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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Budiair is a pressurised inhalation solution containing an active ingredient which is inhaled through your mouth and delivered directly into your lungs. The active ingredient budesonide belongs to a group of medicines called corticosteroids which are often referred to simply as steroids and have an anti-inflammatory action reducing the swelling and irritation in the walls of the small air passages in the lungs. Budiair is a medicine called preventer: it treats the inflammation and it is used to prevent symptoms of asthma. It will not stop an asthma attack that has already started. To relieve your symptoms you should use your quick-acting “reliever” inhaler which you should carry at all timesBudiair is used for: Treatment of mild, moderate and severe persistent bronchial asthma

Do not take BUDIAIR:• if you are allergic or think you are allergic to budesonide or to any other Budiair component.Contact your doctor for advice.Take special care with BUDIAIR and tell your doctor: if you suffer from severe liver diseases if you suffer from gastrointestinal ulcer if you are being, or have ever been treated for tuberculosis (TB) or other airways’ infections if you are or intend to become pregnant or breast-feeding During the therapy in case oral candidiasis occurs tell to your doctor since may require antifungal therapy or discontinuation of treatment. In order to reduce the risk of oral candidiasis and hoarseness please see section 3: How to take Budiair. In case of paradoxical bronchospasm, with an immediate increase in wheezing after dosing, the treatment should be discontinued immediately.

Children and adoloscents It is important to monitor the height of children receiving prolonged treatment and tell to your doctor.

Taking other medicines Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.It is particularly important to tell your doctor if you are taking:• medicines containing corticosteroids• antimycotics, such as ketoconazole or itraconazole • medicines containing disulfiram (see “Important information about some of the ingredients of Budiair) • HIV protease inhibitors or other potent CYP3A4 inhibitors• Oestrogen and contraceptive steroidsIf you are taking any of the above-mentioned medicines, your doctor may either prescribe you another medicine or adjust the dose of Budiair or of the other medicine.If you do the ACTH stimulation test for diagnosing pituitary insufficiency this might show false results (low values).Your doctor may have given you other medicines for your respiratory problems. It is very important to keep using these products regularly. DO NOT STOP using them nor change the dose when you start using Budiair. Pregnancy and breast-feedingTell your doctor before taking Budiair if you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant, are planning to become pregnant or if you are breast-feeding. If you become pregnant while taking Budiair, promptly consult your doctor. The worldwide experience with inhaled budesonide indicates no adverse effects on the health of foetus and newborn.Driving and using machinesBUDIAIR does not affect your ability to drive or use machines. Important information about some of the ingredients of BudiairBUDIAIR contains small amounts of glycerol and ethanol: the latter can cause problem in particularly sensitive patients treated with medicines containing disulfiram.


BUDIAIR is for inhalation use.Always use Budiair exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor if you are not sure.Your doctor will give you a regular check-up to make sure you are taking the optimal dose of Budiair. Your doctor will adjust your treatment to the lowest dose (the maintenance dose) that best controls your symptoms. Under no circumstancesshould you change the dose without first speaking to your doctor.Adults and adolescents The recommended dose is 200 micrograms (one puff) 2-4 times daily. The maintenance dose is generally 200 micrograms (one puff) per day. The maximum daily dose is 1600 micrograms.

Children from 6 to 12 years of ageThe recommended dose is 200 micrograms (one puff) daily. The maximum daily dose is 400 micrograms. If BUDIAIR is to be used by your child, make sure that he/she can use it correctly. Inhalation in children should be supervised by an adult person. It is useful to close the child's nostrils during inhalation.Taking corticosteroids If you have just started using Budiair instead of taking corticosteroid tablets or if you take higher doses of inhaled corticosteroids over long periods, you may require extra steroids in situation of stress. Stressful situations might include being taken to hospital after an accident, having a serious injury or before an operation. In this case, the doctor treating you will decide whether you may need to increase your dose of corticosteroids and may prescribe some steroid tablets or a steroid injection.How to use Budiair See “Instruction for using your inhaler” at the end of this leaflet.It is recommended that you rinse well your mouth with water, then spitting it out, after every use of the aerosol dose in order to reduce the risk of a possible Candida infection

If you take moreBudiair than you shouldIt is important that you take your dose as stated on the pharmacist’s label or as advised by your doctor. You should not increase or decrease your dose without seeking medical advice.Should you accidentally take too many doses, contact your doctor as soon as possible. If you forget to take BudiairIf you accidentally miss a dose, take the next dose as normal. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten one.If you stop taking BudiairDo not stop treatment even if you feel better unless told to do so by your doctor. If you stop using this medicine abruptely, it may make your asthma worse.If your asthma gets worse If your symptoms get worse or are difficult to control (e.g. if you are using your quick acting “reliever” inhaler more frequently) or if your quick acting “reliever” inhaler does not improve your symptoms, see your doctor immediately. Your asthma may be getting worse and your doctor may need to change your dose of Budiair or prescribe alternative treatment.If you are passing from steroidal tablets to inhalation therapy you may find that, even if your chest is getting better, you feel a bit poorly. Discuss about this with your doctor, but DO NOT STOP treatment unless you are told.If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Like all medicines, Budiair can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.Should any side effects occur, they are likely to be mild and temporary. However some effects may be serious and require medical intervention.Possible side effects are listed below:Common (affecting up to 1 in 10 people)Change in the voice (hoarseness), cough , throat irritation, fungal mouth infection (oropharyngeal candidiasis), difficult in swallowing.Rare (affecting up to 1 in 1,000 people)Easy bruising, skin thinning, rash or urticaria, skin inflammation (dermatitis), itch (pruritus), abnormal skin redness (erythema), anaphylactic reaction, angioedema, too much or too little cortisol in blood (hypercorticism or hypocorticism), airways’ narrowing (bronchospasm).Depression, nervousness, irritability, mental disorders (psychosis), restlessness, , and behavioural changes. These effects are more likely to occur in children.Very rare side effects (affecting up to 1 in 10,000 people)Abnormal or impaired sense of taste (dysgeusia), nausea, tongue burning (glossodynia), mouth inflammation (stomatitis), dry mouth, back pain.Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data)Sleeping problems, aggressive reactions, anxiety and, increased motor activity (predominantly in children). Increased pressure in your eyes (glaucoma) and, cataract.Rare serious allergic reaction:If itching, allergic reaction with skin redness, face swelling, very low blood pressure and irregular heart beat (anaphylactic shock), swelling of face, eyes, lips, tongue, throat or difficult breathing (angioedema), immediate and delayed allergic reactions, appear shortly after taking a dose:• stop taking Budiair• seek medical advice immediatelyShortness of breath immediately after dosing:Rarely, inhaled drugs can cause an increase in wheezing and shortness of breath (bronchospasm)immediately after dosing. If this occurs:•stop using BUDIAIR immediately • use your quick-acting “reliever” inhaler straightaway to treat the symptoms of shortness of breath and wheezing. • contact your doctor straightaway.Using high-dose inhaled corticosteroids over a long time can cause systemic effects: rarelygrowth retardation in children and adolescents and, adrenal glands work (adrenosuppression), very rarely decrease in bone mineral density (thinning of the bones Sleeping problems, are more likely to occur in children but the frequency is unknown.If any of the side effects gets serious, or if notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.• Do not use Budiair after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and label. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.• Store below 25oC. • The container contains a pressurised liquid. Do not pierce, expose to heat, even if empty, freeze and expose to direct sunlight.• Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

ts active substance is budesonide. Each actuation contains 200 micrograms of budesonide.The other ingredients are: 1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane ( HFA 134a ), anhydrous ethanol, glycerol.What BUDIAIR looks like and contents of the pack BUDIAIR is a pressurised inhalation solution contained in a aluminium can with plastic actuator. Each pack contains 1 inhaler which provides 200 actuations.

ts active substance is budesonide. Each actuation contains 200 micrograms of budesonide.The other ingredients are: 1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane ( HFA 134a ), anhydrous ethanol, glycerol.What BUDIAIR looks like and contents of the pack BUDIAIR is a pressurised inhalation solution contained in a aluminium can with plastic actuator. Each pack contains 1 inhaler which provides 200 actuations.

Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A, Via Palermo 26/A, 43100 Parma, Italy

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)


لدواء عبارة عن محلول استنشااق مضاغوط،يتكاون مان مكوناات فعالاة تستنشاقعان طرياق الفاام ويااتم تسااليمها مباشاارة فااي الاارئتين .المكااون الفعااال(بوديزونايااد)ينتمااي لمجموعااة ماان الأدوية تسمى الستيرويدات القشرية والتي يرجا إليهاا كثيارا بصاورة بساطة كاساتيرويد ولهاا مفعااول مضاااد لالتهاااب يعماال علااى تخفاايح الأورام والحكااة فااي جاادار المماارات الهوائيااة الصغيرة في الرئتين .دواء بودياير هو عبارة عن عاج يطلق عليه الحامي او الواقي :فهو يعالج الالتهااب كماا اناه مستخدم للحماية من أعراح الربو .فهو لا يوق نوباات الرباو التاي تكاون قاد بادأت فع ا ا .من اجل تخفي الأعراح يجب عليكم استخدام عملية التفاعل السري مان جاانبكم (المخفف)


جهاز الاستنشاق الذي يجب عليك ان تحمله معك في جمي الأوقات

لعاج الربو الخفي والمعتدل والحداد وربو الشعب الهوائية الثابت


2 /قبل استخدام دواء بودياير :لا يسـتخدم بودياير في حالة:إذا كنااات مصااااب بحساساااية او تشاااعر بأناااك متحساااي لماااادة البوديزوناياااد أو اي مااان مكونات بودياير الأخرى .اتصل بالطبيب المعالج .تناول دواء بودياير بحذر وعناية فائقة ثم بلغ الطبيب المعالج في حالة :إذا كنت تعاني من أمراح كبد حادةإذا كنت مصاب بقرحة في المعدةإذا كناات مصاااب باا أو كناات قااد كناات فااي أي وقاات فااي السااابق تتعااالج ماانماارح السلTB)(أوأي منالتهاباتالشعب الهوائيةالأخرى .إذا لديك النيةأن تصبحي حامل او مرض .خال العاج اذا اصبت بداء مبيضات الفم اخبار طبيباك فقاد تحتااج الاى عااج مضااد للفطريات أو وق العاج ,مان أجال الحاد مان مخااطر داء المبيضاات الفماوي وبحاة الصوت يرجى مراجعة قسم 3تحت كي تأخذ بودياير.فااي حالااة التشاانج القصاابي والزيااادة الفوريااة فااي التاانفي بعااد الجرعااات يجااب وقاا اروفجاعلا.من المهم مراقباة طاول الأطفاال الاذين يتلقاون العااج لفتارات طويلاة وأخباار الطبياب بذلك.استخدام أنواع أخرى من الأدوية :يرجااى إفااادة الطبيااب المعااالج إذا كناات تتناااول أي أدوي اا ة أخاارى أو تناولاات فااي فتاارة قريبة اي ادوية اخرى، بماا فاي ذلاك الأدويا ة التاي ياتم الحصاول عليهاا بادون وصافة طبية.على وجه الخصوص من المهم اباغ الطبيب إذا كنت تتعاطى :oأية أدوية تحتوي علىالكورتيزونoالأدوية المضادة للفطريات مثلالكيتوكونازولأوالايتراكونازولoالأدويااة التااي تحتااوي علااىديساافلفرام)"ر اجاا المعلومااات الهامااةلاادواء بودياير .)oمثبطاااااات الأنااااازيم البروتينااااايفياااااروي نقاااااص المناعاااااة أو غيرهاااااا مااااان مثبطاتCYP3A4 oالأستروجين وموان الحمل الاستيروديةفي حالة تناول اي من الأدوية المذكورة اعاه فإن الطبيب المعالج إما أن يص لك دواء آخر أو يعدل في جرعة دواء بودياير .اذا كنت تجري اختبار ACTHلتشخيص قصاور الغادة النخامياة فقاديعطاى ذلاك نتاائج خاطئة (قيم منخفضة)يجوز ان يقدم لك الطبيب أدوية اخرى لمشاكل الجهاز التنفسي .من المهم جدا الاستمرار في تناول هذه الادوية بانتظام .لا توقف اسفتخدام الفدواءأو تغيار الجرعاة عناد البادء فاي استخدام دواء بودياير

ي حالات الحمل والإرضاع

2 /قبل استخدام دواء بودياير :لا يسـتخدم بودياير في حالة:إذا كنااات مصااااب بحساساااية او تشاااعر بأناااك متحساااي لماااادة البوديزوناياااد أو اي مااان مكونات بودياير الأخرى .اتصل بالطبيب المعالج .تناول دواء بودياير بحذر وعناية فائقة ثم بلغ الطبيب المعالج في حالة :إذا كنت تعاني من أمراح كبد حادةإذا كنت مصاب بقرحة في المعدةإذا كناات مصاااب باا أو كناات قااد كناات فااي أي وقاات فااي السااابق تتعااالج ماانماارح السلTB)(أوأي منالتهاباتالشعب الهوائيةالأخرى .إذا لديك النيةأن تصبحي حامل او مرض .خال العاج اذا اصبت بداء مبيضات الفم اخبار طبيباك فقاد تحتااج الاى عااج مضااد للفطريات أو وق العاج ,مان أجال الحاد مان مخااطر داء المبيضاات الفماوي وبحاة الصوت يرجى مراجعة قسم 3تحت كي تأخذ بودياير.فااي حالااة التشاانج القصاابي والزيااادة الفوريااة فااي التاانفي بعااد الجرعااات يجااب وقاا اروفجاعلا.من المهم مراقباة طاول الأطفاال الاذين يتلقاون العااج لفتارات طويلاة وأخباار الطبياب بذلك.استخدام أنواع أخرى من الأدوية :يرجااى إفااادة الطبيااب المعااالج إذا كناات تتناااول أي أدوي اا ة أخاارى أو تناولاات فااي فتاارة قريبة اي ادوية اخرى، بماا فاي ذلاك الأدويا ة التاي ياتم الحصاول عليهاا بادون وصافة طبية.على وجه الخصوص من المهم اباغ الطبيب إذا كنت تتعاطى :oأية أدوية تحتوي علىالكورتيزونoالأدوية المضادة للفطريات مثلالكيتوكونازولأوالايتراكونازولoالأدويااة التااي تحتااوي علااىديساافلفرام)"ر اجاا المعلومااات الهامااةلاادواء بودياير .)oمثبطاااااات الأنااااازيم البروتينااااايفياااااروي نقاااااص المناعاااااة أو غيرهاااااا مااااان مثبطاتCYP3A4 oالأستروجين وموان الحمل الاستيروديةفي حالة تناول اي من الأدوية المذكورة اعاه فإن الطبيب المعالج إما أن يص لك دواء آخر أو يعدل في جرعة دواء بودياير .اذا كنت تجري اختبار ACTHلتشخيص قصاور الغادة النخامياة فقاديعطاى ذلاك نتاائج خاطئة (قيم منخفضة)يجوز ان يقدم لك الطبيب أدوية اخرى لمشاكل الجهاز التنفسي .من المهم جدا الاستمرار في تناول هذه الادوية بانتظام .لا توقف اسفتخدام الفدواءأو تغيار الجرعاة عناد البادء فاي استخدام دواء بودياير .في حالات الحمل والإرضاع :


يجااب اباااغ الطبيااب اولا قباال اسااتخدام الاادواء إذا كنتااي حاااما، فكااري قااد تكااونين حاما، او تخططين لأن تكون حامل أو اذا كنتي مرضعة .وإذا اصبحت حاما اثناء تناول دواء بودياير يجب استشارة الطبيب فورا .التجارب العالمية أثبتت أنة لاتوجد أثار سلبية على الجنين والمولود م بوديسونايداطلب استشارةالطبيب قبل تناول أي نوع من الأدوي ة .قيادة السيارة واستخدام الآليات :دواء بودياير لا يؤثر على قدرتك في قيادة السيارة او استخدام الآلي ات .معلومات هامة عن بعض مكونات دواء بودياير :يحتوي بوديااير علاى كمياات صاغيرة مان الجليسارين والايثاانول :والاخيار يمكان ان يسبب بعح المشاكل خاصة لدى المرضاى ذوي الحساساية ا لاذين يتعاالجون بأدوياة تشتمل على ديسلفيرام .




للاستخدام عن طريق الاستنشاق :دائما يتم استخدام بوديايرتماما كما اوصى الطبيب .سو يقوم الطبيب باجراءالفحوصات العادية للتأكد من أنك تأخذ الجرعة الأمثل (الاسم التجاري) .كما أن الطبيب سو يضبط العاج الخاص بك إلى أقل جرعة (جرعة المحافظة والصيانة )التي تسيطر على الأعراح بأفضل صورة .يجب عدم تغيير الجرعة التي وصفها الطبيبتحت أي ظر من الظرو ما لم تتصل على الطبيب .الجرعات العاديةكالتالي:البالغين والمراهقين022ميكروغرام (واحد نفخة )0-4مرات في اليوم .جرعة المحافظةوالصيانة بشكل عام هي022ميكروغرام (واحد نفخة )في اليوم الواحد.الجرعة اليومية القصوى 1622ميكروغرام.الأطفال من 6إلى 12سنة 022ميكروغرام (نفخةواحدة )يوميا .الجرعة اليومية القصوى 422ميكروغرام.إذا كان الدواء سو يتم اسخدامه بواسطة الطفل يجب ا لتأكد من أنه/أنها تستخدمهبشكل صحيح .الاستنشاق بواسطة الاطفال يجب ان يكونتحت إشرا شخص بالغ.ومن المفيد إغاق أن الطفل أثناء الشهيق.تناولالكورتيزونإذا كنت قد بدأت للتو باستخدام بوديايربدلا من أخذ أقراص كورتيكوستيرويد أو إذا كنت تأخذ جرعات كبيرة من الكورتيزون المستنشق على مدى فترات طويلة،فإنك قد تحتاجلمنشطات إضافية في حالة التوتر .الحالاتالعصيبة ربما تحتاجإلى نقلك إلى المستشفى بعد وقوع حادثتنتج عنه إصابة خطيرة أو قبل العملياتالجراحية .

معالج سو يقررما إذا كنت تحتاج لزيادة الجرعة من الستيرويدات القشرية وقد يص بعح أقراص الستيرويد أو حقن الستيرويد.كيفية استخدام بودياير:راج "التعليمات لاستخدام جهازالاستنشاق الخاص بك "في نهاية هذه النشرة.من المستحنأن تقوم بغسلفمك جيدا بالماء، ثم التخلص من الماء، بعد كل استخدام جرعة من الهواءالجوي لتقليلمخاطر عدوى الاصابة بالمبيضات.في حالة أخذ جرعة أكبر مما يجب من دواء بودياير :من المهم أن يتم أخذالجرعة كما هو مح دد في وصفةالصيدلي أو كما ينصح الطبيب.ويجب ع دم زيادة أو خفح الجرعة بدون استشارة طبية.في حالة أخذ جرعات كبي رةجدا عن طريق الخطأ، اتصل بطبيبك في أقرب وقت ممكن.في حالة نسيان أخذ جرعة الدواء :في حالة نسيان جرعةبطريق الخطأ ، يجب أخذالجرعة التالية كالمعتاد .لاتأخذ جرعة مضاعفة لتعويح الجرعة التي نسيت اخذها.التوق عن تناول دواء بودياير:لا توق تناول العاج حتى لو كنت تشعر بالتحسنما لم يطلب منك الطبيب ذلك .وإذا توقفتعن استخدام هذا الدواء فج أة ،ربما يتسبب ذلكفي تفاقم حالة الربو.في حالة تفاقم الربو:إذازادت الأعراحسوءا أو صعبتالسيطرة عليها (على سبيل المثال إذا كنت تستخدم جهازالاستنشاق بشكل متكرر )أو إذا كان هذا الجهاز السري المفعول "المخلص "المستخدم في الاستنشاق لا يحسن من حالتك، راج الطبيب المعالجفورا .قد تكون حالةالربو لديك تزداد سوءا وربما يحتاج الطبيب لتغيير جرعة بوديايرأو يص لك عاج بديل.في حالة التغيير من أقراص الكورتيزون للعاج بالاستنشاق ، حتى ولو تحسنت حالة صدرك ،ستشعر بقليل من الضع .ناقش الأمرم طبيبك، ولكن لا تتوق عن العاج إلا إذا وجهك الطبيب بذلك.إذا كانتلديك أي استفساراتأخرى بخصوصاستخدام هذا المنتج، إسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.4 /الآثار الجانبية المحتملة:مثل جمي الأدوية، يمكن أن تتسبب دواء بودياير في آثار جانبية ، وإن لم يكن ذلك عاماة ما الجمي .في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبيةغالبا ما تكون طفيفة ومؤقتاة .عموماا ،بعاح الآثاار قد تكون خطيرة وتتطلب التدخل الطبي

مثل جمي الأدوية، يمكن أن تتسبب دواء بودياير في آثار جانبية ، وإن لم يكن ذلك عاماة ما الجمي .في حالة حدوث أي آثار جانبيةغالبا ما تكون طفيفة ومؤقتاة .عموماا ،بعاح الآثاار قد تكون خطيرة وتتطلب التدخل الطبي.


لآثار الجانبية المحتملة موضحة أدناهكالتالي:آثار عامة(تحدث لدىأقل من 1من12أشخاص)تغيياااراتفاااي الصاااوت (بحاااة)، والساااعال، وتهااايج الحلاااق، التهااااب فطاااري باااالفم (التهاباااات المبيضات فمويةبلعومية) ،م صعوبة في البل .آثار نادرة (تؤثر على أقل من 1من كل1111شخص)كاادماتبساايطة ،ترقااق الجلااد، طفااح جلاادي ، التهاااب الجلااد (أكزيمااا)، حكااة ، احماارار غياار طبيعااي فااي الجلااد (حمااامي),رد فعاال تحسسااي ,وذمااة وعائيااة,هرمااون كااورتيزول فااي الاادم بكميات كثيرةأو قليلة(فرط إفراز قشر الكظار أو قصاور قشار الكظار) ،ضايقفاي الممارات الهوائية(تشنج قصبي.)واكتئاب،العصبية,وقلق واضطرابات نفسية (ذهان)، وأرق، وصعوبة في الثبات ، وتغيارات سلوكية (في الغالب ل دىالأطفال.)آثار جانبية نادرة جدا (تحدث لدىأقل من 1بين كل 11أل شخص)عصبية، خلل فيالصوت ،(الخلل الصوتي dysphonia) ،حالة غير طبيعيةأو ضع فاي حاسااة التااذوق (خلاال التااذوق)، وغثيااان، وحرقااة فااياللسااان (ألاام اللسااان)، والتهاااب فااي الفاام (التهاب الفم)، وجفا الفم، ألم في الظهر.غير معروفةلايمكن تقديرذلك من البيانات المتاحةمشاكا النوم وردود الأفعال العدوانياة والقلاق ,زياادة النشااط الحركاي فاي الغالاب فاي الأطفاال زيادة ضغط العين ,أعتام في عدسة العينآثار جانبية ذات حساسية خطيرة –نادرة جدا:في حالة حدوث حساسية م حكة، واحمرار في الجلد، وتاورم الوجاه، وانخفااح ضاغط الادم وعدم انتظاام ضاربات القلاب (صادمة الحساساية)، وتاورم الوجاه والعيناين والشافتين واللساان والحلق أو صاعوبة فاي التانفي (وذماة وعائياة) ،وردود فعال حساساية فورياة أو مؤجلاة بعاد وقت قصير من تناول الجرعةيجب:التوق عن تناول دواء بودياير طلب الاستشارةالطبيةضيق في التنفس مباشرة بعد أخذ الجرعـة:من الظواهر النادرة جدا ،ان تتسبب الأدوية المستنشقة فيحدوث صفير عندالتنفي وضيق في التنفي (تشنج قصبي )فورابعد أخذ الجرعات .إذا حدث ذلك يجب:التوق فورا عن استخدام دواء بودياير اسااتخدام "المخلااص "السااري المفعااول فااوراللمعالجااةبالاستنشاااق لأعااراح ضاايق التنفي والصفير اتصل فورا بطبيبك المعالجاستخدام جرعاتعالية من الستيروئيدات القشرية المستنشقة على فتراتزمنية طويلاة يجاوز أن يحاادث آثااار علاااى أجهاازة وأنظمااة الجسااام :نااادرا ماااا يحاادث إعاقااة للنماااو عنااد الأطفاااال والمراهقين، ونادرا جدا حدوث تأثير على الغدد الكظرية العمل، انخفااح فاي كثافاة المعاادن في العظام (ترقق العظام)، زيادة الضغط على العينين (الجلوكوما )وإعتام في عدسة العين.من المرجح جدا أن تحدث مشاكل النوم ل دىالأطفال ولكن وتيرة تكراره ا غير معرو .في حالة تفااقم أي مان هاذه الآثاار الجانبياةبصاورة خطيارة ، أو إذا شاعرتباأي آثاار جانبياة أخ رى غير واردةفي هذه النشرة، يرجى إباغالطبيب أو الصيدلي.يااتم اسااتخدام الاادواء دائمااا حسااب توصاايات وتوجيهااات الطبيااب أو مقاادم الرعايااة الصااحية .ويجب مراجعة الطبيب أو مقدم الرعاية الصحية أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكدا


/كي تحفظ وتخزن دواء بودياير :يحفظ الدواءبعيدا عن متناول ونظر الأطفال.لا تسااتخدم دواء بوديااايربعااد تاااريت انتهاااء الصاااحية المسااجلعلااى العبااوة ،تاااريت الانتهاء يشير إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.يخزندواءالاستنشاق في درجة حرارة اقل من 05درجة مئوية .تحتوي العلبة علىسائل مضغوط، لذا يجب عدم ثقبهااو تعريضها للحرارة حتى ولو كانت فارغة، وعدم تبريدها أو تعريضهالأشعة الشمي المباشرة.يجب عدمالتخلص من الأدوية فيمياه الصر الصحي أو النفاياات المنزلياة،اساأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة، لأن هذه التادابير ساو تساعد في حماية البيئة

يحتوي دواء بوديايرعلى:المكااونالفعااال للاادواء هااي مااادة بودزونايااد ، تحتااوي كاال كميااة عاجيااة علااى 022ميكروغرام من بودزونايد.المكونات الأخارى تشامل :ربااعيالفلاوروايثين1،1،1،0(HFA 134A)، والإيثانول الامائي، والجلسرين.شكل دواء بوديايير ومحتويات العبوة :عبارة عن محلول استنشاق مضغوط معبأ فيعلبة من الالمنيومذات صمام باستيكي .وتحتوي كل عبوة على بخاخ واحد يوفر 022قوة منبهة .صاحب رخصة التصني والتسويقكيسى فارماسيوتيسيSPA باليرمو 06/A4122بارما ايطاليارشادات استخدام جهاز الاستنشاق:

يحتوي دواء بوديايرعلى:المكااونالفعااال للاادواء هااي مااادة بودزونايااد ، تحتااوي كاال كميااة عاجيااة علااى 022ميكروغرام من بودزونايد.المكونات الأخارى تشامل :ربااعيالفلاوروايثين1،1،1،0(HFA 134A)، والإيثانول الامائي، والجلسرين.شكل دواء بوديايير ومحتويات العبوة :عبارة عن محلول استنشاق مضغوط معبأ فيعلبة من الالمنيومذات صمام باستيكي .وتحتوي كل عبوة على بخاخ واحد يوفر 022قوة منبهة .صاحب رخصة التصني والتسويقكيسى فارماسيوتيسيSPA باليرمو 06/A4122بارما ايطاليارشادات استخدام جهاز الاستنشاق:


كل دواء بوديايير ومحتويات العبوة :عبارة عن محلول استنشاق مضغوط معبأ فيعلبة من الالمنيومذات صمام باستيكي .وتحتوي كل عبوة على بخاخ واحد يوفر 022قوة منبهة .صاحب رخصة التصني والتسويقكيسى فارماسيوتيسيSPA باليرمو 06/A4122بارما ايطاليارشادات استخدام جهاز الاستنشاق

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Budiair 200 micrograms pressurised inhalation solution

Eeach metered actuation contains 200 micrograms of budesonide.For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Pressurised inhalation solution

Treatment of mild, moderate, and severe persisten asthma

Posology should be adjusted according to the the single patient and relating to severity and therapy phase.When transferring a patient to Budiair from other inhalaition devices, the treatment should be individualised. The previous active substance, dose regimen, and method of delivery should be considered.

Adultsand adolescents: in case of severe asthma, at the start of therapy with inhaled corticosteroids or when reducing or withdrawing oral corticosteroid therapy, the recommended dosage is 200 micrograms (1 puff) 2-4 times daily. During the period of severe asthma the daily dosage can be increased up to 1600 mcg maximum. The maintenance dose is individual, and should be the minimum one exerting therapeutic effect: one inhalation per day (200 mcg) is generally sufficient. Chidrenfrom 6 to 1 2 years of age: generally 200 micrograms (one puff) daily. If necessary, dosage can be increased up to 400 mcg daily. The limit age depends on the possibility of properly using the product. The dose should be reduced to the minimum needed to maintain good asthma controlPatients not treated with corticosteroids: the therapeutic effect of budesonide generally occurs within 10 days from the therapy start; however, for patients with abundant bronchial secretion, to such an extent as to prevent mucosal absorption of the active ingredient, a concomitant treatment (about two weeks) with oral corticosteroids is recommended. Start with full dosage, then gradually reduce it up to the maintenance dose with Budiair only. Asthma exacerbations due to bacterial infections should be treated with antibiotics and by increasing the posology of Budiair.Patients treated with corticosteroids: switch from oral corticosteroidal therapy to treatment with Budiair requires special attention, due to the slow reactivation of those hypothalamic function, impaired by the prolonged oral corticosteroidal therapy. The patient should be relatively stabilised before starting therapy with Budiair. Budiair should be administered for about 10 days while continuing the oral therapy; then, this should be gradually reduced, up to the minimum dose that, combined with Budiair, gives a stable outcome. In most cases it is possible to totally withdraw the oral therapy, whilst in some subjects it will be necessary to maintain the treatment with a minimal dose of oral corticosteroids. However, in some cases, when switching from oral therapy to treatment with Budiair, the systemic steroidal effect may decrease, with occurrence of rhinitis, eczema, headache, muscular and articular pain, and, seldom, nausea and vomiting. Should these events occur, the physician will evaluate the opportunity to maintain the inhalation therapy. It might take long to recover the physiological production of natural corticosteroids, and under some conditions, such as physical stress due to severe infections, injuries or surgery, it may be necessary to combine Budiair with oral corticosteroid therapy. Even in case of asthma growing acute again, especially if associated with increase of viscosity and formation of mucus plugs, it may be necessary to adopt a concomitant short-term treatment with oral steroids. It is of utmost importance for the patient to follow the prescribed instructions for use.

Method of AdministrationFor use, perform the following operations:STANDARD-ACTUATOR PACKAGEThe successful result of treatment depends on a correct use of the inhaler.Inhaler’s working test: before using the inhaler for the first time, or if it has not been used for three days or more, remove the mouthpiece protective cap by softly pressing it on its sides and press once in the air to release a blank actuation, in order to to verify the correct working of the inhaler.For use, carefully follow the following instructions:1. hold the actuator between thumb and index, with the mouthpiece downwards;2. remove the protecting cap;3. breathe out completely and place the mouthpiece firmly between the lips;4. make a long and deep inspiration with the mouth only and, at the same time press once only with the index.Once the inspiration is complete, hold breath as long as possible.When inhalations are completed, close the mouthpiece again with the protecting cap. The mouthpiece should always be kept clean. Cleaning should be made by rinsing it under lukewarm water, after removal of the pressurised canister.Administration in children should be supervised by an adult person. It is useful to close the child's nostrils during inhalation.JET ACTUATOR-SPACER PACKAGEFor use, carefully follow the following instructions:1. JET in closed position2. Remove the protecting cap from the JET and hold it as shown in the picture3. Breathe out completely, then place the mouthpiece firmly between the well closed lips4. Press the canister with the index finger and deeply inhale, even after a few seconds (it is possible to make several breaths through the Jet actuator)5. Once inhaled, hold breath as long as possible and close the Jet again with its protecting cap6. The Jet actuator has to be kept clean: rinse it under lukewarm water, after removal of the pressurised canister

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Budiair is not indicated for rapid relief of acute episodes of asthma where an inhaled short-acting bronchodilator is required. Patients should be properly instructed about the correct use of the inhaler.Budiair provides a prophylactic therapy of the asthmatic disease: it should therefore be administered regularly at the prescribed doses as long as directed by the physician and should not be stopped abruptly. In case of gastrointestinal ulcer, strict medical surveillance is advisable throughout therapy duration

The transfer of patients treated with oral corticosteroids to the inhaled corticosteroid and their subsequent management requires special care. The patients should be in a reasonably stable state before initiating a high dose of inhaled corticosteroid in addition to their usual maintenance dose of systemic corticosteroid. (see also Section 4.2 Posology and Method of Administration). After about 10 days, withdrawal of the systemic corticosteroid is started by reducing the daily dose gradually to the lowest possible level. It may be possible to completely replace the oral corticosteroid with inhaled corticosteroid. Transferred patients whose adrenocortical function is impaired may need supplementary systemic corticosteroid during periods of stress. During transfer from oral therapy to inhaled budesonide symptoms may appear that had previously been suppressed by systemic treatment with glucocorticosteroids, with occurrence of rhinitis, eczema, headache, muscular and articular pain, and, rarely, of nausea and vomiting. Specific treatment should be co-administered to treat these conditions.Some patients may feel unwell in a non-specific way during the withdrawal of systemic corticosteroids despite maintenance or even improvement in respiratory function. Such patients should be encouraged to continue treatment with inhaled budesonide and withdrawal of oral corticosteroid unless there are clinical signs to indicate the contrary, for example signs which might indicate adrenal insufficiency

Patients, who have required high dose emergency corticosteroid therapy or prolonged treatment at the highest recommended dose of inhaled corticosteroids, may also be at risk of impaired adrenal function. These patients may exhibit signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency when exposed to severe stress. Additional systemic corticosteroid treatment should be considered during periods of stress or elective surgery. As with other inhalation therapy, paradoxical bronchospasm may occur, with an immediate increase in wheezing after dosing. If this occurs, treatment should be discontinued immediately, the patient assessed and an alternative therapy instituted if necessary.When despite a well monitored treatment, an acute episode of dyspnoea occurs, a rapid-acting inhaled bronchodilator should be used and medical reassessment should be considered. If despite maximum doses of inhaled corticosteroids asthma symptoms are not adequately controlled, patients may require short-term treatment with systemic corticosteroids.Systemic effects of inhaled corticosteroid may occur, particularly at high doses prescribed for prolonged periods. These effects are much less likely to occur with inhaled than with oral corticosteroids. Possible systemic effects include: Cushing's syndrome, Cushingoid features, adrenal suppression, growth retardation in children and adolescents, decrease in bone mineral density, cataract and glaucoma and more rarely, a range of psycological or behavioural effects inlcuding psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression or aggression (particularly in children).Therefore, it is important that the patient is reviewed regularly, and the dose of inhaled corticosteroid is reduced to the lowest dose at which effective control of asthma is maintained.Vary rare cases of acute adrenal crisis occurred in young patients exposed to doses higher than those recommended (about 1000 mcg/day) for prolonged periods (several months or years). Adrenal insufficiency symptoms are initially aspecific and include: anorexia, abdominal pain, weight loss, tiredness, headache, nausea, vomiting; specific symptoms occurring with inhaled corticosteroid also include hypoglicemia with impaired consciousness and/or convulsions. Situations that might potentially determine an adrenal crisis are: traumas,

surgery, infections and rapid reduction of dosage. Patients receiving high doses should be strictly monitored and their dose gradually reduced. Monitoring of adrenal reserve may also be necessary.It is recommended that the height of children receiving prolonged treatment with inhaled corticosteroids is regularly monitored. In case of growth retardation, therapy should be reviewed in order to reduce the glucocorticoid dosage to the lowest possible dose at which effective control of asthma is maintained. In addition, consideration should be given to referring the patient to a paediatric respiratory specialist.Patients who have previously been dependent on oral corticosteroids may, as a result of prolonged systemic corticosteroid therapy, experience effects of impaired adrenal function. Recovery may take a considerable amount of time after cessation of oral corticosteroid therapy and hence oral steroid-dependent patients transferred to budesonide may remain at risk from impaired adrenocortical function for some considerable time. In such circumstances hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical (HPA) axis function should be monitored regularly Oral candidiasis may occur during the therapy with inhaled corticosteroids. This infection may require treatment with appropriate antifungal therapy and in some patients discontinuation of treatment may be necessary (see also section 4.2).To reduce the risk of oral candidiasis and hoarseness patients should be advised to rinse out the mouth properly or brush the teeth after each administration of inhaled corticosteroid.Exacerbation of clinical symptoms of asthma may be due to acute respiratory tract bacterial infections and treatment with appropriate antibiotics may be required. Such patients may need to increase the dose of inhaled budesonide and a short course of oral corticosteroids may be required. A rapid-acting inhaled bronchodilator should be used as “rescue” medication to relieve acute asthma symptoms.Special caution is necessary in patients with active and quiescent pulmonary tuberculosis and in patients with fungal, viral or other infections in the airways.. In patients with excessive mucous secretion in the respiratory tract, short-term therapy with oral corticosteroids may be necessary.Reduced liver function affects the elimination of corticosteroids, causing lower elimination rate and higher systemic exposure. Be aware of possible systemic side effects. HPA axis function in these patients should be monitored at regular intervals.Concomitant treatment with ketoconazole and itraconazole or other potent CYP3A4 inhibitors should be avoided (see Section 4.5). The product contains small amounts of ethanol (less than 100 mg per dose) and glycerol. These quantities are negligible and do not represent any risk for the patient at usual therapeutic doses.

In patients undergoing treatment with oral corticosteroids, switching to the use of only Budiair by inhalation should occur gradually. After stabilising the patient, Budiair is combined to the therapy and oral corticosteroid dose is progressively reduced, while regularly assessing the patient’s general conditions. This is necessary due to the slow reactivation of adrenal function, compromised by the prolonged use of oral corticosteroids (see section 4.2). The metabolism of budesonide is primarily mediated by CYP3A4. Inhibitors of this enzyme, eg, ketoconazole and itraconazole, can therefore increase systemic exposure to budesonide several times, see section 4.4. Since there is no data to support a dosage recommendation, the combination should be avoided. If this is not possible, the period between treatments should be as long as possible and a reduction of the budesonide dose could also be considered.Limited data about this interaction for high-dose inhaled budesonide indicate that marked increases in plasma levels (on average four- fold) may occur if itraconazole, 200 mg once daily, is administered concomitantly with inhaled budesonide (single dose of 1000 μg).Raised plasma concentrations and enhanced effects of corticosteroids have been observed in women also treated with oestrogens and contraceptive steroids, but no effect has been observed with budesonide and concomitant intake of low dose combination oral contraceptives. Because adrenal function may be suppressed, an ACTH stimulation test for diagnosing pituitary insufficiency might show false results (low values).The product contains a small amount of ethanol. There is the theoretical potential for interactions with disulfiram or metronidazole in particularly sensitive patients treated with these drugs 

PregnancyResults from a large prospective epidemiological study and from world-wide post marketing experience indicate that inhaled budesonide during pregnancy has no adverse effects on the health of the foetus / new born child. As with other drugs the administration of budesonide during pregnancy requires that the benefits for the mother are weighed against the risks for the foetus. In animal studies glucocorticosteroids have been shown to induce malformations. This is not likely to be relevant for humans given recommended dose. The lowest effective dose of budesonide needed to maintain adequate asthma control should be used

 BreastfeedingBudesonide is excreted in breast milk. However, at therapeutic doses of budesonide no effects on the suckling child are anticipated. Budesonide can be used during breast feeding.Maintenance treatment with inhaled budesonide (200 or 400 microg twice daily) in asthmatic nursing women results in negligible systemic exposure to budesonide in breast-fed infants. In a pharmacokinetic study, the estimated daily infant dose was 0.3% of the daily maternal dose for both dose levels, and the average plasma concentration in infants was estimated to be 1/600th of the concentrations observed in maternal plasma, assuming complete infant oral bioavailability. Budesonide concentrations in infant plasma samples were all less than the limit of quantification.Based on data from inhaled budesonide and the fact that budesonide exhibits linear PK properties within the therapeutic dosage intervals after nasal, inhaled, oral and rectal administrations, at therapeutic doses of budesonide, exposure to the suckling child is anticipated to be low

Budiair has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines

Tabulated list of adverse reactions:Adverse events are listed below by System Organ Class and frequency. The following definitions apply to the incidence of undesirable effects:

very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 and <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 and <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 and < 1/1,000), very rare (<1/10,000), unknown (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data).

System Organ ClassAdverse ReactionFrequencyInfections and infestations Oropharyngeal candidiasisCommonImmune system disorderImmediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions including rash, contactdermatitis, urticaria, angioedema and anaphylactic reactionRareEndocrine disordersSigns and symptoms of systemic corticosteroid effects, including adrenal suppression and growth retardation*RarePsychiatric disordersPsychotic disorder, restlessness nervousness, depression and behavioural changes (predominantly in children)RareSleep disorders, anxiety, psychomotor hyperactivity, aggression.Unknown Nervous system disordersDysgeusiaVery rareEye disordersGlaucoma, cataract,UnknownRespiratory, Thoracic & Mediastinal DisordersCough, hoarseness, throat irritationCommonBronchospasmRareGastrointestinal disordersDysphagiaCommonNausea, glossodynia, stomatitis, dry mouthVery rareSkin and subcutaneous tissue disordersSkin atrophy, pruritus, erythema, bruising, RareMusculoskeletal and connective tissue disordersBack painVery rareGeneral disorders and administration site conditionsIrritabilityRareInvestigationsBone density decreasedVery rare

* refer to Paediatric population, belowThere is an increased risk of pneumonia in patients with newly diagnosed COPD starting treatment with inhaled corticosteroids. However a weighted assessment of 8 pooled clinical trials involving 4,643 COPD patients treated with budesonide and 3,643 patients randomized to non-ICS treatments does did not demonstrate an increased risk for pneumonia. The results from the first 7 of these 8 trials have been published as a metaanalysis.

Paediatric populationDue to the risk of growth retardation in the paediatric population, growth should be monitored as described in section 4.4.To report any side effect(s):The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Center (NPC)Fax +966-11-205-7662Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340Tool Free Phone: 8002490000 E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.saWebsite: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Acute overdosage with budesonide, even in excessive doses, is not expected to be a clinical problem. Symptoms of overdoseThe acute toxicity of budesonide is low. Chronic use in excessive doses can result in systemic glucocorticosteroid effects, such as increased susceptibility to infection, hypercorticism and adrenal suppression. Atrophy of the adrenal cortex can occur and the ability to adapt to stress can be impaired.Therapeutic management of overdose For acute overdosage, no special emergency action needs to be taken. The treatment with inhaled budesonide should be continued at the recommended dose to control asthma. HPA axis function recovers in a few days.

Pharmacodynamic propertiesPharmacotherapeutic group: Antiasthmatic glucocorticoid inhalant. ATC code: R03BA02Budesonide, active ingredient of Budiair, is a synthetic, non-halogenated corticosteroid for topic inhalation use only, endowed with potent anti-inflammatory activity and, at the recommended dose, devoid of systemic effects or of activity inihibiting the adrenocortical function. Improvement in asthma control following inhalation of budesonide can occur within 24 hours of commencing the treatment although maximum benefit is achieved after a few weeks of continuous treatment.The precise mechanism of corticosteroid actions on inflammation in asthma is not known. Budesonide has been shown to have a wide range of inhibitory effects against several cell types (e.g., eosinophils, macrophages, mast cells, lymphocytes, and neutrophils) and mediators (e.g., cytokines, leukotrienes, eicosanoids, and histamine) involved in allergic and non-allergic respiratory inflammation. These actions of budesonide may contribute to its efficacy in asthma resulting in a reduction of hypersecretion, hyperreactivity and inhibiting the occurrence of bronchospasm. In patients with hyperreactivity the administration of budesonide reduces airway reactivity after stimulation with histamine or methacholine

Budesonide is provided as a mixture of two epimers (22R and 22S). In glucocorticoid receptor affinity studies, the 22R form is twice as active as the 22S epimer. These two forms of budesonide do not interconvert.

AbsorptionBudesonide is a moderately lipophilic drug with high affinity to the glucocorticoid receptors, rapidly by the airway mucosa. After inhalation, in about 20 minutes after administration by inhalation budesonide forms esters with intracellular fatty acids, via a reversible conjugation process that is able to prolong the local antiinflammatory activity at pulmonary level. The quantity absorbed in circulation, partly through the lungs and partly swallowed by oral route, varies between 10 and 30%, and is rapidly and widely metabolised at the hepatic level, to yield poorly active metabolites. Bonding to plasma proteins is 88% and the distribution volume is high. Biotransformation:Budesonide is mainly eliminated by metabolism. Budesonide is rapidly and extensively metabolised in liver via cytochrome P4503A4 to two major metabolites. The in vitro glucocorticoid activity of these metabolites is less than 1% of that of the parent compound. Negligible metabolic inactivation has been observed in human lung and serum preparations.Elimination:Budesonide is excreted in urine and faeces as conjugated and non-conjugated metabolites.The elimination half life is about 3 hours, after inhalation. Special patient populations: The exposure to budesonide may be increased in patients with liver disease. In children the elimination half-life from plasma is markedly lower than in adults

The toxicity observed in animal studies with budesonide was associated with exaggerated pharmacological activity.No genotoxic effects of budesonide have been observed in conventional genotoxicity tests.In animal reproduction studies, corticosteroids such as budesonide have been shown to induce malformations (cleft palate, skeletal malformations). Similar effects are considered unlikely to occur in humans at therapeutic doses.Specific tolerability studies by inhalation proved the good local tolerability of the formulation with HFA 134a propellant.The HFA 134a propellant did not show any toxic effects, even at concentrations far higher than those recommended for human use, when administered by nebulisation to different animal species daily exposed up to a two-years period.Studies on the effects of the propellant HFA 134a on reproductive function and embryofoetal development in animals failed to detect any clinically important adverse events. It is therefore unlikely that adverse events can occur in humans.

List of excipients1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane (HFA 134a), ethanol, anhydrous glycerol.

Not applicable

18 months.The indicated shelf life is intended for the unopened and correctly stored product.Pressurised container. Do not pierce, expose to heat, even if empty, freeze and exposed to direct sunlight. Store below 25°C

Pressurised container. Do not pierce, expose to heat, even if empty, freeze and exposed to direct sunlight. Store below 25°C

Primary conteiner: mono-bloc aluminium canister, pressurised with metering valve, equipped either with a standard actuator with mouthpiece cover or with a polypropyleneJet-spacer actuator with mouthpiece cover. Characteristics of the Jet actuator-spacerThe Jet device was studied in order to improve the efficiency of a metered dose inhaler and to ease the compliance to therapy of patients (particularly elderly and children) poorly familiar with the inhalation technique, as it avoids the need to synchronise actuation with inspiration. The Jet device reduces the amount of active ingredient deposited in the oropharynx, favouring a good local tolerability.The particular shape of the Jet expansion chamber causes the formation of a whirling flow in which the delivered particles remain suspended for as long as sufficient to discharge their kinetic energy and to allow the propellant to partially evaporate. Therefore, impaction of particles mostly occurs within the device rather than in the oropharyngeal cavity, while the size reduction of droplets, before they enter the respiratory tree, favours better penetration into the lower airways.Outer package: printed thin-cardboard box.Presentation: pressurised canister providing 200 inhalationsPackages: •pressurised canister with standard actuator, providing 200 actuations•pressurised canister with Jet actuator-spacer, providing 200 actuations

The package contains a pressurised container equipped with a standard actuator or with a Jet actuator-spacerAny unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA, Via Palermo, 26/A, 43122 Parma (Italy)

May 2014

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