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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

1. What Fertab is and what it is used for

Fertab contains a medicine called clomifene citrate. This belongs to a group of medicines called ovulation stimulants. It works by stimulating the release of eggs from the ovary (ovulation).

Fertab is used for some types of infertility, in women who are not ovulating properly.

2. Before you take Fertab

Before you take the medicine talk to your doctor about the risks of:

• Becoming pregnant with more than one child at the same time (multiple pregnancies)

• Pregnancies where the baby grows outside of the womb (ectopic)

• A possible increased risk of ovarian cancer

Any pregnancy could lead to birth defects or miscarriage. This can happen even if you are not taking Fertab. You should talk to your doctor about the possible risks before you take Fertab.

Do not take this medicine and tell your doctor if:

• You are allergic (hypersensitive) to clomifene or any of the other ingredients of Fertab (listed in Section 6 below).

Signs of an allergic reaction include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue

• You have or ever had liver disease

• You have unusual menstrual bleeding where the cause is not known

• You have a type of cancer that is made worse by hormones

• You have a cyst on your ovary

• You are pregnant. You should have a test to make sure you are not pregnant before you take Fertab

Do not take this medicine if any of the above apply to you Take special care with Fertab

Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking your medicine if:

• You are having an early menopause or have been told you are infertile

• You have stopped having periods because you are under-weight

• You have had fits or seizures in the past

• You have ‘fibroids’ in your womb

• You have ‘polycystic’ ovaries

• Your ovaries are swollen

• You have hyper triglyceridemia (an excess of fats in the blood) or a family history of Hyper triglyceridemia.

Your doctor should check for any other causes of fertility problems before starting treatment with Fertab.

If you are not sure if any of the above apply to you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Fertab.

Taking other medicines

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines. This includes medicines you buy without a prescription, including herbal medicines. This is because Fertab can affect the way some other medicines work. Also some medicines can affect the way Fertab works.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

• Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant

• Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine if you are breast-feeding or planning to breast-feed. Fertab can lower the amount of milk produced

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

 Driving and using machines

You may notice problems with your eyesight such as blurred vision while taking this medicine.

If this happens, do not drive or use any tools or machines.

Important information about some of the ingredients of Fertab

This medicine contains lactose and sucrose, which are types of sugar. If you have been told by your doctor that you cannot tolerate some sugars, talk to your doctor before taking Fertab.

3. How to take Fertab

Always take Fertab exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or

pharmacist if you are not sure.

Taking this medicine

• Take this medicine by mouth

• Swallow the tablets whole with a drink of water. Do not crush or chew your tablets

• Do not take more than two tablets in one day

• Do not take the tablets for more than five days at a time

• If you feel the effect of your medicine is not working, do not change the dose yourself, but ask your doctor

The usual dose is:

Adult women only:

• Your doctor will tell you when in your menstrual cycle to start taking the tablets.

• For the first course of treatment, take one tablet a day for five days

• If you do not have a period after the first course of treatment your doctor will increase your dose to two tablets a day for five days

• You should start this second course at least 30 days after the first course

• You will not usually take more than three courses of treatment. If ovulation does not happen after three courses talk to your doctor

 This medicine should not be taken by children, adolescents, men or women who have already gone through the menopause (post-menopausal).

If you take more Fertab than you should

If you take more Fertab than you should, tell a doctor or go to a hospital casualty department straight away. Take the medicine pack with you. This is so the doctor knows what you have taken. You are likely to get over-stimulation of your ovary (see section 4 below).

 If you forget to take Fertab

If you forget a dose, talk to your doctor as you may need to change your treatment cycle. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten tablet.

 If you stop taking Fertab

Keep taking Fertab until your doctor tells you to stop. If you stop, the treatment may not work.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

4. Possible side effects

Like all medicines, Fertab can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Stop taking Fertab and see your doctor or go to a hospital straight away if:

• You have an allergic reaction. The signs may include: a rash, swallowing or breathing problems, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue

• You have numbness, weakness or paralysis on one side of your body, slurred speech, sudden blurred vision, confusion or unsteadiness.

These could be signs of a stroke

Stop taking Fertab and see a doctor straight away if you notice any of the following serious

side effects - you may need urgent medical treatment:

• Over-stimulation of the ovary. This can lead to pain in the pelvis, stomach or calf, swelling or feeling bloated, passing less urine, difficulty in breathing or an increase in weight. If this happens, your doctor may lower your dose of Fertab

• Blurring of vision or spots or flashes in front of the eyes. These symptoms usually get better but in some cases they may be permanent. Your doctor may send you for an eye examination.

• Liver problems that may cause the eyes or skin to go yellow (jaundice)

• Sudden and severe headaches

• Mental illness such as ‘psychosis’

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following side effects get serious or lasts longer than a few days:

• Increased pain with periods, heavy periods or bleeding between periods

• Pain in the lower part of the stomach. This could be a sign of endometriosis or worsening of endometriosis, ovarian cancer or enlarged ovaries

• Thinning of the layer covering the inside of the uterus.

• Increased levels of fat in the blood (hypertriglyceridemia) which may also cause inflammation   of the pancreas.

• Pain in the upper middle or upper left part of the abdomen. This could be a sign of hyper triglyceridemia (excess of fats in the blood)-induced pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

• Cloudy lenses in the eye (cataracts)

• Fits, feeling faint, disorientated or more tense than normal. Also, balance problems or feeling dizzy (vertigo)

• Feeling tired or difficulty in sleeping (insomnia), depression or change in moods or behaviour

• Speech problems

• Skin rash or itching

• Feeling or being sick

• Flushing of the skin

• Headaches

• Swelling of the face, around the eyes, lips or tongue

• Painful breasts

• Hair loss or thinning

There have been rare reports of ovarian cancer with fertility drugs. Some studies suggest that prolonged use of clomifene may increase this risk. Therefore the recommended duration of treatment should not be exceeded.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if any of the side effects gets serious or lasts longer than a few days or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet.

5. How to store Fertab

Store below 30ºC.

Keep out of reach of children.

Protect from light and moisture

Do not use Fertab after the expiry date which is stated on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

6. Further Information

What Fertab contains

• Each tablet contains 50mg of the active substance, clomifene citrate

• The other ingredients are sucrose, lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, iron oxide yellow, purified water, hypromellose, purified talc & colloidal anhydrous silica.

What Fertab looks like and contents of the pack Fertab 50mg Tablets are cream to slightly yellowish, circular, flat, beveled, uncoated tablets having CT engraved on one side and central break line on the other side. They are supplied in PVC and aluminium blister packs 10 tablets.

Oman Pharmaceutical Product Co., LLC

Salalah, Sultanate of Oman

Aug 2016
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

1 . ما هو فرتاب و ما هي استخداماته

فرتاب يحتوي على دواء يسمى كلوميفين سترات. هذا ينتمي إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى منشطات التبويض . وهو يعمل عن طريق تحفيز الافراج عن البويضة من المبيض ( الإباضة ) .

يستخدم فرتاب لبعض أنواع العقم لدى النساء الذين لديهم عملية التبويض لا تتم بشكل صحيح .

2 . قبل البدأ بأخذ فرتاب

قبل أن تأخذ هذا الدواء تحدث إلى طبيبك حول مخاطر :

•         الحمل بأكثر من طفل واحد في نفس الوقت ( الحمل المتعدد )

•         الحمل حيث ينمو الجنين خارج الرحم ( خارج الرحم )

•         احتمالية زيادة خطر الاصابة بسرطان المبيض

أي حمل يمكن أن يؤدي إلى عيوب خلقية أو إجهاض . هذا يمكن أن يحدث حتى لو كنت لا تأخذين فرتاب .

يجب عليك التحدث مع طبيبك حول المخاطر المحتملة قبل اتخاذ فرتاب .

لا تأخذ هذا الدواء، و إخبار الطبيب إذا:

•         كنت تعاني من حساسية ( فرط الحساسية ) ل كلوميفين أو الى أي من المكونات الأخرى في فرتاب (المذكورة في القسم 6 أدناه ) .

علامات رد الفعل التحسسي تشمل : طفح جلدي، مشاكل في البلع أو التنفس ، تورم الشفاه ، الوجه، الحلق أو اللسان الخاص بك ،

•         اذا كان لديك أو كانت لديك في ما مضي أمراض الكبد

•         اذا كان لديك نزيف الحيض غير عادي حيث لم يعرف سببه

•         أن يكون لديك نوع من السرطان الذي يزداد سوءا بسبب الهرمونات

•         أن يكون لديك تكيس في المبيض

•         أن تكوني حامل . يجب عمل اختبار للتأكد من أنك لست حاملا قبل أن تأخذي فرتاب

لا تأخذ هذا الدواء إذا كان أي من أعلاه ينطبق عليك

عناية خاصة مع فرتاب

تحقق مع الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل تناول الدواء الخاص بك إذا :

•         كنت تواجهين انقطاع الطمث المبكر أو قيل لك أنك تعانين من العقم

•         كنت قد واجهت توقفت في حصول الدورة الشهرية لديك بسبب نقص الوزن

•         كان لديكم صرع أو تشنجات  في الماضي

•         كان لديك ' الأورام الليفية ' في بطنك

•         كان لديك تكيس في المبايض '

•         كان لديك تورم المبايض

•         أن يكون لديك فرط التريجلسيريد في الدم ( وجود فائض من الدهون في الدم) أو تاريخ عائلي منى فرط التريجلسيريد في الدم.

ينبغي على طبيبك التحقق من مشاكل أسباب الخصوبة الأخرى قبل البدء العلاج مع فرتاب .

إذا لم تكن متأكدا مما إذا كان أي من أعلاه ينطبق عليك ، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل أخذ فرتاب .

تناول أدوية أخرى

يرجى إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تأخذ أو اتخذت مؤخرا أي أدوية أخرى . وهذا يشمل الأدوية التي تم شراءها بدون وصفة طبية ، بما في ذلك الأدوية العشبية. وذلك لأن فرتاب يمكن أن يؤثر على طريقة العمل لبعض الأدوية الأخرى . أيضا يمكن لبعض الأدوية أن تؤثر على الطريقة عمل فرتاب.

الحمل و الرضاعة الطبيعية

•         لا تأخذي هذا الدواء إذا كنت حاملا أو تعتقدين أنك قد تكوني حاملا

•         تحدثي إلى طبيبك قبل أخذ هذا الدواء إذا كنت ترضعين من الثدي أو تخطط للإرضاع . فرتاب يمكن أن يقلل من كمية الحليب المنتجة

إسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل اتخاذ أي دواء إذا كنت حاملا أو تقومين بالرضاعة الطبيعية .

القيادة واستخدام الآليات

قد تلاحظ مشاكل في نظرك مثل عدم وضوح الرؤية عند أخذ هذا الدواء .

إذا حدث هذا، لا تقم بالقيادة أو استخدام أي أدوات أو آلات .

معلومات هامة حول بعض مكونات فرتاب

هذا الدواء يحتوي على اللاكتوز و السكروز ، والتي هي أنواع من السكر . إذا قيل لك من قبل الطبيب أنه لا يمكنك تحمل مع بعض السكريات ، تحدث مع طبيبك قبل اتخاذ فرتاب .



3 . كيفية اخذ فرتاب

دائما خذ فرتاب تماما كما قال لك طبيبك . يجب أن تحقق مع طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكد .

تناول هذا الدواء

•         خذ هذا الدواء عن طريق الفم

•         ابتلع الأقراص كاملة مع شربة ماء . لا تسحق أو تمضغ الأقراص

•         لا تأخذ أكثر من قرصين في اليوم الواحد

•         لا تأخذ أقراص لأكثر من خمسة أيام في المرة الواحدة

•         إذا كنت تشعر تأثير الدواء لا يعمل، لا تتغير الجرعة نفسك ، ولكن اسأل طبيبك

الجرعة المعتادة هي :

النساء البالغات فقط :

•         طبيبك سوف بخبرك عندما تبدأ دورة الطمث لديك أن تبدأي في اتخاذ الأقراص .

•         للدورة الأولى من العلاج، أخذ حبة واحدة في اليوم لمدة خمسة أيام

•         إذا لم يكن لديك دورة شهرية بعد فترة العلاج الأولى طبيبك سوف يزيد الجرعة إلى قرصين يوميا لمدة خمسة أيام

•         يجب أن تبدأ الدورة الثانية من العلاج بعد 30 يوما على الأقل من الدورة الأولى للعلاج

•         أنت عادة يجب أن لا تأخذي أكثر من ثلاث دورات من العلاج . إذا لم يحدث التبويض بعد ثلاث دورات تحدثي مع طبيبك

لا ينبغي أن يؤخذ هذا الدواء من قبل الأطفال والمراهقين و الرجال أو النساء الذين وصلوا لسن اليأس ( بعد انقطاع الطمث ) .

إذا كنت تأخذ أكثر مما يجب فرتاب

إذا كنت تأخذ أكثر مما يجب نت فرتاب، أخبري الطبيب أو اذهبي إلى قسم الطوارىء في المستشفى على الفور . خذي عبوة الدواء معك . هذا حتى يعرف الطبيب ماذا اخذتي . من المحتمل أن تحصلي على زيادة تحفيز المبيض لديك ( انظر القسم 4 أدناه ) .

إذا كنت قد نسيت أن تأخذ فرتاب

إذا كنت قد نسيت أخذ جرعة، تحدثي مع طبيبك لأنك قد تحتاجين إلى تغيير دورة العلاج . لا تأخذي جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض القرص المنسي.

إذا توقفت عن تناول فرتاب

استمري بأخذ فرتاب حتى يخبرك طبيبك بالتوقف عنه. إذا قمت بالتوقف ، العلاج قد لا يكون مفيد .

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى عن استخدام هذا المنتج ، إسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي .

4 . الآثار الجانبية المحتملة

مثل جميع الأدوية ، يمكن أن يتسبب فرتاب في آثار جانبية ، وإن لم يكن الجميع تحصل لهم .

توقف عن تناول فرتاب وقم  بمراجعة الطبيب أو الذهاب إلى المستشفى على الفور إذا:

•         أكان لديك رد فعل تحسسي . علامات يمكن ان تشمل: طفح جلدي، مشاكل في البلع أو التنفس ، تورم الشفاه ، الوجه، الحلق أو اللسان لديك

•         أن يكون لديك خدر، و ضعف أو شلل في أحد جانبي الجسم ، تلعثم في الكلام، و عدم وضوح الرؤية المفاجئ ، والارتباك أو الترنح .

يمكن أن تكون هذه دلائل على وجود السكتة الدماغية

توقف عن تناول فرتاب و مراجعة الطبيب فورا إذا لاحظت أي من الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة التالية - قد تحتاج إلى علاج طبي عاجل :

•         الإفراط في تحفيز المبيض. وهذا يمكن أن يؤدي إلى آلام في الحوض والمعدة أو الساق ، تورم أو الشعور بالانتفاخ ، نسبة البول تكون أقل ، صعوبة في التنفس أو زيادة في الوزن . إذا حدث هذا، قد طبيبك يخفض لك جرعة فرتاب

•         عدم وضوح الرؤية أو البقع أو وميض أمام العينين. هذه الأعراض عادة ما تتحسن ولكن في بعض الحالات التي قد تكون دائمة . طبيبك قد يرسلك لفحص العين .

•         مشاكل الكبد التي قد تتسبب في اصفرار العينين أو الجلد ( اليرقان)

•         الصداع المفاجئ والشديد

•         الأمراض النفسية مثل " الذهان "

أخبري طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كان أي من الآثار الجانبية التالية اصبحت جدية أو تستمر لفترة أطول من بضعة أيام :

•         ألم زيادة مع الدورة الشهرية ، دورة شهرية ثقيلة أو النزيف بين فترات الدورة الشهرية

•         ألم في الجزء السفلي من المعدة . وهذا يمكن أن يكون علامة على التهاب بطانة الرحم أو تفاقم التهاب بطانة الرحم ، وسرطان المبيض أو المبيضين الموسع

•         التخفيف من طبقة تغطي داخل الرحم

•         زيادة مستويات الدهون في الدم (زيادة شحوم الدم) والتي يمكن ايضا أن يسبب التهاب البنكرياس

•         ألم في الجزء العلوي الأيسر أو الوسط العلوي من البطن . هذا يمكن أن يكون علامة من فرط الترايجلسريد في الدم (زيادة الدهون في الدم) التي يسببها التهاب البنكرياس (التهاب البنكرياس ) .

•         اعتام في عدسات العين ( الكاتراكت )

•         تشنجات ، الشعور بالإغماء ، التوهان أو التوتر أكثر من المعتاد . أيضا ، مشاكل في التوازن أو الشعور بالدوار ( الدوخة )

•         الشعور بالتعب أو صعوبة في النوم ( الأرق ) ، والاكتئاب أو تغيير في المزاج أو السلوك

•         مشاكل في الكلام

•         طفح جلدي أو حكة

•         الشعور بالغثيان

•         بالاحساس توهج في الجلد

•         الصداع

•         تورم في الوجه وحول العينين أو الشفتين أو اللسان

•         ألم في الثديين

•         ضعف أو فقدان الشعر

كانت هناك تقارير نادرة حول سرطان المبيض مع أدوية الخصوبة . وتشير بعض الدراسات إلى أن استخدام كلومبفين  لفترات طويلة قد تزيد هذا الخطر . ولذلك لا ينبغي أن تجاوز المدة الموصى بها من العلاج.

تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كان أي من الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة حصلت لديك أو استمرت لفترة أطول من بضعة أيام أو إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبية غير المذكورة في هذه النشرة.

5 . كيفية تخزين فرتاب

يخزن في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية.

يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال .

يحفظ بعيدا عن الضوء والرطوبة

لا تستخدم فرتاب بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المنصوص علىيه على العبوة . تاريخ انتهاء يشير إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر .

لا ينبغي التخلص من الأدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية . اسأل الصيدلي كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة . وسوف تساعد هذه التدابيرعلى حماية البيئة .

6 . المزيد من المعلومات

على ماذا يحتوي فرتاب

•         كل قرص يحتوي على 50 ملجم من المادة الفعالة ، كلوميفين سترات

•         المكونات الأخرى هي السكروز واللاكتوز ، نشا الذرة ، ستيرات المغنيسيوم ، وأكسيد الحديد الأصفر ، والمياه النقية ، هايبروميليلوز ، التلك المنقى و السيليكا الغروية اللامائية .

ما هو شكل و محتويات العبوة

اقراص فرتاب 50 ملجم كريميه الى مائلة للصفرة في اللون ، دائرية ، مسطحة ، مشطوبة الحواف ، غير مغلفة وجود CT محفورة على جانب واحد و خط للكسر في الوسط على الجانب الآخر .

يتم توفيره في اشرطة مصنوعة من الألومنيوم والبلاستيك (بولي كلوريد الفينيل) في عبوة من 10 أقراص .

الشركة المصنعة وصاحبة حقوق التسويق

زينوفا/ الشركة العامنية لمستحضرات الصيدلة ش.م.م

 صلالة، سلطنة عمان

تاريخ اصدار النشرة: اغسطس 2016
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Fertab 50 tablets

Each tablet contains clomifene citrate 50mg Excipients see 6.1 List of excipients


Fertab 50mg Tablets (Clomifene Citrate BP) is indicated for the treatment of ovulatory failure in women desiring pregnancy. Fertab 50mg Tablets is indicated only for patients in whom ovulatory dysfunction is demonstrated. Other causes of infertility must be excluded or adequately treated before giving Fertab 50mg Tablets

Route of Administration Oral

Adults Only:

The recommended dose for the first course of Fertab 50mg Tablets (Clomifene Citrate BP) is 50mg (1 tablet) daily for 5 days. Therapy may be started at any time in the patient who has had no recent uterine bleeding. If progestin-induced bleeding is planned, or if spontaneous uterine bleeding occurs before therapy, the regimen of 50mg daily for 5 days should be started on or about the fifth day of the cycle. When ovulation occurs at this dosage, there is no advantage to increasing the dose in subsequent cycles of treatment.

If ovulation appears not to have occurred after the first course of therapy, a second course of 100mg daily (two 50mg tablets given as a single daily dose) for 5 days should be given. This course may be started as early as 30 days after the previous one. Increase of the dosage or duration of therapy beyond 100mg/day for 5 days should not be  undertaken.

The majority of patients who are going to respond will respond to the first course of therapy, and 3 courses should constitute an adequate therapeutic trial. If ovulatory menses have not yet occurred, the diagnosis should be re-evaluated. Treatment beyond this is not recommended in the patient who does not exhibit evidence of ovulation.

Long-term cyclic therapy.

Not recommended.

The relative safety of long-term cyclic therapy has not been conclusively demonstrated and, since the majority of patients will ovulate following 3 courses, long-term cyclic therapy is not recommended, i.e. beyond a total of about 6 cycles (including 3 ovulatory cycles).

Special Populations

Special care with lower dosage or duration of treatment is particularly recommended if unusual sensitivity to pituitary gonadotrophin is suspected, such as in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (See Section 5.1).

Pregnancy: See 4.6 Liver disease: Fertab 50mg Tablets (Clomifene Citrate BP) therapy is contraindicated in patients with liver disease or a history of liver dysfunction. Abnormal uterine bleeding: Fertab 50mg Tablets is contraindicated in patients with hormone-dependent tumours or in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding of undetermined origin. Ovarian cyst: Fertab 50mg Tablets 50mg Tablets should not be given in the presence of an ovarian cyst, except polycystic ovary, since further enlargement of the cyst may occur. Patients should be evaluated for the presence of ovarian cyst prior to each course of treatment.


General: Good levels of endogenous oestrogen (as estimated from vaginal smears, endometrial biopsy, assay of urinary oestrogen, or endometrial bleeding in response to progesterone) provide a favourable prognosis for ovulatory response induced by Fertab 50mg Tablets. A low level of oestrogen, although clinically less favourable, does not preclude successful outcome of therapy. Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy is ineffective in patients with primary pituitary or primary ovarian failure. Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy cannot be expected to substitute for specific treatment of other causes of ovulatory failure, such as thyroid or adrenal disorders. For hyperprolactinaemia there is other preferred specific treatment. Fertab 50mg Tablets is not first line treatment for low weight related amenorrhoea, with infertility, and has no value if a high FSH blood level is observed following an early menopause.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) has been reported in patients receiving Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy for ovulation induction.

In some cases, OHSS occurred following the cyclic use of Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy or when Fertab 50mgTablets was used in combination with gonadotropins. The following symptoms have been reported in association with this syndrome during Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy: pericardial effusion, anasarca, hydrothorax, acute abdomen, renal failure, pulmonary oedema, ovarian haemorrhage, deep venous thrombosis, torsion of the ovary and acute respiratory distress. If conception results, rapid progression to the severe form of the syndrome may occur.

To minimise the hazard of the abnormal ovarian enlargement associated with Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy, the lowest dose consistent with expectation of good results should be used. The patient should be instructed to inform the physician of any abdominal or pelvic pain, weight gain, discomfort or distension after taking Fertab 50mg Tablets. Maximal enlargement of the ovary may not occur until several days after discontinuation of the course of Fertab 50mg Tablets. Some patients with polycystic ovary syndrome who are unusually sensitive to gonadotropin may have an exaggerated response to usual doses of Fertab 50mg Tablets.

The patient who complains of abdominal or pelvic pain, discomfort, or distension after taking Fertab 50mg Tablets should be examined because of the possible presence of an ovarian cyst or other cause. Due to fragility of enlarged ovaries in severe cases, abdominal and pelvic examination should be performed very cautiously. If abnormal enlargement occurs Fertab 50mg Tablets should not be given until the ovaries have returned to pre-treatment size. Ovarian enlargement and cyst formation associated with Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy usually regress spontaneously within a few days or weeks after discontinuing treatment. Most of these patients should be managed conservatively. The dosage and/or duration of the next course of treatment should be reduced.

Visual Symptoms: Patients should be advised that blurring or other visual symptoms such as spots or flashes (scintillating scotomata) may occasionally occur during or shortly after therapy with Fertab 50mg Tablets. These visual disturbances are usually reversible; however, cases of prolonged visual disturbance have been reported including after Fertab 50mg Tablet discontinuation. The visual disturbances may be irreversible especially with increased dosage or duration of therapy. The significance of these visual symptoms is not understood. If the patient has any visual symptoms, treatment should be discontinued and ophthalmologic evaluation performed.

Patients should be warned that visual symptoms may render such activities as driving a car or operating machinery more hazardous than usual, particularly under conditions of variable lighting.


Cases of hypertriglyceridemia have been reported (see section 4.8 Undesirable effects) in the post-marketing experience with Fertab 50mg Tablets. Pre-existing or family history of hyperlipidemia and use of higher than recommended dose and/or longer duration of treatment with Fertab 50mg Tablets are associated with risk of hypertriglyceridemia. Periodic monitoring of plasma triglycerides may be indicated in these patients.

Multiple Pregnancy: There is an increased chance of multiple pregnancy when conception occurs in relationship to Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy. The potential complications and hazards of multiple pregnancy should be discussed with the patient. During the clinical investigation studies, the incidence of multiple pregnancy was 7.9% (186 of 2369 Fertab 50mg Tablets associated pregnancies on which outcome was reported). Among these 2369 pregnancies, 165 (6.9%) twin, 11 (0.5%) triplet, 7 (0.3%) quadruplet and 3 (0.13%) quintuplet. Of the 165 twin pregnancies for which sufficient information was available, the ratio of monozygotic twins was 1:5.

Ectopic Pregnancy: There is an increased chance of ectopic pregnancy (including tubal and ovarian sites) in women who conceive following Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy. Multiple pregnancies, including simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies, have been reported.

Uterine Fibroids: Caution should be exercised when using Fertab 50mg Tablets in patients with uterine fibroids due to potential for further enlargement of the fibroids.

Pregnancy Wastage and Birth Anomalies: The overall incidence of reported birth anomalies from pregnancies associated with maternal Fertab 50mg Tablets ingestion (before or after conception) during the investigational studies was within the range of that reported in the published references for the general population. Among the birth anomalies spontaneously reported in the published literature as individual cases, the proportion of neural tube defects has been high among pregnancies associated with ovulation induced by Fertab 50mg Tablets, but this has not been supported by data from population based studies.

The physician should explain so that the patient understands the assumed risk of any pregnancy whether the ovulation was induced with the aid of Fertab 50mg Tablets or occurred naturally.

The patient should be informed of the greater pregnancy risks associated with certain characteristics or conditions of any pregnant woman: e.g. age of female and male partner, history of spontaneous abortions, Rh genotype, abnormal menstrual history, infertility history (regardless of cause), organic heart disease, diabetes, exposure to infectious agents such as rubella, familial history of birth anomaly, and other risk factors that may be pertinent to the patient for whom Fertab 50mg Tablets is being considered. Based upon the evaluation of the patient, genetic counselling may be indicated.

Population based reports have been published on possible elevation of risk of Down's Syndrome in ovulation induction cases and of increase in trisomy defects among spontaneously aborted foetuses from subfertile women receiving ovulation inducing drugs (no women with Fertab 50mg Tablets alone and without additional inducing drug). However, as yet, the reported observations are too few to confirm or not confirm the presence of an increased risk that would justify amniocentesis other than for the usual indications because of age and family history.

The experience from patients of all diagnosis during clinical investigation of Fertab 50mg Tablets shows a pregnancy (single and multiple) wastage or foetal loss rate of 21.4% (abortion rate of 19.0%), ectopic pregnancies, 1.18%, hydatidiform mole, 0.17%, foetus papyraceous, 0.04% and of pregnancies with one or more stillbirths, 1.01%.

Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy after conception was reported for 158 of the 2369 delivered and reported pregnancies in the clinical investigations. Of these 158 pregnancies 8 infants (born of 7 pregnancies) were reported to have birth defects.

There was no difference in reported incidence of birth defects whether Fertab 50mg Tablets was given before the 19th day after conception or between the 20th and 35th day after conception. This incidence is within the anticipated range of general population.

Ovarian Cancer: There have been rare reports of ovarian cancer with fertility drugs; infertility itself is a primary risk factor. Epidemiological data suggest that prolonged use of Fertab 50mg Tablets may increase this risk. Therefore the recommended duration of treatment should not be exceeded (see section 4.2).


Fertab 50mg Tablets is not indicated during pregnancy. Although there is no evidence that Fertab 50mg Tablets has a harmful effect on the human foetus, there is evidence that Fertab 50mgTablets has a deleterious effect on rat and rabbit foetuses when given in high doses to the pregnant animal. To avoid inadvertent Fertab 50mg Tablets administration during early pregnancy, appropriate tests should be utilised during each treatment cycle to determine whether ovulation occurs. The patient should have a pregnancy test before the next course of Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy.

It is not known whether Clomifene citrate is excreted in human milk. Clomifene may reduce lactation.

Patients should be warned that visual symptoms may render such activities as driving a car or operating machinery more hazardous than usual, particularly under conditions of variable lighting. (See 'Warnings')

Symptoms/Signs/Conditions: Adverse effects appeared to be dose—related, occurring more frequently at the higher dose and with the longer courses of treatment used in investigational studies. At recommended dosage, adverse effects are not prominent and infrequently interfere with treatment.

During the investigational studies, the more commonly reported adverse effects included ovarian enlargement (13.6%), vasomotor flushes (10.4%), abdominal-pelvic discomfort (distention, bloating) (5.5%), nausea and vomiting (2.2%), breast discomfort (2.1%), visual symptoms (1.5%), headache (1.3%) and intermenstrual spotting or menorrhagia (1.3%).

Ovarian enlargement: At recommended dosage, abnormal ovarian enlargement is infrequent although the usual cyclic variation in ovarian size may be exaggerated. Similarly, cyclic ovarian pain (mittelschmerz) may be accentuated. With higher or prolonged dosage, more frequent ovarian enlargement and cyst formation may occur, and the luteal phase of the cycle may be prolonged.

Rare instances of massive ovarian enlargement are recorded. Such an instance has been described in a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome whose Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy consisted of 100mg daily for 14 days. Abnormal ovarian enlargement usually regresses spontaneously; most of the patients with this condition should be treated conservatively.

Eye/Visual Symptoms: Symptoms described usually as “blurring” or spots or flashes (scintillating scotomata) increase in incidence with increasing total dose.

These symptoms appear to be due to intensification and prolongation of after-images. After-images as such have also been reported. Symptoms often first appear or are accentuated with exposure to bright-light environment. Ophthalmologically definable scotomata, phosphenes and reduced visual acuity have been reported.

There are rare reports of cataracts and optic neuritis.

These visual disturbances are usually reversible. However, cases of prolonged visual disturbance have been reported, including after Fertab 50mg Tablets have been discontinued. The visual disturbances may be irreversible, especially with increased dosage or duration of therapy.

Genitourinary: There are reports of new cases of endometriosis and exacerbation of pre- existing endometriosis during Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy.

Multiple pregnancies, including simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancies, have been reported. There is an increased chance of ectopic pregnancy in women who conceive following Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy.

Reduced endometrial thickness (frequency not known)

Tumours/neoplasms: Isolated reports have been received on the occurrence of endocrine- related or dependent neoplasms or their aggravation. Ovarian cancer: see section 4.4.

Central nervous system: Convulsions have been reported; patients with a history of seizures may be predisposed, transient paraesthesia (frequency not known), dizziness (frequency not known). In investigational patients, CNS symptoms/signs, conditions of dizziness, light-headedness/vertigo (0.9%), nervous tension/insonmia (0.8%) and fatigue/depression (0.7%) were reported. After prescription availability, there were isolated additional reports of these conditions and also reports of other conditions such as syncope/fainting, cerebrovascular accident, cerebral thrombosis, psychotic reactions including paranoid psychosis, neurologic impairment, disorientation and speech disturbance.

Psychiatric Disorders: Anxiety (frequency not known), depression (frequency not known), mood disturbances (including mood altered, mood swings and irritability) (frequency not known), nervousness (frequency not known), insomnia (frequency not known).

Dermatoses: Dermatitis and rash were reported by investigational patients. Conditions such as rash and urticaria were the most common ones reported after prescription availability but also reported were conditions such as allergic reaction, erythema multiforme, ecchymosis and angioneurotic oedema. Hair thinning (alopecia) has been reported very rarely.

Liver function: Bromsulphalein (BSP) retention of greater than 5% was reported in 32 of

141 patients in whom it was measured, including 5 of 43 patients who took approximately the dose of Fertab 50mg Tablets now recommended. Retention was usually minimal unless associated with prolonged continuous Fertab 50mg Tablets administration or with apparently unrelated liver disease. Other liver function tests were usually normal. In a later study in which patients were given 6 consecutive monthly courses of Fertab 50mg Tablets (50 or 100mg daily for 3 days) or matching placebo, BSP tests were done on 94 patients. Values in excess of 5% retention were recorded in 11 patients, 6 of whom had taken drug and 5 placebo.

In a separate report, one patient taking 50mg of Fertab 50mg Tablets daily developed jaundice on the 19th day of treatment; liver biopsy revealed bile stasis without evidence of hepatitis.

Metabolism Disorders: Hypertriglyceridemia (frequency: not known), in some cases with pancreatitis, has been observed in patients with pre-existing or a family history of hypertriglyceridemia and/or with dose and duration of treatment exceeding the label recommendations.

Cardiac disorders: Tachycardia, (frequency not known) palpitations (frequency not known)

Hepatobiliary disorders: Increased Transaminases Gastrointestinal disorders: Pancreatitis (frequency not known) Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard.

Toxic effects of acute overdosage of Fertab 50mg Tablets have not been reported but the number of overdose cases recorded is small. In the event of overdose, appropriate supportive measures should be employed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: ovulation stimulants, synthetic ATC code: G03BG02

Mechanism of action:

The ovulatory response to cyclic Fertab 50mg Tablets therapy is mediated through increased output of pituitary gonadotrophins, which in turn stimulates the maturation and endocrine activity of the ovarian follicle.

Pharmacodynamic effects:

Fertab 50mg Tablets is a triarylethylene compound (related to chlorotrianisene and triparanol). It is a non-steroidal agent which stimulates ovulation in a high percentage of appropriately selected anovulatory women.

Orally administered 14C labelled Clomifene citrate was readily absorbed when administered to humans. Cumulative excretion of the 14C label by way of urine and  faeces averaged about 50% of the oral dose after 5 days in 6 subjects, with mean urinary excretion of 7.8% and mean faecal excretion of 42.4%. A mean rate of excretion of 0.73% per day of the 14C dose after 31 days to 35 days and 0.45% per day of the 14C dose after 42 days to 45 days was seen in faecal and urine samples collected from 6 subjects for 14 to 53 days after Clomifene citrate 14C administration. The remaining drug/metabolites may be slowly excreted from a sequestered enterohepatic recirculation pool.


Prolonged use of Fertab 50mg Tablets may increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Long term toxicity studies in animals have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of Fertab 50mg Tablets.


Mutagenic potential of Fertab 50mg Tablets has not been evaluated.

Maize Starch, Lactose (Monohydrate), Iron Oxide (Yellow), Purified Water, Sucrose, Hypromellose (15cps) (Pharmacoat 615), Purified Talc, Colloidal Anhydrous Silica and Magnesium Stearate

Not applicable.

4 years

Do Not Store above 30°C.


Aluminium-PVC blister pack

None applicable


September 2009

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