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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

VEGA  contains the active substance sildenafil which belongs to a group of medicines called phosphordiesterase type 5 inhibitors. It mechanism by helping to relax the blood vessels in your penis, allowing blood to flow into your penis when you get sexually excited. VEGA  will only help you to get an erection if you are sexually stimulated. VEGA  is a treatment for adult men with erectile dysfunction, sometimes known as impotence.

Do not take VEGA

  • If you are allergic to sildenafil or any other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).
  • If you are taking medicines called nitrates, as the combination may lead to a dangerous fall in your blood pressure. Tell your doctor if you are taking any of these medicines which are often given for relief of angina pectoris (or “chest pain”). If you are not certain, ask your Doctor or Pharmacist.
  • If you are using any of the medicines known as nitric oxide donors such as amyl nitrite (“poppers”), as the combination may also lead to a dangerous fall in your blood pressure.
  • If you have a severe heart or liver problem.
  • If you have recently had a stroke or a heart attack, or if you have low blood pressure.
  • If you have ever had loss of vision due to non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropath(NAION) or  you have certain rare inherited eye diseases (such as retinitis pigmentosa).


Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor, pharmacist before taking VEGA

  • If you have sickle cell anemia (an abnormality of red blood cells), leukemia (cancer of blood cells), multiple myeloma (cancer of bone marrow).
  • If you have a deformity of your penis or Peyronie’s Disease.
  • If you have problems with your heart. Your doctor should carefully check whether your heart can take the additional strain of having sex.
  • If you currently have a stomach ulcer, or a bleeding problems (such as haemophilia).
  • If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking VEGA  and contact your doctor immediately.
  • You should not use VEGA  with any other oral or local treatments for erectile dysfunction.
  • You should not take VEGA  if you do not have erectile dysfunction.
  • You should not take VEGA  if you are a woman.
  • Special considerations for patients with kidney or liver problems, discuss with your doctor.


Children and adolescents

VEGA should not be given to under the age of 18.


Other medicines and VEGA

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.

VEGA tablets may interfere with some medicines, especially those used to treat chest pain. In the event of a medical emergency, you should tell your doctor, pharmacist or nurse that you have taken VEGA and when you did. Do not take VEGA with other medicines unless your doctor tells you that you can.

You should not take VEGA if you are taking medicines called nitrates as the combination of these medicines may lead to a dangerous fall in your blood pressure. Always tell your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if you are taking any of these medicines that are often used for the relief of angina pectoris (or “chest pain”).

You should not take VEGA if you are using any of the medicines known as nitric oxide donors such as amyl nitrite (“poppers”) as the combination may also lead to a dangerous fall in your blood pressure.

Some patients who take alpha-blocker therapy for the treatment of high blood pressure or prostate enlargement may experience dizziness or light-headedness which may be caused by low blood pressure upon sitting or standing up quickly. Certain patients have experienced these symptoms when taking VEGA with alpha-blockers. This is most likely to happen within 4 hours after taking VEGA. To reduce the chance that these symptoms might happen, you should be on a regular daily dose of your alpha-blocker before you start VEGA.


Driving and using machines

VEGA can cause dizziness and can affect vision. You should be aware of how you react to VEGA before you drive or use machinery.


Pregnancy and breast feeding

VEGA is not indicated for use by women.


VEGA with food and drink and alcohol

VEGA can be taken with or without food. However, you may find that VEGA takes longer to start working if you take it with a heavy meal.

Drinking alcohol can temporarily impair your ability to get an erection. To get the maximum benefit from your medicine, you are advised not to drink excessive amounts of alcohol before taking VEGA.


VEGA contains lactose

If you have been told by your doctor that you have intolerance to some sugars, such as lactose, contact your doctor before taking VEGA.

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. The recommended starting dose is 50 mg.

You should not take VEGA more than once a day.

You should take VEGA about one hour before you plan to have sex. Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water.

If you feel that the effect of VEGA is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

VEGA will only help you to get an erection if you are sexually stimulated. The amount of time VEGA takes to work varies from person to person, but it normally takes between half an hour and one hour. You may find that VEGA takes longer to work if you take it with a heavy meal.


If you take more VEGA than you should:

You may experience an increase in side effects and their severity. Doses above 100 mg do not increase the efficacy.

You should not take more tablets than your doctor tells you to.

Contact your doctor if you take more tablets than you should.

If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor, pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects although not everybody gets them. The side effects reported in association with the use of VEGA are usually mild to moderate and of a short duration.

If you experience any of the following serious side effects stop taking VEGA and seek medical help immediately:

  • Chest pain (this occurs uncommonly) if this occurs during or after intercourse, Get in a semi-sitting position and try to relax, don’t use nitrates to treat your chest pain
  • An allergic reaction, Symptoms include sudden wheeziness, difficulty in breathing or dizziness, swelling of the eyelids, face, lips or throat.
  • Prolonged and sometimes painful erections. If you have an erection which lasts for more than 4 hours, you should contact a doctor immediately.
  • A sudden decrease or loss of vision or Serious skin reactions, contact your doctor.


Other side effects:

Common is headache, facial flushing, indigestion, effects on vision (including colour tinge to vision, light sensitivity, blurred vision or reduced sharpness of vision) stuffy nose and dizziness.

Uncommon: vomiting, skin rash, bleeding at the back of the eye, bloodshot eyes/red eyes, eye irritation, eye pain, double vision, abnormal sensation in the eye, watery eyes, pounding heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, muscle pain, feeling sleepy, reduced sense of touch, vertigo, ringing in the ears, nausea, dry mouth, penile bleeding, presence of blood in semen and/or urine, chest pain and feeling tired.

Rare : high blood pressure, low blood pressure, fainting, stroke, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, nosebleed and sudden decrease or loss of hearing.

Not known: (Can’t be estimated from available data)

Unstable angina (a heart condition), sudden death, temporary decreased blood flow to parts of the brain. Most, but not all, of the men who experienced these side effects had heart problems before taking this medicine. It is not possible to determine whether these events were directly related to VEGA.


Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly (see details below). By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

All the above information based on literature survey and our study.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: info@saudi-pharma.net

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

Do not store above 30°C.

Do not use this medicine after the expiry date

Store in the original package, in order to protect from moisture.

  • The active substance is sildenafil. Each tablet contains 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg of sildenafil (as the sildenafil citrate).
  • The other ingredients are: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate (anhydrous), croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate. Coating: opadry blue, purified water.

VEGA film-coated tablets are blue, with a rounded-diamond shape. They are marked “S111” on one side for 100 mg, S112 for 50 mg & S113 for 25 mg tablets. The tablets are provided in blister packs containing 4 tablets.

The manufacturer and marketing authorization holder of VEGA is Saudi pharmaceutical industries, Post box Number: 355127, Riyadh 11383, Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia.

This leaflet was last revised in 01/2015
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

فيغا يحتوي على مادة سيلدينافيل الفعالة الذي ينتمي إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى مثبطات إنزيم فوسفودايستريس من الصنف الخامس. آلية ذلك من خلال المساعدة على استرخاء الأوعية الدموية في القضيب ، مما يسمح بتدفق الدم الى العضو الذكري أثناء ممارسة الجماع. فيغا سوف يساعدك فقط للحصول على الانتصاب إذا كنت محفزاً جنسيا. فيغا هو علاج للرجال الكبار الذين يعانون من عدم القدرة على الانتصاب، والمعروف أحيانا باسم العجز الجنسي.

لا تتناول فيغا في الحالات التالية

  •  إذا كان لديك حساسية من سيلدينافيل أو أي مكونات أخرى من هذا الدواء (المدرجة في القسم 7).
  • إذا كنت تتناول أدوية تسمى بمشتقات النترات، فإن الجمع مع السيلدينافيل قد يؤدي إلى انخفاض خطير في ضغط الدم. أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تأخذ أي من هذه الأدوية والتي غالبا ما تعطى لتخفيف الذبحة الصدرية (أو "ألم الصدر"). إذا كنت غير متأكد، استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي.
  • إذا كنت تستخدم أي من الأدوية المعروفة باسم المانحين لأكسيد النيتريك مثل نتريت الأميل ("عقاقير منشطة")، فإن الجمع قد يؤدي أيضاً إلى انخفاض خطير في ضغط الدم.
  • إذا كان لديك مشكلة خطيرة في القلب أو الكبد.
  • إذا عانيت مؤخرا من سكتة دماغية أو أزمة قلبية، أو إذا كان لديك انخفاض في ضغط الدم.
  • إذا عانيت في أي وقت مضى من فقدان الرؤية بسبب الاعتلال العصبي البصري الأمامي الدماغي غير الشرياني أو كانت لديك بعض أمراض العيون الموروثة النادرة (مثل التهاب الشبكية الصباغي).


تحذيرات و احتياطات

استشر طبيبك او الصيدلي قبل استخدام فيغا في الحالات التالية

  • إذا كنت تعاني من فقر الدم المنجلي (شذوذ في خلايا الدم الحمراء)، اللوكيميا (سرطان خلايا الدم)، المايلوما المتعددة (سرطان نخاع العظام).
  • إذا كنت تعاني من تشوه القضيب أو داء بيروني.
  • إذا كان لديك مشاكل قلبية. يجب على طبيبك التحقق بعناية ما إذا قلبك يمكن أن يتحمل مجهوداً إضافياً ناتج عن ممارسة الجنس.
  • إذا كنت تعاني في الوقت الحالي من قرحة في المعدة أو مشاكل النزيف (مثل الهيموفيليا).
  • إذا واجهت انخفاض أو فقدان الرؤية المفاجئ، أوقف استخدام فيغا واتصل بطبيبك على الفور.
  • يجب عدم استخدام فيغا مع أي علاج يؤخذ عن طريق الفم أو أي علاج موضعي آخرلعلاج عدم القدرة على الانتصاب.
  • يجب أن لا تأخذ فيغا إذا لم يكن لديك مشاكل في الانتصاب.
  • لا يجب على النساء استخدام فيغا.
  • تحذيرات خاصة لمرضى الكلى أومن لديهم مشاكل في الكبد ،ناقش الأمر مع طبيبك:
  • يجب عليك إخبار طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الكبد أو الكلى فقد يقرر طبيبك أن يصف لك جرعة منخقضة.


الأطفال و المراهقين

لا يصرف للأشخاص الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عاماً.


فيغا و الأدوية الأخرى

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول، قد  تناولت مؤخراً أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى.

قد تتفاعل أقراص فيغا مع بعض الأدوية، خصوصا تلك المستخدمة لعلاج آلام الصدر. في حالة حدوث الطوارئ الطبية، فعليك أن تخبر الطبيب أو الصيدلي أو الممرض أنك قد استخدمت فيغا وإذا كنت قد فعلت ذلك فلا تأخذ فيغا مع الأدوية الأخرى ما لم يخبرك طبيبك أنك تستطيع.

يجب أن لا تأخذ فيغا إذا كنت تتناول الأدوية تسمى مشتقات النترات لأن الجمع بين هذه الأدوية قد يؤدي إلى انخفاض خطير في ضغط الدم.

أخبر دائماً طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرض إذا كنت تأخذ أي من هذه الأدوية التي غالبا ما تستخدم للتخفيف من الذبحة الصدرية (أو "ألم الصدر").

يجب أن لا تأخذ فيغا إذا كنت تستخدم أي من الأدوية المعروفة باسم المانحين لأكسيد النيتريك مثل نتريت الأميل ("عقاقير منشطة") فإن الجمع قد يؤدي أيضا إلى انخفاض خطير في ضغط الدم.

بعض المرضى الذين يأخذون حاصرات ألفا لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو تضخم في البروستاتا قد يشعرون بدوخة أو دوار خفيف والتي قد تكون ناجمة عن انخفاض ضغط الدم عند الجلوس أو الوقوف بسرعة. شهد بعض المرضى هذه الأعراض عند تناول فيغا مع حاصرات ألفا. و الأكثر احتمالا أن يحدث هذا في غضون 4 ساعات بعد أخذ فيغا. للحد من احتمالية حدوث هذه الأعراض، يجب معالجتك بجرعة يومية من حاصرات ألفا قبل بدء الغلاج باستخدام فيغا.


القيادة واستخدام المركبات

إن فيغا يمكن أن يسبب الدوخة ويمكن أن تؤثر على الرؤية. يجب أن تكون على بينة من كيفية استجابتك  لفيغا قبل القيادة أو استخدام الآلات.


الحمل والإرضاع

لا يتم صرف فيغا لاستخدامها من قبل النساء.


الأغذية و المشروبات

يمكن اخذ فيغا مع الطعام أو بدونه. ومع ذلك، قد تلاحظ أن فيغا يستغرق وقتا أطول لبدء العمل إذا تناولته مع وجبة ثقيلة.

شرب الكحول يمكن أن يضعف مؤقتا قدرتك من الحصول على الانتصاب. للحصول على الاستفادة القصوى من الدواء، ينصح بعدم شرب كميات كبيرة من الكحول قبل تناول فيغا.


فيغا يحتوي على اللاكتوز

إذا كان الطبيب قد أخبرك أن لديك عدم تحمل لبعض السكريات مثل اللاكتوز، استشر طبيبك قبل استخدام فيغا


اتبع دائماً الجرعى الموصى بها من قبل طبيبك أو الصيدلي. استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكد. جرعة البدء الموصى بها هي ٥٠ ملغ.

يجب أن لا تأخذ فيغا أكثر من مرة واحدة في اليوم.

يجب عليك أن تتناول فيغا حوالي ساعة واحدة قبل أن تنوي لممارسة الجنس. ابتلع قرص بأكمله مع كوب من الماء.

إذا كنت تشعر بأن تأثير فيغا قوية جداً أو ضعيفة جداً، استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

فيغا سوف يساعد للحصول على الانتصاب فقط إذا كنت محفز جنسياً. مقدار الوقت المستغرق لفيغا لبدء العمل يختلف من شخص لآخر، ولكنه عادة يستغرق ما بين نصف ساعة إلىساعة واحدة.

قد تلاحظ أن فيغا يستغرق وقتاً أطول للبدء في العمل إذا كنت قد تناولته مع وجبة ثقيلة.


إذا تناولت كمية من فيغا أكثر مما يجب

قد تواجه زيادة في الآثار الجانبية وخطورتها. الجرعات فوق ١٠٠ ملغ لا تزيد من فعالية العقار.

يجب أن لا تأخذ أكثر مما أخبرك الطبيب.

اتصل بطبيبك إذا تناولت أقراص أكثر كثرأمما يجب.

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى عن استخدام هذا الدواء، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن لهذا الدواء أن يسبب آثار جانبية على الرغم من أن ذلك لا يحصل للجميع

الآثار الجانبية التي تم الابلاغ عنها مع استخدام فيغا هي عادة ما تكون خفيفة الى معتدلة وذات مدة قصيرة.

إذا كنت تواجه أي من الآثار الجانبية التالية توقف عن تناول فيغا واطلب المساعدة الطبية على الفور:

  • آلام في الصدر (غير شائع الحدوث) إذا حدث ذلك أثناء أو بعد الجماع، استلق في وضعية أشبه بالجلوس مع محاولة الاسترخاء، لا تستخدم مشتقات النترات لعلاج الآم صدرك.
  • الحساسية، وتشمل أعراض الأزيز المفاجئ، وصعوبة في التنفس أو دوخة، وتورم في الجفون أوالوجه أوالشفاه أو الحلق.
  • الانتصاب لفترات طويلة ومؤلمة في بعض الأحيان. إذا حصل لديك إنتصاب مستمر لأكثر من 4 ساعات، يجب عليك الاتصال بالطبيب على الفور.
  • في حالات انخفاض أو فقدان الرؤية بشكل مفاجئ أو حصول تفاعلات جلدية خطيرة ، اتصل بطبيبك.


آثار جانبية الشائعة

و منها الصداع، احمرار الوجه، وعسر الهضم، والآثار على رؤية (بما في ذلك اضطراب في تحديد اللون إلى الرؤية، والحساسية للضوء، عدم وضوح الرؤية أو انخفاض حدة البصر) انسداد الأنف والدوخة.

آثار جانبية غير شائعة

القيء ،الطفح الجلدي،النزيف في الجزء الخلفي من العين، احتقان العيون بالدم / احمرار العينين، تهيج العين، ألم في العين، الرؤية المزدوجة، والإحساس غير الطبيعي في العين، عيون دامعة، سرعة ضربات القلب، آلام في العضلات،الشعور بالنعاس ،انخفاض حاسة اللمس،الدوار،طنين في الأذنين،الغثيان،جفاف الفم، نزيف القضيب وجود دم في السائل المنوي و / أو البول،ألم في الصدر والشعور بالتعب.

آثار جانبية نادرة

ارتفاع ضغط الدم،انخفاض ضغط الدم،إغماء،السكتة الدماغية، النوبة القلبية، عدم انتظام ضربات القلب، وانخفاض أو فقدان السمع المفاجئ والرعاف.

غير معروف: (لا يمكن أن يقدر من البيانات المتوفرة)

الذبحة الصدرية غير المستقرة (في القلب)، والموت المفاجئ، وانخفاض مؤقت في تدفق الدم إلى أجزاء من المخ. معظم هؤلاء الرجال ولكن ليس جميعهم كانوا قد عانوا من مشاكل في القلب قبل تناول هذا الدواء.

ليس من الممكن تحديد ما إذا كانت هذه الأعراض كانت مرتبطة مباشرة بتناول فيغا.


الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية

اذا كان لديك أي آثار جانبية، تحدث مع طبيبك أو الصيدلي. وهذا يشمل أي من الآثار الجانبية المحتملة غير المدرجة في هذه النشرة.

يمكنك أيضا الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية مباشرة (انظر التفاصيل أدناه).

بالإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية يمكنك أن تساعد على توفير مزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء.

جميع المعلومات المذكورة أعلاه بناء على استطلاع مطبوع بالضافة الى دراستنا.

المملكة العربية السعودية: info@saudi-pharma.net

يحفظ بعيداً عن متناول و رؤية الأطفال.

يحفظ عند حرارة دون 30°م.

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصلاحية

يحفظ في العبوة الأصلية، لحماية الدواء من الرطوبة.

  • المادة الفعالة هي سيلدينافيل. كل قرص يحتوي على ٢٥  ملغ، ٥٠ ملغ أو ١٠٠ ملغ من سيلدينافيل (على هيئة سيلدينافيل سترات).
  • المكونات الأخرى هي: ميكروكريستالين السليلوز ، هايدروجين فوسفات الكالسيوم (اللامائية) كروس كارميلوزالصوديوم ، ستيرات المغنيسيوم. التغليف: ملون أزرق و ماء نقي.

أقراص فيغا هي أقراص مغلفة زرقاء اللونتشبه شكل الماس. تم وضع علامة "S111" على جانب واحد لأقراص ١٠٠ ملغ، "S112" لأقراص ٥٠ ملغ وعلامة "S113" لأقراص ٢٥ ملغ. تأتي الأقراص في شرائط تحتوي على 4 أقراص.

الشركة السعودية للصناعات الصيدلانية، صندوق البريد: 355127، الرياض 11383، المملكة العربية السعودية.

تمت مراجعة هذه النشرة في 01/2015
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

VEGA 100mg Tablets

VEGA 100 mg Tablet contains Ingredients Reference Quantity in mg/tab Function of ingredients Sildenafil Citrate USP 140.482 Active Dibasic calcium phosphate Anhydrous USP 149.518 Filler Microcrystalline Cellulose USPNF 200 Filler Croscarmellose sodium USPNF 44 Disintigrant Magnesium Stearate USPNF 26 Lubricant Opadry blue32K10886 IHS 12 Coating agent Purified water USP QS Solvent VEGA film-coated tablets are blue, with a rounded-diamond shape., marked “S111” on one side for 100 mg & S112 for 50 mg tablets. The tablets are provided in blister packs containing 4 tablets.

Oral Tablets VEGA contains the active substance sildenafil which belongs to a group of medicines called phosphordiesterase type 5 inhibitors.

VEGA is indicated in adult men with erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. In order for VEGA to be effective, sexual stimulation is required

Use in adults:
The recommended dose is 50 mg taken as needed approximately one hour before sexual activity. Based on efficacy and tolerability, the dose may be increased to 100 mg or decreased to 25 mg. The maximum recommended dose is 100 mg. The maximum recommended dosing frequency is once per day. If VEGA is taken with food, the onset of activity may be delayed compared to the fasted state (see section 5.2).
Special populations
Elderly patients: Dosage adjustments are not required in elderly patients (≥ 65 years old).
Patients with renal impairment The dosing recommendations described in ‘Use in adults’ apply to patients with mild to moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance = 30-80 mL/min).

Since sildenafil clearance is reduced in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min) a 25 mg dose should be considered. Based on efficacy and tolerability, the dose may be increased step-wise to 50 mg up to 100 mg as necessary.

Patients with hepatic impairment Since sildenafil clearance is reduced in patients with hepatic impairment (e.g. cirrhosis) a 25 mg dose should be considered. Based on efficacy and tolerability, the dose may be increased step-wise to 50 mg up to 100 mg as necessary.

Paediatric population VEGA is not indicated for individuals below 18 years of age.

Use in patients taking other medicinal products With the exception of ritonavir for which coadministration with Sildenafil is not advised (see section 4.4) a starting dose of 25 mg should be considered in patients receiving concomitant treatment with CYP3A4 inhibitors (see section 4.5).

In order to minimize the potential of developing postural hypotension in patients receiving alphablocker treatment, patients should be stabilized on alpha-blocker therapy prior to initiating sildenafil treatment. In addition, initiation of sildenafil at a dose of 25 mg should be considered (see sections 4.4 and 4.5).

The administration is performed by oral route.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Consistent with its known effects on the nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway (see section 5.1), sildenafil was shown to potentiate the hypotensive effects of nitrates, and its co-administration with nitric oxide donors (such as amyl nitrite) or nitrates in any form is therefore contraindicated. Agents for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, including sildenafil, should not be used in men for whom sexual activity is inadvisable (e.g. patients with severe cardiovascular disorders such as unstable angina or severe cardiac failure). VEGA is contraindicated in patients who have loss of vision in one eye because of non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION), regardless of whether this episode was in connection or not with previous PDE5 inhibitor exposure (see section 4.4). The safety of Sildenafil has not been studied in the following sub-groups of patients and its use is therefore contraindicated: severe hepatic impairment, hypotension (blood pressure <90/50 mmHg), recent history of stroke or myocardial infarction and known hereditary degenerative retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa (a minority of these patients have genetic disorders of retinal phosphodiesterases).

A medical history and physical examination should be undertaken to diagnose erectile dysfunction and determine potential underlying causes, before pharmacological treatment is considered.

Cardiovascular risk factors
Prior to initiating any treatment for erectile dysfunction, physicians should consider the cardiovascular status of their patients, since there is a degree of cardiac risk associated with sexual activity. Sildenafil has vasodilator properties, resulting in mild and transient decreases in blood pressure (see section 5.1). Prior to prescribing Sildenafil, physicians should carefully consider whether their patients with certain underlying conditions could be adversely affected by such vasodilatory effects, especially in combination with sexual activity. Patients with increased susceptibility to vasodilators include those with left ventricular outflow obstruction (e.g., aortic stenosis, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy), or those with the rare syndrome of multiple system atrophy manifesting as severely impaired autonomic control of blood pressure.

VEGA potentiates the hypotensive effect of nitrates (see section 4.3).

Serious cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction, unstable angina, sudden cardiac death, ventricular arrhythmia, cerebrovascular haemorrhage, transient ischaemic attack, hypertension and hypotension have been reported post-marketing in temporal association with the use of VEGA. Most, but not all, of these patients had pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors. Many events were reported to occur during or shortly after sexual intercourse and a few were reported to occur shortly after the use of VEGA without sexual activity. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these factors or to other factors.

Agents for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, including sildenafil, should be used with caution in patients with anatomical deformation of the penis (such as angulation, cavernosal fibrosis or Peyronie’s disease), or in patients who have conditions which may predispose them to priapism (such as sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma or leukemia).

Prolonged erections and priapism have been reported with sildenafil in post-marketing experience. In the event of an erection that persists longer than 4 hours, the patient should seek immediate medical assistance. If priapism is not treated immediately, penile tissue damage and permanent loss of potency could result.

Concomitant use with other PDE5 inhibitors or other treatments for erectile dysfunction
The safety and efficacy of combinations of sildenafil with other PDE5 Inhibitors, or other pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) treatments containing sildenafil, or other treatments for erectile dysfunction have not been studied. Therefore the use of such combinations is not recommended.

Effects on vision
Cases of visual defects have been reported spontaneously in connection with the intake of sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors (see section 4.8). Cases of non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, a rare condition, have been reported spontaneously and in an observational study in connection with the intake of sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors (see section 4.8).
Patients should be advised that in the event of any sudden visual defect, they should stop taking VEGA and consult a physician immediately (see section 4.3).

Concomitant use with ritonavir:
Co-administration of sildenafil with ritonavir is not advised (see section 4.5).

Concomitant use with alpha-blockers:
Caution is advised when sildenafil is administered to patients taking an alpha-blocker, as the coadministration may lead to symptomatic hypotension in a few susceptible individuals (see section 4.5). This is most likely to occur within 4 hours post sildenafil dosing. In order to minimise the potential for developing postural hypotension, patients should be hemodynamically stable on alpha-blocker therapy prior to initiating sildenafil treatment. Initiation of sildenafil at a dose of 25 mg should be considered (see section 4.2). In addition, physicians should advise patients what to do in the event of postural hypotensive symptoms.

Effect on bleeding
Studies with human platelets indicate that sildenafil potentiates the antiaggregatory effect of sodium nitroprusside in vitro. There is no safety information on the administration of sildenafil to patients with bleeding disorders or active peptic ulceration. Therefore sildenafil should be administered to these patients only after careful benefit-risk assessment.
The film coating of the tablet contains lactose. VEGA should not be administered to men with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

VEGA is not indicated for use by women.

Effects of other medicinal products on sildenafil
In vitro studies Sildenafil metabolism is principally mediated by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms 3A4 (major route) and 2C9 (minor route). Therefore, inhibitors of these isoenzymes may reduce sildenafil clearance and inducers of these isoenzymes may increase sildenafil clearance.

In vivo studies Population pharmacokinetic analysis of clinical trial data indicated a reduction in sildenafil clearance when co-administered with CYP3A4 inhibitors (such as ketoconazole, erythromycin, cimetidine). Although no increased incidence of adverse events was observed in these patients, when sildenafil is administered concomitantly with CYP3A4 inhibitors, a starting dose of 25 mg should be considered.

Co-administration of the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir, which is a highly potent P450 inhibitor, at steady state (500 mg twice daily) with sildenafil (100 mg single dose) resulted in a 300% (4-fold) increase in sildenafil Cmax and a 1,000% (11-fold) increase in sildenafil plasma AUC. At 24 hours, the plasma levels of sildenafil were still approximately 200 ng/mL, compared to approximately 5 ng/mL when sildenafil was administered alone. This is consistent with ritonavir’s marked effects on a broad range of P450 substrates. Sildenafil had no effect on ritonavir pharmacokinetics. Based on these pharmacokinetic results co-administration of sildenafil with ritonavir is not advised (see section 4.4) and in any event the maximum dose of sildenafil should under no circumstances exceed 25 mg within 48 hours.

Co-administration of the HIV protease inhibitor saquinavir, a CYP3A4 inhibitor, at steady state (1200 mg three times a day) with sildenafil (100 mg single dose) resulted in a 140% increase in sildenafil Cmax and a 210% increase in sildenafil AUC. Sildenafil had no effect on saquinavir pharmacokinetics (see section 4.2). Stronger CYP3A4 inhibitors such as ketoconazole and itraconazole would be expected to have greater effects.

When a single 100 mg dose of sildenafil was administered with erythromycin, a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor, at steady state (500 mg twice daily. for 5 days), there was a 182% increase in sildenafil systemic exposure (AUC). In normal healthy male volunteers, there was no evidence of an effect of azithromycin (500 mg daily for 3 days) on the AUC, Cmax, t max, elimination rate constant, or subsequent half-life of sildenafil or its principal circulating metabolite.

Cimetidine (800 mg), a cytochrome P450 inhibitor and non-specific CYP3A4 inhibitor, caused a 56% increase in plasma sildenafil concentrations when co-administered with sildenafil (50 mg) to healthy volunteers.

Grapefruit juice is a weak inhibitor of CYP3A4 gut wall metabolism and may give rise to modest increases in plasma levels of sildenafil.

Single doses of antacid (magnesium hydroxide/aluminium hydroxide) did not affect the bioavailability of sildenafil.

Although specific interaction studies were not conducted for all medicinal products, population pharmacokinetic analysis showed no effect of concomitant treatment on sildenafil pharmacokinetics when grouped as CYP2C9 inhibitors (such as tolbutamide, warfarin, phenytoin), CYP2D6 inhibitors (such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants), thiazide and related diuretics, loop and potassium sparing diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists or inducers of CYP450 metabolism (such as rifampicin, barbiturates). In a study of healthy male volunteers, co-administration of the endothelin antagonist, bosentan, (an inducer of CYP3A4 [moderate], CYP2C9 and possibly of CYP2C19) at steady state (125 mg twice a day) with sildenafil at steady state (80 mg three times a day) resulted in 62.6% and 55.4% decrease in sildenafil AUC and Cmax, respectively. Therefore, concomitant administration of strong CYP3A4 inducers, such as rifampin, is expected to cause greater decreases in plasma concentrations of sildenafil.

Nicorandil is a hybrid of potassium channel activator and nitrate. Due to the nitrate component it has the potential to result in a serious interaction with sildenafil.

Effects of sildenafil on other medicinal products
In vitro studies
Sildenafil is a weak inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 isoforms 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4 (IC50 > 150 μM). Given sildenafil peak plasma concentrations of approximately 1 μM after recommended doses, it is unlikely that VEGA will alter the clearance of substrates of these isoenzymes.

There are no data on the interaction of sildenafil and non-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as theophylline or dipyridamole.

In vivo studies
Consistent with its known effects on the nitric oxide/cGMP pathway (see section 5.1), sildenafil was shown to potentiate the hypotensive effects of nitrates, and its co-administration with nitric oxide donors or nitrates in any form is therefore contraindicated (see section 4.3).

Concomitant administration of sildenafil to patients taking alpha-blocker therapy may lead to symptomatic hypotension in a few susceptible individuals. This is most likely to occur within 4 hours post sildenafil dosing (see sections 4.2 and 4.4). In three specific drug-drug interaction studies, the alpha-blocker doxazosin (4 mg and 8 mg) and sildenafil (25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg) were administered simultaneously to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) stabilized on doxazosin therapy. In these study populations, mean additional reductions of supine blood pressure of 7/7 mmHg, 9/5 mmHg, and 8/4 mmHg, and mean additional reductions of standing blood pressure of 6/6 mmHg, 11/4 mmHg, and 4/5 mmHg, respectively, were observed. When sildenafil and doxazosin were administered simultaneously to patients stabilized on doxazosin therapy, there were infrequent reports of patients who experienced symptomatic postural hypotension. These reports included dizziness and light-headedness, but not syncope.

No significant interactions were shown when sildenafil (50 mg) was co-administered with tolbutamide (250 mg) or warfarin (40 mg), both of which are metabolised by CYP2C9.

Sildenafil (50 mg) did not potentiate the increase in bleeding time caused by acetyl salicylic acid (150 mg).

Sildenafil (50 mg) did not potentiate the hypotensive effects of alcohol in healthy volunteers with mean maximum blood alcohol levels of 80 mg/dl.

Pooling of the following classes of antihypertensive medication: diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonists, antihypertensive medicinal products (vasodilator and centrally-acting), adrenergic neurone blockers, calcium channel blockers and alpha-adrenoceptor blockers, showed no difference in the side effect profile in patients taking sildenafil compared to placebo treatment. In a specific interaction study, where sildenafil (100 mg) was co-administered with amlodipine in hypertensive patients, there was an additional reduction on supine systolic blood pressure of 8 mmHg. The corresponding additional reduction in supine diastolic blood pressure was 7 mmHg. These additional blood pressure reductions were of a similar magnitude to those seen when sildenafil was administered alone to healthy volunteers (see section 5.1).

Sildenafil (100 mg) did not affect the steady state pharmacokinetics of the HIV protease inhibitors, saquinavir and ritonavir, both of which are CYP3A4 substrates.

In healthy male volunteers, sildenafil at steady state (80 mg t.i.d.) resulted in a 49.8% increase in bosentan AUC and a 42% increase in bosentan C max (125 mg b.i.d.).

Pregnancy (Category B):
VEGA is not indicated for use by women.

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

No relevant adverse effects were found in reproduction studies in rats and rabbits following oral administration of sildenafil.

There was no effect on sperm motility or morphology after single 100 mg oral doses of sildenafil in healthy volunteers (see section 5.1).

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.

As dizziness and altered vision were reported in clinical trials with sildenafil, patients should be aware of how they react to VEGA, before driving or operating machinery.

Summary of the safety profile
The safety profile of VEGA is based on 9570 patients in 74 double-blind placebo-controlled clinical studies. The most commonly reported adverse reactions in clinical studies among sildenafil treated patients were headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, dizziness, nausea, hot flush, visual disturbance, cyanopsia and vision blurred.

Adverse reactions from post-marketing surveillance has been gathered covering an estimated period >10 years. Because not all adverse reactions are reported to the Marketing Authorisation Holder and included in the safety database, the frequencies of these reactions cannot be reliably determined.

Tabulated list of adverse reactions
In the table below all medically important adverse reactions, which occurred in clinical trials at an incidence greater than placebo are listed by system organ class and frequency (very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000).

Table 1: Medically important adverse reactions reported at an incidence greater than placebo in controlled clinical studies and medically important adverse reactions reported through post-marketing surveillance\

System Organ Class

Very common

(≥ 1/10)


(≥ 1/100 and <1/10)


(≥ 1/1,000 and <1/100)


(≥ 1/10,000 and <1/1,000)

Infections and infestations  Rhinitis 
Immune system disorders  Hypersensitivity 
Nervous system disordersHeadacheDizzinessSomnolence, HypoaesthesiaCerebrovascular accident, Transient ischaemic attack, Seizure*, Seizure recurrence*, Syncope
Eye disorders Visual colour distortions**, Visual disturbance, Vision blurredLacrimation disorders***, Eye pain, Photophobia, Photopsia, Ocular hyperaemia, Visual brightness, ConjunctivitisNon-arteritic anterior ischaemic opticneuropathy (NAION)*,*Retinal vascular occlusion*, Retinal haemorrhage, Arteriosclerotic retinopathy, Retinal disorder, Glaucoma, Visual field defect, Diplopia, Visual acuity reduced, Myopia, Asthenopia, Vitreous floaters, Iris disorder, Mydriasis, Halo vision, Eye oedema, Eye swelling, Eye disorder, Conjunctival hyperaemia, Eye irritation, Abnormal sensation in eye, Eyelid oedema, Scleral discoloration
Ear and labyrinth
  Vertigo, TinnitusDeafness
Cardiac disorders  Tachycardia, PalpitationsSudden cardiac death*, Myocardial infarction, Ventricular arrhythmia*, Atrial fibrillation, Unstable angina
Vascular disorders Flushing, Hot flushHypertension, Hypotension 
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Nasal congestionEpistaxis, Sinus congestionThroat tightness, Nasal oedema, Nasal dryness
Gastrointestinal disorders Nausea, DyspepsiaGastro oesophageal reflux disease, Vomiting, Abdominal pain upper, Dry mouth 
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders  RashStevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS)*,*Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) *
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders  Myalgia, Pain in extremity 
Renal and urinary disorders  Haematuria 
Reproductive system and breast disorders   Penile haemorrhage, Priapism*, Haematospermia, Erection increased
General disorders and administration site conditions  Chest pain, Fatigue, Feeling hotIrritability
Investigations  Heart rate increased 

*Reported during post-marketing surveillance only
**Visual colour distortions: Chloropsia, Chromatopsia, Cyanopsia, Erythropsia and Xanthopsia
***Lacrimation disorders: Dry eye, Lacrimal disorder and Lacrimation increased

To reports any side effect(s):

  • Saudi Arabia

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
Toll free phone: 8002490000
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

In single dose volunteer studies of doses up to 800 mg, adverse reactions were similar to those seen at lower doses, but the incidence rates and severities were increased. Doses of 200 mg did not result in increased efficacy but the incidence of adverse reactions (headache, flushing, dizziness, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, altered vision) was increased.

In cases of overdose, standard supportive measures should be adopted as required. Renal dialysis is not expected to accelerate clearance as sildenafil is highly bound to plasma proteins and not eliminated in the urine.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Urologicals; Drugs used in erectile dysfunction, ATC Code: G04B

Mechanism of action
Sildenafil is an oral therapy for erectile dysfunction. In the natural setting, i.e. with sexual stimulation, it restores impaired erectile function by increasing blood flow to the penis.

The physiological mechanism responsible for erection of the penis involves the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the corpus cavernosum during sexual stimulation. Nitric oxide then activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which results in increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), producing smooth muscle relaxation in the corpus cavernosum and allowing inflow of blood.

Sildenafil is a potent and selective inhibitor of cGMP specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the corpus cavernosum, where PDE5 is responsible for degradation of cGMP. Sildenafil has a peripheral site of action on erections. Sildenafil has no direct relaxant effect on isolated human corpus cavernosum but potently enhances the relaxant effect of NO on this tissue. When the NO/cGMP pathway is activated, as occurs with sexual stimulation, inhibition of PDE5 by sildenafil results in increased corpus cavernosum levels of cGMP. Therefore sexual stimulation is required in order for sildenafil to produce its intended beneficial pharmacological effects.

Pharmacodynamic effects
Studies in vitro have shown that sildenafil is selective for PDE5, which is involved in the erection process. Its effect is more potent on PDE5 than on other known phosphodiesterases.

There is a 10-fold selectivity over PDE6 which is involved in the phototransduction pathway in the retina. At maximum recommended doses, there is an 80-fold selectivity over PDE1, and over 700-fold over PDE2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. In particular, sildenafil has greater than 4,000-fold selectivity for PDE5 over PDE3, the cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase isoform involved in the control of cardiac contractility.

Clinical efficacy and safety
Two clinical studies were specifically designed to assess the time window after dosing during which sildenafil could produce an erection in response to sexual stimulation. In a penile plethysmography (RigiScan) study of fasted patients, the median time to onset for those who obtained erections of 60% rigidity (sufficient for sexual intercourse) was 25 minutes (range 12-37 minutes) on sildenafil. In a separate RigiScan study, sildenafil was still able to produce an erection in response to sexual stimulation 4-5 hours post-dose.

Sildenafil causes mild and transient decreases in blood pressure which, in the majority of cases, do not translate into clinical effects. The mean maximum decreases in supine systolic blood pressure following 100 mg oral dosing of sildenafil was 8.4 mmHg. The corresponding change in supine diastolic blood pressure was 5.5 mmHg. These decreases in blood pressure are consistent with the vasodilatory effects of sildenafil, probably due to increased cGMP levels in vascular smooth muscle. Single oral doses of sildenafil up to 100 mg in healthy volunteers produced no clinically relevant effects on ECG.

In a study of the hemodynamic effects of a single oral 100 mg dose of sildenafil in 14 patients with severe coronary artery disease (CAD) (>70% stenosis of at least one coronary artery), the mean resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased by 7% and 6% respectively compared to baseline. Mean pulmonary systolic blood pressure decreased by 9%. Sildenafil showed no effect on cardiac output, and did not impair blood flow through the stenosed coronary arteries.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled exercise stress trial evaluated 144 patients with erectile dysfunction and chronic stable angina who regularly received anti-anginal medicinal products (except nitrates). The results demonstrated no clinically relevant differences between sildenafil and placebo in time to limiting angina.

Mild and transient differences in colour discrimination (blue/green) were detected in some subjects using the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test at 1 hour following a 100 mg dose, with no effects evident after 2 hours post-dose. The postulated mechanism for this change in colour discrimination is related to inhibition of PDE6, which is involved in the phototransduction cascade of the retina. Sildenafil has no effect on visual acuity or contrast sensitivity. In a small size placebo-controlled study of patients with documented early age-related macular degeneration (n=9), sildenafil (single dose, 100 mg) demonstrated no significant changes in the visual tests conducted (visual acuity, Amsler grid, colour discrimination simulated traffic light, Humphrey perimeter and photostress).

There was no effect on sperm motility or morphology after single 100 mg oral doses of sildenafil in healthy volunteers (see section 4.6).

Further information on clinical trials In clinical trials sildenafil was administered to more than 8000 patients aged 19-87. The following patient groups were represented: elderly (19.9%), patients with hypertension (30.9%), diabetes mellitus (20.3%), ischaemic heart disease (5.8%), hyperlipidaemia (19.8%), spinal cord injury (0.6%), depression (5.2%), transurethral resection of the prostate (3.7%), radical prostatectomy (3.3%). The following groups were not well represented or excluded from clinical trials: patients with pelvic surgery, patients postradiotherapy, patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment and patients with certain cardiovascular conditions (see section 4.3).

In fixed dose studies, the proportions of patients reporting that treatment improved their erections were 62% (25 mg), 74% (50 mg) and 82% (100 mg) compared to 25% on placebo. In controlled clinical trials, the discontinuation rate due to sildenafil was low and similar to placebo. Across all trials, the proportion of patients reporting improvement on sildenafil were as follows: psychogenic erectile dysfunction (84%), mixed erectile dysfunction (77%), organic erectile dysfunction (68%), elderly (67%), diabetes mellitus (59%), ischaemic heart disease (69%), hypertension (68%), TURP (61%), radical prostatectomy (43%), spinal cord injury (83%), depression (75%). The safety and efficacy of sildenafil was maintained in long-term studies.

Paediatric population
The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with VEGA in all subsets of the paediatric population for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. See 4.2 for information on paediatric use.

Sildenafil is rapidly absorbed. Maximum observed plasma concentrations are reached within 30 to 120 minutes (median 60 minutes) of oral dosing in the fasted state. The mean absolute oral bioavailability is 41% (range 25-63%). After oral dosing of sildenafil AUC and C max increase in proportion with dose over the recommended dose range (25-100 mg).

When sildenafil is taken with food, the rate of absorption is reduced with a mean delay in t max of 60 minutes and a mean reduction in C maxof 29%.

The mean steady state volume of distribution (Vd) for sildenafil is 105 l, indicating distribution into the tissues. After a single oral dose of 100 mg, the mean maximum total plasma concentration of sildenafil is approximately 440 ng/mL (CV 40%). Since sildenafil (and its major circulating N-desmethyl metabolite) is 96% bound to plasma proteins, this results in the mean maximum free plasma concentration for sildenafil of 18 ng/mL (38 nM). Protein binding is independent of total drug concentrations.

In healthy volunteers receiving sildenafil (100 mg single dose), less than 0.0002% (average 188 ng) of the administered dose was present in ejaculate 90 minutes after dosing.

Sildenafil is cleared predominantly by the CYP3A4 (major route) and CYP2C9 (minor route) hepatic microsomal isoenzymes. The major circulating metabolite results from N-demethylation of sildenafil. This metabolite has a phosphodiesterase selectivity profile similar to sildenafil and an in vitro potency for PDE5 approximately 50% that of the parent drug. Plasma concentrations of this metabolite are approximately 40% of those seen for sildenafil. The N-desmethyl metabolite is further metabolised, with a terminal half-life of approximately 4 h.

The total body clearance of sildenafil is 41 L/h with a resultant terminal phase half-life of 3-5 h. After either oral or intravenous administration, sildenafil is excreted as metabolites predominantly in the faeces (approximately 80% of administered oral dose) and to a lesser extent in the urine (approximately 13% of administered oral dose).

Pharmacokinetics in special patient groups
Healthy, elderly volunteers (65 years or over) had a reduced clearance of sildenafil, resulting in approximately 90% higher plasma concentrations of sildenafil and the active N-desmethyl metabolite compared to those seen in healthy younger volunteers (18-45 years). Due to agedifferences in plasma protein binding, the corresponding increase in free sildenafil plasma concentration was approximately 40%.

Renal insufficiency
In volunteers with mild to moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance = 30-80 mL/min), the pharmacokinetics of sildenafil were not altered after receiving a 50 mg single oral dose. The mean AUC and C max of the N-desmethyl metabolite increased 126% and 73% respectively, compared to age-matched volunteers with no renal impairment. However, due to high intersubject variability, these differences were not statistically significant. In volunteers with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 mL/min), sildenafil clearance was reduced, resulting in mean increases in AUC and Cmax of 100% and 88% respectively compared to age-matched volunteers with no renal impairment. In addition, N-desmethyl metabolite AUC and Cmax values were significantly increased 79% and 200% respectively.

Hepatic insufficiency
In volunteers with mild to moderate hepatic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh A and B) sildenafil clearance was reduced, resulting in increases in AUC (84%) and Cmax (47%) compared to age-matched volunteers with no hepatic impairment. The pharmacokinetics of sildenafil in patients with severely impaired hepatic function have not been studied.

Non-clinical data revealed no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic potential, and toxicity to reproduction and development.

Tablet core:
microcrystalline cellulose
calcium hydrogen phosphate (anhydrous)
croscarmellose sodium
magnesium stearate
Film coat:
Opadry blue 32K10886
Purified water

Not Applicable

24 months from date of manufacturing

Store at temperature not exceed 30°C.
Protect from moisture.
Keep out of reach of children’s

PVC/Aluminium blisters in cartons of 4 tablets.

No special requirements.

Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries, 2nd Industrial Area, Riyadh Tel: +966-12650450 Fax: +966-12650383 Email: info@saudi-pharma.net


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