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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

miconazole cream contains the bactericidal and fungicidal broad-spectrum anti-fungal miconazole nitrate 2% chemically identified as:
(±)-1-{2,4-dichloro-ß-[(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxy]phenethyl} imidazole nitrate.
Fungyzole cream is an anti-fungal activity against the common dermatophytes, yeast and various other fungi with an anti-bacterial activity against certain gram-positive bacilli and cocci.
Fungyzole cream inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol in fungi and changes the composition of other lipid components in the membrane, resulting in fungal cell necrosis. Fungyzole cream does not stain skin or clothes. Fungyzole cream does not produce detectable blood levels after topical application.
Fungyzole cream has also been proven to be effective in secondarily infected mycoses. Fungyzole cream acts very rapidly on pruritus, which frequently accompanies dermatophyte and yeast infections. This symptomatic improvement is seen before the first signs of healing are observed.

Fungyzole cream is contra-indicated for individuals who have shown hypersensitivity to miconazole or other ingredients of Fungyzole cream. Apart from hypersensitivity to the drug, no contra-indications have been reported.
If a reaction suggesting sensitivity or irritation should occur, the treatment should be discontinued. Avoid the introduction of Fungyzole cream into the eyes. General hygienic measures should be observed to control sources of infection or re-infection. Should not be used on damaged skin.

Apply some cream to the lesion twice daily. The duration of therapy varies from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the localization and severity of the lesion.
Treatment should be continued at least one week, after disappearance of all signs and symptoms.

Fungyzole cream is usually well tolerated. As with all substances applied to the skin, an allergic reaction, blistering, burning, reddness and skin rash to miconazole or another ingredient of the cream may occur. In whatever case administration of the product should be discontinued.

Fungyzole cream is applied topically which is not systematically absorbed but should be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.
Fungyzole cream is intended for topical use. If accidental ingestion of the products occurred, an appropriate method of gastric emptying may be used if considered appropriate.

Store below 25oC. Protect from direct light.
- Do not refrigerate.
- Do not use after the expiry date stated on the pack.
- Do not use if there is any physical change on the product.
- Keep out of reach of children.




  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

یحتوي كریمفانجیزولعلى مادة نترات المیكونازول بتركیز 2% وھي مادة واسعة
الطیف مضادة للفطریات و البكتیریا .
انجیزول􀑧 كریمف ات 􀑧 ل الفطری 􀑧 ات مث 􀑧 واع الفطری 􀑧 ن أن 􀑧 ر م 􀑧 د الكثی 􀑧 ات ض 􀑧 د للفطری 􀑧 ل كمبی 􀑧 یعم
اد 􀑧 ل كمض 􀑧 ات. ویعم 􀑧 ن الفطری 􀑧 رى م 􀑧 واع أخ 􀑧 ائر وأن 􀑧 ري ، الخم 􀑧 د الفط 􀑧 ج الجل 􀑧 ببة لخم 􀑧 المس
لبعض الأنواع من البكتیریا مثل بكتیریا العصیات والمكورات الموجبة الغرام.
الفانجیزولیمنع تكوین مادة الایرغوستیرول في الفطریات وھي مادة أساسیة لتكوین غشاء الخلیة الفطریة وعدم تكوینھا یؤدي إلى تحلل الخلیة ومن ثم موتھا.كریم فانجیزوللا یصبغ الجلد ولا الملابس ونسبتھ في الدم تكاد تكون معدومة بعد

یستخدم الفانجیزول لعلاج التھاب الجلد الناتج من استخدام الحفاظات والعدوى الناتجة
من الفطریات ما بین الأفخاذ والأصابع .
كذلك یعمل الفانجیزولعلى إزالة الحكة الناتجة من عدوى الفطریات حیث إن اختفاء
الحكة ھو أحد العلامات السریریة الجیدة لتحسن المریض واستجابتھ للدواء.

موانع الاستعمال:
الحساسیة للمیكونازول او اي من المكونات الاخرى للفانجیزول كریم .
د 􀑧زام بقواع􀑧ي الالت􀑧یة .ینبغ􀑧راض حساس􀑧ور اي اع􀑧ال ظھ􀑧ي ح􀑧تعمالف􀑧اف الاس􀑧ب إیق􀑧یجتخدم 􀑧الصحة العامة لمنع الإصابة أو انتكاسة المرض. یجب إبعاد الدواء عن العین .لا یسعلى الجلد المجروح.


الجرعة وطریقة الاستعمال:
6 -ضع الكریم على الجزء المصاب مرتین في الیوم , ومدة العلاج تتراوحبین 2 أسابیع یعتمد على مكان وشدة الإصابة.
ملاحظة: یجب عدم إیقاف استعمال الدواء بعد زوال الأعراض مباشرة إلا
بعد أسبوع من زوالھا على الأقل.

التأثیرات الجانبیة:
یعتبر المیكونازول من الأدویة الآمنة الاستعمال وتأثیراتھ الجانبیة قلیلة و نادرة الحدوث
وھو كغیره من الأدویة التي تستعمل موضعیا ربما یؤدي إلى حدوث حساسیة مثل طفح
جلدي أو احمرار في الجلد أو أي علامة من علامات تھیج الجلد.

الحمل والرضاعة :
إستعمال كریم الفانجیزول ین أو 􀑧 ى الجن 􀑧 ؤثر عل 􀑧 اعة لای 􀑧 ل والرض 􀑧 ره الحم 􀑧 اء فت 􀑧 موضعیا أثن
تعمال 􀑧 ة الاس 􀑧 دث نتیج 􀑧 دم لا یح 􀑧 ي ال 􀑧 ازول ف 􀑧 ادة المیكون 􀑧 اص م 􀑧 یع لأن إمتص 􀑧 ل الرض 􀑧 الطف
الموضعي .
الجرعة الزائدة :
الاستعمال الزائد ربما یؤدي إلى حدوث حساسیة أو طفح في الجلد لكن سرعان ما یزول
ھذا التأثیر الجانبي بعد وقف استعمال العلاج.

-یحفظ بدرجة حرارة اقل من 25درجة مئویة. یحفظ بعیدا عن الضوء المباشر.
- لا یحفظ في الثلاجة.
- لاتستعمل الدواء بعد انتھاء فترة الصلاحیة المبینة على العبوة .
-لا تستعمل الدواء عند ظھور أي متغیرات في خواصھ الفیزیائیة. - یحفظ بعیدا عن متناول الاطفال.



( للصناعات الدوائیة والكیمیاویة ( ذ 0م 0م 0
الشارقة -ا.ع.م.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Fungyzole 2% cream

Miconazole nitrate 2% w/w.

Topical cream.

For the treatment of mycotic infections of the skin and nails and superinfections due to Gram-positive bacteria.

Route of administration: Cutaneous use.

Recommended dosage: For all ages:
Fungal infections of the skin: Apply some cream to the lesions two times daily. Rub the cream into the skin with your finger until it has fully penetrated. If the powder is used with the cream, a once daily application of both formulations is recommended. The duration of therapy varies from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the localisation and the severity of the lesion. Treatment should be continued at least one week after disappearance of all signs and symptoms.
Nail infections: Apply the cream once or twice daily to the lesions. Treatment should be prolonged for 10 days after all lesions have disappeared to prevent relapse.

Hypersensitivity to miconazole nitrate, other imidazole derivatives or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Fungyzole Cream must not come into contact with the mucosa of the eyes.
Severe hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis and angioedema, have been reported during treatment with Fungyzole Cream and with other miconazole topical formulations (see Adverse Reactions). If a reaction suggesting hypersensitivity or irritation should occur, the treatment should be discontinued.
Benzoic acid (E210) is mildly irritant to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.
Butylated hydroxyanisole (E320) may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis), or irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes.

Miconazole administered systemically is known to inhibit CYP3A4/2C9. Due to the limited systemic availability after topical application, clinically relevant interactions are rare. However, in patients on oral anticoagulants, such as warfarin, caution should be exercised and anticoagulant effect should be monitored.

In animals miconazole nitrate has shown no teratogenic effects but is foetotoxic at high oral doses. Only small amounts of miconazole nitrate are absorbed following topical administration. However, as with other imidazoles, miconazole nitrate should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Topically applied miconazole is minimally absorbed into the systemic circulation, and it is not known whether miconazole is excreted in human breast milk. Caution should be exercised when using topically applied miconazole products during lactation.

None known.

Adverse drug reactions reported among 834 patients who received miconazole nitrate 2% cream (n=426) and/or placebo cream base (n=408) in 21 double-blind clinical trials are presented in Table 1 below. Moreover, adverse drug reactions from spontaneous reports during the worldwide post-marketing experience with miconazole that meet threshold criteria are included in Table 1. The adverse drug reactions are ranked by frequency, using the following convention:
Very common ≥1/10
Common ≥1/100 and <1/10
Uncommon ≥1/1,000 and <1/100
Rare ≥1/10,000 and <1/1,000
Very rare <1/10,000, including isolated reports
Adverse reactions obtained from clinical studies and post-marketing surveillance are presented by frequency category based on incidence in clinical trials or epidemiology studies, when known.
Table 1: Adverse reactions reported in clinical trials and post-marketing experience

System Organ Class
Adverse Reactions
Frequency Category
(≥1/1,000 to <1/100)
Not known
Immune System Disorders
Anaphylactic reaction
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders
Skin burning sensation
Skin inflammation
Skin hypopigmentation
Contact dermatitis

General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions
Application site irritation
Application site burning
Application site pruritus
Application site reaction NOS
Application site warmth

Reporting of suspected reactions:
• Saudi Arabia
The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

• Other GCC States:
− Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Cutaneous use: Excessive use can result in skin irritation, which usually disappears after discontinuation of therapy.
Fungyzole cream is intended for cutaneous use, not for oral use. If accidental ingestion of large quantities of the product occurs, use appropriate supportive care


5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Pharmacotherapeutic classification: Imidazole derivatives –Anti fungal
ATC code: D01A C02
Miconazole nitrate is an imidazole antifungal agent and may act by interfering with the permeability of the fungal cell membrane. It possesses a wide antifungal spectrum and has some antibacterial activity.

Absorption: There is little absorption through skin or mucous membranes when miconazole nitrate is applied topically.

Distribution: Absorbed miconazole is bound to plasma proteins (88.2%) and red blood cells (10.6%).
Metabolism and Excretion: The small amount of miconazole that is absorbed is eliminated predominantly in faeces as both unchanged drug and metabolites.

Preclinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of local irritation, single and repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity, and toxicity to reproduction.

 Benzoic Acid
 Tefose 63
 Labrafil M 1944 CS (Oleoyl Macrogolglycerides)
 Liquid Paraffin
 Butylated Hydroxyanisole
 Purified Water

None known.

24 months.

Store below 25°C.

Fungyzole cream is white to off white homogeneous, smooth cream with faint characteristic
odor. 30gm cream is packed in annealed aluminum tubes coated internally with an epoxide resin
lacquer which is packed in a box along with a leaflet and applicator.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

MEDPHARMA Pharma. & Chem. Ind’s L.L.C. Industrial Area No. 13, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

08 Aug 2016

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