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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Clotrimazole, the active ingredient in Clotrex®, is a broad spectrum antifungal agent. Like other imidazoles, clotrimazole exerts its antifungal activity by altering cell membrane permeability apparently by binding with phospholipids in the fungal cell membrane.

Clotrex® is indicated for the treatment of superficial yeast and dermatophytic infections, including:

- Otomycoses: outer and middle ear.

- Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot).

- Tinea cruris (jock itch).

- Tinea corporis.

- Pityriasis versicolor (Tinea versicolor).

- Cutaneous candidiasis.

Drug interactions:

Not reported.


Clotrimazole is contraindicated in:

-  Individuals who have shown hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or any of the product’s excipients.

- In case of ruptured drum.


-  Clotrex® is not for ophthalmic use.

-  Pregnancy: Clotrimazole is very poorly absorbed following topical application to human. Topical clotrimazole should be used during the first trimester of pregnancy only when the drug is considered essential to the welfare of the patient.

-  Nursing: It is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when clotrimazole is used by nursing women.

-  Pediatrics: Safety and effectiveness in children have been established for clotrimazole when used as indicated and in recommended dosage.

If irritation or sensitivity developed with the use of clotrimazole, treatment should be discontinued and an alternative therapy instituted.

-  Use the medication for the full treatment time, even if the symptoms may have improved. Notify the physician if there is no improvement after 4 weeks of treatment.

-  Although the infected area will itch, do not scratch, scratching will damage the surface of the skin and cause the infection to spread further.


-  Clotrex® creamopaste: Apply sufficient amount of Clotrex® cream on the affected and surrounding areas and massage it twice daily. 

-  Clotrex® otic solution: Apply 4 - 6 drops of Clotrex® otic solution in the ear two to three times daily.

To prevent recurrence, treatment should be continued for at least two weeks after the disappearance of all signs of infection.

Adverse reactions:

Mild and transient adverse reactions were reported, such as: Erythema, blistering, peeling, edema, pruritus, urticaria, burning and general irritation of the skin.



Clotrex® otic solution: Each ml of Clotrex® otic solution contains 10 mg Clotrimazole BP in bottles of 20 ml.

- Clotrex® creamopaste: Each gram of Clotrex® creamopaste contains 10 mg Clotrimazole BP in tubes of 30 g. - Clotrex® otic solution: Each ml of Clotrex® otic solution contains 10 mg Clotrimazole BP in bottles of 20 ml.

Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC

P. O. Box 1564 Amman 11118 Jordan

Tel. +962 6 416 2607

Fax. 0096264163016

E-mail: hpi@nol.com.jo

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

كلوتريمازول – المادة الفعالة في كلوتركس – هو دواء مضاد للفطريات واسع الطيف، كباقي مركبات الإيميدازول يعمل كلوتريمازول على تغيير نفاذية الغشاء الخلوي للفطريات عن طريق ارتباطه بالفوسفوليبيدات الموجودة في الغشاء.


يستعمل كلوتركس لعلاج الإنتانات الفطرية الموضعية سواء من الخمائر أو الفطريات الجلدية :

 -         الفطريات الأذنية: الأذن الخارجية والوسطى.

 -         سعفة القدم ( قدم الرياضي ).

 -           سعفة القدم (حكة جوك).

 -            سعفة الجسم.

 -       النخالية المبرقشة (سعفة المبرقشة).

 -          داء المبيضات الجلدي


- كلوتركس® ليس للاستخدام العيني.

-   الحمل: يتم امتصاص كلوتريمازول بشكل سيء للغاية بعد التطبيق الموضعي على الإنسان. يجب استخدام كلوتريمازول الموضعي خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الأولى من الحمل فقط عندما يعتبر الدواء ضروريا لرعاية المريض.

-  الرضاعة : من غير المعروف ما إذا كان هذا الدواء يفرز في حليب الأم. نظرا لأن العديد من الأدوية تفرز في حليب الأم ، يجب توخي الحذر عند استخدام كلوتريمازول من قبل النساء المرضعات.

الاطفال : تم إثبات السلامة والفعالية عند الأطفال للكلوتريمازول عند استخدامه كما هو موضح وبالجرعة الموصى بها.

إذا تطور تهيج أو حساسية باستخدام كلوتريمازول ، فيجب إيقاف العلاج واستخدام علاج بديل. 

 استخدم الدواء طوال فترة العلاج ، حتى لو تحسنت الأعراض. أخبر الطبيب إذا لم يكن هناك تحسن بعد 4 أسابيع من العلاج.

على الرغم من أن المنطقة المصابة سوف تسبب الحكة ، لا تخدش ، فإن الخدش سيضر سطح الجلد ويتسبب في انتشار العدوى أكثر.

موانع الاستطبـاب:

يمنع استعمال هذا الدواء في حالة فرط التحسس لمادة كلوتريمازول أو أي مادة أخرى تدخل في تركيب المستحضر.

- إذا كنت تعاني من تمزق في طبلة الأذن.



الجرعة وطريقة الاستعمال:

-          كلوتركس معجون كريمي: توضع كمية كافية من كلوتركس على الأماكن المصابة والمناطق المحيطة بها مع التدليك مرتان يوميا.

-          كلوتركس محلول للأذن: توضع 4 – 6 نقاط من كلوتركس في الأذن المصابة مرتين إلى ثلاث مرات يوميا.

-          لمنع عودة ظهور الإنتان؛ يوصى بالاستمرار في العلاج المحدد لمدة أسبوعين بعد اختفاء أعراض الإنتان


التأثيرات الجانبية:

قد يرافق استعمال كلوتريمازول ظهور تأثيرات جانبية خفيفة-متوسطة مثل: احمرار، لسعة، تقشير، وذمة، حكة، شرى، حرقة و تهيج عام للجلد.


-          كلوتركس محلول للأذن: يحتوي كل مل من محلول الأذن على 10 ملغم كلوتريمازول في عبوات سعة 20 مل

-  كلوتريكس معجون كريمي : يحتوي كل جرام من معجون كلوتريكس®®، على 10 ملغ كلوتريمازول BP في أنابيب سعة 30 جم. 

 -  كلوتركس محلول للأذن : يحتوي كل مل من محلول كلوتريكس® الأذني على 10 ملغ كلوتريمازول BP في زجاجات سعة 20 مل.


شركة الحياة للصناعات الدوائية م.ع.م

ص.ب 1564

عمان 11118 الأردن.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Clotrex 1% otic solution

Each 1 mL contain 10 mg clotrimazole For the full list of excipients,

Otic solution

Clotrex otic solution should be used to treat fungal skin infections due to dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds and other fungi. It is particularly suitable for use in fungal infections of the outer ear (otitis externa) and middle ear (otomycoses).


Clotrex otic solution should be thinly and evenly applied to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day and gently rubbed in. A few drops are enough to treat an area of about the size of the hand. To prevent relapse, treatment should be continued for at least two weeks after the disappearance of all signs of infection.

There is no separate dosage schedule for the elderly or the young. Method of administration:

Clotrex otic solution is for external use only

Clotrex otic solution is contraindicated: In patients with hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or to any of the excipients

None known

There have been reports of a heat reaction when clotrimazole solution is used concomitantly with a combination of framycetin sulphate, dexamethasone, and gramicidine drops in the ear.


No human studies of the effects of clotrimazole on fertility have been performed; however, animal studies have not demonstrated any effects of the drug on fertility.


There is a limited amount of data from the use of clotrimazole in pregnant women. Animal studies with clotrimazole have shown reproductive toxicity at high oral doses (see section 5.3). At the low

systemic exposures of clotrimazole following topical treatment, harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity are not predicted.


Clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a physician or midwife. Lactation:

Available pharmacodynamic/toxicological data in animals have shown excretion of

clotrimazole/metabolites in milk after intravenous administration (see section 5.3). A risk to the suckling child cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast- feeding or to discontinue/abstain from clotrimazole therapy taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.

Clotrex has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive or use machines.

As the listed undesirable effects are based on spontaneous reports, assigning accurate frequency of occurrence for each is not possible.


Immune system disorders: allergic reaction (syncope, hypotension, dyspnea, urticaria)


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: blisters, discomfort/pain, oedema, erythema, irritation, peeling/exfoliation, pruritus, rash, stinging/burning.

No risk of acute intoxication is seen as it is unlikely to occur following a single dermal application of an overdose (application over a large area under conditions favourable to absorption) or inadvertent oral ingestion. There is no specific antidote.


However, in the event of accidental oral ingestion, routine measures such as gastric lavage should be performed only if clinical symptoms of overdose become apparent (e.g. dizziness, nausea or vomiting). Gastric lavage should be carried out only if the airway can be protected adequately.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antifungals for topical use – imidazole and triazole derivatives,  ATC

code: D01A C01.


Mechanism of Action


Clotrimazole acts against fungi by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis. Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis leads to structural and functional impairment of the fungal cytoplasmic membrane.


Clotrimazole has a broad antimycotic spectrum of action in vitro and in vivo, which includes dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds, etc.


Under appropriate test conditions, the MIC values for these types of fungi are in the region of less than 0.062-8.0 µg/ml substrate. The mode of action of clotrimazole is primarily fungistatic or fungicidal depending on the concentration of clotrimazole at the site of infection. In vitro activity is limited to proliferating fungal elements; fungal spores are only slightly sensitive.


In addition to its antimycotic action, clotrimazole also acts on gram-positive microorganisms (Streptococci / Staphylococci / Gardnerella vaginalis), and gram-negative microorganisms (Bacteroides).


In vitro clotrimazole inhibits the multiplication of Corynebacteria and gram-positive cocci - with the exception of Enterococci - in concentrations of 0.5-10 µg/ml substrate.


Primarily resistant variants of sensitive fungal species are very rare; the development of secondary resistance by sensitive fungi has so far only been observed in very isolated cases under therapeutic conditions.

Pharmacokinetic investigations after dermal application have shown that clotrimazole is minimally absorbed from the intact or inflamed skin into the human blood circulation. The resulting peak serum concentrations of clotrimazole were below the detection limit of 0.001 µg/ml, suggesting that clotrimazole applied topically is unlikely to lead to measurable systemic effects or side effects.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity.


Clotrimazole was not teratogenic in reproductive toxicity studies in mice, rats and rabbits. In rats high oral doses were associated with maternal toxicity, embryotoxicity, reduced fetal weights and decreased pup survival.


In rats clotrimazole and/or its metabolites were secreted into milk at levels higher than in plasma by a factor of 10 to 20 at 4 hrs after administration, followed by a decline to a factor of 0.4 by 24 hrs.

Polyethylene glycol 400

Not applicable

36 months

Store below 30  ◦


ALDPE white material bottles containing 20 mL of the solution with PE material nozzle and PP white material cap.

After opening the product, it can be used until the expiration date.

Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC P. O. Box 1564 Amman 11118 Jordan Tel. +962 6 416 2607


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