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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

The active substance in Detrusitol is tolterodine. Tolterodine belongs to a class of medicinal products called antimuscarinics.


Detrusitol is used for the treatment of the symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome. If you have overactive bladder syndrome, you may find that:

  • you are unable to control urination,
  • you need to rush to the toilet frequently with no advance warning.

Do not take Detrusitol

-          If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to tolterodine or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

-          If you have difficulty passing urine from the bladder (urinary retention)

-          If you have an uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma (high pressure in the eyes with loss of eyesight that is not being adequately treated)

-          If you suffer from myasthenia gravis (excessive weakness of the muscles)

-          If you suffer from severe ulcerative colitis (ulceration and inflammation of the colon)

-          If you suffer from a toxic megacolon (acute dilatation of the colon)


Warnings and Precautions

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting your treatment with Detrusitol if you think any of these might apply to you.

-          If you have difficulties in passing urine and/or a poor stream of urine

-          If you have a gastro-intestinal disease that affects the passage and/or digestion of food

-          If you suffer from kidney problems (renal insufficiency)

-          If you have a liver condition

-          If you suffer from neuronal disorders that affect your blood pressure, bowel or sexual function (any neuropathy of the autonomic nervous system)

-          If you have a hiatal hernia (herniation of an abdominal organ)

-          If you suffer from decreased bowel movements or suffer from severe constipation (decreased gastrointestinal motility)

-          If you have a heart condition such as:

o   An abnormal heart tracing (ECG)

o   A slow heart rate (bradycardia)

o   Relevant pre-existing cardiac diseases such as:

- cardiomyopathy (weak heart muscle)

- myocardial ischaemia (reduced blood flow to the heart)

- arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)

- heart failure

-          If you have abnormally low levels of potassium (hypokalaemia), calcium (hypocalcaemia) or magnesium (hypomagnesaemia) in your blood.


Other medicines and Detrusitol

Tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken other medicines including medicines obtained without a prescription.


Tolterodine, the active substance of Detrusitol, may interact with other medicinal products.


It is not recommended to use tolterodine in combination with:

-          some antibiotics (containing e.g. erythromycin, clarithromycin);

-          medicines used for the treatment of fungal infections (containing e.g. ketoconazole, itraconazole);

-          medicines used for the treatment of HIV.


Detrusitol should be used with caution when taken in combination with:

-          medicines that affect the passage of food (containing e.g. metoclopramide and cisapride)

-          medicines for the treatment of irregular heartbeat (containing e.g. amiodarone, sotalol, quinidine, procainamide)

-          other medicines with a similar mode of action to Detrusitol (antimuscarinic properties) or medicines with an opposite mode of action to Detrusitol (cholinergic properties). Ask your doctor if you are unsure.


Detrusitol with food and drink

Detrusitol can be taken before, after or during a meal.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding


You should not take Detrusitol when you are pregnant. Tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby.



No data concerning the excretion of tolterodine into breast milk are available. Breast-feeding is not recommended during administration of Detrusitol.


Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.


Driving and using machines

Detrusitol may make you feel dizzy, tired or affect your sight; your ability to drive or operate machinery may be affected.


Detrusitol contains sodium

Detrusitol contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per 2 mg film-coated tablets, that is to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.


Always take Detrusitol exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.


The usual dose is one 2 mg tablet twice per day, except for patients who have a kidney or a liver condition or who report side effects, for whom the doctor may reduce the dose to one 1 mg tablet twice per day.


Detrusitol is not recommended for children.


The tablets are for oral use and should be swallowed whole.


Duration of treatment

Your doctor will tell you how long you should use Detrusitol. Do not stop treatment early because you do not see an immediate effect. Your bladder will need some time to adapt. Finish the course of tablets prescribed by your doctor. If you have not noticed any effect by then, talk to your doctor.


The benefit of the treatment should be re-evaluated after 2 or 3 months.


Always consult your doctor if you are thinking of stopping the treatment.


If you take more Detrusitol than you should:

If you or somebody else takes too many tablets, contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately.


If you forget to take Detrusitol

If you forget to take a dose at the usual time, take it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost time for your next dose. In that case, omit the forgotten dose and follow the normal dose schedule.

Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten one.


If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


You should see your doctor immediately or go to the A&E department if you experience symptoms of angioedema, such as:

·         swollen face, tongue or pharynx

·         difficulty to swallow

·         hives and difficulty in breathing


You should also seek medical attention if you experience a hypersensitivity reaction (for example itching, rash, hives, difficulty breathing). This occurs uncommonly (occurs in less than 1 in 100 patients).


Tell your doctor immediately or go to the casualty department if you notice any of the following:

  • chest pain, difficulty breathing or getting tired easily (even at rest), difficulty breathing at night, swelling of the legs.

These may be symptoms of heart failure. This occurs uncommonly (occurs in less than 1 in 100 patients).


The following side effects have been observed during treatment with Detrusitol with the following frequency:


Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people

-          Dry mouth

-          Headache


Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people

-          Bronchitis

-          Dizziness, sleepiness, sensation of pins and needles in the fingers and toes

-          Dry eyes, blurred vision

-          Vertigo

-          Palpitations

-          Difficulty with digestion (dyspepsia), constipation, abdominal pain, excessive amounts of air or gases in the stomach or the intestine, vomiting

-          Dry skin

-          Painful or difficult urination, inability to empty the bladder

-          Tiredness, chest pain, extra fluid in the body causing swelling (e.g. in the ankles)

-          Increased weight

-          Diarrhoea


Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

-          Allergic reactions

-          Nervousness

-          Increased heart rate, heart failure, irregular heartbeat

-          Heartburn

-          Memory impairment


Additional reactions reported include severe allergic reactions, confusion, hallucinations, flushed skin, angioedema, and disorientation. There have also been reports of worsening symptoms of dementia in patients being treated for dementia.


If any side effects become worse, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.


Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.


To Report side effects


  • Saudi Arabia

National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

  • SFDA Call center: 19999
  • E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
  • Website:  https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/


  •  Other GCC States


 Please contact the relevant competent authority.


Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.  


Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.


 Store below 25°C.

Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.


The active substance is tolterodine.

Each Detrusitol 2 mg tablet contains 2 mg of tolterodine tartrate, equivalent to 1.37 mg of tolterodine


The other ingredients are:

Core: Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium starch glycolate (Type B) (see section 2 “Detrusitol contains sodium”), magnesium stearate and colloidal anhydrous silica.


Film coating: Hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid and titanium dioxide (E171).

Detrusitol 2 mg tablets are white, round, biconvex tablets engraved with arcs above and below the letters “DT”. Detrusitol 2 mg tablets are available in the following pack sizes: Blister packs containing: - 28 tablets (2 x 14) Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder

Viatris Pharma S.r.l.

Via Vittor Pisani 20, Milano, CAP 20124- Italy



Pfizer Italia S.r.l., Località Marino del Tronto, 63100 Ascoli Piceno

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

المادة الفعالة في ديتروسيتول هو تولتيرودين. ينتمي تولتيرودين إلى فئة المنتجات الدوائية المسماة مضادات المُسكارين.

يستخدم ديتروسيتول لعلاج أعراض متلازمة فرط نشاط المثانة. إذا كنت تعاني من متلازمة فرط نشاط المثانة، فقد تُلاحظ التالي:

  • أنك غير قادر على التحكم في التبول،
  • أنك بحاجة إلى الذهاب بسرعة إلى المرحاض باستمرار ودون إنذار مسبق.


لا تتناول ديتروسيتول

-          إذا كنت مصابًا بالحساسية (فرط التحسس) تجاه تولتيرودين أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء. (المدرجة في القسم ٦)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من صعوبة في إخراج البول من المثانة (احتباس البول)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من زرق ضيق الزاوية غير متحكم به (ضغط عالٍ في العينين مع فقد الرؤية لا يُعالج بصورة ملائمة)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من وهن عضلي وَبيل (ضعف مفرط في العضلات)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من التهاب القولون التقرحي الشديد (تقرح والتهاب القولون)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من تضخم القولون السمي (توسع حاد في القولون)


الاحتياطات عند استعمال ديتروسيتول


تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل البدء في علاجك بديتروسيتول إذا كنت تعتقد أن أي من التالي قد ينطبق عليك.

-          إذا كنت تعاني من صعوبة في إخراج البول و/أو ضعف في تدفق البول

-          إذا كنت تعاني من مرض معدي معوي يؤثر على مرور و/أو هضم الطعام

-          إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل بالكلى (القصور الكلوي)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من حالة ما بالكبد

-          إذا كنت تعاني من اضطرابات بالخلايا العصبية تؤثر على ضغط دمك أو الأمعاء أو الوظيفة الجنسية (أي اعتلال بالأعصاب في الجهاز العصبي المستقل)

-          إذا كنت مصابًا بفتق حجابي (انفتاق في عضو بالبطن)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من انخفاض معدل التبرز أو من إمساك شديد (انخفاض الحركة المعدية المعوية)

-          إذا كنت تعاني من حالة قلبية مثل:

o        اختلال مخطط ﺿﺮﺑﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﺐ (رسم القلب)

o        بطء معدل نبضات القلب (تباطؤ القلب)

o        أمراض قلبية ذات صلة، وموجودة بالفعل مثل:

- اعتلال عضلة القلب (ضعف عضلة القلب)

- إقفار عضلة القلب (انخفاض تدفق الدم إلى القلب)

- عدم انتظام ضربات القلب (ضربات قلب غير منتظمة)

- فشل القلب

-          إذا كانت لديك مستويات منخفضة بشكل غير طبيعي من البوتاسيوم (نقص بوتاسيوم الدم) أو الكالسيوم (نقص كالسيوم الدم) أو المغنيسيوم (نقص مغنيسيوم الدم) في الدم.


‌التداخلات الدوائية مع أخذ هذا المستحضر مع أي أدوية أخرى أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أدوية أخرى بما في ذلك الأدوية التي لا تتطلب وصفة طبية.


قد يتفاعل تولتيرودين، المادة الفعالة في ديتروسيتول، مع منتجات دوائية أخرى.


لا يُنصح باستخدام تولتيرودين بالتزامن مع:

-          بعض المضادات الحيوية (التي تحتوي مثلًا على إريثروميسين، كلاريثروميسين)؛

-          الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج العدوى الفطرية (التي تحتوي مثلًا على كيتوكونازول، إيتراكونازول)؛

-          الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV).


ينبغي استخدام ديتروسيتول بحذر عند تناوله بالتزامن مع:

-          الأدوية التي تؤثر على مسار الطعام (التي تحتوي مثلًا على ميتوكلوبراميد وسيسابريد)

-          الأدوية التي تعالج عدم انتظام ضربات القلب (التي تحتوي مثلًا على أميودارون، سوتالول، كينيدين، بروكايناميد)

-          أدوية أخرى لها طريقة عمل مشابهة لديتروسيتول (ذات خصائص مضادة للمُسكارين) أو الأدوية التي لها طريقة عمل مخالفة لديتروسيتول (ذات خصائص كولينية). استشر طبيبك، إذا لم تكن متأكدًا مما يجب عليك فعله.


تناول ديتروسيتول مع الطعام والشراب

يُمكن تناول ديتروسيتول قبل الوجبة أو بعدها أو خلالها.


الحمل والرضاعة


ينبغي عدم تناول ديتروسيتول أثناء الحمل. يجب إخبار الطبيب على الفور في حالة الحمل أو إذا كنت تعتقدين أنك ربما تكونين حاملًا أو تخططين لإنجاب طفل.


الرضاعة الطبيعية

لا توجد بيانات متاحة بخصوص إفراز تولتيرودين في لبن الأم. لا يُنصح بالرضاعة الطبيعية أثناء تلقي ديتروسيتول.


استشيري طبيبكِ أو الصيدلي قبل تناول أي دواء.


تأثير ديتروسيتول على القيادة واستخدام الآلات

قد يجعلك ديتروسيتول تشعر بالدوار أو الإرهاق أو قد يؤثر على بصرك؛ قد تتأثر قدرتك على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات.


معلومات هامة حول بعض مكونات ديتروسيتول


يحتوي ديتروسيتول على الصوديوم

يحتوي ديتروسيتول على أقل من ١ ملليمول من الصوديوم (٢٣ ملجم) لكل قرص مغلف بطبقة رقيقة تركيزه ٢ ملجم، وهذا يعني أنه يُعد أساسًا "خاليًا من الصوديوم".




احرص دومًا على تناول ديتروسيتول تمامًا كما أخبرك طبيبك. ينبغي لك استشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدًا مما يجب عليك فعله.


الجرعة المعتادة هي قرص ٢ ملجم واحد مرتين يوميًا، باستثناء حالات المرضى الذين يعانون من حالات صحية في الكلية أو الكبد، أو الذين يبلغون عن آثار جانبية، حيث قد يقوم الطبيب بخفض جرعاتهم إلى قرص ١ ملجم واحد مرتين يوميًا.


لا يُوصى باستخدام ديتروسيتول مع الأطفال.


الأقراص مخصصة للاستخدام عبر الفم وينبغي ابتلاعها كاملة.


مدة العلاج

سيخبرك طبيبك عن المدة التي ينبغي عليك استخدام ديتروسيتول خلالها. لا توقف العلاج مبكرًا إذا لم تلاحظ تأثيرًا فوريًا. ستحتاج المثانة بعض الوقت لكي تتكيف مع العلاج. أكمل دورة العلاج بالأقراص التي وصفها طبيبك. إذا لم تلاحظ أي تأثير، فتحدث في الأمر مع طبيبك.


تنبغي إعادة تقييم فائدة العلاج بعد شهرين أو ٣ أشهر.


استشر طبيبك دائمًا إذا كنت تفكر في إيقاف العلاج.


الجرعة الزائدة من ديتروسيتول

إذا تناولت أنت أو شخص آخر كمية من الأٌقراص أكبر مما ينبغي، فاتصل بطبيبك أو الصيدلي على الفور.


نسيان تناول جرعة ديتروسيتول

إذا نسيت تناول إحدى الجرعات في الموعد المعتاد، فتناولها في أقرب وقت ممكن بعدما تتذكر، ما لم يحن ميعاد الجرعة التي تليها. في تلك الحالة، تجاهل الجرعة التي نسيت تناولها وتابع جدول الجرعات الطبيعي.

لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض جرعة منسية.

إذا كان لديك المزيد من الأسئلة بشأن استخدام هذا الدواء، فاسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

كما هو الحال بالنسبة لجميع الأدوية، قد يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبية، غير أنها لا تصيب الجميع.


يجب عليك زيارة طبيبك على الفور أو الذهاب إلى قسم الحوادث والطوارئ إذا واجهت أعراض تورم وعائي مثل:

o        تورم الوجه أو اللسان أو البلعوم

o        صعوبة في البلع

o        شرى وصعوبة في التنفس


كذلك ينبغي عليك اللجوء إلى الرعاية الطبية إذا تعرضت لتفاعل فرط تحسس (مثل، الحكة والطفح الجلدي والشرى وصعوبة التنفس). يحدث التفاعل بشكل غير شائع (قد يصيب أقل من ١ من كل ١٠٠ مريض).


أخبر طبيبك على الفور أو اذهب إلى قسم الحوادث إذا لاحظت ظهور أي مما يلي:

  • ألم الصدر أو صعوبة في التنفس أو الإحساس بالتعب بسهولة (حتى أثناء الراحة) أو صعوبة في التنفس أثناء الليل أو تورم الساقين.

فقد تكون هذه أعراضًا لفشل القلب. يحدث هذا التفاعل بشكل غير شائع (قد يصيب أقل من ١ من كل ١٠٠ مريض).


لوحظت الآثار الجانبية التالية أثناء العلاج بديتروسيتول، بالمعدلات التالية:


شائعة جدًا: قد تصيب أكثر من ١ من كل ١٠ أشخاص

-        جفاف الفم

-        الصداع


شائعة: قد تصيب ما يصل إلى ١ من كل ١٠ أشخاص

-          الالتهاب الشعبي

-          الدوار، النعاس، الشعور بالشكشكة والوخز في أصابع اليدين والقدمين

-          جفاف العين وتغيم الرؤية

-          الدوخة

-          الخفقان

-          صعوبة في الهضم (عسر الهضم)، الإمساك، ألم البطن، كميات كبيرة من الهواء أو الغازات في المعدة أو الأمعاء، القيء

-          جفاف الجلد

-          الألم أثناء التبول أو صعوبة التبول، عدم القدرة على إفراغ المثانة

-          التعب، ألم الصدر، وجود سوائل زائدة داخل الجسم مسببة التورم (في الكاحلين مثلًا)

-          الوزن الزائد

-          الإسهال


غير شائعة: قد تصيب ما يصل إلى ١ من كل ١٠٠ شخص

-          تفاعلات حساسية

-          العصبية

-          زيادة معدل نبضات القلب، فشل القلب، عدم انتظام ضربات القلب

-          حرقة المعدة

-          خلل الذاكرة


تتضمن التفاعلات الإضافية المبلغ عنها تفاعلات الحساسية الشديدة والتشوش والهلاوس واحمرار الجلد والتورم الوعائي والتوهان. كما كانت هناك بلاغات عن تفاقم لأعراض الخرف في المرضى الذين يتلقون علاجًا للخرف.

إذا تفاقمت أي من الأعراض الجانبية، أو لاحظت أي عرض جانبي غير مدرج في هذه النشرة، يُرجى إخبار طبيبك أو الصيدلي.


الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية

إذا ظهرت عليك أي آثار جانبية، فتحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي. يشتمل هذا على أي آثار جانبية محتملة وغير مدرجة في هذه النشرة. بالإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية، يمكنك المساعدة في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول مأمونية هذا الدواء


للإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية


·         المملكة العربية السعودية:



المركز الوطني للتيقظ الدوائي (NPC)

  • مركز الاتصال الموحد: ۱۹۹۹۹
  • البريد الإلكتروني: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
  • الموقع الإلكتروني: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa

·         دول الخليج الأخرى


 يرجى الاتصال بالسلطة المختصة ذات الصلة.

احتفظ بهذا الدواء بعيدًا عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.


لا تستخدم  ديتروسيتول بعد انتهاء فترة الصلاحية المُبينة على العبوة. يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم في ذلك الشهر.


 يحفظ تحت ٢٥ درجة مئوية.

لا تتخلص من أي أدوية عبر مياه الصرف أو في المخلفات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. سوف تساعد هذه التدابير في الحفاظ على البيئة.

المادة الفعالة هي تولتيرودين.

يحتوي كل قرص من ديتروسيتول ١ ملجم على ١ ملجم من طرطرات تولتيرودين، بما يعادل ٠,٦٨ ملجم من تولتيرودين

يحتوي كل قرص من ديتروسيتول ٢ ملجم على ٢ ملجم من طرطرات تولتيرودين، بما يعادل ١,٣٧ ملجم من تولتيرودين

المكونات الأخرى هي:

قلب القرص: سليولوز بلوري مكروي وفوسفات هيدروجين الكالسيوم ثنائي الهيدرات وجليكولات نشا الصوديوم (النوع B) (انظر القسم ٢ "يحتوي ديتروسيتول على الصوديوم") وستيارات المغنيسيوم وسيليكا غروانية لا مائية.


الغلاف الرقيق: هيبروميلوز وسليولوز بلوري مكروي وحمض الستياريك وثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم (E171).

أقراص ديتروسيتول ٢ ملجم هي أقراص بيضاء دائرية مُحدبة الوجهين، تحمل أقواسا محفورة أعلى وأسفل الأحرف "DT".


تتوافر أقراص ديتروسيتول ٢ ملجم في أحجام العبوات التالية:


عبوات شرائط بليستر تحتوي على:

-          ٢٨ قرصًا (٢ × ٤١)



قد لا يتم طرح جميع أحجام العبوات في الأسواق.


مالك رخصة التسويق

Viatris Pharma S.r.l.

Via Vittor Pisani 20, Milano, CAP 20124- Italy, إيطاليا




Pfizer Italia S.r.l., Via del Commercio 25–27, 63046 Marino del Tronto (AP)

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

DETRUSITOL 2 mg film-coated tablets

Each film-coated tablet contains tolterodine tartrate 2 mg corresponding to 1.37 mg of tolterodine. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Film-coated tablets. The film-coated tablets are white, round and biconvex. The 2 mg tablet is engraved with arcs above and below the letters DT.

Symptomatic treatment of urge incontinence and/or of increased urinary frequency and urgency in patients with overactive bladder syndrome.

Adults (including elderly patients):

The recommended dose is 2 mg twice daily, except in patients with impaired liver function or severely impaired renal function [GFR (inulin clearance) < 30 mL/min] for whom the recommended dose is 1 mg twice daily (see section 4.4). In case of troublesome side effects, the dose may be reduced from 2 mg to 1 mg twice daily.


The effect of treatment should be re-evaluated after 2 to 3 months (see section 5.1).


Paediatric population

The efficacy of Detrusitol has not been demonstrated in children (see section 5.1). Therefore, Detrusitol is not recommended for children.


Tolterodine is contraindicated in patients with - Urinary retention - Uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma - Myasthenia gravis - Known hypersensitivity to tolterodine or excipients (see section 6) - Severe ulcerative colitis - Toxic megacolon

Tolterodine shall be used with caution in patients with

- Significant bladder outlet obstruction at risk of urinary retention

- Gastrointestinal obstructive disorders, e.g. pyloric stenosis

- Renal impairment (see section 4.2)

- Hepatic disease (see sections 4.2 and 5.2)

- Autonomic neuropathy

- Hiatus hernia

- Risk for decreased gastrointestinal motility


Multiple total daily doses of immediate-release 4 mg (therapeutic) and 8 mg (supratherapeutic) tolterodine have been shown to prolong the QTc interval (see section 5.1). The clinical relevance of these findings is unclear and will depend on individual patient risk factors and susceptibilities present. Tolterodine should be used with caution in patients with risk factors for QT prolongation, including:

- Congenital or documented acquired QT prolongation

- Electrolyte disturbances such as hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia and hypocalcaemia

- Bradycardia

- Relevant pre-existing coronary heart diseases (cardiomyopathy, myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmia, cardiac decompensation)

- Concomitant administration of drugs known to prolong the QT interval, including Class 1A (e.g. quinidine, procainamide) and Class III (e.g. amiodarone, sotalol) anti-arrhythmics.


In particular, tolterodine should be administered with caution when taking a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor (see section 5.1). Concomitant treatment with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors should be avoided (see section 4.5).


Urinary retention

As with all treatments for symptoms of urinary urgency or urge incontinence, organic reasons for urge and frequency should be considered before treatment.


Excipient information

Detrusitol 2 mg film-coated tablets contain less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per tablet.

Patients on low sodium diets can be informed that this medicinal product is essentially ‘sodium-free’.


Concomitant systemic medication with potent CYP3A4 inhibitors such as macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin and clarithromycin), antifungal agents (ketoconazole and itraconazole) and antiproteases, is not recommended due to increased serum concentrations of tolterodine in poor CYP2D6 metabolisers with (subsequent) risk of overdosage (see section 4.4.).


Concomitant medication with other drugs that possess antimuscarinic properties may result in more pronounced therapeutic effects and side effects. Conversely, the therapeutic effect of tolterodine may be reduced by concomitant administration of muscarinic cholinergic receptor agonists.


The effect of prokinetics like metoclopramide and cisapride may be decreased by tolterodine.


Concomitant treatment with fluoxetine, (a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor), does not result in a clinically significant interaction, since tolterodine and its CYP2D6-dependent metabolite, 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine, are equipotent.

Drug interaction studies have shown no interactions with warfarin or combined oral contraceptives (ethinyl estradiol/levonorgestrel).


A clinical study has indicated that tolterodine is not a metabolic inhibitor of CYP2D6, 2C19, 2C9, 3A4 or 1A2. Therefore, an increase of plasma levels of drugs metabolised by these isoenzymes is not expected when dosed in combination with tolterodine.



There are no adequate data from the use of tolterodine in pregnant women.

Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). The potential risk for humans is unknown.

Consequently, Detrusitol is not recommended during pregnancy.



No data concerning the excretion of tolterodine into human milk are available. Tolterodine should be avoided during lactation.

As this drug may cause accommodation disturbances and influence reaction time, the ability to drive and use machines may be negatively affected.

Safety profile

Due to the pharmacological effect of tolterodine it may cause mild to moderate antimuscarinic effects, like dryness of the mouth, dyspepsia and dry eyes.


Table 1 below reflects the data obtained with Detrusitol in clinical trials and from post-marketing experience. The most commonly reported adverse reaction was dry mouth, which occurred in 35% of patients treated with Detrusitol tablets and in 10% of placebo treated patients. Headaches were also reported very commonly and occurred in 10.1% of patients treated with Detrusitol tablets and in 7.4% of placebo treated patients.


Table of adverse reactions

The adverse reaction listed in the table below are presented by System Organ Class (SOC) and frequency categories, defined using the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100), rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000), very rare (< 1/10,000), or not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness


Table 1: adverse reactions


System organ class

Very common

(≥ 1/10)


(≥ 1/100 to < 1/10)


(≥ 1/1,000 to

< 1/100)

Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)

Infections and infestations





Immune System




Hypersensitivity not 

otherwise specified

Anaphylactoid reactions

Psychiatric Disorders




Confusion, hallucinations, disorientation

Nervous System






Memory impairment


Eye disorders


Dry eyes,

abnormal vision including abnormal accommodation



Ear and labyrinth disorders





Cardiac disorders




cardiac failure, arrhythmia


Vascular disorders





Gastrointestinal disorders

Dry mouth



abdominal pain, flatulence,



Gastroesophageal reflux


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


Dry skin




Renal and urinary disorders



urinary retention




General disorders and administration site conditions



chest pain,

peripheral oedema





Increased weight




Cases of aggravation of symptoms of dementia (e.g. confusion, disorientation, delusions) have been reported after tolterodine therapy was initiated in patients taking cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of dementia.


Paediatric population

In two paediatric phase 3, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies conducted over 12 weeks in 710 paediatric patients, the proportion of patients with urinary tract infections, diarrhoea and abnormal behaviour was higher in patients treated with tolterodine than in those treated with placebo (urinary tract infection: tolterodine 6.8 %, placebo 3.6 %; diarrhoea: tolterodine 3.3 %, placebo 0.9 %; abnormal behaviour: tolterodine 1.6 %, placebo 0.4 %) (see section 5.1).


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after marketing authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions according to their local country requirements.


To Report side effects


  • Saudi Arabia

National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

  • SFDA Call center: 19999
  • E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
  • Website:  https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/


  •  Other GCC States

 Please contact the relevant competent authority.



The highest dose given to healthy human volunteers of tolterodine tartrate is 12.8 mg as a single dose. The most severe adverse events observed were accommodation disturbances and micturition difficulties.


In the event of tolterodine overdose, treat with gastric lavage and give activated charcoal.

Treat symptoms as follows:

* Severe central anticholinergic effects (e.g. hallucinations, severe excitation): treat with physostigmine.

* Convulsions or pronounced excitation: treat with benzodiazepines.

* Respiratory insufficiency: treat with artificial respiration.

* Tachycardia: treat with beta blockers.

* Urinary retention:  treat with catheterisation.

* Mydriasis: treat with pilocarpine eye drops and/or place patient in dark room.


An increase in QT interval was observed with a single daily dose of 8 mg immediate-release tolterodine (twice the recommended daily dose of standard formulation and equivalent to three times the peak exposure of the prolonged-release formulation) administered over 4 days. In the event of tolterodine overdose, standard supportive measures for managing QT prolongation should be adopted.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: urinary antispasmodics, ATC Code: G04BD07 


Mechanism of action

Tolterodine is a competitive, specific muscarinic receptor antagonist with a selectivity for the urinary bladder over salivary glands in vivo.


Pharmacodynamic effects

One of the tolterodine metabolites (5-hydroxymethyl derivative), exhibits a pharmacological profile similar to that of the parent compound. In extensive metabolisers, this metabolite contributes significantly to the therapeutic effect of tolterodine (see section 5.2).


Clinical efficacy and safety

Effect of the treatment can be expected within 4 weeks.


Effects of treatment with Detrusitol 2 mg twice daily, after 4 and 12 weeks, respectively, compared with placebo (pooled data). Absolute change and percentage change relative to baseline



                Variable                                   | 4-week studies                                                        12-week studies

                  __________________________ |__________________________________________________________________________

                                                                | Detrusitol Placebo      Statistical Detrusitol    Placebo   Statistical

                                                                | 2 mg                                         significance vs.       2 mg                         significance vs.                                                        | b.i.d.                                        placebo                  b.i.d.                         placebo

                __________________________ |__________________________________________________________________________

                Number of micturitions              | –1.6                       –0.9                  *                      –2.3              –1.4                     **            per 24 hours                                | (-14%)                   (-8%)                                       (-20%)          (-12%)

                                                                | n=392                    n=189                                      n=354           n=176


                Number of incontinence            | –1.3                       –1.0                n.s.                     –1.6              –1.1                     *

                episodes per                             | (-38%)                   (-26%)                                     (-47%)          (-32%)

                24 hours                                   | n= 288                    n=151                                      n=299           n=145


                Mean volume per                      | +25                        +12                 ***                    +35               +10                      ***

                micturition (mL)                       | (+17%)                   (+8%)                                      (+22%)         (+6%)

                                                                | n=385                    n=185                                      n=354           n=176


                Number of patients                    | 16%                       7%                  **                      19%              15%                     n.s.

                with no or                                 | n=394                    n=190                                      n=356           n=177

                minimal bladder problems          |

                 after treatment (%)                  


                n.s.=not significant; * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01; *** = p < 0.001



The effects of tolterodine were evaluated in patients, examined with urodynamic assessment at baseline and, depending on the urodynamic result, they were allocated to a urodynamic positive (motor urgency) or a urodynamic negative (sensory urgency) group. Within each group, the patients were randomised to receive either tolterodine or placebo. The study could not provide convincing evidence that tolterodine had effects over placebo in patients with sensory urgency.


The clinical effects of tolterodine on QT interval are based on the ECGs obtained from over 600 treated patients, including elderly patients and patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. The changes in QT interval did not significantly differ between placebo and active treatment groups.

The effect of tolterodine on QT prolongation was investigated further in 48 healthy male and female volunteers aged 18 to 55 years. Subjects were administered 2 mg BID and 4 mg BID tolterodine as the immediate-release formulations.   The results (Fridericia corrected) at peak tolterodine concentration (1 hour) showed mean QTc interval increases of 5.0 and 11.8 msec for tolterodine doses of 2 mg BID and 4 mg BID respectively and 19.3 msec for moxifloxacin (400 mg) which was used as the control drug. A pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model has shown that QTc interval increases in poor metabolisers (devoid of CYP2D6) treated with tolterodine 2 mg BID are comparable to those observed in extensive metabolisers receiving 4 mg BID. At both doses of tolterodine, no subject, irrespective of their metabolic profile, exceeded 500 msec for absolute QTcF or 60 msec for change from baseline. These changes are considered particularly significant threshold values. The 4 mg BID dose corresponds to a peak exposure (Cmax) of three times that obtained with the highest therapeutic dose of Detrusitol prolonged release capsules.


Paediatric populationEfficacy in the paediatric population has not been demonstrated. Two paediatric phase 3 randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind 12-week studies were conducted using tolterodine prolonged-release capsules. A total of 710 paediatric patients (486 treated with tolterodine and 224 treated with placebo) aged 5 to 10 years with increased urinary frequency and urinary urgency were studied.

No significant difference between the two groups was observed in either study with regard to change from baseline in total number of incontinence episodes/week (see section 4.8).

Pharmacokinetic characteristics specific for this formulation

Tolterodine is rapidly absorbed. Both tolterodine and the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite reach maximal serum concentrations 1 to 3 hours after dose.

The half-life for tolterodine given as the tablet is 2 to 3 hours in extensive and about 10 hours in poor metabolisers (devoid of CYP2D6). Steady state concentrations are reached within 2 days after administration of the tablets.

Food does not influence the exposure to unbound tolterodine and the active 5-hydroxyethyl metabolite in extensive metabolisers, although the tolterodine levels increase when taken with food. Clinically relevant changes are likewise not expected in poor metabolisers.


After oral administration, tolterodine is subject to CYP2D6 catalysed first-pass metabolism in the liver, resulting in the formation of the 5-hydroxymethyl derivative, a major pharmacologically equipotent metabolite.

The absolute bioavailability of tolterodine is 17% in extensive metabolisers and 65% in poor metabolisers (devoid of CYP2D6).



Tolterodine and the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite bind primarily to orosomucoid.

The unbound fractions are 3.7% and 36%, respectively. The volume of distribution of tolterodine is 113 litres.



Tolterodine is extensively metabolised by the liver following oral dosing.

The primary metabolic route is mediated by the polymorphic enzyme CYP2D6 and leads to the formation of the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite. Further metabolism leads to formation of the 5-carboxylic acid and N-dealkylated 5-carboxylic acid metabolites, which account for 51% and 29% of the metabolites recovered in the urine, respectively. A subset (about 7%) of the population is devoid of CYP2D6 activity. The identified pathway of metabolism for these individuals (poor metabolisers) is dealkylation via CYP3A4 to N-dealkylated tolterodine, which does not contribute to the clinical effect.

The remainder of the population consists of extensive metabolisers. The systemic clearance of tolterodine in extensive metabolisers is about 30 L/h. In poor metabolisers the reduced clearance leads to significantly higher serum concentrations of tolterodine (about 7-fold) and negligible concentrations of the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite are observed.


The 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite is pharmacologically active and equipotent with tolterodine.

Because of the differences in the protein-binding characteristics of tolterodine and the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite, the exposure (AUC) of unbound tolterodine in poor metabolisers is similar to the combined exposure of unbound tolterodine and 5-hydroxymethyl derivative in patients with CYP2D6 activity given the same dosage regimen. The safety, tolerability and clinical response are similar, irrespective of phenotype.


The excretion of radioactivity after administration of [14C]-tolterodine is about 77% in urine and 17% in faeces. Less than 1% of the dose is excreted as unchanged drug, and about 4% as the 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite. The carboxylated metabolite and the corresponding dealkylated metabolite account for about 51% and 29% of the urinary recovery, respectively.


The pharmacokinetics is linear in the therapeutic dosage range.


Hepatic impairment

About 2-fold higher exposure of unbound tolterodine and its 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite is found in subjects with liver cirrhosis (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).

Impaired renal function: the mean exposure of unbound tolterodine and its 5-hydroxymethyl metabolite is doubled in patients with severe renal impairment [inulin clearance (GFR) <  30 mL/min].

The plasma levels of other metabolites were markedly increased (up to 12-fold) in these patients.

The clinical relevance of the increased exposure of these metabolites is unknown.

There is no data in mild to moderate renal impairment (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).


Paediatric population

The exposure of the active substance per mg dose is similar in adults and adolescents. The mean exposure of the active substance per mg dose is approximately two-fold higher in children between

5 to 10 years than in adults (see sections 4.2 and 5.1).

In toxicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and safety pharmacology studies, no clinically relevant effects have been observed, except those related to the pharmacological effects of the drug.


Reproduction studies have been performed in mice and rabbits.


In mice, there was no effect of tolterodine on fertility or reproductive function.

Tolterodine produced embryo death and foetal malformations at plasma exposures (Cmax or AUC) 20 or 7 times higher than those seen in treated humans.

In rabbits, no malformative effect was seen, but the studies were conducted at 20 or 3 times higher plasma exposure values (Cmax or AUC) than those expected in humans after therapeutic doses.


Tolterodine, as well as its active human metabolites, prolong action potential duration (90% repolarisation) in canine Purkinje fibres (14-75 times therapeutic levels) and block K+ flow in hERG (cloned human ether-a-go-go-related gene) channels (0.5-26.1 times therapeutic levels).


In studies conducted in dogs, prolongation of the QT interval has been observed after administration of tolterodine and its human active metabolites (3.1 to 61.0 times therapeutic levels).

The clinical relevance of this effect is unknown.


Cellulose, microcrystalline

Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate

Sodium starch glycolate (Type B)

Magnesium stearate

Colloidal anhydrous silica


Film coating

Coating granules containing:


Cellulose, microcrystalline

Stearic acid

Titanium dioxide E171

Not applicable

Do not use Detrusitol after the expiry date which is stated on the carton / Blister after EXP:. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

Store below 25°C

Tablets are packed in either blisters made of PVC/PVDC and aluminium foil with a heat-seal coating of PVDC or HDPE bottles with LDPE closures or with PP Child Resistant Squeeze and Turn closures.


Pack sizes

Detrusitol tablets are available in blister packs of 2x10, 3x10, 5x10 and 10x10 tablets, 1x14, 2x14 and 4x14 tablets, 280 and 560 tablets and in bottles of 60 and 500 tablets.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

Viatris Pharma S.r.l. Via Vittor Pisani 20, Milano, CAP 20124- Italy MANUFACUTRED BY Pfizer Italia S.r.l., Località Marino del Tronto, 63100 Ascoli Piceno

February 2022

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