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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Each m1 of the solution contains: clindamycin phosphate USP equivalent
to clindamycin 1 Omg.
In-Active Ingredient: Ethanol, Propylene glyool, Disodium Edetate IUld
Pwified water.
Each gnun of gel contains: clindamycin phosphate USP equivalent to
clindamycin 10 mg.
In-Active IDgredieot: CarbOIIWI', Propylene glyool, Glycerin, Disodium
EDTA, Methyl paraben, Triethanolamine Solutioo, Fragraoc:e, Purified
clindamycin phosphate is a water-coluble ester of the semi-synthetie
antibiotic. AldJough ~ pboapball: is ioactive U..vitro, rapa U..vi'.lo
hydrolysis COIMriB dlis ~ to 1he anlibadc:rially actiw: c:lindam,)otin.
Phosphatases on 1he skin hydrolyze cli!Xlamycin phosphate to c~
base. CliDdamycin bas sbowo to !.vc U..vitro activity ~ isolates of
propioDibac1eri acnes. This may account fur its usefulness in acne. Crossresistanc:
e has beer! c:lernonstraled between cli!Xlamycin and lino:omycin.
Alllapism hla beer! also demmstm1al between cli!Xlamycin and
ecythromycin. Clindamycin activity bas been. c:lernonstraled in CO!IICdcnal
cxtmcts fium accc psticm. The mcao coox:ot.udi:m of 8ll!ibiDiic activi1y in
comedonal emacts was 1.4m:r/ml cli!Xlamycin in-vitro inhibits aD
propioDibac1eri ~KDeS cultures tested (MICS 0.4 ~ me fid1y acids
Oil skin sudDce have beer! decm:ased fium approxiwdcly 14% to 2% :tbllowiog
application ofiDpical clirldalnycin.
MEDACIN T (clindamycin phospbate) is indicated in the trealment of
acne vulgaris.

MEDACIN T ( clindamycin phosphate) is contm-iodialted in individuals
wilh a history of hypersensitivity to preparations conlaining clindamyein
or lincomycin, a hist.ory of regiooal CII!erit.is or ulcemtive colitis or a
history of antibiotic-associated colitis.
Bloody dianhea, non~ colitis IUld pseudcnDenDaooo colitis
(anbbiotic associated colitis) have been. reported with many antibiotics used
syslemically including cliodamycin, m serious dianbea or pseOOomemhmDoua
colitis occ:mrM in coolrolled clinical1riab with 1he clindamycin
phosphate. However, it is theorelically ]l066ible thet. clindsmycin could be
pre9121t systemically lhrougb. it's absmpticm ftom lhe skin srice.
Products containing henmyl peroxide should not be used concomitallt.ly with
Safety has not been. established.

MEDACIN T Solotioa (cli!Xlamycin phosphate) caolaios m alcohol base
whicll will cause burning and inilation of 1he eye. In lhe ew:nt of accid&:r:!IBJ.
COIIIBct with sensitive
surfiwes (eye, a1:nded skiD, lll1lCOUS mcoixao:s), bmbe with copiom 8IDlUII!s
of cool lap wat«. The aolulion bas m llllpleasant 1as1e and caulion smuJd be
ex=ised when applyiog lhe m:dicatioo lli'01.1Ild lhe lDlUib. MEDACIN T
should be pm!aibed with caulion in atopic iodividuals.

- Be:tbre use , cbo & dry lhe skin ma, to be tmlted.
- Slmke lhe solution be:tbre use.
- Spread gel evenly on affcct.ed area.
- Topical Solution:
a) Apply a lhin film of :medication to lhe affcct.ed area. Use
sparingly, awiding eyes aod mouth.
b) Use dabbing motion oflhe tip mlherlhan a rolling action. If
tip becomes dry, invert lhe hotllc aod depress tip several
times Ull!il il becomes moist
- In lhe event. of accident.sl contact with semitive surfilces (eye,
abnlded skin, mucous membranes), bmbe wilhcopious amounts of
cool lap water.
- Use twice daily.

hpm1s of side eflkls with MEDACIN T (clindamycin plla8pba!e) have been
iDfiequeot. Initalioo, stiiJgiog and ezytbema (be&ved to be caused by llw
ak:obolic vebil:le) Wl:!e repcrt.ed.
Single reports Wl:!e made of &OR: throat, headache, dryness, urinary fiequeu:y
and COidact dmnalitis.

Store below 2S"C for gel.
Store below 30"C for t.opicslsolulion.
+ Do not reftigerate.
+ Do not use a&r the expiry date 8lated on lhe label.
+ Do DOt use if there is any physiaU chaose on the product
+ Keep out of reach of children.

MEDACIN T - Gel: Alumioum collapdble tube of 30 gm.
MEDACIN T - Toplcal•olotloo: 30 m1, appUeator bottle deslgoed for
the dlreet applleat.loo of the IIOluUoo to the aft'ected llkiD.

PACKAGING PRESENTATION: MEDACIN T - Gel: Alumioum collapdble tube of 30 gm. MEDACIN T - Toplcal•olotloo: 30 m1, appUeator bottle deslgoed for the dlreet applleat.loo of the IIOluUoo to the aft'ected llkiD.


  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)










 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


MEDACfN T Gel contains: Active ingredient: Clindamycin phosphate equivalent to Clindamycin 10 mg/gm. Inactive ingredients: Carbomer, Propylene glycol, Glycerin, Disodium EDTA, Methyl paraben, Triethanolamine, Fragrance and Purified water.

MEDACfN T Gel is Off- white, smooth, translucent gel, with characteristic odour of fresh apple available in 30 gm aluminum tube.

MEDACfN T Gel contains an antibiotic called clindamycin phosphate and comes as either a
solution or a gel. The solution and the gel are used on the skin to treat acne.

Always use MEDACfN T exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your
doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
- Before use , clean & dry the skin area, to be treated.
- Spread gel evenly on affected area.

- In the event of accidental contact with sensitive surfaces (eye, abraded skin, mucous
membranes), bathe with copious amounts of cool tap water.
- Use twice daily

Do not use MEDACIN T Gel if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to clindamycin, lincomycin or to any of the other ingredients in the medicine. Do not use if you have a history of inflammatory bowel disease or antibiotic-associated colitis.

Before using MEDACIN T, make sure that your doctor knows if you have diarrhoea or usually
get diarrhoea when you take antibiotics.
If you develop severe or prolonged or bloody diarrhoea during or after using MEDACIN T tell
your doctor immediately since it may be necessary to interrupt the treatment. This may be a
sign of bowel inflammation (pseudomembranous colitis) which can occur following treatment
with antibiotics.

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any other
medicines. This includes medicines that can be bought without a prescription.
Tell your doctor if you are using any skin treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide. These
medicines should not be used at the same time as MEDACIN T.
If you are going to hospital for a surgical procedure, tell your doctor and/or anaesthetist if you
are taking drugs that cause paralysis of muscle (neuromuscular blocking agents).

If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant you should contact your doctor before using
Tell your doctor if you will be breast-feeding while using MEDACIN T as the active substance
in this medicine may be passed into breast milk. Your doctor will decide if MEDACIN T is
suitable for you. Although it is not likely that a nursing infant will take in very much of the
active substance from the milk it drinks, if your baby gets bloodstained diarrhoea or shows any
signs of illness, tell your doctor at once. You should stop breast-feeding if this happens.

No effects on the ability to drive or use machines have been seen with MEDACIN T.

Like all medicines, MEDACIN T can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Tell your doctor immediately if you develop severe, persistent or bloody diarrhoea (which may
be associated with stomach pain or fever). This is an uncommon side effect which may occur
after treatment with antibiotics and can be a sign of serious bowel inflammation.
Other side effects that have been seen with MEDACIN T
Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people
• Skin irritation (may cause symptoms such as burning, itching, peeling), hives.
Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people
• Oily skin
Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people
• Gastrointestinal disturbances (may cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, and nausea).

Frequency not known, but may also occur
p age 5 0 f 14
Medpharma, U .A.E
Regional Administrative
Product Information
• Severe acne (also known as gram-negative folliculitis), stinging of the eye, stomach pain,
inflammation of the skin caused by contact with irritants or allergens.
If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet,
please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

If you use too much MEDACIN T contact a doctor or your nearest Accident and Emergency
Department taking this leaflet and pack with you.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anti-infectives for treatment of acne, ATC Code: DAlOAFOl.
Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. It binds to the
50S ribosomal subunit and affects both ribosome assembly and the translation process.
Although clindamycin phosphate is inactive in vitro, rapid in vivo hydrolysis converts this
compound to the antibacterially active clindamycin.
Clindamycin has been shown to have in vitro activity against isolates of the following
Anaerobic gram positive nonsporeforming bacilli, including:
• Propionibacterium acnes.
EUCAST has established susceptibility interpretive criteria for gram-negative and grampositive
anaerobes (with the exception of C.

In a U.S. surveillance study, clindamycin MICs were :::;4 mg/L for 97% of P. acnes isolates
In some bacterial species, cross resistance has been demonstrated in vitro among lincosamides,
macrolides, and streptogramins B.

Clinical efficacy and safety
P. acnes produces an extracellular lipase that hydrolyses sebum triglycerides to glycerol, used
by the organism as a growth substrate, and free fatty acids, which have pro-inflammatory and
comedogenic properties. A double-blind study had been conducted to examine the effect of
topical 1% clindamycin hydrochloride hydrate in a hydroalcoholic vehicle as compared to the
effect of the vehicle alone. Fourteen patients applied clindamycin or vehicle alone twice daily
for eight weeks. Free fatty acid surface lipid percentages, quantitative bacterial counts, and
clinical response were assessed every two weeks. A significant reduction (88%) in the
percentage of free fatty acids in the surface lipids was seen in the clindamycin-treated group
and not in the vehicle-treated group. Free fatty acids on the skin surface have been decreased
from approximately 14% to 2% following application of clindamycin solution in a
hydroalcoholic base to 9 patients (average age 22.3 years) with acne vulgaris. There was no
significant change in the surface micro flora. Despite the short duration of treatment, objective
clinical improvement was seen in three of nine treated patients, while none was observed in the
placebo-treated patients.

Following multiple topical applications of clindamycin phosphate at a concentration equivalent
to 1 0 mg clindamycin per mL in an isopropylA!~mfRrmf~~~;t>:I:J~Q!.l
clindamycin are present in the serum (0-3 n se is recovered
in urine as clindamycin.

Clindamycin concentrations has been demonstrated in comedones from acne patients. The
mean (±SD) concentration of clindamycin in extracted comedones after application of
clindamycin topical solution for 4 weeks was 0.60±0. 11 meg.
Older people
Clinical studies for topical clindamycin did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65
and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.

Embryo fetal development studies using oral doses in rats and subcutaneous doses in rats and
rabbits, revealed no evidence of developmental toxicity except at doses that produced maternal
toxicity. In reproductive studies in rats there was no evidence of impaired fertility.
Clindamycin was not genotoxic when evaluated in the in vivo rat micronucleus test and the
Ames test.
Long-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic potential have not been performed with

Carbo mer
Propylene glycol
Disodium EDT A
Methyl paraben
Purified water.

None Known

24 Months

Store below 25°C. Do not refregirate

MEDACIN T Gel is a off- white, smooth, translucent gel, with characteristic odour of fresh
apple available in 30 gm aluminum tube packed inside a box along with leaflet.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.
Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.
These measures will help to protect the environment.

Medpharma Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industries L.L.C Industrial Area No. 13 Sharjah United Arab Emirates

Dec 2014

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