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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

PROPESS contains the active substance dinoprostone (10 mg) and is used to help start the birth process provided that 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. The dinoprostone opens the part of the birth canal known as the cervix, to allow the baby through. There can be several reasons why you might need help starting this process. Ask your doctor if you would like to know more.

Do not use PROPESS®
You must not be given PROPESS:
- if the size of your baby’s head may cause any problem during delivery
- if your baby is not in the correct position in the womb, to be born naturally
- if your baby is not in good health and/or is distressed
- if you have had major previous surgery or rupture of the cervix
- if you have untreated pelvic inflammatory disease (an infection in the womb, ovaries, tubes and/or cervix)
- if the placenta is obstructing the birth canal
- if you have or have had any unexplained vaginal bleeding during this pregnancy
- if you have had previous womb surgery including a previous Caesarean birth for any previous babies
- if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to dinoprostone or any of the other ingredients of PROPESS (listed in section 6).

The doctor will not give you PROPESS® or will remove it after it has been given to you:
- once labour starts
- if you need to be given a drug e.g. an oxytocic to help your labour progress
- if your contractions are too strong or prolonged
- if your baby becomes distressed
- if you get side effects (see 4. Possible side effects).
There is limited experience of using PROPESS® if your waters have been broken. Your doctor will remove PROPESS after it has been given to you if your waters break or are going to be broken by the doctor.

Warnings and precautions
Before you are given PROPESS®, please inform your doctor if any of the following apply to you:
- if you have or have ever had asthma (breathing difficulty) or glaucoma (an eye condition)
- if you have suffered from contractions that were too strong or prolonged in a previous pregnancy
- if you have lung, liver or kidney disease
- if you are having more than one baby
- if you have had more than three full term deliveries

- if you are taking a medicine for pain and/or inflammation, containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also known as NSAIDs) e.g. aspirin
- if you are aged 35 or over, if you have had complications during pregnancy, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and low level of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), or if the pregnancy is above 40 weeks because of the increased risk of developing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), a rare condition which affects blood clotting.

Children and adolescents
The use of PROPESS® in children and adolescents less than 18 years has not been investigated.

Other medicines and PROPESS®
Tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken or are planning to take any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.
PROPESS® can make you more sensitive to medicines belonging to the class of oxytocic drugs which is used to strengthen contractions. It is not recommended to administrate these medicines together with PROPESS®.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
PROPESS® is used to help starting the birth process provided that 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. PROPESS® should not be used at other phases of pregnancy.
The use of PROPESS during breast-feeding has not been investigated. PROPESS may be excreted in breastmilk but the amount and duration is expected to be limited and should not hinder breastfeeding. No effects on the breastfed newborn have been observed.

Driving and using machines
Not relevant as PROPESS® is to be used in connection with delivery only.


The doctor will place one vaginal delivery system next to the cervix in your vagina. You should not do this yourself. Your doctor will coat the vaginal delivery system with a small amount of lubricating jelly before putting it in place. Sufficient tape will be left outside the vagina, to facilitate the removal of the vaginal delivery system when needed.
You should be lying down during this procedure and you will have to stay that way for about 20-30 minutes after insertion of PROPESS®.
When placed in position, the vaginal delivery system takes up some of the moisture there. This allows the dinoprostone to slowly being released.
Whilst the vaginal delivery system is in place helping to start your labour, you will be examined regularly amongst other things for:
- opening of your cervix
- uterine contractions
- labour pains and the continuing health of your baby
The doctor will decide how long PROPESS® needs to be kept in place, depending on your progress. PROPESS can be left in place for a maximum of 24 hours.
On removal of the product from the vagina the vaginal delivery system will have swollen to 2-3 times of its original size and be pliable.

If you have been given PROPESS® for a longer time than you should
If you have been given PROPESS® for a longer time than you should it may lead to increased contractions or the baby may become distressed. The PROPESS® vaginal delivery system will then be taken out immediately.


Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people

  • Increased contractions of the womb which may or may not affect the baby.
  • The baby may become distressed and/or its heart rate could become faster or slower than normal.
  • Discoloured amniotic fluid

Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

  • Headache
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • The newborn baby has difficulty breathing immediately after birth
  • The newborn baby has high blood levels of bilirubin, a breakdown product of red blood cells, which can cause yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  • Itching
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding following delivery
  •  The placenta detaches from the wall of the womb before the baby is delivered
  •  Overall newborn condition depressed immediately after birth
  • Slow progress in the birth process
  • Inflammation of the membranes that are lining the inside of the womb
  • The mother’s uterus does not shrink after delivery due to lack of normal uterine contractions
  • Feeling of burning in the genital area
  • Fever

Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data)

  • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), a rare condition which affects blood clotting. This can cause blood clots to form and may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • The fluid that surrounds the baby during pregnancy can enter the mother’s bloodstream during delivery and block a blood vessel leading to a condition called anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy, which could include, symptoms such as: shortness of breath, low blood pressure, anxiety and chills; life-threatening problems with blood clotting, seizures, coma, bleeding and fluid in the lungs and fetal distress such as a slow heartrate.
  • Hypersensitivity reaction and severe allergic reactions (anaphylactic reaction), which can include: difficult breathing, shortness of breath, weak or rapid pulse, dizziness, itching, redness of skin and rash.
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Swelling of the genital area
  •  Tearing of the womb

By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use PROPESS® after the expiry date which is stated on the foil sachet and the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Storage conditions
Store in a freezer (-15°C to -25°C). Store in the original container in order to protect from moisture.
Medicines should not be disposed via wastewater or household waste. After usage, your doctor will dispose the whole product as clinical waste. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E2).
1 vaginal delivery system (vaginal insert) contains 10 mg of dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E2). Approximately 0.3 mg of dinoprostone per hour are released over 24 hours.
The other ingredients are: hydrogel polymer consisting of Macrogol 8000, Dicyclohexyl methane-4, 4’-diisocyanate, 1,2,6-Hexanetriol, polyester yarn.

The vaginal delivery system is a small oval shaped piece of plastic contained in a knitted retrieval system. The plastic piece is a hydrogel polymer which swells in the presence of moisture to release dinoprostone. The retrieval system has a long tape which allows the doctor to remove it when he needs to. Each vaginal delivery system (vaginal insert) is contained within an individual sealed foil sachet produced from an aluminium/polyethylene foil laminate strip and packed in a carton.

Marketing Authorization Holder: FERRING GmbH, Wittland 11, 24109 Kiel, Germany.

Manufacturer: Ferring Controlled Therapeutics, 1 Redwood Place, Peel Park Campus, East Kilbride G74 5 PB, Scotland, United Kingdom.

September 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي بروبس على المادة الفعَّالة داينوبروستتون (10 ملغم)  ويستتخدم للمساعدة في بدء عملية الولادة بعد إتمام 37 أسبوعا من الحمل. يفتح داينوبروستون الجزء الخاص بقناة الولادة والذي يُعر ف باسم عنق الرحم ليستمح بمرور الطفل من  خلاله. قد يكون هناك أسباب عديدة ورء احتمالية حاجتكِ إلى المساعدة لبدء هذه العملية. استشيري طبيبكِ إذا رغبتِ في معرفة المزيد.

لا تستخدمي بروبس
يجب ألا يتم إعطاؤك  عقار بروبس في الحا ت الآتية:
- إذا كان حجم رأس طفلكِ قد يُسبب أي مشكلة أثناء الولادة.
- إذا لم يكن طفلكِ في الوضع الصحيح في الرَّحم الذي يُمكنه أن يولد ولادة طبيعية.
- إذا لم تكن الحالة الصحية لطفلكِ جيدة و/ أو كان معرضا لضائقة.
- إذا كنتِ قد خضعتِ من قبل لجراحة كبرى أو أُصبتِ بتمزُّق في عنق الرَّحم .
- إذا كنتِ مُصابة بمرض التهابي غير مُعالج في الحوض (عدوى في الرَّحم و/ أو المبيضين و/ أو الأنابيب و/ أو عنق الرَّحم).
- إذا كانت المشيمة تعرقل قناة الولادة.
- إذا أُصبتِ أو كنتِ قد أُصِبتِ من قبل بأي نزيف مهبلي غير مُبرر أثناء هذا الحمل.
- إذا كنتِ قد خضعتِ من قبل لجراحة في الرَّحم ويشمل ذلك ولادة قيصرية سابقة لأي أطفال سابقين.
- إذا كنتِ تعانين من فرط حساسية( حساسية)تجاه دينوبروستون أو أيٍّ من المكونات الأخرى الموجودة بروبس( المدرجة في قسم 6 )

لن يعطيكِ الطبيب بروبس أو سيقوم بإزالته بعد إعطائه لكِ:

- بمجرد أن يبدأ المخاض.

-  إذا احتجتِ إلى أقذ دوال، على سبيل المثال: دواء قابض للرَّحم لمساعدتكِ في تطور عملية المخاض.

- إذا تعرَّضتِ لتقلصات قوية للغاية أو امتدت لفترات طويلة جدّا.

- إذا أصبح طفلكِ في ضائقة.

- إذا أُصِبتِ بآثار جانبية (انظري قسم 4 : الآثار الجانبية المُحتملة).

- هناك خبرة محدودة بشأن استخدام بروبس إذا نزل ماء الولادة. سيخرج طبيبكِ بروبس بعد إعطائه لكِ إذا نزل ماء الولادة أو كان من المُخطط إنزاله بواسطة الطبيب.

تحذيرات و احتياطات

قبل اعطائك بروبس، يرجى ابلاغ طبيبك إذا انطبق عليك أي مما يلي:

- إذا كنت مصابة أو أصبت من قبل بالربو (صعوبة في التنفس) أو الزرق (حالة تصيب العين)

- إذا عانيتِ من تقلصات كانت قوية للغاية أو امتدت لفترات طويلة جدا في حالة حمل سابقة.

- إذا كنت تعانين من مرض رئوي، كبدي أو كلوي.

- إذا كنت ستنجبين أكثر من طفل واحد.

- إذا كنت قد مررتِ بأكثر من ثلاث ولادات بفترات حمْل تامة.

- إذا كنتِ تتناولين دواء لعدج الألم  و/ أو الالتهاب يحتوي على مضادات الالتهاب غير الستيرويدية مثل: الأسبرين.

- إذا كان سنكِ 35 عاما أو أكثر أو إذا كنتِ قتد تعرَّضتِ لمضاعفات أثناء الحمْل، مثل: الإصابة بمرض السُّكرِي أوارتفاع ضغط الدَّم أوانخفاض مستوى هرمونات الغدة الدَّرقية( قصور الغدة الدرقية)، أو إذا تجاوز الحمْل 40 أسبوعا نظرا لوجود مخاطر متزايدة للإصابة بالتجلّط المُنْتثِر داخل الأوعِية الدَّموية، وهي حالة نادرة تُؤثر على عملية تجلُّط الدَّم.

الأطفال والمراهقات
لم يتم التَّحقق من استخدام بروبس في الأطفال والمراهقات الدتي تقل أعمارهن عن 18عاما.
استخدام الأدوية الأخرى مع بروبس
يُرجى إبلاغ طبيبكِ إذا كنتِ تتناولين أو تناولتِ مؤخر ا أو تخططين لتناول أيَّة أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي حصلتِ عليها دون وصفة طبية.
قد يجعلكِ بروبس أكثر حساسية تجاه الأدوية التي تنتمي إلى فئة العقاقير القابضة للرحم التي تُستتخدم لتعزيز الانقباضات. يُوصى بعدم إعطاء هذه الأدوية بمصاحبة عقار بروبس.
الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية
يُستخدم بروبس للمتاعدة في بدء عملية الولادة شريطة إتمام 37 أسبوعا من الحمْل. يجب عدم استخدام بروبس في المراحل الأخرى من الحمْل.
لم يتم التَّحقق من استخدام بروبس أثنال ممارسة الرضاعة الطبيعيَّة. قد يُفرز بروبس في لبن الأم ولكن من المُتوقَّع أن تكتون الكمية والمدة محدودة، ويجب ألا تعيق ممارسة الرضاعة الطبيعيَّة. لم يتم رصد أيَّة آثار على الطفل الرضيع.
القيادة واستخدام الآلات
ليست ذا صلة لأنَّ بروبس مُخصص للاستخدام فيما يتعلق بعملية الولادة فقط.







سيضع المبيب نظاما واحدا لتحفيز الولادة المهبلية بالقرب من عنق الرَّحم داخل المهبل. يجب ألا تقومي بذلك بنفسكِ. سيغطي طبيبكِ نظام الولادة المهبلية بكمية ضئيلة من الهلام المزلق قبل وضعه في موضعه. سيُترك شريط خارج الرَّحم يكفي لتيسير عملية إزالة نظام تحفيز الولادة المهبلية عند الحاجة.

يجب عليكِ الاستلقاء أثنال هذا الإجراء وستبقين على هذا الحال لفترة تتراوح بين 20 و 30 دقيقة تقريبا بعد إدخال بروبس.

عند وضعه في موضعه ، سيأخذ نظام الولادة المهبلية بعض من الرطوبة المحيطة. يتيح ذلك إفراز دينوبروستون ببطء.

أثنال كون نظام الولادة المهبلية في موضعه، مساعدا في بدء المخاض، سيتم فحص حالتكِ بصفة منتظمة وسيكون ذلك من بين
فحص أمور أخرى هي:

  • فتحة عنق الرحم
  • انقباضات الرحم
  • آلام المخاض و الحالة الصحية لطفلك باستمرار

سيقرر الطبيب المدة اللازمة لإبقاء بروبس في موضعه وفقا لتطور حالتك. يمكن ترك بروبس في موضعه لمدة أقصاها 24 ساعة.

عند إزالة المنتج من المهبل سيلاحظ انتفاخ نظام تحفيز الولادة المهبلية بمقدار 2-3 مرات من حجمه الأصلي و يصبح ليناً.


إذا تم إعطاؤكِ بروبس لفترة زمنية أطول مما يجب

إذا تم إعطاؤكِ بروبس لفترة زمنية أطول مما يجب، فقد يُؤدي ذلك إلى زيادة الانقباضات  أو قد يتعرَّض المفل لضائقة. حينها ستيم إخراج نظام الولادة المهبلية المحتوي على بروبس فورا.

مثل كافة الأدوية، قد يُسبب هذا الدَّوال آثاارا جانبية، على الرَّغم من عدم حدوثها لدى الجميع.

شائعة: قد تُؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص واحد من بين كل 10 أشخاص

  •  تقلصات متزايدة بالرَّحم قد تُؤثر أو لا تُؤثر على الطفل.
  • قد يتعرَّض الطفل لضائقة و/ أو قد يصبح مُعدَّل ضربات القلب لديك أسرع أو أبطأ من المُعتاد.
  • تغيُّر لون السائل الامينوسي.

غير شائعة: قد تُؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص واحد من بين كل 100 شخص:

  • صداع.
  •  انخفاض ضغط الدَّم.
  • تعرُّض الطفل حديث الولادة لصعوبة في التنفس فور الولاادة.
  •  تعرُّض الطفل حديث الولادة لارتفاع مستويات البيليروبين في الدَّم، وهو ناتج عن تكسر خلايا الدم الحمراء، وهو ما قد يُؤدي إلى اصفرار الجلد والعينين.
  • حكة.
  •  نزيف مهبلي غزير بعد الولادة.
  • انفصال المشيمة عن جدار الرحم قبل ولادة الطفل.
  •  تعرُّض الحالة العامة للطفل حديث الولادة للتدهور فور ولادتك.
  • بطء التقدُّم في عملية الولادة.
  •  التهاب الأغشية المبطنة للجزء الداخلي من الرَّحك .
  • عدم تقلص رحم الأم بعد الولادة بسبب نقص انقباضات الرَّحم الطبيعية.
  •  شعور بالحُرقة في منطقة الأعضاء التَّناسلية.
  •  حمّى.

غير معروفة (لا يمكن تقدير معدل التكرار من البيانات المتاحة)

  • تجلّط منتثر داخل الأوعِية الدَّموية، حالة نادرة تُؤثر على عملية تجلط الدَّم. قد تؤدي هذه الحالة إلى تكوُّن جلطات دموية وقد تُزيد من خطورة الإصابة بنزيف.
  • إمكانية دخول السائل الذي يحيط بالطفل أثناء الحمل إلى مجرى دم الأم أثنال الولادة ويسد أحد الأوعية الدَّموية ممتا يُؤدي إلى الإصابة بحالة تُسمى متلازمة الحمْل التأقانية، والتي قد تتضمن أعراض مثل: ضيق التنفس، انخفاض ضغط الدَّم،قلق وقشعريرة، مشاكل في تجلط الدَّم تُشكل تهديدا على الحياة، نوبات تشنُّجية، غيبوبة، نزيف ووجود سائل في الرئتين والتعرض لضائقة جنينية مثل: بطء مُعدَّل ضربات القلب.
  • تفاعل فرط حساسية وتفاعدلات حساسية شديدة (تفاعلات تأقِيّة)، قد تشمل: صعوبة التَّنفس، ضيق بالتَّنفس، ضعف أو تسارع النبض، دوoة، حكة، احمرار الجلد وطفحا جلدياّ.
  • ألم في البطن.
  • غثيان.
  • قيء.
  • إسهال.
  • تورم منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية
  • تمزق بالرحم

من خلال إبلاغكِ عن الآثار الجانبية، يمكنكِ المساعدة في توفير معلومات إضافية حول أمان استخدام هذا الدواء.


يُحفظ هذا الدوال بعيدا عن رؤية ومتناول الأطفال.

لا تستخدمي بروبس بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصدحية المذكور على الكيس المصنوع من الورق المعدني والعبوة الكرتونيَّة. يُشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.

ظروف التَّخزين
يخزن مجمدا( - 15 ° م إلى - 25 ° م ) يخزن في العبوة الأصلية لحمايته من الرطوبة .
يجب عدم التَّخلص من الأدوية عن طريق إلقائها في مياه الصرف أو مع المخلفات المنزلية. بعد الاستخدام، سيتخلص طبيبكِ من المُنتج بالكمل كأحد المخلفات السريرية. ستُساعد هذه الإجراءت على حماية البيئة.

المادة الفعالة هي داينوبروستون( بروستاجدندين E2 .)
يحتوي نظام الولادة المهبلية الواحد (الذي يتم إدخاله في المهبل) على 10 ملغم من داينوبروستون (بروستاجدندين E2 ). يُفرز نحو 0.3 ملغ من داينوبروستون في الساعة وذلك على مدار 24 ساعة.
المُكوِّنات الأخرى هي: بوليمر هلام مائي يتألف من ماكروجول 8000 ، ثنائي سايكلوهيكسايل الميثان - 4 ، 4 ' ثنائي آيزوسيانيت، -1،2،6 هيكسانتريول، خيوط البوليستر.

نظام الولادة المهبلية هو عبارة عن قطعة صغيرة بيضاوية الشكل مصنوعة من البدستيك وموجودة في نظام استرجاع محبوك.
القطعة البدستيكية هي عبارة عن بوليمر الهلام المائي الذي ينتفخ في وجود الرطوبة لإفراز دينوبروستون. لظام استرجاع شريط طويل يسمح للطبيب بنزعه عند الحاجة إلى ذلك.
يتواجد كل نظام من أجهزة تحفيز الولادة المهبلية( التي يتم إدخالها في المهبل) داخل كيس فردي من الورق المعدني المحكم المصنوع من شرائط الألومنيوم/ البولي إيثيلين الرقيقة ومُعبأ في عبوة كرتونية.
عبوة بها نظام الولادة المهبلية(  يتم إدخالها في المهبل)

المصنع : فيرينغ كونترولد ثيرابيوتكس، 1 ريدوود بليس، بيل بارك كامبوس، ايست كيلبرايد، سكوتلاندا، المملكة المتحدة .
مالك حق التسويق : شركة فيرينغ جي ام بي اتش ويتلاند 11 24109 كييل، ألمانيا.

سبتمبر 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

PROPESS® 10 mg vaginal delivery system

Each vaginal delivery system consists of a non-biodegradable polymeric drug delivery device containing 10 mg dinoprostone (Prostaglandin E2), 241 mg Hydrogel Polymer and 245mg textured Polyester yarn dispersed throughout its matrix.

Vaginal delivery system. PROPESS® is a thin, flat, semi-transparent polymeric vaginal delivery system which is rectangular in shape with rounded corners. It is provided with knitted polyester retrieval system.

PROPESS® is indicated for initiation of cervical ripening in the late pregnancy (from 37 completed weeks of gestation)


One vaginal delivery system is administered high into the posterior vaginal fornix. The vaginal delivery system should be removed after 24 hours irrespective of whether cervical ripening has been achieved. A dosing interval of at least 30 minutes is recommended for the sequential use of oxytocin following the removal of the vaginal delivery system.
Paediatric population: The safety and efficacy of PROPESS® in pregnant woman aged less than 18 years has not been established. No data are available.
Method of administration
Administration: PROPESS® should be removed from the freezer immediately before insertion.
No thawing is required prior to use.
There is a “tearmark” on side of the foil sachet. Open the package along the tear mark across the top of the sachet. Do not use scissors or other sharp objects which may cut the retrieval system. The vaginal delivery system should be inserted high into the posterior vaginal fornix using only small amounts of water soluble lubricants to aid insertion. After the vaginal delivery system has been inserted, the withdrawal tape may be cut with scissors always ensuring there is sufficient tape outside the vagina to allow removal. The end of the tape should not be tuck into the vagina as this may make retrieval more difficult. The patient should be recumbent for 20 to 30 minutes after insertion. As dinoprostone will be released continuously over a period of 24 hours, it is important to monitor uterine contractions and foetal condition at frequent regular intervals.
Removal: The vaginal delivery system can be removed quickly and easily by gentle traction on the retrieval tape. It is necessary to remove the vaginal delivery system to terminate drug administration when cervical ripening is judged to be complete or for any of the reasons listed below.
1. Onset of labour. For the purposes of induction of labour with PROPESS®, the onset of labour is defined as follows: the presence of regular painful uterine contractions occurring every 3 minutes irrespective of any cervical change.
There are two important points to note:
- Once regular, painful contractions have been established with PROPESS® they will not reduce in frequency or intensity as long as PROPESS® remains in situ because dinoprostone is still being administered.
- Patients, particularly multigravidae, may develop regular painful contractions without any apparent cervical change. Effacement and dilatation of the cervix may not occur until uterine activity is established. Because of this, once regular painful uterine activity is established with PROPESS®, the vaginal delivery system should be removed irrespective of cervical state to avoid the risk of uterine hyperstimulation.
2. Spontaneous rupture of the membranes or amniotomy.
3. Any suggestion of uterine hyperstimulation or hypertonic uterine contractions.
4. Evidence of a fetal distress situation.
5. Evidence of maternal systemic adverse dinoprostone effects such as nausea, vomiting, hypotension or tachycardia.
6. At least 30 minutes prior to starting an intravenous infusion of oxytocin, as there is a much greater risk of hyperstimulation if the dinoprostone source is not removed before administration of oxytocin.
The opening on one side of the retrieval device is present only to allow the manufacturer to enclose the vaginal delivery system into the retrieval device duringmanufacture. The vaginal delivery system should never be removed from the retrieval device. On removal of the product from the vagina, the vaginal delivery system will have swollen to 2‑3 times of its original size and be pliable.

PROPESS® must not be used or the administration must be discontinued if the following occurs: 1. When labour has started. 2. When oxytocic drugs and/or other labour induction agents are being given. 3. When strong prolonged uterine contractions would be inappropriate such as in patients: a. Who have had previous major uterine surgery, e.g. caesarean section, myomectomy etc… b. With cephalopelvic disproportion. c. With fetal malpresentation. d. With suspicion or evidence of fetal distress. e. Who have had previous major surgery (e.g. other than biopsies and cervical abrasion) or rupture of the uterine cervix. 4. When there is current pelvic inflammatory disease, unless adequate prior treatment has been instituted. 5. When there is hypersensitivity to dinoprostone or to any of the excipients. 6. When there is placenta previa or unexplained vaginal bleeding during the current pregnancy.

The condition of the cervix should be assessed carefully before PROPESS® is used. After insertion, uterine activity and foetal condition must be monitored regularly. PROPESS® must only be used if facilities for continuous foetal and uterine monitoring are available. If there is any suggestion of maternal or foetal complications or if adverse effects occur, the vaginal delivery system should be removed from the vagina. The experience of PROPESS® in patients with ruptured membranes is limited. Therefore, PROPESS® should be used with caution in those patients. Since the release of dinoprostone from the insert can be affected in the presence of amniotic fluid, special attention should be given to uterine activity and fetal condition. PROPESS® should be used with caution in patients with a previous history of uterine hypertonus, glaucoma or asthma. Medication with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid, should be stopped before administration of dinoprostone. If uterine contractions are prolonged or excessive,
there is possibility of uterine hypertonus or rupture then the vaginal delivery system should be removed immediately. Uterine rupture has been reported in association with the use of PROPESS®, mainly in patients with contra-indicated
conditions. Therefore, PROPESS® should not be administered to patients with a history of previous caesarean section or uterine surgery given the potential risk for uterine rupture and associated obstetrical complications. PROPESS® should be used with caution when there is a multiple pregnancy. No studies in multiple pregnancy have been performed. PROPESS® should be used with caution when the woman has had more than three full term deliveries. No studies in woman with more than three full term deliveries have been performed. A second dose of PROPESS® is not recommended, as the effects of a second dose have not been studied. The use of PROPESS® in patients with diseases which could affect the metabolism or excretion of dinoprostone, e.g. lung, liver or renal disease, has not been specifically studied. The use of PROPESS® in such patients is not recommended. Women aged 35 and over, women with complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, arterial hypertension and hypothyroidism, and women at gestational age above 40 weeks have a higher post partum risk for developing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). These factors may additionally enhance the risk of disseminated intravasal coagulation in women with pharmacologically induced labour. Therefore, dinoprostone an oxytocin should be used with caution in these women. In the immediate post‑partum phase the physician should look out carefully for early signs of a developing DIC (e.g fibrinolysis). The clinician should be alert that, as with other labour induction methods, use of dinoprostone may result in inadvertent abruption of placenta and subsequent embolization of antigenic tissue causing in rare circumstances the development of Anaphylactoid
Syndrome of Pregnancy (Amniotic Fluid Embolism).

No dedicated interaction studies have been performed with PROPESS®.Prostaglandins potentiate the uterotonic effect of oxytocic drugs. Therefore,
PROPESS® should not be used concurrently with the use of oxytocic drugs.

Pregnancy: PROPESS® should not be used during pregnancy prior to 37 completed weeks of gestation.
Breast-feeding: No studies have been performed to investigate the amount
of dinoprostone in colostrum or breast milk following the use of PROPESS®.Dinoprostone may be excreted in colostrum and breast milk, but the level and duration is expected to be very limited and should not hinder breastfeeding. No effects on the breastfed new borns have been observed in the clinical studies conducted with PROPESS®.
Fertility: Not relevant

Not relevant.

Summary of safety profile: The most commonly
reported adverse drug reactions in placebo-controlled
and active comparator efficacy clinical trials (N=1116) were “foetal heart rate
disorder” (6.9%), “uterine contractions abnormal” (6.2%) and “abnormal labour
affecting foetus” (2.6 %). The ADRs below are distributed by system organ classes
(SOC) and frequency. Further, the ADRs seen during post-marketing experience
are mentioned with unknown frequency. Adverse reactions observed in clinical
studies are presented according to their incidence, post authorization reported
adverse reactions are presented under frequency unknown.
- Blood and lymphatic system disorders: Not known (frequency cannot be
estimated from the available data): Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
- Immune system disorders: Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from
the available data): Anaphylactic reaction, hypersensitivity.
- Nervous system disorders: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and ≤ 1/100): Headache
- Cardiac disorders: Common (≥ 1/100 and < 1/10): Foetal heart rate
- Vascular disorders: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and ≤ 1/100): Hypotension.
- Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000
and ≤ 1/100): Neonatal respiratory distress related conditions.
- Gastrointestinal disorders: Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from
the -available data): Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
- Hepatobiliary disorders:Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and ≤ 1/100): Neonatal
- Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and
≤ 1/100): Pruritus.
- Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions:
Common (≥ 1/100 and < 1/10): Abnormal labour affecting foetus 2*, uterine
contractions abnormal 4*, meconium in amniotic fluid.
Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and ≤ 1/100): Postpartum haemorrhage, premature
separation of placenta, apgar score low, arrested labour, chorioamnionitis,
uterine atony.
Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):
Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy, Foetal distress syndrome 3*.
- Reproductive system and breast disorders: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 and
≤ 1/100): Vulvovaginal burning sensation. Not known (frequency cannot be
estimated from the available data): Genital oedema
- General disorders and administration site conditions: Uncommon (≥ 1/1000
and ≤ 1/100): Febrile disorders
- Injury, poisoning and procedural complications: Not known (frequency
cannot be estimated from the available data):
Uterine rupture 1*’’Foetal heart rate disorder’’ was in clinical studies
reported as ‘’foetal heart rate abnormalities’’, ‘’foetal bradycardia’’, ‘’foetal
tachycardia’’, ‘’unexplained absence of normal variability’’, ‘’foetal heart rate
decreased’’, ‘’foetal heart rate deceleration’’, ‘’early or late decelerations’’,
‘’variable decelerations’’, ‘’prolonged decelerations’’.
2* ‘’Abnormal labour affecting foetus’’ as expression for hyperstimulation
syndrome was in clinical studies reported as ‘’uterine tachysystole’’ combined
with ‘’late decelerations’’, ‘’foetal bradycardia’’, or ‘’prolonged decelerations’’
3* ‘’Foetal distress syndrome’’ was also reported as ‘’foetal acidosis’’ ,
‘’pathological CTG’’, ‘’foetal heart rate abnormalities’’,
‘’intrauterine hypoxia’’ or ‘’threatening asphyxia’’. The term itself is unspecific,
has a low positive predictive value and is often associated with an infant who
is in good condition at birth.
4* ‘’Uterine contractions abnormal’’ were reported as ‘’uterine
hyperstimulation’’ and ‘’uterine hypertonus’’.

Over dosage or hypersensitivity may lead to hyperstimulation of the uterine muscle with or without foetal distress. If foetal distress occurs, remove PROPESS® immediately and manage in accordance with local protocol.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: oxytocics, prostaglandins. ATC‑code: G02AD02.
Prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone) is a naturally occurring compound found in low concentrations in most tissues of the body. It functions as a local hormone.Prostaglandin E2 plays an important role in the complex set of biochemical and structural alterations involved in cervical ripening. Cervical ripening involves a transformation of the uterine cervix, which must be transformed from a rigid structure to a soft, dilated configuration to allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal. This process involves activation of the enzyme collagenase which is responsible for the breakdown of the collagen. Local administration of dinoprostone to the cervix results in cervical ripening which then induces the subsequent events, which
complete labour.

Dinoprostone is rapidly metabolized primarily in the tissue of synthesis. Any which escapes local inactivation is rapidly cleared from the circulation with a half‑life generally estimated as 1 - 3 minutes. No correlation could be established between dinoprostone release and plasma concentrations of its metabolite, PGEm. The relative contributions of endogenously and exogenously released PGE2 to the plasma levels of the metabolite PGEm could
not be determined. The reservoir of 10 mg dinoprostone serves to maintain a controlled and constant release. The release rate is approximately 0.3 mg per hour over 24 hours in women with intact membranes whereas release is higher and more variable in women with premature rupture of membranes. PROPESS® releases dinoprostone to the cervical tissue continuously at a rate which allows cervical ripening to progress until complete, and with the facility to remove the dinoprostone source when the clinician decides that cervical ripening is complete or labour has started, at which point no further dinoprostone is required.


Hydrogel Polymer prepared with: Macrogol 8000,
Dicyclohexyl methane-4, 4’-diisocyanate 1,2,6-Hexanetriol, Ferric Chloride
Polyester retrieval system

Not applicable.

See outer carton

Store in a freezer (-15°C to -25°C). Store in the original container in order to protect from moisture.
No thawing is required prior to use.

PROPESS® vaginal delivery systems are presented in individual, sealed aluminium/ polyethylene laminate sachets in packs of 1 or 5 vaginal delivery systems. Not all pack sizes may be marketed in your country.

PROPESS® should be taken from the freezer only immediately before use. After usage, the whole product should be disposed of as clinical waste.

FERRING GmbH, Wittland 11, 24109 Kiel, Germany.

September 2017

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