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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets contain Clotrimazole which is antifungal.

Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets is indicated in the treatment of susceptible fungal infections including.

- Vulvo-vaginal moniliasis or candidiasis.

- Symptomatic treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis when other drugs are contraindicated.

Do not use Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets and tell your doctor or pharmacist if

- You are allergic (hypersensitive) to clotrimazole or any of the other ingredients of Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets (see Section 6. Further Information).

- During your menstrual period as it may be less effective. You are unsure whether you have thrush or this is the first time you have had these symptoms.

- You have had more than two infections of thrush in the last six months.

- You or your partner has ever had a sexually transmitted disease.

- You are aged under 16 or over 60.You have ever had an allergic reaction to Clotrizole® or any other vaginal antifungal products.

- You have any of the following symptoms:

- Irregular vaginal bleeding.

- Abnormal vaginal bleeding or a blood-stained discharge.

- Ulcers, blisters or sores of the vagina or vulva.

- Lower abdominal pain.

- Pain or difficulty in passing urine.

- Fever or chills.

- Feeling sick or vomiting.

- Diarrhoea.

- A foul smelling discharge from the vagina.This is because Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets may not be the right treatment for you.


Special precautions:

As with other vaginal tablets, this product may reduce the effectiveness of rubber contraceptives, such as condoms. Consequently, you should use alternative precautions for at least five days after using this product.Do not use tampons, intravaginal douches, spermicides or other vaginal products while using this product.Avoid vaginal intercourse while you have thrush and during use of this product because your partner could become infected.


Using other medicines

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Inform your doctor if you are taking tacrolimus or sirolimus (used to reduce the immune response to prevent rejection after an organ transplant).


Pregnancy and breast-feeding

If you are pregnant, breast-feeding or trying for a baby, tell your doctor before using Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets. If you have informed your doctor, follow her instructions carefully.To treat internal thrush, your doctor may recommend that you use the vaginal tablets without the help of an applicator.

Always use Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets exactly as your doctor or the pharmacist has told you.

Instruction for the use of the applicator:

1. Pull the plunger outwards till the end.

2. Release a tablet from the strip and put it on the tip of the applicator.

3. While the reclining position, gently insert the blunt end into the vulva till the end.

4. Push the plunger to release the tablet.


Cleaning the applicator after use:

To clean the applicator after, disassemble by pushing the plunger out of the barrel, wash both parts in soap and warm water, and then wash them once again with warm water. Dry the assemble once more.



One vaginal tablet should be inserted daily for six days, preferably at night. Alternatively, two vaginal tablets should be inserted daily (preferably at night) for three consecutive days. A second treatment may be carried out if necessary.


If you forget to use CLOTRIZOLE® Vaginal Tablets:

If you forget to insert a vaginal tablet, when you remember, continue with your course of treatment. If you have forgotten for more than one day, your infection may not be fully treated, so if symptoms persist upon completion of this course, see your doctor.

Like all medicines, Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.As with all medicines, some people may be allergic to the vaginal tablet. If you are allergic, a reaction will occur soon after you have used the medicine.

If you experience an allergic reaction or the redness, burning, pain, itching or swelling get worse, stop using this product and tell your doctor. Signs of an allergic reaction may include:

- Rash.

- Swallowing or breathing problems.

- Swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue.

- Weakness, feeling dizzy or faint.

- Nausea.

After you use the vaginal tablet you might experience:

- Itching, rash, swelling, redness, discomfort, burning, irritation, vaginal peeling or bleeding.

- Pain in the abdomen or pelvic area.

If you experience any of the above effects, tell your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Do not use Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets after the expiry date (EXP) which is stated on the box and blister strip of the vaginal tablets. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is Clotrimazole.

Each vaginal tablet contains 100 mg of Clotrimazole.

The other ingredients are Lactose monohydrate, Maize starch, Magnesium stearate, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Microcrystalline cellulose and Colloidal silicone dioxide.

Clotrizole® Vaginal Tablets are white elongated bullet shaped uncoated tablets with beveled edges. Clotrizole® is presented as a carton box containing one blister which contains six vaginal tablets, along with a patient information leaflet & an applicator.


Street No.: 401, Road No.: 403,

Industrial Area-Phase-IV,

P.O. Box: 10667,


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)


تحتوي أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة على كلوتریمازول والذى یعد مضاد للفطریات.

توصف أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة لعلاج الإصابات الفطریة مثل:

- داء المبیضات والفرج المھبلي لفطر الكاندیدا.

- علاج الأعراض لوحیدات المشعرة المھبلیة.


لا تستعملي أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة وأخبري طبیبك أو الصیدلي إذا كنتي تعانین من:

- فرط الحساسیة لكلوتریمازول أو أي من المكونات الآخرى لأقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة.

- أثناء فترة الدورة الشھریة حیث یكون أقل فاعلیة.


قبل أن تستعملي أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة یجب إستشارة طبیبك إذا :

- كنتي غیر متأكدة من حدوث العدوى الفطریة أو حدوث الأعراض لأول مرة.

- حدوث العدوى الفطریة مرتین أو أكثر خلال الستة أشھر الأخیرة. لك أو لشریكك في أي وقت مضى. ً

- الإصابة بأي من الأمراض المنقولة جنسیا-

إذاكان عمرك أقل من ۱٦عام أو أكثر من ٦۰عام.

- إذا كان قد حدث لكي أي حساسیة من أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة أو أي مستحضرات أخرى مضادات للعدوى الفطریة المھبلیة.

- إذا كنتي تعاني من أي من الأعراض الآتیة:

• نزیف مھبلي غیر منتظم.

• نزیف مھبلي غیر طبیعي أو إفرازات ملطخة بالدماء.

• ظھور بثور أو قروح في المھبل أو الفرج.

• ألم في أسفل البطن.

• ألم أو صعوبة في التبول.

• حمى أو قشعریرة.

• الشعور بالغثیان أو القيء.

• إسھال.

• إفرازات كریھة الرائحة من المھبل.ذلك لأن أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة قد لا تكون العلاج المناسب لك في ھذه الحالة.


احتیاطات خاصھ:

كما ھو الحال مع الأقراص المھبلیة الأخرى، ھذا الدواء قد یقلل من فعالیة وسائل منع الحمل المطاطیة، مثل الواقیات الذكریة أو الأغشیة. ونتیجة لذلك، یجب علیك إستخدام الإحتیاطات البدیلة لمدة خمسة أیام على الأقل بعد استخدام ھذا الدواء. لا تستخدمي الحفائظ ، الدوش المھبلى، المبیدات المنویة أو غیرھا من أدویة المھبل أثناء استخدام ھذا الدواء. یجب تجنب الجماع فى حالة العدوى الفطریة وأثناء استخدام ھذا الدواء لأن شریكك یمكن أن یصاب.


استخدام الأدویة الأخرى:

یرجى إخبار الطبیب أو الصیدلي إذا كنتي تتناولي أي أدویة أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدویة التي تصرف بدون وصفة طبیة. أخبري طبیبك إذا كنتي تتناولي تاكرولیماس أو سیرولیماس و(التي تستخدم للحد من الاستجابة المناعیة لمنع رفض الجسم للأعضاء بعد زرعھا).


الحمل والرضاعة:

إذا كنتي حاملا أو مرضعة أو تنوین الحمل فأخبري طبیبك قبل إستخدام أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة وإتبعي إرشادات الطبیب بعنایة. لعلاج العدوى الفطریة الداخلیة قد ینصح الطبیب بإستخدام الأقراص المھبلیة دون الإستعانة بأداة الإستعمال.



دائما استعملي أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة كما أخبرك الطبیب أو الصیدلي بالضبط.

ارشادات خاصة بأداة الاستعمال:

۱. اسحبي ید المكبس للخارج حتى النھایة.

۲. انزعي القرص من الشریط وضعیھ فى طرف المكبس المعد لذلك.

۳. یسھل إدخال المكبس فى وضع الإستلقاء على الظھر مع ثني الركبتین.

٤. أدخلي بلطف المكبس المحتوي على القرص في الفرج لأطول مسافة مریحة ثم إضغطي على ید المكبس إلى داخل المھبل.طریقة تنظیف أداة الإستعمال بعد أستخدامھا. إسحبي ید المكبس للخارج، اغسلي واشطفي جیدا بالماء الدافئ والصابون ، واغسلي بالماء الدافئ مرة أخرى ، ثم جففیه بعنایه. لمدة ستة أیام، ویفضل أن یكون في ً یجب أن یستخدم قرص واحد مھبلي یومی



الجرعة: يجب استخدام قرص واحد مهبلي يوميًا لمدة ستة ايام, و يفضل أن يكون في الليل, أو بدلًا من ذلك يمكن أن یستخدم اثنین من الأقراص المھبلیة یومیًا (یفضل في اللیل لمدة ثلاثة أیام متتالیة). ویمكن تكرار الجرعة مرة ثانیة إذا لزم الأمر


كما یحدث مع جمیع الأدویة، أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة یمكن أن تسبب آثار جانبیة بالرغم من أن ذلك لا یحدث مع الجمیع. كما ھو الحال مع جمیع الأدویة، یمكن أن یكون لدى بعض الناس حساسیة من الأقراص المھبلیة، وإن كنتي تعاني من الحساسیة فسوف یحدث تفاعل الحساسیة بعد وقت قصیر من استخدام ھذا الدواء.



إذا كنتي تعاني من تفاعل الحساسیة أو إحمرار، حرقان، ألم، حكة، أو تورم متزاید :فتوقفي عن استخدام الدواء وأخبري طبیبك. وتشمل علامات الحساسیة

- الطفح الجلدي.

- مشاكل في البلع أو التنفس.

- تورم الشفتین، الوجھ، الحلق أو اللسان.

- الإحساس بالوھن ، الشعور بالدوار أو الاغماء.

- الشعور بالغثیان.

بعد استخدام القرص المھبلي یمكن أن تعاني من:

- الحكة، الطفح الجلدي، تورم، احمرار، عدم الراحة، الحرق، تھیج، تقشیر المھبل والنزیف.

- ألم في منطقة البطن أو الحوض.

عند حدوث أي من الآثار المذكورة أعلاه، أخبري طبیبك أو الصیدلي فورًا

یحفظ بعیدا عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.

- لا تستخدم أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة بعد تاریخ إنتھاء الصلاحیة المذكور . تاریخ الصلاحیة یشیر إلى الیوم الأخیر من ذلك EXPعلى العلبة والشریط بعد كلمة الشھر.

- یحفظ في درجة حرارة لاتزید عن ۳۰ °م.

- ینبغي أن لا یتم التخلص من الأدویة عن طریق میاه الصرف الصحي أو النفایات المنزلیة. إسأل الصیدلي حول كیفیة التخلص من الأدویة التي لم تعد مطلوبة. وستساعد ھذه التدابیر على حمایة البیئة


- المادة الفعالة ھي كلوتریمازول. یحتوي كل قرص مھبلي على ۱۰۰ ملجم كلوتریمازول.

- المكونات الأخرى ھي: لاكتوز أحادي الھیدرات ، نشا الذرة ، وماغنیسیوم إستیارات ، ھیدروكسیل بروبیل میثیل سیلیلوز ، سلیلوز بلورى و ثنائى أكسید سیلیكون غروى.

یف تبدو أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة وما ھي محتویات العبوةتبدو أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة على ھیئة أقراص بیضاء ممدودة غیر مغلفة.تتوفر أقراص كلوتریزول® المھبلیة فى علبة كرتون تحتوي على شریط واحد یحتوي على ستة أقراص مھبلیة ومرفق مع الشریط النشرة الداخلیة وأداة الإستعمال.

بترجي فارما

الشارع رقم ٤۰۱ ،شارع رقم ٤۰۳ ،

منطقة المرحلة الرابعة الصناعیة،

ص. مربع: ۱۰٦٦۷ ،

جدة ۲۱٤٤۳ ،

المملكة العربیة السعودیة

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

CLOTRIZOLE® Vaginal Tablets.

Each Vaginal Tablet contains 100 mg of Clotrimazole. For full list of excipients see section 6.1

Vaginal Tablets. White elongated bullet shaped uncoated tablets with beveled edges having plain surfaces on one side and BP5 embossed on other side.

Treatment of susceptible fungal infections including:
• Vulvo-vaginal moniliasis or candidiasis.
• Symptomatic treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis when other drugs are contraindicated.

For intravaginal administration using the applicator provided. This is best achieved when lying back
with legs bent up.
One vaginal tablet should be inserted daily for six days, preferably at night. Alternatively, two vaginal
tablets should be inserted daily (preferably at night) for three consecutive days. A second treatment may
be carried out if necessary.
There is no separate dosage schedule for the elderly.
Clotrizole Vaginal Tablets need moisture in the vagina in order to dissolve completely, otherwise
undissolved pieces of the vaginal tablet might crumble out of the vagina. Pieces of undissolved vaginal
tablet may be noticed by women who experience vaginal dryness. To help prevent this it is important
that the vaginal tablet is inserted as high as possible into the vagina at bedtime.

treatment during the menstrual period should not be performed due to the risk of the vaginal tablet
being washed out by the menstrual flow. The treatment should be finished before the onset of
Do not use tampons, intravaginal douches, spermicides or other vaginal products while using this
Vaginal intercourse should be avoided in case of vaginal infection and while using this product because
the partner could become infected.
Not for use in children under 16.

Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or any other ingredient in the medicinal product. 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use Medical advice should be sought if this is the first time the patient has experienced symptoms of candidal vaginitis. Before using Clotrizole Vaginal Tablets, medical advice must be sought if any of the following are applicable:  Previous history of a sexually transmitted disease or exposure to partner with sexually transmitted disease.  Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy.  Aged under 16 or over 60 years.  Known hypersensitivity to imidazoles or other vaginal antifungal products. Clotrizole Vagial Tablets should not be used if the patient has any of the following symptoms where upon medical advice should be sought:  Irregular vaginal bleeding.  Abnormal vaginal bleeding or a bloodstained discharge.  Vulval or vaginal ulcers, blisters or sores.  Lower abdominal pain or dysuria.  Any adverse events such as redness, irritation or swelling associated with the treatment.  Fever or chills.  Nausea or vomiting.  diarrhoea.  Foul smelling vaginal discharge.

Medical advice should be sought if this is the first time the patient has experienced symptoms of
candidal vaginitis.
Before using Clotrizole Vaginal Tablets, medical advice must be sought if any of the following are
 Previous history of a sexually transmitted disease or exposure to partner with sexually transmitted
 Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy.
 Aged under 16 or over 60 years.
 Known hypersensitivity to imidazoles or other vaginal antifungal products.
Clotrizole Vagial Tablets should not be used if the patient has any of the following symptoms where
upon medical advice should be sought:
 Irregular vaginal bleeding.
 Abnormal vaginal bleeding or a bloodstained discharge.
 Vulval or vaginal ulcers, blisters or sores.
 Lower abdominal pain or dysuria.
 Any adverse events such as redness, irritation or swelling associated with the treatment.
 Fever or chills.
 Nausea or vomiting.
 diarrhoea.
 Foul smelling vaginal discharge.

Patients should be advised to consult their physician if the symptoms have not been relieved within one
week of using Clotrizole Vaginal Tablets. The vaginal tablets can be used again if the candidal infection
returns after 7 days. However, if the candidal infection recurs more than twice within six months,
patients should be advised to consult their physician.

Laboratory tests have suggested that, when used together, this product may cause damage to latex
contraceptives (e.g. condoms). Consequently the effectiveness of such contraceptives may be reduced.
Patients should be advised to use alternative precautions for at least five days after using this product.
Concomitant medication with vaginal clotrimazole and oral tacrolimus (FK506; immunosuppressant)
might lead to increased tacrolimus plasma levels and similarly with sirolimus. Patients should thus be
closely monitored for signs and symptoms of tacrolimus or sirolimus overdosage, if necessary by
determination of the respective plasma levels.

No human studies of the effects of clotrimazole on fertility have been performed, however, animal
studies have not demonstrated any effects of the drug on fertility.
There are limited amount of data from the use of clotrimazole in pregnant women. Animal studies with
clotrimazole have shown reproductive toxicity at high oral doses (see section 5.3). At the low systemic
exposures of clotrimazole following vaginal treatment, harmful effects with respect to reproductive
toxicity are not predicted.
Clotrimazole can be used during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a physician or midwife.
During pregnancy the vaginal tablet should be inserted without using an applicator.
Available pharmacodynamic/toxicological data in animals have shown excretion of
clotrimazole/metabolites in milk after intravenous administration (see section 5.3). A risk to the
suckling child cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breastfeeding
or to discontinue/abstain from clotrimazole therapy taking into account the benefit of breastfeeding
for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.

The medication has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive or use machinery.

As the listed undesirable effects are based on spontaneous reports, assigning accurate frequency of
occurrence for each is not possible.
Immune system disorders:
allergic reaction (syncope, hypotension, dyspnea, urticaria, pruritus).
Reproductive system and breast disorders:
genital peeling, pruritus, rash, oedema, erythema, discomfort, burning, irritation, pelvic pain, vaginal
Gastrointestinal disorders:
abdominal pain.
- To report any side effect(s) in Saudi Arabia;
- National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC)
 Fax: +966-11-205-7662
 Call NPC at +966-11-2038222 Exts: 2317- 2356- 2353- 2354- 2334- 2340.
 Toll- free number: 8002490000
 E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
 Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

No risk of acute intoxication is seen as it is unlikely to occur following a single vaginal or dermal
application of an overdose (application over a large area under conditions favourable to absorption)
or inadvertent oral ingestion. There is no specific antidote.
However, in the event of accidental oral ingestion, routine measures such as gastric lavage should be
performed only if clinical symptoms of overdose become apparent (e.g. dizziness, nausea or
vomiting). Gastric lavage should be carried out only if the airway can be protected adequately.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Gynaecological antiinfectives and antiseptics – imidazole derivatives.
ATC code: G01AF02
Mechanism of Action
Clotrimazole acts against fungi by inhibiting ergosterol synthesis. Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis
leads to structural and functional impairment of the fungal cytoplasmic membrane.

Clotrimazole has a broad antimycotic spectrum of action in vitro and in vivo, which includes
dermatophytes, yeasts, moulds, etc.
Under appropriate test conditions, the MIC values for these types of fungi are in the region of less than
0.0628.0 μg/ml substrate. The mode of action of clotrimazole is fungistatic or fungicidal depending on
the concentration of clotrimazole at the site of infection. Invitro activity is limited to proliferating
fungal elements; fungal spores are only slightly sensitive.
Primarily resistant variants of sensitive fungal species are very rare; the development of secondary
resistance by sensitive fungi has so far only been observed in very isolated cases under therapeutic

Pharmacokinetic investigations after vaginal application have shown that only a small amount of
clotrimazole (3 – 10% of the dose) is absorbed. Due to the rapid hepatic metabolism of absorbed
clotrimazole into pharmacologically inactive metabolites the resulting peak plasma concentrations of
clotrimazole after vaginal application of a 500mg dose were less than 10 ng/ml, reflecting that
clotrimazole applied intravaginally does not lead to measurable systemic effects or side effects.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of repeated dose toxicity,
genotoxicity and carcinogenicity.
Clotrimazole was not teratogenic in reproductive toxicity studies in mice, rats and rabbits. In rats high
oral doses were associated with maternal toxicity, embryotoxicity, reduced fetal weights and decreased
pup survival.
In rats clotrimazole and/or its metabolites were secreted into milk at levels higher than in plasma by a
factor of 10 to 20 at 4 hrs after administration, followed by a decline to a factor of 0.4 by 24 hrs.

Lactose monohydrate
Maize starch
Magnesium stearate
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
Microcrystallinecellulose PH102
Colloidal silicone dioxide

Not applicable.

36 months.

Store at temperature not exceeding 30°C.
Keep out of reach and sight of children.

CLOTRIZOLE® is presented as a carton box containing one blister (Aluminum foil/PVC) which
contains six vaginal tablets, along with a patient information leaflet & an applicator.

No special requirements.

Batterjee Pharma Jeddah Industrial City, Jeddah – KSA.

March 2016

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية