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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

The active substance in Zotimos 4 mg is zoledronic acid, which belongs to a group of substances called bisphosphonates. Zoledronic acid works by attaching itself to the bone and slowing down the rate of bone change.

Therapeutic indications: It is used:
To prevent bone complications, e.g. fractures, in adult patients with bone metastases (spread of cancer from primary site to the bone).
To reduce the amount of calcium in the blood in adult patients where it is too high due to the presence of a tumour. Tumours can accelerate normal bone change in such a way that the release of calcium from bone is increased. This condition is known as tumour-induced hypercalcaemia (TIH).

Follow carefully all instructions given to you by your doctor.

Your doctor will carry out blood tests before you start treatment with Zotimos 4 mg and will check your response to treatment at regular intervals.

Do not use Zotimos 4 mg

• if you are breast-feeding.
• if you are allergic to zoledronic acid, another bisphosphonate (the group of substances to which Zotimos 4 mg belongs), or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

Take special care with Zotimos 4 mg Talk to your doctor before you are given Zotimos 4 mg:
• if you have or have had a kidney problem.
• if you have or have had pain, swelling or numbness of the jaw, a feeling of heaviness in the jaw or loosening of a tooth. Your doctor may recommend a dental examination before you start treatment with zotimos 4 mg.
• if you are having dental treatment or are due to undergo dental surgery, tell your dentist that you are being treated with Zotimos 4 mg and inform your doctor about your dental treatment.
While being treated with Zotimos 4 mg, you should maintain good oral hygiene (including regular teeth brushing) and receive routine dental check-ups.

Contact your doctor and dentist immediately if you experience any problems with your mouth or teeth such as loose teeth, pain or swelling, or non-healing of sores or discharge, as these could be signs of a condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw. Patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, who are taking steroids, who are undergoing dental surgery, who do not receive routine dental care, who have gum disease, who are smokers, or who were previously treated with a bisphosphonate (used to treat or prevent bone disorders) may have a higher risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw.

Reduced levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcaemia), sometimes leading to muscle cramps, dry skin, burning sensation, have been reported in patients treated with Zotimos 4 mg. Irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia), seizures, spasm and twitching (tetany) have been reported as secondary to severe hypocalcaemia. In some instances the hypocalcaemia may be life- threatening. If any of these apply to you, tell your doctor straight away. If you have pre-existing hypocalcaemia, it must be corrected before initiating the first dose of Zotimos 4 mg. You will be given adequate calcium and vitamin D supplements.

Patients aged 65 years and over

Zotimos 4 mg can be given to people aged 65 years and over. There is no evidence to suggest that any extra precautions are needed.

Children and adolescents

Zotimos 4 mg is not recommended for use in adolescents and children below the age of 18 years.

Using other medicines and Zotimos 4 mg

It is especially important that you tell your doctor if you are also taking:

– Aminoglycosides (medicines used to treat severe infections), calcitonin (a type of medicine used to treat post-menopausal osteoporosis and hypercalcaemia), loop diuretics (a type of medicine to treat high blood pressure or oedema) or other calcium-lowering medicines, since the combination of these with bisphosphonates may cause the calcium level in the blood to become too low.

– Thalidomide (a medicine used to treat a certain type of blood cancer involving the bone) or any other medicines which may harm your kidneys.

– Aclasta (a medicine that also contains zoledronic acid and is used to treat osteoporosis and other non-cancer diseases of the bone), or any other bisphosphonate, since the combined effects of these medicines taken together with Zotimos 4 mg are unknown.

– Anti-angiogenic medicines (used to treat cancer), since the combination of these with Zotimos 4 mg has been associated with an increased risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ).

Please tell your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medecines, including medecines obtained without a prescription.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

You should not be given Zotimos 4 mg if you are pregnant. Tell your doctor if you are or think that you may be pregnant.

You must not be given Zotimos 4 mg if you are breast-feeding.

Ask your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine while you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Driving and using machines
There have been very rare cases of drowsiness and sleepiness with the use of Zotimos 4 mg.
You should therefore be careful when driving, using machinery or performing other tasks that need full attention.


Zotimos 4 mg must only be given by healthcare professionals trained in administering bisphosphonates intravenously, i.e. through a vein.
• Your doctor will recommend that you drink enough water before each treatment to help prevent dehydration.
• Carefully follow all the other instructions given to you by your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

How much Zotimos 4 mg is given
– The usual single dose given is 4 mg.
– If you have a kidney problem, your doctor will give you a lower dose depending on the severity of your kidney problem.

How often Zotimos 4 mg is given
– If you are being treated for the prevention of bone complications due to bone metastases, you will be given one infusion of Zotimos 4 mg every three to four weeks.
– If you are being treated to reduce the amount of calcium in your blood, you will normally only be given one infusion of Zotimos 4 mg.

How Zotimos 4 mg is given
– Zotimos 4 mg is given as a drip (infusion) into a vein which should take at least 15 minutes and should be administered as a single intravenous solution in a separate infusion line.
Patients whose blood calcium levels are not too high will also be prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements to be taken each day.

If you are given more Zotimos 4 mg than you should be
If you have received doses higher than those recommended, you must be carefully monitored by your doctor. This is because you may develop serum electrolyte abnormalities (e.g. abnormal levels of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) and/or changes in kidney function, including severe kidney impairment.
If your level of calcium falls too low, you may have to be given supplemental calcium by infusion.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
The most common ones are usually mild and will probably disappear after a short time.

Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
• Severe kidney impairment (will normally be determ ined by your doctor with certain specific blood tests).
• Low level of calcium in the blood.

Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
• Pain in the mouth, teeth and/or jaw, swelling or sores inside the mouth, numbness or a feeling of heaviness in the jaw, or loosening of a tooth. These could be signs of bone damage in the jaw (osteonecrosis). Tell your doctor and dentist immediately if you experience such symptoms while being treated with Zotimos 4 mg or after stopping treatment.
• Irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation) has been seen in patients receiving zoledronic acid for postmenopausal osteoporosis. It is currently unclear whether zoledronic acid causes this irregular heart rhythm but you should report it to your doctor if you experience such symptoms after you have received zoledronic acid.
• Severe allergic reaction: shortness of breath, swelling mainly of the face and throat.

Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):
• As a consequence of low calcium values: irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia; secondary to hypocalcaemia).

Very rare (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):
• As a consequence of low calcium values: irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia; secondary to hypocalcaemia), seizures, numbness and tetany (secondary to hypocalcaemia).
Talk to your doctor if you have ear pain, discharge from the ear, and/or an ear infection.
These could be signs of bone damage in the ear.

Tell your doctor about any of the following side effects as soon as possible:
Very common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people):
• Low level of phosphate in the blood.

Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
• Headache and a flu-like syndrome consisting of fever, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, chills and bone, joint and/or muscle ache. In most cases no specific treatment is required and the symptoms disappear after a short time (couple of hours or days).
• Gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea and vomiting as well as loss of appetite.
• Conjunctivitis.
• Low level of red blood cells (anaemia).

Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
• Hypersensitivity reactions.
• Low blood pressure.
• Chest pain.
• Skin reactions (redness and swelling) at the infusion site, rash, itching.
• High blood pressure shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, sleep disturbances, tingling or
numbness of the hands or feet, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, dry mouth.
• Low counts of white blood cells and blood platelets.
• Low level of magnesium and potassium in the blood. Your doctor will monitor this and
take any necessary measures.
• Weight increase
• Increased sweating
• Sleepiness, Blurred vision , Tearing of the eye, eye sensitivity to light.
• Sudden coldness with fainting, limpness or collapse.
• Difficulty in breathing with wheezing or coughing.
• Urticaria.

Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):
• Slow heart beat.
• Confusion.
• Unusual fracture of the thigh bone particularly in patients on long-term treatment for osteoporosis may occur rarely. Contact your doctor if you experience pain, weakness or discomfort in your thigh, hip or groin as this may be an early indication of a possible fracture of the thigh bone.
• Interstitial lung disease (inflammation of the tissue around the air sacks of the lungs).
• Flu-like symptoms including arthritis and joint swelling.
• Painful redness and/or swelling of the eye.

Very rare (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):
• Fainting due to low blood pressure.
• Severe bone, joint and/or muscle pain, occasionally incapacitating.

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet,
please tell your doctor, health care provider or pharmacist.


  • Keep Zotimos 4 mg out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Do not use Zotimos 4 mg after the expiry date stated on the pack.
  • Store below 30°C
  • The unopened vial does not require any specific storage conditions.
  • The diluted Zotimos 4 mg infusion solution should be used immediately in order to avoid microbial contamination.


  • Medecines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medecines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active ingredient of Zotimos 4mg is zoledronic acid. One vial contains 4 mg zoledronic acid, corresponding to 4.264 mg zoledronic acid monohydrate.
• The other ingredients are: mannitol, tricitrate sodium.

Zotimos 4mg, powder for solution for infusion is a white hydrophilic compact mass. Zotimos 4mg, powder for solution for infusion is available in one presentation. It is presented in a type I glass vial. Unit pack containing 1 vial.

Route de Tunis - KM 7 - BP 206 - 8000 Nabeul - Tunisie
Tel: (216) 72 23 50 06
Fax: (216) 72 23 51 06
E-mail: marketing.ventes@medis.com.tn

For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of
the Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Salehiya Trading Establishment
(Medical equipment & pharmaceuticals)
P.O.Box: 991, Riyadh 11421- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 00 966 1 46 46 955
Fax: 00 966 1 46 34 362

This leaflet was last revised in 04/2016
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

المجموعة الصيدلانية العلاجية:
المادة الفعالة هي حمض الزوليدرونيك، والتي تنتمي لمجموعة من المواد المسماة البايفوسفونيت. يعمل حمض الزوليدرونيك بإلصاق نفسه بالعظم وإبطاء معدل تغيرات العظام.

دواعي الاستخدام:

تستخدم من أجل:

  • منع مضاعفات العظام، مثل الكسور، في المرضى البالغين المصابين بنقائل العظام (انتشار السرطان من مكانه الأولي إلى العظم).
  • لتقليل كمية الكالسيوم في الدم في المرضى البالغين عندما تكون عالية بسبب وجود ورم. يمكن للأورام التسريع بتغيرات العظام الطبيعية عن طريق زيادة تحرير الكالسيوم من العظام على سبيل المثال. وتعرف هذه الحالة بفرط الكالسيوم في الدم المستحث بالورم.

اتبع كافة التعليمات التي أعُطاها لك الطبيب بحرص.
سيقوم طيبيك بعمل فحوص الدم قبل بدء العلاج بزوتيموس ٤ مجم وسيتحقق من استجابتك للعلاج على فترات منتظمة.

لا تستخدم زوتيموس ٤ مجم

  • إن كنتِ تُرضعين.
  • لديك حساسية من حمض الزوليدرونيك، أو أية عقار بيسفوسفونات آخر (مجموعة من المواد ينتمي إليها زوتيموس ٤ مجم)، أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المدرجة بالفقرة 6)

خذ الحذر الشديد عند استخدام زوتيموس ٤ مجم

  • إن كنت مصابا أو أصبت بمشاكل بالكلى.
  • إذا كنت تعاني من ألم أو تورم أو خدر بالفك، وهو إحساس بالثقل في الفك أو فقدان سنة . قد يوصي طبيبك إجراء فحص الأسنان قبل بدء العلاج بزوتيموس ٤ مجم.
  • إن كنت تتلقى علاجا للأسنان أو بسبب إجراء جراحة أسنان، فأخبر طبيبك أنك تتلقى علاج بزوتيموس ٤ مجم.

أثناء العلاج بزوتيموس ٤ مجم، يجب الحفاظ على نظافة الفم جيدا (بما في ذلك تنظيف الأسنان المنتظم) والحصول على فحوصات روتينية للأسنان.

اتصل بطبيبك وطبيب الأسنان فورا إذا واجهت أي مشاكل بفمك أو أسنانك مثل فقدان الأسنان، ألم أو تورم، أو عدم الشفاء من تقرحات أو إفرازات، وهذه يمكن أن تكون دلائل على وجود حالة تسمى تنخر العظم في الفك.

المرضى الذين يخضعون للعلاج الكيميائي و / أو العلاج الإشعاعي، الذين يتناولون المنشطات، الذين يخضعون لجراحة الأسنان، الذين لا يتلقون الرعاية الروتينية للأسنان، الذين لديهم أمراض اللثة، والذين هم من المدخنين أو الذين عولجوا من قبل مع البايفوسفونيت (التي تستخدم ل علاج أو منع اضطرابات العظام) قد يكون لهم مخاطر الاصابة بتنخر العظم في الفك .

مستويات الكالسيوم المنخفضة بالدم تؤدي أحيانا إلى تقلصات بالعضلات وجفاف البشرة وشعور بالحرقان، وقد تم الإبلاغ عن ذلك في مرضى تم علاجهم بزوتيموس ٤ مجم. كماتم الإبلاغ عن اضطراب ضربات القلب وتشنجات وارتعاش (تكزز) كنتيجة ثانوية لانخفاض الكالسيوم الحاد بالدم. في بعض الحالات قد يكون انخفاض الكالسيوم بالدم خطر على الحياة. إذا كان أي من ذلك ينطبق عليك، فأخبر طبيبك فور ا.ً إذا كان لديك نقص الكالسيوم، لا بد من تصحيحها قبل بدء الجرعة الأولى من زوتيموس ٤ مجم .سوف تحصل على مكملات الكالسيوم وفيتامين د كافية .

المرضى البالغين من العمر ٦٥ عاما فأكثر
يمكن أن يتم إعطاء زوتيموس ٤ مجم للأشخاص البالغين ٦٥ عاما فأكثر. ليست هناك أدلة تشير إلى أن هناك
حاجة إلى أي احتياطات إضافية.

الأطفال والمراهقين
لا يوصى بزوتيموس ٤ مجم للاستخدام في حالات المراهقين والأطفال الأقل من سن ۱۸ عام.

استخدام عقارات أخرى مع زوتيموس ٤ مجم
من المهم على وجه الخصوص أن تخبر طبيبك إن كنت تتناول أيضا:ً

  • جليكوزيدات الأمونيا (عقارات تستخدم لعلاج العدوى الحادة)، الكالسيتونين ( وهو نوع من الادوية المستخدمة لعلاج هشاشة العظام في مرحلة ما بعد انقطاع الطمث ونقص بوتاسيوم الدم)، مدرات البول حلقة ( نوع من الأدوية لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو وذمة) أو غيرها من الأدوية الخافضة للكالسيوم حيث أن المزج بين تلك العقارات المحتوية على البيسفوسفونات قد يسبب انخفاض مستوى الكالسيوم بالدم للغاية.
  • تايلوميد (عقار يستخدم لعلاج أنواع معينة من سرطان الدم التي تشمل العظم) أو أيه عقاقير أخرى والتي قد تؤذي كليتيك.
  • أكلاستا (عقار يحتوي أيضا على حمض زوليدرونيك ويستخدم لعلاج هشاشة العظام وأمراض العظام الغير سرطانية الأخرى)، أو أية عقاقير بيسفسوفونات أخرى، لأن امتزاج تأثيرات هذه العقاقير عند تناولها مع زوتيموس ٤ مجم نتيجته غير معروفة.
  • العقارات المضادة للأمراض الوعائية (تستخدم لعلاج السرطان)، حيث أنه تم الربط بين مزج هذه العقاقير مع زوتيموس ٤ مجم لارتفاع مخاطرة الإصابة بتنخر عظام الفك.

يرجى إعلام طبيبك أو مقدم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلي إن كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرا أية عقاقير أخرى بما في ذلك العقاقير التي يمكن الحصول عليها بدون وصفة طبية.

الحمل والرضاعة
يجب ألا تتناولين زوتيموس ٤ مجم إن كنتِ حاملا. أخبري طبيبك إن كنتِ حاملا أو تعتقدين أنك حامل.
يجب ألا تتناولين زوتيموس ٤ مجم إن كنتِ ترضعين.
استشيري طبيبك أو مقدم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلي قبل تناول أي دواء في حين كنت حاملا أو مرضعة.

القيادة واستعمال الماكينات
هناك حالات نادرة للغاية من النعاس والنوم عند استخدام زوتيموس ٤ مجم.
يجب عليك حينها أن تكون حريصا عند القيادة أو استخدام الماكينات أو أداء مهمات أخرى تحتاج إلى الانتباه الكامل.



يجب إعطاء زوتيموس ٤ مجم فقط بواسطة متخصصي الرعاية الصحية المدربين على إعطاء البيفوسفونات
وريديا:ً من خلال الوريد.

  • سينصح طبيبك بأن تشرب كميات كافية من الماء قبل كل جرعة علاج للمساعدة على منع الجفاف.
  • أتبع التعليمات التي أعطاها لك الطبيب أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة بدقة.

ما كمية زوتيموس ٤ مجم التي تُعطى

  • الجرعة الواحدة المعتادة ٤ مجم.
  • إن كانت لديك مشاكل بالكلى، فسيعطيك طبيبك جرعة أقل وفقا لحدة مشاكل كليتك.

كم مرة يُعطى زوتيموس

  • إن كنت تتلقى العلاج بغرض الوقاية من مضاعفات العظم بسبب نقائل العظام، ستتناول جرعةواحدة من زوتيموس بالتسريب الوريدي كل ثلاثة إلى أربعة أسابيع.
  • إن كنت تتلقى العلاج لتقليل كمية الكالسيوم بالدم، فعادة ما ستتناول جرعة واحدة من زوتيموس 4 مجم بالتسريب الوريدي.

كيف تتناول زوتيموس ٤ مجم

  • يُعطى زوتيموس ٤ مجم كتنقيط (تسريب) في الوريد وهو ما يجب أن يستغرق على الأقل 15 دقيقة ويجب أن يتم إعطاؤه كجرعة واحدة من محلول الحقن الوريدي في خط تسريب منفصل.

المرضى الذين لا يعانون من مستويات كالسيوم شديدة الارتفاع بالدم سيتم وصف الكالسيوم وفيتامين د لهم أيضا كمكمل غذائي يتناولونه يوميا.ً

الجرعة الزائدة من زوتيموس ٤ مجم
إذا تلقيت جرعة زائدة عن الموصى بها، فيجب أن يتم مراقبتك بحرص بواسطة طبيبك. وذلك بسبب أنه من المحتمل أن تصاب باضطرابات في الكتروليتات مصل الدم (مثل: مستوى شاذ للكالسيوم والفوسفات والمنجنيز) و/ أو تغيرات في وظائف الكلى، بما في ذلك قصور كلوي حاد.

إذا هبط مستوى الكالسيوم بحدة، فيجب أن تتناول كالسيوم تكميلي.


مثل جميع العقاقير، يمكن لهذا العقار أن يسبب أعراضا جانبية، رغم أنها لا تصيب الجميع.
أكثرها شيوعا عادة ما تكون بسيطة وغالبا ما تختفي بعد فترة قصيرة.

أبلغ طبيبك عن أي من الأعراض الجانبية الخطيرة التالية فور ا:ً

شائعة (قد يصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰ أشخاص):

  • قصور حاد بالكلى (سيتم تحديدها عادة بواسطة طبيبك مع فحوصات دم محددة).
  • مستوى منخفض من الكالسيوم في الدم.

غير شائعة (قد يصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰۰ شخص):

  • ألم بالفم والأسنان و/أو الفك أو قرح داخل الفم أو خدر أو الشعور بثقل في الفك أو فقد سنة. يمكن لذلك أن يكون علامة على تضرر عضم الفك (تنخر العظام). أبلغ طبيبك أو طبيب الأسنان فورا إن أصبت بأي من تلك الأعراض.
  • لوحظ حدوث اضطراب إيقاع ضربات القلب (الرجفان الأذيني) في مرضى يتلقون حمض الزوليدرنيك لعلاج هشاشة العظام بعد سن اليأس. من غير الواضح حاليا إذا ما كان حمض الزوليدرنيك يسبب هذا الاضطراب بإيقاع القلب ولكن يتحتم عليك الإبلاغ عن ذلك للطبيب فور الشعور بمثل تلك الأعراض بعد تلقي جرعة حمض الزوليدونيك.
  • حساسية حادة: ضيق التنفس وتورم في الوجه والحلق بشكل أساسي.

غير شائعة (قد يصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰۰ شخص):

  • ألم بالفم والأسنان و/أو الفك أو قرح داخل الفم أو خدر أو الشعور بثقل في الفك أو فقد سنة. يمكن لذلك أن يكون علامة على تضرر عضم الفك (تنخر العظام). أبلغ طبيبك أو طبيب الأسنان فورا إن أصبت بأي من تلك الأعراض.
  • لوحظ حدوث اضطراب إيقاع ضربات القلب (الرجفان الأذيني) في مرضى يتلقون حمض الزوليدرنيك لعلاج هشاشة العظام بعد سن اليأس. من غير الواضح حاليا إذا ما كان حمض الزوليدرنيك يسبب هذا الاضطراب بإيقاع القلب ولكن يتحتم عليك الإبلاغ عن ذلك للطبيب فور الشعور بمثل تلك الأعراض بعد تلقي جرعة حمض الزوليدونيك.
  • حساسية حادة: ضيق التنفس وتورم في الوجه والحلق بشكل أساسي.

أخبر طبيبك عن أي من الأعراض الجانبية في أسرع وقت ممكن:

شائعة جدا (قد تصيب أكثر من ۱ من كل ۱۰ أشخاص):
مستوى منخفض من الفوسفات في الدم.

شائعة (قد تصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰ أشخاص):

  • الصداع ومتلازمة الأعراض الشبيهة بالإنفلونزا والتي تتكون من الحمى والإرهاق والضعف والنعاس والرجفة وآلام العظم والمفاصل و/ أو العضلات. في معظم الحالات لا يتطلب الأمر علاجا محددا وتختفي معظم الأعراض بعد فترة قصيرة (خلال بضعة ساعات أو أيام).
  • ردود فعل الجهاز الهضمي مثل الغثيان أو القيء بالإضافة إلى فقدان الشهية.
  • التهاب الملتحمة.
  • انخفاض مستوى كرات الدم الحمراء (الأنيميا/ فقر الدم).

غير شائعة (قد تصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰۰ شخص):

  • تفاعلات فرط الحساسية.
  • انخفاض ضغط الدم.
  • آلام الصدر.
  • تفاعلات الجلد (الاحمرار والتورم) عند موضع التسريب الوريدي وطفح وحكة.
  • ارتفاع ضغط الدم وضيق التنفس والدوخة واضطرابات النوم والقلق وخدر وتنميل الكفين والقدمين والإسهال والإمساك، وآلام في البطن، جفاف الفم.
  • انخفاض عدد كرات الدم البيضاء والصفائح الدموية.
  • انخفاض مستويات المنجنيز والبوتاسيوم في الدم. سيراقب طبيبك هذا وسيتخذ التدابير اللازمة.
  • النعاس والنوم.
  • زيادة الوزن
  • زيادة التعرق
  • عدم وضوح الرؤية،تدمع العين وحساسية العين للضوء.
  • الشعور المفاجئ بالبرودة مع الإغماء والارتخاء أو الانهيار.
  • صعوبة في التنفس مع أزيز في الصدر أو الإصابة بالسعال.
  • ارتكاريا (الشرى).

نادرة (قد تصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰۰۰ شخص):

  • تباطؤ ضربات القلب.
  • الارتباك.
  • قد يحدث بشكل نادر كسر غير اعتيادي في عظمة الفخذ وخصوصا في المرضى الذين يتلقون العلاج لمدة طويلة من هشاشة العظام. تواصل مع طبيبك إن شعرت بألم أو ضعف أو ضيق في فخذك أو وركك أو أصل الفخذ حيث قد تكون تلك الأعراض مؤشرات مبكرة لكسر محتمل في عظمة الفخذ.
  • مرض الرئة الخلالي (التهاب الأنسجة حول حويصلات الهواء بالرئة).
  • أعراض مشابهة للإنفلونزا تشمل التهاب المفاصل وتورم المفاصل.
  • احمرار مؤلم و / أو تورم في العين.

شديدة الندرة (قد تصيب حتى ۱ من كل ۱۰۰۰۰ شخص):

  • الإغماء بسبب انخفاض ضغط الدم.
  • ألم حاد بالعظام و/أو المفاصل و/أو العضلات، وأحيانا ألم معجز.

إذا أصبحت أي من الأعراض الجانبية خطيرة، أو لاحظت أية أعراض جانبية غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة، فيرجى إعلام طبيبك أو مقدم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلي.


  • احتفظ بزوتيموس ٤ مجم بعيدا عن متناول ونظر الأطفال.
  • يحفظ في درجة حرارة تحت ۳۰ درجة مئوية.
  •  لا تستخدم زوتيموس ٤ مجم بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصلاحية المدرج على العبوة.
  • يجب أن يُستخدم محلول التسريب زوتيموس ٤ مجم المخفف فورا لتجنب التلوث الميكروبي.

(أنظر تعليمات متخصصي الرعاية الصحية).

  • يجب عدم التخلص من العقاقير بإلقائها في الصرف الحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من العقاقير التي لم تعد تحتاجها. ستساعدك تلك التدابير على حماية البيئة.

المادة الفعالة في زوتيموس ٤ مجم هي: حمض الزوليدرونيك. الحاوية الواحدة تحتوي على ٤ مجم من حمض الزوليدرنيك، المقابلة ل 4.264 مجم من حمض الزوليدرونيك أحادي الهيدرات.
• المكونات الأخرى: مانيتول وتراي سيتريت الصوديوم.

زوتيموس ٤ مجم، مسحوق محلول للتسريب الوريدي عبارة عن كتلة بيضاء متراصة محبة للماء.
زوتيموس ٤ مجم،مسحوق للمحلول للتسريب الوريدي متاح في شكل واحد.
وهو يوجد في شكل حاوية زجاجية من النوع ۱. وحدة تغليف تحتوي على حاوية واحدة.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Zotimos 4 mg, powder for solution for infusion

One vial contains 4 mg zoledronic acid, corresponding to 4.264 mg zoledronic acid monohydrate. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Powder for solution for infusion White hydrophilic compact color mass.

  • Prevention of skeletal related events (pathological fractures, spinal compression, radiation or surgery to bone, or tumour-induced hypercalcaemia) in adult patients with advanced malignancies involving bone.
  • Treatment of adult patients with tumour-induced hypercalcaemia (TIH).

Zotimos must only be prescribed and administered to patients by healthcare professionals experienced in the administration of intravenous bisphosphonates. Patients treated with Zotimos should be given the package leaflet and the patient reminder card.


Prevention of skeletal related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone

Adults and older people

The recommended dose in the prevention of skeletal related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone is 4 mg zoledronic acid every 3 to 4 weeks.

Patients should also be administered an oral calcium supplement of 500 mg and 400 IU vitamin D daily.

The decision to treat patients with bone metastases for the prevention of skeletal related events should consider that the onset of treatment effect is 2-3 months.

Treatment of TIH

Adults and older people

The recommended dose in hypercalcaemia (albumin-corrected serum calcium ≥12.0 mg/dl or 3.0 mmol/l) is a single dose of 4 mg zoledronic acid.

Renal impairment


Zoledronic acid treatment in TIH patients who also have severe renal impairment should be considered only after evaluating the risks and benefits of treatment. In the clinical studies, patients with serum creatinine > 400 μmol/l or > 4.5 mg/dl were excluded. No dose adjustment is necessary in TIH patients with serum creatinine < 400 μmol/l or < 4.5 mg/dl (see section 4.4).

Prevention of skeletal related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone:

When initiating treatment with Zoledronic acid in patients with multiple myeloma or metastatic bone lesions from solid tumours, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance (CLcr) should be determined. CLcr is calculated from serum creatinine using the Cockcroft-Gault formula. Zoledronic acid is not recommended for patients presenting with severe renal impairment prior to initiation of therapy, which is defined for this population as CLcr < 30 ml/min. In clinical trials with Zoledronic acid, patients with serum creatinine > 265 μmol/l or > 3.0 mg/dl were excluded.

In patients with bone metastases presenting with mild to moderate renal impairment prior to initiation of therapy, which is defined for this population as CLcr 30–60 ml/min, the following Zoledronic acid dose is recommended (see also section 4.4):

* Doses have been calculated assuming target AUC of 0.66 (mg•hr/l) (CLcr = 75 ml/min). The reduced doses for patients with renal impairment are expected to achieve the same AUC as that seen in patients with creatinine clearance of 75 ml/min.

Following initiation of therapy, serum creatinine should be measured prior to each dose of Zoledronic acid and treatment should be withheld if renal function has deteriorated. In the clinical trials, renal deterioration was defined as follows:

  • For patients with normal baseline serum creatinine (< 1.4 mg/dl or < 124 μmol/l), an increase of 0.5 mg/dl or 44 μmol/l;
  • For patients with abnormal baseline creatinine (> 1.4 mg/dl or > 124 μmol/l), an increase of 1.0 mg/dl or 88 μmol/l.

In the clinical studies, Zoledronic acid treatment was resumed only when the creatinine level returned to within 10% of the baseline value (see section 4.4). Zoledronic acid treatment should be resumed at the same dose as that given prior to treatment interruption.

Paediatric population

The safety and efficacy of zoledronic acid in children aged 1 year to 17 years have not been established. Currently available data are described in section 5.1 but no recommendation on a posology can be made.

Method of administration

Intravenous use.

Zotimos 4 mg powder for injection, reconstituted and further diluted in 100 ml (see section 6.6), should be given as a single intravenous infusion in no less than 15 minutes.

In patients with mild to moderate renal impairment, reduced Zotimos doses are recommended (see section “Posology” above and section 4.4).

Instructions for preparing reduced doses of Zoledra

Withdraw an appropriate volume of the reconstituted solution (4 mg/5 ml) as needed:

  • 4.4 ml for 3.5 mg dose
  • 4.1 ml for 3.3 mg dose
  • 3.8 ml for 3.0 mg dose

For instructions on reconstitution and dilution of the medicinal product before administration, see section 6.6. The withdrawn amount of reconstituted solution must be diluted in 100 ml of sterile 0.9%w/v sodium chloride solution or 5% w/v glucose solution. The dose must be given as a single intravenous infusion over no less than 15 minutes.

Zotimos reconstituted solution must not be mixed with calcium or other divalent cation-containing infusion solutions such as lactated Ringer’s solution, and should be administered as a single intravenous solution in a separate infusion line.

Patients must be maintained well hydrated prior to and following administration of Zotimos.

• Hypersensitivity to the active substance, to other bisphosphonates or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 • Breast-feeding (see section 4.6)


Patients must be assessed prior to administration of Zotimos to ensure that they are adequately hydrated.

Overhydration should be avoided in patients at risk of cardiac failure.

Standard hypercalcaemia-related metabolic parameters, such as serum levels of calcium, phosphate and magnesium, should be carefully monitored after initiating Zotimos therapy. If hypocalcaemia, hypophosphataemia, or hypomagnesaemia occurs, short-term supplemental therapy may be necessary.

Untreated hypercalcaemia patients generally have some degree of renal function impairment, therefore careful renal function monitoring should be considered.

Zotimos contains the same active substance as found in Aclasta (zoledronic acid). Patients being treated with Zotimos should not be retreated with Aclasta or any other bisphosphonate concomitantly, since the combined effects of these agents are unknown.

Renal insufficiency

Patients with TIH and evidence of deterioration in renal function should be appropriately evaluated with consideration given as to whether the potential benefit of treatment with Zotimos outweighs the possible risk.

The decision to treat patients with bone metastases for the prevention of skeletal related events should consider that the onset of treatment effect is 2–3 months.

Zotimos has been associated with reports of renal dysfunction. Factors that may increase the potential for deterioration in renal function include dehydration, pre-existing renal impairment, multiple cycles of Zotimos and other bisphosphonates as well as use of other nephrotoxic medicinal products. While the risk is reduced with a dose of 4 mg zoledronic acid administered over 15 minutes, deterioration in renal function may still occur. Renal deterioration, progression to renal failure and dialysis have been reported in patients after the initial dose or a single dose of 4 mg zoledronic acid. Increases in serum creatinine also occur in some patients with chronic administration of Zotimos at recommended doses for prevention of skeletal related events, although less frequently.

Patients should have their serum creatinine levels assessed prior to each dose of Zoledra. Upon initiation of treatment in patients with bone metastases with mild to moderate renal impairment, lower doses of zoledronic acid are recommended. In patients who show evidence of renal deterioration during treatment, Zotimos should be withheld. Zotimos should only be resumed when serum creatinine returns to within 10% of baseline. Zotimos treatment should be resumed at the same dose as that given prior to treatment interruption.

In view of the potential impact of zoledronic acid on renal function, the lack of clinical safety data in patients with severe renal impairment (in clinical trials defined as serum creatinine ≥ 400 μmol/l or ≥ 4.5 mg/dl for patients with TIH and ≥ 265 μmol/l or ≥ 3.0 mg/dl for patients with cancer and bone metastases, respectively) at baseline and only limited pharmacokinetic data in patients with severe renal impairment at baseline (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min), the use of Zotimos is not recommended in patients with severe renal impairment.

Hepatic insufficiency

As only limited clinical data are available in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency, no specific recommendations can be given for this patient population.


Osteonecrosis of the jaw

Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been reported uncommonly in clinical trials and in the post-marketing setting in patients receiving Zoledronic acid.

The start of treatment or of a new course of treatment should be delayed in patients with unhealed open soft tissue lesions in the mouth, except in medical emergency situations. A dental examination with appropriate preventive dentistry and an individual benefit-risk assessment is recommended prior to treatment with bisphosphonates in patients with concomitant risk factors.

The following risk factors should be considered when evaluating an individual’s risk of developing ONJ:

  • Potency of the bisphosphonate (higher risk for highly potent compounds), route of administration (higher risk for parenteral administration) and cumulative dose of bisphosphonate.
  • Cancer, co-morbid conditions (e.g. anaemia, coagulopathies, infection), smoking.
  • Concomitant therapies: chemotherapy, angiogenesis inhibitors (see section 4.5), radiotherapy to neck and head, corticosteroids.
  • History of dental disease, poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, invasive dental procedures (e.g. tooth extractions) and poorly fitting dentures.

All patients should be encouraged to maintain good oral hygiene, undergo routine dental check-ups, and immediately report any oral symptoms such as dental mobility, pain or swelling, or non-healing of sores or discharge during treatment with Zoledronic acid. While on treatment, invasive dental procedures should be performed only after careful consideration and be avoided in close proximity to zoledronic acid administration. For patients who develop osteonecrosis of the jaw while on bisphosphonate therapy, dental surgery may exacerbate the condition. For patients requiring dental procedures, there are no data available to suggest whether discontinuation of bisphosphonate treatment reduces the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw.

The management plan for patients who develop ONJ should be set up in close collaboration between the treating physician and a dentist or oral surgeon with expertise in ONJ. Temporary interruption of zoledronic acid treatment should be considered until the condition resolves and contributing risk factors are mitigated where possible.

Osteonecrosis of the external auditory canal

Osteonecrosis of the external auditory canal has been reported with bisphosphonates, mainly in association with long-term therapy. Possible risk factors for osteonecrosis of the external auditory canal include steroid use and chemotherapy and/or local risk factors such as infection or trauma.

The possibility of osteonecrosis of the external auditory canal should be considered in patients receiving bisphosphonates who present with ear symptoms including chronic ear infections.

Musculoskeletal pain

In post-marketing experience, severe and occasionally incapacitating bone, joint, and/or muscle pain have been reported in patients taking Zoledronic acid. However, such reports have been infrequent. The time to onset of symptoms varied from one day to several months after starting treatment.

Most patients had relief of symptoms after stopping treatment. A subset had recurrence of symptoms when rechallenged with Zoledronic acid or another bisphosphonate.

Atypical fractures of the femur

Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures have been reported with bisphosphonate therapy, primarily in patients receiving long-term treatment for osteoporosis. These transverse or short oblique fractures can occur anywhere along the femur from just below the lesser trochanter to just above the supracondylar flare. These fractures occur after minimal or no trauma and some patients experience thigh or groin pain, often associated with imaging features of stress fractures, weeks to months before presenting with a completed femoral fracture. Fractures are often bilateral; therefore the contralateral femur should be examined in bisphosphonate-treated patients who have sustained a femoral shaft fracture. Poor healing of these fractures has also been reported. Discontinuation of bisphosphonate therapy in patients suspected to have an atypical femur fracture should be considered pending evaluation of the patient, based on an individual benefit risk assessment.

During bisphosphonate treatment patients should be advised to report any thigh, hip or groin pain and any patient presenting with such symptoms should be evaluated for an incomplete femur fracture.


Hypocalcaemia has been reported in patients treated with Zoledronic acid. Cardiac arrhythmias and neurologic adverse events (including convulsions, hypoaesthesia and tetany) have beenreported secondary to cases of severe hypocalcaemia. Cases of severe hypocalcaemia requiring hospitalisation have been reported. In some instances, the hypocalcaemia may be life-threatening (see section 4.8).

Caution is advised when Zoledronic acid is administered with medicinal products known to cause hypocalcaemia, as they may have a synergistic effect resulting in severe hypocalcaemia (see section 4.5).

Serum calcium should be measured and hypocalcaemia must be corrected before initiating Zoledronic acid therapy. Patients should be adequately supplemented with calcium and vitamin D.

In clinical studies, Zoledronic acid has been administered concomitantly with commonly used anticancer agents, diuretics, antibiotics and analgesics without clinically apparent interactions occurring.

Zoledronic acid shows no appreciable binding to plasma proteins and does not inhibit human P450 enzymes in vitro (see section 5.2), but no formal clinical interaction studies have been performed.

Caution is advised when bisphosphonates are administered with aminoglycosides, calcitonin or loop diuretics, since these agents may have an additive effect, resulting in a lower serum calcium level for longer periods than required (see section 4.4).

Caution is indicated when Zoledronic acid is used with other potentially nephrotoxic medicinal products.

Attention should also be paid to the possibility of hypomagnesaemia developing during treatment.

In multiple myeloma patients, the risk of renal dysfunction may be increased when Zoledronic acid is used in combination with thalidomide.

Caution is advised when Zoledronic acid is administered with anti-angiogenic medicinal products as an increase in the incidence of ONJ has been observed in patients treated concomitantly with these medicinal products.


There are no adequate data on the use of zoledronic acid in pregnant women. Animal reproduction studies with zoledronic acid have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3).

The potential risk for humans is unknown. Zotimos should not be used during pregnancy. Women of child-bearing potential should be advised to avoid becoming pregnant.


It is not known whether zoledronic acid is excreted into human milk. Zotimos is contraindicated in breast-feeding women (see section 4.3).


Zoledronic acid was evaluated in rats for potential adverse effects on fertility of the parental and F1 generation. This resulted in exaggerated pharmacological effects considered to be related to the compound’s inhibition of skeletal calcium metabolisation, resulting in periparturient hypocalcaemia, a bisphosphonate class effect, dystocia and early termination of the study. Thus these results precluded determining a definitive effect of zoledronic acid on fertility in humans.

Adverse reactions, such as dizziness and somnolence, may have influence on the ability to drive or use machines; therefore caution should be exercised with the use of Zotimos along with driving and operating of machinery.

a. Summary of the safety profile

Within three days after Zoledronic acid administration, an acute phase reaction has commonly been reported, with symptoms including bone pain, fever, fatigue, arthralgia, myalgia, rigors and arthritis with subsequent joint swelling; these symptoms usually resolve within a few days (see description of selected adverse reactions).

The following are the important identified risks with Zoledronic acid in the approved indications:

Renal function impairment, osteonecrosis of the jaw, acute phase reaction, hypocalcaemia, atrial fibrillation, anaphylaxis, interstitial lung disease. The frequencies for each of these identified risks are shown in Table 1.

Tabulated list of adverse reactions

The following adverse reactions, listed in Table 1, have been accumulated from clinical studies and post-marketing reports following predominantly chronic treatment with 4 mg zoledronic acid:

Table 1

Adverse reactions are ranked under headings of frequency, the most frequent first, using the following convention: Very common (1/10), common (1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (1/10,000 to <1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

b. Description of selected adverse reactions

Description of selected adverse reactions

Renal function impairment

Zoledronic acid has been associated with reports of renal dysfunction. In a pooled analysis of safety data from Zoledronic acid registration trials for the prevention of skeletal-related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone, the frequency of renal impairment adverse events suspected to be related to Zoledronic acid (adverse reactions) was as follows: multiple myeloma (3.2%), prostate cancer (3.1%), breast cancer (4.3%), lung and other solid tumours (3.2%). Factors that may increase the potential for deterioration in renal function include dehydration, pre-existing renal impairment, multiple cycles of Zoledronic acid or other bisphosphonates, as well as concomitant use of nephrotoxic medicinal products or using a shorter infusion time than currently recommended. Renal deterioration, progression to renal failure and dialysis have been reported in patients after the initial dose or a single dose of 4 mg zoledronic acid (see section 4.4).

Osteonecrosis of the jaw

Cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw have been reported, predominantly in cancer patients treated with medicinal products that inhibit bone resorption, such as Zoledronic acid (see section 4.4). Many of these patients were also receiving chemotherapy and corticosteroids and had signs of local infection including osteomyelitis. The majority of the reports refer to cancer patients following tooth extractions or other dental surgeries.

Atrial fibrillation

In one 3-year, randomised, double-blind controlled trial that evaluated the efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid 5 mg once yearly vs. placebo in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO), the overall incidence of atrial fibrillation was 2.5% (96 out of 3,862) and 1.9% (75 out of 3,852) in patients receiving zoledronic acid 5 mg and placebo, respectively. The rate of atrial fibrillation serious adverse events was 1.3% (51 out of 3,862) and 0.6% (22 out of 3,852) in patients receiving zoledronic acid 5 mg and placebo, respectively. The imbalance observed in this trial has not been observed in other trials with zoledronic acid, including those with zoledronic acid 4 mg every 3-4 weeks in oncology patients. The mechanism behind the increased incidence of a trial fibrillation in this single clinical trial is unknown.

Acute phase reaction

This adverse drug reaction consists of a constellation of symptoms that includes fever, myalgia, headache, extremity pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, arthralgia and arthritis with subsequent joint swelling. The onset time is ≤ 3 days post- Zoledronic acid infusion, and the reaction is also referred to using the terms “flu-like” or “post-dose” symptoms.

Atypical fractures of the femur

During post-marketing experience the following reactions have been reported (frequency rare):

Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral fractures (bisphopsphonate class adverse reaction).

Hypocalcaemia-related ADRs

Hypocalcaemia is an important identified risk with Zoledronic acid in the approved indications. Based on the review of both clinical trial and post-marketing cases, there is sufficient evidence to support an association between Zotimos therapy, the reported event of hypocalcaemia, and the secondary development of cardiac arrhythmia. Furthermore, there is evidence of an association between hypocalcaemia and secondary neurological events reported in these cases including; convulsions, hypoaesthesia and tetany (see section 4.4)

Clinical experience with acute overdose of Zoledronic acid is limited. The administration of doses up to 48 mg of zoledronic acid in error has been reported. Patients who have received doses higher than those recommended (see section 4.2) should be carefully monitored, since renal function impairment (including renal failure) and serum electrolyte (including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) abnormalities have been observed. In the event of hypocalcaemia, calcium gluconate infusions should be administered as clinically indicated.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Drugs for treatment of bone diseases, bisphosphonates, ATC code: M05BA08

Zoledronic acid belongs to the class of bisphosphonates and acts primarily on bone. It is an inhibitor of osteoclastic bone resorption.

The selective action of bisphosphonates on bone is based on their high affinity for mineralised bone, but the precise molecular mechanism leading to the inhibition of osteoclastic activity is still unclear. In long-term animal studies, zoledronic acid inhibits bone resorption without adversely affecting the formation, mineralisation or mechanical properties of bone.

In addition to being a potent inhibitor of bone resorption, zoledronic acid also possesses several anti-tumour properties that could contribute to its overall efficacy in the treatment of metastatic bone disease. The following properties have been demonstrated in preclinical studies:

  • In vivo: Inhibition of osteoclastic bone resorption, which alters the bone marrow microenvironment, making it less conducive to tumour cell growth, anti-angiogenic activity and anti-pain activity.
  • In vitro: Inhibition of osteoblast proliferation, direct cytostatic and pro-apoptotic activity on tumour cells, synergistic cytostatic effect with other anti -cancer drugs, anti- adhesion/invasion activity.

Clinical trial results in the prevention of skeletal related events in patients with advanced malignancies involving bone

The first randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study compared zoledronic acid 4 mg to placebo for the prevention of skeletal related events (SREs) in prostate cancer patients. Zoledronic acid 4 mg significantly reduced the proportion of patients experiencing at least one skeletal related event (SRE), delayed the median time to first SRE by > 5 months, and reduced the annual incidence of events per patient - skeletal morbidity rate. Multiple event analysis showed a 36% risk reduction in developing SREs in the zoledronic acid 4 mg group compared with placebo. Patients receiving zoledronic acid 4 mg reported less increase in pain than those receiving placebo, and the difference reached significance at months 3, 9, 21 and 24. Fewer zoledronic acid 4 mg patients suffered pathological fractures. The treatment effects were less pronounced in patients with blastic lesions.

Efficacy results are provided in Table 2.

In a second study including solid tumours other than breast or prostate cancer, zoledronic acid 4 mg significantly reduced the proportion of patients with an SRE, delayed the median time to first SRE by > 2 months, and reduced the skeletal morbidity rate. Multiple event analysis showed 30.7 % risk reduction in developing SREs in the zoledronic acid 4 mg group compared with placebo. Efficacy results are provided in Table 3.

Table 2: Efficacy results (prostate cancer patients receiving hormonal therapy)

* Includes vertebral and non-vertebral fractures
** Accounts for all skeletal events, the total number as well as time to each event during the trial
NR Not Reached
NA Not Applicable

Table 3: Efficacy results (solid tumours other than breast or prostate cancer)

* Includes vertebral and non-vertebral fractures
** Accounts for all skeletal events, the total number as well as time to each event during the trial
NR Not Reached
NA Not Applicable

In a third phase III randomised, double -blind trial, zoledronic acid 4 mg or 90 mg pamidronate every 3 to 4 weeks were compared in patients with multiple myeloma or breast cancer with at least one bone lesion. The results demonstrated that zoledronic acid 4 mg showed comparable efficacy to 90 mg pamidronate in the prevention of SREs. The multiple event analysis revealed a significant risk reduction of 16% in patients treated with zoledronic acid 4 mg in comparison with patients receiving pamidronate. Efficacy results are provided in Table 4.

Table 4: Efficacy results (breast cancer and multiple myeloma patients)

* Includes vertebral and non-vertebral fractures
** Accounts for all skeletal events, the total number as well as time to each event during the trial
NR Not Reached
NA Not Applicable

Zoledronic acid 4 mg was also studied in a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 228 patients with documented bone metastases from breast cancer to evaluate the effect of 4 mg zoledronic acid on the skeletal related event (SRE) rate ratio, calculated as the total number of SRE events (excluding hypercalcaemia and adjusted for prior fracture), divided by the total risk period.

Patients received either 4 mg zoledronic acid or placebo every four weeks for one year. Patients were evenly distributed between zoledronic acid-treated and placebo groups.

The SRE rate (events/person year) was 0.628 for zoledronic acid and 1.096 for placebo. The proportion of patients with at least one SRE (excluding hypercalcaemia) was 29.8% in the zoledronic acid-treated group versus 49.6% in the placebo group (p=0.003). Median time to onset of the first SRE was not reached in the zoledronic acid-treated arm at the end of the study and was significantly prolonged compared to placebo (p=0.007). Zoledronic acid 4 mg reduced the risk of SREs by 41% in a multiple event analysis (risk ratio=0.59, p=0.019) compared with placebo.

In the zoledronic acid-treated group, statistically significant improvement in pain scores (using the Brief Pain Inventory, BPI) was seen at 4 weeks and at every subsequent time point during the study, when compared to placebo (Figure 1). The pain score for zoledronic acid was consistently below baseline and pain reduction was accompanied by a trend in reduced analgesics score.

Figure 1: Mean changes from baseline in BPI scores. Statistically significant differences are marked (*p<0.05) for between treatment comparisons (4 mg zoledronic acid vs. placebo)

Clinical trial results in the treatment of TIH

Clinical studies in tumour-induced hypercalcaemia (TIH) demonstrated that the effect of zoledronic acid is characterised by decreases in serum calcium and urinary calcium excretion. In Phase I dose finding studies in patients with mild to moderate tumour-induced hypercalcaemia (TIH), effective doses tested were in the range of approximately 1.2–2.5 mg.

To assess the effects of 4 mg zoledronic acid versus pamidronate 90 mg, the results of two pivotal multicentre studies in patients with TIH were combined in a pre-planned analysis. There was faster normalization of corrected serum calcium at day 4 for 8 mg zoledronic acid and at day 7 for 4 mg and 8 mg zoledronic acid. The following response rates were observed:

Table 5: Proportion of complete responders by day in the combined TIH studies

Median time to normocalcaemia was 4 days. Median time to relapse (re-increase of albumin-corrected serum calcium ≥ 2.9 mmol/l) was 30 to 40 days for patients treated with zoledronic acid versus 17 days for those treated with pamidronate 90 mg (p-values: 0.001 for 4 mg and 0.007 for 8 mg zoledronic acid). There were no statistically significant differences between the two zoledronic acid doses.

In clinical trials 69 patients who relapsed or were refractory to initial treatment (zoledronic acid 4 mg, 8 mg or pamidronate 90 mg) were retreated with 8 mg zoledronic acid. The response rate in these patients was about 52%. Since those patients were retreated with the 8 mg dose only, there are no data available allowing comparison with the 4 mg zoledronic acid dose.

In clinical trials performed in patients with tumour-induced hypercalcaemia (TIH), the overall safety profile amongst all three treatment groups (zoledronic acid 4 and 8 mg and pamidronate 90 mg) was similar in types and severity.

Paediatric population
Clinical trial results in the treatment of severe osteogenesis imperfecta in paediatric patients aged 1 to 17 years

The effects of intravenous zoledronic acid in the treatment of paediatric patients (age 1 to 17 years) with severe osteogenesis imperfecta (types I, III and IV) w ere compared to intravenous pamidronate in one international, multicentre, randomised, open-label study with 74 and 76 patients in each treatment group, respectively. The study treatment period was 12 months preceded by a 4- to 9-week screening period during which vitamin D and elemental calcium supplements were taken for at least 2 weeks. In the clinical programme patients aged 1 to < 3 years received 0.025 mg/kg zoledronic acid (up to a maximum single dose of 0.35 mg) every 3 months and patients aged 3 to 17 years received 0.05 mg/kg zoledronic acid (up to a maximum single dose of 0.83 mg) every 3 months. An extension study was conducted in order to examine the long-term general and renal safety of once yearly or twice yearly zoledronic acid over the 12-month extension treatment period in children who had completed one year of treatment with either zoledronic acid or pamidronate in the core study.

The primary endpoint of the study was the percent change from baseline in lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) after 12 months of treatment. Estimated treatment effects on BMD were similar, but the trial design was not sufficiently robust to establish non-inferior efficacy for zoledronic acid. In particular there was no clear evidence of efficacy on incidence of fracture or on pain. Fracture adverse events of long bones in the lower extremities were reported in approximately 24% (femur) and 14% (tibia) of zoledronic acid- treated patients vs 12% and 5% of pamidronate - treated patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta, regardless of disease type and causality but overall incidence of fractures was comparable for the zoledronic acid and pamidronate-treated patients: 43% (32/74) vs 41% (31/76).

Interpretation of the risk of fracture is confounded by the fact that fractures are common events in patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta as part of the disease process.

The type of adverse reactions observed in this population were similar to those previously see in adults with advanced malignancies involving the bone (see section 4.8). The adverse reactions ranked under headings of frequency, are presented in Table 6. The following conventional classification is used:

Very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Table 6: Adverse reactions observed in paediatric patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta1

1Adverse events occurring with frequencies < 5% were medically assessed and it was shown that these cases are consistent with the well established safety profile of Zotimos (see section 4.8)

In paediatric patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta, zoledronic acid seems to be associated with more pronounced risks for acute phase reaction, hypocalcaemia and unexplained tachycardia, in comparison to pamidronate, but this difference declined after subsequent infusions.

The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with zoledronic acid in all subsets of the paediatric population in the treatment of tumour -induced hypercalcaemia and prevention of skeletal-related events in patients with advanced ma lignancies involving bone (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).


Single and multiple 5- and 15-minute infusions of 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg zoledronic acid in 64 patients with bone metastases yielded the following pharmacokinetic data, which were found to be dose independent.

After initiating the infusion of zoledronic acid, the plasma concentrations of zoledronic acid rapidly increased, achieving their peak at the end of the infusion period, followed by a rapid decline to < 10% of peak after 4 hours and < 1% of peak after 24 hours, with a subsequent prolonged period of very low concentrations not exceeding 0.1% of peak prior to the second infusion of zoledronic acid on day 28.

Intravenously administered zoledronic acid is eliminated by a triphasic process: rapid biphasic disappearance from the systemic circulation, with half-lives of t½α 0.24 and t½β 1.87 hours, followed by a long elimination phase with a terminal elimination half-life of t ½γ146 hours. There was no accumulation of zoledronic acid in plasma after multiple doses given every 28 days. Zoledronic acid is not metabolised and is excreted unchanged via the kidney. Over the first 24 hours, 39 ± 16% of the administered dose is recovered in the urine, while the remainder is principally bound to bone tissue.

From the bone tissue it is released very slowly back into the systemic circulation and eliminated via the kidney. The total body clearance is 5.04 ± 2.5 l/h, independent of dose, and unaffected by gender, age, race, and body weight. Increasing the infusion time from 5 to 15 minutes caused a 30% decrease in zoledronic acid concentration at the end of the infusion, but had no effect on the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve.

The interpatient variability in pharmacokinetic parameters for zoledronic acid was high, as seen with other bisphosphonates.

No pharmacokinetic data for zoledronic acid are available in patients with hypercalcaemia or in patients with hepatic insufficiency. Zoledronic acid does not inhibit human P450 enzymes in vitro, shows no biotransformation and in animal studies < 3% of the administered dose was recovered in the faeces, suggesting no relevant role of liver function in the pharmacokinetics of zoledronic acid.

The renal clearance of zoledronic acid was correlated with creatinine clearance, renal clearance representing 75 ± 33% of the creatinine clearance, which showed a mean of 84 ± 29 ml/min (range 22 to 143 ml/min) in the 64 cancer patients studied. Population analysis showed that for a patient with creatinine clearance of 20 ml/min (severe renal impairment), or 50 ml/min (moderate impairment), the corresponding predicted clearance of zoledronic acid would be 37% or 72%, respectively, of that of a patient showing creatinine clearance of 84 ml/min. Only limited pharmacokinetic data are available in patients with severe renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min).

In an in vitro study, zoledronic acid showed low affinity for the cellular components of human blood, with a mean blood to plasma concentration ratio of 0.59 in a concentration range of 30 ng/ml to 5000 ng/ml. The plasma protein binding is low, with the unbound fraction ranging from 60% at 2 ng/ml to 77% at 2000 ng/ml of zoledronic acid.

Special populations

Paediatric patients

Limited pharmacokinetic data in children with severe osteogenesis imperfecta suggest that zoledronic acid pharmacokinetics in children aged 3 to 17 years are similar to those in adults at a similar mg/kg dose level. Age, body weight, gender and creatinine clearance appear to have no effect on zoledronic acid systemic exposure.


Acute toxicity

The highest non-lethal single intravenous dose was 10 mg/kg bodyweight in mice and 0.6 mg/kg in rats.

Subchronic and chronic toxicity

Zoledronic acid was well tolerated when administered subcutaneously to rats and intravenously to dogs at doses up to 0.02 mg/kg daily for 4 weeks. Administration of 0.001 mg/kg/day subcutaneously in rats and 0.005 mg/kg intravenously once every 2–3 days in dogs for up to 52 weeks was also well tolerated.

The most frequent finding in repeat- dose studies consisted of increased primary spongiosa in the metaphyses of long bones in growing animals at nearly all doses, a finding that reflected the compound’s pharmacological antiresorptive activity.

The safety margins relative to renal effects were narrow in the long-term repeat-dose parenteral animal studies but the cumulative no adverse event levels (NOAELs) in the single dose (1.6 mg/kg) and multiple dose studies of up to one month (0.06–0.6 mg/kg/day) did not indicate renal effects at doses equivalent to or exceeding the highest intended human therapeutic dose. Longer-term repeat administration at doses bracketing the highest intended human therapeutic dose of zoledronic acid produced toxicological effects in other organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen and lungs, and at intravenous injection sites.

Reproduction toxicity

Zoledronic acid was teratogenic in the rat at subcutaneous doses ≥ 0.2 mg/kg. Although no teratogenicity or foetotoxicity was observed in the rabbit, maternal toxicity was found. Dystocia was observed at the lowest dose (0.01 mg/kg bodyweight) tested in the rat.

Mutagenicity and carcinogenic potential

Zoledronic acid was not mutagenic in the mutagenicity tests performed and carcinogenicity testing did not provide any evidence of carcinogenic potential.

Trisodium Citrate


To avoid potential incompatibilities, Zotimos reconstituted solution is to be diluted with 0.9 % w/v sodium chloride solution or 5% w/v glucose solution.

This medicinal product must not be mixed with calcium or other divalent cation-containing infusion solutions such as lactated Ringer’s solution, and should be administered as a single intravenous solution in a separate infusion line.

24 months After reconstitution and dilution: From a microbiological point of view, the reconstituted and diluted solution for infusion should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and would normally not be longer than 24 hours at 2°C – 8°C. The refrigerated solution should then be equilibrated to room temperature prior to administration.

Store below 30°C.

For storage conditions of the reconstituted solution for infusion, see section 6.3.

Type I glass vial of 15 ml

Unit pack containing 1 vial

  • The powder must first be reconstituted in the vial using 5 ml water for injections. Dissolution must be complete.
  • The amount of reconstituted solution as required is then further diluted with 100 ml of calcium-free infusion solution (0.9% w/v sodium chloride solution or 5% w/v glucose solution).
  • Additional information on handling of Zotimos, including guidance on preparation of reduced doses, is provided in section 4.2.
  • Aseptic techniques must be followed during the preparation of the infusion.
  • For single use only.
  • Only clear solution free from particles and discolouration should be used.
  • Healthcare professionals are advised not to dispose of unused Zotimos via the domestic sewage system.
  • Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Les Laboratoires des Médicaments Stériles - S.A. Route de Nabeul - KM 7 - BP 206 8000 Nabeul - Tunisie Tel: (216) 72 23 50 06 Fax: (216) 72 23 50 16 E.mail: marketing.ventes@medis.com.tn


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