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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

ADVATE contains the active substance octocog alfa, human
coagulation factor VIII produced by recombinant DNA
technology. Factor VIII is necessary for the blood to form clots
and stop bleedings. In patients with haemophilia A (inborn
lack of factor VIII), it is missing or not working properly.
ADVATE is used for the treatment and prevention of bleeding
in patients of all age groups with haemophilia A (an inherited
bleeding disorder caused by lack of factor VIII).
ADVATE is prepared without the addition of any human‑ or
animal‑derived protein in the entire manufacturing process.

–– if you are allergic to octocog alfa or any of the other
ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6)
–– if you are allergic to mouse or hamster proteins
If you are unsure about this, ask your doctor.
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor before using ADVATE. You should tell your
doctor if you have been previously treated with Factor VIII
products, especially if you developed inhibitors, since there
might be a higher risk that it happens again. Inhibitors are
blocking antibodies against factor VIII that reduce the efficacy
of ADVATE to prevent or control bleeding. Development
of inhibitors is a known complication in the treatment of
haemophilia A. If your bleeding is not controlled with ADVATE,
tell your doctor immediately.
There is a rare risk that you may experience an anaphylactic
reaction (a severe, sudden allergic reaction) to ADVATE.
You should be aware of the early signs of allergic reactions
such as rash, hives, wheals, generalised itching, swelling of
lips and tongue, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, tightness
in the chest, general feeling of being unwell, and dizziness.
These symptoms can constitute an early symptom of an
anaphylactic shock, manifestations of which may additionally
include extreme dizziness, loss of consciousness, and extreme
difficulty in breathing.
If any of these symptoms occur, stop the injection
immediately and contact your doctor. Severe symptoms,
including difficulty in breathing and (near) fainting, require
prompt emergency treatment.
Patients developing Factor VIII inhibitors
If your plasma Factor VIII fails to reach expected levels with
ADVATE, or if bleeding is not adequately controlled, it could
be due to the development of Factor VIII inhibitors. This will
be checked by your doctor. You might need a higher dose
of ADVATE or even a different product to control bleedings.
Do not increase the total dose of ADVATE to control your
bleeding without consulting your doctor.
Children and adolescents
The listed warnings and precautions apply to both adults and
children (from 0 to 18 years of age).
Other medicines and ADVATE
Tell your doctor if you are using, have recently used or might
use any other medicines.
Pregnancy and breast‑feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be
pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for
advice before using this medicine.
Driving and using machines
ADVATE has no influence on your ability to drive or to use
ADVATE contains sodium
This medicine contains 0.45 mmol sodium (10 mg) per vial.
To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled
sodium diet.

Treatment with ADVATE will be started by a doctor who is
experienced in the care of patients with haemophilia A.
Your doctor will calculate your dose of ADVATE (in
international units or IU) depending on your condition and
body weight, and on whether it is used for prevention or
treatment of bleeding. The frequency of administration will
depend on how well ADVATE is working for you. Usually, the
replacement therapy with ADVATE is a life‑long treatment.
Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you.
Check with your doctor if you are not sure.
Prevention of bleeding
The usual dose of octocog alfa is 20 to 40 IU per kg body
weight, administered every 2 to 3 days. However, in some
cases, especially in younger patients, more frequent injections
or higher doses may be necessary.
Treatment of bleeding
The dose of octocog alfa is calculated depending on your
body weight and the factor VIII levels to be achieved. The
target factor VIII levels will depend on the severity and
location of the bleeding.
Dose (IU) = body weight (kg) x desired Factor VIII rise
(% of normal) x 0.5
If you have the impression that the effect of ADVATE is
insufficient, talk to your doctor.
Your doctor will perform appropriate laboratory tests to
make sure that you have adequate Factor VIII levels. This is
particularly important if you are having major surgery.
Use in children and adolescents (from 0 to 18 years of age)
For the treatment of bleeding the dosing in children does
not differ from adult patients. For the prevention of bleeding
in children under the age of 6, doses of 20 to 50 IU per kg
body weight 3 to 4 times weekly are recommended. The
administration of ADVATE in children (intravenously) does
not differ from the administration in adults. A central venous
access device (CVAD) may become necessary to allow
frequent infusions of factor VIII products.
How ADVATE is given
ADVATE is usually injected into a vein (intravenously) by your
doctor or nurse. You or someone else might also administer
ADVATE as an injection, but only after receiving adequate
training. Detailed instructions for self‑administration are given
at the end of this package leaflet.
If you use more ADVATE than you should
Always take ADVATE exactly as your doctor has told you. You
should check with your doctor if you are not sure. If you inject
more ADVATE than recommended, tell your doctor as soon as
If you forget to use ADVATE
Do not inject a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.
Proceed with the next injection as scheduled and continue as
advised by your doctor.
If you stop using ADVATE
Do not stop using ADVATE without consulting your doctor.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine,
ask your doctor.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects,
although not everybody gets them.
If severe, sudden allergic reactions (anaphylactic) occur, the
injection must be stopped immediately. You must contact
your doctor immediately if you have any of the following
early symptoms of allergic reactions:
–– rash, hives, wheals, generalised itching,
–– swelling of lips and tongue,
–– difficulty in breathing, wheezing, tightness in the chest,
–– general feeling of being unwell,
–– dizziness and loss of consciousness.
Severe symptoms, including difficulty in breathing and
(nearly) fainting, require prompt emergency treatment.
Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)
Factor VIII inhibitors, headache and fever.
Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)
dizziness, flu, fainting, abnormal heartbeat, red itchy bumps
on the skin, chest discomfort, injection site bruise, injection
site reaction, itching, increased sweating, unusual taste in the
mouth, hot flushes, migraines, memory impairment, chills,
diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, sore throat,
infection of the lymphatic vessels, whitening of skin, eye
inflammation, rashes, excessive sweating, foot and leg swelling,
reduced percentage of red blood cells, increase in a type of
white blood cells (monocytes), and pain in the upper abdomen
or lower chest.
Related to surgery
catheter‑related infection, decreased red cell blood count,
swelling of limbs and joints, prolonged bleeding after drain
removal, decreased Factor VIII level and post‑operative bruise.
Related to central venous access devices (CVAD)
catheter‑related infection, systemic infection and local blood
clot at the catheter site.
Side effects with unknown frequency (frequency cannot be
estimated from the available data)
potentially life‑threatening reactions (anaphylaxis) and
other allergic reactions (hypersensitivity), general disorders
(tiredness, lack of energy).
Additional side effects in children
Other than the development of inhibitors in previously
untreated paediatric patients (PUPs), and catheter‑related
complications, no age‑specific differences in side effects were
noted in the clinical studies.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor. This includes
any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also
report side effects directly via following national reporting
system. By reporting side effects you can help provide more
information on the safety of this medicine:
To report any side effect(s):
·· Saudi Arabia:
Please report adverse drug events to:
–– The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
SFDA Call Center: 19999
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa
·· Other GCC States:
–– Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date, which is stated
on the label after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of
that month.
Store in a refrigerator (2 °C – 8 °C).
Do not freeze.
During the shelf life the powder vial may be kept at
room temperature (up to 25 °C) for a single period not
exceeding 6 months. In this case, this medicine expires at the
end of this 6 month period or the expiration date printed on
the product vial, whichever is earlier. Please record the end of
the 6 months storage at room temperature on the product
carton. The product may not be returned to refrigerated
storage after storage at room temperature.
Keep the vial in the outer carton in order to protect
from light.
This product is for single use only. Discard any unused solution
Use the product immediately once the powder is completely
Do not refrigerate the solution after preparation.
Do not throw away any medicines via waste water or
household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away
medicines you no longer use. These measures will help
protect the environment.

–– The active substance is octocog alfa (human coagulation
Factor VIII produced by recombinant DNA technology).
Each powder vial contains 250 IU octocog alfa.
–– The other ingredients are mannitol, sodium chloride,
histidine, trehalose, calcium chloride, trometamol,
polysorbate 80, and glutathione (reduced).
Solvent vial: 5 ml sterilised water for injections

ADVATE is a white to off‑white friable powder. After reconstitution, the solution is clear, colourless and free from foreign particles. Each pack also contains a device for reconstitution (BAXJECT II).

Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG
Industriestrasse 67
A‑1221 Vienna
Baxter AG
Industriestrasse 67
A‑1221 Vienna
Baxalta Manufacturing Sarl

This leaflet was last revised in January 2021
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي ADVATE على مادة أوكتوكوغ ألفا، وهي عامل التخثر البشري الثامن من إنتاج تقنية الحمض النووي المأشوب. العامل 
الثامن ضروري ليكون الدم تجلطات ويتوقف عن النزف. لدى المرضى المصابين بالهيموفيليا أ )نقص العامل الثامن منذ الولادة(
يستخدم ADVATE  ي علاج النزيف والوقاية منه لدى المرضى من كل الفئات العمرية المصابين بالهيموفيليا أ )اضطراب  
وراثي في النزف ناتج عن نقص العامل الثامن(يكون مفقودًا أو لا يعمل بالشكل الصحيح.
يتم تجهيز ADVATE بدون إضافة أي بروتين مشتق من الإنسان أو الحيوان في كل عملية التصنيع.

ADVATE لا تستخدم
) - إذا كنت مصابًا بالحساسية تجاه أوكتوكوغ ألفا أو أي مكون آخر من مكونات هذا الدواء )والمدرجة في القسم 6
- إذا كنت مصابًا بالحساسية لبروتينات الفئران أو الجرذان،
وإذا لم تكن متأكدًا من هذا، فاسأل طبيبك.
تحذيرات واحتياطات
ينبغي أن تبلغ طبيبك إذا كنت قد تلقيت علاجًا في السابق بمنتجات العامل الثامن، وخاصة .ADVATE استشر طبيبك قبل استخدام
إذا تطورت لديك كابتات، بما أنه قد يكون هناك خطر أكبر من أن يحدث هذا مرة أخرى. الكابتات تعيق الأجسام المضادة للعامل
في الوقاية من النزف أو التحكم فيه. تكوين الكابتات من المضاعفات المعروفة في علاج ADVATE الثامن مما يقلل من فعالية
فأبلغ طبيبك فورًا. ،ADVATE الهيموفيليا أ. إذا كان نزفك لا يمكن السيطرة عليه باستخدام
ينبغي أن تنتبه للعلامات .ADVATE هناك خطر نادر من أنك قد تتعرض لتفاعل مفرط الحساسية )تفاعل حساسية حاد مفاجئ( تجاه
المبكرة لتفاعلات الحساسية مثل الشحوب والطفح الجلدي والبثور والشعور العام بالحكة وتورم الشفتين واللسان والصعوبة في التنفس
والصفير عند التنفس وضيق الصدر والإحساس العام بالتوعك والإعياء. يمكن أن تمثل هذه الأعراض عَرَضًا مبكرًا لصدمة حساسية
مفرطة، بالإضافة إلى أنها قد تظهر على شكل أعراض تشمل الغثيان الشديد وفقدان الوعي والصعوبة الشديدة في التنفس.
إذا حدثت أي من هذه الأعراض، فتوقف عن الحقن فورًا وتواصل مع طبيبك. تتطلب الأعراض الحادة، بما في ذلك صعوبة التنفس
والإغماء )الوشيك(، علاجًا فوريًا في الطوارئ.
المرضى الذين تظهر لديهم كابتات العامل الثامن
أو إذا لم يتم التحكم في النزيف ،ADVATE إذا لم يصل العامل الثامن في البلازما لديك إلى المستويات المتوقعة باستخدام
بالشكل الكافي، يمكن أن يعود هذا إلى تطور معيقات العامل الثامن. سيتحقق طبيبك من هذا. قد تحتاج إلى جرعة أعلى من
لتتحكم في نزيفك بدون ADVATE أو إلى منتج مختلف للتحكم في النزف. لا ترفع الجرعة الإجمالية من ADVATE
استشارة طبيبك.
الأطفال والمراهقون
تسري التحذيرات والاحتياطات المدرجة على كل من البالغين والأطفال )من الولادة وحتى عمر 11 عامًا(.
ADVATE استخدام الأدوية الأخرى مع
أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تستخدم أي أدوية أخرى أو استخدمتها مؤخرًا أو قد تستخدمها.
الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية
إذا كنتِ حاملًا أو ترضعين رضاعة طبيعية أو تعتقدين أنكِ ربما تكونين حاملاً أو تخططين للحمل، فاستشيري طبيبكِ أو
الصيدلاني قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.
القيادة واستخدام الآلات
على قدرتك على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات. ADVATE لا يؤثر
على الصوديوم ADVATE يحتوي
يحتوي هذا الدواء على 5.45 مليمول ) 15 ملجم( من الصوديوم في القارورة. يجب على المرضى الذين يتبعون نظامًا غذائيًا محدد
الصوديوم وضع هذا الأمر في الحسبان.


سيبدأ العلاج باستخدام ADVATE على يد طبيب خبير في رعاية المصابين بالهيموفيليا أ.
سيحسب طبيبك جرعتك من ADVATE (بالوحدات الدولية أو IU) على حسب حالتك ووزن جسمك وما إذا كان يُستخدم للوقاية من النزيف أو لعلاجه. سيعتمد تكرار الاستخدام على مدى كفاءة عمل ADVATE وفي العادة يستمر العلاج البديل من ADVATE  طوال الحياة. احرص دومًا على استخدام هذا الدواء تمامًا كما أخبرك طبيبك. استشر طبيبك إذا لم تكن متأكدًا.
الوقاية من النزيف
تتراوح الجرعة المعتادة من أوكتوكوغ ألفا بين 25 و 45 وحدة دولية لكل كجم من وزن الجسم، ويتم حقنها كل فترة تتراوح بين
يومين و 3 أيام. إلا أنه في بعض الحالات، وخاصة مع المرضى الأصغر في السن، قد يكون من الضروري استخدام مرات حقن
أكثر أو جرعات أعلى.
علاج النزيف
يتم حساب جرعة أوكتوكوغ ألفا على حسب وزن جسمك ومستويات العامل الثامن المطلوب تحقيقها. ستعتمد المستويات المستهدفة
من العامل الثامن على حدة النزيف وموقعه.
الارتفاع المرغوب فيها للعامل الثامن )بنسبة مئوية من x ) الجرعة )بالوحدة الدولية( = وزن الجسم )بالكيلوجرام
x المستوى العادي( 0.5
غير كافٍ، فتحدث مع طبيبك. ADVATE إذا كان لديك انطباع أن أثر
سيقوم طبيبك بالاختبارات المعملية الملائمة للتأكد من أن لديك مستويات كافية من العامل الثامن. وهذا له أهمية خاصة إذا كنت
ستخضع لجراحة كبيرة.
الاستخدام مع الأطفال والمراهقين )من الولادة وحتى سن 11 عامًا(
لعلاج النزيف، لا تختلف الجرعة لدى الأطفال عن المرضى البالغين. للوقاية من النزيف لدى الأطفال الأقل من 6 سنوات،
يوصى بجرعات تتراوح بين 25 و 55 وحدة دولية لكل كجم من وزن الجسم ما بين 3
للأطفال )وريديًا( عن الحقن للبالغين. قد يصبح جهاز الوصول الوريدي ADVATE و 4 مرات في الأسبوع. لا يختلف حقن
ضروريًا للسماح بجرعات حقن مستمرة لمنتجات العامل الثامن. )CVAD( المركزي
ADVATE كيف يتم إعطاء
كحقن، لكن ADVATE في العادة في وريد )وريديًا(. قد تتناول أنت أو شخص آخر أيضًا ADVATE يحقن الطبيب أو الممرضة
بعد الحصول على تدريب كافٍ فقط. يتم تقديم تعليمات تفصيلية للحقن الذاتي في نهاية نشرة هذه العبوة.
ADVATE في حالة استخدام جرعة أكبر مما ينبغي من
تمامًا كما أخبرك طبيبك. يجب استشارة طبيبك إذا لم تكن متأكدًا. في حال حقنك جرعة ADVATE احرص دومًا على استخدام
أكبر من الموصى بها، أبلغ طبيبك في أسرع وقت ممكن. ADVATE
ADVATE إذا نسيت تناول
لا تحقن جرعة مزدوجة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية. واصل تناول الجرعة التالية حسب المخطط وواصل كما ينصح طبيبك.
ADVATE إذا توقفت عن تناول
دون استشارة طبيبك. ADVATE لا تتوقف عن استخدام
إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة إضافية عن استخدام هذا الدواء، فاسأل طبيبك.

يمكن أن يتسبب هذا الدواء مثل جميع الأدوية في حدوث آثار جانبية، على الرغم من عدم تعرض جميع المرضى لها.
إذا حدثت تفاعلات حساسية حادة مفاجئة )فرط حساسية(، يجب إيقاف الحقن فورًا. يجب عليك التواصل مع طبيبك فورًا إذا
كانت لديك أي من الأعراض المبكرة التالية لتفاعلات الحساسية:
- شحوب، وطفح جلدي، وبثور، وشعور عام بالحكة،
- وتورّم في الشفتين واللسان،
- وصعوبة في التنفس، وصفير عند التنفس، وضيق في الصدر،
- وشعور عام بالتوعك،
- وإعياء وفقدان للوعي.
تتطلب الأعراض الحادة، بما في ذلك الصعوبة في التنفس والإغماء )الوشيك( علاجًا فوريًا في الطوارئ.
الأعراض الجانبية الشائعة )قد تؤثر على عدد يصل إلى 1 في كل 15 أشخاص(
كابتات العامل الثامن والصداع والحمى.
الأعراض الجانبية غير الشائعة )يمكن أن يتأثر بها ما يصل إلى 1 من كل 155 شخص(
الإعياء والإنفلونزا والإغماء وضربات القلب غير المنتظمة وكدمات حمراء مثيرة للحكة على البشرة وضيق في الصدر والرضوض
في موضع الحقن والتفاعل في موضع الحقن والحكة وزيادة التعرق والمذاق الغريب في الفم والاحمرار مع السخونة والشقيقة وإعاقة
الذاكرة والقشعريرة والإسهال والغثيان والتقيوء وقصر النفس وألم الحلق وعدوى الأوعية اللمفاوية وابيضاض البشرة والتهاب العين
والطفح الجلدي والتعرق الزائد وتورم القدم
والساق وانخفاض النسبة المئوية لكرات الدم الحمراء وزيادة نوع من كرات الدم البيضاء )أحادية النواة( وألم أعلى البطن
أو أسفل الصدر.
مرتبطة بالجراحة
العدوى المرتبطة بالقسطرة وانخفاض عدد كرات الدم الحمراء وتورم الأطراف والمفاصل والنزيف لمدة طويلة بعد إزالة
المنزح وانخفاض مستوى العامل الثامن ورضوض ما بعد العملية.
)CVAD( مرتبطة بأجهزة الوصول الوريدي المركزية
العدوى المرتبطة بالقسطرة والعدوى الجهازية وتخثر الدم الموضعي في موقع القسطرة.
الآثار الجانبية ذات التكرار غير المعروف )لا يمكن تقدير التكرار من البيانات المتاحة( وقد تكون تفاعلات تهدد الحياة
)الحساسية للبروتينات( وتفاعلات الحساسية الأخرى )الحساسية المفرطة( والاضطرابات العامة )الإحساس بالتعب وفقدان
الآثار الجانبية الإضافية لدى الأطفال
والمضاعفات المرتبطة بالقسطرة، لا توجد )PUP( بخلاف ظهور الكابتات لدى المرضى الأطفال الذين لم يتم علاجهم سابقًا
اختلافات مرتبطة بالعمر في الآثار الجانبية تمت ملاحظتها في الدراسات العيادية.
الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية
إذا أُصبت بأي آثار جانبية، فتحدث مع طبيبك. يشمل هذا أي آثار جانبية محتملة غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة. يمكنك أيضًا الإبلاغ
عن الآثار الجانبية مباشرة عن طريق نظام الإبلاغ الوطني المذكور أدناه. بإبلاغك عن الآثار الجانبية، يمكنك المساعدة في توفير
المزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء.
المملكة العربية السعودية: 
(NPC( -- المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية
+966-11-205 فاكس: 7662 
- 966 +، الرقم الداخلي: 2312 -11- اتصل بالمركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية على رقم الاتصال الهاتفي 2038222 
الهاتف المجاني: 1552445555 
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البريد الإلكتروني 
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الإلكتروني 
دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأخرى: 
- يرجى الاتصال بالسلطة المختصة ذات الصلة.

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن متناول الأطفال وأعينهم.
يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم .EXP لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على الملصق بعد كلمة
من الشهر المذكور.
يخزّن في الثلاجة ) 2 درجة مئوية – 1 درجة مئوية(.
لا تقم بتجميد المنتج.
خلال فترة القابلية للتخزين، يمكن الاحتفاظ بقارورة المسحوق في درجة حرارة الغرفة )حتى 25 درجة مئوية( لفترة منفردة لا
تتجاوز 6 أشهر. في هذه الحالة، تنتهي صلاحية هذا الدواء في نهاية هذه الفترة التي تبلغ 6 أشهر أو تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المطبوع على قارورة المنتج، أيهما يأتي أولاً. يرجى تسجيل نهاية فترة التخزين البالغة 6 أشهر في درجة
حرارة الغرفة على عبوة المنتج. لا يمكن إعادة المنتج إلى التخزين المبرد بعد التخزين في درجة حرارة الغرفة.
احفظ القنينة في العبوة الكرتون الخارجية لحمايتها من الضوء.
هذا المنتج للاستخدام لمرة واحدة فقط. تخلص من أي محلول غير مستخدم بالشكل الملائم. استخدم
المنتج فورًا بمجرد ذوبان المسحوق بالكامل.
لا تبرد المحلول بعد تجهيزه.
لا تتخلص من أي أدوية عبر مياه الصرف الصحي أو المخلفات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلاني الذي تتعامل معه عن طريقة التخلص
من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. ستساعد هذه التدابير على حماية البيئة.

ما الذي يحتوي عليه ADVATE
- المادة النشطة هي أوكتوكوغ ألفا )عامل التخثر البشري الثامن من إنتاج تقنية الحمض النووي المأشوب(. تحتوي كل قارورة
مسحوق على ما يقرب من 255 أو 555 أو 1555 أو 1555 أو 2555 أو 3555 وحدة دولية من أوكتوكوغ ألفا.
- المكونات الأخرى هي مانيتول وكلوريد الصوديوم وهيستيدين وتريهالوز وكلوريد الكالسيوم وتروميتامول
وبوليسوربيت 15 وغلوتاثيون )مخفف(.
قارورة المذيب: 5 مل من المياه المعقمة للحقن
شكل ADVATE ومحتويات العبوة
ADVATE عبارة عن مسحوق سريع الذوبان يتراوح بين اللون الأبيض والأبيض الداكن. بعد تجهيز المحلول، يصبح صافيًا
وعديم اللون وخاليًا من الجسيمات الغريبة.
كما تحتوي كل عبوة على جهاز للتجهيز ) BAXJECT II


Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG
Industriestrasse 67
Baxter AG
Lange Allee 24
Vienna 1225
Baxalta BioScience Manufacturing Sàrl
Route de Pierre-à-Bot 111
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Baxalta Belgium Manufacturing SA
Boulevard René Branquart 80
B-7860 Lessines
Baxter SA
Boulevard René Branquart 80
ليسينيه B-7860

تمت المراجعة الأخيرة لهذه النشرة في 25 أكتوبر 2015
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

ADVATE 250و500 and 1000 IU powder and solvent for solution for injection.

Each vial contains nominally 250, 500 and 1000IU human coagulation factor VIII (rDNA), octocog alfa. ADVATE contains approximately 50,100 and 200 IU per ml of human coagulation factor VIII (rDNA), octocog alfa after reconstitution. The potency (International Units) is determined using the European Pharmacopoeia chromogenic assay. The specific activity of ADVATE is approximately 4,000-10,000 IU/mg protein. Octocog alfa (human coagulation factor VIII (rDNA)) is a purified protein that has 2332 amino acids. It is produced by recombinant DNA technology in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Prepared without the addition of any (exogenous) human- or animal-derived protein in the cell culture process, purification or final formulation. Excipients with known effect: 0.45 mmol sodium (10 mg) per vial. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Powder and solvent for solution for injection. Powder: White to off-white friable powder. Solvent: Clear and colourless solution.

Treatment and prophylaxis of bleeding in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII
deficiency). ADVATE is indicated in all age groups.

Treatment should be initiated under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of
haemophilia and with resuscitation support immediately available in case of anaphylaxis.
The dose and duration of the substitution therapy depend on the severity of the factor VIII deficiency,
on the location and extent of the bleeding and on the patient’s clinical condition.
The number of units of factor VIII is expressed in International Units (IU), which are related to the
WHO standard for factor VIII products. Factor VIII activity in plasma is expressed either as a
percentage (relative to normal human plasma) or in IUs (relative to the international standard for
factor VIII in plasma).
One International Unit (IU) of factor VIII activity is equivalent to that quantity of factor VIII in one ml
of normal human plasma.
On demand treatment
The calculation of the required dose of factor VIII is based on the empirical finding that 1 IU factor
VIII per kg body weight raises the plasma factor VIII activity by 2 IU/dl. The required dose is
determined using the following formula:
Required units (IU) = body weight (kg) x desired factor VIII rise (%) x 0.5
In case of the following haemorrhagic events, the factor VIII activity should not fall below the given
plasma activity level (in % of normal or IU/dl) in the corresponding period. The following table 1 can
be used to guide dosing in bleeding episodes and surgery:
Table 1 Guide for dosing in bleeding episodes and surgery
Degree of haemorrhage/type
of surgical procedure
Factor VIII level
required (% or IU/dl)
Frequency of doses (hours)/duration
of therapy (days)
Early haemarthrosis, muscle
bleeding or oral bleeding.
More extensive haemarthrosis,
muscle bleeding or haematoma.
Life threatening haemorrhages.
20 – 40
30 – 60
60 – 100
Repeat injections every 12 to 24 hours
(8 to 24 hours for patients under the
age of 6) for at least 1 day, until the
bleeding episode, as indicated by pain,
is resolved or healing is achieved.
Repeat injections every 12 to 24 hours
(8 to 24 hours for patients under the
age of 6) for 3 – 4 days or more until
pain and acute disability are resolved.
Repeat injections every 8 to 24 hours
(6 to 12 hours for patients under the
age of 6) until threat is resolved.
Including tooth extraction.
30 – 60
80 – 100
(pre- and postoperative)
Every 24 hours (12 to 24 hours for
patients under the age of 6), at
least 1 day, until healing is achieved.
Repeat injections every 8 to 24 hours
(6 to 24 hours for patients under the
age of 6) until adequate wound
healing, then continue therapy for at
least another 7 days to maintain a
factor VIII activity of 30% to 60%
The dose and frequency of administration should be adapted to the clinical response in the individual
case. Under certain circumstances (e.g. presence of a low-titre inhibitor), doses larger than those
calculated using the formula may be necessary.
During the course of treatment, appropriate determination of plasma factor VIII levels is advised to
guide the dose to be administered and the frequency of repeated injections. In the case of major
surgical interventions in particular, precise monitoring of the substitution therapy by means of plasma
factor VIII activity assay is indispensable. Individual patients may vary in their response to factor
VIII, achieving different levels of in vivo recovery and demonstrating different half-lives.
For long-term prophylaxis against bleeding in patients with severe haemophilia A, the usual doses
are 20 to 40 IU of factor VIII per kg body weight at intervals of 2 to 3 days.
Paediatric population
For on demand treatment dosing in paediatric patients (0 to 18 years of age) does not differ from
adult patients. In patients under the age of 6, doses of 20 to 50 IU of factor VIII per kg body weight
3 to 4 times weekly are recommended for prophylactic therapy.
Method of administration
ADVATE should be administered via the intravenous route. In case of administration by a non health
care professional appropriate training is needed.
The rate of administration should be determined to ensure the comfort of the patient up to a maximum
of 10 ml/min.
After reconstitution, the solution is clear, colourless, free from foreign particles and has a pH
of 6.7 to 7.3.
For instructions on reconstitution of the medicinal product before administration, see section 6.6.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 or to mouse or hamster proteins.

Allergic type hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, have been reported with ADVATE. The
product contains traces of mouse and hamster proteins. If symptoms of hypersensitivity occur, patients
should be advised to discontinue use of the product immediately and contact their physician. Patients
should be informed of the early signs of hypersensitivity reactions including hives, generalised
urticaria, tightness of the chest, wheezing, hypotension and anaphylaxis.
In case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.
The formation of neutralising antibodies (inhibitors) against factor VIII is a known complication in the
management of individuals with haemophilia A. These inhibitors are usually IgG immunoglobulins
directed against the factor VIII procoagulant activity, which are quantified in Bethesda Units (BU)
per ml of plasma using the modified assay. In patients who develop inhibitors to factor VIII, the
condition may manifest itself as an insufficient clinical response. In such cases, it is recommended that
a specialised haemophilia centre be contacted. The risk of developing inhibitors is correlated to the
extent of exposure to factor VIII, the risk being highest within the first 20 exposure days, and to other
genetic and environmental factors. Rarely, inhibitors may develop after the first 100 exposure days.
Cases of recurrent inhibitor (low titre) have been observed after switching from one factor VIII
product to another in previously treated patients with more than 100 exposure days who have a
previous history of inhibitor development. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor all patients
carefully for inhibitor occurrence following any product switch.
In general, all patients treated with coagulation factor VIII should be carefully monitored for the
development of inhibitors by appropriate clinical observations and laboratory tests. If the expected
factor VIII activity plasma levels are not attained, or if bleeding is not controlled with an appropriate
dose, testing for factor VIII inhibitor presence should be performed. In patients with high levels of
inhibitor, factor VIII substitution therapy may not be effective and other therapeutic options should be
considered. The management of such patients should be directed by physicians with experience in the
care of patients with haemophilia and factor VIII inhibitors.
Catheter-related complications in treatment
If central venous access device (CVAD) is required, risk of CVAD-related complications including
local infections, bacteremia and catheter site thrombosis should be considered.
Excipient related considerations
After reconstitution this medicinal product contains 0.45 mmol sodium (10 mg) per vial. To be taken
into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.
It is strongly recommended that every time ADVATE is administered to a patient, the name and batch
number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a link between the patient and the batch of
the medicinal product.
Paediatric population:
The listed warnings and precautions apply to both adults and children.

No interaction studies have been performed with ADVATE.

Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with factor VIII. Based on the rare occurrence
of haemophilia A in women, experience regarding the use of factor VIII during pregnancy and
breast-feeding is not available. Therefore, factor VIII should be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding
only if clearly indicated.

ADVATE has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Summary of the safety profile
Clinical studies with ADVATE included 418 subjects with at least one exposure to ADVATE reporting
in total 93 adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The ADRs that occurred in the highest frequency were
development of neutralising antibodies to factor VIII (inhibitors), headache and fever.
Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions (which may include angioedema, burning and stinging at the
infusion site, chills, flushing, generalised urticaria, headache, hives, hypotension, lethargy, nausea,
restlessness, tachycardia, tightness of the chest, tingling, vomiting, wheezing) have been observed
rarely and may in some cases progress to severe anaphylaxis (including shock).
Development of antibodies to mouse and/or hamster protein with related hypersensitivity reactions
may be observed.
Patients with haemophilia A may develop neutralising antibodies (inhibitors) to factor VIII. If such
inhibitors occur, the condition will manifest itself as an insufficient clinical response. In such cases,
it is recommended that a specialised haemophilia centre be contacted.
Tabulated summary of adverse reactions
The following table 2 provides the frequency of adverse drug reactions in clinical trials and from
spontaneous reporting. The table is according to the MedDRA system organ classification (SOC and
Preferred Term Level).
Frequency categories are defined according to the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10),
common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100), rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000), very
rare (< 1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency
grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.
Table 2 Frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in clinical trials and from spontaneous reports
MedDRA Standard System Organ Class Adverse reaction Frequencya
Infections and infestations Influenza Uncommon
Laryngitis Uncommon
Blood and lymphatic system disorders Factor VIII inhibitionc Common
Lymphangitis Uncommon
Immune system disorders Anaphylactic reaction Not known
Hypersensitivityc Not known
Nervous system disorders Headache Common
Dizziness Uncommon
Memory impairment Uncommon
Syncope Uncommon
Tremor Uncommon
Migraine Uncommon
Dysgeusia Uncommon
Eye disorders Eye inflammation Uncommon
Cardiac disorders Palpitations Uncommon
Vascular disorders Haematoma Uncommon
Hot flush Uncommon
Pallor Uncommon
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Dyspnoea Uncommon
Gastrointestinal disorders Diarrhoea Uncommon
Abdominal pain upper Uncommon
Nausea Uncommon
Vomiting Uncommon
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Pruritus Uncommon
Rash Uncommon
Hyperhidrosis Uncommon
Urticaria Uncommon
General disorders and administration site
Pyrexia Common
Peripheral oedema Uncommon
Chest pain Uncommon
Chest discomfort Uncommon
Chills Uncommon
Feeling abnormal Uncommon
Vessel puncture site haematoma Uncommon
Fatigue Not known
Injection site reaction Not known
Malaise Not known
Investigations Monocyte Count increased Uncommon
Coagulation factor VIII level decreasedb Uncommon
Haematocrit decreased Uncommon
Laboratory test abnormal Uncommon
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications Post procedural complication Uncommon
Post procedural haemorrhage Uncommon
Procedural site reaction Uncommon
a) Calculated based on total number of patients who received ADVATE (418).
b) The unexpected decrease in coagulation factor VIII levels occurred in one patient during
continuous infusion of ADVATE following surgery (postoperative days 10-14). Haemostasis was
maintained at all times during this period and both plasma factor VIII levels and clearance
rates returned to appropriate levels by postoperative day 15. Factor VIII inhibitor assays
performed after completion of continuous infusion and at study termination were negative.
c) ADR explained in the section below.
Description of selected adverse reactions
Inhibitor Development
Inhibitor development in previously treated patients (PTPs) and in previously untreated patients
(PUPs) has been reported. For details refer to sections 5.1 (Pharmacological properties) and 4.4
(Special warnings and precautions for use).
ADRs specific to residues from the manufacturing process
Of the 229 treated patients who were assessed for antibodies to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell
protein, 3 showed a statistically significant upward trend in titres, 4 displayed sustained peaks or
transient spikes and one patient had both but no clinical symptoms. Of the 229 treated patients who
were assessed for antibodies to murine IgG, 10 showed a statistically significant upward
trend, 2 displayed a sustained peak or transient spike and one patient had both. Four of these patients
reported isolated events of urticaria, pruritus, rash, and slightly elevated eosinophil counts amongst
repeated exposures to the study product.
Allergic type reactions include anaphylaxis and have been manifested by dizziness, paresthesias, rash,
flushing, face swelling, urticaria, and pruritus.
Paediatric population
Other than the development of inhibitors in previously untreated paediatric patients (PUPs), and
catheter-related complications, no age-specific differences in ADRs were noted in the clinical studies.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It
allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare
professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting system
listed below.
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
• Fax: +966-11-205-7662
• Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
• Toll free phone: 8002490000
• E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
• Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority.

No symptoms of overdose with recombinant coagulation factor VIII have been reported.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antihaemorrhagics, blood coagulation factor VIII. ATC code: B02BD02.
The factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor complex consists of two molecules (factor VIII and von
Willebrand Factor) with different physiological functions. ADVATE contains recombinant coagulation
factor VIII (octocog alfa), a glycoprotein that is biologically equivalent to the factor VIII glycoprotein
found in human plasma.
Octocog alfa is a glycoprotein consisting of 2332 amino acids with an approximate molecular mass
of 280 kD. When infused into a haemophilia patient, octocog alfa binds to endogenous von Willebrand
Factor in the patient’s circulation. Activated factor VIII acts as a Cofactor for activated Factor IX,
accelerating the conversion of Factor X to activated Factor X. Activated Factor X converts
prothrombin to thrombin. Thrombin then converts fibrinogen into fibrin and a clot can be formed.
Haemophilia A is a sex-linked hereditary disorder of blood coagulation due to decreased levels of
factor VIII activity and results in profuse bleeding into joints, muscles or internal organs, either
spontaneously or as a result of accidental or surgical trauma. The plasma levels of factor VIII are
increased by replacement therapy, thereby enabling a temporary correction of the factor VIII
deficiency and correction of the bleeding tendency.
Inhibitor Development
The immunogenicity of ADVATE was evaluated in previously treated patients. During clinical trials
with ADVATE in 233 paediatric and adult patients [paediatric patients (age 0 –16 years) and adult
patients (age over 16 years)] diagnosed with severe haemophilia A (factor VIII < 1%), with previous
exposure to factor VIII concentrates ≥ 150 days for adults and older children and ≥ 50 days for
children < 6 years of age, one patient developed a low-titre inhibitor (2.4 BU in the modified Bethesda
assay) after 26 exposure days to ADVATE. Follow-up inhibitor tests in this patient after withdrawal
from the study were negative. Across all studies, median exposure to ADVATE was 97.0 exposure days
per subject (range 1 to 709) for previously treated patients. The overall incidence of any factor VIII
inhibitor development (low or high) was 0.4% (1 of 233).
In the completed uncontrolled study 060103, 16 out of 45 (35.6%) of previously untreated patients
with severe haemophilia A (FVIII < 1%) and at least 25 EDs to FVIII developed FVIII inhibitors: 7
(15.6%) subjects developed high-titre inhibitors and 9 (20%) subjects developed low-titre inhibitors, 1
of which was also classified as a transient inhibitor.
Risk factors related to inhibitor development in this study included non-Caucasian ethnicity, family
history of inhibitors and intensive treatment at high dose within the first 20 EDs. In the 20 subjects
who had none of these risk factors there was no inhibitor development.
Data on Immune Tolerance Induction (ITI) in patients with inhibitors have been collected. Within a
sub-study of PUP-study 060103, ITI-treatments in 11 PUPs were documented. Retrospective chart
review was done for 30 subjects on ITI (study 060703) and collection of Registry data is on-going.
In study 060201 two long-term prophylaxis treatment schemes have been compared in 53 PTPs: an
individualized pharmacokinetic guided dosing regimen (within a range of 20 to 80 IU of factor VIII
per kg body weight at intervals of 72 ± 6 hours, n=23) with a standard prophylactic dosing regimen
(20 to 40 IU/kg every 48 ±6 hours, n=30). The pharmacokinetic guided dosing regimen (according to
a specific formula) was targeted to maintain factor VIII trough levels ≥ 1% at the inter-dosing interval
of 72 hours. The data from this study demonstrate that the two prophylactic dosing regimens are
comparable in terms of reduction of bleeding rate.
The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with
ADVATE in all subsets of the paediatric population in haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII
deficiency) in "Immune Tolerance Induction (ITI) in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor
VIII deficiency) who have developed inhibitors to factor VIII" and "treatment and prophylaxis of
bleeding in patients with haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency)". (see section 4.2 for
information on paediatric use).

All pharmacokinetic studies with ADVATE were conducted in previously treated patients with severe
to moderately severe haemophilia A (baseline factor VIII ≤ 2%). The analysis of plasma samples was
conducted in a central laboratory using a one-stage clotting assay.
A total of 195 subjects with severe haemophilia A (baseline factor VIII < 1%) provided PK parameters
that were included in the Per-Protocol PK analysis set. Categories of these analyses for infants (1
month to <2 years of age), children (2 to <5 years of age), older children (5 to <12 years of age),
adolescents (12 to <18 years of age), and adults (18 years of age and older) were used to summarize
PK parameters, where age was defined as age at time of PK infusion.
Table 3 Summary of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of ADVATE per Age Group with severe haemophilia A
(baseline factor VIII < 1%)
Parameter (mean ±
standard deviation)
Older Children
Total AUC (IU*·h/dl) 1362.1 ±
1180.0 ±
1506.6 ± 530.0 1317.1 ±
1538.5 ± 519.1
Adjusted Incremental
Recovery at Cmax
(IU/dL per IU/kg)a
2.2 ± 0.6 1.8 ± 0.4 2.0 ± 0.5 2.1 ± 0.6 2.2 ± 0.6
Half-life (h) 9.0 ± 1.5 9.6 ± 1.7 11.8 ± 3.8 12.1 ± 3.2 12.9 ± 4.3
Maximum Plasma
Concentration Post
Infusion (IU/dl)
110.5 ±
90.8 ± 19.1 100.5 ± 25.6 107.6 ± 27.6 111.3 ± 27.1
Mean Residence
Time (h)
11.0 ± 2.8 12.0 ± 2.7 15.1 ± 4.7 15.0 ± 5.0 16.2 ± 6.1
Volume of
Distribution at
Steady State (dl/kg)
0.4 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.2 0.5 ± 0.2
Clearance (ml/kg*h) 3.9 ± 0.9 4.8 ± 1.5 3.8 ± 1.5 4.1 ± 1.0 3.6 ± 1.2
a Calculated as (Cmax - baseline Factor VIII) divided by the dose in IU/kg, where Cmax is the maximal postinfusion
Factor VIII measurement.
The safety and haemostatic efficacy of ADVATE in the paediatric population are similar to that of
adult patients. Adjusted recovery and terminal half-life (t½) was approximately 20% lower in young
children (less than 6 years of age) than in adults, which may be due in part to the known higher
plasma volume per kilogram body weight in younger patients.
Pharmacokinetic data with ADVATE on previously untreated patients are currently not available.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of safety pharmacology, acute
toxicology, repeated dose toxicity, local toxicity and genotoxicity.

Sodium chloride
Calcium chloride
Polysorbate 80
Glutathione (reduced)
Sterilised water for injections

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal
products or solvents.

2 years. After reconstitution, from a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately. However, chemical and physical in-use stability has been demonstrated for 3 hours at 25 °C. During the shelf life, the product may be kept at room temperature (up to 25 °C) for a single period not exceeding 6 months. The end of the 6 months storage at room temperature should be recorded on the product carton. The product may not be returned to refrigerated storage again.

Store in a refrigerator (2 °C – 8 °C).
Do not freeze.
ADVATE with BAXJECT II device: Keep the product vial in the outer carton in order to protect from
For storage conditions after reconstitution of the medicinal product, see section 6.3.

Both the powder vial and the vial containing 5 ml solvent are of type I glass closed with chlorobutyl
rubber stoppers. The product is provided in one of the following configurations:
- ADVATE with BAXJECT II device: Each pack contains a powder vial, a vial containing 5 ml
solvent and a device for reconstitution (BAXJECT II).

ADVATE is to be administered intravenously after reconstitution of the product.
The reconstituted solution should be inspected visually for any foreign particulate matter and/or
After reconstitution the solution should be clear, colourless and free from foreign particles.
Do not use solutions that are cloudy or have deposits.
- For administration the use of a luer-lock syringe is required.
- Use within three hours after reconstitution.
- Do not refrigerate the preparation after reconstitution.
- Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local
Reconstitution with the BAXJECT II device
- For reconstitution use only the sterilised water for injections and the reconstitution device
provided in the pack.
- Do not use if the BAXJECT II device, its sterile barrier system or its packaging is damaged or
shows any sign of deterioration.
- Aseptic Technique should be used
1. If the product is still stored in a refrigerator, take both the ADVATE powder and solvent vials
from the refrigerator and let them reach room temperature (between 15 °C and 25 °C).
2. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and warm water.
3. Remove caps from powder and solvent vials.
4. Cleanse stoppers with alcohol swabs. Place the vials on a flat clean surface.
5. Open the package of BAXJECT II device by peeling away the paper lid without touching the
inside (Fig. a). Do not remove the device from the package. Do not use if the BAXJECT II
device, its sterile barrier system or its packaging is damaged or shows any sign of deterioration.
6. Turn the package over and insert the clear plastic spike through the solvent stopper. Grip the
package at its edge and pull the package off BAXJECT II (Fig. b). Do not remove the blue cap
from the BAXJECT II device.
7. For reconstitution only the sterilised water for injections and the reconstitution device provided
in the pack should be used. With BAXJECT II attached to the solvent vial, invert the system so
that the solvent vial is on top of the device. Insert the white plastic spike through the ADVATE
powder stopper. The vacuum will draw the solvent into the ADVATE powder vial (Fig. c).
8. Swirl gently until all material is dissolved. Be sure that the ADVATE powder is completely
dissolved, otherwise not all reconstituted solution will pass through the device filter. The
product dissolves rapidly (usually in less than 1 minute). After reconstitution the solution should
be clear, colourless and free from foreign particles.
Use Aseptic Technique
Parenteral medicinal products should be inspected for particulate matter prior to administration,
whenever solution and container permit. Only a clear and colourless solution should be used.
1. Remove the blue cap from BAXJECT II / BAXJECT III. Do not draw air into the syringe.
Connect the syringe to BAXJECT II / BAXJECT III.
2. Invert the system (the vial with the reconstituted solution has to be on top). Draw the
reconstituted solution into the syringe by pulling the plunger back slowly.
3. Disconnect the syringe.
4. Attach a butterfly needle to the syringe. Inject intravenously. The solution should be
administered slowly, at a rate as determined by the patient’s comfort level, not to exceed 10 ml
per minute. The pulse rate should be determined before and during administration of ADVATE.
Should a significant increase occur, reducing the rate of administration or temporarily
interrupting the injection usually allows the symptoms to disappear promptly (see
sections 4.4 and 4.8).

Takeda Manufacturing Austria AG Industriestrasse 67 1221 Austria


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