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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

AGOUT tablets the active substance febuxostat and are used to treat gout, which is associated
with an excess of a chemical called uric acid (urate) in the body. In some people, the amount of
uric acid builds up in the blood and may become too high to remain soluble. When this happens,
urate crystals may form in and around the joints and kidneys. These crystals can cause sudden,
severe pain, redness, warmth and swelling in a joint (known as a gout attack). Left untreated,
larger deposits called tophi (TOE-FI) may form in and around joints. These tophi may cause joint
and bone damage.
AGOUT works by reducing uric acid levels. Keeping uric acid levels low by taking AGOUT
once every day stops crystals building up, and over time it reduces symptoms. Keeping uric acid
levels sufficiently low for a long enough period can also shrink tophi.
AGOUT 120 mg tablets is also used to treat and prevent high blood levels of uric acid that may
occur when you start to receive chemotherapy for blood cancers.
When chemotherapy is given, cancer cells are destroyed, and uric acid levels increase in the
blood accordingly, unless the formation of uric acid is prevented.
AGOUT is for adults.

Do not take AGOUT if you are:
• If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to Febuxostat, the active ingredient of Agout, or any of the
other ingredients in these tablets.
Take special care with AGOUT:

Tell your doctor before you start to take this medicine:
• If you have or have had heart failure or heart problems.
• If you have or have had renal disease and/or serious allergic reaction to Allopurinol (a
medication used for the treatment of Gout)
• If you have or have had liver disease or liver function test abnormalities
• If you are being treated for high uric acid levels as a result of cancer disease or Lesch-Nyhan
syndrome (a rare inherited condition in which there is too much uric acid in the blood).
• If you have thyroid problems.
Should you experience allergic reactions to AGOUT, stop taking this medicine (see also section
4). Possible symptoms of allergic reactions might be:
• rash including severe forms (e.g. blisters, nodules, itchy-, exfoliative rash), itchiness
• swelling of limbs or face
• difficulties in breathing
• fever with enlarged lymph nodes
• but also serious life threatening allergic conditions with cardiac and circulatory arrest.
Your doctor might decide to permanently stop treatment with AGOUT.
There have been rare reports of potentially life-threatening skin rashes (Stevens-Johnson
Syndrome) with the use of AGOUT, appearing initially as reddish target-like spots or
circular patches often with central blister on the trunk. It may also include ulcers in the
mouth, throat, nose, genitals and conjunctivitis (red and swollen eyes). The rash may
progress to widespread blistering or peeling of the skin.
If you have developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome with the use of febuxostat, you must not be
re-started on AGOUT at any time. If you developed a rash or these skin symptoms, seek
immediate advice from a doctor and tell that you are taking this medicine.
• If you are having a gout attack at the moment (a sudden onset of severe pain, tenderness,
redness, warmth and swelling in a joint), wait for the gout attack to subside before first starting
treatment with Agout.
For some people, gout attacks may flare up when starting certain medicines that control uric acid
levels. Not everyone gets flares, but you could get a flare-up even if you are taking Agout, and
especially during the first weeks or months of treatment. It is important to keep taking Agout
even if you have a flare, as Agout is still working to lower uric acid. Over time, gout flares will
occur less often and be less painful if you keep taking Agout every day.
Your doctor will often prescribe other medicines, if they are needed, to help prevent or treat the
symptoms of flares (such as pain and swelling in a joint).
Your doctor may ask you to have blood tests to check that your liver is working normally.
Children and Adolescents
Do not give the medicine to children under age of 18 because the safety and efficacy have no
been established.
Taking other medicines:
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, or have recently taken, any other
medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.
It is especially important to tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking medicines containing
any of the following substances as they may interact with Agout and your doctor may wish to
consider necessary measures:
• Mercaptopurine (used to treat cancer).
• Azathioprine (used to reduce immune response).

• Theophylline (used to treat asthma).
Taking AGOUT with food and drink:
The tablets should be taken by mouth and can be taken with or without food.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding:
It is not known if Febuxostat may harm your unborn child.
Tell your doctor if you think you are pregnant or if you are planning to become pregnant as
Agout should not be used during pregnancy.
It is not known if Febuxostat may pass into human breast milk.
You should not use Agout if you are breast feeding, or if you are planning to breastfeed.
Driving and using machines
No studies on the effects of Febuxostat on the ability to drive and use machines have been
performed. However, you should be aware that you may experience dizziness, sleepiness and
numbness or tingling sensation during treatment and should not drive or operate machines if
Important information about some of the ingredients of AGOUT:
Agout tablets contain lactose (a type of sugar). If you have been told that you have intolerance to
some sugars contact your doctor before taking this medicine.

Always take Agout exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or
pharmacist if you are not sure.
Agout is available as 40mg, 80 mg tablet or a 120 mg tablet. Your doctor will have prescribed
the strength most suitable for you.
• The usual dose is one tablet daily.
• The tablets should be taken by mouth and can be taken with or without food.
Agout is available as 40mg, 80 mg tablet or a 120 mg tablet. Your doctor will have prescribed
the strength most suitable for you.
Continue to take AGOUT every day even when you are not experiencing gout flare or attack.
Prevention and treatment of high uric acid levels in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy
AGOUT is available as a 120 mg tablet.
Start taking AGOUT two days before chemotherapy and continue its use according to your
doctor’s advice. Usually treatment is short-term.
It is important that you do not stop taking Agout unless your doctor tells you.
Continue to take Agout every day even when you are not experiencing gout flare or attack.
If you take more AGOUT than you should:
In the event of an accidental overdose ask your doctor what to do, or contact your nearest
accident and emergency department.
If you forget to take AGOUT:
If you miss a dose of Agout take it as soon as you remember unless it is almost time for your
next dose, in which case miss out the forgotten dose and take your next dose at the normal time.
Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.
If you stop taking AGOUT:
Do not stop taking Agout without the advice of your doctor even if you feel better. If you stop
taking Agout your uric acid levels may begin to rise and your symptoms may worsen due to the
formation of new crystals of urate in and around your joints and kidneys.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, Agout can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Stop taking this medicine and contact your doctor immediately or go to an emergency
department nearby if the following rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people) side effects occur,
because a serious allergic reaction might follow:
• anaphylactic reactions, drug hypersensitivity (see also section 2 “Warnings and
• potentially life-threatening skin rashes characterized by formation of blisters and
shedding of the skin and inner surfaces of body cavities, eg. mouth and genitals, painful
ulcers in the mouth and/or genital areas, accompanied by fever, sore throat and fatigue
(Stevens- Johnson Syndrome/ Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis), or by enlarged lymph nodes,
liver enlargement, hepatitis (up to liver failure), raising of the white-cells count in the
blood (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms-DRESS) (see section 2).
• generalised skin rashes.
Common side effects (reported in more than 1 in 100 patients but less than 1 in 10 patients) are:
• Abnormal liver test results.
• Diarrhea.
• Headache.
• Rashes.
• Nausea.
• Increase in gout symptoms.
• Localized swelling due to retention of fluids in tissues (oedema).
Uncommon side effects (more than 1 in 1,000 patients but less than 1 in 100 patients) are:
• Decreased appetite, change in blood sugar levels (diabetes) of which a symptom may be
excessive thirst, increased blood fat levels.
• Loss of sex drive.
• Difficulty in sleeping, sleepiness.
• Dizziness, numbness, tingling, reduced or altered sensation (hypoaesthesia or paraesthesia),
altered or reduced sense of taste.
• Abnormal ECG heart tracing, irregular heartbeats, feeling your heart beat.
• Hot flushes or blushing (e.g. redness of the face or neck), increased blood pressure.
• Cough, shortness of breath, chest discomfort or pain, inflammation of nasal passage and/or
throat (upper respiratory tract infection), bronchitis
• Dry mouth, abdominal pain/discomfort or wind, heartburn/indigestion, constipation, more
frequent passing of stools, vomiting, stomach discomfort.
• Itching, hives, skin inflammation or discolouration, other type of skin conditions.
• Muscle cramp, muscle weakness, pain/ache in muscles/joints, bursitis or arthritis (inflammation
of joints usually accompanied by pain, swelling and/or stiffness), pain in extremity, back pain,
muscle spasm.
• Blood in the urine, abnormal frequent urination, abnormal urine tests (increased level of
proteins in the urine), and a reduction in the ability of the kidneys to function properly.
• Fatigue, localised swelling due to the retention of fluids in the tissues (oedema), chest pain,
chest discomfort.
• Stones in the gallbladder or in bile ducts (cholelithiasis).

• Changes in blood chemistry or amount of blood cells or platelets (abnormal blood test results).
• Kidney stones.
• Erectile difficulties
Rare side effects (more than 1 in 10,000 patients but less than 1 in 1,000 patients) are:
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, itching, swelling).
• Generalized skin rashes.
Stop taking Agout and contact your doctor immediately if these side effects occur, because a
serious allergic reaction might follow.
• Nervousness.
• Feeling thirsty.
• Erectile difficulties.
• Ringing in the ears.
• Hair loss.
• Mouth ulceration.
• Inflammation of the pancreas: common symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
• Increased sweating.
• Weight change (increase/decrease), increased appetite, uncontrolled loss of appetite (anorexia).
• Muscle and/or joint stiffness.
• Abnormally low blood cell counts (white or red blood cells).
• Urgent need to urinate.
• Changes or decrease in urine amount due to inflammation in the kidneys (tubulointerstitial
• Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
• Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
• Liver damage
If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet,
please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Store below 30oC.

The active substance is Febuxostat.Each film coated tablet contains: 40 mg, 80 mg or 120 mg of
The other ingredients are:
Tablet core: lactose fast flow, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate,
hydroxypropylcellulose low-S, croscarmellose sodium, colloidal Silicon Dioxide.
Film-coating: Opadry OY-37202 Dark Tan, Purified Water.

Agout film-coated tablets are Oblong, biconvex, light to light brown color. In pack carton of 30 film- coated tablets.

Manufactured by SPIMACO

Al-Qassim Pharmaceutical Plant

Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries &

Medical Appliances Corporation,

Saudi Arabia.

February 2016.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

تحتوي أقراص أجاوت علي المادة الفعالة (فيبوكسوستات) و التي تستعمل لعلاج حالات النقرس و هي حالات تنجم عن حدوث زيادة في تركيز مادة كيميائية تدعى حمض اليوريك ( يورات) داخل جسم الإنسان. وفي حالة بعض المرضى تصبح كمية حمض اليوريك في الدم مرتفعة جدا فتبدأ بالترسب. وعند ذلك تبدأ بلورت يورات بالتكون في كل من المفاصل والكلى وحولهما. هذه البلورات قد تسبب بشكل مفاجئ؛ حدوث ألم شديد، احمرار، سخونة وتورم في المفصل ( تدعى نوبة النقرس). إن إهمال علاج هذه الحالات يؤدي إلى تكون تراكمات كبيرة تدعى حصيبة ( توفي) في المفاصل وحولها. هذه الحصيبة قد تؤدي إلى التسبب بحدوث تلف في المفصل والعظم.

أجاوت يعمل على تقليل مستوى تركيز حمض اليوريك في الدم. إن المحافظة على هذا المستوى المنخفض من تركيز حمض اليوريك باستخدام أجاوت مرة واحدة يوميا يمنع من تكون هذه البلورات ومع مرور الوقت تبدأ الأعراض  بالاختفاء. كما أن المحافظة على مستوى تركيز حمض اليوريك منخفضا في الدم لفترة زمنية طويلة يؤدي أيضا إلى تقلص حجم الحصيبة.

يستخدم أجاوت 120 ملجم أيضا لعلاج ومنع ارتفاع مستويات حمض اليوريك في الدم الذي قد يحدث عند البدء في تلقي العلاج الكيميائي لسرطان الدم.

عندما يتم إعطاء العلاج الكيميائي، ويتم تدمير الخلايا السرطانية، قد تزيد مستويات حمض اليوريك في الدم تبعا لذلك، ما لم يتم منع تكوين حمض اليوريك.

أجاوت هو دواء للبالغين.

موانع تناول أجاوت

• إذا كنت تعاني من فرط التحسس (التآق) من مادة فيبوكسوستات أو لأي من مكونات أجاوت الأخرى.

الاحتياطات عند تناول أجاوت

قم باستشارة طبيبك قبل البدء بتناول أجاوت إذا:

• كنت مصابا أو أصبت سابقا بقصور القلب أو بحدوث مشاكل في القلب.

• إذا كان لديك أو كنت تعاني من مرض كلوي و / أو رد فعل حساسية خطير لالوبيورينول (وهو دواء يستخدم لعلاج النقرس).

• إذا كان لديك أو كنت تعاني من مرض كبدي أو اضطرابات في اختبار وظائف الكبد.

• كنت قد خضعت سابقا للعلاج من ارتفاع مستويات حمض اليوريك في الدم الناتج عن الإصابة بالسرطان أو متلازمة ليش نيهان (مرض وراثي نادر الحدوث يتميز بارتفاع مستويات حمض اليوريك في الدم).

• كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الغدة الدرقية.

إذا حدث لك تجربة رد فعل حساسية تجاه أجاوت، توقف عن تناول هذا الدواء (انظر أيضا القسم 4). الأعراض المحتملة من الحساسية قد تكون:

• الطفح الجلدي بما في ذلك أشكال حادة (مثل بثور أو عقيدات، حكة، طفح متقشر)، والحكة

• تورم في الأطراف أو الوجه

• صعوبات في التنفس

• الحمى مع تضخم الغدد الليمفاوية

• ولكن أيضا حالات حساسية خطيرة تهدد الحياة مع السكتة القلبية والدورة الدموية.

قد يقرر الطبيب إلى إيقاف العلاج بـ أجاوت بشكل دائم.

كانت هناك تقارير نادرة من الطفح الجلدي مهددة للحياة (متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون) مع استخدام أجاوت، والتي تظهر في البداية كـ بقع محمرة تشبه الهدف أو البقع الدائرية في كثير من الأحيان مع نقطة المركزية على الجذع. ويمكن أن تشمل أيضا تقرحات في الفم والحلق والأنف والأعضاء التناسلية والتهاب الملتحمة (عيون حمراء و منتفخة). قد يتطور الطفح الجلدي إلى ظهور تقرحات أو تقشير الجلد على نطاق واسع.

إذا حدثت لك متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون مع استخدام فيبوكسوستات، يجب أن لا تتناول أجاوت مرة أخري في أي وقت. إذا حدث لك طفح جلدي أو هذه الأعراض الجلدية، اطلب المشورة الفورية من طبيب و قل له أنك تتناول هذا الدواء.

• كنت تتعرض حاليا لنوبة نقرس (نوبة مفاجئة من الألم الشديد، التشنج، الاحمرار، السخونة، و تورم المفاصل) انتظر حتى تنتهي النوبة لديك قبل البدء بتناول أجاوت.

في حالة بعض المرضى قد يصاحب البدء بتناول أدوية من مجموعة الأدوية المخفضة لحمض اليوريك في الدم حدوث نوبات شديدة من النقرس (توهجات). لكن ليس بالضرورة حدوث ذلك في حالة جميع المرضى. لذا قد يصاحب تناول أجاوت حدوث نوبات شديدة من النقرس (توهجات) خصوصا خلال الأسابيع أوالأشهرالأولى من بدء العلاج. من المهم جدا الاستمرار في تناول أجاوت حتى لو تعرضت لمثل هذه النوبات عند تناول أجاوت. لأن أجاوت سيقوم بتخفيض مستوى حمض اليوريك لذلك مع مرور الوقت ستخف حدة نوبات النقرس كما سيقل معدل تكرارها في حالة استمرارك بتناول أجاوت.

كما أن طبيبك سوف يقوم بوصف أدوية أخرى مع أجاوت إذا كنت بحاجة إلى ذلك لتخفيف أو منع ظهور أعراض نوبة النقرس ( مثل أعراض الألم وتورم المفصل).

قد يطلب منك طبيبك القيام بفحص مستويات أنزيمات الكبد  في الدم للتأكد من عمله بشكل طبيعي.

الأطفال والمراهقين

لا تعطي الدواء للأطفال تحت سن 18 سنة لأنه لم يتم تأسيس السلامة والفعالية.

التداخلات الدوائية من أخذ هذا الدواء مع أي أدوية أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية

فضلا أخبر الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو قد تناولت مؤخرا أي دواء آخر يشمل ذلك الأدوية التي تصرف بدون وصفة.

تزداد أهمية ذلك بأن تخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي ليقوم بالإجراء المناسب إذا كنت تتناول أي من الأدوية التالية:

• ميركابتوبورين (يستخدم في علاج السرطان).

• آزوثيوبرين (يستخدم كعلاج لتقليل الاستجابة المناعية).

• ثيوفللين (يستخدم في علاج الربو).

إذ قد تحدث بعض التداخلات الدوائية وذلك عند تناول أجاوت بشكل متزامن مع هذه الأدوية.

تناول أجاوت مع الطعام والشراب

يجب تناول أجاوت عن طريق الفم. ويكمن تناوله مع الطعام أو بدونه.

الحمل والرضاعة

من غير المعروف فيما إذا كانت مادة فيبوكسوستات تؤذي الأجنة.

استشيري طبيبك على الفور إذا أصبحت حاملا، أو كنت تفكرين أو تخططين للحمل أثناء تناول أجاوت. يجب عدم تناول أجاوت في حالة الحمل.

من غير المعروف فيما إذا كان مادة فيبوكسوستات تفرز في حليب الأم.

يجب عدم تناول أجاوت في حالة الإرضاع أو إذا كنت تخططين للإرضاع.

تأثير أجاوت على القيادة واستعمال الآلات

لم تتم دراسة تأثير مادة فيبوكسوستات على قدرة الإنسان على القيادة واستعمال الالآت. بالرغم من ذلك يجب أخذ الحيطة والحذر وعدم القيادة واستعمال الالآت إذا شعرت بالدوخة، النعاس والتنمل أو الإحساس بالوخز عند تناول أجاوت.

معلومة هامة حول بعض مكونات أجاوت

يحتوي أجاوت على لاكتوز. استشر طبيبك قبل تناول هذا الدواء، إذا كان قد أخبرك سابقا بأنك تعاني من مشكلة عدم التحمل لبعض أنواع السكر.


دائما يتوجب عليك تناول أجاوت حسب الجرعة الموصوفة من قبل طبيبك، لذا يتوجب عليك استشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي في حالة عدم تأكدك من الجرعة.

• الجرعة عادة تكون حبة واحدة يوميا.

• يجب تناول أجاوت عن طريق الفم، ويكمن تناوله مع الطعام أو بدونه.


أجاوت متوافر على هيئة أقراص بتراكيز 40 ملجم، 80 ملجم أو 120 ملجم.

إن طبيبك سوف يقوم بتحديد التركيز المناسب لحالتك.

داوم علي تناول أجاوت كل يوم حتي لو كنت تعاني من نوبة نقرس.

الوقاية والعلاج من ارتفاع مستويات حمض اليوريك في المرضي الذين يخضعون للعلاج الكيميائي للسرطان

أجاوت متوفر على هيئة أقراص بتركيز 120 ملجم.

ابدأ بتناول أجاوت قبل يومين من العلاج الكيميائي واستمر باستخدامه وفقا لمشورة الطبيب. يكون العلاج عادة على المدى القصير.

يجب عدم التوقف عن تناول أجاوت ما لم يطلب منك طبيبك ذلك.

استمرعلى تناول أجاوت بشكل يومي حتى في الفترات التي لا تتعرض فيها لنوبات نقرس أو توهجات.

الجرعة الزائدة من أجاوت

في حالة تناولك جرعة زائدة من أجاوت بالخطأ، اتصل بطبيبك أوإذهب إلى أقرب وحدة طوارئ في الحال.

نسيان تناول جرعة من أجاوت

في حالة نسيان جرعة من أجاوت تناول هذه الجرعة فور تذكرها إلا إذا كان ذلك في وقت الجرعة التالية في هذه الحالة خذ الجرعة التالية فقط وأكمل كالمعتاد. لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة التي نسيتها.

التوقف عن تناول أجاوت

لا تتوقف عن تناول أجاوت ما لم يطلب طبيبك منك ذلك حتى لو شعرت بالتحسن. إن التوقف عن تناول أجاوت قد يؤدي إلى ارتفاع مستويات حمض اليوريك لديك من جديد وبالتالي تبدأ الأعراض بالظهور من جديد أو قد تزداد سوءا نتيجة لتكون بلورات يورات جديدة  في كل من المفاصل والكلى وحولهما.

إذا كانت لديك أية استفسارات إضافية حول هذا الدواء فضلا استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

كما هو الحال في جميع الأدوية، فإن تناول أجاوت قد يصاحبه ظهور بعض الأعراض الجانبية والتي ليس بالضرورة أن تظهر عند كل من يتناول أجاوت.

توقف عن تناول هذا الدواء واتصل بطبيبك فورا أو اذهب إلى قسم الطوارئ في مكان قريب إذا حدث أى من الأعراض الجانبية النادرة (قد تؤثر على ما يصل إلى 1 في 1000 شخص)، لأن رد فعل تحسسي خطير قد يتبع ذلك:

• ردود فعل تحسسية، وفرط حساسية للأدوية (انظر أيضا القسم 2 "تحذيرات واحتياطات")

• الطفح الجلدي المهدد للحياة الذي يتميز بتكوين بثور وسفك الجلد والأسطح الداخلية للتجاويف الجسم، على سبيل المثال. الفم والأعضاء التناسلية وقرح مؤلمة في الفم و / أو المناطق التناسلية، يرافقه الحمى، والتهاب الحلق وتعب (متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون / انحلال البشرة السام)، أو عن طريق تضخم الغدد الليمفاوية، تضخم الكبد، والتهاب الكبد (إلى فشل الكبد)، زيادة عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء (رد فعل الأدوية ب فرط الحمضات وأعراض DRESS النظامية) (انظر القسم 2).

• الطفح الجلدي المعمم.

 أعراض جانبية شائعة ( سجل ظهورها  بمعدل أكثر من حالة لكل مئة مريض ولكن أقل من حالة لكل عشرة مرضى):

• تغيرات في نتائج قيم اختبارات وظائف الكبد في الدم.

• الإسهال.

• الصداع.

• طفح جلدي.


• زيادة في ظهور أعراض النقرس.

• تورم موضعي بسبب احتباس السوائل في الأنسجة (وذمة).

أعراض جانبية غير شائعة ( سجل ظهورها  بمعدل أكثر من حالة لكل ألف مريض ولكن أقل من حالة لكل مئة مريض):

• فقدان الشهية، تغير مستويات السكر في الدم (يشبه السكري) و الذي قد تكون أعراضه زيادة الشعور بالعطش، ارتفاع مستويات الدهون في الدم.

• فقدان الدافع الجنسي.

• صعوبة في النوم، الأرق.

• دوخة، خدر، وخز، اختلال في الإحساس (كلال الحس اللمسي أو التنمل)، اختلال أو ضعف في حاسة التذوق.

• تغيرات في قيم التخطيط الكهربائي للقلب (ECG) ، اختلالات في نظم القلب، الشعور بنبض القلب.

• توردات ساخنة أو احمرار (مثل احمرار الوجه أو الرقبة)، ارتفاع ضغط الدم.

• سعال، قصر النفس، ألم أو ضيق في الصدر، التهاب القناة التنفسية و/ أو الحنجرة (التهاب الجهاز التنفسي العلوي)، التهاب القصبات الهوائية.

• جفاف الفم، ألم في البطن /اضطربات أو ريح، حرقة الفؤاد/ عسر الهضم، الإمساك، التبرز المتكرر، القئ، ضيق في المعدة.

• حكة، شري، التهاب الجلد أو تصبغه، أشكال أخرى من مشاكل الجلد.

• تشنج العضل، ضعف العضل، ألم / حكة في المفاصل والعضلات، التهاب كيسي أو التهاب المفاصل يكون مصحوبا عادة بألم، تورم و/ أو تصلب)، ألم في الأطراف، ألم في الظهر، تشنج عضلي.

• وجود دم في البول، تبول متكرر بشكل غير طبيعي، تغيرنتائج قيم فحص البول (زيادة مستويات البروتين في الدم)، و ضعف في وظائف الكلى

• تعب، تورم موضعي نتيجة لعودة السوائل إلى الأنسجة (وذمة)، ألم في الصدر، ضيق في الصدر.

• تكون حصى في المرارة أو القناة الصفراوية (الحصى الصفراوية).

• تغيرات في نتائج قيم اختبارات كيمياء الدم أو عد كريات الدم والصفيحات الدموية (اختلال قيم فحوصات الدم).

• حصى الكلى.

• صعوبات الإنتصاب.

أعراض جانبية نادرة ( سجل ظهورها  بمعدل أكثر من حالة لكل10,000  مريض ولكن أقل من حالة لكل ألف مريض):

•تفاعلات فرط التحسس (مثل طفح الجلد، الحكة، التورم).

• طفح الجلد المتعمم.

يجب عليك أن تتوقف عن تناول أجاوت وتراجع الطبيب في الحال إذا ظهرعندك أي من الأعراض الجانبية السابقة؛ فقد تكون علامات لحدوث تفاعلات فرط تحسس خطيرة.

• العصبية.

•الشعور بالعطش.

• صعوبة الانتصاب.

• طنين في الأذن.

• تساقط الشعر.

• تقرحات في الفم.

•التهاب البنكرياس: ومن أعراضه ألم في البطن، غثيان، قيء.

• زيادة التعرق.

• تغير الوزن (زيادة أو نقصان)، زيادة الشهية، فقدان الشهية غير المسيطرعليه (قلة الشهوة للطعام).

• تشنج المفاصل و/ أو العضلات.

• انخفاض غير طبيعي في عد كريات الدم (كريات الدم البيضاء أو كريات الدم الحمراء).

• الحاجة الملحة للتبول.

• تغييرات أو نقص في كمية البول بسبب التهاب في الكلى (التهاب الكلية الأنبوبي الفراغي).

• التهاب الكبد (التهاب الكبد).

• اصفرار الجلد (اليرقان).

• تلف الكبد.

إذا ازدادت شدة إحدى هذه الأعراض، أو أصبت بأية أعراض جانبية أخرى لم تذكر في هذه النشرة، أخبر طبيبك المعالج أو الصيدلي.

يحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية.

ما هي محتويات أجاوت؟

المادة الفعالة: فيبوكسوستات. كل قرص مغلف بطبقة رقيقة يحتوي على 40 ملجم، 80 ملجم، 120 ملجم فيبوكسوستات.

المكونات الأخرى:

حشوة القرص:لاكتوز، ميكروكريستالين سيليلوز، ستيرات المغنيسيوم، هيدروكسي بروبيل سيليلوز، كروسكورمالوز الصوديوم،  ثنائي أوكسيد السيليكون الغرواني.

قشرة القرص: أوبادريOY-37202صبغة غامقة، ماء نقي.

إن أجاوت 120 متوافر على شكل أقراص مغلفة بطبقة رقيقة ذات شكل مستطيل محدب الوجهين لونها يتراوح بين اللون البني الفاتح والبني، منقوش على احدي جانبيها رقم "24" وجلية السطح على الجانب الآخر. في عبوات سعة 30 قرص مغلف بطبقة رقيقة.

إنتاج الدوائية

مصنع الأدوية بالقصيم

الشركة السعودية للصناعات الدوائية والمستلزمات الطبية.

المملكة العربية السعودية

فبراير 2016.
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Agout 120.

Agout 120 mg tablet: Each tablet contains 120 mg of febuxostat. .

Film-coated tablet.

Treatment of chronic hyperuricaemia in conditions where urate deposition has already occurred (including a history, or presence of, tophus and/or gouty arthritis).



The recommended oral dose of Agout is 80 mg once daily without regard to food. If serum uric acid is > 6 mg/dl (357µmol/l) after 2-4 weeks, Agout 120 mg once daily may be considered.

Agout works sufficiently quickly to allow retesting of the serum uric acid after 2 weeks. The therapeutic target is to decrease and maintain serum uric acid below 6 mg/dl (357μmol/l). Gout flare prophylaxis of at least 6 months is recommended (see section 4.4).

Special populations

Renal insufficiency

No dosage adjustment is necessary in patients with mild or moderate renal impairment. The efficacy and safety have not been fully evaluated in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 ml/min, see section 5.2). 

Hepatic impairment

The recommended dosage in patients with mild hepatic impairment is 80 mg. Limited information is available in patients with moderate hepatic impairment. The efficacy and safety of febuxostat has not been studied in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child Pugh Class C). 


No dose adjustment is required in the elderly (see section 5.2). 

Children and adolescents

As there has been no experience in children and adolescents, the use of febuxostat in such patients is not recommended. 

Organ transplant recipients

As there has been no experience in organ transplant recipients, the use of febuxostat in such patients is not recommended (see section 5.1). 

- Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Cardio-vascular disorders

Treatment with febuxostat in patients with ischaemic heart disease or congestive heart failure is not recommended. A higher rate of cardiovascular thromboembolic events was observed in patients treated with febuxostat than allopurinol in clinical trials. Monitor for signs and symptoms of MI and stroke. (see section 4.8). 

Acute gouty attacks (gout flare)

Febuxostat treatment should not be started until an acute attack of gout has completely subsided. As with other urate lowering medicinal products, gout flares may occur during initiation of treatment due to changing serum uric acid levels resulting in mobilization of urate from tissue deposits (see sections 4.8 and 5.1). At treatment initiation with febuxostat flare prophylaxis for at least 6 months with an NSAID or colchicine is recommended (see section 4.2). 

If a gout flare occurs during febuxostat treatment, it should not be discontinued. The gout flare should be managed concurrently as appropriate for the individual patient. Continuous treatment with febuxostat decreases frequency and intensity of gout flares. 

Xanthine deposition

As with other urate lowering medicinal products, in patients in whom the rate of urate formation is greatly increased (e.g. malignant disease and its treatment, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) the absolute concentration of xanthine in urine could, in rare cases, rise sufficiently to allow deposition in the urinary tract. As there has been no experience with febuxostat, its use in these populations is not recommended.


Febuxostat use is not recommended in patients concomitantly treated with mercaptopurine/azathioprine (see section 4.5).


Febuxostat should be used with caution in patients concomitantly treated with theophylline and theophylline levels should be monitored in patients starting febuxostat therapy (see section 4.5). 

Liver disorders

During the combined phase 3 clinical studies, mild liver function test abnormalities were observed in patients treated with febuxostat (5.0%). Liver function test is recommended prior to the initiation of therapy with febuxostat and periodically thereafter based on clinical judgment (see section 5.1). 


Thyroid disorders

Increased TSH values (>5.5 µIU/ml) were observed in patients on long-term treatment with febuxostat (5.5%) in the long term open label extension studies. Caution is required when febuxostat is used in patients with alteration of thyroid function (see section 5.1). 


Febuxostat tablets contain lactose. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine. 


Although interaction studies with febuxostat have not been performed, inhibition of xanthine oxidase (XO) is known to result in an increase in mercaptopurine or azathioprine levels. On the basis of the mechanism of action of febuxostat on XO inhibition concomitant use is not recommended. 

Drug interaction studies of febuxostat with cytotoxic chemotherapy have not been conducted. No data is available regarding the safety of febuxostat during cytotoxic therapy. 


Although interaction studies have not been performed with febuxostat, inhibition of XO may cause an increase in the theophylline level (inhibition of the metabolism of theophylline has been reported with other XO inhibitors). Hence caution is advised if these active substances are given concomitantly, and theophylline levels should be monitored in patients starting febuxostat therapy.

Naproxen and other inhibitors of glucuronidation

Febuxostat metabolism depends on UGT enzymes. Medicinal products that inhibit glucuronidation, such as NSAIDs and probenecid, could in theory affect the elimination of febuxostat. In healthy subjects concomitant use of febuxostat and naproxen 250mg BID was associated with an increase in febuxostat exposure (Cmax 28%, AUC 41% and t1/2 26%). In clinical studies the use of naproxen or other NSAIDs/Cox-2 inhibitors was not related to any clinically significant increase in adverse events. 

Febuxostat can be co-administered with naproxen with no dose adjustment of febuxostat or naproxen being necessary. 

Inducers of glucuronidation

Potent inducers of UGT enzymes might possibly lead to increased metabolism and decreased efficacy of febuxostat. Monitoring of serum uric acid is therefore recommended 1-2 weeks after start of treatment with a potent inducer of glucuronidation. Conversely, cessation of treatment of an inducer might lead to increased plasma levels of febuxostat.


Febuxostat can be co-administered with colchicine or indomethacin with no dose adjustment of febuxostat or the co-administered active substance being necessary. 

No dose adjustment is necessary for febuxostat when administered with hydrochlorothiazide. 

No dose adjustment is necessary for warfarin when administered with febuxostat. Administration of febuxostat (80 mg or 120 mg once daily) with warfarin had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of warfarin in healthy subjects. INR and Factor VII activity were also not affected by the co-administration of febuxostat. 

Desipramine/CYP2D6 substrates.

Febuxostat was shown to be a weak inhibitor of CYP2D6 in vitro. In a study in healthy subjects, 120 mg FEBUXOSTAT QD resulted in a mean 22% increase in AUC of desipramine, a CYP2D6 substrate indicating a potential weak inhibitory effect of febuxostat on the CYP2D6 enzyme in vivo. Thus, co administration of febuxostat with other CYP2D6 substrates is not expected to require any dose adjustment for those compounds. 


Concomitant ingestion of an antacid containing magnesium hydroxide and aluminium hydroxide has been shown to delay absorption of febuxostat (approximately 1 hour) and to cause a 32% decrease in C, but no maxsignificant change in AUC was observed. Therefore, febuxostat may be taken without regard to antacid use.



Data on a very limited number of exposed pregnancies have not indicated any adverse effects of febuxostat on pregnancy or on the health of the foetus/new born child. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryonal/foetal development or parturition (see section 5.3). The potential risk for human is unknown. Febuxostat should not be used during pregnancy. 

Breast feeding

It is unknown whether febuxostat is excreted in human breast milk. Animal studies have shown excretion of this active substance in breast milk and an impaired development of suckling pups. A risk to a suckling infant cannot be excluded. Febuxostat should not be used while breast-feeding.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. As with other xanthine oxidase inhibitors adverse reactions such as somnolence, dizziness and paraesthesia have been reported. Patients should exercise caution before driving, using machinery or participating in dangerous activities until they are reasonably certain that FEBUXOSTAT does not adversely affect performance. 

A total of 4,072 subjects received at least one dose of FEBUXOSTAT (10 mg – 300 mg) in clinical studies. 

Combined phase 3 randomised controlled studies

In randomised controlled phase 3 clinical studies, >2,500 patients have been treated with 40 mg to 120 mg (1513 subjects enrolled in a 26-week study (CONFIRMS), 536 subjects enrolled in a 28-week study (APEX) and 507 subjects enrolled in a 52-weeks study (FACT)). The treatment-related events (ADRs) were mostly. mild or moderate in severity. 

The most commonly reported ADRs (investigator assessment) are liver function abnormalities (5.0%), diarrhoea (2.7%), nausea (1.3%), headache (1.2%), rash (1.2 %).

Gout flares were also commonly observed soon after the start of treatment and during the first months. Thereafter, the frequency of gout flare decreases in a time-dependent manner. As with other urate lowering medicinal products, gout flare prophylaxis is recommended (see section 4.2 and 4.4). 

A numerical greater incidence of investigator-reported cardiovascular APTC events (defined endpoints from the Anti-Platelet Trialists' Collaboration (APTC) including cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke) was observed in the febuxostat total group compared to the allopurinol group in the APEX and FACT studies (1.3 vs. 0.3 events per 100 PYs), but not in the CONFIRMS study. The incidence of investigator-reported cardiovascular APTC events in the combined Phase III studies (APEX, FACT and CONFIRMS studies) was 0.7 vs. 0.6 events per 100 PYs. In the long-term extension studies the incidences of investigator-reported APTC events were 1.2 and 0.6 events per 100 PYs for febuxostat and allopurinol, respectively. No statistically significant differences were found and no causal relationship with febuxostat was established. Identified risk factors among these patients were a medical history of atherosclerotic disease and/or myocardial infarction, or of congestive heart failure. 

Common (1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (  1/1,000 to < 1/100) and rare (  1/10,000 to < 1/1000) adverse reactions suspected (investigator assessment) to be drug related occurring in patients treated with 40 mg to 120 mg febuxostat and reported more than once in the total febuxostat treatment group are listed below.

Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness. 

Table 1: Treatment related adverse reactions in combined phase 3 randomized controlled studies


* Treatment-emergent non-infective diarrhoea and abnormal liver function tests in the combined Phase III studies are more frequent in patients concomitantly treated with colchicine.

** See section 5.1 for incidences of gout flares in the individual Phase 3 randomized controlled studies. 

Long-term open label extension studies

In the long-term open label extension studies (1143 patients), the number of patients treated with febuxostat 40 mg/80 mg/120 mg up to 1 year was 909, up to 2 years was 781, up to 3 years was 348, and up to 4 and 5 years was 60. The treatment-related events reported during the long-term extension studies were similar to those reported in the Phase 3 studies (see Table 1). The most commonly reported treatment-related events (investigator assessment) are: liver function abnormalities, diarrhoea, headache, rash, hypertension, oedema. 

The following treatment-related events were reported more than once in the total febuxostat treatment group and were reported as uncommon in patients taking febuxostat 40 mg/80 mg/120 mg in long-term extension studies (up to 5 years, >2,660 Patient-years of exposure). These treatment-related events were either not reported or reported at a lower frequency for these doses, in the combined Phase 3 studies: abdominal distension, cholelithiasis, bronchitis, weight increase, blood creatine increase, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, arthritis, muscle tightness, hyposmia, hemiparesis, cough, skin discolouration, skin lesion, bursitis, proteinuria, petechiae, erectile dysfunction, blood potassium increase, blood TSH increase, lymphocyte count decreased, WBC decrease. 

Adverse reactions from spontaneous reporting

There have been post-marketing reports of rare serious rashes, generalised skin rashes and severe hypersensitivity reactions. In most cases, these reactions occurred during the first month of therapy with febuxostat. Some of these patients, but not all, reported previous hypersensitivity to allopurinol. 

Reporting to National regulatory authority:

To report any side effects:

Saudi Arabia

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

Fax: +966-11-205-7662

Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Ext 2317-2356-2340

Reporting hotline: 19999

E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc




No case of overdose has been reported. Patients with an overdose should be managed by symptomatic and supportive care. 

 - Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical (ATC): 


Preparations inhibiting uric acid production, ATC code: M04AA03 


- Mechanism of action:

Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism in humans and is generated in the cascade of hypoxanthine  Xanthine uric acid. Both steps in the above transformations are catalyzed by xanthine oxidase (XO). Febuxostat is a 2-arylthiazole derivative that achieves its therapeutic effect of decreasing serum uric acid by selectively inhibiting XO. Febuxostat is a potent, non-purine selective inhibitor of XO (NP-SIXO) with an in vitro inhibition Ki value less than one nanomolar. Febuxostat has been shown to potently inhibit both the oxidized and reduced forms of XO. At therapeutic concentrations febuxostat does not inhibit other enzymes involved in purine or pyrimidine metabolism, namely, guanine deaminase, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase or purine nucleoside phosphorylase. 


Clinical studies results

The efficacy of FEBUXOSTAT was demonstrated in three Phase 3 pivotal studies (the two pivotal APEX and FACT studies, and the additional CONFIRMS study described below) that were conducted in 4101 patients with hyperuricemia and gout. In each phase 3 pivotal study, FEBUXOSTAT demonstrated superior ability to lower and maintain serum uric acid levels compared to allopurinol. The primary efficacy endpoint in the APEX and FACT studies was the proportion of patients whose last 3 monthly serum uric acid levels were < 6.0 mg/dl (357 µmol/l). In the additional phase 3 CONFIRMS study, for which results became available after the marketing authorisation for FEBUXOSTAT was first issued, the primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients whose serum urate level was < 6.0 mg/dL at the final visit. No patients with organ transplant have been included in these studies (see section 4.2).

APEX Study: The Allopurinol and Placebo-Controlled Efficacy Study of Febuxostat (APEX) was a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, 28-week study. One thousand and seventy-two (1072) patients were randomized: placebo (n=134), FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg QD (n=267), FEBUXOSTAT 120 mg QD (n=269), FEBUXOSTAT 240 mg QD (n=134) or allopurinol (300 mg QD [n=258] for patients with a baseline serum creatinine

 1.5 mg/dl or 100 mg QD [n=10] for patients with a baseline serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dl and   2.0 mg/dl). Two hundred and forty mg febuxostat (2 times the recommended highest dose) was used as a safety evaluation dose. 

The APEX study showed statistically significant superiority of both the FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg QD and the FEBUXOSTAT 120 mg QD treatment arms versus the conventionally used doses of allopurinol 300mg (n = 258) /100mg (n = 10) treatment arm in reducing the sUA below 6 mg/dl (357 µmol/l) (see Table 2 and Figure 1). 

FACT Study: The Febuxostat Allopurinol Controlled Trial (FACT) Study was a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, multicenter, 52-week study. Seven hundred sixty (760) patients were randomized: FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg QD (n=256), FEBUXOSTAT 120 mg QD (n=251), or allopurinol 300 mg QD (n=253). 

The FACT study showed the statistically significant superiority of both FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg and FEBUXOSTAT 120 mg QD treatment arms versus the conventionally used dose of  llopurinol 300 mg treatment arm in reducing and maintaining sUA below 6 mg/dl (357 µmol/l). 

Table 2 summarises the primary efficacy endpoint results:

Table 2

Proportion of Patients with Serum Uric Acid Levels <6.0 mg/dl (357µmol/l)

Last Three Monthly Visits

The ability of FEBUXOSTAT to lower serum uric acid levels was prompt and persistent. Reduction in serum uric acid level to <6.0 mg/dl (357 μmol/l) was noted by the Week 2 visit and was maintained throughout treatment. The mean serum uric acid levels over time for each treatment group from the two pivotal Phase 3 studies are shown in Figure 1.

Note: 509 patients received allopurinol 300 mg QD; 10 patients with serum creatinine >1.5 and < 2.0 mg/dl were dosed with 100 mg QD. (10 patients out of 268 in APEX study).

240 mg febuxostat was used to evaluate the safety of febuxostat at twice the recommended highest dose.

CONFIRMS Study: The CONFIRMS study was a Phase 3, randomized, controlled, 26-week study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of febuxostat 40 mg and 80 mg, in comparison with allopurinol 300 mg or 200 mg, in patients with gout and hyperuricaemia. Two thousand and two hundred-sixty nine (2269) patients were randomized: FEBUXOSTAT 40 mg QD (n=757), FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg QD (n=756), or allopurinol 300/200 mg QD

(n=756). At least 65% of the patients had mild-moderate renal impairment (with creatinine clearance of 30-89 mL/min). Prophylaxis against gout flares was obligatory over the 26-week period.

The proportion of patients with serum urate levels of < 6.0 mg/dL (357 µmol/L) at the final visit, was 45% for 40 mg febuxostat, 67% for febuxostat 80 mg and 42% for allopurinol 300/200 mg, respectively. 

Primary endpoint in the sub-group of patients with renal impairment

The APEX Study evaluated efficacy in 40 patients with renal impairment (i.e., baseline serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl and  2.0 mg/dl). For renally impaired subjects who were randomized to allopurinol, the dose was capped at 100mg QD. FEBUXOSTAT achieved the primary efficacy endpoint in 44% (80 mgQD), 45% (120 mg QD), and 60% (240 mg QD) of patients compared to 0% in the allopurinol 100 mg QD and placebo groups. 

There were no clinically significant differences in the percent decrease in serum uric acid concentration in healthy subjects irrespective of their renal function (58 % in the normal renal function group and 55% in the severe renal dysfunction group).

An analysis in patients with gout and renal impairment was prospectively defined in the CONFIRMS study, and showed that febuxostat was significantly more efficacious in lowering serum urate levels to < 6 mg/dL compared to allopurinol 300 mg/200 mg in patients who had gout with mild to moderate renal impairment (65% of patients studied).

Primary endpoint in the sub group of patients with sUA   10 mg/dl

Approximately 40% of patients (combined APEX and FACT) had a baseline sUA of

 10 mg/dl. In this subgroup FEBUXOSTAT achieved the primary efficacy endpoint (sUA < 6.0 mg/dL at the last 3 visits) in 41% (80 mg QD), 48% (120 mg QD), and 66% (240 mg QD) of patients compared to 9% in the allopurinol 300 mg/100 mg QD and 0 % in the placebo groups. 

In the CONFIRMS study, the proportion of patients achieving the primary efficacy endpoint (sUA < 6.0 mg/dL at the final visit) for patients with a baseline serum urate level of

 10 mg/dL treated with febuxostat 40 mg QD was 27% (66/249), with febuxostat 80 mg QD 49% (125/254) and with allopurinol 300 mg/200 mg QD 31% (72/230), respectively. 

Clinical Outcomes: proportion of patients requiring treatment for a gout flare

APEX study: During the 8-week prophylaxis period, a greater proportion of subjects in the febuxostat 120 mg (36%) treatment group required treatment for gout flare compared to febuxostat 80 mg (28%), allopurinol 300 mg (23%) and placebo (20%). Flares increased following the prophylaxis period and gradually decreased over time. Between 46% and 55% of subjects received treatment for gout flares from Week 8 and Week 28. Gout flares during the last 4 weeks of the study (Weeks 24-28) were observed in 15% (febuxostat 80, 120 mg), 14% (allopurinol 300 mg) and 20% (placebo) of subjects. 

FACT study: During the 8-week prophylaxis period, a greater proportion of subjects in the febuxostat 120 mg (36%) treatment group required treatment for a gout flare compared to both the febuxostat 80 mg (22%) and allopurinol 300 mg (21%) treatment groups. After the 8-week prophylaxis period, the incidences of flares increased and gradually decreased over time (64% and 70% of subjects received treatment for gout flares from Week 8-52). Gout flares during the last 4 weeks of the study (Weeks 49-52) were observed in 6-8% (febuxostat 80 mg, 120 mg) and 11% (allopurinol 300 mg) of subjects. 

The proportion of subjects requiring treatment for a gout flare (APEX and FACT Study) was numerically lower in the groups that achieved an average post-baseline serum urate level <6.0 mg/dl, <5.0 mg/dl, or <4.0 mg/dl compared to the group that achieved an average post-baseline serum urate level 6.0 mg/dl during the last 32 weeks of the treatment period (Week 20-Week 24 to Week 49 - 52 intervals). 

During the CONFIRMS study, the percentages of patients who required treatment for gout flares (Day 1 through Month 6) were 31% and 25% for the febuxostat 80 mg and allopurinol groups, respectively. No difference in the proportion of patients requiring treatment for gout flares was observed between the febuxostat 80 mg and 40 mg groups. 

Long-term, open label extension Studies

EXCEL Study (C02-021): The Excel study was a three years Phase III, open label, multicenter, randomised, allopurinol-controlled, safety extension study for patients who had completed the pivotal Phase III studies.

(APEX or FACT). A total of 1086 patients were enrolled: FEBUXOSTAT 80 mg QD (n=649), Febuxostat 120 mg QD (n=292) and allopurinol 300/100 mg QD (n=145). About 69 % of patients required no treatment change to achieve a final stable treatment. Patients who had 3 consecutive sUA levels >6.0 mg/dl were withdrawn.

Serum urate levels were maintained over time (i.e. 91% and 93% of patients on initial treatment with febuxostat 80 mg and 120 mg, respectively, had sUA <6 mg/dl at Month 36). 

Three years data showed a decrease in the incidence of gout flares with less than 4 % of patients requiring treatment for a flare (i.e. more than 96 % of patients did not require treatment for a flare) at Month 16-24 and at Month 30-36.

46% and 38%, of patients on final stable treatment of febuxostat 80 or 120 mg QD, respectively, had complete resolution of the primary palpable tophus from baseline to the Final Visit.

FOCUS Study (TMX-01-005) was a 5 years Phase II, open-label, multicenter, safety extension study for patients who had completed the febuxostat 4 weeks of double blind dosing in study TMX-00-004. 116 patients were enrolled and received initially febuxostat 80 mg QD. 62 % of patients required no dose adjustment to maintain sUA <6 mg/dL and 38 % of patients required a do se adjustment to achieve a final stable dose. 

The proportion of patients with serum urate levels of <6.0 mg/dL (357 µmol/l) at the final visit was greater than 80% (81-100%) at each febuxostat dose. 

During the phase 3 clinical studies, mild liver function test abnormalities were observed in patients treated with febuxostat (5.0%). These rates were similar to the rates reported on allopurinol (4.2%) (see section 4.4). Increased TSH values (>5.5 µIU/ml) were observed in patients on long-term treatment with febuxostat (5.5%) and patients with allopurinol (5.8%) in the long term open label extension studies (see section 4.4).

In healthy subjects, maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration time curve (AUC) of febuxostat increased in a dose proportional manner following single and multiple doses of 10 mg to 120 mg. For doses between 120 mg and 300 mg, a greater than dose proportional increase in AUC is observed for febuxostat. There is no appreciable accumulation when doses of 10 mg to 240 mg are administered every 24 hours. Febuxostat has an apparent mean terminal elimination half-life (t1/2) of approximately 5 to 8 hours.

Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analyses were conducted in 211 patients with hyperuricemia and gout, treated with FEBUXOSTAT 40-240 mg QD. In general, febuxostat pharmacokinetic parameters estimated by these analyses are consistent with those obtained from healthy subjects, indicating that healthy subjects are representative for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic assessment in the patient population with gout.


Febuxostat is rapidly (tmax of 1.0-1.5 h) and well absorbed (at least 84%). After single or multiple oral 80 and 120 mg once daily doses, Cmax is approximately 2.8-3.2 μg/ml, and 5.0-5.3 μg/ml, respectively. Absolute bioavailability of the febuxostat tablet formulation has not been studied.

Following multiple oral 80 mg once daily doses or a single 120 mg dose with a high fat meal, there was a 49% and 38% decrease in Cmax and a 18% and 16% decrease in AUC, respectively. However, no clinically significant change in the percent decrease in serum uric acid concentration was observed where tested (80 mg multiple dose). Thus, FEBUXOSTAT may be taken without regard to food.


The apparent steady state volume of distribution (Vss/F) of febuxostat ranges from 29 to 75 l after oral doses of 10-300 mg. The plasma protein binding of febuxostat is approximately 99.2%, (primarily to albumin), and is constant over the concentration range achieved with 80 and 120 mg doses. Plasma protein binding of the active metabolites ranges from about 82% to 91%.


Febuxostat is extensively metabolized by conjugation via uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) enzyme system and oxidation via the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system. Four pharmacologically active hydroxyl metabolites have been identified, of which three occur in plasma of humans. In vitro studies with human liver microsomes showed that those oxidative metabolites were formed primarily by CYP1A1, CYP1A2,

CYP2C8 or CYP2C9 and febuxostat glucuronide was formed mainly by UGT 1A1, 1A8, and 1A9.



Febuxostat is eliminated by both hepatic and renal pathways. Following an 80 mg oral dose of 14C-labeled febuxostat, approximately 49% of the dose was recovered in the urine as unchanged febuxostat (3%), the acyl glucuronide of the active substance (30%), its known oxidative metabolites and their conjugates (13%), and other unknown metabolites (3%). In addition to the urinary excretion, approximately 45% of the dose was recovered in the faeces as the unchanged febuxostat (12%), the acyl glucuronide of the active substance (1%), its known oxidative metabolites and their conjugates (25%), and other unknown metabolites (7%).


Pharmacokinetic properties in Special Populations


Following multiple oral doses of FEBUXOSTAT, the Cmax and AUC were 24% and 12% higher in females than in males, respectively. However, weight-corrected Cmax and AUC were similar between the genders. No dose adjustment is needed based on gender.

Renal impairment

Following multiple doses of 80 mg of FEBUXOSTAT in patients with mild, moderate or severe renal insufficiency, the Cmax of febuxostat did not change, relative to subjects with normal renal function. The mean total AUC of febuxostat increased by approximately 1.8-fold from 7.5 μg h/ml in the normal renal function group to 13.2 μg.h/ml in the severe renal dysfunction group. The Cmax and AUC of active metabolites increased up to 2- and 4-fold, respectively. However, no dose adjustment is necessary in patients with mild or moderate renal impairment.

Hepatic impairment

Following multiple doses of 80 mg of FEBUXOSTAT in patients with mild (Child-Pugh Class A) or moderate (Child- Pugh Class B) hepatic impairment, the Cmax and AUC of febuxostat and its metabolites did not change significantly compared to subjects with normal hepatic function. No studies have been conducted in patients with severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C).


There were no significant changes observed in AUC of febuxostat or its metabolites following multiple oral doses of FEBUXOSTAT in elderly as compared to younger healthy subjects.



Effects in non-clinical studies were generally observed at exposures in excess of the maximum human exposure.

Carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, impairment of fertility

In male rats, a statistically significant increase in urinary bladder tumours (transitional cell papilloma and carcinoma) was found only in association with xanthine calculi in the high dose group, at approximately 11 times human exposure. There was no significant increase in any other tumour type in either male or female mice or rats. These findings are considered a consequence of species specific purine metabolism and urine composition and of no relevance to clinical use.

A standard battery of test for genotoxicity did not reveal any biologically relevant genotoxic effects for febuxostat.

Febuxostat at oral doses up to 48 mg/kg/day was found to have no effect on fertility and reproductive performance of male and female rats.

There was no evidence of impaired fertility, teratogenic effects, or harm to the foetus due to febuxostat. There was high dose maternal toxicity accompanied by a reduction in weaning index and reduced development of offspring in rats at approximately 4.3 times human exposure. Teratology studies, performed in pregnant rats at approximately 4.3 times and pregnant rabbits at approximately 13 times human exposure did not reveal any teratogenic effects.


Excipients for Core:

1.      Lactose NF Fast Low- BMS 35957

2.      Avicel PH 102(Microcrystalline Cellulose)

3.      Croscarmellose Sodium Type A

4.      Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Low-S

5.      Colloidal Silicon Dioxide

6.      Magnesium Stearate

        Excipients for Film Coating:

7.      Opadry OY-37202 Dark Tan

8.      Purified Water

Printing ink:  Not available.

− Not Applicable.

− 2 Years.

− Store below 30oC.

− This medicinal product does not require any special storage condition.

Blister Pack:

Lidding material:  hard tampered Aluminium Foil lid

Forming Film:   OPA/AL/PVC reel and

(OPA: Oriented polyamide, AL: Aluminium Laminated, PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride)

No special requirements for disposal.

Manufactured by SPIMACO AlQassim pharmaceutical plant Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliance Corporation. Saudi Arabia.

July 2019.

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