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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

  • Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Famvir is an antiviral medicine that is used to treat a number of viral infections described below. It stops the infecting virus from reproducing. Since the virus reproduces very early in the infection, the best treatment results are obtained if Famvir is started as soon as possible after the first symptoms appear.


  • Therapeutic indications:

Famvir is used to treat herpes zoster (Shingles). Herpes zoster is an infection caused by a virus called varicella zoster (the same virus that causes chickenpox). Famvir stops the virus from spreading in the body so that healing can occur faster. It also reduces pain that sometimes occurs after blisters and rash heal.

Famvir is used to treat recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores or fever blisters). Cold sores are infections in the mouth area (blisters and burning or itching) with the herpes simplex virus, most often type 1.

Famvir is also used to treat acute and recurrent episodes of genital herpes and to suppress the recurrences of genital herpes infections in adults. Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2, and is normally spread by sexual contact. It causes blisters and burning or itching around the genitals, which may be painful. People who have frequent episodes of genital herpes can also take Famvir to help to prevent the attacks.

Although Famvir does not cure the viral infection, it helps to shorten the duration of symptoms and allows the infections to heal faster. Taking Famvir does not prevent you from spreading the herpes virus to another person.

If you have any questions about how Famvir works or why this medicine has been prescribed to you, ask your doctor.

Famvir will only be prescribed to you by a doctor. Follow all of the doctor’s instructions carefully. They may differ from the general information contained in this leaflet.


a. Do not take Famvir®

If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to famciclovir, to any of the other ingredients of Famvir listed in section 6 of this leaflet, or to penciclovir (a compound formed from famciclovir by your body and an ingredient of some other medicines).

If you think you may be allergic, ask your doctor for advice.


b. Take special care with Famvir®

·         If you have kidney problems. Your doctor may decide to decrease your dosage of Famvir.

·         If you have problems with your body’s immune system.

·         If you have severe liver problems.

If any of these apply to you, tell your doctor before you take Famvir.

If you are taking Famvir to treat or to suppress genital herpes, or you have had genital herpes in the past, you should still practice “safer sex”, including the use of condoms. This is important to prevent you passing the infection on to others. You should avoid sexual activity if you have any symptoms or signs of herpes even if you have started your treatment.


c. Taking other medicines

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including herbal and non-prescription medicines.

It is particularly important that you tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of the following medicines.

·         Probenecid (used to treat high levels of uric acid in the blood associated with gout and to increase levels of penicillin-type antibiotics in the blood), or any other medicine that can affect your kidneys.

·         Raloxifene (used to prevent and treat osteoporosis).



d. Taking Famvir® with food and drink

You can take Famvir with or without food.


e. Older people (≥ 65 years)

Famvir can be given to the elderly.


f. Children and adolescents (≤ 18 years)

Famvir is normally not recommended for use in children.


g. Pregnancy and breast-feeding  

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.

If you are pregnant or think you may be, tell your doctor. Famvir is not to be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary. Your doctor will discuss with you the potential risks of taking Famvir during pregnancy.

If you are breast-feeding, tell your doctor. Your doctor will advise you if you should take Famvir while breast-feeding, based on the benefits and risks of your personal situation.



How much Famvir to take

The daily dose and treatment duration will depend on the type of viral infection you have. Your doctor will prescribe the correct dose to you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.

The best treatment results of herpes zoster, genital herpes and herpes labialis are obtained if the medicine is started as soon as possible after the first signs and symptoms appear.

If you have kidney problems, your doctor may decide to give you a lower dose of Famvir. Tell your doctor if you have or have had any kidney problems.

Patients with normal immune defense

Herpes zoster (Shingles)

There are different recommended doses for treating the phase of herpes zoster when rashes and blisters occur. Your doctor will advise you how much Famvir to take.

The recommended dose is 500 mg three times a day for seven days. This regimen decreases the duration of post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) (severe pain occurring after herpes zoster lesions heal).

The recommended dose could also be 250 mg three times a day, or 500 mg twice a day, or 750 mg once a day for seven days.

Genital herpes

First episode of genital herpes

The recommended dose for a first outbreak of genital herpes is 250 mg three times a day for five days.

Episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes

The dose for a recurrent outbreak of genital herpes is 1000 mg  twice daily for one day, or 125 mg twice a day for five days or 500 mg at once followed by 250 mg every twelve hours for 3 doses.

Suppression of recurrent genital herpes

You should take 250 mg twice a day to suppress genital herpes. Your doctor will tell you how long you need to continue taking your tablets.

Recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores)

Single dose of 1500 mg, or two doses of 750 mg twice daily for one day.

Patients with reduced immune response

Herpes zoster (Shingles)

The recommended dose is 500 mg three times a day for ten days.

Genital herpes

Episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes

The recommended dose for a recurrent outbreak of genital herpes in patients with reduced immune response is 500 mg twice a day for seven days.

Suppression of recurrent genital herpes

The dose may be increased to 500 mg twice a day. Your doctor will tell you how long you need to continue taking your tablets.


When to take Famvir

Take the first dose as soon as possible after early signs or symptoms appear (blisters, burning and pain). Always take Famvir exactly as your doctor has instructed you.


How to take Famvir

Swallow each tablet whole with a glass of water. Famvir can be taken with or without food. It is not necessary to chew or crush the tablet.


a. If you take more Famvir® than you should

If you have taken more tablets than you have been told to take, or if someone else accidentally takes your medicine, go to your doctor or hospital for advice immediately. Show them your pack of tablets.

Taking too much Famvir may affect your kidneys. In people who already have kidney problems it may, rarely, lead to kidney failure if their dose is not correctly lowered.


b. If you forget to take Famvir®

If you forget to take a dose of Famvir, you should take it as soon as you remember. Then take your next dose as scheduled. However, do not take two doses within a time interval of less than 1 hour – in that case you should skip the missed dose. Furthermore, do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.


As with all medicines, patients treated with Famvir may experience side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Some side effects could be serious

Most of these side effects are rare or uncommon (they affect between 1 to 100 in every 10,000 patients):

·         Severe blistering of the skin and/or mucous membranes of the lips, eyes, mouth, nasal passages or genitals (signs of serious skin reaction).

·         Unexplained bruising, reddish or purplish patches on the skin or nosebleeds (signs of decrease in the number of blood platelets).

·         Swelling below the surface of the skin (e.g. facial swelling, swelling around eye, eyelid swelling, throat swelling).

·         Purple skin patches, itching, burning (signs of inflamed blood vessels).

The Frequency of the following side effects is not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data)

·         Seizures or fits.

·         Difficulty of breathing or swallowing, rash, itching, hives, wheezing or coughing, light-headedness, dizziness, changes in levels of consciousness, hypotension, with or without generalized itching, skin reddening, facial/throat swelling, blue discoloration of the lips, tongue or skin (signs of severe allergic reaction).

If you experience any of these, tell your doctor straight away or go to the emergency department at your nearest hospital.

Some side effects are very common

These side effects may affect more than 1 in 10 patients.

·         Headache

If this affects you severely, tell your doctor.

Some side effects are common

These side effects may affect between 1 to 10 in every 100 patients.

·         Dizziness

·         Vomiting

·         Abdominal pain

·         Diarrhea

·         Feeling sick (nausea)

·         Abnormal liver function test results

·         Rash

·         Itching

If any of these affects you severely, tell your doctor.

Some side effects are uncommon

These side effects may affect between 1 to 10 in every 1,000 patients.

·         Confusion (usually in older people)

·         Drowsiness (usually in older people)

·         Itchy rash (urticaria)

If any of these affects you severely, tell your doctor.

Some side effects are rare

These side effects may affect 1 to 10 in every 10’000 patients.

·         Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there)

·         Yellowing of the skin and/or eyes (signs of jaundice).

·         Palpitations (signs of abnormal heart beat)

If this affects you severely, tell your doctor.

If you notice any other side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.


·         Do not use after the expiry date shown on the box. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

·         Do not use if the pack is damaged or shows signs of tampering.

·         Do not store above 30°C.

·         Store in the original package.

·         Finish all the tablets as instructed. If for any reason, some are left over, take them back to your pharmacist.

·         Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

·         The active substance of Famvir is famciclovir.

125 mg and 250 mg film-coated tablets

·         The other ingredients are lactose (anhydrous), sodium starch glycollate, hydropropyl cellulose, magnesium stearate. The tablet coating is composed of hypromellose/hydroxypropylmethyl‑cellulose, titanium dioxide (CI 77891, E171) and polyethylene glycol/Macrogol.

b. What Famvir® looks like and contents of the pack Famvir is supplied as film-coated tablets. 125 mg and 250 mg film-coated tablets White, round, film-coated, biconvex tablets with or without (country specific) beveled edges, debossed with “FAMVIR” or “FV” on one side and 125 or 250 on the reverse side.

The Marketing Authorization Holder for this Product is Novartis Pharma AG.


  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ما هو فامفير®

فامفير هو دواء مضاد للفيروسات يُستعمَل لعلاج عدد من أنواع العدوى الفيروسية المذكورة أدناه. وهو يمنع تكاثر الفيروس المسبب للعدوى. وحيث أن الفيروس يتكاثر في وقت مبكر جداً من العدوى، فإنه يتم الحصول على أفضل النتائج العلاجية إذا تم البدء في استعمال فامفير في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد ظهور أولى الأعراض.


ما هي استعمالات فامفير®

يُستعمَل فامفير لعلاج هربس زوستر (الحزام الناري). هربس زوستر هو عدوى ناتجة عن فيروس يُسمَّى فاريسيلا زوستر (نفس الفيروس الذي يسبب جدري الماء). يعمل فامفير على وقف انتشار الفيروس في الجسم مما يُعجِّل بالشفاء. كذلك فهو يقلل الألم الذي يحدث أحياناً بعد التئام البثور والطفح.

يُستعمل فامفير لعلاج هربس الشفة المتكرر (قروح الزكام أو قروح الحمى). قروح الزكام هي عدوى في منطقة الفم (بثور وحرقة أو حكة) بفيروس هربس سمبلكس (الحلأ البسيط)، غالباً النوع 1.

يُستعمَل فامفير أيضاً لعلاج النوبات الحادة والمتكررة من الهربس التناسلي ولإخماد انتكاسات عدوى الهربس التناسلي في البالغين. الهربس التناسلي هو عدوى فيروسية ناتجة عن فيروس هربس سمبلكس (الحلأ البسيط) من النوع 1 أو 2، وهو ينتقل عادةً بالاتصال الجنسي. وهو يؤدي إلى حدوث بثور وحرقة أو حكة حول الأعضاء التناسلية، والتي قد تكون مؤلمة. يمكن أيضاً للأشخاص الذين يتعرضون لنوبات متكررة من الهربس التناسلي أن يأخذوا فامفير للمساعدة في الوقاية من النوبات.

رغم أن فامفير لا يشفي من العدوى الفيروسية، إلا أنه يساعد في تقصير مدة الأعراض ويتيح الفرصة للتعجيل بالشفاء من العدوى. إن استعمال فامفير لا يمنعك من نقل فيروس الهربس للآخرين.

إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة عن الكيفية التي يعمل بها فامفير أو عن سبب وصف هذا الدواء لك، برجاء أن تسأل طبيبك.


لن يوصف لك فامفير إلا بواسطة طبيب. التزم بجميع تعليمات طبيبك بكل دقة. هذه التعليمات قد تكون مختلفة عن المعلومات العامة المذكورة في هذه النشرة.


أ. لا تستعمل فامفير®

إذا كانت لديك أرجية (حساسية مفرطة) تجاه فامسيكلوفير، أو تجاه أي من المكونات الأخرى في فامفير المذكورة في البند 6 من هذه النشرة، أو تجاه بنسيكلوفير (مركَّب ينتج عن فامسيكلوفير في جسمك، ويدخل في تكوين بعض الأدوية الأخرى).

إذا ظننت أن لديك أرجية (حساسية مفرطة) استشر طبيبك.


ب. يجب توخي الحذر الخاص مع فامفير®

●          إذا كانت لديك مشاكل في الكلى. قد يقرر طبيبك أن يخفض جرعتك من فامفير.

●          إذا كانت لديك مشاكل في الجهاز المناعي في جسمك.

●          إذا كانت لديك مشاكل شديدة في الكبد.

إذا انطبق عليك أي من هذه الأمور، أخبر طبيبك قبل أن تستعمل فامفير.

إذا كنت تستعمل فامفير للعلاج أو للوقاية من الهربس التناسلي، أو إذا كنت قد عانيت من الهربس التناسلي في الماضي، يجب أن تستمر في ممارسة "الجنس المأمون"، ويشمل ذلك استخدام العازل الذكري. هذا مهم من أجل تجنب نقل العدوى إلى الآخرين. يجب أن تمتنع عن ممارسة الجنس إذا كانت لديك أي من أعراض أو علامات الهربس حتى إذا كنت قد بدأت في تلقي العلاج.


ج. استعمال أدوية أخرى

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تستعمل حالياً أو إذا كنت قد استعملت منذ فترة قصيرة أي أدوية أخرى، ويشمل ذلك الأعشاب الطبية والأدوية التي يتم الحصول عليها بدون تذكرة طبية.

من المهم على نحو خاص أن تخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تستعمل أي من الأدوية التالية:

●          بروبنسيد (يُستعمَل لعلاج المستويات المرتفعة من حمض البوليك في الدم التي تحدث بالارتباط بالنقرس ولزيادة مستويات المضادات الحيوية من نوع البنسيلين في  الدم)، أو أي دواء آخر يمكن أن يؤثر على كليتيك.

●          رالوكسيفين (يُستعمَل للوقاية من هشاشة العظام ولعلاجها).


د. استعمال فامفير® مع الطعام والشراب

يمكنك تناول فامفير مع الطعام أو بدونه.


هـ. الأشخاص المسنون (65 سنة من العمر فأكثر)

يمكن إعطاء فامفير للأشخاص المسنين.


و. الأطفال والمراهقون (³ 18 سنة من العمر)

لا يوصَى عادةً باستعمال فامفير في الأطفال.


ز. الحمل والإرضاع

استشيري طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استعمال أي دواء.

إذا كنت حاملاً، أو إذا اشتبهت في أنك حامل، أخبري طبيبك. لا ينبغي أن تستعملي فامفير أثناء الحمل ما لم تكن هناك ضرورة واضحة. سيناقش معك طبيبك المخاطر الممكنة التي قد تترتب على استعمال فامفير أثناء الحمل.

إذا كنتِ مرضعة، أخبري طبيبك. سوف ينصحك طبيبك بشأن ما إذا كنتِ ستأخذي فامفير أثناء الإرضاع، بناء على الفوائد والمخاطر في حالتك بصفة خاصة.




التزم بتعليمات طبيبك بكل دقة. لا تتجاوز الجرعة الموصَى بها.


ما هي الكمية التي ينبغي أن تأخذها من فامفير®

الجرعة اليومية ومدة العلاج ستعتمد على نوع العدوى الفيروسية لديك. سوف يصف لك طبيبك الجرعة الصحيحة. راجع مع طبيبك أو مع الصيدلي إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة.

يتم الحصول على أفضل النتائج في علاج هربس زوستر، والهربس التناسلي، وهربس الشفة، إذا تم البدء في استعمال الدواء في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد ظهور أولى العلامات والأعراض.

إذا كانت لديك مشاكل في الكلى، قد يقرر طبيبك أن يعطيك جرعة أقل من فامفير. أخبر طبيبك إذا كانت لديك حالياً أو في أي وقت سابق مشاكل في الكلى.


المرضى الذين لديهم المناعة طبيعية

هربس زوستر (الحزام الناري)

هناك جرعات مختلفة موصَى بها لعلاج مرحلة هربس زوستر التي يحدث فيها طفح وبثور. سوف ينصحك طبيبك بشأن الجرعة التي ينبغي أن تأخذها من فامفير.

الجرعة الموصَى بها هي 500 مجم ثلاث مرات في اليوم، لمدة سبعة أيام. هذا النظام العلاجي يقلل مدة الألم العصبي الذي يعقب عدوى الهربس (PHN) (ألم شديد يحدث بعد التئام آفات هربس زوستر).

الجرعة الموصَى بها قد تكون أيضاً 250 مجم ثلاث مرات في اليوم، أو 500 مجم مرتين في اليوم، أو 750 مجم مرة واحدة في اليوم، لمدة سبعة أيام.


الهربس التناسلي

النوبة الأولى من الهربس التناسلي

الجرعة الموصَى بها للنوبة الأولى من الهربس التناسلي هي 250 مجم ثلاث مرات في اليوم، لمدة خمسة أيام.


علاج النوبات المتكررة من الهربس التناسلي

الجرعة الموصَى بها للنوبة المتكررة من الهربس التناسلي هي 1000 مجم مرتين يومياً لمدة يوم واحد، أو 125 مجم مرتين يومياً لمدة خمسة أيام، أو 500 مجم في الحال يليها 250 مجم كل 12 ساعة لمدة 3 جرعات.


إخماد العدوى المتكررة بالهربس التناسلي

سيتم إعطاؤك 250 مجم مرتين في اليوم لإخماد الهربس التناسلي. سوف يخبرك طبيبك عن المدة التي يجب أن تظل تستعمل خلالها الأقراص.


هربس الشفة المتكرر (قروح الزكام)

جرعة واحدة 1500 مجم، أو جرعتان 750 مجم مرتين في اليوم لمدة يوم واحد.


المرضى الذين لديهم استجابة المناعة ضعيفة

هربس زوستر (الحزام الناري)

الجرعة الموصَى بها هي 500 مجم ثلاث مرات في اليوم، لمدة عشرة أيام.


الهربس التناسلي

علاج النوبات المتكررة من الهربس التناسلي

الجرعة الموصَى بها للنوبة المتكررة من الهربس التناسلي في المرضى الذين لديهم استجابة المناعة ضعيفة هي 500 مجم مرتين يومياً لمدة سبعة أيام.


إخماد العدوى المتكررة بالهربس التناسلي

يمكن زيادة الجرعة إلى 500 مجم مرتين في اليوم. سوف يخبرك طبيبك عن المدة التي يجب أن تظل تستعمل خلالها الأقراص.


متى ينبغي أن تأخذ فامفير®

خذ الجرعة الأولى في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد ظهور أولى العلامات أو الأعراض (البثور، والحرقة، والألم). التزم دائماً بتعليمات طبيبك بكل دقة عند استعمال فامفير.


كيف تأخذ فامفير®

ابلع كل قرص صحيحاً مع كوب من الماء. يمكن أخذ فامفير مع الطعام أو بدونه. لا ينبغي مضغ أو سحق القرص.


أ. إذا أخذت فامفير® بأكثر مما ينبغي

إذا أخذت على سبيل الخطأ عدداً من الأقراص أكثر مما أوصى به طبيبك، أو إذا أخذ دواءك أي شخص آخر على سبيل الخطأ، اذهب فوراً إلى طبيبك أو إلى المستشفى طلباً للاستشارة. أريهم علبة أقراص دواءك.

إن الإفراط في استعمال فامفير قد يؤثر على الكلى لديك. في الأشخاص الذين لديهم بالفعل مشاكل في الكلى، قد يؤدي ذلك في أحيان نادرة إلى الفشل الكلوي إذا لم يتم خفض جرعتهم بشكل صحيح.

ب. إذا نسيت أن تأخذ فامفير®

إذا نسيت أن تأخذ إحدى جرعات فامفير، خذها بمجرد أن تتذكرها. ثم خذ الجرعة التالية كما هو مقرر لها. ولكن لا تأخذ جرعتين خلال فترة زمنية أقل من ساعة واحدة، في هذه الحالة تغاضى عن الجرعة المنسية. أيضاً لا تأخذ جرعة مضاعفة للتعويض عن الجرعة المنسية.



شأنه شأن جميع الأدوية، فإن المرضى الذين يستعملون فامفير قد يتعرضون لحدوث آثار جانبية، غير أنها لا تحدث لجميع الأشخاص.


بعض الآثار الجانبية قد تكون خطيرة

معظم هذه الآثار الجانبية نادرة أو غير شائعة (تُصيب بين 1 إلى 100 من بين 10000 مريض):

●          بثور شديدة في الجلد و/أو الأغشية المخاطية للشفتين، العينين، الفم، المسالك الأنفية، أو الأعضاء التناسلية (علامات تدل على تفاعل جلدي خطير).

●          كدمات غير معروفة السبب، بقع تميل إلى اللون الأحمر أو الأرجواني على الجلد أو نزف من الأنف (علامات تدل على نقص عدد صفيحات الدم).

●          تورم تحت سطح الجلد (مثلاً تورم في الوجه، تورم حول العينين، تورم الجفون، تورم في الحلق).

●          بقع أرجوانية في الجلد، حكة، حُرقة (علامات تدل على التهاب الأوعية الدموية).

معدل تكرار الأعراض الجانبية التالية غير معروف (لا يمكن تقدير معدل التكرار من المعلومات المتوفرة):

●          تشنجات أو اختلاجات.

●          صعوبة في التنفس أو البلع، طفح، حكة، شرى، صفير عند التنفس أو كحة، الدوار، دوخة، تغير في معدلات الوعي، هبوط في الضغط، مع أو بدون حكة، احمرار الجلد، تورم في الوجه/الحلق، زرقة في الشفاه، اللسان أو الجلد (علامات لتفاعل تحسسي شديد).

إذا حدث لديك أي من هذه الأمور، أخبر طبيبك فوراً أو اذهب إلى قسم الطوارئ بأقرب مستشفى.


بعض الآثار الجانبية شائعة جداً

هذه الآثار الجانبية قد تُصيب أكثر من 1 من بين 10 مرضى.

●          صداع

إذا أصابك ذلك بدرجة شديدة، أخبر طبيبك.


بعض الآثار الجانبية شائعة

هذه الآثار الجانبية قد تُصيب بين 1 إلى 10 من كل 100 مريض.

●          دوخة

●          قيء

●          ألم بطني

●          إسهال

●          غثيان

●          خلل في نتائج اختبارات الوظيفة الكبدية

●          طفح

●          حكة

إذا حدثت لك إصابة شديدة بأي من هذه الأمور، أخبر طبيبك.





بعض الآثار الجانبية غير شائعة

هذه الآثار الجانبية قد تُصيب بين 1 إلى 10 من كل 1000 مريض.

●          تشويش (عادة في الأشخاص الأكبر سناً)

●          نعاس (عادة في الأشخاص الأكبر سناً)

●          طفح مصحوب بحكة (أرتيكاريا)

إذا حدثت لك إصابة شديدة بأي من هذه الأمور، أخبر طبيبك.


بعض الآثار الجانبية نادرة

هذه الآثار الجانبية قد تُصيب بين 1 إلى 10 من كل 10000 مريض.

●          هلاوس (إبصار أو سماع أشياء غير موجودة في الواقع)

●          اصفرار الجلد و/أو العينين (علامات تدل على اليرقان)

●          خفقان (علامات تدل على خلل في النبض القلبي)

إذا حدثت لك إصابة شديدة بأي من هذه الأمور، أخبر طبيبك.

إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبية أخرى غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة، برجاء أن تخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي.



●          لا تستعمل الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على العلبة. تاريخ الانتهاء يعود إلى آخر يوم في من ذلك الشهر المذكور على العلبة.

●          لا تستعمل الدواء إذا كانت العبوة تالفة أو تظهر عليها علامات العبث.

●          يُحفَظ في درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن 30°م.

●          يُحفَظ في عبوته الأصلية.

●          خذ جميع الأقراص بالطريقة الموصوفة لك. إذا تبقى بعض من الدواء، لأي سبب، عليك بإعادته إلى الصيدلي.

يُحفظ بعيداً عن متناول ومرأى الأطفال.

●          المادة الفعالة في فامفير هي فامسيكلوفير.


الأقراص المغلَّفة 125 مجم و 250 مجم

·         المكونات الأخرى هي لاكتوز لامائي، صوديوم نشا جلايكولات، هيدروكسي بروبيل سيليلوز، ستيارات ماغنسيوم. يتكون غلاف القرص من هيبروميلوز/ هيدروكسي بروبيل ميثيل- سيليلوز، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم (CI 77891, E171)، بولي إيثيلين جلايكول/ ماكروجول.

يتوافر فامفير في شكل أقراص مغلَّفة.


أقراص مغلَّفة 125 مجم و 250 مجم

أقراص مغلَّفة، بيضاء، مستديرة، ثنائية التحدب، مع أو بدون حواف مشطوفة (خاصة بالبلد)، منقوش على أحد جانبيها العلامة "FAMVIR" أو "FV" وعلى الجانب الآخر العلامة  125 أو 250.


مالك حق التسويق لهذا المنتج هي شركة نوفارتس فارما إيه جي.


أبريل 2016
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Famvir® 125 mg film-coated tablets

Each film-coated tablet contains 125 mg of famciclovir. Excipient with known effects: Each film-coated tablet contains 26.85 mg of lactose, anhydrous. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Film-coated tablet White, round film-coated tablet, biconvex, bevelled edges, debossed with “FV” on one side and “125” on the reverse side.

Varicella zoster virus (VZV) infections – herpes zoster

Famvir is indicated for

-               the treatment of herpes zoster and ophthalmic zoster in immunocompetent adults (see section 4.4)

-               the treatment of herpes zoster in immunocompromised adults (see section 4.4)


Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections – genital herpes

Famvir is indicated for

-               the treatment of first and recurrent episodes of genital herpes in immunocompetent adults

-               the treatment of recurrent episodes of genital herpes in immunocompromised adults

-               the suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent and immunocompromised adults


Clinical studies have not been conducted in HSV-infected patients immunocompromised for other causes than HIV-infection (see section 5.1)

Herpes zoster and ophthalmic zoster in immunocompetent adults

500 mg three times daily for seven days.


Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after a diagnosis of herpes zoster or ophthalmic zoster.


Herpes zoster in immunocompromised adults

500 mg three times daily for ten days.


Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after a diagnosis of herpes zoster.

Genital herpes in immunocompetent adults

First episode of genital herpes: 250 mg three times daily for five days. Initiation of treatment is recommended as soon as possible after a diagnosis of first episode of genital herpes.


Episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes: 125 mg twice daily for five days. Initiation of treatment is recommended as soon as possible after onset of prodromal symptoms (e.g. tingling, itching, burning, pain) or lesions.


Recurrent genital herpes in immunocompromised adults

Episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes: 500 mg twice daily for seven days. Initiation of treatment is recommended as soon as possible after onset of prodromal symptoms (e.g. tingling, itching, burning, pain) or lesions.


Suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent adults

250 mg twice daily. Suppressive therapy should be discontinued after a maximum of 12 months of continuous antiviral therapy to reassess recurrence frequency and severity. The minimum period of reassessment should include two recurrences. Patients who continue to have significant disease may restart suppressive therapy.


Suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompromised adults

500 mg twice daily.


Patients with renal impairment

Because reduced clearance of penciclovir is related to reduced renal function, as measured by creatinine clearance, special attention should be given to doses in patients with impaired renal function. Dose recommendations for adult patients with renal impairment are provided in Table 1.

Table 1   Dose recommendations for adult patients with renal impairment


Indication and nominal dose regimen

Creatinine clearance

Adjusted dose regimen

Herpes zoster in immunocompetent adults



500 mg three times daily for 7 days

³ 60

500 mg three times daily for 7 days


40 to 59

500 mg twice daily for 7 days


20 to 39

500 mg once daily for 7 days


< 20

250 mg once daily for 7 days


Haemodialysis patients

250 mg following each dialysis during 7 days

Herpes zoster in immunocompromised adults



500 mg three times daily for 10 days

³ 60

500 mg three times daily for 10 days


40 to 59

500 mg twice daily for 10 days


20 to 39

500 mg once daily for 10 days


< 20

250 mg once daily for 10 days


Haemodialysis patients

250 mg following each dialysis during 10 days


Genital herpes in immunocompetent adults – first episode of genital herpes



250 mg three times daily for 5 days

³ 40

250 mg three times daily for 5 days


20 to 39

250 mg twice daily for 5 days


< 20

250 mg once daily for 5 days


Haemodialysis patients

250 mg following each dialysis during 5 days

Genital herpes in immunocompetent adults – episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes



125 mg twice daily for 5 days

³ 20

125 mg twice daily for 5 days


< 20

125 mg once daily for 5 days


Haemodialysis patients

125 mg following each dialysis during 5 days

Genital herpes in immunocompromised adults – episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes



500 mg twice daily for 7 days

³ 40

500 mg twice daily for 7 days


20 to 39

500 mg once daily for 7 days


< 20

250 mg once daily for 7 days


Haemodialysis patients

250 mg following each dialysis during 7 days


Suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent adults



250 mg twice daily

³ 40

250 mg twice daily


20 to 39

125 mg twice daily


< 20

125 mg once daily


Haemodialysis patients

125 mg following each dialysis

Suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompromised adults



500 mg twice daily

³ 40

500 mg twice daily


20 to 39

500 mg once daily


< 20

250 mg once daily


Haemodialysis patients

250 mg following each dialysis


Patients with renal impairment on haemodialysis

Since 4 h haemodialysis resulted in up to 75% reduction in plasma penciclovir concentrations, famciclovir should be administered immediately following dialysis. The recommended dose regimens for haemodialysis patients are included in Table 1.


Patients with hepatic impairment

No dose adjustment is required in patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment. No data are available for patients with severe hepatic impairment (see sections 4.4 and 5.2).


Older people (≥ 65 years)

Dose modification is not required unless renal function is impaired.


Paediatric population:

The safety and efficacy of famciclovir in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years have not been established. Currently available data are described in sections 5.1 and 5.2.


Method of administration

Famvir can be taken without regard to meals (see section 5.2).

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Hypersensitivity to penciclovir.

Use in patients with renal impairment

In patients with impaired renal function dose adjustment is necessary (see sections 4.2 and 4.9).


Use in patients with hepatic impairment

Famciclovir has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment. Conversion of famciclovir to its active metabolite penciclovir may be impaired in these patients resulting in lower penciclovir plasma concentrations, and thus a decrease of efficacy of famciclovir may occur.


Use for zoster treatment

Clinical response should be closely monitored, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Consideration should be given to intravenous antiviral therapy when response to oral therapy is considered insufficient.


Patients with complicated herpes zoster, i.e. those with visceral involvement, disseminated zoster, motor neuropathies, encephalitis and cerebrovascular complications should be treated with intravenous antiviral therapy.

Moreover, immunocompromised patients with ophthalmic zoster or those with a high risk for disease dissemination and visceral organ involvement should be treated with intravenous antiviral therapy.


Transmission of genital herpes

Patients should be advised to avoid intercourse when symptoms are present even if treatment with an antiviral has been initiated. During suppressive treatment with antiviral agents, the frequency of viral shedding is significantly reduced. However, transmission is still possible. Therefore, in addition to therapy with famciclovir, it is recommended that patients use safer sex practices.



Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicinal product.

Effects of other medicinal products on famciclovir

No clinically significant interactions have been identified.


Concurrent use of probenecid may result in increased plasma concentrations of penciclovir, the active metabolite of famciclovir, by competing for elimination.


Therefore, patients receiving famciclovir at a dose of 500 mg three times daily co-administered with probenecid, should be monitored for toxicity. If patients experience severe dizziness, somnolence, confusion or other central nervous system disturbances, a dose reduction of famciclovir to 250 mg three times daily may be considered.


Famciclovir needs aldehyde oxidase to be converted into penciclovir, its active metabolite. Raloxifen has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of this enzyme in vitro. Co-administration of raloxifene could affect the formation of penciclovir and thus the efficacy of famciclovir. When raloxifen is co-administered with famciclovir the clinical efficacy of the antiviral therapy should be monitored.

Women of child-bearing potential

There are no data supporting any special recommendations in women of child-bearing potential.

Patients with genital herpes should be advised to avoid intercourse when symptoms are present

even if treatment has been initiated. It is recommended that patients use safer sex practice (see

section 4.4).



There is a limited amount of data (less than 300 pregnancy outcomes) from the use of famciclovir in pregnant women. Based on these limited amounts of information, the cumulative analysis of both prospective and retrospective pregnancy cases did not provide evidence indicating that the product causes any specific foetal defect or congenital anomaly. Animal studies have not shown any embryotoxic or teratogenic effects with famciclovir or penciclovir (the active metabolite of famciclovir). Famciclovir should only be used during pregnancy when the potential benefits of treatment outweigh the potential risks.



It is unknown whether famciclovir is excreted in human breast milk. Animal studies have shown excretion of penciclovir in breast milk. If the woman’s condition mandates treatment with famciclovir, discontinuation of breast-feeding may be considered.



Clinical data do not indicate an impact of famciclovir on male fertility following long-term treatment at an oral dose of 250 mg twice daily (see section 5.3).

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. However, patients who experience dizziness, somnolence, confusion or other central nervous system disturbances while taking Famvir should refrain from driving or operating machinery.

Headache and nausea have been reported in clinical studies. These were generally mild or moderate in nature and occurred at a similar incidence in patients receiving placebo treatment. All other adverse reactions were added during postmarketing.


          The pooled global placebo or active controlled clinical trials (n=2326 for Famvir arm) were retrospectively reviewed to obtain a frequency category for all adverse reactions mentioned below. The following table specifies the estimated frequency of adverse reactions based on all the spontaneous reports and literature cases that have been reported for Famvir since its introduction to the market.


          Adverse reactions (Table 2) are ranked under headings of frequency, using the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from available data).


          Table 2   Adverse reactions from clinical trials and post-marketing spontaneous reports


Blood and lymphatic system disorders




Psychiatric disorders



Confusional state (predominantly in older people).




Nervous system disorders


Very common:







Somnolence (predominantly in older people).

Cardiac disorders

           Rare:                           Palpitations.

Gastrointestinal disorders



Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea.

Hepatobiliary disorders



Abnormal liver function tests.



Cholestatic jaundice.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders



Rash, pruritus.



Angioedema (e.g. face oedema, eyelid oedema, periorbital oedema, pharyngeal oedema), urticaria.


Not known:

Serious skin reactions (e.g. erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis), leukocytoclastic vasculitis.


          Overall, adverse reactions reported from clinical studies with immunocompromised patients were similar to those reported in the immunocompetent population. Nausea, vomiting and abnormal liver function tests were reported more frequently, especially at higher doses.


To report any side effect(s):

·         Saudi Arabia

-          Saudi Food and Drug Authority National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC):

o Fax: +966112057662

o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2340.

o Toll free phone: 8002490000

o SFDA call center: 19999

o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa


-          Patient Safety Department Novartis Consulting AG - Saudi Arabia:


o Toll Free Number: 8001240078

o Phone: +966112658100

o Fax: +966112658107

o Email: adverse.events@novartis.com


•    Other GCC States:

-  Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Overdose experience with famciclovir is limited. In the event of an overdose supportive and symptomatic therapy should be given as appropriate. Acute renal failure has been reported rarely in patients with underlying renal disease where the famciclovir dose has not been appropriately reduced for the level of renal function. Penciclovir is dialysable; plasma concentrations are reduced by approximately 75% following 4 h haemodialysis.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Nucleosides and nucleotides excluding reverse transcriptase inhibitors, ATC code: J05AB09


Mechanism of action

Famciclovir is the oral prodrug of penciclovir. Famciclovir is rapidly converted in vivo into penciclovir, which has in vitro activity against herpes simplex viruses (HSV types 1 and 2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus.


The antiviral effect of orally administered famciclovir has been demonstrated in several animal models: this effect is due to in vivo conversion to penciclovir. In virus-infected cells the viral thymidine kinase (TK) phosphorylates penciclovir to a monophosphate form that, in turn, is converted to penciclovir triphosphate by cellular kinases. This triphosphate inhibits viral DNA chain elongation by competitive inhibition with deoxyguanosine triphosphate for incorporation into the growing viral DNA, thus halting virus replication of viral DNA. Penciclovir triphosphate has an intracellular half-life of 10 hours in HSV-1-, 20 hours in HSV-2- and 7 hours in VZV-infected cells grown in culture. In uninfected cells treated with penciclovir, concentrations of penciclovir-triphosphate are only barely detectable. Hence the probability of toxicity to mammalian host cells is low and uninfected cells are unlikely to be affected by therapeutic concentrations of penciclovir.



Like aciclovir, penciclovir resistance is associated with mutations principally in the thymidine kinase (TK) gene resulting in deficiency or altered substrate specificity of this enzyme, and to a much lesser extent in the DNA polymerase gene. Most aciclovir-resistant HSV and VZV clinical isolates are also resistant to penciclovir, but cross-resistance is not universal.


Results from 11 worldwide clinical studies involving penciclovir (topical or intravenous formulations) or famciclovir in immunocompetent or immunocompromised patients, including studies of up to 12 months treatment with famciclovir, have shown a small overall frequency of penciclovir resistant isolates: 0.2% (2/913) in immunocompetent patients and 2.1% (6/288) in immunocompromised patients. The resistant isolates were mostly found at the start of treatment or in a placebo group, with resistance occurring on or after treatment with famciclovir or penciclovir only in two immunocompromised patients.


Clinical efficacy

In placebo-controlled and active-controlled studies both in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients with uncomplicated herpes zoster, famciclovir was effective in the resolution of lesions. In an active-controlled clinical study, famciclovir was shown to be effective in the treatment of ophthalmic zoster in immunocompetent patients.


Efficacy of famciclovir in immunocompetent patients with first episode of genital herpes was shown in three active-controlled studies. Two placebo-controlled studies in immunocompetent patients and one-active controlled study in HIV-infected patients with recurrent genital herpes showed that famciclovir was effective.


Two placebo-controlled 12-month studies in immunocompetent patients with recurrent genital herpes showed that famciclovir-treated patients had a significant reduction of recurrences as compared to placebo-treated patients. Placebo-controlled and uncontrolled studies of up to 16 weeks duration showed that famciclovir was effective in the suppression of recurrent genital herpes in HIV-infected patients; the placebo-controlled study showed that famciclovir significantly decreased the proportion of days of both symptomatic and asymptomatic HSV shedding.


Paediatric population

Famciclovir experimental oral granules were evaluated in 169 paediatric patients 1 month to ≤12 years of age. One hundred of these patients were 1 to ≤12 years of age and were treated with famciclovir oral granules (doses ranged from 150 mg to 500 mg) either twice (47 patients with herpes simplex virus infections) or three times (53 patients with chickenpox) daily for 7 days. The remaining 69 patients (18 patients 1 to ≤12 months, 51 patients 1 to ≤12 years) participated in single-dose pharmacokinetic and safety studies using famciclovir oral granules (doses ranged from 25 mg to 500 mg). Famciclovir weight-based doses were selected to provide penciclovir systemic exposures similar to the penciclovir systemic exposures observed in adults after administration of 500 mg famciclovir. None of these studies comprised a control group; therefore a conclusion on the efficacy of the investigated regimens is not possible. The safety profile was similar to that seen in adults. However, systemic drug exposure in infants < 6 months of age was low, thus precluding any assessment of famciclovir’s safety in this age group.

General characteristics



Famciclovir is the oral prodrug of the antivirally active compound penciclovir. Following oral administration, famciclovir is rapidly and extensively absorbed and converted to penciclovir. Bioavailability of penciclovir after oral administration of famciclovir was 77%. Mean peak plasma concentration of penciclovir, following a 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 750 mg oral dose of famciclovir, was 0.8 microgram/ml, 1.6 micrograms/ml, 3.3 micrograms/ml and 5.1 micrograms/ml, respectively, and occurred at a median time of 45 minutes post-dose.


Plasma concentration-time curves of penciclovir are similar following single and repeat (t.i.d. and b.i.d.) dosing, indicating that there is no accumulation of penciclovir on repeated dosing with famciclovir.


The extent of systemic availability (AUC) of penciclovir from oral famciclovir is unaffected by food.



Penciclovir and its 6-deoxy precursor are poorly (< 20%) bound to plasma proteins.


Metabolism and elimination

Famciclovir is eliminated principally as penciclovir and its 6-deoxy precursor, which are excreted in urine. No unchanged famciclovir has been detected in urine. Tubular secretion contributes to the renal elimination of penciclovir.


The terminal plasma half-life of penciclovir after both single and repeat dosing with famciclovir was approximately 2 hours.


Evidence from preclinical studies has shown no potential for induction of cytochrome P450 enzymes and inhibition of CYP3A4.


Characteristics in special populations

Patients with herpes zoster infection

Uncomplicated herpes zoster infection does not significantly alter the pharmacokinetics of penciclovir measured after the oral administration of famciclovir. The terminal plasma half-life of penciclovir in patients with herpes zoster was 2.8 h and 2.7 h, respectively, after single and repeated dosing of famciclovir.


Subjects with renal impairment

The apparent plasma clearance, renal clearance, and plasma elimination rate constant of penciclovir decreased linearly with reductions in renal function, both after single and repeated dosing. Dose adjustment is necessary in patients with renal impairment (see section 4.2).


Subjects with hepatic impairment

Mild and moderate hepatic impairment had no effect on the extent of systemic availability of penciclovir following oral administration of famciclovir. No dose adjustment is recommended for patients with mild and moderate hepatic impairment (see sections 4.2 and 4.4). The pharmacokinetics of penciclovir have not been evaluated in patients with severe hepatic impairment. Conversion of famciclovir to the active metabolite penciclovir may be impaired in these patients resulting in lower penciclovir plasma concentrations, and thus possibly a decrease of efficacy of famciclovir.


Paediatric population

Repeated oral dosing of famciclovir (250 or 500 mg three times daily) to paediatric patients (6-11 years) infected with hepatitis B did not have a notable effect on the pharmacokinetics of penciclovir compared to single dose data. There was no accumulation of penciclovir.  In children (1-12 years) with herpes simplex virus infection or chickenpox given single oral doses of famciclovir (see section 5.1), the apparent clearance of penciclovir increased with body weight in a nonlinear manner. The plasma elimination half-life of penciclovir tended to decrease with decreasing age, from an average of 1.6 hours in the patients aged 6-12 years to 1.2 hours in patients aged 1-<2 years.


Older people (≥ 65 years)

Based on cross-study comparisons, the mean penciclovir AUC was about 30% higher and penciclovir renal clearance about 20% lower after oral administration of famciclovir in older volunteers (65‑79 years) compared to younger volunteers. Partly this difference may be due to differences in renal function between the two age groups. No dose adjustment based on age is recommended unless renal function is impaired (see section 4.2).



Small differences in renal clearance of penciclovir between females and males have been reported and were attributed to gender differences in renal function. No dose adjustment based on gender is recommended.


General toxicity

Studies on safety pharmacology and repeated dose toxicity reveal no special hazard for humans.



Famciclovir was not found to be genotoxic in a comprehensive battery of in vivo and in vitro tests designed to detect gene mutation, chromosomal damage and repairable damage to DNA. Penciclovir, in common with other substances of this class, has been shown to cause mutations/chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes and in the L5178Y mouse lymphoma assay at concentrations at least 25-fold to 100-fold, respectively higher than the maximum concentration reached in human plasma after a single oral famciclovir dose of 1500 mg. Penciclovir was negative in the bacterial Ames test and there was no evidence of increased DNA repair in vitro.

Penciclovir caused an increased incidence of micronuclei in mouse bone marrow in vivo when administered intravenously at doses highly toxic to bone marrow (≥ 500 mg/kg corresponding to ≥ 810 times the maximum human dose based on body surface area conversion).



At high doses in female rats, there was an increased incidence of mammary adenocarcinoma, a tumour commonly observed in the strain of rats used in the carcinogenicity study. There was no effect on the incidence of neoplasia in male rats treated at doses up to 240 mg/kg/day (corresponding to a 38.4 mg/kg human equivalent dose or 1.3-fold of the highest recommended total daily dose of 1500 mg famciclovir or a patient of 50 kg body weight) or in mice of either sex at doses up to 600 mg/kg/day (corresponding to a 48 mg/kg human equivalent dose or 1.6-fold of the highest recommended total daily dose).


Reproductive toxicity

Impaired fertility (including histopathological changes in the testis, altered sperm morphology, reduced sperm concentration and motility, and reduced fertility) was observed in male rats after 10 weeks of dosing at 500 mg/kg/day (corresponding to a 80 mg/kg human equivalent dose or 2.7-fold of the highest recommended total daily dose). Furthermore, testicular toxicity was noted in the general toxicity studies. This finding was reversible and has also been observed with other substances of this class. Animal studies did not indicate any negative effect on female fertility at doses up to 1000 mg/kg/day (corresponding to a 160 mg/kg human equivalent dose or 5.3-fold of the highest recommended total daily dose).


Embryofetal development studies showed no evidence of adverse effects at oral doses of famciclovir and intravenous doses of penciclovir corresponding to 0.7- to 5.3- fold of the highest recommended total daily dose of famciclovir.


Tablet core: Lactose, anhydrous

                      Sodium starch glycolate (Type A)

                      Hydroxypropyl cellulose

                      Magnesium stearate


Tablet coat: Hypromellose

                      Titanium dioxide (E171)

                      Macrogol 4000

                      Macrogol 6000

Not applicable.

2 years.

Do not store above 30ºC.  Store in the original package in order to protect from  moisture.

Famvir is supplied in PVC/PVdC/Aluminium blister packs containing 10 tablets.

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

The Marketing Authorization Holder for this Product is Novartis Pharma AG. www.Novartis.com


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