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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Clovir Tablets 200 mg (called ‘Clovir’ in this leaflet) contains a medicine called aciclovir. This belongs to a group of medicines called antivirals. It works by killing or stopping the growth of viruses.

Clovir can be used to:

·       Treat chickenpox and shingles.

·       Treat cold sores, genital herpes and other herpes simplex infections.

·       Stop these problems returning after you have had them.

·       Stop these problems in people whose immune systems work less well, which means their bodies are less able to fight infections.

 Do not use Clovir:

·       If you are allergic to aciclovir or valaciclovir or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in Section 6).


Do not take Clovir if the above applies to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Clovir.



Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist or nurse before taking Clovir if:

·       You have kidney problems.

·       You are over 65 years of age.


If you are not sure if the above apply to you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Clovir. It is important that you drink plenty of water while taking Clovir.

Other medicines and Clovir

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines. This includes medicines obtained without a prescription, including herbal medicines.


In particular, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any of the following medicines:

·       Probenecid, used to treat gout.

·       Cimetidine, used to treat stomach ulcers.

·       Mycophenolate mofetil, used to stop your body rejecting transplanted organs.


Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.


Driving and using machines

Some side effects such as feeling drowsy or sleepy may impair your ability to concentrate and react. Make sure you are not affected before you drive or operate machinery.


Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.


The dose that you should take will depend on what you have been given Clovir for. Your doctor will discuss this with you.


Treatment of chickenpox and shingles

·       The usual dose is 800 mg taken five times a day.

·       You should space each dose by 4 hours.

Suggested times are: 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and 11pm.

·       You should take Clovir for seven days.


Treatment of cold sores and genital herpes

·       The usual dose is one 200 mg tablet taken five times a day.

·       You should space each dose by 4 hours.


Suggested times are: 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm and 11pm.

·       You should take Clovir for five days, or longer if your doctor tells you to.


Stopping these problems returning after you have had them

·       The usual dose is one 200 mg tablet taken four times a day.

·       You should try to space each dose by 6 hours.

·       You should take Clovir until your doctor tells you to stop.


Stopping these problems in people whose immune systems work less well and whose bodies are less able to fight infections

·       The usual dose is one 200 mg tablet taken four times a day.

·       You should try to space each dose by 6 hours.

·       You should take Clovir until your doctor tells you to stop.


Your doctor may adjust the dose of Clovir if:

·       It is for a child.

·       You are over 65 years of age.

·       You have kidney problems. If you have kidney problems, it is important to drink plenty of water while you are being treated with Clovir.

Talk to your doctor before taking Clovir if any of the above apply.


If you take more Clovir than you should

Clovir is not usually harmful, unless you take too much over several days. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you take too much Clovir. Take the medicine pack with you.


If you forget to take Clovir

·       If you forget to take Clovir, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is nearly time for your next dose, skip the missed dose.

·       Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.



Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. The following side effects may happen with this medicine:


Allergic reactions (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people)

If you have an allergic reaction, stop taking Clovir and see a doctor straight away. The signs may include:

·       Rash, itching or hives on your skin.

·       Swelling of your face, lips, tongue or other parts of your body.

·       Shortness of breath, wheezing or trouble breathing.

·       Collapse.


Other side effects include:


Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)

·       Headache.

·       Feeling dizzy.

·       Feeling or being sick.

·       Diarrhoea.

·       Stomach pains.

·       Rash.

·       Skin reaction after exposure to light (photosensitivity).

·       Itching.

·       Feeling tired.

·       unexplained fever (high temperature) and feeling faint, especially when standing up.


Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)

·       Itchy, hive-like rash.

·       Hair loss.


Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people)

·       Effects on some blood and urine tests.

·       Increases in the enzymes that work in the liver.


Very rare (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people)

·       Reduced numbers of red blood cells (anemia).

·       Reduced numbers of white blood cells (leukopenia).

·       Reduced numbers of blood platelets (cells that help blood to clot) (thrombocytopenia).

·       Feeling weak.

·       Feeling agitated or confused.

·       Shaking or tremors.

·       Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there).

·       Fits.

·       Feeling unusually sleepy or drowsy.

·       Unsteadiness when walking and lack of coordination.

·       Difficulty speaking.

·       Inability to think or judge clearly.

·       Unconsciousness (coma).

·       Paralysis of part or all of your body.

·       Disturbances of behavior, speech and eye movements.

·       Stiff neck and sensitivity to light.

·       Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

·       Yellowing of your skin and whites of your eyes (jaundice).

·       Kidney problems where you pass little or no urine.


·       Pain in your lower back, the kidney area of your back or just above your hip (renal pain).


Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC). By reporting side affects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

·       Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

·       Do not store above 30°C.

·       Store in the original package.

·       Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton after Exp. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

·       Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

·       The active substance is aciclovir. Each tablet contains 200 of acyclovir, Micronized.

·       The other ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101), Sodium starch glycollate, Povidone K-25, Magnesium stearate and Colloidal silicon dioxide.

A white biconvex tablet engraved on one side with a crescent logo and on the other side with break line between letters “SP” and the number “126”. Clovir Tablets 200 mg are supplied to you in Transparent thermoformed 250 microns PVC/PVDC reel blister with hard tempered aluminum foil 250 microns. Pack size: 100 Tablets per unit carton.


Al-Qassim pharmaceutical plant

Saudi Arabia

July 2022.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

أقراص كلوفير 200 ملجم )والتي تسمى "كلوفير" فى هذه النشرة( تحتوي على مادة عالجية تسمي أسيكلوفير. أسيكلوفير ينتمي إلى مجموعة من األدوية التى تسمى مضادات الفيروسات، والذي يعمل على قتل أو الحد من نمو الفيروسات.

يستخدم كلوفير فيما يلي:

• عالج الجدري المائي والقوباء المنطقية.

• عالج القروح الباردة، والهربس التناسلي وغيرها من عدوي الهربس البسيط.

• الحد من عودة تلك المشاكل مرة أخرى بعد إصابتك بها.

• الحد من تلك المشاكل لدى األشخاص ذوي القصور في أداء جهاز المناعة، مما يعنى أن أجسامهم أقل قدرة على محاربة العدوى.

ال تتناول كلوفير:

• إذا كنت تعاني من فرط التحسس )الحساسية المفرطة( تجاه مادة أسيكلوفير أو ڨاالسيكلوفير أو أي من المكونات األخرى لهذا الدواء )والمذكورة فى الفقرة 6.) ال تتناول كلوفير إذا انطبق عليك ما سبق ذكره. إذا كنت غير متأكداً تواصل مع طبيبك المعالج أو الصيدلى قبل تناول كلوفير

التحذیرات والإحتیاطات

تحدث الي طبیبك المعالج أو الصیدلى أو الممرضة قبل تناول كلوفیر:
• إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل بالكلى.
• إذا كنت تجاوزت 65 سنة من العمر.
فى حالة عدم تأكدك من انطباق أى من الحالات المذكورة أعلاه علیك، تحدث مع طبیبك المعالج أوالصیدلى قبل
تناول كلوفیر.
من الضرورى علیك شرب كمیة كبیرة من الماء أثناء تناولك كلوفیر.
الأدویة الأخرى وكلوفیر
فضلا أخبر طبیبك المعالج أو الصیدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أي أدویة أخرى. یشمل تلك الأدویة التي
تم الحصول علیھا بدون وصفة طبیة، وتشمل الأدویة العشبیة.
بالأخص أخبر طبیبك المعالج أو الصیدلى إذا كنت تتناول أى من الأدویة الآتیة:
• بروبینسید، والذي یستخدم لعلاج النقرس.
• سیمیتیدین، والذي یستخدم لعلاج تقرحات المعدة.
• مایكوفینولات موفیتیل، والذي یستخدم للحد من رفض جسمك للأعضاء المزروعة .
الحمل والرضاعة والخصوبة
إذا كنتي حاملا أو تقومین بالرضاعة الطبیعة، أو تعتقدین أنك حاملا أو تخططین لإنجاب طفل، اسألي طبیبك أو
الصیدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل تناول ھذا الدواء.
القیادة واستخدام الآلات
بعض الأعراض الجانبیة مثل الشعور بالنعاس أو النعاس قد یضعف قدرتك على التركیز والتفاعل. تأكد من أنك
لم تتأثر قبل القیادة أو تشغیل الآلات.


تناول كلوفیر تماما كما أخبرك طبیبك المعالج. استشر طبیبك أو الصیدلي إذا كنت غیر متأكد اً.
تعتمد الجرعة التي یجب أن تتناولھا على سبب تناولك ل كلوفیر. وسوف یناقش طبیبك المعالج ھذا معك.

في حالة علاج الجدري المائي والقوباء المنطقیة:
• تكون الجرعة المعتادة ھى 800 ملجم یتم تناولھا خمس مرات یومیا.ً
• ینبغى أن تفصل كل جرعة عن الأخرى 4 ساعات.
الأوقات المقترحة ھى: 7 صباحا ،ً 11 صباح ا،ً 3 مساءً ، 7 مساءً و 11 مساءً.
• ینبغى أن تتناول كلوفیر لمدة سبعة أیام .
في حالة علاج القروح الباردة والھربس التناسلى
• تكون الجرعة المعتادة ھى قرص واحد 200 ملجم یتم تناولھ خمس مرات یومیا.ً
• ینبغى أن تفصل كل جرعة عن الأخرى 4 ساعات.
الأوقات المقترحة ھى: 7 صباحا ،ً 11 صباح ا،ً 3 مساءً ، 7 مساءً و 11 مساءً.
• ینبغى أن تتناول كلوفیر لمدة خمسة أیام، أو أكثر إذا أخبرك طبیبك المعالج بذلك.
في حالة الحد من عودة تلك المشاكل مرة أخرى بعد إصابتك بھا
• تكون الجرعة المعتادة ھى قرص واحد 200 ملجم یتم تناولھ أربع مرات یومیا.ً
• ینبغى أن تفصل كل جرعة عن الأخرى 6 ساعات.
• ینبغى أن تتناول كلوفیر إلى أن یخبرك طبیبك المعالج بالتوقف.
في حالة الحد من تلك المشاكل لدى الأشخاص ذوي القصور فى أداء جھاز المناعة، مما یعنى أن أجسامھم أقل
قدرة على محاربة العدوى.
• تكون الجرعة المعتادة ھى قرص واحد 200 ملجم یتم تناولھ أربع مرات یومیا.ً
• ینبغى أن تفصل كل جرعة عن الأخرى 6 ساعات.
• ینبغى أن تتناول كلوفیر إلى أن یخبرك طبیبك المعالج بالتوقف.
قد یقوم طبیبك المعالج بضبط جرعة كلوفیر فى الحالات الآتیة:
• إذا كان الدواء سیتم اعطاؤه لطفل.
• إذا كنت تجاوزت 65 سنة من العمر.

• إذا كانت لدیك مشاكل بالكلى. من الضروري علیك شرب كمیة ك بیرة من الماء أثناء علاجك ب كلوفیر إذا
كانت لدیك مشاكل بالكلى.
تحدث مع طبیبك المعالج قبل تناول كلوفیر إذا كان أي مما سبق ینطبق علیك.
إذا تناولت كلوفیر أكثر مما ینبغي
كلوفیر لیس ضار عادة ،ً إلا إذا تناولت جرعة زائدة منھ على مدى عدة أیام. تحدث إلى طبیبك المعالج أو
الصیدلي إذا تناولت جرعة زائدة من كلوفیر. احرص على اصطحاب علبة الدواء معك.
في حالة نسیان تناول كلوفیر
• إذا نسیت تناول كلوفیر، تناول الجرعة حینما تتذكرھا. إلا إذا كان قد أوشك میعاد الجرعة التالیة، في ھذه
الحالة قم بتجاوز الجرعة المنسیة.
• لا تقم بمضاعفة الجرعة لتعویض الجرعة المنسیة.

مثل جمیع الأدویة، كلوفیر قد یسبب أعراضا جانبیة، وإن لم تكن تحدث لكل من یتناول ھذا الدواء. الأعراض
الجانبیة الآتیة قد تحدث مع ھذا الدواء:
التفاعلات لا تحسسیة (قد تؤثر على 1 من كل 1,000 شخص)
إذا ظھر علیك رد فعل تحسسي، توقف عن تناول كلوفیر وتوجھ لزیارة الطبیب مباشرة.ً الأعراض قد تشمل
• طفح جلدي، وحكة أو شرى على جلدك.
• تورم الوجھ، أو الشفتین أو اللسان أو أجزاء أخرى فى جسمك.
• ضیق في التنفس وصفیر عند التنفس أو صعوبة في التنفس.
• تدھور الصحة.
أعراض جانبیة أخرى وتشمل :
شائعة (قد تؤثر على 1 من كل 10 أشخاص)
• صداع.
• شعور بالدوار.
• الشعور بالإعیاء أو المرض.
• إسھال.

• آلام بالمعدة.
• طفح جلدى.
• تفاعلات جلدیة بعد التعرض للضوء (حساسیة للضوء).
• حكة.
• شعور بالتعب.
• حمى غیر مبررة (ارتفاع في درجة الحرارة)، الشعور بالإغماء، وخاصة عند الوقوف.
غیر شائعة (قد تؤثر على 1 من كل 100 شخص)
• طفح جلدى مثیر للحكة یشبھ الشرى (خلایا النحل).
• تساقط الشعر.
نادرة (قد تؤثر على 1 من كل 1,000 شخص)
• تأثیرات على بعض اختبارات الدم والبول.
• زیادة في الإنزیمات التي تعمل في الكبد.
نادرة جد ا (قد تؤثر على 1 من كل 10,000 شخص)
• انخفاض عدد خلایا الدم الحمراء (فقر الدم).
• انخفاض عدد خلایا الدم البیضاء (نقص في عدد كریات الدم البیضاء).
• انخفاض عدد الصفائح الدمویة (الخلایا التي تساعد الدم على التجلط) (قلة الصفیحات).
• الشعور بالضعف.
• الشعور بالاضطراب أو الارتباك .
• الاھتزاز أو الارتعاش.
• الھلوسة (رؤیة أو سماع أشیاء غیر موجودة).
• النوبات.
• الشعور غیر المعتاد بالنعاس أو لا دوار.
• عدم الثبات عند المشي وغیاب التناسق الحركي.

• الصعوبة في الكلام.
• عدم القدرة على التفكیر أو الحكم بوضوح.
• فقدان الوعي (الغیبوبة).
• شلل جزئى أو كلى فى الجسم.
• اضطرابات فى السلوك أو الكلام أو حركات العینین.
• تیبس الرقبة وحساسیة تجاه الضوء.
• التھاب الكبد.
• اصفرار الجلد واصفرار بیاض العینین (الیرقان).
• مشاكل بالكلى تتمثل فى نقص أو انعدام البول.
• ألم فى أسفل الظھر أو منطقة الكلي فى الظھر أو فوق الورك مباشرة (ألم كلوي).
الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة
إذا ظھرت علیك أي أعراض جانبیة، قم بالتحدث مع طبیبك أو الصیدلي أو الممرضة. ویشمل ذلك أي أعراض
جانبیة محتملة غیر المُدرجة في ھذه النشرة. یمكنك أیضا الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة مباشرة عبر المركز
الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة. یمكنك من خلال الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة أن تساعد في توفیر المزید من
المعلومات حول سلامة ھذا الدواء.

• یحفظ بعیدا عن متناول وبصر الأطفال.
• لا یحفظ في درجة حرارة أعلي من 30 درجة مئویة.
• یحفظ في عبوتھ الأصلیة.
تاریخ الانتھاء یشیر إلى الیوم .Exp • لا تستخدم كلوفیر بعد تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة المذكور ع لى العبوة بعد
الأخیر من كل شھر.
• لا تتخلص من أي أدویة عن طریق میاه الصرف الصحي أو النفایات المنزلیة. اسأل الصیدلي عن كیفیة
التخلص من الأدویة التي لم تعد تستخدم. وسوف تساعد ھذه التدابیر على حمایة البیئة .

• المادة الفعالة ھي: أسیكلوفیر. یحتوي كل قرص على 200 ملجم أسیكلوفیر، جزیئات مصغرة.
جلیكولا ت نشا الصودیوم، ،(PH • مكونات أخرى وھي: كریستالات مصغرة من السلیلوز (أفیسیل 101
ستیرات ماغنسیوم وثاني أكسید السلیكا الغروانى. ،K- بوفیدون 25

لوح أبیض محدب من الجانبین محفور على أحد وجھیھ بشعار الھلال وعلى الجانب الآخر خط فاصل بین
." والرقم " 126 "SP" الحرفین
ذات التشكیل الحراري الشفاف 250 PVC / PVDC أقراص كلوفیر 200 ملجم متوفرة في شرائط من
میكرون مع رقائق الألومنیوم المقسى الصلبة 250 میكرون.
حجم العبوة: كل عبوة تحتوي على 100 قرصا .

مالك الحقوق التسویقیة والمصنع
مصنع الأدویة بالقصیم
المملكة العربیة السعودیة
مالك الحقوق التسوی قیة والمصنع
مصنع الأدویة بالقصیم
المملكة العربیة السعودیة

یولیو 2022 .
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Clovir 200 mg Tablets.

Aciclovir, Micronized 200 mg For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Tablet. A white biconvex tablet engraved on once face with a crescent logo and on the other face with the letters “SP” and the number “126”.

Clovir Tablets are indicated for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes including initial and recurrent genital herpes (excluding neonatal HSV and severe HSV infections in immunocompromised children).

Clovir Tablets are indicated for the suppression (prevention of recurrences) of recurrent herpes simplex infections in immunocompetent patients.

Clovir Tablets are indicated for the prophylaxis of herpes simplex infections in immunocompromised patients.

Clovir Tablets are indicated for the treatment of varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster (shingles) infections.

Route of administration: Oral.

Clovir tablets may be dispersed in a minimum of 50 ml of water or swallowed whole with a little water. Ensure that patients on high doses of aciclovir are adequately hydrated.

Dosage in adults

Treatment of herpes simplex infections: 200 mg Clovir should be taken five times daily at approximately four hourly intervals omitting the night time dose. Treatment should continue for 5 days, but in severe initial infections this may have to be extended.

In severely immunocompromised patients (e.g. after marrow transplant) or in patients with impaired absorption from the gut the dose can be doubled to 400 mg Clovir or alternatively intravenous dosing could be considered.

Dosing should begin as early as possible after the start of an infection; for recurrent episodes this should preferably be during the prodromal period or when lesions first appear.

Suppression of herpes simplex infections in immunocompetent patients: 200 mg Clovir should be taken four times daily at approximately six-hourly intervals.


Many patients may be conveniently managed on a regimen of 400 mg Clovir twice daily at approximately twelve-hourly intervals.

Dosage titration down to 200 mg Clovir taken thrice daily at approximately eight-hourly intervals or even twice daily at approximately twelve-hourly intervals may prove effective.

Some patients may experience break-through infection on total daily doses of 800 mg Clovir.

Therapy should be interrupted periodically at intervals of six to twelve months, in order to observe possible changes in the natural history of the disease.

Prophylaxis of herpes simplex infections in immunocompromised patients: 200 mg Clovir should be taken four times daily at approximately six-hourly intervals.

In severely immunocompromised patients (e.g. after marrow transplant) or in patients with impaired absorption from the gut, the dose can be doubled to 400 mg Clovir, or alternatively, intravenous dosing could be considered.

The duration of prophylactic administration is determined by the duration of the period at risk.

Treatment of varicella and herpes zoster infections: 800 mg Clovir should be taken five times daily at approximately four-hourly intervals, omitting the night time dose. Treatment should continue for seven days.

In severely immunocompromised patients (e.g. after marrow transplant) or in patients with impaired absorption from the gut, consideration should be given to intravenous dosing.

Dosing should begin as early as possible after the start of an infection: Treatment of herpes zoster yields better results if initiated as soon as possible after the onset of the rash. Treatment of chickenpox in immunocompetent patients should begin within 24 hours after onset of the rash.

Dosage in children

Treatment of herpes simplex infections, and prophylaxis of herpes simplex infections in the immunocompromised: Children aged two years and over should be given adult dosages and children below the age of two years should be given half the adult dose.

For treatment on neonatal herpes virus infections, intravenous aciclovir is recommended.

Treatment of varicella infection

6 years and over:  800 mg Clovir four times daily.

2 - 5 years:                           400mg Clovir four times daily.

Under 2 years:                           200mg Clovir four times daily.


Treatment should continue for five days.

Dosing may be more accurately calculated as 20 mg/kg bodyweight (not to exceed 800 mg) Clovir four times daily.

No specific data are available on the suppression of herpes simplex infections or the treatment of herpes zoster infections in immunocompetent children.


Dosage in the elderly:

The possibility of renal impairment in the elderly must be considered and the dosage should be adjusted accordingly (see Dosage in renal impairment below).

Adequate hydration of elderly patients taking high oral doses of aciclovir should be maintained.

Dosage in renal impairment:

Caution is advised when administering aciclovir to patients with impaired renal function. Adequate hydration should be maintained.

In the management of herpes simplex infections in patients with impaired renal function, the recommended oral doses will not lead to accumulation of aciclovir above levels that have been established safe by intravenous infusion. However, for patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/minute) an adjustment of dosage to 200 mg aciclovir twice daily at approximately twelve-hourly intervals is recommended.

In the treatment of herpes zoster infections, it is recommended to adjust the dosage to 800 mg aciclovir twice daily at approximately twelve - hourly intervals for patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/minute), and to 800 mg aciclovir three times daily at intervals of approximately eight hours for patients with moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance in the range 10 – 25 ml/minute).

Hypersensitivity to aciclovir or valaciclovir, or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Use in patients with renal impairment and in elderly patients:

Aciclovir is eliminated by renal clearance, therefore the dose must be adjusted in patients with renal impairment (see 4.2 Posology and Method of Administration). Elderly patients are likely to have reduced renal function and therefore the need for dose adjustment must be considered in this group of patients. Both elderly patients and patients with renal impairment are at increased risk of developing neurological side effects and should be closely monitored for evidence of these effects. In the reported cases, these reactions were generally reversible on discontinuation of treatment (see 4.8 Undesirable Effects). Prolonged or repeated courses of aciclovir in severely immune- compromised individuals may result in the selection of virus strains with reduced sensitivity, which may not respond to continued aciclovir treatment (see section 5.1).

Hydration status: Care should be taken to maintain adequate hydration in patients receiving high oral doses of aciclovir.

The risk of renal impairment is increased by use with other nephrotoxic drugs.

The data currently available from clinical studies is not sufficient to conclude that treatment with aciclovir reduces the incidence of chickenpox-associated complications in immunocompetent patients.

Aciclovir is eliminated primarily unchanged in the urine via active renal tubular secretion. Any drugs administered concurrently that compete with this mechanism may increase aciclovir plasma concentrations. Probenecid and cimetidine increase the AUC of aciclovir by this mechanism, and


reduce aciclovir renal clearance. Similarly increases in plasma AUCs of aciclovir and of the inactive metabolite of mycophenolate mofetil, an immunosuppresant agent used in transplant patients have been shown when the drugs are coadministered. However, no dosage adjustment is necessary because of the wide therapeutic index of aciclovir.

An experimental study on five male subjects indicates that concomitant therapy with aciclovir increases AUC of totally administered theophylline with approximately 50%. It is recommended to measure plasma concentrations during concomitant therapy with aciclovir.


The use of aciclovir should be considered only when the potential benefits outweigh the possibility of unknown risks.

A post-marketing aciclovir pregnancy registry has documented pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to any formulation of Clovir. The registry findings have not shown an increase in the number of birth defects amongst Clovir exposed subjects compared with the general population, and any birth defects showed no uniqueness or consistent pattern to suggest a common cause. Systemic administration of aciclovir in internationally accepted standard tests did not produce embryotoxic or teratogenic effects in rabbits, rats or mice. In a non-standard test in rats, foetal abnormalities were observed but only following such high subcutaneous doses that maternal toxicity was produced. The clinical relevance of these findings is uncertain.

Caution should however be exercised by balancing the potential benefits of treatment against any possible hazard. Findings from reproduction toxicology studies are included in Section 5.3.


Following oral administration of 200 mg Clovir five times a day, aciclovir has been detected in breast milk at concentrations ranging from 0.6 to 4.1 times the corresponding plasma levels. These levels would potentially expose nursing infants to aciclovir dosages of up to 0.3 mg/kg/day. Caution is therefore advised if aciclovir is to be administered to a nursing woman.


There is no information on the effect of aciclovir on human female fertility.

In a study of 20 male patients with normal sperm count, oral aciclovir administered at doses of up to 1g per day for up to six months has been shown to have no clinically significant effect on sperm count, motility or morphology.

See clinical studies in section 5.2

There have been no studies to investigate the effect of aciclovir on driving performance or the ability to operate machinery. A detrimental effect on such activities cannot be predicted from the pharmacology of the active substance, but the adverse event profile should be borne in mind.

The frequency categories associated with the adverse events below are estimates. For most events, suitable data for estimating incidence were not available. In addition, adverse events may vary in their incidence depending on the indication.


The following convention has been used for the classification of undesirable effects in terms of frequency: - Very common ≥1/10, common ≥1/100 and <1/10, uncommon ≥1/1000 and <1/100, rare ≥1/10,000 and <1/1000, very rare <1/10,000.

Blood and lymphatic system disorders:

Very rare: Anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Immune system disorders:

Rare: Anaphylaxis.

Psychiatric and nervous system disorders:

Common: Headache, dizziness.

Very rare: Agitation, confusion, tremor, ataxia, dysarthria, hallucinations, psychotic symptoms, convulsions, somnolence, encephalopathy, coma.

The above events are generally reversible and usually reported in patients with renal impairment or with other predisposing factors (see 4.4 Special Warnings and Precautions for Use).

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders:

Rare: Dyspnoea.

Gastrointestinal disorders:

Common: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains.

Hepato-biliary disorders:

Rare: Reversible rises in bilirubin and liver related enzymes.

Very rare: Hepatitis, jaundice.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders:

Common: Pruritus, rashes (including photosensitivity).

Uncommon: Urticaria. Accelerated diffuse hair loss. Accelerated diffuse hair loss has been associated with a wide variety of disease processes and medicines, the relationship of the event to aciclovir therapy is uncertain.

Rare: Angioedema.

Renal and urinary disorders:

Rare: Increases in blood urea and creatinine.

Very rare: Acute renal failure, renal pain.

Renal pain may be associated with renal failure and crystalluria.

General disorders and administration site conditions:

Common: Fatigue, fever.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorization of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via:


To report any side effect(s):

 The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

o Fax: +966-11-205-7662

o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.

o  Reporting hotline: 19999.

o  E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o  Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa


Symptoms and signs: - Aciclovir is only partly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients have ingested overdoses of up to 20g aciclovir on a single occasion, usually without toxic effects. Accidental, repeated overdoses of oral aciclovir over several days have been associated with gastrointestinal effects (such as nausea and vomiting) and neurological effects (headache and confusion).

Overdosage of intravenous aciclovir has resulted in elevations of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and subsequent renal failure. Neurological effects including confusion, hallucinations, agitation, seizures and coma have been described in association with intravenous overdosage.

Management: - Patients should be observed closely for signs of toxicity. Haemodialysis significantly enhances the removal of aciclovir from the blood and may, therefore, be considered a management option in the event of symptomatic overdose.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Direct acting antivirals, Nucleosides and nucleotides excl. reverse transcriptase inhibitors

ATC code: J05AB01.

Aciclovir is a synthetic purine nucleoside analogue with in vitro and in vivo inhibitory activity against human herpes viruses, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II and varicella zoster virus (VZV).

The inhibitory activity of aciclovir for HSV I, HSV II and VZV is highly selective. The enzyme thymidine kinase (TK) of normal, uninfected cells does not use aciclovir effectively as a substrate, hence toxicity of mammalian host cells is low; however, TK encoded by HSV and VZV converts aciclovir to aciclovir monophosphate, a nucleoside analogue which is further converted to the diphosphate and finally to the triphosphate by cellular enzymes. Aciclovir triphosphate interferes with the viral DNA polymerase and inhibits viral DNA replication with resultant chain termination following its incorporation into the viral DNA.


Prolonged or repeated courses of aciclovir in severely immune-compromised individuals may result in the selection of virus strains with reduced sensitivity, which may not respond to continued aciclovir treatment. Most of the clinical isolates with reduced sensitivity have been relatively deficient in viral TK, however, strains with altered viral TK or viral DNA polymerase have also been reported. In vitro exposure of HSV isolates to aciclovir can also lead to the emergence of less sensitive strains. The relationship between the in vitro determined sensitivity of HSV isolates and clinical response to aciclovir therapy is not clear.

Aciclovir is only partially absorbed from the gut. Mean steady state peak plasma concentrations (Cssmax) following doses of 200 mg administered four-hourly were 3.1 microMol (0.7 micrograms/ml) and equivalent trough plasma levels (Cssmin) were 1.8 microMol (0.4 micrograms/ml). Corresponding Cssmax levels following doses of 400 mg and 800 mg administered four-hourly were 5.3 microMol (1.2 micrograms/ml) and 8 microMol (1.8 micrograms/ml) respectively and equivalent Cssmin levels were 2.7 microMol (0.6 micrograms/ml) and 4 microMol (0.9 micrograms/ml).

In adults the terminal plasma half-life of aciclovir after administrations of intravenous aciclovir is about 2.9 hours. Most of the drug is excreted unchanged by the kidney. Renal clearance of aciclovir is substantially greater than creatinine clearance, indicating that tubular secretion, in addition to glomerular filtration contributes to the renal elimination of the drug. 9- carboxymethoxymethylguanine is the only significant metabolite of aciclovir, and accounts for approximately 10 - 15% of the administered dose recovered from the urine. When aciclovir is given one hour after 1 gram of probenecid the terminal half-life and the area under the plasma concentration time curve is extended by 18% and 40% respectively.

In adults, mean steady state peak plasma concentrations (Cssmax) following a one-hour infusion of 2.5 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg were 22.7 microMol (5.1 micrograms/ml), 43.6 microMol (9.8 micrograms/ml) and 92 microMol (20.7 micrograms/ml), respectively. The corresponding trough levels (Cssmin) 7 hours later were 2.2 microMol (0.5 micrograms/ml), 3.1 microMol (0.7 micrograms/ml), and 10.2 microMol (2.3 micrograms/ml), respectively.

In children over 1 year of age similar peak (Cssmax) and trough (Cssmin) levels were observed when a dose of 250 mg/m2 was substituted for 5 mg/kg and a dose of 500 mg/m2 was substituted for 10 mg/kg. In neonates and young infants (0 to 3 months of age) treated with doses of 10 mg/kg administered by infusion over a one-hour period every 8 hours the Cssmax was found to be 61.2 microMol (13.8 micrograms/ml) and Cssmin to be 10.1 microMol (2.3 micrograms/ml). The terminal plasma half-life in these patients was 3.8 hours. A separate group of neonates treated with 15 mg/kg every 8 hours showed approximate dose proportional increases, with a Cmax of 83.5 micromolar (18.8 microgram/ml) and Cmin of 14.1 micromolar (3.2 microgram/ml). In the elderly, total body clearance falls with increasing age associated with decreases in creatinine clearance although there is little change in the terminal plasma half-life.

In patients with chronic renal failure the mean terminal half-life was found to be 19.5 hours. The mean aciclovir half-life during haemodialysis was 5.7 hours. Plasma aciclovir levels dropped approximately 60% during dialysis.


Cerebrospinal fluid levels are approximately 50% of corresponding plasma levels. Plasma protein binding is relatively low (9 to 33%) and drug interactions involving binding site displacement are not anticipated.

Mutagenicity: - The results of a wide range of mutagenicity tests in vitro and in vivo indicate that aciclovir is unlikely to pose a genetic risk to man.

Carcinogenicity: - Aciclovir was not found to be carcinogenic in long term studies in the rat and the mouse.

Teratogenicity: - Systemic administration of aciclovir in internationally accepted standard tests did not produce embryotoxic or teratogenic effects in rats, rabbits or mice.

In a non-standard test in rats, foetal abnormalities were observed, but only following such high subcutaneous doses that maternal toxicity was produced. The clinical relevance of these findings is uncertain.

Fertility: - Largely reversible adverse effects on spermatogenesis in association with overall toxicity in rats and dogs have been reported only at doses of aciclovir greatly in excess of those employed therapeutically. Two generation studies in mice did not reveal any effect of aciclovir on fertility.

Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101): 63 mg.

Sodium starch glycollate: 15 mg.

Povidone K-25: 10 mg.

Magnesium stearate: 5 mg.

Colloidal Silicon Dioxide: 2 mg.

None Applicable

48Months/4 Years.

Do not store above 30°C.

Store in the original package.

Transparent thermoformed 250 microns PVC/PVDC reel blister with hard tempered aluminum foil 250 microns.

Pack size: 100 tablets.

No special requirements.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

SPIMACO Al-Qassim pharmaceutical plant Saudi Arabia

July 2022.

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