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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Qutenza contains capsaicin and belongs to a group of medicines called anaesthetics.

Qutenza is indicated for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain in adults either alone or in combination with other medicines for the treatment of pain.


Qutenza is used to relieve pain in people who have nerve pain due to damaged nerves in the skin. Damaged nerves in your skin may occur as a result of a variety of diseases such as shingles, HIV infection, diabetes, certain medicines and other conditions. You may experience pain relief between 1 and 3 weeks after treatment.

Do not use Qutenza

·      if you are allergic to capsaicin, chilli peppers or any other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor before using Qutenza

Do not use Qutenza on any part of your head or face.

Do not use Qutenza on broken skin or open wounds.

Do not touch Qutenza or other materials that have come in contact with the treated areas as it may

cause burning and stinging.

Do not touch your eyes, mouth or other sensitive areas as it may cause irritation and pain. Sniffing or inhaling close to the Qutenza patches may cause coughing, throat irritation or sneezing.


It is usual for the skin to sting or become red and burn during and after Qutenza treatment for a short while. Because of the pain, your blood pressure may go up and therefore, your doctor will measure our blood pressure several times during your treatment. If you experience a lot of pain, your doctor will

apply local cooling or give you medicine for pain. If you experience very severe pain, ask your doctor to remove the patch.


Generally small, short-term changes in the ability to feel when something is hot or sharp have been seen after use of capsaicin.

If you have unstable or poorly controlled high blood pressure or had heart problems, your doctor will consider the risk of side effects to your heart or blood pressure due to the potential stress of the procedure before treating you with Qutenza.
If you are using high doses of opioids, you may not respond to oral opioid analgesics when used for acute pain during and following the treatment procedure. In this case, your doctor will use other measures to reduce your pain following Qutenza treatment.

Children and adolescents

Qutenza is not recommended for treatment in patients under 18 years of age.

Other medicines and Qutenza

Tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. Qutenza acts locally on your skin and is not expected to influence other medicines.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Qutenza should be used with caution if you are pregnant. You should discontinue breastfeeding before treatment with Qutenza is started. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant, or are planning to have a baby ask your doctor for advice before taking this medicine.

Driving and using machines

There are no studies of the effects of Qutenza on the ability to drive and use machines. When using Qutenza, only very small amounts of the active substance may be present in the blood stream for a very short time. Therefore, Qutenza is unlikely to have any direct effects on your ability to concentrate or your ability to drive or use machinery.

Cleansing gel for Qutenza contains butylhydroxyanisole

The cleansing gel for Qutenza contains butylhydroxyanisole which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis), or irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes.

Qutenza should only be applied by your doctor or by a nurse under the supervision of your doctor.


No more than 4 patches should be used at the same time.


Qutenza is for use on your skin.


Your doctor will mark the most painful areas on your skin with a pen or marker.

Before placing the Qutenza patches on the skin, the treatment area(s) will be washed with soap and water and dried. Hair in treatment areas will be clipped.


Before placing the Qutenza patches on the skin, your doctor or nurse may apply a numbing gel or cream or give you an oral pain medicine to reduce potential stinging. The gel or cream should be removed prior to applying Qutenza and the skin washed and dried thoroughly.


Your doctor or nurse may wear gloves, and sometimes a mask and protective glasses, while handling the Qutenza patches. Do not sniff or inhale close to the Qutenza patches as this may cause coughing or sneezing.

Qutenza may be cut into smaller pieces to fit the treatment area. Your doctor or nurse will remove the patches after 30 minutes if you’re being treated for nerve pain on your feet or 60 minutes if you’re being treated for nerve pain on other parts of your body.


It may take between 1 to 3 weeks before you experience pain relief with Qutenza. If after that time you still have a lot of pain, please talk to your doctor.

Qutenza therapy may be repeated at 90-day intervals, if necessary.

You may be given pain medicines to take for the pain you experience with Qutenza therapy.

It is common for the skin to sting or become red and burn during Qutenza treatment.

Disposable socks may be worn on top of the Qutenza patches if your feet are being treated.

Sometimes your doctor or nurse may put a bandage on top of the Qutenza patch to keep the patch firmly on your skin.

Do not attempt to remove the patch yourself. Your doctor or nurse will remove it for you.

At the end of the Qutenza treatment your doctor or nurse will clean the treated skin with cleansing gel from a tube supplied with the kit. Cleansing gel will be left on your skin for one minute and then wiped off to remove any remaining medicine that may be left on your skin after treatment. After the cleansing gel has been wiped off, the area will be gently washed with soap and water.

Do not touch the patch with your hands.

Do not touch your eyes, mouth or other sensitive areas. If you accidentally touch the Qutenza patch or treated skin before cleansing gel is applied it may burn and/or sting. Call your doctor immediately.

Do not take Qutenza patches away from the clinic.

Do not use Qutenza patches at home.

If Qutenza is used longer than it should

Overdosing is unlikely to occur. However, if Qutenza is applied longer than it should you might experience severe application site reactions like pain, redness and itching.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Contact your doctor straightaway if the following effects happen:

·      If you feel that your heart is beating too fast, too slow or is beating abnormally.

o   Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

·      Deep redness on the area where the patch is applied, blistering/oozing of the skin, skin which becomes very painful to touch, swollen, wet or shiny. In a small number of cases, these may be signs of a second degree burn and need urgent attention.

o   Frequency not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data

Tell your doctor if the following side effects occur or get worse:

Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people

·      Redness or pain on the area where the patch is applied which lasts for more than a day.


Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people

·      Itching, bumps, blisters, swelling, dryness on the area where the patch is applied, burning sensation, pain in limbs.

Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

·      Wheals, prickling sensation, inflammation, increased or decreased skin sensation, skin reaction, irritation, bruising on the area where the patch is applied.

·      Decreased taste, reduced sensations in limbs, eye irritation, cough, throat irritation, nausea, itching, muscle spasms, shingles, swelling of limbs.

Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data

·      Accidental exposure (including eye pain, eye and throat irritation and cough).

Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

To report any side effect(s):

You can report any suspected side effects to your doctor or pharmacist, or directly to responsible Local National Drug Authority.

·      Saudi Arabia:

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

Fax: +966-11-205-7662

Call NPC at +966-11-2038222,

Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.

Toll free phone: 8002490000

E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Qutenza cutaneous patch: Store flat in original sachet and carton. Store below 30°C. Cleansing gel: Store below 30°C.

After opening the sachet, Qutenza should be applied within 2 hours.

Disposal of used and unused Qutenza patches.

These items may sting your fingers if you touch them. Your doctor or nurse will put them in a polyethylene bag before safely discarding them. Qutenza patches and treatment-related materials should be disposed of properly.

The active substance is capsaicin. Each 280 cm2 patch contains a total of 179 mg of capsaicin or 640 micrograms of capsaicin per cm2 of patch (8% w/w).

The other ingredients of the Qutenza cutaneous patch are:


silicone adhesives

diethylene glycol monoethyl ether

silicone oil

ethylcellulose N50 (E462)


Backing layer

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Film, inner side siliconizd

printing ink containing Pigment White 6


Removable protective layer (release liner)

polyester film, fluoropolymer-coated


The Qutenza patch is supplied with a tube of cleansing gel, which contains no active substance.


Cleansing gel contains:

macrogol 300


purified water

sodium hydroxide (E524)

disodium edetate

butylhydroxyanisole (E320)

Qutenza is a cutaneous patch for use on your skin. Each patch is 14 cm x 20 cm (280 cm2) and consists of an adhesive side containing the active substance and an outer surface backing layer. The adhesive side is covered with a removable, clear, unprinted, diagonally cut, release liner. The outer surface of the backing layer is imprinted with ‘capsaicin 8%’. Each Qutenza carton contains 1 or 2 sachets and 1 tube of cleansing gel (50 g). Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Grünenthal GmbH

Zieglerstraße 6

52078 Aachen


This leaflet was last approved in April 2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي كوتنزا على المادة الفعالة كابسيسين والتي تنتمي إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى مواد التخدير.

يُستخدم كوتنزا في علاج آلام الأعصاب الطرفية عند البالغين إما بمفرده أو بالاشتراك مع أدوية أخرى لعلاج الألم.

يُستخدم كوتنزا لتخفيف الألم لدى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الآلام العصبية الناجمة عن تلف الأعصاب في الجلد. قد تتعرض الأعصاب في جلدك للتلف نتيجة لمجموعة متنوعة من الأمراض مثل القوباء المنطقية "الحزام الناري،" وعدوى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية، ومرض السكري، وغيرها من الحالات أو نتيجة لاستخدام بعض الأدوية. قد تشعر بتسكين الألم بعد مضي أسبوع إلى 3 أسابيع على بدء العلاج.

لا تستخدم كوتنزا إذا:

·      إذا كان لديك حساسية نحو الكابسيسين أو الفلفل الحار أو أي من المُكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المدرجة في القسم 6)

المحاذير والإحتياطات

تحدث إلى طبيبك قبل استخدام كوتنزا

لا تستخدم كوتنزا على أي جزء من رأسك أو وجهك.

لا تستخدم كوتنزا على الجلد المتشقق أو الجروح المفتوحة.

لا تلمس كوتنزا أو أي مواد أخرى لامست المناطق المعالجة لأنها قد تسبب الإحساس بالحرقان واللسع. لا تلمس عينيك أو فمك أو أي مناطق حساسة أخرى لأنها قد تسبب تهيجا وألمًا. تجنب الاستنشاق بالقرب من لصقة كوتنزا أو شمها لأن ذلك قد يسبب السعال وتهيج الحلق أو العطس.

من الطبيعي أن يحمر جلدك في موضع الاستخدام وأن تشعر باللسع والحرقان أثناء وبعد العلاج بكوتنزا لفترة قصيرة. وقد يسبب الألم ارتفاع ضغط الدم لديك ولذلك، سيقوم طبيبك بقياس ضغط الدم لديك عدة مرات أثناء العلاج. إذا كنت تعاني من الألم بكثرة، فسوف يستخدم لك طبيبك التبريد الموضعي أو يعطيك دواء للألم. إذا شعرت بألم شديد، فاطلب من طبيبك إزالة اللصقة.

بشكل عام، لوحظت بعض التغييرات الخفيفة قصيرة الأمد في القدرة على الإحساس عند لمس شيء ساخن أو حاد بعد استخدام الكابسيسين.

إذا كنت تعاني من ارتفاع ضغط الدم غير المستقر أو غير المنضبط أو تعاني من مشاكل في القلب، فسيأخذ طبيبك في الاعتبار احتمال تعرضك لخطر حدوث الأعراض الجانبية على قلبك أو على ضغط الدم لديك بسبب الإجهاد المحتمل من الإجراء المتبع في العلاج، وذلك قبل أن يعالجك بكوتنزا.

إذا كنت تستخدم جرعات عالية من المواد الأفيونية المُسكنة، فقد لا تستجيب للمسكنات الأفيونية الفموية عند استخدامها للألم الحاد أثناء وبعد العلاج بكوتنزا. في هذه الحالة، سيستخدم طبيبك تدابير أخرى لتقليل الألم بعد علاجك بكوتنزا.

الأطفال والمراهقون

لا يُنصح باستخدام كوتنزا لعلاج المرضى الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا.

أدوية أخرى وكوتنزا

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول، أو تناولت مؤخرا أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى. يعمل كوتنزا ويؤثر بطريقة موضعية على بشرتك ولا يُتوقع أن يؤثر على الأدوية الأخرى.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية

يجب استخدام كوتنزا بحذر إذا كنت حاملًا، ويجب التوقف عن الرضاعة الطبيعية قبل بدء العلاج بكوتنزا. إذا كنت حاملاً أو مرضعة، تعتقدين أنك قد تكونين حاملًا أو تخططين لإنجاب طفل، استشيري طبيبك قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات

لا توجد دراسات عن تأثيرات كوتنزا على القدرة على القيادة واستخدام الآلات. يمكن أن تصل كميات صغيرة جدًا من المادة الفعالة في مجرى الدم لفترة قصيرة جدا عند استخدام كوتنزا. لذلك، لا يرجح أن يؤثر كوتنزا مباشرة على قدرتك

على التركيز أو القيادة أو استخدام الآلات.

يحتوي جل التنظيف المرفق مع كوتنزا على بوتيل هيدروكسي أنيسول

يحتوي جل التنظيف الخاص بكوتنزا على بوتيل هيدروكسي أنيسول الذي قد يؤدي استخدامه إلى حدوث تفاعلات جلدية موضعية (مثل التهاب الجلد التماسي،) أو تهيج العين والأغشية المخاطية.


يجب أن يقوم طبيبك أو ممرض(ة) تحت إشرافه بوضع لصقات كوتنزا فقط.

يجب عدم استخدام أكثر من 4 لصقات في نفس الوقت.

كوتنزا م ّ عد للاستخدام على الجلد

سيحدد طبيبك أكثر المناطق إيلاما على جلدك باستخدام قلم أو قلم تحديد.

سيتم غسل المنطقة (المناطق) المراد علاجها بالصابون والماء وتجفيفها قبل وضع لصقات كوتنزا على الجلد. كما سيتم قص الشعر في مناطق العلاج.

قد يقوم طبيبك أو ممرضك بوضع هلام أو كريم مخدر أو قد يعطيك مسكن للألم عن طريق الفم للحد من الإحساس المحتمل باللسع قبل وضع لصقات كوتنزا. ويجب إزالة الهلام أو الكريم وغسل الجلد وتجفيفه جيدًا قبل وضع لصقات كوتنزا.

قد يرتدي الطبيب أو الممرض(ة) قفازات، وأحيانًا قناع ونظارات واقية، أثناء التعامل مع لصقات كوتنزا. تجنب شم اللصقة أو الاستنشاق بقربها لأن ذلك قد يسبب السعال أو العطس.

يمكن قطع لصقة كوتنزا إلى قطع أصغر لتناسب منطقة العلاج. سيزيل طبيبك أو الممرض(ة) اللصقات بعد 30 دقيقة إذا كنت تتعالج من آلام الأعصاب في قدميك أو 60 دقيقة إذا كنت تتعالج من آلام الأعصاب في أجزاء أخرى من الجسم.

قد يستغرق الأمر مدة تتراوح من 1إلى 3 أسابيع من بدء استخدام كوتنزا قبل أن يهدأ الألم لديك. إذا استمر شعورك بالألم الشديد بعد ذلك الوقت، يرجى التحدث مع طبيبك.

يمكن تكرار العلاج بكوتنزا كل 90 يومًا، إذا لزم الأمر.

قد يصف لك الطبيب أدوية مسكنة للألم الذي تعانيه أثناء العلاج بكوتنزا.

من الشائع أن يحمر جلدك وأن تشعر باللسع أو الحرقان أثناء العلاج بكوتنزا.

يمكنك ارتداء الجوارب ذات الاستخدام الواحد فوق لصقات كوتنزا إذا تم علاج قدميك. في بعض الأحيان قد يضع طبيبك أو الممرض(ة) ضمادة فوق لصقة كوتنزا ليثبت اللصقة بإحكام على جلدك.

لا تحاول إزالة اللصقة بنفسك. سيقوم طبيبك أو الممرض(ة) بإزالتها لك.

في نهاية علاجك بكوتنزا، سيقوم طبيبك أو ممرضك بتنظيف الجلد المُعالج باستخدام جل التنظيف المرفق بالمجموعة على شكل أنبوب. سيُترك جل التنظيف على بشرتك لمدة دقيقة واحدة ثم يتم ٍ مسحه لإزالة أي دواء متبق على بشرتك بعد العلاج. بعد مسح جل التنظيف، سيتم غسل المنطقة برفق بالماء والصابون.

لا تلمس اللصقة بيديك.

لا تلمس عينيك أو فمك أو المناطق الحساسة الأخرى. إذا لمست لصقة كوتنزا أو الجلد المعالج قبل وضع جل التنظيف عليه بشكل عرضي، فقد تشعر بالحرقان و / أو اللسع. اتصل بطبيبك على الفور.

لا تصحب معك لصقات كوتنزا إلى خارج العيادة.

لا تستخدم لصقات كوتنزا في المنزل.


إذا استخدمت لصقات كوتنزا لفترة أطول مما يجب

من غير المحتمل حدوث جرعة زائدة. ومع ذلك، إذا استُخدمت لصقات كوتنزا لفترة أطول مما يجب، فقد تواجه ردود فعل شديدة في موضع الاستخدام مثل الألم والاحمرار والحكة. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا المنتج، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

كما هو الحال مع سائر الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء أعراضًا جانبية، مع أنها لا تحدث لدى جميع من يستخدمه.

اتصل بطبيبك على الفور إذا واجهت أيًّا من الأعراض الجانبية التالية:

·      إذا شعرت بتسارع أو تباطؤ أو عدم انتظام في نبضات قلبك.

o     غير شائع: قد يصيب ما يصل إلى  1من كل  100شخص

·      احمرار عميق في المنطقة التي وضعت عليها اللصقة، تقرحات / ترشح الجلد، أو تورم أو ترطب أو لمعان الجلد، أو الشعور بألم شديد عند لمس الجلد. قد تكون هذه علامات على حرق من الدرجة الثانية، في عدد قليل من الحالات، وقد تحتاج إلى عناية عاجلة.

o     تكرار الحدوث غير معروف: لا يمكن تقدير تكرار الحدوث من البيانات المتاحة

أخبر طبيبك عند حدوث أو تفاقم أي من الأعراض الجانبية التالية:

شائعة جدًا: قد تُصيب أكثر من  1من كل  10أشخاص

·      احمرار أو ألم مستمران لأكثر من يوم في المنطقة التي وضعت اللصقة عليها.

شائعة: قد تُصيب ما يصل إلى  1من كل  10أشخاص

·      الحكة، والنتوءات، والبثور، والتورم، والجفاف في المنطقة التي وضعت اللصقة عليها، وحرقان، وألم في الأطراف.

غير شائعة: قد تُصيب ما يصل إلى  1من كل  100شخص

·      بثور، إحساس بالوخز، التهاب، زيادة أو نقص في الإحساس بالجلد، تفاعلات جلدية، تهيج، كدمات في المنطقة التي وضعت اللصقة عليها.

·      تدني حاسة التذوق، وتدني الإحساس بالأطراف، وتهيج العين، والسعال، وتهيج الحلق، والغثيان، والحكة، وتشنجات العضلات، والقوباء المنطقية، وتورم الأطراف.

غير معروفة: لا يمكن تقدير تكرار حدوثها من البيانات المتاحة

·      التعرض العرضي (بما في ذلك آلام العين وتهيج العين والحلق والسعال.)

الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية:

إذا واجهت أي أعراض ّ جانبية، فتحدث مع طبيبك. يشمل ذلك أي أعراض جانبية محتملة غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة. يمكنك المساعدة في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء من خلال الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية.

للإبلاغ عن أي آثار جانبية:

المملكة العربية السعودية

المركز الوطني لليقظة والسلامة الدوائية (م.ت.س.د)

+966-1-210-7398 :الفاكس

npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa :البريد الالكتروني

ww.sfda.gov.sa/npc :الموقع الالكتروني



يُحفظ هذا الدواء بعيدا عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على الكرتون بعد كلمة  .EXPيشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.

ينبغي تخزين اللصقات في وضع مسطّح في الكيس والكرتون. يُحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية.

جل التنظيف: يحفظ بدرجة حرارة أقل من 30درجة مئوية.

بعد فتح الكيس، يجب استخدام كوتنزا في غضون ساعتين.

التخلص من لصقات كوتنزا المستخدمة وغير المستخدمة.

قد تلسع هذه الأشياء أصابعك إذا لمستها. سيضعها الطبيب أو الممرض(ة) في كيس من البولي إيثيلين قبل التخلص منها بأمان. يجب التخلص من لصقات كوتنزا والمواد المتعلقة بالعلاج بشكل ملائم.

محتويات كوتنزا

المادة الفعالة هي كابسيسين. تحتوي كل لصقة مساحتها 280سم 2على  179مجم من كابسيسين بالإجمال أو  640ميكروجرام من كابسيسن في كل  1سم 2من مساحة الرقعة ( 8 % وزن / وزن).

المكونات الأخرى للصقة كوتنزا الجلدية هي:

الطبقة الحاملة للدواء

مواد لاصقة من السيليكون

إيثر أحادي الإيثيل ثنائي إيثيلين جلايكول

زيت السيليكون

إيثيل السليلوز إن (E462) 50

الطبقة الظهرية

غشاء من البولي إيثيلين تيرفثالات (PET) جانبه الداخلي مسلكن (مغطى بالسيليكون)

حبر الطباعة المحتوي على صبغة بيضاء 6

طبقة واقية قابلة للإزالة (غشاء تحرير الدواء)

غشاء من البوليستر مطلي بالفلوروبوليمر

تتوفر لصقة كوتنزا مع أنبوب من جل التنظيف، والذي لا يحتوي على أي مادة فعالة.

يحتوي جل التنظيف على:

ماكروغول 300


الماء المُعقم

هيدروكسيد الصوديوم (E524)

إيديتات ثنائية الصوديوم

بوتيل هيدروكسي أنيسول (E320)

كوتنزا عبارة عن لصقة م ّ عدة للاستخدام على الجلد.

مساحة كل لصقة تساوي 14سم × 20سم (280سم )2وتتكون من جانب لاصق يحتوي على المادة الفعالة وطبقة خلفية خارجية. الجانب اللاصق مغطّ ٍ ى بغشاء قابل للإزالة شفّاف خال من الطباعة ومقطع قطريًا. السطح الخارجي للطبقة الخلفية مطبوع عليه "كابسيسين 8%".

تحتوي كل عبوه من كوتنزا على 1أو 2 كيس وأنبوب واحد من جل التنظيف (جم 50)

قد لا تتوفر جميع الاحجام في الأسواق

غرونينثال جي إم بي إتش

زيكلارشتراسي 6



تمت آخر مراجعة لهذه النشرة بتاريخ ابريل 2020
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Qutenza 179 mg cutaneous patch

Each 280 cm2 cutaneous patch contains a total of 179 mg of capsaicin or 640 micrograms of capsaicin per cm2 of patch. Excipient with known effect Each 50 g tube of cleansing gel for Qutenza contains 0.2 mg/g butylhydroxyanisole (E320). For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Cutaneous patch. Each patch is 14 cm x 20 cm (280 cm2) and consists of an adhesive side containing the active substance and an outer surface backing layer. The adhesive side is covered with a removable, clear, unprinted, diagonally cut, release liner. The outer surface of the backing layer is imprinted with ‘capsaicin 8%’.

Qutenza is indicated for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain in adults either alone or in combination with other medicinal products for the treatment of pain.

The Qutenza cutaneous patch should be applied by a physician or by a health care professional under the supervision of a physician.




The cutaneous patch should be applied to the most painful skin areas (using up to a maximum of

4 patches). The painful area should be determined by the physician and marked on the skin. Qutenza must be applied to intact, non-irritated, dry skin, and allowed to remain in place for 30 minutes for the feet (e.g. HIV-associated neuropathy, painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy) and 60 minutes for other locations (e.g. postherpetic neuralgia). Qutenza treatments may be repeated every 90 days, as warranted by the persistence or return of pain.


The treatment area may be pre-treated with a topical anaesthetic or the patient may be administered an oral analgesic prior to application of Qutenza to reduce potential application related discomfort. The topical anaesthetic should be applied to cover the entire Qutenza treatment area and surrounding 1 to 2 cm. In clinical trials, patients were pre-treated with topical lidocaine (4%), lidocaine (2.5%)/prilocaine (2.5%) or with 50 mg of tramadol. Topical anaesthetics should be removed prior to applying Qutenza and the skin washed and dried thoroughly.


Renal and/or hepatic impairment


No dose adjustment is required for patients with renal or hepatic impairment.


Paediatric population


The safety and efficacy of Qutenza in children from birth to 18 years has not been established. No data are available.


Method of administration


Cutaneous use only.


Precautions to be taken before handling or administering the medicinal product

It is advisable to administer Qutenza in a well ventilated treatment area.


Nitrile gloves should be worn at all times while handling Qutenza and cleaning treatment areas. Latex gloves should NOT be worn as they do not provide adequate protection. Use of a mask and protective glasses is recommended, particularly during application and removal of the patch.


These precautions should be taken to avoid unintentional contact with the patches or other materials that have come in contact with the treated areas. This may result in transient erythema and burning sensation (with mucous membranes being particularly susceptible), eye pain, eye and throat irritation and cough.


Patches should not be held near eyes or mucous membranes.


If necessary, hairs in the affected area should be clipped to promote patch adherence (do not shave). The treatment area(s) should be gently washed with soap and water. Following hair removal and washing, the skin should be thoroughly dried.


Instructions for use


Qutenza is a single use patch and can be cut to match the size and shape of the treatment area. Qutenza should be cut prior to removal of the release liner. The release liner should NOT be removed until just prior to application. There is a diagonal cut in the release liner to aid in its removal. A section of the release liner should be peeled and folded and the adhesive side of the printed patch placed on the treatment area. The patch should be held in place. The release liner should slowly and carefully be peeled from underneath with one hand while the patch should simultaneously be smoothed onto the skin with the other to ensure that there is complete contact between the patch and the skin, with no air bubbles and no moisture.


When treating feet, Qutenza patches can be wrapped around the dorsal, lateral and plantar surfaces of each foot to completely cover the treatment area.


To ensure Qutenza maintains contact to the treatment area, stretchable socks or rolled gauze may be used.


The Qutenza patches should be removed gently and slowly by rolling them inward to minimize the risk of aerosolisation of capsaicin. After removal of Qutenza, cleansing gel should be applied liberally to the treatment area and left on for at least one minute. Cleansing gel should be wiped off with dry gauze to remove any remaining capsaicin from the skin. After the cleansing gel has been wiped off, the area should be gently washed with soap and water.


Patients experiencing pain during and after patch application should be provided with supportive treatment (see section 4.4).

For instructions on handling and disposal of the treatment materials see section 6.6.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Dermal assessment


Qutenza must be used only on dry, intact (unbroken) skin and not on the face, above the hairline of the scalp, and/or in proximity to mucous membranes. In patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy, a careful visual examination of the feet should be undertaken prior to each application of Qutenza and at subsequent clinic visits to detect skin lesions related to underlying neuropathy and vascular insufficiency.


Sensory function


Reductions in sensory function have been reported following administration of Qutenza. Decreases in sensory functions are generally minor and temporary (including to thermal and sharp stimuli), however, a single case of persistent hypoesthesia has been reported in clinical studies in painful diabetic neuropathy. For this case a relationship with Qutenza could not be excluded. Caution should be exercised in patients with reduced sensation in the feet and in those at increased risk for such changes in sensory function. All patients with pre-existing sensory deficits should be clinically assessed for signs of sensory loss to prior to each application of Qutenza. If sensory loss is detected or worsens, Qutenza treatment should be reconsidered.


Monitoring and management of application site reactions


Application site reactions, such as transient local applications site burning, pain, erythema and pruritus are common or very common. In addition, there have been reported cases of burns, including second degree burns, in patients treated with capsaicin patches (see section 4.8). In patients reporting severe pain, the patch should be removed and the skin examined for chemical burn.


Unintended exposure


If Qutenza comes in contact with skin not intended to be treated, cleansing gel should be applied for one minute and wiped off with dry gauze to remove any remaining capsaicin from the skin surface. After the cleansing gel has been wiped off, the area should be gently washed with soap and water. If burning of eyes, skin, or airway occurs, the affected individual should be removed from the vicinity of Qutenza. Eyes or mucous membranes should be flushed or rinsed with water. Appropriate medical care should be provided if shortness of breath develops.


Increase in blood pressure


As a result of treatment-related increases in pain, transient increases in blood pressure (on average

< 8.0 mm Hg) may occur during and shortly after the Qutenza treatment. Blood pressure should be monitored during the treatment procedure. For patients with unstable or poorly controlled hypertension or a history of cardiovascular disease, the risk of adverse cardiovascular events due to the potential stress of the procedure should be considered prior to initiating Qutenza treatment. Particular attention should be given to diabetic patients with comorbidities of coronary artery disease, hypertension and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.


Treatment-related discomfort


Patients experiencing pain during and after patch application should be provided with supportive treatment such as local cooling (such as a cool compress) or oral analgesics (i.e. short acting opioids).


Patients using high doses of opioids may not respond to oral opioid analgesics when used for acute pain during and following the treatment procedure. A thorough history should be reviewed prior to initiating treatment and an alternative pain reduction strategy put in place prior to Qutenza treatment in patients with suspected high opioid tolerance.


Cleansing gel


The cleansing gel for Qutenza contains butylhydroxyanisole, which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis) or irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes.


No formal interaction studies with other medicinal products have been performed as only transient low levels of systemic absorption have been shown to occur with Qutenza.



There are no or limited amount of data from the use of capsaicin in pregnant women.

Based on human pharmacokinetics, which show transient, low systemic exposure to capsaicin, the likelihood that Qutenza increases the risk of developmental abnormalities when given to pregnant women is very low. However, caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant women.




It is unknown whether capsaicin/metabolites are excreted in human milk. Available pharmacodynamic/toxicological data in animals have shown excretion of capsaicin/metabolites in milk (for details see 5.3).


A risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded.


Breast-feeding should be discontinued during treatment with Qutenza. Fertility

There is no data in humans available on fertility. A reproductive toxicology study in rats showed a reduction in the number and percent of motile sperm and the number of pregnancies (see section 5.3).

Qutenza has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Summary of the safety profile


The most commonly reported adverse reactions were transient local application site burning, pain, erythema and pruritus.


Tabulated list of adverse reactions


In Table 1 below all adverse reactions, which occurred at an incidence greater than control and in more than one patient in controlled clinical trials in patients with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), painful Human Imunodeficiency Virus – Associated Neuropathy (HIV-AN) and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy, are listed by system organ class and frequency: very common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100


to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100) and not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).


Within each frequency grouping, adverse reactions are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.


Table 1:      Tabulated list of adverse reactions

System organ class and frequency

Adverse reaction

Infections and infestations



Herpes zoster

Nervous system disorders



Burning sensation


Dysgeusia, hypoaesthesia

Eye disorders



Eye irritation

Cardiac disorders



First degree atrio-ventricular (AV) block, tachycardia, palpitations

Vascular disorders




Respiratory, thoracic and

mediastinal disorders



Cough, throat irritation

Gastrointestinal disorders




Skin and subcutaneous tissue





Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders



Pain in extremity


Muscle spasms

General disorders and

administration site conditions


Very common

Application site pain, application site erythema


Application site pruritus, application site papules, application site vesicles,

application site oedema, application site swelling, application site dryness



Application site urticaria, application site paraesthesia, application site dermatitis, application site hyperaesthesia, application site inflammation, application site reaction, application site irritation, application site bruising,

peripheral oedema




Increased blood pressure

Injury, poisoning and

procedural complications


Not known

Burns second degree, accidental exposure (including eye pain, eye and

throat irritation and cough)


Description of selected adverse reactions


Adverse reactions were transient, self limiting and usually mild to moderate in intensity. In controlled trials, the discontinuation rate due to adverse reactions was 2.0% for patients receiving Qutenza and 0.9% for patients receiving control.


Temporary, minor changes in heat detection (1°C to 2°C) and sharp sensations were detected at the Qutenza application site in clinical trials with healthy volunteers.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions


Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system listed in Appendix V.


No case of overdose has been reported. Qutenza is required to be administered by a physician or under the supervision of a physician. Therefore, overdosing is unlikely to occur. Overdose may be associated with severe application site reactions, e.g. application site pain, application site erythema, application site pruritus. In case of suspected overdose, the patches should be removed gently, cleansing gel should be applied for one minute and then wiped off with dry gauze and the area should be gently washed with soap and water. Supportive measures should be taken as clinically needed. There is no antidote to capsaicin.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anaesthetics, other local anaesthetics, ATC code: N01BX04 Mechanism of action

Capsaicin, or 6-nonenamide, N-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) methyl]-8-methyl, (6E), is a highly selective agonist for the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptor (TRPV1). The initial effect of capsaicin is the activation of TRPV1-expressing cutaneous nociceptors, which results in pungency and erythema due to the release of vasoactive neuropeptides.


Pharmacodynamic effects


Following capsaicin exposure, cutaneous nociceptors become less sensitive to a variety of stimuli. These later-stage effects of capsaicin are frequently referred to as “desensitization” and are thought to underlie the pain relief. Sensations from non TRPV1-expressing cutaneous nerves are expected to remain unaltered, including the ability to detect mechanical and vibratory stimuli. Capsaicin-induced alterations in cutaneous nociceptors are reversible and it has been reported and observed that normal function (the detection of noxious sensations) returns within weeks in healthy volunteers.


Clinical efficacy and safety


Efficacy of a single 30-minute application of Qutenza to the feet has been shown in controlled clinical trials conducted in patients with painful Human Imunodeficiency Virus – Associated Neuropathy (HIV-AN) and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Efficacy of a single 60-minute application of Qutenza to locations other than the feet has been shown in controlled clinical trials conducted in patients with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). Pain reduction was observed at week 1 in PHN, week 2 in HIV-AN and week 3 in painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. For all three aetiologies efficacy was maintained throughout the 12-week study period. For painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy consistent and reproducible efficacy has been demonstrated with repeated treatments during a 52-week period.


The safety profile of Qutenza in diabetic patients was consistent with that seen in the non-diabetic population.


Qutenza has been shown to be effective when used alone or when used in combination with systemic medicinal products for neuropathic pain.


The capsaicin contained in Qutenza is intended for delivery into the skin. In vitro data (active substance dissolution and skin permeation assays) demonstrate that the rate of release of capsaicin from Qutenza is linear during the application time. Based on in vitro studies, approximately 1% of capsaicin is estimated to be absorbed into the epidermal and dermal layers of skin during one-hour applications. As the amount of capsaicin released from the patch per hour is proportional to the surface area of application, this amounts to an estimated total maximum possible dose for a 1000 cm2 area of application of approximately 7 mg. Assuming 1000 cm2 of patch area delivers approximately 1% of capsaicin from the patch to a 60 kg person, the maximum potential exposure to capsaicin is approximately 0.12 mg/kg, once every 3 months.


According to the EC Scientific Committee on Food, the average European oral intake of capsaicin is

1.5 mg/day (0.025 mg/kg/day for a 60 kg person) and the highest dietary exposure is 25 to 200 mg/day (up to 3.3 mg/kg/day for a 60 kg person).


Pharmacokinetic data in humans showed transient, low (< 5 ng/ml) systemic exposure to capsaicin in about one third of PHN patients, in 3% of patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathyand in no HIV-AN patients following 60-minute applications of Qutenza. No data are available following

30-minute treatments. In general, the proportions of PHN patients with systemic exposure to capsaicin increased with larger treatment areas and with longer treatment durations. The highest concentration of capsaicin detected in patients treated for 60 minutes was 4.6 ng/mL, which occurred immediately after Qutenza removal. Most quantifiable levels were observed at the time of Qutenza removal, with a clear trend towards disappearance by 3 to 6 hours after Qutenza removal. No detectable levels of metabolites were observed in any subject.


A population pharmacokinetic analysis of patients treated for 60 and 90 minutes indicated that capsaicin levels in plasma peaked around 20 minutes after Qutenza removal and declined very rapidly, with a mean elimination half-life of about 130 minutes.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, single-dose toxicity, and repeated-dose toxicity.


Genotoxicity studies performed with capsaicin show a weak mutagenic response in the mouse lymphoma assay and negative responses in the Ames, mouse micronucleus and chromosomal aberrationin human peripheral blood lymphocytes assays.


A carcinogenicity study performed in mice indicates that capsaicin is not carcinogenic.


A reproductive toxicology study conducted in rats showed a statistically significant reduction in the number and percent of motile sperms in rats treated 3 hours/day beginning 28 days before cohabitation, through cohabitation and continuing through the day before sacrifice. Although neither statistically significant nor dose dependent, the Fertility Index and the number of pregnancies per number of rats in cohabitation were reduced in all capsaicin-treated groups.


A teratology study conducted in rabbits did not show any potential for embryofetal toxicity. Delays in skeletal ossification (reductions in ossified metatarsals) were observed in a rat teratology study at dose levels higher than human therapeutic levels; the significance of this finding for humans is unknown.

Peri- and post-natal toxicology studies, conducted in rats do not show potential for reproductive toxicity. Lactating rats exposed to Qutenza daily for 3 hours showed measurable levels of capsaicin in the mothers’ milk.


A mild sensitization was seen in a cutaneous sensitization study with guinea pigs.




silicone adhesives

diethylene glycol monoethyl ether silicone oil

ethylcellulose N50 (E462)


Backing layer

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Film, inner side siliconized printing ink containing Pigment White 6


Removable protective layer (release liner)

polyester film, fluoropolymer-coated Cleansing gel

macrogol 300 carbomer purified water

sodium hydroxide (E524) disodium edetate butylhydroxyanisole (E320)

Not applicable.

4 years.

Qutenza cutaneous patch: Store flat in the original sachet and carton. Store below 25°C. Cleansing gel: Store below 25°C.

The cutaneous patch is stored in a paper coated aluminium foil sachet with polyacrylnitril layer. The cleansing gel is supplied in a high density polyethylene tube with a polypropylene cap.

Qutenza is available in packs containing one or two sachets of individually sealed cutaneous patches and a 50 g tube of cleansing gel.


Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Health care professionals should wear nitrile gloves when handling patches and cleansing treatment areas. The use of a mask and protective glasses is recommended, see section 4.2.


Used and unused patches and all other materials that have been in contact with the treated area should be disposed of immediately after use by sealing them in a polyethylene medical waste bag and placing in an appropriate medical waste container.

Grünenthal GmbH Zieglerstraße 6 52078 Aachen Germany

Date of latest renewal: 15 May 2014

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