coombs' test). It is important
to tell the doctor that you are taking this medicine if you have to have any of these tests.

Taking other medicines
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines,
including medicines you have obtained without a prescription.

This medicine can be affected by other medicines that are removed by the kidneys. This is especially if
these other medicines also affect how well kidneys work. There are many medicines that can do this,
so you should check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine.

In particular, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using:
• other antibiotics like aminoglycosides for treating infections.
• oral contraceptive pills. It is advisable to use supplementary non-hormonal contraceptive measures.
• Probenecid (used to treat gout)
• Chloramphenicol (used to treat infections, particularly of the eyes)
• Anticoagulants (medicines used to thin blood)

This medicine can alter the results of some blood tests (such as the Coombs' test, or measuring
galactose in your blood). It is important to tell the doctor that you are taking this medicine if you have
to have any of these tests.

This medicine can also alter the results of non-enzymatic urine tests for sugar. If you have diabetes and
routinely test your urine, tell your doctor. This is because other tests may have to be used to monitor
your diabetes while you are having this medicine.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
• Are you pregnant, or do you think you might be pregnant? Although this medicine is not known
to harm the unborn child, it will only be given to a pregnant woman if it is really necessary.
• Are you breast-feeding? This medicine should not be given to women who are breastfeeding.
This is because small amounts of it enter the milk and thus the breast-fed infant.
• In pregnancy, the intramuscular administration is contraindicated when used together with lidocain.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before you use ELORES.

Driving and using machines
You may get dizzy when taking this medicine. This may affect your ability to drive or operate
machinery. If this happens, do not drive or use machines.

Always use ELORES exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

ELORES is normally given by a doctor or nurse. ELORES may be administered by deep
intramuscular injection, slow intravenous injection, or as a slow intravenous infusion, after
reconstitution of the solution according to the directions.

The dose your doctor gives depends on the type of infection and how bad the infection is. It also
depends on your weight and how your kidneys are working. Your doctor will explain this to you. The
usual doses are:

Adults, older people and children 12 years and over who weigh more than 50kg
• 1.5 to 3g once a day
• In serious infections, this can be increased to 6g a day, injected into a vein.

Newborn babies (up to 14 days old)
• 30-75mg for each kg of body weight once a day, injected into a vein
• More than 75mg per kg must not be given, even in severe infections.

Children between 15 days and 12 years old
• 30-75mg for each kg of body weight once a day, injected into a vein
• More than 75mg per kg must not be given, even in severe infections -except in meningitis.

ELORES is usually given once a day.
• The length of treatment is usually at least 2 days beyond the normalisation of body
• It may continue for a total of 7 to 14 days.

If the patient is a child under 2 years old or a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, ELORES should only
be given by slow injection into a vein.

If you use more ELORES than you should

If too much ELORES was used than it should be, talk to your doctor straight away or go to the nearest
hospital accident and emergency department. Take the medicine with you in the carton, so that the
staff will know exactly what has been used.
If you stop taking ELORES

It is important that this medicine is used in the prescribed course which should not be interrupted only
because you feel well again. If the treatment course is stopped too early the infection may start up again.

If you do not feel well at the end of the prescribed treatment course or even feel worse during
treatment you should talk to your doctor.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist as well.

Like all medicines, ELORES can cause side effects when it is first given., although not every body gets them.

If any of the following side effects happen, stop taking this medicine and tell your doctor immediately or go to your nearest hospital accident and emergency department.

The frequency of possible side effects listed below is defined using the following convention:
Common (affects 1 to 10 users in 100)
uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000)
rare (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000)

Following side effects are Uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1000 people)
− Diarrhea
− Nausea
− Pruritis

Following side effects are common (affects 1 to 10 users in 100 people)
− Pain at site
− Dizziness

Based on ceftriaxone nature following adverse reactions may also occur:

Following side effects are Uncommon (affects less than 1 in100 people)
− Skin reactions. This may include allergic dermatitis and urticaria.

Following side effects are rare (affects less than 1 in1000 people)
− Liver problems
− Blood problems. The signs include feeling tried, bruising easily, being short of breath and nosebleeds.
− Headache
− Kidney problems. This may include oligouria and increase in serum creatinine levels.
− Other types of infection such as those caused by fungi and yeasts.
− Fever and shivering.
− Pain and inflammatory reactions in the vein wall may also occur after IV administration.

  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Do not use ELORES after the expiry date which is stated on the pack. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
  • Storage Condition: Store below 30°C
  • keep the container in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
  • The solutions should be used immediately after their reconstitution. Only clear solutions should be used.

The contents of the vials, once opened, should be used immediately.

Shelf life after reconstitution with diluents:

Any unused injection or infusion solutions should be disposed of.
Medicines should not be disposed via waste water or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help protect the environment.

The active substance is ceftriaxone sodium and sulbactam sodium. Each vial contains 1000 mg ceftriaxone as (ceftriaxone sodium) and 500 mg (milligrams) sulbactam as (sulbactam sodium).
The other ingredient is Di sodium edetate

ELORES is a White to pale yellow/cream crystalline powder which is made into a solution for injection or infusion. The powder comes in a vial. There are 1 vials per pack. Do not use ELORES if you notice the following: The solution is not clear.

Hill Top Industrial Estate, Jharmajri EPIP,
Phase-I (Extn.), Bhatoli Kalan 173205, Baddi (H.P.) INDIA
Tel: +911795302018
Fax: +911795271272
E-mail: drrksingh@venusremedies.com
For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the
Marketing Authorisation Holder:

Dr. Abdulrahman Mohammed Al-Qahtani
City: Riyadh
Tel: +96614646955 Ext: 724
E-mail: am.qahtani@salehiya.com

This leaflet was last revised on 06/2013
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوى إلورس على مكون سفترياكسون النشط في شكل سفترياكسون الصوديوم ووالسولباكتام في شكل سولباكتام الصوديوم. وينتمي العقار إلى هذه الفئة من العقاقير المعروفة باسم سيفالوسبورين والمحطم لمضادات بيتا - لاكتام الحيوية. حيث يعمل من خلال القضاء على البكتريا التي تؤدى إلى التسبب بالعدوى الشديدة. 

  • ينتمي سفترياكسون الصوديوم إلى مجموعة من العقاقير المعروفة باسم مضادات سيفالوسبورين الحيوية. وذلك حيث يتميز سفترياكسون بقدرته على القضاء على مدى واسع من البكتريا. وذلك في حين أن البكتريا هي الجراثيم التي تسبب العدوى.
  • يمكن أن يتوقف سفترياكسون الصوديوم عن العمل (ويصبح غير نشط) بسبب التفاعل مع إنزيمات بيتا- لاكتام الحيوية التي تنتجها بعض أنواع البكتريا.
  • ولذا يعمل سولباكتام الصوديوم على وقف هذا التفاعل وهذا ما يزيد بدوره من تركيز سفترياكسون الصوديوم "النشط".
  • ولذا فإن سولباكتام الصوديوم هو "محطم لنزيمات البيتا-لكتام".

دواعي استعمال إلورس

  • لعلاج عدوى الجهاز التنفسي السفلي
  • لعلاج عدوى المسالك البولية
  • تعفن الدم
  • التهاب السحايا البكتيري
  • عدوى العظام أو المفاصل
  • عدوى الجلد أو الانسجة اللينة
  • الجراحات الوقائية

لا تتناول عقار إلورس في الحالات التالية:

  • إذا كنت تعانى حساسية (أو حساسية بالغة) لسفترياكسون الصوديوم أو سولباكتام الصوديوم أو أي من مكونات إلورس الاخرى.
  • إذا كنت قد تعرضت من قبل لحساسية شديدة للبنسلين أو أي مضاد بيتا-لاكتام حيوي آخر لن هذا قد يعنى أن لديك حساسية تجاه هذا العقار أيضا.
  • يتوجب عدم استخدام إلورس في حالة الأطفال حديثي الولادة المصابين باليرقان أو مواليد الولادة المبكرة لان استخدام سفترياكسون بما يحتويه من مادة إلورس النشطة قد يتسبب في مضاعفات مع احتمال تضرر المخ في حالة هؤلاء المرضى.
  • يتوجب عدم استخدام إلورس باستخدام الحقن العضلي في الاطفال أقل من عمر عامين و كذلك النساء خلال فترة الحمل والرضاعة.
  • يتوجب عدم استخدام إلورس مع علاج الكالسيوم نظرا لخطورة الحصى الزائف لملح سفترياكسون الكالسيوم فى الاطفال حديثي الولادة.

إذا لم تكن متأكدا من أمر ما، عليك بالرجوع للطبيب أو الصيدلي.

عليك الحذر الشديد عند تناول إلورس في الحالت التالية:

  • إذا كان قد سبق لك معاناة حساسية تجاه أي مضاد حيوي حيث يتعين عليك إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل تعاطي هذا الدواء.
  • إذا كان قد سبق لك من قبل معاناة رد فعل حساسية أو الربو. إذا كنت تعانى أو قد عانيت فرط الحساسية تجاه سفترياكسون أو إلورس والتي غالبا ما تحدث مع الاشخاص ذوى الحساسية والتي قد تحدث على كافة الدرجات من الخطورة  التي قد تفضي إلى صدمة تأق.
  • إذا كنت قد علمت من قبل أن كليتيك و/ أو كبدك لا يعملن بشكل جيد جدا
  • إذا كنت قد عانيت من حصوات المثانة أو حصوات بالكلية أو خضعت للتغذية بقسطرة العلاج الوريدي.
  • إذا كنت قد عانيت من قبل من تضخم الامعاء، المعروف باسم التهاب القولون، أو أي مرض شديد أخر يؤثر عليك.
  • يمكن لهذا العقار التأثير على نتائج بعض من اختبارات الدم (مثل اختبار كومبس).

عند تناول أدوية أخرى
يرجى فضلا إخبارك طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول أية أدوية أخرى أو كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى مؤخرا  
ويشمل ذلك التوجيه أن تبلغ طبيبك بالادوية التي تناولتها بدون وصفة طبية.

يتأثر هذا العقار بأية أدوية أخرى يتم طرحها عن طريق الكلى. ويتأثر العقار بشكل أكبر إذا كانت هذه الأدوية تؤثر على كيفية عمل الكلي. وهناك الكثير من الأدوية التي تقوم بذات الأمر ولذا ينبغي عليك التحقق من الأمر مع طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول العقار.

ويتوجب عليك أن تخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي بشكل خاص إذا كنت تتناول:

  • مضادات حيوية أخرى مثل أمينوغليكوزيد لمعالجة العدوى.
  • حبوب تحديد النسل التي يتم تناولها عن طريق الفم. ينصح باستخدام وسائل تحديد النسل غير الهرمونية الإضافية.
  • البروبينسيد ( الذي يستخدم لعلاج النقرس)
  • كلورامفينيكول (الذي يستخدم لعلاج العدوى، خاصة عدوى العيون)
  • مضادات التخثر (الأدوية التي تستخدم في حالت انخفاض عدد الصفحات)

يمكن أن يغير هذا الدواء بعض من نتائج اختبارات الدم ( مثل اختبار كومبس أو قياس جالاكتوز في دمك).
 إنه لمن الهام أن تخبر طبيبك أنك تتناول هذا الدواء إذا كنت تجرى أي من هذه الفحوص والاختبارات.

قد يغير هذا الدواء من نتائج اختبارات البول غير الانزيمية للسكر.  إذا كنت مصابا بالسكر وتقوم باختبار البول بشكل دوري، عليك إخبار طبيبك. وذلك لأنك قد تحتاج للخضوع لفحوصات أخرى لقياس مستوى السكر لديك أثناء تناول هذا الدواء.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية

  • هل أنت حامل أو تعتقدين أنك حامل؟ على الرغم من عدم تسجيل أثار ضارة لهذا الدواء على الأجنة، فإنه لم يتم إعطاء هذا الدواء للحوامل إلا في حالات الضرورة الشديدة.
  • هل تقومي بالرضاعة الطبيعية؟ يتوجب عدم إعطاء هذا الدواء للنساء اللذين يقومون بالرضاعة الطبيعية. وذلك لأن الكميات الصغيرة من هذا الدواء تنفذ إلى لبن الم وبالتالي يصل إلى غذاء الطفل عبر الثدي.
  • خلال فترة الحمل، تنقبض العضلات عند استخدام الدواء مع ليدوكائين.

عليك بطلب النصيحة من طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استخدام إلورس.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات
قد تشعر بدوار عند تناول هذا الدواء. وقد يؤثر ذلك على قدرتك على القيادة أو تشغيل ألالات. إذا شعرت بحدوث أى من هذه الاعراض، امتنع عن القيادة أو استخدام الآلات.


يتعين عليك دائما أن تستخدم إلورس وفق لتعليمات الطبيب بالضبط. وفى حال لم تكن متأكد من أمر ما فإن عليك الرجوع للطبيب أو الصيدلي للتحقق من الأمر.

يعطى دواء إلورس على يد طبيب أو فرد تمريض. يمكن حقن إلورس عن طريق الحقن العضلي العميق على فواصل زمنية أو القسطرة الوريدية البطيئة بعد إذابة المحلول وفقا لتعليمات الأستخدام.

تعتمد الجرعة التي يصفها الطبيب لك على نوع العدوى ودرجة إصابة العدوى. وكذلك تعتمد الجرعة على وزنك وكفاءة عمل كليتيك. وسيقوم طبيبك بشرح المر إليك. الجرعات العادية هي:

بالنسبة للبالغين، أكبر من سن 12 عام ويزيد وزنهم عن 50 كيلو جرام.

  • 1.5 إلى 3 جرام يوميا.
  • في حالات العدوى الشديدة يمكن زيادة الجرعة إلى 6 جرامات يوميا. يتم تناولها حقنا بالوريد.

الأطفال حديثي الولدة ( حتى عمر 14 يوم)

  • 75-30 مليجرام لكل كجم من وزن الطفل يوميا ، يتم تناولها حقنا بالوريد.
  • ينبغي عدم تجاوز الجرعة 75 مليجرام لكل كيلوجرام من وزن الطفل مهما كانت شدة العدوى.

في حال الطفال بين عمر 15 يوم و 12 سنة.

  • 75-30 مليجرام لكل كجم من وزن الطفل يوميا ، يتم تناولها حقنا بالوريد.
  • ينبغي عدم تجاوز الجرعة 75 مليجرام لكل كيلوجرام من وزن الطفل مهما كانت شدة العدوى - التهاب السحايا البكتيري.

عادة ما يعطى إلورس مرة يوميا

  • عادة ما تكون فترة العلاج يومين على الأقل بعد عودة الجسم إلى درجة حرارة الجسد إلى طبيعتها.
  •  قد تستمر فترة العلاج لمدة كلية من 7-14 يوما.

إذا كان المريض طفل أقل من عامين أو امرأة حامل أو امرأة تقوم بالرضاعة الطبيعية، ينبغي أن يتم استخدام إلورس في الوريد بالحقن البطيء فقط.

الجرعة المفرطة :إذا استخدمت دواء إلورس أكثر مما يجب.
إذا استخدمت دواء إلورس أكثر مما يجب، عليك التحدث إلى طبيبك مباشرة أو الذهاب إلى قسم الطوارئ والحوادث في أقرب مستشفى. عليك بأن تأخذ معك الدواء في علبته الكرتونية الخاصة به حتى يتسنى للفريق الطبي معرفة ما عليهم القيام به بدقة وتحديد.

في حال توقفت عن استخدام دواء إلورس.
إنه لمن الهام أن يتم استخدام دواء إلورس وفقا لطريقة العلاج الموصوفة لك والتي لا ينبغي إيقافها أو قطعها لمجرد أنك شعرت بالتحسن مرة ثانية. إذا تم إيقاف العلاج مبكرا فربما تسبب ذلك في نشاط العدوى مرة أخرى.

إذا كنت تشعر أنك لست على ما يرام في نهاية فترة العلاج الموصوفة أو حتى شعرت أنك في حال أسوأ خلل فترة العلاج فإن عليك التحدث إلى طبيبك بهذا الشأن.

إذا كان لديك المزيد من السئلة حول استخدام المنتج، توجه إلي الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

وكما هو الحال في جميع الأدوية، فإن دواء إلورس قد يسبب أثار جانبية عند استخدامه لأول مرة على الرغم أن ذلك لا يحدث بالضرورة مع الجميع.

إذا حدث لك أي من هذه العراض الجانبية التالية توقف عن تناول الدواء وقم بإطلع طبيبك على الأمر فورا أو توجه إلى قسم الطوارئ والحوادث بأقرب مستشفى.
ولقد تم تصنيف شدة حدوث الثار الجانبية المحتملة المذكورة فيما بعد وفقا للتصنيف التالي:
شائعة (تؤثر على 1 إلى 10 مستخدمين من بين كل 100 مستخدم)
غير شائعة (تؤثر على 1 إلى 10 مستخدمين من بين كل 1000 مستخدم)
نادرة (تؤثر على 1 إلى 10 مستخدمين من بين كل 10000 مستخدم)

الآثار الجانبية التالية غير شائعة (أي تؤثر على 1-10 مستخدمين من بين كل 1000 مستخدم)

  • الإسهال
  • غثيان
  • الحكة

الآثار الجانبية التالية  شائعة (أي تؤثر على 1-10 مستخدمين من بين كل 100 مستخدم)

  • ألم في موضع الحقن
  • الدوخة والدوار

ووفقا لطبيعة سفترياكسون ، فإنه قد تحدث بعض التفاعلات الضائرة كما يلي: 

الآثار الجانبية التالية غير شائعة (أي تؤثر على مستخدم واحد ( 1 فقط) من بين كل 100 مستخدم)

  • تفاعلت فى الجلد ، وهو ما قد يشمل التهاب الجلد الأرجي والشرى.

الآثار الجانبية التالية النادرة (أي تؤثر على مستخدم واحد ( 1 فقط) من بين كل 1000 مستخدم)

  • مشاكل بالكبد
  • مشاكل بالدم. ويشمل ذلك الشعور بالتعب والتكدم والشعور بقصر النفس والتعرض لنزيف الأنف.
  • الصداع.
  • مشاكل الكلية. ويشمل ذلك قلة البول وزيادة مستويات مصل الكرياتينين.
  • أنواع أخرى من العدوى مثل هذه التى تنتج عن الفطر ( نب) والخمائر.
  •  حمى ورعشة.
  •  قد تحدث آلام وتفاعلات التهابية في جدار الوريد.

احتفظ بالدواء يعيدا عن نظر وتناول الأطفال
لا تستخدم الدواء إلورس بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدون على العلبة. ويشير تاريخ الصلاحية إلى أخر يوم من الشهر المدون.
يتم حفظ دواء إلورس فى غرفة يتم التحكم بدرجة حراراتها أو فى درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية ويحفظ فى علبة كارتونية خارجية للحفاظ عليه محمي من الضوء.
ينبغي استخدام المحلول بعد إذابتها مباشرة. يتعين استخدام المحاليل الصافية فقط.
ينبغي استخدام محتوى القارورة فورا ما أن يتم فتحها.
يجب التخلص من أي حقن أو محلول ذائب غير مستخدم.
يتوجب عدم التخلص من الأدوية ضمن مياه الصرف الصحي أو القمامة المنزلية. أسال الصيدلي حول كيفية التخلص من الدوية غير المطلوبة. سوف تساعد هذه الجراءات في حماية البيئة.

إن المادة النشطة في الدواء هي سفترياكسون الصوديوم و سولباكتام الصوديوم. تحتوى كل قارورة على 1000 مليجرام من سفترياكسون (مثل سفترياكسون الصوديوم) و 500 مليجرام من سولباكتام (سولباكتام الصوديوم).

أما المادة غير النشطة فهي ثنائي أمين اليثيلين رباعي حمض الخل الصوديوم اللا مائى.

إلورس عبارة عن حبة مسحوق أصفر/ كريمي التي يتم إذابتها في محلول للحقن أو القسطرة الوريدية. يتم وضع المسحوق في قارورة. تحتوى العبوة على قارورة واحدة.
لا تستخدم إ لورس في حال لحظت أي من المور التالية : إذا كان المحلول غير صافى.

شركة فينوس المحدودة للأدوية
،EPIP المنطقة الصناعية هيل توب، جهارماجيري
الحي آي (خارجي)، بهاتولي آالان 173205 ، بادي (اتش بي)، الهند
هاتف: 911795302018+
فاكس: 911795271272+
 بريد الكتروني : drrksingh@venusremedies.com 

تمت مراجعة هذه النشرة بتاريخ 06/2013
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

ELORES Ceftriaxone/sulbactam 1.5 g/vial powder for solution for injection/infusion.

Each vial contains: Ceftriaxone sodium Ph. Eur. equivalent to ceftriaxone 1000 mg. Sulbactam sodium Ph. Eur. equivalent to sulbactam 500 mg. Excipient: For list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Powder for Solution for Injection/Infusion

ELORES is indicated for the treatment of the following indications:
· Lower Respiratory tract infections
· Urinary Tract Infections(complicated and uncomplicated)
· Sepsis
· Bacterial meningitis
· Infections of bones or joints
· Infections of skin or soft tissues
· Surgical prophylaxis

ELORES may be administered by deep intramuscular injection, slow intravenous injection, or as a slow
intravenous infusion, after reconstitution of the solution according to the directions.
Diluents containing calcium, (e.g. Ringer's solution or Hartmann's solution), should not be used to
reconstitute Ceftriaxone/sulbactam 1.5g/vial powder for solution for injection/infusion or to further dilute a
reconstituted vial for IV administration because a precipitate can form. Precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium
can also occur when ceftriaxone is mixed with calcium-containing solutions in the same IV administration
line. Therefore, ceftriaxone and calcium-containing solutions must not be mixed or administered
Dosage and mode of administration should be determined by the severity of the infection, susceptibility of
the causative organism and the patient's condition. Under most circumstances a once-daily dose - or, in the
specified indications, a single dose - will give satisfactory therapeutic results.

Adults and children 12 years and over
Standard therapeutic dosage: 1.5g once daily.
Severe infections: 3-6g daily, normally as a single dose every 24 hours.
The duration of therapy varies according to the course of the disease. As with antibiotic therapy in general,

administration of ELORES should be continued for a minimum of 48 to 72 hours after the patient has
become afebrile or evidence of bacterial eradication has been obtained.
These dosages do not require modification in elderly patients provided that renal and hepatic function are
satisfactory (see below).
Neonates, infants and children up to 12 years
The following dosage schedules are recommended for once daily administration:
A daily dose of 30 - 75mg/kg body weight, not to exceed 75mg/kg. In the neonate, the intravenous dose
should be given over 60 minutes to reduce the displacement of bilirubin from albumin, thereby reducing the
potential risk of bilirubin encephalopathy (see section 4.4).
Infants and children of up to 12 years
Standard therapeutic dosage: 30 - 75mg/kg body weight once daily.
In severe infections up to 120mg/kg body weight daily may be given. For children with body weights of
50kg or more, the usual adult dosage should be used. Doses of 75mg/kg or over should be given by slow
intravenous infusion over at least 30 minutes. Doses greater than 120mg/kg body weight should be avoided
because of the increased risk of biliary precipitates.
Renal and hepatic impairment
In patients with impaired renal function, there is no need to reduce the dosage of ELORES provided liver
function is intact. Only in cases of pre-terminal renal failure (creatinine clearance < 10ml per minute) should
the daily dosage be limited to 3g or less.
In patients with liver damage there is no need for the dosage to be reduced provided renal function is intact.
In severe renal impairment accompanied by hepatic insufficiency, the plasma concentration of ELORES
should be determined at regular intervals and dosage adjusted.
In patients undergoing dialysis, no additional supplementary dosing is required following the dialysis. Serum
concentrations should be monitored, however, to determine whether dosage adjustments are necessary, since
the elimination rate in these patients may be reduced.

ELORES is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics. In patients hypersensitive to penicillin, the possibility of allergic cross-reactions should be borne in mind. Hyperbilirubinaemic newborns and preterm newborns should not be treated with ceftriaxone. In vitro studies have shown that ceftriaxone can displace bilirubin from its binding to serum albumin and bilirubin encephalopathy can possibly develop in these patients. Premature newborns up to a corrected age of 41 weeks (weeks of gestation + weeks of life). Full-term newborns (up to 28 days of age) • with jaundice, or who are hypoalbuminaemic or acidotic because these are conditions in which bilirubin binding is likely to be impaired • if they require (or are expected to require) IV calcium treatment, or calcium-containing infusions because of the risk of precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium.

As with other cephalosporins, anaphylactic reactions with fatal outcome were also reported, even if a patient
is not known to be allergic or previously exposed.(see section 4.2).

Before therapy with ELORES is instituted, careful inquiry should be made to determine whether the patient has had any previous hypersensitivity reactions to ceftriaxone, any other cephalosporin, or to any penicillin or other beta-lactam drug. ELORES is contraindicated in patients who have had a previous hypersensitivity reaction to any cephalosporin. It is also contraindicated in patients who have had a previous immediate and/or any severe hypersensitivity reaction to any penicillin or to any other beta-lactam drug (see Section 4.3). ELORES should be given with caution to patients who have had any other type of hypersensitivity
reaction to a penicillin or any other beta-lactam drug.

ELORES should be given with caution to patients who have other allergic diatheses.
Cases of fatal reactions with calcium-ceftriaxone precipitates in lungs and kidneys in premature and full-term
newborns aged less than 1 month have been described. At least one of them had received ceftriaxone and
calcium at different times and through different intravenous lines. In the available scientific data, there are no
reports of confirmed intravascular precipitations in patients, other than newborns, treated with ceftriaxone
and calcium-containing solutions or any other calcium-containing products. In vitro studies demonstrated
that newborns have an increased risk of precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium compared to other age groups.

In patients of any age ELORES must not be mixed or administered simultaneously with any calciumcontaining
IV solutions, even via different infusion lines or at different infusion sites. However, in patients
older than 28 days of age Ceftriaxone/sulbactam, powder for solution for injection/infusion and calciumcontaining
solutions may be administered sequentially one after another if infusion lines at different sites are
used, or if the infusion lines are replaced or thoroughly flushed between infusions with physiological saltsolution
to avoid precipitation. In patients requiring continuous infusion with calcium-containing TPN
solutions, healthcare professionals may wish to consider the use of alternative antibacterial treatments which
do not carry a similar risk of precipitation. If use of ELORES nutrition, TPN solutions and ELORES can be
administered simultaneously, albeit via different infusion lines at different sites. Alternatively, infusion of
TPN solution could be stopped for the period of ceftriaxone infusion, considering the advice to flush infusion
lines between solutions.

Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAD) has been reported with use of nearly all antibacterial
agents, including ELORES, and may range in severity from mild diarrhoea to fatal colitis. Treatment with
antibacterial agents alters the normal flora of the colon leading to overgrowth of C. difficile.

C. difficile produces toxins A and B which contribute to the development of CDAD. Hypertoxin producing
strains of C. difficile cause increased morbidity and mortality, as these infections can be refractory to
antimicrobial therapy and may require colectomy. CDAD must be considered in all patients who present with
diarrhoea following antibiotic use. Careful medical history is necessary since CDAD has been reported to
occur over two months after the administration of antibacterial agents.

If CDAD is suspected or confirmed, ongoing antibiotic use not directed against C. difficile may need to be
discontinued. Appropriate fluid and electrolyte management, protein supplementation, antibiotic treatment of
C. difficile, and surgical evaluation should be instituted as clinically indicated.

Superinfections with non-susceptible micro-organisms may occur as with other antibacterial agents.
An immune mediated haemolytic anaemia has been observed in patients receiving cephalosporin class
antibacterials including ELORES. Severe cases of haemolytic anaemia, including fatalities, have been
reported during treatment in both adults and children. If a patient develops anaemia while on ceftriaxone, the
diagnosis of a cephalosporin associated anaemia should be considered and ceftriaxone discontinued until the aetiology is determined.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, colitis and pseudomembranous colitis have all been reported with the use of
Ceftriaxone/sulbactam. These diagnoses should be considered in any patient who develops diarrhoea during
or shortly after treatment. Ceftriaxone/sulbactam 1.5g/vial powder for solution for injection/infusion should
be discontinued if severe and/or bloody diarrhoea occurs during treatment and appropriate therapy instituted.

ELORES should be used with caution in individuals with a previous history of gastro-intestinal disease, particularly colitis.

As with other cephalosporins, prolonged use of ceftriaxone may result in the overgrowth of non-susceptible
organisms, such as enterococci and Candida spp.

In severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, dosage should be reduced according to given recommendations(see section 4.2).

ELORES may precipitate in the gallbladder and then be detectable as shadows on ultrasound (see section 4.8). This can happen in patients of any age, but is more likely in infants and small children who are usually
given a larger dose of ELORES on a body weight basis. In children, doses greater than 120mg/kg body
weight should be avoided because of the increased risk of biliary precipitates. There is no clear evidence of
gallstones or of acute cholecystitis developing in children or infants treated with ELORES. As the condition
appears to be transient and reversible upon discontinuation, therapeutic procedures are not normally

Shadows, which have been mistaken for gallstones are however, precipitates of calcium ceftriaxone which
disappear on completion or discontinuation of ELORES therapy. Rarely have these findings been associated
with symptoms. In symptomatic cases, conservative nonsurgical management is recommended.

Discontinuation of ELORES treatment in symptomatic cases should be at the discretion of the physician.

Cephalosporins as a class tend to be absorbed onto the surface of the red cell membranes and react with
antibodies directed against the drug to produce a positive Coombs' test and occasionally a rather mild
haemolytic anaemia. In this respect, there may be some cross-reactivity with penicillins.

Cases of pancreatitis, possibly of biliary obstruction aetiology, have been rarely reported in patients treated
with ELORES. Most patients presented with risk factors for biliary stasis and biliary sludge, e.g. preceding
major therapy, severe illness and total parenteral nutrition. A trigger or cofactor role of ELORES - related
biliary precipitation can not be ruled out.

Safety and effectiveness of ELORES in neonates, infants and children have been established for the dosages
described under Dosage and administration. Studies have shown that ceftriaxone, like some other
cephalosporins, can displace bilirubin from serum albumin.

During prolonged treatment a complete blood count should be performed at regular intervals.

No impairment of renal function has so far been observed after concurrent administration of large doses of
ELORES and potent diuretics (e.g. furosemide).

No interference with the action or increase in nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides has been observed during
simultaneous administration with ELORES.

No effect similar to that of disulfiram has been demonstrated after ingestion of alcohol subsequent to the
administration of ELORES. Ceftriaxone does not contain an N-methylthiotetrazole moiety associated with
possible ethanol intolerance and bleeding problems of certain other cephalosporins. The elimination of
ELORES is not altered by probenecid.

In an in-vitro study antagonistic effects have been observed with the combination of chloramphenicol and
ceftriaxone. The clinical relevance of this finding is unknown, but caution is advised if concurrent
administration of ceftriaxone with chloramphenicol is proposed.

Do not use diluents containing calcium, such as Ringer's solution or Hartmann's solution, to reconstitute
ELORES vials or to further dilute a reconstituted vial for IV administration because a precipitate can form.
Precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium can also occur when ELORES is mixed with calcium-containing
solutions in the same IV administration line. ELORES must not be administered simultaneously with
calcium-containing IV solutions, including continuous calcium-containing infusions such as parenteral
nutrition via a Y-site. However, in patients other than neonates, ELORES and calcium-containing solutions
may be administered sequentially, of one another, if the infusion lines are thoroughly flushed between
infusions with a compatible fluid. In vitro studies using adult and neonatal plasma from umbilical cord blood
demonstrated that neonates have an increased risk of precipitation of ceftriaxone-calcium.

Based on literature reports ceftriaxone is incompatible with amsacrine, vancomycin, fluconazole and

In patients treated with ELORES, the Coombs' test may rarely become false-positive. ELORES, like other
antibiotics, may result in false-positive tests for galactosaemia. Likewise, non-enzymatic methods for glucose determination in urine may give false-positive results. For this reason, urine-glucose determination
during therapy with ELORES should be done enzymatically.

Ceftriaxone may adversely affect the efficacy of oral hormonal contraceptives. Consequently, it is advisable
to use supplementary (non-hormonal) contraceptive measures during treatment and in the month following

Sulbactam and Ceftriaxone cross the placental barrier. There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled
studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human
response, this drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

Only small quantities of sulbactam and cefoperazone are excreted in human milk. Although both drugs pass
poorly into breast milk of nursing mothers, caution should be exercised when sulbactam/ceftriaxone is
administered to a nursing mother.

Since Ceftriaxone/sulbactam sometimes induces dizziness the ability to drive and use machines can be impaired.

ELORES is generally well tolerated. The majority of adverse events are of mild or moderate severity and
are tolerated with continued treatment. In pooled clinical trial data from comparative studies in
approximately 654 patients out of which 325 were treated with Ceftriaxone/sulbactam and the following was
Gastrointestinal: As with other antibiotics, the most frequent side effects observed with
ceftriaxone/sulbactam have been gastrointestinal (7.08%). Diarrhea/loose stools have been reported most
frequently followed by nausea and vomiting.

General disorders and administration site conditions: The reactions observed with Ceftriaxone/Sulbactam in
15.08% of volunteers. Pain, swelling or itching at site, phlebitis, edema have been reported more common in
the patient treated with Ceftriaxone/Sulcabtam.

Nervous system disorders: The most common side effects observed with ceftriaxone/sulbactam have been
Headache and Dizziness. In the comparative clinical data, 4.31% patients observed nervous system disorders.

Local Reactions:
· Ceftriaxone/sulbactam is well tolerated following intramuscular administration. Occasionally,
transient pain may follow administration by this route. As with other cephalosporins and penicillins,
when ceftriaxone/sulbactam is administered by an intravenous catheter some patients may develop
phlebitis at the infusion site.

Other Adverse Reactions:
Based on ceftriaxone nature following adverse reactions may also occur:

Hepatic: Elevations of SGOT/SGPT.
Hematological: Eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, hematoma or bleeding. Hemolytic anemia is observed less frequently. Agranulocytosis (< 500/mm3) may occur occasionally at a total cumulative dose exceeding 20 g.

Skin reactions: Exanthema, allergic dermatitis, pruritis, urticaria, edema, erythema multiforme.

Based on ceftriaxone nature other side effects such as headache, dizziness, increase in serum creatinine,
mycosis of the genital tract, oliguria, fever, and shivering may occur.

Local Reactions:
Based on ceftriaxone nature following local reactions may also occur:

  • Pain, induration, and tenderness may be encountered in a small number of patients.
  • Inflammatory reactions in the vein wall may also occur after IV administration. These may be minimized by slow injection, given over 2 to 5 minutes.

In the case of overdose nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, can occur. ELORES concentration can not be reduced
by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. There is no specific antidote. Treatment is symptomatic.

ATC classification
Pharmacotherapeutic group: cephalosporins and related substances, ATC code: J01DD54

Mode of action
Ceftriaxone acts by inhibiting the mucopeptide synthesis in the bacterial cell wall. The beta-lactam moiety of
ceftriaxone binds to carboxypeptidases, endopeptidases, and transpeptidases in the bacterial cytoplasmic
membrane. These enzymes are involved in cell-wall synthesis and cell division. By binding to these
enzymes, ceftriaxone results in the formation of of defective cell walls and cell death. Sulbactam is a
molecule that is given in combination with beta lactam antibiotics to inhibit beta lactamase, an enzyme
produced by bacteria that destroys the antibiotics. Sulbactam is an irreversible inhibitor of beta-lactamase; it
binds the enzyme and does not allow it to interact with the antibiotic.

Thus, fixed dose combination ceftriaxone/sulbactam, powder for solution for injection/infusion i.e.
ceftriaxone and sulbactam serves as an effective measure to combat a specific resistance mechanism of betalatamase
producing organisms, in addition to that it also provides synergy against wide range of bacteria.
This kind of combination therapy is useful against life threatening infections in hospitalized and out patients.

Rationale behind combination
Ceftriaxone and sulbactam is a synergistic antimicrobial combination with marked in-vitro antibacterial
activity against a broad spectrum of organisms. Sulbactam not only potentiates the antibacterial activity of
beta-lactams but also exhibits a moderate antibacterial activity. By forming a protein complex with betalactamases,
sulbactam irreversibly blocks their destructive hydrolytic activity. Thus, sulbactam addition
extends the spectrum of activity of ceftriaxone. As sulbactam also binds with some penicillin binding
proteins, sensitive strains are often rendered more susceptible to the ceftriaxone/sulbactam, powder for
solution for injection/infusion combination than ceftriaxone alone. In bacterial strains that produce either low
amounts of beta-lactamase, or none at all, a synergistic effect is observed when sulbactam is associated with
beta-lactam antibiotic that has a complementary affinity for the target sites.

The presence of the inactive ingredient EDTA in the combination provides the following benefits;

  1. Alters the porosity of bacterial cell membrane and enhances the penetration of ceftriaxone into bacteria making ceftriaxone effective at less concentrations.
  2. Breaks biofilm and makes ceftriaxone+sulbactam effective even in infections with biofilm.
  3. EDTA makes ceftriaxone effective in Metallo-beta-lactamase ESBL strains.
  4. Prevention of resistance development.

Values that indicate the Resistant (R), Intermediate (I), and Sensitive (S) in selected organism

S. aureus/MTCC737≤13 14-23≥24
S. epidermis/MTCC435≤1314-20≥21
B. subtilis/ATCC736≤1314-20≥21
C. braakii/MTCC2690≤1414-20≥21
P. vulgaris/ MTCC426 ≤1415-20≥21
M. morganii/ MTCC662≤1415-17≥18
P. aeruginosa/ MTCC1688≤1314-20≥21
K. pneumoniae/ 10031 (ATCC)≤1314-18≥19
A. baumanii/ MTCC1425≤1415-20≥21

Ceftriaxone has bactericidal activity that results from the inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. It is
effective against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterias.
Commonly susceptible species:
Gram positive aerobes: Staphylococcus aureus*(MSSA) , Streptococcus agalactiae , Streptococcus bovis ,
Streptococcus pyogenes* , Streptococcus pneumoniae* ,
Gram-positive anaerobes : Peptococcus niger , Peptostreptococcus spp. ,
Gram-negative aerobes : Citrobacter koseri,1 Escherichia coli*1, Haemophilus influenzae* , Haemophilus
parainfluenzae* , Klebsiella pneumoniae*1, Klebsiella oxytoca*1, Moraxella catarrhalis* , Morganella
morganii11 , Neisseria meningitidis* , Proteus mirabilis*1, Proteus vulgaris1 , Providencia spp.1 , Salmonella
spp.1 , Serratia spp.1 , Shigella spp.
Species for which acquired resistance may be a problem :
Gram-positive aerobes : Staphylococcus epidermidis*$ (MSSE)
Gram-negative aerobes : Citrobacter freundii1 , Enterobacter spp.1 ,3, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2$
Inherently resistant species :
Gram-positive aerobes: Enterococcus faecalis , Enterococcus faecium , Listeria monocytogenes,
Staphylococcus aureus MRSA , Staphylococcus epidermidis MRSE , Gram-positive anaerobes: Clostridium
difficile , Gram-negative aerobes :Acinetobacter spp. , Achromobacter spp.
Aeromonas spp. , Alcaligenes spp. , Flavobacterium spp. , Legionella gormanii ,
Gram-negative anaerobes : Bacteroides spp.
Others : Chlamydia spp. , Chlamydophila spp. , Mycobacterium spp. , Mycoplasma spp.
Rickettsia spp. , Ureaplasma urealyticum
* Clinical efficacy has been demonstrated for susceptible isolates in approved clinical indications
$ Species with natural intermediate susceptibility
1 Some strains produce inducible or stably derepressed chromosomally-encoded cephalosporinases and ESBLs (extended spectrum
beta-lactamases) and thus are clinically resistant to cephalosporins.
2 In suspected or proven Pseudomonas infection combination with an aminoglycoside is necessary.
3 Clinical efficacy has been demonstrated for susceptible isolates of Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter aerogenes in approved
clinical indications.

Clinical efficacy and safety
In one of the phase III study conducted on ELORES the clinical efficacy and safety end points were obtained
by collating the data of 204 urinary tract infection subjects, 93 lower respiratory tract infection subjects, 93
Otitis media subjects, 75 Bone and Joint Infection subjects, 95 Surgical Prophylaxis patients, 34 bacterial
Septicemia Subjects and 60 patients of Skin and Skin structure infection.

Efficacy: Among the total subjects screened for bone and joint infection, 32 (91.43%) subjects who received
ELORES had shown complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared
to only 15 (34.09%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group.

Among the total subjects screened for bacterial septicemia, 18(100%) subjects who received ELORES had
shown complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared to only 1
(6.25%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. There were no subjects with treatment failure in the ELORES
group as well as in the Ceftriaxone group.

Among the total subjects screened for LRTI, 42 (91.30%) subjects who received ELORES had shown
complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared to only 15(34.09%)
subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. However ELORES group did not show any response to the treatment
compared to 7 (15.91%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group.

Among the total subjects screened for surgical prophylaxis, 45 (91.84%) subjects who received ELORES
had shown complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared to 13
(30.95%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. No ELORES group showed failure of response to the treatment
compared to 16 (38.10%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group.

Among the total subjects screened for skin and skin structure infection, 17 (68.00%) subjects who received
ELORES had shown complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared
to 2 (7.14%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. However ELORES group did not show any failure response
to the treatment compared to 10 (35.71%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group.

Among the total subjects screened for UTI, 80 (84.21%) of them who received ELORES had shown
complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared to 35 (32.46%)
subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. There was no failure in the ELORES group subjects when compared to
ceftriaxone it had 6 (16.7%) failure response.

Among the total subjects screened for Chronic suppurative otitis media, 35 (90.00%) subjects who received
ELORES had shown complete clinical cure in terms of total relief and no-disease symptoms when compared
to 11 (32.57%) subjects in the Ceftriaxone group. Treatment failures were more in ceftriaxone group
compared to ELORES group.

Safety: In both the treatment arms some of the adverse events were observed. In Otitis media of 46
randomized (100%) subjects in ELORES group, 3 subjects (6.52%) developed AEs related to gastrointestinal
disorders (Nausea, Diarrhoea), 8 subjects (17.39%) related to general disorders and administration site
conditions (Pain at Site, Pruritis) and 4 subjects (8.70%) developed AEs related to nervous system disorders
(Headache, Dizziness). Whereas of 47 randomized (100%) subjects in Ceftriaxone group, 4 subjects (8.51%)
developed AE related to general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site).

In bacterial septicemia, among 18 randomized subjects in ELORES group, 6 subjects (33.33%) developed
AEs related to gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 1 event (5.56%) related to general disorders and
administration site conditions (Pain at Site) and 2 subjects (11.11%) developed AEs related to nervous
system disorders (Headache, Dizziness). Whereas, among 16 randomized subjects of ceftriaxone group, 2
subjects (12.50%) developed AE related to ear and labyrinth disorders (Vertigo), 5 subjects (31.25%)
developed AEs related gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 5 (31.25%) related to general disorders
and administration site conditions (Pain at Site), 3 subject’s (18.75%) related to nervous system disorders
(Headache, Dizziness).

In bone and joint infection, among 37 randomized subjects in ELORES group, 5 subjects developed AEs
(14.29%) related to gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 9 (25.71%) event were related to general
disorders and administration site conditions (Localized Pain, Pain at Site, Swelling at Inject Site, Itching) and
1 subject developed AE (2.86%) related to nervous system disorders (Headache). Whereas in Ceftriaxone
group, among 40 randomized subjects, 2 (5%) subject developed AEs related to gastrointestinal disorders
(Nausea, Vomiting), 15 subjects (37.50%) AE were related to general disorders and administration site
conditions (Localized Pain, Pain at Site, Swelling at Inject Site, Itching, Localized Edema), 3 (7.50%) related
to nervous system disorders (Headache, Dizziness), and 4 subject’s (10%) AEs were related to ear and
labyrinth disorders (Vertigo).

In ELORES group of skin and skin structure infections, of 28 (100%) randomized subjects, 1 subject’s
(3.57%) AE related to general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site) and 2 subjects
(7.14%) developed AEs related to nervous system disorders (Dizziness). Whereas of 32 (100%) randomized
subjects in Ceftriaxone group, 2 subjects (6.25%) developed AEs related to gastrointestinal disorders
(Nausea), 3 subjects (9.37%) related to general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site), 4
subjects (12.5%) related to nervous system disorders (Headache, Dizziness) and 1 subject (3.12%) related to
vascular disorders (Hypotension).

In surgical prophylaxis, among 50 randomized (100%) subjects in ELORES group, 3 subjects (6.00%)
developed AEs related to gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 13 subjects (26.00%) related to
general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site, Rahses). Whereas of 45 randomized
(100%) subjects in Ceftriaxone group, 20 subjects (44.44%) developed AEs related to general disorders and
administration site conditions (Pain at Site, Erythema at injection site, Fever, Phlebitis), 1 subject (2.22%)
related to nervous system disorders (Dizziness).

In ELORES group of lower respiratory tract infections, of 46 randomized (100%) subjects, 3 subjects
(6.52%) developed AEs related to gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 1 event was (2.17%) related
to general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site) and 3 subjects (6.52%) developed AEs
related to nervous system disorders (Headache, Dizziness). In Ceftriaxone group of lower respiratory tract
infections, of 47 (100%) randomized subjects, 1 subject (2.13%) developed AEs related to ear and labyrinth
disorders (Vertigo), 4 subjects (6.38%) developed AEs related gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting),
8 subjects (17.02%) related to general disorders and administration site conditions (Pain at Site, Edema,
Erythema, Phlebitis), 2 subjects (4.26%) related to nervous system disorders (Headache).

In UTI of 102 randomized subjects in ELORES group, 3 subjects (2.94%) developed AEs related to
gastrointestinal disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 16 subjects (15.69%) related to general disorders and
administration site conditions (Pain at Site, Fever, Edema, Erythema at injection site, Skin rash) and 2
subjects (1.96%) developed AEs related to nervous system disorders (Dizziness). Whereas of 102
randomized subjects in ceftriaxone group, 7 subjects (6.86%) developed AEs related gastrointestinal
disorders (Nausea, Vomiting), 27 subjects (26.47%) related to general disorders and administration site
conditions (Pain at Site, Fever, Edema, Erythema at injection site, Skin rash, Itching at injection site), 3
subjects (2.94%) related to nervous system disorders (Headache, Dizziness).

General Introduction

ELORES is a combination product of ceftriaxone, sulbactam and EDTA. Serum concentrations are
proportional to the dose administered. The pharmacokinetic properties are detailed below:

General characteristics
Absorption: Ceftriaxone and Sulbactam is completely bioavailable following intramuscular administration.
The maximum plasma concentration of ceftriaxone after a single IV dose of 1.5 g is about 148.762 μg/ml
(SD ± 14.826) and is reached in 0.563 hours (SD ± 0.169) after the dose, while that of sulbactam sodium is 19.287 (SD± 5.685 μg/ml) and is reached approximately in 0.521 hour (SD ± 0.102) in healthy volunteers.

Distribution: Ceftriaxone distributes well in various compartments and also passes the placental barrier. The
mean volume of distribution in healthy adults is 0.13 l/kg. Ceftriaxone is reversibly bound to albumin. The
binding is 95 % at plasma concentrations less than 100 mg/l with the binding percentage decreasing as the
concentration increases (to 85 % at ceftriaxone plasma concentrations of 300 μg/ml). The ceftiaxone is
distributed in 5.2 hours approximately in blood stream, while sulbactam reaches its half life in 0.94 hours .
Sulbactam has been found to be approximately 38% reversibly bound to human serum protein.

Serum levels:
Following the intravenous infusion of 1.5 g of ELORES for 30 minutes, mean values (±SD) of Cmax for
Ceftriaxone, treatment were 152.06 ± 6.65 μg/ml and Sulbactam treatment were 21.32 ± 1.80 μg/ml.

Metabolism: Ceftriaxone does not undergo systemic metabolism but it is broken down in the small intestine
by bacterial action.
Sulbactam is not metabolised, but is excreted primarily in the urine (glomerular filtration and tubular
secretion) with a small amount being recovered in bile and faeces.

Elimination: Over a 0.15 to 3 g dose range, the values of elimination half-life range from 6 to 9 hours, total
plasma clearance from 0.6–1.4 l/h and renal clearance from 0.3–0.7 l/h.
50–60 % of ceftriaxone is eliminated as an unchanged active substance in the urine whilst the remainder is
excreted via the bile into the faeces as microbiologically inactive metabolites.
Over a 0.15 to 3 gm dose range in healthy adult subjects, the values of elimination half-life ranged from 5.8 to 8.7 hours .
Ceftriaxone concentrates in the urine. The urine concentrations are 5–10 times higher than those found in the plasma.

Ceftriaxone cannot be removed by dialysis. This applies to both haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Urinary excretion is via glomerular filtration. No tubular secretion takes place. For this reason, no increase in
the serum levels is to be expected in coincident administration of probenecid and is actually - even at higher
dosage e.g. with 1-2 g probenecid - not found.

Approximately 75 to 85% of sulbactam are excreted unchanged in the urine during the first 8 hours after
administration to individuals with normal renal function. Somewhat higher and more prolonged serum levels
of ampicillin and sulbactam can be achieved with the concurrent administration of probenecid.

The pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone are non-linear with respect to the dose. This non-linearity is explained
by a concentration dependent decrease of binding to plasma proteins which leads to a respective increase in
distribution and elimination.
With the exception of elimination half-life, all pharmacokinetic parameters are dose-dependent. Repeat
dosing of 0.5 to 2 g results in 15 % –36 % accumulation above single dose values . When multiple doses of
sulbactam 0.5g were administered 6-hourly for 3 days to healthy volunteers no significant accumulation was seen.

After high doses of ceftriaxone diarrhoea, formation of biliary caliculi in the gallbladder and nephropathy were observed in monkeys and dogs

Di sodium edetate Ph. Eur.

Solutions containing ceftriaxone/sulbactam should not be mixed with or added to solutions containing other
agents. In particular, diluents containing calcium, (e.g. Ringer's solution, Hartmann's solution) should not be
used to reconstitute ceftriaxone/sulbactam vials or to further dilute a reconstituted vial for IV administration
because a precipitate can form. Ceftriaxone/sulbactam must not be mixed or administered simultaneously
with calcium-containing solutions. Based on literature reports, ceftriaxone/sulbactam is not compatible with
amsacrine, vancomycin, fluconazole, aminoglycosides and labetalol.

2 years from the date of manufacture. For shelf life of diluted product see section 6.6.

ELORES is to be stored at controlled room temperature or store below 30°C and protected from light.
For shelf life of diluted product see section 6.6.

30 ml type I tubular glass vial with 20 mm grey butyl rubber stoppers and sealed with 20mm flip off red aluminum seals.

Preparation of solutions for injection and infusion
ELORES upon dilution with following diluted solution remain stable for the following time periods :

ELORES comes in a unit carton pack containing one vial of dry powder for injection along with package
insert. Reconstitute ELORES with the WFI and agitate the vial gently until the powder dissolves completely
and administer immediately. Use injection only if the solution is clear and free from particulate matter.

Following are the recommendation for diluting the solution

Product name
Supplied in vialVol of WFI required to prepare
the solution for IV use
Maximum final
concentration in mg/ml
ELORES 30 ml10 ml100+50


ELORES sterile powder should be stored at room temperature 77±41°F (25 °C±5 °C) or below and protected
from light. After reconstitution, protection from normal light is not necessary. The color of solutions ranges
from light yellow to amber, depending on the length of storage,concentration and diluent used.

ELORES has been shown to be compatible with 0.9% Sodium Chloride, 5.0% Dextrose, 10.0% Dextrose,
0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection + 5% Dextrose, 0.32% sodium lactate, 5% Sodium Bicarbonate & 10%

The use of freshly prepared solutions is recommended. These maintain potency for at least 6 hours at or
below 25°C except 10.0% Dextrose or 24 hours at 2-8°C. Protect from light.

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Venus Remedies Limited Hill Top Industrial Estate, Jharmajri EPIP, Phase -I (Extension), Bhatoli Kalan, Baddi (H.P.), INDIA


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