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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion is a solution of the following substances in water: • sodium
chloride • potassium chloride
• Calcium chloride dihydrate • sodium lactate.
Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion is used:
• To treat a loss of body water and chemicals (e.g. by heavy sweating, kidney disorders)
• To treat you, if the volume of blood in your blood vessels is low (hypovolaemia) or if you have
low blood pressure (hypotension) • in metabolic acidosis (when the blood becomes too acidic).

You must NOT receive Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion if you are suffering from any of
the following conditions
• If you’re a newborn (less than 28 days old) receiving ceftriaxone (an antibiotic) • If you’re
allergic to sodium lactate or any of the other ingredients in Compound Sodium Lactate
(listed in section 6)
• When there is too much fluid in the spaces around the cells of the body (extracellular
• When there is a larger volume of blood in the blood vessels than there should be
• Severe kidney failure (when your kidneys do not work well and you require dialysis)
• Uncompensated heart failure. This is heart failure that is not adequately treated and
causes symptoms such as: – shortness of breath – swelling of the ankles
• Higher levels of potassium in the blood than normal (hyperkalaemia)
• Higher levels of calcium in the blood than normal (hypercalcaemia)
• A disorder in which the blood becomes too alkaline (metabolic alkalosis)
• Liver disease that causes fluid to build up within the abdomen (ascitic cirrhosis) • your
blood is too acidic which is life-threatening (severe metabolic acidosis)
• A particular type of metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis)
• Severe liver disease (when the liver does not function properly and requires very intensive treatment)
• Poor lactate metabolism (this occurs in severe liver disease, as lactate is removed by the liver)
• If you are taking cardiac glycosides (cardiotonics) used to treat heart failure, such as
digitalis or digoxin (see also “Taking other medicines”)

You will be given Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion by a doctor or nurse. Your doctor will
decide on how much you need and when it is to be given. This will depend on your age,
weight, condition and the reason for treatment.
The amount you are given may also be affected by other treatments you are receiving. You
should NOT be given Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion if there are particles floating in
the solution or if the pack is damaged in any way. Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion will
usually be given to you through a plastic tube attached to a needle in a vein. Usually a vein
in your arm is used to give you the infusion. However, your doctor may use another method
to give you the medicine. Before and during the infusion, your doctor will monitor:
• The amount of fluid in your body
• The acidity of your blood and urine
• The amount of electrolytes in your body (particularly sodium, in patients with high level of
the vasopressin, or if you are taking other medicines which increase the effect of
vasopressin). Any unused solution should be thrown away. You should NOT be given an
infusion of Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion from a bag that has been partly used.
If you receive more Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion than you should
If you are given too much Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion (over-infusion) or it is given
too fast, this may lead to the following symptoms:
• Water and/or sodium (salt) overload with build-up of liquid in the tissues (oedema) causing swelling

• Hyperkalaemia (higher levels of potassium in the blood than normal) especially in patients
with kidney failure, causing symptoms such as:
– Pins and needles in the arms and legs (paraesthesia)
– Muscle weakness
– An inability to move (paralysis)
– An irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmias)
– Heart block (a very slow heartbeat)
– Cardiac arrest (the heart stops beating; a life-threatening situation)
– Confusion
– hypercalcaemia (higher levels of calcium in the blood than normal) causing symptoms such as:
- A decreased appetite (anorexia)
- Feeling sick (nausea)
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Abdominal pain
- Mental disturbances such as irritability or depression
- Drinking lots of water (polydipsia) - producing more urine than normal (polyuria) - Kidney
disease due to build-up of calcium in the kidneys (nephrocalcinosis)
- Kidney stones
- Coma (unconsciousness)
- Chalky taste
- Redness (hot flushes)
- Dilatation of the blood vessels in the skin (peripheral vasodilatation).
• Hypokalaemia (lower levels of potassium in the blood than normal) and metabolic alkalosis
(when the blood becomes too basic), especially in patients with kidney failure, causing
symptoms such as:
– Mood changes
– Tiredness
– Shortness of breath
– Stiffness of the muscles
– Twitching of the muscles
– Contraction of muscles.
If you develop any of these symptoms you must inform your doctor immediately. Your
infusion will be stopped and you will be given treatment depending on the symptoms. If a
medicine has been added to your Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion before over-infusion
occurs, that medicine may also cause symptoms. You should read the Package Leaflet of
the added medicine for a list of possible symptoms.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
If you have any of the following symptoms you should tell your doctor or nurse immediately.
These may be signs of a very severe or even fatal hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction called
anaphylactic shock:
• Hives (urticaria) which may be localised to a part of the body or widespread
• Skin rash
• Redness of the skin (erythema)
• Itching (pruritus)
• Skin swelling (angioedema)
• Coughing
• Narrowing of the airways causing difficulty breathing (bronchospasm)
• A fast heartbeat (tachycardia)
• A slow heartbeat (bradycardia)
• Decreased blood pressure
• Chest discomfort or pain
• Anxiety
• Tightness of the chest (making it difficult to breathe)
• Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
• Flushing
• Throat irritation
• Pins and needles (paraesthesia)
• Reduced sense in the mouth (hypoesthesia oral)
• Altered taste (dysgeusia)
• Fever (pyrexia)
• Nausea
• Headache
Higher levels of potassium in the blood than normal (hyperkalaemia)
Low levels of sodium in the blood that may be acquired during hospitalization (nosocomial
hyponatraemia) and related neurological disorder (acute hyponatraemic encephalopathy).
Hyponatraemia can lead to irreversible brain injury and death due to cerebral
oedema/swelling see also section 2 “Warnings and precautions”).
Reactions due to the administration technique manifested by one or more of the following
• Local pain or reaction redness or swelling at the site of infusion
• Irritation and inflammation of the vein into which the solution is infused (phlebitis). This can cause
redness, pain or burning and swelling along the path of the vein into which the solution is infused.
• Rash or itching (pruritus) of the infusion site. Other side effects noted with similar products
(other sodium-lactate containing solutions) include:
• Other manifestations of hypersensitivity/infusion reactions: a blocked nose (nasal
congestion), sneezing, swelling in the throat making it difficult to breathe (laryngeal oedema
also called Quincke’s oedema), skin swelling (angioedema)
• Changes in the concentrations of the chemicals in the blood (electrolyte disturbances)
• A larger volume of blood in the blood vessels than there should be (hypervolemia) • panic attack
• Other reactions due to the administration technique: infection at the site of infusion,
escape of the infusion solution into the tissues around the vein (extravasation). This can
damage the tissues and cause scarring, numbness at the site of infusion.
If a medicine has been added to the solution for infusion, the added medicine may also
cause side effects. These side effects will depend on the medicine that has been added.
You should read the Package Leaflet of the added medicine for a list of possible symptoms.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effect, talk to your doctor or nurse. This includes any possible side effect
not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on
the safety of this medicine.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children. Do not store above 30°C.
Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion should NOT be given to you after the expiry date which
is stated on the bag after EXP

The active substances are:
• Sodium chloride
• Potassium chloride
• Calcium chloride dihydrate
• Sodium lactate
The only other ingredient is water for injections.

Compound Sodium Lactate Infusion is a clear solution, free from visible particles. It is. supplied in plastic bottle 500 ml and 1000 ml.

Marketing Authorization Holder and Manufacturer
Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd.
Industrial Estate, Phase-2,
Road No. 208, Str. - 203
P O Box 17476
Jeddah 21484
Western Province
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966-12-6361383
FAX: +966-12-6379460
Website: http://www.psiltd.com

To report any side effect(s):

• Saudi Arabia:
National Pharmacovigilance and drug safety Center (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-2057662
Toll free: 8002490000
Tel: +966-11-2038222 Ext. 2317-2334-2340 –2353 –2354- 2356
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت هو محلول يتضمن المواد التالية في الماء:
• كلوريد الصوديوم
• كلوريد البوتاسيوم
• ثنائي كلوريد الكالسيوم
• لاكتيت الصوديوم
•مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت يستخدم لعلاج فقدان مياه الجسم والمواد الكيميائية (مثل التعرق الشديد ، واضطرابات الكلى)
• لعلاجك إذا كان حجم الدم في الأوعية الدموية منخفضًا (نقص حجم الدم) أو إذا كان لدیك انخفاض في
ضغط الدم (انخفاض ضغط الدم)
• في الحماض الاستقلابي (عندما يصبح الدم حمضييا جدًا).

يجب ألا تتلقى مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت إذا كنت تعاني من أي من الحالات التالية:
• إذا كنت مولودًا جديدًا (أقل من ۲۸ يومًا) تتلقى سيفترياكسون (مضاد حيوي)
• إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية من لاكتات الصوديوم أو أي من المكونات الأخرى في مركب الصوديوم لاكتات
( (مدرج في القسم ٦
• عندما يكون هناك الكثير من السوائل في المساحات المحيطة بخلايا الجسم (فرط الجفاف خارج الخلية)
• عندما يزيد حجم الدم في الأوعية الدموية اكثر مما يجب
• الفشل الكلوي الحاد (عندما لا تعمل كليتك جيدًا وتحتاج إلى غسيل الكلى)
• قصور القلب غير المكافئ (فشل القلب الذي لا يتم علاجه بشكل كاف ويسبب أعراضًا مثل: - ضيق التنفس - تورم الكاحلين)
• ارتفاع مستويات البوتاسيوم في الدم عن المعدل الطبيعي (فرط بوتاسيوم الدم)
• ارتفاع مستويات الكالسيوم في الدم عن المعدل الطبيعي (فرط كالسيوم الدم)
• اضطراب يصبح فيه الدم قلوييا جدًا (قلاء استقلابي)
• مرض الكبد الذي يتسبب في تراكم السوائل داخل البطن (تليف الكبد الحاد).
• دمك شديد الحموضة وهو ما يهدد الحياة (الحماض الأيضي الحاد)
• نوع معين من الحماض الايضي (الحماض اللبني)
• مرض الكبد الحاد (عندما لا يعمل الكبد بشكل صحيح ويتطلب علاجًا مكثفًا للغاية)
• ضعف استقلاب اللاكتات (يحدث هذا في مرض الكبد الحاد ، حيث تتم إزالة اللاكتات بواسطة الكبد)
• إذا كنت تتناول الجليكوسيدات المستخدمة لعلاج قصور القلب ، مثل الديجيتال أو الديجوكسين (انظر أيضًا
"تناول أدویة أخرى").


سوف يتم إعطاؤك مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت من قبل طبيب أو ممرضة.
سيقرر طبيبك مقدار ما تحتاجه ومتى يتم إعطاؤه. هذا يعتمد على عمرك والوزن والحالة وسبب العلاج.
قد تتأثر الكمية الذي قدمت لك من محلول مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت أيضًا بالعلاجات الأخرى التي تتلقاها.
يجب عدم إعطاؤك مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت اذا كان هناك جسيمات تطفو بالمحلول او اذا كانت العبوة تالفة.
عادةً ما يتم إعطاؤك مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت من خلال أنبوب بلاستيكي متصل بأبرة في الوريد.
عادة ما يتم استخدام الوريد في ذراعك لإعطائك الحقن في الوريد. ومع ذلك ، قد يستخدم الطبيب طريقة
أخرى لإعطائك الدواء. قبل وأثناء اعطاء المحلول ، سيقوم طبيبك بمراقبة:
- كمية السائل في جسمك
- حموضة دمك والبول
- كمیة الإلكتروليت في جسمك (خاصة الصوديوم ، في المرضى الذیين يعانون من ارتفاع مستوى فاسوبريسين
، أو إذا كنت تتناول أدوية أخرى تزيد من تأثير فاسوبريسين). يجب التخلص من أي محلول غير مستخدم.
يجب عدم إعطاؤك مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت" من عبوة تم استخدامها جزئيا.
إذا تلقيت كمية أكبر من هذا الدواء أكثر مما ينبغي:
إذا تم إعطاؤك الكثير من مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت (الإفراط في التسريب) أو تم إعطاؤها بسرعة كبيرة ، فقد
يؤدي ذلك إلى الأعراض التالية:
- الماء و / أو الصوديوم (الملح) الزائد مع تراكم السائل في الأنسجة (وذمة) مما تسبب تورم
- فرط بوتاسيوم الدم (مستويات البوتاسيوم في الدم أعلى من المعتاد) وخاصة في المرضى الذين يعانون من
الفشل الكلوي ، مسببة أعراض مثل:
- دبابيس وإبر في الذراعين والساقين (مذل)
- ضعف العضلات
- عدم القدرة على الحركة (الشلل)
- عدم انتظام ضربات القلب (عدم انتظام ضربات القلب)
- كتلة القلب (نبضات بطيئة جدا)
- السكتة القلبية (توقف القلب عن الخفقان ؛ وضع يهدد الحياة)
- الارتباك
- فرط كالسيوم الدم (مستويات الكالسيوم في الدم أعلى من المعتاد) مسببة أعراض مثل
- انخفاض الشهية (فقدان الشهية)
- الشعور بالمرض (غثيان)
- القيء
- الإمساك
- وجع بطن
- الاضطرابات العقلية مثل التهيج أو الاكتئاب
- شرب الكثير من الماء
- إنتاج كمية أكبر من البول عن المعتاد
(- أمراض الكلى بسبب تراكم الكالسيوم في الكلى (الكلوية
- حصى الكلى
- غيبوبة (فاقد الوعي)
- طعم طباشيري
- احمرار (الهبات الساخنة)
- توسع الأوعية الدموية في الجلد (توسع الأوعية المحيطية).
- نقص بوتاسيوم الدم (انخفاض مستويات البوتاسيوم في الدم عن المعدل الطبيعي) والقلويات الأيضية (عندما
يصبح الدم قاعدياً جدًا) ، خاصة في المرضى الذين يعانون من قصور كلوي ، مما يسبب أعراضًا مثل:
- تغيرات في المزاج
- التعب
- ضيق في التنفس
- تصلب العضلات
- الوخز في العضلات
- تقلص العضلات
إذا ظهرت عليك أي من هذه الأعراض ، فعليك إبلاغ طبيبك على الفور. سيتم إيقاف الدواء وسيتم إعطاؤك
العلاج وفقًا للأعراض. إذا تم إضافة دواء إلى مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت الخاص بك قبل حدوث الإفراط في
التسريب ، فقد يؤدي هذا الدواء أيضًا إلى ظهور أعراض أخرى. يجب عليك قراءة قسم الأعراض المحتملة.

مثل جميع الأدوية ، يمكن أن يسبب هذا المنتج آثارًا جانبية ، على الرغم من عدم حصول الجميع عليها.
إذا كان لديك أي من الأعراض التالية ، يجب عليك إخبار طبيبك أو ممرضتك على الفور:
قد تكون هذه علامات على تفاعل شديد الحساسية أو قاتل جدًا (حساسية) يسمى صدمة الحساسية
- الشرى التي يمكن أن تتحول إلى جزء من الجسم أو على نطاق واسع
- الطفح الجلدي
- احمرار الجلد
- الحكة
- تورم الجلد (وذمة وعائية)
- السعال
- ضيق بالشعب الهوائیة يسبب صعوبة في التنفس (تشنج قصبي)
- نبضات سريعة (عدم انتظام دقات القلب)
- نبضات بطيئة (بطء القلب)
- انخفاض ضغط الدم
- ألم في الصدر أو ألم
- القلق
- ضيق في الصدر (مما يجعل التنفس صعبًا)
- ضيق التنفس (ضيق التنفس)
- أحمرار بالوجه
- تهيج الحلق
- وخز
- انخفاض الشعور في الفم (نقص إفرازات الفم)
- تغیير الذوق
- الحمى
- غثيان
- صداع الراس
- ارتفاع مستويات البوتاسيوم في الدم عن المعدل الطبيعي (فرط بوتاسيوم الدم)
- انخفاض مستويات الصوديوم في الدم التي يمكن الحصول عليها أثناء العلاج في المستشفى (نقص صوديوم

الدم في المستشفيات) والاضطرابات العصبية ذات الصلة (اعتلال الدماغ الحاد بالمرض).
- نقص صوديوم الدم يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إصابات دماغية لا رجعة فيها والموت بسبب الوذمة الدماغية /
تورم انظر أيضا القسم ۲ "التحذيرات والاحتياطات"
- ردود الفعل الناجمة عن أسلوب اعطاء الدواء التي ممكن ان يظهر فيها واحد أو أكثر من الأعراض التالية:
- ألم موضعي أو رد فعل احمرار أو تورم في موقع التسريب
- تهيج والتهاب الوريد الذي تم فيه غرس المحلول (التهاب الوريد). هذا يمكن أن يسبب احمرار أو ألم أو
حرق وتورم على طول الوريد الذي يتم فيه غرس المحلول.
- طفح أو حكة من موقع التسريب.
الآثار الجانبية الأخرى التي لوحظت مع المنتجات المماثلة (المحاليل الأخرى التي تحتوي على لاكتات الصوديوم) تشمل:
- المظاهر الأخرى لفرط الحساسية / تفاعلات التسريب: الأنف المسدودة (احتقان الأنف) ، والعطس ، والتورم
في الحلق ، مما يجعل التنفس صعبًا (الوذمة الحنجرية تسمى أيضًا وذمة كوينك) ، تورم الجلد (وذمة وعائية)
- التغیرات في تركیزات المواد الكیمیائیة في الدم (اضطرابات المنحل بالكھرباء)
- حجم الدم أكبر في الأوعية الدموية مما ينبغي أن يكون (فرط حجم الدم)
- نوبة فزع
- ردود الفعل الأخرى بسبب أسلوب الاعطاء: العدوى في موقع الحقن ، تسريب المحلول في الأنسجة التي حول
الوريد .هذا يمكن أن تتلف الأنسجة ويسبب تندب في موقع التسريب.
- إذا تمت إضافة دواء إلى محلول التسريب ، فقد يتسبب الدواء المضاف أيضًا في حدوث آثار جانبية. تعتمد
هذه الآثار الجانبية على الدواء الذي تمت إضافته.

الحفاظ على خذا الدواء بعيدا عن مرأى ومدى وصول الأطفال. يخزن في درجة حرارة لاتتعدى ۳۰ درجة
EXP: MM / مئوية. لا يجب إعطاء مركب الصوديوم لاكتيت لك بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور في الكيس بعد
يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر. يجب عدم إعطاؤك مركب الصودیوم .
لاكتيت إذا كانت هناك جسيمات تطفو في المحلول أو إذا تعرضت العبوة للتلف بأي طريقة

ما يحتوي على مركب لاكتات تسريب يحتوي على:
المواد الفعالة ھي:
• كلوريد الصوديوم
• كلوريد البوتاسيوم
• ثنائي كلوريد الكالسيوم
• اكتات الصوديوم
العنصر الآخر هو الماء للحقن.


مصنع المحاليل الطبية.
العنوان:المنطقة الصناعية، المرحلة الثانية.
طريق رقم ۲۰۸ ، شارع ۲۰۳
. صندوق بريد ۱۷٤۷٦ جدة ۲۱٤۸٤
المنطقة الغربية
المملكة العربية السعودية
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الهاتف: ٦۳٦۱۳۸۳
+۹٦٦-۱۲- الفاكس: ٦۳۷۹٤٦۰
http://www.psiltd.com: الموقع الالكتروني


للإبلاغ عن أي أعراض جانبیة:

بالمملكة العربية السعودية
المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية
+ فاكس: ۹٦٦۱۱۲۰٥۷٦٦۲
هاتف مجاني: ۸۰۰۲٤۹۰۰۰۰
۰۰۹٦٦-۱۱- تلفون: ۲۰۳۸۲۲۲
۲۳٤۰ ،۲۳۳٤ ،۲۳٥٤ ،۲۳۱۷ ،۲۳٥٦ ، تحويلة: ۲۳٥۳
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البريد الألكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الألكتروني
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الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والهيئات الوطنية في كل دولة.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Compound Sodium Lactate Solution for Infusion BP (Synonyms: - Ringer Lactate Solution for Infusion)

One liter contains: Sodium Lactate………………………….3.20 g Sodium Chloride………………………..6.00 g Potassium Chloride……………………0.40 g Calcium Chloride 2H2O……………… 0.27 g Water for injections……………… 1000 ml For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Solution for infusion. Clear solution, free from visible particles.

Compound Sodium Lactate solution is used in the following indications:
- Restoration of extracellular fluid and electrolytes balances or replacement of
extracellular fluid loss where isotonic concentrations of electrolytes are sufficient
- Short term volume replacement (alone or in association with colloid) in case of
hypovolaemia or hypotension.
- Regulation or maintenance of metabolic acidosis balance and/or treatment of mild
to moderate metabolic acidosis (except lactic acidosis)

Adults, the Elderly and Children:
Fluid balance, serum electrolytes and acid-base balance should be monitored
before and during administration, with particular attention to serum sodium in
patients with increased non-osmotic vasopressin release (syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, SIADH) and in patients co-medicated
with vasopressin agonist drugs, due to the risk of hospital acquired hyponatraemia
(see sections 4.4, 4.5 and 4.8). Monitoring of serum sodium is particularly
important for hypotonic fluids.

Compound Sodium Lactate solution has a tonicity of 278 mOsm/l (approx.)
The infusion rate and volume depend on the age, weight, clinical condition (e.g.
burns, surgery, head-injury, infections), and concomitant therapy should be
determined by the consulting physician experienced in intravenous fluid therapy
(see sections 4.4. and 4.8).

Recommended dosage:
The amount of Compound Sodium Lactate solution needed to restore normal blood
volume is 3 to 5 times the volume of lost blood.
The recommended flow rate 2.5 ml/kg BW/h.i.e
60 Drops/minute or 180 ml/h /70kg BW

Use in paediatric patients
The safety and efficacy of Compound Sodium Lactate solution in children has not
been established by adequate and well-controlled trials; however, the use of
electrolyte solutions in the paediatric population is referenced in the medical
literature. Lactate-containing solutions should be administered with particular
caution to neonates and infants less than 6 months of age.

Use in geriatric patients
When selecting the type of infusion solution and the volume/rate of infusion for a
geriatric patient, consider that geriatric patients are generally more likely to have
cardiac, renal, hepatic, and other diseases or concomitant drug therapy.

Method of administration:
The solution is for intravenous administration through a sterile and non-pyrogenic
administration set using aseptic technique. The equipment should be primed with
the solution in order to prevent air entering the system.
The solution should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration
prior to administration. Do not administer unless the solution is clear, free from
visible particles and the seal is intact. Do not remove unit from overwrap until
ready for use. The inner bag maintains the sterility of the solution. Administer
immediately following the insertion of infusion set.
Do not connect flexible plastic containers in series in order to avoid air embolism
due to possible residual air contained in the primary container. Pressurizing
intravenous solutions contained in flexible plastic containers to increase flow rates
can result in air embolism if the residual air in the container is
not fully evacuated prior to administration. Use of a vented intravenous
administration set with the vent in the open position could result in air embolism.

Vented intravenous administration sets with the vent in the open position should
not be used with flexible plastic containers.
Additives may be introduced before infusion or during infusion through the
injection site. When making additions to Compound Sodium Lactate solution,
aseptic technique must be used. Mix the solution thoroughly when additives have
been introduced. Do not store solutions containing additives.
For information on incompatibilities and preparation of the product with additives,
please see sections 6.2 and 6.6.

As for other calcium-containing infusion solutions, concomitant administration of ceftriaxone and Compound Sodium Lactate solution is contraindicated in newborns (≤28 days of age), even if separate infusion lines are used (risk of fatal ceftriaxonecalcium salt precipitation in the neonate's bloodstream). For patients over 28 days of age please see section 4.4. Compound Sodium Lactate solution is also contraindicated in patients with • A known hypersensitivity to sodium lactate. • Extracellular hyperhydration or hypervolaemia • Severe renal insufficiency (with oliguria/anuria) • Uncompensated cardiac failure • Hyperkalaemia • Hypercalcaemia • Metabolic alkalosis • Ascitic cirrhosis • Severe metabolic acidosis • Conditions associated with increased lactate levels (hyperlactataemia) including lactic acidosis, or impaired lactate utilization, such as severe hepatic insufficiency • Concomitant digitalis therapy (see section 4.5 Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction)

Hypersensitivity reactions
The infusion must be stopped immediately if any signs or symptoms of a suspected
hypersensitivity reaction develop. Appropriate therapeutic countermeasures must
be instituted as clinically indicated.

In patients older than 28 days (including adults), ceftriaxone must not be
administered simultaneously with intravenous calcium-containing solutions,
including Compound Sodium Lactate solution, through the same infusion line. If
the same infusion line is used for sequential administration, the line must be
thoroughly flushed between infusions with a compatible fluid. For patients under
28 days please see section 4.3.

Electrolyte balance
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should only be administered to patients with
hypernatraemia after careful consideration of the underlying cause and alternative
intravenous fluids. Monitoring of plasma sodium and volume status during
treatment is recommended.
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
in patients with conditions predisposing to hypernatraemia (such as adrenocortical
insufficiency, diabetes insipidus or extensive tissue injury) and in patients with
cardiac disease.

Compound Sodium Lactate solution should only be administered to patients with
hyperchloraemia after careful consideration of the underlying cause and alternative
intravenous fluids. Monitoring of plasma chloride and acid-base balance during
treatment is recommended.
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
to patients with conditions predisposing to hyperchloraemia (such as renal failure
and renal tubular acidosis, diabetes insipidus), and patients with urinary diversion
or patients taking certain diuretics (carbonic anhydrase inhibitors eg
acetazolamide) or steroids (androgens, estrogens corticosteroids) and in patients
with severe dehydration.

Use in patients with potassium deficiency
Although Compound Sodium Lactate solution has a potassium concentration
similar to the concentration in plasma, it is insufficient to produce a useful effect in
case of severe potassium insufficiency and therefore it should not be used for this

Use in patients at risk for hyperkalaemia
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
to patients with conditions predisposing to hyperkalaemia (such as severe renal
impairment or adrenocortical insufficiency, acute dehydration, or extensive tissue

injury or burns) and in patients with cardiac disease. The plasma potassium level of
the patient must be particularly closely monitored in patients at risk of
Use in patients at risk for hypercalcaemia
Calcium chloride is irritant, therefore care should be taken to prevent extravasation
during intravenous injection and intramuscular injection must be avoided.
Solutions containing calcium salts should be used with caution in patients with
conditions predisposing to hypercalcaemia, such as patients with renal impairment
and granulomatous diseases associated with increased calcitriol synthesis such as
sarcoidosis, calcium renal calculi or a history of such calculi.

Fluid balance/renal function
Use in patients with renal impairment
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
to patients with renal impairment. In such patients administration of Compound
Sodium Lactate solution may result in sodium and/or potassium retention.
Risk of Fluid and/or Solute Overload and Electrolyte Disturbances
Depending on the volume and rate of infusion, intravenous administration of
Compound Sodium Lactate solution can cause
• fluid and/or solute overload resulting in overhydration and, for example,
congested states, including pulmonary congestion and oedema.
• clinically relevant electrolyte disturbances and acid-base imbalance.
Clinical evaluation and periodic laboratory determinations may be necessary to
monitor changes in fluid balance, electrolyte concentrations and acid-base balance
during prolonged parenteral therapy or whenever the condition of the patient or the
rate of administration warrants such evaluation.

High volume infusion must be used under specific monitoring in patients with
cardiac or pulmonary failure and in patients with non-osmotic vasopressin release
(including SIADH), due to the risk of hospital-acquired hyponatraemia (see
Patients with non-osmotic vasopressin release (e.g. in acute illness, pain, postoperative
stress, infections, burns, and CNS diseases), patients with heart-, liverand
kidney diseases and patients exposed to vasopressin agonists (see section 4.5)
are at particular risk of acute hyponatraemia upon infusion of hypotonic fluids.
Acute hyponatraemia can lead to acute hyponatraemic encephalopathy (cerebral
oedema) characterized by headache, nausea, seizures, lethargy and vomiting.

Patients with cerebral oedema are at particular risk of severe, irreversible and lifethreatening
brain injury.
Children, women in the fertile age and patients with reduced cerebral compliance
(e.g. meningitis, intracranial bleeding, cerebral contusion and brain oedema) are at
particular risk of the severe and life-threatening brain swelling caused by acute
Use in patients with hypervolaemia, overhydration or conditions causing sodium
retention and oedema
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
to hypervolaemic or overhydrated patients.
Due to the sodium chloride content Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be
administered with particular caution to patients with conditions that may cause
sodium retention, fluid overload and oedema, such as patients with primary
hyperaldosteronism, secondary hyperaldosteronism (associated with, e.g.,
hypertension, congestive heart failure, renal artery stenosis, or nephrosclerosis), or
preeclampsia. (see also Section 4.5)

Acid-base balance
Use in patients at risk for alkalosis
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administered with particular caution
to patients at risk for alkalosis. Because lactate is metabolized to bicarbonate,
administration may result in, or worsen, metabolic alkalosis. Seizure may be
precipitated by the alkalosis induced by lactate but this is uncommon.

Other warnings
Administration of citrate anticoagulated/preserved blood
Due to the risk of coagulation precipitated by its calcium content, Compound
Sodium Lactate solution must not be added to or administered simultaneously
through the same tubing with citrate anticoagulated/preserved blood.
Use in patients with type 2 diabetes
Lactate is a substrate for gluconeogenesis. Therefore, glucose levels should be
carefully monitored in patients receiving Compound Sodium Lactate.
Adding other medication or using an incorrect administration technique might
cause the appearance of fever reactions due to the possible introduction of
pyrogens. In such case the infusion must be stopped immediately.
For information on incompatibilities and preparation of the product with additives,

please see sections 6.2 and 6.6.
During long term parenteral treatment, a convenient nutritive supply must be given
to the patient.


Ceftriaxone: See sections 4.3 and 4.4 for more information
Drugs leading to an increased vasopressin effect
The below listed drugs increase the vasopressin effect, leading to reduced renal
electrolyte free water excretion and may increase the risk of hospital acquired
hyponatraemia following inappropriately balanced treatment with i.v. fluids (see
sections 4.2, 4.4 and 4.8).
• Drugs stimulating vasopressin release include: Chlorpropamide, clofibrate,
carbamazepine, vincristine, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 3.4-
methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine, ifosfamide, antipsychotics, and narcotics.
• Drugs potentiating vasopressin action include: Chlorpropamide, NSAIDs, and
• Vasopressin analogues include: Desmopressin, oxytocin, terlipressin
Other medicinal products increasing the risk of hyponatraemia also include

diuretics in general and antiepileptics such as oxcarbazepine.
Interaction related to the presence of sodium:
Caution is advised when administering Compound Sodium Lactate solution to
patients treated with drugs that may increase the risk of sodium and fluid retention
(with oedema and hypertension), such as corticosteroids.
Interaction related to the presence of potassium:
Because of its potassium content, Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be
administered with caution in patients treated with agents or products that can cause
hyperkalaemia or increase the risk of hyperkalaemia, such as
- Potassium-sparing diuretics (amiloride, spironolactone, triamterene, alone or in
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) and angiotensin II receptor
- Tacrolimus, cyclosporine

Administration of potassium in patients treated with such medications can produce
severe and potentially fatal hyperkalaemia, particularly in patients with severe
renal insufficiency.
Interaction related to the presence of calcium:
Administration of calcium may increase the effects of digitalis and lead to serious
or fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Therefore, larger volumes or a faster infusion rates
should be used with caution in patients treated with digitalis glycosides.

- Caution is advised when administering Compound Sodium Lactate solution to
patients treated with thiazide diuretics or vitamin D, as these can increase the risk
of hypercalcaemia.
- Bisphosphonates, fluoride, some fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines which are
less absorbed (lower availability) when administered with calcium.
Interaction related to the presence of lactate (which is metabolized into
Caution is advised when administering Compound Sodium Lactate solution to
patients treated with drugs for which renal elimination is pH dependent. Due to the
alkalinizing action of lactate (formation of bicarbonate), Compound Sodium
Lactate solution may interfere with the elimination of such drugs.
- Renal clearance of acidic drugs such as salicylates, barbiturates, and lithium may
be increased because of the alkalinisation of urine by the bicarbonate resulting
from lactate metabolism.

- Renal clearance of alkaline drugs, such as sympathomimetics (e.g. ephedrine,
pseudoephedrine) and stimulants (e.g. dexamphetamine sulfate, phenfluramine
hydrochloride) may be decreased


Compound Sodium Lactate solution can be used safely during pregnancy and
lactation as long as the electrolyte- and fluid balance is controlled.
It is reminded that calcium crosses the placenta and is distributed into breast milk.
Compound Sodium Lactate solution should be administrated with special caution
for pregnant women during labour particularly as to serum-sodium if administered
in combination with oxytocin (see section 4.4, 4.5 and 4.8).
When a medication is added, the nature of the drug and its use during pregnancy
and lactation have to be considered separately.

There is no information of the effects of Compound Sodium Lactate solution on
the ability to operate an automobile or other heavy machinery.

The following adverse reactions (listed by MedDRA System Organ Class) have
been reported spontaneously during the post-market experience.

Immune System DisordersHypersensitivity/Infusion reactions including
Anaphylactic/Anaphylactoid reaction, possibly
manifested by one or more of the following
 symptoms: Angioedema, Chest pain, Chest
discomfort, Decreased heart rate, Tachycardia,
Blood pressure decreased, Respiratory distress,
Bronchospasm, Dyspnea, Cough, Urticaria,
Rash, Pruritus, Erythema, Flushing, Throat
irritation, Paresthesias, Hypoesthesia oral,
Dysgeusia, Nausea, Anxiety, Pyrexia,
Metabolism and Nutrition DisordersHyperkalaemia
Hospital acquired hyponatraemia*
Nervous system disordersAcute hyponatraemic encephalopathy*
General Disorders and Administration Site
Infusion Site Reactions manifested by one or
more of the following symptoms: Phlebitis,
Infusion site inflammation, Infusion site
swelling, Infusion site rash, Infusion site
pruritus, Infusion site erythema, Infusion site
pain, Infusion site burning

*Hospital acquired hyponatraemia may cause irreversible brain injury and death,
due to development of acute hyponatraemic encephalopathy, frequency unknown
(see sections 4.2. 4.4, 4.5).
The following adverse reactions have been reported spontaneously during the use
of other sodium-lactate containing solutions:
• Hypersensitivity: Laryngeal oedema (Quincke's oedema), skin swelling, Nasal
congestion, Sneezing
• Electrolyte disturbances
• Hypervolaemia
• Panic Attack
• Other infusion site reactions: Infection at the site of injection, Extravasation,
Infusion site anesthesia (numbness)

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product
is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the
medicinal product.




An excessive volume or too high a rate of administration of Compound Sodium
Lactate solution may lead to fluid and sodium overload with a risk of oedema
(peripheral and/or pulmonary), particularly when renal sodium excretion is
impaired. In this case extra renal dialysis may be necessary.
Excessive administration of potassium may lead to the development of
hyperkalaemia, especially in patients with renal impairment. Symptoms include
paresthesia of the extremities, muscle weakness, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias,
heart block, cardiac arrest, and mental confusion

Excessive administration of calcium salts may lead to hypercalcaemia. Symptoms
of hypercalcaemia may include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation,
abdominal pain, muscle weakness, mental disturbances, polydipsia, polyuria,
nephrocalcinosis, renal calculi, and, in severe cases, cardiac arrhythmias and coma.
Too rapid intravenous injection of calcium salts may also lead to many of the
symptoms of hypercalcaemia as well as to chalky taste, hot flushes, and peripheral
vasodilatation. Mild asymptomatic hypercalcaemia will usually resolve on
stopping administration of calcium and other contributory drugs such as vitamin D.
If hypercalcaemia is severe, urgent treatment (such as loop diuretics,
haemodialysis, calcitonin, bisphosphonates, trisodium edetate) is required.

Excessive administration of lactate may lead to metabolic alkalosis. Metabolic
alkalosis may be accompanied by hypokalaemia, Symptoms may include mood
changes, tiredness, shortness of breath, muscle weakness and irregular heartbeat.
Muscle hypertonicity, twitching, and tetany may develop especially in
hypocalcaemic patients. Treatment of metabolic alkalosis due to bicarbonate
overdose consists mainly of appropriate correction of fluid and electrolyte balance.
Replacement of calcium, chloride, and potassium may be of particular importance.

When overdose is related to medications added to the solution infused, the signs
and symptoms of over infusion will be related to the nature of the additive being
used. In the event of accidental over infusion, treatment should be discontinued
and the patient should be observed for the appropriate signs and symptoms related
to the drug administered. The relevant symptomatic and supportive measures
should be provided as necessary.

Pharmacotherapeutic group (ATC code): B05BB01 “Electrolytes”

Compound Sodium Lactate solution is an isotonic solution of electrolytes. The
constituents of Compound Sodium Lactate Solution and their concentrations are
designed to match those of plasma.
The pharmacological properties of the Compound Sodium Lactate solution are
those of its components (sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and lactate). The
main effect of Compound Sodium Lactate Solution is the expansion of the
extracellular compartment including both the interstitial fluid and the intravascular
The lactate is metabolised into bicarbonate, mainly in the liver, and produces an
alkalinising effect on the plasma
In healthy volunteers receiving Compound Sodium Lactate Solution, central
venous pressure changes were associated with a secretion of atrial natriuretic
In healthy volunteers, Compound Sodium Lactate Solution decreased serum
osmolality, increased blood pH, and the time until first urination was shorter than that with normal saline.

There is no significant change in glucagon, norepinephrine, epinephrine, blood
glucose and insulin levels in aortic surgery patients receiving Compound Sodium
Lactate Solution.
When medication is added to Compound Sodium Lactate Solution, the overall
pharmacodynamics of the solution will depend on the nature of the drug used.


The pharmacokinetic properties of the Compound Sodium Lactate solution are
those of the ions its composition includes (sodium, potassium, calcium and
Infusion of Compound Sodium Lactate Solution in normal hemodynamically stable
adults does not increase circulating lactate concentrations.
The pharmacokinetics of D-lactate and L-lactate are similar. The lactate in
Compound Sodium Lactate solution is metabolized by both oxidation and
gluconeogenesis, predominantly in the liver, and bicarbonate is generated by both
processes over 1-2 h.
When medication is added to Compound Sodium Lactate Solution, the overall
pharmacokinetics of the solution will depend on the nature of the drug used.

Preclinical safety data of Compound Sodium Lactate Solution in animals are not
relevant since its constituents are physiological components in animal and human
Toxic effects are not to be expected under the condition of clinical application.
The safety of potential additives should be considered separately

Water for Injections

Ceftriaxone must not be mixed with calcium-containing solutions including
Compound Sodium Lactate solution. See also sections 4.3 and 4.4.
As with all parenteral solutions additives may be incompatible. Compatibility of
the additives with the Compound Sodium Lactate solution and Viaflo container
must be assessed before addition. After addition of the additive, incompatibility
may become visible by a possible colour change and/or the appearance of
precipitates, insoluble complexes or crystals.
The Instructions for Use of the medication to be added and other relevant literature
must be consulted.
Before adding a substance or medication, verify that it is soluble and/or stable in
water and that the pH range of Compound Sodium Lactate solution is appropriate
(pH 5.0 to 7.0).
When making additions to Compound Sodium Lacate solution, aseptic technique
must be used. Mix the solution thoroughly when additives have been introduced.
Do not store solutions containing additives.

As a guidance the following medications are incompatible with the Compound
Sodium Lactate solution (non-exhaustive listing):
Medications incompatible with Compound Sodium Lactate Solution
Aminocaproic acid
Amphotericin B
Metaraminol tartrate
Cortisone acetate
Ethyl alcohol
Phosphate and carbonate solutions

Thiopental sodium
Versenate disodium
Medications with partial incompatibility with Compound Sodium Lactate Solution:
Tetracycline stable for 12 hours
Ampicillin sodium
concentration of 2%-3% stable for 4 hours
concentration >3% must be given within 1 hour

Minocycline stable for 12 hours
Doxycycline stable for 6 hours
Additives known or determined to be incompatible should not be used.

48 months for plastic bottle. 24 months for NPVC bag.

Do not store above 30°C
Do not store above 25°C for sizes: 250 ml NPVC bag.

The product is a clear, colorless solution in over wrapped Non-PVC Bag with two
SFC ports and Polyethylene plastic bottle.
The solutions are supplied in 250ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml and 3000 ml.

After opening the container, the contents should be used immediately and should
not be stored for a subsequent infusion.
Discard after single use.
Discard any unused portion.
Do not reconnect partially used bags.

Pharmaceutical Solutions Industry Ltd. Industrial Estate, Phase-2, Road No. 208, Str. - 203 P O Box 17476 Jeddah 21484 Western Province Saudi Arabia Phone: +966-12-6361383 FAX: +966-12-6379460 Website: http://www.psiltd.com To report any side effect(s): For Saudi Arabia: The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) * Fax: +966-11-205-7662 * Reporting hotline: 19999. * E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa * Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc Other GCC States: Please contact the relevant competent authority


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