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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

The active substance in Replagal is agalsidase alfa (1 mg/ml).
Agalsidase alfa is a form of the human enzyme α-galactosidase.
It is produced by switching on the gene for α-galactosidase A in cells. The enzyme is then removed from the cells and made into a sterile concentrate for solution for infusion.
Replagal is used to treat Fabry Disease. It is used as enzyme replacement therapy when the level of enzyme in the body is lower than normal as in Fabry Disease.

Do not take Replagal
If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to agalsidase alfa or any of the other ingredients of Replagal.

Take special care with Replagal

If you notice any of these effects during or after an infusion you should tell your doctor immediately:

  • high fever, chills, sweating, fast heart rate
  • vomiting
  • light-headedness
  • hives, itching or rash
  • swelling in your hands, feet, ankles, face, lips, mouth or throat which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing
  • pain or tenderness in chest, muscles or joints.

Your doctor may stop the infusion temporarily (5 – 10 min) until the symptoms go away and then begin the infusion again.
Your doctor may also treat the symptoms with other medicines (antihistamines or corticosteroids).
Most of the time you can still be given Replagal even if these symptoms occur.
If you experience a severe allergic (anaphylactic-type) reaction, the administration of Replagal will be immediately discontinued and an appropriate treatment will have to be initiated by your doctor.
If treatment with Replagal makes your body produce antibodies this will not stop Replagal working and the antibodies may disappear with time.

Use in Children
There is limited clinical data in children 7-18 years old. No unexpected safety issues were encountered in the studies with Replagal in children 7-18 years of age. Following treatment with Replagal 0.2mg/kg every other week, changes in the clinical parameters of Fabry disease in children were similar to those seen in earlier adult Fabry patient studies.

Using other medicines
There is no known interaction of Replagal with other medicines.
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Taking Replagal with food and drink
Interactions with food or drink are unlikely.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Very limited clinical data on pregnancies exposed to Replagal (n=4) have shown no adverse effects on the mother and newborn child.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
Driving and using machines
You may drive and operate machinery whilst on Replagal.

Replagal has to be diluted in 9 mg/ml (0.9%) sodium chloride solution before use. After dilution Replagal is given in a vein.
This will usually be in your arm.
The usual dose is an infusion of 0.2 mg for every kg you weigh. This would be about 14 mg or 4 vials (glass bottles) of Replagal for an average size (70 kg) individual. The infusion will be given every two weeks.
Each time you are treated it will take 40 minutes for Replagal to be given to you in a vein. Your treatment will be supervised by a doctor who is specialized in the treatment of Fabry Disease.
If you forget to have Replagal
If you have missed a Replagal infusion, please contact your doctor.
If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, Replagal can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Most side effects are mild to moderate. About 1 out of 7 patients may have a reaction during or following an infusion of Replagal. These effects include chills, headache, nausea, fever, facial flushing (redness) and tiredness. Low blood pressure may also occur. However some effects may be serious and may need treatment.

Very common side effects (occurring in more than 1 in 10 treated patients) include the following:

  • headache
  • flushing (redness)
  • nausea
  • chills, fever
  • general pain or discomfort, tiredness.

Common side effects (occurring in less than 1 in 10 treated
patients) include the following:

  • tingling or numbness or pain in fingers or toes, change in the taste of food, eyes tearing, ears ringing, shakes, unsteadiness, prolonged sleep
  • palpitations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
  • cough, chest pain or tightness, hoarseness, sore or tight throat, sticky throat secretions, runny nose.
  • vomiting, abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhoea.
  • acne, red or itchy or mottled skin, rash at the infusion site.
  • back or limb pain, swelling of the extremities or joints.
  • feeling cold or hot, flu-like symptoms, malaise.

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Do not use Replagal after the expiry date which is stated on the
  • label after the letters EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
  • Store in a refrigerator (2oC to 8oC).
  • Do not use Replagal if you notice that there is discolouration or other foreign particles present.
  • Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is agalsidase alfa (1 mg/1 ml)
The other ingredients are:

  • Sodium phosphate monobasic.monohydrate.
  • Polysorbate 20.
  • Sodium chloride.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Water for injections.

Replagal is a concentrate for solution for infusion. A clear and colourless solution. Your medicine is available in vials (Type I glass) containing 1 mg/1 ml of agalsidase alfa. Pack sizes of 1, 4 or 10 vials are available. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorization Holder:
Shire Human Genetic Therapies AB, Pennfäktaren
11 Vasagatan 7, 6th Floor Stockholm, 111 20 Sweden
There are two alternative sites responsible for the manufacture
of the drug product:
Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG
Eisenbahnstrasse 2-4
88085 Langenargen, Germany
Cangene bioPharma, Inc. (CBI)
1111 South Paca Street
Baltimore, MD 21230, USA
Batch release site:
Shire Pharmaceutical Ireland limited
Block 2 & 3 Miesian Plaza
50-58 Baggot Street Lower
Dublin 2, D02 Y754

For any information about this medicine or to report any side
effects in Lebanon and all MENA countries, please contact the
local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Biologix FZ Co., Dubai Free Zone, Road WB 21,
Warehouse C17,
PO Box 54405, Al Tawar, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Telephone no.: 00971 4 2997171
Email address: Pharmacovigilance@blgx.net

This leaflet was last revised in 03/2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

۱. ما هو ربلاغال وما هي دواعي استعماله
المادة الفعّالة في " ربلاغال  هي "أغالسيدايز ألفا" (۱ملغ/مل) التي تُعتبَر شكلاً من الأنزيم البشري "ألفا غالاكتوزيدايز", يتمّ إنتاجها عن طريق تحفيز جينة "ألفا غالاكتوزيدايز أ" في الخلايا. ومن ثمّ يُستخرَج الأنزيم من الخلايا ويصنّع علی هيئة محلول مركّز ومعقّم للتسريب.

يتم استخدام "ربلاغال" لمعالجة مرض "فابري" . يُستعمل كعلاج استبدال الأنزيم عندما يكون مستوى الأنزيم في الجسم دون المستوى الطبيعي، كما
هو الحال في مرض "فابري".

موانع إستخدام ربلاغال

في حال كان لديك حساسيّة (حساسيّة مفرطة) على "أغالسيدايز ألفا" أو على أي من مكوّنات "ربلاغال" الاخرى.

الإحتياطات عند إستخدام ربلاغال
إذا لاحظت أيًّا من هذه التأثيرات خلال فترة التسريب أو بعدها، عليك إطلاع طبيبك على الفور:

  • الحرارة المرتفعة، قشعريرة برد، التعرّق، دقات قلب سريعة
  • التقيؤ
  • الدوران
  • البثور، الحك أو طفرة
  • انتفاخ اليدَيْن، أو القدمَيْن، أو الكاحلَيْن، أو الوجه، أو الشفتَيْن، أو الفم، أو الحنجرة، ممّا قد يُشكّل صعوبةً في البلع أو التنفّس
  • الألم أو الألم عند اللّمس، في الصدر، أو العضلات، أو المفاصل.

قد يوقف طبيبك التسريب مؤقتًّا (5 - 10 دقائق) حتى زوال العوارض، ومن ثمّ يستأنف التسريب من جديد.

كما قد يُعالج طبيبك العوارض بواسطة أدوية أخرى (مضادات الهيستامين أو الكورتيكوستيرويد). وفي معظم الأحيان، يُمكن إستكمال العلاج ب ربلاغال حتى في حال ظهور هذه العوارض.

وفي حال حدوث حساسيّة حادّة (anaphylactic-type) ، سيتم توقيف التسريب على الفور ويبدأ طبيبك بإعطائك علاجًا ملائمًا.

في حال حفّز العلاج بواسطة "ربلاغال" جسمك على إنتاج أجسام مضادة ، " لن يمنع ذلك "ربلاغال" من العمل وقد تختفي الأجسام المضادة مع الوقت.


طريقة إستخدام ربلاغال لدى الأطفال

إنّ البيانات السريريّة لدى الأطفال من الفئة العمريّة 7 - 18 سنة محدودة. لم يتم رصد أي مشاكل غير متوقّعة مرتبطة بالسلامة في الدراسات التي أجريت علی "ربلاغال" لدى الأطفال من الفئة العمريّة 7 - 18 سنة. واثر العلاج بواسطة "ربلاغال"  0.2 ملغ/كلغ كل أسبوعَيْن، كانت التغييرات في البرامترات السريريّة لمرض فابري لدى الأطفال مشابهة لتلك المرصودة في دراسات مُسبقة لدى المرضى البالغين المُصابين بمرض فابري.


التداخلات الدوائية من أخذ هذا المستحضر مع أي أدوية أخرى
ليس هناك من تفاعل معروف بين ربلاغال وأدوية أخرى.
يُرجى إطلاع طبيبك أو الصيدلي في حال كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخّرًا أي أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي تُصرف من دون وصفة طبيّة.


إستخدام ربلاغال مع الطعام والشراب
من المستبعد حدوث تفاعل ل ربلاغال مع الطعام والشراب.

الحمل والرضاعة
محدودةٌ جدًا تلك البيانات السريريّة لدی الحوامل اللّواتي تعرّضن ل "ربلاغال" (العدد ٤) والتي لم تسفر عن تأثيرات جانبيّة علی الأم والمولود الجديد
إستشير طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل إستخدام أي دواء.

تأثير ربلاغال على القيادة وإستخدام الآلات

يُمكنك القيادة وإستخدام الآلات أثناء العلاج ب "ربلاغال".


يجب تخفيف "ربلاغال" في ٩ ملغ/مل ( ٠،٩ %) من محلول كلوريد الصوديوم قبل الاستخدام. وبعد التخفيف، يُعطى "ربلاغال" عبر الوريد، عادةً ما يكون ذلك في الذراع.

الجرعة العاديّة هي تسريب قدره ٠،٢ ملغ لكل كلغ من وزنك، أي ١٤ ملغ أو ٤ قارورات (قوارير زجاجيّة) من "ربلاغال" لفرد متوسط الحجم (٧۰ كلغ). يُعطى هذا التسريب كل أسبوعَيْن.

في كل مرة تستخدم فيها العلاج، سوف يستغرق "ربلاغال"  40 دقيقة ليُعطى لك في الوريد. وسيكون علاجك تحت إشراف طبيب يكون مختصًّا بعلاج مرض فابري.

نسيان جرعة ربلاغال
في حال نسيت أن تأخذ جرعة تسريب "ربلاغال"، يُرجى الاتصال بطبيبك.
في حال كان لديك أسئلة إضافيّة بشأن استخدام هذا الدواء، اطرحها على طبيبك أو على الصيدلي.

مثل الأدوية كافةً، يُمكن أن يُسبّب دواء ربلاغال تأثيرات جانبيّة، ولكنها لا تُصيب كل الناس. غالبيّة التأثيرات الجانبيّة خفيفة إلى معتدلة. قد يكون لدی مريض واحد من أصل ۷ ردّة فعل أثناء تسريب "ربلاغال" أو بعده. وتشمل هذه التأثيرات قشعريرة برد، وألم الرأس، والغثيان، والحرارة، واحمرار الوجه، والتعب. كما قد ينخفض ضغط الدم. لكن بعض التأثيرات الجانبيّة قد تكون خطرة وقد تحتاج إلى علاج.


التأثيرات الجانبية الشائعة جدًا (تصيب أكثر من مريض واحد من أصل ١٠)

  • ألم في الرأس
  • إحمرار
  • غثيان
  • قشعريرة برد، حرارة مرتفعة
  • ألم عام أو انزعاج، تعب

التأثيرات الجانبية الشائعة (تصيب أقل من مريض واحد من أصل ١٠ ) وتتضمّن:

  • النخز أو التنميل أو الألم في أصابع اليدَيْن أو القدمَيْن، وتغيّر مذاق الأطعمة، ودُماع العين، ورنين الأذنَيْن، والرجفان، وعدم الاستقرار، والنوم المطوّل.
  • خفقان قلب سريع، وارتفاع وتيرة دقات القلب، وارتفاع ضغط الدم.
  • سُعال، ألم أو ضيق في الصدر، بحّة في الصوت، ألم أو وخز في الحنجرة، إفرازات لزجة من الحنجرة، رشح الأنف.
  • التقيؤ، ألم أو انزعاج في البطن، الإسهال.
  • حب الشباب، بشرة حمراء، أو متهيّجة، أو مبقّعة، طفرة في موقع التسريب.
  • ألم في الظهر أو في الأطراف، وتورّم في الأطراف أو المفاصل.
  • الشعور بالبرد أو بالحرارة، عوارض الرشح، الانزعاج.

إذا ساء أي من التأثيرات الجانبية أو إذا لاحظت وقوع أية تأثيرات جانبية غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة، يُرجى منك تبليغ طبيبك أوالصيدلي.

  • يُحفظ بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال ومرآهم.
  • لا تستخدم ربلاغال بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على مُلصق العبوة بعد اللفظة الإنجليزية EXP. 
  • يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم في الشهر المذكور.
  • يُحفظ في البراد (درجة الحرارة ۲ إلى ۸ درجة مئويّة)
  • لا تستخدم ربلاغال في حال لاحظت تغيّرًا في لونه أو في حال وجود جزيئات غريبة أخرى.
  • يجب عدم التخلّص من الأدوية في مياه الصرف الصحي أو في النفايات المنزليّة.

اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفيّة التخلّص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها. تُساهم هذه الإجراءات في حماية البيئة.


- المادّة الفعّالة هي " أغالسيدايز ألفا" ( ١ ملغ/ ۱ مل)
- المكوّنات الأخرى هي:

  • صوديوم فوسفات مونوبايسك، مونوهايدرات
  • بوليسوربات ٢٠
  • كلوريد الصوديوم
  • هيدروكسيد الصوديوم
  • مياه للحقن

ربلاغال هو مركّز محلول للتسريب. محلول شفّاف وبلا لون.

يتوفّر دواؤك في قارورات ( من نوع زجاج Type I glass:I) تحتوي على ١ملغ/ ١ مل "أغالسيدايز ألفا".

يتوفر بأحجام تضم ۱، أو ٤، أو ١٠ قارورات
قد لا تسوّق كافّة أحجام الدواء

اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق:

Shire Human Genetic Therapies AB, Pennfӓktaren ,
11 Vasagatan 7, 6th Floor Stockholm, 111 20 Sweden.

اسم وعنوان المصنّع:
هناك موقعين بديلين لتصنيع الدواء:

Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG
Eisenbahnstrasse 2-4
88085 Langenargen, Germany
Cangene bioPharma, Inc. (CBI)
1111 South Paca Street
Baltimore, MD 21230, USA

المصنع المسؤول عن فسح التشغيلة:

Shire Pharmaceutical Ireland limited
Block 2 & 3 Miesian Plaza
50-58 Baggot Street Lower
Dublin 2, D02 Y754

لأي معلومات إضافية عن هذا المستحضر أو للإبلاغ عن تأثیرات جانبية في لبنان
وكل بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال
أفريقيا، الرجاء الاتصال بالممثل المحلي للشركة مالكة حقّ التسويق:
شركة بيولوجيكس ف.ز كو وعنوانها: (Biologix FZ Co)
المنطقة الحرة في دبي، الطريق WB 21 ، المستودع C17 ، ص ب 54405
الطوار. دبي .الإمارات العربية المتحدة
هاتف رقم : 0097142997171
أو على البريد الالكتروني : Pharmacovigilance@blgx.net

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Replagal 1 mg/ml Concentrate for solution for infusion.

1 ml of concentrate for solution for infusion contains 1 mg of agalsidase alfa. Each vial of 1 ml of concentrate contains 1 mg of agalsidase alfa. Each vial of 3.5 ml of concentrate contains 3.5 mg of agalsidase alfa. Agalsidase alfa is the human protein α-galactosidase A produced in a human cell line by genetic engineering technology. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Concentrate for solution for infusion. A clear and colourless solution.

Replagal is indicated for long-term enzyme replacement therapy in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Fabry Disease (α-galactosidase A deficiency).


Replagal treatment should be supervised by a physician experienced in the management of patients with Fabry Disease or other inherited metabolic diseases.
Replagal is administered at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg body weight every other week by intravenous infusion over 40 minutes.
Patients aged over 65 years
Studies in patients over the age of 65 have not been performed and no dosage regimen can presently be recommended in these patients as safety and efficacy have not yet been established.
Patients with hepatic impairment
No studies have been performed in patients with hepatic impairment.
Patients with renal impairment
No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with renal impairment.
The presence of extensive renal damage (eGFR <60mL/min) may limit the renal response to enzyme replacement therapy. Limited data are available in patients on dialysis or post-kidney transplantation,
no dose adjustment is recommended.

Paediatric Population
The experience in children is limited. No dosage regimen in children (0-6 years) can presently be recommended as safety and efficacy have not yet been sufficiently established. Limited clinical data in children (7-18 years) do not permit to recommend an optimal dosage regimen presently (see sections 5.1 and 5.2). Because no unexpected safety issues were encountered in the 6 month study with Replagal administered at 0.2 mg/kg in this population, this dose regimen is suggested for children between 7- 18 years of age.

Method of administration
For instructions on reconstitution of the medicinal product before administration, see section 6.6.
Administer the infusion solution over a period of 40 minutes using an intravenous line with an integral filter.
Do not infuse Replagal concomitantly in the same intravenous line with other agents.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients.

Idiosyncratic infusion related reactions
13.7% of adult patients treated with Replagal in clinical trials have experienced idiosyncratic infusion related reactions. Four of 17 (23.5%) paediatric patients >7 years of age enrolled in clinical trials experienced at least one infusion reaction over a period of 4.5 years of treatment (mean duration of approx. 4 years). Three of 8 (37.5%) paediatric patients <7 years of age experienced at least one infusion related reaction over a mean observation time of 4.2 years. The most common symptoms have been rigors, headache, nausea, pyrexia, flushing and fatigue. Serious infusion reactions have been reported uncommonly; symptoms reported include pyrexia, rigors, tachycardia, urticaria, nausea/vomiting, angioneurotic oedema with throat tightness, stridor and swollen tongue. Other infusion-related symptoms may include dizziness and hyperhidrosis. A review of cardiac events showed that infusion reactions may be associated with hemodynamic stress triggering cardiac events in patients with pre-existing cardiac manifestations of Fabry disease. The onset of infusion related reactions has generally occurred within the first 2-4 months after initiation of treatment with Replagal although later onset (after 1 year) has been reported as well. These effects have decreased with time. If mild or moderate acute infusion reactions occur, medical attention must be sought immediately and appropriate actions instituted. The infusion can be temporarily interrupted (5 to 10 minutes) until symptoms subside and the infusion may then be restarted. Mild and transient effects may not require medical treatment or discontinuation of the infusion. In addition, oral or intravenous pre-treatment with antihistamines and/or corticosteroids, from 1 to 24 hours prior to infusion may preventsubsequent reactions in those cases where symptomatic treatment was required.

Allergic-type hypersensitivity reactions
As with any intravenous protein product, allergic-type hypersensitivity reactions are possible. If severe allergic or anaphylactic-type reactions occur, the administration of Replagal should be discontinued immediately and appropriate treatment initiated. The current medical standards for emergency treatment are to be observed.
IgG antibodies to the protein
As with all protein pharmaceutical products, patients may develop IgG antibodies to the protein. A low titre IgG antibody response has been observed in approximately 24% of the male patients treated with Replagal. Based on limited data this percentage has been found to be lower (7%) in the male
paediatric population. These IgG antibodies appeared to develop following approximately 3-12 months of treatment. After 12 to 54 months of therapy, 17% of Replagal treated patients were still antibody positive whereas 7% showed evidence for the development of immunologic tolerance, based
on the disappearance of IgG antibodies over time. The remaining 76% remained antibody negative throughout. In paediatric patients >7 yrs of age, 1/16 male patients tested positive for IgG antiagalsidase alfa antibodies during the study. No increase in the incidence of adverse events was
apparent for this patient. In paediatric patients <7 yrs of age, 0/7 male patients tested positive for IgG anti-agalsidase alfa antibodies. No IgE antibodies have been detected in any patient receiving Replagal.
Patients with renal impairment
The presence of extensive renal damage may limit the renal response to enzyme replacement therapy, possibly due to underlying irreversible pathological changes. In such cases, the loss of renal function remains within the expected range of the natural progression of disease.

Replagal should not be co-administered with chloroquine, amiodarone, benoquin or gentamicin since these substances have the potential to inhibit intra-cellular α-galactosidase activity. As α-galactosidase A is itself an enzyme, it would be an unlikely candidate for cytochrome P450 mediated drug-drug interactions. In clinical studies, neuropathic pain medicinal products (such as carbamazepine, phenytoin and gabapentin) were administered concurrently to most patients without any evidence of interaction.

Pregnancy Category C.
Very limited clinical data on pregnancies exposed to Replagal (n=4) have shown no adverse effects on the mother and newborn child. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy or embryonal/foetal development when exposed during organogenesis (see Section 5.3).
It is not known whether Replagal is excreted in human milk. Caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Replagal has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

The most commonly reported undesirable effects were infusion associated reactions, which occurred in 13.7% of adult patients treated with Replagal in clinical trials. Most undesirable effects were mild to moderate in severity.

Table 1 lists adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported for the 177 patients treated with Replagal in clinical trials, including 21 patients with history of endstage renal disease, 24 paediatric patients (7 to 17 years of age) and 17 female patients, and from post-marketing spontaneous reports. Information is presented by system organ class and frequency (very common >1/10; common >1/100, <1/10; uncommon >1/1000, <1/100). The ADRs categorized as incidence “not known” are derived from postmarketing spontaneous reports and are shown in italics. Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness. The occurrence of an event in a single patient is defined as uncommon in view of the number of patients treated. A single patient could be affected by several ADRs.
The following ADRs have been identified for agalsidase alfa:

Table 1

See also section 4.4.
Infusion related reactions reported in the postmarketing setting (also see section 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use) may also include cardiac events such as cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, ventricular extrasystoles, tachyarrhythmia), myocardial ischemia, and heart failure in patients with Fabry disease involving the heart structures. Infusion-related symptoms may include dizziness, hyperhidrosis, and hypotension. The most frequent were mild infusion-related reactions that mainly included rigors, pyrexia, flushing, headache, nausea, and dyspnoea.

Patients with renal disease
Adverse drug reactions reported in patients with history of end stage renal disease were similar to those reported in the general patient population.
Paediatric population
Adverse drug reactions reported in the paediatric population (children and adolescents) were, in general, similar to those reported in adults. However, infusion-related reactions (pyrexia, dyspnoea, chest pain) and pain exacerbation occurred more frequently.

No case of overdose has been reported.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Other alimentary tract and metabolism products - Enzymes.
ATC code: A16A B03 agalsidase alfa.

Mechanism of action
Fabry Disease is a glycosphingolipid storage disorder that is caused by deficient activity of the lysosomal enzyme α-galactosidase A, resulting in accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (also referred to as Gb3 or CTH), the glycosphingolipid substrate for this enzyme. Agalsidase alfa catalyses the hydrolysis of Gb3, cleaving a terminal galactose residue from the molecule. Treatment with the
enzyme has been shown to reduce accumulation of Gb3 in many cell types including endothelial and parenchymal cells. Agalsidase alfa has been produced in a human cell line to provide for a human glycosylation profile that can influence uptake by mannose-6 phosphate receptors on the surface of target cells.

Clinical efficacy and safety
The safety and efficacy of Replagal was assessed in two randomised, double blind, placebo controlled studies and open label extension studies, in a total of forty patients with a diagnosis of Fabry Disease based on clinical and biochemical evidence. Patients received the recommended dosage of 0.2 mg/kg of Replagal. Twenty-five patients completed the first study and entered an extension study. After 6 months of therapy there was a significant reduction in pain in the Replagal treated patients compared with placebo (p=0.021), as measured by the Brief Pain Inventory (a validated pain measurement scale). This was associated with a significant reduction in chronic neuropathic pain medication use and number of days on pain medication. In subsequent studies, in male paediatric patients above the age of 7, a reduction in pain was observed after 9 and 12 months of Replagal therapy compared to pretreatment baseline. This pain reduction persisted through 4 years of Replagal therapy in 9 patients (in patients 7 – 18 years of age).

Twelve to 18 months of treatment with Replagal resulted in improvement in quality of life (QoL), as measured by validated instruments.

After 6 months of therapy Replagal stabilised renal function compared with a decline in placebo treated patients. Kidney biopsy specimens revealed a significant increase in the fraction of normal glomeruli and a significant decrease in the fraction of glomeruli with mesangial widening in patients reated with Replagal in contrast to the patients treated with placebo. After 12 to 18 months of maintenance therapy, Replagal improved renal function as measured by inulin based glomerular filtration rate by 8.7 ± 3.7 ml/min. (p=0.030). Longer term therapy (48-54 months) resulted in stabilisation of GFR in male patients with normal baseline GFR (≥ 90 mL/min/1.73 m2) and with mild to moderate renal dysfunction (GFR 60 to < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2), and in slowing of the rate of decline in renal function and progression to end-stage renal disease in male Fabry patients with more severe renal dysfunction (GFR 30 to < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2).

In a second study, fifteen patients with left ventricular hypertrophy completed a 6 month placebocontrolled study and entered an extension study. Treatment with Replagal resulted in an 11.5 g decrease in left ventricular mass as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the controlled study, while patients receiving placebo exhibited an increase in left ventricular mass of 21.8 g. In
addition, in the first study involving 25 patients, Replagal effected a significant reduction in cardiac mass after 12 to 18 months of maintenance therapy (p<0.001). Replagal was also associated with improved myocardial contractility, a decrease in mean QRS duration and a concomitant decrease in septal thickness on echocardiography. Two patients with right bundle branch block in the studies conducted reverted to normal following therapy with Replagal. Subsequent open label studies demonstrated significant reduction from baseline in left ventricular mass by echocardiography in both male and female Fabry patients over 24 to 36 months of Replagal treatment. The reductions in LV mass observed by echocardiography in both male and female Fabry patients over 24 to 36 months of Replagal treatment were associated with meaningful symptom improvement as measured using the NYHA and CCS in Fabry patients with severe heart failure or anginal symptoms at baseline.

Compared with placebo, treatment with Replagal also reduced accumulation of Gb3. After the first 6 months of therapy mean decreases of approximately 20 - 50 % were observed in plasma, urine sediment and liver, kidney and heart biopsy samples. After 12 to 18 months treatment a reduction of 50 – 80% was observed in plasma and urine sediment. The metabolic effects were also associated with clinically significant weight gain, increased sweating and increased energy. Consistent with the clinical effects of Replagal, treatment with the enzyme reduced accumulation of Gb3 in many cell types, including renal glomerular and tubular epithelial cells, renal capillary endothelial cells (cardiac and dermal capillary endothelial cells were not examined) and cardiac myocytes. In male paediatric Fabry patients plasma Gb3 decreased 40-50% after 6 months of Replagal therapy 0.2mg/kg and this reduction persisted after a total 4 years of treatment in 11 patients.

Infusion of Replagal at home may be considered for patients who are tolerating their infusions well.

Paediatric population
In male paediatric Fabry patients > 7 years of age, hyperfiltration can be the earliest manifestation of renal involvement in the disease. Reduction in their hypernormal eGFRs was observed within 6 months of initiating Replagal therapy. After one year of treatment with agalsidase alfa 0.2mg/kg every other week, the abnormally high eGFR decreased from 143.4 ± 6.8 to 121.3 ± 5.6 mL/min/1.73 m2 in this subgroup and these eGFRs stabilized in the normal range during 4 years of Replagal 0.2mg/kg therapy, as did the eGFRs of the non-hyperfiltrators.

In male paediatric patients > 7 years of age, heart rate variability was abnormal at baseline and improved after 6 months of Replagal therapy in 15 boys and the improvement was sustained through 4.0 years of Replagal 0.2mg/kg therapy in an open-label long-term extension study in 9 boys. Individual left ventricular mass indexed to height2.7 was within normal range for children (<39 g/m2.7 in boys) at baseline. A relative reduction in mean LVM of 11% was observed during the 4.5 years of treatment. In 5/6 children < 7 years old, individual left ventricular mass indexed to height 2.7 was borderline elevated or elevated (>95%) for (<39 g/m2.7 in boys) at baseline. LVMI values for all 5 children fell within normal range after starting therapy.

For patients between 0 and 7 years of age, limited data indicate no specific safety issues.

Antibodies to agalsidase alfa have not been shown to be associated with any clinically significant effects on safety (e.g. infusion reactions) or efficacy.
This medicinal product has been authorised under “Exceptional Circumstances”. This means that due to the rarity of the disease it has not been possible to obtain complete information on this medicinal product.
The European Medicines Agency will review any new information which may become available every year and this SPC will be updated as necessary.

Single doses ranging from 0.007 - 0.2 mg enzyme per kg body weight were administered to adult male patients as 20 - 40 minute intravenous infusions while female patients received 0.2 mg enzyme per kg body weight as 40 minute infusions. The pharmacokinetic properties were essentially unaffected by the dose of the enzyme. Following a single intravenous dose of 0.2 mg/kg, agalsidase alfa had a biphasic distribution and elimination profile from the circulation. Pharmacokinetic parameters were not significantly different between male and female patients. Elimination half-lives were 108 ±17 minutes in males compared to 89 ± 28 minutes in females and volume of distribution was approximately 17% body weight in both sexes. Clearance normalised for body weight was 2.66 and 2.10 ml/min/kg for males and females, respectively. Based on the similarity of pharmacokinetic properties of agalsidase alfa in both males and females, tissue distribution in major tissues and organs is also expected to be comparable in male and female patients.

Following six months of Replagal treatment 12 of 28 male patients showed altered pharmacokinetics including an apparent increase in clearance. These changes were associated with the development of low titre antibodies to agalsidase alfa but no clinically significant effects on safety or efficacy were observed in the patients studied.

Based on the analysis of pre- and post-dose liver biopsies in males with Fabry Disease, the tissue halflife has been estimated to be in excess of 24 hours and hepatic uptake of the enzyme estimated to be 10% of administered dose.

Agalsidase alfa is a protein and is therefore: 1) not expected to bind to proteins, 2) expected that metabolic degradation will follow the pathways of other proteins, i.e. peptide hydrolysis, 3) unlikely to be a candidate for drug-drug interactions.
Renal impairment
Renal elimination of agalsidase alfa is considered to be a minor clearance pathway since pharmacokinetic parameters are not altered by impaired renal function.
Hepatic impairment
As metabolism is expected to occur by peptide hydrolysis, impaired liver function is not expected to affect the pharmacokinetics of agalsidase alfa in a clinically significant manner.
Paediatric population
In children (aged 7-18 years), Replagal administered at 0.2 mg/kg was cleared faster from the circulation than in adults. Mean clearance of Replagal in children aged (7-11 years),  in adolescents  (aged 12-18 years), and adults was 4.2 ml/min/kg, 3.1 ml/min/kg, and 2.3 ml/min/kg, respectively. Pharmacodynamic data suggest that at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg Replagal, the reductions in plasma Gb3 are more or less comparable between adolescents and young children (see section 5.1).

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of repeated dose toxicity. Genotoxic and carcinogenic potential are not expected. Reproduction toxicity studies in female rats and rabbits have shown no effect on pregnancy or the developing foetus. No studies have been conducted with respect to parturition or peri/post-natal development. It is not known whether Replagal crosses the placenta.

  • Sodium phosphate monobasic, monohydrate
  • Polysorbate 20
  • Sodium chloride
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Water for injections

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

2 years

Store in a refrigerator (2oC – 8oC).

Chemical and physical in use stability has been demonstrated for 24 hours at 25°C.
From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and would normally not be longer than 24 hours at 2 to 8°C, unless dilution has taken place in controlled and validated aseptic conditions.

1 ml of concentrate for solution for infusion in a 3 ml vial (Type I glass) with a stopper (fluoro-resin coated butyl rubber), a one piece seal (aluminium) and flip-off cap. Pack sizes of 1, 4 or 10 vials.
3.5 ml of concentrate for solution for infusion in a 5 ml vial (Type I glass) with a stopper (fluoro-resin coated butyl rubber), a one piece seal (aluminium) and flip-off cap. Pack sizes of 1, 4 or 10 vials.
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

  • Calculate the dose and number of Replagal vials needed.
  • Dilute the total volume of Replagal concentrate required in 100 ml of 9 mg/ml (0.9%) sodium chloride solution for infusion. Care must be taken to ensure the sterility of the prepared solutions since Replagal does not contain any preservative or bacteriostatic agent; aseptic technique must be observed. Once diluted, the solution should be mixed gently but not shaken.
  • Since no preservative is present, it is recommended that administration is started as soon as possible after dilution.
  •  The solution should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discolouration prior to administration.
  •  For single use only. Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Shire Human Genetic Therapies AB, Svärdvägen 11 D, 182 33 Danderyd, Sweden Tel: +46 8 5449 6400 Fax: +46 8 5449 6429

July 2014

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