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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% is a solution for infusion into a vein and is available in 100 ml and 250 ml infusion bottles.

It belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group: plasma substitutes and plasma protein fractions.

The product is given to patients to restore and maintain circulating blood volume where a deficiency in volume has been demonstrated.

If you develop an allergic reaction to this albumin treatment, the infusion will be stopped and your doctor will recommend an alternative treatment.

This product contains sodium and potassium and may be harmful to people on a low sodium or potassium diet. Tell your doctor if this applies to you.

The product can be given to premature infants and dialysis patients.

Do not use Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5%:

­    if you are hypersensitive to albumin preparations or any of the other ingredients of the product

Take special care with Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5%:

­    if you are at special risk from increased blood volume eg in case of some heart conditions, high blood pressure, fluid in the lung, coagulation disorders, low red blood cell count or no urine output.

­    when there are signs for increased blood volume (headache, breathing disorder, jugular vein congestion), increased blood pressure. The infusion should be stopped immediately


Human albumin is a normal constituent of human blood. No harmful effects are known when this product is used during pregnancy. Particular care should be taken to adjust blood volume in pregnant women.


Human albumin is a normal constituent of human blood. No harmful effects are known when this product is used during breast-feeding.

Driving and using machines

There are no indications that human albumin impairs the ability to drive or to operate machines.


Using other medicines

No interactions of human albumin with other products are known so far. However, Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% solution should not be mixed in the same injection with other drugs, whole blood or packed red cells.

Virus safety

When medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, infectious diseases due to the transmission of infective agents cannot be totally excluded. This applies to pathogens of hitherto known and/or unknown nature.

To reduce the risk of transmission of infective agents, selection of donors and donations by suitable measures is performed, the plasma pool is tested and the removal and/or inactivation procedures are included in the production process.

Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% is ready for use as an infusion (“drip”) into a vein. The dosage and infusion rate (how quickly you are given albumin into a vein) will depend on your particular condition. Your doctor will decide what treatment is best for you.

If you use more Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% than you should:

If the dosage and rate of infusion are too high, you may develop headache, high blood pressure and discomfort breathing. The infusion should be stopped immediately and your doctor will decide if any other treatment is necessary.

Like all medicines, this medicine can have side effects.

Side effects after infusion of human albumin are rare and they normally disappear when the infusion-rate is slowed down or stopped.

Rare side effects (frequency: more than 1 of 10,000 and fewer than 1 of 1,000 transfusions):

Low blood pressure or allergic reaction.

Very rare side effects (frequency: fewer than 1 of 10,000 transfusions):

Shock due to hypersensitivity reaction; confusional state; headache; increased or decreased heart rate; high blood pressure; heat sensation; shortage of breath; nausea; nettle rash; swelling around eyes, nose, mouth; rash; increased sweating; fever; chills.

If you notice any side effects not mentioned in this leaflet, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.

Do not store and transport above +25°C. Store in the original container in order to protect from light. Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not use after expiry date stated on the label. Before use the product should be warmed to room or body temperature.

The solution should be clear or slightly opalescent. Do not use solutions which are cloudy or have deposits. Once the infusion container has been opened, the content should be used immediately. Any unused solution should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5%,, solution for infusion

Human albumin from human plasma source

­    The active substance is 50 g/l human albumin derived from human plasma

­    The other ingredients are sodium, potassium, N-Acetyl-DL-tryptophan, caprylic acid and water for injections


The solution is clear, yellow, amber or green. Not all pack sizes may be marketed in all countries.

OCTAPHARMA Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H.

Oberlaaer Strasse 235

A-1100 Vienna


This leaflet was last revised in 11/2017.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

محلول بروتين البلازما البشري "أوكتافارما 5% هو محلول مُعدّ للحقن بالتسريب في الوريد، ويتوفر في قوارير سعتها 100 ملل و 250 ملل.

يعطى هذا المُنتج للمرضى بغرض تعويض النقص والمحافظة على حجم الدورة الدمويّة حين يثبت النقص في حجم الدورة الدموية


إذا تعرضت لتفاعلات تحسسية للعلاج بهذا الألبومين، سيتم إيقاف التسريب وسيصف لك الطبيب علاج بديل.

يحتوي هذا المنتج على الصوديوم والبوتاسيوم وقد يكون ضارا للأفراد الذين يتبعون نظام غذائي منخفض الصوديوم أو البوتاسيوم. أخبر طبيبك إذا كان هذا ينطبق عليك.

يمكن إعطاء المنتج للرضع الخدج ومرضى غسيل الكلى.

لا تستخدم محلول بروتين البلازما البشري "أوكتافارما 5% إذا كان لديك حساسية نحو مستحضرات الألبومين أو نحو أيّ من المكوّنات الأخرى في هذا المُنتج.


التزم عناية خاصة مع استخدام محلول بروتين البلازما البشري "أوكتافارما 5% :

-         إذا كنت مُعرضًا على الأخص لخطر زيادة حجم الدم كما على سبيل المثال في حالة بعض أمراض القلب، وارتفاع ضغط الدم، والسوائل في الرئة، واضطرابات التخثر، وانخفاض عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء أو انعدام افراز البول.

-         عندما تظهر علامات لزيادة حجم الدم (الصداع، واضطراب في التنفس، احتقان الوريد الوداجي)، وزيادة ضغط الدم. ينبغي إيقاف التسريب فورا.


الألبومين البشري هو مُكوّن طبيعي من مكونات الدم عند الإنسان. لم تُسجل أيّ آثار ضارة عند استخدام هذا المنتج خلال فترة الحمل. وينبغي إيلاء عناية خاصة لضبط حجم الدم لدى النساء الحوامل.

الرضاعة الطبيعية

الألبومين البشري هو مُكوّن طبيعي من مكونات الدم عند الإنسان. لم تُسجل أيّ آثار ضارة عند استخدام هذا المنتج أثناء الرضاعة الطبيعية.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات

لا توجد مؤشرات على أن الألبومين البشري يؤثر على القدرة على القيادة أو تشغيل الآلات.

استخدام أدوية أخرى

لا توجد أيّ تداخلات دوائيّة معروفة بين الألبومين البشري والمنتجات الأخرى حتى الآن. ومع ذلك، يجب عدم خلط محلول الأبومين البشري "أوكتفارما" 5٪ في نفس أنبوب الحقن مع أي أدوية أخرى، أو الدم الكامل أو  خلايا الدم الحمراء المكدوسة.

السلامة من الفيروسات

عند إعطاء المنتجات الطبية المُحضرة من الدم أو البلازما البشرية، لا يمكن استبعاد حدوث الأمراض المُعدية تمامًا بسبب انتقال العوامل المُعدية من خلالها. وينطبق ذلك على مسببات الأمراض ذات الطبيعة المعروفة و / أو غير المعروفة حتى الآن.

وللحد من مخاطر انتقال العدوى والعوامل المُعدية، يتم انتقاء المتبرعين والتبرعات بالطرق المُلائمة، وفحص تجميعة  البلازما وإدراج إجراءات إزالة و / أو تعطيل الفيروسات في عملية الإنتاج


محلول بروتين البلازما البشري 5٪ جاهز للاستخدام بالحقن بالتسريب ("بالتنقيط") في الوريد. يعتمد مقدار الجرعة ومعدل التسريب (مدى سرعة إعطاء الألبومين في الوريد) على حالتك الخاصة. سوف يقرر طبيبك ما هو العلاج الأفضل بالنسبة لك

إذا تم إعطاؤك من بروتين البلازما البشري أكثر مما يجب:

إذا كانت الجرعة ومعدل التسريب مرتفع جدا، قد تتعرّض للصداع، وارتفاع ضغط الدم وضيق في التنفس. حينها، يجب إيقاف التسريب فورا وسوف يقرر طبيبك إذا كنت بحاجة لأي علاج آخر

كما هو الحال مع سائر الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثار جانبية.
بشكل عام، الآثار الجانبية الناجمة عن حقن الألبومين البشري بالتسريب نادرة وتختفي عادة عند تقليل معدل التسريب أو إيقافه.

الآثار الجانبية النادرة (وتيرة حدوثها: أكثر من 1 من 10000 وأقل من 1 من 1000 جرعة تسريب وريدي):
انخفاض ضغط الدم أو رد فعل تحسسي.

آثار جانبية نادرة جدا (وتيرة الحدوث: أقل من 1 من 10،000 جرعة تسريب وريدي):
صدمة بسبب رد فعل فرط الحساسية. حالة من الارتباك؛ صداع؛ زيادة أو انخفاض معدل ضربات القلب؛ ضغط دم مرتفع؛ الإحساس بالحرارة؛ ضيق في التنفس؛ غثيان؛ طفح القراص (الشرى)؛ تورم حول العينين والأنف والفم. طفح جلدي. زيادة التعرق. حمّى؛ قشعريرة.

إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبية لم يرد ذكرها في هذه النشرة، يرجى إبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي

لا تُخزّن محلول بروتين البلازما البشري وتنقله من مكان إلى آخر في درجة حرارة تتجاوز 25 درجة مئوية. احفظه داخل  العلبة الخارجيّة من أجل حمايته من الضوء. لا تُجمّده. احفظه بعيدا عن متناول ومرأى الأطفال. لا تستخدمه بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المُدرج على الملصق. قبل الاستخدام، يجب أن تكون درجة حرارة المنتج مقاربة لدرجة حرارة الغرفة أو درجة حرارة الجسم.

يجب أن يكون المحلول واضح أو غميمًا قليلا. لا تستخدم المحاليل العَكِرة أو التي تحتوي على ترسّبات.  يجب استخدام المنتج على الفور بعد فتحه. يجب التخلص من أي منتج غير مستخدم وفقا للمتطلبات المحلية المُتّبعة.

محلول بروتين البلازما البشري "أوكتافارما 5% الألبومين البشري "أوكتفارما" 5٪، مُعد للحقن بالتسريب الوريدي
ألبومين بشري مُعد من بلازما بشرية
المادة الفعالة هي 50 جم/لتر ألبومين بشري مُحضر من البلازما البشرية
المكوّنات الأخرى هي الصوديوم والبوتاسيوم، إن-أسيتيل- دي إل-تريبتوفان، حمض الكابريليك والماء المُخصص للحقن

محلول صافي, أصفر, كهرماني أو أخضر

أوكتافارما فارمازوتيكا بروداكشنز ذات المسؤولية المحدودة
طريق أوبيرلار 235
1100 – إيه فيينا

تم تنقيح هذه النشرة مؤخرا في 11/2017م
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% - infusion bottle

Active ingredients Human albumin The solution contains 5% of protein of which at least 96% is human albumin. Each 100 ml contains 5 g of human albumin. Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma 5% is a mildly hypooncotic solution. For excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for infusion. Clear or slightly opalescent.

Restoration and maintenance of circulating blood volume where volume deficiency has been demonstrated, and use of a colloid is appropriate.
The choice of albumin rather than artificial colloid will depend on the clinical situation of the individual patient, based on official recommendations.

The concentration of the albumin preparation, dosage and the infusion-rate should be adjusted to the patient´s individual requirements.




The dose required depends on the size of the patient, the severity of trauma or illness and on continuing fluid and protein losses. Measures of adequacy of circulating volume and not plasma albumin levels should be used to determine the dose required.

If human albumin is to be administered, haemodynamic performance should be monitored regularly; this may include:

-          arterial blood pressure and pulse rate

-          central venous pressure

-          pulmonary artery wedge pressure

-          urine output

-          electrolyte

-          haematocrit/haemoglobin


Paediatric population

Data on the use of human albumin 5% in children are limited; therefore, the product should only be administered to these individuals if the benefits clearly outweigh potential risks.

Method of administration

Human albumin can be directly administered by the intravenous route.

The infusion rate should be adjusted according to the individual circumstances and the indication.

In plasma exchange the infusion rate may be higher and should be adjusted to the rate of removal.

Hypersensitivity to albumin preparations or to any of the excipients.

If allergic or anaphylactic-type reactions occur, the infusion should be stopped immediately and appropriate treatment instituted. In case of shock, the current medical standards for shock-treatment should be observed.

Albumin should be used with caution in conditions where hypervolaemia and its consequences or haemodilution could represent a special risk for the patient. Examples of such conditions are:

-          Decompensated cardiac insufficiency

-          Hypertension

-          Oesophageal varices

-          Pulmonary oedema

-          Haemorrhagic diathesis

-          Severe anaemia

-          Renal and post-renal anuria


20-25% Human albumin solutions are relatively low in electrolytes compared to the 4-5% human albumin solutions. When albumin is given, the electrolyte status of the patient should be monitored (see 4.2) and appropriate steps taken to restore or maintain the electrolyte balance.

Albumin solutions must not be diluted with water for injections as this may cause haemolysis in recipients.

If comparatively large volumes are to be replaced, controls of coagulation and haematocrit are necessary. Care must be taken to ensure adequate substitution of other blood constituents (coagulation factors, electrolytes, platelets and erythrocytes).

Hypervolaemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are not adjusted to the patients circulatory situation. At the first clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnoea, jugular vein congestion), or increased blood pressure, raised venous pressure and pulmonary oedema, the infusion is to be stopped immediately.

Standard measure to prevent infections resulting from the use of medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening of individual donations and plasma pools for specific markers of infection and the inclusion of effective manufacturing steps for the inactivation/removal of viruses. Despite this, when medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, the possibility of transmitting infective agents cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to unknown or emerging viruses and other pathogens.

There are no reports of virus transmissions with albumin manufactured to European Pharmacopeia specifications by established processes.

It is strongly recommended that every time that Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma is administered to a patient, the name and batch number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a link between the patient and the batch of the product.

No specific interactions of human albumin with other medicinal products are known.

The safety of Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma for use in human pregnancy has not been established in controlled clinical trials. However, clinical experience with albumin suggests that no harmful effects on the course of pregnancy, or on the foetus and the neonate are to be expected.

No animal reproduction studies have been conducted with Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma.
However, human albumin is a normal constituent of human blood.

No effects on ability to drive and use machines have been observed.

Adverse reactions for Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma are rare. These reactions normally disappear rapidly when the infusion rate is slowed down or the infusion is stopped. In case of severe reactions, the infusion should be stopped and an appropriate treatment should be initiated.

The following adverse reactions have been observed for Human Plasma Protein Solution Octapharma during the postmarketing phase.

Very common (>1/10); common (>1/100, <1/10); uncommon (>1/1,000, <1/100); rare (>1/10,000, <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000), including isolated reports.

System Organ Class


Very rare




Immune system disorders

anaphylactic reaction

anaphylactic shock




Psychiatric disorders


confusional state




Nervous system disorders






Cardiac disorders







Vascular disorders







Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders






Gastrointestinal disorders






Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders



angioneurotic oedema

rash erythematosus

increased sweating




General disorders and administration site conditions





For information on viral safety see 4.4.


To report any side effect(s):

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions.


The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

o   Fax: +966-11-205-7662

o   Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340

o   Toll free phone: 8002490000

o   E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o   Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc



Hypervolaemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are too high. At the first clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnoea, jugular vein congestion), or increased blood pressure, raised central venous pressure and pulmonary oedema, the infusion should be stopped immediately and the patient´s haemodynamic parameters carefully monitored.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: plasma substitutes and plasma protein fractions,
ATC code: B05A A01

Human albumin accounts quantitatively for more than half of the total protein in the plasma and represents about 10% of the protein synthesis activity of the liver.

Physiochemical data:
Human albumin 50 mg/ml is mildly hypooncotic to normal plasma.

The most important physiological function of albumin results from its contribution to oncotic pressure of the blood and transport function. Albumin stabilises circulating blood volume and is a carrier of hormones, enzymes, medicinal products and toxins.

Under normal conditions the total exchangeable albumin pool is 4-5 g/kg body weight of which 40-45% is present intravascularly and 55-60% in the extravascular space. Increased capillary permeability will alter albumin kinetics and abnormal distribution may occur in conditions such as severe burns or septic shock.

Under normal conditions, the average half-life of albumin is about 19 days. The balance between synthesis and breakdown is normally achieved by feed-back regulation. Elimination is predominantly intracellular and due to lysosome proteases.

In healthy subjects, less than 10% of infused albumin leaves the intravascular compartment during the first 2 hours following infusion. There is considerable individual variation in the effect on plasma volume. In some patients the plasma volume can remain increased for some hours. However, in critically ill patients, albumin can leak out of the vascular space in substantial amounts at an unpredictable rate.

Human albumin is a normal constituent of human plasma and acts like physiological albumin.

In animals, single dose toxicity testing is of little relevance and does not permit the evaluation of toxic or lethal doses or of a dose-effect-relationship. Repeated dose toxicity testing is impracticable due to the development of antibodies to heterologous protein in animal models.

To date, human albumin has not been reported to be associated with embryo-foetal toxicity, oncogenic or mutagenic potential.

No signs of acute toxicity have been described in animal models.


Caprylic acid

Water for injections



Sodium                        142.5-157.5     mmol/l

Potassium                    max. 1.0          mmol/l

Human albumin solution must not be mixed with other medicinal products, whole blood and packed red cells.

3 years

Do not store and transport above 25 °C.

Store in the original container in order to protect from light.

Do not freeze.

250 ml of solution in infusion bottle (type II glass) with stopper (bromobutyl rubber).

   Pack of 1

 Pack of 10.

The solution can be directly administered by the intravenous route.

Albumin solutions must not be diluted with water for injections as this may cause haemolysis in recipients.

If large volumes are administered, the product should be warmed to room or body temperature before use.

The solution should be clear or slightly opalescent. Do not use solutions which are cloudy or have deposits. This may indicate that the protein is unstable or that the solution has become contaminated.

Once the infusion container has been opened the content should be used immediately.

Any unused product should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

OCTAPHARMA Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H. Oberlaaer Strasse 235 A-1100 Vienna Austria


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