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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Pharmacotherapeutic group:
Vancomycin is an antibiotic.
Therapeutic indications:
It is used in potentially life-threatening infections, caused by gram-positive organisms, which will respond to vancomycin but which would not respond to other, less toxic antibiotics.

Do not take Tostaf 500 if:

  • If you have shown signs of hypersensitivity (severe allergy) to vancomycin in the past Tell your doctor if the above applies to you before this medicine is used.

Take special care with Tostaf 500 if you:

  • If you have kidney problems
  • If you have hearing difficulties Tell your doctor if either of the above applies to you before this medicine is used.

Special care will also be taken if you are elderly or you are due to have a general anaesthetic.

Taking other medicines:
Special care is needed if you are taking/using other medicines as some could interact with vancomycin, for example:

  • Other antibiotics that can affect your kidneys e.g. streptomycin, neomycin,gentamicin, kanamycin, amikacin, tobramycin, polymyxin B and colistin
  • Water tablets e.g. ethacrynic acid and frusemide
  • cholestyramine (a medicine used to treat high levels of fat in the blood or diarrhoea in inflammatory diseases of the gut).

Please tell your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or breastfeeding. Your doctor will decide if you should receive this medicine. Ask your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.

Driving and using machines
Do not drive or use machines if you experience any side effect (e.g. dizziness) which may lessen your ability to do so.


Always take Tostaf 500 exactly as your doctor or health care provider has told you. You should check with your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist if you are not sure. This medicine will be dissolved in Water for Injections and further diluted in e.g. 0.9% sodium chloride, before it is given to you. It will usually be given as a slow infusion via a drip into a vein. The infusion may last 20 - 60 minutes and be repeated during the day or it may be given as a continuous infusion over 24 hours.

Your doctor will work out the correct dose of vancomycin for you and how often it must be given. The dose of medicine given to you will depend on your age, the infection you have, how well your kidneys are working, if you have poor hearing and any other medicines you may be taking. Your doctor will tell how well your kidneys are working using blood or urine samples. It will take at least 2 or 3 days for you to respond to vancomycin. The length of the course of treatment depends on the infection being treated and may last a number of weeks.
During treatment you will undergo blood tests, be asked to provide urine samples and possibly have hearing tests to look for signs of toxic side effects. Blood tests will also be used during treatment to check the level of vancomycin in your blood.

If you take Tostaf 500 mg more than you should
This medicine will be given to you by a doctor or health care provider. It is unlikely that you will be given too much or too little, however, tell your doctor or health care provider if you have any concerns. If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, vancomycin can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
If any of the following happen, tell your doctor immediately:

  • Severe allergic reaction - you may experience a sudden itchy rash (hives), swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, face, lips, mouth or throat (which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing), and you may feel you are going to faint.
  • Chest pain
  • hearing loss or ringing in your ears
  • Blistery rash or scaling of the skin
  • Fast heart beat, palpitations or breathlessness
  • Dizziness or feeling faint

These are serious side effects. You may need urgent medical attention. If any of the following happen, tell your doctor as soon as possible:

  • Widespread skin rash which may be itchy
  • Fever, chills, shivering
  • Muscle spasms
  • A change in the amount or colour of urine
  • Fluid retention
  • Pain, swelling, redness or itching at the injection site
  • feeling sick or vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

Vancomycin may lead to changes in your blood cells and kidney function. Your doctor may take blood samples to check for these.
If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist.

  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Keep the vial in the outer carton, in order to protect from light, and store at or below 30°C.
  • Do not use Tostaf 500 after the expiry date which is stated on the label and carton of the vial after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
  • The reconstituted solution should be used immediately, however, if this is not possible it can be stored for up to 4 days in a refrigerator, provided it has been prepared in a way to exclude microbial contamination.
  • Do not use Tostaf 500 if you notice that the solution is discoloured or contains particles.
  • Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active ingredient of Tostaf 500 is Vancomycine Hydrochloride. One vial contains 512.57 mg Vancomycine Hydrochloride, corresponding to 500 mg Vancomycine base.

  • There are no other ingredients.

Tostaf 500, powder for solution for infusion is a white hydrophilic compact mass. Tostaf 500, powder for solution for infusion is available in one presentation. It is presented in a type I glass vial. Unit pack containing 1 vial.

Route de Tunis - KM 7 - BP 206 - 8000 Nabeul - Tunisie
Tel: (216) 72 23 50 06
Fax: (216) 72 23 51 06
E-mail: marketing.ventes@medis.com.tn
For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Salehiya Trading Establishment
(Medical equipment & pharmaceuticals)
P.O.Box: 991, Riyadh 11421- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 00 966 1 46 46 955
Fax: 00 966 1 46 34 362

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

مجموعة المعالجة الدوائية:

فانكوميسين هومضادٌ حيوي


دواعي الاستخدام

يُستخدم هذا الدواء في أمراض العدوى التي من المرجح أن تشكّ لخطراً على الحياة والناتجة عن الميكروبات موجبة الغِرام، والتي تستجيب لمادة فانكوميسين ولن تستجيب لغيرها من أدوية مضادات الحيوية الأقل تركيزاً.

‌أ-     موانع الاستخدام توستاف٥٠٠ إذا:

·     عانيت فيما سبق أعراض الحساسية المفرطة (الحساسية الحادة) لمادة فانكوميسين.

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني الحساسية المفرطة قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.

‌ب-   تناول توستاف٥٠٠  بحذر إذا:

·     كان لديك مشاكل في الكلى

·     كان لديك صعوبة في السمع

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني أيٍاً من الحالتين السابقتين قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.

كما يتعين تناوله بحذر إذا كنت رجلاً مسناً أو من المتوقع أن تخضع للتخدير الكامل.

ج‌-   تناول الدواء مع أدوية أخرى

يلزمك الحذر جيداً إذا كنت تتناول /  تستخدم أدوية أخرى حيث إن بعضها قد يتفاعل مع فانكوميسين مثل:

·     المضادات الحيوية الأخرى التي قد تؤثر في الكلى، مثل: ستريبتوميسين، نيوميسين، جينتاميسين، كاناميسين، أميكاسين، توبراميسين، بوليميكسينب، كوليسيتن

·     الأقراص المائية، مثل: حمض إثاكرينيك و فروسيميدي

·     كوليستيرامين (دواءٌ يُستخدم لعلاج المستويات العالية من الدهون في الدم أولعلاج الإسهال في التهابات الأمعاء)

يرجى إبلاغ طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلاني إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخراً أي أدويةٍ أخرى بما في ذلك الأدوية التي تعاطيتها دون وصفةٍ طبية.

د‌-    الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية

أخبري طبيبك إن كنت حاملاً أو تعتزمين الحمل أو كنت ترضعين طفلك رضاعة طبيعية.

سيقرر طبيبك حينها هل بإمكانك استخدام هذا الدواء أم لا.

استشيري طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلاني قبل تناول أي دواء.

ه‌-    القيادة و استخدام الآلات

لاتقود السيارة أو تستخدم الآلات إذا شعرت بأي آثارٍ جانبية  (مثل الدُّوار) من شأنها إنقاص قدرتك على القيام بذلك.


احرص على تناول دواء توستاف٥٠٠ وفق الجرعة التي وصفها لك طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية. و يتوجب عليك التحقق من طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلاني إن لم تكن متأكداً.

كما ينبغي إحلال هذا الدواء في الماء قبل تقديمه لك لتأخذه عن طريق الحقن وتخفيفه أيضاً بـواسطة ٩, ٠% من كلوريد الصوديوم مثلاً. و عادةً ما يتم إعطاؤه بنقل بطيء من خلال تقطيره بالوريد. و من الممكن أن تستمر عملية نقله بالوريد من ٢٠- ٦٠ دقيقة و إعادة العملية مرةً أخرى خلال اليوم أو من الممكن إعطاؤه كتسريب مستمر للوريد على مدار ٢٤ ساعة.


سيحدد طبيبك الجرعة اللازمة لك من الفانكوميسين و توقيتات الجرعات اليومية.

جرعة الدواء المقدمة لك تعتمد على عمرك و على درجة العدوى المصاب بها و على مدى سلامة وظيفة كليتيك، و هل كنت تعاني ضعفاً في السمع أو كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى. كما سيخبرك طبيبك عن مدى سلامة وظيفة كليتيك من خلال عينات الدم أو البول. سيستغرق جسمك من ٢ إلى  ٣أيام للاستجابة لمادة فانكوميسين. و يعتمد طول الفترة العلاجية على العدوى التي يجري معالجتها، والتي قد تستمر عدة أسابيع.

ستخضع خلال العلاج إلى سحب عينات دم و يُطلب منك تقديم عينات بول و من الممكن إجراء فحوصات سمع لفحص أعراض الآثار الجانبية للدواء. كما يجري الاستعانة بنتائج فحوصات الدم خلال العلاج للتأكد من مستوى الفانكوميسين في دمك.

إذا تناولت جرعةً زائدةً من دواء توستاف٥٠٠

يتم صرف الدواء لك من قبل الطبيب أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية. و من غير المحتمل أو تكون الجرعة المقررة لك زائدةً كثيراً أو منخفضة جداً، على أي حال أبلغ طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية بأي مخاوف تنتابك.

إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات أخرى حول استخدام هذا المنتج وجهها لطبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلاني.


يمكن أن يسبب فانكوميسين آثاراً جانبيةً مثل جميع الأدوية ومع ذلك فإنها لا تحدث لجميع الأشخاص.

إذا ظهرت عليك أي من الآثار التالية أبلغ طبيبك على الفور:

·    حساسية حادة – قد تتعرض إلى حك وهيجان مفاجئ للجلد (شري) أوتورّم الأيدي أو الأقدام أو الكاحلين أو الوجه أو الشفاه أو الفم أو البلعوم (والذي قد يسبب صعوبةً في البلع و التنفس) و قد تشعر بأنك على وشك الإغماء .

·    ألم في الصدر

·    فقدان السمع أو سماع رنين في أذنيك

·    هياج الجلد المنقط أو تقشر الجلد

·    تسارع دقات القلب أو الخفقان أو ضيق في التنفس.

·    الدُّوار أو الشعور بالإغماء

تعتبر هذه الآثار آثاراً خطيرة.  مما يتطلب خضوعك للعناية الطبية فوراً.

إذا تعرضت لأي من الآثار التالية أبلغ طبيبك في أسرع وقتٍ ممكن.

·    الحمى، الارتجاف، الارتعاش

·    تشنج العضلات

·    تغير كمية أو لون البول

·    احتباس السوائل

·    ألم أو انتفاخ أو احمرار أو حكة مكان الحقنة

·    الشعور بالغثيان و التقيؤ

·    الإسهال

قد يؤدي فانكوميسين إلى تغيرات في خلايا الدم و في وظائف الكلية لديك.

قد يأخذ منك الطبيب عينات دمٍ للتأكد من ذلك.

إذا اشتدت عليك أي من الآثار الجانبية أو إذا لاحظت آثاراً جانبية لم تُذكر في النشرة الداخلية هذه يُرجى إبلاغ طبيبك أو مقدّم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلاني.

·  الزجاجة داخل العلبة لحمايتها من الضوء واحرص على تخزينها في درجة حرارةٍ أقل من ٣٠  درجة مئوية.

·  لا تستخدم دواء توستاف٥٠٠ بعد فترة انتهاء صلاحيته المذكورة على المُلصق الداخلي و علبة الزجاجة إلى جانب الاختصار EXP. و يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم في الشهر.

·  يجب استخدام المحلول الممزوج على الفور و على أي حال في حال كان ذلك غير متاحاً يمكن حفظه داخل الثلاجة لمدة لا تزيد على أربعة أيام شريطة أن تكون الثلاجة مجهّزةً بتقنية تطرد التلوث الميكروبي.

·  لا ينبغي التخلّص من الأدوية من خلال مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن طريقة التخلّص الآمن من الأدوية التي لم تعد تحتاجها.  إذ أن هذه الإجراءات تساعد في حماية البيئة.

‌أ-    مما يتركب دواء توستاف ٥٠٠:

المادةا لفعّالة لدواء توستاف٥٠٠ هي هيدروكلوريد  فانكوميسين. تحتوي الزجاجة الواحدة على ٥١٢،٥٧ ملغم من هيدروكلوريد فانكوميسين بما يوافق فانكوميسين قاعدته ٥٠٠ ملغم.

·          لا تحتوي على مكونات أخرى

وصف شكل دواء توستاف٥٠٠ ومحتويات العبوة:

توستاف ٥٠٠، مسحوق للحقن أو الاستخدام كمحلول أو التسريب عبر الوريد هو عبارة عن كتلة مسترطبة بيضاء مجمعة في علبة.

يتوفر في شكل مسحوق للحقن أو الاستخدام كمحلول أو التسريب عبر الوريد في هيئةِ واحدة.

و يُقدم على شكل زجاجة من النوع الأول.  وتحتوي العلبة على زجاجة واحدة.

مخابر ميديس - ش . خ . ا 

           طريق تونس – كلم  ٧ – ص . ب ٢٠٦ – ٨٠٠٠  نابل – تونس.

           هاتف: ٧٢٢٣٥٠٠٦ ) ٢١٦(

           فاكس: ٧٢٢٣٥١٠٦ ) ٢١٦(

البريد الإلكتروني: marketing.ventes@medis.com.tn


لمزيد من المعلومات عن هذا المنتج الطبي، يرجى التواصل مع الممثل المحلي لصاحب حقوق التسويق:

مؤسسة صالحية التجارية

(للمعدات الطبية والصيدلانيات)

ص.ب: ٩٩١، الرياض ١١٤٢١ – المملكة العربية السعودية.

هاتف: ٩٥٥ ٤٦ ٤٦ ١ ٩٦٦ ٠٠

فاكس : ٣٦٢ ٣٤ ٤٦ ١ ٩٦٦ ٠٠

آخر مراجعة لهذه النشرة الداخلية كانت في 11/2015
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Tostaf500 mg, powder for solution for infusion

Vancomycin hydrochloride 512.57 mg equivalent to 500 mg vancomycine as base. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Powder for solution for infusion.

Vancomycin is an amphoteric glycopeptide antimicrobial substance produced by the growth of certain strains of Nocardia Orientalis (formerly known as Strepromyces orientalis). It is bactericidal against many gram-positive organisms.

Vancomycin is indicated in potentially life-threatening infections due to susceptible gram-positive organisms which cannot be treated by other effective, less toxic antimicrobial drugs, such as the penicillins and cephalosporins. As vancomycin is an antibiotic to which nearly all strains of staphylococcus remain susceptible, it should be reserved for those cases where there is a specific indication, to minimise the chance of resistance emerging. Vancomycin is one of the agents of choice in treating methicillin resistant staphylococcal infection.

Staphylococcal Infections

Vancomycin is useful in therapy of severe staphylococcal infections in patients who cannot receive or who have failed to respond to the penicillins and cephalosporins or who have infections with staphylococci that are resistant to other antibiotics including methicillin. Vancomycin has been used successfully alone in the treatment of staphylococcal endocarditis and as prophylaxis against endocarditis in patients at risk from dental or surgical procedures.

Its efficacy has been documented in other infections due to staphylococci, including osteomyelitis, pneumonia, septicemia and soft tissue infections.

Pseudomembranous Colitis and staphylococcal enterocolitis

Since vancomycin is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, oral vancomycin is indicated for severe cases of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis (usually involving Clostridium difficile) and staphylococcal enterocolitis. Relapse of pseudomembranous colitis is possible and usually occurs 4 to 21 days after vancomycin is discontinued. Patients appear to respond to a second course of oral vancomycin.

Intravenous vancomycin is ineffective for these indications.

Vancomycin is not effective by the oral route for other types of infection. Intravenous administration may be used concomitantly if required.

For intravenous infusion and oral use only and not for intramuscular administration.



The usual adult intravenous dose is 500 mg every six hours or 1 g every twelve hours, in Sodium Chloride 0.9% solution, Dextrose 5%. Each dose should be administered at no greater than 10 mg/min.

Staphylococcal infections normally respond within 48-72 hours. Duration of therapy depends on type and severity of infections and patient response. For bacterial endocarditis, the generally accepted regimen is 500 mg vancomycin intravenously every six hours for a minimum of three weeks either alone or in combination with other antibiotics.

Therapeutic range of serum levels:

Following multiple intravenous doses, peak serum concentrations, measured 2 hours after infusion is complete, range from 18-26 mg/litre. Trough levels measured immediately prior to the next dose should be 5-10 mg/litre. Ototoxicity has been associated with serum drug levels of 80-100 mg/litre, but this is rarely seen when serum levels are kept at or below 30 mg/litre.

Preparation of Solution:

At the time of use, add 10 ml of sterile Water for Injections BP to a 500 mg vial of Tostaf500 mg Powder for solution for Infusion. Vials reconstituted in this manner will give a solution of 50 mg/ml. Further dilution is required depending on method of administration:

(i) Intermittent infusion (the preferred method of administration):

Reconstituted solutions containing 500 mg vancomycin must be diluted with at least 100 ml diluent.

Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P. or Dextrose Intravenous Infusion B.P. are suitable diluents. The desired dose should be administered by intravenous infusion at a rate of no more than 10 mg/min. If administered over a shorter period of time or in higher concentrations, there is a possibility of inducing marked hypotension in addition to thrombophlebitis. Rapid administration may also produce flushing and a transient rash over the neck and shoulders.

(ii) Continuous infusion (should only be used when intermittent infusion not feasible):

1 g or 2 g of vancomycin may be added to a sufficiently large volume of Sodium Chloride 0.9% Injection or Glucose 5% in Water for Injection to permit the desired dose to be infused over twenty-four hours.


Dosage of 125 mg six hourly or 500 mg per day in divided doses for 7 to 10 days have been recommended, although up to 2 g/day have been used in severe cases. The total daily dosage should not exceed 2 g.

After initial reconstitution of the vial, the selected dose 250 mg (5 ml) or 125 mg (2.5 ml) may be diluted in 30 ml of water and given to the patient to drink or the diluted material may be administered by a nasogastric tube. Vancomycin is not effective orally for conditions other than pseudomembranous colitis and Staphylococcal enterocolitis.



The usual intravenous dosage is 10 mg/kg per dose given every 6 hours (total daily dosage 40 mg/kg of body weight). Each dose should be administered over a period of at least 60 minutes. In neonates and young infants, the total daily dosage may be lower. An initial dose of 15 mg/kg is suggested, followed by 10 mg/kg every 12 hours in the first week of life and every 8 hours thereafter until one month of age. Close monitoring of serum vancomycin concentrations may be warranted in these patients.


Can be administered using 40 mg per kg body weight in three or four divided doses for 7-10 days. The total daily dose should not exceed 2 g.


Because of its ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity, vancomycin should be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency or previous hearing loss. The elderly are particularly at risk. Doses should be titrated on the basis of serum levels. Blood levels should be monitored and renal function tests performed regularly. The elderly are particularly susceptible to auditory damage and should be given serial tests for auditory function if over the age of 60. Concurrent or sequential use of other neurotoxic substances should be avoided. (See special warnings and precautions for these).

With impaired renal function

In patients with impaired renal function, dosage regimen of vancomycin must be modified in response to degree of renal impairment, severity of infection, susceptibility of causative organism and serum concentrations of the drug. A suggested starting dose in patients with impaired renal function is 15 mg/kg with subsequent doses based mainly on renal function and serum concentrations of the drug.

Accumulation of the drug may occur with prolonged therapy and regular monitoring of serum levels should be carried out. The following guide is provided. This data is not valid for functionally anephric patients on dialysis.

In anephric patients, a loading dose of 15 mg/kg body weight should be given with subsequent dosage of 1.9 mg/kg/24hrs. Since individual maintenance doses of 250 mg -1 g are convenient in patients with marked renal impairment, a dose may be given every several days rather than on a daily basis. In anuria a dose of 1g every 7-10 days has been recommended.

In patients on haemodialysis, the drug is not significantly removed by haemodialysis. A dose of 1 g of vancomycin every seven days produces effective blood levels. Serum levels should be monitored to avoid drug accumulation and resultant toxicity. The serum half-life ranges from 120 to 216 hours.

In patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, the half-life of vancomycin has been reported at around 18 hours. To prevent undue lowering of serum levels during peritoneal dialysis, an additional amount of vancomycin could be added to the dialysate in a concentration of 25 microgram per ml.


Vancomycin is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to this drug.


Complications of occasional severe hypotension (including shock and rare cardiac arrest), histamine like responses and maculopapular or erythematous rash ("red man's syndrome" or "red neck syndrome") are thought to be related to the rate of the infusion. Vancomycin should be infused in a dilute solution at a rate not greater than 10 mg/min to avoid rapid infusion-related reactions. Stopping the infusion usually results in a prompt cessation of these reactions. Slow infusions over one hour are recommended for infants and children.

Because of its toxicity and nephrotoxicity, vancomycin should be used with care in patients with renal impairment. The risk of toxicity is increased by high blood concentrations or prolonged therapy. Therefore, blood levels should be monitored and dosage adjusted if it is necessary to use vancomycin in such patients.

The concurrent or sequential use of other nephrotoxic drugs requires careful monitoring and should be avoided if possible.

Some patients with inflammatory disorders of the intestinal mucosa may have significant systemic absorption of oral vancomycin and, therefore, may be at risk for the development of adverse reactions associated with the parenteral administration of vancomycin. The risk is greater in patients with renal impairment. It should be noted that the total systemic and renal clearances of vancomycin are reduced in the elderly.

Vancomycin should, if possible, be avoided in patients with previous hearing loss. Serial testing of auditory function in those aged more than 60 years is advised. If used it is very important that the dose be adjusted by monitoring the blood concentrations of the drug. Deafness may be preceded by tinnitus. The elderly are more susceptible to auditory damage. Experience with other antibiotics suggests that deafness may be progressive despite cessation of treatment.


Vancomycin is very irritating to tissue and causes injection site necrosis if injected intramuscularly. Pain and thrombophlebitis occur in many patients receiving vancomycin and are occasionally severe. The frequency and severity of thrombophlebitis can be minimised if the drug is administered as a dilute solution (2.5-5 mg/ml) of Dextrose 5% or Normal Saline 0.9% solution and if the sites of injection are changed regularly.

All patients receiving vancomycin should have periodic haematological studies, urine analysis, liver and renal function tests.

Anaesthetic induced myocardial depression may be enhanced by vancomycin. During anaesthesia, doses must be well diluted and administered slowly with close cardiac monitoring. Position changes should be delayed until the infusion is completed to allow for postural adjustment.

Patients taking oral vancomycin should be warned of its offensive taste.

Concurrent administration of vancomycin and anaesthetic agents has been associated with erythema, histamine like flushing and anaphylactoid reactions.

Concurrent administration with other neurotoxic or nephrotoxic drugs, e.g. amphotericin B, streptomycin, neomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, amikacin, tobramycin, bacitracin, polymyxin B, colistin and cisplatin requires careful monitoring.

Diuretics such as ethacrynic acid and frusemide may aggravate ototoxicity.

Cholestyramine has been shown to bind vancomycin in-vitro. Therefore, if oral Vancomycin is used with cholestyramine, the two drugs should be administered several hours apart.

Use in Pregnancy

Teratology studies have been performed at 5 times the human dose in rats and 3 times the human dose in rabbits, and have revealed no evidence of harm to the foetus due to vancomycin. In a controlled clinical study, the potential ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects of vancomycin hydrochloride on infants were evaluated when the drug was administered to pregnant women for serious staphylococcal infections complicating intravenous drug abuse. Vancomycin hydrochloride was found in cord blood. No sensorineural hearing loss or nephrotoxicity attributable to vancomycin was noted.

One infant, whose mother received vancomycin in the third trimester, experienced conductive hearing loss that was not attributable to vancomycin. Because vancomycin was administered only in the second and third trimesters, it is not known whether it causes foetal harm. Vancomycin should be given in pregnancy only if clearly needed and blood levels should be monitored carefully to minimise the risk of foetal toxicity. It has been reported, however, that pregnant patients may require significantly increased doses of vancomycin to achieve therapeutic serum concentrations.

Use in Lactation:

Vancomycin Hydrochloride is excreted in breast milk but it is not known whether it is harmful to the newborn. Therefore, it is not recommended for nursing mothers unless the expected benefits outweigh any potential risk.

Not applicable.

Adverse Reactions

Auditory and Vestibular:

Sensorineural deafness which may be accompanied by tinnitus has occurred but the incidence is low. Permanent deafness is more likely to occur in patients with compromised auditory or renal function but reversible deafness has been reported in normal patients. Vertigo and dizziness have been reported rarely.


Hypotension, palpitations, substernal pressure, phlebitis, rare cases of vasculitis, and tachycardia. (All effects due to excessively rapid infusion or insufficient dilution of drug.)


Pruritus at injection site, generalised flushing, erythematous macular rash with intense pruritus over face, neck and upper body have occurred after too rapid injection of the drug. Tissue irritation and necrosis occurs after IM injection or extravasation from IV site. Vancomycin has been associated with the bullous eruption disorders, rashes including exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and linear IgA bullous dermatosis. If a bullous disorder is suspected, the drug should be discontinued and specialist dermatological assessment should be carried out.


Oral doses are extremely unpalatable. In leukaemic patients, oral dosing regimens are associated with frequent nausea, diarrhoea and occasional vomiting.


The use of vancomycin may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms resulting in new bacterial or fungal infections.


Transient elevations of urea and granular casts in the urine occasionally occur. Nephrotoxicity in the presence of normal renal function at therapeutic serum levels is rare. Rare cases of interstitial nephritis have been reported.


Reversible neutropenia, usually starting one week or more after onset of intravenous therapy or after a total dose of more than 25 g. Neutropenia appears to be promptly reversible when vancomycin is discontinued. Thrombocytopenia has been rarely reported. Reversible agranulocytosis (less than 500 granulocytes per mm3) has been reported rarely, although causality has not been established. Eosinophilia has been reported.


Histamine release with chills, nausea, urticaria, macular rash, fever and rigors, even at normal doses but usually following rapid drug administration. Anaphylactoid reactions, hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylaxis have been reported.


Subconjunctival injections have infrequently been used in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers but may cause severe inflammation or sloughing.


Pain and muscle spasm of the chest and back.

Supportive care is advised, with maintenance of glomerular filtration. Vancomycin is poorly removed from the blood by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. Haemoperfusion with Amberlite resin XAD-4 has been reported to be of limited benefit.

Vancomycin is a biological material, described as a tricyclic glycopeptide obtained from cultures of Nocardia orientalis (Streptomyces orientalis). Vancomycin is present as the hydrochloride salt for parenteral administration. The drug is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and an aqueous solution of the product can be administered orally in the treatment of pseudomembranous colitis.

Vancomycin is a bactericidal antibiotic and appears to bind to the bacterial cell wall causing blockage of glycopeptide polymerisation. This effect produces immediate inhibition of cell wall synthesis and secondary damage to the cytoplasmic membrane. It is active against many gram positive organisms including staphylococci, group A beta haemolytic streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae, enterococci, corynebacterium and clostridium species. It does not demonstrate clinical efficacy against gram negative bacteria, fungi or yeasts, and hence the product literature only indicates use in severe infections caused by gram positive organisms.

Vancomycin is poorly absorbed by mouth. An intravenous dose of 1 g produces serum levels averaging 25 microgram per ml after two hours in patients with normal renal function. Serum levels are higher in patients with renal impairment and toxicity may result. Vancomycin is excreted unchanged in the urine, at least 80% is excreted in the first 24 hours. It has a half-life of about 6 hours in patients with normal renal function.

Vancomycin readily diffuses into pleural, pericardial, ascitic and synovial fluids. It does not diffuse into cerebrospinal fluid with normal meninges, but therapeutic concentrations may be reached in patients with acute meningitis. Vancomycin is active against many gram-positive organisms including Clostridium difficile. Gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria and fungi are highly resistant. Many strains of gram-positive bacteria are sensitive in-vitro to vancomycin concentrations of 0.5 to 5 microgram/ml, but a few Staphlococcus aureus strains require 10-20 microgram/ml for inhibition.

Not applicable.

Vials of Tostaf500 mg contain only the active ingredient, vancomycin hydrochloride.

Vancomycin solution has a low pH that may cause chemical or physical instability when it is mixed with other compounds.

Chemically incompatible with dexamethasone sodium phosphate, Heparin sodium, methicillin sodium, phenobarbitone sodium, sodium bicarbonate.

24 months After reconstitution – Chemical and physical in-use stability has been demonstrated for 4 days at 2-8°C. From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and would normally not be longer than 24 hours at 2-8°C, unless reconstitution has taken place in controlled and validated aseptic conditions.

Do not store above 30°C. Keep container in the outer carton.

For storage conditions of the reconstituted/diluted medicinal product, see section 6.3.

Transparent type I glass vial with Grey Igloo stopper and sealed with yellow flip off aluminium capsule.

Tostaf500 mg, powder for solution for infusion, is available in Box of 1 vial.

For single use. Discard any unused contents.

Les Laboratoires « MédiS »; Route de Tunis km 7 – BP 206 – 8000 Nabeul, Tunisie. LES LABORATOIRES MEDIS- S.A. Route de Tunis - KM 7 - BP 206 - 8000 Nabeul - Tunisie Tel: (216) 72 23 50 06 Fax: (216) 72 23 51 06 E-mail: marketing.ventes@medis.com.tn


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