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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Harnal are modified release capsules. It contains Tamsulosin 0.4 mg in the capsules which is a
so-called alpha-1a blocker that reduces muscle contraction in the prostate and urethra. This
facilitates the flow of urine through the urethra and aids urination.
Ominc are used for the treatment of urination symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH - enlarged prostate).

Do not take Harnal
If you are hypersensitive (allergic) to tamsulosin hydrochloride or one of the product’s other
components. Hypersensitivity or allergy to tamsulosin hydrochloride can express itself as sudden
swelling of hands or feet, difficulties in breathing and/or itch and rash (angio-oedema).
If you have experienced dizziness or have fainted from lowered blood pressure (e.g. when
suddenly sitting or standing up).
If you have been found to suffer from severe liver problems.
Take special care with Harnal
– If you have been found to suffer from severe kidney problems.
– If you experience dizziness or fainting during the use of Harnal. Please sit or lie down straight
away until the symptoms disappear.
– If you experience sudden swelling of hands or feet, difficulties in breathing and/or itch and rash,
caused by an allergic reaction (angio-oedema) during the use of Harnal.
– If you have been scheduled for cataract surgery
Please consult your doctor, even if these statements were applicable to you at any time in the past.
Taking other medicines
Harnal may lower blood pressure when taken with other alpha 1A-blockers.
Diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory painkiller) and warfarin (used to prevent blood clotting) may
have an influence on how fast Harnal are removed from the body.
Please note that these statements may also apply to products used some time ago or at some time
in the future.
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, or have recently taken, any other medicine,
including medicines obtained without prescription.
Taking Harnal with food and drink
Harnal should be taken after the first meal of the day. Taking Harnal on an empty stomach may
increase the number of side effects or increase the severity of a side effect.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Harnal are intended for males only.
Ejaculation disorders have been observed.
Children and adolescents
Harnal are not indicated for use in the paediatric population (patients below 18 years of age).
Driving and using machines
Harnal can adversely affect the ability to drive or operate machines. It should be taken into
account that in some patients dizziness may occur.

Always take Harnal exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or
pharmacist if you are not sure.
The usual dose is one capsule a day after the first meal of the day.
The capsule should be taken while standing or sitting upright (not lying down) and should be
swallowed whole with a glass of water.
The capsule must not be chewed.
Your physician has prescribed a suitable dose for you and your illness, and has specified the
duration of the treatment.
The dose should not be independently changed.
If you have the impression that the effect of Harnal is too strong or too weak, talk to your doctor
or pharmacist.
If you take more Harnal than you should
If you may have taken more Harnal than you should, talk to your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
If you forget to take Harnal
If you have forgotten to take Harnal after the first meal of the day, it can be taken later the same
day after food. If you have missed a day, just continue to take your daily capsule as prescribed.
Do not take a double dose to make up for forgotten individual doses.

Like all medicines, Harnal can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
• dizziness, especially when you are getting up from a chair or bed
• ejaculation disorders
• retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation into the bladder)
• failure of ejaculation
Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
• headache
• rapid heartbeat
• dropping of blood pressure especially when standing up
• blocked or runny nose
• constipation
• diarrhoea
• nausea
• vomiting
• rash
• nettle rash
• itching
• weakness
Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):
• fainting
• swelling of the lower layers of the skin, often around the mouth or of the mucosa of the mouth
or throat which can appear very quickly
Very rare (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):
• priapism (painful, persistent, involuntary erection of the penis), in which case immediate medical
aid is needed
• a severe inflammatory eruption of the skin and mucous membranes, which is an allergic reaction
to drugs or other substances called Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):
• nose bleeding
• vision blurred, visual impairment
• dry mouth
• serious skin rashes (erythema multiforme, dermatitis exfoliative)
If you are undergoing eye surgery because of cloudiness of the lens (cataract) and are already
taking or have previously taken tamsulosin hydrochloride, the pupil may dilate poorly
and the iris (the coloured circular part of the eye) may become floppy during the procedure (see
also section 2 “Warnings and precautions”).
In addition to the adverse events listed above,
• very rapid uncoordinated contractions of the heart
• irregular rhythm of the heartbeat
• abnormally rapid heart rate
• difficulty in breathing
have been reported in association with Harnal use. Since these spontaneously reported events are
from worldwide post-marketing experience, the frequency of events and the role of Harnal in
these events cannot be reliably determined.
If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please
tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Store below 25oc
Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the label and carton after {EXP}. The expiry date
refers to the last day of that month.
Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist
how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the

• The active ingredient is Tamsulosin hydrochloride.
One modified-release capsule contains 0.4 mg of Tamsulosin hydrochloride.
• The other ingredients are Microcrystalline cellulose , Eudragit , Polysorbate , Sodium lauryl
sulphate, Sodium lauryl sulphate, Triacetin, Calcium Stearate, Talc and Empty gelatin capsule

HARNAL Capsules are Capsules with Olive Cap, Orange body and contains pale yellowish white granules. HARNAL Capsules are packed in aluminum blisters that are supplied in a cardboard box. The packs contain 30 Capsules.

Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company limited
Jeddah – Saudi Arabia
Under license from

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

هارنال هو كبسولات مديدة المفعول . يحتوي هارنال على  0.4ملج تامسولوزين هيدروكلورايد في كبسولات وهو أحد حاصرات مستقبلات ألفا الأدرينية من النوع "أ"، والتي تُقلل من انقباض العضلات في البروستاتا ومجرى البول. يُسهل ذلك من مرور البول خلال مجرى البول، كما يُساعد في تسهيل عملية التبول.

يُستخدَم هارنال لعلاج أعراض التبول التي تحدث بسبب فَرط تَّنسُّج البروستاتا الحميد (BPH - تضخم البروستاتا).

لا تتناول هارنال في الحالات الآتية:

·       إذا كنت تعاني من فرط الحساسية (الحساسية) تجاه تامسولوزين هيدروكلورايد أو أيٍّ من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء. تظهر أعراض فرط الحساسية أو الحساسية تجاه تامسولوزين هيدروكلوراي دفي هيئة تورم مفاجئ في اليدين أو القدمين، صعوبات في التنفس و/ أو حكة وطفح جلدي (وذمة وعائية).

·       إذا عانيت من حدوث دوار، أو إغماء؛ نتيجة لانخفاض ضغط الدم (على سبيل المثال: عند الجلوس أو القيام بشكل مفاجئ).

·       إذا وُجِد أنك تعاني من مشاكل شديدة بالكبد.

توخَّ حذرًا خاصًّا مع هارنال

– إذا وُجِد أنك تعاني من مشاكل شديدة بالكُلى.

– إذا عانيت من حدوث دوار، أو إغماء أثناء استخدام هارنال.  يُرجى الجلوس أو الاستلقاء على الفور حتى تختفي الأعراض.

– إذا عانيت من حدوث تورم بشكل مفاجئ في اليدين أو القدمين، صعوبات في التنفس و/ أو حكة وطفح جلدي نتيجة لتفاعلات الحساسية (الوذمة الوعائية) أثناء استخدام هارنال.

– إذا كان من المقرر خضوعك لجراحة كاتاراكت بالعين (المياه البيضاء).

يُرجى استشارة طبيبك، حتى إذا كان أيَّ مما سبق قد انطبق عليك في أي وقت مضى.

تناوُل أدوية أخرى

قد يخفض هارنال من ضغط الدم عند تناوُله مع حاصرات مستقبلات ألفا الأدرينية من النوع "أ" الأخرى.

قد يُؤثر كل من ديكلوفيناك (دواء مسكن ومضاد للالتهاب) ووارفارين (يُستخدَم لمنع تجلط الدم) على مدى سرعة إزالة هارنال من الجسم.

يُرجى ملاحظة أن هذه البيانات قد تنطبق على منتجات دوائية قد تم استخدامها لبعض الوقت في الماضي، أو سيتم استخدامها في وقتٍ ما في المستقبل.

يُرجى إبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخَاص بك إذا كُنت تَتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أية أدوية أخرى، بما فيها الأدوية التي يتمّ الحصول عليها دون وصفة طبّية.

تَنَاوُل هارنال مع الطعام والشراب

يجب تناوُل هارنال بعد أول وجبة في اليوم. قد يزيد تناوُل هارنال على معدة خاوية من عدد الأعراض الجانبية أو شدة إحداها.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية

هارنال مُخصص للذكور فقط.

الأطفال والمراهقون:

هارنال غير مخصص للاستخدام في شريحة  الأطفال (المرضى أقل من 18 عامًا).

القيادة واستخدام الآلات

يمكـن أن يؤثـر هارنـال بشـكل سـلبي على القـدرة على قيـادة أو تشـغيل الآلات. يجـب أن يؤخـذ في الاعتبـار أنـه في بعـض المرضي قد
تحدث الدوخة

تناول دائمًا هارنال كما أخبرك طبيبك بالضَّبط. إذا لم تكن متأكدًا من كيفية التناول، فيجب عليك مراجعة الطَّبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك.

الجرعة المعتادة هي كبسولة واحدة يوميًّا بعد أول وجبة في اليوم.

يجب تناوُل الكبسولة أثناء الوقوف أو الجلوس بشكل مستقيم (وليس في وضع الاستلقاء)، كما يجب ابتلاعها كاملة مع كوب من الماء.

يجب عدم مضغ الكبسولة.

لقد وصف لك طبيبك الجرعة المناسبة لك ولحالتك المرضية، كما حدد فترة العلاج.

لذا يجب عدم تغيير الجرعة من تلقاء نفسك.

إذا كان لديك انطباع بأن تأثير هارنال قويٌّ جدًّا أو ضعيفٌ جدًّا، فتحدث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك.

في حالة تناوُل جرعة زائدة من هارنال

إذا كنت قد تناولت جرعة زائدة من هارنال، فتحدث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي الخاص بك على الفور.

إذا نسيت تناوُل هارنال

إذا نسيت تناوُل هارنال بعد أول وجبة في اليوم، فيمكن تناوله في وقت لاحق من نفس اليوم بعد الطعام. إذا نسيت تناوُل الكبسولة في أحد الأيام؛ فقط استمر في تناوُل الكبسولات اليومية على النحو الموصوف لك.

لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعات الفردية التي نسيتها.

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يُسبب هارنال أعراض جانبية، على الرغم من عدم حدوثها للجميع.
شائعة (قد يؤثر على شخص واحد من كل ١٠ أشخاص):
ّ • دوار خاصة عند الجلوس أو القيام
• اضطرابات القذف
• القذف الي الوراء ( القذف في المثانة)
• فشل القذف
غير شائع (قد يؤثر على شخص واحد من كل ١٠٠ أشخاص):
• صداع الراس
• |بات قلب æيعة
• انخفاض ضغط الدم خاصة عند الوقوف
• انسداد أو سيÌن انف
• ا{مساك
• إسهال

• الغثيان
• القيء
• طفح جلدي
• لسع القراص
• حكة
• ضعف
نادر (قد يؤثر على شخص واحد من كل ١٠٠٠ أشخاص):
• الاغماء
• تورم الطبقات السفلى من الجلد، غالبًا حول الفم أو الغشاء ا€لمخاطي للفم أو الحنجرة التي يمكن أن تظهر بسرعة كبيرة
نادر جدا (قد يؤثر على شخص واحد من كل ١٠٠٠٠ أشخاص):
•انتصاب مؤلم وممتد لفترات طويلة وغير مرغوب فيه (قساح)
• التهاب حاد في الجلد والأغشية ا€لمخاطية، وهو رد فعل تحسسي للأدوية أو مواد أخرى تسمى متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون.
آثار جانبية ذات معد•لات حدوث غير معروفة: (لا يمكن تقدير التردد من البيانات ا€المتاحة):
• نزيف الأنف
• عدم وضوح الرؤية ، ضعف البصر
• فم جاف
• طفح جلدي خطير (حمامي عديدة الأشكال . التهاب الجلد التقشري)

إذا كنــت تخضــع لجراحــة العيــون بســبب غمامة العدســة (الكاتاراكــت) وقــد أخــذت بالفعــل أو أخــذت مــن قبــل تامســولوزين
هيدروكلورايد، فقـد يمتد الحدقـة بشـكل ضعيـف وقـد تصبـح القزحيـة (الجـزء الدائـري ا€الملون مـن العين) مرنًـا أثنـاء العمليـة (انظـر
أيضا القسم  2 "التحذيرات والاحتياطات")

بالإضافة الى الاحداث السلبية المذكورة أعلاه
• تقلصات سريعة جدا غير منسقة للقلب
• عدم انتظام ضربات القلب
• معدل ضربات القلب غير طبيعي
• صعوبة في التنفس

تم الابلاغ عنها بالاشتراك مع استخدام هارنال:
بما أن هذه الأحداث التي تم الابلاغ عنها بشـكل عفـوي هـي مـن تجربـة مـا بعـد التسـويق في جميـع أنحـاء العـالم ، فـإن تكـرار
الأحداث ودور هارنال في هذه الأحداث لايمكن تحديده بشكل موثوق به.
تمت ملاحظة احتمالية حدوث مضاعفات متعلقة بعمليات إزالة المياه البيضاء (كاتاراكت) في بعض الحالات.
إذا أصبـح أي ً مـن الأعراض الجانبيـة خطـيرا، أو إذا لاحظـت أيـة أعـراض جانبيـة غير مدرجة في هـذه النشرة ، يُرجـى إبلاغ الطبيـب
أو الصيدلي الخاص بك.


يُحفظ بعيدًا عن مُتناول ورؤية الأطفال.

يُحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من 25 درجة  مئوية.

لا تستخدم هارنال بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصلاحية المدون على المُلصق والعبوة الكرتونية بعد كلمة "EXP". يُشير تَاريخ انتهاء الصَّلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشَّهر.

يجب عدم التَّخلص من الأدوية عن طريق إلقائها في مياه الصَّرف أو مع المخلفات المنزلية. استفسر من الصيدلي الخاصّ بك عن كيفية التَّخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها.  ستساعد هذه الإجراءات على حماية البيئة.

·       المادة الفعَّالة، تحتوي الكبسولة مُديدة المفعول الواحدة على4 0.ملج من تامسولوزين هيدروكلورايد

·       المكونات الأخرى هي: سليلوز فائق التبلور ، يودراجيت، بوليسوربات ، لوريل سلفات الصوديوم، ثلاثي الأسيتين، ستيرات الكالسيوم، بودرة تَلك وكبسولة جيلاتينية فارغة.

كبسولات هارنال هي كبسولات ذات غطاء زيتوني اللون، وجسم برتقالي اللون، وتحتوي على حبيبات ذات لون أصفر شاحب يميل إلى الأبيض.

تتم تعبئة كبسولات هارنال في أشرطة من الألومنيوم داخل عبوة من الكرتون المُقوى. تحتوي العبوة على 30 كبسولة.

الشركة العربية السعودية اليابانية للمنتجات الصيدلانية المحدودة

جدة - المملكة العربية السعودية 

بترخيص من

ﺍﺴﺘﻴﻼﺱ ﻓﺎﺭﻤﺎ المحدودة

طوكيو- اليابان

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Tamsulosin 400 micrograms Modified-Release Capsules

Each capsule contains 400 micrograms of tamsulosin hydrochloride. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Modified-release capsule, hard Orange/olive-green capsule, with the black printed mark “SJ 0.4” The capsules contain white to off-white pellets.

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

One capsule a day after breakfast or the first meal of the day. The capsule is swallowed
whole with a glass of water while standing or sitting (not lying down). The capsule should
not be broken or pulled apart as this may have an effect on the release of the long-acting
active ingredient.
No dose adjustment is warranted in renal impairment. No dose adjustment is warranted in
patients with mild to moderate hepatic insufficiency (see also 4.3
The safety and efficacy of tamsulosin in children < 18 years have not been established.
Currently available data are described in section 5.1.

Hypersensitivity to tamsulosin, including drug-induced angio-oedema, or to any of the excipients. Orthostatic hypotension observed earlier (history of orthostatic hypotension). Severe hepatic insufficiency.

As with other α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, a reduction in blood pressure can occur in
individual cases during treatment with tamsulosin as a result of which, rarely, syncope can
occur. At the first signs of orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, weakness), the patient should
sit or lie down until the symptoms have disappeared.
Before therapy with tamsulosin is initiated, the patient should be examined in order to
exclude the presence of other conditions, which can cause the same symptoms as benign
prostatic hyperplasia.
Digital rectal examination and, when necessary, determination of prostate specific antigen
(PSA) should be performed before treatment and at regular intervals afterwards.
The treatment of patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance of < 10
ml/min) should be approached with caution, as these patients have not been studied.
Angio-oedema has been rarely reported after the use of tamsulosin. Treatment should be
discontinued immediately, patient should be monitored until disappearance of the oedema,
and tamsulosin should not be re-administered.
The 'Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome' (IFIS, a variant of small pupil syndrome) has been
observed during cataract surgery in some patients on or previously treated with tamsulosin.
IFIS may increase the risk of eye complications during and after the operation. The initiation
of therapy with tamsulosin in patients for whom cataract surgery is scheduled is not
Discontinuing tamsulosin 1-2 weeks prior to cataract surgery is anecdotally considered
helpful, but the benefit of treatment discontinuation has not yet been established. IFIS has
also been reported in patients who had discontinued tamsulosin for a longer period prior to
cataract surgery.
During pre-operative assessment, cataract surgeons and ophthalmic teams should consider
whether patients scheduled for cataract surgery are being or have been treated with
tamsulosin in order to ensure that appropriate measures will be in place to manage the IFIS
during surgery.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride should not be given in combination with strong inhibitors of
CYP3A4 in patients with poor metaboliser CYP2D6 phenotype.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride should be used with caution in combination with strong and
moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4.

Interaction studies have only been performed in adults.
No interactions have been seen when tamsulosin was given concomitantly with either
atenolol, enalapril, nifedipine or theophylline.
Concomitant cimetidine brings about a rise in plasma levels of tamsulosin, whereas
furosemide a fall, but as levels remain within the normal range posology need not be
In vitro, neither diazepam nor propranolol, trichlormethiazide, chlormadinone,
amitriptyline, diclofenac, glibenclamide, simvastatin and warfarin change the free fraction of
tamsulosin in human plasma. Neither does tamsulosin change the free fractions of
diazepam, propranolol, trichlormethiazide and chlormadinone.
Diclofenac and warfarin, however, may increase the elimination rate of tamsulosin.
Concomitant administration of tamsulosin hydrochloride with strong inhibitors of CYP3A4
may lead to increased exposure to tamsulosin hydrochloride. Concomitant administration
with ketoconazole (a known strong CYP3A4 inhibitor) resulted in an increase in AUC and
Cmax of tamsulosin hydrochloride by a factor of 2.8 and 2.2, respectively.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride should not be given in combination with strong inhibitors of
CYP3A4 in patients with poor metaboliser CYP2D6 phenotype.
Tamsulosin hydrochloride should be used with caution in combination with strong and
moderate inhibitors of CYP3A4.
Concomitant administration of tamsulosin hydrochloride with paroxetine, a strong inhibitor
of CYP2D6, resulted in a Cmax and AUC of tamsulosin that had increased by a factor of 1.3
and 1.6, respectively, but these increases are not considered clinically relevant.
Concurrent administration of other α1-adrenoceptor antagonists could lead to hypotensive

Tamsulosin is intended for males only.
Ejaculation disorders have been observed in short and long term clinical studies with
tamsulosin. Events of ejaculation disorder, retrograde ejaculation and ejaculation failure
have been reported in the post authorization phase.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.
However patients should be aware of the fact that dizziness can occur.

a) Summary of safety
Not Applicable
b) Tabulated adverse reactions

c) Description of selected adverse events:
During cataract surgery a small pupil situation, known as Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome
(IFIS), has been associated with therapy of tamsulosin during post-marketing surveillance
d) Pediatric use:
Not applicable
e) Other special population:
Renal Patients:
The treatment of severely renally impaired patients (creatinine clearance of < 10 ml/min)
should be approached with caution as these patients havenot been studied.
The 'Intraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome' (IFIS, a variant of small pupil syndrome) has been
observed during cataract surgery in some patients on or previously treated with tamsulosin.
IFIS may lead to increased procedural complications during the operation. The initiation of
therapy with tamsulosin in patients for whom cataract surgery is scheduled is not

Acute overdose with 5 mg tamsulosin hydrochloride has been reported. Acute hypotension
(systolic blood pressure 70 mm Hg), vomiting and diarrhoea were observed, which were
treated with fluid replacement and the patient could be discharged the same day. In case of
acute hypotension occurring after overdosage cardiovascular support should be given. Blood
pressure can be restored and heart rate brought back to normal by lying the patient down. If
this does not help then volume expanders and, when necessary, vasopressors could be
employed. Renal function should be monitored and general supportive measures applied.
Dialysis is unlikely to be of help as tamsulosin is very highly bound to plasma proteins.
Measures, such as emesis, can be taken to impede absorption if large quantities of the medicinal
product are involved, gastric lavage may be performed and activated charcoal and an osmotic
laxative, such as sodium sulphate, may be given.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: α1A adrenoreceptor antagonist. ATC code: G04CA02 Mechanism
of action Tamsulosin binds selectively and competitively to postsynaptic α1A adrenoreceptors,
which convey smooth muscle contraction, thereby relaxing prostatic and urethral smooth
o Please contact the relevant competent authority.
Pharmacodynamic effects
Tamsulosin increases the maximum urinary flow rate by relaxing prostatic and urethral smooth
muscle, thus relieving obstruction.
The medicinal product also improves the irritative and obstructive symptoms in which the
contraction of smooth muscle in the lower urinary tract plays an important role.
Alpha-blockers can reduce blood pressure by lowering peripheral resistance. No reduction in
blood pressure of any clinical significance was observed during studies with tamsulosin in
normotensive patients.
The medicinal product's effect on storage and voiding symptoms are also maintained during
long-term therapy, as a result of which the need for surgical treatment is significantly
Paediatric population
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose ranging study was performed in
children with neuropathic bladder. A total of 161 children (with an age of 2 to 16 years) were
randomized and treated at 1 of 3 dose levels of tamsulosin (low [0.001 to 0.002 mg/kg],
medium [0.002 to 0.004 mg/kg], and high [0.004 to 0.008 mg/kg]), or placebo. The primary
endpoint was number of patients who decreased their detrusor leak point pressure (LPP) to
<40 cm H2O based upon two evaluations on the same day. Secondary endpoints were:
Actual and percent change from baseline in detrusor leak point pressure, improvement or
stabilization of hydronephrosis and
hydroureter and change in urine volumes obtained by catheterisation and number of times
wet at time of catheterisation as recorded in catheterisation diaries. No statistically
significant difference was found between the placebo group and any of the 3 tamsulosin
dose groups for either the primary or any secondary endpoints. No dose response was
observed for any dose level.

Tamsulosin is rapidly absorbed from the intestines and its bioavailability is almost complete.
Absorption is slowed down if a meal has been eaten before taking the medicinal product.
Uniformity of absorption can be assured by always taking tamsulosin after breakfast.
Tamsulosin shows linear kinetics.
Peak plasma levels are achieved at approximately six hours after a single dose of tamsulosin
taken after a full meal. The steady state is reached by day five of multiple dosing, when
Cmax in patients is about two-thirds higher than that reached after a single dose. Although
this has been demonstrated only in the elderly, the same result would also be expected in
There are huge inter-patient variations in plasma levels of tamsulosin, both after single as
well as multiple dosing.
In humans, tamsulosin is more than 99% bound to plasma proteins and the volume of
distribution is small (about 0.2 l/kg).
Tamsulosin has a low first pass metabolic effect. Most tamsulosin is found unaltered in
plasma. The substance is metabolised in the liver.
In studies on rats, tamsulosin was found to cause only a slight induction of microsomal liver
The metabolites are not as effective and toxic as the active medicinal product itself.
Tamsulosin and its metabolites are mainly excreted in the urine with about 9% of the dose
being present in unchanged form.
The elimination half-life of tamsulosin in patients is approximately 10 hours (when taken
after a meal) and 13 hours in the steady state.

Toxicity after a single dose and multiple dosing has been investigated in mice, rats and
dogs. Reproductive toxicity has also been investigated in rats, carcinogenicity in mice and
rats, and genotoxicity in vivo and in vitro.
The common toxicity profile found with large doses of tamsulosin is equivalent to the
pharmacological effect associated with alpha adrenergic antagonists.
Changes in ECG readings were found with very large doses in dogs. This is not, however,
assumed to be of any clinical significance. Tamsulosin has not been found to have any
significant genotoxic properties.
Greater proliferative changes in the mammary glands of female rats and mice have been
discovered on exposure to tamsulosin. These findings, which are probably indirectly linked
to hyperprolactinaemia and only occur as a result of large doses having been taken, are
considered clinically insignificant.

Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH101), Eudragit L30D-55, Polysorbate 80,
Sodium lauryl sulphate, Triacetin, Calcium Stearate, Talc
Empty gelatin capsule

Not applicable

2 years.

Store below 25° C.

Aluminium / aluminium foil blister packs containing 30 Capsules

No special requirements.

Saudi Arabian Japanese pharmaceutical company limited Jeddah – Saudi Arabia Under license from ASTELLAS PHARMA INC Tokyo-Japan

September 2018

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية