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نشرة الممارس الصحي | نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية | نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية | صور الدواء | بيانات الدواء |
Introduction :
Oral rehydration salt therapy utilizes glucose and electrolyte solution to prevent dehydration. The utilization of sodium — glucose co-transport in small intestine is the core phenomena of this therapy. Glucose also plays an important role providing necessary calories at the same time, along with the administered electrolytes enhances the transport of water across the intestinal barrier through osmosis.
.ORS is indicated for the replacement of fluid and electrolytes loss due to diarrhea, vomiting and in other conditions of fluid loss
ORS is contraindicated for patients with paralytic ileus, renal failure, vomiting due to intestinal obstructions or bowel perforation.
Precautions :
Severe dehydration requires parenteral fluid therapy.Caution to be exercised in patients with impaired renal functions.
Dosage :
Daily dose to be adjusted based on the requirement for replacement and maintenance of fluid losses of
Or as directed by the physician.
Direction for use:
Cut open the sachet, empty the powder in the specified volume as indicated on the sachet and mix well. Do not boil the solution. Orally feed the solution to the patient in small amounts as per the need. In case of vomiting, wait for 10 minutes and give again. Refer the patient to a doctor in case of persistent vomiting and or continuous diarrhea. In between the feeds, supplement by other liquids (breast milk in case of infants), fruit juice and light food. The reconstituted solution should be used immediately within 24 hrs and should not be stored.
Vomiting, overhydration and hypernatraemia.
Store below 25°C, protect from light and moisture.
1) Carton containing 50 sachets.
2) Carton containing 26 sachets.
3) Carton containing 25 sachets.
4) Carton containing 10 sachets.
National Pharmaceutical Industries Co. (SAOG)
Rusayl, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
العلاج بأملاح الاوراء الفموي يعتمد على خليط محلول الدكستروز (الجلوكوز) والأملاح لمنع الجفاف... الاستفادة من خاصية النقل المشترك للجلوكوز والصوديوم خلال جدار الأمعاء الدقيقة هي أساس هذا العلاج... بينما يلعب الجلوكوز دوراً هاماً في إمداد الجسم بالطاقة فانه مع الأملاح يساعد على انتقال الماء عبر جدار الأمعاء عن طريق الخاصية الأسموزية.
دواعي الاستعمال:
يوصل (أو.آر.أس نيو) لتعويض فقد السوائل والأملاح الناتج عن الإسهال. القيء والحالات الأخرى المسببة لفقد السوائل.
الجفاف الشديد يتطلب منح السوائل عن طريق الحقن. يجب الحذر عند التعامل مع مرضى الفشل الكلوي.
موانع الاستعمال:
يجب عدم وصف (أو.آر.أس نيو) في حالات الفشل الكلوي، انسداد أو تهتك الأمعاء و في حالات شلل الأمعاء الدقيقة
يجب ضبط الجرعة اليومية حسب الاحتياج لتعويض فقد السوائل أو الحفاظ على مستوى السوائل للمريض. أو حسب إرشادات الطبيب.
إرشادات لاستعمال:
افتح الكيس بقصة عن العلامة. افرغ المحتويات في الحجم الموضح على العبوة من ماء الشرب وامزجها جيدا. لاتغلي المحلول. عند الضرورة اسقي المريض المحلول بكميات قليلة عن طريق الفم.. في حالة القيء توقف عن إعطاء المحلول لمدة 10 دقائق. ينصح بمقابلة الطبيب في حالة القيء المتواصل أو الإسهال المستمر. ينصح بتناول السوائل الأخرى (مثل حليب الأم، عصير الفواكه) والوجبات الخفيفة اثناء استعمال المحلول. يجب عدم خزن المحلول واستعماله مباشرة خلال 24 ساعة بعد التحضير
مباشرة خلال 24 ساعة بعد التحضير
القيء، زيادة السوائل في الجسم وزيادة مستوى الصوديوم.
يخزن تحت درجة 25° مئوية بعيدا عن الضوء والرطوبة.
1) عبوة تحتوي على 50 كيس
2) عبوة تحتوي على 26 كيس
3) عبوة تحتوي على 25 كيس
4) عبوة تحتوي على 10 أكياس
الشركة الوطنية للصناعات الدوائية (ش.م.ع.ع)
الرسيل، مسقط، عمان
Oral correction of fluid and electrolyte loss in infants aged 3 months upwards, children and adults.
Treatment of watery diarrhoea of various aetiologies including gastroenteritis in all age groups from 3 months upwards.
ORS New is particularly recommended in the case of too loose or frequent stools where t enables over-loose stools to revert to normal.
Method of use
1. Cut open the sachet and empty the powder in 200 ml of drinking water & mix well. Do not boil the solution.
2. Orally feed the solution to the patient in small amounts as per the need. In case of vomiting, wait for 10 minutes and give again.
3. Refer the patient to a doctor in case of persistent vomiting and or continuous diarrhea
4. In between the feeds, supplement by other liquids (breast milk in case of infants), fruit juice and light food.
5. The reconstituted ORS solution is to be stored in a refrigerator for not more than 24 hours due to the possibility of bacterial contamination. Discard unused solution after 24 hours and make up fresh solution if required.
Daily dose to be adjusted based on the requirement for replacement and maintenance of fluid losses of patients or as directed by physician.
Route of Administration: Oral
For oral administration only. ORS New should not be reconstituted in diluents other than water.
Each sachet should always be dissolved in 200 ml water.
ORS should not be administered to infants under 3 months and for those aged 3 months to 1 year under medical advice.
If diarrhoea persists unremittingly for longer than 36 hours the patient should be reassessed by the physician.
No specific precautions are necessary in the elderly. However, care should be taken when administering.
ORS New solution in cases of severe renal or hepatic impairment or other conditions where normal electrolyte balance may be disturbed.
None known
ORS New is not contraindicated in pregnancy or lactation but should be used on medical advice
ORS New could not be expected to affect the ability to drive or use machines.
None known
In the event of significant overdose, serum electrolytes should be evaluated as soon as possible, appropriate steps taken to correct any abnormalities and levels monitored until return to normal levels is established. This is particularly important in the very young.
ATC code: Electrolyte with carbohydrates A07C
ORS New contains a balanced amount of electrolytes, starch and proteins in water. Oral rehydration therapy with ORS New enables a dehydrated subject to be rehydrated rapidly.
The advantages of ORS are bound with its composition.
- Water: the appropriate amount is essential to correct dehydration.
- Starch: low osmotic capacity (unlike pure glucose) thus preventing any additional loss of fluid through the stools. Rice starch contains 20% amylase and 80% amylopectin.
- Proteins: specific nutritional properties.
- Electrolytes: essential for restoring the iconic equilibrium. The role of citrate is to correct the acidosis that occurs as a result of diarrhoea. Citrate also enhances the absorption of Na+ and is more stable than bicarbonate
Content of electrolytes in the reconstituted preparation:
Na+ 60 mmol/l
Cl- 50 mmol/l
K+ 20 mmol/l
Citrate 10 mmol/l (or 30 meq/l)
Osmolarity 140 mosm/l
Not applicable
Sodium Saccharine
Orange dry flavor
None known
Store below 25°C. Protect from light & moisture.
Carton containing sachet of ORS sachets powder.
ORS New 200 ml is supplied in pack size of 10’s sachet and 50’s sachets
The primary packaging material is a printed trilaminate sachet foil.
The reconstituted solution should be used immediately within 24hrs and should not to be stored.