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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Cipro-Sol contains ciprofloxacin, a Fluoroquinolone which is a synthetic broadspectrum antibacterial agent for intravenous administration. The bactericidal action of Cipro- Sol results from interference with the enzyme DNA gyrase that needed for the replication of bacterial- DNA.

Cipro-Sol is indicated for the treatment of wide variety of infections caused by susceptible gram-positive and gram-negative organisms including mixed infections caused by two or more organism. It may also be used for infections caused by multi-drug resistant bacteria. Cipro-Sol is indicated for the treatment of the following infections caused by susceptible bacteria :

Respiratory tract infections (RTI)

Acute and chronic bronchitis, obstructive airway diseases (COPD), empyema, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, lobar and bronchopeneumonia, acute exacerption of cystic fibrosis, otitis media, sinusitis and mastoiditis especially due to gram negative bacteria (including pseudomonas sp.)

Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatis, epidermititis and chronic complicated or current UTI caused by multi-drug resistant organisms and/or pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Skin and soft tissue infections:

In surgical and post-operative wound infections due to gram-negative organisms such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, also useful in infections caused by resistant staphylococcus including infected ulcers, wound infections, abscesses, cellulitis, erysipelas, infected burns.

Surgical infections:

Peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, cholangitis, cholecystitis, and empyema of gall bladder. Bone and joint infections: Acute and chronic osteomyelitis, septic arthritis.

Pelvic infections:

Salpingitis, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease.

Sexually transmitted disease:

Gonorrohoea including that caused by beta-lactamase producing strains and chancroid caused by H. ducreyi

Gastro intestinal infections:

Enteric fever, infective diarrhea

Severe systematic infections:

Septicemia, bacteraemia, infections in immuno-compromised patients

Take special care with Cipro-Sol solution for infusion

• Do not exceed the recommended dose.

• Use a suitable oral treatment as soon as this administration route is possible.

• If you suffers from a severe liver or kidney disease or from alcohol abuse before using this product.

• If you suffers of nutrition problems (malnutrition) or dehydration.

Consult a doctor before using Cipro-Sol solution for infusion if any of the above mentioned conditions concern you. Peripheral neuropathies have been associated with ciprofloxacin use that symptoms may occur soon after initiation of therapy and may be irreversible. If symptoms of peripheral neuropathy including pain, burning, tingling, numbness and / or weakness develop, patients should immediately discontinue ciprofloxacin and contact their physician. (See possible side effects)

Taking with other medicines

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. In particular, tell them if you are taking:

Drugs known to prolong QT interval

Ciprofloxacin, like other fluoroquinolones, should be used with caution in patients receiving drugs known to prolong QT interval (e.g. Class IA and III anti- arrhythmics, tricyclic antidepressants, macrolides, antipsychotics).

Drugs affecting Ciprofloxacin plasma concentration

Probenecid interferes with renal secretion of ciprofloxacin. Co-administration of probenecid and ciprofloxacin increases ciprofloxacin serum concentrations.

Ciprofloxacin can alter the effect of the following medicinal products:

Tizanidine, Methotrexate, Theophylline, Other xanthine derivatives, Phenytoin, Oral anticoagulants, Ropinirole, Clozapine, Glibenclamide, Duloxetine, Lidocaine, Sildenafil

As general recommendation always seek the advice of a doctor before you use Cipro-Sol solution for infusion with other medicines.

Use in pregnancy (Category C)

No adequate and well-controlled studies are available on use of Cipro-Sol in pregnant women. Should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Use in breast-feeding

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.

Cipro-Sol is secreted in breast milk; however, the amount ingested by the infant appears to be low. Because of potential for

serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, the drug should be used only after taking into account the benefits offered and potential risks involved.

Driving and using machines

Due to its neurological effects, ciprofloxacin may affect reaction time. Thus, the ability to drive or to operate machinery may be impaired.


Always use this medicine exactly as described in this leaflet or as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Cipro-Sol – Infusion may be used directly and should be administered by long – term infusion over periods of 30 – 60 minutes preferably through larger veins (for one bottle is 30 min. and 60 min. for two bottles each of Cipro-Sol)

Cipro-Sol can be infused directly or after being added to the following infusion solutions: 0.9 % Sodium Chloride solution, Ringer and Ringer lactate solution, 5% and 10% Glucose solutions, 10% Fructose solution and 5% Glucose with 0.225% or 0.45% Sodium Chloride solution.



From 200 to 400mg up to three times daily, according to type of infection and severity.

Children and adolescents

From 6mg to 10 mg / kg body weight per divided on 2 separate doses (every 12 hours) and the maximum single dose must not exceed 400mg.

Average duration of dosage

The duration of Cipro-Sol- therapy depends upon the type and severity of the infection and should be determined by clinical and bacteriological response of the patient. For most infections, therapy should be continued for at least 48 hours after the patient becomes asymptomatic. The usual duration is 5-7 days with infusion, but severe or complicated infections may require more prolonged therapy.

Up to 7 days for infections of the kidneys, urinary tract and abdominal cavity. In streptococcal infections the treatment must last at least 10 days because of the risk of late complications. Treatment of chlamydial infections should also last for at least 10 days.

Following initial intravenous administration, treatment can be continued orally after few days.

Do not exceed the prescribed dose

If you use more Cipro-Sol solution for infusion than you should

Consult a doctor immediately. The following signs may occur: dizziness, tremor, headache, tiredness, seizures, hallucinations, confusion, abdominal discomfort, renal and hepatic impairment as well as crystalluria and haematuria.

Dosage in Kidney disease:

Dosage adjustment will be required in patients with moderate to severe impairment of renal function. Monitoring of serum drug level. If creatinine clearance is less than 20 ml/min, half the recommended dosage may be administered.

Dosage in Hepatic Impairment:

In patients with impaired liver function no dose adjustment is required.


Slow infusion into a large vein will minimize patient discomfort and reduce the risk of venous irritation.

As for all solutions for infusion presented in bags or glass bottles, it should be remembered that close monitoring is needed notably at the end of the infusion, regardless of administration route. This monitoring at the end of the infusion applies particularly for central route infusions, in order to avoid air embolism.

Do not use Cipro-Sol solution for infusion if you notice any particulate matter.

For single use only. The product should be used immediately after opening. Any unused solution should be discarded.


If you forget to use Cipro-Sol solution for infusion do not use a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

Apart from routine emergency measures, it is recommended to monitor renal function, including urinary pH and acidify, if

required, to prevent crystalluria. Patients should be kept well hydrated. Only a small quantity of ciprofloxacin (<10%) is

eliminated by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, Cipro-Sol can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

• Fluoroquinolones are associated with prolonged (up to months or years), serious, disabling and potentially irreversible drug reactions affecting several, sometimes multiple, systems, organ classes and senses.

The following list of side effects includes all known side effects associated with Cipro-Sol treatment,

Central Nervous System effects

Central Nervous System (CNS) side effects may happen as soon as after taking the first dose of Cipro-Sol. Talk to your healthcare provider right away if you get any of these side effects, or other changes in mood or behavior: Feel dizzy, Seizures, Hear voices, see things, or sense things that are not there (hallucinations), Feel restless, Tremors, Feel anxious or nervous, Confusion, Depression, Trouble sleeping, Nightmares, Feel more  suspicious (paranoia), Suicidal thoughts or acts.

Serious allergic reactions

Allergic reactions can happen in people taking fluoroquinolones, including Cipro-Sol, even after only one dose. Stop taking Cipro-Sol and get emergency medical help right away if you get any of the following symptoms of a severe allergic reaction: Hives, Trouble breathing or swallowing, Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, Throat tightness, hoarseness, Rapid heartbeat, Faint Yellowing of the skin or eyes. If you get yellowing of your skin or white part of your eyes, or if you have dark urine these can be signs of a serious reaction to Cipro-Sol (a liver problem). Stop taking Cipro-Sol and tell your healthcare provider right away

Skin reactions

Skin rash may happen in people taking Cipro-Sol even after only one dose. Stop taking Cipro-Sol at the first sign of a skin rash and call your healthcare provider. Skin rash may be a sign of a more serious reaction to Cipro-Sol like;

In rare cases;

Ereythema nodosum (inflammation of the fat cells under the skin)

Erythema multiform (superficial microvasculature of the skin and oral mucous membrane)

In very rare cases;

Steven Jonson syndrome (skin condition causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis)

Lyells syndrome (more severe form of Steven Jonson syndrome)

Serious heart rhythm changes (QT prolongation and torsade de pointes)

Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have a change in your heart beat (a fast or irregular heartbeat), or if you faint. Cipro-Sol may cause a rare heart problem known as prolongation of the QT interval. This condition can cause an abnormal heartbeat and can be very dangerous also increased Risk of ruptures or tears in the aorta blood vessel in certain patients.

The chances of this event are higher in people:

Who are elderly.

With a family history of prolonged QT interval

With low blood potassium (hypokalemia)

Who take certain medicines to control heart rhythm (antiarrhythmics).

Intestine infection (Pseudomembranous colitis)

Pseudomembranous colitis can happen with most antibiotics, including Cipro-Sol. Call your healthcare provider right away if you get watery diarrhea, diarrhea that does not go away, or bloody stools. You may have stomach cramps and a fever.

Pseudomembranous colitis can happen 2 or more months after you have finished your antibiotic.

Changes in sensation and possible nerve damage (Peripheral Neuropathy)

Peripheral neuropathies have been associated with the use of fluoroquinolones including ciprofloxacin, that symptoms may occur soon after initiation of therapy and may be irreversible. If symptoms of peripheral neuropathy including pain, burning, tingling, numbness and / or weakness develop, patients should immediately discontinue ciprofloxacin and contact their physician.

Cipro-Sol may need to be stopped to prevent permanent nerve damage.

Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

People who take Cipro-Sol and other fluoroquinolone medicines with the oral anti-diabetes medicine glyburide can get low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) which can sometimes be severe. Tell your healthcare provider if you get low blood sugar with Cipro-Sol. Your antibiotic medicine may need to be changed.

Sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity)

Effects on hematological parameters,

Anemia, eosinophillia increases or decreases in white cell and/or platelet count, altered prothrombin levels, and, very rarely, hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis or pancytopenia.


Transient increases in liver enzymes or serum billirubin (particularly in patients with previous liver damage), hepatitis jaundice/ chloestasis and major liver disorders including hepatic necrosis, which may progress to hepatic failure.


Transient increases in blood urea or serum creatinine, renal failure crystalluria haematuria, and nephrites.


Reversible arthalgia, joint swelling and myalgia. Rarely: tenosynovitis. Tendon inflammation (predominanty of the Achilles tendon) has been reported which may lead to tendon rupture. Treatment should be discontinued immediately if these symptoms occur. Rarely, exacerbation of symptoms of myasthenia gravis has been reported. Tendon dam~e (especially to Achilles tendon but also other tendons) can occur within 48 hours of starting fluoroquinolone treatment but the damage may be delayed several months after stopping treatment.

Patients who are older, have renal impairment or have had solid organ transplantation and those being treated with a

corticosteroid are at higher risk of tendon damage. Concomitant treatment with a fluoroquinolone and a corticosteroid should be avoided.

Joint Problems

Increased chance of problems with joints and tissues around joints in children under 18 years old. Tell your child’s healthcare provider if your child has any joint problems during or after treatment with Cipro-Sol.

Sensory organs

very rarely, visual disturbances inclurbances including deplopia and color disturbances, impaired taste and smell usually reversible upon discontinuation of treatment tinnitus, transient impairment of hearing particularly at high frequencies.

Abnormal laboratory findings

Increased alkaline phosphates; increases in liver function tests, e.g. transaminases, and chloestatic jaundice, especially in patients with previous liver damage. Local irritation including pain at side of injection accompanied in small number of patients by phlebitis throbophlebitis.

The most common side effects (more than 1 in 10 treated patients) of Cipro-Sol include:

Nausea, headache, diarrhea, vomiting

Vaginal yeast infection

Changes in liver function tests

Pain or discomfort in the abdomen

Common (less than 1 in 10, but more than 1 in 100 treated patients)

Transient increase in transaminases, Rash

Uncommon (less than 1 in 100, but more than 1 in 1,000 treated patients)

Thrombocytopenia, Thrombocytaemia, Confusion and disorientation, Hallucinations, Par- and dysaesthesia, Seizures, Vertigo, Visual disturbances, Hearing loss, Tachycardia, Vasodilatation, Hypotension, Transient hepatic impairment.

Rare (less than 1 in 1,000 but more than 1 in 10,000 treated patients)

Pancytopenia, Bone marrow depression, Anaphylactic shock, Psychotic reactions, Migraine, Olfactory nerve disorders, Hearing impaired, Vasculitis, Pancreatitis, Liver necrosis, Petechiae, Tendon rupture

If any of the side effects gets serious or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please till your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Do not use Cipro-Sol Solution for Infusion after the expiry date which is stated on the bag or vial and carton. Note: Cipro-Sol Solution for Infusion is a clear almost colorless to slightly yellowish solution. Do not store above 30o C and keep in original carton.

Do not refrigerate.Protect from lihgt. Since Cipro-Sol Infusion is light - sensitive, the bottles should be always be stored in cardboard outer container and only removed from the box immediately before use. In daylight conditions complete efficacy of the undiluted solution is guaranteed for a period of 3 days.

• The active substance is Ciprofloxacin 200 mg / 100ml
• The other ingredients are: Lactic acid 90% 75.5 mg / 100ml and Sodium Chloride 900mg / 100ml.

Before administration: -The product should be inspected visually. Do not use Cipro-Sol Solution for Infusion if you notice any particulate matter. -For single use only, the product should be used immediately after opening. Any unused solution should be discarded. -If Cipro-Sol is mixed with other compatible infusion solutions on microbiological and hygienic grounds and because of the need of protection from light, the result infusion solution should be used as soon as possible after preparation.

Cipro-Sol available as 100ml glass bottle and 100ml BVC bag

Marketing Authorization Holder and Manufacturer
Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd.
Industrial Estate, Phase-2, 
Road No. 208, Str. - 203
P O Box 17476
Jeddah 21484
Western Province
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-12-6361383
FAX: +966-12-6379460
Website: http://www.psiltd.com


To report any side effect(s):

Saudi Arabia:
National Pharmacovigilance and drug safety Center (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-2057662
Toll free: 8002490000 
Tel: +966-11-2038222 Ext. 2317-2334-2340 –2353 –2354- 2356 
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc


Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority.


  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

سیبرو- سول المادة الفعالة ھى سیبروفلوكساسین وھو مضاد بكتیري مصنع واسع المجال البكتیري من مجموعة الفلوروكینیلون یعطى عن طریق الورید. تأثیر السیبرو-سول 
القاتل للبكتیریا ناتج من تثبیط انزیم د.ن.ا جیریز و المسئول من نسخ الحمض النووي و التكاثرالخاص بالخلیة البكتیریة.
یستخدم سیبرو - سول لعلاج مجموعة واسعة من الالتھابات التي تسببھا البكتیریا إیجابیة الجرام و سالبة الجرام بما في ذلك التھابات المختلطة الناجمة عن اثنین أو أكثر من العدوي البكتیریا . ویمكن أیضا أن 
یستخدم لأنواع العدوى الناجمة عن البكتیریا المقاومة للمضادات البكتیریة الاخري . سیبرو – سول یستخدم لعلاج الالتھابات البكتیریا التالیة :

لتهابات الجھاز التنفسي 
التھاب القصبات الحاد والمزمن ، وأمراض الشعب الھوائیة الانسدادي المزمن ، الالتھاب التوسعى للشعب الھوائیة (الامفیزیما) ، خراج الرئة ، توسع القصبات ، و التفاقم الحاد 
من التلیف الكیسي، و التھاب الأذن الوسطى ، التھاب الجیوب الأنفیة و التھاب غشاء الرئة خصوصا بسبب البكتیریا سالبة الجرام (بما في ذلك بكتیریا سودوموناس ایرجونوسا).

• لا تتجاوز الجرعة الموصى بھا.
• انتقل الى العلاج عن طریق الفم في أقرب وقت مناسب.
• إذا كنت تعاني من مرض كبدى او كلوى شدید قبل استخدام ھذا المنتج.
• إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل بالتغذیة أو الجفاف.
استشارة الطبیب قبل استخدام سیبرو - سول ۲۰۰ ملجم محلول للتسریب الوریدى إذا كان أي من الشروط المذكورة أعلاه یعنیك .
استخدام السیبروفلوكساسین ومشتقات الفلوروكینیلون یمكن ان یؤدى الى اعراض التھاب الاعصاب الطرفیة و التى یمكن ان تحدث سریعا بعد اول جرعة و ھذة الاعراض
یمكن ان تصبح مستدیمة و اعراض التھاب الاعصاب الطرفیة تشمل: ألم ، حرقة ، وخز ، وخدر و / أو ضعف ، وینبغي على المرضى التوقف فورا عن سیبروفلوكساسین
والاتصال الطبیب. ( انظر الآثار الجانبیة المحتملة )
حالة الدواء مع أدویة أخرى
یرجى إخبار الطبیب أو الصیدلي إذا كنت تأخذ أو اتخذت مؤخرا أي أدویة أخرى ، بما في ذلك الأدویة التي تم الحصول علیھا دون وصفة طبیة . على وجھ الخصوص:
ادویة تنظیم ضربات القلب
على سبیل المثال فئة ) QT سیبروفلوكساسین ، مثل الفلوروكینولونات الأخرى، ینبغي أن یستخدم بحذر في المرضى الذین یتلقون الأدویة المعروفة لإطالة الفاصل الزمني
من ادویة تنظیم ضربات القلب ، مضادات الاكتئاب ثلاثیة الحلقات ، الماكرولیدات ، ومضادات الذھان ) . III ۱ و A
الأدویة التي تؤثر على سیبروفلوكساسین
البروبینسید یتداخل مع إفراز الكلى للسیبروفلوكساسین . تعاطى البروبینسید و سیبروفلوكساسین یزید تركیزات سیبروفلوكساسین بمصل الدم .
آثار سیبروفلوكساسین على المنتجات الطبیة الأخرى:
تیزانیدین ، المیثوتركسات ، الثیوفیلین ، مشتقات الزانثین ، الفینیتوین، مضادات التخثر التى تاخذ عن طریق الفم ،كلوزابین ،مضادات ارتفاع سكر الدم و التى تاخذ عن طریق الفم
مثل غلیبینكلامید ، لیدوكائین ، سیلدینافیل
إسأل طبیبك أو الصیدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل استخدام سیبرو - سول محلول للتسریب الوریدي مع الأدویة الأخرى .
(C الأستخدام في الحمل ( الفئة
لا تتوفر دراسات كافیة ومضبوطة بشكل جید على استخدام سیبرو - سول في النساء الحوامل . وینبغي أن تستخدم أثناء الحمل فقط إذا كانت الفائدة المحتملة تفوق المخاطر
المحتملة على الجنین .
الأستخدام في الرضاعة الطبیعیة
إسأل طبیبك أو الصیدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل اتخاذ أي دواء .
یفرز سیبرو - سول في حلیب الثدي ، إلا أن الكمیة التى تصل الأطفال الرضع تبدو منخفضة . بسبب احتمالات ردود فعل سلبیة خطیرة في الأطفال الرضع ، ینبغي استخدام
ھذا الدواء بعد الأخذ بعین الاعتبار الفوائد المقدمة و المخاطر المحتملة المعنیة.
القیادة واستخدام الآلات
ونظرا لآثاره على الجھاز العصبى ، سیبروفلوكساسین قد یؤثر على زمن رد الفعل. وھكذا، فإن القدرة على القیادة أو تشغیل الآلات قد تنخفض.



للاستخدام عن طریق التسریب في الورید
دائما استخدم ھذا الدواء تماما كما وصف في ھذه النشرة أوحسب تعلیمات الطبیب او الصیدلي. تحقق من الطبیب او الصیدلي إذا كنت غیر متأكد
یمكن استخدامھا سیبرو - سول محلول للتسریب الوریدى مباشرة ، وینبغي أن یعطى خلال فترة طویلة من ۳۰ الى ٦۰ دقیقة ویفضل من خلال الأوردة الكبیرة ( ۳۰ دقیقة لزجاجة واحدة
و ٦۰ دقیقة لزجاجتین من سیبرو - سول ).
٪ سیبرو - سول یمكن اعطائھ مباشرة أو بعد إضافتھ إلى المحالیل الوریدیة التالیة : ۰٫۹ ٪ محلول كلورید الصودیوم ، رینجر و رینجراللاكتات ، ٥٪ و ۱۰ ٪ جلوكوز و الجلوكوز ٥٪ مع ۰٫۲۲٥
أو ۰٫٤٥ ٪ من محلول كلورید الصودیوم.
۲۰۰ ملجم الى ٤۰۰ ملجم حتى ثلاث مرات یومیا ، وفقا لنوع الإصابة وشدتھا.
الأطفال والمراھقین
تبدا الجرعة من ٦ ملجم الي ۱۰ لكل كجم من وزن الجسم مقسمة على جرعتین یومیا بحد اقصى ٤۰۰ ملجم للجرعة الواحدة.
متوسط مدة العلاج

مدة العلاج ب سیبرو - سول تعتمد على نوع و شدة الإصابة و ینبغي أن تحدد من الاستجابة السریریة والبكتریولوجیة للمریض . بالنسبة لمعظم الالتھابات یجب أن یستمر
العلاج لمدة ٤۸ ساعة على الأقل بعد أن تختفى الاعراض من المریض. المدة المعتادة للعلاج ھي من ٥ الى ۷ أیام ، ولكن قد تتطلب الألتھابات الحادة أو المعقدة العلاج لفترات
أطول .
مدة العلاج تصل إلى ۷ أیام في التھابات الكلى و المسالك البولیة و تجویف البطن . في التھابات العقدیات المكورة العلاج یجب أن یستمر ۱۰ ایام على الأقل بسبب مخاطر
المضاعفات المتأخرة . یجب علاج الالتھابات الناجمة عن میكروب الكلامیدیا لمدة ۱۰ ایام على الأقل .
بعد ایام قلیة من العلاج الاولى من طریق الورید ، یمكن أن یستمر العلاج عن طریق الفم.
یجب ان لا تتجاوز الجرعة الموصوفة.
إذا استخدمت جرعة زائدة من سیبرو- سول یجب استشارة الطبیب فورا .(انظر قسم زیادة الجرعة)
قد تحدث العلامات التالیة : دوخة ، رعشة ، الصداع ، والتعب ، تشنجات ، ھلوسة ، ارتباك ، وعدم الراحة في البطن، و القصور الكلوي و الكبدي وكذلك بلورات و دم بالبول.
الجرعة في أمراض الكلى :
یجب تعدیل الجرعة في المرضى الذین یعانون من ضعف معتدل إلى شدید في وظیفة الكلى ، ومتابعة مستوى الدواء في الدم. إذا كانت تصفیة الكریاتینین أقل من ۲۰ مل / دقیقة
یمكن أن تعطى نصف الجرعة الموصى بھا.
الجرعة في الاختلال الكبدي :
في المرضى الذین یعانون من اختلال وظائف الكبد لا یلزم تعدیل الجرعة .
طریقة اعطاء الدواء:
یستخدم عن طریق التسریب البطيء في ورید كبیر سوف یقلل انزعاج المریض و یقلل من خطر التھیج الوریدي.
أما بالنسبة لجمیع محالیل للتسریب المقدمة في أكیاس أو عبوات زجاجیة، یجب أن نتذكر أن ھناك حاجة إلى الرصد الدقیق وخاصة في نھایة التسریب، بغض النظر عن طریق
اعطاء المحلول ھذا الرصد في نھایة التسریب الوریدى ینطبق خصوصا على طریقة الحقن الوریدیة المركزیة، وذلك لتجنب حدوث جلطات بسبب دخول الھواء للورید.
لا تستخدم سیبرو - سول إذا لاحظت أي جسیمات او عكارة .
للاستخدام مرة واحدة فقط. وینبغي استخدام ھذا الدواء على الفور بعد الفتح و یجب التخلص من أي محلول متبقى غیر مستخدم.
عند زیادة الجرعة
لا تستخدم جرعة مضاعفة لتعویض الجرعة المنسیة.
وبصرف النظر عن التدابیر الطارئة الروتینیة ، فمن المستحسن رصد وظیفة الكلى ، بما في ذلك درجة الحموضة البولیة وزیادة حموضة البول ، إذا لزم الأمر ، لمنع تكوین البلورات
بالبول . یجب أن تبقى المرضى جید الإرواء یتم التخلص من كمیة قلیلة من سیبروفلوكساسین ( < ۱۰ ٪ ) من خلال الغسیل الكلوي أو الغسیل البریتوني .
إذا كان لدیك أي أسئلة أخرى عن استخدام ھذا المنتج، إسأل طبیبك أو الصیدلي

مثل جمیع الأدویة، یمكن أن یتتسبب سیبرو- سول محلول للتسریب الوریدى في آثار جانبیة ، وإن لم تحدث لجمیع المرضى.
ترتبط الفلوروكینولونات بالتفاعلات الدوائیة الخطیرة والتي لا رجعة فیھا والتي تؤثر على العدید من اجھزة الجسم والأعضاء والحواس.
القائمة التالیة من الآثار الجانبیة تشمل جمیع الآثار الجانبیة المعروفة المرتبطة بعلاج سیبرو- سول.
وتصنف الآثار الجانبیة للأدویة على النحو التالي:
تأثیرات على الجھاز العصبي المركزي
استخدام السیبروفلوكساسین ومشتقات الفلوروكینیلون یمكن ان یؤدى الى تأثیرات على الجھاز العصبي المركزي و التى یمكن ان تحدث سریعا بعد اول جرعة من سیبرو -
سول . تحدث مع طبیبك على الفور إذا كنت تشعر بأي من ھذه الآثار الجانبیة ، أو غیرھا من التغییرات في المزاج أو السلوك:
الدوار، تشنجات، و سماع أصوات ، رؤیة أشیاء لیست موجودة ( الھلوسة ) ،الشعور بعدم الھدوء ، رعشة ، الشعور بالقلق أو العصبیة ، والارتباك ، والاكتئاب، اضطرابات
النوم ، والكوابیس ، وشعور أكثر بالارتیاب ( جنون العظمة ) ، وأفكارأو افعال انتحاریة.
ردود فعل تحسسیة خطیرة
الحساسیة یمكن أن یحدث في الأشخاص الذین یتناولون الفلوروكینولونات ، بما في ذلك سیبرو - سول ، حتى بعد جرعة واحدة فقط . التوقف عن تناول سیبرو - سول
والحصول على المساعدة الطبیة الطارئة على الفور إذا كان لدیك أي من الأعراض التالیة من رد فعل تحسسي شدید :
حمى القش، و صعوبة في التنفس أو البلع ، تورم في الشفتین واللسان والوجھ ، ضیق الحنجرة ، بحة في الصوت ، سرعة ضربات القلب ، اصفرار الجلد أو العینین.
إذا حدث اصفرار للجلد أو للجزء الأبیض من عینیك ، أو إذا كان لدیك البول داكن . یمكن أن تكون ھذه دلائل على وجود رد فعل خطیر لسیبرو - سول ( مشكلة الكبد).
عند حدوث اى من الاعراض التحسسیة السابقة یرجى التوقف عن تناول سیبرو - سول و اعلام الطبیب الخاص بك على الفور.
الطفح الجلدي
الطفح الجلدي قد یحدث في الأشخاص الذین یتناولون سیبرو - سول حتى بعد جرعة واحدة فقط . التوقف عن تناول سیبرو - سول في أول بادرة من الطفح الجلدي واستدعي
مقدم الرعایة الصحیة الخاص بك. حیث ان الطفح الجلدي قد یكون علامة على وجود رد فعل أكثر خطورة لسیبرو - سول مثل:
في حالات نادرة:
الحمامى العقدیة (التھاب في الخلایا الدھنیة تحت الجلد).
الحمامي المتعددة الأشكال (التھاب الأوعیة الدمویة الدقیقة السطحیة من الجلد والأغشیة المخاطیة الفمویة).
في حالات نادرة جدا:
متلازمة ستیفن جونسون (حالة جلدیة تسبب فصل البشرة من الأدمة).
متلازمة لیلال (شكل أكثر شدة من متلازمة ستیفن جونسون).
(QT تغییرات خطیرة ضربات القلب (إطالة الفاصل الزمني
أخبر طبیبك فورا إذا كان لدیك تغیر في ضربات القلب الخاص بك ( سرعة ضربات القلب أو عدم انتظام ) ، أو ضعف فى النبض. سیبرو - سول قد یسبب مشكلة في القلب
ھذا الشرط یمكن أن یسبب ضربات القلب غیر طبیعیة ، وأیضا زیادة خطر تمزق في الشریان الأورطي في بعض المرضى. .QT نادرة تعرف باسم إطالة أمد الفترة الفاصلة
وفرص ھذا الحدث ھي أعلى في المرضى :
كبار السن
المطول. QT مع تاریخ عائلي من الفاصل الزمني
مع انخفاض البوتاسیوم في الدم ( نقص بوتاسیوم الدم ).
الذین یأخذون أدویة معینة للسیطرة على ضربات القلب (منظمات ضربات القلب).
عدوى الأمعاء ( التھاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب )
التھاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب یمكن أن یحدث مع معظم المضادات الحیویة ، بما في ذلك سیبرو - سول . اتصل بأخصائي الرعایة الصحیة على الفور إذا كنت تعاني من
الإسھال المائي ، والإسھال الذي لا یتوقف ، أو براز دموي . قد یكون لدیك تقلصات في المعدة و حمى . التھاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب یمكن أن یحدث بعد شھرین أو أكثر
بعد الانتھاء من المضادات الحیویة الخاصة بك.
تغیرات في الإحساس و تلف الأعصاب الطرفیة
استخدام السیبروفلوكساسین ومشتقات الفلوروكینیلون یمكن ان یؤدى الى اعراض التھاب الاعصاب الطرفیة و التى یمكن ان تحدث سریعا بعد اول جرعة و ھذة الاعراض یمكن تصبح مستدیمة و
اعراض التھاب الاعصاب الطرفیة تشمل: ألم ، حرقة ، وخز ، وخدر و / أو ضعف ، وینبغي على المرضى التوقف فورا عن سیبروفلوكساسین والاتصال الطبیب.
انخفاض نسبة السكر في الدم
یمكن للمرضى المعالجون بسیبرو - سول او الفلوروكینولون الأخرى مع الأدویة المضادة للسكري عن طریق الفم مثل غلیبورید حدوث انخفاض السكر في الدم (التي یمكن أن
تكون في بعض الأحیان شدیدة) . أخبر طبیبك إذا انخفضت نسبة السكر في الدم مع سیبرو - سول . فقد تحتاج لتغییره بنوع آخر.
حساسیة لأشعة الشمس
التأثیرات على مكونات الدم:
فقر الدم ، ویزید من أو النقصان في الخلایا البیضاء و / أو عدد الصفائح الدمویة ، وتغیر مستویات البروثرومبین ، ونادرا جدا فقر الدم الانحلالي ، ندرة المحببات أو قلة
كریات الدم عامة .
التأثیرعلى الكبد:
زیادة مؤقتة في إنزیمات الكبد أو الصفراء بمصل الدم (وبخاصة في المرضى الذین یعانون من تلف الكبد السابق) ، والتھاب الكبد والیرقان / واضطرابات الكبد الرئیسیة بما في ذلك
نخر كبدي ، والتي قد تتطور إلى فشل كبدي
التأثیرعلى الكلي:
زیادة مؤقتة في یوریا الدم أو الكریاتینین في مصل الدم ، الفشل الكلوي و بلورات ودم بالبول.
العضلات والعظام
تورم و ألم عضلي مؤقت بالمفاصل. نادرا ما یحدث التھاب غمد الوتر . و قد سجلت حالات التھاب بالاوتار (غالبا وتر أخیل ) والتي قد تؤدي إلى تمزقھ و لذلك ینبغي وقف
العلاج فورا في حالة حدوث ھذه الأعراض . فى حالات نادرة تم الإبلاغ عن تفاقم أعراض مرض الوھن العضلي الوبیل .
یمكن أن یحدث سد الأوتار (خاصةً في وتر أخیل وكذلك الأوتار الأخرى) في غضون ٤۸ ساعة من بدء العلاج بالفلوروكینولون ، لكن قد یتأخر الضرر لعدة أشھر بعد توقف
المرضى الأكبر سناً أو الذین یعانون من قصور كلوي أو لدیھم زراعة أعضاء والذین یستخدمون كورتیكوستیروید یكونون أكثر عرضة لخطر تلف الأوتار. یجب تجنب العلاج
باللفلوروكینولون مع الكورتیكوستیروید.
مشاكل المفاصل

زیادة فرصة حدوث المشاكل مع المفاصل والأنسجة حول المفاصل في الأطفال دون سن ۱۸ سنة . أخبر مقدم الرعایة الصحیة لطفلك إذا كان طفلك لدیھ أي مشاكل في
المفاصل أثناء أو بعد العلاج مع سیبرو - سول
نادرا جدا ما یحدث اضطرابات بصریة بما في ذلك تغیر الالوان، وتغیرمؤقت بحاسة التذوق و الشم والسمع وخصوصا عند الترددات العالیة و الطنیین وتتوقف ھذة الاعراض
بایقاف الدواء.
النتائج المخبریة غیر الطبیعیة
زیادة الفوسفات القلویة ، والزیادات في اختبارات وظائف الكبد ، على سبیل المثال الترانسامیناسات ، و الیرقان، و خصوصا في المرضى الذین یعانون من تلیف الكبد . في
عدد قلیل من المرضى حدث تھیج موضعي بما في ذلك الألم و التجمعات الدمویة في مكان الحقن.
الآثار الجانبیة الأكثر شیوعا (أكثر من ۱ في ۱۰ من المرضى المعالجة ) من سیبرو - سول تشمل ما یلي:
الغثیان ، والصداع ، والإسھال، و القيء
عدوى الخمیرة المھبلیة
التغییرات في اختبارات وظائف الكبد
الألم أو عدم الراحة في البطن
الآثار الجانبیة الشائعة (أقل من ۱ في ۱۰ ، ولكن أكثر من ۱ في ۱۰۰ من المرضى المعالجة)
زیادة عابرة في الترانسامیناسات ، والطفح الجلدي
الآثار الجانبیة غیر المألوفة (أقل من ۱ في ۱۰۰ ، ولكن أكثر من ۱ في ۱۰۰۰ من المرضى المعالجة).
قلة الصفائح الدمویة ، والبلبلة و الارتباك، و الھلوسة، و احساس مؤلم باللمس والتشنجات ، والدوار ، واضطرابات بصریة ، فقدان السمع ، سرعة ضربات القلب، توسع الأوعیة ،
انخفاض ضغط الدم ، اختلال كبدي مؤقت .
الآثار الجانبیة النادرة (أقل من ۱ في ۱۰۰۰ لكن أكثر من ۱ في ۱۰۰۰۰ من المرضى المعالجة).
قلة كریات الدم عامة ، تثبیط نخاع العظم ، صدمة وعائیة ، الاكتئاب ، ردود فعل نفسیة ، والصداع النصفي ، واضطرابات العصب الشمي ، ضعف السمع، التھاب الأوعیة
الدمویة ، والتھاب البنكریاس ،نخر الكبد ، بقع بالجلد ونمش ، تمزق في الاوتار
إذا حدث أي من الآثار الجانبیة الخطیرة ، أو إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبیة غیر المدرجة في ھذه النشرة، برجاء ابلاغ الطبیب او الصیدلى.

یحفظ بعیداً عن متناول الأطفال.
لا تستخدم سیبرو- سول محلول للتسریب الوریدى بعد تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة المطبوع على الكیس أوالقاروره الزجاجیة والكرتون.
ملاحظة: سیبرو- سول محلول للتسریب ھو محلول صافي عدیم اللون إلى مصفر قلیلاً.
یخزن فى درجة حراره لا تتعدى ۳۰ درجة مئویة. لا یحفظ في الثلاجة. یحفظ بعیداً عن الضوء. بما أن سیبرو- سول حساس للضوء فأنھ یجب حفظ القارورة فى العبوة
الكرتون حتى وقت الاستعمال. لو تعرض محلول سیبرو- سول الغیر مخفف الى الضوء فان فعالیتة تكون مضمونة لمدة ثلاث أیام.

ماذا یحتوي سیبرو- سول محلول للتسریب الوریدي:
المادة الفعالة سیبروفلوكساسین ۲۰۰ ملجم / ۱۰۰ مل
۷٥,٥ ملجم / ۱۰۰ مل ، كلورید الصودیوم ۹۰۰ ملجم / ۱۰۰ مل . ٪ المكونات الاخرى ھي: حامض اللاكتیك ۹

قبل اعطاء الدواء
ینبغي فحص المنتجات بصریا، لا تستخدم سیبرو- سول محلول التسریب الوریدى إذا لاحظت أي جسیمات اوعكاره .
للقواریر الزجاجیة للاستخدام مرة واحدة فقط وینبغي استخدام ھذا المنتج على الفور بعد الفتح و یجب التخلص من أي محلول متبقى غیر مستخدم.
لو تم خلط محلول سیبرو- سول مع محالیل وریدیة أخرى بعیدا عن التلوث و الضوء فانة یجب استخدام الدواء باسرع وقت بعد التحضیر.
العبوات المتوفرة:
عبوات زجاجیة بحجم ۱۰۰ مل.
أكیاس بلاستیكیة بحجم ۱۰۰ مل.

اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسویق والمصنع:
مصنع المحالیل الطبیة.
العنوان:المنطقة الصناعیة، المرحلة الثانیة.
طریق رقم ۲۰۸ ، شارع ۲۰۳
. صندوق برید ۱۷٤۷٦ جدة ۲۱٤۸٤
المنطقة الغربیة
المملكة العربیة السعودیة
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الھاتف: ٦۳٦۱۳۸۳
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الفاكس: ٦۳۷۹٤٦۰
http://www.psiltd.com: الموقع الألكتروني

للإبلاغ عن أي أعراض جانبیة:

بالمملكة العربیة السعودیة
المركز الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة
فاكس: ۹٦٦۱۱۲۰٥۷٦٦۲
ھاتف مجاني: ۸۰۰۲٤۹۰۰۰۰
۰۰۹٦٦-۱۱- تلفون: ۲۰۳۸۲۲۲
۲۳٤۰ ،۲۳۳٤ ،۲۳٥٤ ،۲۳۱۷ ،۲۳٥٦ ، تحویلة: ۲۳٥۳
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البرید الألكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الألكتروني

دول الخليج الأخرى:
الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والھیئات الوطنیة في كل دولة.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP

Each 100 ml contains: Ciprofloxacin ……………...200 mg. For a full list of Excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for infusion. Clear, colorless to slightly yellowish solution.

Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP is indicated for the treatment of the following infections. Special
attention should be paid to available information on resistance to Ciprofloxacin before
commencing therapy.
Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial
• Lower respiratory tract infections due to Gram-negative bacteria
- Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Broncho-pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis or in bronchiectasis.
- Pneumonia.
• Chronic suppurative otitis media
• Acute exacerbation of chronic sinusitis especially if these are caused by Gram-negative
• Urinary tract infections
• Epididymo-orchitis including cases due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae

• Pelvic inflammatory disease including cases due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae
In the above genital tract infections when thought or known to be due to Neisseria
gonorrhoeae it is particularly important to obtain local information on the prevalence
of resistance to Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP and to confirm susceptibility based on
laboratory testing.
• Infections of the gastro-intestinal tract (e.g. travellers` diarrhoea)
• Intra-abdominal infections
• Infections of the skin and soft tissue caused by Gram-negative bacteria
• Malignant external otitis
• Infections of the bones and joints
• Treatment of infections in neutropenic patients
• Prophylaxis of infections in neutropenic patients
• Inhalation anthrax (post-exposure prophylaxis and curative treatment)
Children and adolescents
• Broncho-pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Complicated urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis
• Inhalation anthrax (post-exposure prophylaxis and curative treatment)
Ciprofloxacin may also be used to treat severe infections in children and adolescents when
this is considered to be necessary.
Treatment should be initiated only by physicians who are experienced in the treatment of
cystic fibrosis and/or severe infections in children and adolescents.


The dosage is determined by the indication, the severity and the site of the infection, the
susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin of the causative organism(s), the renal function of the patient
and, in children and adolescents the body weight.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the illness and on the clinical and
bacteriological course.
After intravenous initiation of treatment, the treatment can be switched to oral treatment with

tablet or suspension if clinically indicated at the discretion of the physician. IV treatment
should be followed by oral route as soon as possible.
In severe cases or if the patient is unable to take tablets (e.g. patients on enteral nutrition), it is
recommended to commence therapy with intravenous Ciprofloxacin until a switch to oral
administration is possible.
Treatment of infections due to certain bacteria (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter
or Staphylococci) may require higher Ciprofloxacin doses and co-administration with other
appropriate antibacterial agents.
Treatment of some infections (e.g. pelvic inflammatory disease, intra-abdominal infections,
infections in neutropenic patients and infections of bones and joints) may require coadministration
with other appropriate antibacterial agents depending on the pathogens

Indications Daily dose in mgTotal duration of treatment
(including switch to oral
therapy as soon as
Infections of the lower respiratory tract

400 mg twice daily to

400 mg three times aday

7 to 14 days
Infections of the
Acute exacerbation of
chronic sinusitis
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times aday
7 to 14 days
 Chronic suppurative
otitis media
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times aday
7 to 14 days
Malignant external
400 mg three times aday28 days up to 3 months
Urinary tract
Complicated and
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times aday
to 21 days, it can be
continued for longer than 21
days in some specific
circumstances (such as
 Prostatitis400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times aday
2 to 4 weeks (acute)
Genital tract
and pelvic
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times aday
at least 14 days


Infections of the
and intraabdominal
Diarrhoea caused by
bacterial pathogens
including Shigella
spp. other than
Shigella dysenteriae
type 1 and empirical
treatment of severe
travellers’ diarrhoea
400 mg twice daily1 day
 Diarrhoea caused by
Shigella dysenteriae
type 1
400 mg twice daily5 days
 Diarrhoea caused by
Vibrio cholerae
400 mg twice daily3 days
 Typhoid feve400 mg twice daily7 days
infections due to
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times a
5 to 14 days
Infections of the skin and soft tissue 400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times a
7 to 14 days
Bone and joint infections 400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times a
max. of 3 months
Treatment of infections or prophylaxis
of infections in neutropenic patients
Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be
co-administered with appropriate
antibacterial agent(s) in accordance to
 400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times a
Therapy should be continued
over the entire period of
official guidance.
400 mg twice daily to
400 mg three times a
Therapy should be continued
over the entire period of
Inhalation anthrax post-exposure
prophylaxis and curative treatment for
persons requiring parenteral treatment
Drug administration should begin as soon
as possible after suspected or confirmed
 400 mg twice daily60 days from the confirmation
of Bacillus anthracis exposure

Children and adolescents

IndicationDaily dose in mgTotal duration of
treatment (including
switch to oral therapy
as soon as possible)
Cystic fibrosis10 mg/kg body weight three times a day with a
maximum of 400 mg per dose.
10 to 14 days
urinary tract
6 mg/kg body weight three times a day to 10 mg/kg
body weight three times a day with a maximum of
400 mg per dose
10 to 21 days

pyelonepn anthrax 

for persons
should begin as
soon as possible
after suspected or

10 mg/kg body weight twice daily to 15 mg/kg body
weight twice daily with a maximum of 400 mg per
60 days from the
confirmation of Bacillus
anthracis exposure
Other severe infection 10 mg/kg body weight three times a day with a
maximum of 400 mg per dose.
According to the type of


Geriatric patients
Geriatric patients should receive a dose selected according to the severity of the infection and
the patient`s creatinine clearance.
Renal and hepatic impairment
Recommended starting and maintenance doses for patients with impaired renal function:

Creatinine Clearance
[mL/min/1.73 m²]
Serum Creatinine
Intravenous Dose
> 60< 124See Usual Dosage
30-60124 to 168200-400 mg every 12 h
< 30> 169200-400 mg every 24 h
Patients on haemodialysis> 169200-400 mg every 24 h (after
Patients on peritoneal
> 169200-400 mg every 24 h

In patients with impaired liver function no dose adjustment is required

Dosing in children with impaired renal and/or hepatic function has not been studied.
Method of administration
Cipro-Sol should be checked visually prior to use. It must not be used if cloudy.
Cipro-Sol should be administered by intravenous infusion. For children, the infusion
duration is 60 minutes.
In adult patients, infusion time is 60 minutes for 400 mg Ciprofloxacin and 30 minutes for
200 mg Ciprofloxacin. Slow infusion into a large vein will minimize patient discomfort
and reduce the risk of venous irritation.

• Hypersensitivity to the active substance, to other quinolones or to any of the Excipients (see section 6.1). • Concomitant administration of Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP and other medicinal Products (see section 4.5).

Severe infections and mixed infections with Gram-positive and anaerobic pathogens
Ciprofloxacin monotherapy is not suited for treatment of severe infections and infections
that might be due to Gram-positive or anaerobic pathogens. In such infections
Ciprofloxacin must be co- administered with other appropriate antibacterial agents.

Streptococcal Infections (including Streptococcus pneumoniae)
Ciprofloxacin is not recommended for the treatment of streptococcal infections due to
inadequate efficacy.

Genital tract infections
Epididymo-orchitis and pelvic inflammatory diseases may be caused by fluoroquinoloneresistant
Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Ciprofloxacin should be co-administered with another appropriate
antibacterial agent unless Ciprofloxacin -resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae can be excluded.
If clinical improvement is not achieved after 3 days of treatment, the therapy should be

Intra-abdominal infections
There are limited data on the efficacy of Ciprofloxacin in the treatment of post-surgical
intra-abdominal infections.

Travellers’ diarrhoea
The choice of Ciprofloxacin should take into account information on resistance to
Ciprofloxacin in relevant pathogens in the countries visited.

Infections of the bones and joints
Ciprofloxacin should be used in combination with other antimicrobial agents depending
on the results of the microbiological documentation.

Inhalational anthrax
Use in humans is based on in-vitro susceptibility data and on animal experimental data
together with limited human data. Treating physicians should refer to national and /or
international consensus documents regarding the treatment of anthrax.

Children and adolescents
The use of Ciprofloxacin in children and adolescents should follow available official
guidance. Ciprofloxacin treatment should be initiated only by physicians who are
experienced in the treatment of cystic fibrosis and/or severe infections in children and

Ciprofloxacin has been shown to cause arthropathy in weight-bearing joints of immature
animals. Safety data from a randomized double-blind study on Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion
USP use in children (Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP: n=335, mean age = 6.3 years;
comparators: n=349, mean age = 6.2 years; age range = 1 to 17 years) revealed an
incidence of suspected drug-related arthropathy (discerned from joint-related clinical
signs and symptoms) by Day +42 of 7.2% and 4.6%. Respectively, an incidence of drugrelated
arthropathy by 1-year follow-up was 9.0% and 5.7%. The increase of suspected
drug-related arthropathy cases over time was not statistically significant between groups.
Treatment should be initiated only after a careful benefit/risk evaluation, due to possible
adverse events related to joints and/or surrounding tissue.

Broncho-pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis
Clinical trials have included children and adolescents aged 5-17 years. More limited
experience is available in treating children between 1 and 5 years of age.
Complicated urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis
Ciprofloxacin treatment of urinary tract infections should be considered when other
treatments cannot be used, and should be based on the results of the microbiological
Clinical trials have included children and adolescents aged 1-17 years.

Other specific severe infections
Other severe infections in accordance with official guidance, or after careful benefit-risk
evaluation when other treatments cannot be used, or after failure to conventional therapy
and when the microbiological documentation can justify a Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP
The use of Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP for specific severe infections other than those
mentioned above has not been evaluated in clinical trials and the clinical experience is
limited. Consequently, caution is advised when treating patients with these infections.

Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid
reactions, may occur following a single dose (see section 4.8) and may be life-threatening.
If such reaction occurs, Ciprofloxacin should be discontinued and an adequate medical
treatment is required.

Musculoskeletal System
Ciprofloxacin should generally not be used in patients with a history of tendon
disease/disorder related to quinolone treatment. Nevertheless, in very rare instances, after
microbiological documentation of the causative organism and evaluation of the
risk/benefit balance, Ciprofloxacin may be prescribed to these patients for the treatment
of certain severe infections, particularly in the event of failure of the standard therapy or
bacterial resistance, where the microbiological data may justify the use of Ciprofloxacin.
Tendinitis and tendon rupture (especially Achilles tendon), sometimes bilateral, may
occur with Ciprofloxacin, as soon as the first 48 hours of treatment. The risk of
tendinopathy may be increased in elderly patients or in patients concomitantly treated
with corticosteroids (see section 4.8).
At any sign of tendinitis (e.g. painful swelling, inflammation), Ciprofloxacin treatment
should be discontinued. Care should be taken to keep the affected limb at rest.
Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis (see section 4.8).

Ciprofloxacin has been shown to cause photosensitivity reactions. Patients taking
Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be advised to avoid direct exposure to either
extensive sunlight or UV irradiation during treatment (see section 4.8).
Central Nervous System
Quinolones are known to trigger seizures or lower the seizure threshold. Ciprofloxacin
should be used with caution in patients with CNS disorders which may be predisposed to
seizure. If seizures occur Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be discontinued (see section
4.8). Psychiatric reactions may occur even after the first administration of Cipro-Sol I.V.
Infusion USP. In rare cases, depression or psychosis can progress to self- endangering
behavior. In these cases, Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be discontinued.
The mental health side effects are disturbances in attention, disorientation, agitation,
nervousness, memory impairment and serious disturbances in mental abilities called
Peripheral nervous system
Peripheral neuropathy (serious nerve damage) is an identified risk of fluoroquinolone
drugs taken by mouth or by injection.
(Peripheral neuropathy symptoms in the arms or legs such as; pain, burning, tingling,
numbness, weakness or change in sensation to light touch, pain, or temperature).
Peripheral neuropathy can occur at anytime during treatment with fluoroquinolones (may
occur soon after these drugs are taken) and can last for months or years after the drug is
stopped or be permanent. The symptoms may occur soon after initiation of therapy and
may be irreversible. If symptoms of peripheral neuropathy including pain, burning,
tingling, numbness and / or weakness develop, patients should immediately discontinue
ciprofloxacin and contact their physician. (See possible side effects).
If a patient develops symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, the fluoroquinolone

stopped and the patient should be switched to another non-fluroquinolone antibacterial
drug, unless the benefit of continued treatment with a fluoroquinolone outweighs the risk
(see section 4.8).

Serious heart rhythm changes (QT prolongation and torsade de pointes)
Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have a change in your heart beat (a fast or
irregular heartbeat), or if you faint. Cipro-Sol may cause a rare heart problem known as
prolongation of the QT interval. This condition can cause an abnormal heartbeat and can
be very dangerous also increased Risk of ruptures or tears in the aorta blood vessel in
certain patients.
The chances of this event are higher in people:
Who are elderly.
With a family history of prolonged QT interval
With low blood potassium (hypokalemia)
Who take certain medicines to control heart rhythm (antiarrhythmics).
Cardiac disorders
Since Ciprofloxacin is associated with cases of QT prolongation (see section 4.8), caution
should be exercised when treating patients at risk for torsades de pointes arrhythmia.
Gastrointestinal System
The occurrence of severe and persistent diarrhea during or after treatment (including
several weeks after treatment) may indicate an antibiotic-associated colitis (lifethreatening
with possible fatal outcome), requiring immediate treatment (see section 4.8).
In such cases, Ciprofloxacin should immediately be discontinued, and an appropriate
therapy initiated. Anti-peristaltic drugs are contraindicated in this situation.
Renal and urinary system
Crystalluria related to the use of Ciprofloxacin has been reported (see section 4.8).
Patients receiving Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be well hydrated and excessive
alkalinity of the urine should be avoided.
Hepatobiliary system
Cases of hepatic necrosis and life-threatening hepatic failure have been reported with
Ciprofloxacin (see section 4.8). In the event of any signs and symptoms of hepatic disease
(such as anorexia, jaundice, dark urine, pruritus, or tender abdomen), treatment should be
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Haemolytic reactions have been reported with Ciprofloxacin in patients with glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should be avoided in
these patients unless the potential benefit is considered to outweigh the possible risk. In
this case, potential occurrence of haemolysis should be monitored.
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics may cause significant decreases in blood sugar and certain
mental health side effects.
Blood sugar disturbances including high blood sugar and low blood sugar, are alread

included as a warning in most fluoroquinolone drug labels; however, to add that
hypoglycemia can lead to coma.
During or following a course of treatment with Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP bacteria that
demonstrate resistance to Ciprofloxacin may be isolated, with or without a clinically
apparent superinfection. There may be a particular risk of selecting for Ciprofloxacin -

resistant bacteria during extended durations of treatment and when treating nosocomial
infections and/or infections caused by Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas species.
Cytochrome P450
Ciprofloxacin inhibits CYP1A2 and thus may cause increased serum concentration of
concomitantly administered substances metabolised by this enzyme (e.g. theophylline,
clozapine, ropinirole, tizanidine). Co-administration of Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP and
tizanidine is contra-indicated. Therefore, patients taking these substances concomitantly
with Ciprofloxacin should be monitored closely for clinical signs of overdose, and
determination of serum concentrations (e.g. of theophylline) may be necessary (see
section 4.5).
The concomitant use of Ciprofloxacin with methotrexate is not recommended (see section
Interaction with tests
The in-vitro activity of Ciprofloxacin against Mycobacterium tuberculosis might give
false negative bacteriological test results in specimens from patients currently taking
Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP.
Injection Site Reaction
Local intravenous site reactions have been reported with the intravenous administration of
Ciprofloxacin. These reactions are more frequent if the infusion time is 30 minutes or
less. These may appear as local skin reactions which resolve rapidly upon completion of
the infusion. Subsequent intravenous administration is not contraindicated unless the
reactions recur or worsen.
Sodium chloride load
In patients for whom sodium intake is of medical concern (patients with congestive heart
failure, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, etc.), the additional sodium load should be
taken into account.

Effects of other medicinal products on Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP:
Drugs known to prolong QT interval
Ciprofloxacin, like other fluoroquinolones, should be used with caution in patients
receiving drugs known to prolong QT interval (e.g. Class IA and III anti- arrhythmics,
tricyclic antidepressants, macrolides, antipsychotics) (see section 4.4).
Probenecid interferes with renal secretion of Ciprofloxacin. Co-administration of
probenecid and Ciprofloxacin increases Ciprofloxacin serum concentrations.
Effects of Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP on other medicinal products:

Tizanidine must not be administered together with Ciprofloxacin (see section 4.3).
In a clinical study with healthy subjects, there was an increase in serum tizanidine
concentration (Cmax increase: 7-fold, range: 4 to 21-fold; AUC increase: 10-fold, range:
6 to 24-fold) when given concomitantly with Ciprofloxacin. Increased serum tizanidine
concentration is associated with a potentiated hypotensive and sedative effect.
Renal tubular transport of methotrexate may be inhibited by concomitant administration
of Ciprofloxacin, potentially leading to increased plasma levels of methotrexate and
increased risk of methotrexate-associated toxic reactions. The concomitant use is not
recommended (see section 4.4).
Concurrent administration of Ciprofloxacin and theophylline can cause an undesirable
increase in serum theophylline concentration. This can lead to theophylline-induced side
effects that may rarely be life threatening or fatal. During the combination, serum
theophylline concentrations should be checked and the theophylline dose reduced as
necessary (see section 4.4).
Other xanthine derivatives
On concurrent administration of Ciprofloxacin and caffeine or pentoxifylline
(oxpentifylline), raised serum concentrations of these xanthine derivatives were reported.
Simultaneous administration of Ciprofloxacin and phenytoin may result in increased or
reduced serum levels of phenytoin such that monitoring of drug levels is recommended.
Oral anticoagulants
Simultaneous administration of Ciprofloxacin with warfarin may augment its anticoagulant
effects. There have been many reports of increases in oral anti-coagulant
activity in patients receiving antibacterial agents, including fluoroquinolones. The risk
may vary with the underlying infection, age and general status of the patient so that the
contribution of the fluoroquinolone to the increase in INR (international normalised ratio)
is difficult to assess. It is recommended that the INR should be monitored frequently
during and shortly after co-administration of Ciprofloxacin with an oral anticoagulant
It was shown in a clinical study that concomitant use of ropinirole with Ciprofloxacin, a
moderate inhibitor of the CYP450 1A2 isozyme, results in an increase of Cmax and AUC
of ropinirole by 60% and 84%, respectively. Monitoring of ropinirole-related side effects
and dose adjustment as appropriate is recommended during and shortly after coadministration
with Ciprofloxacin (see section 4.4).

Following concomitant administration of 250 mg Ciprofloxacin with clozapine for 7 days,
serum concentrations of clozapine and N-desmethylclozapine were increased by 29% and
31%, respectively. Clinical surveillance and appropriate adjustment of clozapine dosage
during and shortly after co- administration with Ciprofloxacin are advised (see section 4.4).
In particular cases, concurrent administration of Ciprofloxacin and glibenclamide
containing medicinal products can intensify the action of glibenclamide (hypoglycaemia).
In clinical studies, it was demonstrated that concomitant use of duloxetine with strong
inhibitors of the CYP450 1A2 isozyme such as fluvoxamine, may result in an increase of
AUC and Cmax of duloxetine. Although no clinical data are available on a possible
interaction with Ciprofloxacin, similar effects can be expected upon concomitant
administration (see section 4.4).
It was demonstrated in healthy subjects that concomitant use of lidocaine containing
medicinal products with Ciprofloxacin, a moderate inhibitor of CYP450 1A2 isozyme,
reduces clearance of intravenous lidocaine by 22%. Although lidocaine treatment was
well tolerated, a possible interaction with Ciprofloxacin associated with side effects may
occur upon concomitant administration.
Cmax and AUC of sildenafil were increased approximately twofold in healthy subjects
after an oral dose of 50 mg given concomitantly with 500 mg Ciprofloxacin. Therefore,
caution should be used prescribing Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP concomitantly with
sildenafil taking into consideration the risks and the benefits.

Pregnancy Category C.
Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to
reproductive toxicity. In juvenile and prenatal animals exposed to quinolones,
The data that are available on administration of ciprofloxacin to pregnant women
indicates no malformative or feto/neonatal toxicity of ciprofloxacin. effects on immature
cartilage have been observed, thus, it cannot be excluded that the drug could cause
damage to articular cartilage in the human immature organism / foetus (see section 5.3).

As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of ciprofloxacin during
Ciprofloxacin is excreted in breast milk. Due to the potential risk of articular damage,
Ciprofloxacin should not be used during breast-feeding.

Due to its neurological effects, Ciprofloxacin may affect reaction time. Thus, the ability
to drive or to operate machinery may be impaired.

The most commonly reported adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, transient increase in transaminases, rash, and injection and infusion site reactions. ADRs derived from clinical studies and post-marketing surveillance with Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP sorted by categories of frequency are listed below.


An overdose of 12 g has been reported to lead to mild symptoms of toxicity. An acute overdose of 16 g has been reported to cause acute renal failure. Symptoms in overdose consist of dizziness, tremor, headache, tiredness, seizures, hallucinations, confusion, abdominal discomfort, renal and hepatic impairment as well as crystalluria and haematuria.
Reversible renal toxicity has been reported. Apart from routine emergency measures, it is recommended to monitor renal function, including urinary pH and acidify, if required, to prevent crystalluria. Patients should be kept well hydrated. Only a small quantity of Ciprofloxacin (<10%) is eliminated by haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

only for species that have not been given a species-specific breakpoint and not for those species where susceptibility testing is not recommended. The prevalence of acquired resistance may vary geographically and with time for selected species and local information on resistance is desirable, particularly when treating severe infections. As necessary, expert advice should be sought when the local prevalence of resistance is such that the utility of the agent in at least some types of infections is questionable. Groupings of relevant species according to Ciprofloxacin susceptibility (for Streptococcus species see section 4.4)


5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Fluoroquinolones, ATC code: J01MA02

Mechanism of action:
As a fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent, the bactericidal action of Ciprofloxacin results
from the inhibition of both type II topoisomerase (DNA-gyrase) and topoisomerase IV,
required for bacterial DNA replication, transcription, repair and recombination.

Pharmacokinetic /pharmacodynamic relationship:
Efficacy mainly depends on the relation between the maximum concentration in serum
(Cmax) and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of Ciprofloxacin for a bacterial
pathogen and the relation between the area under the curve (AUC) and the MIC.
Mechanism of resistance:
In-vitro resistance to Ciprofloxacin can be acquired through a stepwise process by target
site mutations in both DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. The degree of cross-resistance
between Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP and other fluoroquinolones that results is variable.
Single mutations may not result in clinical resistance,
but multiple mutations generally result in clinical resistance to many or all active
substances within the class.
Impermeability and/or active substance efflux pump mechanisms of resistance may have
a variable effect on susceptibility to fluoroquinolones, which depends on the
physiochemical properties of the various active substances within the class and the

affinity of transport systems for each active substance. All in-vitro mechanisms of
resistance are commonly observed in clinical isolates. Resistance mechanisms that
inactivate other antibiotics such as permeation barriers (common in Pseudomonas
aeruginosa) and efflux mechanisms may affect susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin.
Plasmid-mediated resistance encoded by qnr-genes has been reported.
Spectrum of antibacterial activity:
Breakpoints separate susceptible strains from strains with intermediate susceptibility and
the latter from resistant strains:
EUCAST Recommendations



1 Staphylococcus spp. - breakpoints for Ciprofloxacin relate to high dose therapy.
* Non-species-related breakpoints have been determined mainly on the basis of
PK/PD data and are independent of MIC distributions of specific species. They are for use

5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
Following an intravenous infusion of Ciprofloxacin the mean maximum serum
concentrations were achieved at the end of infusion. Pharmacokinetics of Ciprofloxacin
was linear over the dose range up to 400 mg administered intravenously.
Comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters for a twice a day and three times a day
intravenous dose regimen indicated no evidence of drug accumulation for Ciprofloxacin
and its metabolites.
A 60-minute intravenous infusion of 200 mg Ciprofloxacin or the oral administration of
250 mg Ciprofloxacin, both given every 12 hours, produced an equivalent area under the

serum concentration time curve (AUC).
A 60-minute intravenous infusion of 400 mg Ciprofloxacin every 12 hours was
bioequivalent to a 500 mg oral dose every 12 hours with regard to AUC.

The 400 mg intravenous dose administered over 60 minutes every 12 hours resulted in a
Cmax similar to that observed with a 750 mg oral dose.
A 60-minute infusion of 400 mg Ciprofloxacin every 8 hours is equivalent with respect to
AUC to 750 mg oral regimen given every 12 hours.
Protein binding of Ciprofloxacin is low (20-30%). Ciprofloxacin is present in plasma
largely in a non- ionised form and has a large steady state distribution volume of 2-3 L/kg
body weight.
Ciprofloxacin reaches high concentrations in a variety of tissues such as lung (epithelial
fluid, alveolar macrophages, biopsy tissue), sinuses, inflamed lesions (cantharides blister
fluid), and the urogenital tract (urine, prostate, endometrium) where total concentrations

exceeding those of plasma concentrations are reached.
Low concentrations of four metabolites have been reported, which were identified as:
desethyleneciprofloxacin (M 1), sulphociprofloxacin (M 2), oxociprofloxacin (M 3) and
formylciprofloxacin (M 4). The metabolites display in-vitro antimicrobial activity but to a
lower degree than the parent compound.
Ciprofloxacin is known to be a moderate inhibitor of the CYP 450 1A2 iso-enzymes.

Ciprofloxacin is largely excreted unchanged both renally and, to a smaller extent,




Renal clearance is between 180-300 mL/kg/h and the total body clearance is between
480-600 mL/kg/h. Ciprofloxacin undergoes both glomerular filtration and tubular
secretion. Severely impaired renal function leads to increased half lives of Ciprofloxacin
of up to 12 h.
Non-renal clearance of Ciprofloxacin is mainly due to active trans-intestinal secretion and
1% of the dose is excreted via the biliary route. Ciprofloxacin is present in the bile in high
Pediatric patients
The pharmacokinetic data in pediatric patients are limited.
In a study in children Cmax and AUC were not age-dependent (above one year of age).

No notable increase in Cmax and AUC upon multiple dosing (10 mg/kg three times
daily) was observed.
In 10 children with severe sepsis Cmax was 6.1 mg/L (range 4.6-8.3 mg/L) after a 1-hour
intravenous infusion of 10 mg/kg in children aged less than 1 year compared to 7.2 mg/L
(range 4.7-11.8 mg/L) for children between 1 and 5 years of age. The AUC values were
17.4 mg*h/L (range 11.8-32.0 mg*h/L) and 16.5 mg*h/L (range 11.0-23.8 mg*h/L) in the
respective age groups.
These values are within the range reported for adults at therapeutic doses. Based on
population pharmacokinetic analysis of pediatric patients with various infections, the
predicted mean half-life in children is approx. 4-5 hours and the bioavailability of the oral
suspension ranges from 50 to 80%.

5.3 Preclinical safety data
Non-clinical data reveal no special hazards for humans based on conventional studies of
single dose toxicity, repeated dose toxicity, carcinogenic potential, or toxicity to
Like a number of other quinolones, Ciprofloxacin is phototoxic in animals at clinically
relevant exposure levels. Data on photomutagenicity/ photocarcinogenicity show a weak
photomutagenic or phototumorigenic effect of Ciprofloxacin in-vitro and in animal
experiments. This effect was comparable to that of other gyrase inhibitors.
Articular tolerability:
As reported for other gyrase inhibitors, Ciprofloxacin causes damage to the large weightbearing
joints in immature animals. The extent of the cartilage damage varies according to
age, species and dose; the damage can be reduced by taking the weight off the joints.

Studies with mature animals (rat, dog) revealed no evidence of cartilage lesions. In a
study in young beagle dogs, Ciprofloxacin caused severe articular changes at therapeutic
doses after two weeks of treatment, which were still observed after 5 months.

Lactic Acid
Sodium Chloride
Water for injections

Cipro-Sol I.V. Infusion USP should not be mixed with other medicinal products.
6.3 Shelf

2 years. From a microbiological point of view, unless the method of opening precludes the risk of microbial contamination, the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions are the responsibility of the user.

Do not store above 30°C, Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Keep in the original container. Protect from light.

100ml Glass Bottles.
100ml non-PVC Bag, packed in Aluminum Pouch.

For single use only. Any unused solution should be discarded.

Industrial Estate, Phase-2, Road No. 208, Str. - 203 P O Box 17476 Jeddah 21484 Western Province Saudi Arabia Phone: +966-12-6361383 FAX: +966-12-6379460 Website: http://www.psiltd.com To report any side effect(s): For Saudi Arabia: The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) * Fax: +966-11-205-7662 * Reporting hotline: 19999. * E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa * Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc Other GCC States: Please contact the relevant competent authority


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