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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Clinimycin T contains an antibiotic called clindamycin phosphate and comes as either a solution or gel. The solution and the gel are used on the skin to treat acne.

Do not use Clinimycin T

  • If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to clindamycin phosphate, lincomycin, or any of the other ingredients of Clinimycin T, listed in section 6 below.
  • If you have a history of inflammatory bowel disease or antibiotic-associated colitis.

Take special care with Clinimycin T

  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using Clinimycin T if you have diarrhoea or usually get diarrhoea when you take antibiotics.
  • If you develop severe or prolonged or bloody diarrhoea during or after using Clinimycin T tell your doctor immediately since it may be necessary to interrupt the treatment. This may be a sign of bowel inflammation (pseudomembranous colitis) which can occur following treatment with antibiotics.
  • Clinimycin T contains alcohol, which can cause burning or irritation of your eyes. Keep it away from your eyes, mouth, and cuts or grazes on your skin. If you get any of these sensitive areas, wash it away with plenty of cool water. Take care when using the topical solution or the gel around your mouth as they each have an unpleasant taste.
  • Clinimycin T topical solution is flammable. Do not use the solution near flames or while you are smoking.

Taking/using other medicines, herbal, or dietary supplements

  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. This is because these medicines may affect the way Clinimycin T works. Also, Clinimycin T may affect the way these medicines work.
  • Tell your doctor if you are using any skin treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide. These medicines should not be used at the same time as Clinimycin T. If you are going to hospital for a surgical procedure, tell your doctor and/or anaesthetist if you are taking drugs that cause paralysis of muscle (neuromuscular blocking agents).
  • Warfarin or similar medicines – used to thin the blood. You may be more likely to have a bleed. Your doctor may need to take regular blood tests to check how well your blood can clot.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Pregnancy :  If you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using this medicine.
Breast-feeding : Tell your doctor if you will be breast-feeding while using Clinimycin T as the active substance in this medicine may be passed into breast milk. Your doctor will decide if Clinimycin T is suitable for you. Although it is not likely that a nursing infant will take in very much of the active substance from the milk it drinks, if your baby gets bloodstained diarrhoea or shows any signs of illness, tell your doctor at once. You should stop breast-feeding if this happens.
Driving and using machines
No effects on the ability to drive or use machines have been seen with Clinimycin T.
Important information about some of the ingredients of Clinimycin T
This medicine contains propylene glycol, this may cause skin irritation.

Always use Clinimycin T exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Usually, you should use this medicine twice a day, shake the bottle well before use. Wash the affected area and put on a thin film of solution or gel.
The Clinimycin T solution bottle has a low density polyethylene applicator which has a green spring. Gently apply a thin film onto your skin using the spring on the applicator. Apply a thin film of the gel by gently rubbing it into your skin, you may use a cotton pad for this or you can use your fingers, wash your hands before and after use and dry them. Always replace the cap after use.
If you swallow Clinimycin T
If you forget to use Clinimycin T
Do not worry if you miss one or two applications; just carry on as soon as you remember.
If you stop using Clinimycin T
Do not stop using Clinimycin T as soon as your acne starts to get better. Ask your doctor when
you should stop the treatment.
If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Tell your doctor immediately if you develop severe, persistent or bloody diarrhoea (which may be
associated with stomach pain or fever). This is an uncommon side effect which may occur after treatment with antibiotics and can be a sign of serious bowel inflammation.
Clinimycin T topical solution may make your skin dry (very common side effect).
Other side effects that have been seen with Clinimycin T are:
Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people.
• Skin irritation (may cause symptoms such as burning, itching, peeling), hives
Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people
• Oily skin.
Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people (only seen with clindamycin topical solution)
• Gastrointestinal disturbances (may cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, and nausea).
If you get any side effects, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, talk to your doctor
or pharmacist.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Store below 30 ⁰C. Store in the original packaging.
Do not use Clinimycin T after the expiry date which is stated on the label, carton, tube, & bottle.
The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Clinimycin T gel to be used within three months after opening
Clinimycin T solution to be used within one month after opening
Tell your pharmacist if you notice any change in the appearance of the solution & the gel.
Medicines should not be disposed of via waste water or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to
dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

What Clinimycin T contains
The active substance is clindamycin phosphate.
The other ingredients for solution are: purified water, propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, isopropyl alcohol.
The other ingredients for gel are: diethanolamine, purified water, propylene glycol, disodiumedetate, isopropyl alcohol, carbomer.
Each 1 mL of the solution contains 11.9 mg clindamycin phosphate equivalent to 10mg clindamycin in bottle of 50 mL.
Each 1 gm of the gel contains 11.8 mg clindamycin phosphate equivalent to 10mg clindamycin in tube of 45 g.

Clinimycin T topical solution is a colorless transparent to translucent solution available in bottle of 50 mL, with applicator and plastic cap. Clinimycin T topical gel is a colorless transparent to translucent gel available in collapsible aluminum tubes with plastic cap containing 45 g of the gel.

Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC
P.O. Box 1564, Amman 11118 Jordan

February 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

یحتوي كلنیمایسین م على مضاد حیوي یسمى فوسفات الكلندامایسین ویأتي على شكل محلول أو جل. یستخدم المحلول و الجل على الجلد لعلاج حب الشباب.

لا تستعمل كلنیمایسین م بتاتاً:

  • إذا كنت حساسا لفوسفات الكلندامایسین، اللینكوسین، أو لأي منالمكونات الأخرى للكلنیمایسین م المذكورة في البند 6 في الأسفل.
  • إذا كان لدیك تاریخ مرضي في التھاب الأمعاء أو التھاب القولون المرتبط بالمضادات الحیویة.

اتخذ عنایة خاصة مع كلینمایسن م

  • اتصل مع طبیبك أو الصیدلي قبل استعمال كلینمایسین م إذا كنت تعاني من الإسھال أو عادة تصاب بالإسھال عند استعمال المضادات الحیویة.
  • أخبر طبیبك فوراً إذا اصبحت تعاني من إسھال شدید أودموي و لفترات طویلة أثناء أو بعد استعمال كلینمایسین م لأن ذلك قد یحتاج إلى وقف العلاج. وقد یكون ذلك دلالة على التھاب الأمعاء (التھاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب) الذي یمكن أن یحدث بعد العلاج بالمضادات الحیویة.
  • كلینمایسین م یحتوي على كحول ، والذي یمكن ان یسبب حرق أو تھیج لعینیك.ابقھ بعیداً عن عینیك، فمك، و عن الجروح التي على جلدك.
  • إذا لامس العلاج أي من تلك المناطق الحساسة، اغسلھا فوراً بالكثیر من الماء البارد. انتبھ عند استعمال المحلول الموضعي أو الجل حول الفم لأن كلیھما لھ مذاق سيء.
  • كلینمایسین م محلول موضعي ھو قابل للإشتعال. لذلك لا تستخدمھ أثناء التدخین أو بالقرب من اللھب.

اخذ/استخدام أدویة اخرى، أعشاب، أو مكملات غذائیة

  • في حال كنت تأخذ أو قد أخذت مؤخرا أو كنت تنوي أن تأخذ أدویة أخرى، بما فیھا الأدویة التي تؤخذ بدون وصفة طبیة اطلع طبیبك أو الصیدلاني . ذلك لأن تلك الأدویة یمكن أن تؤثر على مفعول كلینمایسین م . أیضاً كلینمایسین م یمكن أن یؤثر على طریقة عمل تلك الأدویة.
  • أبلغ طبیبك فوراً إذا كنت تستخدم أي علاجات جلدیة تحتوي على بینزویل بیروكسید. تلك العلاجات یجب عدم استخدامھا مع كلینمایسین م في نفس الوقت.
  • إذا ذھبت الى المستشفى لإجراء عملیة جراحیة، أیلغ طبیبك وطبیب التخدیر إذا كنت تستخدم أي علاجات تسبب شلل في العضلات (عوامل تبطل عمل العصب العضلي).
  • الوارفرین و الادویھ المشابھھ لھ _تستعمل كممیع للدم. قد تكون أكثر عرضة للنزیف. و قد یحتاج طبیبك إلى فحوصات دم منتظمة للتأكد من إمكانیة تخثر دمك.

الحمل والارضاع
الحمل:  اذا كنت حاملا، أو تظنین بأنك حامل أو كنت تخططین للحمل، اسألي طبیبك أو الصیدلي للنصیحھ قبل استخدام ھذا الدواء.
الارضاع :  في حال كنت ترضعین أو تتوقعین الارضاع أنت تستخدمین كلینمایسین م أخبري طبیبك لأن المادة الفعالھ في ھذا الدواء قد تتسرب إلى حلیب الثدي. طبیبك ھو من یقرر إذا كان كلینمایسین م مناسب لك في ھذه الحالة. على الرغم من أنھ من غیر المألوف أن الطفل الرضیع سوف یأخذ الكثیر من المادة الفعالة من الحلیب الذي سیرضعھ، إلا أنھ یجب فوراً ابلاغ الطبیب في حال أن طفلك ظھرت علیھ أي أعراض مرضیة أو أصیب بإسھال دموي. یجب أن تتوقفي عن الإرضاع إذا حدث ذلك.
قیادة المركبات واستعمال الالات
لا یوجد تأثیرات على القدرة على القیادة أو استعمال الآلیات شوھدت عند استعمال كلینمایسین م.

معلومات مھمة عن بعض مكونات كلینمایسین م
یحتوي ھذا الدواء على بروبلین جلایكول، و ھذا یسبب تھیجات جلدیة.


إحرص دوما على التقید تماماً بتعلیمات طبیبك الخاصة باستعمال كلینمایسین م. في حالة الشك، راجع طبیبك أو الصیدلاني.
عادةً، یجب أن تستخدم ھذا الدواء مرتین یومیاً، رج اعبوة جیداً قبل الإستخدام. اغسل المنطقة المصابة و ضع طبقة رقیقة من المحلول أو الجل.
عبوة محلول الكلینمایسین تحتوي على قضیب رفیع علیھ اسفنجھ خضراء مصنوعھ من مادة البولي إثیلین منخفض الكثافة. بلطف قم بوضع الطبقھ الرقیقھ من العلاج على جلدك باستعمال الاسفنجھ الموجوده على القضیب الرفیع.
إذا ابتلعت كلینمایسین م
لا یوجد معلومات
اذا نسیت أن تستخدم كلینمایسین م
لا تقلق إذا نسیت استخدام الدواء مره أو مرتین؛ فقط استخدمھ حالما تتذكر.
اذا توقفت عن استخدام كلینمایسین م
لا تتوقف عن استخدام كلینمایسین م حالما یبدأ حب الشباب بالتحسن. اسأل طبیبك متى یجب أن توقف العلاج.
في حال لدیك أي اسئلة اخرى تتعلق باستعمال ھذا الدواء، اتصل بطبیبك أو بالصیدلاني.

مثل جمیع الأدویة، بمكن أن یسبب ھذا الدواء تأثیرات غیر مرغوبة، لكنھا لا تحصل بالضرورة للجمیع.
أخبر طبیبك فوراً إذا اصبحت تعاني من إسھال شدید أودموي و مستمر( والذي قد یكون مرتبط بألم في المعدة أو حمى). ھذا أثر جانبي غیر
شائع والذي قد یحدث بعد العلاج بأي من المضادات الحیویة و قد یكون مؤشر على التھاب معوي خطیر.
كلینمایسن م محلول موضعي قد یجعل جلدك جافاً (أثر جانبي شائع جداً).
الآثار الجانبیة الأخرى الفتي شوھدت مع استخدام كلینمایسین م ھي:
شائعة جداً: قد تصیب أكثر من شخص لكل 10 أشخاص:
تھیج الجلد (قد تسبب أعراض مثل حرق، حكھ، تقشیر) ، وخلایا النحل. 
شائعة: قد تصیب لغایة شخص من كل 10 أشخاص:
الجلد الدھني .
غیر شائعة: قد تصیب لغایة شخص من كل 100 شخص( فقط تشاھدھا مع استخدام كلیندامایسین محلول موضعي):
اضطرابات معدیة معویة (قد تسبب أعراض مثل الإسھال ، الغثیان). 
إذا أصبت بأي من الآثار الجانبیة، أو إذا لاحظت أي تأثیرات جانبیة لم تذكر في ھذه النشرة ، أبلغ طبیبك أو الصیدلي.

  • یحفظ بعیدا عن متناول ایدي الاطفال وعن مجال بصرھم.
  • یحفظ في حرارة اقل من 30 درجة مئویة، ضمن عبوتھ الاصلیة .
  • لا تستعمل كلینمایسین م بعد تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة المدون على الكرتونھ وعلى الأنبوب وعلى اللاصق الداخلي. تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة یعني الیوم الاخیر من ذلك الشھر.
  • یجب استخدام كلینمایسن جل خلال ثلاث أشھر بعد فتح العبوة.
  • یجب استخدام محلول كلینمایسن خلال شھر بعد فتح العبوة.
  • أبلغ الصیدلاني إذا لاحظت أي تغییر في مظھر المحلول أو الجل.
  • یجب عدم رمي الادویة بتاتا في المجاري أو النفایات المنزلیة. اسأل الصیدلاني عن كیفیة التخلص من الادویة التي لم تعد بحاجة لھا. ھذه التدابیر تسمح بحمایة البیئة.

المكونات الأخرى للمحلول ھي : ماء نقي، بروبیلین جلایكول، ھیدروكسید الصودیوم، كحول الأیزوبروبیل.
المكونات الأخرى للجل ھي: دایإیثانول أمین، ماء نقي، بروبیلین جلایكول، إیدیدات ثنائي الصودیوم، كحول الأیزوبروبیل، كاربومر.
كل 1مل من المحلول یحتوي على 11.9 مغ من فوسفات الكلیندامایسین تكافىء 10 مغ كلیندامایسین في عبوة سعة 50 مل.
كل 1غم من الجل یحتوي على 11.8 مغ من فوسفات الكلیندامایسین تكافىء 10 مغ كلیندامایسین في انبوب سعة 45 غم.

كلینمایسین م محلول موضعي ھو محلول شفاف بدون لون متوفر في عبوة حجمھا 50 مل، تحتوي على قضیب رفیع وغطاء بلاستیكي.
كلینمایسین م جل ھو جل شفاف بدون لون متوفر في أنابیب من الومنیوم مضغوط مع غطاء بلاستیكي تحتوي على 45 غم من الجل.

شركة الحیاة للصناعات الدوائیة م.ع.م
ص.ب 1564 عمان 11118 الأردن

شباط 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Clinimycin T 1% solution Clinimycin T 1% gel

Each 1 mL of the solution contains 11.8 mg clindamycin phosphate equivalent to 10 mg clindamycin. Each 1 gm o the gel contains 11.9 mg clindamycin phosphate equivalent to 10 mg clindamycin. Excipient(s) with known effect: Each 1 mL of the solution contains 0.1 gm propylene glycol this may cause skin irritation. Each 1 gm o the gel contains 0.29 gm propylene glycol, this may cause skin irritation. For the full list of excipients , see section 6.1.

Topical solution, Gel Colorless, transparent to translucent

Clinimycin T is indicated in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Apply a thin film of Clinimycin T twice daily to the affected area.
Shake the topical solution well before use.

Topical clindamycin is contraindicated in individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to clindamycin, lincomycin or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Clindamycin topical is contraindicated in individuals with a history of inflammatory bowel disease or a history of antibiotic-associated colitis.

Products containing benzoyl peroxide should not be used concurrently with Clinimycin T.
Oral and parenteral clindamycin, as well as most other antibiotics, have been associated with severe pseudomembranous colitis. Post-marketing studies, however, have indicated a very low incidence of colitis with clindamycin topical solution. The physician should, nonetheless, be alert to the development of antibiotic associated diarrhoea or colitis. If significant or prolonged diarrhoea occurs, the product should be discontinued immediately.
Diarrhoea, colitis, and pseudomembranous colitis have been observed to begin up to several weeks following cessation of oral and parenteral therapy with clindamycin.
Studies indicate a toxin(s) produced by Clostridium difficile is the major cause of antibiotic associated colitis. Colitis is usually characterised by persistent, severe diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. Endoscopic examination may reveal pseudomembranous colitis. Stool culture for C. difficile and/or
assay for C. difficile toxin may be helpful to diagnosis.
Vancomycin is effective in the treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis produced by C. difficile. The usual dose is 125-500 mg orally every 6 hours for 7-10 days. Additional supportive medical care may be necessary.
Mild cases of colitis may respond to discontinuance of clindamycin alone. Colestyramine and colestipol resins have been shown to bind C. difficile toxin in vitro, and colestyramine has been effective in the treatment of some mild cases of antibiotic-associated colitis. Colestyramine resins have been shown to bind vancomycin; therefore, when both colestyramine and vancomycin are used concurrently, their administration should be separated by at least two hours.
Topical clindamycin contains an alcohol base which can cause burning and irritation of the eye. In the event of accidental contact with sensitive surfaces (eye, abraded skin, mucous membranes), bathe with copious amounts of cool tap water. The solution & gel has an unpleasant taste and caution
should be exercised when applying medication around the mouth.
Topical clindamycin should be prescribed with caution to atopic individuals.

Clindamycin has been shown to have neuromuscular blocking properties that may enhance the action of other neuromuscular blocking agents. Therefore, it should be used with caution in patients receiving such agents.
Vitamin K antagonists:
Increased coagulation tests (PT/INR) and/or bleeding have been reported in patients treated with clindamycin in combination with a vitamin K antagonist (e.g. warfarin, acenocoumarol and fluindione).
Coagulation tests, therefore, should be frequently monitored in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists. 

Pregnancy : There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women during the first trimester. A moderate amount of data from clinical trials in pregnant women (between 300-1000 pregnancy outcomes) during the second and third trimesters indicates systemic administration of clindamycin has not been associated with an increased frequency of congenital abnormalities or feto/neonatal toxicity. Animal reproductive toxicity studies revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the foetus due to clindamycin, except at doses that caused maternal toxicity. Animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response.
Clinimycin T should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Breast-feeding: It is not known whether clindamycin is excreted in human milk following use of Clinimycin T topical solution & gel. However, orally and parenterally administered clindamycin has been reported to appear in breast milk. As a general rule, breastfeeding should not be undertaken while a patient is on
a drug since many drugs are excreted in human milk.

The effect of clindamycin on the ability to drive or operate machinery has not been systematically evaluated.

The table below lists the adverse reactions identified through clinical trial experience and postmarketing
surveillance by system organ class and frequency. Adverse reactions identified from postmarketing
experience are included in italics. The frequencies are defined using the following
convention: very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare
(≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available
data). Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing
Adverse reactions possibly or probably related to clindamycin phosphate based on
clinical trial experience and post-marketing surveillance:

Infections and Infestations:

Frequency Not Known : Gram-negative folliculitis

Eye Disorders :

Frequency Not Known : Stinging of the eye

Gastrointestinal Disorders:

Uncommon ≥ 1/1 000 to <1/100 : Gastrointestinal disturbances

Frequency Not Known : Abdominal pain

Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders : 

Very Common (≥1/10) : Skin dryness Skin irritation Urticaria

Common (≥1/100 to <1/10) : Skin oiliness 

Topically applied clindamycin can be absorbed in sufficient amounts to produce systemic effects. In the event of overdosage, general symptomatic and supportive measures are indicated as required.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Anti-infectives for treatment of acne, ATC code: DA10AF01.
Clindamycin is a lincosamide antibiotic that inhibits bacterial protein synthesis. It binds to the 50S ribosomal subunit and affects both ribosome assembly and the translation process. Although clindamycin phosphate is inactive in vitro, rapid in vivo hydrolysis converts this compound to the antibacterially active clindamycin.
Clindamycin has been shown to have in vitro activity against isolates of the following organisms: Anaerobic gram positive nonsporeforming bacilli, including:
• Propionibacterium acnes.
EUCAST has established susceptibility interpretive criteria for gram-negative and gram-positiveanaerobes (with the exception of C. difficile): susceptible, ≤4 mg/L; resistant, >4 mg/L.
In a U.S. surveillance study, clindamycin MICs were ≤4 mg/L for 97% of P. acnes isolates tested. In some bacterial species, cross resistance has been demonstrated in vitro among lincosamides, macrolides, and streptogramins B.
Clinical efficacy and safety
P. acnes produces an extracellular lipase that hydrolyses sebum triglycerides to glycerol, used by the organism as a growth substrate, and free fatty acids, which have pro-inflammatory andcomedogenic properties. A double-blind study had been conducted to examine the effect of topical 1% clindamycin hydrochloride hydrate in a hydroalcoholic vehicle as compared to the effect of the vehicle alone. Fourteen patients applied clindamycin or vehicle alone twice daily for eight weeks.
Free fatty acid surface lipid percentages, quantitative bacterial counts, and clinical response were assessed every two weeks. A significant reduction (88%) in the percentage of free fatty acids in the surface lipids was seen in the clindamycin-treated group and not in the vehicle-treated group. Free fatty acids on the skin surface have been decreased from approximately 14% to 2% following application of clindamycin solution in a hydroalcoholic base to 9 patients (average age 22.3 years) with acne vulgaris. There was no significant change in the surface microflora. Despite the short duration of treatment, objective clinical improvement was seen in three of nine treated patients, while none was observed in the placebo-treated patients.

Following multiple topical applications of clindamycin phosphate at a concentration equivalent to 10 mg clindamycin per mL in an isopropyl alcohol and water solution, very low levels of clindamycin are present in the serum (0–3 ng/mL) and less than 0.2% of the dose is recovered in urine as clindamycin.
Clindamycin concentrations have been demonstrated in comedones from acne patients. The mean (±SD) concentration of clindamycin in extracted comedones after application of clindamycin topical solution for 4 weeks was 0.60 ± 0.11 mcg/mg.
Older people
Clinical studies for topical clindamycin did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.

Embryo fetal development studies using oral doses in rats and subcutaneous doses in rats and rabbits, revealed no evidence of developmental toxicity except at doses that produced maternal toxicity. In reproductive studies in rats there was no evidence of impaired fertility. Clindamycin was not genotoxic when evaluated in the in vivo rat micronucleus test and the Ames test.
Long-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic potential have not been performed with clindamycin.

Clinimycin T 1% solution
Purified water
Propylene glycol
Sodium hydroxide
Isopropyl alcohol
Clinimycin T 1% gel
Disodium edetate
Isopropyl alcohol
Propylene glycol
Purified water

Not applicable

24 months Clinimycin T gel to be used within three months after opening Clinimycin T solution to be used within one month after opening

Store below 30oC

Clinimycin T 1% solution: High density polyethylene bottles containing 50 mL of the solution with
applicator and plastic cap.
Applicator: low density polyethylene applicator which has a green spring.
Clinimycin T 1% gel: Collapsible aluminum tubes with plastic cap containing 45g of the gel.

No special requirements

Hayat Pharmaceutical Industries Co. PLC P. O. Box 1564 Amman 11118 Jordan Tel. +962 6 416 2607 Fax. 0096264163016 E-mail: hpi@nol.com.jo

20 February 2017

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