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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Rifinah contains two different medicines called rifampicin and isoniazid. They both belong toa group of medicines called anti-tuberculous drugs. They work by killing the bacteria thatcause tuberculosis. Rifinah is used to treat tuberculosis (also known as TB).

Do not take Rifinah if:

× You are allergic (hypersensitive) to
-any of the other ingredients of the Rifinah (see Section 6: Contents of the pack andother information)
Signs of an allergic reaction include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue
× You have yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
× You are taking saquinavir or ritonavir for an HIV infection (see ‘Taking other medicines’ section below)
Do not take if any of the above apply to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Rifinah.
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Rifinah

•You have liver problems
•You have any kidney problems and if you are having more than 600mg rifampicin perday
•You have diabetes. Your diabetes may become more difficult to control while taking thismedicine
•You have epilepsy
•You have or have ever had mental health problems (such as depression orschizophrenia)
•You feel numb or weak in your arms and legs (peripheral neuropathy)
•You have an HIV infection
•You are underweight or malnourished
•You drink alcohol every day or you are an alcoholic
•You inject yourself with drugs
•You are a black or Hispanic woman
•You have a rare blood problem called ‘porphyria’
•You have a problem with bleeding or a tendency to bruise easily
•Your doctor has told you that your body takes a long time to get rid of some drugs (youhave a slow acetylator status)
•You wear contact lenses. Taking Rifinah may permanently stain soft contact lenses
•The person taking this medicine is a child
•You are aged 65 years or older
If you are not sure if any of the above apply to you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist beforetaking Rifinah.
Blood Tests
Your doctor will need to check your blood before you take this medicine. This will help your doctor know if any changes happen to your blood after taking this medicine. If you are aged 35 years or older, you will also need to have monthly blood tests to check how your liver is working.
Take special care with Rifinah
Serious skin reactions including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS), acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) have been reported with the use of Rifinah.
•SJS/TEN can appear initially as reddish target spots or circular patches often with centralblisters on the trunk. Also ulcers of mouth, throat, nose, genitals and eyes (red andswollen eyes) can occur. These serious skin rashes are often preceded by fever and/orflu-like symptoms. The rashes may progress to widespread peeling of the skin and life-threatening complications or be fatal.

•DRESS appears initially as flu-like symptoms and a rash on the face then an extendedrash with a high body temperature, increased levels of liver enzymes seen in blood testsand an increase in a type of white blood cell (eosinophilia) and enlarged lymph nodes.
•AGEP appears at the initiation of treatment as a red, scaly widespread rash with bumpsunder the skin and blisters accompanied by fever. The most common location: mainlylocalized on the skin folds, trunk, and upper extremities.
The highest risk for occurrence of serious skin reactions is within 2 days to 2 months after treatment initiation depending on the condition. If you develop a serious rash or another of these skin symptoms, stop taking Rifinah and contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately.
Other medicines and Rifinah
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines. This includes medicines you buy without a prescription, including herbal medicines. This is because Rifinah can affect the way some other medicines work. Also some medicines can affect the way Rifinah works.
In particular, do not take this medicine, and tell your doctor, if you are taking:
× Saquinavir or ritonavir used for HIV infection
The following medicines can make Rifinah work less well:
•Antacids used for indigestion. Take Rifinah at least 1 hour before taking antacids
•Other medicines used for TB such as P-aminosalicyclic acid (PAS) and cycloserine.PAS and Rifinah should be taken at least 8 hours apart
Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines:
Heart and blood medicines

•Medicines for high blood pressure
•Medicines for heart problems or to control your heartbeat
•Medicines used to thin the blood such as warfarin
•Medicines used to lower cholesterol
•Water tablets (diuretics) such as eplerenone
Mental health, epilepsy and motor neurone medicines
•Medicines for thought disorders known as ‘antipsychotics’ such as haloperidol
•Medicines to calm or reduce anxiety (hypnotics, anxiolytics)
•Medicines to help you sleep (barbiturates)
•Medicines used for epilepsy such as phenytoin and carbamazepine
•Some medicines used for depression such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline
•Riluzole - used for motor neurone disease
Medicines for infections and the immune system
•Some medicines used for an HIV infection such as stavudine and zalcitabine
•Some medicines used for viral infections such as indinavir, efavirenz, amprenavir,nelfinavir, atazanavir, lopinavir, neviparine, daclatasvir, simeprevir, sofosbuvir andtelaprevir
•Medicines used for fungal infections
•Medicines used for bacterial infections (antibiotics)
•Medicines used for lowering your immune system such as ciclosporin, sirolimus andtacrolimus
•Praziquantel - used for tapeworm infections
•Atovaquone - used for pneumonia
Hormone and cancer medicines
•Some hormone medicines (estrogen, systemic hormones, progestogens) used forcontraception or some types of cancer such as ethinyloestradiol, levonorgestrel ordydrogesterone

•Some hormone medicines (anti-estrogens) used for breast cancer or endometriosissuch as tamoxifen, toremifene and gestrinone
•Some medicines used for cancer (cytotoxics) such as imatinib
•Levothyroxine (thyroid hormone) used for thyroid problems
•Irinotecan - used for cancer
Pain and inflammation medicines
•Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as etoricoxib, aspirin andindometacin
•Medicines used for pain such as codeine, morphine, fentanyl or pethidine
•Corticosteroids used for inflammation such as hydrocortisone, betamethasone andprednisolone
•Methadone - used for heroin withdrawal
Other medicines
•Medicines used for diabetes
•Medicines used to relax muscles before surgery (anaesthetics) such as halothane
•Some medicines used for feeling sick or being sick such as ondansetron andaprepitant
•Other antibiotic medicines such as cefazolin
•Quinine - used for malaria
•Theophylline - used for wheezing or difficulty in breathing
Taking Rifinah with food and drink
Isoniazid may interact with foods containing histamine or tyramine (e.g. matured cheeses, cured meat, some fish like tuna, salmon and mackerel, wine and beer), causing symptoms including headache, sweating, flushing, fast, uneven or forceful heartbeat (palpitations), dizziness, feel lightheaded or faint (due to low blood pressure). These foods should be avoided if you are receiving isoniazid. Your doctor will be able to advise further.
Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility
Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine if you are pregnant, plan to get pregnant or think you are pregnant.
Rifinah may make the contraceptive “pill” work less well. This means you should change to a different type of contraception. Instead, you must use a reliable barrier method of contraception such as condoms or the “coil” while taking Rifinah. If you have any questions or are unsure about this talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
You should not breast-feed if you are taking Rifinah. This is because small amounts may pass into the mothers’ milk. If you are breast-feeding or planning to breast feed, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medicine.
Driving and using machines
You may feel dizzy or faint, have problems with vision or have other side effects that could affect your ability to drive while taking this medicine. If this happens, do not drive or use any tools or machines.
Important information about some of the ingredients of Rifinah
Rifinah contains:
Sunset yellow: This is a colouring agent that may cause allergic reactions
Sucrose: If you have been told by your doctor that you cannot tolerate some sugars, talkto your doctor before taking Rifinah
Sodium: These tablets contain less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per daily dose and areessentially ‘sodium-free’.

Always take Rifinah exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
Keep taking this medicine
•You must take the tablets every day for the whole time the doctor has told you to takethem
•Do not stop and start taking the tablets. This may increase the risk of side effects andyour TB will not be treated properly
How to take the tablets
•Take this medicine by mouth
•Swallow the tablets whole, with a drink of water
•Take at least 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. They are best taken atleast 30 minutes before breakfast
•Take all your tablets together each day, as a single dose
•Do not give this medicine to children
•If you feel the effect of your medicine is too weak or too strong, do not change the doseyourself, but ask your doctor
Your doctor may ask you to take Vitamin B6 during treatment with Rifinah, especially if you are malnourished, elderly or a diabetic.
How much to take
The usual dose is:
Adults and the Elderly weighing more than 50kg
•Two tablets each day
•If you are elderly, your doctor may monitor your treatment more closely
Adults and the Elderly weighing less than 50kg
•Rifinah 150/100mg Tablets are usually prescribed
This medicine is not recommended for use in children.
If you take more Rifinah than you should
If you take more Rifinah than you should, tell a doctor or go to a hospital casualty department straight away. Take the medicine pack with you. This is so the doctor knows what you have taken.
You may feel sick (nausea), be sick (vomiting), have stomach pain, itching or a headache. You may also feel tired, sleepy, dizzy, light-headed, have blurred or strange visions (hallucinations) and faint or feel faint. Other signs of taking too much include swelling of the face, eyes or eyelids, slurring of speech, difficulty breathing, fast heartbeat, uneven heartbeats, fits and heart attack.
If you forget to take Rifinah
If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember it. However, if it is nearly time for the next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dose to make up for the forgotten tablets.
Taking Rifinah may affect the results of some blood tests. In particular, tests for folate, vitamin B12 and liver function. If you are going to have a blood test, it is important to tell your doctor that you are taking Rifinah.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Stop taking and go to a hospital straight away if you notice any of the following serious side effects:
•You have an allergic reaction. The signs may include: a rash, swallowing or breathingproblems, wheezing, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue
•Serious skin rashes including Steven-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.These can appear as reddish target-like macules or circular patches often with centralblisters on the trunk, skin peeling, ulcers of mouth, throat, nose, genitals and eyes andcan be preceded by fever and flu-like symptoms. See also section 2.
•Widespread rash, high body temperature, liver enzyme elevations, blood abnormalities(eosinophilia), enlarged lymph nodes and other body organs involvement (Drug Reactionwith Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms which is also known as DRESS or drughypersensitivity syndrome). See also section 2.
•A red, scaly widespread rash with bumps under the skin and blisters accompanied byfever at the initiation of treatment (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis). Seealso section 2.
•You bruise more easily than usual. Or you may have a painful rash of dark red spotsunder the skin which do not go away when you press on them (purpura). This could bebecause of a serious blood problem
•You have severe bleeding (haemorrhage)
•You have chills, tiredness, unusually pale skin colour, shortness of breath, fast heartbeator dark coloured urine. These could be signs of a serious type of anaemia
•You have blood in your urine or an increase or decrease in amount of urine you produce.You may also get swelling, especially of the legs, ankles or feet. This may be caused byserious kidney problems
•You have a sudden severe headache. This could be a sign of bleeding in the brain
•Shortness of breath and wheezing
•You get confused, sleepy, cold clammy skin, shallow or difficult breathing, a racingheartbeat or your skin is paler than normal. These could be signs of shock
•You get more infections more easily than normal. Signs include fever, sore throat ormouth ulcers. This could be because you have a low number of white blood cells
•You have bleeding from your nose, ear, gums, throat, skin or stomach. Signs mayinclude a feeling of tenderness and swelling in your stomach, purple spots on your skinand black or tar-like stools
If you experience any of the following side effects contact your doctor as soon as possible:
•Inflammation of the pancreas, which causes severe pain in the abdomen and back(pancreatitis, frequency not known).
•Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, or urine getting darker and stools paler,fatigue, weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting caused by liverproblems (hepatitis, may affect up to 1 in 100 people).
Talk to your doctor straight away if you notice any of the following serious side effects:
•Mental problems with unusual thoughts and strange visions (hallucinations)
•Severe watery diarrhoea that will not stop and you are feeling weak and have a fever.This may be something called ‘Pseudomembranous colitis’
•Your fits get worse or you start to have fits
•Flu-like symptoms including chills, fever, headache, dizziness and bone pains
Tell your doctor as soon as possible if you have any of the following side effects:
•Water retention (oedema) which may cause swollen face, stomach, arms or legs
•Muscle weakness or pain or loss of muscle reflexes

•Dizziness, feel lightheaded and faint especially when you stand or sit up quickly (due tolow blood pressure)
•Swollen fingers, toes or ankles
•Balance problems with dizziness (vertigo)
•Being unable to concentrate, feeling nervous, irritable or depressed
•Feeling very tired and weak or difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
•Unusual skin sensations such as feeling numb, tingling, pricking, burning or creeping onthe skin (paraesthesia)
•Short-term memory loss, anxiety, being less alert or responsive
•Blurred or distorted eyesight
•Wasting of muscles or other body tissues
•Weight loss, night sweats and fever. These could be signs of a blood condition calledeosinophilia
•Feeling sick or being sick
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following side effects get serious or lasts longer than a few days:
•Skin flushing or itching
•Irregular periods
•Constipation, diarrhoea, stomach discomfort or dry mouth
•Loss of appetite (anorexia)
•Breast enlargement in men
•Increased thirst, going to the toilet more often and feeling tired. Your blood sugar may behigh
•Inflammation of the blood vessels.
Other side effects you should discuss with your doctor if you are concerned about them
•You notice a discolouration (yellow, brown, orange or red colour in your teeth urine,sweat, phlegm (sputum), saliva or tears. This is quite common and you need not worry.However, the colour may permanently stain soft contact lenses. The colour in tears maylast for some time after you have stopped having Rifinah.
Blood tests
•A blood test may show changes in the way the liver is working
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.
To report any side effect(s):
•Saudi Arabia:
-The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug SafetyCentre (NPC)
oFax: +966-11-205-7662oCall NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.oToll free phone: 8002490000oE-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.saoWebsite: www.sfda.gov.sa/npcSanofi- Pharmacovigilance:KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Do not use Rifinah after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and blister packs. Theexpiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Store below 25°C. Keep the blister in the outer carton, protect from moisture.
Medicines should not be disposed of via waterwaste or household waste. Ask yourpharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help toprotect the environment.

What Rifinah 300/150 mg Tablets contain:
•Each tablet contains 300mg of rifampicin and 150mg of isoniazid. These are the activeingredients
•The other ingredients are sodium lauryl sulphate, calcium stearate, sodiumcarboxymethyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, acacia, gelatin,kaolin, magnesium carbonate light, talc, titanium dioxide (E171), colloidal silicon dioxide,polyvinylpyrollidone K30, sucrose, carnauba wax, colophony, white beeswax, hardparaffin, sunset yellow (E110).

The tablets are orange, capsule shaped and shiny. Each pack contains 56 or 100 tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder
Sanofi SpA
Viale L. Bodio,37/B- 20158 Milano - Italie / Italy

Sanofi S.P.A.
Via Valcanello, 4
03012 Anagni (FR)

Secondary packaging
Sanofi-Aventis Arabia Co. LTD KSA

July 2019
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي ريفينا على دوائين مختلفين يُسميان ريفامبيسين وإيزونيازيد. ينتمي كلاهما إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تُسمّى الأدوية
المضادة للسلّ. يعملان عبر قتل البكتيريا التي تسبب السلّ. يُستعمل ريفينا لعلاج السلّ.

موانع الاستعمال
لا تأخذ ريفينا إذا:
• كنت مصابًا بحساسيّة )فرط حساسيّة( ضد - الريفامبيسين
- الإيزونيازيد

أيّ مركّب آخر من مركّبات ريفينا. )راجع القسم - 6 : محتويات العلبة ومعلومات أخرى(.
تتضمّن عوارض الارتكاس التحسسي: طفحًا، مشاكل في البلع أو التنفّس، تورّم الشفتين أو الوجه أو الحلق أو اللسان
• كنت مصابًا باصفرار في البشرة والعينين )يرقان(
• كنت تأخذ دواء الساكينافير أو الريتونافير لحالة عدوى ناتجة عن فيروس نقص المناعة البشريّة )راجع فقرة "أدوية
أخرى وريفينا" أدناه(
لا تأخذ هذا الدواء إذا كانت إحدى الحالات أعلاه تنطبق عليك. إذا لم تكن متأكّدًا، تحدّث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل أن تأخذ
تحذيرات واحتياطات
تحدّث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدليّ قبل أخذ ريفينا إذا

• كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الكبد
• كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الكلى وكنت تأخذ أكثر من 600 ملغ من الريفامبيسين في اليوم
• كنت مصابًا بداء السكري. قد تزداد صعوبة التحكّم بداء السكري في خلال فترة تناول هذا الدوا ء
• كنت مصابًا بداء الصرع
• كنت تعاني حاليًا أو عانيت في السابق من مشاكل عقليّة )مثل الاكتئاب أو الفُصام(
• كنت تشعر بالخدر أو بالضعف في ذراعيك وساقيك )الاعتلال العصبي المحيطي(
• كنت مصابًا بعدوى ناتجة عن فيروس نقص المناعة البشريّة
• كان وزنك دون المعدّل الطبيعي أو كنت تعاني من سوء التغذية
• كنت تشرب الكحول كلّ يوم أو كنت مدمنًا على الكحول
• كنت تحقن نفسك بالمخدرات
• كنت امرأة سوداء أو من أصل اسباني
• كنت تعاني من مشكلة نادرة في الدم تدعى برفيريّ ة
• كنت تعاني من مشكلة مع النزيف أو كنت تميل إلى الازرقاق بسهول ة
• قال لك طبيبك إن جسمك يأخذ وقتًا طويلاً للتخ لّص من بعض الأدوية )تأستل بطيء(
• كنت تضع عدسات لاصقة. قد يبقّع ريفينا العدسات اللاصقة الطر يّة بشكل دائم
• كان الشخص الذي يأخذ هذا الدواء طفلا • كنت في الخامسة والستين من العمر وما فوق
إذا لم تكن واثقًا مما إذا كانت إحدى الحالات أعلاه تنطبق عليك، تحدّث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل أخذ ريفينا
فحوصات الدم
سوف يحتاج طبيبك إلى فحص دمك قبل أن تأخذ هذا الدواء لأنّ ذلك سوف يساعده على معرفة حصول أيّ تغييرات في الدم
بعد تناول هذا الدواء. إذا كنت في ال 35 من العمر وما فوق، سوف تحتاج إلى إجراء فحوصات شهريّة للدم للتحقق من طريقة
عمل كبدك.
إعتمد عناية خاصة مع ريفينا
أفيد مع استعمال ريفينا عن حصول ارتكاسات جلديّة خطيرة تتضمّن متلازمة ستيفنز-جونسون والنكروز الجلديّ السام
وردّة فعل دوائيّة مع فرط حمضات وعوارض مجموعيّة وبثار طفحيّ حاد ومعمم.
• يمكن أن تظهر متلازمة ستيفنز-جونسون والنكروز الجلديّ السام في البداية كبقع محمرّة على شكل هدف أو كبقع دائريّة
غالبًا مع بثور مركزيّة على الجذع. كما يمكن حصول تقرّحات في الفم والحلق والأنف والأعضاء التناسليّة والعينين
)احمرار العينين وتورّمهما(. غالبًا ما تسبق الارتكاسات الجلديّة الخطيرة هذه حمى و/أو عوارض شبيهة بعوارض
الزكام. يمكن أن يتطوّر الطفح ليصبح تقشرًّا واسع النطاق للجلد ومضاعفات تهدّد الحياة أو يمكن أن يسبّب الوفاة.
• تظهر ردّة الفعل الدوائيّة مع فرط حمضات وعوارض مجموعيّة في البداية على شكل عوارض تشبه عوارض الزكام
وطفح على الوجه ثمّ كطفح ممتدّ مع ارتفاع حرارة الجسم وارتفاع في مستويات انزيمات الكبد يظهر في فحوصات الدم
وارتفاع في نوع من خلايا الدم البيضاء )فرط الحمضات( وتضخّم الغدد الليمفاويّة.
• يظهر البثار الطفحيّ الحاد والمعمم عند بداية العلاج كطفح أحمر ومتقشّر واسع الانتشار مع نتوءات تحت الجلد وبثور
مترافقة مع حمى. الموقع الأكثر شيوعًا: بشكل أساسيّ في ثنايا الجلد والبدن والأطراف العليا.

يحصل الخطر الأعلى لحصول الارتكاسات الجلديّة الخطيرة في غضون يومين إلى شهرين بعد بداية العلاج حسب الحالة.
إذا أصبت بطفح خطير أو بعارض آخر من العوارض الجلديّة هذه، توقّف عن أخذ ريفينا واتصل بطبيبك أو اطلب رعاية
طبيّة على الفور.
أدوية أخرى وريفينا

الرجاء أن تُعلم الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تأخذ حاليًا أو أخذت مؤخرًا أيّ أدوية أخرى بما فيها تلك التي اشتريتها من دون
وصفة طبية وتتضمّن الأدوية العشبيّة، هذا لأنّ ريفينا يمكن أن يؤثّر على طريقة عمل بعض الأدوية كما أنّ بعض الأدوية
يمكن أن تؤثّر على طريقة عمل ريفينا.
بصورة خاصة، لا تأخذ هذا الدواء وأعلم طبيبك إذا كنت تأخذ:
• ساكينافير أو ريتونافير المستعملين لعدوى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية
الأدوية التالية قد تُضعف مفعول ريفينا:
• مضادات الحموضة المستعملة لعسر الهضم. خذ ريفينا قبل ساعة على الأقلّ من أخذ مضادات الحموض ة
• أدوية أخرى مستعملة للسلّ مثل حمض بي-الساليسيليك الأميني والسيكلوزيرين
يجب أخذ حمض بي-الساليسيليك الأميني وريفينا بفارق 8 ساعات على الأق ل
أعلم طبيبك إذا كنت تأخذ أيًا من الأدوية التالية:
أدوية القلب والدم
• أدوية ضغط الدم المرتفع
• أدوية مشاكل القلب أو التحكّم بدقّات القلب
• الأدوية المستعملة لترقيق الدم مثل الوارفاري ن
• الأدوية المستعملة لتخفيض الكولسترول
• مدرّات البول مثل الإبليرينون
أدوية الصحّة العقليّة، الصرع وداء العصبونات المحرّكة
• أدوية اضطرابات التفكير المعروفة "بمضادات الذهان" مثل الهالوبيريدول
• الأدوية التي تهدّئ أو تخفّض القلق )المنوّمات، مزيلات القلق(
• الأدوية التي تساعد على النوم )أدوية الباربيتورات(
• الأدوية المستعملة للصرع مثل الفينيتوين والكاربامازيبين
• بعض الأدوية المستعملة للاكتئاب مثل الأميتريبتيلين والنورتريبتيلين
• الريلوزول – المستعمل لداء العصبونات المحرّكة
أدوية العدوى وجهاز المناعة
• بعض الأدوية المستعملة لحالة عدوى ناتجة عن فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية مثل الستافودين والزالسيتابين
• بعض الأدوية المستعملة لحالات العدوى الفيروسيّة مثل إندينافير، وإيفافيرنز، وأمبرينافير، ونلفينافير، وأتازانافير،
ولوبينافير، ونيفيبارين، وداكلاتاسفير، وسيميبريفير، وسوفوسبوفير وتيلابريفير
• الأدوية المستعملة لحالات العدوى الفطريّ ة
• الأدوية المستعملة لحالات العدوى البكتيريّة )المضادات الحيويّة(
• الأدوية المستعملة لتخفيض جهاز المناعة لديك مثل سيكلوسبورين وسيروليموس وتاكروليموس
• البرازيكوانتيل – المستعمل لحالات عدوى الدودة الشريطيّة
• الأتوفاكون – المستعمل لذات الرئة
الأدوية الهورمونيّة وأدوية السرطان
• بعض الأدوية الهورمونيّة )إستروجين، الهورمونات المجموعيّة، البروجستوجين( المستعملة لمنع الحمل أو لبعض
أنواع السرطان مثل ايثينيل استراديول، أو ليفونورجيستريل أو ديدروجيستيرون
• بعض الأدوية الهورمونيّة )مضادات الإستروجين( المستعملة لسرطان الثدي أو البطان الرحمي مثل تاموكسيفين،
وتوريميفين وجسترينون
• بعض الأدوية المستعملة للسرطان )السامة للخلايا( مثل إيماتينيب

ليفوثيروكسين )هورمون الدرقيّة( المستعمل لمشاكل الدرقيّ ة
• إيرينوتيكان - المستعمل للسرطان
أدوية الألم والالتهاب
• مضادات الالتهاب غير الستيرويديّة مثل إيتوريكوكسيب، والأسبرين والإندوميتاسين
• الأدوية المستعملة للألم مثل الكوديين أو المورفين أو الفنتانيل أو البيثيدين
• الستيرويدات القشريّة المستعملة للالتهاب مثل الهيدروكورتيزون والبيتاميثازون والبريدنيزولون
• الميثادون- المستعمل لعوارض الانقطاع عن الهيروين
أدوية أخرى
• الأدوية المستعملة لداء السكر ي
• الأدوية المستعملة لترخية العضلات قبل الجراحة )الأدوية المخدرة( مثل الهالوثان
• بعض الأدوية المستعملة للغثيان أو التقيّؤ مثل الأوندانزيترون والأبريبيتانت
• مضادات حيويّة أخرى مثل السيفازولين
• الكينين - المستعمل للملاريا
• الثيوفيلين - المستعمل للأزيز التنفّسي أو الصعوبة في البلع
أخذ ريفينا مع الطعام والشراب
قد يتفاعل الإيزونيازيد مع أطعمة تحتوي على الهيستامين أو التيرامين )مثلاً الأجبان الناضجة واللحم المقدد أو بعض أنواع
السمك مثل سمك التونة وسمك السلمون والماكريل والنبيذ والبيرة( مما يسبّب عوارض تتضمّن الصداع والتعرّق والتورّد
وضربات القلب السريعة أو غير المنتظمة أو القويّة )اختلاجات( والدوار والدوخة أو الإغماء )بسبب انخفاض ضغط الدم(.
يجب تجنّب هذه الأطعمة إذا كنت تتلق ى إيزونيازيد. سيتمكّن طبيبك من تزويدك بالمزيد من المعلومات.
الحمل والإرضاع والخصوبة
تحدّثي إلى طبيبك قبل تناول هذا الدواء إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو تنوين الحمل أو إذا كنتِ تعتقدين نفسكِ حاملاً.
قد يخفّف ريفينا من مفعول حبّة منع الحمل. هذا يعني أنّ عليك أن تستعملي وسيلة منع حمل حاجزة أخرى يمكن الاعتماد
عليها كالواقيات الذكريّة أو "اللولب" في خلال فترة أخذ ريفينا. إذا كان لديك أيّ أسئلة أو شكوك استشيري الطبيب أو
لا ينبغي بك الإرضاع إذا كنت تأخذين ريفينا لأنّ كميات صغيرة من الدواء يمكن أن تمرّ إلى حليب الأم. إذا كنتِ تُرضعين
أو كنتِ تنوين الإرضاع، استشيري الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل تناول أيّ دواء.
القيادة واستعمال الآلات
قد تشعر بالدوار أو قد يُغمى عليك، وقد تعاني من مشاكل بصريّة أو من تأثيرات جانبيّة أخرى قد تؤثر على قدرتك على
القيادة في خلال فترة تناول هذا الدواء. في هذه الحالة، لا تقد سيّارة أو تستعمل أيّ أدوات أو آلات.
معلومات مهمّة حول بعض مركّبات ريفينا
يحتوي ريفينا على:
أصفر غروب الشمس: إنّها مادة ملوّنة قد تسبّب ارتكاسات تحسسيّة
السكروز: إذا قال لك طبيبك إنك لا تتحمّل بعض أنواع السكر، تحدّث إليه قبل أخذ ريفينا
الصوديوم: تحتوي هذه الأقراص على أقلّ من ملمول واحد من الصوديوم ) 23 ملغ( في الجرعة اليوميّة وهي أساسًا
"خالية من الصوديوم".


خذ دائمًا ريفينا حسب وصفة الطبيب تمامًا. يجب عليك التحقق مع الطبيب أو مع الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكّدًا.
واصل أخذ هذا الدواء
• يجب عليك أن تأخذ الأقراص كلّ يوم طيلة المدّة التي حددها طبيبك
• لا تتوقّف وتبدأ بأخذ الأقراص فقد يزيد هذا من خطر التأثيرات الجانبيّة ولن يُعالج السلّ الذي تعاني منه كما يجب

كيف تُؤخذ الأقراص
• خذ هذا الدواء عن طريق الف م
• ابلع الأقراص كاملة مع الماء
• خذها قبل 30 دقيقة على الأقلّ من الطعام وبعد ساعتين من الطعام. من الأفضل أخذ الأقراص قبل الفطور ب 30 دقيقة
• خذ أقراصك كلّها معًا كلّ يوم كجرعة وحيدة
• لا تعطِ هذا الدواء للأطفال
• إذا شعرت أنّ مفعول دوائك ضعيف جدًا أو قوي جدًا لا تغيّر الجرعة من تلقاء ذاتك ولكن اسأل طبيبك
قد يطلب منك طبيبك أخذ فيتامين ب 6 في خلال العلاج بريفينا لا سيّما إذا كنت تعاني من سوء التغذية أو كنت مسنًا أو تعاني
من داء السكري.
ما هي الكميّة الواجب أخذها
تبلغ الجرعة العادية ما يلي :
للبالغين والمسنين الذين يزنون أكثر من 50 كلغ
• قرصين كلّ يوم
• إذا كنت مس نًا، قد يراقب طبيبك علاجك عن كثب
للبالغين والمسنين الذين يزنون أقلّ من 50 كلغ
• توصف عادة أقراص ريفينا 150 / 100 ملغ
لا يوصى باستعمال هذا الدواء لدى الأطفال.
إذا أخذت ريفينا أكثر مما يجب
إذا أخذت ريفينا أكثر مما يجب، أعلم الطبيب أو اذهب إلى قسم الطوارئ في المستشفى على الفور. خذ علبة الدواء معك
لكي يعرف الطبيب ماذا أخذت.
قد تشعر بالغثيان أو التقيؤ أو بألم في المعدة أو بحكّة أو بصداع. قد تشعر كذلك بالتعب أو بالنعاس أو بالدوار أو بالدوخة أو
قد تراودك تصوّرات غير واضحة أو غريبة )هلوسات( وقد يُغمى عليك أو قد تشعر بالإغماء. تتضمّن الإشارات الأخرى
لفرط الجرعة تورّم الوجه أو العينين أو الجفنين والتلفّظ غير الواضح وصعوبة التنفّس وتسارع دقات القلب وعدم انتظام
دقات القلب ونوبات ونوبة قلبيّة.
إذا نسيت أخذ ريفينا
إذا نسيت جرعة خذها حالما تتذكّر. ولكن إذا كان وقت الجرعة التالية سيحين، فوّت الجرعة التي نسيتها. لا تأخذ جرعة
مضاعفة للتعويض عن الأقراص التي نسيتها.
قد يؤثّر ريفينا على نتائج بعض فحوصات الدم. بشكل خاص فحوصات الفولات والفيتامين ب 12 ووظيفة الكبد. إذا كنت
ستجري فحص دم من المهمّ أن تقول لطبيبك إنّك تأخذ ريفينا.

مثل الأدوية كلّها، يمكن أن يسبّب هذا الدواء تأثيرات جانبيّة لا تُصيب المرضى كلّهم.
توقّف عن أخذ الدواء على الفور واذهب فورًا إلى المستشفى إذا لاحظت أيًّا من التأثيرات الجانبيّة الخطيرة التالية:
• إذا أُصبتَ بارتكاس تحسسي. قد تتضمّن العوارض ما يلي: طفح، مشاكل في البلع أو التنفّس، أزيز تنفّسي، تورّم الشفتين
أو الوجه أو الحلق أو اللسان
• حالات طفح جلديّ خطيرة تتضمّن متلازمة ستيفنز-جونسون والنكروز الجلدي الحاد. يمكن أن يظهر هذا الطفح على
شكل بقع محمرّة تشبه الهدف أو بقع دائريّة غالبًا مع بثور مركزيّة على الجذع وتقشّر الجلد وتقرّحات في الفم والحلق
والأنف والأعضاء التناسليّة والعينين ويمكن أن تسبقه حمى وعوارض شبيهة بعوارض الزكام. راجع أيضًا القسم 2

طفح منتشر، ارتفاع حرارة الجسم، ارتفاع انزيم الكبد، شذوذ الدم )فرط الحمضات(، تضخّم الغدد الليمفاويّة وأعضاء
أخرى في الجسم )ارتكاس دوائي مع فرط حمضات وعوارض مجموعيّة يُعرف أيضًا بمتلازمة فرط الحساسيّة الدوائيّة(.
راجع أيضًا القسم 2 .
• طفح أحمر ومتقشّر واسع الانتشار مع نتوءات تحت الجلد وبثور مترافقة مع حمى عند بداية العلاج )البثار الطفحي
الحاد المعمم(. راجع أيضًا القسم 2
• إذا كنت تُصاب بسرعة أكبر بالازرقاق أو كنت تعاني من طفح مؤلم من بقع حمراء داكنة تحت الجلد لا تزول عند
الضغط عليها )فرفريّة(. قد يكون هذا ناتجًا عن مشكلة خطيرة في الد م
• إذا أصبت بنزف حاد )نزيف(
• إذا كنت تصاب بقشعريرات أو كنت تعبًا أو كان لون جلدك شاحبًا بشكل غير طبيعي أو كان نفسك ضيّقًا أو دقّات قلبك
متسارعة أو لون بولك داكنًا. قد تكون هذه إشارات نوع خطير من فقر الد م
• إذا كان لديك دم في البول أو زيادة أو انخفاض في كميّة البول التي تُنتجها. قد تُصاب أيضًا بتورّم بخاصة في الساقين
أو الكاحلين أو القدمين. قد يكون هذا ناتجًا عن مشاكل كلويّة خطيرة
• إذا أُصبت بصداع حاد مفاجئ. قد يشير هذا إلى حصول نزيف في الدماغ
• إذا أُصبت بضيق نفس وبأزيز تنفّسي
• إذا أصبت بتشوّش ذهني أو بالنعاس أو كانت بشرتك باردة ودبقة أو كان تنفّسك سطحيًا أو صعبًا أو كانت دقّات قلبك
متسارعة أو كان لون جلدك أكثر شحوبًا من العادة. قد تكون هذه إشارات صدم ة
• إذا كنت تُصاب بحالات عدوى أكثر من العادة. تتضمّن الإشارات الحمى والتهاب الحلق وتقرّحات الفم. قد يكون سبب
هذا انخفاضًا في عدد كريات الدم البيضاء
• إذا أصبت بنزف من الأنف أو الأذن أو اللثة أو الحلق أو البشرة أو المعدة. قد تتضمّن العوارض شعورًا بالألم عند اللمس
وانتفاخًا في المعدة وبقعًا أرجوانيّة على البشرة وبرازًا أسود أو داكن اللون
إذا أصبت بأيّ من التأثيرات الجانبيّة الآتية اتصل بطبيبك في أسرع وقت ممكن:
• التهاب البنكرياس، مما يسبّب ألمًا حادًا في البطن والظهر )التهاب البنكرياس، معدّل حصول غير معروف(
• اصفرار البشرة أو الجزء الأبيض من العينين أو إذا أصبح لون بولك داكنًا أكثر ولون برازك فاتحًا أكثر تعب، ضعف،
توعّك، فقدان الشهيّة، غثيان أو تقيّؤ بسبب مشاكل في الكبد )التهاب الكبد، قد يُصيب لغاية شخص واحد من أصل 100
تحدّث إلى طبيبك على الفور إذا لاحظت أيًّا من التأثيرات الجانبية الخطيرة التالية:
• مشاكل عقليّة مع أفكار غير عاديّة ورؤى غريبة )هلوسات(
• إسهال حاد لا يتوقّف وشعور بالتعب وحمى. قد يُسمّى هذا "التهاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب"
• تفاقم نوباتك أو البدء بالتعرّض لنوبات
• عوارض شبيهة بعوارض الزكام تتضمّن قشعريرات وحمى وصداعً ا ودوارًا وأوجاعًا في العظام
أعلم طبيبك في أسرع وقت ممكن إذا أُصبت بأيّ من التأثيرات الجانبيّة التالية:
• احتباس ماء )أوديما( قد يسبّب تورّمًا في الوجه أو المعدة أو الذراعين أو الساقي ن
• ضعف أو ألم عضلي أو فقدان المنعكسات العضليّة
• دوار، شعور بدوخة وإغماء بخاصة عند الوقوف أو النهوض بسرعة )بسبب انخفاض ضغط الدم(
• تورّم في أصابع اليدين أو القدمين أو الكاحلي ن
• مشاكل في التوازن مع دوا ر
• عدم القدرة على التركيز، الشعور بالعصب يّة أو بالاستثاريّة أو بالاكتئاب
• الشعور بتعب وبضعف كبيرين أو صعوبة في النوم )أرق(
• أحاسيس غير طبيعيّة في الجلد مثل الشعور بخدر وتنميل ووخز وحريق وزحف )تشوّش الحسّ(
• فقدان ذاكرة قصير الأمد، قلق، ضعف في التيقّظ أو الاستجابة
• تشوّش البصر أو تشوّهه
• ضمور العضلات أو أنسجة أخرى في الجس م
• فقدان وزن، تعرّق ليلي وحمى. قد تكون هذه إشارات حالة في الدم تُسمّى فرط الحمضات
• الغثيان أو التقيّ

أعلم طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا تفاقم أحد التأثيرات الجانبيّة التالية أو دام لأكثر من بضعة أيّام:
• تورّد أو حكّة جلديّ ة
• عدم انتظام في العادة الشهريّة
• إمساك، إسهال، انزعاج في المعدة أو جفاف في الف م
• صدا ع
• فقدان الشهيّة
• تضخّم الثديين لدى الرجا ل
• ظمأ متزايد، التبوّل أكثر من العادة والشعور بالتعب. قد يكون سكر الدم لديك مرتفعًا
• حب الشباب
• التهاب الأوعية الدمويّة
تأثيرات جانبيّة أخرى يجب عليك مناقشتها مع طبيبك إذا كانت تسبّب لك القلق
• إذا لاحظت تغييرًا في اللون )لون أصفر أو بنّي أو برتقالي أو أحمر( في أسنانك أو عرقك أو بلغمك )بصاق( أو لعابك
أو دموعك، هذا أمر شائع وليس عليك أن تقلق. ولكن قد يلطّخ اللون العدسات اللاصقة الطريّة بشكل دائم. قد يبقى اللون
في الدموع لبعض الوقت بعد أن تكون توقّفت عن أخذ ريفينا
فحوصات الدم
• قد يُظهر فحص دم تغييرات في طريقة عمل الكبد
الإبلاغ عن التأثيرات الجانبيّة
إذا أصبت بأيّ تأثيرات جانبيّة، تحدّث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدليّ أو الممرّضة. ويتضمّن هذا أيّ تأثيرات جانبيّة محتملة غير
مذكورة في هذه النشرة.
بالإبلاغ عن التأثيرات الجانبيّة، يمكنك المساعدة على تزويد المزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء.

للإبلاغ عن أ ي آثار جانبیة:
• المملكة العربیة السعودیة

المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية
- ٢٠٥ - ١١ - ٩٦٦ + فاكس: ٧٦٦٢
- ٢٠٣ - ١١ - ٩٦٦ + هاتف: ٨٢٢٢
– ٢٣٥٦ – -2353 -2354 -2334 2340 تحويلة: ٢٣١٧
الهاتف المجاني: ٨٠٠٢٤٩٠٠٠٠
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البريد الإلكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الإلكتروني

شركة سانوفي- التیقظ الدوائي

إحفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن نظر الأطفال ومتناولهم.
لا تستعمل ريفينا بعد انقضاء تاريخ الصلاحيّة المدوّن على علبة الكرتون والظروف. يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحيّة إلى
اليوم الأخير من الشهر المذكور.
يُحفظ في درجة حرارة ما دون 25 درجة مئويّة. إحفظ الظرف في علبة الكرتون الخارجيّة لحمايته من الرطوبة.
لا ينبغي رمي الأدوية في مياه الصرف الصحي أو مع النفايات المنزليّة. إسأل الصيدلي كيف يجب التخلّص من الأدوية
التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها، فمن شأن هذه الإجراءات المساعدة على حماية البيئة.

ماذا تحتوي أقراص ریفین ا 300 / 150 ملغ :

. يحتوي كلّ قرص على 300 ملغ من الريفامبيسين و 150 ملغ من الإيزونيازيد وهما المادتان الفاعلتان.
• المكوّنات الأخرى هي سلفات لوريل الصوديوم، ستيارات الكلسيوم، سلولوز كاربوكسيميثيل الصوديوم، ستيارات
المغنيزيوم، سلولوز دقيق البلوريّة، أكاسيا، هلام، كاولين، كاربونات المغنيزيوم الخفيف، طلق، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم
)إي 171 (، ثاني أكسيد السيليكون الغرواني، بوليفينيلبيروليدون كاي 30 ، سكروز، شمع الكرنوبة، صمغ الصنوبر،
شمع العسل الأبيض، بارافين صلب، أصفر غروب الشمس )إي 110 .)

كيف هو شكل أقراص ريفينا 300 / 150 ملغ ومحتويات العلبة
الأقراص لونها برتقالي وشكلها كالكبسولة ولامعة. تحتوي كلّ علبة على 56 أو 100 قرص.
قد لا تكون أحجام العلب كلّها مسوّقة.

المالك لرخصة التسويق
(S.P.A) سانوفي إس. بي. إي ه
فيال إل. بوديو 37 / بي – 20158 ميلانو/ إيطاليا

(S.P.A) سانوفي إس. بي. إي ه
الموقع فالكانيلو، 03012 أناجني )إف أر(، إيطاليا

التغلیف الثانو ي
شركة سانوفي- أفِنتس العربیة المحدودة، المملكة العربیة السعودیة

يوليو /2019
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Rifinah 300 mg / 150 mg coated tablets

Rifinah 300 mg / 150 mg coated tablets One coated tablet contains: 300 mg of Rifampicin and 150 mg of Isoniazid. Excipient(s) with known effect: sucrose and sunset yellow For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Coated tablets.

Pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis due to infection with microorganisms susceptible to the combination. If positive cultures persist, new susceptibility tests must be performed in order to rapidly detect the presence of resistant strains. The medicinal product should not be administered prophylactically.

Rifinah 150 mg / 100 mg: 3 to 4 tablets per day (equivalent to 450-600 mg of rifampicin and 300-400 mg of isoniazid).
Rifinah 300 mg / 150 mg: 2 tablets per day (equivalent to 600 mg of rifampicin and 300 mg of isoniazid).
Pediatric population
Rifinah is not recommended for pediatric use since the proportion of rifampicin and isoniazid contained in Rifinah makes it difficult to administer a suitable dosage in children.
Method of administration
A single daily dose should be given at least 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.

The concomitant administration of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) is recommended in elderly or malnourished patients or in those with a predisposition to neuropathy (e.g. diabetic patients), and in adolescents.

Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Rifinah is contraindicated in patients with jaundice. Use of Rifinah is contraindicated during concomitant treatment with the combination of saquinavir+ritonavir (see section 4.5).

Rifinah is a combination of two drugs, each of which has been associated with liver dysfunction.
Patients with impaired liver function should only be given rifampicin in cases of necessity, and then with caution and under close medical supervision. In these patients, careful monitoring of liver function, especially serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), should be carried out prior to therapy, and then at 2-4 week intervals. If signs of hepatocellular damage occur, rifampicin should be withdrawn.
In some patients, hyperbilirubinemia can occur in the early days of treatment. This results from competition between rifampicin and bilirubin for hepatic excretion. An isolated and moderate increase in bilirubin and/or transaminase levels is not in itself an indication for interrupting treatment; rather the decision should be made after repeated test results have confirmed a tendency towards increasing levels and taking into account the patient's clinical condition.
Because of the possibility of immunological reaction including anaphylaxis (see section 4.8) occurring with intermittent therapy (less than 2 to 3 times per week) patients should be closely monitored. Patients should be cautioned against interruption of dosage regimens since these reactions may occur.
Use of isoniazid should be carefully monitored in patients with current chronic liver disease or severe renal dysfunction.
Severe and sometimes fatal hepatitis associated with isoniazid therapy may occur and may develop even after many months of treatment. The risk of developing hepatitis is age related. Therefore, patients should be monitored for the prodromal symptoms of hepatitis, such as fatigue, weakness, malaise, anorexia, nausea or vomiting. If these symptoms appear or if signs suggestive of hepatic damage are detected, isoniazid should be discontinued promptly, since continued use of the drug in these cases has been reported to cause a more severe form of liver damage.
Cases of severe skin reactions have been reported with the use of isoniazid, including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), some with fatal outcome (see section 4.8). Patients should be informed of the signs and symptoms of these reactions and need to be closely monitored. If signs or symptoms of SJS or TEN (i.e. progressive skin rash with blisters or lesions of the mucosa) occur, the patient should be advised to contact his/her treating physician immediately. If it is not possible to establish an alterative etiology for these signs and symptoms, treatment with isoniazid should be discontinued.
Severe systemic reactions such as hypersensitivity have been observed during treatment with antitubercular drug therapy, including fatal ones such as drug rash eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) (see section 4.8). It is important to keep in mind that hypersensitivity manifestations such as fever, enlarged lymph nodes or biological imbalances (such as eosinophilia or abnormal liver values) may be present even if the skin rash is not evident. If these symptoms occur, the patient should be advised to contact his/her treating physician immediately.

If it is not possible to establish an alternative etiology for these signs and symptoms, treatment with Rifinah should be discontinued.
Severe skin reactions: blisters
Severe skin reactions causing blisters have been reported with the use of rifampicin, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP). If symptoms or signs of AGEP, SJS or TEN occur, treatment with rifampicin should be immediately discontinued.
Rifinah contains sucrose: therefore, patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, or sucrase-isomaltase insufficiency should not take this medicine.
Rifinah 300 mg/150 mg tablets contain sunset yellow, which may cause allergic reactions.
Precautions for use
Adults treated with Rifinah should have baseline measurements of hepatic enzymes, bilirubin, serum creatinine, a complete blood count and a platelet count. These baseline measurements are not necessary in children unless they have a known or suspected condition that could give rise to complications.
Patients should be seen at least monthly during therapy and should be questioned specifically about symptoms associated with adverse reactions. All patients with abnormalities of any type should have follow-up, including laboratory testing, if necessary.
However, because there is a higher frequency of isoniazid-associated hepatitis among persons older than 35 years of age, a transaminase measurement should be obtained at baseline and at least monthly during therapy in this age group. Other factors associated with an increased risk of hepatitis include daily use of alcohol, chronic liver disease, intravenous drug use and being a black or Hispanic woman.
Rifampicin has enzyme induction properties that can enhance the metabolism of endogenous substrates including adrenal hormones, thyroid hormones and vitamin D. Isolated reports have associated porphyria exacerbation with rifampicin administration, as a result of induction of delta amino levulinic acid synthetase.
Rifampicin may produce a change in color (yellow, orange, red, brown) of the teeth, urine, sweat, sputum and tears. Patients should be informed of this.
Soft contact lenses may be permanently stained.
Rifampicin is a potent and well-characterized inducer of drug-metabolizing enzymes and carriers and consequently may decrease the exposure and efficacy of any concomitant medication (see section 4.5). Patients therefore need to be informed not to take other drugs without their doctor’s advice.
Rifampicin may cause vitamin-K-dependent coagulopathy and severe bleeding (see section 4.8).
In patients that are more easily prone to bleeding, it is advisable to monitor them for signs of coagulopathy. When appropriate (vitamin K deficiency, hypoprothrombinemia), the possibility of prescribing vitamin K supplements should be considered.
Care should be exercised in the treatment of elderly or malnourished patients who may also require vitamin B6 supplementation with the isoniazid therapy.

Food Interaction
Because isoniazid has some monoamine oxidase inhibiting activity, an interaction with tyramine-containing foods (cheese, red wine) may occur. Diamine oxidase may also be inhibited, causing exaggerated response (e.g. headache, sweating, palpitations, flushing, hypotension) to foods containing histamine (e.g. tuna, tropical fish). Tyramine- and histamine-containing foods should be avoided by patients receiving Rifinah.

Pharmacodynamic interactions

When Rifinah is given concomitantly with the combination saquinavir+ritonavir, the potential for hepatotoxicity is increased. Therefore, concomitant use of Rifinah with saquinavir+ritonavir is contraindicated (see section 4.3).
Cytochrome P-450 enzyme interaction
Rifampicin is known to induce and isoniazid is known to inhibit certain cytochrome P-450 enzymes. The impact of the competing effects of rifampicin and isoniazid on the metabolism of drugs that undergo biotransformation through the affected pathways is unknown. Therefore, caution should be used when prescribing Rifinah with drugs metabolized by cytochrome P-450. To maintain optimum therapeutic blood levels, dose adjustment of drugs metabolized by these enzymes may be required when starting or stopping Rifinah.
When rifampicin is given concomitantly with either halothane or isoniazid, the potential for hepatotoxicity is increased. Therefore, the concomitant use of rifampicin and halothane should be avoided. Patients receiving both rifampicin and isoniazid should be monitored closely for hepatotoxicity.
The concomitant use of rifampicin with other antibiotics that cause vitamin-K-dependent coagulopathy such as cefazolin (or other cephalosporins with side chains of N-methylthiotetrazole) may seriously disrupt normal coagulation and even result in death (especially at high doses). If this combination cannot be avoided, the patient needs to be clinically monitored, making sure to also check for any hemostasis.
Rifampicin effects on other drugs
Induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes and carriers

Rifampicin is a potent and well-characterized inducer of drug-metabolizing enzymes and carriers. Enzymes and carriers that are found to be influenced by Rifadin include cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19 and 3A4, and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), sulfur transferases, carboxylesterases and carriers, including P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2). Most drugs are substrates of these enzymatic routes or carriers and the routes can be simultaneously induced by rifampicin. Therefore, rifampicin may speed up metabolism and reduce the activity of some concomitant medications, while also causing clinically significant drug-drug interactions with several drugs and drug classes. At the start of treatment with rifampicin or at the time of its discontinuation, it may prove necessary to adjust the dose of the concomitant drugs in order to maintain therapeutically ideal blood concentration levels.
Below are some examples of the induction effect of rifampicin during exposure to specific drug-metabolizing enzymes or drug carrier substrates. For the drugs and drug classes indicated below, the simultaneous administration of rifampicin led to decreased exposure to the drug itself and to its metabolite:
Antiviral drugs
Antiretroviral drugs (e.g. zidovudine, saquinavir, indinavir, efavirenz) (see also section 4.3 Contraindications):
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure to zidovudine (AUC) by 47% via glucuronidation induction and via the metabolic amination pathway of zidovudine;
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure to saquinavir (AUC) by 70% in healthy volunteers and by 47% in patients with HIV, most likely via CYP3A4 induction and possibly via the P-gp routes;

600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to efavirenz by 60%, mainly via induction of the 8-hydroxylation pathway of CYP2B6-mediated efavirenz.
Antiviral drugs for hepatitis C (e.g. daclatasvir, simeprevir, sofosbuvir, telaprevir):
Antiviral drugs for hepatitis C are eliminated by the various drug-metabolizing enzymes and carriers, which are susceptible to induction with multiple-dose rifampicin.
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduce the exposure (AUC) to daclatasvir by 79%, to simprevir by 48%, to sofosbuvir by 77% and to telaprevir by 92% compared to control subjects.
The concomitant use of antiviral anti-hepatitis C drugs and rifampicin should be avoided.
Antifungal drugs
Antifungal drugs (e.g. fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole):
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduce the exposure (AUC) to fluconazole by approximately 23%, to itraconazole by 88% and to ketoconazole by about 80%.
In two children treated simultaneously with chloramphenicol and rifampicin iv, the peak serum concentrations of chloramphenicol were reduced by 85.5% in one patient and by 63.8% in the other.
600 mg of rifampicin per day significantly reduced the blood concentration levels of clarithromycin and increased the concentration levels of the clarithromycin metabolite.
In a group of hospitalized patients, rifampicin (10 mg/kg per day) reduced the exposure (AUC) to doxycycline by roughly 50%.
900 mg per day of rifampicin moderately reduced the AUC of pefloxacin by about 35%. 450 mg to 600 mg of rifampicin per day were found to reduce the exposure (AUC) to moxifloxacin by approximately 30%.
Telithromycin is primarily metabolized by CYP3A4. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to telithromycin by 86%.
Antimycobacterial drugs
In a clinical study with a cocktail of medicinal products, 600 mg of rifampicin per day increased dapsone metabolism via induction of CYP2C9, CYP2E1 and CYP3A4.
Anticonvulsants (e.g. phenytoin):
Phenytoin is primarily metabolized by CYP2C9/2C19. 450 mg of rifampicin per day doubled phenytoin clearance and reduced its half-life by about 50%.

It has been proven that rifampicin increases the metabolic clearance of hexobarbital by 2 to 3 times in healthy volunteers and in patients, while also significantly reducing the half-life of hexobarbital.
Antipsychotics (e.g. haloperidol):
Concomitant administration of rifampicin to schizophrenic patients receiving haloperidol led to a decrease in the minimum haloperidol concentrations of up to 70%.
Benzodiazepines (e.g. diazepam):
600 and 1200 mg of rifampicin per day increased diazepam clearance by 60 and 98%, respectively.
Benzodiazepine equivalents (e.g. zopiclone, zolpidem):
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to zopiclone by 82% and to zolpidem by 27%.
Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. nortriptyline):
600 mg per day of rifampicin as part of a tuberculosis treatment regimen that also included 300 mg of isoniazid per day, 500 mg of pyrazinamide three times per day and 25 mg of pyridoxine were linked to higher-than-expected doses of nortriptyline to obtain a therapeutic level of the drug. After discontinuing rifampicin, the patient experienced drowsiness and the serum levels of nortriptyline abruptly increased (3 times) reaching toxic levels.
Substances acting on the renin-angiotensin system, ACE-inhibitors
If required due to the patient’s clinical condition, the dose needs to be adjusted.
Antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g. disopyramide, mexiletine, quinidine, propafenone, tocainide):
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to mexiletine by 41%, to quinidine by approximately 80%, to propafenone by 87% and to tocainide by 25%.
Beta blockers:
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to metoprolol by 33% and increased propranolol clearance by 169%.
Calcium channel blockers (e.g. diltiazem, nifedipine, verapamil):
Calcium channel blockers are largely CYP3A4 substrates.
The administration of 1200 mg of rifampicin as single oral dose 8 hours before the administration of a single dose of 10 mg of nifedipine reduced the exposure to nifedipine by 64%.
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to verapamil by 93%.
Cardioactive glycosides:
Digoxin is a clinical index substrate for P-gp activity.
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced oral digoxin bioavailability by 30% and produced an increase of 3.5 times the content of intestinal P-gp linked to the AUC following oral digoxin.
Numerous reports have been published with regard to the interaction of digoxin and rifampicin. A drop in the serum levels of digoxin was observed during antitubercular therapy with rifampicin-isoniazid-ethambutol or with rifampicin alone: the digoxin serum levels decreased by 53% and 54% respectively.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers
Losartan is metabolized by CYP2C9 and by CYP3A4 in an active metabolite E3174, which has a greater antihypertensive activity than the parent compound.
600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to losartan by 35% and to E3174 by 40%. Losartan oral clearance increased by 44%. The half-life values of both compounds decreased by 50%.
Statins metabolized by CYP3A4 (e.g. simvastatin):
Simvastatin is a clinical index substrate of CYP3A4.
600 mg per day of rifampicin reduced the exposure (AUC) to simvastatin by 87% compared to placebo. Because the half-life elimination of simvastatin is not affected by rifampicin, metabolism induction at the first CYP3A4-mediated passage of simvastatin in the intestine and liver likely explain this interaction.
Clofibrate: 600 mg of rifampicin per day significantly decreased the blood concentration levels at the stationary state of the main circulating metabolite of clofibrate, chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (CPIB), from 50 μg/ml to 33 μg/ml. Although the half-life of CPIB in the blood in individual subjects dropped during treatment with rifampicin, the change was not significant. ANTITHROMBOTIC DRUGS Oral anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin): S-warfarin is a clinical index substrate for CYP2C9. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to S-warfarin by 74%. ANALGESICS Narcotic analgesics: Various studies and clinical cases were reviewed between rifampicin and opioid analgesics. 600 mg of rifampicin per day decreased the average AUC of IV injectable and oral oxycodone by 53% and 86% respectively, while the average bioavailability of oral oxycodone decreased by 70%. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the Cmax of morphine by 41% and the AUC by 28%. The pain-relieving effect of morphine needs to be monitored and the morphine doses adjusted during and after treatment with rifampicin. Metadone: Metadone is primarily metabolized by CYP2B6 and CYP3A4. 600 mg of rifampicin decreased the oral bioavailability of metadone from 70% to 50%. HORMONES AND OTHER ENDOCRINE THERAPIES Systemic hormonal contraceptices, including estrogens and progestins: Treatment with rifampicin decreases the systemic exposure of oral contraceptives. Patients who use systemic hormonal contraceptives should be advised to switch to non-hormonal contraceptive methods during therapy with rifampicin. Antiestrogens (e.g. tamoxifen, toremifene): Tamoxifen and toremifene are largely CYP3A4 substrates. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced systemic exposure (AUC) to tamoxifen by 86% and to toremifene by 87%.

Corticosteroids: Numerous cases reported in the literature describe a decrease in the glucocorticoid effects when rifampicin is simultaneously prescribed. The literature contains reports of acute adrenal crisis or adrenal insufficiency induced by the combination of rifampicin-isoniazid-ethambutol or rifampicin-isoniazid in patients with Addison’s disease. In patients who receive concomitant treatment with rifampicin, the AUC of prednisolone dropped from 48% to 66% and the clearance increased from 45% to 91%. Levothyroxine: 600 mg of rifampicin per day were given to a patient previously treated with levothyroxine. About two weeks after starting therapy with rifampicin, the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) increased by 202% compared to the concentration level prior to treatment. TSH concentration returned within normal ranges 9 days after having discontinued the rifampicin. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT and METABOLISM 5-HT3 selective antagonists (e.g. ondansetron): Ondansetron is metabolized by multiple CYP enzymes. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced exposure (AUC) to orally administered ondansetron by 65% compared to placebo and the elimination half-life (t ½) by 38%. The oral bioavailability of ondansetron dropped from 60 to 40%. Thiazolidinediones (e.g. rosiglitazone): Rosiglitazone is primarily metabolized by CYP2C8 and to a lesser degree by CYP2C9. 600 mg of rifampicin per day increased the oral clearance of rosiglitazone by 3 times while reducing exposure (AUC) by 65% and the elimination half-life from 3.9 to 1.5 hours. Oral hypoglycemic agents (e.g. sulfonylureas): Sulfonylureas are mainly CYP2C9 substrates. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) of glyburide by 39% and of glipizide by 22% and reduced the half-life of both drugs. It is likely that glyburide’s effect of lowering the levels of glucose in the blood is reduced during concomitant treatment with rifampicin. ANTINEOPLASTIC DRUGS Irinotecan: Irinotecan is widely metabolized by various enzymatic systems, including carboxylesterase, UGT and CYP3A4. 450 mg per day of rifampicin were given to a patient as part of an antibiotic regimen including isoniazid (300 mg per day) and streptomycin (0.5 mg per day via IM injection). Although no change in the exposure (AUC) to irinotecan was observed, the exposure (AUC) to the active metabolite of irinotecan dropped by 20% and to its metabolite glucuronide by 58.8%, likely due to CYP3A4 induction. IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS Immunosuppressants (e.g. cyclosporine, tacrolimus): Cyclosporine and tacrolimus are substrates of CYP3A4 and P-gp. In six healthy volunteers, the bioavailability of cyclosporine dropped from 33% to 9% with the concomitant administration of 600 mg of rifampicin per day. In four patients with kidney transplant, the concomitant administration of 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the exposure (AUC) to cyclosporine by approximately 60%. In six healthy volunteers, the oral bioavailability of tacrolimus was decreased by 51% following the concomitant administration of 600 mg of rifampicin per day via CYP3A4 and P-gp induction.



Praziquantel is largely metabolized by CYP enzymes. 600 mg of rifampicin per day reduced the concentrations of praziquantel in the blood below measurable levels in 7 out of 10 subjects treated with a single dose of praziquantel. In 3 subjects with measurable concentraction levels, exposure (AUC) to praziquantel was reduced by 85%. In the same study, rifampicin reduced the concentrations of multiple-dose praziquantel below measurable levels in 5 out of 10 subjects. In 5 subjects with measurable concentration levels, exposure to praziquantel (AUC) was reduced by 80%. Quinine: Quinine is predominantly metabolized by CYP3A4. 600 mg of rifampicin per day increased quinine clearance by 6.9 times and reduced its exposure (AUC) and half-life.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Other drugs for obstructive syndromes of the respiratory tract for systemic use, xanthine derivatives: Theophylline Theophylline is clinical index inhibitor of CYP1A2. 600 mg of rifampicin per day increased theophylline clearance by 40%, reduced exposure (AUC) to theophylline by 27% and reduced the elimination half-life by 30%.

Effect of other drugs on rifampicin

The simultaneous intake of antacids may reduce rifampicin absorption. The daily dose of rifampicin should be taken at least 1 hour before taking the antacids. Interactions of other drugs with rifampicin With the concomitant administration of atovaquone and rifampicin, reduced concentrations of atovaquone and increased concentrations of rifampicin have been observed.
It has been reported that isoniazid inhibits the metabolism of carbamazepine and phenytoin.
Other Interactions: para-aminosalicylic acid may increase the plasma concentration and elimination half-life of isoniazid by competing for acetylating enzymes.
Interference with laboratory and diagnostic tests
Therapeutic levels of rifampicin have been shown to inhibit standard microbiological assays for serum folate and vitamin B12. Alternative assay methods must therefore be used.
In addition, transient elevation of serum bilirubin has been reported (see section 4.4). Rifinah may impair biliary excretion of contrast media used for visualization of the gallbladder, due to competition for biliary excretion. Therefore, these tests should be performed before the morning dose of Rifinah.
Cross-reactivity and false-positive urine screening tests for opiates have been reported in patients receiving rifampicin when using the KIMS (Kinetic Interaction of Microparticles in Solution) method. Confirmatory tests, such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, are able to distinguish rifampicin from opiates.

There are no well controlled studies with Rifinah in pregnant women.

Rifampicin has been shown to be teratogenic in rodents when given in large doses.
Although rifampicin has been reported to cross the placental barrier and appear in cord blood, the effect of rifampicin, alone or in combination with other antituberculosis drugs, on the human fetus is not known.
When administered during the last few weeks of pregnancy, rifampicin can cause post-natal hemorrhages in the mother and infant, for which treatment with vitamin K may be indicated.
It has been reported that in both rats and rabbits, isoniazid may exert an embryocardial effect when administered orally during pregnancy, although no isoniazid-related congenital anomalies have been found in reproduction studies in mammalian species (mice, rats, rabbits).
Therefore, Rifinah should be used in pregnant women or in women of child-bearing potential only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
No data are available concerning the long-term effects on human fertility.
Rifampicin and isoniazid are excreted in breast milk. Therefore Rifinah should only be used by breast-feeding women if the potential benefit to the patient outweighs the potential risk to the infant.

Rifinah may cause undesired effects that may impair the ability to perform certain activities (see section 4.8). Patients should be informed of the possibility that these undesired effects may occur and that if they do occur, they should seriously consider not driving or using machines.

The following adverse reactions may occur, which are classified by system-organ class and by frequency applying the following convention: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000), not known (the frequency cannot be estimated from the available data)
Infections and infestations
Not known: pseudomembranous colitis, influenza.
Blood and lymphatic system disorders
Common: thrombocytopenia with or without purpura may occur, usually associated with intermittent therapy, but is reversible if the drug is discontinued as soon as purpura occurs.
Uncommon: leukopenia.
Not known: disseminated intravascular coagulation, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, vitamin K-dependent coagulation disorders.
Immune system disorders
Not known: anaphylactic reaction.
Endocrine disorders
Not known: adrenal insufficiency in patients with impaired adrenal function.
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
Not known: decreased appetite.

Psychiatric disorders
Not known: psychotic episodes.
Nervous system disorders
Common: migraine, dizziness.
Not known: cerebral hemorrhage and fatalities have been reported when rifampicin administration has been continued or resumed after the appearance of purpura.
Eye disorders
Not known: change in color of tears.
Vascular disorders
Not known: shock, hot flashes, vasculitis, bleeding.
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
Not known: shortness of breath, wheezing, change in color of sputum.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Common: nausea, vomiting.
Uncommon: diarrhea.
Not known: gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal discomfort, change in color of teeth (which may be permanent).
Hepatobiliary disorders
Not known: hepatitis, hyperbilirubinemia (see section 4.4).
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Not known: erythema multiforme, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) (see section 4.4), skin reactions, itching, itchy rash, hives, allergic dermatitis, pemphigus, change in color of sweat.
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Not known: muscle weakness, myopathy, bone pain.
Renal and urinary disorders
Not known: acute renal failure generally due to renal tubular necrosis or tubulo-interstitial nephritis, chromaturia.
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
Not known: post-partum hemorrhage, maternal-fetal hemorrhage.
Reproductive system and breast disorders
Not known: menstrual disorders.
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders
Not known: porphyria.
General disorders and administration site conditions
Very common: fever, shivers.
Not known: edema.

Common: increased bilirubin in blood, increased aspartate aminotransferase, increased alanine aminotransferase.
Not known: decreased blood pressure, increased creatinine in blood, increased liver enzymes.
Hypersensitivity reactions: fever, anaphylactic reactions.
Endocrine disorders: gynecomastia.
Nervous system disorders: polyneuritis, presenting as paresthesia, muscle weakness, loss of tendon reflexes, etc. The incidence is higher in "slow acetylators”. Other neurotoxic effects, which are uncommon with conventional doses, include convulsions (see section 4.9), toxic encephalopathy, optic neuritis and atrophy, memory impairment and toxic psychosis.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: rash, acne, exfoliative dermatitis, pemphigus, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) (see section 4.4) and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) (“rare” frequency) (see section 4.4).
Blood and lymphatic system disorders: eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, anemia.
Gastrointestinal disorders: pancreatitis (“not known” frequency), nausea, vomiting, epigastric distress.
Hepatobiliary disorders: hepatitis (“uncommon” frequency), including severe and sometimes fatal.
Vascular disorders: vasculitis (“not known” frequency).
Miscellaneous: pellagra, systemic lupus erythematosus-like syndrome.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system at the following link: www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it/content/come-segnalare-una-sospetta-reazione-avversa.
To reports any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 19999
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Experience in humans: limited data are available concerning the isoniazid and rifampicin combination.

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pruritus, headache and increasing lethargy may occur within a short time after acute ingestion; unconsciousness may occur when there is severe hepatic disease. The following may occur: transient increases in liver enzymes and/or bilirubin and a brownish-red or orange coloration of the skin, urine, sweat, saliva, tears and feces, with an intensity proportional to the amount ingested. Facial or periorbital edema has also been reported in pediatric patients. Hypotension, sinus tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias, seizures and cardiac arrest were reported in some fatal cases.
The minimum acute lethal or toxic dose is not well established. However, nonfatal acute overdoses in adults have been reported with doses ranging from 9 to 12 g rifampicin. Fatal acute overdoses in adults have been reported with doses ranging from 14 to 60 g. Alcohol or a history of alcohol abuse was involved in some of the fatal and nonfatal reports.
Nonfatal overdoses in pediatric patients aged 1 to 4 years old treated with 100 mg/kg (1 or 2 doses) have been reported.
Isoniazid overdosage produces signs and symptoms within 30 minutes to 3 hours after ingestion. Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, slurring of speech, blurring of vision, and visual hallucinations (including bright colors and strange designs) are among the early manifestations. With marked overdosage, respiratory distress and CNS depression, progressing rapidly from stupor to profound coma are to be expected, along with severe, intractable seizures. Severe metabolic acidosis, acetonuria and hyperglycemia are typical laboratory findings.
In cases of overdosage with Rifinah, gastric lavage should be performed as soon as possible. Following evacuation of the gastric contents, the instillation of activated charcoal slurry into the stomach may help absorb any remaining drug from the gastrointestinal tract. Antiemetic medication may be required to control severe nausea and vomiting.
Intensive supportive measures should be instituted, including airway patency, and individual symptoms treated as they arise. If acute isoniazid overdose is suspected, even in asymptomatic patients, the administration of intravenous pyridoxine (vitamin B6) should be considered. In patients with seizures not controlled with pyridoxine, anticonvulsant therapy should be administered. Sodium bicarbonate should be given to control metabolic acidosis. Hemodialysis is advised for refractory cases; if this is not available, peritoneal dialysis can be used along with forced diuresis.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antimycobacterials, combinations of drugs for treatment of tuberculosis; ATC code: J04AM02
Rifampicin and isoniazid are active bactericidal antituberculosis drugs which are particularly active against the rapidly growing extracellular organisms and also have bactericidal activity intracellularly.
Rifampicin inhibits DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in susceptible cells. Specifically, it interacts with bacterial RNA polymerase but does not inhibit the mammalian enzyme. Cross-resistance to rifampicin has only been shown with other rifamycins. Rifampicin has activity against slow- and intermittently-growing M. tuberculosis.
Isoniazid acts against actively growing tubercle bacilli.

Pharmacokinetic studies in normal volunteers have shown that the two ingredients in Rifinah have comparable bioavailability whether they are given together as individual dose forms or as Rifinah.

Rifampicin administered orally is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Peak blood levels in adults and children vary widely from individual to individual. Peak serum concentrations of the order of 10 μg/ml occur about 2-4 hours after an oral dose of 10 mg/kg body weight on an empty stomach. Absorption of rifampicin is reduced when the drug is ingested with food.
In normal subjects the biological half-life of rifampicin in serum averages about 3 hours after a 600 mg dose and increases to 5.1 hours after a 900 mg dose. With repeated administration, the half-life decreases and reaches average values of approximately 2-3 hours.
At a dose of 600 mg/day, the half-life does not differ in patients with renal failure and consequently, no dose adjustment is required.
After absorption (oral or IV), rifampicin is rapidly eliminated in the bile and an enterohepatic circulation ensues. During this process, rifampicin undergoes progressive deacetylation, so that nearly all the drug in the bile is in this form in about 6 hours. This metabolite retains antibacterial activity.
Intestinal reabsorption is reduced by deacetylation and elimination is facilitated. Approximately 30% of a dose is excreted in the urine, with about half of this being unchanged drug. Rifampicin is widely distributed throughout the body. It is present in effective concentrations in many organs and body fluids, including cerebrospinal fluid.
Rifampicin is about 80% protein bound. Most of the unbound fraction is not ionized and therefore is diffused freely in tissues.
After oral administration isoniazid produces peak blood levels within 1 to 2 hours which decline to 50% or less within 6 hours. Ingestion of isoniazid with food may reduce its absorption. It diffuses readily into all body fluids (cerebrospinal, pleural and ascitic fluids), tissues, organs and excreta (saliva, sputum and feces). The drug passes through the placental barrier and into milk in concentrations comparable to those in the plasma. From 50 to 70% of a dose of isoniazid is excreted in the urine in 24 hours.
Isoniazid is metabolized primarily by acetylation and dehydrazination. The rate of acetylation is genetically determined. Approximately 50 percent of Blacks and Caucasians are "slow inactivators", while the majority of Asians are "rapid inactivators”.

No data are available in humans concerning the long-term carcinogenic potential. A few cases of exacerbation of lung cancer in humans have been reported but no causal relationship has been determined with the drug. An increase in the incidence of hepatomas was observed in female mice (of a strain particularly susceptible to the spontaneous development of hepatomas) following the administration of rifampicin in quantities equivalent to 2-10 times the average dose in humans for 60 weeks, followed by an observation period of 46 weeks. No carcinogenesis was demonstrated in male mice of the same strain or in rats in similar experimental conditions.
Rifampicin has been reported to possess immunosuppressive potential in rabbits, mice, rats, guinea pigs, human lymphocytes in vitro and humans.
An antitumor activity of rifampicin has been reported in vitro.
Isoniazid has been reported to cause lung tumors in various strains of mice.
No data are available in humans concerning the long-term mutagenic potential of Rifinah. No mutagenic effects of rifampicin have been demonstrated in bacteria, Drosophila melanogaster or mice. An increase in chromatid breaks was noted when human whole blood cell cultures were treated with rifampicin. In vitro,

an increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations has been observed in lymphocytes obtained from patients treated with combinations of rifampicin, isoniazid and pirazinamide and combinations of streptomycin, rifampicin, isoniazid and pirazinamide

Rifinah 300 mg / 150 mg coated tablets: Sodium lauryl sulfate, calcium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, sucrose, talc, magnesium carbonate, titanium dioxide (E171), kaolin, aluminum lake and sunset yellow (E110), magnesium stearate, acacia, colloidal silicon dioxide, polyvinylpyrolidone K30.

There are no known incompatibilities with other drugs.

3 years.

Store below 30°C.

Rifinah 300 mg/150 mg coated tablets Blister pack of 8 coated tablets. Blister pack of 24 coated tablets.

Rifinah 300 mg/150 mg coated tablets Blister pack of 8 coated tablets.

No special requirements for disposal.

Sanofi S.p.A. - Viale L. Bodio, 37/B – 20158 Milan

July 2019

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