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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

What does the product do ?
Daivobet® ointment is a medicinal product for treatment of psoriasis. In
psoriatic skin, the cells multiply too quickly for the cells of your skin to ripen.
This causes redness, scaling and thickening of the skin. Daivobet® ointment
normalises the growth and ripening of the cells of your skin.
What is the ointment used for ?
Daivobet® ointment is used for treatment of psoriasis.

Daivobet® ointment should not be used on the face. Wash your hands after each
If used for treatment of psoriasis of the hands, avoid any contact with your face.
Do not use Daivobet® ointment for prolonged periods on large skin areas and
under occlusive dressings, unless instructed by your doctor.
If you have diabetes mellitus, inform your doctor as the steroid in Daivobet®
may affect your blood glucose level.
Avoid excessive sunbathing, excessive use of solarium and other kinds of
- You are using other medicines that contain corticosteroids, as you may get
side effects.
- you have used this medicine for a long time and plan to stop (as there is a risk
your psoriasis will get worse or "flare up" when steroids are stopped suddenly).
- your skin becomes infected, as you may need to stop your treatment.
- you have a certain type of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis.

Pregnancy and lactation
Daivobet® should only be used if considered essential by your doctor.

Adults: Daivobet® ointment should be applied to the affected areas once daily.
The recommended treatment period is 4 weeks. After this period, repeated
treatment with Daivobet® can be initiated under medical supervision.
Maximum dose: 15 g per day, 100 g per week.
Children and Adolescents below 18: Not recommended.
Do not treat more than 30% of the surface of your body with Daivobet® ointment.
If your doctor has prescribed a different dosing, follow the instructions of your

Like all medicines, Daivobet® can cause side effects, although not everybody
gets them. Approximately 1 in 10 people may experience side effects but most
of these are reactions at the site where the ointment has been applied and are
usually mild and temporary.
Serious side effects
The following serious side effects have been reported for Daivobet® :
Uncommon (affects less than 1 in 100 people)
- Worsening of your psoriasis. If your psoriasis gets worse, tell your doctor as
soon as possible.
Rare (affects less than 1 in 1,000 people)
- Pustular psoriasis may occur (a red area with yellowish pustules usually on
the hands or feet). If you notice this, stop using Daivobet® and tell your
doctor as soon as possible. Some serious side effects are known to be
caused by betamethasone (a strong steroid), one of the ingredients in
Daivobet® . You should tell your doctor as soon as possible if any of the
serious side effects occur:
- Your adrenal glands may stop working properly. Signs are tiredness,
depression and anxiety.
- Cataracts (signs are cloudy and foggy vision, difficulty seeing at night and
sensitivity to light) or an increase in pressure inside the eye (signs are eye
pain, red eye, decreased or cloudy vision)
- Infections (because your immune system which fights infections may be
suppressed or weakened).
- Impact on the metabolic control of diabetes mellitus (if you have diabetes
you may experience fluctuations in the blood glucose levels).
These side effects are more likely to happen after long-term use, use in skin
folds (e.g. groin, armpits or under breasts), use under bandages or dressings or
use on large areas of skin.
Serious side effects known to be caused by calcipotriol
- Allergic reactions with deep swelling of the face or other parts of the body
such as the hands or feet. Swelling of the mouth/throat and trouble breathing
may occur. If you have an allergic reaction, stop taking Daivobet® , tell your
doctor immediately or go to the casualty department at your nearest hospital.
- Treatment with this ointment may cause the level of calcium in your blood or
urine to increase (usually when too much ointment has been used). Signs of
increased calcium in blood is bone pain, constipation, poor appetite, nausea
and vomiting. This can be serious and you should contact your doctor as
soon as possible. However, when the treatment is stopped, the levels return
to normal.
Less serious side effects:
The following less serious side effects have been reported for Daivobet® . If
any of them last a long time or cause you problems you should tell your doctor
or nurse.
Common side effects (affect less than 1 in 10 people)
- Itching
- Rash
- Burning sensation
Uncommon side effects (affect less than 1 in 100 people)
- Skin pain or irritation
- Rash with inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
- Redness of the skin due to widening of the small blood vessels (erythema)
- Inflammation or swelling of the hair root (folliculitis)
- Changes in skin colour in the area you have used the ointment.
Not known frequency:
- Rebound effect: A worsening of symptoms/psoriasis after ended treatment.
Less serious side effects caused by using betamethasone, include the
following. You should tell your doctor as soon as possible if you notice them.
- Thinning of the skin
- Appearance of surface blood vessels or stretch marks
- Changes in hair growth
- Red rash around the mouth (perioral dermatitis)
- Skin rash with inflammation or swelling (allergic contact dermatitis)
- Shiny brown gel-filled bumps (colloid milia)
- Lightening of skin colour (depigmentation)
Less serious side effects known to be caused by calcipotriol include the following:
- Dry skin
- Sensitivity of the skin to light resulting in a rash has also been reported
- Eczema
If you notice the above or any other changes in your health while taking this
medicine, tell your doctor.
If any of the side effects become serious, or if you notice any side effects not
listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Do not store above 30°C. Should not be used after the expiration date on the package. Can be used for 12 months after opening.

1 g of Daivobet® ointment contains:
Active ingredients: Calcipotriol 50 micrograms,
Betamethasone 0.5 mg (as dipropionate)
Other ingredients: Liquid paraffin, polyoxypropylene-15-stearyl ether, α-tocopherol, white soft paraffin.

Pack sizes: 30g and 60g. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

LEO Pharma A/S, Denmark

This leaflet was last revised in: April 2012.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ما هي الفعالية العلاجية للدواء؟

مرهم دايفوبيت® مستحضر طبي لعلاج مرض الصدفية (مرض جلدي مزمن وراثي وناكس يتسم بوجود لطخات وصفيحات وحطاطات متفرقة ومتقشرة). في الجلدة المصابة بمرض الصدفية، تتضاعف الخلايا بسرعة أكثر مما ينبغي لها ويكتمل نضوج خلايا جلدة الجسم. يؤدي هذا إلى احمرار، تقشر وتحرشف وتثخين جلدة الجسم.

يعيد دايفوبيت® نمو ونضوج خلايا جلدة الجسم إلى طبيعتها.

ما هو مجال استعمال المرهم؟

يستعمل مرهم دايفوبيت® لعلاج مرض الصدفية (القوباء الصدفية).


ما هي الاحتياطات التي يجب الالتزام بها قبل وأثناء استعمال المرهم؟

يجب مراعاة عدم استعمال مرهم دايفوبيت® على الوجه. وكذلك يجب غسل اليدين بعد كل استعمال للمرهم. في حالة استعمال المرهم على الأيدي المصابة بمرض الصدفية، يجب مراعاة تجنب أي اتصال أو احتكاك مع الوجه. يجب عدم استعمال مرهم دايفوبيت® في الحالات العلاجية لفترة مطولة لمنطقة جلدية كبيرة أو تحت الضمادات السادة المقفلة بدون إرشادات وتعليمات الطبيب المسؤول. إذا كان المرضي يعاني من مرض السكري، فينبغي إبلاغ الطبيب المسؤول بذلك، لأن الاستيروئيد في الدايفوبيت® قد يؤثر على مستوى جلوكوز الدم.

يجب عدم استعمال المرهم لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض الكبد الحاد والكلية. كما يجب مراعاة عدم الإفراط في أخذ حمامات شمسية (التشُمس)، عدم الإفراط في التشُمس في أجهزة التشميس وكذلك كل الأنواع العلاجية بالضوء.

- إذا كنتم تتناولون أدوية أخرى تحتوي على مواد قشرانية، فقد يسبب لكم ذلك آثاراً جانبية.

- كنتم تستعملون هذا الدواء لفترة طويلة وتنوي التوقف من استعماله (وبما أنه هناك خطورة في مرض الصدفية سيزداد سوءاً أو حدوث هياج نسيجي (حمى غضبة/ زنف) عندما تتوقف فجأة من العلاج بالاستيروئيد).

- المعانة من صداف من نوع معين يسمى الصداف القطري.

الحمل والرضاعة

يجب استعمال مرهم دايفوبيت® فقط لو رأى الطبيب المسئول أن ذلك أمر أساسي وجوهري.


المقادير والجرعات العلاجية

البالغون: يجب استعمال مرهم دايفوبيت® على المواضع (الأماكن) المصابة (المتأثرة) مرة واحدة يومياً.

يُوصى بفترة علاجية لمدة 4 أسابيع. بعد انتهاء هذه الفترة، يمكن أن يبدأ تكرار العلاج بدايفوبيت® تحت الإشراف والمراقبة الطبية.

أقصى الجرعات: 15 جرام لكل يوم، 100 جرام لكل أسبوع.

الأطفال والشباب دون سن الـ 18 سنة: لا يوصى باستعمال المرهم. يجب مراعاة عدم العلاج بمرهم دايفوبيت® في أكثر من 30% من سطح جسمك.

في حالة وصف الطبيب المسؤول لجرعات مختلفة، فهنا يجب اتباع تعليمات الطبيب المسؤول.

ما هي الآثار غير المرغوبة المحتمل حدوثها؟

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب دايفوبيت® بعض الآثار الجانبية، ولكن هذا لا يعني أن ذلك يشمل جميع  الناس. يمكن ظهور بعض الآثار الجانبية لدى شخص واحد من بين 10 أشخاص تقريباً، إلا أن أغلبها يتمثل في ردود الفعل على مستوى طريقة استعمال المرهم، وهي عادة آثار جانبية خفيفة ومؤقتة.

الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة:

لقد تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة التالية مع استعمال دايفوبيت®:

- غير مألوفة (تؤثر على أقل من شخص واحد من بين 100 شخص).

- تفاقم وتردي الإصابة بداء الصدفية لديكم. إذا تدهورت حالة إصابتكم بالصداف وازدادت سوءاً، لا تتوانوا في إبلاغ الطبيب بأسرع ما يمكن.

الآثار الجانبية النادرة (تؤثر على أقل من شخص واحد من بين 1000 شخص)

- حدوث الصداف البثري (بقع حمراء تحمل بثور مصفرة اللون عادة في اليدين أو القدمين).

إذا لاحظتم ظهور هذه الأعراض، فتوقفوا من استعمال دايفوبيت® وإبلاغ الطبيب بأسرع ما يمكن. بعض الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة معروف حدوثها بسبب البيتاميتازون (مادة قشرانية قوية)، وهي أحد مكونات دايفوبيت®. لا بد من إبلاغ الطبيب بأسرع ما يمكن إذا ظهرت أي من هذه الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة.

- توقف الغدد الكظرية عن أداء وظيفتها بشكل سليم. أعراض ذلك الشعور بالتعب والاكتئاب والقلق.

- عتامة عدسة العين (أعراض ذلك الرؤية الضبابية أو المشوشة، وصعبة الإبصار والرؤية ليلاً، والحساسية للضوء) أو ازدياد الضغط دخل العين (وعلامات ذلك ألم في العين واحمرار العين، انخفاض في الرؤية أو تشوشها).

- ظهور الإصابات والالتهابات (يعود لنظام المناعة لديكم الذي يقاوم الإصابات فقد يكون ضعيفاً أو واهناً).

- التأثير على جهاز التحكم الأيضي في داء السكري (إذا كنت تعاني من داء البول السكري، فقد تواجه تقلبات في مستويات الجلوكوز في الدم.

هذه الآثار الجانبية تحدث غالباً بعد استعمال العلاج لمدة طويلة، أو عند استعماله في ثنايا الجلد (ثنية الفخذ مثلاً، أو الإبطان، أو تحت الثديين)، أو عند استعماله تحت ضمادات مغلقة أو على مساحة واسعة من الجلد.

الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة المعروفة الكالسيبوتريول

- ارتكاس أرجي (تحسسي) مع انتفاخ وتضخم في الوجه أو في أجزاء أخرى من الجسم كاليدين أو القدمين.

كما يمكن أن يحدث انتفاخ في الفم / الحلق وصعوبات في التنفس. إذا كنت تعاني ارتكاس أرجي (تحسسي)، فتوقف عن استعمال دايفوبيت® وإبلاغ الطبيب فوراً أو الذهاب إلى قسم الحوادث / الطوارئ في أقرب مستشفى منكم.

- العلاج بهذا المرهم قد يؤدي إلى زيادة نسبة الكالسيوم في الدم أو في البول (عادة عند استعمال كمية كبيرة من المرهم). تتمثل علامات زيادة الكالسيوم في الدم في ظهور أوجاع عظيمة، الإمساك وفقدان الشهية والغثيان والتقيؤ. قد يكون هذا الأمر خطيراً، لذا يجب عليكم الاتصال بالطبيب بأسرع ما يمكن. غير أنه عند إيقاف العلاج، تعود نسبة الكالسيوم إلى وضعها العادي.

الآثار الجانبية الأقل خطورة:

الآثار الجانبية الأقل خطورة التالية تم إبلاغها وتسجيلها عن مستعملين لدواء دايفوبيت®: إذا استمر أحد هذه الآثار وقتاً طويلاً، أو كان مصدر إزعاج لكم، يجب إبلاغ الطبيب عنها أو الممرض/ الممرضة بأسرع ما يمكن.

الآثار الجانبية العادية (تؤثر على أقل من شخص واحد من 10 أشخاص)

- الحكة.

- طفح جلدي.

- الشعور بحرقة.

الآثار الجانبية قليلة الشيوع (تؤثر في أقل من شخص واحد من بين 100 شخص)

- ألم أو تهيج جلدي.

- طفح جلدي مع التهاب الجيد (التهاب جلدي).

- احمرار الجلد نتيجة توسع الأوعية الدموية الصغيرة (حُمَامَية).

- التهاب أو تضخم جذور الشعر (التهاب الجُريبات).

- تغير لون الجلد (البشرة في مواضع استعمال المرهم).

أعراض غير معروفة التردد / التكرر

تأثير التردد / التكرار: تفاقم الأعراض / الصدفية بعد انتهاء العلاج.

تشتمل الآثار الجانبية الأقل خطورة الناجمة عن استعمال البيتاميثازون التالي، يجب عليكم إبلاغ الطبيب بأسرع ما يمكن إذا لاحظتم ظهورها.

- ترقق الجلد.

- ظهور الأوعية الدموية السطحية أو تفرزات وتمددات جلدية.

- تغير في نمو الشعر.

- طفح جلدي أحمر حول الفم (التهاب جلدي).

- طفح جلدي مع التهابات أو انتفاخ وتضخم (إكزيما الحساسية).

- بثور بنية هلامية صغيرة (مادة غروانية "لزجة").

- تفتح لون البشرة (زوال الصباغ / اللون).

تشمل الآثار الجانبية الأقل خطورة والمعروفة بسبب الكالسيبوتريول ما يلي:

- جفاف الجلد.

- تحسس (حساسية) الجلد للضوء، مما أدى إلى ظهور طفح نتيجة لذلك.

- الإكزيما.

إذا لاحظتم ظهور الآثار الجانبية الواردة أعلاه، أو حدوث تغيرات أخرى خلال العلاج، فلابد من إبلاغ الطبيب عنها.

إذا أصبح أي من الآثار الجانبية خطيراً، أو لاحظتم حدوث أي آثار جانبية غير واردة في هذه النشرة الطبية، الرجاء إبلاغ الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

كيفية تخزين الدواء؟

يجب عدم تخزين وحفظ هذا الدواء فوق درجة حرارة 30 درجة مئوية.

يجب عدم استعمال هذا المرهم بعد تاريخ انتهاء الاستعمال الموضح على العبوة. يمكن استعمال هذا المرهم لمدة 12 شهراً بعد فتحه.

ما هي محتويات المرهم؟

يحتوي مرهم دايفوبيت® على:

واحد جرام من مرهم دايفوبيت® يحتوي على:

المكونات الفعالة (النشطة): كالسيبوتريول 50 مكروغرام.

بيتاميتازون 0.5 جرام (كديبروبيونات).

المكونات الأخرى: بارافين سائل، بولواوكسي البروبيلين – 15 – استيريل الإثير، a – توكوفيرول، بارافين

أحجام العبوات:  30 جم و 60 جم.

قد لا يتم تسويق جميع أحجام العبوات.

منتجات مستحضرات ليو الصيدلية

باليروب – الدنمارك

تاريخ المراجعة الأخيرة لهذه النشرة الطبية للدواء: أبريل 2012
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Daivobet® 50 microgram/g + 0.5 mg/g ointment

One gram of ointment contains 50 micrograms of Calcipotriol (as monohydrate) and 0.5 mg of betamethasone (as dipropionate). For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Ointment. Off-white to yellow.

Topical treatment of stable plaque psoriasis vulgaris amenable to topical therapy in adults.

Daivobet® ointment should be applied to the affected area once daily. The recommended treatment period is 4 weeks. There is experience with repeated courses of Daivobet® up to 52 weeks. If it is necessary to continue or restart treatment after 4 weeks, treatment should be continued after medical review and under regular medical supervision. When using calcipotriol containing medicinal products, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 15 g. The body surface area treated with calcipotriol containing medicinal products should not exceed 30% (see section 4.4). Special Populations Renal and hepatic impairment The safety and efficacy of Daivobet® ointment in patients with severe renal insufficiency or severe hepatic disorders have not been evaluated. Paediatric population The safety and efficacy of Daivobet® ointment in children below 18 years have not been established. No data are available. Method of Administration Daivobet® ointment should be applied to the affected area. In order to achieve optimal effect, it is not recommended to take a shower or bath immediately after application of Daivobet® ointment.

Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients. Daivobet® ointment is contraindicated in erythrodermic, exfoliative and pustular psoriasis. Due to the content of calcipotriol Daivobet® ointment is contra-indicated in patients with known disorders of calcium metabolism. Due to the content of corticosteroid, Daivobet® ointment is contraindicated in the following conditions: Viral (e.g. herpes or varicella) lesions of the skin, fungal or bacterial skin infections, parasitic infections, skin manifestations in relation to tuberculosis or syphilis, perioral dermatitis, atrophic skin, striae atrophicae, fragility of skin veins, ichthyosis, acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, rosacea, ulcers, wounds, perianal and genital pruritus.

Effects on endocrine system Daivobet® ointment contains a potent group III-steroid and concurrent treatment with other steroids must be avoided. Adverse reactions found in connection with systemic corticosteroid treatment such as adrenocortical suppression or impact on the metabolic control of diabetes mellitus may occur also during topical corticosteroid treatment due to systemic absorption.

Application under occlusive dressings should be avoided since it increases the systemic absorption of corticosteroids. Application on large areas of damaged skin or on mucous membranes or in skin folds should be avoided since it increases the systemic absorption of corticosteroids (see Section 4.8).

In a study in patients with both extensive scalp and extensive body psoriasis using a combination of high doses of Daivobet® gel (scalp application) and high doses of Daivobet® ointment (body application), 5 of 32 patients showed a borderline decrease in cortisol response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge after 4 weeks of treatment (see section 5.1)

Effects on calcium metabolism

Due to the content of calcipotriol, hypercalcaemia may occur if the maximum daily dose (15 g) is exceeded. Serum calcium is, however, quickly normalised when treatment is discontinued. The risk of hypercalcaemia is minimal when the recommendations relevant to calcipotriol are followed. Treatment of more than 30% of the body surface should be avoided (see section 4.2).

Local adverse reactions

Skin of the face and genitals are very sensitive to corticosteroids. The medicinal product should not be used in these areas. The patient must be instructed in correct use of the medicinal product to avoid application and accidental transfer to the face, mouth and eyes. Hands must be washed after each application to avoid accidental transfer to these areas. Concomitant skin infections When lesions become secondarily infected, they should be treated with antimicrobiological therapy. However, when infection worsens, treatment with corticosteroids should be stopped.

Discontinuation of treatment

When treating psoriasis with topical corticosteroids there may be a risk of generalised pustular psoriasis or of rebound effects when discontinuing treatment. Medical supervision should therefore continue in the posttreatment period.

Long-term use

With long-term use there is an increased risk of local and systemic corticosteroid adverse reactions. The treatment should be discontinued in case of adverse reactions related to long-term use of corticosteroid (see section 4.8).

Unevaluated uses

There is no experience for the use of Daivobet® ointment in guttate psoriasis.

Concurrent treatment and UV exposure

There is no experience for the use of this medicinal product on the scalp. Daivobet® ointment for body psoriasis lesions has been used in combination with Daivobet® gel for scalp psoriasis lesions, but there is no experience of combination of Daivobet® with other topical anti-psoriatic products at the same treatment area, other antipsoriatic medicinal products administered systemically or with phototherapy.

During Daivobet® ointment treatment, physicians are recommended to advise patients to limit or avoid excessive exposure to either natural or artificial light. Topical calcipotriol should be used with UVR only if the physician and patient consider that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks (see section 5.3).

Daiovobet® ointment contains butylhydroxytoluene (E321). This may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis), or irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes.

4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

No interaction studies have been performed.

4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation


There are no adequate data from the use of Daivobet® ointment in pregnant women. Studies in animals with glucocorticoids have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3), but a number of epidemiological studies have not revealed congenital anomalies among infants born to women treated with corticosteroids during pregnancy. The potential risk for humans is uncertain. Therefore, during pregnancy, Daivobet® ointment should only be used when the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.


Betamethasone passes into breast milk but risk of an adverse effect on the infant seems unlikely with therapeutic doses. There are no data on the excretion of calcipotriol in breast milk. Caution should be exercised when prescribing Daivobet® ointment to women who breast feed. The patient should be instructed not to use Daivobet® ointment on the breast when breast feeding.


Studies in rats with oral doses of calcipotriol or betamethasone dipropionate demonstrated no impairment of male and female fertility.

Daivobet ® has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and to use machines.

The trial programme for Daivobet® ointment has so far included more than 2,500 patients and has shown that approximately 10% of patients can be expected to experience a non-serious undesirable effect.

These reactions are usually mild and cover mainly various skin reactions like rash, pruritus and burning sensation. Pustular psoriasis has been reported rarely. Rebound effect after end of treatment has been reported but the frequency of this is not known.

Based on data from clinical trials and postmarket use the following adverse reactions are listed for Daivobet® ointment.

The adverse reactions are listed by MedDRA System Organ Class and the individual adverse reactions are listed starting with the most frequently reported. Within each frequency grouping, the adverse reactions are listed in order of decreasing seriousness.

The following terminologies have been used in order to classify the frequencies of adverse reactions:

Very common ≥1/10

Common ≥1/100 and <1/10

Uncommon ≥1/1,000 and <1/100

Rare ≥1/10,000 and <1/1,000

Very rare <1/10,000 Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Common: Pruritus

Common: Rash

Common: Burning sensation of skin

Uncommon: Exacerbation of psoriasis

Uncommon: Skin pain or irritation

Uncommon: Dermatitis

Uncommon: Erythema

Uncommon: Folliculitis

Uncommon: Application site pigmentation changes

Rare: Pustular psoriasis

General disorders and administration site conditions

Not known: Rebound effect – included in section 4.4

The following adverse reactions are considered to be related to the pharmacological classes of calcipotriol and betamethasone, respectively:



Adverse reactions include application site reactions, pruritus, skin irritation, burning and stinging sensation, dry skin, erythema, rash, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis aggravated, photosensitivity and hypersensitivity reactions including very rare cases of angioedema and facial oedema.

Systemic effects after topical use may appear very rarely causing hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria, see section 4.4.


Betamethasone (as dipropionate)

Local reactions can occur after topical use, especially during prolonged application, including skin atrophy, telangiectasia, striae, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, depigmentation and colloid milia. When treating psoriasis there may be a risk of generalised pustular psoriasis.

Systemic reactions due to topical use of corticosteroids are rare in adults, however they can be severe. Adrenocortical suppression, cataract, infections, impact on the metabolic control of diabetes mellitus and increase of intra-ocular pressure can occur, especially after long term treatment. Systemic reactions occur more frequently when applied under occlusion (plastic, skin folds), when applied on large areas and during long term treatment, see section 4.4.

Use above the recommended dose may cause elevated serum calcium which should rapidly subside when treatment is discontinued.

Excessive prolonged use of topical corticosteroids may suppress the pituitary-adrenal functions resulting in secondary adrenal insufficiency which is usually reversible. In such cases symptomatic treatment is indicated. In case of chronic toxicity the corticosteroid treatment must be discontinued gradually.

It has been reported that due to misuse one patient with extensive erythrodermic psoriasis treated with 240 g of Daivobet® ointment weekly (corresponding to a daily dose of approximately 34 g) for 5 months (maximum recommended dose 15 g daily) developed Cushing’s syndrome and pustular psoriasis after abruptly stopping treatment.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antipsoriatics. Other antipsoriatics for topical use, Calcipotriol combinations

ATC Code: D05AX52

Calcipotriol is a vitamin D analogue. In vitro data suggests that calcipotriol induces differentiation and suppresses proliferation of keratinocytes. This is the proposed basis for its effect in psoriasis.

Like other topical corticosteroids, betamethasone dipropionate has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, vasoconstrictive and immunosuppressive properties, however, without curing the underlying condition. Through occlusion the effect can be enhanced due to increased penetration of the stratum corneum. The incidence of adverse events will increase because of this. The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory activity of the topical steroids, in general, is unclear.

A safety study in 634 psoriasis patients has investigated repeated courses of Daivobet® ointment used once daily as required, either alone or alternating with Daivonex® , for up to 52 weeks, compared with Daivonex® used alone for 48 weeks after an initial course of Daivobet® ointment. Adverse drug reactions were reported by 21.7% of the patients in the Daivobet ® ointment group, 29.6% in the Daivobet ® ointment/ Daivonex ® alternating group and 37.9% in the Daivonex® group. The adverse drug reactions that were reported by more than 2% of the patients in the Daivobet ® ointment group were pruritus (5.8%) and psoriasis (5.3%). Adverse events of concern possibly related to long-term corticosteroid use (e.g. skin atrophy, folliculitis, depigmentation, furuncle and purpura) were reported by 4.8% of the patients in the Daivobet ® ointment group, 2.8% in the Daivobet ® ointment/Daivonex® alternating group and 2.9% in the Daivonex® group.

Adrenal response to ACTH was determined by measuring serum cortisol levels in patients with both extensive scalp and body psoriasis, using up to 106 g per week combined Daivobet® gel and Daivobet® ointment. A borderline decrease in cortisol response at 30 minutes post ACTH challenge was seen in 5 of 32 patients (15.6%) after 4 weeks of treatment and 2 of 11 patients (18.2%) who continued treatment until 8 weeks. In all cases, the serum cortisol levels were normal at 60 minutes post ACTH challenge. There was no evidence of change of calcium metabolism observed in these patients. With regard to HPA suppression, therefore, this study shows some evidence that very high doses of Daivobet® gel and ointment may have a weak effect on the HPA axis.


Clinical studies with radiolabelled ointment indicate that the systemic absorption of calcipotriol and betamethasone from Daivobet® ointment is less than 1% of the dose (2.5 g) when applied to normal skin (625 cm2 ) for 12 hours. Application to psoriasis plaques and under occlusive dressings may increase the absorption of topical corticosteroids. Absorption through damaged skin is approx 24%.

Following systemic exposure, both active ingredients – calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate are rapidly and extensively metabolised. Protein binding is approx 64%. Plasma elimination half-life after intravenous application is 5-6 hours. Due to the formation of a depot in the skin elimination after dermal application is in order of days. Betamethasone is metabolised especially in the liver, but also in the kidneys to glucuronide and sulphate esters. The main route of excretion of calcipotriol is via faeces (rats and minipigs) and for betamethasone dipropionate it is via urine (rats and mice). In rats, tissue distribution studies with radiolabelled calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate, respectively, showed that the kidney and liver had the highest level of radioactivity

Calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate were below the lower limit of quantification in all blood samples of 34 patients treated, for 4 or 8 weeks with both Daivobet® gel and Daivobet® ointment, for extensive psoriasis involving the body and scalp. One metabolite of calcipotriol and one metabolite of betamethasone dipropionate were quantifiable in some of the patients.

Studies of corticosteroids in animals have shown reproductive toxicity (cleft palate, skeletal malformations). In reproduction toxicity studies with long-term oral administration of corticosteroids to rats prolonged gestation and prolonged and difficult labour was detected. Moreover, reduction in offspring survival, body weight and body weight gain was observed. There was no impairment of fertility. The relevance for humans is unknown.

A dermal carcinogenicity study with calcipotriol in mice revealed no special hazard to humans.

Photo(co)carcinogenicity studies in mice suggest that calcipotriol may enhance the effect of UVR to induce skin tumours.

No carcinogenicity or photocarcinogenicity studies have been performed with betamethasone dipropionate.

6.1 List of excipients

Liquid paraffin

Polyoxypropylene-15-stearyl ether


White soft paraffin

Butylhydroxytoluene (E321)


In the absence of compatability studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products

2 years After first opening: 1 year

Do not store above 30°C.

Aluminium/epoxyphenol tubes with polyethylene screw cap.

Tube sizes: 3 (sample), 15, 30, 60, 100 and 120 g.

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

No special requirements.

LEO Pharma A/S Industriparken 55 DK-2750 Ballerup Denmark

August 2011

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