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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Protogyn tablets contain the active substance tinidazole. This medicine is an anti-infective agent. It is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections including infections of the skin, blood, chest, lung, genitals or womb lining, and an infection associated with stomach ulcers in combination with other drugs, infections caused by organisms called protozoa, such as amoebiasis and giardiasis (stomach infections) and trichomoniasis (a genital infection), vaginal infections (vaginitis) and gum infections (gingivitis).
It is also used before certain surgical operations to prevent bacterial infections from developing. You should ask your doctor if you are unsure why you have been given this medicine.

Do not take Protogyn tablets

  • If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to tinidazole or any similar drugs, or any of the other ingredients of Protogyn tablets, listed in section 6 below. An allergic reaction could cause itching, a skin rash or wheezing.
  • If you have a blood disorder or a history of blood disorders.
  • If you have central nervous system (CNS) disease, including epilepsy.
  • If you are in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy or trying to become pregnant or you are breast-feeding.

Take special care with Protogyn tablets
Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse, if during therapy with tinidazole abnormal neurological signs develop (such as, dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in controlling movements) as you may be told to stop your treatment.
Taking/using other medicines, herbal, or dietary supplements
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. This is because these medicines may affect the way Protogyn works. Also, Protogyn may affect the way these medicines work.
You should tell your doctor if you are currently taking blood thinners such as warfarin to prevent
blood clots as your doctor may wish to monitor you more closely.
Taking Protogyn tablets with food and drink
You should not drink wine, beer or spirits during treatment and for 3 days after stopping treatment with this medicine. The combination may cause flushing, stomach cramps, vomiting (being sick) and palpitations (pounding heart).
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
You should not take this medicine if you are in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy or are trying to
become pregnant. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking tinidazole tablets
or any other medicine.
You should not take this medicine if you are breast feeding as small amounts can pass into your milk. If you stop breast-feeding during treatment you should not start again until at least 3 days after stopping tinidazole tablets.
Driving and using machines
Do not drive or use machinery if this medicine makes you feel drowsy or gives you problems with co-ordination or sensation (e.g. numbness or weakness).

Always take Protogyn tablets exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

  • Take Protogyn tablets with a glass of water during or after a meal.
  • Swallow the tablets whole. It is best to take the medicine at the same time each day.

Use in children under 12 years

For bacterial infections, this medicine is not recommended for use in children less than 12 years as it has not been tested in this age group.
For protozoal infections, tinidazole can be used in children and has not been shown to cause any different side effects or more problems than it does in adults.
The dose and length of treatment depends upon the infection being treated. If you are on dialysis, your doctor may prescribe a different dose.
The doses most commonly used for the different infections are shown in the table below:
For treating the infection associated with stomach ulcers
The usual dose is 1 tablet (500mg) taken twice a day. Your doctor will probably prescribe two other medicines to be taken with tinidazole.Treatment with the three medicines together will usually be for 1 week.
For treating most bacterial infections
The usual dose is 4 tablets (2g) on the first day then 2 tablets (1g) once a day or 1 tablet (500mg) twice a day. The usual length of treatment is 5 to 6 days.
For treating bacterial vaginitis (a vaginal infection) and acute ulcerative gingivitis (a gum infection)
The usual dose is 4 tablets (2g) given as a single dose.
For vaginitis you may be given 4 tablets (2g) on two consecutive days.
For preventing bacterial infections after surgery
Usually 4 tablets (2g) are given as a single dose about 12 hours before surgery.
For treating protozoal infections
For treating intestinal amoebiasis (a stomach infection)
Adult The usual dose is 4 tablets (2g) once a day for 2 to 3 days.
Child The usual dose is 50 to 60mg/kg of body weight once a day for 3 days.
For treating amoebic involvement of the liver (a liver infection)
Adult The usual dose is 3 to 4 tablets (1.5 to 2g) once a day for 3 to 6 days.
Child The usual dose is 50 to 60mg/kg of body weight once a day for 5 days.
For treating giardiasis (an abdominal infection) and trichomoniasis (an infection of the sex organs in males and females)
Adult The usual dose is 4 tablets (2g) given as a single dose.
Child The usual dose is 50 to-75mg/kg of body weight given as a single dose. Your doctor will calculate the dose required for a child and may repeat the dose once if the infection has not cleared up completely.
If you take more Protogyn tablets than you should
If you take too much of this medicine tell your doctor or contact your nearest hospital casualty
department immediately. Take any remaining tablets with you.
If you forget to take Protogyn tablets
If you forget to take this medicine take it as soon as you can. Take your next dose at the right time.
Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.
If you stop taking Protogyn tablets
If you stop taking this medicine too soon, the infection may return. Take this medicine for the full time of treatment, even when you begin to feel better.
If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms after taking this medicine.
Although they are very rare, the symptoms can be severe.

  • sudden wheeziness, difficulty in breathing, swelling of eyelids, face or lips or tongue.
  • fits or seizures.

The common side effects (that may affect up to 1 in 10 people) are listed below. These may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Tell your doctor if any of these side effects continue to bother you.

  • nausea (feeling sick) or vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, stomach pain or cramps.
  • headache.
  • vertigo (See section 2).
  •  skin rash or itching (especially affecting the whole body).

If you get any side effects, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
  • Store below 30 ◦C. Store in the original packaging.
  • Do not use Protogyn tablets after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and blister. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
  • Medicines should not be disposed of via waste water or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is tinidazole.
The other ingredients are: sodium lauryl sulfate, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, talc, opadry white, FD & C yellow Number 6.
Each Protogyn tablet contains 500 mg tinidazole.

Protogyn 500 mg tablets are orange, round biconvex tablets, engraved with “HAYAT” on one side and “GYN” on the other side, available in packs of 4 tablets.

Hayat pharmaceutical industries Co.PLC 

Amman- Jordan 


July 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

تحتوي أقراص بروتوجين على المادة الفعالة تینیدازول. ھذا الدواء ھو عامل مضاد للإلتھاب. یتم استخدامھ لعلاج مجموعة متنوعة من الالتھابات البكتیریة بما في ذلك: التھابات الجلد والدم والصدر والرئة والأعضاء التناسلیة أو بطانة الرحم، و یستخدم مع أدویة أخرى لعلاج الإلتھاب المرتبط بقرحة المعدة، والالتھابات التي تسببھا كائنات حیة تدعى البروتوزوا، مثل (الالتھابات المعدیة) وداء المشعرات (عدوى الأعضاء التناسلیة)، والالتھابات المھبلیة (التهاب المهبل) والتهابات اللثة (التهاب اللثة).

كما أنھا تستخدم قبل بعض العملیات الجراحیة لمنع حدوث الإلتهابات البكتيرية.

یجب علیك أن تسأل طبيبك إذا كنت غیر متأكد من سبب إعطائك ھذا الدواء.

قبل تناول أقراص بروتوجین
لا تتناول بتاتا أقراص بروتوجين:

  • إذا كان لدیك حساسیة (فرط الحساسية) تينادازول  أو أي أدوية مماثلة، أو أي من المكونات الأخرى من أقراص بروتوجین، المدرجة في القسم 6 أدناه. قد یسبب رد الفعل التحسسي حكة أو طفح جلدي أو صفير.
  • إذا كان لدیك أمراض في الدم أو تاريخ من أمراض الدم.
  • إذا كان لدیك مرض في الجھاز العصبي المركزي ، بما في ذلك الصرع.
  • إذا كنت في الأسابیع ال 13 الأولى من الحمل أو تحاول أن تصبح حاملا أو كنت مرضعة.

تحذیرات واحتیاطات عند استخدام أقراص بروتوجين
تحدث إلى طبیبك أو الصیدلي أو الممرضة، إذا تطورت أي أعراض عصبیة غیر طبیعیة أثناء العلاج بتینیدازول (مثل الدوخة والدوار وصعوبة في السیطرة على الحركات) لأنھ قد یطلب منك وقف العلاج.
اخذ/استخدام أدویة اخرى، أعشاب، أو مكملات غذائیة
في حال كنت تأخذ أو قد أخذت مؤخرا أو كنت تنوي أن تأخذ أدویة أخرى، بما فیھا الأدویة التي تؤخذ بدون وصفة طبیة اطلع طبیبك أو الصیدلاني . ذلك لأن تلك الأدویة یمكن أن تؤثر على مفعول بروتوجین. أيضاً بروتوجين یمكن أن يؤثر على طریقة عمل تلك الأدویة.

یجب علیك إخبار طبیبك إذا كنت تتناول حاليا ممیعات الدم مثل الوارفارین لمنع الجلطات الدموية حيث قد یرغب طبيبك في مراقبتك عن كثب.
تناول البروتوجین مع الطعام والشراب
یجب عدم شرب الخمر أو البیرة أو المشروبات الروحیة أثناء العلاج ولمدة 3 أیام بعد التوقف عن العلاج بھذا الدواء. قد یسبب تناولھا معاً احمرار، وتشنجات في المعدة، والتقيؤ (المرض) وخفقان القلب.
الحمل والارضاع
یجب أن لا تتناول ھذا الدواء إذا كنت في الأسابيع ال 13 الأولى من الحمل أو إذا كنت تحاولین أن تصبحي حاملا. اطلب دائما من الطبیب أو الصیدلي الحصول على المشورة قبل تناول أقراص تينادازول  أو أي دواء آخر.

الرضاعة الطبيعية

يجب أن لا تتناول هذا الدواء إذا كنت مرضعة و ذلك لأن كمیات صغیرة یمكن أن تمر في الحلیب. إذا توقفت عن الرضاعة الطبیعیة أثناء العلاج یجب أن لا تبدأ مرة أخرى حتى 3 أیام على الأقل بعد إیقاف أقراص تینیدازول.
القیادة واستخدام الآلات
لا تقود أو تستخدم الآلات إذا كان ھذا الدواء یجعلك تشعر بالنعاس أو یسبب لك مشاكل في التركیز أو الإحساس (مثل الخدر أو الضعف).


دائما تأخذ أقراص بروتوجین تماما كما قال لك طبیبك .یجب علیك مراجعة الطبیب أو الصیدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدا.

  • تناول أقراص بروتوجین مع كوب من الماء أثناء أو بعد وجبة الطعام.
  • تبلع الحبة كاملة. من الأفضل أن تأخذ الدواء في نفس الوقت كل یوم.

الإستخدام في الأطفال دون سن 12 عاما
للإلتھابات البكتیریة
، لا ینصح باستخدام ھذا الدواء لفي الأطفال أقل من 12 سنة حیث أنھ لم یتم اختباره في ھذه الفئة العمریة.
بالنسبة للإلتھابات البروتوزوالیة، یمكن استخدام تینیدازول في الأطفال حیث أنه لم یظھر أنه یسبب أي آثار جانبیة مختلفة أو مشاكل أكثر مما یحدث لدى البالغین.
تعتمد الجرعة وطول مدةالعلاج على الإلتھاب الذي یتم علاجھ. إذا كنت تقوم بعملیة غسیل للكلى، قد یصف لك الطبیب جرعة مختلفة.
ترد في الجدول أدناه الجرعات الأكثر شیوعا المستخدمة للإلتھابات المختلفة:
لعلاج الإلتھاب المرتبط بقرحة المعدة
الجرعة المعتادة ھي 1 قرص ( 500 مغ) تؤخذ مرتین في الیوم. طبیبك ربما یصف دواءین آخرین لیتم تناولھما مع تینیدازول. العلاج بالأدویة الثلاثة معا عادة ما یكون لمدة 1 أسبوع.
لعلاج معظم الالتھابات البكتیریة
الجرعة المعتادة ھي 4 أقراص ( 2 غرام) في الیوم الأول ثم 2 قرص ( 1غرام) مرة واحدة في الیوم أو 1قرص ( 500 مغ) مرتین في الیوم. مدة العلاج المعتادة ھي من 5 إلى 6 أیام.
لعلاج التھاب المھبل البكتیري (التھاب مھبلي) والتھاب اللثة التقرحي الحاد (التھاب اللثة)
الجرعة المعتادة ھي 4 أقراص ( 2 غرام) تعطى كجرعة واحدة.
لالتھاب المھبل قد تعطى 4 أقراص ( 2 غرام) على یومین متتالیین.
لمنع الإلتھابات البكتیریة بعد الجراحة
عادة یتم إعطاء 4 أقراص ( 2غرام) كجرعة واحدة حوالي 12 ساعة قبل الجراحة.
لعلاج الالتھابات البروتوزوال
لعلاج الأمیبات المعویة (التھاب المعدة)
الكبار الجرعة المعتادة ھي 4 أقراص ( 2غرام) مرة واحدة یومیا لمدة 2 إلى 3 أیام.
الطفل الجرعة المعتادة ھي 50 إلى 60 مغ/كغ من وزن الجسم مرة واحدة یومیا لمدة 3 أیام.
لعلاج التدخل الأمیبي للكبد (التھاب الكبد)
الكبار  الجرعة المعتادة ھي 3 إلى 4 أقراص ( 1.5 إلى 2 غرام) مرة واحدة یومیا لمدة 3 إلى 6 أیام.

الطفل الجرعة المعتادة هي 50 إلى 60 mg  / كغ من وزن الجسم مرة واحدة یومیا لمدة 5 أیام.
لعلاج جیاردیاسیس (التھاب في البطن) وداء المشعرات (التھاب في الأعضاء الجنسیة في الذكور والإناث)
الكبار  الجرعة المعتادة ھي 4 أقراص ( 2 غرام) تعطى كجرعة واحدة.
الطفل الجرعة المعتادة ھي 50 إلى 75 مغ / كغ من وزن الجسم تعطى كجرعة واحدة. سیقوم طبیبك بحساب الجرعة المطلوبة للطفل ویمكن
تكرار الجرعة مرة واحدة إذا لم تتم معالجة الإلتھاب تماما.
إذا تناولت أقراص بروتوجین أكثر مما یجب
إذا تناولت الكثیر من ھذا الدواء أخبر طبیبك أو اتصل بأقرب قسم إصابات في المستشفى على الفور. اصطحب معك أي أقراص متبقیة.
إذا نسیت تناول أقراص بروتوجین
إذا كنت قد نسیت أن تتناول ھذا الدواء، تناولھ بأسرع ما یمكن. تناول الجرعة التالیة في الوقت المناسب. لا تأخذ جرعة مضاعفة للتعویض عن الجرعة المنسیة.
إذا توقفت عن تناول أقراص بروتوجین
إذا توقفت عن تناول ھذا الدواء في وقت مبكر جدا، قد یعود االتھاب مرة أخرى. تناول ھذا الدواء لمدة العلاج كاملة، حتى عندما تبدأ في الشعور بتحسن.
في حال لدیك أي اسئلة اخرى تتعلق باستعمال ھذا الدواء، اتصل بطبیبك أو بالصیدلاني.

مثل جمیع الأدویة، بمكن أن یسبب ھذا الدواء تأثیرات غیر مرغوبة، لكنھا لا تحصل بالضرورة للجمیع.
أخبر طبیبك فورا إذا واجھت أي من الأعراض التالیة بعد تناول ھذا الدواء.
على الرغم من أنھا نادرة جدا، یمكن أن تكون الأعراض خطیرة.

  • صفیر مفاجئ، وصعوبة في التنفس، وتورم في الجفون، والوجھ أو الشفاه أو اللسان.
  • نوبات أو اختلاجات.

یتم سرد الآثار الجانبیة الشائعة (التي قد تؤثر على ما یصل إلى 1 من 10 أشخاص) أدناه. قد تختفي ھذه العلاجات أثناء العلاج حیث یتكیف جسمك مع الدواء .أخبر طبیبك إذا كان أي من ھذه الآثار الجانبیة لا تزال تزعجك.

  • الغثیان (الشعور بالمرض) أو التقیؤ، فقدان الشھیة، الإسھال، آلام في المعدة أو تقلصات.
  • صداع الراس.
  • ( الدوار ) انظر القسم 2 .
  • طفح جلدي أو حكة (تؤثر بشكل خاص على الجسم كله) .

إذا حصلت على أي آثار جانبیة، أو إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبیة غیر مدرجة في ھذه النشرة، تحدث مع طبیبك أو الصیدلي.

  • یحفظ بعیدا عن متناول ایدي الاطفال وعن مجال بصرھم.
  • یحفظ في حرارة اقل من 30 درجة مئویة، ضمن عبوتھ الاصلیة .
  • لا تستعمل أقراص بروتوجین بعد تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة المدون على العلبة وعلى الشریط. تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة یعني الیوم الاخیر من ذلك الشھر.
  • یجب عدم رمي الادویة بتاتا في المجاري أو النفایات المنزلیة. اسأل الصیدلاني عن كیفیة التخلص من الادویة التي لم تعد بحاجة لھا. ھذه التدابیر تسمح بحمایة البیئة.

على ماذا تحتوي أقراص یروتوجین
المادة الفعالة ھي تینیدازول.
المكونات الأخرى: كبریتات لوریل الصودیوم، البوفیدون، السلیلوز الجریزوفولفین، الصودیوم كروسكارملوز، التلك، أوبادري الأبیض، ف د و س الأصفر رقم 6
یحتوي كل قرص من بروتوجین على 500 مغ تينادوزل.

أقراص بروتوجين 500 ملغ لونها برتقالي، دائرية الشكل وثنائية التحدب ، محفور عليها “HAYAT” من جهة و “GYN” من الجهة الاخرى ، متوفرة في عبوات سعة 4 أقراص.

شركة الحیاة للصناعات الدوائیة م.ع.م
ص.ب 1564 عمان 11118 الأردن

تموز 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Protogyn 500 mg film-coated tablets.

Each film coated tablet contains 500mg tinidazole For the full list of excipients , see section 6.1.

Film-coated tablets Orange, round biconvex tablets, engraved with “HAYAT” on one side and “GYN” on the other side.

Protogyn is indicated for the treatment of the following infections:

  • Eradication of Helicobacter pylori associated with duodenal ulcers, in the presence of antibiotic and acid suppressant therapy (see section 4.2).
  •  Anaerobic infections such as:
  •  Intraperitoneal infections: peritonitis, abscess.
  • Gynaecological infections: endometritis, endomyometritis, tube-ovarian abscess.
  • Bacterial septicaemia.
  • Post-operative wound infections.
  • Skin and soft tissue infections.
  • Upper and lower respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, empyema, lung abscess.
  • Non-specific vaginitis.
  • Acute ulcerative gingivitis.
  • Urogenital trichomoniasis in both male and female patients.
  • Giardiasis.
  • Intestinal amoebiasis.
  • Amoebic involvement of the liver.
  • Prophylaxis: The prevention of post-operative infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, especially those associated with colonic, gastro-intestinal and gynaecological surgery.

Route: Oral administration during or after a meal.
Eradication of H. pylori associated with duodenal ulcers:
Adults: the usual dose of tinidazole is 500mg twice daily coadministered with omeprazole 20mg twice daily and clarithromycin 250mg twice daily for 7 days.
Clinical studies using this 7 day regimen have shown similar H. pylori eradication rates when omeprazole 20mg once daily was used. For further information on the dosage for omeprazole see Astra data sheet.
Anaerobic infections:
Adults: an initial dose of 2g the first day followed by 1g daily given as a single dose or as 500mg twice daily. Treatment for 5 to 6 days will generally be adequate but clinical judgement must be used in determining the duration of therapy, particularly when eradication of infection from certain sites may be difficult. Routine clinical and laboratory observation is recommended if it is considered necessary to continue therapy for more than 7 days.
Children: < 12 years – there is no data available.
Non-specific vaginitis:
Adults: non-specific vaginitis has been successfully treated with a single oral dose of 2g. Higher cure rates have been achieved with 2g single doses on 2 consecutive days (total dose 4g).

Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis:
Adults: a single oral dose of 2g.
Urogenital trichomoniasis: (When infection with Trichomonas vaginalis is confirmed, simultaneous treatment of the consort is
Adults: a single dose of 2g.
Children: a single dose of 50 to 75mg/kg of body weight. It may be necessary to repeat this dose.
Adults: a single dose of 2g.
Children: a single dose of 50 to 75mg/kg of body weight. It may be necessary to repeat this dose.
Intestinal Amoebiasis:
Adults: a single daily dose of 2g for 2 to 3 days.
Children: a single daily dose of 50 to 60mg/kg of body weight on each of 3 successive days.
Amoebic involvement in the liver:
Adults: total dosage varies from 4.5 to 12g, depending on the virulence of the Entamoeba histolytica.
For amoebic involvement of the liver, the aspiration of pus may be required in addition to therapy with
Initiate treatment with 1.5 to 2g as a single oral daily dose for three days. Occasionally when a three
day course is ineffective, treatment may be continued for up to six days.
Children: a single dose of 50 to 60 mg/kg of body weight per day for five successive days.
Use in Renal impairment
Dosage adjustments in patients with impaired renal function are generally not necessary. However, because tinidazole is easily removed by haemodialysis, patients may require additional doses of tinidazole to compensate.
Prevention of post-operative infection:
Adults: a single dose of 2g approximately 12 hours before surgery.
Children: < 12 years – there is no data available.
It is recommended that tinidazole be taken during or after a meal.
Use in the elderly: there are no special recommendations for this age group.
Method of administration:
Oral administration. Swallow tablets whole with a glass of water during or after a meal.

Protogyn tablets are contraindicated: - In patients with hypersensitivity to tinidazole or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. - As with other drugs of similar structure, tinidazole is contraindicated in patients having, or with a history of, blood dyscrasia, although no persistent haematological abnormalities have been noted in clinical or animal studies. Tinidazole should be avoided in patients with organic neurological disorders. Tinidazole, other 5-nitroimidazole derivatives or any of the components of this product should not be administered to patients with known hypersensitivity to the drug. Use of tinidazole is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy and in nursing mothers (see section 4.6 ).

As with related compounds, alcoholic beverages should be avoided during tinidazole therapy because of the possibility of a disulfiram-like reaction (flushing, abdominal cramps, vomiting, tachycardia). Alcohol should be avoided until 72 hours after discontinuing tinidazole.
Drugs of similar chemical structure have also produced various neurological disturbances such as dizziness, vertigo, incoordination and ataxia. If during therapy with tinidazole abnormal neurological signs develop, therapy should be discontinued.
Carcinogenicity has been seen in mice and rats treated chronically with metronidazole, another nitroimidazole agent. Although carcinogenicity data is not available for tinidazole, the two drugs are structurally related and therefore there is a potential for similar biologic effects. Mutagenicity results with tinidazole were mixed (positive and negative). The use of tinidazole for longer treatment than usually required should be carefully considered.

Alcohol: concurrent use of tinidazole and alcohol may produce a disulfiram-like reaction and should be avoided, (see section 4.4, Special warnings and precautions for use).
Anticoagulants: drugs of similar chemical structure have been shown to potentiate the effects of oral anticoagulants. Prothrombin time should be closely monitored and adjustments to the dose of the anticoagulants should be made as necessary.

Fertility studies in rats receiving 100mg and 300mg tinidazole/kg had no effect on fertility, adult and pup weights, gestation, viability or lactation. There was a slight, not significant, increase in resorption rate at the 300mg/kg dose. Tinidazole crosses the placental barrier. Since the effects of compounds of this class on foetal development are unknown, the use of tinidazole during the first trimester is contraindicated. There is no evidence that tinidazole is harmful during the latter stages of pregnancy, but its use during the second and third trimesters requires that the potential benefits be weighed against possible hazards to mother or foetus.
Tinidazole is excreted in breast milk. Tinidazole may continue to appear in breast milk for more than 72 hours after administration. Women should not nurse until at least 3 days after having discontinued taking tinidazole.

No special precautions should be necessary. However, drugs of similar chemical structure, including tinidazole, have been associated with various neurological disturbances such as dizziness, vertigo, ataxia, peripheral neuropathy (paraesthesia, sensory disturbances, hypoaesthesia) and rarely convulsions. If any abnormal neurological signs develop during tinidazole therapy, the drug should be discontinued.

Reported side effects have generally been infrequent, mild and self-limiting. The reported undesirable effects are listed below according to MedDRA system organ class classification and frequency.
Within each frequency category, the ADRs are presented in the order of clinical importance. 1i Frequencies are defined using the following convention: very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Blood and the lymphatic system disorders : Not known: Leukopenia.

Immune system disorders : Not known: Drug hypersensitivity.

Metabolism and nutrition disorders : Common: Decreased appetite.

Nervous system disorders : Common: Headache.

Not known: Convulsions , Neuropathy peripheral , Paraesthesia , Hypoaesthesia , Sensory disturbances , Ataxia , Dizziness,Dysgeusia.

Ear and labyrinth disorders Common: Vertigo.

Vascular disorders : Not known: Flushing .

Gastrointestinal disorders : Common:  Vomiting , Diarrhoea, Nausea, Abdominal pain.

Not known: Glossitis , Stomatitus , Tongue discolouration.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders : Common: Dermatitis allergic , Pruritis.

Not known: Angioedema , Urticaria.

Renal and urinary disorders : Not known: Chromaturia.

General disorders and administration site conditions : Not known: Pyrexia , Fatigue. 

In acute animal studies with mice and rats, the LD50 for mice was >3600mg/kg and >2300mg/kg for oral and intraperitoneal administration respectively. For rats, the LD50 was >2000mg/kg for both oral and intraperitoneal administration. Signs and symptoms of overdosage: There are no reported overdoses in humans with tinidazole.
Treatment for overdosage: There is no specific antidote for treatment of overdosage with tinidazole.
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Gastric lavage may be useful. Tinidazole is easily dialysable.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiinfectives for systemic use, ATC code: J 01XD02
Tinidazole is active against both protozoa and obligate anaerobic bacteria. The activity against protozoa involves Trichomonas vaginalis, Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia.
The mode of action of tinidazole against anaerobic bacteria and protozoa involves penetration of the drug into the cell of the micro-organism and subsequent damage of DNA strands or inhibition of their synthesis. Tinidazole is active against Helicobacter pylori, Gardnerella vaginalis and most anaerobic bacteria including Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Bacteroides spp., Clostridium spp., Eubacterium spp., Fusobacterium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. and
Veillonella spp.
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is associated with acid peptic disease including duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer in which about 95% and 80% of patients respectively are infected with this agent. H.pylori is also implicated as a major contributing factor in the development of gastritis and ulcer recurrence in such patients. Evidence suggests a causative link between H.pylori and gastric carcinoma.
Clinical evidence has shown that the combination of tinidazole with omeprazole and clarithromycin eradicates 91-96% of H.pylori isolates.
Various different H.pylori eradication regimens have shown that eradication of H.pylori  heals duodenal ulcers and reduces the risk of ulcer recurrence.

Tinidazole is rapidly and completely absorbed following oral administration. In studies with healthy volunteers receiving 2g tinidazole orally, peak serum levels of 40-51 micrograms/ml were achieved within two hours and decreased to between11-19 micrograms/ml at 24 hours. Healthy volunteers who received 800mg and 1.6g tinidazole IV over 10-15 minutes achieved peak plasma concentrations that ranged from 14 to 21mcg/ml for the 800mg dose and averaged 32mcg/ml for the 1.6g dose. At 24 hours post infusion, plasma levels of tinidazole decreased to 4-5mcg/ml and 8.6mcg/ml respectively, justifying once daily dosing. Plasma levels decline slowly and tinidazole can be detected in plasma at concentrations of up to 1 microgram/ml at 72 hours after oral administration. The plasma elimination half-life for tinidazole is between 12-14 hours.
Tinidazole is widely distributed in all body tissues and also crosses the blood brain barrier, obtaining clinically effective concentrations in all tissues. The apparent volume of distribution is about 50 litres. About 12% of plasma tinidazole is bound to plasma protein.
Tinidazole is excreted by the liver and kidneys. Studies in healthy patients have shown that over 5 days, 60-65% of an administered dose is excreted by the kidneys with 20-25% of the administered dose excreted as unchanged tinidazole. Up to 5% of the administered dose is excreted in the faeces.
Studies in patients with renal failure (creatinine clearance <22ml/min) indicate that there is no statistically significant change in tinidazole pharmacokinetic parameters in these patients, ( see section 4.2 ).

Tinidazole has been shown to be mutagenic in some bacterial strains tested in vitro (with and without metabolic activation). Tinidazole was negative for mutagenicity in a mammalian cell culture system utilising Chinese hamster lung V79 cells (HGPRT test system) and negative for genotoxicity in the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) sister chromatid exchange assay. Tinidazole was positive for in vivo genotoxicity in the mouse micronucleus assay.

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Povidone.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Croscarmellose sodium.
  • Talc.
  • Opadry white.
  • FD & C yellow Number 6.

Not applicable

36 month(s)

Store below 30◦C

PVC/Aluminum blisters containing film coated tablets.
Pack size for 500 mg tablets: 4 as commercially available

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC P. O. Box 1564 Amman 11118 Jordan Tel. +962 6 416 2607 Fax. 0096264163016 E-mail: hpi@nol.com.jo

25 July 2017

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