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Apillerg eye drops contain antazoline, an antiallergic, and tetrahydrozoline, which causes constriction of blood vessels and relieves redness and eye irritation. Apillerg is used for the treatment of irritations of the eye such as conjunctivitis with hay fever, spring allergies and other inflammatory, non-infectious reactions of the eye.
Do not use Apillerg - if you are allergic to tetrahydrozoline chloride or Antazoline hydrochloride or any ingredient of this product (listed in section 6), - If you are taking Monoamino oxidase inhibitors (MAO), you should not use the same Antihistamine at the same time. Warnings and precautions Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using Apillrg -If you wear soft contact lenses: Remove the soft contact lenses before you take the medicine. The re-insertion must be at least 15 minutes. Generally, contact lenses should not be used if the eyes are irritated. -If you are an elderly patient with severe cardiovascular disease, including arrhythmia, with poorly regulated blood pressure (hypertension) or diabetes, the Apillerg should be used with caution. -If you have diabetes, elevated blood pressure, hypothyroidism and increased thyroid hormones, arrhythmias, tachycardia or phaeochromocytoma, Apillerg should also be used with caution. -If there is a risk of developing a closed-angle glaucoma or you have closed angle glaucoma, unless you have already surgically removed part of the iris, excessive use of vasoconstrictors may cause a hyperaemia. - If you have problems with dry eyes and you have not sought medical attention, Apillerg is not suitable for you. - If you have symptoms of dry eyes, you must discontinue the use of Apillerg and consult your doctor. Apillerg can conceal signs of an eye infection. -If you have a condition of the drained nasal mucosa (rhinitis sicca), you must pay special attention to the proper implementation of the drops by using the tip of the finger and pressing for 1 to 2 minutes on the inner eye as) to avoid the Apillerg Access to the nasal mucosa. See section 3.
Taking other drugs and Apillerg:
If you need to use other eye treatments at the same time, contact your doctor or pharmacist in order to wait at least 5 minutes between Apillerg and other medicine. Due to the possible occurrence of uncontrolled high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), the simultaneous taking of Apillerg and MAO inhibitors is prohibited. Special caution is required when taking Apillerg with alcohol or medicinal products with effect on the central nervous system (sleepwalkers, opioid analgesics, anxiolytic sedatives, antipsychotics), as there may be an increased sedative effect of these medicines. We must also be careful when you use Apillerg and antimuscarinic medications (atropine and some tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors) because there may be systemic absorption of antazoline. Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking it, or you may start taking any other medication.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you feel that you may be pregnant or planning to get pregnant, consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine. If you are pregnant or are planning a pregnancy, use Apillerg only after the doctor recommendation.
If breastfeeding, medication Apillerg is not recommended to use.
Driving and using machines : If your eyesight is obscured immediately after use of the medication, do not drive motor vehicles and do not operate machinery
Important information on certain ingredients of the Apillerg product:
Benzalkonium chloride is an ingredient of Apillerg that can change the color of soft contact lenses.
When using this medication, follow these instructions carefully in this leaflet or the doctor or pharmacist's instructions. If you are not sure, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Adults and adolescents: 1 drop, 2 to 3 times a day up to 14 days
Children (aged more than 2 years): Drop in the eye 1 drop, 1-to 2 times per day. Apillerg may not be used in children under 2 years of age.
Apillerg medicine may not be used during periods longer than 14 days, as this could result in a reverse hyperaemia and toxic follicular conjunctivitis. Gently pull the lower lid with one hand. Tilt your head back, with the other hand, grasp the upside of the drip bottle and hold it above the eye. Drip the bottle lightly squeeze and drop one drop. Be careful not to touch the eye and its surrounding with the tip of the dropper. It is recommended to press the inner angle of the eye with the tip of the finger
for 1 to 2 minutes press the inner eye angle. This prevents the liquid from flowing to the nose. Apillerg eye drops both remain in the eye and treat irritation. If a number of different medications are to be instilled in the eye, the use of the next medication must be at least after 5 minutes. If you use more Apillerg than you should If you use a higher dose of medication than you should, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately. In the case of accidental ingestion of the contents of one 10 ml bottle of Apillerg, which corresponds to 4 mg of tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride and 5 mg Antazoline hydrochloride, there is no high likelihood of serious effects in adults. In children, especially for those who are under 2 years of age, there may be nausea, drowsiness, uneven or rapid heart and even to shock. In the Tetrahydrozoline overdose, there was a depression of the central nervous system, a large decrease in blood pressure in the form of shock and coma. In case of overdose after ingestion, try to provoke vomiting. If you forget to use the drug Apillerg Do not use a double dose if you have forgotten to use the previous dosage. If you have any further questions about the use of the medication, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Like all medications, this drug may also have side effects that do not occur in all patients. The most common side effect is the burning sensation/stinging in the eyes after administering the medication, but this effect is mild and transient.
Ocular diseases
Having used Apillerg have reported a burning sensation/stinging in the eyes after administration of the medication and symptoms suggesting a topical allergic reaction. There may be further: dispersion of the pigment of the iris, midriasis (pupil prevalence), blurred vision, acute conjunctivitis, chronic conjunctivitis, toxic follicular conjunctivitis, dryness of the eye, reverse congestion, reactive hyperemia and glaucoma with closed corner.
Nerve disease
Side effects may include headache, somnolence (drowsiness), drowsiness, dizziness, tremor and excitation (rash) of the central nervous system.
Heart disease
Side effects may include angina pectoris (tightness of the sternum), hypertension (elevated blood pressure) and tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat). General problems and changes on the site of the application. They reported a burning sensation in the eye. There may also be sweating. Immune system diseases Hypersensitivity reactions may very rarely occur. If you notice any side effect, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Also consult if you notice any side effects that are not listed in this leaflet.
- Keep out of the reach and sight of children. - Store up to 30ºC, and discard the bottle one month after opening. - Store in the original packaging. - Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment. - Discard contents 4 weeks after opening.
- The active substance is Antazoline hydrochloride,Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride. 1 ml of solution contains 0.4 mg Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride and 0.5 mg Antazoline hydrochloride. - Other ingredients of the product (excipients) are: Benzalkonium chloride (as preservative), Sodium hydroxide, Sodium phosphate monobasic,Sodium edetate ,Tween 80, Sodium chloride, Highly purified water.
Amman Pharmaceutical Industries
King Abdullah II Industrial State – Sahab – Amman
To reports any side effect(s)
The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):
SFDA Call Center: 19999
تحتوي قطرة أبیلیرج للعین على أنتازولین ، مضاد للحساسیة ، وتیتراھیدروزولین ، الذي یسبب انقباض األوعیة الدمویة ویخفف االحمرار وتھیج العین. یستخدم أبیلیرج لعالج تھیج العین مثل التھاب الملتحمة بحمى القش وحساسیة الربیع وغیرھا من ردود الفعل االلتھابیة غیر المعدیة للعین.
لا تستخدم ابیلیرج -
اذا كنت تعاني حساسیة من مادة انتازولین او تیتراھایدروزولین او اي من المواد االخرى في ھذا المنتج )مذكورة في البند رقم )6 - اذا كنت تستخدم مثبط أكسیداز أحادي األمین )MAOI ,)یجب اال تستخدم مضاد ھیستامین بنفس الوقت. تحذیرات قبل البدأ باستخدام ابیلیرج
تحدث الى طبیبك و الصیدالني قبل استعمال أبیلیرج - اذا كنت تستخدم العدسات الالصقة: انزع العدسات الالصقة قبل استخدام القطرة. انتظر قبل اعادة العدسات 15 دقیقة على األقل. بشكل عام ال یجوز استخدام العدسات الالصقة في حال تھیج العین. - اذا كنت كبیرا في السن و لدیك امراض قلبیة , كضطراب ضربات القلب, مع ارتفاع ضغط الدم الغیر متحكم به او السكري , یجب استخدام ابیلیرج بحذر. - اذا كان لدیك مرض السكري , ارتفاع ضغط الدم, انخفاض /ارتفاع ھرمون الغدة الدرقیة, اضطراب ضربات القلب, تسارع ضربات القلب أو ورم القواتم , یجب استعمال ابیلیرج بحذر ایضا. - اذا كان ھناك خطر حدوث جلوكوما الزاویة المغلقة او لدیك جلوكوما الزاویة المغلقة اال اذا خضعت لعملیة ازالة جزء من الحدقة، فإن استخدام المفرط لمستحضر قد یسبب االحتقان. - اذا كنت تعاني من جفاف العین و لم تطلب الرعایة الطبیة, فان ابیلیرج غیر مناسب لك. - اذا كنت تعاني من اعراض جفاف العین, یجب ایقاف استعمال ابیلیرج و استشر طبیبك. - قد یخفي ابیلیرج اعراض اصابات العدوى العینیة. - اذا كنت تعاني من استنزاف الغشاء المخاطي لألنف )إلتھاب االنف الجاف( علیك مراعاة طریقة وضع القطرة من خالل استعمال طرف االصبع و الضغط لدیقیقة او اثنتین على زاویة العین بحیث تمنع دخول أبیلیرج لألغشیة الالنفیة المخاطیة )بند رقم 3) تعارض ابیلیرج مع االدویة االخرى اذا كنت بحاجة استعمال ادویة عینیة اخرى بنفس الوقت, تحدث الى طبیبك او الصیدالني بحیث یجب ان یفصل بین الدوائین 5 دقائق على االقل. یمنع اخذ ابیلیرج مع مثبط أكسیداز أحادي األمین MAOI بنفس الفترة العالجیة, بسبب احتمالیة حدوث ارتفاع غیر متحكم به في ضغط الدم )ازمة ارتفاع ضغط الدم(. في حال اخذ دواء ابیلیرج مع الكحول او االدویة المؤثرة على الجھاز العصبي المركزي )المنومات, المسكنات االفیونیة, المسكنات االرق , مضادات االضطرابات العلقیة(, یجب اخد الحذر الخاص حیث یمكن ان یقوم ابیلیرج بزیادة تأثیرھا المھدئ. كما یجب الحذر عند استعمال ابیلیرج مع مضادات المسكارین )اتروبین و بعض مضادات االكتئاب ثالثیة الحلقات TCA و مثبطات أكسیداز أحادي األمین MAOI )فقد یحدث امتصاص لداخل الجسم النتازولین. اخبر طبیبك او الصیدالني اذا كنت تأخذة, او قد تبدأ بأخذ اي ادویة اخرى. الحمل و الرضاعة اذا كنت حامال او مرضعا, تتوقعین او تخططین للحمل, استشیري طبیبك او الصیدالني قبل استعمال ھذا الدواء. اذا كنت حامل او تخططین للحمل, استعملي ابیلیرج فقط بعد استشارة الطبیب اذا كنت ترضعین, ال ینصح باستعمال ابیلیرج. التأثیر على القیادة واستخدام اآلالت قد یصبح لدیك عدم وضوح بالرؤیا مباشرة بعد استخدام ھذا الدواء .إذا حدث ھذا ,فال تقد أو تستخدم أي آلة أو أداة حتى تتمكن من الرؤیة بوضوح. معلومات مهمة لمكونات محددة من منتج ابیلیرج كلورید البنزلكونیوم ھو احد مكونات ابیلیرج قد یغیر من لون العدسات الالصقة.
عند استخدام ھذا الدواء, اتبع التعلیمات في ھذه النشرة أو تعلیمات الطبیب او الصیدالني. إذا كنت غیر متأكد استشر الطبیب أو الصیدالني. البالغین و المراھقین: قطرة واحدة, 2-3 مرات یومیا حتى 14 یوما
االطفال )فوق السنتین( قطرة واحدة, 1-2 مرات یومیا . ال یستعمل لألطفال دون السنتین. یجب ان ال تتجاوز مدة استعمال ابیلیرج 14 یوما, الن ذلك قد یؤدي إلعادة اإلحتقان مرة أخرى والتھاب الملتحمة الجریبي السام. أمل رأسك للخلف و بحذر اسحب الجفن السفلي لألسفل. بیدك االخرى امسك بعلبة القطرة و اجعلھا فوق عینك, اضغط العلبة و ضع قطرة واحدة. احذر ان تمس طرف القطارة عینیك او ما یحیطھا.یوصى بالضغط على زاویة العین الداخلیة بطرف االصبع لمدة دقیقة او دقیقتین. فھذا یمنع دخول الدواء الى األنف. اذا كان ھناك اكثر من دواء لیوضع في العین, یجب ان یكون استعمال الدواء التالي بعد 5 دقائق على االقل. إذا استخدمت جرعة زائدة: اذا استعملت جرعة اكبر من الجرعة المحددة من ابیلیرج, استشر طبیبك او الصیدالني فورا. في حال ابتالع محتوى عبوة ابیلیرج 10 مل التي تكافئ 4 مغ من ھیدروكلورید تیتراھایدروزولین و 5 مغ ھیدروكلورید انتازولین, ال یوجد احتمال كبیر لحدوث تأثیرات خطیرة عند البالغین. اما االطفال, باالخص الذین تقل أعمارھم عن عامین, قد یحدث غثیان, نعاس, تسارع او عدم انتظام في ضربات القلب أو حتى صدمة. في حاالت الجرعة المفرطة من تیتراھیدروزولین, یحدث تثبیط في الجھاز العصبي المركزي وانخفاض في ضغط الدم على ھیئة صدمة او غیبوبة. . في حال نسیان جرعة من ابیلیرج ال تأخذ جرعة مضاعفة اذا نسیت الجرعة السابقة. اذا كان لدیك مزید من األسئلة المتعلقة باستخدام ھذا الدواء, استشر طبیبك او الصیدالني.
كجمیع االدویة, لھذا الدواء اعراض جانبیة و قد ال تحدث عند جمیع المرضى. ا ھو الشعور بحكة في العینین بعد االستعمال, لكن ھذا التأثیر یكون ضعیف و عابر. األعراض االكثر شیوع االمراض العینیة قد تم االبالغ أن إستخدام أبیلیرج قد یسبب الشعور بالحكة في العین وقد یظھر عوارض حساسیة الجلدیة. قد یكون ھناك مزید من: تشتت صبغة القزحیة ، والوسطى )انتشار التلمیذ( ، وعدم وضوح الرؤیة ، والتھاب الملتحمة الحاد ، والتھاب الملتحمة المزمن ، والتھاب الملتحمة الجریبي السام ، وجفاف العین ، واالحتقان العكسي ، وتغلغل الدم التفاعلي والزرق مع الزاویة المغلقة.
االمراض العصبیة قد تشمل اآلثار الجانبیة الصداع ، النعاس , الدوخة ، الرعاش واإلستثارة )الطفح الجلدي( للجھاز العصبي المركزي. االمراض القلبیة قد تشمل اآلثار الجانبیة الذبحة الصدریة )ضیق القص( وارتفاع ضغط الدم )ارتفاع ضغط الدم( وعدم انتظام دقات القلب )تسارع ضربات القلب(. المشاكل العامة والتغییرات على موقع التطبیق. أبلغوا عن حرقان في العین. قد یكون ھناك أیضا التعرق. أمراض الجهاز المناعي قد تحدث تفاعالت فرط الحساسیة نادرا جدا. إذا الحظت أي أثر جانبي ، استشر طبیبك أو الصیدلي. استشر أی ضا إذا الحظت أي آثار جانبیة غیر مدرجة في ھذه النشرة
-احفظ الدواء بعیدا عن متناول االطفال - یحفظ بدرجة حرارة حتى 30 درجة مئویة ، تخلص من العبوة بعد شھر من الفتح. - احفظ الدواء في عبوته االصلیة - ال تتخلص من الدواء عن طریق میاه الصرف الصحي أو النفایات المنزلیة. اسأل طبیبك أو الصیدالني عن كیفیة التخلص من األدویة التي ال نستعملھا . ھذه التدابیر تساعد على حمایة البیئة. - ال تستعمل القطرة بعد 4 أسابیع من فتحھ
المادة الفعالة ھي ھیدروكلورید االنتازولین, ھیدروكلورید تیتراھیدروزولین. كل 1 مل من المحلول یحتوي 4.0 مغ ھیدروكلورید تیتراھیدروزولین و 5.0 مغ ھیدروكلورید االنتازولین. - المكونات االخرى )غیر الفعالة( ھي: كلورید البنزلكونیوم )كمادة حافظة(, ھیدروكسید الصودیوم, فوسفات الصودیوم أحادي القاعدة، ادیدات الصودیوم، توین 80 ، كلورید الصودیوم، میاه عالیة النقاوة.
عبوة بلاستیكیة سعة 15 مل .
شركة عمان للصناعات الدوائیة
مدینة الملك عبد الله الثاني الصناعیة-سحاب-عمان
للتبليغ عن أي آثار جانبية
المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية
الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء
مركز الاتصال الموحد: 19999
البريد الالكتروني:
الموقع: \
Noninfectious irritative conjunctivitis, allergic and inflammatory conjunctival conditions, conjunctivitis of hay fever, and spring conjunctivitis.
Dosage Adults and adolescents: 1 drop, 2 to 3 times a day up to 14 days. Children (more than 2 years old): There were no specific studies in this group of patients. Due to the possible systemic effects the dosage must not exceed 1 to 2 drops per day. Medicinal products may not be used in children under 2 years of age. Apillerg may not be used for periods longer than 14 days, as this could result in a reverse hyperaemia and toxic follicular conjunctivitis. Method of Use Ocular Use After dropping eye drops, the nasolacrymal trap can be blocked for 3-minute insistence with closed eyes reduces systemic absorption. This can reduce the extent of systemic adverse effects and increase local performance.
If several different medicines need to be inserted into the eye, the next drug should be used for at least 5 minutes. The bottle remains sterile until the first opening of the cap. Patients should be instructed not to touch the eye and surrounding structures with the top of the bottle, as this could contaminate the solution.
In elderly patients with severe cardiovascular disease, including arrhythmia, with poorly regulated hypertension or diabetes, Apillerg should be used with caution. Sympathomimetic medications should be used with caution in patients with diabetes, hypertension, with hyperthyroidism and with elevated concentrations of thyroid hormones, with arrhythmias or with tachycardia and pheochromocytoma. Caution is required for patients with a risk of developing a closed-angle glaucoma or already with a closed-angle glaucoma, unless they have already performed surgically removed part of the iris. Patients should be told that excessive use of vasoconstrictives can cause a return hyperaemia. Apillerg is not suitable for patients who have problems with dry eyes if they have not previously sought medical attention. Patients who have symptoms of dry eyes must discontinue the use of this drug and consult their doctor. Apillerg can conceal signs of an eye infection. Patients who have rhinitis Sicca must pay special attention to the proper implementation of the drop in order to prevent the Apillerg from accessing the nasal mucosa. If at the time of the use of the drug Apillerg symptoms persist for more than 3 to 4 days, if they become more severe or in cases of onset of pain in sight or blurred vision, patient must consult his doctor. Patients using contact lenses should be removed before dropping, but can only be inserted again after 15 minutes. In addition, Apillerg contains in the multidose containers a preservative benzalkonium chloride which can cause eye irritation and discolor soft contact lenses
The use of sympathomimetic agents at the time of treatment with MAO inhibitors can lead to a hypertensive crisis. Therefore, simultaneous use with MAO inhibitors is contraindicated (see section 4.3 contra-indications). Sedative antihistamines can increase the sedative effect of the central nervous system depressor, which also include alcohol, sleeping pills, opioid analgesics, anxiolytic sedatives and antipsychotics. In addition, they have an additive antimuscarinic effect along with other antimuscarinic drugs such as atropine and some antidepressants (both tricyclic as MAO inhibitors). As the systemic absorption of the Antazoline may occur, the Apillerg should be used with care at the same time.
Pregnancy No sufficient data on the use of Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride and Antazoline hydrochloride in pregnant women. Apillerg should not be used during pregnancy unless it is absolutely necessary.
Breastfeeding It is not known whether the active substance in the Apillerg is going into breast milk. When using the medication at the time of breastfeeding it is necessary to caution.
Apillerg can cause drowsiness, dizziness, somnolence or blurred vision. Patients who experience any of these side effects may not drive motor vehicles or operate machinery until the aforementioned problems are passed.
Patients may experience any undesirable effect that is indicated in the individual active substance. The most common adverse effect is the burning sensation/stinging in the eyes after administering the medication, but this effect is mild and transient Ocular diseases Having used Apillerg have reported a burning sensation/stinging in the eyes after administration of the medication and symptoms suggesting a topical allergic reaction. There may be further: dispersion of the pigment of the iris, midriasis (pupil prevalence), blurred vision, acute conjunctivitis, chronic conjunctivitis, toxic follicular conjunctivitis, dryness of the eye, reverse congestion, reactive hyperemia and glaucoma with closed-angle corner.
Nerve disease Side effects may include headache, somnolence, drowsiness, dizziness, tremor and excitation (rash) of the central nervous system. Heart disease Side effects may include angina (stinging for a thorax), hypertension and tachycardia. General problems and changes on site applications They reported a burning sensation in the eye. There may also be sweating. Immune system diseases Hypersensitivity reactions may very rarely occur.
In the case of accidental ingestion of the contents of one 10 ml bottle of Apillrge, corresponding to 4 mg Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride and 5 mg Antazoline hydrochloride, there is no high likelihood of serious effects in adults. In children, especially for those who are under 2 years of age, may experience nausea, somnolence, arrhythmias/tachycardias and even shock. In the Tetrahydrozoline overdose, there was a depression of the central nervous system, hypotension in the form of shock and coma. In case of overdose after ingestion, the patient must be subjected to vomiting if he is still conscious. Otherwise, it is necessary to consider gastric lavage and/or using activated charcoal. If necessary, perform artificial breathing. In more severe cases, general intensive medical measures may be necessary.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Sympathomimetics for vascular blood vessels; tetrizoline in combination, ATC code: S01G A52 Tetrisolinium chloride, sympathomimetic, antacidinium chloride, antihistamine Tetrizoline is a sympathomimetic with alpha-adrenergic activity. Its vasoconstrictor effect reduces redness and swelling in allergic conjunctivitis. Antazoline is a histamine antagonist from the group of ethylenediamines, which are selective H1-antagonists. On systemic use, this group of antihistamines may cause moderate sedation (although it only affects the central nervous system), stomach problems, and skin sensitization. Antazoline selectively blocks H1 receptors. Effects mediated by H1 receptors include smooth muscle contractions and dilatation and an increase in capillary permeability. Antihistamines that act by blocking H1 histamine receptors are very effective in relieving stinging in the eyes but are not very effective in reducing associated redness. The use of products containing a combination of an antihistamine and vasoconstrictor is an established method of symptomatic treatment of allergic diseases of the eyes. In a double-blind, multicentre randomized study, Spersallerg was found to be statistically better than left-arm fasting after a short observation time (30 minutes) after the drug was injected. In the longer observation periods (4 and 15 days), there was no difference, which suggests a faster start of Spersallerg, especially with respect to hyperaemia (p = 0.0004) and hemosomal (p = 0.0029). In an open study of 1156 patients, it was found that the effect of tetriolin lasts between 1 and 4 hours, starting from 1 to 5 minutes after ingestion. Tetrizoline has a rapid onset, and its effect may take 4 to 8 hours.
Apillerg did not perform specific pharmacokinetic studies in humans. However, following local application of nafazolin (which is very similar to tetrisolin), systemic effects have been reported.
The standard studies of mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and reproductive toxicity and the impact on the ability to propagate with the Apillerg have not been carried out. Pre-clinical effects observed only in the case of exposures which are considered sufficient to exceed the maximum exposure in humans that have no relevance for clinical use.
Disodium edetate
Sodium chloride
Benzalkonium chloride
Sodium hydroxide
Highly purified water
`The indication is not necessary.
Store at a temperature of up to 30 º C
Apillerg is an eye drop in a plastic bottle. Each carton contains 1 plastic bottle with a screw cap. Each bottle contains 10 ml of the eye/ear drops as written on the front of the carton.