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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

contains Clotrimazole, a broad spectrum antimycotic agent, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic dermatophytes (Epidermophyton,  Microsporum and Trichophyton species ), Candida albicans, Malassezia furfur and Cutaneous Corynebacterium


- Dermal infections caused by sensitive dermatophytes - Tinea pedis ( Athlete’s  foot), Tinea corporis ,Tinea cruris ,Tinea capitis , Tinea unguis and Tinea barbae

- Erythrasma and Pityriasis versicolor

- Otomycosis

- Cutaneous candidiasis

- Vulvovaginitis due to sensitive fungi

Dermatin ( cream ) is not intended for ophthalmic use.


A sufficient amount of Dermatin (cream ) is applied to the infected and surrounding areas of the skin and gently rubbed in twice daily ( morning and evening ) or as directed by the physician. The duration of treatment depends upon the site and extent of the infection:

- For Dermatomycosis (from 3 - 4 weeks), Tinea capitis ( 6 weeks with an oral  antimycotic ) & Tinea unguis ( 6 months with  an  oral  antimycotic

( For Candida species ( 2  -  3 weeks

(This product contains cetostearyl alcohol, which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis

Store below 25o C for the crea 

Keep out of the reach of children

contains Clotrimazole

Carton box contains Aluminium tube of 12 g with plastic cap with leaflet.

Pharco pharmacuticals

Kilo 31, Alexandria-Cairo Desert Road, Amriya, Alexandria, Egypt. Phone number (s): (+203) 4480720 / 4486140 Fax number(s): (+203) 4480730 / 4486560


  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

الأثــر الطبــى :

يحتوى كريم ديرماتين على مادة كلوتريمازول ذات التأثير القوى القاتل للعديد من أنواع الفطريات والخمائر التى تصيب مناطق عديدة من الجلد وفروة الرأس والأظافر . وعند الإستعمال فإن المادة الفعالة فى كريم أو محلول أوبودرة ديرماتين تمتص سريعاً فى الجلد وتخترق بسهولة الجدار الخلوى للفطريات الموجودة فى الأماكن المصابة مما يفقد هذا الجدار وظيفته فى الحفاظ على المواد اللازمة لنمو الفطريات وينتج عن ذلك القضاء على الفطريات الموجودة فى الجلد ويبدأ التحسن الإكلينيكى بإختفاء أعراض الحكة والهرش خلال إسبوع واحد من بدء العلاج- وقد أثبتت التجارب المعملية أن الفطريات والخمائر لا تكتسب مناعة ضد تأثير كريم أو محلول أو بودرة ديرماتين. وبالإضافة للتأثير الملطف للمستحضر فإنه لا يحدث أى إلتهابات أو بقع فى المناطق المعالجة.

دواعــى الاسـتعمال :

- أنواع التينيا المختلفة التى تسببها الفطريات الجلدية فى الرجال والنساء.

- فطر القدم) سعفة القدم (

- فطر الجسم

- فطر أعلى الفخذ والإبط

- فطر فروة الرأس

- فطر أظافر اليدين

- فطر الذقن

- الفطر الأبيض ) القوباء البيضاء (

- النخالة الجلدية الحمراء أو المبرقشة

- إلتهابات الأذن الوسطى نتيجة للإصابة بالفطريات

- إلتهابات سطح وعنق المهبل من جراء الإصابة بالفطريات

- الفطر الأحمر ) القوباء الحمراء(

تحـذيــر :

لا يستعمل كريم ديرماتين للعين


توضع طبقة من الكريم  على منطقة الجلد المصابة بالفطـر والمنطقة المحيطة بهــا وتــدلك برفــق مـرتين يـوميــا

) صباحاً ومساءاً (أو حسب إرشادات الطبيب.

وتعتمد مدة العلاج على مكان الإصابة وشدتها :

- من 3 - 4 أسابيع فى حالة النخالـة الجلدية الحمـراء أو المبرقشة

   وتينيا الذقن  وتينيا أعلى الفخذ أو بين الأصابع والقوبـاء الحمراء

   أو القوباء البيضاء.

- من 2 - 3 أسابيع فى حالة التبقع الأبيض.

- 6 أسابيــع فى حـالة تينيـا فــروة الرأس ) مـع أخذ علاج مصاحب

   عـــن طريق الفم (.

- 6 شهـــور فـــى حــالــة تينيـا الأظافر ) مع أخذ علاج مصاحب عن

   طريق الفم (.

اضطرابات الجهاز المناعي: رد فعل تحسسي (إغماء ، انخفاض ضغط الدم ، ضيق في التنفس ، )

يحـفــظ فـى درجـة حرارة أقـل من O25 م للكــريــم .

تحفظ الأدوية بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال.

يحتوى كريم ديرماتين على مادة كلوتريمازول

قنينة بلاستيــك تحتــــوى علــى 20 ملليلتــر مــن المحلــول - أو قنينـــة بهــا 10 جـــم بـــودرة.

فاركو للأدوية

ص.ب. 12 سيدى جابر الاسكندرية مصر

كيلو 31 طريق الاسكندرية القاهرة الصحراوى العامرية الاسكندرية مصر

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Dermatin 1% Cream

Each tube contains 1%w/w Clotrimazole. Each 1 g of cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole. Excipient with known effect: cetostearyl alcohol. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Topical Cream. A smooth white cream.

:For the treatment of

i. All dermatomycoses due to moulds and other fungi (e.g. Trichophyton species)

ii. All dermatomycoses due to yeasts (Candida species). These include ringworm (tinea) infections (e.g. athlete's foot), paronychia, pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma and intertrigo

iii. Skin diseases showing secondary infection with these fungi

iv. Candidal nappy rash, vulvitis and balanitis


There is no separate dosage schedule for the young or elderly

Method of administration

The cream should be applied thinly and evenly to the affected area 2 – 3 times daily and rubbed in gently. A strip of cream (½ cm long) is enough to treat an area of about the size of the hand

If the feet are infected, they should be thoroughly washed and dried, especially between the toes, before applying the cream

Treatment should be continued for at least one month for dermatophyte infections, or for at least two weeks for candidal infections

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Do not use the cream to treat nail or scalp infections.

(This product contains cetostearyl alcohol, which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis

Laboratory tests have suggested that, when used together, this product may cause damage to latex contraceptives. Consequently, the effectiveness of such contraceptives may be reduced. Patients should be advised to use alternative precautions for at least five days after using this product


There is a limited amount of data from the use of clotrimazole in pregnant women. Animal studies with clotrimazole have shown reproductive toxicity at high oral doses (see section 5.3). At the low systemic exposures of clotrimazole following topical treatment, harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity are not predicted. Clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy but only under the supervision of a physician or midwife



Available pharmacodynamic/toxicological data in animals have shown excretion of clotrimazole/metabolites in milk after intravenous administration (see section 5.3). A risk to the suckling child cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or to discontinue/abstain from clotrimazole therapy taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman



No human studies of the effects of clotrimazole on fertility have been performed; however, animal studies have not demonstrated any effects of the drug on fertility

Clotrimazole cream has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive or use machines

As the listed undesirable effects are based on spontaneous reports, assigning an accurate frequency of occurrence for each is not possible

Immune system disorders: allergic reaction (syncope, hypotension, dyspnoea, urticaria)

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: blisters, discomfort/pain, oedema, erythema, irritation, peeling/exfoliation, pruritus, rash, stinging/burning

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard

No risk of acute intoxication is seen as it is unlikely to occur following a single dermal application of an overdose (application over a large area under conditions favourable to absorption) or inadvertent oral ingestion. There is no specific antidote

However, in the event of accidental oral ingestion, routine measures such as gastric lavage should be performed only if clinical symptoms of overdose become apparent (e.g. dizziness, nausea or vomiting). Gastric lavage should be carried out only if the airway can be protected adequately

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antifungals for topical use – imidazole and triazole derivatives

ATC code: A01AB18; D01AC01; G01AF02

Mechanism of Action

Dermatin Cream acts against fungi by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis. Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis leads to structural and functional impairment of the cytoplasmic membrane.

Pharmacodynamic Effects

Dermatin Cream has a broad antimycotic spectrum of action in vitro and in vivo, which includes dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds, etc. Under appropriate test conditions, the MIC values for these types of fungi are in the region of less than 0.062-8.0 µg/ml substrate

The mode of action of clotrimazole is primarily fungistatic or fungicidal depending on the concentration of clotrimazole at the site of infection. In vitro activity is limited to proliferating fungal elements; fungal spores are only slightly sensitive

(In addition to its antimycotic action, clotrimazole also acts on gram-positive microorganisms (Streptococci / Staphylococci / Gardnerella vaginalis), and gram-negative microorganisms (Bacteroides

In vitro clotrimazole inhibits the multiplication of Corynebacteria and gram-positive cocci - with the exception of Enterococci - in concentrations of 0.5-10 µg/ml substrate

Primarily resistant variants of sensitive fungal species are very rare; the development of secondary resistance by sensitive fungi has so far only been observed in very isolated cases under therapeutic conditions

Pharmacokinetic investigations after dermal application have shown that clotrimazole is minimally absorbed from the intact or inflamed skin into the human blood circulation. The resulting peak serum concentrations of clotrimazole were below the detection limit of 0.001 mcg/ml, suggesting that clotrimazole applied topically is unlikely to lead to measurable systemic effects or side effects

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity

Dermatin Cream was not teratogenic in reproductive toxicity studies in mice, rats and rabbits. In rats high oral doses were associated with maternal toxicity, embryotoxicity, reduced fetal weights and decreased pup survival

In rats clotrimazole and/or its metabolites were secreted into milk at levels higher than in plasma by a factor of 10 to 20 at 4 hrs after administration, followed by a decline to a factor of 0.4 by 24 hrs

Cetomacrogol 1000, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Liquid Paraffin, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Propylene glycol, White soft paraffin and Purified Water

Not applicable

24 months

Store below 30⁰C

Carton box contains Aluminium tube of 12 g with plastic cap with leaflet

No special requirements

PHARCO pharmaceuticals Kilo 31, Alexandria-Cairo Desert Road, Amriya, Alexandria, Egypt. Phone number (s): (+203) 4480720 / 4486140 Fax number(s): (+203) 4480730 / 4486560 Marketing authorization number(s) 20152/2011


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