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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Octaplex belongs to a group of medicines called clotting factors. It contains the human vitamin K dependent blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X.

Octaplex is used to treat and prevent bleeding:

  • caused by medicines called vitamin K antagonists (such as warfarin). These medicines block the effect of vitamin K and cause a shortage of the vitamin K dependent clotting factors in your body. Octaplex is used when rapid correction of the shortage is required.
  • in people born with a shortage of the vitamin K dependent clotting factors II and X. It is used when purified specific clotting factor product is not available.

Octaplex must not be used:

  • if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to one of the ingredients of this product (see section 6: Further Information).
  • if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to heparin or if heparin has ever caused a reduction in the level of platelets in your blood.
  • If you have an IgA deficiency with known antibodies against IgA.

Take special care with Octaplex

  • Take the advice of a doctor who specialises in clotting disorders, when receiving Octaplex.
  • If you have an acquired deficiency of the vitamin K dependent clotting factors (for example caused by treatment with vitamin K antagonist medicines), Octaplex should only be used when rapid correction of the shortage is necessary such as major bleeding or emergency surgery. In other cases, lowering the dose of the vitamin K antagonist medicine and/or administration of vitamin K is usually sufficient.
  • If you receive a vitamin K antagonist medicine (like warfarin) you may have an increased risk of forming blood clots. In this case, treatment with Octaplex may enhance the risk.
  • If you have been born with a shortage of any of the vitamin K dependent factors, specific coagulation factor product should be used when available.
  • If an allergic or anaphylactic- type reaction occurs, your doctor will stop the infusion immediately and give appropriate treatment.
  • There is a risk of thrombosis or disseminated intravascular coagulation (serious illness, with clots forming all over the body) when you receive Octaplex (particularly if you receive it regularly).You should be observed closely for signs or symptoms of intravascular coagulation or thrombosis.

        This is especially important if you have a history of coronary heart disease, liver disease, if you are going to have an operation and also if Octaplex is given to very                small babies

  • No data are available regarding the use of Octaplex in case of bleeding during the birth due to vitamin K deficiency in the new born.

Viral Safety

  • When medicines are made from human blood or plasma, certain measures are put in place to prevent infections being passed on to patients. These include careful selection of blood and plasma donors to make sure those at risk of carrying infections are excluded, and the testing of each donation and pools of plasma for signs of virus/ infections. Manufacturers of these products also include steps in the processing of the blood or plasma that can inactivate or remove viruses. Despite these measures, when medicines prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, the possibility of passing on infection cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to any unknown or emerging virus or other types of infections.

         The measures taken are considered effective for enveloped viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. The                       measures taken may be of limited value against non-enveloped viruses such as hepatitis A virus and parvovirus B19. Parvovirus B19 infection may be serious for                   pregnant women (foetal infection) and for individuals whose immune system is depressed or who suffer from a type of anaemia (e.g. sickle cell disease or                           haemolytic anaemia).

         It is strongly recommended that every time you receive a dose of Octaplex, the name and batch number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a link to           the batches used.

  • Appropriate vaccination (hepatitis A and B) is recommended for you if you receive human plasma- derived prothrombin complex products regularly/repeatedly.

Using other medicines

Octaplex must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

Octaplex stops the effect of vitamin K antagonist medicines (like Warfarin), but no interactions with other medicines are known.

Octaplex may affect the results of clotting tests which are sensitive to heparin.

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Octaplex should only be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding if clearly needed. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.

Driving and using machines

It is not known how Octaplex affects the ability to drive and use machines.

Important information about some of the ingredients of Octaplex

  • Heparin may cause allergic reactions and reduced blood cell counts which may affect the blood clotting system. Patients with a history of allergic reactions caused by heparin should not use heparin-containing medicines.
  • Octaplex contains 75 – 125 mg sodium per vial. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.


Treatment with Octaplex should be started under the supervision of a doctor who is specialised in clotting disorders.

  • First, the powder is dissolved in water
  • Then the solution is given into a vein (the intravenous route).

How much Octaplex you receive, and for how long, depends on:

  • how serious your illness is;
  • where the bleeding is and how severe it is, and
  • your general condition.

If you got more Octaplex than you should

In case of overdose, the risk is higher of developing

  • clotting complications (such as heart attack and clots in your veins or lungs)
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation (a serious illness where clots form all over the body).

Like all medicines, Octaplex can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Immune system problems:

Hypersensitivity or allergic type of reactions (which may include swelling of the face, tongue, lips or eyelids, local reactions at the injection site, chills, flushing, urticaria, headache, changes in blood pressure, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, sweating, increased heart rate, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing) may rarely (more than 1 of 10,000, but less than 1 of 1,000 patients) occur. In some cases, these reactions may progress to severe anaphylaxis (a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause cardiac arrest and death).

Vascular disorders

There is a risk of blood clotting following the administration of this medicine.


A temporary increase in liver test results (transaminases) has been rarely (more than 1 of 10,000, but less than 1 of 1,000 patients) observed.

In addition the following adverse reactions have been reported during post-marketing use of Octaplex:

fever, tremor, circulatory collapse, respiratory failure and rash.

Because post-marketing reporting of adverse reactions is voluntary and from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate the frequency of these reactions.

The heparin in the preparation may cause a sudden fall in the number of platelets in the blood. This is an allergic reaction called “heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II”. In rare cases in patients not previously hypersensitive to heparin, this fall in the number of platelets can occur 6-14 days after the start of treatment. In patients with previous heparin hypersensitivity, this alteration may develop within a few hours of starting treatment. The treatment with Octaplex must be stopped immediately in patients showing this allergic reaction. These patients must not receive heparin containing medicinal products in the future.

The lack of effect is generally considered a listed/ expected adverse experience for any drug. Cases of lack of effect have been reported for Octaplex.

Rarely (more than 1 of 10,000, but less than 1 of 1,000 patients), patients treated with Octaplex for replacement therapy may develop neutralising antibodies (inhibitors) against any of the contained clotting factors. If such inhibitors occur, the replacement therapy will not be very effective.

For information on viral safety see section 2.

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you n tice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Do not use Octaplex after the expiry date which is stated on the label. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Do not store above 25 °C. Do not freeze. Store in the original package in order to protect from light.

Octaplex is used immediately after reconstitution. However, if it is not administered immediately, the reconstituted solution can be stored for up to 8 hours at +2°C to +25°C, provided sterility of the stored product is maintained.


What Octaplex contains, per vial and after reconstitution with 20 ml solvent

The active substances are:

Name of ingredient

Octaplex Quantity per vial

Octaplex Quantity per ml

reconstituted solution

Total protein:

260 – 820 mg

13 – 41 mg/ml

Active substances

Human coagulation factor II

280 – 760 IU

14 – 38 IU/ml

Human coagulation factor VII

180 – 480 IU

9 – 24 IU/ml

Human coagulation factor IX

500 IU

25 IU/ml

Human coagulation factor X

360 – 600 IU

18 – 30 IU/ml

Further active ingredients

Protein C

260 – 620 IU

13 – 31 IU/ml

Protein S

240 – 640 IU

12 – 32 IU/ml

The specific activity of the product is ≥ 0.6 IU/mg proteins, expressed as factor IX activity.

The other ingredients are:

Heparin (0.2 – 0.5 IU/IU factor IX), sodium citrate (6.5 mg/ml), Solvent (20 ml Water for injections).



Octaplex is presented as a powder and solvent for solution for injection. Octaplex is sold in one carton containing – 1 vial with powder for solution for injection – 1 vial with the solvent, 20 ml Water for Injections – 1 Transfer set (1 double-ended needle and 1 filter needle) – 1 Disposable syringe – 1 Infusion set – 2 Alcohol swabs

Marketing Authorization Holder:

Jazeera Pharmaceutical Industries

Al-Kharj Road P.O. BOX 106229

Riyadh, 11666, Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 114173731

Fax: +966 11 2078097

Email: medical@jpi.com.sa



Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.

Oberlaaer Strasse 235

A-1100 Vienna


Octapharma Lingolsheim S.A.S.

70-72 Rue du Maréchal Foch

F-67380 Lingolsheim


This leaflet was last approved in 07/2012.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي أوكتابليكس إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى عوامل التخثر. ويحتوي على عوامل تجلط الدم الثانيII والسابع VII والتاسع IX والعاشر X المعتمدة على فيتامين K البشري.

يستخدم أوكتابليكس في علاج ومنع النزيف:

-  الذي سببه أدوية تسمى مضادات فيتامين K (مثل الوارفارين). تعمل هذه الأدوية على تثبيط تأثير فيتامين K وتسبب بالتالي نقصا في عوامل التخثر التي تعتمد على فيتامين K في جسمك.

يستخدم أوكتابليكس عندما يتطلب الأمر التصحيح السريع للنقص في فيتامين K.

- لدى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من نقص خلقي في عاملي التخثر الثاني والعاشر المعتمدين على فيتامينK. يستخدم أوكتابليكس لديهم في حال عدم توفر منتج محدد منقي لعامل التخثر المطلوب.

لا تستخدم أوكتابليكس إذا كان لديك:

- حساسية (حساسية شديدة) نحو أحد مكونات هذا المنتج (انظر الفقرة رقم 6: معلومات إضافية)

- حساسية (حساسية شديدة) نحو الهيبارين أو إذا كان الهيبارين قد تسبب في انخفاض مستوى الصفائح الدموية في دمك في السابق.

-  إذا كان لديك نقص في الجلوبولين المناعي أ ’’Agl‘‘ مع وجود الأجسام المضادة ضد IgA.

التزم العناية أثناء استخدامك أوكتابليكس

-  استشر طبيب متخصص في اضطرابات تخثر الدم عند استخدامك أوكتابليكس.

-  إذا كان لديك نقص مكتسب في عوامل التخثر التي تعتمد على فيتامين K (على سبيل المثال كما يحدث مع العلاج بمضادات فيتامين K) ، يجب استخدام أوكتابليكس فقط عندما تقتضي الضرورة تصحيحا سريعا للنقص مثل حدوث نزيف كبير أو عند الحاجة لإجراء جراحة طارئة. وفي حالات أخرى قد يكتفي بخفض جرعة الأدوية المضادة لفيتامين K و/أو إعطاء فيتامين K.

-  إذا كنت تتلقى دواء مضاد للفيتامين K (مثل الوارفارين) فقد تكون معرضا لخطر متزايد لحدوث جلطات الدم. في هذه الحالة، قد يعزز العلاج بأوكتابليكس من ذلك الخطر.

-  إذا كان لديك نقص خلقي في أي من عوامل التخثر التي تعتمد على فيتامين K، يجب استخدام منتج محدد لعامل التخثر المطلوب إذا كان متاحا.

-  إذا حدث رد فعل تحسسي أو تأقي، سيقوم طبيبك بإيقاف التسريب فورا وإعطائك العلاج المناسب.

-  تلقيك لأوكتابليكس يعرضك لخطر حدوث تخثر الدم أو تخثر الدم المنتشر داخل الأوعية (مرض خطير، مع تشكل جلطات في جميع أنحاء الجسم)، وخاصة إذا كنت تتلقاه بانتظام. ينبغي أن تخضع للإشراف الطبي لمراقبة أي علامات أو أعراض للتخثر أو التخثر المنتشر داخل الأوعية الدموية عن كثب.

هذا مهم بشكل خاص إذا كان لديك تاريخ من الإصابة بأمراض القلب التاجية، أو أمراض الكبد، إذا كنت ستخضع لعملية جراحية وكذلك عند إعطاء أوكتابليكس للأطفال الصغار جدا.

-  لا توجد بيانات متاحة فيما يتعلق باستخدام أوكتابليكس في حالة حدوث نزيف أثناء الولادة بسبب نقص فيتامين K لدى المولود الجديد.

السلامة من الفيروسات

-  عند تصنيع الأدوية من الدم البشري أو البلازما البشرية، فإن هناك بعض التدابير التي تطبق لمنع انتقال العدوى إلى المرضى. وتشمل هذه التدابير الإختيار الدقيق للمتبرعين بالدم والبلازما لضمان استثناء الأشخاص الحاملين للعدوى، واختبار كل تبرع بالدم وتجميعات للبلازما لأي علامات لوجود الفيروسات/العدوى. كما يدرج مصنعو هذه المنتجات خطوات في عملية معالجة الدم أو البلازما من شأنها أن تعطل الفيروسات أو تزيلها. وبالرغم من هذه التدابير، فإنه لا يمكن استبعاد امكانية انتقال العدوى تماما عند إعطاء الأدوية المصنعة من الدم البشري أو البلازما البشرية. وينطبق هذا أيضا على أي فيروسات غير معروفة أو ناشئة أو أي أنواع أخرى من العدوى.

تعتبر هذه التدابير فعالة بالنسبة للفيروسات ذات الغلاف مثل فيروس نقص المناعة البشري (HIV)، فيروس التهاب الكبد الوبائي بي (B)، وفيروس التهاب الكبد الوبائي سي (C). وقد تعتبر التدابير المتخذة ذات فعالية محدودة ضد الفيروسات الغير مغلفة مثل فيروس التهاب الكبد الوبائي إيه (A) والفيروس الصغير (فيروس بارفو B19). قد تكون العدوى بفيروس بارفو خطيرة بالنسبة للمرأة الحامل (تنتقل العدوى للجنين)، وكذلك للأشخاص ذوي المناعة المنخفضة أو المصابين ببعض أنواع فقر الدم (مثل مرض خلية الدم المنجلية أو فقر الدم الإنحلالي).

من المستحسن بشدة أن يتم تسجيل اسم ورقم الدفعة للمنتج في كل مرة تتلقى فيها جرعة من أوكتابليكس من أجل الإحتفاظ بسجل للدفعات المستخدمة.

- يوصي بأن تتلقى التطعيم المناسب (لقاح التهاب الكبد A و B) إذا كنت تتلقى منتجات البروثرومبين المركبة والمشتقة من البلازما البشرية بانتظام بشكل متكرر.

الأدوية الأخرى و أوكتابليكس

ينبغي تجنب مزج أوكتابليكس مع المنتجات الطبية الأخرى.

يثبط أوكتابليكس تأثير الأدوية المضادة لفيتامين K (مثل الوارفارين)، ولكن لا توجد تداخلات معروفة مع أي أدوية أخرى.

قد يؤثر أوكتابليكس على نتائج فحوصات التخثر الحساسة للهيبارين.

يرجى إخبار طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرا أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي تم الحصول عليها دون وصفة طبية.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية

يجب استخدام أوكتابليكس أثناء الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية إذا لزم الأمر فقط. استشيري طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول أي دواء.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات

ليس من المعروف كيف يؤثر أوكتابليكس على القدرة على القيادة واستخدام الآلات.

معلومات هامة حول بعض مكونات أوكتابليكس

- قد يسبب الهيبارين تفاعلات تحسسية وخفض عدد خلايا الدم مما قد يؤثر بالتالي على نظام التخثر في الدم. ينبغي على المرضى الذين لديهم تاريخ من الإصابة بالحساسية بسبب الهيبارين تجنب استخدام

الأدوية التي تحتوي على الهيبارين.

- يحتوي أوكتابليكس على 75-125 مجم من الصوديوم في كل قارورة. ينبغي أخذ ذلك بعين الاعتبار من قبل المرضى الذين يخضعون لحمية الصوديوم.



 يجب أن يبدأ العلاج باستخدام أوكتابليكس تحت إشراف طبيب متخصص في اضطرابات تخثر الدم.

- أولا ، يتم إذابة المسحوق في الماء

- ثم يتم إعطاء المحلول عن طريق الوريد (الحقن الوريدي).

تعتمد جرعة أوكتابليكس التي ستتلقاها ومدة العلاج على:

- مدى خطورة مرضك؛

- موضع النزيف وحدته؛ وكذلك على

- حالتك العامة.

إذا تلقيت من أوكتابليكس أكثر مما يجب

في حالة الجرعة الزائدة، يزداد خطر حدوث ما يلي:

- مضاعفات التخثر (مثل النوبات القلبية والجلطات في الأوردة أو الرئة لديك)

- التخثر المنتشر داخل الأوعية الدموية (وهو مرض خطير حيث تتشكل جلطات في جميع أنحاء الجسم).

كما هو الحال مع سائر الأدوية، يمكن أن يؤدي استخدام أوكتابليكس إلى أعراض جانبية، وإن كانت لا تحدث جميع من يستخدمه.

اضطرابات الجهاز المناعي:

فرط الحساسية أو تفاعلات تحسسية (والتي قد تشمل تورم الوجه واللسان والشفاه أو الجفون، وردود فعل في موضع الحقن، قشعريرة، احمرار الوجه، شری، صداع ، تغيرات في ضغط الدم، القلق، الغثيان، التقيؤ، التعرق، زيادة معدل ضربات القلب، ضيق أو صعوبة في التنفس) قد تحدث بشكل نادر (أكثر من 1 من بين 10،000، ولكن أقل من 1 من بين 1000 مريض). وقد تتطور هذه التفاعلات في بعض الحالات إلى تفاعل تأقي شديد (وهو رد فعل تحسسي خطير يحدث بسرعة ويمكن أن يسبب السكتة القلبية والوفاة).

اضطرابات الأوعية الدموية

هناك خطر حدوث تخثر الدم مع استخدام هذا الدواء.

اضطراب في نتائج بعض الفحوصات

قد تحدث بشكل نادر زيادة مؤقتة في نتائج اختبار وظائف الكبد (الترانسامينات)، (لدى أكثر من 1 من بين 10،000، ولكن أقل من 1 من بين 1000 مريض).

 بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فقد تم الإبلاغ عن ردود الفعل السلبية التالية أثناء استخدام أوكتابليكس في مرحلة ما بعد التسويق:

الحمى، الرعاش، هبوط الدورة الدموية، فشل الجهاز التنفسي والطفح الجلدي.

وبما أن الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية في مرحلة ما بعد التسويق طوعي ويصدر من حجم غير محدد من السكان فإنه لا يمكن تقدير وتيرة حدوث هذه التفاعلات بشكل موثوق.

قد يسبب الهيبارين الموجود في المستحضر انخفاض مفاجئ في عدد الصفائح الدموية في الدم. وهذا رد فعل تحسسي يدعى ’’النوع الثاني من قلة الصفائح الدموية المستحث بالهيبارين‘‘. يمكن أن يحدث هذا الإنخفاض في عدد الصفائح الدموية في بعض الحالات النادرة لدى المرضى الذين لم يعانوا سابقا من حساسية للهيبارين، بعد بداية العلاج ب6 - 14 يوما. أما المرضى الذين عانوا من حساسية للهيبارين سابقا فيمكن أن يحدث هذا التفاعل خلال ساعات قليلة من بدء العلاج. يجب إيقاف العلاج بأوكتابليكس على الفور لدى المرضى الذين يظهر عليهم رد الفعل التحسسي هذا. كما ينبغي ألا يتلقى هؤلاء المرضى الأدوية التي تحتوي على الهيبارين في المستقبل.

ويعتبر عدم الحصول على التأثير المطلوب عموما من الأعراض الجانبية المدرجة/ المتوقعة لأي دواء. وقد تم الإبلاغ عن حالات من عدم الحصول على التأثير المطلوب مع أوكتابليكس.

قد يتكون لدى بعض المرضى بشكل نادر (أكثر من 1 من بين 10،000، ولكن أقل من 1 من بين 1000 مريض) ممن يتلقون العلاج التعويضي بأوكتابليكس، أجسام مضادة (مثبطات) محيدة لأي عامل تخثر من العوامل الموجودة في هذا المنتج. وفي وجود هذه المثبطات، يصبح العلاج التعويضي غير فعال.

للحصول على معلومات حول السلامة الفيروسية ، انظر القسم 2.

إذا ازدادت حدة أي من الأعراض الجانبية، أو إذا لاحظت أي أعراض جانبية لم تذكر في هذه النشرة، يرجى إبلاغ طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول ومرأى الأطفال.

لا تستخدم أوكتابليكس بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على الملصق. يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم من ذلك الشهر.

لا تحفظه في درجة حرارة أكثر من 25 درجة مئوية. لا تجمده. أحفظه داخل علبته الأصلية من أجل الحماية من الضوء.

ينبغي استخدام أوكتابليكس مباشرة بعد إعادة تشكيله على هيئة محلول. ولكن، إذا لم يتم استخدامه على الفور ، فيمكن حفظ المحلول لمدة تصل إلى 8 ساعات في درجة حرارة + 2 درجة مئوية إلى +25 درجة مئوية ، مع التأكد من بقائه معقمة خلال هذه المدة.

محتويات أوكتابليكس في كل قارورة بعد إعادة تشكيل المسحوق على هيئة محلول باستخدام 20 مل من المذيب

المواد الفعالة

النشاط المحدد للمنتج هو ≥0.6 وحدة دولية/ مجم من البروتينات، معبرا عنه كنشاط عامل IX.

المكونات الأخرى هي:

الهيبارين (0.2 -0.5 وحدة دولية / وحدة دولية من عامل التخثر التاسع IX) ، سترات الصوديوم (6.5 مجم/ مل) ، المذيب (20 مل ماء مخصص للحقن).


شكل ومحتويات عبوة أوكتابليكس

يتوفر أوكتابليكس على شكل مسحوق ومذيب لتحضيره كمحلول للحقن.

يباع أوكتابليكس في علبة تحتوي على:

- قارورة معبأة بمسحوق لتحضيره كمحلول للحقن

- قارورة بداخلها المذيب (ماء معد للحقن)

- محقنة للإستعمال مرة واحدة

- مجموعة واحدة لنقل المحلول (إبرة واحدة ذات رأسين، و إبره واحدة ذات فلتر)

- مجموعة واحدة للتسريب الوريدي

- عدد 2 من المسحات الكحولية

 اسم و عنوان مالك رخصة التسويق:

الجزيرة للصناعات الدوائية (JPI)

الرياض , المملكة العربية السعودية,111666 الرياض

صندوق بريد 106229

هاتف: 8172-207-11-966+

فاكس: 7662-205-11-966+

البريد الالكتروني:medical@ipi.com.sa


أوكتافارما فارمازوتيكا بروداكشنز ذ.م.م M.B.H

235- شارع أوبر لاير

فيينا / النمسا A- 1100

أوكتافارما لينجولزهايم S.A.S

72-70 شارع دو ماريشال فوش

F - 67380 لينجولزهايم


تمت الموافقة على هذه النشرة بتاريخ 2012/07
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Octaplex 500 IU powder and solvent for solution for injection

Octaplex is presented as a powder and solvent for solution for injection containing human prothrombin complex. Octaplex nominally contains: Name of ingredient Octaplex Quantity Octaplex Quantity after reconstitution per vial(IU) with 20 ml of Water for Injections (IU/ml) Active substances Human coagulation factor II 280 - 760 14 - 38 Human coagulation factor VII 180 - 480 9 - 24 Human coagulation factor IX 500 25 Human coagulation factor X 360 - 600 18 - 30 Further active ingredients Protein C 260 - 620 13 - 31 Protein S 240 - 640 12 – 32 The total protein content per vial is 260 - 820 mg. The specific activity of the product is ≥ 0.6 IU/mg proteins, expressed as factor IX activity. Excipients known to have a recognised action or effect: sodium (75 - 125 mg per vial), heparin (100 - 250 IU per vial, corresponding to 0.2 - 0.5 IU/IU FIX). For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Powder and solvent for solution for injection. The powder is white or slightly coloured. The solvent is a clear and colourless liquid.


  • Treatment of bleeding and perioperative prophylaxis of bleeding in acquired deficiency of the prothrombin complex coagulation factors, such as deficiency caused by treatment with vitamin K antagonists, or in case of overdose of vitamin K antagonists, when rapid correction of the deficiency is required.
  • Treatment of bleeding and perioperative prophylaxis in congenital deficiency of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors II and X when purified specific coagulation factor product is not available.


Only general dosage guidelines are given below. Treatment should be initiated under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of coagulation disorders. The dosage and duration of the substitution therapy depend on the severity of the disorder, on the location and extent of the bleeding and on the patient’s clinical condition.

The amount and the frequency of administration should be calculated on an individual patient basis. Dosage intervals must be adapted to the different circulating half-life of the different coagulation factors in the prothrombin complex (see section 5.2). Individual dosage requirements can only be identified on the basis of regular determinations of the individual plasma levels of the coagulation factors of interest, or on global tests of the prothrombin complex levels (prothrombin time, INR), and continuous monitoring of the clinical condition of the patient.

In case of major surgical interventions precise monitoring of the substitution therapy by means of coagulation assays is essential (specific coagulation factor assays and/or global tests for prothrombin complex levels).

Bleeding and perioperative prophylaxis of bleeding during vitamin K antagonist treatment:

The dose will depend on the INR before treatment and the targeted INR. In the following table approximate doses (mL/kg body weight of the reconstituted product) required for normalisation of INR (≤1.2 within 1 hour) at different initial INR levels are given.

Initial INR

2 – 2.5

2.5 – 3

3 – 3.5

> 3.5

Approximate dose*

(mL Octaplex/kg body weight)

0.9 –1.3

1.3 – 1.6

1.6 – 1.9

> 1.9

* The single dose should not exceed 3,000 IU (120 mL Octaplex).

The correction of the vitamin K antagonist induced impairment of haemostasis persists for approximately 6-8 hours. However, the effects of vitamin K, if administered simultaneously, are usually achieved within 4-6 hours. Thus, repeated treatment with human prothrombin complex is not usually required when vitamin K has been administered.

As these recommendations are empirical and recovery and the duration of effect may vary, monitoring of INR during treatment is mandatory.

Bleeding and perioperative prophylaxis in congenital deficiency of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors II and X when specific coagulation factor product is not available:

The calculated required dosage for treatment is based on the empirical finding that approximately 1 IU of factor II or X per kg body weight raises the plasma factor II or X activity by 0.02 and 0.017 IU/mL, respectively.

The dose of a specific factor administered is expressed in International Units (IU), which are related to the current WHO standard for each factor. The activity in plasma of a specific coagulation factor is expressed either as a percentage (relative to normal plasma) or in International Units (relative to the international standard for the specific coagulation factor).

One International Unit (IU) of a coagulation factor activity is equivalent to the quantity in one mL of normal human plasma.

For example, the calculation of the required dosage of factor X is based on the empirical finding that 1 International Unit (IU) of factor X per kg body weight raises the plasma factor X activity by 0.017 IU/mL. The required dosage is determined using the following formula:

Required units = body weight (kg) x desired factor X rise (IU/ml) x 60

where 60 (mL/kg) is the reciprocal of the estimated recovery.

Required dosage for factor II:

Required units = body weight (kg) x desired factor II rise (IU/mL) x 50

If the individual recovery is known that value should be used for calculation.

Method of administration

Octaplex has to be administered intravenously. The infusion should start at a speed of 1 mL per minute, followed by 2-3 mL per minute, using an aseptic technique.


– Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. – Known allergy to heparin or history of heparin induced thrombocytopenia. – Individuals who have IgA deficiency with known antibodies against IgA.

The advice of a specialist experienced in the management of coagulation disorders should be sought.

In patients with acquired deficiency of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors (e.g. as induced by treatment with vitamin K antagonists), Octaplex should only be used when rapid correction of prothrombin complex levels is necessary, such as major bleeding or emergency surgery. In other cases, reduction of the dose of the vitamin K antagonist and/or administration of vitamin K is usually sufficient.

Patients receiving a vitamin K antagonist may have an underlying hypercoaguable state and infusion of prothrombin complex concentrate may exacerbate this.

If allergic or anaphylactic-type reactions occur, the infusion should be stopped immediately. In case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.

Standard measures to prevent infections resulting from the use of medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening of individual donations and plasma pools for specific markers of infection and the inclusion of effective manufacturing steps for the inactivation/removal of viruses.

Despite this, when medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, the possibility of transmitting infective agents cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to unknown or emerging viruses and other pathogens.

The measures taken are considered effective for enveloped viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). The measures taken may be of limited value against non-enveloped viruses such as hepatitis A virus (HAV) and parvovirus B19.

Parvovirus B19 infection may be serious for pregnant women (fetal infection) and for individuals with immunodeficiency or increased erythropoiesis (e.g. haemolytic anaemia).

Appropriate vaccination (hepatitis A and B) is recomme r/repeated receipt of human plasma-derived prothrombin complex products.

It is strongly recommended that every time Octaplex is administered to a patient, the name and batch number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a link between the patient and the batch of the product.

There is a risk of thrombosis or disseminated intravascular coagulation when patients, with either congenital or acquired deficiency are treated with human prothrombin complex particularly with repeated dosing. Patients given human prothrombin complex should be observed closely for signs or symptoms of intravascular coagulation or thrombosis. Because of the risk of thromboembolic complications, close monitoring should be exercised when administering human prothrombin complex to patients with a history of coronary heart disease, to patients with liver disease, to peri- or postoperative patients, to neonates, or to patients at risk of thromboembolic events or disseminated intravascular coagulation. In each of these situations, the potential benefit of treatment should be weighed against the risk of these complications.

No data are available regarding the use of Octaplex in case of perinatal bleeding due to vitamin K deficiency in the newborn.

Octaplex contains 75 - 125 mg sodium per vial. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.

In congenital deficiency of any of the vitamin K dependent factors, specific coagulation factor product should be used when available.

Human prothrombin complex products neutralise the effect of vitamin K antagonist treatment, but no interactions with other medicinal products are known.

Interference with biological testing:

When performing clotting tests which are sensitive to heparin in patients receiving high doses of human prothrombin complex, the heparin as a constituent of the administered product must be taken into account.

The safety of human prothrombin complex for use in human pregnancy and during lactation has not been established.

Animal studies are not suitable to assess the safety with respect to pregnancy, embryonal/foetal development, parturition or postnatal development. Therefore, human prothrombin complex should be used during pregnancy and lactation only if clearly indicated.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.

Summary of Safety Profile

Replacement therapy may lead to the formation of circulating antibodies inhibiting one or more of the human prothrombin co condition will manifest itself as a poor clinical response.

Allergic or anaphylactic-type reactions may rarely occur ≥  1/10,000 to < 1/1,000) including severe anaphylactic reactions.

Increase in body temperature has been observed very rarely (<1/10,000).

There is a risk of thromboembolic episodes following the administration of human prothrombin complex (see section 4.4).

Tabulated List of adverse reactions of Octaplex

The table presented below is according to the MedDRA system organ classification (SOC and Preferred Term Level). Frequencies have been based on clinical trial data, according to the following convention: very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000) or not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

MedDRA Standard System Organ Class

Adverse reactions


Psychiatric Disorders



Vascular disorders

Deep vein thrombosis

Thrombosis Hypertension


uncommon uncommon

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Pulmonary embolism Bronchospasm Hemoptysis


uncommon uncommon uncommon


General disorders and administration site


Injection site burning



Fibrin D-dimer increased

Blood thrombin increased Hepatic Function Abnormal


uncommon uncommon

Injury, poisoning and procedural


Thrombosis in device


The following adverse reactions have been reported during post-marketing use of Octaplex. Because post-marketing reporting of adverse reactions is voluntary and from a population of uncertain size, it is not possible to reliably estimate the frequency of these reactions.

Immune system disorders

Anaphylactic shock, hype sensitivity

Nervous system disorders


Cardiac disorders

Cardiac arrest, tachycardia

Vascular disorders

Circulatory collapse, hypotension

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Dyspnoea, respiratory failure

Gastrointestinal disorders


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Urticaria, rash

General disorders and administration site conditions


Octaplex contains heparin. Therefore, a sudden, allergy induced reduction of the blood platelet count below 100.000/µl or 50 % of the starting count may be rarely observed (thrombocytopenia type II). In patients not previously hypersensitive to heparin, this decrease in thrombocytes may occur 6 - 14 days after the start of treatment. In patients with previous heparin hypersensitivity this reduction may happen within a few hours. The treatment with Octaplex must be stopped immediately in patients showing this allergic reaction. These patients must not receive heparin containing medicinal products in the future.

For safety with respect to transmissible agents, see 4.4.

Paediatric population

No data are available regarding the use of Octaplex in paediatric population.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance lthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions.

The use of high doses of human prothrombin complex products has been associated with instances of myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Therefore, in case of overdose, the risk of development of thromboembolic complications or disseminated intravascular coagulation is enhanced.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antihemorrhagics, blood coagulation factors IX, II, VII, and X in combination, ATC code: B02BD01.

The coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X, which are synthesised in the liver with the help of vitamin K, are commonly called the Prothrombin Complex.

Factor VII is the zymogen of the active serine protease factor VIla by which the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation is initiated. The tissue factor-factor VIla complex activates coagulation factors X and IX, whereby factor IXa and Xa are formed. With further activation of the coagulation cascade prothrombin (factor II) is activated and transformed to thrombin. By the action of thrombin, fibrinogen is converted to fibrin, which results in clot formation. The normal generation of thrombin is also of vital importance for platelet function as a part of the primary haemostasis.

Isolated severe deficiency of factor VII leads to reduced thrombin formation and a bleeding tendency due to impaired fibrin formation and impaired primary haemostasis. Isolated deficiency of factor IX is one of the classical haemophilias (haemophilia B). Isolated deficiency of factor II or factor X is very rare but in severe form they cause a bleeding tendency similar to that seen in classical haemophilia.

Acquired deficiency of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors occurs during treatment with vitamin K antagonists. If the deficiency becomes severe, a severe bleeding tendency results, characterised by retroperitoneal or cerebral bleeds rather than muscle and joint haemorrhage. Severe hepatic insufficiency also results in markedly reduced levels of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors and a clinical bleeding tendency which, however, is often complex due to a simultaneous  ongoing low-grade intravascular coagulation, low platelet levels, deficiency of coagulation  inhibitors  and disturbed fibrinolysis.

The administration of human prothrombin complex provides an increase in plasma levels of the vitamin K dependent coagulation factors, and can temporarily correct the coagulation defect of patients with deficiency of one or several of these factors.

The plasma half-life ranges are:

Coagulation factor


Factor II

48 - 60 hours

Factor VII

1.5- 6 hours

Factor IX

20 - 24 hours

Factor X

24 - 48 hours

Octaplex is administered intravenously and therefore immediately available in the organism.

There are no preclinical data considered relevant to clinical safety beyond data included in other  sections of the SPC.



Heparin: 0.2 – 0.5 IU/IU FIX

Tri-sodium citrate dihydrate


Water for Injections

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

3 years Chemical and physical in-use stability has been demonstrated for up to 8 hours at +25°C. From a microbiological point of view, unless the method of opening/reconstitution precludes the risk of microbial contamination, the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions are the responsibility of the user.

Do not store above 25°C.

Do not freeze.

Store in the original package in order to protect from light.

For storage conditions after reconstitution of the medicinal product, see section 6.3.

One package contains:

–  Powder in a vial (type I glass) with a stopper (halobutyl rubber) and a flip off cap (aluminium)

–   20 mL of Water for Injections in a vial (type I or type II glass) with a stopper (halobutyl rubber) and a flip off cap (aluminium)

–   1 Transfer set (1 double-ended needle and 1 filter needle)

–   1 Disposable syringe

–   1 Infusion set

–   2 Alcohol swabs

Please read all the instructions and follow them carefully!

During the procedure described below, aseptic technique must be maintained!

The product reconstitutes quickly at room temperature.

The solution should be clear or slightly opalescent. Do not use solutions that are cloudy or have deposits.

Reconstituted products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration.

After reconstitution the solution must be used immediately.

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Instructions for reconstitution:

1. If necessary, allow the solvent (Water for Injections) and the powder in the closed vials to reach room temperature. This temperature should be       maintained during reconstitution.

If a water bath is used for warming, care must be taken to avoid water coming into contact with the rubber stoppers or the caps of the vials. The temperature of the water bath should not exceed 37°C.

2. Remove the caps from the powder vial and the water vial and clean the rubber stoppers with an alcohol swab.

3. Remove the protective cover from the short end of the double-ended needle, making sure not to touch the exposed tip of the needle.

Then perforate the centre of the water vial rubber stopper with the vertically held needle.

In order to withdraw the fluid from the water vial completely, the needle must be introduced into the rubber stopper in such a way that it just penetrates the stopper and is visible in the vial.

4.  Remove the protective cover from the other, long end of the double-ended needle, making sure not to touch the exposed tip of the needle.

Hold the water vial upside-down above the upright powder vial and quickly perforate the centre of the powder vial rubber stopper with the needle. The vacuum inside the powder vial draws in the water.

5.  Remove the double-ended needle with the empty water vial from the powder vial, then slowly rotate the powder vial until it is completely dissolved. Octaplex dissolves quickly at room temperature to a colourless to slightly blue solution.

If the powder fails to dissolve completely or an aggregate is formed, do not use the preparation.

Instructions for infusion:

As a precautionary measure, the patients pulse rate should be measured before and during the infusion.

If a marked increase in the pulse rate occurs the infusion speed must be reduced or the administration must be interrupted.

1.  After the powder has been reconstituted in the manner described above, remove the protective cover from the filter needle and perforate the rubber stopper of the powder vial.

2.  Remove the cap of the filter needle and attach a 20 ml syringe.

3.  Turn the vial with the attached syringe upside-down and draw up the solution into the syringe.

4.  Disinfect the intended injection site with an alcohol swab.

5.  After removing the filter, inject the solution intravenously at a slow speed: Initially 1 ml per minute, not faster than 2 - 3 ml per minute.

The filter needle is for single use only. Always use a filter needle when drawing up the preparation into a syringe. No blood must flow into the syringe due to the risk of formation of fibrin clots.


Jazeera Pharmaceutical Industries Al-Kharj Road P.O. BOX 106229 Riyadh, 11666, Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 114173731 Fax: +966 11 2078097 Email: JPImedical@hikma.com

Date of last revision: 23.02.2018

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