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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Flexbumin 200 g/l is a solution of plasma protein and belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of plasma
substitutes and plasma protein fractions. Plasma is the fluid in which blood cells are suspended.
Thismedicine is used for restoration andmaintenance of circulating blood volume when there is not enough blood volume.

Do not use Flexbumin 200 g/l
–     if you are allergic to human albumin or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).
Warnings and Precautions
Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before using Flexbumin 200 g/l.
–     If you get headache, difficulties in breathing or feeling faint during the treatment please tell your doctor or nurse.
It can be an allergic reaction.
–     If you have:
–     decompensated heart failure
–     high blood pressure
–     oesophageal varices (swelled veins in the oesophagus)
–     pulmonary oedema (fluid in the lungs)
–     a tendency to spontaneous bleeding
–     severe anemia (lack of red blood cells)
–     decreased urine formation
inform your doctor so that he/she can take appropriate precautions.
When medicines are made from human blood or plasma, certain measures are put in place to prevent infections
being passed on to patients. These include careful selection of blood and plasma donors to make sure those at risk
of carrying infections are excluded, and the testing of each donation and pools of plasma for signs of virus/infections.
Manufacturers of these products also include steps in the processing of the blood or plasma that can inactivate or
remove viruses. Despite these measures, when medicines prepared from human blood or plasma are administered,
the possibility of passing on infection cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to any unknown or emerging
viruses or other types of infections.
There are no reports of virus infections with albumin manufactured to European Pharmacopoeia specifications by
established processes.
It is strongly recommended that every time you receive a dose of Flexbumin 200 g/l the name and batch number of
the product are recorded in order to maintain a record of the batches used.
Other medicines and Flexbumin 200 g/l
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or
pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine. Your doctor will decide if you can use Flexbumin 200 g/l during
pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Driving and using machines
No effect on the ability to drive or use machines has been observed.
Flexbumin 200 g/l contains sodium
Flexbumin contains 130 – 160 mmol/l sodium. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.

Flexbumin 200 g/l is a medicine for hospital use. It will therefore be administered to you in a hospital by appropriate
health care personnel. Your doctor will determine the amount of product to be administered, the frequency of dosing
and the duration of treatment based on your specific condition.
If you use more Flexbumin 200 g/l than you should
It is highly unlikely that you will get an overdose since you receive the injection in a hospital by trained personnel.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Very common in more than 1 in 10 patients treated
Common in less than 1 in 10, but more than 1 in 100 patients treated
Uncommon in less than 1 in 100, but more than 1 in 1000 patients treated
Rare in less than 1 in 1000, but more than 1 in 10 000 patients treated
Very rare in less than 1 in 10 000 patients treated, including isolated cases
Very common Common Uncommon Rare Very rare
Immune system disorders anaphylactic shock
Gastrointestinal disorders nausea (feeling
Skin and subcutaneous
tissue disorders flushing, skin rash
General disorders and
administration site
•     The rare side effects disappear quickly when the infusion rate is decreased or stopped.
•     If anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reactions) occurs, the infusion should be stopped immediately and
appropriate treatment initiated.
•     If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your
doctor or pharmacist.
Other side effects observed after placing Human Albumin on the market are: Hypersensitivity/Allergic reactions,
Headache, Rapid heart beat, Abnormally low blood pressure, Breathlessness or breathing discomfort, Vomiting,
Altered sense of taste, Hives, Itchiness, Chills, Heart attack, Irregular heart beat, Accumulation of fluid in the lung.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed
in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the national reporting system listed below.
To report any side effect(s):
•     Saudi Arabia:
–     The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
•     Fax: +966-11-205-7662
•     Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
•     Toll free phone: 8002490000
•     E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
•     Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
–     Please contact the relevant competent authority.
f. Council of Arab Health Ministers
The following statements issued by the Council of Arab Health Ministers should be printed in the PIL.
This is a Medicament
–     Medicament is a product which affects your health and its consumption contrary to instructions is dangerous for you.
–     Follow strictly the doctor“s prescription, the method of use and the instructions of the pharmacist who sold the medicament.
–     The doctor and the pharmacist are the experts in medicines, their benefits and risks.
–     Do not by yourself interrupt the period of treatment prescribed for you.
–     Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.
–     Keep all medicaments out of reach of children.
Council of Arab Health Ministers
Union of Arab Pharmacists

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the bag and the carton. The expiry date refers to
the last day of that month.
store below 30 °C
Do not freeze.
Keep the bag in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
Once the package has been opened, the contents must be used immediately.
Do not use Flexbumin 200 g/l if you notice that the solution is cloudy or has deposits.

What Flexbumin 200 g/l contains
–     The active substance is human albumin.
     1 liter of solution contains 200 g of total protein, of which at least 95% is human albumin.
–     The other ingredients are sodium chloride, sodium caprylate, sodium acetyltryptophanate and water for injections.
Total amount of sodium ions: 130 –160 mmol/l

What Flexbumin 200 g/l looks like and contents of the pack Flexbumin 200 g/l is presented as a solution for infusion in a bag. Pack sizes are 12 x 100 ml (2 boxes of 6 or 12 single units), 24 x 50 ml (2 boxes of 12 or 24 single units), 1 x 100 ml (single unit) and 1 x 50 ml (single unit). The solution is clear and slightly viscous, almost colourless, yellow, amber or green.

Baxter AG Vienna
Importation, storage, Quality control and batch release
Baxalta US Inc.
Los Angles, CA 90039 USA
Bulk formulation & Heat treatment
Baxalta US Inc.
Illinois 60073, USA
Sterile filling, final pasteurization, packaging & release.
For any information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Baxalta GmbH Export Services, now part of Shire
2964 Immam Saud Bin Faisal St – Alsahafa dist.
Brand Tower 6th floor, Apart. No. 61
Riyadh 13321 – 6106, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 011 485 4949

This leaflet was last approved in 10/2015
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

فليكسبومني 200 جم / لرت عبارة عن محلول من بروتني بالزما ينتمي إىل املجموعة الدوائية العالجية الخاصة ببدائل البالزما وآسور
بروتني البالزما. يستخدم هذا الدواء للتعويض والحفاظ عىل حجم الدم الجاري عندما ال يكون هناك ما يكفي من حجم الدم.
1 لرت من املحلول يحتوي عىل 200 جم من الربوتني الكيل، منها ما ال يقل عن95 ٪ من األلبومني البرشي.
     املكونات األخرى هي آلوريد الصوديوم 35.4 جم/ل، وآابريالت الصوديوم 66.2 جم/ل، استيل تريبتوفانيت الصوديوم
29.4 جم/ل و ماء للحقن الوريدي.
إجامىل الكمية من ايونات الصوديوم: 130-160-مل مول/لر

ال تستخدم فليكسبومني 200 جم/لرت
- - إذا آنت تشكو من حساسية تجاه األلبومني البرشي )مدرجة ىف القسم 6 ) ّ أو أي من املكونات األخرى الخاصة
بفليكسبومني 200 جم/ لرت.
تحذیرات و احتیاطات
تحدث إىل طبيبك، الصيديل او املمرض قبل إستخدام فليكسبومني 200 جم/ لرت.
- - اذا أصبت بصداع ، وصعوبات يف التنفس أو شعور باإلغامء أثناء العالج يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو املمرضة. ميكن أن يكون
ذلك تفاعل حساسية.
إذا كنت تعاين من:
- فشل القلب غري املعاوض
- ارتفاع ضغط الدم
- دوايل املريء )تضخم األوردة يف املريء(
- وذمة رئوية )سائل يف الرئتني(
- امليل للنزيف التلقاىئ
- انيميا حدة )نقص ىف كريات الدم الحمراء(
- نقص ىف تكوين البول
أبلغ الطبيب حتى ميكنه اتخاذ االحتياطات املناسبة.
عند تحضري أدوية مشتقة من الدم البرشي أو البالزما، تتخذ تدابري معينة ملنع انتقال العدوى للمرىض. يشمل ذلك
االختيار الدقيق للمتربعني بالدم و البالزما للتأكد من استبعاد أولئك الحاملني لخطر العدوى، واختبار كل متربع و كمية
البالزما للكشف عن عالمات وجود فريوسات / عدوى. الرشكات املصنعة لهذه املنتجات تقوم أيضاً بادخال
خطوات يف معالجة الدم أو البالزما من شأنها وقف نشاط أو إزالة الفريوسات. وعىل الرغم من هذه التدابري، عند
فريوسات غري معروفة أو ناشئة أو أنواع أخرى من العدوى. ً استخدام األدوية املحرضة من الدم البرشي أو البالزما ال ميكن استبعاد انتقال العدوى متام ّ ا. وهذا ينطبق أيضا عىل أي
ً مل ترد تقارير عن انتقال العدوى بالفريوس مع األلبومني الذي تم تصنيعه وفقا ملواصفات دستور األدوية األورويب من خالل
الطرق املتعارف عليها.
من املستحسن تسجيل اسم ورقم تشغيلة املنتج يف آل مرة تتلقى جرعة من فليكسبومني 200 جم/لرت من أجل االحتفاظ
بسجل للتشغيالت املستخدمة.
استخدام أدوية أخرى
يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو الصيديل إذا آنت تأخذ أو قمت يف اآلونة األخرية بأخذ أي أدوية أخرى، مبا يف ذلك األدوية التي يتم
الحصول عليها بدون وصفة طبية.
الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية
ِ إذغ كنت ِ حامالً او مرضع او تظبني أنك حامالً او تخططني للحمل إستشريي طبيبك أو الصيديل قبل أخذ الدواء. سوف يقرر
طبيبك ما إن كان ميكنك استخدام فليكسبومني 200 جم /لرت خالل فرتة الحمل أو الرضاعة الطبيعية.
القيادة واستخدام اآلالت
مل يالحظ أي تأثري عىل القدرة عىل القيادة أو استخدام اآلالت.
فليكسبومني 200 جم/لرت يحتوي عىل صوديوم
فليكسبومني 200 جم/لرت يحتوي عىل 130 – 160 مل مول/لرت من الصوديوم. لألخذ يف الحسبان للمرىض الذين هم عىل نظام
غذاىئ للسيطرة الصوديم.


ليكسبومني 200 جم /لرت هو دواء لالستخدام يف املستشفيات. لذلك سوف يتم اعطاءه لك يف املستشفى من قبل
القامئني عىل الرعاية الصحية املناسبني. سوف يقوم طبيبك بتحديد الكمية املستخدمة من املنتج، ومعدل تكرار
الجرعات وفترة العلاج بناءً عىل حالتك الخاصة
إذا استخدمت فليكسبومني 200 جم /لرت بكمية أكرب مام يجب
من غري املرجح ان تحصل عىل جرعة زائدة مبا انك تتلقى الحقنة يف املستشفى من قبل موظفني مدربن

شأنه شأن جميع األدوية، ميكن أن يتسبب فليكسبومني 200 جم /لرت يف آثار جانبية، عىل الرغم من عدم تعرض الجميع لها.
ً شائع جدا يف أكرث من 1 يف 10 من املرىض الذين عولجوا
شائع يف أقل من 1 يف 10 ، ولكن أآثر من 1 يف 100 من املرىض الذين عولجوا
غري شائع يف أقل من 1 يف 100 ، ولكن أآثر من 1 يف 1000 من املرىض الذين عولجوا
نادر ىف أقل من 1 ىف 1000 ،ولكن أكرث من 1 ىف 10000 من املرض الذين عولجوا
نادر جداً ىف أفل من 10000 من املرىض الذين عولجوا، مبا ىف ذلك حاالت معزولة
ً شائع جدا شائع غري شائع نادر نادر جداً
الجهاز املناعي
صدمة فرط
الجهاز الهضمي
غثيان ) الشعور
الجلدية و
األنسجة تحت
تبيغ، طفح جلدي
اضطرابات عامة حمى
الحاالت التي
تحدث يف مكان
• اآلثار الجانبية النادرة تختفي برسعة عند خفض معدل الحقن /الترسيب أو وقفه.
• ً إذا حدثت صدمة فرط الحساسية ) تفاعالت تحسسية حادة(، يجب وقف الحقن /الترسيب فورا، والبدء يف العالج املناسب.
• إذا اشتدت أي من اآلثار الجانبية، أو إذا الحظت أي آثار جانبية غري مدرجة يف هذه النرشة، يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو الصيديل.
هناك آثار جانبية أخرى تم مالحظتها بعد تسويق األلبومني البرشي وهي : تفاعالت فرط الحساسية ،الصداع ، رسعة رضبات القلب،
انخفاض ضغط الدم بشكل غري عادي، ضيق التنفس أو عدم الراحة يف التنفس القيء، تغري حاسة التذوق، رشى، حكة، و رعشة.
اإلبالغ عن اآلثار الجانبية:
ُصبت بأي آثار جانبية، فتحدث مع طبيبك أو الصيديل. يشمل هذا أي آثار جانبية محتملة غري مدرجة يف هذه النرشة.
إذا أ
املساعدة يف توفري املزيد من املعلومات حول سالمة هذا الدواء. ً ميكنك أيضا اإلبالغ عن اآلثار الجانبية مبارشة عن طريق نظام اإلبالغ الوطني املذكور أدناه. بإبالغك عن اآلثار الجانبية، ميكنك
     اململكة العربية السعودية:
     املركز الوطني للتيقظ والسالمة الدوائية
+966-11-2057662 :فاكس •
 • اتصل باملركز الوطني للتيقظ والسالمة الدوائية عىل رقم +966-11-2038222 ،الرقم الداخيل: 2317-2356-2353-
 • الهاتف املجاين: 8002490000
 npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa :اإللكرتوين الربيد •
 www.sfda.gov.sa/npc :اإللكرتوين املوقع •
 •دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي األخرى:
     يرجى االتصال بالسلطة املختصة ذات الصلة.
وضع اإلرشادات الصادرة من مجلس وزراء الصحة العرب كام يىل:
إن هذا الدواء
     الدواء مستحرض يؤثر عىل صحتك وإستهالكه خالفاً للتعليامت يعرضك للخطر.
     إتبع بدقة وصفة الطبيب وطريقة اإلستعامل املنصوص عليها وتعليامت الصيدىل الذى رصفها لك.
     إن الطبيب والصدىل هام الخبريان ىف الدواء وبنفعه ورضره.
     ال تقطع مدة العالج املحددة مل من تلقاء نفسه.
     ال تكرر رصف الدواء بدون إستشارة الطبيب.
     ال ترتك الدواء ىف متناول األطفال.
مجلس وزراء الصحة العرب
وإتحاد الصيادلة العرب

يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول و مرأى األطفال.
ال تستخدم فليكسبومني 200 جم /لرت بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصالحية املذآورعىل العبوة و العلبة الخارجية. تاريخ انتهاء
الصالحية يشري إىل اليوم األخري من ذلك الشهر.
ال يخزن ىف درجة حرارة تتجاوز 30 درجة مئوية.
ال يجمد.
احفظ العبوة يف العلبة الخارجية لحاميتها من الضوء.
بمجرد فتح العبوة يجب استخدام المحتويات فوراً
ال تستخدم فليكسبومني 200 جم / لرت إذا الحظت أن املحلول غامئاً أو به رواسب.

يحتوي فلكسبومني 200 جم / لرت املادة الفعالة هى ألبيومني برشي 1 لرت من املحلول يحتوي عىل 200 جم من الربوتني الكيل، منها ما ال يقل عن 95 % من األلبومني البرشي. املكونات األخرى هي كلوريد الصوديوم 35.4 جم/لرت، وكابريالت الصوديوم 66.2 جم/لرت، استيل تريبتوفانيت الصوديوم و ماء للحقن إجاميل كمية أيونات الصوديم: 130 – 160 مل مول/لرت كيف يبدو فلكسبومني 200 جم / لرت محتويات العبوة يقدم فلكسبومني 200 جم / لرت كمحلول للحقن/ للترسيب يف عبوة. أحجام العبوة هي 12 X 100 مل )صندوقني بهم 6 او 12 عبوة مفردة(، 24 X 50 مل )صندوقني بهم 12 او 24 عبوة مفردة(، 1 X 100 مل )عبوة مفردة( و 1 X 50 مل )عبوة مفردة(. قد ال تتوفر جمیع أحجام العبوات يف األسواق. ٍ املحلول صاف ولزج قليالً، عديم اللون تقريباً، أصفر، آهرماين أو أخر


حامل ترصيح التسويق و الصانع
باكسرت ايه جي
اندسرتي سرتايس 67
أ - 1221 فيينا
للمزید من املعلومات بخصوص ھذا الداء یرجى التواصل مع املكتب العلمي للرشكة:
باكسالتا إكسبورت سیرفیسیز جى ام ىب إتش
۲۹٦٤ طریق اإلمام سعود بن فیصل حى الصحافة
برج العالمة التجاریة الدور السادس، مكتب ٦۱
الریاض ۱۳۳۲۱ - اململكة العربیة السعودیة

تمت الموافقة على هذه النشرة فى أكتوبر 201
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Flexbumin 200 g/l solution for infusion

Flexbumin 200 g/l is a solution containing 200 g/l (20%) of total protein of which at least 95% is human albumin. A bag of 100 ml contains 20 g of human albumin. A bag of 50 ml contains 10 g of human albumin The solution is hyperoncotic. Excipients with known effect: Sodium 130-160 mmol/l For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for infusion. A clear, slightly viscous liquid; it is almost colourless, yellow, amber or green.

Restoration and maintenance of circulating blood volume where volume deficiency has been demonstrated,
and use of a colloid is appropriate.
The choice of albumin rather than artificial colloid will depend on the clinical situation of the individual
patient, based on official recommendations.

The concentration of the albumin preparation, dosage and the infusion rate should be adjusted to the
patient’s individual requirements.
The dose required depends on the size of the patient, the severity of trauma or illness and on continuing
fluid and protein losses. Measures of adequacy of circulating volume and not plasma albumin levels should
be used to determine the dose required.
If human albumin is to be administered, haemodynamic performance should be monitored regularly; this
may include:
- arterial blood pressure and pulse rate
- central venous pressure
- pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PCW-pressure)
- urine output
- electrolyte
- haematocrit/haemoglobin
- clinical signs of cardiac/respiratory failure (e.g.dyspnoea)
- clinical signs of increasing intra-cranial pressure (e.g. headache)
Method of Administration
Flexbumin 200 g/l can be directly administered by the intravenous route, or it can also be diluted in an
isotonic solution (e.g. 5 % glucose or 0.9 % sodium chloride).
The infusion rate should be adjusted according to the individual circumstances and the indication.
In plasma exchange the infusion rate should be adjusted to the rate of removal.

Hypersensitivity to albumin preparations or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Suspicion of allergic or anaphylactic type reactions requires immediate discontinuation of the injection. In
case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.
Albumin should be used with caution in conditions where hypervolaemia and its consequences or
haemodilution could represent a special risk for the patient. Examples of such conditions are:
- Decompensated cardiac insufficiency
- Hypertension
- Oesophageal varices
- Pulmonary oedema
- Haemorrhagic diathesis
- Severe anaemia
- Renal and post-renal anuria
The colloid-osmotic effect of human albumin 200 g/l or 250 g/l is approximately four times that of blood
plasma. Therefore, when concentrated albumin is administered, care must be taken to assure adequate
hydration of the patient. Patients should be monitored carefully to guard against circulatory overload and
200 g/l – 250 g/l Human albumin solutions are relatively low in electrolytes compared to the 40 – 50 g/l
human albumin solutions. When albumin is given, the electrolyte status of the patient should be monitored
(see section 4.2 Posology) and appropriate steps taken to restore or maintain the electrolyte balance.
Flexbumin contains 130-160 mmol/l sodium. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled
sodium diet.
Albumin solutions must not be diluted with water for injections as this may cause haemolysis in recipients.
If comparatively large volumes are to be replaced, controls of coagulation and haematocrit are necessary.
Care must be taken to ensure adequate substitution of other blood constituents (coagulation factors,
electrolytes, platelets and erythrocytes).
Hypervolaemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are not adjusted to the patient’s circulatory
situation. At the first clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnoea, jugular vein
congestion), or increased blood pressure, raised venous pressure and pulmonary oedema, the infusion is to
be stopped immediately.
Standard measures to prevent infections resulting from the use of medicinal products prepared from human
blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening of individual donations and plasma pools for specific
markers of infection and the inclusion of effective manufacturing steps for the inactivation/removal of
viruses. Despite this, when medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, the
possibility of transmitting infective agents cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to unknown or
emerging viruses and other pathogens.
There are no reports of virus transmissions with albumin manufactured to European Pharmacopoeia
specifications by established processes.
It is strongly recommended that every time that Flexbumin 200 g/l is administered to a patient, the name and
batch number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a link between the patient and the batch of the

No interaction studies of Flexbumin 200 g/l with other medicinal products have been performed.

The safety of Flexbumin 200 g/l for use in human pregnancy has not been established in controlled clinical
trials. However, clinical experience with albumin suggests that no harmful effects on the course of
pregnancy, or on the foetus and the neonate are to be expected.
The effects of human albumin on fertility have not been studied.
No animal reproduction studies have been conducted with Flexbumin 200 g/l.
Experimental animal studies are insufficient to assess the safety with respect to reproduction, development
of the embryo or foetus, the course of gestation and peri- and postnatal development.
However, human albumin is a normal constituent of human blood.

Flexbumin 200 g/l has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Frequency has been evaluated using the following criteria: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to
<1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000), and very rare (<1/10,000), not
known (cannot be estimated from the available data).
Common Uncommon
Rare Very rare
Immune system
anaphylactic shock
Skin and
flushing, skin
tissue disorders
General disorders
and administration
site conditions
In cases of severe reactions, the infusion should be stopped and an appropriate treatment should be initiated.
In post-marketing surveillance the following adverse events have been reported. These
events are listed by MedDRA System Organ Class, then by Preferred Term in order of
Immune System Disorders: Anaphylactic reactions, Hypersensitivity/Allergic reactions
Nervous System Disorders: Headache, Dysguesia
Cardiac Disorders: Myocardial infarction, Atrial fibrillation, Tachycardia
Vascular Disorders: Hypotension
Respiratory, Thoracic, and Mediastinal Disorders: Pulmonary edema, Dyspnea
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Vomiting,
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: Urticaria, Pruritis
General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions: Chills
There are no data available on adverse reactions from clinical trials conducted with
Flexbumin (Human).
For safety with respect to transmissible agents, see 4.4.
− To reports any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
− The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Hypervolaemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are too high. At the first clinical signs of
cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnoea, jugular vein congestion), or increased blood pressure, raised
central venous pressure and pulmonary oedema, the infusion should be stopped immediately and the
patient’s haemodynamic parameters carefully monitored.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: plasma substitutes and plasma protein fractions
ATC code: B05AA01.
Human albumin accounts quantitatively for more than half of the total protein in the plasma and represents
about 10 % of the protein synthesis activity of the liver.
Physico-chemical data: Human albumin 200 g/l or 250 g/l has a hyperoncotic effect.
The most important physiological functions of albumin result from its contribution to the oncotic pressure of
the blood and its transport function. Albumin stabilises circulating blood volume and is a carrier of
hormones, enzymes, medicinal products and toxins.

Under normal conditions, the total exchangeable albumin pool is 4 - 5 g/kg body weight, of which 40 to 45
% is present intravascularly and 55 to 60 % in the extravascular space. Increased capillary permeability will
alter albumin kinetics and abnormal distribution may occur in conditions such as severe burns or septic
Under normal conditions the average half life of albumin is about 19 days. The balance between synthesis
and breakdown is normally achieved by feed-back regulation. Elimination is predominantly intracellular and
due to lysosome proteases.
In healthy subjects, less than 10 % of infused albumin leaves the intravascular compartment during the first
two hours following infusion. There is considerable individual variation in the effect on plasma volume. In
some patients the plasma volume can remain increased for some hours. However, in critically ill patients,
albumin can leak out of the vascular space in substantial amounts at an unpredictable rate.

Human albumin is a normal constituent of human plasma and acts like physiological albumin.
In animals, single dose toxicity testing is of little relevance and does not permit the evaluation of toxic or
lethal doses or of a dose-effect relationship. Repeated dose toxicity testing is impracticable due to the
development of antibodies to heterologous protein in animal models.
To date, human albumin has not been reported to be associated with embryo-foetal toxicity, oncogenic or
mutagenic potential.
No signs of acute toxicity have been described in animals models.

Sodium chloride 4.3 g/l
Sodium caprylate 2.7 g/l
Sodium acetyltryptophanate 4.3 g/l
Water for injections
Total amount of sodium ions 130 – 160 mmol/l

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products (except those mentioned in 6.6),
whole blood or packed red cells.
Further human albumin should not be mixed with protein hydrolysates (e.g. parenteral nutrition) or solutions
containing alcohol since these combinations may cause the proteins to precipitate.

2 years

Do not store above 30 °C.
Do not freeze.
Keep the bag in the outer carton in order to protect from light.

50 or 100 ml of solution in a polyethylene bag, with an infusion port (polyethylene).
Pack sizes: 24 x 50 ml (2 boxes of 12 or 24 single units)
12 x 100 ml (2 boxes of 6 or 12 single units)
1 x 50 ml (single unit)
1 x 100 ml (single unit)
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

The solution can be directly administered by the intravenous route, or it can also be diluted in an isotonic
solution (e.g. 5 % glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride).
Albumin solutions must not be diluted with water for injections as this may cause haemolysis in recipients.
If large volumes are administered, the product should be warmed to room or body temperature before use.
Do not use solutions which are cloudy or have deposits. This may indicate that the protein is unstable or
that the solution has become contaminated.
Use only if the seal is intact. Discard in case of leak
Once the container has been opened, the contents should be used immediately. Any unused medicinal
product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Baxter AG Industriestraße 67 A-1221 Vienna Austria


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