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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Avamys belongs to a group of medicines called glucocorticoids. Avamys decreases inflammation in the nose and irritation of the eyes caused by allergies (rhinitis).


Avamys nasal spray is used to treat allergic symptoms which include:

·       stuffy, runny or itchy nose

·       sneezing

·       watery, itchy or red eyes


Symptoms can be seasonal. These are caused by allergies to pollen from grass or trees (hayfever). They can also occur throughout the year and can be caused by animal allergies, house-dust mites or moulds.

Don’t use Avamys

·       if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to fluticasone furoate or any other ingredients of Avamys (listed in Section 6)

Take special care with Avamys

·         if you experience blurred vision or other visual disturbances, speak to your doctor

Other medicines and Avamys


Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, if you’ve taken any recently, or if you start taking new ones.  This includes medicine bought without a prescription.


Some medicines may affect how Avamys works or make it more likely that you’ll have side effects. These include:


·       ritonavir (used to treat HIV)

·       ketoconazole (used to treat fungal infections)


Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of these.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding


If you are pregnant, or think you could be, or if you are planning to become pregnant, don’t take Avamys without checking with your doctor.  Your doctor will weigh up the benefit to you against the risk to your baby of taking Avamys while you're pregnant.


It is not known whether the ingredients of Avamys can pass into breast milk.  If you are breast-feeding, you must check with your doctor before you take Avamys.

Always use Avamys exactly as your doctor has told you to. Don’t exceed the recommended dose. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you're not sure.


How much to use


Adults and children 12 years and over

·       The usual starting dose is 2 sprays in each nostril once every day

·       Once symptoms are controlled you may be able to reduce your dose to 1 spray in each nostril, once a day


Children 2 to 11 years

·       The usual starting dose is 1 spray in each nostril once every day.

·       If symptoms are very bad your doctor may increase the dose to 2 sprays in each nostril once every day until the symptoms are under control. It may then be possible for the dose to be reduced to 1 spray in each nostril once every day.

·       Do not use in children under 2 years old.


How to use


Avamys is sprayed into the nose as a fine mist. It has virtually no taste.


The first time you use the spray, you must test that it is working properly.


è     Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions given in section 7.


If you forget to use Avamys


Don't take an extra dose to make up for a missed dose.  Just take your next dose at the usual time.


If you use too much Avamys


If you take too much Avamys, contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice. If possible, show them the Avamys pack.


Don’t stop Avamys without advice


Most people will feel the effects of Avamys within 8 hours. However, some people will not feel the full effects until several days after first using Avamys.


Take Avamys for as long as your doctor recommends. Don’t stop unless your doctor advises you to.

Like all medicines, Avamys can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


Conditions you need to look out for


Allergic reactions: These are rare in people taking Avamys.  Signs include:


·       skin rash (hives) or redness

·       swelling, sometimes of the face or mouth (angioedema)

·       becoming very wheezy, coughing or having difficulty in breathing

·       suddenly feeling weak or light headed (may lead to collapse or loss of consciousness)

è Contact a doctor immediately if you get any of these symptoms.  Stop taking Avamys.


Very common side effects

These may affect more than 1 in 10 people:

·       nosebleeds are generally minor. Nosebleeds are more likely to occur if you use Avamys for more than 6 weeks continuously.


Common side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 10 people:

  • nasal ulceration – which may cause irritation or discomfort in your nose. You may also get streaks of blood when you blow your nose.
  • headache.

Uncommon side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 100 people:

·       pain, burning, irritation, soreness or dryness in the inside of the nose.


Rare side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people:

·       allergic reactions


Very rare side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people:

·       small holes (perforations) in the ridge inside the nose that separates the nostrils.


Not Known

Cannot be estimated from the available data:

·       Slowing of growth in children


If you get side effects

è   Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the side effects listed becomes severe or troublesome, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet.

·         Keep out of the reach and sight of children

·         Do not use Avamys after the expiry date shown on the pack

·         Store Avamys below 30°C

·         Do not refrigerate or freeze

·         Always keep the cap on

·         If your doctor tells you to stop taking Avamys, it is important to return any remnants which are left over to your pharmacist

·         Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help to protect the environment

The active substance is fluticasone furoate (27.5 micrograms per spray).


The other inactive ingredients are:

Glucose Anhydrous (also known as Dextrose Anhydrous)

Microcrystalline Cellulose and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (also known as Dispersible Cellulose)

Polysorbate 80

Benzalkonium Chloride Solution

Disodium Edetate (also known as Edetate Disodium)

Purified Water

AVAMYS Nasal Spray is a white, uniform suspension contained in an amber glass bottle, fitted with a metering (50 microlitres) atomising spray pump. This inner pack is incorporated within a predominantly off-white plastic device with a blue side-actuated lever and a lid which contains a stopper. Each spray of the suspension delivers approximately 27.5 micrograms of micronised fluticasone furoate as an ex-device dose.

7. Step-by-step instructions

This section includes the following information:

v  The nasal spray

v  Six important things you need to know about Avamys

Preparing the nasal spray

v   Using the nasal spray

v   Cleaning the nasal spray

The nasal spray

·       Your medicine comes in a brown glass bottle inside a plastic casing. It will contain either 30, 60 or 120 sprays, depending on the pack size that has been prescribed for you. (picture a)

·       A window in the plastic casing allows you to see how much medicine is left. You will be able to see the liquid level for a new 30 or 60 spray bottle (picture a), but not for a new 120 spray bottle because the liquid level is above the window.

·       The medicine sprays out of the nozzle when the button on the side is pressed firmly all the way in.

·       A removable cap protects the nozzle from dust and prevents it from blocking up.


Six important things you need to know about Avamys

1.             The nasal spray comes in a brown glass bottle. To check how much is left hold the nasal spray upright against a bright light. You will then be able to see the level through the window.

2.             When you first use the nasal spray you must shake it vigorously with the cap on for about 10 seconds. This is important as Avamys is very thick and becomes more liquid when you shake it well (picture b). It will only spray when it becomes liquid.

3.             The button on the side must be pressed firmly all the way in, to release a spray through the nozzle (picture c).

4.             If you have difficulty pressing the button with your thumb, you can use two hands (picture d).

5.             Always keep the cap on the nasal spray when you are not using it. The cap keeps the dust out, seals in the pressure and stops the nozzle from blocking up. When the cap is in place the button on the side can’t be pressed accidentally.

6.             Never use a pin or anything sharp to clear the nozzle. It will damage the nasal spray.






Preparing the Nasal Spray

You must prepare the nasal spray:

·       before you use it for the first time

·       if you have left the cap off.

Preparing the nasal spray helps to make sure you always get the full dose of medicine. Follow these steps:

·       With the cap on, shake the nasal spray vigorously for about 10 seconds.

·       Remove the cap by gently squeezing the sides of the cap with your thumb and forefinger and pulling it straight off (picture e).

·       Hold the nasal spray upright and point the nozzle away from you.

·       Press the button firmly all the way in. Do this at least 6 times to release a fine spray into the air (picture f).

·       The nasal spray is now ready for use.


Using the nasal spray

1.             Shake the nasal spray vigorously.

2.             Remove the cap.

3.             Blow your nose to clear your nostrils, and then tilt your head forward a little bit.

4.             Hold the nasal spray upright and carefully place the nozzle in one of your nostrils (picture g).

5.             Point the end of the nozzle toward the outside of your nose, away from the centre ridge of your nose. This helps direct the medicine to the right part of your nose.

6.             As you breathe in through your nose, press the button once firmly all the way in (picture h).

7.             Be careful not to get any spray in your eyes. If you do, rinse your eyes with water.

8.             Take the nozzle out and breathe out through your mouth.

9.             If your doctor has told you to take 2 sprays per nostril, repeat steps 4 to 6.

10.             Repeat steps 4 to 6 for your other nostril.

11.             Replace the cap on the nasal spray.



Cleaning the nasal spray

After each use:

·       Wipe the nozzle and the inside of the cap (picture i and j). Don’t use water to do this. Wipe with a clean, dry tissue.

·       Never use a pin or anything sharp on the nozzle.

·       Always replace the cap once you have finished to keep out dust, seal in the pressure and stop the nozzle from blocking up.

If the nasal spray does not seem to be working:

·       Check you still have medicine left. Look at the level through the window. If the level is very low there may not be enough left to work the nasal spray.

·       Check the nasal spray for damage.

·       If you think the nozzle may be blocked, don’t use a pin or anything sharp to clear it.

·       Try to reset it by following the instructions under ‘Preparing the nasal spray for use’.

·       If it is still not working, or if it produces anything other than a fine mist (such as a jet of liquid), or if you feel any discomfort using the spray, return it to your pharmacist.




Manufactured by:

Glaxo Operations UK Ltd.* Barnard Castle, UK

Packed by:

Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd.*, Jeddah, KSA.

Marketing Authorisation Holder

Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd.* Jeddah, KSA.

Address: P.O. Box 22617 Jeddah 21416 – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

*member of GlaxoSmithKline group of companies.


For any information about this medicinal product, please contact:

-GlaxoSmithKline - Head Office, Jeddah

• Tel: +966-12-6536666

• Mobile: +966-56-904-9882

• Email: sa.aermi-saudi@gsk.com

• website: https://healthksa.gsk.com/

• P.O. Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia.

To report any side effect(s):

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

-National Pharmacovigilance centre (NPC)

·         Fax: +966-11-205-7662

·         Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Ext: 2317-2356-2340

·         Reporting hotline: 19999

·         E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·         Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc


-GlaxoSmithKline - Head Office, Jeddah

·         Tel: +966-12-6536666

·         Mobile: +966-56-904-9882

  • Email: sa.aermi-saudi@gsk.com

·          website: https://healthksa.gsk.com/

·         P.O. Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia



- Medicament is a product which affects your health, and its consumption contrary to instructions is dangerous for you.

- Follow strictly the doctor’s prescription, the method of use and the instructions of the pharmacist who sold the medicament.

- The doctor and the pharmacist are experts in medicine, its benefits and risks.

- Do not by yourself interrupt the period of treatment prescribed for you.

- Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.

- Keep all medicine out of reach of children.

Council of Arab Health Ministers                                                         

Union of Arab Pharmacists                                                           







Version number: GDS11 Date of issue: 03 April 2018
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي أڤاميس إلى مجموعة الأدوية التي تُعرف باسم جلوكوكورتيكويد. أڤاميس يعمل على تقليل إلتهاب الأنف وتهيّج العيون الناتجين عن الحساسية (إلتهاب الأنف).


يُستخدم بخاخ أڤاميس للأنف لمعالجة أعراض الحساسية التي تتضمن:

·       الأنف المصاب بالزكام والرشح والحكة.

·       العطاس

·       العيون الدامعة والمصابة بالحكة أو الإحمرار

قد تكون الأعراض موسمية. وهي تحدث نتيجة الحساسية تجاه حبوب اللقاح التي تأتي من الحشائش أو الأشجار (حمى القش). ويمكن أن تحدث أيضاً على مدار العام ويمكن أن تكون بسبب الحساسية تجاه الحيوانات وعث غبار المنزل أو العفن.

لا يجوز استعمال أڤاميس في الحالات التالية:

·        إذا كنت تعاني من الحساسية (فرط الحساسية) تجاه الفلوتيكازون فيوريت أو أي من مكونات أڤاميس (المذكورة في القسم رقم 6)

يجب توخي الحذر عند استعمال أڤاميس

·        إذا كنت تعاني من عدم وضوح في الرؤية أو اضطرابات بصرية أخرى ، تحدث إلى طبيبك


تناول أڤاميس مع أدوية أخرى

ينبغي إخبار طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى، أو تناولتها مؤخراً، أو إذا بدأت تناول أدوية جديدة. ويشتمل ذلك على الأدوية التي يمكن شراؤها دون وصفة طبية.


قد تؤثر بعض الأدوية الأخرى على التأثير العلاجي لأڤاميس، أو تزيد من إحتمال تعرضك لآثار جانبية. وتتضمن هذه الأدوية:

·       ريتوناڤير

( الذي يُستخدم لعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية الأيدز  )

·       كيتوكونازو

·       (الذي يُستخدم لعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية الأيدز HIV)


(الذي يُستخدم لعلاج العدوى الفطرية)

ç    ينبغي إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أي من الأدوية المذكورة.


الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية


إذا كنتِ حاملاً، أو تظنين أنك ربما تكونين حاملاً، أو كنتِ تخططين للحمل، فلا يجوز لك تناول أڤاميس دون استشارة طبيب. فالطبيب سوف تناقشك بشأن فوائد تناول أڤاميس مقارنة بالمخاطر المحتملة التي قد تهدد الجنين أثناء الحمل.


ولا يعرف الأطباء حتى الآن مدى انتقال مكوّنات أڤاميس إلى حليب الأم. إذا كنتِ تقومين بالرضاعة الطبيعية، يجب عليكِ إستشارة الطبيب قبل تناول أڤاميس.




ينبغي استخدام أڤاميس وفق التعليمات التي يحددها الطبيب بدقة. لا يجوز تجاوز الجرعة الموصى بها. ينبغي إستشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكد.

الجرعة الواجب تناولها

البالغون والأطفال من سن 12 عاماً فأكثر

·       الجرعة الأولية المعتادة تكون بختين في كل فتحة أنف مرة واحدة يومياً

·       وبمجرد السيطرة على الأعراض يمكن تقليل الجرعة لتصبح واحدة في كل فتحة أنف مرة واحدة يومياً


الأطفال في سن عامين إلى 11 عاماً

·       الجرعة الأولية المعتادة تكون بخة واحدة في كل فتحة أنف مرة واحدة يومياً

·       وإذا كانت الأعراض سيئة جداً فربما يزيد الطبيب الجرعة إلى بختين في كل فتحة أنف مرة واحدة يومياً إلى أن تتم السيطرة على الأعراض. ويمكن بعد ذلك تقليل الجرعة لتصبح بخة واحدة في كل فتحة أنف مرة واحدة يومياً.

·       لا يجوز إستخدام هذا الدواء لعلاج الأطفال دون عامين.

·        طريقة الإستخدام

يُستخدم أڤاميس عن طريق ضخ رذاذ دقيق داخل الأنف. عملياً ليس له طعم.


وعند إستخدام البخاخ للمرة الأولى، يجب التأكد من أنه يعمل بشكل صحيح.

ç        ينبغي إتباع تعليمات الإستخدام المذكورة في القسم رقم 7 بعناية خطوة بخطوة.

·        عند نسيان جرعة من أڤاميس

لا يجوز تناول جرعة إضافية لتعويض الجرعة الفائتة. فما عليك سوى تناول الجرعة التالية في موعدها المعتاد.

·        عند تناول جرعة زائدة من أڤاميس

عند تناول جرعة زائدة من أڤاميس، ينبغي الاتصال بالطبيب أو الصيدلي طلباً للإستشارة. وإذا أمكن، فينبغي إطلاعهم على عبوة أڤاميس.

·        لا يجوز إيقاف تناول أڤاميس دون إستشارة الطبيب

يشعر معظم الأشخاص بالأثر العلاجي لأڤاميس خلال 8 ساعات. ولكن قد لا يشعر بعض الأشخاص بالأثر التام للدواء إلا بعد مرور عدة أيام من المرة الأولى للإستخدام.

لا يجوز تناول أڤاميس إلا وفق المدة التي يحددها الطبيب. كما لا يجوز إيقاف إستخدامه إلا وفق إستشارة الطبيب.

كشأن كافة الأدوية الأخرى، قد يسبب أڤاميس آثار جانبية، ولكن لا يُصاب بها الجميع.

الحالات التي ينبغي الانتباه لحدوثها

تفاعلات الحساسية: من النادر أن يُصاب بها المرضى الذين يتناولون أڤاميس. تتضمن العلامات:

·       الطفح الجلدي ( الشرى) أو الإحمرار

·       تورّم الوجه أو الفم في بعض الأحيان (وذمة وعائية)

·       زيادة أزيز الصدر أو السعال، أو صعوبة التنفس

·       الشعور المفاجئ بالضعف أو الدوار (قد يؤدي إلى الإغماء أو فقدان الوعي)

ç    ينبغي الاتصال بالطبيب على الفور إذا أصابتك هذه الأعراض. ويجب التوقف عن تناول أڤاميس.


·        الآثار الجانبية الشائعة جداً

قد تصيب فرداً واحداً أو أكثر من كل 10 أفراد

·       نزيف الأنف ويكون محدود بشكل عام. من المرجح حدوثه عند إستخدام أڤاميس لأكثر من 6 أسابيع متواصلة

·        الآثار الجانبية الشائعة

قد تصيب حتى فرداً واحداً من كل 10 أفراد

  • تقرّح الأنف - مما يسبب تهيّجاً أو عدم الشعور بالراحة في الأنف. وقد يظهر أثر الدم أيضاً عند تنظيف الأنف
  • صداع

·        الآثار الجانبية غير الشائعة

قد تصيب حتى فرداً واحداً من كل 100 فرد

·       ألم، حرقة، تهيُّج أو جفاف في الأنف.

·        الآثار الجانبية النادرة

قد تصيب حتى فرداً واحداً من كل 1000 فرد

·       تفاعلات الحساسية

·        الآثار الجانبية النادرة جداً

قد تصيب حتى فرداً واحداً من كل 10.000 فرد

·       فتحات صغيرة (ثقوب) في الحاجز الأنفي الداخلي الفاصل بين فتحتي الأنف.

·        آثار جانبية غير معلوم معدل حدوثها

يتعذر تقديرها استناداً إلى البيانات المتوفرة حالياً:

·       بطء النمو لدى الأطفال


·        في حالة الإصابة بالآثار الجانبية

ç    ينبغي إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا زادت حدة أي أثر جانبي من الآثار الجانبية المذكورة أو أصبح شديد الإزعاج أو إذا لاحظت آثاراً جانبية غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة.

·       يحفظ بعيداً عن متناول ونظر الأطفال

·       لا يجوز استعمال أڤاميس بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المبين على العبوة بعد كلمة "Exp"

·       ينبغي تخزين أڤاميس في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية

·       لا يجوز حفظ المستحضر في الثلاجة أو تجميده

·       ينبغي الحفاظ على العبوة مغلقة

·       إذا أخبرك الطبيب بوقف استعمال أڤاميس، فمن المهم إعادة أي كمية متبقية إلى الصيدلي

·       لا يجوز التخلص من الأدوية بإلقائها في مياه الصرف ولا مخلفات المنزل. ويمكن سؤال الصيدلي حول كيفية التخلص من الأدوية غير اللازمة. فتنفيذ هذه الإجراءات من شأنه أن يحافظ على البيئة

المادة الفعّالة هي فلوتيكازون فيوريت (27.5 ميكروجرام لكل جرعة).

المكونات الأخرى غير الفعالة:

جلوكوز لامائي (معروف أيضاً باسم دكستروز لامائي)

سليلوز دقيق التبلور وصوديوم كربوكسي ميثيل السليلوز (معروف أيضاً باسم السليلوز التبعثري)

بولي سوربيت 80

محلول كلوريد البنزالوكونيوم

ثنائي صوديوم إيديتات (معروف أيضاً باسم إيديتات ثنائي الصوديوم)

ماء منقَّى

بخاخ الأنف أڤاميس معلق أبيض متجانس يوجد في زجاجة كهرمانية اللون مزودة بمضخة رذاذ دقيق معيارية (50 ملليلتر). هذه العبوة الداخلية توجد في جهاز بلاستيكي لونه شبه أبيض مع وجود رافعة دفع جانبية زرقاء وغطاء يحتوي على سدادة. وتُطلق كل بخة من رذاذ المعلق نحو 27.5 ميكروجرام من جزئيات الفلوتيكازون فيوريت على هيئة جرعة صادرة من الجهاز.

 تعليمات الإستخدام خطوة بخطوة7-

يحتوي هذا القسم على المعلومات التالية:

 بخاخ الأنف

 ستة معلومات مهمة عن أڤاميس

 إعداد بخاخ الأنف

     إستخدام بخاخ الأنف

 تنظيف بخاخ الأنف

بخاخ الأنف

·       يتوفر الدواء في زجاجة بنية اللون يحتويها غلاف  بلاستيكي. وتحتوي على 30 أو 60 أو 120 بخة بحسب حجم العبوة التي تم وصفها لك. (صورة أ)

·       نافذة في الغلاف البلاستيكي تسمح برؤية الكمية المتبقية من الدواء. تستطيع أن ترى مستوى السائل في زجاجة البخاخ سعة 30 أو 60 جرعة (صورة أ)، لكنك لا تستطيع رؤيته في عبوة جديدة 120 بخة لأن مستوى السائل أعلى من حدود النافذة.

·       يخرج الدواء من الفوهة على هيئة رذاذ دقيق عند الضغط على الزر الجانبي بإحكام إلى الداخل لآخره.

·       ويحمي الغطاء القابل للنزع الفوهة من الأتربة ويقيها من الانسداد.



ست معلومات مهمة حول أڤاميس

1.           يتوفر بخاخ الأنف في زجاجة بنية اللون. للتحقق من المقدار المتبقي ضع بخاخ الأنف في وضع قائم في مصدر ضوء ساطع. يمكنك حينها رؤية مستوى المحتوى من النافذة.

2.           عند إستخدام بخاخ الأنف للمرة الأولى يجب رجّها بقوة مع إغلاق الغطاء لنحو 10 ثوانٍ. ويُعد هذا الإجراء مهماً لأن قوام أڤاميس سميك جداً ويصبح سائلاً عند رجّه جيداً (صورة ب). كما يتعذر خروج الدواء إلا في حالته السائلة.

3.           يجب الضغط على الزر الجانبي بإحكام إلى الداخل لآخره، لإخراج الرذاذ عبر الفوهة (صورة ج).

4.           إذا تعذر الضغط على الزر بإستخدام إصبع الإبهام، فيمكن إستخدام الإبهامين (صورة د).

5.           ينبغي الحفاظ على بخاخ الأنف مغلقاً بالغطاء عند عدم إستعماله. فالغطاء يقي العبوة من الأتربة، ويعوق الضغط ويقي الفوهة من الانسداد. وعندما يكون الغطاء موضوعاً يتعذر الضغط على الزر الجانبي دون قصد.

6.           يحظر إستخدام دبوس أو أي أداة حادة لتنظيف الفوهة. فإستخدام هذه الأدوات يتلف بخاخ الأنف.






إعداد بخاخ الأنف

يجب إعداد بخاخ الأنف:

·       قبل إستخدامه للمرة الأولى

·       إذا نزعت الغطاء.

إعداد بخاخ الأنف يساعد في ضمان الحصول على الجرعة الكاملة دائماً. وينبغي إتباع الخطوات التالية:

·       مع وضع الغطاء في موضعه، يجب رجّ بخاخ الأنف بقوة لنحو 10 ثوانٍ.

·       إنزع الغطاء بالضغط برفق على جانبيه بإستخدام الإبهام والسبابة وجذبه للأعلى (صورة هـ).

·       ضع بخاخ الأنف في وضع قائم ووجّه الفوهة بعيداً عنك.

·       إضغط على الزر الجانبي بإحكام ست مرّات إلى أن يخرج الرذاذ الدقيق في الهواء (صورة و).

·       الآن أصبح بخاخ الأنف جاهزاً للإستخدام.


إستخدام بخاخ الأنف

1.           رجّ بخاخ الأنف بقوة

2.           إنزع الغطاء.

3.           نظِّف فتحات الأنف، ثم حرّك رأسك بإمالتها إلى الأمام قليلاً.

4.           أمسك بخاخ الأنف في وضع قائم وضع الفوهة بعناية في إحدى فتحتي الأنف (صورة ز).

5.           ضع طرف الفوهة أمام فتحة الأنف بعيداً عن الحاجز الأوسط للأنف. فهذا الوضع يساعد على توجيه الدواء مباشرة إلى المكان المناسب بالأنف.

6.           أثناء أخذ الشهيق بالأنف، إضغط على الزر مرة واحدة بإحكام (صورة ح).

7.           وينبغي الحرص على عدم وصول الرذاذ إلى العينين. وإذا أصاب الرذاذ العينين، فينبغي شطفهما بالماء.

8.           أخرج الفوهة ثم أخرج الزفير عبر الفم.

9.           إذا أرشدك الطبيب إلى الحصول على جرعتين بكل فتحة أنف، فينبغي تكرار الخطوات من 4 إلى 6.

10.           كرّر الخطوات من 4 إلى 6 للحصول على الدواء بكل فتحة من فتحتي الأنف.

11.           أعد وضع الغطاء مكانه أعلى بخاخ الأنف.


تنظيف بخاخ الأنف

بعد كل إستعمال:

·       امسح الفوهة والغطاء من الداخل (الصورتين ط، ي). لا تستخدم الماء لتنظيف الفوهة والغطاء. وينبغي مسحهما بمنديل ورقي جاف ونظيف.

·       يحظر مطلقاً إستخدام دبوس أو أي أداة حادة لتنظيف الفوهة.

·       ينبغي دائماً إعادة وضع الغطاء بعد الانتهاء لحفظ العبوة من الأتربة ولإعاقة الضغط وحماية الفوهة من الانسداد.

إذا لم يعمل بخاخ الأنف:

·       ينبغي التحقق من أنه يوجد دواء متبقي. إنظر إلى مستوى المحتوى من النافذة. فإذا كان المستوى منخفض جداً فقد يكون الدواء المتبقي غير كافٍ ليعمل بخاخ الأنف.

·       تحقق من عدم تلف بخاخ الأنف.

·       إذا ظننت أن الفوهة ربما تكون مسدودة، فلا تستخدم دبوساً ولا أي أداة حادة لتنظيفها.

·       وحاول إعادة ضبطها بإتباع التعليمات الموجودة في قسم ”إعداد بخاخ الأنف للإستخدام“.

·       وإذا استمرت معطَّلة عن العمل أو أصدرت أي شيء غير الرذاذ الدقيق (مثل دفق من السائل) أو شعرت بارتياب بشأن إستخدام البخاخ، فينبغي إعادته للصيدلي.




لا تتوفر جميع العبوات في كل الدول.

أڤاميس علامة تجارية مملوكة  أو مرخصة لمجموعة شركات جلاكسو سميث كلاين.

© 2019 جلاكسو سميث كلاين، جميع الحقوق محفوظة.


جلاكسو أوبيريشنز المملكة المتحدة المحدودة*، بيرنارد كاسيل، المملكة المتحدة


جلاكسو المملكة العربية السعودية المحدودة *، جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية.

صاحبة رخصة التسويق

جلاكسو المملكة العربية السعودية المحدودة *، جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية.

* شركة تنتمي إلى مجموعة شركات جلاكسو سميث كلاين.

العنوان: ص.ب 22617 جدة 21416 - المملكة العربية السعودية.


للإستفسار عن أي معلومات عن هذا المستحضر الدوائي، يرجى الإتصال بالأرقام التالية:

جلاكسو سميث كلاين – المكتب الرئيسي، جدة.

هاتف: 6536666 (12) 966 +

المحمول : 9882-904-56  966 +

البريد اللكتروني : sa.aermi-saudi@gsk.com

الموقع الإلكتروني : https://healthksa.gsk.com/

ص.ب. 55850، جدة 21544، المملكة العربية السعودية.

للإبلاغ عن أي آثار جانبية:

المملكة العربية السعودية

- المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية

·         فاكس: 7662-205-11-966 +

·         الاتصال بالمركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية. هاتف:2038222-11-966+ تحويلة:2340-2356-2317

·         الخط الساخن:19999

·         البريد الإلكتروني: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·         الموقع الإلكتروني: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

- جلاكسو سميث كلاين – المكتب الرئيسي، جدة.

·         هاتف: 6536666 (12) 966 +

·         المحمول : 9882-904-56  966 +

·         البريد اللكتروني : sa.aermi-saudi@gsk.com

·         الموقع الإلكتروني: https://healthksa.gsk.com/

·         ص.ب 55850، جدة 21544، المملكة العربية السعودية.


إن هذا الدواء

- الدواء مستحضر يؤثر على صحتك، واستهلاكه خلافا للتعليمات يعرضك للخطر.

- اتبع بدقة وصفة الطبيب، وطريقة الاستعمال المنصوص عليها، وتعليمات الصيدلاني الذي صرفها لك.

- فالطبيب و الصيدلاني هما الخبيران بالدواء، وبنفعه و ضرره.

- لا تقطع مدة العلاج المحددة لك من تلقاء نفسك.

- لا تكرر صرف الدواء بدون استشارة الطبيب.

- احتفظ بجميع الأدوية بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال.   

                                                                             مجلس وزراء الصحة العرب                                       

                                                                                      اتحاد الصيادلة العرب                                        



رقم الإصدار:GDS11 تاريخ الإصدار:03 أبريل 2018
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you


AVAMYS Nasal Spray is a white, uniform suspension contained in an amber glass bottle, fitted with a metering (50 microlitres) atomising spray pump. This inner pack is incorporated within a predominantly off-white plastic device with a blue side-actuated lever and a lid which contains a stopper. Each spray of the suspension delivers approximately 27.5 micrograms of micronised fluticasone furoate as an ex-device dose.

Nasal spray, suspension.

Adults and Adolescents (12 years and older)

Treatment of the nasal symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, nasal itching and sneezing) and ocular symptoms (itching/burning, tearing/watering, and redness of the eye) of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Treatment of the nasal symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, nasal itching and sneezing) of perennial allergic rhinitis.

Children (2 to 11 years)

Treatment of the nasal symptoms (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, nasal itching and sneezing) of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis.

AVAMYS Nasal Spray is for administration by the intranasal route only. For full therapeutic benefit, regular scheduled usage is recommended. Onset of action has been observed as early as 8 hours after initial administration. It may take several days of treatment to achieve maximum benefit. An absence of an immediate effect should be explained to the patient (see Clinical Studies).


For the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis:

Adults and Adolescents (12 years and older)

The recommended starting dosage is 2 sprays (27.5 micrograms per spray) in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 110 micrograms).

Once adequate control of symptoms is achieved, dose reduction to 1 spray in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 55 micrograms) may be effective for maintenance.

Children (2 to 11 years)

The recommended starting dosage is 1 spray (27.5 micrograms per spray) in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 55 micrograms).

 Patients not adequately responding to 1 spray in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 55 micrograms) may use 2 sprays in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 110 micrograms). Once adequate control of symptoms is achieved, dose reduction to 1 spray in each nostril once daily (total daily dose, 55 micrograms) is recommended.

Children (under 2 years of age)

There are no data to recommend use of AVAMYS Nasal Spray for the treatment of seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis in children under 2 years of age.


No dosage adjustment required (see Pharmacokinetics).

Renal impairment

No dosage adjustment required (see Pharmacokinetics).

Hepatic impairment

No dosage adjustment is required in patients with hepatic impairment (see Warnings and Precautions, and Pharmacokinetics).

AVAMYS Nasal Spray is contra-indicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

Based on data with another glucocorticoid metabolised by CYP3A4, co-administration with ritonavir is not recommended because of the potential risk of increased systemic exposure to fluticasone furoate (see Interactions and Pharmacokinetics).

Systemic effects with nasal corticosteroids have been reported, particularly at high doses prescribed for prolonged periods. These effects are much less likely to occur than with oral corticosteroids and may vary in individual patients and between different corticosteroid preparations. A reduction in growth velocity has been observed in children treated with fluticasone furoate 110 micrograms daily for one year (see Adverse Reactions and Clinical Studies). Therefore, children should be maintained on the lowest dose which delivers adequate symptom control (see Dosage and Administration). As with other intranasal corticosteroids, physicians should be alert to potential systemic steroid effects including ocular changes such as central serous chorioretinopathy (see Clinical Studies).

Fluticasone furoate is rapidly cleared by extensive first pass metabolism mediated by the cytochrome P450 3A4. In a drug interaction study of intranasal fluticasone furoate with the potent CYP3A4 inhibitor ketoconazole, there were more subjects with measurable fluticasone furoate plasma concentrations in the ketoconazole group (6 of the 20 subjects) compared to placebo (1 of the 20 subjects). This small increase in exposure did not result in a statistically significant difference in 24 hour serum cortisol levels between the two groups.

The enzyme induction and inhibition data suggest that there is no theoretical basis for anticipating metabolic interactions between fluticasone furoate and the cytochrome P450 mediated metabolism of other compounds at clinically relevant intranasal doses. Therefore, no clinical studies have been conducted to investigate interactions of fluticasone furoate on other drugs (see Warnings and Precautions, and Pharmacokinetics).

Adequate data are not available regarding the use of AVAMYS Nasal Spray during pregnancy and lactation in humans. AVAMYS Nasal Spray should be used in pregnancy only if the benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the foetus.


There are no data in humans (see Pre-Clinical Safety Data, Reproductive Toxicology).


Following intranasal administration of AVAMYS Nasal Spray at the maximum recommended human dose (110 micrograms/day), plasma fluticasone furoate concentrations were typically non-quantifiable and therefore potential for reproductive toxicity is expected to be very low (see Pre-Clinical Safety Data, Reproductive Toxicology).


The excretion of fluticasone furoate into human breast milk has not been investigated.

Based on the pharmacology of fluticasone furoate and other intranasally administered steroids, there is no reason to expect an effect on ability to drive or to operate machinery with AVAMYS Nasal Spray.

Data from large clinical trials were used to determine the frequency of adverse reactions. The following convention has been used for the classification of frequency: Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000).

Clinical Trial Data

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Very common:


In adults and adolescents, the incidence of epistaxis was higher in longer-term use (more than 6 weeks) than in short-term use (up to 6 weeks).  In paediatric clinical studies of up to 12 weeks duration the incidence of epistaxis was similar between AVAMYS Nasal Spray and placebo.


Nasal ulceration


Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Not known:

Growth retardation

In a one-year clinical study assessing growth in pre-pubescent children receiving 110 micrograms of fluticasone furoate once daily, an average treatment difference of -0.27 cm per year in growth velocity was observed compared to placebo (see Clinical Studies).

Post-Marketing Data

Immune system disorders


Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis, angioedema, rash, and urticaria

Nervous system disorders



Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Rhinalgia, nasal discomfort (including nasal burning, nasal irritation and nasal soreness), nasal dryness.

Very rare:

Nasal septum perforation

To report any side effect(s):

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

-National Pharmacovigilance centre (NPC)

Fax: +966-11-205-7662

·         Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Ext: 2317-2356-2340

·         Reporting hotline: 19999

E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

-GlaxoSmithKline - Head Office, Jeddah

Tel:  00966(012)6536666

Mobile: +966-56-904-9882

Email: sa.aermi-saudi@gsk.com

website: https://healthksa.gsk.com/

P.O Box 55850, Jeddah 21544, Saudi Arabia.






Symptoms and Signs

In a bioavailability study, intranasal doses of up to 24 times the recommended daily adult dose were studied over three days with no adverse systemic effects observed (see Pharmacokinetics). 


Acute overdose is unlikely to require any therapy other than observation.

Fluticasone furoate is a synthetic trifluorinated corticosteroid that possesses a very high affinity for the glucocorticoid receptor and has a potent anti-inflammatory action.


Fluticasone furoate undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism and incomplete absorption in the liver and gut resulting in negligible systemic exposure. The intranasal dosing of 110 micrograms once daily does not typically result in measurable plasma concentrations (less than 10 picograms/mL). The absolute bioavailability for fluticasone furoate administered as 880 micrograms three times per day (2640 micrograms total daily dose) is 0.50%.


The plasma protein binding of fluticasone furoate is greater than 99%. Fluticasone furoate is widely distributed with volume of distribution at steady-state of, on average, 608 L.


Fluticasone furoate is rapidly cleared (total plasma clearance of 58.7 L/h) from systemic circulation principally by hepatic metabolism to an inactive 17 beta-carboxylic metabolite (GW694301X), by the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP3A4. The principal route of metabolism was hydrolysis of the S-fluoromethyl carbothioate function to form the 17 beta-carboxylic acid metabolite. In vivo studies have revealed no evidence of cleavage of the furoate moiety to form fluticasone.


Elimination was primarily via the faecal route following oral and intravenous administration indicative of excretion of fluticasone furoate and its metabolites via the bile. Following intravenous administration, the elimination phase half-life averaged 15.1 hours. Urinary excretion accounted for approximately 1% and 2 % of the orally and intravenously administered dose, respectively.

Special Patient Populations


Only a small number of elderly subjects (n=23/872; 2.6%) provided pharmacokinetic data. There was no evidence for a higher incidence of subjects with quantifiable fluticasone furoate concentrations in the elderly, when compared to the younger subjects.


Fluticasone furoate is typically not quantifiable (less than 10 picograms/mL) following intranasal dosing of 110 micrograms once daily. Quantifiable levels were observed in less than 16% of paediatric patients following intranasal dosing of 110 micrograms once daily and only less than 7% of paediatric patients following 55 micrograms once daily.  There was no evidence for a higher incidence of quantifiable levels of fluticasone furoate in younger children (less than 6 years of age).

Renal impairment

Fluticasone furoate is not detectable in urine from healthy volunteers after intranasal dosing. Less than 1% of dose-related material is excreted in urine and therefore renal impairment would not be expected to affect the pharmacokinetics of fluticasone furoate.

Hepatic impairment

There are no data on intranasal fluticasone furoate in subjects with hepatic impairment. Data are available following inhaled administration of fluticasone furoate (as fluticasone furoate or fluticasone furoate/vilanterol) to subjects with hepatic impairment that are also applicable for intranasal dosing.  A study of a single 400 microgram dose of orally inhaled fluticasone furoate in patients with moderate hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B) resulted in increased Cmax (42%) and AUC(0-) (172%) compared to healthy subjects.  Following repeat dosing of orally inhaled fluticasone furoate/vilanterol for 7 days, there was an increase in fluticasone furoate systemic exposure (on average two-fold as measured by AUC(0–24)) in subjects with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B or C) compared with healthy subjects. The increase in fluticasone furoate systemic exposure in subjects with moderate hepatic impairment (fluticasone furoate/vilanterol 200/25 micrograms) was associated with an average 34% reduction in serum cortisol compared with healthy subjects. There was no effect on serum cortisol in subjects with severe hepatic impairment (fluticasone furoate/vilanterol 100/12.5 micrograms). Based on these findings the average predicted exposure for 110 micrograms of intranasal fluticasone furoate in this patient population would not be expected to result in suppression of cortisol.

Other pharmacokinetic

Fluticasone furoate is typically not quantifiable (less than 10 picograms/mL) following intranasal dosing of 110 micrograms once daily. Quantifiable levels were only observed in less than 31% of patients aged 12 years and above and in less than 16% of paediatric patients following intranasal dosing of 110 micrograms once daily.  There was no evidence for gender, age (including paediatrics), or race to be related to those subjects with quantifiable levels, when compared to those without.

Clinical Studies

Adult and Adolescent Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

Once daily 110 micrograms AVAMYS Nasal Spray resulted in a significant improvement in daily reflective (how patient felt over the preceding 12 hours) and instantaneous (how patient felt at the time of assessment) pre-dose total nasal symptom scores (rTNSS and iTNSS, comprising rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing and nasal itching) and daily reflective and instantaneous total ocular symptom scores (rTOSS, comprising itching/burning, tearing/watering and redness of the eyes) versus placebo (see table below). The improvement in nasal and ocular symptoms was maintained over the full 24 hours after once daily administration.

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Primary and secondary key endpoints


Primary Endpoint: Daily rTNSS

Secondary Endpoint: Daily rTOSS

LS Mean Difference

P-value (95% CI)

LS Mean Difference

P-value (95% CI)



<0.001  (-2.58, -1.44)





0.003 (-1.28, -0.27)


0.008  (-0.95, -0.14)



<0.001  (-2.28, -1.23)


<0.001 (-1.14, -0.34)



<0.001 (-2.01, -0.94)


0.004 (-1.01, -0.19)

rTNSS = reflective total nasal symptom scores; rTOSS = reflective total ocular symptom scores; LS = Least square; LS Mean Difference = LS mean change from baseline in active – LS mean change from baseline in placebo; CI = Confidence interval

The distribution of the patients perception of overall response to therapy (using a 7-point scale ranging from significantly improved to significantly worse) favoured AVAMYS Nasal Spray 110 micrograms over placebo, with a statistically significant treatment difference. Onset of action was experienced as early as eight hours after initial administration in two studies. Significant improvement in symptoms was observed in the first 24 hours in all four studies, and continued to improve over several days.  The patients quality of life (as assessed by the Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire – RQLQ), was significantly improved from baseline with AVAMYS Nasal Spray compared to placebo (Minimum Important Difference in all studies = improvement of at least -0.5 over placebo; treatment difference -0.690, p<0.001, 95% CI -0.84, -0.54).

Adult and Adolescent Perennial Allergic Rhinitis:-

AVAMYS Nasal Spray 110 micrograms once daily resulted in a significant improvement in daily rTNSS (LS mean difference = -0.706, P=0.005, 95% CI -1.20, -0.21).  The improvement in nasal symptoms was maintained over the full 24 hours after once daily administration. The distribution of patients perception of overall response to therapy was also significantly improved compared to placebo.

In a two-year study designed to assess the ocular safety of fluticasone furoate (110 micrograms once daily intranasal spray), adults and adolescents with perennial allergic rhinitis received either fluticasone furoate (n=367) or placebo (n=181). The primary outcomes [time to increase in posterior subcapsular opacity (³0.3 from baseline in Lens Opacities Classification System, Version III (LOCS III grade)) and time to increase in intraocular pressure (IOP; ³7 mmHg from baseline)] were not statistically significant between the two groups. Increases in posterior subscapsular opacity (³0.3 from baseline) were more frequent in subjects treated with fluticasone furoate 110 micrograms [14 (4%)] versus placebo [4 (2%)] and were transient in nature for ten subjects in the fluticasone furoate group and two subjects in the placebo group. Increases in IOP (³7 mmHg from baseline) were more frequent in subjects treated with fluticasone furoate 110 micrograms: 7 (2%) for fluticasone furoate 110 micrograms once daily and 1 (<1%) for placebo. These events were transient in nature for six subjects in the fluticasone furoate group and one placebo subject. At weeks 52 and 104, 95% of subjects in both treatment groups had posterior subcapsular opacity values within ± 0.1 of baseline values for each eye and, at week 104, ≤1% of subjects in both treatment groups had ³0.3 increase from baseline in posterior subcapsular opacity.  At weeks 52 and 104, the majority of subjects (>95%) had IOP values of within ± 5mmHg of the baseline value.  Increases in posterior subcapsular opacity or IOP were not accompanied by any adverse events of cataracts or glaucoma.


The paediatric posology is based on assessment of the efficacy data across the allergic rhinitis population in children.  In a seasonal allergic rhinitis study in children, AVAMYS Nasal Spray 110 micrograms over two weeks was effective on primary (daily rTNSS LS mean difference = -0.616, P=0.025, 95% CI -1.15, -0.08) and all secondary nasal endpoints, except the individual reflective score for rhinorrhea. No significant differences were observed between 55 micrograms AVAMYS Nasal Spray and placebo on any endpoint.

In a perennial allergic rhinitis study, AVAMYS Nasal Spray 55 micrograms was effective on daily rTNSS (LS mean difference = -0.754, P=0.003, 95% CI -1.24, -0.27). Although there was a trend towards improvement in rTNSS in 100 micrograms, this did not reach statistical significance (LS mean difference = -0.452, P=0.073, 95% CI -1.24, -0.04). Post-hoc analysis of efficacy data over 6 and 12 weeks from this study, and a 6 week HPA-axis safety study, each showed that the improvement in rTNSS for AVAMYS Nasal Spray 110 micrograms nasal spray over placebo was statistically significant.

A randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, multicenter, one-year placebo-controlled clinical growth study evaluated the effect of fluticasone furoate nasal spray 110 micrograms daily on growth velocity in 474 prepubescent children (5 to 7.5 years of age for girls and 5 to 8.5 years of age for boys) with stadiometry. Mean growth velocity over the 52-week treatment period was lower in the patients receiving fluticasone furoate (5.19 cm/year) compared to placebo (5.46 cm/year). The mean treatment difference was -0.27 cm per year [95% CI -0.48 to -0.06].






Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis

There were no treatment-related increases in the incidence of tumours in two year inhalation studies in rats and mice.

AVAMYS Nasal Spray was not genotoxic in vitro or in vivo.

Reproductive toxicology

The potential for reproductive toxicity was assessed in animals by inhalation administration to ensure high systemic exposure to fluticasone furoate. There were no effects on mating performance or fertility of male or female rats. In rats, developmental toxicity was confined to an increased incidence of incompletely ossified sternabrae in association with lower foetal weight. High doses in rabbits induced abortion. These findings are typical following systemic exposure to potent corticosteroids. There were no major skeletal or visceral abnormalities in either rats or rabbits, and no effect on pre- or post-natal development in rats.

Animal toxicology and/or pharmacology

Findings in general toxicology studies were similar to those observed with other glucocorticoids and are not considered to be clinically relevant to intranasal use of AVAMYS Nasal Spray.

Glucose Anhydrous (also known as Dextrose Anhydrous)

Microcrystalline Cellulose and Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium (also known as Dispersible Cellulose

Polysorbate 80

Benzalkonium Chloride Solution

Disodium Edetate (also known as Edetate Disodium)

Purified Water


The expiry date is indicated on the packaging.

Store below 30oC.

Do not refrigerate or freeze.

AVAMYS Nasal Spray is a drug suspension contained within a glass bottle fitted with a metering spray pump, which is encased in an off-white plastic device with a blue side-actuated lever and lid.

The fill weight of the products is sufficient to deliver a minimum of 30 (sample pack), 60 or 120 sprays after priming.

Not all presentations are available in every country.

Patients should be instructed that the device must be primed before first use and re-primed  if the cap is left off or the device does not seem to be working.  In order to prime the device, the nasal spray needs to be shaken vigorously for about 10 seconds with the cap on. This is important as AVAMYS Nasal Spray is a thick suspension that becomes liquid when vigorously shaken. It will only spray when it becomes liquid. The patient must then press the button firmly all the way in, approximately 6 times until a fine mist is seen (to ensure a full dose is delivered). Once primed, the patient must shake the nasal spray vigorously each time before use. The cap must be replaced after use to keep the nozzle clean and to prevent the need for re-priming.



This section includes the following information:

v  The nasal spray

v  6 important things you need to know about AVAMYS Nasal Spray

Preparing the nasal spray

v   Using the nasal spray

v   Cleaning the nasal spray

The nasal spray

·       Your medicine comes in a brown glass bottle inside a plastic casing. It will contain either 30, 60 or 120 sprays, depending on the pack size that has been prescribed for you (picture a).

·       A window in the plastic casing allows you to see how much medicine is left. You will be able to see the liquid level for a new 30 or 60 spray bottle (picture a), but not for a new 120 spray bottle because the liquid level is above the window.



·       The medicine sprays out of the nozzle when the button on the side is pressed firmly all the way in.

·       A removable cap protects the nozzle from dust and prevents it from blocking up.

Six important things you need to know about AVAMYS Nasal Spray

1.             The nasal spray comes in a brown glass bottle. To check how much is left, hold the nasal spray upright against a bright light. You will then be able to see the level through the window.

2.             When you first use the nasal spray you must shake it vigorously with the cap on for about 10 seconds. This is important as AVAMYS Nasal Spray is very thick and becomes more liquid when you shake it well (picture b). It will only spray when it becomes liquid.

3.             The button on the side must be pressed firmly all the way in, to release a spray through the nozzle (picture c).

4.             If you have difficulty pressing the button with your thumb, you can use two hands (picture d).

5.             Always keep the cap on the nasal spray when you are not using it. The cap keeps the dust out, seals in the pressure and stops the nozzle from blocking up. When the cap is in place the button on the side can’t be pressed accidentally.

6.             Never use a pin or anything sharp to clear the nozzle. It will damage the nasal spray.





Preparing the Nasal Spray

You must prepare the nasal spray:

·       before you use it for the first time

·       if you have left the cap off.


Preparing the nasal spray helps to make sure you always get the full dose of medicine. Follow these steps:

·       With the cap on, shake the nasal spray vigorously for about 10 seconds.

·       Remove the cap by gently squeezing the sides of the cap with your thumb and forefinger and pulling it straight off (picture e).

·       Hold the nasal spray upright and point the nozzle away from you.

·       Press the button firmly all the way in. Do this at least 6 times to release a fine spray into the air (picture f).

·       The nasal spray is now ready for use.




using   the nasal spray

1.             Shake the nasal spray vigorously.

2.             Remove the cap.

3.             Blow your nose to clear your nostrils, and then tilt your head forward a little bit.

4.             Hold the nasal spray upright and carefully place the nozzle in one of your nostrils (picture g).

5.             Point the end of the nozzle toward the outside of your nose, away from the centre ridge of your nose. This helps direct the medicine to the right part of your nose.

6.             As you breathe in through your nose, press the button once firmly all the way in (picture h).

7.             Be careful not to get any spray in your eyes. If you do, rinse your eyes with water.

8.             Take the nozzle out and breathe out through your mouth.

9.             If your doctor has told you to take 2 sprays per nostril, repeat steps 4 to 6.

10.             Repeat steps 4 to 6 for your other nostril.

11.             Replace the cap on the nasal spray.






cleaning  the nasal spray

After each use:

·       Wipe the nozzle and the inside of the cap (picture i and j). Don’t use water to do this. Wipe with a clean, dry tissue.

·       Never use a pin or anything sharp on the nozzle.

·        Always replace the cap once you have finished to keep out dust, seal in the pressure and stop the nozzle from blocking up.

If the nasal spray does not seem to be working:

·       Check you still have medicine left. Look at the level through the window. If the level is very low there may not be enough left to work the nasal spray.

·       Check the nasal spray for damage.

·       If you think the nozzle may be blocked, don’t use a pin or anything sharp to clear it.

·       Try to reset it by following the instructions under ‘Preparing the nasal spray for use’.

·       If it is still not working, or if it produces anything other than a fine mist (such as a jet of liquid), or if you feel any discomfort using the spray, return it to your pharmacist.










Trademarks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies.

© 2019 GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. All rights reserved.



































































Manufactured by: Glaxo Operations UK Ltd.* Barnard Castle, UK Packed by: Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd*, Jeddah, KSA Marketing Authorisation Holder Glaxo Saudi Arabia Ltd.* Jeddah, KSA Address: P.O. Box 22617 Jeddah 21416 – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia *member of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies

Version number: GDS11/IPI10 Date of issue: 03 April 2018

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