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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Pharmacotherapeutic group:
Daonil 5 mg scored tablets are an oral antidiabetic belonging to a group of medicines called sulfonylureas (medicines that decrease blood sugar levels, or glycemia).
It is used to treat non-insulin-dependent diabetes (also called type 2 diabetes, which does not require insulin) when dietarymeasures alone have not been enough to control your blood sugar.

If your doctor has told you that you are intolerant to certain sugars, consult him/her before taking this medicine.
Do not take Daonil 5 mg scored tablets if you:
• are allergic (hypersensitive) to glibenclamide, other sulphonylureas or any of the other ingredients in Glibenclamide Tablets (see section 6, Further information)
• suffer from early onset or type I diabetes (requiring insulin)
• suffer from severe kidney disease
• suffer from liver problems
• are suffering from ketoacidosis (caused by excessively high blood sugars in diabetics)
• are suffering from a severe infection
• are suffering from stress
• are suffering from any condition likely to make controlling your blood sugar difficult
• are due to undergo surgery
• are pregnant
• have reduced consciousness or coma resulting from your diabetes
• have porphyria (a disease of blood proteins affecting the skin, gut and nervous system).
• are elderly (over 70 years of age).
Unless otherwise indicated by your doctor, you should not take Daonil 5 mg scored tablets with phenylbutazone or danazol (see "Other medicines and Daonil 5 mg scored tablets").
If you are unsure of anything, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Warnings and precautions
Before you take Daonil 5 mg scored tablets, tell your doctor if you or a family member have G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency (hereditary disease of the red blood cells), as there is a risk of hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) if you take Daonil 5 mg scored tablets.
Hypoglycemia: (abnormal decrease in blood sugar levels).
The various signs of hypoglycemia include headache, ravenous hunger, nausea, shakiness, sweating,

pallor, tiredness, sleepiness, feeling of faintness, dizziness, visual and speech disturbances, behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, depression, confusion), sleep disturbances, impaired concentration, impaired alertness and reactions, and heart problems.
During your treatment, you may experience hypoglycemia. If this occurs, you may need to be hospitalized to have your blood sugar levels restored to normal. After an episode of hypoglycemia, your doctor will monitor you carefully for at least 24 hours.
Your doctor will explain to you and your family how to avoid episodes of hypoglycemia, how to recognize the first symptoms and how to treat them. The doctor will also describe to you the circumstances in which you might become resistant to this treatment. Other medicines could then be prescribed as replacement treatment.
In order to avoid episodes of hypoglycemia, you should take the following information into account:
• It is important to eat regular meals, including breakfast, due to the increased risk of hypoglycemia if you forget a meal, do not eat enough, or have a diet that is not well balanced in carbohydrates;
• Age, kidney or liver failure and some adrenal or pituitary problems can increase the risk of hypoglycemia;
• Patients aged 65 years and over are especially sensitive to the blood sugar-lowering action of glibenclamide and therefore have a higher risk of hypoglycemia. In elderly patients, low glucose levels may be difficult to identify. The initial dose and maintenance dose of glibenclamide must be carefully determined by your doctor to avoid any hypoglycemic reactions.
• Hypoglycemia is more likely to occur if your diet is too strict or unbalanced, after prolonged or intense exercise, if you drink alcohol, or if you are also taking other blood sugar-lowering medicines (see “Othermedicines and Daonil 5mg scored tablets”).
Blood sugar imbalance
• Your doctor may stop your Daonil 5 mg scored tablets and prescribe insulin if you:
o are due to undergo surgery,
o have had an injury,
o have a fever or an infection.
• Your doctor may also change this treatment if your blood sugar is not satisfactorily controlled.
Epidemiological studies suggest that glibenclamide use is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to treatment with metformin or gliclazide. This risk was observed in particular in patients with coronaryheart disease.
Your urine and blood sugar levels should be tested regularly.
Othermedicines and Daonil 5mg scored tablets
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. Be sure to tell your doctor, in particular, if you are taking any of the following medicines:
• medicines that may increase hypoglycemia:
o miconazole,fluconazole,
o phenylbutazone,
o beta-blockers (except esmolol), converting enzyme inhibitors,
o clarithromycin,erythromycin,

o medicines containing alcohol.
• medicines that may cause hyperglycemia (abnormal increase in blood sugar) due to reduced efficacy of Daonil 5mg scored tablets:
o danazol,
o chlorpromazine,
o glucocorticosteroids(excepthydrocortisone),
o salbutamol,terbutaline,
o ritodrine.
• other possible interactions:
o bosentan: risk of increase in certain liver enzymes,
o somatostatin analogues: risk of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia,
o colesevelam: Daonil 5 mg scored tablets should be taken at least 4 hours before colesevelam.
Daonil 5mg scored tablets with food and drink
An antabuse effect (feeling hot, redness, vomiting, increased heart rate) may occur if you consume alcohol.
If you are pregnant, your diabetes must be treated with insulin.
If you discover that you are pregnant while you are taking Daonil 5 mg scored tablets, your treatment must be stopped.
Consult your doctor as soon as possible and he or she will adjust your treatment.
Daonil 5 mg scored tablets should not be taken at any time during the breast-feeding period.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
Driving and usingmachines
During your treatment, episodes of hypoglycemia may occur. The symptoms of hypoglycemia and its effects on alertness canmake it dangerous to drive or operatemachinery.
Daonil 5mg scored tablets contain lactose
This medicine contains a type of sugar (lactose) that is broken down into galactose and glucose. It is not recommended for use in patients with galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency, or glucose-galactosemalabsorption syndrome (rare hereditarydiseases).

Dosage andmethod of administration
Always use the dose prescribed by your doctor. If you are unsure of anything, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
The usual dosage is ½ to 3 tablets per day.
The tablets are scored, which means that you can break them into two equal halves. Swallow the tablets with about half a glass of water immediately before ameal (oral use). If you takemore Daonil 5 mg scored tablets than you should:
Contact your doctor or the emergency services immediately.If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia such as weakness, sweating, hunger pangs, shakiness, sleepiness, dizziness, headache or visual disturbances, eat or drink something sweet.
If you forget to take Daonil 5mg scored tablets:
Take a tablet at the next meal. Do not take a double dose. If you stop taking Daonil 5mg scored tablets:

Like all medicines, Daonil 5 mg scored tablets can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Side effect frequencies are defined using the following convention: very common (may affect more than 1 patient in 10), common (may affect up to 1 patient in 10), uncommon (may affect up to 1 patient in 100), rare (may affect up to 1 patient in 1 000), very rare (may affect up to 1 patient in 10 000), frequency not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).
Very common side effects:
• hypoglycemia, which can be severe (see "Warnings and precautions" and "If you take more Daonil 5 mg scored tablets than you should"),
Common side effects:
• skin reactions: rash with spots or patches,
• nausea,diarrhea,
• weight gain,
Uncommon side effects:
• stomachdiscomfort.
Side effects of unknown frequency:
• temporary visual disturbances such as blurred vision,
• skin reactions: hives, itching, development of blisters on the skin (bullous reactions), rash with spots and sometimes blisters on the skin, which may also affect the mouth (erythema polymorphe), rash with spots causing itching and skin peeling (exfoliative dermatitis), exaggerated skin reaction after exposure to the sun or UV rays,
• allergic reactions that can be serious: difficulty breathing (bronchospasm, dyspnea), decrease in blood pressure, or even suddenmalaise with a severe drop in blood pressure (shock),
• liver problems: increase in liver enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis that could progress to serious liver impairment and be life-threatening,
• liver or skin symptoms if you have a hereditary disease called porphyria,
• abnormal laboratory values from a blood test:
o increased number of certain white blood cells (eosinophils), reduced number of other white blood cells (leukopenia and, more rarely, agranulocytosis), reduced number of platelets (thrombocytopenia) that can result in red spots on the skin (purpura), reduced number of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia),
o decrease in the number of all blood cells (pancytopenia), decrease in the production of blood cells (bonemarrow aplasia),
o reduced levels of sodium in the blood,
o increased levels of urea and creatinine in the blood,
• antabuse effect (feeling hot, redness, vomiting, and increased heart rate on drinking alcohol),
• in exceptional cases, inflammation of the small blood vessels (allergic vasculitis) that could be life-threatening.

To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000 o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa oWebsite: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Sanofi-Pharmacovigilance:KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use Daonil 5 mg scored tablets after the expiry date which is stated on the box. Do not store above 25°C.
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throwawaymedicines you no longer use. Thesemeasures will help protect the environment.

What Daonil 5mg scored tablets contain
• The active substance is:
Glibenclamide .................................................................................................................................................5 mg
For one scored tablet.
• The other ingredients are: lactosemonohydrate, maize starch, pregelatinized maize starch, talc, colloidal anhydrous silica,magnesium stearate.

This medicine is available as scored tablets (tablets that can be split into two equal halves). One box can contain 20, 100 or 180 tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.


82 Avenue Raspail
94250Gentilly France

Sanofi Winthrop Industrie 56, Route de Choisy au Bac 60205Compiègne

Sanofi Aventis Arabia Co. Ltd, Industrial Valley Phase 1A St., King Abdullah conomic City,
Rabigh KAEC, 21423,
Saudi Arabia

May 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

داونیل ھو دواء مضاد للسكّري یؤُخذ عن طریق الفم من عائلة السلفونیل یوریا (أدویة تخفضّ نسبة السكّر في الدم التي تسُمّى
سكّر الدم).
یسُتعمل لعلاج داء السكري غیر المعتمد على الأنسولین (یسُمّى أیضًا داء السكّري من النوع الثاني ولا یتطلبّ الأنسولین)، عندما
لم تكن الحمیة وحدھا كافیة لإعادة توازن سكّر الدم لدیك.

إذا أعلمك طبیبك بأنكّ تعاني من عدم تحمّل بعض أنواع السكّر، اتصل بھ قبل أخذ ھذا الدواء.
موانع الاستعمال:
لا تأخذ داونیل:
• إذا كنت تعاني من حساسیة (فرط حساسیة) ضدّ المادة الفاعلة (الغلیبنكلامید) أو أو من فئة ذات صلة بھا (السالفونایل
، یوریا) او ضدّ أحد مركّبات داونیل الأخرى المذكورة في القسم 6
• إذا كنت تعاني من داء السكّري الذي یتطلبّ علاجًا بالأنسولین،
• إذا كنت تعاني من مرض الكلى الحاد
• إذا كنت من مشاكل في الكبد
• إذا كنت تعاني من مضاعفات السكّري مثل الحماض الكیتوني (الناجمة عن ارتفاع السكر في الدم بشكل مفرط في
مرضى السكر) .
• إذا كنت تعاني عدوى حادة
• إذا كنت تعاني من الإجھاد
• إذا كنت تعاني من أي حالة یحتمل أن تجعل التحكم في سكر الدم صعبًا
• إذا كان من المقرر الخضوع لعملیة جراحیة
• إذا كنتي حامل
• إذا كنت تعامل من فقدان الوعي أو الغیبوبة الناتجة عن مرض السكري
• إذا كنت مصاباً بمرض وراثي في الدم یسُمّى البورفیریا (مرضفي بروتینات الدم یؤثر على الجلد والجھاز الھضمي
والجھاز العصبي).
• كبار السن (أكثر من 70 سنة).
إلا إذا أشار الطبیب إلى غیر ذلك، لا یجدر بك أخذ داونیل مع الفینیلبوتازون أو الدانازول (راجع فقرة: "أدویة أخرى وداونیل").
في حال الشكّ، استشر الطبیب أو الصیدلي.
احتیاطات الاستعمال؛ تحذیرات خاصة:
إنتبھ مع داونیل:
قبل أخذ داونیل، أعلم طبیبك إذا كنت أنت (أو أحد أفراد عائلتك) مصاباً بنقص في نازعة الھدروجین غلوكوز- 6-فوسفات
PDG6 (مرض وراثيّ في كریات الدم الحمر) بسبب وجود خطر انحلال الدم (تدمیر كریات الدم الحمر) إذا كنت تأخذ داونیل.
نقص سكّر الدم: (انخفاض غیر طبیعي في نسبة السكّر في الدم).
یمكن أن یظھر عبر علامات مختلفة مثل الصداع والجوع الشدید والغثیان والرجفة والتعرّق والشحوب والتعب والنعاس وشعور
بالتوعّك ودوار واضطرابات بصریةّ واضطرابات في النطق واضطرابات في السلوك (عدائیةّ، اكتئاب، تشوّش) واضطرابات
في النوم وانخفاض التركیز واضطرابات في التیقظّ وردّات الفعل واضطرابات في القلب.
في خلال العلاج، یمكن أن تتعرّض لنقص سكّر الدم. في حال حصل ھذا لك، یمكن أن یكون دخول المستشفى ضروریًا لإعادة
نسبة السكّر إلى طبیعتھا. وبعد نوبة نقص سكّر الدم، سوف یتابعك طبیبك عن كثب في خلال 24 ساعة على الأقلّ.
سوف یشرح طبیبك لك ولمحیطك كیفیةّ تفادي نقص سكّر الدم وكیفیةّ التعرّف إلى العوارض الأولى وكیفیةّ علاجھا. سوف
یشرح لك أیضًا في أيّ ظروف قد تُصبح مقاومًا لھذا العلاج؛ عندئذ یمكن أن توصف لك أدویة أخرى بدیلة.
بغیة تفادي نوبات نقص سكّر الدم، یجب أن تأخذ بعین الاعتبار المعلومات التالیة:
• من المھمّ أن تتناول الوجبات بانتظام، بما فیھا الفطور، بسبب زیادة خطر حصول نقص سكّر الدم في حالة تفویت
وجبة أو في حالة تناول كمیةّ غیر كافیة من الطعام أو غیر متوازنة من ناحیة السكّریات؛
• یمكن أن یعزّز العمر والفشل الكلوي والفشل الكبدي وبعض اضطرابات الغدة الكظریةّ أو الغدّة النخامیةّ حصول نقص
سكّر الدم؛
• یتأثرّ الأشخاص المسنوّن تأثرًّا كبیرًا بالمفعول المخفضّ لسكّر الدم للأدویة المضادة للسكري وبالتالي ھم أكثر عرضة
لخطر نقص سكّر الدم؛
• یزداد خطر نقص سكّر الدم بفعل حمیة قاسیة جدًا أو غیر متوازنة وبفعل جھد قويّ أو طویل الأمد وبفعل استھلاك
الكحول أو عند أخذ أدویة أخرى مخفّضة لسكّر الدم (راجع فقرة: "أدویة أخرى وداونیل").
اختلال توازن نسبة السكّر في الدم:
• یمكن أن یوقف طبیبك داونیل وأن یصف لك الأنسولین:
- إذا كنت ستخضع لعملیّة جراحیّة،
- إذا أصبت بصدمة،
- إذا كنت مصابًا بالحمى أو بحالة خمج.
• یمكن لطبیبك أیضًا أن یعدّل ھذا العلاج إذا لم یكن التحكّم بنسبة السكّر في الدم لدیك مرضیًا.
الغلیبنكلامید والوفیاّت من جرّاء أمراض القلب والأوعیة الدمویةّ:
تشیر دراسات وبائیةّ إلى أنّ استعمال الغلیبنكلامید مرتبط بزیادة خطر الوفاة من جرّاء أمراض القلب والأوعیة الدمویةّ مقارنة
بعلاج بالمتفورمین أو الغلیكلازید. وقد لوحظ ھذا الخطر بشكل خاص لدى المرضى الذین یعانون من أمراض الشرایین التاجیّة.
الفحوصات البیولوجیةّ:
یجب مراقبة نسبة السكّر في الدم والبول بانتظام.
أدویة أخرى وداونیل
إذا كنت تأخذ أو أخذت مؤخّرًا دواء آخر، بما في ذلك دواء حصلت علیھ من دون وصفة طبیّة، تحدّث إلى الطبیب أو الصیدلي.
یجب علیك أن تعُلم طبیبك أیضًا إذا كنت تأخذ أحد الأدویة التالیة:
• الأدویة التي قد تزید نقص سكّر الدم:
- میكونازول، فلوكونازول،
- فینیلبوتازون،
- حاصرات البیتا (باستثناء إسمولول)، مثبطّات انزیم التحوّل،
- كلاریثرومیسین، إیریثرومیثین،
- أدویة تحتوي على الكحول.
• الأدویة التي قد تسببّ فرط سكّر الدم (ارتفاع غیر طبیعي لنسبة السكّر في الدم) عبر تخفیض فعالیةّ داونیل:
- دانازول،
- كلوربرومازین،
- الستیرویدات السكریةّ (باستثناء الھیدروكورتیزون)،
- سالبوتامول، تربوتالین،
- ریتودرین.
• ارتكاسات محتملة أخرى
- بوزنتان: یوجد خطر ارتفاع بعض أنزیمات الكبد،
- الأدویة نظیرة السوماتوستاتین: یوجد خطر فرط سكّر الدم أو نقص سكّر الدم.
- كولیزیفیلام: یجب أخذ داونیل قبل 4 ساعات على الأقلّ من أخذ الكولیزیفیلام.
التفاعلات مع الطعام والشراب
في حالة استھلاك الكحول، یمكن حصول مفعول تفاعل الكحول مع الدواء (حرارة، احمرار، تقیّؤ، تسارع النظم القلبي).
إذا كنت حاملا،ً یجب علاج داء السكري الذي تعانین منھ بالأنسولین.
إذا اكتشفت حملك في خلال مدّة العلاج بداونیل، یجب إیقاف العلاج.
استشیري طبیبك بسرعة وسوف یتولىّ تعدیل علاجك.
لا ینبغي بك أخذ داونیل أبدًا طیلة فترة الإرضاع.
إذا كنتِ حاملا أو مرضعة، أو إذا كنتِ تعتقدین نفسكِ حاملا أو كنتِ تنوین الحمل، استشیري الطبیب أو الصیدليّ قبل أخذ ھذا
قیادة السیاّرات واستعمال الآلات
في خلال فترة علاجك، قد تصاب بنوبات نقص سكّر الدم. ویمكن أن تجعل عوارضھا وتأثیراتھا على الیقظة قیادة السیّارة أو
استعمال آلة أمرًا خطیرًا.
السواغات ذات التأثیر المعلوم
یحتوي ھذا الدواء على نوع سكّر (اللاكتوز) الذي یتحللّ لیصبح غالاكتوز وغلوكوز. لذا لا ینُصح باستعمالھ لدى المرضى الذین
یعانون من عدم تحمّل الغالاكتوز أو من نقص في لاكتاز لاب أو من متلازمة سوء امتصاص الغلوكوز أو الغالاكتوز (أمراض
وراثیةّ نادرة)


مقدار الجرعة وطریقة الإعطاء
تقیّد دائمًا بالجرعة التي یصفھا طبیبك. في حال الشكّ، استشر الطبیب أو الصیدلي.
تبلغ الجرعة العادیّة نصف قرص إلى 3 أقراص في الیوم.
الأقراص قابلة للتجزئة، أيّ یمكنك كسرھا إلى قسمین متساووین. إبلع الأقراص مع نصف كوب من الماء تقریباً، قبل الطعام
تمامًا (عن طریق الفم).
إذا أخذت كمیةّ داونیل أكثر من تلك التي یجب علیك أخذھا:
استشر على الفور طبیبك أو الطوارئ الطبیةّ.
إذا شعرت بعوارض نقص سكّر الدم مثل الضعف والتعرّق والجوع الشدید والرجفة والنعاس والدوار والصداع واضطرابات
البصر، تناول أو اشرب شیئًا یحتوي على السكّر.
إذا نسیت أخذ داونیل:
خذ قرصًا عند الوجبة التالیة. لا تأخذ جرعة مضاعفة

مثل الأدویة كلھّا، یمكن أن یسببّ داونیل تأثیرات جانبیةّ لا تصیب المرضى كلھّم.
إنّ تصنیف التأثیرات الجانبیّة بحسب عدد مرّات حصولھا ھو على النحو الآتي: الشائعة جدًا (یمكن أن تُصیب أكثر من شخص
واحد من أصل 10 )، الشائعة (یمكن أن تُصیب حتّى شخص واحد من أصل 10 )، غیر الشائعة (یمكن أن تُصیب حتّى شخص
واحد من أصل 100 )، النادرة (یمكن أن تُصیب حتّى شخص واحد من أصل 1000 )، النادرة جدًا (یمكن أن تُصیب حتّى
شخص واحد من أصل 10000 )، غیر المحددة عدد مرّات الحصول (لا یمكن تقدیرھا استنادًا إلى المعطیات المتوافرة).
التأثیرات الجانبیةّ الشائعة جدًا:
• نقص سكّر الدم ویكون حادًا أحیانًا (راجع فقرتيّ " احتیاطات الاستعمال؛ تحذیرات خاصة " و" إذا أخذت كمیةّ
داونیل أكثر من تلك التي یجب علیك أخذھا ")،
التأثیرات الجانبیةّ الشائعة:
• ارتكاسات على البشرة: طفح بثور أو بقع،
• غثیان، إسھال،
• زیادة وزن .
التأثیرات الجانبیةّ غیر الشائعة:
• انزعاج في المعدة.
التأثیرات الجانبیةّ غیر المحددة عدد مرّات الحصول:
• اضطرابات عابرة في البصر مثل عدم وضوح الرؤیة،
• ارتكاسات جلدیّة: شرى، حكّة، ظھور فقاعات على الجلد (ارتكاسات فقاعیّة)، طفح بثور مع فقاعات على الجلد أحیاناً
یمكن أن یصُیب الفم أیضًا (حمامى متشكّلة)، طفح بثور یمكن أن یسببّ حكّة وتقشّرالجلد (التھاب الجلد التقشري)،
ارتكاس جلدي حاد بعد التعرّض للشمس أو للأشعّة فوق البنفسجیّة،
• ارتكاسات تحسسیةّ یمكن أن تكون خطیرة: صعوبة في التنفسّ (تشنجّ قصبي، ضیق نفس)، انخفاض ضغط الدم وحتّى
توعّك مفاجئ مع انخفاض حاد في ضغط الدم (صدمة)،
• إصابات في الكبد: ارتفاع أنزیمات الكبد، یرقان، إلتھاب الكبد الذي یمكن أن یتطوّر إلى اختلال خطیر في وظیفة الكبد
وتعریض الحیاة للخطر حتّى،
• اضطرابات كبدیةّ أو جلدیةّ في حالة مرض وراثيّ یسُمّى بورفیریا،
• نتائج غیر طبیعیةّ في فحوصات الدم:
- ارتفاع عدد بعض الكریات البیض (الحمضات)، انخفاض عدد الكریات البیض (نقص الكریات البیض ونادرًا ندرة
المحببات) یمكن أن یسبّب بقعًا حمراء على الجلد (فرفریّة)، انخفاض عدد الكریات الحمر (فقر الدم الانحلالي)،
- انخفاض عدد كامل كریات الدم (قلة الكریات الشاملة)، فقدان إنتاج خلایا الدم (فقر الدم اللاتنسّجي)،
- إنخفاض نسبة الصودیوم في الدم،
- ارتفاع نسبة الیوریا والكریاتینین في الدم.
• مفعول تفاعل الكحول مع الدواء (حرارة، احمرار، تقیّؤ، تسارع النظم القلبي في حالة استھلاك الكحول).
• استثنائیاً التھاب الأوعیة الصغیرة (التھاب وعائي) یمكن أن یھدد الحیاة.
للإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة
• المملكة العربیة السعودیة
المركز الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة:
فاكس : ۰۰۹٦٦۱۱۲۰٥۷٦٦۲
الھاتف المجاني : ۸۰۰۲٤۹۰۰۰۰
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : الإلكتروني البرید
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الإلكتروني الموقع
KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com : سانوفي-التیقظ الدوائ

یُحفظ بعیدًا عن نظر ومتناول الأطفال.
لا ینبغي استعمال داونیل بعد انقضاء تاریخ الصلاحیةّ المدوّن على العلبة.
یُحفظ ھذا الدواء في حرارة لا تتخطّى 25 درجة مئویّة.
یجب عدم التخلصّ من الأدویة برمیھا في المجاري أو مع النفایات المنزلیةّ. إسأل الصیدلي عن كیفیةّ التخلصّ من الأدویة التي لم
تعد تستعملھا، فمن شأن ھذه الإجراءات حمایة البیئة.

المادة الفاعلة ھي:
غلیبنكلامید.......................................................................................................................... 5 ملغ
لقرص واحد قابل للتجزئة
• السواغات الأخرى ھي: لاكتوز وحید التمیھّ، نشا الذرة، نشا الذرة السابق التھلمن، طلق، سیلیكا غروانیةّ لامائیةّ،
ستیارات المغنیزیوم.

ما ھو داونیل ومحتوى العلبة الخارجیةّ یأتي ھذا الدواء على شكل أقراص قابلة للتجزئة (یمكن كسره إلى قسمین متساویین). یمكن أن تحتوي العلبة على 20 أو 100 أو 180 قرصًا.

حامل رخصة التسویق
Sanofi-Aventis France
82 avenue Raspail
94250 – Gentilly, France

Sanofi Winthrop Industrie
56, route de Choisy-au-Bac
60205 Compiègne – France

التغلیف الثانوي
Sanofi Aventis Arabia Co. Ltd,
Industrial Valley Phase 1A St., King Abdullah conomic City,
Rabigh KAEC, 21423,
Saudi Arabia

أیاّر 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Daonil 5 mg scored tablets

Glibenclamide............................................................................................................................................... 5mg Excipient with known effect: lactose For the full list of excipients, see Section 6.1.


This medicinal product is used as an adjunct to appropriate dietary measures for the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes, when blood glucose levels cannot be controlled adequately by diet alone.

For use in adults only
As for all hypoglycemic agents, the dose should be adjusted to each individual case.
In the event of a transient glycemic imbalance, a short period of treatment with the medicinal product maybe sufficient in patients who are usually adequately stabilized by diet.
Subjects aged under 65 years
Initial dose:
The recommended initial dose is 1/2 tablet daily, administered before breakfast.
Dose adjustment usually takes place in increments of 1/2 a tablet, based on glycemic response, in divided doses before the 2 or 3 main meals. Each dose increment should be separated by at least several days.
Themaximum dosage is 3 tablets daily, divided into 2 or 3 doses before themain meals.
Subjects at risk
Elderly patients aged 65 years and over:
The initial dose and the maintenance doses should be cautiously adjusted to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. Treatment should be initiated with the smallest available dose and gradually increased if necessary (see Section 4.4).

Other patients at risk:
• In patients who are malnourished or show a considerable deterioration in their general condition, or with irregular calorie intake, and in patients with kidney or liver failure, treatment should be initiated at the lowest dose, and the dose increments scrupulously followed, so as to avoid hypoglycemic reactions (see Section 4.4).
Patients receiving other oral hypoglycemic agents:
• As for all sulfonylureas, this medicinal product may follow on from another antidiabetic treatment without a transition period. When changing over from a sulfonylurea with a longer half-life (such as chlorpropamide) to this medicinal product, patients should be carefully monitored for several weeks in order to avoid the onset of hypoglycemia, due to the possible overlap of therapeutic effects.
Method of administration
Oral use.

Thismedicinal product is contraindicated in the following situations: Known hypersensitivity to glibenclamide or to any of the excipients • Patients known to have sensitivity to other sulphonylureas and related drugs • Juvenile onset diabetes • Diabetic ketoacidosis. • Severe infection, stress, trauma, surgical procedures or other severe conditions where the drug is unlikely to control the hyperglycaemia. • Severe impairment of renal function. • Hepatic impairment. • Diabetic coma and pre-coma. • Porphyria • Pregnancy • Elderly (> 70 years).

This medicinal product contains lactose. It is not recommended for use in patients with galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency, or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (rare hereditary diseases).
Cases of acute hemolysis have been reported in patients with G6PD deficiency receiving glibenclamide. Prescription is therefore not recommended in these patients, and use of an alternative treatment is strongly recommended if available. If there is no alternative, the decision must take into account the risk of hemolysis and the potential expected benefit of treatment on a case-by-case basis. If prescription of this medicinal product is necessary, monitoring for the possible onset of hemolysis should be performed.
Hypoglycemia: hypoglycemia may occur with sulfonylureas. The risk appears to be increased with glibenclamide. Some cases of hypoglycemia can be severe and prolonged, therefore requiring hospitalization to bring blood sugar levels back to normal over several days.
In addition, clinical signs of adrenergic counter-regulation may be observed, such as sweating, clammyskin, anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension, palpitations, angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias.
The clinical picture of a severe hypoglycemic attack may resemble that of a stroke.
Symptoms generally subside after intake of carbohydrates (sugar) or when hypoglycemia has been corrected.
Careful selection of patients, the dosages used, together with adequate patient information are necessary in order to avoid episodes of hypoglycemia.
Risk factors for hypoglycemia:
• patient refusal or inability to cooperate (particularly elderly patients);
• malnutrition, deterioration in general condition, irregular carbohydrate intake, insufficient calorie intake. This treatment should only be prescribed if the patient is likely to take regular

meals (especiallybreakfast).
• imbalance between physical exercise and carbohydrate intake;
• kidney and liver failure: Glibenclamide pharmacokinetics and/or pharmacodynamics may be altered in patients with kidney or liver failure. If hypoglycemia occurs in these patients, as it is likely to be severe and prolonged, appropriatemanagement should be initiated.
• non-compensated endocrine disorders affecting carbohydrate metabolism or counter- regulation of hypoglycemia: adrenal insufficiencyor hypopituitarism;
• elderly patients: Age 65 years and over has been identified as a risk factor for hypoglycemia in patients treated with sulfonylureas. Hypoglycemiamay be difficult to recognize in the elderly.
• ingestion of alcohol;
• drug combinations liable to enhance the hypoglycemic effect of glibenclamide (see Section 4.5): Hypoglycemia may be difficult to recognize in patients on beta-blocking agents. Hypoglycemia is more likely to occur during administration of a combination of hypoglycemic agents.
In these situations, the initial dose and the maintenance doses should be cautiously adjusted to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (see Section 4.2).
Glycemic imbalance: glycemic control in a patient receiving antidiabetic treatment may be compromised in the event of fever, trauma, infection or surgical procedures. In this case, it may be necessary to discontinue treatment and administer insulin.
The efficacy of all oral hypoglycemic agents, including glibenclamide, in reducing blood glucose to the desired level, decreases in the long term for certain patients, which may be due to increasing severity of diabetes, or a decline in response to treatment. This is known as secondary failure and should be distinguished from primary failure in which case the medicinal product proves ineffective when prescribed as first-line treatment for a given patient. Adequate dose adjustment and dietary measures should be considered before a patient’s treatment is classed as a secondary failure.
Laboratory tests: blood and urine glucose should be monitored periodically. Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin levels maybe helpful.
Glibenclamide and cardiovascular mortality: Epidemiological studies suggest that glibenclamide use is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to treatment with metformin or gliclazide. This risk was observed in particular in patients with coronary heart disease.
The risks, symptoms and treatment of hypoglycemia together with the predisposing conditions, should be explained to patients and their families. Primary and secondary treatment failure should also be explained (see "Glycemic imbalance" above).
Patients should be informed of the potential risks and benefits of this treatment and other types of treatment. They should be made aware of the importance of following their diet and a regular exercise program, and of regularlymonitoring of urine and/or blood glucose levels.

Contraindicated combinations
1) The following medicinal product may enhance the hypoglycemic effect:
+ Miconazole (systemic use, oral gel): increase in the hypoglycemic effect with possible onset of hypoglycemic symptoms, or even coma.
Inadvisable combinations
1)The followingmedicinal products may enhance the hypoglycemic effect:
+ Phenylbutazone:
All forms of phenylbutazone, including topical forms: increase in the hypoglycemic effect of sulfonylureas due to a reduction in their hepatic metabolism. Preferably use another anti-inflammatory drug less likely to interact, or warn the patient and advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels: if necessary, adjust the dose during and after treatment with the anti-inflammatory drug.

+ Alcohol: Antabuse effect (heat, flushing, vomiting, tachycardia). Increase in the hypoglycemic effect (inhibition of compensatory reactions), whichmay facilitate the onset of hypoglycemic coma.
Patients should not consume alcoholic beverages or medicinal products containing alcohol. 2)The followingmedicinal product may increase blood glucose levels:
+ Danazol: diabetogenic effect of danazol.
If the combination cannot be avoided, warn the patient and advise increased self-monitoring of blood and urine glucose levels. If necessary, adjust the dose of the antidiabetic drug during and after treatmentwith danazol.
Combinations requiring precautions for use
1)The followingmedicinal productsmay enhance the hypoglycemic effect:
+ Beta blockers (except for esmolol): all beta blockers can mask certain symptoms of hypoglycemia: palpitations and tachycardia. Most non-cardioselective beta blockers increase the incidence and severityof hypoglycemia.
Warn the patient and advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, particularly at the start of treatment.
+ Fluconazole: Increase in the half-life of the sulfonylurea with possible onset of hypoglycemic symptoms.
Warn the patient, advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, and, if necessary, adjust the sulfonylurea dose during treatment with fluconazole.
+ ACE inhibitors: The use of ACE inhibitors may lead to an increase in the hypoglycemic effect in diabetic patients treated with sulfonylureas.
Hypoglycemic attack appears to be exceptional. It is thought that improved glucose tolerance could result in reduced insulin requirements.
Advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels.
+ Clarithromycin, erythromycin: risk of hypoglycemia due to increased absorption and plasma concentrations of the antidiabetic drug.
Warn the patient, advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, and if necessary, adjust sulfonylurea dose during treatment with clarithromycin (or erythromycin).
2)The followingmedicinal products may increase blood glucose levels:
+ Chlorpromazine (neuroleptics): at high doses (over 100 mg chlorpromazine daily), elevated blood glucose levels (decreased insulin release).
Warn the patient and advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels. If necessary, adjust the dose of the antidiabetic drug during and after treatment with the neuroleptic.
+ Glucocorticosteroids (except hydrocortisone as replacement therapy)
(Systemic and topical use: intra-articular, cutaneous and enema) and tetracosactide: Elevated blood glucose levels, sometimes with ketoacidosis (reduced carbohydrate tolerance due to corticosteroid therapy).
Warn the patient and advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels, particularly at the start of treatment. If necessary, adjust the dose of the antidiabetic drug during and after treatment with corticosteroids.
+ Beta-2-adrenergic agonists (ritodrine, salbutamol, terbutaline): (IV use)
Elevation of blood glucose due to beta-2 stimulants. Increase monitoring of blood and urine parameters. Possibly switch to insulin.

+ Bosentan:
Risk of decreased efficacy of glibenclamide as a result of reduced plasma concentrations, due to the inducer effect of bosentan. Furthermore, cases of hepatotoxicity have been reported with this combination.
Monitoring of blood glucose levels, treatment adjustment where necessary, and monitoring of liver function tests.
+ Somatostatin analogs:
Risk of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia: reduction or increase in sulfonylurea requirements, for instance, decreased endogenous glucagon secretion.
Advise increased self-monitoring of blood glucose levels and, if necessary, adjust sulfonylurea dose during treatment with octreotide or lanreotide.
+ Colesevelam:
Concomitant administration of colesevelam and glibenclamide led to a 32% and 47% reduction in glibenclamideAUC0-inf andCmax, respectively.
No interaction was observed when colesevelam was administered four hours after glibenclamide. Therefore, glibenclamide should be taken at least 4 hours before colesevelam.

Glibenclamide is contraindicated in pregnancy.
It has not been established whether glibenclamide is transferred to human milk. However, some sulphonylureas are excreted in breast milk. Because the potential for hypoglycaemia in nursing infants may exist, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding to the infant and the benefit of the drug to the mother
if Daonil is discontinued and if diet alone is inadequate for controlling blood glucose, insulin therapy should be considered.

Patients should be made aware of the symptoms of hypoglycemia and should exercise caution when driving or usingmachines.

Adverse effect frequencies are defined using the following convention: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100, <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1 000, <1/100), rare (≥1/10 000, <1/1 000), very rare (<1/10 000), frequencynot known (cannot be estimated from the available data).
Metabolismand nutritiondisorders
• Very common: hypoglycemia (see Sections 4.4 and 4.9). Cases of hypoglycemia may be prolonged and severe, and are not always easy to correct.
• Frequencynot known: isolated cases of hyponatremia.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
• Common:mucocutaneous rash.
• Frequency not known: pruritus, maculopapular rash, bullous reactions, erythema polymorphe, exfoliative dermatitis, a few cases of photosensitivity have been reported.
Immune systemdisorders
• Frequencynot known: hypersensitivity reactions, allergic or pseudo-allergic reactions.
• Frequency not known: isolated cases of urticaria-type reactions that may progress to life-threatening reactions with bronchospasm, dyspnea, hypotension or even shock.
Gastrointestinal disorders
• Common: nausea, diarrhea.
• Uncommon: epigastric discomfort.
Hepatobiliary disorders
• Frequency not known: hepatic disorders: elevated liver enzymes have been observed with the possible onset of cytolytic or cholestatic hepatitis requiring discontinuation of treatment. These disordersmayprogress to life-threatening liver failure.
Blood and lymphatic systemdisorders
Hematological disorders generally reversible on treatment discontinuation:
• Frequency not known: hypereosinophilia, leukopenia, moderate or severe thrombocytopenia, possibly manifesting as purpura, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia and pancytopenia.
• Common: like all sulfonylureas, glibenclamidemay cause weight gain.
• Frequencynot known:mild tomoderate occasional elevations of uremia and creatinine.
• Frequency not known: transient visual disturbances, such as blurred vision or accommodation disorders, particularly at the start of treatment, with or without changes in blood glucose levels.
• Frequencynot known: antabuse effect if alcohol is consumed duringmeals.
Clinical symptoms of porphyria (hepatic or cutaneous) in patients with porphyria (see Section 4.3).
• Frequency not known: in exceptional cases, potentially life-threatening cutaneous or visceral allergic vasculitis.
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2340.
o reporting hotline : 19999

o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Sanofi- Pharmacovigilance: KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Sulfonylurea overdosemay cause hypoglycemia.
Moderate symptoms of hypoglycemia, not involving loss of consciousness or neurological signs, must imperatively be corrected by carbohydrate intake, dose adjustment and/or changes in eating habits. Closemonitoringmust be continued until the physician is certain the patient is no longer in danger.
Severe hypoglycemic reactions, with coma, seizures or other neurological disorders are possible and constitute a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment as soon as the cause is diagnosed or suspected, before immediate hospitalization of the patient.
If hypoglycemic coma is diagnosed or suspected, the patient should be given a rapid intravenous injection of a concentrated (50%) glucose solution. This should be followed by a continuous infusion of a more diluted (10%) glucose solution at a rate that makes it possible to maintain blood glucose above 100 mg/dl. Patients should be closely monitored for at least 48 hours and, based on the patient's condition at that time, the physician should decide whether additionalmonitoring is necessary.
Glucagon must not be used as it may cause recurrent hypoglycemia due to secondary insulin hypersecretion.
Plasma clearance of glibenclamide may be prolonged in patients with liver disease. Dialysis is not beneficial to patients as glibenclamide is extensively bound to plasma proteins.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: BLOOD GLUCOSE LOWERING DRUGS EXCLUDING INSULINS - SULFONYLUREAS, ATC code: A10BB01 (A: Alimentary tract andmetabolism).
Glibenclamide, a second-generation sulfonylurea with a short half-life, appears to cause an acute reduction in blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin release by the pancreas; this effect is dependent on the presence of active beta cells in the pancreatic islets.
Stimulation of insulin secretion by glibenclamide in response to a meal is of major importance. Administration of glibenclamide in diabetic patients enhances postprandial insulinotropic response. Enhancement of postprandial insulin and C-peptide secretion responses continues after at least 6months of treatment.

Glibenclamide is extensively absorbed (92%) following oral administration. Peak plasma concentrations are reached in 2 to 6 hours. Food intake does not alter the rate or level of absorption.
Glibenclamide extensively binds to plasma albumin (99%), which can explain certain drug interactions. Glibenclamide is completely metabolized by the liver into 3 inactive metabolites eliminated via the
biliary route (60%) and via the renal route (40%); complete elimination is achieved in 45 to 72 hours. The elimination half-life is 4 to 11 hours.
Hepatocellular insufficiency reduces glibenclamide metabolism and thus considerably slows elimination.
Biliary excretion of the metabolites increases in the event of kidney failure, in proportion to the severity of the renal disorder.
Renal failure does not affect elimination as long as creatinine clearance remains above 30 ml/min.


Lactose monohydrate, maize starch, pregelatinized maize starch, talc, magnesium stearate, colloidal anhydrous silica.


2 years.

Do not Store above 25°C.

Blisters (PVC/Aluminum).


SANOFI AVENTISFRANCE 82 Avenue Raspail 94250Gentilly France

May 2017

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