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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Indications: Avocin 1% Topical Solution is indicated in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Contraindications: Avocin 1% Topical Solution is contraindicated in individuals with:

-History of hypersensitivity to preparations containing Clindamycin or Lincomycin.

- History of regional enteritis or ulcerative colitis.

- History of antibiotic-associated colitis.

. Precautions: - For topical use only. - Avocin 1% Topical Solution contains an Isopropyl Alcohol base, so avoid the contact with eyes as it will cause burning and irritation. In case of accidental contact with eyes, abraded skin or mucous membranes, wash with copious amount of cold tap water. The solution has unpleasant taste and caution should be considered when applying around the mouth. - Avocin 1% Topical Solution should be prescribed with caution in atopic individuals.

Warnings: Diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, non-specific colitis and pseudomembranous colitis (antibiotic associated colitis) have been reported with many antibiotics used systemically including Clindamycin. No serious diarrhea or pseudomembranous colitis occurred in controlled clinical trials with Clindamycin phosphate 

topical solution. However, it is theoretically possible that Clindamycin could be present systemically through absorption from the skin surface. When it is applied topically, the physician should be alert to the remote possibility of an antibiotic induced severe diarrhea or colitis. If significant diarrhea should occur during therapy, the drug should be discontinued. significant diarrhea (which theoretically may occur up to several weeks post therapy) should be managed as if antibiotic-associated. Studies indicate a toxin(s) produced by Clostridia (especially Clostridium Difficile) is the principal direct cause of antibiotic associated colitis. The colitis is usually characterized by severe persistent diarrhea and severe abdominal cramps and may be associated with the passage of blood and mucus. Endoscopic examination may reveal pseudomembranous colitis. Anti-cholinergics and anti-peristaltic agents may worsen the condition. Vancomycin has been found to be effective in the treatment of antibiotic- associated pseudomembranous colitis produced by C.difficile. The usual adult dosage is 500 mg Vancomycin orally every 6 hours for a period of 7 to 10 days. Mild cases showing minimal mucosal changes may respond to simple drug discontinuance. Moderate to severe cases, including those showing ulceration or pseudomembrane formation, should be managed with the fluid, electrolyte, and protein supplementation as indicated. Cholestyramine and Colestipol resins have been shown to bind the toxin in vitro. Corticoid retention enemas and systemic corticoids may be of help in persistent cases. Other causes of colitis should be considered. A careful inquiry should be made concerning previous sensitivities to drugs and other allergens.

Direction of use: Apply a thin film of Avocin 1% Topical Solution twice daily to the affected area.

Pregnancy and Lactation: Safety for use of Clindamycin Phosphate topical solution in pregnancy has not been established. It is not known whether Clindamycin is excreted in human milk following use of Avocin 1% 

Side effects: The most commonly reported medical events were: skin dryness, irritation, stinging and erythema. (believed to be caused by the Alcohol vehicle). Also diarrhea and gastrointestinal reactions were reported. Rarely reported adverse effects include: headache, urinary frequency, contact dermatitis and oily skin.

. Pregnancy and Lactation: Safety for use of Clindamycin Phosphate topical solution in pregnancy has not been established. It is not known whether Clindamycin is excreted in human milk following use of Avocin 1% 

Topical Solution. However, orally and parenterally administered Clindamycin has been reported to appear in breast milk. As a general rule, nursing should not be undertaken while a patient is on a drug since many drugs are excreted in human milk.



Store below 25° C.

Shelf life after first opening is 30 days.

Description: Avocin 1% Topical Solution contains Clindamycin Phosphate at concentration equivalent to 10mg Clindamycin per 1ml in alcohol and water solution. Clindamycin Phosphate is a water soluble ester of the semi synthetic antibiotic produced by a 7(S)-chloro- substitution of the 7(R)-hydroxy group of the parent antibiotic Lincomycin. The solution also contains Isopropyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol and Purified Water.

Composition: Clindamycin Phosphate equivalent to Clindamycin 10 mg per 1ml solution (1%).

Avocin 1% Topical Solution is available in 30 ml plastic bottle with applicator. 

Middle East Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd. (AVALON PHARMA), Riyadh-KSA Tel: +966 (11) 2653948.

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

دواعي الإستعمال: يستعمل افوسين 1% محلول موضعي في معالجة حب الشباب (العد).


مضادات الإستعمال : يجب عدم استعمال أقوسين 1% محلول موضعي لدى المرضى الذين سبق وظهر لديهم - فرط الحساسية إزاء مستحضرات تحتوي على الكلينداميسين او لينكوميسين.

- التهاب الأمعاء الناحي أو التهاب القولون التقرحي.

- التهاب القولون المرتبط بالمضادات الحيوية الخواص الدوائية: رغم عدم نشاط كلندامیسین فوسفات فإن انحلاله المائي السريع في الجسم يحوله إلى مركب كلينداميسين الفعال ضد الجراثيم، الأمر الذي تؤمنه الفوسفاتازات الموجودة 

على الجلد .  لقد ثبتت فعالية الكلينداميسين في الأنابيب إزاء منفصلات من جراثيم العد بروبيونيبكتيريوم أكنس. وقد يفسر هذا الأمر نفعه إزاء العد.

لقد ثبتت فعالية كلينداميسين في مستخرجات زوائية من مرضى مصابون بالعد ، حيث كان معدل ترکیز نشاط المضاد الحيوي 1.4 ميكروغرام في الملليلتر. يثبط كلينداميسين في الأنابيب كافة زروعات بروبیونیبكتيريوم أكنس المختبرة اني التركيزات المثبطة 0.4 ميكروغرام في الملليلتر). كما أهبط تركيز الحوامض الدهنية الحرة الموجودة على صفحة البشرة من 14٪ إلى ۲٪ تقريبا إثر استعمال كلينداميسين موضعيا.

تدابير وقائية

- للإستعمال الموضعي فقط

- يحتوي أفوسين 1٪ محلول موضعي على قاعدة كحولية تسبب حروقا وتهيجا في العين . إن حدث تماس طارئ للعين ، البشرة المبرية، أو للأغشية المخاطية فيجب غسلها بكميات كبيرة من الماء البارد.

- إن طعم المحلول غير مستساغ ويجب اتخاذ الحذر عند استعماله حول الفم.

- يجب اتخاذ الحذر عند وصف الدواء لدى الأشخاص الذين يعانون من فرط إحساسي

 تحذيرات: لقد شوهد الإسهال والإسهال الدموي والتهاب القولون غير النوعي والتهاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب (التهاب القولون المرتبط بالمضادات الحيوية) برفقة الكثير من المضادات الحيوية المستعملة بصورة شاملة ، بما فيها الكلينداميسين. ولم يحدث أي إسهال جسيم أو أي التهاب قولوني غشائي كاذب أثناء التجارب الإكلينيكية المراقبة المجراة باستعمال مطول كلنداميسين فوسفات الموضعي . إلا أن انتشار الكلينداميسين في كافة الجسم بعد امتصاصه عن طريق صفحة البشرة لا يستبعد.

عند استعمال الدواء موضعيا يجب ألا ينسى الطبيب الإحتمالية النادرة الحدوث إسهال حاد أو التهاب قولوني غشائي كاذب ناشئ عن المضاد الحيوي .

إن حدث وظهر إسهال ينكر أثناء المعالجة ، يجب عندئذ إيقاف استعمال الدواء ، كما يجب معالجة الإسهال المعني (رقد يحدث نظريا بضعة أسابيع بعد فترة المعالجة) المرافق للمضادات الحيوية .

تشير الدراسات إلى الدور الرئيسي المباشر الذي يلعبه الذيفان (اوعدة ذيافين) الناتج عن المطثيات (وخاصة المطثيات الصعبة ديفيسيل) في تسبب الإلتهاب القولوني المرافق للمضادات الحيوية ويشخص الالتهاب القولوني المذكورعانة باسهال جسيم دائب ومغص بطني جسيم ، وقد يرافقه إمرار دموي ومخاطي. وقد يكشف التنظير الداخلي عن إلتهاب قولوني غشائي كاذب وقد تؤدي العوامل المضادة الفعل الكوليني والمضادة للتمعّج إلى تفاقم الحالة وتجلت فعالية فانكوميسين في معالجة الإلتهاب القولوني الغشائي الكاذب المرافق للمضادات الحيوية الناشئ عن المطثيات الصعبة.

ويستخدم التجريع التالي عادة لدى البالغين: ۵۰۰ ملغم فانكوميسين عن طريق الفم كل 6 ساعات طوال فترة تتراوح بين 7 و 10 أيام وقد تتجاوب الحالات الطفيفة، التي تبدي تغيرات مخاطية مع إيقاف الدواء لاغير اما الحالات بين الوسيطة والجسيمة ، بما فيها تلك التي تبدي تقرحات أو تشكلات غشائية كاذبة، فيجب معالجتها بالسائل الكهرلي وتزويد المزيد من البروتين وفقا لما يلزم. وقد تجلت فعالية كولستیرامین وراتنجات كولستيبول في ربط الذيفان في أنابيب الإختبار.

كما قد تساعد الحقنت القرانية الإحتباسية والمواد القرانية الشاملة في معالجة الحالات الدائية. ويجب النظر في سائر الأسباب التي قد ينشأ عنها التهاب القولون. كما يجب الإعتناء بتقصي كافة ردود الفعل السابقة إزاء الأدوية وغيرها من باعثات التجاوب



طريقة الإستعمال يطبق غشاء رقيق من أفوسين 1٪ محلول موضعي مرتين يوميا على المناطق المصابة.

التأثيرات الجانبية: من التأثيرات الجانبية الأكثر شيوعا حدوث التهيج ، جفاف الجلد ، واللسع والحمامي (ويخمن رجوعها إلى القاعدة الكحولية). بالإضافة إلى ردود فعل معدية معوية (إسهال -غثيان - تقيؤ). ونادرا ما يحدث: صداع ، تواتر البول ، التهاب البشرة التماسي ، والبشرة الدهنية .

الحمل والرضاعة لم تثبت سلامة إستعمال محلول كلنداميسين فوسفات الموضعي أثناء فترة الحمل. ولا يعرف إن كان الكلينداميسين يفرز في حليب الأم بعد الإستعمال الموضعي للدواء. إلا أن الكلينداميسين المتناول عن طريق الفم أو الحقن قد شوهد في حليب الأم بصورة عامة. ينهى الإرضاع أثناء فترة تناول الأدوية لكثرة عدد الأدوية المفرزة في حليب الأم.

 يحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من ۲۰ درجة مئوية.

صلاحية المستحضر  30 يوم بعد فتح العبوة.

الوصف: يحتوي أقوسين 1٪ محلول موضعي على كلنداميسين فوسفات بتركيز معادل لمقدار ۱۰ ملغم من الكلينداميسين لكل ملليلتر من المحلول المائي الكحولي. إن كلندامیسین فوسفات إستر قابل للذوبان في الماء مشتق من المضاد الحيوي شبه الصناعي الناتج عن عملية إستبدال مجموعة 7 ( آر )- هیدروکسي بمجموعة ۷ (إس) كلورو في المضاد الحيوي الأصل المسمى لينكوميسين.

كما ويحتوي المحلول أيضا على كحول الأيزوبروبيل وبروبيلين جليكول وماء نقي.

التركيب: كلنداميسين فوسفات بما يعادل 10 ملغم كلنداميسين لكل 1 ملليلتر من المحلول 


يتوفر افوسين ١٪ محلول موضعي في عبوات بلاستيكية سعة 30 ملليلتر وصمم 

طرف التطبيق المرفق لتسهيل مد المحلول مباشرة على البشرة المعنية.

يتوفر افوسين ١٪ محلول موضعي في عبوات بلاستيكية سعة 30 ملليلتر وصمم 

.طرف التطبيق المرفق لتسهيل مد المحلول مباشرة على البشرة المعنية



(شركة الشرق الأوسط للصناعات الدوائية المحدودة. (أفالون فارما
ص.ب. 4180 الرياض 11491 ، المملكة العربية السعودية
المدينة الصناعية الثانية، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية
+966 (11) 2653948 هاتف



 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Avocin 1% topical solution

Avocin 1% topical solution contains Clindamycin Phosphate (equivalent to 1% w/v Clindamycin). Excipients with known effect: Propylene glycol For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Topical solution. Clear colorless solution.

Avocin 1% Topical Solution is indicated in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Apply a thin film of Avocin 1% Topical Solution twice daily to the affected area.
Shake well before use.

Topical clindamycin is contraindicated in individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to clindamycin, lincomycin or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Clindamycin topical is contraindicated in individuals with a history of inflammatory bowel disease or a history of antibiotic-associated colitis.

Products containing benzoyl peroxide should not be used concurrently with Avocin Topical Solution.
Oral and parenteral clindamycin, as well as most other antibiotics, have been associated with severe pseudomembranous colitis. Post-marketing studies, however, have indicated a very low incidence of colitis with Avocin Topical Solution. The physician should, nonetheless, be alert to the development of antibiotic associated diarrhoea or colitis. If significant or prolonged diarrhoea occurs, the product should be discontinued immediately.
Diarrhoea, colitis, and pseudomembranous colitis have been observed to begin up to several weeks following cessation of oral and parenteral therapy with clindamycin.
Studies indicate a toxin(s) produced by Clostridium difficile is the major cause of antibiotic associated colitis. Colitis is usually characterised by persistent, severe diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Endoscopic examination may reveal pseudomembranous colitis. Stool culture for C. difficile and/or assay for C. difficile toxin may be helpful to diagnosis.

Vancomycin is effective in the treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis produced by C. difficile. The usual dose is 125-500 mg orally every 6 hours for 7-10 days. Additional supportive medical care may be necessary.
Mild cases of colitis may respond to discontinuance of clindamycin alone. Colestyramine and colestipol resins have been shown to bind C. difficile toxin in vitro, and colestyramine has been effective in the treatment of some mild cases of antibiotic-associated colitis. Colestyramine resins have been shown to bind vancomycin; therefore, when both colestyramine and vancomycin are used concurrently, their administration should be separated by at least two hours.
Avocin Topical Solution contains an alcohol base which can cause burning and irritation of the eye. In the event of accidental contact with sensitive surfaces (eye, abraded skin, mucous membranes), bathe with copious amounts of cool tap water. The solution has an unpleasant taste and caution should be exercised when applying medication around the mouth.
Topical clindamycin should be prescribed with caution to atopic individuals.


Clindamycin has been shown to have neuromuscular blocking properties that may enhance the action of other neuromuscular blocking agents. Therefore, it should be used with caution in patients receiving such agents.
Vitamin K antagonists
Increased coagulation tests (PT/INR) and/or bleeding have been reported in patients treated with clindamycin in combination with a vitamin K antagonist (e.g. warfarin, acenocoumarol and fluindione). Coagulation tests, therefore, should be frequently monitored in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists.

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women during the first trimester. A moderate amount of data from clinical trials in pregnant women (between 300-1000 pregnancy outcomes) during the second and third trimesters indicates systemic administration of clindamycin has not been associated with an increased frequency of congenital abnormalities or feto/neonatal toxicity. Animal reproductive toxicity studies revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the foetus due to clindamycin, except at doses that caused maternal toxicity (see section 5.3). Animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response.
Avocin Topical Solution should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.

It is not known whether clindamycin is excreted in human milk following use of Avocin Topical Solution. However, orally and parenterally administered clindamycin has been reported to appear in breast milk. As a general rule, breast-feeding should not be undertaken while a patient is on a drug since many drugs are excreted in human milk.

The effect of clindamycin on the ability to drive or operate machinery has not been systematically evaluated.

The table below lists the adverse reactions identified through clinical trial experience and post-marketing surveillance by system organ class and frequency. The frequency grouping is defined using the following convention: Very common (≥1/10); Common (≥1/100 to <1/10); Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); Very Rare (<1/10,000) and Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.

Adverse reactions possibly or probably related to Clindamycin Phosphate Topical Solution based on clinical trial experience and post-marketing surveillance:
Very Common (≥1/10) : Skin dryness , Skin irritation, Urticaria
Common (≥1/100 to <1/10): Skin oiliness
Uncommon ≥1/1,000 to <1/100 : Gastrointestinal disturbances
Frequency Not Known :
Infections and Infestations: Gram-negative folliculitis, Pseudomembranous colitis
Eye Disorders: Stinging of the eye
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Abdominal pain
Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: Contact dermatitis


− To reports any side effect(s):
Reporting side effect after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected side effects to the relevant competent authority.

Topically applied clindamycin can be absorbed in sufficient amounts to produce systemic effects.
In the event of overdosage, general symptomatic and supportive measures are indicated as required

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anti-infectives for treatment of acne, ATC Code: DA10AF01.
Mechanism of action
Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. It binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and affects both ribosome assembly and the translation process. Although clindamycin phosphate is inactive in vitro, rapid in vivo hydrolysis converts this compound to the antibacterially active clindamycin.
Clindamycin has been shown to have in vitro activity against isolates of the following organisms;
Anaerobic gram positive non spore forming bacilli, including:
Propionibacterium acnes.
Pharmacodynamic effects
Efficacy is related to the time period that the agent level is above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the pathogen (%T/MIC).
Resistance to clindamycin in Propionibacterium acnes can be caused by mutations at the rRNA antibiotic binding site or by methylation of specific nucleotides in the 23S RNA of the 50S ribosomal subunit. These alterations can determine cross resistance to macrolides and streptogramins B (MLSB phenotype). Macrolide-resistant isolates should be tested for inducible resistance to clindamycin using the D zone test.
The prevalence of acquired resistance may vary geographically and with time for selected species and local information on resistance is desirable, particularly when treating severe infections. As necessary,

expert advice should be sought when the local prevalence of resistance is such that the utility of the agent in at least some types of infections is questionable. Particularly in severe infections or therapy failure microbiological diagnosis with verification of the pathogen and its susceptibility to clindamycin is recommended.
Resistance is usually defined by susceptibility interpretive criteria (breakpoints) established by EUCAST for systemically administered antibiotics. These breakpoints may be less relevant for topically administered clindamycin. Although clindamycin is not specifically cited, EUCAST has suggested that, for topically applied antimicrobials, resistance might be better defined by epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFFS) rather than the clinical breakpoints determined for systemic administration. However, MIC distributions and ECOFFS have not been published by EUCAST for P. acnes. Based on correlations between clinical results in acne patients and the clindamycin MICs for their P. acnes isolates, values as high as 256 mg/L are considered susceptible for topically administered clindamycin.
A Belgian surveillance study (2011-2012) of anaerobic bacteria included 22 P. acnes isolates; 95.5% were susceptible to clindamycin. An earlier European surveillance study, which included 304 isolates of P. acnes, had reported a resistance rate of 15% to clindamycin. However, this study used a breakpoint of 0.12 mg/L; using the current breakpoint of 4 mg/L, there were no resistant isolates.

EUCAST breakpoints for Gram-positive anaerobes are listed below. These breakpoints are based on use in systemic infections.

EUCAST Breakpoints for Systemically Administered Clindamycin


Gram-positive anaerobes (excluding Clostridium difficile)≤4 mg/L>4 mg/L


In a U.S. surveillance study, clindamycin MICs were ≤4 mg/L for 97% of P. acnes isolates tested.
In some bacterial species, cross resistance has been demonstrated in vitro among lincosamides, macrolides, and streptogramins B.
Clinical efficacy and safety
P. acnes produces an extracellular lipase that hydrolyses sebum triglycerides to glycerol, used by the organism as a growth substrate, and free fatty acids, which have pro-inflammatory and comedogenic properties. A double-blind study had been conducted to examine the effect of topical 1% clindamycin hydrochloride hydrate in a hydroalcoholic vehicle as compared to the effect of the vehicle alone. Fourteen patients applied clindamycin or vehicle alone twice daily for eight weeks. Free fatty acid surface lipid percentages, quantitative bacterial counts, and clinical response were assessed every two weeks. A significant reduction (88%) in the percentage of free fatty acids in the surface lipids was seen in the clindamycin-treated group and not in the vehicle-treated group. Free fatty acids on the skin surface have been decreased from approximately 14% to 2% following application of clindamycin solution in a hydroalcoholic base to 9 patients (average age 22.3 years) with acne vulgaris. There was no significant change in the surface microflora. Despite the short duration of treatment, objective clinical improvement was seen in three of nine treated patients, while none was observed in the placebo-treated patients.


Following multiple topical applications of clindamycin phosphate at a concentration equivalent to 10 mg clindamycin per mL in an isopropyl alcohol and water solution, very low levels of clindamycin are present in the serum (0–3 ng/mL) and less than 0.2% of the dose is recovered in urine as clindamycin.
Clindamycin concentrations have been demonstrated in comedones from acne patients. The mean (±SD) concentration of clindamycin in extracted comedones after application of clindamycin topical solution for 4 weeks was 0.60 ± 0.11 mcg/mg.
Older people
Clinical studies for topical clindamycin did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.

Impairment of fertility
Fertility studies in rats treated orally with up to 300 mg/kg/day (72-fold the human exposure based on mg/m2) revealed no effects on fertility or mating ability.
In oral embryo foetal development studies in rats and subcutaneous embryo foetal development studies in rats and rabbits, embryo-foetal toxicity was observed at doses that produced maternal toxicity. In rats, maternal death occurred with an exposure ratio of approximately 3000 relative to patient exposure. In rabbits, maternal toxicity, including abortions, occurred at exposure ratio of approximately 400. Embryo-foetal toxicity, including post-implantation loss and decreased viability, occurred in rabbits at an exposure ratio of 1000.
Long term studies in animals have not been performed with clindamycin to evaluate carcinogenic potential.
Genotoxicity tests performed included a rat micronucleus test and an Ames test. Both tests were negative.

Propylene Glycol
Isopropyl Alcohol
Purified Water

Not applicable.

2 years.

Store below 25 °C Shelf life after first opening is 30 days

Avocin 1% Topical Solution is available in 30 ml plastic bottle with applicator.

No special requirements.

Middle East Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd(Avalon-Pharma) 2nd industrial City ,P.O.Box 4180 Riyadh 11491, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 (11) 2653948 -2653427 Fax: +966 (11) 2654723


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