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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Lorinase is a medicinal product contains two active substances: Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine. Loratadine is a potent long-acting tricyclic antihistamine with selective peripheral H1-receptor antagonistic activity. Pseudoephedrine sulfate, one of the naturally occurring alkaloids of Ephedra and an orally administered vasoconstrictor, produces a gradual but sustained decongestant effect facilitating shrinkage of congested mucosa in upper respiratory areas. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is decongested through the action of the sympathetic nerves. Lorinase relieves symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis (hay fever), such as: • Nasal and sinus congestion. • Sneezing. • Runny nose. • Watery, itchy eyes. Lorinase contains a combination of two medicines: loratadine (an antihistamine) and pseudoephedrine (a decongestant). Antihistamines help reduce allergic symptoms by preventingthe effects of a substance called histamine. Histamine is produced by the body in response to foreign substances which the body is allergic to. Decongestants produce narrowing of blood vessels. This leads to clearing of the stuffy or blocked nose. Your doctor or pharmacist, however, may prescribe Lorinase for another purpose. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about why Lorinase has been prescribed for you.

Do not take Lorinase if: • You have an allergy to Lorinase or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet. Do not take Lorinase if you have, or have had, any of thefollowing medical conditions: • Glaucoma • Difficulty passing urine • Severe high blood pressure • Severe blood vessel disease • An overactive thyroid gland Do not take Lorinase if you are taking or within 14 daysof discontinuing monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), medicines used to treat depression. For Lorinase tablet: Do not give Lorinase tablet to children under 12 years of age. For Lorinase syrup: Do not give Lorinase syrup to children under 6 years of age. Do not take Lorinase after the expiry date printed on the pack. Do not take Lorinase if the packaging is torn or showssigns of tampering. Before you start to take it, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have allergies to: • Any other medicines • Any other substances, such as foods, preservatives or dyes Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have or have had any medical conditions, especially the following: • Eye problems (such as high pressure in the eye or glaucoma) • Stomach ulcer • Intestinal obstruction • Prostate or urinary bladder problems • Heart disease • Diabetes • If you are 60 years of age or older, because older adults may be more sensitive to the effects of the medicine. If you have not told your doctor or pharmacist about anyof the above, tell them before you take Lorinase. The pseudoephedrine in Lorinase is considered a stimulant by sporting bodies. Its use in competing athletes is not recommended. Taking other medicines Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, including medicines that you buy without aprescription from a pharmacy, supermarket or health food shop. Some medicines should not be taken with Lorinase. These include: • Heart or blood pressure medicines • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, medicines used to treat Depression • Antacids • Kaolin These medicines may be affected by Lorinase, or may affect how well it works. You may need different amounts of your medicine, or you may need to take different medicines. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you. Taking Lorinase with food It does not matter if you take Lorinase before or after food. Pregnancy and breast-feeding Do not take Lorinase if you are pregnant or breast feeding unless you have discussed the risks and benefits involved with your doctor or pharmacist. Driving and using machines Make sure you know how you react to Lorinase before you drive a car or operate machinery. Lorinase is unlikely to make you drowsy. If you are drowsy, do not drive a car or work with machinery.

How much to take For Lorinase tablet: The recommended dose of Lorinase in adults and children over 12 years is one tablet every 12 hours. Do not use in children under 12 years of age. Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water. Do not crush, break or chew the tablet before swallowing. For Lorinase syrup: Adults and children 6-12 years of age (body weight > 30 Kg): 5 ml syrup (one teaspoonful) twice a day (every 12 hours). Do not give to children below 6 years of age. Consult your doctor if symptoms did not improve within 7 days or if symptoms were associated with fever. Be sure to take Lorinase exactly as your doctor orpharmacist has told you to. If you do not follow their instructions, you may not get relief from your symptoms. Do not take more Lorinase than recommended by your doctor or pharmacist. If you forget to take it If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the dose you missed and take your next dose when you are meant to. Otherwise, take it as soon as you remember, and then go back to taking your medicine as you would normally. Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose you missed. If you take too much (overdose) Immediately telephone your doctor for advice or go to casualty at your nearest hospital, if you think that you or anyone else may have taken too much Lorinase. Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort or poisoning. You may need urgent medical attention. While you are taking Lorinase Things you must do Tell all the doctors, dentists and pharmacists who are treating you that you are taking Lorinase. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you become pregnant while you are taking Lorinase. Things you must not do Do not give Lorinase to anyone else, even if theirsymptoms seem similar to yours. Do not use it to treat any other complaints unless yourdoctor or pharmacist says to. Stop taking Lorinase 48 hours before you have any skin tests. Antihistamines may interfere with the results of skin tests

Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are using Lorinase. Lorinase helps most people with allergies, but it may have unwanted effects in a few people. Like other medicines, Lorinase can cause some side effects. If they occur, they are most likely to be minor and temporary. However, some may be serious and need medical attention. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to answer any questionsyou may have. Most unwanted effects seen with Lorinase have been mild tomoderate. These include: • Trouble sleeping • Dry mouth • Headache • Sleepiness • Nervousness • Dizziness • Fatigue Other unwanted effects may also occur in some people taking Lorinase. Tell your doctor if you notice any other effects. Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects. You may not experience any of them.

Keep your tablets in the blister pack in a dry place until it is time to take them. If you take your tablets out of the blister pack they will not keep well. Do not store above 30°C. For Lorinase syrup Keep the bottle in a cool dry place. Do not store above 30°C. Do not store them or any other medicine in the bath room or near a sink. Do not leave them in the car on hot days or on window sills. Keep the tablets where children cannot reach them. This medicine will be expired after 30 days from the first opening. If your doctor or pharmacist tells you to stop taking Lorinase or the tablets have passed their expiry date, ask your pharmacist what to do with any tablets that are left over.

For Lorinase tablet: Active ingredients: Loratadine Micronized USP 5mg and Pseudoephedrine sulfate 120mg. Other ingredients: Lactose Fast Flow NF, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-15M, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-4M, Poracrilline Potassium, Magnesium Stearate, Purified Talc, Lactose BP 200, Maize Starch, Sodium Starch Glycollate and Spectracol Erythrosine LK. For Lorinase syrup: Active ingredients: • Loratadine Micronized USP 5mg • Pseudoephedrine sulfate 60mg Other ingredients:Fructose, Polyethylene Glycol 1500 (SP), Disodium Edetate, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Sodium Citrate Anhydrous, Sodium Benzoate, Sorbitol Solution 70% Non Cryst, Propylene Glycol, Strawberry Flavour Liquid, Sucralose and Purified Water BP.

For Lorinase tablet: Lorinase tablet is a round, flat bevelled edge, uncoated bilayer tablet, having mottled on pink coloured side, engraved with “115” and white plain surface on the other side. Nature and contents of container: 14/pack Blisters: Transparent thermoformed PVC/PVDC blister strips with hard tempered aluminium foil lid. For Lorinase syrup: A colourless to yellowish syrup with a characteristic strawberry odour and taste, free from foreign matter. Nature and contents of container: 100ml amber bottle with child resistant cap/unit carton

Marketing Authorization Holder and Manufacturer SPIMACO Al-Qassim Pharmaceutical Plant Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances Corporation. Saudi Arabia 

This leaflet was last revised in November 2016.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

لورينيز ھو مستحضر دوائى يحتوى على مادتين فعالتين ھما لوراتادين و: .دوإفيدرينسو لوراتادين ھو مضاد لل ھيستامين قوي طويل المفعول ثRثي الحلقة له تأثير اختياري مضاد لمستقبRت H1 أما كبريتات . الطرفية السودوإفيدرين، فھو واحد من قلويدات ا`فيدرا الموجودة في الطبيعة وھو مضيق لaوعية الدموية يعطي بالفم، وينتج عنه أثر تدريجي مزيل حتقانلR ولكنه ممتد، فيسھل انكماش الغشاء المخاطي المحتقن في مناطق الجھاز التنفسي العليا وتتم إزالة . حتقاناB من الغشاء المخاطي للسبيل التنفسي من خRل مفعوله علي اWعصاب الودية ).يةاوالسمبث( لورينيز يخفف من :مثل )القش حمى( فناW حساسيةل المصاحبة عراضاW ناW احتقان - ف والجيوب اW. فيةن .العطس - .فناW نسيR - - حكة في العيون مع زيادة الدموع . لورينيز يحتوي علي مزيج من دوائين ھما ) ھيستامينللمضاد (لوراتادين : و سودوافيدرين ).حتقانلRمزيل ( ھيستامينالمضادات تساعد علي تقليل أعراض الحساسية بمنع تأثير مادة تسمي ال ھيستامينينتج ال. ھيستامين في الجسم كرد فعل لوجود أجسام غريبة يتحسس لھا الجسم مزيRت اB .حتقان تقوم بتضييق اW ف غير نتصفية اW إليوھذا يؤدي . عية الدمويةو .المسدودة أوجيدة التھوية الصيدلي أو المعالج طبيبكقد يقوم بوصف لورينيز لسبب آ ت لديك أي أكان إذاالصيدلي أو المعالج اسأل طبيبك. خر سئلة حول سبب وصف لورينيز لك .

. 2 ما يجب مراعاته قبل لورينيز تناول لورينيز تناول- ت فى الحا-ت ا/تية : إذا - أ أولورينيز تجاهبالحساسية كنت مصابا ي من المكونات المذكورة في نھاية .النشرة ھذه ً ليالديك ح كانإذالورينيز تناول- ت أو اً مسبقاً أي من الحا-ت الطبية ا/ :تية .لمياه الزرقاءا - .التبول في صعوبة - .الدم ضغطشديد فى ارتفاع - .الشديدة الدموية عيةواW أمراض - . الدرقية الغدة نشاط فرط - كنت إذالورينيز تناول- تقم ب مازلت فى أو تناولتحالياً 14خ?ل يوم من التوقف عن اFمين أحادي كسيديزأو مثبطات تناول أدوية وھى تستخدم في ع?ج ا-كتئاب . بالنسبة ل لورينيز أقراص : B تعطي لورينيز أ .سنة 12من فى العمر قلاWاWطفال إليقراص بالنسبة ل لورينيز شراب : B تعطي لورينيز شراب اWطفال إلي اWقل فى العمر .سنوات 6من لورينيز بعد تناولB ت انتھاء تاريخ الصRحية المطبوع علي العبوة . أوالعبوة ممزقة تكان إذالورينيز تناولB ت ظھر عليھا عRمات العبث . قبل البدء في تكان إذاالصيدلي أوطبيبك خبرأالدواء، ھذا تناول لديك حساسية من : .اخري أدويةي أ - أ - ي مكونات اخري، مثل بعض أنواع الطعام أو المواد الحافظة .الصبغات أو ليالديك ح كانإذاالصيدلي أوطبيبك خبرأ أو اً مسبقاً أي من الحا-ت الطبية، وبخاصة ا/ :تي ذكرھا ).الزرقاء المياهأوضغط العين ارتفاع مثل( العين في مشاكل - .المعدة قرحة - .معوي انسداد - .البولية ةناالمثمشاكل أو البروستاتا - .القلبفى مرض - .السكري مرض - .الدواء ھذالتأثيرات حساسية أكثر يكونوا قد السن كبار نW وذلك أكثر،أوسنة 60 تبلغ من العمر كنت إذا - إذا كنت لم تخبر طبيبك الصيدلي عن أ أو المعالج .لورينيز تناولھم قبل خبرأالسابقة، عراضاFي من يعتبر السودوإفيدرين المتواجد في لورينيز كمنشط من قبل الھيئات الرياضية. B ينصح باستخدامه في الرياضيين المتنافسين . خريأ أدوية تناول أ أدويةي أ تناولكنت ت إذاالصيدلي أو المعالج طبيبك خبرأ خري، وذلك يتضمن اW صفوالR دوية ية التي قمت بشرائھا من ن مم أومركزي السوق أو من ال الصيدلية تجر اWغذية الصحية . تناولB يجب دويةبعض اW: وذلك يتضمن. ھا مع لورينيز أدوية - القلب وضغط الدم . .اBكتئاب لعRج المستخدمة دويةواW اWمين، أحادي كسيديزأو مثبطات - .الحموضة مضادات - .لينواك - أنمن الممكن دويةھذه اW تتأثر ب لورينيز، أنمن الممكن أو تؤثر علي كيفية عمله مختلفة جرعات إليتحتاج أنمن الممكن . . مختلفة أدوية تناول إليتحتاج أنمن الممكن أو، الخاص بك من الدواء سوف يقوم بنصيحتك .الصيدلي أو المعالج طبيبك تناول لورينيز مع الطعام .بعد الطعام أولورينيز قبل تناولB يھم الحمل والرضاعة إذاي الدواء تناولB ت ِ أوحامR كنت تقومين بالرضاعة الطبيعية إذا لم تقومين بمناقشة المخاطر والفوائد المتضمنة مع طبيبك أو .الصيدلي القيادة واستخدام ا/ -ت كن متأكدا من معرفتك عن تجاهرد فعلك مدى لورينيز قبل قيادتك للسيارة أو تشغيل الماكينات. من غير المرجح يتسبب لك أن ً لورينيز في إذا. النعاس كنت في حالة من النعاس، B تقود السيارة قوم بالت أو .عمل مع


3 لورينيز تناولكيفية بالنسبة ل لورينيز أقراص : الجرعة الموصي بھا من لورينيز أقراص في البالغين واWطفال 12أكبر من سنة ھي قرص واحد كل .ساعة 12 B يستخدم في اWطفال .سنة 12من فى العمر قل اW قم ببلع القرص بالكامل مع كوب من الماء. أوكسر B تقم بسحق أو مضغ القرص قبل بلعه . بالنسبة ل لورينيز شراب : البالغين واWطفال الذين تتر وا ح أعمارھم من وزن الجسم (سنة 12 -6:( كجم 30 أكثر من تكون الجرعة ھى ملعقة (مل 5 ) صغيرة واحدة ً ).ساعة 12كل ( مرتين يوميا B تعطيه لaطفال اWقل فى العمر .سنوات 6من ِ عراضاW تكان إذا أوأيام 7خRل عراضاW لديك لم تتحسن إذا المعالج ر طبيبكاستش مصحوبة بحمي . تناولتأكد من لورينيز بالظبط كما .الصيدلي أوك طبيبك اخبر إذا لم تقم باتباع تعليماتھم، قد B تتعافى من .كأعراض تناولB تقم ب لورينيز أكثر مما أوصي به طبيبك .الصيدلي أو لورينيز تناولت أننسيت إذا كان إذا الوقت ھو تقريبا وقت الجرعة ، قالتالية م بتخطي الجرعة التي نسيتھا وقم ب .فى وقتھا التاليةالجرعة تناول ً خRف ذلك، الجرعة تناول حالما تتذكر، وبعد ذلك قم ب تناولB تقم ب. دوائك كالمعتاد تناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة .المنسية تناول إذا ت لورينيز أكثر مما يجب )جرعة مفرطة( اتصل في الحال بطبيبك لRستشارة إلي توجه أو قسم الطوارئ في أقرب مستشفي، أي شخص آ أوت أنك أناعتقدت إذا خر قد تناول الكثير من لورينيز. قم بذلك حتي ولو لم تظھر أي أعراض من عدم الراحة فقد. التسمم أو تكون ھناك حاجة رعاية إلي .طبية عاجلة ك لورينيزتناولأثناء أشياء من الواجب تفعلھا أن ناأطباء اWسنو جميع اWطباء خبرأ والصيادلة الذين يقومون بعRجك .لورينيز تناولك تأن أوطبيبك أخبرى الصيدلي في حالة ِ ما أصبحت .ك لورينيزتناولأثناء حامRً أشياء من الواجب أ- تفعلھا B تقم بإعطاء لورينيز Wي شخص آخر، حتي ولو تشابھت .كأعراضھم مع أعراض B تستخدمه في عRج أي .الصيدلي ذلك أولم يقل طبيبك إذاي أخري واشك توقف عن ساعة قبل إ 48لورينيز تناول جراء أي اختبار جلدي للحساسية . مضادات الھيستامين من الممكن أن تتداخل مع نتائج اBختبارات الجلدية

4 يةالجانب عراضاF .محتملة الحدوث أوطبيبك خبرأ الصيدلي في أقرب وقت ممكن أنلم تشعر إذا ك علي ما يرام أثناء .ك لورينيزتناول يساعد لورينيز معظم الناس المصابين بالحساسية، ولكن من الممكن أن يكون له بعض اHثار الغير المرغوب فيھا في بعض .الناس دويةباقي اW مثل أن، من الممكن يتسبب لورينيز في بعض اH. يةالجانبثار في حالة ظھورھا، فھي في اWغلب ت ثانويةكون . ومؤقتة ومع ذلك، من الممكن أن يكون بعض منھا خطير وي إلى حتاج .الرعاية الطبية يةالجانبثار معظم اH الغير مرغوب فيھا الملحوظة مع لورينيز تكون خفيفة :وتتضمن. متوسطة إلي . النوم في مشاكل - .الفم جفاف - .صداعال - .نعاسال - .اBضطراب - .دوخةال - .تعبال - جانبيةثار تظھر آ أنمن الممكن أخري غير مرغوب فيھا في بعض الناس .ون لورينيزتناولي ممن إذاالصيدلي أوطبيبك اخبر قمت بم?حظة أي أثار أخري . .الحدوث المحتملة يةالجانب ثارا/ من القائمة ھذه منتنزعج - فقد B يحدث لك أي منھا

5 كيفية حفظ لورينيز بالنسبة ل لورينيز أقراص : قم بحفظ اFقراص في العبوة الخاصة بھا في م كان جاف حتي ميعاد .ھاتناول إذا قمت بأخذ اWقراص خارج العبوة فھذا قد يتسبب في عدم حفظھا جيدا .ً B تحفظ ھذا الدواء فى درجة حرارة أعلى من .درجة مئوية 30 بالنسبة ل لورينيز شراب : احفظ الزجاجة في م .باردوجاف كان B تحفظ ھذا الدواء فى درجة حرارة أعلى من .درجة مئوية 30 'تقم بحفظ ھذا الدواء أدويةأي أو أخري في الحمام .قرب المغسلة أو ' تقم بترك الدواء في السيارة في ا0يام الحارة أو علي حافة الشباك . احفظ ا0قراص بحيث ' يمكن ل7طفال الوصول .ھاإلي سوف تنتھى ص<حية ھذا الدواء بعد 30 يوماً من فتح العبوة للمرة ا0ولى . تتوقف عن أنالصيدلي ب أوك طبيبك خبرأ إذا تجاوزت إذا أولورينيز تناول ا0قراص تاريخ الص<حية، اسأل الصيدلي عما يجب القيام به مع ا0قراص المتبقية

ع"م يحتوي لورينيز بالنسبة ل لورينيز أقراص : المادة الفعالة ھي كبريتات السوو ملجم 5لوراتادين : .ملجم 120 دوإفيدرين المكونات ا0خري ھي:'كتوز سريع الت نادفق اف، ھيدروكسي بروبيل ميثيل سيليلوز كيه 15 - ام، ھيدروكسي بروبيل ميثيل 4- سيليلوز كيه ام، بوراكريللين البوتاسيوم، ستيارات ماغنسيوم، تلك منقي، 'كتوز بي بي 200 ،نشا الذرة، ج<يكو'ت نشا الصوديوم، و سبيكتراكول اريثروسين ال كيه . بالنسبة ل لورينيز شراب : المادة الفعالة ھي 5لوراتادين : ملجم و كبريتات السو .ملجم 60 دوإفيدرين المكونات ا0خري: فركتوز، بولي إ ثيلين ج<يكول ي إيديت ،)اس بي(1500 ات ثنائي الصوديوم، حمض الستريك ال<مائي، سيترات ،ةصوديوم 'مائي بنزوات صوديوم، محلول سوربيتول ، غير مبلور% 70 بروبيلين ج<يكول، سائل نكھة الفر لة، وا سكرالوز و ماء منقي

شكل لورينيز ومكونات العبوة بالنسبة ل لورينيز أقراص قرص لورينيز دائري، مشطوف الحافة، غير مصقول ذو طبقة ثنائية، مرقش علي الجانب الوردي الملون، ومنقوش ب " 115 "و سطح أبيض عادي علي .خراM الجانب عبوات ا0قراص لكل 14. :عبوةقرصاً : ا0قراص حاويات شرائط شفافة حرارية من مادة / البي في سي البي في دي س ي مع غطاء من رقائق ا0لومنيوم الثابت . بالنسبة ل لورينيز شراب شراب عديم اللون إلي مصفر ذو طعم ورائحة الفر ليالة المميزة، خوا من أي مواد غريبة . عبوات الشراب ية اللوننازجاجة كھرم: مزودة بغطاء مقاوم لعبث ا0طفال .عبوة/ مللي 100سعة

لمصنع و مالك الحقوق التسويقية :بواسطة صنع الدوائية بالقصيم دويةاW مصنع الطبية والمستلزمات الدوائية للصناعات السعودية الشركة السعودية العربية المملكة .

.2016نوفمبر بتاريخ النشرة ھذه على الموافقة
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


Active ingredients: Loratadine Micronized USP 5mg and Pseudoephedrine sulfate 120mg. Other ingredients: Lactose Fast Flow NF, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K15M, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-4M, Poracrilline Potassium, Magnesium Stearate Purified Talc, Lactose BP 200, Maize Starch, Sodium Starch Glycollate, Spectracol Erythrosine LK. For Lorinase syrup: Active ingredients: Loratadine Micronized USP 5mg and Pseudoephedrine sulfate 60mg. Other ingredients: Fructose, Polyethylene Glycol 1500 (SP), Disodium Edetate, Citric Acid Anhydrous, Sodium Citrate Anhydrous, Sodium Benzoate, Sorbitol Solution 70% Non Cryst, Propylene Glycol, Strawberry Flavour Liquid, Sucralose, Purified Water BP. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

For Lorinase tablet: Lorinase tablet isBi-layer Tablet a round, flat bevelled edge, uncoated bilayer tablet, having motted on pink coloured side, engraved with “115” and white plain surface on the other side. For Lorinase syrup: A colourless to yellowish syrup with a characteristic strawberry odour and taste, free from foreign matter.

Lorinase is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis when accompanied by nasal congestion.

For Lorinase tablet: Adults and children aged 12 years or more: One tablet twice daily with a glass of water. Lorinase tablets must be swallowed entirely (without crushing, breaking or chewing). Lorinase may be taken without regard to mealtime. Lorinase is not recommended for use in children below 12 years of age due to a lack of data on safety and efficacy. The duration of treatment should be kept as short as possible and should not be continued after the symptoms have disappeared. It is advisable to limit treatment to about 10 days, as during chronic administration the activity of pseudoephedrine may diminish. After improvement of the congestive condition of the mucosa of the upper airway, treatment may be maintained with loratadine alone, if necessary. Patients with hepatic impairment Lorinase has not been evaluated in patients with severe hepatic impairment and in these patients is therefore not recommended. When properly mitigate the symptoms of congestion of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and nose, if necessary, continue treatment with an antihistamine. For Lorinase syrup: Adults and children 6-12 years of age (body weight > 30 Kg): 5 ml syrup (one teaspoonful) twice a day (every 12 hours). Do not give to children below 6 years of age.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients. Since Lorinase tablets containing pseudoephedrine, it is also contraindicated in patients receiving monoamine oxidase enzyme (MAO) inhibitors or within 14 days after discontinuation of MAO inhibitors in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, urinary retention, cardiovascular diseases, such as for example. Coronary ischemia, tachyarrhythmia and severe hypertension, or hyperthyroidism. Lorinasetablets should not be given to children under the age of 12 years. Lorinase syrup should not be given to children under the age of 6 years.

In patients taking digitalis, patients with cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, myocardial infarction, diabetes, stenosing peptic ulcer, pyloroduodenal obstruction, prostatic hypertrophy or bladder neck obstruction, or bronchospasm in patients with a history of caution. Special caution is required in patients aged 60 years or more, it is for people in this age group are more likely adverse reactions to sympathomimetics. In this case, the dose should be reduced. The dose should be reduced in the case of severe renal insufficiency. Caution should be exercised in patients treated with other sympathomimetic agents, including decongestants, drugs to reduce appetite or amphetaminetype stimulant medications, antihypertensives, tricyclic antidepressants and other antihistamines. As with any CNS stimuli are also in pseudoephedrine sulfate reported abuse. Prolonged use can lead to tolerance and therefore increases the risk of overdosing. The effect of the results of laboratory test results: Antihistamines should be discontinued approximately 2 days before skin tests because they can prevent or reduce otherwise positive reaction to the skin indicators. Lorinase medicine may affect your test taking doping in athletes. Lorinase medicine contains sucrose: Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose / galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase insufficiency should not take this medicine. Lorinase medicine contains lactose: patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose / galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine

Loratadine: Concomitant use of alcohol loratadine does not increase its activities, which are research assessed by measurements of physical and mental fitness. Following concomitant administration of ketoconazole, erythromycin, or cimetidine in controlled clinical trials reported an increase in plasma concentrations of loratadine but without clinically significant changes (including changes in the ECG). Other drugs known to inhibit hepatic metabolism should only be used concurrently with caution until definitive studies are completed drug-drug interactions. Pseudoephedrine:Sympathomimetics may reduce the antihypertensive effect of drugs affecting the sympathetic system as example. methyldopa, reserpine, and guanethidine, and partially counteract the hypotensive effects of beta blockers. Concomitant use of tablets Lorinase with sympathomimetic agents such as, for example. decongestants, drugs used to reduce appetite, amphetamines, tricyclic antidepressants or MAO inhibitors may increase blood pressure. Due to the long-term operation MAO inhibitors, this effect can also be 14 days after discontinuation of treatment (see section 4.3). Concomitant use of furazolidone should be avoided as it may cause a dosedependent brake MAO. Concomitant use of pseudoephedrine and digitalis may result in increased ectopic activity centers in the heart. Antacids increase the rate of pseudoephedrine absorption, kaolin decreases it.

Pregnancy Category C The safety of Lorinase during pregnancy and lactation has not been established, so the drug in the meantime should not be used

At a daily dose of 10 mg of loratadine were reported sedating the operation of the product. Attention and reaction time were not reduced. Similarly, it is not known that pseudoephedrine sulfate decreased psychophysical ability.

Reported adverse reactions by system organ class in MedDRA Very common (≥ 1/10); Common (≥ 1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1000 to <1/100); Rare (≥ 1/10, 000 to <1/1000); very rare (<1/10, 000) Metabolism and nutrition disorders Common: thirst. Psychiatric disorders Very common: anorexia, insomnia. Common: nervousness, somnolence, depression, agitation. Nervous system disorders Very common: dry mouth. Common: dizziness. Uncommon: confusion, tremors, increased sweating, hot flushes, broken flavor. Eye Disorders Uncommon: disorders of lacrimal gland. Ear and labyrinth disorders Uncommon: tinnitus Heart diseaseCommon: tachycardia Uncommon: palpitations Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Common: pharyngitis, rhinitis Uncommon: epistaxis Gastrointestinal Disorders Common: constipation, nausea Renal and urinary disorders Uncommon: micturition disorders Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Common: pruritus General disorders and administration site conditions Common: headache, chills. Other adverse reactions have been reported very rarely during post-marketing are listed below: Immune system disorders: anaphylaxis Nervous system disorders: vertigo Vascular diseases: hypertension Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: cough, bronchospasm Hepato-biliary disorders: abnormal liver function Renal and urinary disorders: urinary retention Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: alopecia Other adverse reactions reported during post-marketing only to loratadine include increased appetite, redness and gastritis.

In case of overdose should be initiated immediately with general symptomatic treatment and supportive care measures that should last as long as necessary. In addition to mild sedation, which might be caused by loratadine at doses that are several times higher than the recommended dose of medicine for intoxication occur even signs of overdose sympathomimetic agents. May vary from CNS depression (sedation, apnea, reduce mental attention, cyanosis, To report any side effect(s):  The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) o Fax: +966-11-205-7662 o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340. o Toll free phone: 8002490000 o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc coma, cardiovascular collapse) to CNS stimulation (insomnia, hallucinations, tremors or convulsions), perhaps even death. Other signs and symptoms may include headache, anxiety, difficulty urinating, muscle weakness and tension, euphoria, agitation, tachycardia, palpitations, thirst, sweating, nausea, vomiting, precordial pain, dizziness, tinnitus, ataxia, blurred vision and hypertension or hypotension. The probability of CNS stimulation is particularly high in children, and this also applies to signs and symptoms similar to those seen after atropine (dry mouth, dilated pupils unresponsive, flushing, hyperthermia, and gastrointestinal symptoms). Treatment: The patient vomiting, even if it is already vomited spontaneously. The best way to challenge vomiting using syrup of ipecac. In patients with disorders of consciousness, vomiting should not be induced. Precautions must be taken against aspiration of vomit, especially in children. After vomiting may try to adsorb the remaining amount of drug in the stomach, so that the patient administered the active carbon in the form of a mixture with water. If vomiting is unsuccessful or contraindicated if it is necessary to carry out gastric lavage. The solution of choice for this purpose is a saline solution, particularly in children, while in adults may be used as drinking water. Before the next instillation should be removed as big as possible intake of medicines. Salt laxatives pull water into the intestines on the principle of osmosis and therefore may be useful due to the rapid dilution of bowel content. It is not known, or can be administered to remove by dialysis. After emergency treatment, the patient continued to remain under medical supervision. Treatment of the signs and symptoms of overdose is symptomatic and supportive. Stimulants (analeptiki) should not be used. Hypertension can be controlled with alpha blockers, tachycardia with beta-blockers. Shortacting barbiturates - diazepam 10 mg i.v. or i.m. (adults) and 0.5 mg / kg intrarectally (children), or paraldehyde - can be used for the control of possible seizures. In hyperpyrexia, especially in children, may require lowering the body temperature by washing with a sponge soaked in lukewarm water, or hypothermic blanket. Apnea is treated with ventilatory support.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: nasal decongestants for systemic use, ATC code: R01BA52 Pharmacodynamics Lorinase tablet directly follows from the pharmacokinetics of active ingredients: Loratadine is a long-acting antihistamine and pseudoephedrine sulfate, which is a nasal decongestant. Loratadine is a potent long-acting tricyclic antihistamine with selective antagonism of peripheral H1-receptors, no central sedative or anticholinergic activity.

loratadine: Absorption and metabolism: After oral administration, loratadine is rapidly and well absorbed and extensively metabolized in the first pass. On the basis of a comparison of AUC assume that the ratio of loratadine and its active metabolites of about 0.05, starting from the C max, however, this ratio is approximately 0.29. Distribution: The half-life of distribution of loratadine is approximately 1 hour and 2 hours for the active metabolite. Elimination: The initial data for normal subjects showed a mean elimination half-life of 12.4 hours for loratadine and 19.6 hours for its active metabolite. Subsequent data for normal adult subjects showed a mean elimination half-life of 8.4 hours (range, 3 to 20 hours) for loratadine and 28 hours (range 8.8 to 92 hours) for its major active metabolite. In 10 days excreted about 40% of the dose in urine and 42% in the faeces, primarily in the form of conjugated metabolites. Approximately 27% of the dose is excreted in the urine within the first 24 hours. The urine was found unchanged loratadine and its active metabolite trace. The pharmacokinetic profile of loratadine and its metabolites in healthy elderly volunteers is similar to that of healthy adult volunteers. Bioavailability parameters of loratadine and its active metabolite are dose proportional. Loratadine and its active metabolite are excreted in the milk of lactating mothers. 48 hours after ingestion of loratadine found in the milk of only 0.029% of the dose in the form of unchanged loratadine and its active metabolite. Loratadine is highly bound to plasma proteins (97% to 99%), its active metabolite moderately (73% to 76%). Pseudoephedrine sulfate: Absorption and metabolism: After oral administration, pseudoephedrine sulfate is absorbed quickly and completely. Its onset of action occurred within 30 minutes and the dose of 60 mg operates decongestant for 4 to 6 hours. Pseudoephedrine sulfate is incompletely metabolized in the liver by N-demethylation to an inactive metabolite. Elimination: Elimination half-life in humans, at a suitable pH of the urine (and 6) is between 5 and 8 hours. Drug and its metabolite are excreted in the urine, namely 55-75% of the dose in unchanged form. Secretion rate is larger and a shorter duration of action, if the urine acidic (pH 5). In the case of alkalinisation of urine there is a partial reabsorption. Pseudoephedrine is presumed to cross the placenta and into the cerebrospinal fluid. This medicine may be excreted in the milk of lactating women.

Studies on laboratory animals it has been shown that loratadine has very low affinity for the membrane receptors in the cortex and does not pass quickly into the CNS. Profile sedation for loratadine at a dose of 10 mg per day was similar to that of sedation for placebo. Long-term treatment has not been established clinically significant changes in vital signs, test results of laboratory tests, physical examination, or ECG.

For Lorinase tablet: • Lactose Fast Flow NF: 117.70 mg • Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-15M: 48.10 mg • Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose K-4M: 42.50 mg • Poracrilline Potassium: 6.70 mg • Magnesium Stearate: 7 mg • Purified Talc: 4.67 mg • Lactose BP 200: 96.38 mg • Maize Starch: 46.13 mg • Sodium Starch Glycollate: 3.32 mg • Spectracol Erythrosine LK: 0.50 mg


For Lorinase syrup: • Fructose: 1600 mg • Polyethylene Glycol 1500 (SP): 900 mg • Disodium Edetate: 1.25 mg • Citric Acid Anhydrous: 117.50 mg • Sodium Citrate Anhydrous: 10 mg • Sodium Benzoate: 5 mg • Sorbitol Solution 70% Non Cryst: 765 mg • Propylene Glycol: 500 mg • Strawberry Flavour Liquid: 10 mg • Sucralose: 15 mg • Purified Water BP: q.s to 5 ml

Not Applicable.

24Months/2Years. This medicine will be expired after 30 days from the first opening.

Do not store above 30 °C.

For Lorinase tablet: 14/pack, transparent thermoformed PVC/PVDC blister strips with hard tempered aluminium foil lid. For Lorinase syrup: 100ml amber bottle with child resistant cap/unit carton.

No Special Disposal

SPIMACO Al-Qassim Pharmaceutical Plant Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances Corporation. Saudi Arabia

November 2016.

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