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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antibacterial, antiparasitic antibiotics belonging to the 5-nitroimidazole group, ATC code: J01XD01 — P01AB01
This medicine is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria or parasites that are sensitive to Flagyl.

Do not use Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets if:
• you are allergic to metronidazole, a medicine in the imidazole group (the group of antibiotics that includes metronidazole) or any of the other ingredients of this medicine listed in Section 6,
• you are allergic (hypersensitive) to wheat, as this medicine contains wheat starch (gluten),
• the patient is a child under 6 years of age (seeWarnings and precautions).
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets.
Special warnings and precautions for use
Inform your doctor before using Flagyl if you have:
• neurological disorders,
• psychiatric disorders,
• blood disorders,
• ever had meningitis under metronidazole treatment.
Tell your doctor immediately if any of the following problems occur during treatment with Flagyl

There is a risk of severe and sudden allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock, angioedema) possibly causing the following symptoms: tight chest, dizziness, nausea or fainting, or dizziness on standing up (see "Possible side effects"). This can occur as soon as you begin taking the medicine. If these symptoms occur, stop using this medicine because your life might be in danger, and immediately contact your doctor.
If, at the start of treatment, you observe redness all over the body with pustules, accompanied by fever, a serious reaction known as acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis should be suspected (see "Possible side effects"). Inform your doctor immediately, as treatment must be stopped. If such a reaction occurs, you should never again take metronidazole alone or in combination with another active substance in the same medicine.
You should watch out for any potential signs or worsening of nervous disorders such as difficulty coordinating movements, confusion, seizures, difficulty speaking or walking, shakiness, involuntary eye movements, as well as other effects on the hands and feet such as tingling, pins and needles, feeling cold, numbness and reduced sense of touch. These disorders are generally reversible on stopping treatment. It is therefore important to stop taking this medicine and see a doctor immediately (see "Possible side effects").
From the very first doses of treatment, your behavior may alter and put you at risk, especially if you have had psychiatric problems in the past. If this happens, you should stop taking the medicine and see a doctor (see "Possible side effects").
If you have had blood disorders in the past, or are receiving high-dose and/or long-term treatment, your doctor may prescribe regular blood tests to check your complete blood count.
Inform the doctor or analysis laboratory that you are taking this medicine if you have to have a medical laboratory test, as taking metronidazole may interfere with some laboratory test results (test for treponema) by triggering a false positive result (e.g. the Nelson test).
Cases of severe hepatotoxicity/acute liver failure, including cases with a fatal outcome in patients with Cockayne syndrome, have been reported with medicines containing metronidazole.
If you have Cockayne syndrome, your doctor must monitor your liver function frequently, both during and after your treatment with metronidazole.
Tell your doctor immediately and stop taking metronidazole if you have the following symptoms:
• stomach ache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever, feeling faint, tiredness, jaundice, dark-colored urine, putty-colored stools or itching.
The tablets must not be given to children under 6 years of age due to the risk of choking. Other dosage forms of this antibiotic are available for young children.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Flagyl.
Other medicines and Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. Tell your doctor if you are taking:
• medicines containing alcohol because of the risk of side effects such as redness of the face, feeling hot, vomiting and increased heart rate,
• busulfan (recommended for the treatment of certain types of blood disorders and for the preparation of a bone marrow transplant),
• disulfiram (used to prevent relapse in alcohol-dependent patients).
Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets with food and drink
You should avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine due to the risk of side effects such as redness of the face, feeling hot, vomiting and increased heart rate.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
If necessary, this medicine may be used during pregnancy. However, you must always ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking it.
You should avoid breast-feeding while taking this medicine.
Driving and using machines
You should be aware, particularly if you drive or use machines, that there is a risk of dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, seizures and vision disorders associated with this medicine.
Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets contain wheat starch
This medicine can be given to patients with celiac disease.Wheat starch may contain gluten, but only in trace amounts, and is therefore considered safe for people with celiac disease.

This medicine is for use in adults and children from 6 years of age only. More suitable dosage forms exist for children under 6 years of age.
The dosage depends on your age and the illness being treated. As an indication, the usual dose is:
• Adults: 0.750 g/day to 2 g/day,
• Children: 500 mg/day to 20-40 mg/kg/day.
In some cases, it is essential that your partner be treated, whether or not he/she has any clinical signs of the same infection.
Oral use.
Swallow the tablets with water.
Frequency of administration
1 to 3 times a day depending on why you are taking this medicine.
Treatment duration
In order to be effective, this antibiotic must be used regularly at the prescribed doses and for as long as your doctor advises.
If your fever or any other symptom disappears, it does not mean that you are cured. If you feel tired, this is not due to the antibiotic treatment but to the infection itself. Reducing or stopping your treatment would have no effect on this feeling and would only delay your recovery.
Special cases: treatment of giardiasis (infection caused by a parasite) should last 5 days, treatment of amebiasis (infection caused by a parasite) and some types of vaginitis (infection of the vagina), 7 days, and treatment of trichomoniasis (infection caused by a parasite) is a single-dose treatment.
If you take more Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets than you should
Consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
If you are vomiting, have difficulty coordinating your movements or are disorientated, consult your doctor. Your doctor may decide to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Digestive disorders
• digestive disorders that are not serious, such as stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
• inflammation of the tongue and dry mouth, inflammation of the mouth, taste disorders, loss of appetite,
• pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), which is reversible after stopping treatment,
• discoloration or change in the appearance of the tongue (may be caused by fungal growth).
Effects on the skin and mucous membranes
• hot flushes with redness of the face, itching, skin rashes sometimes accompanied by fever,
• hives (skin rash similar to nettle rash), sudden allergic swelling of the face and neck (angioedema), allergic shock which could be life-threatening (see "What you need to know before
you take Flagyl"),
• very rare cases of redness spreading to the whole body with pustules, accompanied by fever (acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis) (see "What you need to know before you take Flagyl"),
• a blistering rash with peeling of the skin which can spread to the whole body and be life-threatening (toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome),
• fixed drug eruption: round, red patches of skin rash with an itchy, burning sensation leaving colored marks and possibly reappearing in the same places if treatment is resumed with the
Nervous system disorders
• nerve damage in the limbs (peripheral sensory neuropathy) with effects on the hands and feet such as tingling, pins and needles, feeling cold, numbness and reduced sense of touch,
• headache,
• dizziness,
• seizures,
• confusion,
• neurological disorders, known as encephalopathy or cerebellar syndrome, with symptoms including confusion, consciousness disorders, behavioral disorders, difficulty coordinating movements, problems with pronunciation, gait disorders, involuntary eye movements, shakiness. These disorders are generally reversible on stopping treatment and may be associated with
changes in MRI scans. Very rare cases of fatal outcome have been reported (see "What you
need to know before you take Flagyl"),
• non-bacterialmeningitis.
Psychiatric disorders
• hallucinations,
• personality disorders (paranoia, delirium) that may be accompanied by suicidal thoughts or actions (see "What you need to know before you take Flagyl"),
• depressive tendency.
Vision disorders
• temporary vision disorders such as blurred vision, double vision, short-sightedness, decreased vision, changes in color vision,
• optic nerve damage/inflammation.
Blood disorders
• abnormally low platelet counts, abnormally low or major drop in the number of certain white blood cells (neutrophils).
Effects on the liver
• elevated liver enzymes (transaminases, alkaline phosphatase),
• very rare cases of serious liver disease (sometimes with jaundice), in particular cases of liver failure requiring a transplant.
Other information
• reddish-brown colored urine caused by the medicine.
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Sanofi- Pharmacovigilance: KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Do not store above 30°C
Keep this medicine out of the reach and sight of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the box. Store the blisters in their outer packaging, protected from light.
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help to protect the environment.

• The active substance is:
Metronidazole .................................................................................................................. 500.00mg
For one film-coated tablet.
• The other ingredients are:
Wheat starch, povidone K30, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, macrogol 20 000.
What Flagyl

This medicine is supplied as film-coated tablets. Box of 4 or 14.

Marketing Authorization holder
Sanofi-Aventis France
82 avenue Raspail
94250 Gentilly, France

Sanofi-Aventis France
82 avenue Raspail
94250 Gentilly, France

Sanofi-Aventis S.A.
Ctra. C-35 - La Batlloria a Hostalric,
Km 63,09, Riells, Spain

Secondary packaging
Sanofi Aventis Arabia Co, Ltd
Industrial Valley Phase 1A St. KAEC, Abdullahndustrial Valley Phase 1A St, Rabigh,, Saudi Arabia

Jun 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

فلاجیل ھو مضاد حیوي مضاد للبكتیریا والطفیلیاّت ینتمي إلى مجموعة الأدویة 5- نیترویمیدازول.
یسُتعملا لعلاج بعض حالات الخمج البكتیریةّ التي تسببھا البكتیریا والطفیلیاّت التي تتأثرّ بفلاجیل (تسُمّى
"كائنات حیةّ دقیقة حسّاسة").

موانع الاستعمال:
لا تأخذ فلاجیل إذا:

كنت مصاباً بحساسیةّ ضدّ المترونیدازول أو أيّ دواء ینتمي إلى مجموعة الإیمیدازول
(مجموعة المضادات الحیویةّ التي تتضمّن المترونیدازول) أو أيّ من المركّبات الأخرى
. في ھذا الدواء الواردة في القسم 6
- إذا كنت مصاباً بحساسیةّ (فرط حساسیةّ) ضدّ القمح، لأنّ ھذا الدواء یحتوي على نشا
القمح (غلوتن).
- إذا كان المریض ما دون عمر الستّ سنوات (راجع فقرة "تحذیرات ومحاذیر").
محاذیر مناسبة للاستعمال؛ تحذیرات خاصة
تحذیرات ومحاذیر للاستعمال
قبل أن تأخذ فلاجیل، أعلم طبیبك إذا كنت تعاني من:
- اضطرابات عصبیةّ،
- اضطرابات نفسیةّ،
- اضطرابات في الدم،
- إذا أصبت سابقاً بالتھاب السحایا في خلال فترة العلاج بالمترونیدازول.
أعلم طبیبك على الفور في حال تعرّضت لأحد المشاكل التالیة في خلال فترة العلاج بفلاجیل:
من الجرعة الأولى، تواجھ خطر التعرّض لارتكاس تحسسي حاد ومفاجئ (صدمة تأقیةّ، خزب وعائي)
قد یسببّ العوارض التالیة: ضیق في الصّدر، دوار، غثیان أو إغماء، أو دوار عند الوقوف (راجع قسم
"التأثیرات الجانبیةّ المحتملة"). في حال حصول ھذه العوارض، توقفّ عن أخذ ھذا الدواء لأنّ حیاتك قد
تكون في خطر واتصل بالطبیب على الفور.
ف ي حا ل أصبت ف ي بدای ة العلا ج باحمرا ر أ و بانتشا ر بثو ر عل ى جسم ك كلّھ ، م ع حمى ، یجب الشكّ
بإصابتك بارتكاس خطیر یعُرف بالبثُار الطفحي المعمّم (راجع قسم "التأثیرات الجانبیةّ المحتملة")؛ أعلم
طبیبك على الفور لأنھّ یجب إیقاف العلاج. وفي حال حصول ھذا الارتكاس، یمُنع أيّ استعمال آخر
للمترونیدازول لوحده أو بالاشتراك مع مادة فاعلة أخرى في الدواء ذاتھ.
یجب أن تنتبھ في حال حصول أيّ إشارات أو تفاقم محتمل لاضطرابات عصبیةّ مثل صعوبة في تنسیق
الحركات أو ارتباك أو تشوّش، أو صعوبة في الكلام أو السیر، أو رجفة أو حركات غیر إرادیةّ في
العینین وكذلك تأثیرات أخرى على الیدین والقدمین مثل التنمّل والوخز والشعور بالبرد والخدر وضعف
حاسّة اللمس. ھذه الاضطراباتت تزول عادة عند إیقاف العلاج. لذلك من المھمّ التوقفّ عن أخذ الدواء
واستشارة الطبیب على الفور (راجع قسم "التأثیرات الجانبیةّ المحتمة").
من الجرعات الأولى، قد یتغیرّ سلوكك ویعرّضك للخطر، بخاصة إذا عانیت في السابق من مشاكل نفسیةّ.
في ھذه الحالة، یجب علیك التوقفّ عن أخذ الدواء ومراجعة الطبیب (راجع قسم "التأثیرات الجانبیةّ
في حال عانیت في السابق من اضطرابات في الدم أو تلقیّت علاجًا عالي الجرعة و/أو طویل الأمد، قد
یصف لك طبیبك فحوصات دم عادیةّ للتحقق من تعدادك الدموي الكامل.

أعلم الطبیب أو مختبر التحلیل أنكّ تأخذ ھذا الدواء إذا كان علیك الخضوع لفحص مخبريّ طبي، فأخذ
المترونیدازول قد یتداخل مع بعض نتائج الفحوصات المخبریةّ (فحص اللولبیةّ)، عبر إطلاق نتیجة
إیجابیةّ خاطئة لفحص معینّ (فحص نلسون).
تم الإبلاغ عن حالات من سم یةّ الكبد الشدیدة / الفشل الكبدي الحاد بما في ذلك حالات انتھت بالوفاة لدى
المرضى الذین یعانون من متلازمة كوكاین ممن تناولوا الأدویة التي تحتوي على میترونیدازول.
ینبغي أن یقوم طبیبك بمراقبة وظائف الكبد لدیك تكرارا في حال كنت تعاني من متلازمة كوكاین، وذلك
خلال فترة علاجك بمیترونیدازول وبعد انتھاء العلاج أیضا.ً
أخبر طبیبك فورا وتوقف عن تناول میترونیدازول في حال حدوث الأعراض التالیة لك:
ول 􀑧 ان، ب 􀑧 اء، یرق 􀑧 وعي، إعی 􀑧 دان ال 􀑧 اس بفق 􀑧 ى، الإحس 􀑧 ؤ، حُمّ 􀑧 ان، تقی 􀑧 ھیة، غثی 􀑧 • ألم في المعدة، فقدان الش
داكن اللون، براز باھت اللون، أو حكة.
یمُنع إعطاء الأقراص للأطفال ما دون السادسة من العمر بسبب خطر الاختناق. توجد أشكال وعیارات
من المضاد الحیوي ھذا خاصة بالأطفال الصغار.
تحدّث إلى الطبیب أو الصیدلي قبل أخذ فلاجیل 500 ملغ.
تحدّث إلى الطبیب أو الصیدلي قبل أخذ فلاجیل.
أدویة أخرى وفلاجیل
أعلم الطبیب أو الصیدلي إذا كنت تأخذ حالیاً أو أخذت مؤخّرًا أو قد تكون تأخذ أيّ أدویة أخرى.
أعلم الطبیب إذا كنت تأخذ:
- أدویة تحتوي على الكحول بسبب خطر التعرّض لتأثیرات جانبیةّ مثل احمرار الوجھ والشعور
بالحرّ والتقیؤّ وزیادة سرعة القلب،
- البوسولفان (الذي یوصف لعلاج بعض أنواع اضطرابات الدم ولتحضیر زرع نقيّ العظم)،
- الدیسولفیرام (المستعمل للحؤول دون الانتكاس لدى المرضى المدمنین على الكحول).
فلاجیل مع الكحول
یجب تفادي استھلاك الكحول في خلال فترة العلاج بسبب خطر التعرّض لتأثیرات جانبیةّ مثل احمرار
الوجھ والشعور بالحرّ والتقیؤّ وزیادة سرعة القلب.
الحمل والإرضاع
عند الضرورة، یمكن أخذ ھذا الدواء في خلال فترة الحمل. ولكن یجب علیك دائمًا استشارة الطبیب أو
الصیدلي قبل أخذه.
علیك تفادي الإرضاع في خلال فترة العلاج بھذا الدواء.
إذا كنتِ حاملا أو مرضعة أو كنت تعتقدین نفسك حاملا أو كنتِ تنوین الحمل، یجب علیك دائمًا استشارة
الطبیب أو الصیدلي قبل أخذ ھذا الدواء.
قیادة السیاّرات واستعمال الآلات

یجب علیك أن تدرك، بخاصة إذا كنت تقود أو تستعمل آلات، وجود خطر تعرّضك لدوار وتشوّش ذھني
وھلوسات ونوبات واضطرابات في النظر بسبب استعمال ھذا الدواء.
معلومات مھمّة حول بعض مركّبات فلاجیل
یمكنك أخذ ھذا الدواء إذا كنت تعاني من التغوّط الشحمي التلقائي. یمكن أن یحتوي نشا القمح على الغلوتن
ولكن بكمیةّ ضئیلة جدًّا وبالتالي یعُتبر آمناً للمرضى المصابین بالتغوّط الشحمي التلقائي.


ما ھي كمیةّ فلاجیل الواجب أخذھا
ھذا الدواء ھو فقط للبالغین وللأطفال في السادسة من العمر وما فوق. تتوافر للأطفال ما دون السادسة من
العمر أشكال دوائیةّ تناسبھم أكثر.
یتوقفّ مقدار الجرعة على عمرك وعلى المرض المعالج.
على سبیل الإشارة، یبلغ مقدار الجرعة العادیةّ:
• لدى البالغین: 0.750 غ/الیوم إلى 2 غ/الیوم،
40 ملغ/كلغ/الیوم. - • لدى الأطفال: 500 ملغ/الیوم إلى 20
في بعض الحالات، من الضروري أن یعُالج شریكك/شریكتك، أكان لدیھ/لدیھا إشارات سریریةّ أو لا.
في مطلق الأحوال، تقیدّ بوصفة الطبیب.
كیف یجب أخذ فلاجیل
عن طریق الفم.
إبلع الأقراص مع كوب من الماء.
ما ھو عدد مرّات استعمال فلاجیل
من مرّة إلى 3 مرّات في الیوم حسب الخمج الذي یعُالج. .
ما ھي مدّة العلاج بفلاجیل
لكي یكون المضاد الحیوي ھذا فعّالا،ً یجب استعمالھ بانتظام حسب الجرعات الموصوفة وللمدّة التي
یحدّدھا الطبیب.
لا یعني اختفاء الحرارة أو أيّ عارض آخر أنكّ شفیت. فأيّ شعور بالتعب لا یعود إلى العلاج بالمضاد
الحیوي ولكن إلى حالة الخمج نفسھا. لذلك لن یؤثرّ تخفیض الجرعة أو إیقاف العلاج على ھذا الشعور
وسوف یؤخّر شفاءك.
حالات خاصة: یجب أن یدوم علاج داء الجیاردیاّت (حالة خمج یسببّھا طفیليّ) لخمسة أیاّم، وعلاج داء
الأمیبة (حالة خمج یسببّھا طفیليّ) وبعض أنواع التھاب المھبل 7 أیاّم وعلاج داء المشعّرات (حالة خمج
بسببّھا طفیليّ) یتمّ بجرعة وحیدة.
إذا أخذت جرعة مفرطة من فلاجیل:

إذا كنت تتقیأّ أو تواجھ صعوبة في تنسیق حركاتك أو تشعر بالتھیان، استشر الطبیب الذي قد یقرّر وصف
علاج لك.

مثل الأدویة كلھّا، قد یسببّ فلاجیل تأثیرات جانبیةّ لا تصُیب المرضى كلھّم.
إضطرابات ھضمیةّ:
- اضطرابات ھضمیةّ لیست خطیرة، مثل أوجاع المعدة والغثیان والتقیؤّ والإسھال،
- إلتھاب اللسان وجفاف الفم، التھاب الفم، اضطرابات في حاسة الذوق، فقدان الشھیةّ،
- التھاب البنكریاس لكنھّ یزول بعد إیقاف العلاج.
تغیرّ لون اللسان أو تغییر في مظھره (قد یكون السبب نموًّا فطریاً).
تأثیرات على الجلد والأغشیة المخاطیةّ:
- ھبو مع احمرار الوجھ، حكّة، طفح جلدي مع حرارة أحیاناً،
- شرى (طفح جلدي شبیھ بطفح القرّاص)، تورّم إرجيّ مفاجئ في الوجھ والعنق (خزب
وعائي) وصدمة إرجیةّ یمكن أن تسببّ الوفاة (راجع قسم " المعلومات الواجب معرفتھا قبل
أخذ فلاجیل ")،
حالات نادرة جدًا من الاحمرار الذي ینتشر على جسمك كلھّ مع بثور ومع حمى (البثُار
الطفحي المعمّم الحاد) (راجع قسم "المعلومات الواجب معرفتھا قبل أخذ فلاجیل").
- یمكن أن ینتشر على الجسم كلھّ بسرعة طفح بثاري مع تقشّر الجلد وأن یھدّد الحیاة (النكروز
الجلدي السام، تناذر ستیفنز حونسون).
- طفح جلدي ذو بثور مع تقشر الجلد والذي یمكن أن ینتشر إلى الجسم كلھ ویكون مھددا للحیاة
(انحلال البشرة النخّري السميّ ، ومتلازمة ستیفنز جونسون).
- الطفح الدوائي الثابت: طفح جلدي على شكل بقع حمراء مستدیرة الشكل حمراء اللون مع إحساس
بالحكة والحرقان یترك علامات ملون ة م ع احتمالیة معاودة ظھورھا في نفس الأمكنة في حال
استئناف العلاج بالدواء نفسھ.
إضطرابات الجھاز العصبي:
- ضرر في أعصاب الأطراف (اعتلال عصبي حسّي محیطي) مع تأثیرات على الیدین والقدمین
مثل التنمّل والوخز والشعور بالبرد والخدر وضعف حاسّة اللمس.
- صداع،
- دوار،
نوبات صرع،
- تشوّش ذھني،
- اضطرابات عصبیةّ، تعُرف بالاعتلال الدماغي أو متلازمة المخیخ، مع عوارض تتضمّن
التشوّش الذھني واضطرابات في الوعي واضطرابات في السلوك وصعوبة في تنسیق

الحركات واضطرابات في اللفظ واضطرابات في المشیة وحركات غیر إرادیةّ في العینین
ورجفة. عادة ما تزول ھذه الاضطرابات عند إیقاف العلاج وقد تترافق مع تغییرات في
فحوصات الرنین المغنطیسي. أفید عن حالات نادرة جدًا من الوفیاّت (راجع قسم "
الواجب معرفتھا قبل أخذ فلاجیل")،
- التھاب السحایا غیر البكتیري.
اضطرابات عقلیةّ:
- ھلوسات،
- اضطرابات في الشخصیةّ (جنون العظمة، وھام) یحُتمل أن تترافق مع أفكار انتحاریةّ ومحاولات
انتحار (راجع قسم "المعلومات الواجب معرفتھا قبل أخذ فلاجیل")،
- میول اكتئابیةّ.
اضطرابات في الرؤیة:
- اضطرابات مؤقتة في الرؤیة مثل عدم وضوح الرؤیة وازدواج الرؤیة وقصر النظر وضعف
النظر وتغییرات في رؤیة الألوان،
- تلف / التھاب العصب البصري.
اضطرابات الدم:
- انخفاض غیر طبیعي في تعداد صفیحات الدم، وانخفاض غیر طبیعي أو ھبوط كبیر في عدد
بعض خلایا الدم البیض (العدلات).
تأثیرات على الكبد:
- ارتفاع انزیمات الكبد (ناقلات الأمین، الفوسفاتاز القلوي)،
- حالات نادرة جدًا من من مرض الكبد الخطیر (یترافق م ع یرقان أحیانًا)، بخاصة حالات من
قصور الكبد الذي یتطلبّ زرعًا.
تأثیرات أخرى:
- تلوّن البول بالبنيّ المائل إلى الاحمرار بسبب الدواء.
للإبلاغ عن الأعراضالجانبیة
• المملكة العربیة السعودیة
المركز الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة:
فاكس : ۰۰۹٦٦۱۱۲۰٥۷٦٦۲
الھاتف المجاني : ۸۰۰۲٤۹۰۰۰۰
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : الإلكتروني البرید
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الإلكتروني الموقع
KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com : سانوفي-التیقظ الدوائي

إحفظ الدواء بعیدًا عن نظر الأطفال ومتناولھم.
لا تستعمل فلاجیل بعد انقضاء تاریخ الصلاحیةّ المدوّن على الغلاف الخارجيّ.
إحفظ الدواء في حرارة ما دون 30 درجة مئویةّ.
إحفظ الظروف في الغلاف الخارجي بعیدًا عن النور.
لا ترمِ أيّ أدویة في المیاه المبتذلة أو مع النفایات المنزلیةّ. إسأل الصیدليّ عن كیفیةّ التخلصّ من الأدویة
التي لم تعد تحتاج إلیھا. فمن شأن ھذه الإجراءات حمایة البیئة.

ماذا یحتوي فلاجیل 500 ملغ، أقراص مغلفّة بطبقة رقیقة
المادة الفاعلة ھي:
مترونیدازول....................................................................................... 500 ملغ
للقرص الواحد المغلفّ بطبقة رقیقة.
المركّبات الأخرى ھي:
. نشا القمح، بوفیدون كاي 30 ، ستیارات المغنیزیوم، ھبرومیلوز، ماكروغول 20000

یأتي ھذا الدواء على شكل أقراص مغلفّة بطبقة رقیقة في علب من 4 أقراص أو 14 قرصًا. قد لا تكون أحجام العلب كلھّا مسوّقة في بلدك.

الشركة حاملة رخصة التسویق
sanofi-aventis France
82, avenue Raspail
94250 Gentilly – France

الشركة المصنعّة
Sanofi-Aventis S.A.
Ctra. C-35 - La Batlloria a Hostalric, Km 63,09, Riells, Spain

التغلیف الثانوي
Sanofi Aventis Arabia Co, Ltd
Industrial Valley Phase 1A St. KAEC, Abdullahndustrial Valley Phase 1A St, Rabigh,, Saudi Arabia

یونیو 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Flagyl 500 mg film-coated tablets

Metronidazole .......................................................................................................................... 500.00 mg For one film-coated tablet. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Film-coated tablets

The therapeutic indications of metronidazole are based on its antiparasitic and antibacterial activity and pharmacokinetic properties. They take into account both the clinical studies carried out with the medicinal product, and its position in the range of currently available anti-infectives.

Its use is limited to the treatment of infections caused by microorganisms which have been shown to be susceptible to the drug:

•        amebiasis,

•        urogenital trichomoniasis,

•        nonspecific vaginitis,

•        giardiasis,

•        curative treatment of medical and surgical infections caused by susceptible anaerobes,

•        replacement therapy after curative treatments given by injection of infections caused by susceptible anaerobes.

Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.


•        Amebiasi


              o     Adults

1.50 g/day as 3 divided doses.

              o     Children

30 to 40 mg/kg/day as 3 divided doses.

In patients with amebic liver abscess, abscess drainage should be performed in conjunction with metronidazole therapy.

Treatment duration is 7 consecutive days.

•        Trichomoniasis o            In women (urethritis and vaginitis due to Trichomonas), treatment with a single administration of a 2 g dose (4 tablets).

It is important that the partner be treated concomitantly, regardless of whether there are clinical signs of Trichomonas vaginalis infestation, even without a positive laboratory test result.

•        Giardiasis o Adults

0.750 g to 1 g/day for 5 consecutive days. o Children:

From 10 to 15 years of age: 500 mg/day.

•        Nonspecific vaginitis

500 mg twice daily for 7 days.

The patient’s partner should be treated at the same time.

•        Treatment of infections caused by anaerobes

(as first-line or replacement treatment) o Adults:

1 g to 1.5 g/day. o    Children:

20 to 30 mg/kg/day.

 Method of administration:


Oral use.

• Hypersensitivity to metronidazole or to imidazoles or to any of the excipients listed in Section 6.1. • Wheat allergy (except in patients with celiac disease) (see Section 4.4). • Children under 6 years of age because of the pharmaceutical form (see Section 4.4).

Hypersensitivity / Skin and appendages

 Allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, can occur and be life-threatening (see Section 4.8). In this case, treatment with metronidazole must be discontinued and appropriate medical treatment initiated.

 If, at the start of treatment, patients experience generalized erythema with fever and pustules, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis should be suspected (see Section 4.8). If this occurs, treatment must be discontinued and any further administration of metronidazole alone or in combination with other agents is contraindicated.

 Severe skin reactions have been reported with metronidazole, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, or Lyell syndrome) and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. Patients must be informed of the signs and symptoms of these conditions and the skin should be closely monitored.

 If any signs or symptoms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (e.g. progressive skin rash often with blisters or mucosal lesions) or acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (see Section 4.8) occur, treatment must be discontinued and any further administration of metronidazole alone or in combination with other agents is contraindicated.  Central nervous system


If symptoms indicative of encephalopathy or cerebellar syndrome appear, patient management should be immediately reassessed and metronidazole treatment discontinued.

 Cases of encephalopathy have been reported as part of post-marketing surveillance of the drug. Cases of MRI changes associated with encephalopathy have also been observed (see Section 4.8). Damage is most often located in the cerebellum (particularly in the dentate nucleus) and in the splenium of the corpus callosum. Most cases of encephalopathy and MRI changes are reversible on treatment discontinuation. Very rare cases of fatal outcome have been reported.

 Patients should be monitored for warning signs of encephalopathy, and exacerbation of symptoms in patients with CNS disorders.

 If aseptic meningitis occurs during treatment, rechallenge with metronidazole is not recommended, and an assessment of the benefit/risk ratio should be done for patients with serious infection.  Peripheral nervous system


Patients should be monitored for warning signs of peripheral neuropathy, particularly in long-term treatment or in patients with severe, chronic or progressive peripheral neurological disorders.

 Psychiatric disorders

From administration of the first doses, patients may experience psychotic reactions, including self- endangering behavior, particularly if they have a history of psychiatric disorders (see Section 4.8). If this happens, metronidazole must be discontinued, the physician informed and appropriate therapeutic measures instituted immediately.  Hematological effects


In patients who have a history of hematological disorders or who are receiving high-dose and/or long- term treatment, regular blood tests, and particularly leukocyte counts, should be performed.

 In patients with leukopenia, continued treatment will depend on how serious the infection is.


Excipient with known effect

 This medicinal product may be administered in patients with celiac disease. Wheat starch can contain gluten, but only in trace amounts, and is therefore considered safe for patients with celiac disease.  Pediatric population


Tablets are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age because of the risk of pulmonary aspiration. Other presentations of metronidazole-based medicinal products are available for young children.

 Interaction with other medicinal products


Concomitant use of metronidazole and alcohol is not recommended (see Section 4.5).

Concomitant use of metronidazole and busulfan is not recommended (see Section 4.5).

Concomitant use of metronidazole and disulfiram is not recommended (see Section 4.5).

Interactions with laboratory tests

Metronidazole may immobilize treponemes, and thus lead to false positive results for the Nelson test.

 Cases of severe hepatotoxicity/acute liver failure of very rapid onset after treatment initiation, including cases with fatal outcome, have occurred in patients with Cockayne syndrome who were administered medicinal products containing metronidazole intended for systemic use. In this population, metronidazole must therefore be used after thorough evaluation of the benefit/risk ratio and only if no alternative treatment is available. Liver function tests must be performed just before treatment initiation, during treatment and after treatment discontinuation, until liver function values are within the normal range, or until baseline values are reached. If the liver function test values markedly increase during treatment, the medicinal product should be discontinued.

 Patients with Cockayne syndrome must be instructed to immediately report any symptoms of potential liver damage to their doctor and to stop taking metronidazole.

Antabuse reaction

 Many medicinal products trigger an antabuse effect with alcohol and their concomitant use with alcohol is not advisable.

 Inadvisable combinations


+ Alcohol (beverage or excipient)

An antabuse effect (hot flushes, erythema, vomiting, tachycardia) may occur. Patients should not consume alcoholic beverages or medicinal products containing alcohol. Alcoholic beverages or medicinal products containing alcohol should not be ingested again until medicinal products have been completely eliminated from the body. The half-life should be used as a reference.

+ Busulfan

When co-administered with high busulfan doses, metronidazole causes a two-fold increase in plasma busulfan concentrations.

+ Disulfiram

There is a risk of acute psychotic episodes or confusion, reversible on discontinuation of the drug combination.

 Combinations requiring precautions for use


+ Enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants

Decreased plasma concentrations of metronidazole can occur due to increased liver metabolism by the inducer.

Clinical monitoring is required and the metronidazole dose may need to be adjusted during and after treatment with the inducer.

+ Rifampicin

Decreased plasma concentrations of metronidazole can occur due to increased liver metabolism by rifampicin.

Clinical monitoring is required and the metronidazole dose may need to be adjusted during and after treatment with rifampicin. + Lithium

Increased blood lithium levels can occur, which can reach toxic levels with signs of lithium overdose. Strict monitoring of blood lithium levels should be performed and the lithium dose adjusted if necessary.

 Combinations to be taken into consideration


Fluorouracil (and by extrapolation, tegafur and capecitabine) Increased fluorouracil toxicity can occur due to decreased clearance.  Specific issue: INR imbalance


Numerous cases of increased oral anticoagulant activity have been reported in patients receiving antibiotics. The severity of the infection or inflammation, age and general health status of the patient appear to be risk factors. Under these circumstances, it seems difficult to determine to what extent the infection itself or its treatment play a role in the INR imbalance. However, certain classes of antibiotics are more involved, particularly fluoroquinolones, macrolides, cyclines, cotrimoxazole and certain cephalosporins.


 There is no evidence from animal studies that metronidazole is teratogenic. Therefore, no malformative effect is expected in humans. To date, substances causing malformations in humans have been shown to be teratogenic in animals during well-conducted studies in two species.

In man, analysis of a large number of exposed pregnancies did not seem to show any particular teratogenic or fetotoxic effects of metronidazole.

However, only epidemiological studies would make it possible to rule out any risk. Therefore, metronidazole may be prescribed during pregnancy if necessary.  Lactation

Since metronidazole is excreted in breast milk, administration should be avoided in breast-feeding women.

Patients should be warned of the potential risk of dizziness, confusion, hallucinations and seizures or vision disorders, and should be advised not to drive or operate machines if they experience such symptoms.

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

     •     neutropenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia.

 Psychiatric disorders

•        hallucinations,

•        psychotic reactions with paranoia and/or delirium possibly accompanied by suicidal ideation or suicide attempts in some isolated cases (see Section 4.4),

•        depressed mood.

 Nervous system disorders


•        peripheral sensory neuropathy,

•        headache,

•        dizziness,

•        confusion, •         seizures,

•        encephalopathy that may be associated with MRI changes, generally reversible upon treatment discontinuation. Very rare cases of fatal outcome have been reported (see Section 4.4),

•        sub-acute cerebellar syndrome (ataxia, dysarthria, gait disorders, nystagmus, tremor) (see Section 4.4),

•        aseptic meningitis (see Section 4.4).

 Eye disorders


•        transient vision disorders such as blurred vision, diplopia, myopia, reduced visual acuity, impaired color vision,

•        neuropathy / optic neuritis.  Gastrointestinal disorders


•        minor gastrointestinal disorders (epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea),

•        glossitis with dry mouth, stomatitis, taste disorders, anorexia,

•        pancreatitis, reversible on treatment discontinuation,

•        discoloration or change in the appearance of the tongue (mycosis).  Hepatobiliary disorders


•        elevated liver enzyme levels (AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase), very rare cases of acute cholestatic or mixed hepatitis and hepatocellular liver injury, sometimes with jaundice, have been reported. Isolated cases of hepatocellular insufficiency possibly requiring liver transplantation have been reported.

 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


•        hot flushes, pruritus, skin rash occasionally with fever,

•        urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock (see Section 4.4),

•        very rare cases of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (see Section 4.4),

•        toxic epidermal necrolysis, •          Stevens-Johnson syndrome, •    fixed drug eruption.

 Other effects


•        urine can appear reddish-brown as water-soluble pigments may be found due to metabolism of the drug.

        To report any side effect(s):

•        Saudi Arabia:


-           The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) o Fax: +966-11-205-7662 o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.

o Toll free phone: 8002490000 o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

•        Sanofi- Pharmacovigilance: KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Administration of up to 12 g as a single dose has been reported in cases of attempted suicide and accidental overdose.

The symptoms were limited to vomiting, ataxia and mild disorientation. There is no specific antidote to metronidazole overdose. If massive overdose occurs, symptomatic treatment should be instituted.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antibacterial, antiparasitic antibiotics belonging to the 5-nitroimidazole group, ATC code: J01XD01 — P01AB01 (J: Antiinfectives for systemic use, other antibacterials - imidazole derivatives - P: Antiprotozoals, agents against amebiasis and other protozoal diseases - nitroimidazole derivatives).

The MIC breakpoints differentiating susceptible from intermediate strains, and intermediate from resistant strains are as follows: S ≤ 4 mg/L and R > 4 mg/L.

The prevalence of acquired resistance in certain species can vary geographically and over time. It is therefore useful to have local information on the prevalence of resistance, especially in treating severe infections. These data are only guidelines indicating the probability of susceptibility of a bacterial strain to this antibiotic.

When the variability of prevalence of resistance of a bacterial species is known in France, it is         indicated in the table below:

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antibacterial, antiparasitic antibiotics belonging to the 5-nitroimidazole group, ATC code: J01XD01 — P01AB01 (J: Antiinfectives for systemic use, other antibacterials - imidazole derivatives - P: Antiprotozoals, agents against amebiasis and other protozoal diseases - nitroimidazole derivatives).

The MIC breakpoints differentiating susceptible from intermediate strains, and intermediate from resistant strains are as follows: S ≤ 4 mg/L and R > 4 mg/L.

The prevalence of acquired resistance in certain species can vary geographically and over time. It is therefore useful to have local information on the prevalence of resistance, especially in treating severe infections. These data are only guidelines indicating the probability of susceptibility of a bacterial strain to this antibiotic.

When the variability of prevalence of resistance of a bacterial species is known in France, it is         indicated in the table below:



Prevalence of acquired resistance in France (>10%) (range)

Susceptible species


Gram-negative aerobes


Helicobacter pylori




Bacteroides fragilis








Clostridium difficile


Clostridium perfringens














Resistant species


Gram-positive aerobes








Propionibacterium acnes


Antiparasitic activity


Entamoeba histolytica


Giardia intestinalis


Trichomonas vaginalis




Following oral administration, metronidazole is rapidly absorbed (at least 80% within one hour). Peak plasma concentrations obtained after oral administration are similar to those obtained after IV administration of equivalent doses.

Oral bioavailability is 100%. It is not significantly affected by concomitant intake of food.  Distribution


•        Approximately one hour after a single 500 mg dose, the mean peak plasma concentration is 10 micrograms/mL. After 3 hours, the mean plasma concentration is 13.5 micrograms/mL.

•        The plasma half-life is from 8 to 10 hours.

•        The drug is poorly bound to plasma protein, i.e. below 20%.

•        The apparent volume of distribution is high (approximately 40 L, i.e. 0.65 L/kg).

•        The drug is rapidly and widely distributed, with concentrations close to plasma concentrations, in the lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, bile, CSF, saliva, semen and vaginal secretions. Metronidazole crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.  Metabolism


Metabolism is mainly hepatic. Two main compounds are formed by oxidation:

•        the 'alcohol' metabolite (major metabolite) with antibacterial activity against anaerobes that is approximately 30% that of metronidazole, and an elimination half-life of approximately 11 hours;

•        the 'acid' metabolite, in small amounts, with a bactericidal activity of approximately 5% that of metronidazole.  Excretion


High concentrations of metronidazole can be found in the liver and bile. Low concentrations of the drug are found in the colon. Metronidazole is poorly excreted in the feces. It is mainly eliminated in the urine since metronidazole and its oxidized metabolites, eliminated in the urine, account for approximately 35 to 65% of the administered dose.

Not applicable.

Wheat starch, povidone K30, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, macrogol 20 000.

Not applicable.  

3 years.

Do not store above 30°C. Store the blisters in their outer packaging, protected from light.

14 tablets in (PVC/aluminum) blisters.

No special requirements.

Sanofi-Aventis France 82 avenue Raspail 94250 Gentilly, France

08 Jun 2017

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