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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

FINASID® belongs to the group of medicines called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

They act by reducing the size of the prostate gland in men.

FINASID® is used in the treatment and control of benign (i.e., non-cancerous) enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia - BPH). It causes shrinkage of the enlarged prostate, improves urinary flow and symptoms caused by BPH, and reduces the risk of you developing a sudden inability to pass urine (known as acute urinary retention) and the need for surgery.

Do not take FINASID®:

If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to FINASID® or any of the other ingredients of FINASID®.

If you are a woman (see also under 'Pregnancy and breast-feeding')

If you are a child

Take special care with FINASID®:

−       If you have a large amount of residual urine in your bladder after urinating and/or severely reduced urinary flow. If this is the case, you should be closely monitored for narrowing of the urinary tract

−       If you have impaired liver function. The level of FINASID® in your blood may be increased if so

−       If your sexual partner is or may potentially be pregnant, you should avoid exposing her to your semen which could contain a tiny amount of the drug.

−       If you have a PSA test (test used to detect prostate cancer). Tell your doctor that you are taking FINASID®. FINASID® can affect the blood levels of the substance being tested, PSA.

−       Finasid may increase the risk of development of high grade prostate cancer Tell your doctor if any of the above applies to you now or in the past.

−       You should promptly report to your doctor any changes in your breast tissue such as lumps, pain, enlargement of the breast tissue or nipple discharge as these may be signs of a serious condition, such as breast cancer.

Taking other medicines:

FINASID® does not usually interfere with other medicines. No significant drug interactions have been identified. Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Taking FINASID® with food and drink:

FINASID® can be taken with or without food.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding:

• FINASID® are only intended for men.

Women who are or may potentially be pregnant should not handle FINASID® especially if broken or crushed. If FINASID is absorbed through the skin or taken by mouth by women pregnant with a male foetus, the child may be born with malformed genital organs.

When the patient's sexual partner is or may become pregnant, the patient should either avoid exposure of his partner to semen (e.g. by use of a condom) or discontinue treatment with FINASID®.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.

Driving and using machines:

There is no information to suggest that FINASID® affects the ability to drive and use machines.

Important information about some of the ingredients of FINASID®:

This medicinal product contains lactose. If you have been told by your doctor that you have intolerance to some sugars contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

Always take FINASID® exactly as your doctor has told you.

You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

The usual dose is one tablet daily (equivalent to 5 mg FINASID®).

The film-coated tablets can either be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal. The film-coated tablets should be swallowed whole and should not be divided or crushed.

Although early improvement may be seen, treatment for at least six months may be necessary to assess whether a beneficial response has been achieved.

Your doctor will tell you how long you should continue to take FINASID® . Do not interrupt treatment early or the symptoms may come back.

Patients with impaired liver function

There is no experience of the use of FINASID® in patients with impaired liver function (see also 'Take special care with FINASID® ').

Patients with impaired kidney function

No dosage adjustment is required. The use of FINASID® in patients who have to undergo hemodialysis has not been investigated yet.

Elderly patients

No dosage adjustment is required.

Please speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you feel that the effects of FINASID® is too strong or too weak.

If you take more FINASID® than you should:

If you have taken more tablets than you were told to, or if someone else has taken any tablets, contact accident and emergency department of your nearest hospital. Take any leftover tablets or empty box with you for easier identification.

If you forget to take FINASID®:

If you forget to take a dose of FINASID®, you can take it as soon as you remember unless it is time for the next dose, in which case you should continue with your medication as prescribed. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

If you stop taking FINASID®:

Do not stop taking FINASID unless your doctor tells you to.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, FINASID® can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

For the assessment of side effects, the following descriptions of frequency have been used -

Very common - occur in more than 1 in 10 patients

Common - occur in more than 1 in 100 patients, but in less than 1 in 10 patients

 Uncommon - occur in less than 1 in 100 patients, but in more than 1 in 1000 patients

Rare - occur in less than 1 in 1000 patients, but in more than 1 in 10000 patients

Very rare - occur in less than 1 in 10000 patients, including isolated reports

The most common side effects are impotence and decreased sexual drive. These effects normally occur at the start of the treatment but do not usually last long in the majority of patients if treatment continues.


Common: decreased volume of ejaculate

●       Cardiac disorders

Unknown: palpitation

●       Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Uncommon: rash Unknown: pruritus, urticaria

●       Immune system disorders

Unknown: hypersensitivity reactions including swelling of the lips and face

•        Hepatobiliary disorders

Unknown: increased hepatic enzymes

•        Reproductive system and breast disorders

Common: impotence

Uncommon: ejaculation disorder, breast tenderness, breast enlargement

Unknown: testicular pain

Very rare: breast secretion, breast nodules

•        Psychiatric disorders

Common: decreased libido

•        Nervous system disorders

Unknown: drowsiness

• FINASID® may affect the result of PSA-laboratory test.

• FINASID® may increase the chance of a more serious form of prostate cancer

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Store below 30°C.

Do not use FINASID® after the expiry date, which is stated on the label after Exp. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

• The active substance is Finasteride.

One film-coated tablet contains 5 mg of Finasteride.

• The other ingredients are Lactose monohydrate, Hydroxypropylcellulose, Docusate Sodium, Magnesium stearate & Opadry blue

FINASID® are Blue-colored, apple shaped, film-coated tablet FINASID® are packed in opaque white PVC/PVDC - Alum blisters in pack of 30 tablets.

SAJA Pharmaceuticals

Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company limited Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي فيناسيد إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى مثبطات إنزيم مختزلة ألفا- 5.

وهي تعمل من خلال تقليص حجم غدة البروستاتا لدى الرجال.

يستعمل فيناسيد لعلاج تضخم البروستاتا الحميد ( أي غير السرطاني) والسيطرة عليه (فَرطُ التّنَسُج البروستاتي الحميد). يؤدي فيناسيد إلى تقليص حجم البروستاتا المتضخمة، ويحسن من تدفق البول والأعراض الناجمة عن فَرطُ التّنَسُج البروستاتي الحميد، ويقلل من خطر الإصابة المفاجئة بعدم القدرة على التبول (المعروف باحتباس البول الحاد) والحاجة لإجراء عملية جراحية.

لا تتناول فيناسيد:

·        إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية (فرط الحساسية) تجاه فيناسيد أو أيٍّ من مكوناته الأخرى.

·        إذا كنتِ سيدة (انظري أيضًا تحت عنوان"الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية")

·        إذا كنت طفلًا

توخ حذرًا خاصًا مع فيناسيد

●                 إذا كان لديك كمية كبيرة من البول متبقية في المثانة بعد التبول و/أو انخفاض شديد في تدفق البول.في هذه الحالة، يجب أن يتم وضعك تحت الملاحظة الدقيقة لمراقبة حدوث ضيق بالمسالك البولية.

●                 إذا كنت تعاني من قصور بوظائف الكبد. من الممكن أن يرفع ذلك من مستوى فيناسيد في الدم

●                 إذا كانت زوجتك حاملًا أو من المحتمل أن تصبح حاملًا، فيجب أن تجنبها التعرض للسائل المنوي الخاص بك والذي قد يحتوي على كمية ضئيلة من الدواء.

●                 إذا كنت ستخضع لاختبار المستضد الخاص بالبروستاتا ( اختبار يستخدم لاكتشاف سرطان البروستاتا).أخبر طبيبك بأنك تتناول فيناسيد. يمكن لفيناسيد أن يؤثر على مستويات الدم للمادة التي يتم اختبارها، المستضد الخاص بالبروستاتا.

●                 فيناسيد قد يؤدي إلى زيادة الإصابة بسرطان البروستاتا

أخبر طبيبك إذا كان أي مما سبق ينطبق عليك الآن أو في أي وقت مضى.

يجب إبلاغ طبيبك فورًا بأية تغييرات في أنسجة الثدي مثل ظهور كتل، ألم، تضخم نسيج الثدي أو خروج إفرازات من الحلمة حيث قد تكون هذه التغييرات علامات لحالة خطيرة، مثل سرطان الثدي.

تناول أدوية أخرى:

لا يتداخل فيناسيد عادة مع الأدوية الأخرى. لم يتم التعرف على أية تداخلات ذات أهمية بينه وبين الأدوية الأخرى. يُرجى إبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أية أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي حصلت عليها دون وصفة طبية.

تناول فيناسيد مع الطعام و الشراب:

يمكن تناول فيناسيد مع الطعام أو بدونه.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية:

●                 فيناسيد مخصص للرجال فقط.

بالنسبة للسيدات من الحوامل أو اللاتي من المحتمل أن يكن حوامل فيجب عليهن تجنب التعامل مع فيناسيد خاصة إذا كان مكسورًا أو مطحونًا. وذلك لأنه إذا تم امتصاص فيناسيد عن طريق الجلد أو تناولته سيدة حامل عن طريق الفم وكان الجنين ذكرًا، فربما يولد الطفل ولديه تشوهات خلقية بالأعضاء التناسلية.

عندما تكون زوجة المريض حاملًا أو قد تصبح حاملًا، فيجب على المريض أما أن يجنبها التعرض للسائل المنوي ( علي سبيل المثال عن طريق استخدام الواقي الذكري) أو يوقف العلاج ب فيناسيد.

استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي الخاص بكِ قبل تناول أي دواء.

القيادة واستخدام الآلات:

لا توجد معلومات تشير إلى تأثير فيناسيد في القدرة على القيادة واسنخدام الآلات.

معلومات هامة عن بعض مكونات فيناسيد:

يحتوي هذا الدواء على سكر اللاكتوز. إذا كان طبيبك قد أبلغك بأنك تعاني من عدم تحمل بعض أنواع السكريات، فاتصل به قبل تناول هذا الدواء


تناول دائمًا فيناسيد بالضبط كما أخبرك طبيبك.

إذا لم تكن متأكدًا، يجب أن تراجع الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك

الجرعة المعتادة هي قرص واحد يوميًا (بما يعادل 5 ملج فيناسيد).

يمكن تناول الأقراص المغلفة؛ إما على المعدة الفارغة أو مع وجبة الطعام. يجب بلع الأقراص المغلفة كاملة ويجب عدم تقسيمها أو طحنها.

بالرغم من أنه قد تتم ملاحظة تحسن مبكر، إلا أن استمرار العلاج لمدة ستة أشهر على الأقل قد يكون ضروريًا لتقييم ما إذا كان قد تم تحقيق استجابة مفيدة أم لا.

سيخبرك طبيبك بالمدة التي يجب عليك تناول فيناسيد خلالها. لا توقف العلاج مبكًرا حتى لا تعاود الأعراض الظهور.

المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور بوظائف الكبد

لا توجد هناك خبرة حول استخدام فيناسيد في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور بوظائف الكبد ( انظر أيضًا" توخ حذرًا خاصًا مع فيناسيد).

المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور بوظائف الكلى

لا يعد ضبط الجرعة لازمًا. لم يتم بحث استخدام فيناسيد في المرضى الذين يجب عليهم الخضوع للغسيل الكلوي حتى الآن.

المرضى من كبار السن

لا يعد ضبط الجرعة لازمًا.

يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك إذا كنت تشعر بأن أعراض فيناسيد قوية جدًا أو ضغيفة جدًا.

إذا تناولت كمية من فيناسيد أكثر مما يجب:

إذا تناولت كمية من الأقراص أكثر من التي تم وصفها لك، أو إذا تناول شخص آخر أية أقراص، فاتصل بقسم الطوارئ والحوادث بأقرب مستشفى. خذ معك الأقراص المتبقية أو العبوة الفارغة حتى يَسهُل تحديد عدد الأقراص التي تم تناولها.

إذا نسيت تناول فيناسيد:

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة من فيناسيد، فيمكنك تناولها بمجرد تذكرك لها إلا إذا كان قد حان موعد الجرعة التالية،في هذه الحالة يجب عليك الاستمرار في تناول علاجك كالمعتاد بحسب ما وصف لك. لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض جرعة نسيتها.

إذا توقفت عن تناول فيناسيد:

لا تتوقف عن تناول فيناسيد ما لم يخبرك الطبيب بذلك.

يرجى استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك إذا كانت لديك أية أسئلة أخرى عن استعمال هذا الدواء.

شأنه شأن جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب فيناسيد أعراض جانبية، على الرغم من أنها لا تحدث للجميع.

لتقييم الأعراض الجانبية، تم استخدام التوصيف التالي لمعدل التكرار:

شائعة جدًا: تحدث لأكثر من مريض واحد من كل 10 مرضى

شائعة: تحدث لأكثر من مريض واحد من كل 100 مريض، ولكن أقل من مريض واحد من كل 10 مرضى

غير شائعة: تحدث لأقل من مريض واحد من كل 100 مريض، ولكن أكثر من مريض واحد من كل 1,000 مريض

نادرة: تحدث لأقل من مريض واحد من كل 1,000 مريض، ولكن أكثر من مريض واحد من كل 10,000 مريض

نادرة جدًا: تحدث لأقل من مريض واحد من كل 10,000 مريض، بما في ذلك التقارير الفردية

الأعراض الجانبية الأكثر شيوعًا هي الضعف الجنسي وانخفاض الرغبة الجنسية. تحدث هذه الأعراض عادة في بداية العلاج ولكن عادة لا تستمر طويلًا في معظم المرضى إذا استمر العلاج.


شائعة: انخفاض كمية السائل المنوي الناتج عن القذف

الاضطرابات القلبية

غير معروفة : خفقان

اضطرابات الجلد والنسيج أسفل الجلد

غير شائعة : طفح جلدي

غير معروفة: حكة، شرى(أرتيكاريا)

اضطرابات الجهاز المناعي

غير معروفة: تفاعلات فرط الحساسية والتي تضم تورم الشفتين والوجه

اضطرابات الكبد والقنوات المرارية

غير معروفة: ارتفاع مستويات إنزيمات الكبد

اضطرابات الجِهَاز التناسلي والثدي

شائعة: الضعف الجنسي

غير شائعة: اضطراب بالقذف، إيلام الثدي، تضخم الثدي

غير معروفة :ألم بالخصية

نادرة جدا : خروج إفرازات من الثدي، عقد بالثدي

الاضطرابات النفسية

شائعة: انخفاض الرغبة الجنسية

اضطرابات الجهاز العصبي

غير معروفة: النعاس

●                 قد يؤثر فيناسيد على نتيجة الاختبار المعملي للمستضد الخاص بالبروستاتا.

●                 قد يؤدي فيناسيد إلى زيادة الإصابة بسرطان البروستاتا.

إذا أصبح أي من الأعراض الجانبية خطيرًا، أو إذا لاحظت أية أعراض جانبية غير المدرجة في هذه النشرة، فيرجى إبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك.

يحفظ بعيدًا عن متناول و رؤية الأطفال.

يخزن في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية

لا تستخدم فيناسيد بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدون على الملصق بعد كلمة "Exp". يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من الشهر.

يجب عدم التخلص من الأدوية عن طريق إلقائها في مياه الصرف أو مع المخلفات المنزلية. استفسر من الصيدلي الخاص بك عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها. ستساعد هذه الإجراءات في حماية البيئة.

●                 المادة الفعالة هي فيناسترايد.

يحتوي القرص المغلف الواحد على 5 ملج فيناسترايد.

●                 المكونات الأخرى هي اللاكتوز أحادي الهيدرات، هيدروكسي بروبيل السليلوز، دوكُوسات الصوديوم، ستيرات الماغنسيوم و أوبادري أزرق

أقراص فيناسيد مغلفة زرقاء اللون على شكل تفاحة

يتوفر فيناسيد في شرائط مصنوعة من كلوريد البولي فينيل/ كلوريد البولي فينيليدين ألومنيوم بيضاء اللون ومعتمة. تحتوي كل عبوة على 30 قرصًا.

مصنع ساجا للصناعات الدوائية

الشركة العربية السعودية اليابانية ىللمنتجات الصيدلانية المحدودة

جدة ــ المملكة العربية السعودية

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Finasid 5 mg Film-coated Tablets

One film-coated tablet contains 5 mg finasteride Excipient: lactose monohydrate (112.52 mg) For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Blue-coloured, apple shaped, film-coated tablet

FINASID are indicated for the treatment and control of benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) to:
- cause regression of the enlarged prostate, improve urinary flow and improve the
symptoms associated with BPH,
- reduce the incidence of acute urinary retention and reduce need for surgery
including transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and prostatectomy.
FINASID should be administered in patients with an enlarged prostate (prostate
volume above ca. 40 ml).
5α reductase inhibitors is not approved for prevention of prostate cancer

For oral use only.
The recommended dosage is one 5 mg tablet daily with or without food. The tablet
should be swallowed whole and must not be divided or crushed (See section 6.6).
Even though improvement can be seen within a short time, treatment for at least 6
months may be necessary in order to determine objectively whether a satisfactory
response to treatment has been achieved.
Dosage in the elderly
Dosage adjustments are not necessary although pharmacokinetic studies have
shown that the elimination rate of finasteride is slightly decreased in patients over
the age of 70.
Dosage in hepatic insufficiency
There are no data available in patients with hepatic insufficiency (See section 4.4).
Dosage in renal insufficiency
Dosage adjustments are not necessary in patients with varying degrees of renal
insufficiency (starting from creatinine clearance as low as 9 ml/min) as in
pharmacokinetic studies renal insufficiency was not found to affect the elimination
of finasteride. Finasteride has not been studied in patients on hemodialysis.

Hypersensitivity to finasteride or to any of the excipients. Contra-indicated in women and children (see sections 4.4, 4.6 and 6.6) Pregnancy - Use in women when they are or may potentially be pregnant (see 4.6 Pregnancy and lactation, Exposure to finasteride - risk to male fetus).

• Patients with large residual urine volume and/or severely diminished urinary flow
should be carefully monitored for obstructive uropathy.
• Consultation of an urologist should be considered in patients treated with
• Obstruction due to trilobular growth pattern of the prostate should be excluded
before starting treatment with finasteride.
• There is no experience in patients with liver insufficiency. Since finasteride is
metabolised in the liver (see section 5.2). Caution is advised in patients with
decreased hepatic function as the plasma-levels of finasteride may be increased in
such patients.
• This medicinal product contains lactose-monohydrate. Patients with rare
hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or
glucosegalactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.
• To avoid obstructive complications it is important that patients with large residual
urine and/or heavily decreased urinary flow are carefully controlled. The possibility
of surgery should be an option.
Effects on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and prostate cancer detection:
No clinical benefit has yet been demonstrated in patients with prostate cancer
treated with finasteride. Patients with BPH and elevated serum prostate specific
antigen (PSA) were monitored in controlled clinical studies with serial PSAs and
prostate biopsies. In these BPH studies, finasteride did not appear to alter the rate of
prostate cancer detection, and the overall incidence of prostate cancer was not
significantly different in patients treated with finasteride or placebo.
Digital rectal examination, and, if necessary, determination of prostate-specificantigen (PSA) in serum should be carried out on patients prior to initiating therapy
with finasteride and periodically during treatment to rule out prostate Cancer.
Serum PSA is also used for prostate cancer detection. Generally a baseline PSA >10
ng/mL (Hybritech) prompts further evaluation and consideration of biopsy; for PSA
levels between 4 and 10 ng/mL, further evaluation is advisable. There is considerable
overlap in PSA levels among men with and without prostate Cancer. Therefore, in
men with BPH, PSA values within the normal reference range do not rule out
prostate Cancer regardless of treatment with finasteride. A baseline PSA <4 ng/mL
does not exclude prostate cancer.
Finasteride causes a decrease in Serum PSA concentrations by approximately 50% in
patients with BPH even in the presence of prostate Cancer. This decrease in Serum
PSA levels in patients with BPH treated with finasteride should be considered when
evaluating PSA data and does not rule out concomitant prostate Cancer. This
decrease is predictable over the entire range of PSA values, although it may vary in
individual patients. In patients treated with finasteride for six months or more, PSA
values should be doubled for comparison with normal ranges in untreated men. This
adjustment preserves the sensitivity or specificity of the PSA assay and maintains its
ability to detect prostate Cancer.
Any sustained increase in PSA levels of patients treated with finasteride should be
carefully evaluated, including consideration of non-compliance to finasteride
Percent free PSA (free to total PSA ratio) is not significantly decreased by finasteride
and remains constant even under the influence of finasteride.
When percent free PSA is used as an aid in the detection of prostate Cancer, no
adjustment is necessary.
- 5 α reductase inhibitors may increase the risk of development of high grade
prostate cancer
Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle crushed or
broken finasteride tablets because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride and
the subsequent potential risk to a male foetus. Finasteride tablets have a film
coating which prevents contact with the active ingredient provided that the tablets
have not been broken or crushed (see sections 4.6 and 6.6).
Evaluation for other urological disease:
Prior to initiating therapy with finasteride, perform appropriate evaluation to rule
out other urological conditions, including prostate cancer that might mimic benin
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Drug/laboratory test interactions
Effect on levels of PSA
Serum PSA concentration is correlated with patient age and prostatic volume, and
prostatic volume is correlated with patient age. When PSA laboratory
determinations are evaluated, consideration should be given to the fact that PSA
levels decrease in patients treated with finasteride. In most patients, a rapid
decrease in PSA is seen within the first months of therapy, after which time PSA
levels stabilize to a new baseline. The post-treatment baseline approximates half of
the pre-treatment value. Therefore, in typical patients treated with finasteride for six
months or more, PSA values should be doubled for comparison to normal ranges in
untreated men. For clinical interpretation, see 4.4 Special warnings and precautions
for use, Effects on PSA and prostate cancer detection.
Breast cancer in men
Breast cancer has been reported in men taking FINASID 5 mg during clinical trials and
the post-marketing period. Physicians should instruct their patients to promptly
report any changes in their breast tissue such as lumps, pain, gynaecomastia or
nipple discharge.
Pediatric use
FINASID is not indicated for use in children.
Safety and effectiveness in children have not been established.
The tablet contains lactose monohydrate. Patients with any of the following genetic
deficiencies should not take this drug: galactose intolerance, total lactase deficiency
or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

No clinically significant drug interactions have been identified. Finasteride does not
appear to significantly affect the cytochrome P450-Iinked drug metabolizing enzyme
system. The following medicinal products have been investigated in man, and no
clinically meaningful interactions have been found: propanolol, digoxin,
glibenclamide, warfarin, theophylline and antipyrine and no clinically meaningful
interactions were found.

Pregnancy: FINASID is contra indicated in women when they are or may potentially
be pregnant (see section 4.3).
Because of the ability of 5α-Reductase-inhibitors to inhibit conversion of
testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, these drugs, including FINASID, might cause
abnormalities of the external genitalia of a male foetus when administered to a
pregnant woman (See section 5.3 and section 6.6).
Exposure to FINASID - risk to male foetus.
Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle FINASID
tablets especially if crushed or broken because of the possibility of absorption of
FINASID and the subsequent potential risk to a male foetus (see section 6.6).
FINASID tablets are coated and will prevent contact with the active ingredient during
normal handling, provided that the tablets have not been broken or crushed.
Small amounts of FINASID have been recovered from the semen in subjects receiving
FINASID 5 mg/day. It is not known whether a male foetus may be adversely affected
if his mother is exposed to the semen of a patient being treated with FINASID. When
the patient's sexual partner is or may potentially be pregnant, the patient is
recommended to minimise exposure of his partner to semen.
Lactation: FINASID are not indicated for use in women. It is not known whether
FINASID is excreted in breast milk.

There is no available information indicating that FINASID would have an influence on
the ability to drive or use machines.

Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of
decreasing seriousness.

Other Long-Term Data
In a 7-year placebo-controlled trial that enrolled 18,882 healthy men, of whom 9060
had prostate needle biopsy data available for analysis, prostate cancer was detected
in 803 (18.4%) men receiving FINASID and 1147 (24.4%) men receiving placebo. In
the FINASID group, 280 (6.4%) men had prostate cancer with Gleason scores of 7-10
detected on needle biopsy vs. 237 (5.1%) men in the placebo group. Additional
analyses suggest that the increase in the prevalence of high-grade prostate cancer
observed in the FINASID group may be explained by a detection bias due to the
effect of FINASID on prostate volume. Of the total cases of prostate cancer
diagnosed in this study, approximately 98% were classified as intracapsular (clinical
stage T1 or T2) at diagnosis. The clinical significance of the Gleason 7-10 data is
Laboratory test findings: Serum PSA concentration is correlated with patient age and
prostatic volume, and prostatic volume is correlated with patient age. When PSA
laboratory determinations are evaluated, consideration should be given to the fact
that PSA levels generally decrease in patients treated with FINASID. In most patients,
a rapid decrease in PSA is seen within the first months of therapy, after which time
PSA levels stabilize to a new baseline. The post-treatment baseline approximates half
of the pre-treatment value. Therefore, in typical patients treated with FINASID for six
months or more, PSA values should be doubled for comparison to normal ranges in
untreated men. For details and clinical interpretation See section 4.4 (Paragraph
Effects on prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostate Cancer detection).

Patients have received Single doses of FINASID up to 400 mg and multiple doses up
to 80 mg/day without adverse effects. There is no specific recommended treatment
of overdose of FINASID.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Testosteron-5α-reductase-inhibitors
ATC-Code: G 04 CB 01
Finasteride is a synthetic 4-azasteroid, a specific competitive inhibitor of the
intracellular enzyme Type-II-5a-reductase. The enzyme converts testosterone into
the more potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The prostate gland and,
consequently, also the hyperplasic prostate tissue are dependent on the conversion,
of testosterone to DHT for their normal function and growth. Finasteride has no
affinity for the androgen receptor.
Clinical studies show a rapid reduction of the Serum DHT levels of 70%, which leads
to a reduction on prostate volume. After 3 months, a reduction of approx. 20% in the
volume of the gland occurs, and the shrinking continues and reaches approx. 27%
after 3 years. Marked reduction takes place in the periurethral Zone immediately
surrounding the Urethra. Urodynamic measurements have also confirmed a
significant reduction of detrusor pressure as a result of the reduced obstruction.
Significant improvements in maximum urinary flow rate and symptoms have been
obtained after a few weeks, compared with the start of treatment. Differences from
Placebo have been documented at 4 and 7 months, respectively.
All efficacy parameters have been maintained over a 3-year follow-up period.
Effects of four years treatment with FINASID on incidence of acute urine retention,
need for surgery, symptom-Score and prostate volume:
In clinical studies of patients with moderate to severe symptoms of BPH, an enlarged
prostate on digital rectal examination and low residual urinary volumes, FINASID
reduced the incidence of acute retention of urine from 7/1 00 to 3/100 over four
years and the need for surgery (TURP or prostatectomy) from 10/100 to 5/100.
These reductions were associated with a 2-point improvement in QUASJ-AUA
Symptom Score (range 0-34), a sustained regression in prostate volume of
approximately 20% and a sustained increase in urinary flow rate.
Medical therapy of prostatic symptoms
The Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) Trial was a 4- to 6-year study
in 3047 men with symptomatic BPH who were randomised to receive FINASID 5
mg/day, doxazosin 4 or 8 mg/day*, the combination of FINASID 5 mg/day and
doxazosin 4 or 8 mg/day*, or placebo. The primary endpoint was time to clinical
progression of BPH, defined as a 4 point confirmed increase from baseline in
symptom score, acute urinary retention, BPH-related renal insufficiency, recurrent
urinary tract infections or urosepsis, or incontinence. Compared to placebo,
treatment with FINASID, doxazosin, or combination therapy resulted in a significant
reduction in the risk of clinical progression of BPH by 34 (p=0.002), 39 (p<0.001), and
67% (p<0.001), respectively.
The majority of the events (274 out of 351) that constituted BPH progression were
confirmed 4 point increases in symptom score; the risk of symptom score
progression was reduced by 30 (95% CI 6 to 48%), 46 (95% CI 25 to 60%), and 64%
(95% CI 48 to 75%) in the FINASID, doxazosin, and combination groups, respectively,
compared to placebo. Acute urinary retention accounted for 41 of the 351 events of
BPH progression; the risk of developing acute urinary retention was reduced by 67
(p=0.011), 31 (p=0.296), and 79% (p=0.001) in the FINASID, doxazosin, and
combination groups, respectively, compared to placebo. Only the FINASID and
combination therapy groups were significantly different from placebo.
* Titrated from 1 mg to 4 or 8 mg as tolerated over a 3-week period
In this study the safety and tolerability profile of combined treatment was broadly
similar to the profile of each of the drugs taken separately. However, undesirable
effects concerning the "nervous system" and "uro-genital system" organ classes
were observed more frequently when the two drugs were used in combination (see
section 4.8).

The bioavailability of FINASID is approx. 80%. Peak plasma concentrations are
reached approx. 2 hours after drug intake, and absorption is complete after 6-8
Binding to plasma proteins is approx. 93%.
Clearance and volume of distribution are approx. 165 ml/min (70-279 ml/min) and
76 l (44-96 l), respectively. Accumulation of small amounts of FINASID is seen on
repeated administration. After a daily dose of 5 mg the lowest steady-state
concentration of FINASID has been calculated to be 8-1 0 ng/ml, which remains
stable over time.
FINASID is metabolised in the liver. FINASID does not significantly affect the
cytochrome P 450 enzyme system. Two metabolites with low 5α-reductase-inhibiting
effects have been identified.
The plasma half-life averages 6 hours (4-12 hours) (in men >70 years of age, 8 hours,
range 6-15 hours). After administration of radioactively labelled FINASID, approx.
39% (32-46%) of the given dose is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites.
Virtually no unchanged FINASID is recovered in the urine. Approximately 57% (51-
64%) of the total dose is excreted in the faeces.
FINASID has been found to cross the blood-brain barrier. Small amounts of FINASID
have been recovered in the seminal fluid of treated. In 2 studies of healthy subjects
(n=69) receiving FINASID 5 mg/day for 6-24 weeks, FINASID concentrations in semen
ranged from undetectable (<0.1 ng/ml) to 10.54 ng/ml. In an earlier study using a
less sensitive assay, FINASID concentrations in the semen of 16 subjects receiving
FINASID 5 mg/day ranged from undetectable (<1.0 ng/ml) to 21 ng/ml. Thus, based
on a 5-ml ejaculate volume, the amount of FINASID in semen was estimated to be
50- to 100-fold less than the dose of FINASID (5 μg) that had no effect on circulating
DHT levels in men (see also section 5.3.).
In patients with chronic renal impairment, whose creatinine clearance ranged from
9-55 ml/min, the disposition of a single dose of 14C-FINASID was not different from
that in healthy volunteers (see section 4.2). Protein binding also did not differ in
patients with renal impairment. A portion of the metabolites, which normally is
excreted renally, was excreted in the faeces. It therefore appears that faecal
excretion increases commensurate to the decrease in urinary excretion of
metabolites. Dosage adjustment in non-dialysed patients with renal impairment is
not necessary.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies
of repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenic potential.
Reproduction toxicology studies in male rats have demonstrated reduced prostate
and seminal vesicular weights, reduced secretion from accessory genital glands and
reduced fertility index (caused by the primary pharmacological effect of FINASID).
The clinical relevance of these findings is unclear.
As with other 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, femininisation of male rat foetuses has
been seen with administration of FINASID in the gestation period. Intravenous
administration of FINASID to pregnant rhesus monkeys at doses up to 800 ng/day
during the entire period of embryonic and fetal development resulted in no
abnormalities in male fetuses. This does is about 60 to120 times higher than the
estimated amount in semen of a man who have taken 5 mg FINASID, and to which a
woman could be exposed via semen. In confirmation of the relevance of the Rhesus
model for human foetal development, oral administration of FINASID 2 mg/kg/day
(the systemic exposure (AUC) of monkeys was slightly higher (3x) than that of men
who have taken 5 mg FINASID, or approximately 1 to 2 million times the estimated
amount of FINASID in semen) to pregnant monkeys resulted in external genital
abnormalities in male foetuses. No other abnormalities were observed in male
foetuses and no FINASID-related abnormalities were observed in female foetuses at
any dose.

Lactose monohydrate,
Docusate Sodium,
Magnesium stearate (E572)
Opadry blue

Not applicable.

4 years.

Do not store above 30°C.
Store in the original package

An opaque white (PVC –PVDC /Aluminium) Blister
The FINASID 5mg tablets are packed in blister packs of 30 tablets

Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle FINASID
tablets especially if crushed or broken because of the possibility of absorption of
FINASID and the subsequent potential risk to a male foetus (see section 4.6).
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with
local requirements.

SAJA Pharmaceuticals Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company limited Jeddah – Saudi Arabia

July 2012

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