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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

CromaTM Ophthalmic Solution contains sodium
cromoglicate which is a mast cell stabilizer and an
anti allergic agent. It helps to ease the symptoms
of conjunctivitis caused by an allergy. It works by
reducing the body's response to the allergy which
helps to relieve symptoms such as itchy, watery
eyes. Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride is the
second component in CromaTM, it is a
sympathomimetic agent with alpha-adrenergic
activity and is useful as a conjunctival
decongestant. It acts as a local vasoconstrictor
reducing the swelling and congestion in the
mucous membranes of the conjunctiva.
CromaTM is prescribed for you for the prevention
and treatment of chronic allergic conjunctivitis
and hayfever (acute allergic conjunctivitis).
CromaTM Eye Drops prevent the itching,
inflammation and watering eyes often experienced
with hayfever.

• Do not use CromaTM Eye Drops
- if you know that you have had a reaction to any
of its ingredients.
- if you have one of the following diseases:
glaucoma or other serious ophthalmic diseases,
hypertensivity, hyperthyroidism and diabetes.
• This medicine should be given to children only
under close supervision of a physician.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Use of CromaTM during pregnancy and lactation
has not been clinically tested thus caution should
be taken, please refer to doctor.
Driving and using machines
All eye drops can cause a short term blurring of
vision when first used so you should wait until
your eyes are clear before driving or using
Important information about some of the
ingredients of CromaTM
If you wear soft contact lenses. Do not use the
drops while your contact lenses are in your eyes.
Wait 10 -15 minutes after using the eye drops
before putting your lenses back into your eyes. A
preservative in CromaTM (benzalkonium chloride)
can affect soft lenses.

CromaTM is to be used only as eye drops.
Instill 1-2 drops in to the conjunctival sac of the
eye(s) three to four times daily or as directed by
the physician.
Instructions for using eye drops
- Unscrew the cap from the bottle, check the
dropper is clean.
- Pull your lower eyelid gently down, and then
carefully instil one drop inside the lower eyelid, in
the corner closest to the nose.
- Release the lower eyelid, and blink a few times
to make sure the eye is covered by the liquid.
- Repeat the procedure for your other eye.
- When you have finished, replace the protective
cap tightly to prevent spilling or spoilage.
• Avoid contaminating the applicator tip with
material from eye, finger or any other source.
• CromaTM should be discontinued at the first
appearance of skin rash or any other sign of
hypersensitivity reaction.

Like all medicines, CromaTM can cause side
effects, although not everybody gets them.

You may experience some or all of the following
side effects during the use of CromaTM:
Temporary burning sensations, occasional pupil
dilation, systemic absorption effects
(hypertension, heart disorders, hyperglycemia),
increased intraocular pressure, transient headache,
If any of the side effects get serious, or you notice
any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell
your doctor or pharmacist.

Do not store above 30 °C.
Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
CromaTM eye drops are sterile when first opened,
it is important to keep the drops as clean as
possible during use.
Once opened the drops should not be used for
longer than 1 month.

• What CromaTM contains
CromaTM is an eye drop containing sodium
cromoglicate 40mg/ml and tetrahydrozoline
hydrochloride 0.5 mg/ml.
Other ingredients are Benzalkonium chloride ,
Disodium edentate, Hydroxypropyl
methylcellulose, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate,
Sodium hydroxide 1N, and Water for injection.

• CromaTM Ophthalmic Solution is a clear, colorless to slightly yellow aqueous solution, practically free from particles. • CromaTM Ophthalmic Solution 10 ml filled in LDPE bottle.

Jamjoom Pharmaceuticals Co.,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966-12-6081111, Fax: +966-12-6081222.
Website: www.jamjoompharma.com
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and
Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222,
Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
− Please contact the relevant competent authority.

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ي محلول للعين يحتوي على كروموجلايكيت ™ كروما
الصوديوم وهو من مثبتات الخلايا البدينة و مضاد للتحسس
وهي تساعد على تخفيف أعراض التهاب الملتحمة الناجم
عن طريق الحد من استجابة ™ عن الحساسية. تعمل كروما
الجسم للحساسية مما يساعد على تخفيف الأعراض مثل
™ حكة العينين والعيون الدامعة. المكون الثاني في كروما
هو هايدروكلوريد التتراهايدروزولين وهو عامل داعم ودَّي
ذو فعالية ألفا أدرينالية وهو مفيد كمزيل لاحتقان الملتحمة.
يعمل كقابض موضعي للأوعية الدموية للحد من التورم
واحتقان الأغشية المخاطية للملتحمة.
للوقاية من وعلاج التهاب الملتحمة ™ توصف كروما
التحسسي المزمن وحمى القش (التهاب الملتحمة التحسسي
الحكة، التهاب و تدميع العين ™ الحاد). تمنع قطرة كروما
الذان يصاحبان حمى القش في كثير من الأحيان.

إذا كنت ™ • لا تقم باستخدام قطرة كروما
- تعلم أنك تعاني من أي رد فعل لأي من مكوناتها.
- إذا كان لديك أي من الأمراض التالية: المياه الزرقاء
"الجلوكوما" أو أي امراض أخرى خطيرة بالعين، ارتفاع
ضغط الدم، فَرْطُ إفراز الغدة الدَّرَقِيَّة و داء السكري.
• وينبغي ألّا يعطى هذا الدواء للأطفال إلّا تحت إشراف
دقيق من الطبيب.
الحمل والرضاعة
خلال فترة الحمل ™ • لم يتم اختبار إستخدام كروما
والرضاعة سريريا وبالتالي يجب توخي الحذر، يرجى
الرجوع إلى الطبيب.
القيادة و استخدام الآلات
• تتسبب كل قطرات العيون في حدووث عدم وضوح
للرؤية على المدى القصير عندما تُستخدم لأول مرة لذلك
يجب عليك الانتظار حتى تصبح عيناك رائقتان قبل القيادة
أو استخدام الآلات.
™ معلومات هامة عن بعض مكونات كروما
إذا كنت ترتدي العدسات اللاصقة الرخوة.
أثناء تواجد العدسات في عينيك. انتظر ™ لا تستخدم كروما
۱٥ دقيقة بعد استخدام قطرة العين قبل ارتداء عدساتك -۱۰
اللاصقة مرة أخرى. المادة الحافظة بنزالكونيوم كلورايد
قد تؤثر علي العدسات الرخوة. ™ في كروم


۳. كيفية استخدام كروما
كقطرة للعين فقط. ™ - يُستخدم محلول كروما
۲ قطرة في كيس الملتحمة من ثلاث إلى أربع - ضع من ۱
مرات يوميا أو كما يوجهك الطبيب.
إرشادات لاستخدام قطرة العين:
- قم بلف الغطاء من الزجاجة، وتحقق من أن القطارة
- إسحب الجفن السفلي إلى أسفل برفق، ومن ثم ضع بعناية
قطرة واحدة داخل الجفن السفلي، في الزاوية الأقرب إلى
- حرر الجفن السفلي، أغلق وافتح العين عدة مرات للتأكد
من تغطية العين عن طريق السائل.
في كلتا العينين كرر نفس ™ - إذا كنت تستخدم كروما
الخطوات للعين الأخرى.إذا كانت هي أيضاً تحتاج للعلاج.
- قم بإعادة غطاء الزجاجة الى مكانه مباشرة بعد الإستخدام
وقم بإحكام الغلق.
• تجنب تلوث طرف الزجاجة بأي مواد خارجة من العين
أو الأصابع أو أي سطح آخر.
مع أول ظهور ™ • يجب التوقف عن استعمال قطرة كروما
لعلامات أعراض طفح جلدي أو أي أعراض أخرى لفرط

٤. التأثيرات الجانبية المحتملة
أن ™ كما هو الحال مع كل الأدوية ،يمكن لقطرات كروما
تتسبب في تأثيرات جانبية ولكنها لا تصيب كل الأشخاص.

من الممكن ان تواجه بعض أو كل الأعراض الجانبية التالية
:™ عند استخدامك كروما
شعور مؤقت بالحرقان، اتساع مؤقت لحدقة العين، تأثيرات
ناتجة عن الامتصاص الجهازي "في الدم" مثل (ارتفاع
ضغط الدم، اضطرابات بالقلب، إزدياد مستوى السكر في
الدم)، ازدياد الضغط الداخلي للعين، صداع مؤقت، غثيان.
- إذا لاحظت تحول أي من الآثار الجانبية الى مرحلة أكثر
خطورة أو إذا لاحظت حدوث آثار جانبية أخرى غير
مدرجة في هذه النشرة يرجى إخبار طبيبك أو الصيدلي بها.

يُحفظ بعيداً عن متناول و مرأى الأطفال.
يُحفظ في درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن ۳۰ ° م.
معقمة عند أول فتح لها و من المهم ™ تكون قطرة كروما
الحفاظ على القطرة نظيفة بقدر المستطاع أثناء فترة
بمجرد فتح العبوة فلا ينبغي استعمالها لمدة تزيد عن شهر

٦. معلومات إضافية
™ ما هى مكونات كروما
للعين على كروموجلايكيت ™ تحتوي قطرة كروما
الصوديوم ٤۰ ملغ/مل و هايدروكلوريد التتراهايدروزولين
۰٫٥ ملغ/مل.
المكونات أخرى: كلوريد البنزالكونيوم، ثاني ايديتات
الصوديوم، هيدروكسي بروبيل ميثيل السيليولوز،
ثنائي هيدروجين فوسفات الصوديوم،
1، و ماء للحقن. N هيدروكسيد الصوديوم

وما هي محتويات العبوة ™ كيف تبدو كروما
محلول للعين رائق عديم اللون إلى أصفر خالي ™ - كروما
من الجزيئات العالقة.
محلول للعين ۱۰ مل في قطارة من البولي ™ - كروما
إيثيلين منخفض الكثافة.

شركة مصنع جمجوم للأدوية،
جدة، المملكة العربية السعودية.
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الهاتف: ٦۰۸۱۱۱۱
+۹٦٦-۱۲- فاكس: ٦۰۸۱۲۲۲
www.jamjoompharma.com : الموقع الإلكتروني
للإبلاغ عن أي أثار جانبيه:
• المملكة العربية السعودية:
- المركز الوطني للتيقظ و السلامة الدوائية
+۹٦٦-۱۱-۲۰٥- فاكس: ۷٦٦۲ o
للإتصال بالإدارة التنفيذية للتيقظ وإدارة الأزمات. o
+۹٦٦-۱۱- هاتف: ۲۰۳۸۲۲۲
۲۳٤۰-۲۳۳٤-۲۳٥٤-۲۳٥۳-۲۳٥٦- تحويلة: ۲۳۱۷
الهاتف المجاني: ۸۰۰۲٤۹۰۰۰۰ o
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : بريد إلكتروني o
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الالكتروني o
• دول الخليج الأخرى:
- الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات و الهيئات الوطنية في كل

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Croma Ophthalmic Solution

Sodium Cromoglycate 4% and Tetrahydrozoline 0.05% For full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Ophthalmic Solution. A clear, colorless to slightly yellow aqueous solution, practically free from particles, filled in 10 mL LDPE opaque bottle.

Croma™ Ophthalmic Solution contains sodium Cromoglycate which is a mast cell stabilizer and
an anti-allergic agent. It helps to ease the symptoms of conjunctivitis caused by an allergy. It works
by reducing the body's response to the allergy which helps to relieve symptoms such as itchy,
watery eyes. Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride is the second component in Croma™, it is a
sympathomimetic agent with alpha-adrenergic activity and is useful as a conjunctival
decongestant. It acts as a local vasoconstrictor reducing the swelling and congestion in the mucous
membranes of the conjunctiva.
Croma™ is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of chronic allergic conjunctivitis and
hayfever (acute allergic conjunctivitis). Croma™ Eye Drops prevent the itching, inflammation and
watering eyes often experienced with hayfever.

Croma™ is to be used only as eye drops. Instill 1-2 drops in to the conjunctival sac of the eye(s)
three to four times daily or as directed by the physician.

Do not use Croma™ Eye Drops  If you know that you have had a reaction to any of its ingredients.  if you have one of the following diseases: o Glaucoma or other serious ophthalmic diseases, o Hypertensivity, hyperthyroidism and diabetes.  This medicine should be given to children only under close supervision of a physician. Sodium Cromoglicate Patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride Known hypersensitivity to tetrahydrozoline or any ingredient in the formulation Pediatric Use Safety and effectiveness in children below the age of 4 years have not been established.

Sodium Cromoglycate
Patients may experience a transient stinging or burning sensation following application of
Cromolyn Sodium Ophthalmic Solution.
Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride
Ask a doctor before use if you have narrow angle glaucoma
When using this product
 pupils may become enlarged temporarily
 overuse may cause more eye redness
 remove contact lenses before using
 do not use if this solution changes color or becomes cloudy
 do not touch the tip of container to any surface to avoid contamination
 replace cap after each use
 Driving and using machines
All eye drops can cause a short term blurring of vision when first used so you should wait until
your eyes are clear before driving or using machines.
 Important information about some of the ingredients of Croma™
If you wear soft contact lenses. Do not use the drops while your contact lenses are in your eyes.
Wait 10 -15 minutes after using the eye drops before putting your lenses back into your eyes. A
preservative in Croma™ (benzalkonium chloride) can affect soft lenses.

None known

Teratogenic Effects
Cromolyn sodium
Pregnancy Category B. Reproduction studies with cromolyn sodium administered
subcutaneously to pregnant mice and rats at maximum daily doses of 540 mg/kg (1620 mg/m )
and 164 mg/kg (984 mg/m ), respectively, and intravenously to rabbits at a maximum daily dose
of 485 mg/kg (5820 mg/m ) produced no evidence of fetal malformation. These doses represent
approximately 57, 35, and 205 times the maximum daily human dose, respectively, on mg/m
basis. Adverse fetal effects (increased resorption maximum daily human dose, respectively, on
mg/m basis. Adverse fetal effects (increased resorption and decreased fetal weight) were noted
only at the very high parenteral doses that produced maternal toxicity. There are, however, no
adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies
are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during pregnancy only if
clearly needed.
Nursing Mothers
It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in
human milk, caution should be exercised when Cromolyn Sodium Ophthalmic Solution USP, 4%
is administered to a nursing woman.
Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride
Pregnancy: Category C.
Lactation: Not known whether tetrahydrozoline is distributed into milk.101 a Caution if used in
nursing women.101 a
Pediatric Use: Safety and efficacy of ophthalmic solution not established in children <6 years
of age. Accidental ingestion of OTC ophthalmic solutions or nasal sprays containing
imidazoline derivatives (i.e., tetrahydrozoline, naphazoline, oxymetazoline) in children has
resulted in serious adverse events requiring hospitalization, including nausea, vomiting,
lethargy, tachycardia, decreased respiration, bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension, sedation,

somnolence, mydriasis, stupor, hypothermia, drooling, and coma.1001 Respiratory depression,
CNS depression, and/or lethargy reportedly occurred in infants following accidental ingestion
of small amounts (≤6 mL) of 0.05% tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic solution.1002 1007 Keep out of
reach of children.1001 (See Advice to Patients.)

Transient stinging or blurring of vision may occur on instillation of the drops.
Do not drive or use machinery until normal vision is restored.

You may experience some or all of the following side effects during the use of Croma™
Temporary burning sensations, occasional pupil dilation, systemic absorption effects
(hypertension, heart disorders, and hyperglycemia), increased intraocular pressure, transient
headache, nausea.
Sodium Cromoglicate
The most frequently reported adverse reaction attributed to the use of cromolyn sodium ophthalmic
solution, on the basis of reoccurrence following re-administration, is transient ocular stinging or
burning upon instillation.
The following adverse reactions have been reported as infrequent events. It is unclear whether they
are attributable to the drug:
Conjunctival injection; watery eyes; itchy eyes; dryness around the eye; puffy eyes; eye irritation;
and styes.
Immediate hypersensitivity reactions have been reported rarely and include dyspnea, edema and
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and
Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
• Fax: +966-11-205-7662
• Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2340.
• Toll free phone: 19999
• E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
• Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
− Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Non Stated

5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Cromolyn sodium
In vitro and in vivo animal studies have shown that cromolyn sodium inhibits the degranulation of
sensitized mast cells which occurs after exposure to specific antigens. Cromolyn sodium acts by
inhibiting the release of histamine and SRS-A (slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis) from the
mast cell.
Another activity demonstrated in vitro is the capacity of cromolyn sodium to inhibit the
degranulation of non-sensitized rat mast cells by phospholipase A and the subsequent release of
chemical mediators.
Another study showed that cromolyn sodium did not inhibit the enzymatic activity of released
phospholipase A on its specific substrate. Cromolyn sodium has no intrinsic vasoconstrictor,
antihistaminic or anti-inflammatory activity.
Cromolyn sodium is poorly absorbed. When multiple doses of cromolyn sodium ophthalmic
solution are instilled into normal rabbit eyes, less than 0.07% of the administered dose of cromolyn
sodium is absorbed into the systemic circulation (presumably by way of the eye, nasal passages,
buccal cavity and gastrointestinal tract). Trace amounts (less than 0.01%) of the cromolyn sodium
dose penetrate into the aqueous humor and clearance from this chamber is virtually complete
within 24 hours after treatment is stopped. In normal volunteers, analysis of drug excretion
indicates that approximately 0.03% of cromolyn sodium is absorbed following administration to
the eye.
Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride
Structurally and pharmacologically related to naphazoline, oxymetazoline, and xylometazoline.
Directly stimulates α-adrenergic receptors; exerts little or no effect on β-adrenergic receptors.
Conjunctival application constricts small arterioles and temporarily relieves conjunctival

Long-term studies of cromolyn sodium in mice (12 months intraperitoneal administration at doses
up to 150 mg/kg three days per week), hamsters (intraperitoneal administration at doses up to 52.6
mg/kg three days per week for 15 weeks followed by 17.5 mg/kg three days per week for 37
weeks), and rats (18 months subcutaneous administration at doses up to 75 mg/kg six days per
week) showed no neoplastic effects. The average daily maximum dose levels administered in these studies were 192.9 mg/m for mice, 47.2 mg/m for hamsters and 385.8 mg/m for rats. These doses
correspond to approximately 6.8, 1.7 and 14 times the maximum daily human dose of 28 mg/m.
Cromolyn sodium showed no mutagenic potential in the Ames Salmonella/microsome plate
assays, mitotic gene conversion in Saccharomycascerevisiae and in an in vitro cytogenetic study
in human peripheral lymphocytes.
No evidence of impaired fertility was shown in laboratory reproduction studies conducted
subcutaneously in rats at the highest doses tested, 175 mg/kg/day (1050 mg/m) in males and 100
mg/kg/day (600 mg/m) in females. These doses are approximately 37 and 21 times the maximum
daily human dose, respectively, based on mg/m.
Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride
Absorption may occasionally be sufficient to produce systemic effects.
Following ocular administration, local vasoconstriction usually occurs within minutes.
Local vasoconstriction may persist for 4–8 hours

Non Stated

Benzalkonium Chloride
Disodium Edetate
Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose
Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Monohydrate
Sodium Hydroxide
Water for Injection

Not applicable.

36 months

Do not store above 30°C.
Discard after 30 days of opening

Croma™ Ophthalmic Solution 10 ml filled in LDPE bottle.

Discard after 30 days of opening.

Jamjoom Pharmaceuticals Company Plot No. ME1:3, Phase V, Industrial City, P.O. Box 6267, Jeddah-21442, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية