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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

What Epigonal is?

Epigonal contains a medicine called menotrophin. This is amixture of hormones obtained from the urine of women who have passed the menopause.

- The dose of these hormones is given in International Units(IU).   

- Each ampoule contains the equivalent of 75 IU of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and 75 IU of LH (luteinising hormone).

Epigonal helps reproductive organs to work normally in both women and men. A fertility specialist should supervise your treatment.

What Epigonal is used for?

used for the treatment of female infertility in the following cases:

- Epigonal is used in women without ovulation who have been unresponsive to treatment with clomiphene citrate (an anti-oestrogen) in order to trigger ovulation.

- Epigonal is used in women who undergo a treatment method of assisted reproduction (ART), for the development of a number of follicles and therefore for the maturation of a number of ovums.

Do not take Epigonal if:

- You are allergic (hypersensitive) to menotrophin or any of the other ingredients of Epigonal (listed in Section 6).

- You have a tumour in your pituitary gland (a gland located on the base of the brain which produces certain hormones, including growth hormones).

- You have a tumour in a part of your brain called the hypothalamus (part of the brain which controls the conditions within your body including body temperature and blood pressure).

- You have high levels of a hormone called prolactin hyperprolactinaemia).

Also, if you are a woman do not use Epigonal if:

- You have tumours of your womb (uterus), ovaries or breasts.

- You have cysts on your ovaries or enlarged ovaries that are not due to polycystic ovary syndrome (a condition that prevents eggs from being released from the ovaries).

- You have bleeding from your vagina for an unknown reason.

- You have primary ovarian failure (a condition in which the ovaries do not function properly).

- You have blocked fallopian tubes, unless you are having IVF or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

- You are having an early (premature) menopause.

- You have certain physical problems in your reproductive organs (womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries or cervix).

- Your womb has been removed (hysterectomy).

- You have fibroid tumours (tumours in your womb that are not cancer).

- You are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Also, if you are a man do not use Epigonal if:

- You have cancer of your testicles.

- You have prostate cancer.

Do not use Epigonal if any of the above applies to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before you start using Epigonal.

Take special care:

Check with your doctor or nurse before using this medicine if:

- You have had infertility treatment in the past.

- You or someone in your family has had blood clots. This is because treatment with Epigonal may increase the risk of having a clot. Pregnancy also increases the risk of having clots.

If any of the above applies to you (or if you are not sure), talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before using Epigonal.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

If you are already pregnant or breast-feeding, you must not use Epigonal.

Tests before you start treatment

Before you start treatment with Epigonal, your doctor will normally do tests to check the following:

Men and women:

- Your thyroid and adrenal glands are working properly.

- You do not have tumours of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

Women only:

- Your ovaries are working properly.

- You do not have higher than normal blood levels of a hormone called prolactin.

Always use Epigonal. exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

In different patients and even in the same patient, the ovaries respond in very different ways to Epigonal. This makes it impossible to set a uniform dosage scheme. The dosage should, therefore, be adjusted individually depending on the ovarian response. For this purpose, the response is to be controlled by use of ultrasound, preferably in combination with the measuring of the female hormone oestradiol.

Women without ovulation (including polycystic ovarian syndrome)

The Epigonal therapy should be commenced within the first 7 days of the menstruation cycle. The recommended initial dose of Epigonal 75 I.U.is 75 -150 IU daily, which should be maintained for at least 7 days.

Subsequent treatment should be individually adapted to the results of the routine follow-up examinations. An increase in dosage may be determined by your doctor if required. The dosage should not be increased after less than 7 days. The recommended dose increment is 37.5 IU per adjustment and should not exceed 75 IU. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 225 IU. In case there is no optimal reaction achieved after 4 weeks of treatment, the treatment should be interrupted for this cycle.

Once an optimal stimulation has been achieved, one single injection of 5,000 to 10,000 IU chorion gonadotrophin (hCG) should be administered one day after the last Epigonal injection. You should have sexual intercourse both on the day of hCG administration and on the following day. Alternatively, selected sperms may be directly transferred into the uterus (intrauterine insemination). You should be closely followed up by your doctor for at least 2 weeks following the hCG administration. If you show an excessive reaction to Epigonal, the treatment should be stopped, and no hCG should be administered. You should use non-hormonal contraceptives or renounce sexual intercourse until the beginning of the next menstrual bleeding.

Development of several follicles for assisted reproduction (ART)

With blockage of the ovaries-stimulating hormones (downregulation by use of GnRH agonist), the Epigonal therapy should start approximately 2 weeks after the start of GnRH agonist treatment. With blockage of the ovaries-stimulating hormones, (downregulation by use of GnRH-antagonist) Epigonal treatment should be started on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle.

The recommended initial dose is 150 - 225 IU daily, which should be maintained for at least 5 days. Subsequent treatment should be individually adapted to the results of the routine follow-up examinations and should not exceed 150 IU per adjustment. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 450 IU and, generally, dosing beyond 20 days is not recommended.

Once an optimal reaction has been achieved, one single injection of up to 10,000 IU chorion gonadotrophin (hCG) should be administered to trigger the follicular maturation to prepare the oocytes' release. You should be controlled tightly for at least 2 weeks following the hCG administration. If you show an excessive reaction to Epigonal, the course of treatment should be stopped, and no hCG should be administered. You should use non-hormonal contraceptives or renounce sexual intercourse until the beginning of the next menstrual bleeding.

Method of administration

Epigonal is intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection after reconstitution with the solvent provided.

The powder should be reconstituted immediately prior to use. Up to 3 injection bottles of Epigonal may be dissolved in 1 ampoule of the solvent provided. Do not shake the ampoule containing the solution and do not use the solution if it contains particles or is not clear.

If you use more Epigonal than you should (overdose)

Overdoses are unknown, nevertheless hyperstimulation of the ovaries (ovarian hyperstimulation) may occur.

If you forget to take Epigonal.

Do not inject the double amount, but please consult your doctor.

If you stop taking Epigonal:

If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, Epigonal can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Side effects that can happen in women:

If you notice any of the following signs, tell your doctor immediately. It may mean that your ovaries have been stimulated too much and you may need

urgent medical treatment. This side effect is common (affects less than 1 in 10 people).

- Feeling sick.

- Pain or swelling of the tummy.

- Being sick.

- Weight gain.

- Diarrhea.         

- Difficulty breathing.

- Feeling more thirsty than usual.

- Producing less urine when you go to the toilet or going to the toilet less often.

If you notice any of the above signs, tell your doctor immediately

Side effects that can happen in both women and men:

STOP USING Epigonal if you experience allergic reactions including; itching, skin rashes, swelling of the face, lips or throat, difficulty in breathing, wheeziness, chest tightness or coughing. If you experience any of these rare side effects, you should contact your doctor or go to the nearest hospital immediately.

Common (affects less than 1 in 10 people):


-Pain or inflammation where the injection was given.

Uncommon (affects less than 1 in 100 people):

- Blood clots in the veins, usually of the leg (deep vein thrombosis).

Very rare (affects less than 1 in 10,000 people):

- If Epigonal is used for a long time, your body may make antibodies which can stop the treatment from working.

If treatment with Epigonal results in pregnancy

The following are more likely to happen in women who have had fertility treatment than in women who have got pregnant (conceived) naturally:

- Being pregnant with more than one baby. This carries an increased risk of problems for the mother during thepregnancy and at or around the time of birth.

- The fertilised egg implanting outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy). This is more likely if you have had tubal disease in the past (a condition where the fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged).

- Miscarriage or abortion.      

- A slightly higher risk of your baby being born with physical defects.

Your doctor will be able to discuss this with you before you start treatment. If any of the side effects become serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

- Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

- Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C; it should not be kept in a fridge or freezer.

- Do not have Epigonal after the expiry date.

This is stated in month and year on the carton label and on the vial label after "Exp" the expiry dates refers to the last day of that month. If you are not sure when this is, check with your doctor or pharmacist.

- Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer needed. Do not dispose of medicines by flushing down the toilet or a sink or by throwing out with you normal household rubbish. This will help to protect the environment.

Each lyophilized ampoule contains:

Human Menoupausal gonadotrophin  .............................75 IU.


Mannitol, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Each solvent ampoule contains:

Sodium Chloride and water for injection.

Epigonal ampoule: Box of 1 lyophilized ampoule and 1 ampoule of solvent.

Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company, EIPICO

April 2023
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

 يحتوي إبيجونال على دواء يسمى مينوتروفين. و هو خليط من الهرمونات التي يتم الحصول عليها من بول النساء بعد سن اليأس.

وتعطى الجرعة من هذه الهرمونات عن طريق الوحدات الدولية .(IU)

و يحتوي كل أمبول علي ما يعادل 75 وحدة دولية من الهرمون المحفز للحويصلات بالمبيض و 75 وحدة دولية من الهرمون الذي يساعد علي خروج البويضة.

يساعد إبيجونال الأعضاء التناسلية علي العمل بشكل طبيعي فى كل من النساء و الرجال. وينبغي أن يشرف أخصائي الخصوبة علي علاجك.

فيم يستخدم إبيجونال ؟

يستخدم إبيجونال لعلاج العقم عند النساء فى الحالات التالية:

- يستخدم إبيجونال عند النساء التي تعاني من عدم الاباضة اللواتي لم يستجبن لعلاج سيترات الكلوميفين(مضاد الاستروجين) لغرض إثارة عملية الإباضة.

- يستخدم إبيجونال عند النساء اللواتي يخضعن لطريقة علاج للمساعدة على الإنجاب، من أجل تنمية عدد معين من الجريبات وبالتالي نضوج عدد من البويضات.

لا تأخذ إبيجونال إذا كنت:

-تعاني من حساسية (مفرطة) من المينوتروفين، أو لأى من المكونات الأخرى فى هذا الدواء.

-تعاني من ورم فى الغدة النخامية (غدة بقاع الدماغ و تنتج هرمونات محددة بما فى ذلك هرمونات النمو.(

-تعاني من ورم فى جزء من الدماغ يسمى تحت المهاد (جزء من الدماغ  يسيطر على الظروف داخل الجسم بما في ذلك درجة حرارة الجسم وضغط الدم.(

- تعاني من مستويات عالية من هرمون يدعي البرولاكتين(فرط برولاكتين الدم).

كذلك اذا كنت امرأة لا تستخدم إبيجونال اذا :

- تعاني من أورام الرحم ,المبايض أو الثدي.

- تعاني من تكيسات على المبايض أو المبايض الموسع غير الناجمة عن مرض تكيس المبيض(حالة تمنع خروج البويضات من المبايض).

- تعاني من نزيف من المهبل غير معروف سببه .

- تعاني من  فشل المبايض الأساسي (حالة لا تعمل المبايض فيها بشكل صحيح).

- تعاني من إنسداد في أنابيب فالوب ، إلا إذا كنت تقومين بالتخصيب في المختبر أو الحقن المجهري (حقن الحيوانات المنوية داخل السيتوبلازم).

- قد شهدت انقطاع الطمث المبكر.

- تعاني من عيوب جسدية في الأعضاء التناسلية (الرحم ,أنابيب فالوب,المبايض أو عنق الرحم).

- تمت إزالة الرحم (استئصال الرحم).

- تعاني من أورام ليفية (أورام في الرحم ليست سرطانية).

- كنت حامل أو مرضعة.

كذلك اذا كنت رجل لا تستخدم إبيجونال اذا :

- كنت تعانى من سرطان الخصيتين.

- كنت تعانى من سرطان البروستاتا.

لا تستخدم إبيجونال إذا كان أي مما سبق ينطبق عليك. إذا كنت لست متأكدا، تحدث مع طبيبك المختص قبل البدء فى استخدام إبيجونال .

يجب توخي الحذر :

تحقق مع طبيبك قبل استخدام هذا الدواء إذا:

- كنت قد أخذت علاج للعقم فى الماضي.

-كان أنت أو شخص ما فى عائلتك قد أصيب بجلطات دموية. هذا لأن العلاج بإبيجونال قد يزيد من خطر حدوث جلطة. يزيد أيضا الحمل من خطر حدوث جلطات.

إذا كان أي مما سبق ينطبق عليك (أو إذا لم تكن متأكدا)، تحدث مع طبيبك أو صيدلي قبل استخدام إبيجونال.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية:

إذا كنت حاملا بالفعل أو مرضعة، يجب أن لا تستخدم إبيجونال .

اختبارات قبل بدء العلاج:

قبل بدء العلاج بإبيجونال ، سوف يقوم الطبيب عادة بإجراء اختبارات للتحقق مما يلي:

رجال ونساء:

- تعمل الغدة الدرقية والغدة الكظرية بشكل صحيح.

- ليس لديك أورام في الغدة النخامية أوتحت المهاد.

النساء فقط:

- المبايض تعمل بشكل صحيح.

- ليس لديك مستويات دم أعلى من المعتاد من هرمون البرولاكتين.


يجب دائماً إستخدام إبيجونال تماماً على النحو الذي يصفه طبيبك، إن كنت غير متأكدة راجعي بمعية طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

تكون استجابة المبيض عند مختلف المرضى، أو عند المريضة نفسها مختلفة تماماً  عند أخذ إبيجونال، وعليه لا يمكن تحديد برنامج محدد للجرعات، إذ يجب ضبط الجرعة بشكل فردي وفق إستجابة المبيض. لهذا الغرض، تتم مراقبة الإستجابة من خلال إستعمال الأمواج الصوتية من خلال دمجها مع مقياس الاستراديول، هرمون أنثوي.

النساء دون إباضة (لا سيما متلازمة تكيس المبيض):

150 وحدة - يجب بدأ العلاج بإبيجونال  في السبع أيام الأولى من الدورة الشهرية، حددت الجرعة الأولية لإبيجونال يومياً.والتي يجب تناولها مدة 7 أيام على الأقل. يجب ضبط العلاج القادم بصفة فردية وفق نتائج فحوصات المتابعة الروتينية.

يمكن للطبيب أن يقرر زيادة الجرعة إن كان ذلك ضروري ا ، لا يمكن زيادة الجرعة في أقل من سبعة أيام، حددت زيادة الجرعة الموصى

بها ب 37.5 وحدة دولية عن كل ضبط، حيث لا يجب أن تتعدى 75 وحدة دولية. لا يجب أن تتجاوز الجرعة اليومية القصوى 225وحدة دولية. إذا لم تتحقق الاستجابة المثلى بعد مرور 4 أسابيع من العلاج، يجب إيقاف العلاج لهذه الدورة. في حالة الحصول على تحفيز أمثل، يجب أخذ حقنة وحيدة من 5.000 إلى 10.000 وحدة دولية من الوجهة المشيمائية للغدد التناسلية البشرية بعد يوم واحد من آخر حقنة من إبيجونال. يجب إقامة علاقة جنسية في يوم تناول حقن الوجهة المشيمائية للغدد التناسلية البشرية واليوم الموالي، وعليه يمكن نقل الحيوانات المنوية التي تم اختيارها لوضعها بالرحم (تلقيح داخل الرحم). يجب أن يتولى طبيبك متابعتك عن قرب فترة أسبوعين من تلقي علاج الوجهة المشمائية للغدد التناسلية. يجب إيقاف العلاج إن لاحظت استجابة مفرطة لإبيجونال .

عليكم استخدام موانع الحمل غير الهرمونية أو الامتناع عن القيام بعلاقات جنسية إلى غاية الطمث القادم.

خلق العديد من الجريبات للمساعدة على الإنجاب

يمكن للطبيب أولا منع الإباضة المبكرة. في هذه الحالة، العلاج مع إبيجونال يجب أن يبدأ حوالي أسبوعين بعد بدء العلاج الناهض.

إذا كان طبيبك قد وصف مضادا، ينبغي أن يبدأ العلاج مع إبيجونال فى اليوم الثاني أو اليوم الثالث من دورة الطمث الخاص بك.

تتمثل الجرعة الأولية الموصى بها من 150 إلى 225 وحدة دولية، والتي يجب تناولها مدة 5 أيام على الأقل، يجب ضبط العلاج القادم بصورة فردية وفق نتائج الفحوصات الروتينية للمتابعة دون أن تتجاوز هذه الاخيرة 150 وحدة دولية عن كل تعديل. لا يجب أن تتعدى الجرعة اليومية القصوى 450 وحدة دولية، وفي غالب الأحيان لا ينصح بتناول الجرعات بعد مرور 20 يوم.

إذا تم تحقيق استجابة مثلى، يجب أخذ حقنة وحيدة من 10.000 وحدة دولية من الوجهة المشيمائية للغدد التناسلية البشرية من أجل إثارة النضج الجريبي لتحضير تحرير الخلية البيضية. ينبغي أن تخضعي لمتابعة جدية لمدة لا تقل عن أسبوعين من تناول الوجهة المشيمائية للغدد التناسلية، إذا كانت الاستجابة مفرطة حيال إبيجونال، يجب إيقاف مدة العلاج، وعدم تعاطي أي هرمون لموجهة الغدد التناسلية، عليكم استخدام موانع الحمل غير الهرمونية أو الامتناع عن القيام بعلاقات جنسية إلى غاية الطمث المقبل.

كيفية التناول

تمّ عد إبيجونال للحقن تحت الجلد أو في العضل، بعد تجهيزه مع المذيب المتوفر، يجب إعادة تشكيل المسحوق فورا قبل الاستخدام، يمكن إذابة إلى غاية 3 زجاجات من إبيجونال في أمبولة المذيب المتوفرة. يُرجى عدم رج الأمبولة التي تحتوي على المحلول وعدم استخدامها في حال احتوت على جسيمات أو لم تكن صافية.

إن أخذت إبيجونال أكثر من اللازم (جرعة مفرطة)

إن آثار الجرعة الزائدة غير معروفة، غير انه يمكن حدوث تفاعل مفرط في المبيض (فرط تفاعل المبيض).

إن نسيت أخذ إبيجونال

لا تحقني جرعة مضاعفة، واستشيري طبيبك.

إن توقفت عن أخذ إبيجونال

إذا كانت لديك استفسارات أخرى حول استعمال هذا الدواء، الرجاء استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب إبيجونال بعض الأعراض الجانبية، على الرغم من أنها لا تحدث لكل الأشخاص.

الآثار الجانبية التي يمكن أن تحدث ف النساء:

إذا لاحظت أي من العلامات التالیة، أخبرطبيبك فورا. قد يعني أن المبايض الخاصة بك قد تم تحفيزها أكثر من اللازم و قد تحتاج الي علاج طبي عاجل. هذا التأثير الجانبي هو (يؤثر على أقل من 1 من 10 أشخاص).

- الشعور بالمرض.        

- ألم أو تورم في البطن.

- الشعور بالمرض.             

- زيادة الوزن.

- إسهال.                      

- صعوبة في التنفس.

- الشعور بالعطش أكثر من المعتاد.

- إنتاج بول أقل عندما تذهب إلى المرحاض أو الذهاب إلى المرحاض بصورة أقل من المعتاد.

إذا لاحظت أي من العلامات أعلاه، أخبر طبيبك فورا

الآثار الجانبية التي يمكن أن تحدث فى كل من النساء والرجال:

توقف عن استخدام إبيجونال إذا كنت تعاني من تفاعلات الحساسيه بما فى ذلك؛ الحكة، والطفح الجلدي، وتورم فى الوجه، والشفتين أو الحلق، وصعوبة في التنفس، صفير، وضيق الصدر أو السعال. إذا كنت تواجه أي من هذه الآثار الجانبية النادرة، يجب عليك الاتصال بطبيبك أو الذهاب إلى أقرب مستشفى على الفور.

شائع (يؤثر على أقل من 1 من كل 10 أشخاص):

-صداع .

-ألم أو التهاب حيث أعطيت الحقنة.

غير شائع (يؤثر على أقل من 1 من 100 شخص):

- جلطات الدم في الأوردة، وعادة  في الساق (جلطة بالاوردة العميقة).

نادرة جدا (تؤثر على أقل من 1 من 10000 شخص):

- إذا تم استخدام إبيجونال لفترة طويلة، قد يقوم الجسم بعمل أجسام مضادة التي يمكن أن توقف العلاج عن العمل.

إذا أدي العلاج بإبيجونال الي الحمل من المرجح أن يحدث ما يلي في النساء اللاتي أخذن  علاج الخصوبة عن النساء اللاتي قد حملن بشكل طبيعي:

- أن تكون حاملا في أكثر من طفل واحد. هذا يحمل زيادة خطر المشاكل للأم خلال الحمل وفى أو عند وقت الولادة.

- زرع البويضة المخصبة خارج الرحم (الحمل خارج الرحم). هذا هو الأرجح إذا كنت تعاني من مرض أنبوبي فى الماضي (حالة يتم فيها انسداد أنابيب فالوب أو تلفها).

- الإجهاض .

- خطر أعلى قليلا بأن يولد طفلك بعيوب جسدية.

سوف يكون طبيبك قادرا على مناقشة هذا معك قبل البدء فى العلاج. إذا أصبح أي من الآثار الجانبية  خطير، أو إذا  لاحظت أي آثار جانبية غير مدرجة فى هذه النشرة، من فضلك أخبر طبيبك أو ممرضة أو صيدلي.

- تحفظ بعيداً عن متناول وبصر الأطفال.

- تحفظ فى درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن 30˚م، يجب عدم حفظه فى الثلاجة أو المجمد(لا تجمد).

- لا تستخدم إبيجونال بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المكتوب على العبوة. تاريخ إنتهاء يشير إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.

- لا ينبغى التخلص من الأدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحى أو النفايات المنزلية. أسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلى عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التى  لم تعد مطلوبة. وسوف تساعد هذه التدابير فى حماية البيئة.

كل أمبول مجفدة يحتوي على: مينوتروفين (HMG)  ٧٥ وحدة دولية

المواد غير فعالة: مانيتول, فوسفات الهيدروجين ثنائى البوتاسيوم, فوسفات البوتاسيوم ثنائى الهيدروجين.

المكونات فى المذيب هى: كلوريد الصوديوم, ماء للحقن.

علبة تحتوى على 1 أمبولة بها بودرة مجفدة و أمبولة من المذيب.

الشركة المصرية الدولية للصناعات الدوائية (إيبيكو)

إبريل ٢٠٢٣
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Epigonal 75 IU Ampoule.

Each lyophilized ampoule contains: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 75 IU. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 75 IU. Each ampoule of solvent contains 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Lyophilisate for solution for injection.

Epigonal is indicated for the treatment of female infertility in the following clinical situations:

• Anovulation [including polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)] in women who have been unresponsive to treatment with clomiphene citrate.

• Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation to induce the development of multiple follicles for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) [e.g.: in vitro fertilisation/embryo transfer (IVF/ET), gamete intra-Follopian transfer (GIFT) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)].

Treatment with Epigonal should be initiated under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of fertility problems.


Dosage regimens described below are identical for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration. There are great inter- and intra individual variations in the response of the ovaries to exogenous gonadotrophins. This makes it impossible to set a uniform dosage scheme. The dosage should, therefore, be adjusted individually depending on the ovarian response.

Epigonal can be given alone or in combination with a gonadotrophin- releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist or antagonist. Recommendations about dosage and duration of treatment may change depending on the actual treatment protocol.

Women with anovulation (including PCOD)

The object of Epigonal therapy is to develop a single Graafian follicle from which the oocyte will be liberated after the administration of hCG. Epigonal therapy should start within the initial 7 days of the menstrual cycle. The recommended initial dose of Epigonal is 75 - 150 IU daily, which should be maintained for at least 7 days. Based on routine clinical monitoring (including ovarian ultrasound, preferably in combination with measurement of oestradiol levels) subsequent treatment should be adjusted according to individual patient response. Adjustments in dose should not be made more frequently than every 7 days. The recommended dose increment is 37.5 IU per adjustment, and should not exceed 75 IU (maximum 75 IU). The maximum daily dose should not be higher than 225 IU. If a patient fails to respond adequately after 4 weeks of treatment, that cycle should be abandoned and the patient should recommence treatment at a higher starting dose than in the abandoned cycle. When an optimal stimulation is obtained, a single injection of 5,000 IU to 10,000 IU hCG should be given 1 day after the last Epigonal injection.

The patient is recommended to have coitus on the day of and the day following hCG administration. Alternatively intrauterine insemination (IUI) may be performed. If an excessive response to Epigonal is obtained, treatment should be stopped and hCG withheld and the patient should use a barrier method of contraception or refrain from having coitus until the next menstrual bleeding has started.

Women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for multiple follicular development for assisted reproductive technologies (ART) 0n a protocol using downregulation with a GnRH agonist, Epigonal therapy should start approximately 2 weeks after the start of agonist treatment.

In a protocol using downregulation with a GnRH antagonist, Epigonal therapy should start on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle. The recommended initial dose of Epigonal is 150 - 225 IU daily for at least the first 5 days of treatment. Based on routine clinical monitoring (including ovarian ultrasound, in combination with measurement of oestradiol levels) subsequent treatment should be adjusted according to individual patient response and should not exceed more than 150 IU per adjustment. The maximum daily dose given should not be higher than 450 IU daily and in most cases dosing beyond 20 days is not recommended. When an optimal response is obtained, a single injection of 5,000 up to 10,000 IU hCG should be administered to induce follicular maturation in preparation for oocyte retrieval. Patients should be followed closely for at least 2 weeks after hCG administration. If an excessive response to Epigonal is obtained, treatment should be stopped and hCG withheld and the patient should use a barrier method of contraception or refrain from having coitus until the next menstrual bleeding has started.

Paediatric population
There is no relevant use of Epigonal in the paediatric population.
Method of administration
Epigonal is intended for subcutaneous (S.C.) or intramuscular (I.M.) injection after reconstitution
with the solvent provided. The powder should be reconstituted immediately prior to use.
In order to avoid the injection of large volumes, up to 3 ampoules of Epigonal may be dissolved in 1 ml of the solvent provided. Shaking should be avoided. The solution should not be used if it contains
particles or if it is not clear.

Men and Women Epigonal is contraindicated in men and women with: - Tumours of the pituitary or hypothalamic glands - Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients used in the formulation (see section 6.1) Men - Tumours in the testes - Prostate carcinoma Women - Ovarian, uterine or mammary carcinoma - Pregnancy and lactation - Gynaecological haemorrhage of unknown aetiology - Ovarian cysts or enlarged ovaries not due to polycystic ovarian disease. In the following situations treatment outcome is unlikely to be favourable, and therefore Epigonal should not be administered: - Primary ovarian failure - Malformation of sexual organs incompatible with pregnancy - Fibroid tumours of the uterus incompatible with pregnancy - Structural abnormalities in which a satisfactory outcome cannot be expected, for example, tubal occlusion (unless superovulation is to be induced for IVF), ovarian dysgenesis, absent uterus or premature menopause.

Epigonal is a potent gonadotropic substance capable of causing mild to severe adverse reactions, and should only be used by physicians who are thoroughly familiar with infertility problems and their management.

In the treatment of female infertility, ovarian activity should be checked (by ultrasound and plasma 17 beta-oestradiol measurement) prior to Epigonal administration. During treatment, these tests and urinary oestrogen measurement should be carried out at regular intervals, until stimulation occurs. Close supervision is imperative during treatment. See “posology and administration” for optimum response levels of urinary oestrogen and plasma 17 beta-oestradiol. Values below these ranges may indicate inadequate follicular development.

There is considerable inter-patient variability in response to menotrophin administration, with a poor response to menotrophin in some patients. The lowest effective dose in relation to the treatment objective should be used.

The first injection of Epigonal should be performed under direct medical supervision.

Before starting treatment, the couple's infertility should be assessed as appropriate and putative contraindications for pregnancy evaluated. In particular, patients should be evaluated for hypothyroidism, adrenocortical deficiency, hyperprolactinemia and pituitary or hypothalamic tumours, and appropriate specific treatment given.

Patients undergoing stimulation of follicular growth, whether in the frame of a treatment for anovulatory infertility or ART procedures may experience ovarian enlargement or develop hyperstimulation. Adherence to recommended Epigonal dosage and regimen of administration, and careful monitoring of therapy will minimise the incidence of such events.

Acute interpretation of the indices of follicle development and maturation requires a physician who is experienced in the interpretation of the relevant tests.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

OHSS is a medical event distinct from uncomplicated ovarian enlargement. OHSS is a syndrome that can manifest itself with increasing degrees of severity. It comprises marked ovarian enlargement, high serum sex steroids, and an increase in vascular permeability which can result in an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal, pleural and rarely, in the pericardial cavities.

The severe form OHSS may be life-threatening and is characterised by large ovarian cysts (prone to rupture), acute abdominal pain, ascites, very often hydrothorax and occasionally thromboembolic phenomena. Other symptoms that may be observed include: abdominal distension, severe ovarian enlargement, weight gain, dyspnoea, oliguria and gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Clinical evaluation may reveal hypovolaemia, haemoconcentration, electrolyte imbalances, haemoperitoneum, pleural effusions and acute pulmonary distress.

If urinary oestrogen levels exceed 540 nmol (150 micrograms)/24 hours, or if plasma 17 beta-oestradiol levels exceed 3000 pmol/L (800 picograms/ml), or if there is any steep rise in values, there is an increased risk of hyperstimulation and Epigonal treatment should be immediately discontinued and human chorionic gonadotrophin withheld. Ultrasound will reveal any excessive follicular development and unintentional hyperstimulation. In the event of hyperstimulation, the patient should refrain from sexual intercourse or to use barrier contraception methods for at least 4 days. OHSS may progress rapidly (within 24 hours to several days) to become a serious medical event, therefore patients should be followed for at least two weeks after the hCG administration.

If during ultrasound, several mature follicles are visualised, human chorionic gonadotrophin should not be given as there is a risk of multiple ovulation and the occurrence of hyperstimulation syndrome.

Adherence to recommended Epigonal dosage, regimen of administration and careful monitoring of therapy will minimise the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation and multiple pregnancy (see sections 4.2 and 4.8). Patients undergoing superovulation may be at an increased risk of developing hyperstimulation in view of the excessive oestrogen response and multiple follicular development. In ART, aspiration of all follicles prior to ovulation may reduce the occurrence of hyperstimulation.

OHSS may be more severe and more protracted if pregnancy occurs. Most often, OHSS occurs after hormonal treatment has been discontinued and reaches its maximum at about seven to ten days following treatment. Usually, OHSS resolves spontaneously with the onset of menses.

If severe OHSS occurs, gonadotrophin treatment should be stopped if still ongoing, the patient hospitalised and specific therapy for OHSS started.

This syndrome occurs with higher incidence in patients with polycystic ovarian disease.

Multiple pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy, especially high order, carries an increased risk of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes.

In patients undergoing ART procedures the risk of multiple pregnancy is related mainly to the number of embryos replaced, their quality and the age of the patient.

The patient should be advised of the potential risk of multiple births before starting treatment.

Pregnancy wastage

The incidence of pregnancy wastage by miscarriage or abortion is higher in patients undergoing stimulation of follicular growth for ART procedures than in the normal population.

Ectopic pregnancy

Women with a history of tubal disease are at risk of ectopic pregnancy, whether the pregnancy is obtained by spontaneous conception or with fertility treatment. The prevalence of ectopic pregnancy after IVF has been reported to be 2 to 5%, as compared to 1 to 1.5% in the general population.

Reproductive system neoplasms

There have been reports of ovarian and other reproductive system neoplasms, both benign and malignant, in women who have undergone multiple drug regimens for infertility treatment. It is not yet established if treatment with gonadotrophins increases the baseline risk of these tumours in infertile women.

Congenital malformation

The prevalence of congenital malformations after ART may be slightly higher than after spontaneous conceptions. This is thought to be due to differences in parental characteristics (e.g. maternal age, sperm characteristics) and multiple pregnancies.

Thromboembolic events

In women with generally recognised risk factors for thromboembolic events, such as personal or family history, treatment with gonadotrophins may further increase the risk. In these women, the benefits of gonadotrophin administration need to be weighed against the risks. It should be noted however, that pregnancy itself also carries an increased risk of thromboembolic events

No drug/drug interaction studies have been conducted with Epigonal in humans.

Although there is no controlled clinical experience, it is expected that the concomitant use of Epigonal and clomiphene citrate may enhance the follicular response. When using GnRH agonist for pituitary desensitization, a higher dose of Epigonal may be necessary to achieve adequate follicular response.

Epigonal should not be given during pregnancy or to lactating mothers.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. However, Epigonal is unlikely to have influence on the patient's ability to drive and use machines.

The most frequently reported adverse drug reactions during treatment with Epigonal in clinical trials are ovarian hyperstimulation, abdominal pain, headache, enlarged abdomen, inflammation at the injection site, pain at the injection site and nausea, with an incidence rate between 2% and 7%. The table below displays the main adverse drug reactions in women treated with Epigonal in clinical trials according to body system and frequency.

Body System

Frequency Adverse

Drug Reaction

Central/peripheral nervous system



( >1/100 <1/10)


Gastro-intestinal disorders


( >1/100 <1/10)

Abdominal pain, enlarged abdomen, nausea and vomiting

Female reproductive disorders


( >1/100 <1/10)

Ovarian hyperstimulation

Application site disorders


( >1/100 <1/10)

Inflammation at injection site, pain at injection site

Vascular (extracardiac) disorders


( >1/1,000 <1/100)

Deep vein thrombosis

In very rare cases, long term use of menotrophin can lead to the formation of antibodies making treatment ineffectual.

Very rare cases of allergic reactions, localised or generalised, and delayed-type hypersensitivity have been reported after treatment with gonadotrophin containing products.

To report any side effect(s):

• Saudi Arabia:

The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):

- SFDA Call Center: 19999

- E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

- Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/

Or Other GCC States:

- Please contact the relevant competent authority.

The acute toxicity of menotrophin has been shown to be very low. However, too high a dosage for more than one day may lead to hyperstimulation, which is categorised as mild, moderate or severe. Symptoms of overdosage usually appear 3 - 6 days after treatment with human chorionic gonadotrophin.

Mild hyperstimulation - Symptoms include some abdominal swelling and pain, ovaries enlarged to about 5cm diameter.

Therapy - rest; careful observation and symptomatic relief. Ovarian enlargement declines rapidly.

Moderate hyperstimulation - Symptoms include more pronounced abdominal distension and pain, nausea, vomiting, occasional diarrhoea, ovaries enlarged up to 12cm diameter. Therapy - bed rest; close observation especially in the case of conception occurring, to detect any progression to severe hyperstimulation.

Pelvic examination of enlarged ovaries should be gentle in order to avoid rupture of the cysts. Symptoms subside spontaneously over 2 - 3 weeks.

Severe hyperstimulation - This is a rare but serious complication - symptoms include pronounced abdominal distension and pain, ascites, pleural effusion, decreased blood volume, reduced urine output, electrolyte imbalance and sometimes shock, ovaries enlarge to in excess of 12cm diameter. Therapy - hospitalisation; treatment should be conservative and concentrate on restoring blood volume and preventing shock. Acute symptoms subside over several days and ovaries return to normal over 20 - 40 days if conception does not occur - symptoms may be prolonged if conception occurs.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Gonadotrophins

ATC code: G03GA02

Menotrophin is a gonadotrophin extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women and having both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone activity. It is given by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection in the treatment of male and female infertility.

Menotrophin (HMG) directly affects the ovaries and the testes. HMG has a gametropic and steroidogenic effect.

In the ovaries, the FSH-component in HMG induces an increase in the number of growing follicles and stimulates their development. FSH increases the production of oestradiol in the granulosa cells by aromatising androgens that originate in the Theca cells under the influence of the LH-component.

In the testes, FSH induces the transformation of premature to mature Sertoli cells. It mainly causes the maturation of the seminal canals and the development of the spermatozoa. However, a high concentration of androgens within the testes is necessary and can be attained by a prior treatment using hCG.

HMG is not effective when taken orally and is injected either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The biological effectiveness of HMG is mainly due to its FSH content. The pharmacokinetics of HMG following intramuscular or subcutaneous administration show great individual variation. The maximum serum level of FSH is reached approximately 18 hours after intramuscular injection and 12 hours after subcutaneous injection. After that, the serum level decreases by a half-life of approximately 55 hours following intramuscular administration and 50 hours following subcutaneous administration.

Excretion of HMG, following administration, is predominantly renal.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans, which is not known from the extensive clinical experience.

Reproduction toxicity studies have not been carried out to evaluate the effects of Epigonal during pregnancy or post-partum as Epigonal is not indicated during these periods.

Epigonal consist of naturally occurring hormones and should be expected to be non-genotoxic.

Carcinogenicity studies have not been carried out as the indication is for short term treatment.

Lyophilized powder for solution for injection:

Mannitol, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Solvent ampoule:

Sodium chloride, water for injection.

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

36 months as packaged for sale. The reconstituted product should be used immediately, and any remaining solution should be discarded. For immediate and single use following reconstitution.

Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C.

Carton box containing 1 ampoule of lyophilized powder + 1 ampoule 1 ml 0.9% sodium chloride solvent and pamphlet. 

The powder should only be reconstituted with the solvent provided in the package.

Since an opened ampoule cannot be resealed in such a way to further guarantee the sterility of the contents, the solution should be used immediately after reconstitution.

Do not use if the solution contains particles.

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Egyptian International Pharmaceutical Industries Company (EIPICO) 10th of Ramadan City – Industrial Area B1 – P.O. Box: 149 Tenth – Egypt. Tel: 0554/499199 0554/499277 Fax: 0554/499306 E-mail: eipico@eipico.com.eg

April 2023

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