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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

is a clear solution of Dextrose in Sodium Chloride in water.
The strength of the solution is: 10% Dextrose in 0.18% Sodium
Chloride. Sodium chloride (salt helps to maintain the correct
balance of fluid inand around the body's cells and tissues. Sodium
chloride is given by intravenous (into a veinl infusion to patients
suffering from water loss or lack of sodium. Dextrose is a simple
sugar, which provides a source of energy.
Dextrose in Sodium chloride infusion are used where there has
been excessive fluid loss from the body (dehydration) with carbohydrate

You should not receive this sodium chloride and glucose infusion if:
• You have a kidney, heart, or liver disorder. Your doctor will check
• You are in an insulin coma.

Dextrose in Sodium chloride infusion will be given to you in
You will receive your medicine by infusion (IV dripl The amount and
rate at which the infusion is given depends on your requirements
Your doctor will decide on the correct dose for you to receive. Your
doctor will be able to check the effect of the treatment on dehydration
by the relief of your symptoms, monitoring your blood pressure,
and by measuring the volume and concentration of your urine. If
you haveany further questions on the use of this product, ask your
doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines dextrose in sodium chloride infusion can cause
side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Thrombosis (the formation of a clot) may occure in the vein where
the infusion is given.
Loss of potassium from the blood may be increased with the use of
a dextrose in sodium chloride- containing infusion. Your doctor may
therefore decide to give you potassium supplements.
If any of the side effects gets serious or if you notice any side
effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell you doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not store above
30°C. Your doctor and hospital pharmacist are responsible for the
correct storage, use and disposal of Dextrose in Sodium Chloride
infusion solution.
The solution must not be used after the expiry date shown on the
label. the expiry date referes to the last day of the that month.
Any solution remaining after treatment should be thrown away.

The infusion contain Dextrose, Sodium Chloride and Water for injection


10% Dextrose in 0.18% Sodium Chloride infusion solution looks like and contents of the pack 10% Dextrose in 0.18% Sodium Chloride infusion solution is a clear solution, sterile solution. Supplied in: Plastic bottle: 250 ml and 500 ml. Glass bottle: 250 ml.

Marketing Authorisation Holder & Manufacturer
Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd.
Industrial Estate, Phase-2,
Road No. 208, Str. - 203
P O Box 17476, Jeddah 21484
Western Province
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-12-6361383
FAX: +966-12-6379460
Website: http://www.psiltd.com

To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
National Pharmacovigilance and drug safety Center (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-2057662
Toll free: 8002490000 
Tel: +966-11-2038222 Ext. 2317-2334-2340 –2353 –2354- 2356 
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

هو محلول واضح من دكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم في الماء.
قوة المحلول هي: ۱۰ ٪ دكستروز في ۰٫۱۸ ٪ كلوريد الصوديوم.
كلوريد الصوديوم (الملح يساعد على الحفاظ على التوازن الصحيح للسوائل داخل
وحول خلايا وأنسجة الجسم. يتم إعطاء كلوريد الصوديوم عن طريق الوريد (في
الوريد للمرضى الذين يعانون من فقدان الماء أو نقص الصوديوم. دكستروز هو
سكر بسيط ، والذي يوفر مصدر للطاقة).
يستخدم الدكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم للتسريب الوريدي في الحالات التي
يكون فيها فقدان السوائل بشكل مفرط من الجسم (الجفاف) مع فقدان

يجب ألا تتلقى محلول دكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم إذا:
• لديك اضطراب في الكلى أو القلب أو الكبد. طبيبك سوف يتحقق هذا.
• كنت في غيبوبة الأنسولين.


سيتم إعطاؤك محلول دكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم في المستشفى.
ستتلقى الدواء عن طريق التسريب الوريدي. تعتمد كمية ومعدل الحقن الوريدي
على متطلباتك وسيقرر طبيبك الجرعة الصحيحة التي يجب أن تأخذها. سيكون
طبيبك قادرًا على التحقق من تأثير العلاج على الجفاف عن طريق تخفيف
الأعراض ، ومراقبة ضغط الدم ، وقياس حجم وتركيز البول.إذا كان لديك المزيد
من الأسئلة حول استخدام هذا المنتج ، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

مثل جميع الأدوية ، يمكن أن يتسبب محلول دكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم
بحدوث آثار جانبية ، على الرغم من عدم حدوثها لدى الجميع.
قد يحدث تجلط الدم (تكوين جلطة) في الوريد حيث يتم إعطاء التسريب.
يمكن زيادة فقدان البوتاسيوم من الدم باستخدام محلول الدكستروز في كلوريد
الصوديوم. لذلك قد يقرر طبيبك إعطائك مكملات البوتاسيوم.
إذا تفاقمت أي من الآثار الجانبية أو إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبية غير مدرجة في
هذه النشرة ، برجاء إخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

 تخزين دواء ۱۰ ٪ دكستروز في ۰٫۱۸ ٪ كلوريد الصوديوم
ابقي هذا الدواء بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال. أحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل
o من ۳۰ م
الطبيب وصيدلي المستشفى المسؤولين عن التخزين والاستخدام الصحيح
والتخلص من محلول دكستروز في كلوريد الصوديوم.
يجب عدم استخدام المحلول بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية الموضح على الملصق.
يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.
يجب التخلص من أي محلول متبقي بعد العلاج.

يحتوي المحلول على دكستروز وكلوريد الصوديوم والماء للحقن.

المحلول ۱۰ ٪ دكستروز في ۰٫۱۸ ٪ محلول تسريب كلوريد الصوديوم
هومحلول واضح ومعقم.
يسوق في الأحجام التالية: عبوة بلاستيكية: ۲٥۰ مل و ٥۰۰ مل.
عبوة زجاجية: ۲٥۰ مل.

تمت الموافقة على هذه النشرة في يناير / ۲۰۲۲
اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق والمصنع:
مصنع المحاليل الطبية.
العنوان:المنطقة الصناعية، المرحلة الثانية.
طريق رقم ۲۰۸ ، شارع ۲۰۳
. صندوق بريد ۱۷٤۷٦ جدة ۲۱٤۸٤
المنطقة الغربية- المملكة العربیة السعودیة
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الهاتف: ٦۳٦۱۳۸۳
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الفاكس: ٦۳۷۹٤٦۰
http://www.psiltd.com: الموقع الالكتروني

للإبلاغ عن أي أعراض جانبية :
المملكة العربیة السعودیة
المركز الوطني للتيقظ الدوائي:
+ فاكس: ۹٦٦۱۱۲۰٥۷٦٦۲
مركز الإتصال الموحد لهيئة الغذاء والدواء -السعودية : ۱۹۹۹۹
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa البريد الإلكتروني
https://ade.sfda.gov.sa: الموقع الإلكتروني
دول الخليج الأخرى:
الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والهيئات الوطنية في كل دولة

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P. [10% Dextrose in 1/5 Normal saline]

Each 1000 ml contains: Dextrose Monohydrate………………………………………110 gm.  Equivelant to anhydrous Dextrose …………………………100 gm. Sodium Chloride ……………………………………………1.8 gm.

10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P Is a sterile, clear, and colorless up to faintly straw-colored solution. In a single dose container for intravenous administration.

10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P has
value as a source of water, electrolytes and calories. It is capable of inducing diuresis
depending on the clinical condition of the patient.

As directed by a physician. Dosage is dependent upon the age, weight and clinical
condition of the patient as well as laboratory determinations.
Usually, recommended flow rates  2.5 ml/kg from body weight / hour, i.e. 60 drops /
minute / 70 kg BW.

Maximum Dosage: 1500 ml/70 kg BW / day.
Dextrose may be administered to normal individuals at a rate of 0.5 g/kg/hour without
producing glycosuria. At the maximum infusion rate of 0.8 g/kg/hour, approximately
95% of the dextrose is retained.

Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and
discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permit.
Additives may be incompatible. Complete information is not available. Those additives
known to be incompatible should not be used. Consult with pharmacist, if available. If, in
the informed judgment of the physician, it is deemed advisable to introduce additives, use
aseptic technique. Mix thoroughly when additives have been introduced. Do not store
solutions containing additives.

Method of administration:
Intravenous infusion route.
Adults, the Elderly, Adolescents and Children:
The dosage and rate of administration of 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium
Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
is determined by several factors including the age,
weight, and clinical condition of the patient and in particular the patient’s hydration state.

10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P should be used with great care, if at all, in patients with congestive heart failure, severe renal insufficiency, and clinical states in which there exists oedema with sodium retention. In patients with diminished renal function, 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P may result in sodium retention. Solutions containing dextrose may be contraindicated in patients with known allergy to corn or corn products.

10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
should be used with great care, if at all, in patients with congestive heart failure, severe
renal insufficiency, and in clinical states in which there exists edema with sodium
Injections containing carbohydrates with low electrolyte concentration should not be
administered simultaneously with blood through the same administration set because of

the possibility of pseudoagglutination or hemolysis. The container label for these
injections bears the statement: Do not administer simultaneously with blood.

The intravenous administration of 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride
Intravenous Infusion B.P
can cause fluid and/or solute overloading resulting in dilution
of serum electrolyte concentrations, overhydration, congested states or pulmonary edema.
The risk of dilutional states is inversely proportional to the electrolyte concentrations of
the injection. The risk of solute overload causing congested states with peripheral and
pulmonary edema is directly proportional to the electrolyte concentrations of the

In patients with diminished renal function, administration of 10% W/V Dextrose in
0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
may result in sodium

In very low birth weight infants, excessive or rapid administration of dextrose injection
may result in increased serum osmolality and possible intracerebral hemorrhage.
Potassium salts should never be administered by IV push.

Precautions for use
Clinical evaluation and periodic laboratory determinations are necessary to monitor
changes in fluid balance, electrolyte concentrations and acid base balance during
prolonged parenteral therapy or whenever the condition of the patient warrants such
10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
should be used with caution in patients with overt or subclinical diabetes mellitus.
Caution must be exercised in the administration of 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V
Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
to patients receiving corticosteroids or

Caution must be exercised in the administration of 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V
Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
to patients receiving corticosteroids or

Effects on fertility
Studies with 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous
Infusion B.P
have not been performed to evaluate carcinogenic potential, mutagenic
potential or effects on fertility.

Use in Pregnancy (Category C)
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with 10% W/V Dextrose in
0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
It is also not known whether
10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P can
cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction
capacity. 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion
should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.

Use in Lactation
It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are
excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when 10% W/V Dextrose in
0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
is administered to a nursing

Not relevant.

Reactions which may occur because of the solution or the technique of administration
include febrile response, infection at the site of injection, venous thrombosis or phlebitis
extending from the site of injection, extravasation and hypervolemia.

The physician should also be alert to the possibility of adverse reactions to drug additives.
Prescribing information for drug additives to be administered in this manner should be

Symptoms may result from an excess or deficit of one or more of the ions present in the
solution; therefore, frequent monitoring of electrolyte levels is essential.
Hypernatremia may be associated with oedema and exacerbation of congestive heart
failure due to the retention of water, resulting in an expanded extracellular fluid volume.

If infused in large amounts, chloride ions may cause a loss of bicarbonate ions, resulting
in an acidifying effect. If an adverse reaction does occur, discontinue the infusion,
evaluate the patient, institute appropriate therapeutic countermeasures, and save the
remainder of the fluid for examination if deemed necessary.
If the patient is over 65 years of age or very young he may has an increased chance of
getting side effects.

To report any side effect(s):
Saudi Arabia:

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
Toll free phone: 8002490000
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority.

An overdose of 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous
Infusion B.P
can result in side effects.

  •  nausea, vomiting
  •  cramps
  •  diarrhea
  •  hyperglycemia
  •  decrease in saliva, tears and urination
  •  increase in thirst and sweating
  •  increase in heart rate
  •  dizziness, light headedness, drowsiness, restlessness or irritability
  •  swelling of hands ankles and feet
  •  headache
  •  difficulty breathing or breathlessness which may worsen when lying down
  •  Muscle weakness, twitching, rigidity or convulsions.
  •  exacerbation of congestive heart failure due to the retention of water

Emergency measures
In the event of a fluid or solute overload during parenteral therapy, revaluate the patient's
condition and initiate appropriate corrective treatment.


Pharmacotherapeutic group: Parenteral Preparation for fluid and electrolyte imbalance
10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P

provides electrolytes and a source of water for hydration. They are capable of inducing
diuresis depending on the clinical condition of the patient. Sodium, the major action of
the extracellular fluid, functions primarily in the control of water distribution, fluid
balance, and osmotic pressure of body fluids. Sodium is also associated with chloride and
bicarbonate in the regulation of the acid-base equilibrium of body fluid. Chloride, the
major extracellular anion, closely follows the metabolism of sodium, and changes in the
acid-base balance of the body are reflected by changes in the chloride concentration.

Chloride, the major extracellular anion, closely follows the metabolism of sodium, and
changes in the acid-base balance of the body are reflected by changes in the chloride
Dextrose provides a source of calories. Dextrose is readily metabolized, may decrease
losses of body protein and nitrogen, promotes glycogen deposition and decreases or
prevents ketosis if sufficient doses are provided.


Excess sodium is mainly excreted by the kidney, and small amounts are lost in the faeces
and sweat.
Dextrose rabidly metabolized to carbon dioxide and water

Special populations:
Hepatic impairment:
Select dosage with extreme caution in liver cirrhosis
Renal insufficiency:
Select dosage with extreme caution in diminished renal function or severe renal
insufficiency; monitor sodium and potassium concentrations.

Pediatric subjects
Safety and effectiveness of Potassium 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18% W/V Sodium
Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
in pediatric patients have not been established by
adequate and well-controlled studies.

Dextrose is safe and effective for the stated indications in pediatric patients.
As reported in the literature, the dosage selection and constant infusion rate of
intravenous dextrose must be selected with caution in pediatric patients, particularly
neonates and low birth weight infants, because of the increased risk of
hyperglycemia/hypoglycemia. Frequent monitoring of serum glucose concentrations is

required when dextrose is prescribed to pediatric patients, particularly neonates and low
birth weight infants.
In neonates or in very small infants even small volumes of fluid may affect fluid and
electrolyte balance. Care must be exercised in treatment of neonates, especially pre-term
neonates, whose renal function may be immature and whose ability to excrete fluid and
solute loads may be limited. Fluid intake, urine output, and serum electrolytes should be
monitored closely.

Elderly subjects:
Select dosage with caution, usually initiating at the lower end of the usual range, because
of age-related decreases in hepatic, renal, and/or cardiac function and of concomitant
disease or drug therapy.


Not relevant

Water for injections

Many Injectable drugs cannot be mixed together with 10% W/V Dextrose in 0.18%
W/V Sodium Chloride Intravenous Infusion B.P
as some drugs cannot be safely
diluted. Incompatibility can involve in precipitation, ionic reactions, and evolution of gas
and denaturation of biological molecules.
Knowledge of added drug compatibility is needed before mixing drugs.
If drugs mixed together, the mixture should be inspected for precipitations, turbidity or
change in color, however not all incompatibilities are visible.

4 years. From a microbiological point of view, unless the method of opening precludes the risk of microbial contamination, the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions are the responsibility of the user.

Do not store above 30°C.

250ml glass bottles.
250ml & 500ml plastic bottles.

Before administration, the product should be visually inspected for any particulate matter
and discoloration. For single use only. Any unused solution should be discarded.

Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd. Industrial Estate, Phase-2, Road No. 208, Str. - 203 P O Box 17476 Jeddah 21484 Western Province Saudi Arabia Phone: +966-12-6361383 FAX: +966-12-6379460 Website: http://www.psiltd.com

12 / 2018

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية