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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

AZERA® 100 (Acetylsalicylic acid) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which possesses analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
It inhibits the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, which results in the direct inhibition of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes from arachidonic
Acetylsalicylic acid also inhibits platelet aggregation.
AZERA® 100 is indicated for the relief of:
- Mild to moderate pain.
- Fever.

- Known hypersensitivity to Acetylsalicylic acid and to salicylates.
- Stomach and duodenal ulcers.
- Pathologically increased tendency to bleed.
• The patient may only take Acetylsalicylic acid with particular caution (i.e. with longer intervals between doses or at a reduced dose) and under medical
supervision in the presence of:
- Hypersensitivity to other analgesic, anti-inflammatory or anti-rheumatic drugs or the presence of other allergies.
- Simultaneous treatment with anticoagulants (e.g. coumarin derivatives or heparin (except low-dose heparin therapy)).
- Bronchial asthma.
- Chronic or recurring gastric or duodenal ulcers.
- Previous kidney damage.
- Severe liver function disturbances.
• Owing to the possibility of Reyes syndrome, Acetylsalicylic acid should be used only on the doctor’s advice and then only if other measures have proved ineffective in children and adolescents with febrile diseases. Persistent
vomiting in these conditions can be a sign of Reyes syndrome, a very rare but potentially fatal illness, which requires immediate medical treatment.
• Acetylsalicylic acid should not be used for a prolonged period or in high doses without consulting the doctor or dentist.
• Patients who suffer from asthma, hay fever, swelling of the nasal mucosa (nasal polyps), or chronic respiratory tract infections (especially when combined
with hay-fever-like symptoms) and patients known to be hypersensitive
to analgesics and anti-rheumatics of any kind run the risk of asthma attacks when using Acetylsalicylic acid (so-called analgesics intolerance/analgesics
asthma). They should consult their doctor before taking the product. The same applies to patients who react hypersensitivity (allergically) to other substances, e.g. with skin reactions, itching, or nettle rash. If you are taking Acetylsalicylic acid, the doctor or dentist must be informed and consulted before any surgery.
• Prolonged improper use of analgesics at high doses may cause headaches which cannot be treated by increased doses of the drug.
• Very generally, prolonged use of analgesics, particularly combinations of several analgesically active ingredients, can lead to permanent kidney damage
with the risk of renal failure (analgesic nephropathy).

Effects on ability to drive and use machines:
No special precautions are necessary in driving, operating machinery and work of a precise and demanding nature.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:
Pregnancy category C (1st & 2nd trimester) / D (3rd trimester)
Pregnancy: If pregnancy is established during long-term use of Acetylsalicylic
acid a doctor must be consulted. During the first and second trimester, Acetylsalicylic acid should only be taken after consultation with the doctor.
Acetylsalicylic acid must not be used in the last three months of pregnancy because of the increased risk of complications for mother and infant at birth.
Lactation: The active ingredient Acetylsalicylic acid and its degradation products
pass in small quantities into breast milk. Since no side effects on the infant have been observed, interruption of breastfeeding is usually unnecessary
in the case of short-term use at the recommended dose for pain relief or fever. However, in individual cases where longer-term use or higher doses (more than 3 tablets per day) have been prescribed, early weaning should be considered.

Drug interaction:
Acetylsalicylic acid should not be taken with any of the below-mentioned drugs unless it has been expressly prescribed by the doctor.
• The following have intensified action with Acetylsalicylic acid:
- The action of anticoagulants (e.g. coumarin derivatives and heparin).
- The risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage during concomitant treatment with drugs containing Cortisone or substances similar to Cortisone or on simultaneous consumption of Alcohol.
- The action of certain hypoglycemic drugs (sulfonylureas).
- The desirable and undesirable effects of Methotrexate.
- The plasma concentrations of Digoxin, barbiturates and Lithium.
- The desirable and undesirable effects of a specific group of analgesics and anti-rheumatics non steroidal analgesics anti-inflammatories; the effect of certain antibiotics sulfonamides and sulfonamide combinations (e.g. Sulfamethoxazole / Trimethoprim).
- The action of Triiodothyronine, a drug for the treatment of thyropenia.

• Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the effects of the following:
- Certain drugs which increase urinary output (so-called aldosterone antagonists and loop diuretics),
- Drugs which reduce blood pressure,
- Drugs used in gout treatment which promote excretion of uric acid (e.g. Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone).
• Whilst taking Acetylsalicylic acid, Alcohol should be avoided as far as possible.

Dosage and administration:
AZERA® 100 tablets should be taken whole with plenty of liquid and not on an empty stomach.
Unless otherwise prescribed, infants and children should take the following:
Age                        Single dose
½ - 1 year              ½ - 1 tablet
1 - 3 years               1 tablet
4 - 6 years              2 tablets
7 - 9 years               3 tablets
The single dose may, if required, be taken up to 3 times daily at intervals of 4 - 8 hours between doses.
Formulations with a higher active ingredient content are recommended for older children.
- In patients with liver or kidney function disturbances the dose must be reduced or the interval between doses increased.
- To treat pain and fever, do not take Acetylsalicylic acid for longer than 3 - 4 days without the doctors or dentists advice.

Common side effects are gastrointestinal complaints such as stomach pain and minor losses of blood from the gastrointestinal system (micro-hemorrhages).
Occasionally, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur.
In rare cases gastric bleeding and gastric ulcers and, mainly in asthmatic patients, hypersensitivity reactions (attacks of difficult breathing, skin reactions) occur.
Liver and kidney function disturbances, lowering of blood glucose (hypoglycemia), and particularly severe skin reactions (right through to erythema multiform) have been described in isolated cases.
Even at low doses, Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the excretion of uric acid, and this can trigger gout in predisposed patients.
Central nervous system disturbances such as headaches, dizziness, vomiting,
tinnitus, visual disturbances, drowsiness and anemia due to Iron deficiency (Iron deficiency anemia) may occur with prolonged or chronic use.
In exceptional cases anemia due to occult gastrointestinal blood losses can develop alter long-term use of Acetylsalicylic acid.
If the patient notices the above-mentioned side effects, Acetylsalicylic acid should no longer be taken and he should inform the doctor so that he can determine the severity and decide upon the further course of action.
At the first sign of hypersensitivity reaction Acetylsalicylic acid must not longer be taken.
On passage of black stools (tarry stools, a sign of severe gastric bleeding) the doctor must be informed immediately.
Dizziness and tinnitus may appear as symptoms of serious intoxication, especially
in children and elderly patients.
If an overdose with Acetylsalicylic acid is suspected please inform your doctor,
in accordance with the degree of intoxication, he can decide upon the further course of action.

Store up to 30º C.

AZERA® 100: Each enteric coated tablet contains Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg in jars of 90 tablets.

AZERA® 100: Each enteric coated tablet contains Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg in jars of 90 tablets.

The United Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box 69 Amman 11591, Jordan

Dec., 2014 M3-14-0775
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)


أزيرا ١٠٠ (حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك) هو دواء لا سيترويدي مضاد للالتهاب له خواص مسكنة، مضادة للالتهاب وخافضة للحرارة. تعمل على تثبيط إنزيم سايكلو أوكسجينيز مما يؤدي إلى تثبيط مباشر لتخليق البروستاجلاندينز وثرومبوكسان من حمض أراكيدونيك.

يمنع حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك أيضا تجلط الصفيحات الدموية.

دواعي الاستعمال:

يوصف أزيرا ١٠٠ لعلاج:

- الألم الخفيف والمتوسط.

- الحمى

موائع الاستعمال:

-فرط الحساسية المعروف لحامض أسيتايل ساليساليك ومجموعة الساليسالات.

- قرحة المعدة والأثني عشر.

- وجود استعداد مرضي للإصابة بالنزيف الدموي.

محاذير الاستعمال:

·        يمكن أن يتناول المريض حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك بحذر شديد (مثلا بزيادة الفترة بين الجرعات أو بجرعة مخفضة) وتحت المراقبة الطبية بوجود:

- فرط الحساسية للأدوية المسكنة الأخرى، الأدوية المضادة للالتهاب أو الأدوية المضادة للروماتيزم أو بوجود أنواع أخرى من التحسس.

- العلاج المتزامن مع مضادات التخثر (مثل مشتقات الكيومارين أو الهيبارين (ما عدا المعالجة باستعمال جرعة مخفضة من الهيبارين).

- الربو القصبي.

- القرحة المزمنة أو معاودة الاصابة بقرحة المعدة أو الاثني عشر.

- تلف في الكلى سابق.

- اختلالات شديدة في وظائف الكبد.

·        لا يجب إعطاء حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك للأطفال والمراهقين لعلاج الأمراض الحمية إلا بعد استشارة الطبيب وفقط إذا أثبتت مقاييس العلاج الأخرى عدم فاعليتها وذلك بسبب احتمالية الإصابة بمتلازمة رايز. إن القيء المستمر في هذه الحالات قد يكون من أعراض متلازمة رايز، والذي يعتبر مرض نادر ولكنه خطير، والذي يتطلب العلاج الطبي الفوري.

·          يجب عدم تناول حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك لفترة طويلة أو بجرعات كبيرة بدون استشارة الطبيب أو طبيب الأسنان.  

·         إن المرضى الذين يعانون من الربو، حمى القش، تضخم أغشية الأنف المخاطية (السليلة الأنفية)، إنتانات المجاري التنفسية المزمنة (خاصة إذا كانت مترافقة مع أعراض شبيهه بأعراض حمى القش) والمرضى المعروف عنهم أنهم يعانون من حساسية مفرطة للمسكنات والأدوية المضادة للروماتيزم من أي نوع معرضين لاحتمالية الإصابة حدوث نوبات ربو عند استعمال حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك (ما يسمى بعدم احتمال المسكنات/ ربو المسكنات). يجب على هؤلاء المرضى استشارة الطبيب قبل استعمال المستحضر. ينطبق ذلك أيضاً على المرضى الذين يظهرون أعراض فرط الحساسية مثل التفاعلات الجلدية، حكة، أو الشرى الاحتكاكي.

إذا كنت تأخذ حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك، يجب إبلاغ واستشارة الطبيب أو طبيب الأسنان قبل أي عملية جراحية.

·        الاستخدام غير السليم لفترات طويلة من المسكنات بجرعات عالية قد يسبب الصداع والتي لا يمكن علاجها بواسطة جرعات متزايدة من الدواء.

·        عموما جدا، الاستعمال لفترة طويلة من المسكنات. وبخاصة تركيبات العديد من المكونات الفعالة المسكنة، يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تلف الكلى الدائم مع خطر الفشل الكلوي (اعتلال الكلية بسبب المسكن).

التأثير على القدرة على القيادة واستعمال الآلات:

لا توجد احتياطات خاصة ضرورية عند قياده السيارات، وتشغيل الآلات والعمل ذو الطبيعة الدقيقة.

الاستعمال خلال فترتي الحمل والإرضاع:

فئة الحمل C (الثلثين الأول والثاني) / D (الثلث الثالث) 

الحمل: إذا تم الحمل أثناء استخدام حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك على المدى الطويل يجب استشارة الطبيب. خلال الثلثين الأول والثاني، يجب فقط أن يؤخذ حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك بعد التشاور مع الطبيب. يجب ألا يستخدم حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك في الأشهر الثلاثة الأخيرة من الحمل بسبب زيادة خطر حدوث مضاعفات للأم والرضيع عند الولادة.

الرضاعة: المادة الفعالة حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك ومنتجات تحلله تمر بكميات قليلة في حليب الأم. لأن ليس له أثار جانبية قد لوحظت الرضع فإن انقطاع الرضاعة الطبيعية عادة لا يكون غير ضروري في حالة استخدامه على المدى القصير عند الجرعة الموصى بها لتخفيف الألم أو الحمى. ومع تلك في حالات فردية حيث يستخدم على المدى الطويل لو بجرعات أعلى (أكثر من 3حبات يوميا) قد تم وصفها، الفطام المبكر ينبغي أخذه بعين الاعتبار.

التداخلات الدوائية:

لا ينبغي أن يؤخذ حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك مع أي من الأدوية المذكورة أدناه إلا إذا تم وصفه صراحة من قبل الطبيب.

·        الأدوية التالية تتداخل بشكل كبير مع حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك:

- تأثير مضادات التخثر (مثل مشتقات الكومارين والهيبارين).

-خطر النزف الهضمي خلال فترة العلاج مع ما يصاحب ذلك الأدوية التي تحتوي على الكورتيزون أو مواد مشابهه للكورتيزون أو استهلاك الكحول في وقت واحد.

- وعمل بعض الأدوية التي تخفض سكر الدم (السلفونيل يوريا).

- التأثيرات المرغوبة وغير المرغوبة من الميثوتريكسيت.

- تركيزات البلازما الديجوكسين، الليثيوم والباربيتورات.

- التأثيرات المرغوبة وغير المرغوبة من مجموعة معينة من المسكنات والأدوية المضادة للالتهاب غير الستيرويدية المسكنات المضادة للالتهابات ومسكنات التهاب المفاصل. تأثير بعض المضادات الحيوية السلفوناميدات ومجموعات السلفوناميد (مثل: سلفاميثوكسازول/ ترايميثوبريم).

- تأثير ثلاثي يودو ثيرونين، وهو دواء لعلاج قلة الإفراز الدرقي.

·         حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك يقلل من آثار ما يلي:

- بعض الأدوية التي تزيد من كمية البول (ما يسمى مضادات الألدوستيرون ومدرات البول الإلتوائية)،

- الأدوية التي تقلل ضغط الدم،

- الأدوية المستخدمة في علاج النقرس التي تعزز إفراز حمض اليوريك (مثل البروبينسيد سلفينبيرازون).

- في حين أخذ حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك، الكحول يجب تجنبها قدر الإمكان.


الجرعات وطريقة الاستعمال:

يجب تناول أقراص أزيرا ١٠٠ كاملة مع الكثير من السوائل ولا تؤخذ على معدة فارغة. يحب على الأطفال تناول الجرعات التالية، إلا إذا وصفت بطريقة مختلفة:


الجرعة المفردة

1/2 -1 سنة

1/2-1 قرص

1-3 سنوات

قرص واحد

4-6 سنوات


7-9 سنوات

3 أقراص

ممكن تناول الجرعة المفردة، عند الحاجة، حتى 3 مرات يوميًا وعلى مدار 4 -8 ساعات بين الجرعات.

التوليفات ذات التراكيز الأعلى من المادة الفعالة هي مخصصة للأطفال الأكبر سنًا.


- يجب تقليل الجرعة أو زيادة الفترة بين الجرعات في المرضى الذين يعانون من اختلالات في وظائف الكبد أو الكلى.

- يجب عدم تناول حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك لفترة أطول من 3 -4 أيام بدون استشارة الطبيب أو طبيب الأسنان وذلك في حالة علاج الألم والحمى.

الأعراض الجانبية:

الأثار الجانبية الشائعة هي الشكاوى في الجهاز الهضمي مثل آلام في المعدة والخسائر الطفيفة من الدم من الجهاز الهضمي (نزيف صغير). في بعض الأحيان يحدث غثيان، تقيؤ وإسهال. في حالات نادرة نزيف في المعدة وقرحة المعدة، وبشكل رئيسي في مرضى الربو، تفاعلات فرط الحساسية (هجمات من صعوبة في التنفس، ردود فعل الجلد) تحدث.

الكبد واضطرابات وظائف الكلى، وتخفيض السكر في الدم (نقص سكر الدم)، وتفاعلات جلدية شديدة خاصة (من خلال الحمامي متعددة الأشكال) تم وصفه في حالات معزولة. حتى في الجرعات المنخفضة، وحامض أسيتايل ساليساليك يقلل من إفراز حمض البوليك، وهذا يمكن أن تؤدي إلى النقرس في المرضى الدين لديهم استعداد لذلك. اضطرابات الجهاز العصبي المركزي مثل الصداع والدوخة والقيء وطنين، واضطرابات بصرية، والنعاس وفقر الدم بسبب نقص الحديد (أنيميا نقص الحديد) قد تحدث مع الاستخدام المطول أو المزمن. في حالات استثنائية فقر الدم يسبب نزيف الدم الغامض من الجهاز الهضمي يمكن تطوير تغيير استخدام على المدى الطويل من حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك. إذا لاحظ المريض الآثار الجانبية المذكورة أعلاه، حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك لا ينبغي استخدامه ويجب إبلاغ الطبيب حتى يتمكن من تحديد مدى الخطورة وكيفية تفادي الأمر وعلاجه. عند ظهور أول رد فعل بسبب فرط حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك، لا يجب استخدامه يعدها. إذا ظهر براز أسود (براز قطراني، علامة على نزيف حاد في المعدة) يجب إبلاغ الطبيب فورا.

فرط الجرعة:

قد تظهر علامات فرط الجرعة مثل الشعور بدوخة أو طنين في الأذن خاصة عند الأطفال وكبار السن.

إذا كان هناك شك في فرط جرعة حامض أسيتايل |ساليساليك فإنه يجب إبلاغ الطبيب، الذي سيقرر المطلوب عمله اعتمادًا على حدة درجة التسمم.

يحفظ حتى درجة 30 م.

أزيرا ١٠٠: يحتوي كل قرص مغلف معويا على حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك 100 ملغم في عبوات سعة 90 قرصا.


أزيرا ١٠٠: يحتوي كل قرص مغلف معويا على حامض أسيتايل ساليساليك 100 ملغم في عبوات سعة 90 قرصا.


الشركة المتحدة لصناعة الأدوية ذ.م.م

ص.ب 69 عمان 11591 الأردن

Dec.2014 M3-14-0775
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

AZERA® 100mg E/C Tablets

Material Name Amount (mg) E/C Tablet Acetylsalicylic acid 101.00 mg Core inactive ingredient:- Maize starch 12.500 mg Lactose 27.000 mg Talc 9.375 mg Stearic Acid 0.125 mg Total 150.000 mg Coat: Polyvinyl acetate phthalate enteric coat ≈10.000mg Quinoline yellow (lake) ≈0.105mg For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Enteric Coated Tablets AZERA® 100mg E/C Tablets Description: 7mm Round biconvex yellow tablet with white core.

-        Secondary prevention of myocardial infarction.

-        Prevention of cardiovascular morbidity in patients suffering from stable angina pectoris.

-        History of unstable angina pectoris, except during the acute phase.

-        Prevention of graft occlusion after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG).

-        Coronary angioplasty, except during the acute phase.

-        Secondary prevention of transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) and ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), provided intracerebral haemorrhages have been ruled out.


AZERA® Tablets is not recommended in emergency situations. It is restricted to secondary prevention with chronic treatment.

Route of administration: Orally.

The tablets should be swallowed whole with sufficient fluid (1/2 glass of water). Due to the gastro resistant coating the tablets should not be crushed, broken or chewed because coating prevents irritant effects on the gut.

Dosage and Method of administration:

AZERA® 100 tablets should be taken whole with plenty of liquid and not on an empty stomach.

Unless otherwise prescribed, infants and children should take the following:



Single dose

½ - 1 year

½ - 1 tablet

1 - 3 years

1 tablet

4 - 6 years

2 tablets

7 - 9 years

3 tablets


The single dose may, if required, be taken up to 3 times daily at intervals of 4 - 8 hours between doses.

Formulations with a higher active ingredient content are recommended for older children.


-        In patients with liver or kidney function disturbances the dose must be reduced or the interval between doses increased.

-        To treat pain and fever, do not take Acetylsalicylic acid for longer than 3 - 4 days without the doctors or dentists advice.


In general, acetylsalicylic acids should be used with caution in elderly patients who are more prone to adverse events. The usual adult dose is recommended in the absence of severe renal or hepatic insufficiency. Treatment should be reviewed at regular intervals.

Paediatric population

Acetylsalicylic acid should not be administered to children and adolescents younger than 16 years, except on medical advice where the benefit outweighs the risk.

- Hypersensitivity to salicylic acid compounds or prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors (e.g. certain asthma patients who may suffer an attack or faint) and to any of the excipients; - Active, or history of recurrent peptic ulcer and/or gastric/intestinal haemorrhage, or other kinds of bleeding such as cerebrovascular haemorrhages; - Haemorrhagic diathesis; coagulation disorders such as haemophilia and thrombocytopenia; - Severe hepatic impairment; - Severe renal impairment; - Doses >100 mg/day during the third trimester of pregnancy; - Methotrexate used at doses >15mg/week.

AZERA® Tablets is not suitable for use as an anti-inflammatory/analgesic/antipyretic.

Recommended for use in adults and adolescents from 16 years of age. This medicinal product is not recommended for use in adolescents/children under 16 years unless the expected benefits outweigh the risks. Acetylsalicylic acid may be a contributory factor in the causation of Reye's Syndrome in some children.

There is an increased risk of haemorrhage particularly during or after operative procedures (even in cases of minor procedures, e.g. tooth extraction). Use with caution before surgery, including tooth extraction. Temporary discontinuation of treatment may be necessary.

AZERA®Tablets is not recommended during menorrhagia where it may increase menstrual bleeding.

AZERA®Tablets is to be used with caution in cases of hypertension and when patients have a past history of gastric or duodenal ulcer or haemorrhagic episodes or are undergoing therapy with anticoagulants.

Patients should report any unusual bleeding symptoms to their physician. If gastrointestinal bleeding or ulceration occurs the treatment should be withdrawn.

Acetylsalicylic acid should be used with caution in patients with moderately impaired renal or hepatic function (contraindicated if severe), or in patients who are dehydrated since the use of NSAIDs may result in deterioration of renal function. Liver function tests should be performed regularly in patients presenting slight or moderate hepatic insufficiency.

Acetylsalicylic acid may promote bronchospasm and asthma attacks or other hypersensitivity reactions. Risk factors are existing asthma, hay fever, nasal polyps or chronic respiratory diseases. The same applies for patients who also show allergic reaction to other substances (e.g. with skin reactions, itching or urticaria).

Serious skin reactions, including Steven-Johnsons syndrome, have rarely been reported in association with the use of acetylsalicylic acid. AZERA® Tablets should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash, mucosal lesions, or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

Elderly patients are particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of NSAIDs, including acetylsalicylic acid especially gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation which may be fatal. Where prolonged therapy is required, patients should be reviewed regularly.

Concomitant treatment with AZERA® Tablets and other drugs that alter haemostasis (i.e. anticoagulants such as warfarin, thrombolytic and antiplatelet agents, anti-inflammatory drugs and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) is not recommended, unless strictly indicated, because they may enhance the risk of haemorrhage. If the combination cannot be avoided, close observation for signs of bleeding is recommended.

Caution should be advised in patients receiving concomitant medications which could increase the risk of ulceration, such as oral corticosteroids, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and deferasirox.

Acetylsalicylic acid in low doses reduces uric acid excretion. Due to this fact, patients who tend to have reduced uric acid excretion may experience gout attacks.

The risk of hypoglycaemic effect with sulfonylureas and insulins may be potentiated with AZERA® Tablets taken at over dosage.


AZERA® contains lactose which is a type of sugar. Patients who cannot tolerate or digest some sugars (have intolerance to some sugars), should not take this medicine.


Contraindicated combinations

Methotrexate (used at doses >15 mg/week):

The combined drugs, methotrexate and acetylsalicylic acid, enhance haematological toxicity of methotrexate due to the decreased renal clearance of methotrexate by acetylsalicylic acid. Therefore, the concomitant use of methotrexate (at doses >15 mg/week) with AZERA® Tablets is contraindicated.

Not recommended combinations

Uricosuric agents, e.g. probenecid

Salicylates reverse the effect of probenecid. The combination should be avoided.

Combinations requiring precautions for use or to be taken into account

Anticoagulants e.g. coumarin, heparin, warfarin

Increased risk of bleeding due to inhibited thrombocyte function, injury of the duodenal mucosa and displacement of oral anticoagulants from their plasma protein binding sites. The bleeding time should be monitored.

Anti-platelet agents (e.g clopidogrel and dipyridamole) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs; such as sertraline or paroxetine)

Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Antidiabetics, e.g. sulphonylureas

Salicylics may increase the hypoglycaemic effect of sulphonylureas.

Digoxin and lithium

Acetylsalicylic acid impairs the renal excretion of digoxin and lithium, resulting in increased plasma concentrations. Monitoring of plasma concentrations of digoxin and lithium is recommended when initiating and terminating treatment with acetylsalicylic acid. Dose adjustment may be necessary

Diuretics and antihypertensives

NSAIDs may decrease the antihypertensive effects of diuretics and other antihypertensive agents. As for other NSAIDs concomitant administration with ACE-inhibitors increases the risk of acute renal insufficiency. 

Diuretics: Risk of acute renal failure due to the decreased glomerual filtration via decreased renal prostaglandin synthesis. Hydrating the patient and monitoring renal function at the start of the treatment is recommended.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide)

May result in severe acidosis and increased central nervous system toxicity

Systemic corticosteroids

The risk of gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding may be increased when acetylsalicylic acid and corticosteroids are co-administered.

Methotrexate (used at doses <15 mg/week):

The combined drugs, methotrexate and acetylsalicylic acid, may increase haematological toxicity of methotrexate due to decreased renal clearance of methotrexate by acetylsalicylic acid. Weekly blood count checks should be done during the first weeks of the combination. Enhanced monitoring should take place in the presence of even mildly impaired renal function, as well, as in elderly.

Other NSAIDs

Increased risk of ulcerations and gastrointestinal bleeding due to synergistic effects.


Experimental data suggest that ibuprofen may inhibit the effect of low dose acetylsalicylic acid on platelet aggregation when they are dosed concomitantly. However, the limitations of these data and the uncertainties regarding extrapolation of ex vivo data to the clinical situation imply that no firm conclusions can be made for regular ibuprofen use, and no clinically relevant effect is considered to be likely for occasional ibuprofen use.

Ciclosporin, tacrolimus

Concomitant use of NSAIDs and ciclosporin or tacrolimus may increase the nephrotoxic effect of ciclosporin and tacrolimus. The renal function should be monitored in case of concomitant use of these agents and acetylsalicylic acid.


Acetylsalicylic acid has been reported to decrease the binding of valproate to serum albumin, thereby increasing its free plasma concentrations at steady state.


Salicylate diminishes the binding of phenytoin to plasma albumin. This may lead to decreased total phenytoin levels in plasma, but increased free phenytoin fraction. The unbound concentration, and thereby the therapeutic effect, does not appear to be significantly altered.


Concomitant administration of alcohol and acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.


Low doses (up to 100 mg/day):

Doses up to 100 mg/day for restricted obstetrical use, which require specialised monitoring, appear safe.

Doses of 100- 500 mg/day:

There is insufficient clinical experience regarding the use of doses above 100 mg/day up to 500 mg/day. Therefore, the recommendations below for doses of 500 mg/day and above apply also for this dose range.

Doses of 500 mg/day and above:

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis may adversely affect the pregnancy and/or the embryo/foetal development. Increased risk of miscarriage and of cardiac malformation and gastroschisis after use of a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor in early pregnancy. The absolute risk for cardiovascular malformation was increased from less than 1%, up to approximately 1.5 %. The risk is believed to increase with dose and duration of therapy. In animals, administration of a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor has been shown to result in increased pre- and post-implantation loss and embryo-foetal lethality. In addition, increased incidences of various malformations, including cardiovascular, have been reported in animals given a prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor during the organogenetic period. During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, acetylsalicylic acid should not be given unless clearly necessary. If acetylsalicylic acid is used by a woman attempting to conceive, or during the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the dose should be kept as low and duration of treatment as short as possible.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, all prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors may expose

the foetus to:

-        Cardiopulmonary toxicity (with premature closure of the ductus arteriosus and pulmonary hypertension);

-        renal dysfunction, which may progress to renal failure with oligo-hydroamniosis;

-        the mother and the neonate, at the end of pregnancy, to:

-        Possible prolongation of bleeding time, an anti-aggregating effect which may occur even at very low doses.

-        Inhibition of uterine contractions resulting in delayed or prolonged labour.

-        Consequently, acetylsalicylic acid at doses of 100 mg/day and higher is contraindicated during the third trimester of pregnancy.


Low quantities of salicylates and of their metabolites are excreted into the breast milk. Since adverse effects for the infant have not been reported up to now, short-term use of the recommended dose does not require suspending lactation. In cases of long-term use and/or administration of higher doses, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.

Based on the pharmacodynamic properties and the side effects of acetylsalicylic acid, no influence on the reactivity and the ability to drive or use machines is expected.


Side effects are grouped on the basis of System Organ Class. Within each system organ class the frequencies are defined as: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000) and not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)

Blood and lymphatic system disorders


Increased bleeding tendencies.


Thrombocytopenia, granulocytosis, aplastic anaemia.

Not known:

Cases of bleeding with prolonged bleeding time such as epistaxis, gingival bleeding. Symptoms may persist for a period of 4–8 days after acetylsalicylic acid discontinuation. As a result there may be an increased risk of bleeding during surgical procedures.

Existing (haematemesis, melaena) or occult gastrointestinal bleeding, which may lead to iron deficiency anaemia (more common at higher doses).

Immune system disorders


Hypersensitivity reactions, angio-oedema, allergic oedema, anaphylactic reactions including shock.

Metabolism and digestive system disorders

Not known:


Nervous system disorders


Intracranial haemorrhage

Not known:

Headache, vertigo.

Ear and labyrinth disorders

Not known:

Reduced hearing ability; tinnitus.

Vascular disorders


Hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Rhinitis, dyspnoea.


Bronchospasm, asthma attacks.

Reproductive systemand mammary disorders

Rare: Menorrhagia

1.3.1 Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) Continued:


Gastrointestinal disorders




Severe gastrointestinal haemorrhage, nausea, vomiting.

Not known:

Gastric or duodenal ulcers and perforation.

Hepatobiliary disorders

Not known:

Hepatic insufficiency

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders




Steven-Johnsons syndrome, Lyells syndrome, purpura, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme.

Renal and urinary tract disorders

Not known: Impaired renal function

Although considerable inter-individual variations are involved, it can be considered that the toxic dose is about 200 mg/kg in adults and 100 mg/kg in children. The lethal dose of acetylsalicylic acid is 25-30 grams. Plasma salicylate concentrations above 300 mg/l indicate intoxication. Plasma concentrations above 500 mg/l in adults and 300 mg/l in children generally cause severe toxicity.

Overdose may be harmful for elderly patients and particularly for small children (therapeutic overdose or frequent accidental intoxications may be fatal).


Symptoms of moderate intoxications

Tinnitus, hearing disorders, headache, vertigo, confusion and gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain).

Symptoms of severe intoxications

Symptoms are related to severe disruption of the acid-base balance. In the first instance hyperventilation occurs, which results in respiratory alkalosis. Respiratory acidosis ensues due to suppression of the respiratory centre. In addition, metabolic acidosis occurs as a result of the presence of salicylate. Since younger children are often not seen until they have reached a late stage of intoxication, they are usually in the stage of acidosis.

Furthermore, the following symptoms may occur: hyperthermia and perspiration, resulting in dehydration: feelings of restlessness, convulsions, hallucinations and hypoglycaemia. Depression of the nervous system may lead to coma, cardiovascular collapse or respiratory arrest. 

Treatment of overdose

If a toxic dose has been ingested, hospital admission is required. In the event of moderate intoxication, inducing the patient to vomit should be attempted.

If this fails, gastric lavage may be attempted during the first hour after ingestion of a substantial amount of the medicine. Afterwards, administer activated carbon (adsorbent) and sodium sulphate (laxative).

Activated charcoal may be given as a single dose (50 g for an adult, 1 g/kg body weight for a child up to 12 years).

Alkalisation of the urine (250 mmol NaHCO3, for three hours) whilst checking urine pH levels.

In the event of severe intoxication, haemodialysis is to be preferred.

Other symptoms to be treated symptomatically.


Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antithrombotic agents: platelet aggregation inhibitors excl. heparin, ATC code: B01AC06.

Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits the platelet activation: blocking the platelet cyclooxygenase by acetylation, it inhibits thromboxane A2 synthesis, a physiological activating substance released by the platelets and which would play a role in the complications of the atheromatosic lesions.

Inhibition of TXA2-synthesis is irreversible, because thrombocytes, which have no nucleus, are not capable (due to lack of protein synthesis capability) to synthesise new cyclooxygenase, which had been acetylated by acetylsalicylic acid.

The repeated doses from 20 to 325 mg involve an inhibition of the enzymatic activity from 30 to 95%.

Due to the irreversible nature of the binding, the effect persists for the lifespan of a thrombocyte (7-10 days). The inhibiting effect does not exhaust during prolonged treatments and the enzymatic activity gradually begins again upon renewal of the platelets 24 to 48 hours after treatment interruption.

Acetylsalicylic acid extends bleeding time on average by approximately 50 to 100%, but individual variations can be observed.

Experimental data suggest that ibuprofen may inhibit the effect of low dose acetylsalicylic acid on platelet aggregation when they are dosed concomitantly.


After oral administration, acetylsalicylic acid is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The principal site of absorption is the proximal small intestine. However, a significant portion of the dosage is already hydrolysed to salicylic acid in the intestinal wall during the absorption process. The degree of hydrolysis is dependent on the rate of absorption.

After intake of AZERA® Tablets the maximum plasma levels of acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid are reached after about 5 hours and 6 hours, respectively, following administration in the fasted

state. If the tablets are taken with food, maximum plasma levels are reached approximately 3 hours later than in the fasted state.


Acetylsalicylic acid as well as the main metabolite salicylic acid, are extensively bound to plasma proteins, primarily albumin, and distributed rapidly into all parts of the body. The degree of protein binding of salicylic acid is strongly dependant of both the salicylic acid and albumin concentration. The volume of distribution of acetylsalicylic acid is ca. 0.16 l/kg of body weight. Salicylic acid slowly diffuses into the synovial fluid, crosses the placental barrier and passes into breast milk.


Acetylsalicylic acid is rapidly metabolised to salicylic acid, with a half-life of 15-30 minutes. Salicylic acid is subsequently predominantly converted into glycine and glucuronic acid conjugates, and traces of gentisic acid.

Elimination kinetics of salicylic acid is dose-dependent, because the metabolism is limited by liver enzyme capacity. Thus, elimination half-time varies and is 2-3 hours after low doses, 12 hours after usual analgetic doses and 15-30 hours after high therapeutic doses or intoxication.


Salicylic acid and its metabolites are predominantly excreted via the kidneys.

  Not applicable.

Ø  Maize starch

Ø  Lactose

Ø  Talc

Ø  Stearic Acid

Ø  Polyvinyl acetate phthalate enteric coat

Ø  Quinoline yellow (lake)

Not applicable.

2 Years

Store up to 30°C.

AZERA® 100mg E/C Tablets are packed in White P.P. Jars with white P.E. caps containing silica gel pillow then with an adhesive label and a Multi folded leaflet packed in cardboard cartons in pack size of 90 E/C Tablets.

Any unused product or waste should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

The United Pharmaceutical Mfg. Co Ltd. P.O. Box 69, Amman 11591-Jordan Tel: + 962 (6) 416 2901 Fax: + 962 (6) 416 2905 E-mail: Info@upm.com.jo

June, 2011

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