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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Encifer is a medicine that contains iron.
Medicines that contain iron are used when you do not have enough iron in your body. This is called “iron deficiency”.
Encifer is given when:
- You cannot take iron by mouth - such as when iron tablets make you feel ill.
- You have taken iron by mouth - and it has not worked.

Before Encifer is given to you You must not receive Encifer if:
-You are allergic (hypersensitive) to the product or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).
- You have experienced serious allergic (hypersensitive) reactions to other injectable iron preparations.
- You have anaemia which is not caused by a shortage of iron.
- You have too much iron in your body or a problem in the way your body uses iron.
You must not be given Encifer if any of the above apply to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor before having Encifer.

Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor or nurse before receiving Encifer if:
- You have a history of medicine allergy.
- You have systemic lupus erythematosus.
- You have rheumatoid arthritis.
- You have severe asthma, eczema or other allergies.
- You have any infections.
- You have liver problems.
If you are not sure if any of the above apply to you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you are given Encifer.

Taking other medicines
Please Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. This includes medicines obtained without a prescription, including herbal medicines.
This is because Encifer can affect the way some other medicines work. Also some other medicines can affect the way Encifer works.
In particular tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking:
Medicines that contain iron which you take by mouth. These may not work if they are taken at the same time that Encifer is given to you . When you have finished treatment with Encifer, wait 5 days before taking iron by mouth.

 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Encifer has not been tested in women. It is important to tell your doctor if you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant, or are planning to have a baby.
-If you become pregnant during treatment, you must ask your doctor for advice.
-Your doctor will decide whether or not you should be given this medicine.
-If you are breast-feeding, ask your doctor for advice before you are given Encifer.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Driving and using machines
You may feel dizzy, confused or light-headed after being given Encifer. If this happens, do not drive or use any tool or machines. Ask your doctor if you are not sure.

How Encifer is given
Your doctor will decide how much Encifer to give you. He or she will also decide how often you need it and for how long. Your doctor will do a blood test to help work out the dose.

Your doctor or nurse will administer Encifer in one of the following ways:
- Slow injection into your vein – 1 to 3 times per week.
- As an infusion (drip) into your vein – 1 to 3 times per week.
- During dialysis – it will be put into the venous line of the dialysis machine.
Encifer will be administered in a structure where immunoallergic events can receive appropriate and prompt treatment.
Encifer is a brown liquid and so the injection or infusion will look brown. You will be observed for at least 30 minutes by your doctor or nurse after each administration.
Children Encifer is not recommended for use in children.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Allergic reactions
If you have an allergic reaction, tell your doctor or nurse straight away. The signs may include:
• Low blood pressure (feeling dizzy, light-headed or faint).
• Swelling of your face.
• Difficulty breathing.
Tell your doctor or nurse straight away if you think you are having an allergic reaction.

Other side effects include:
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)
Changes in your taste such as a metallic taste. This does not usually last very long.
Uncommon (affects less than 1 in 100 people)
• Low blood pressure and collapse
• Fast pulse rate
• Headache or feeling dizzy.
• Stomach pain or diarrhea.
• Wheezing, difficulty in breathing.
• Muscle cramps or muscle pain.
• Fever or shivering
• Reaction around the site of injection such as inflammation a feeling of burning or swelling
• Pounding heart beat (palpitations)
• Feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting)
• Itching , hives,rash or skin redness
• flushing
• Chest pain and chest tightness
Rare (affects less than 1 in 1,000 people)
• Fainting.
• Tingling or “pins and needles”
• High blood pressure
• Swelling (dropsy)
• Swelling of hands and feet
• Tiredness, weakness or general feeling of illness
• Loss of consciousness
• A feeling of burning
• Feeling hot
• Pain in your joints.
Other side effects includes:
Feeling less alert, light headed or confused, swelling of your joints, face and tongue, increased sweating, back pain, low pulse rate, changes to the colour of your urine.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.

5. How to store Encifer
Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not use Encifer after the expiry date which is stated on the label.
Do not freeze.Store below 30° C. Protect from light.
Keep the vials in the outer carton.
Once the Encifer vials have been opened, they should be used immediately.
After dilution with sodium chloride solution, the diluted solution should be used immediately. Encifer will normally be stored for you by your doctor or the hospital.

What Encifer contains
• The active substance is iron (as iron sucrose). Each milliliter contains 20 mg iron.
• The other ingredients are water for injection and Sodium hydroxide.

"What Encifer looks like and contents of the pack Encifer is a dark brown coloured solution in clear glass vial. 1 Glass vials of 5 ml. Each vial of 5 ml corresponds to 100mg of iron. "

Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer
  Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited
I.T.B.T. Park, Phase II, M.I.D.C., Hinjawadi, Pune –411 057, INDIA

This leaflet was last revised in 12/2013 version No:AC001
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

إنسيفير هو دواء يحتوي على الحديد وتستخدم الأدوية التي تحتوي على الحديدعندما لا يكون لديك ما يكفي من الحديد في جسمك وهذا ما يدعي (نقص الحديد)
ويعطي إنسيفير في الحالات التالية:
-لا يمكن تناول الحديد عن طريق الفم مثل الشعور بالمرض عند تناول أقراص الحديد
-عدم قيام الحديد بعمله بعد تناوله عبر الفم.
موانع استعمال إنسيفير:
- لا تستعمل إنسيفير إذا كنت تعاني من الحساسية تجاه الماًدة الفعالة أو أي من المكونات الأخرى للمستحضر (مذكور في الفقرة رقم 6)
- لا تستعمل إنسيفير إذا كنت تعاني من فقر الدم ولكن ليس بسبب نقص الحديد
- لا تستعمل إنسيفير إذا كان في جسمك كمية زائدة من الحديد أو كنت تعاني من مشكلة تعامل الجسم معه.
يجب عدم استخدام إنسيفير إذا كنت تعاني أيا من الأعراض السابقة. إذا كنت غير متأكد فيرجي مراجعة الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

ب -الاحتياطات عند استعمال إنسيفير:
تحقق من الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل استخدام هذا الدواء في الحالات التالية:
- -إذا كان لديك تاريخ للحساسية تجاه الأدوية.
- إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض الذئبة الحمامية الجهازي.
- إذا كنت تعاني من التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي
- إذا كنت تعاني من الربو الحاد الأكزيما أو أنواع الحساسية الأخرى
- إذا كان لديك أي التهابات
- إذا كان لديك مشاكل في الكبد
- إذا كنت غير متأكد من الأعراض السابقة فيرجي مراجعة الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل تناول إنسيفير.

ج -التدخلات الدوائية من تناول إنسيفير مع أي أدوية اخرى أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية:
الرجاء إعلام الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تناولت في الآونة الأخيرة أي أدوية اخرى بما في ذلك الأدوية التي تم الحصول عليها بدون وصفة طبية فربما تتفاعل هذا الأدوية مع إنسيفير.
وذلك لأن إنسيفير يمكن أن يؤثر أو يتأثر ببعض الأدوية الخاصة
-الأدوية التي تحتوي على الحديد والتي تأخذ عن طريق الفم فقد لا تعمل هذه الأدوية إذا ما تم تناولها مع إنسيفير في نفس الوقت
لذا ينصح عند الانتهاء من تناول إنسيفير الانتظار لمدة 5أيام قبل تناول الحديد عن طريق الفم
 د- تناول إنسيفير مع الطعام والشراب.
إنسيفير هو محلول للحقن يمكنك استخدام إنسيفير في أي وقت مع   أو بدون الطعام
ه –الحمل والرضاعة
إنسيفير لم يتم اختباره على الحوامل أسألي طبيبك أو الصيدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل تناول هذا الدواء إذا كنت في فترة الحمل أو تخططين لتصبحي حاملًأ أو أثناء الرضاعة الطبيعية.
-الطبيب هو من يقرر إعطاء أو عدم إعطاء إنسيفير أثناء الحمل والرضاعة.

و-تأثير إنسيفير على القيادة واستخدام الآلات:
قد تشعر بالدوار الارتباك أو عدم الاتزان بعد تناو إنسيفير إذا حدث هذا لا تقم بالقيادة أو تستخدم أي أداة أو اّلة واسأل طبيبك على الفور.
ز-معلومات هامة حول بعض مكونات إنسيفير: لا يوجد
كيف يتم إعطاء إنسيفير؟
سيقوم الطبيب أو الممرضة بإعطاء إنسيفير عبر واحدة من الطرق التالية:
-الحقن البطئ في الوريد من 1إلي 3 مرات في الأسبوع
-التنقيط في الوريد (من1إلي 3مرات في الأسبوع)
- خلال الغسيل الكلوي يتم وضعه في الطرف الوريدي من المفرق (المديلز) يتم إعطاء إنسفير بطريقة تسمح بالسيطرة المناسبة والفورية على التفاعلات المناعية المحتملة
ويراعي أن يكون المريض تحت الملاحظة لمدة 30 دقيقة على الأقل من قبل الطبيب أو الممرضة بعد كل استعمال إنسيفير
إنسيفير للحقن أو السائل للتنقيط الوريدي هو سائل بني اللون.

لا ينصح باستخدام إنسيفير في الأطفال
إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة اخرى اسأل الطبيب أو الصيدلي.
مثل جميع الأدوية يمكن أن يتسبب إنسيفير في اّثار جانبية على الرغم من أنها لا تؤثر في الجميع.
تم تسجيل هذه الأعراض مع احتمالية حدوثها كالتالي:
تفاعلات حساسية (تصيب اقل من 1من كل 1000شخص) انخفاض ضغط الدم (الشعور بالدوار. عدم الاتزان والتعب) تورم
الوجة – صعوبة في التنفس
يرجي اخبار الطبيب فورأ في حال وجود أعراض الحساسية.

شائعة (تحدث بنسبة اقل من واحد في كل 10 اشخاص): تغيرات في التذوق مثل الاحساس بطعم معدني لا يدوم طويلا
غير شائعة تحدث بنسبة اقل من واحد في كل 100 شخص): تسارع النبض- صداع -أو شعور بالدوار-انخفاض ضغط الدم – خفقان القلب – الم في المعدة أو إسهال – قيء أو غثيان – ازيز في الصدر وصعوبة في التنفس –حكه- شري- طفح أو احمرار جلدي تقلصات أو الام في العضلات – حمي أو ارتعاش – الم وضيق في الصدر – التهاب أو حرقان أو تورم حول مكان الحقن.
نادرة (تحدث بنسبة اقل من 1 في كل 1000 شخص): اغماء –فقدان الوعي –وخز أو حرقان – ارتفاع ضغط الدم –شعور بالحرارة -تورم (الاستسقاء) –الم في المفاصل – تورم في اليدين والقدمين – تعب وشعور عام بالضعف
الاثار الجانبية الأخرى: قلة الانتباه –دوخة – عدم اتزان – تورم في المفاصل والوجة واللسان – زيادة التعرق – الام الطهر –انخفاض في معدل النبض 0- تغير في لون البول
الإبلاغ عن الاثار الجانبية: إذا عانيت زيادة حدة أي من الاثار الجانبية أو لاحظت أي اثار جانبية غير المدرجة في هذه النشرة يرجي اخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي
الإبلاغ عن الاثار الجانبية: إذا عانيت زيادة حدة أي من الاثار الجانبية أو لاحظت أي اثار جانبية غير المدرجة في النشرة يرجي اخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي
ظروف تخزين إنسيفير:
يبقي بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال
لا تستخدم إنسيفير بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المبين على العبوة تاريخ الانتهاء يشير إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر
يحفظ بعيدا عن الضوء تحت 30 م لا يحفظ في درجة التجمد
تحفظ زجاجات الحقن داخل العلبة الخارجية
يجب استخدام حقن إنسيفير بمجرد فتحها. وإذا تم تخفيفها بمحلول الملح فيجب استخدام المحلول المخفف على الفور
يتم حفظ إنسيفير إذا كنت تلاحظ وجود علامات واضحة على تلفة
لا ينبغي ان يتم التخلص من الأدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو عن طريق النفايات المنزلية. اسال الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة ومن شان هذه التدابير ان تساعد على حماية البيئة.
معلومات إضافية
ا) ما هي محتويات إنسيفير
المادة الفعالة هي الحديد (على هيئة سكروز الحديد) كل 1مل يحتوي على 20 ملجم حديد
الصواغات: ماء للحقن وهيدروكسيد الصوديوم

ب- ما هو الشكل الصيدلاني إنسفير ووصفة وحجم عبوته:
إنسيفير هو محلول لونه بني داكن في قارورة زجاجية شفافة
إنسيفير يتوفر في عبوات بالأحجام التالية:
قارورة زجاجية شفافة بها5 مل تكافئ 100 ملجم من الحديد

ج- اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق والمصنع:
اميكور المحدود للأدوية. هينجاودي بوني 411057 الهند
د- تمت الموافقة على هذه النشرة بتاريخ 12/ 2013 رقم النسخة 0001AC
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

"Encifer™ Iron Sucrose Injection USP "

"Each 5 ml contains: Ferric hydroxide in complex with sucrose equivalent to elemental iron …….100 mg "

Solution for injection or concentrate for solution for infusion

Iron Sucrose Injection USP is indicated for the treatment of iron deficiency in the following indications:
• where there is a clinical need to deliver iron rapidly to iron stores,
• in patients who cannot tolerate oral iron therapy or who are non-compliant,
• in active inflammatory bowel disease where oral iron preparations are ineffective.
The diagnosis of iron deficiency must be based on appropriate laboratory tests (e.g. Hb, serum ferritin, serum iron, etc.).

Monitor carefully patients for signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions during and following each administration of iron sucrose.
Iron sucrose should only be administered when staff trained to evaluate and manage anaphylactic reactions is immediately available, in an environment where full resuscitation facilities can be assured. The patient should be observed for adverse effects for at least 30 minutes following each iron sucrose injection.
Iron sucrose must only be administered by the intravenous route. This may be by a slow intravenous injection or by an intravenous drip infusion. Iron sucrose must not be used for intramuscular injection.
Adults and the elderly: The total cumulative dose of iron sucrose, equivalent to the total iron deficit (mg), is determined by the haemoglobin level and body weight. The dose for iron sucrose must be individually determined for each patient according to the total iron deficit calculated with the following formula:
Total iron deficit [mg] = body weight [kg] x (target Hb - actual Hb) [g/l] x 0.24* + depot iron [mg]
• Below 35 kg body weight: target Hb = 130 g/l and depot iron = 15 mg/kg body weight
• 35 kg body weight and above: target Hb = 150 g/l and depot iron = 500 mg
*Factor 0.24 = 0.0034 x 0.07 x 1000 (Iron content of haemoglobin 0.34%; Blood volume 7% of body weight; Factor 1000 = conversion from g to mg)
The total amount of iron sucrose required in mg is determined from above calculation. Alternatively, total amount of iron sucrose required in ml can be calculated from the below equation:
Total amount of iron sucrose required (ml) = [Total iron deficit (mg)] / 20 mg per ml

Total dosage
The total single dose must not exceed 200 mg of iron given not more than three times per week. If the total necessary dose exceeds the maximum allowed single dose, then the administration has to be split.

The use of iron sucrose has not been adequately studied in children and, therefore, iron sucrose is not recommended for use in children.

Slow intravenous injection
Iron sucrose may be administered undiluted by slow intravenous injection at a rate of 1 ml (20 mg iron) solution per minute not exceeding 10 ml iron sucrose (200 mg) per injection.

Intravenous drip infusion
Infusion must be administered as every 5 ml iron sucrose injection diluted exclusively in a maximum of 100 ml of 0.9% NaCl, immediately prior to infusion. The solution must be infused at a rate of 100 mg of iron over a period of at least 15 minutes and 200 mg of iron over a period of at least 30 minutes. Unused diluted solution must be discarded.
Injection into dialyser
Iron sucrose may be administered during a haemodialysis session directly into the venous limb of the dialyser under the same procedures as those outlined for intravenous injection.

NOTE: Do not mix iron sucrose with other medications or add to parenteral nutrition solutions for intravenous infusion. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever the solution and container permit.

"• Known hypersensitivity to iron sucrose or any of its excipients • Known serious hypersensitivity to other parenteral iron products • Anaemias not attributable to iron deficiency • Iron overload or disturbances in utilisation of iron • Pregnancy first trimester "

Hypersensitivity reactions
Parenterally administered iron preparations can cause hypersensitivity reactions including serious and potentially fatal anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions. Hypersensitivity reactions have also been reported after previously uneventful doses of parenteral iron complexes.
The risk is enhanced for patients with known allergies including drug allergies, including patients with a history of severe asthma, eczema or other atopic allergy.

There is also an increased risk of hypersensitivity reactions to parenteral iron complexes in patients with immune or inflammatory conditions (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis).

Iron sucrose should only be administered when staff trained to evaluate and manage anaphylactic reactions is immediately available, in an environment where full resuscitation facilities can be assured. Each patient should be observed for adverse effects for at least 30 minutes following each iron sucrose injection. If hypersensitivity reactions or signs of

intolerance occur during administration, the treatment must be stopped immediately. Facilities for cardio respiratory resuscitation and equipment for handling acute anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions should be available, including an injectable 1:1000 adrenaline solution. Additional treatment with antihistamines and/or corticosteroids should be given as appropriate.

Liver dysfunction
In patients with liver dysfunction, parenteral iron should only be administered after careful risk/benefit assessment. Parenteral iron administration should be avoided in patients with hepatic dysfunction where iron overload is a precipitating factor, in particular Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT). Careful monitoring of iron status is recommended to avoid iron overload.

Hypotensive episodes may occur if the injection is administered too rapidly. Allergic reactions, sometimes involving arthralgia, have been more commonly observed when the recommended dose is exceeded.

Acute or chronic infection
Parenteral iron must be used with caution in case of acute or chronic infection. It is recommended that the administration of iron sucrose is stopped in patients with ongoing bacteraemia. In patients with chronic infection a risk/benefit evaluation has to be performed, taking into account the suppression of erythropoiesis.

Paravenous leakage
Paravenous leakage must be avoided because leakage of iron sucrose at the injection site may lead to pain, inflammation, tissue necrosis and brown discoloration of the skin.

Drug interactions involving iron sucrose have not been studied. However, iron sucrose may reduce the absorption of concomitantly administered oral iron preparations. Therefore, oral iron therapy should be started at least 5 days after the last injection of iron sucrose.

Category B: Iron sucrose should be used in pregnant women during second and third trimester only if clearly indicated. Iron sucrose should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Nursing mothers
Non-metabolised iron sucrose is unlikely to pass into the mother's milk. No well- controlled clinical studies are available to date. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects to the nursing child.

In the case of symptoms of dizziness, confusion or light headedness following the administration of iron sucrose, patients should not drive or use machinery until the symptoms have ceased.

Most frequently reported adverse drug reactions (0.5–1.5% incidence) - transient taste perversion (metallic taste), hypotension, fever and shivering, injection site reactions and nausea. Non-serious anaphylactoid reactions occurred rarely. In general anaphylactoid reactions are potentially the most serious adverse events.

Adverse events reported in clinical trials on iron sucrose and their frequencies of occurrence are given below:

Nervous system disorders
Common (≥ 1/100, < 1/10): transient taste perversions (in particular metallic taste).
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): headache, dizziness.
Rare (≥ 1/10000, < 1/1000): paraesthesia, syncope, loss of consciousness, burning sensation.
Cardio-vascular disorders
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): hypotension and collapse, tachycardia and palpitations.
Rare (≥ 1/10000, < 1/1000): hypertension.

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): bronchospasm, dyspnoea. Gastrointestinal disorders
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): nausea; vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): pruritus, urticaria, rash, exanthema, erythema.
Musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): muscle cramps, myalgia. General disorders and administration site disorders
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000, < 1/100): fever, shivering, flushing, chest pain and tightness.
Injection site disorders such as superficial phlebitis, burning, swelling
Rare (≥ 1/10000, < 1/1000): arthralgia, peripheral oedema, fatigue, asthenia, malaise, feeling hot, oedema
Immune system disorders
Rare (≥ 1/10000, < 1/1000): anaphylactoid reactions.

Moreover, in spontaneous reports the following adverse reactions have been reported:

Isolated cases: reduced level of consciousness, light-headed feeling, confusion, angio- oedema, swelling of joints, hyperhidrosis, back pain, bradycardia, chromaturia.


Overdosage can cause acute iron overloading which may manifest itself as haemosiderosis. Overdosage should be treated, if required, with an iron chelating agent.

Iron sucrose is an aqueous complex of poly-nuclear iron (III)-hydroxide in sucrose. Following intravenous administration, iron sucrose is dissociated into iron and sucrose and the iron is transported as a complex with transferrin to target cells including erythroid precursor cells. The iron in the precursor cells is incorporated into hemoglobin as the cells mature into red blood cells.

Following intravenous injection of a single dose of iron sucrose containing 100 mg iron, maximum iron levels, averaging 538 µmol/l, are obtained 10 minutes after injection.
Iron sucrose exhibits first order kinetics with an elimination half-life of 6 h. The volume of distribution at steady state was about 8 litres, indicating a low iron distribution in the body fluid. Since iron disappearance from serum depends on the need for iron in the iron stores and iron utilizing tissues of the body, serum clearance of iron is expected to be more rapid in iron deficient patients treated with iron sucrose as compared to healthy individuals. The effects of age and gender on the pharmacokinetics of iron sucrose have not been studied. Following intravenous administration of iron sucrose, the iron component appears to distribute mainly in blood and to some extent in extravascular fluid. Significant amount of administered iron is distributed in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Following intravenous administration, iron sucrose dissociates into iron and sucrose by the reticuloendothelial system. The sucrose component is eliminated mainly by urinary excretion. Renal elimination of iron, occurring in the first 4 h after injection, corresponds to less than 5% of the total body clearance. After 24 h the plasma levels of iron reduce to the pre-dose iron level and about 75% of the dosage of sucrose is excreted.

There are no preclinical data of relevance to the prescriber that are additional to information already in other sections of the SPC.

List of excipients:
Sodium hydroxide & Water for Injection

Iron Sucrose Injection must only be mixed with sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution. No other solutions and therapeutic agents should be used as there is the potential for precipitation and/or interaction.

"Shelf life of the product as packaged for sale: 24 months Shelf life after first opening of the container: From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately. Shelf life after dilution with sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution: From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately after dilution with sterile 0.9% m/V sodium chloride solution. "

Store in a dark place, below 30°C. Do not freeze. Keep away from the reach of children.

5 ml solution in one glass vial.

Vials should be visually inspected for sediment and damage before use. Only those with sediment free and homogenous solution must be used.

Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Hinjwadi, Pune 411 057, INDIA.

December, 2013.

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