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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

ClavodarÒ is an antibiotic and works by killing bacteria that cause infections. It contains two different medicines called amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin belongs to a group of medicines called “penicillins” that can sometimes be stopped from working (made inactive). The other active component (clavulanic acid) stops this from happening.

ClavodarÒ is used in adults and children to treat the following infections:

·      middle ear and sinus infections

·      respiratory tract infections

·      urinary tract infections

·      skin and soft tissue infections including dental infections

·      bone and joint infections.

Do not take ClavodarÒ

·      if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to amoxicillin, clavulanic acid, penicillin or any of the other ingredients of ClavodarÒ

·      if you have ever had a severe allergic (hypersensitive) reaction to any other antibiotic. This can include a skin rash or swelling of the face or neck

·      if you have ever had liver problems or jaundice (yellowing of the skin) when taking an antibiotic.

Do not take ClavodarÒ if any of the above apply to you. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking ClavodarÒ.


Take special care with ClavodarÒ

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine if you:

·      have glandular fever

·      are being treated for liver or kidney problems

·      are not passing water regularly.

If you are not sure if any of the above apply to you, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking ClavodarÒ.

In some cases, your doctor may investigate the type of bacteria that is causing your infection. Depending on the results, you may be given a different strength of ClavodarÒ or a different medicine.


Conditions you need to look out for

ClavodarÒ can make some existing conditions worse, or cause serious side effects. These include allergic reactions, convulsions (fits) and inflammation of the large intestine. You must look out for certain symptoms while you are taking ClavodarÒ, to reduce the risk of any problems.


Blood and urine tests

If you are having blood tests (such as red blood cell status tests or liver function tests) or urine tests (for glucose), let the doctor or nurse know that you are taking ClavodarÒ. This is because ClavodarÒ can affect the results of these types of tests.


Taking other medicines, herbal or dietary supplements

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using or have recently used any other medicines. This includes medicines that can be bought without a prescription and herbal medicines.

If you are taking allopurinol (used for gout) with ClavodarÒ, it may be more likely that you will have an allergic skin reaction.

If you are taking probenecid (used for gout), your doctor may decide to adjust your dose of ClavodarÒ.

If medicines to help stop blood clots (such as warfarin) are taken with ClavodarÒ then extra blood tests may be needed.

ClavodarÒ can affect how methotrexate (a medicine used to treat cancer or rheumatic diseases) works.



Pregnancy and breastfeeding

If you are pregnant, you think you might be pregnant or if you are breast-feeding, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.


Driving and using machines

ClavodarÒ can have side effects and the symptoms may make you unfit to drive.

Don’t drive or operate machinery unless you are feeling well.

Always take ClavodarÒ exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Adults and children weighing 40 kg and over

The dose for ClavodarÒ 625 mg:

·      1 tablet three times a day

The dose for ClavodarÒ 1 g:

·      Usual dose – 1 tablet two times a day

·      Higher dose – 1 tablet three times a day

Children weighing less than 40 kg

Children aged 6 years or less should preferably be treated with ClavodarÒ oral suspension.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice when giving ClavodarÒ tablets to children weighing less than 40 kg. The tablets are not suitable for children weighing less than 25 kg.

Patients with kidney and liver problems

·      If you have kidney problems the dose might be changed. A different strength or a different medicine may be chosen by your doctor.

·      If you have liver problems you may have more frequent blood tests to check how your liver is working.

How to take ClavodarÒ

·      Swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water at the start of a meal or slightly before.

·      Space the doses evenly during the day, at least 4 hours apart. Do not take 2 doses in 1 hour.

·      Do not take ClavodarÒ for more than 2 weeks. If you still feel unwell you should go back to see the doctor.


If you take more ClavodarÒ than you should

If you take too much ClavodarÒ, signs might include an upset stomach (feeling sick, being sick or diarrhoea) or convulsions. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Take the medicine carton or blisters to show the doctor.


If you forget to take ClavodarÒ

If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember. You should not take the next dose too soon, but wait about 4 hours before taking the next dose.


If you stop taking ClavodarÒ

Keep taking ClavodarÒ until the treatment is finished, even if you feel better. You need every dose to help fight the infection. If some bacteria survive they can cause the infection to come back.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, ClavodarÒ can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Conditions you need to look out for

Allergic reactions:

·      skin rash

·      inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis) which may be visible as red or purple raised spots on the skin, but can affect other parts of the body

·      fever, joint pain, swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin

·      swelling, sometimes of the face or mouth (angioedema), causing difficulty in breathing

·      collapse.

Contact a doctor immediately if you get any of these symptoms. Stop taking ClavodarÒ.

Inflammation of large intestine

Inflammation of the large intestine, causing watery diarrhoea usually with blood and mucus, stomach pain and/or fever.

Contact your doctor as soon as possible for advice if you get these symptoms.

Very common side effects

These may affect more than 1 in 10 people

·      diarrhoea (in adults).

Common side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 10 people

·      thrush (candida - a yeast infection of the vagina, mouth or skin folds)

·      feeling sick (nausea), especially when taking high doses

If affected take ClavodarÒ before food

·      vomiting

·      diarrhoea (in children).

Uncommon side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 100 people

·      skin rash, itching

·      raised itchy rash (hives)

·      indigestion

·      dizziness

·      headache.

Uncommon side effects that may show up in your blood tests:

·      increase in some substances (enzymes) produced by the liver.

Rare side effects

These may affect up to 1 in 1000 people

·      skin rash, which may blister, and looks like small targets (central dark spots surrounded by a paler area, with a dark ring around the edge – erythema multiforme)

If you notice any of these symptoms contact a doctor urgently.

Rare side effects that may show up in your blood tests:

·      low number of cells involved in blood clotting

·      low number of white blood cells.

Other side effects

Other side effects have occurred in a very small number of people but their exact frequency is unknown.

·      Allergic reactions

·      Inflammation of the large intestine

·      Serious skin reactions:

-     a widespread rash with blisters and peeling skin, particularly around the mouth, nose, eyes and genitals (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), and a more severe form, causing extensive peeling of the skin (more than 30% of the body surface – toxic epidermal necrolysis)

-     widespread red skin rash with small pus-containing blisters (bullous exfoliative dermatitis)

-     a red, scaly rash with bumps under the skin and blisters (exanthemous pustulosis).

Contact a doctor immediately if you get any of these symptoms.

·      inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)

·      jaundice, caused by increases in the blood of bilirubin (a substance produced in the liver) which may make your skin and whites of the eyes appear yellow

·      inflammation of tubes in the kidney

·      blood takes longer to clot

·      hyperactivity

·      convulsions (in people taking high doses of ClavodarÒ or who have kidney problems)

·      black tongue which looks hairy

·      stained teeth (in children), usually removed by brushing.

Side effects that may show up in your blood or urine tests:

·      severe reduction in the number of white blood cells

·      low number of red blood cells (haemolytic anaemia)

·      crystals in urine.

If you get side effects

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the side effects become severe or troublesome, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet.


Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Do not use ClavodarÒ after the expiry date which is stated on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Store in a dry place. Do not store above 30°C.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

What ClavodarÒ contains

The active substances are Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid.

ClavodarÒ 625 film coated tablets: Each tablet contains 500 mg Amoxicillin (as amoxicillin trihydrate) and 125 mg Clavulanic Acid (as potassium clavulanate).

Clavodar® 1 g film coated tablets: Each tablet contains 875 mg Amoxicillin (as amoxicillin trihydrate) and 125 mg Clavulanic Acid (as potassium clavulanate).

The other ingredients are croscarmellose sodium, colloidal anhydrous silica, sodium stearyl fumarate, microcrystalline cellulose, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, diethyl phthalate and talc.

Clavodar 625 mg Film Coated Tablets are white to pale yellow oval film coated tablets coded (CLV 625) on one side. Clavodar 1 g Film Coated Tablets are white to pale yellow oval film coated tablets coded (CLV 1000) on one side. Clavodar 625 mg Film Coated Tablets: are available in packs of 14 and 20 tablets. Clavodar 1 g Film Coated Tablets are available in packs of 10 and 14 tablets. Not all pack sizes may be marketed

Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co Ltd (Amman – Jordan).

Tel. (+962 6) 57 27 132

Fax. (+962 6) 57 27 776

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

كلافودار مضاد حيوي يعمل على القضاء على البكتيريا المسببة للعدوى. يحتوي على مادتين فعالتين أموكسيسيللين وحمض كلافيولانيك. ينتمي أموكسيسيللين إلى مجموعة الأدوية التي تسمى ب "بالنسلينات"، في بعض الأحيان قد يتم إيقاف عملها (بحيث تصبح غير فعالة) وتقوم المادة الفعالة الأخرى حمض كلافيولانيك على منع حدوث ذلك.

يستخدم كلافودار في البالغين والأطفال لعلاج أنواع الالتهاب (العدوى) التالية:

·     الأذن الوسطى وإلتهابات الجيوب الأنفية

·     الجهاز التنفسي

·     المسالك البولية

·     الجلد وإلتهابات الأنسجة اللينة بما في ذلك إلتهابات الأسنان

·     العظام المفاصل.

موانع إستعمال كلافودار

·     إذا كنت تعاني من فرط في الحساسية تجاه الأموكسيسيللين، حمض كلافيولانيك، البنسلين أو لأي من السواغ في كلافودار

·     إذا سبق حدوث حساسية حادة (فرط في الحساسية) تجاه مضادات حيوية أخرى. والتي تتضمن حدوث طفح جلدي أو تورم في الوجه أو الرقبة

·     إذا سبق حدوث مشاكل في الكبد أو يرقان (إصفرار الجلد)  لدى تناول المضادات الحيوية.

لا تتناول كلافودار إذا إنطبق عليك أي مما سبق ذكره أعلاه. إذا كنت غير متأكد، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول كلافودار.


الاحتياطات عند استعمال كلافودار

إستشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول هذا الدواء في حال:

·     كنت تعاني من الحمى الغددية

·     يتم علاجك من مشاكل الكبد أو الكلى

·     لا تتبول بإنتظام.

إذا لم تكن متأكدا من حدوث ما سبق ذكره أعلاه لديك، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول كلافودار.

في بعض الحالات، قد يقوم طبيبك بالتحقق من نوع من البكتيريا المسببة للعدوى. اعتمادا على النتائج، قد يوصيك طبيبك بتغيير جرعة كلافودار أو يوصيك باخذ دواء آخر.

الحالات التي يجب توخي الحذر فيها:

قد يقوم كلافودار بزيادة بعض الحالات لديك سوءا، أو يسبب أعراض جانبية شديدة. يتضمن ذلك حدوث تفاعلات حساسية، تشنج (نوبات) وإلتهاب الأمعاء الغليظة. يجب أن تنتبه في حال ظهور أعراض محددة عند تناول كلافودار لتجنب حدوث أي مشاكل.

فحص الدم والبول

إذا كنت تخضع لفحص الدم (مثل فحص حالة خلايا الدم الحمراء أو فحص وظيفة الكبد) أو فحص البول (فحص الجلوكوز)، أخبر الطبيب أو الممرض بانك تتناول كلافودار لان ذلك قد يؤثر على نتائج هذه الفحوصات.


التداخلات الدوائية من أخذ هذا المستحضر مع أي أدوية أخرى أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا تناولت مؤخرا أي أدوية أخرى. يتضمن ذلك الأدوية التي تؤخذ بدون وصفة طبية والأدوية العشبية.

إذا كنت تتناول الوبيورينول (يستخدم لعلاج مرض النقرس) بالتزامن مع كلافودار، قد تزداد احتمالية ظهور تفاعلات حساسية جلدية لديك.

إذا كنت تتناول البروبينيسيد (يستخدم لعلاج مرض النقرس)، من الممكن أن يقوم طبيبك بتعديل الجرعة.

عند تناول الأدوية التي تعمل على منع تكون الجلطات الدموية (مثل الوارفارين) قد تحتاج لعمل إختبارات دم إضافية.

قد يؤثر كلافودار على الميثوتريكسيت (وهو دواء يستخدم لعلاج السرطان أو الأمراض الروماتيزمية).


الحمل والرضاعة

في حال الحمل او الارضاع ، او اذا كنت تعتقدين وجود حمل، أخبري طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

إستشري طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول أي دواء.


تأثير كلافودار على القيادة وإستخدام الآلات

قد يسبب كلافودار تأثيرات جانبية وأعراض تجعلك غير مؤهل للقيادة.

يجب أن لا تقوم بالقيادة أو إستخدام الآلات إلا إذا أحسست بأنك على ما يرام.



تناول كلافودار تماما كما وصفه طبيبك. إذا لم تكن متأكدا إستشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

البالغين والأطفال الذين يساوي وزنهم 40 كغم فأكثر

الجرعة من كلافودار 625 ملغم:

·     قرص واحد ثلاث مرات يوميا

الجرعة من كلافودار 1 غم:

·     الجرعة الإعتيادية – قرص واحد مرتين يوميا

·     الجرعة الأعلى – قرص واحد ثلاث مرات يوميا

الأطفال الذين تقل أوزانهم عن 40 كغم:

يفضل أن يتم علاج الأطفال بعمر 6 سنوات فأقل بإستخدام معلق كلافودار عن طريق الفم.

إسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي عن إعطاء أقراص كلافودار للأطفال الذين تقل أوزانهم عن 40 كغم. يجب عدم اعطاء أقراص كلافودار للأطفال الذين تقل أوزانهم عن 25 كغم.

المرضى الذين يعانون من أمراض الكلى والكبد

·     إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الكلية من الممكن أن تتغير الجرعة التي تقوم بتناولها. قد يقوم طبيبك بتغير الجرعات أو وصف أدوية أخرى.

·     إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل في الكبد قد تحتاج للقيام بإجراء فحوصات الدم بشكل أكثر تكرارا للتأكد من وظائف الكبد.

طريقة تناول كلافودار

·     تبلع الأقراص كاملة مع كوب من الماء عند بداية وجبة الطعام أو قبل تناول الطعام بقليل.

·     يجب توزيع الجرعات بالتساوي خلال اليوم، بحيث تفصل بين الجرعة وتلك التي تليها 4 ساعات على الاقل . لا تأخذ جرعتين متتاليتين خلال ساعة واحدة.

·     لا تستخدم كلافودار لمدة زمنية تزيد عن أسبوعين. إذا لم تشعر بتحسن قم بزيارة الطبيب.


الجرعة الزائدة من كلافودار

إذا قمت بتناول جرعة زائدة من كلافودار، قد تتضمن العلامات حدوث إضطراب في المعدة (شعور بالغثيان، قيء أو إسهال) أو تشنجات. تحدث إلى طبيبك في أقرب وقت ممكن. قم باخذ علبة الدواء حتى يراها الطبيب.


نسيان تناول جرعة كلافودار

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة، تناول الجرعة فور تذكرها. لا تتناول الجرعة التي تليها إلا بعد مدة زمنية لا تقل عن 4 ساعات.


التوقف عن تناول كلافودار

يجب أن تستمر في تناول كلافودار حتى إنتهاء العلاج. حتى إذا شعرت بتحسن. تحتاج إلى تناول جميع الجرعات للتخلص من العدوى. إذا نجت بعض البكتيريا قد تسبب عودة العدوى مرة أخرى.

قم بإستشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة تتعلق بإستخدام الدواء.


شأنه شأن الأدوية الأخرى، من الممكن أن يسبب كلافودار أعراض جانبية على الرغم من عدم حدوثها مع جميع المرضى.

الحالات التي يجب الحذر منها عند إستخدام كلافودار:

تفاعلات الحساسية:

·     طفح جلدي

·     إلتهاب الأوعية الدموية والتي تظهر على شكل بقع حمراء أو أرجوانية على بارزة على الجلد، وقد تؤثر على أجزاء أخرى من الجسم

·     حمى، آلام في المفاصل، تورم الغدد في الرقبة، الإبط أو الفخذ

·     تورم، يظهر أحيانا في الوجه أو الفم (وذمة وعائية)، مما يسبب صعوبة في التنفس

·     اغماء.

تحدث إلى طبيبك على الفور إذا ظهرت لديك أي من هذه الاعراض وتوقف عن تناول كلافودار.

إلتهاب الأمعاء الغليظة

إلتهاب الأمعاء الغليظة، مما يسبب إسهال مائي عادة مع دم ومخاط، آلام في المعدة و/أو حمى.

تحدث إلى طبيبك في أقرب وقت ممكن للحصول على الإستشارة إذا ظهرت لديك هذه الأعراض.

الأعراض الجانبية الشائعة جدا

قد تؤثر على أكثر من 1 من 10 أشخاص

·     الإسهال (في البالغين).

الأعراض الجانبية الشائعة

قد تؤثر على 1 من 10 أشخاص بحد اعلى

·     التهاب فطري  (داء المبيضات - عدوى ناتجة عن فطريات في المهبل، الفم أو طيات الجلد)

·     الشعور بغثيان، خصوصا عند تناول جرعات عالية. إذا حدث لديك ذلك تناول كلافودار قبل وجبة الطعام.

·     قيء

·     إسهال (في الأطفال).

الأعراض الجانبية غير الشائعة

قد تؤثر على 1 من 100 شخص بحد اعلى

·     طفح جلدي، حكة

·     طفح جلدي ظاهر مع حكة (شرى)

·     عسر هضم

·     دوخة

·     صداع.

الأعراض الجانبية غير الشائعة التي قد تظهر في اختبارات الدم الخاصة بك:

·     زيادة في بعض الإنزيمات التي يفرزها الكبد.

الأعراض الجانبية النادرة

قد تؤثر على 1 من 1000 شخص بحد اعلى

·     طفح جلدي قد يكون على شكل نفطات، يبدو مثل أهداف صغيرة (بقع داكنة مركزية محاطة بمنطقة أبهت لونا، مع حلقة غامقة حولها - حمامى عديدة الأشكال)

إذا لاحظت اي من هذه الأعراض تحدث إلى طبيبك على الفور.

الأعراض الجانبية التي من الممكن أن تظهر من خلال إجراء فحص الدم:

·     إنخفاض عدد الخلايا التي تساهم في تجلط الدم

·     إنخفاض عدد كريات الدم البيضاء.

أعراض جانبية أخرى

تحدث الأعراض الجانبية في عدد قليل من المرضى بتكرار غير معروف.

·     تفاعلات حساسية

·     إلتهاب الأمعاء الغليظة

·     ردود أفعال جلدية شديدة:

-     طفح جلدي واسع الانتشار مع ظهور بثور وتقشر في الجلد، وبخاصة حول الفم، الأنف، العينين والأعضاء التناسلية (متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون)، وبشكل أكثر شدة، مما يسبب تقشر شديد في الجلد (أكثر من 30٪ من سطح الجسم - إنحلال البشرة السام)

-     طفح جلدي أحمر اللون واسع الانتشار مع بثور صغيرة تحتوي على صديد (إلتهاب الجلد التقشري الفقاعي)

-     طفح جلدي متقشر أحمر اللون مع مطبات تحت الجلد وظهور بثور (بثار طفحي).

تحدث إلى طبيبك على الفور في حال حدوث هذه الأعراض لديك.

·     إلتهاب الكبد

·     يرقان، يسببه زيادة في البيليروبين (مادة ينتجها الكبد) والتي من الممكن أن تؤدي الى اصفرار الجلد و اصفرار بياض العين.

·     إلتهاب القنوات في الكلية

·     زيادة الفترة الزمنية التي يحتاجها الدم للتجلط

·     فرط النشاط

·     اختلاجات (في الأشخاص الذين يتناولون جرعات عالية من كلافودار أو الذين لديهم مشاكل في الكلى)

·     ظهور اللسان باللون الأسود والذي يظهر كأن عليه شعر

·     تلون الأسنان (في الأطفال)، يعود إلى اللون الطبيعي بعد تنظيف الأسنان بالفرشاة.

الآثار الجانبية التي قد تظهر في الدم أو اختبارات البول:

·     إنخفاض شديد في عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء

·     إنخفاض عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء (فقر الدم الانحلالي)

·     بلورات في البول.

في حال ظهور اعراض جانبية

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي في حال ظهرت الأعراض الجانبية بشكل حاد أو مزعج، أو إذا لاحظت حدوث أعراض جانبية غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة.

يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول أيدي الاطفال.

لا تستخدم كلافودار بعد تاريخ الانتهاء المذكور على العبوة الخارجية. يدل تاريخ الانتهاء على آخر يوم في الشهر المذكور.

يحفظ في مكان جاف على درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن 30 درجة مئوية.

يجب عدم التخلص من الأدوية في المياه العادمة أو النفايات المنزلية. إسأل الصيدلي حول الطريقة السليمة للتخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها. سيساعد هذا في حماية البيئة.

المواد الفعالة في كلافودار هي أموكسيسيللين/حمض كلافيولانيك.

كلافودار ٦۲٥ ملغم أقراص مغلفة: يحتوي كل قرص على ٥۰۰ ملغم أموكسيسيللين (على هيئة أموكسيسيللين ثلاثي الماء) و١۲٥ ملغم حمض الكلافيولانيك (على هيئة بوتاسيوم كلافيولانيت).

كلافودار ۱ غرام أقراص مغلفة: يحتوي كل قرص على ٨٧٥ ملغم أموكسيسيللين (على هيئة أموكسيسيللين ثلاثي الماء) و١۲٥ ملغم حمض الكلافيولانيك (على هيئة بوتاسيوم كلافيولانيت).

المواد غير الفعالة الأخرى هي كروس كارميلوس صوديوم، سيليكا غروية لا مائية، صوديوم ستيرايل فيومارات، سيليلوز دقيق البلورية، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم، هيبروميلوز، ثنائي إيثل فثاليت وتالك.

كلافودار ٦۲٥ ملغم أقراص بيضاوية مغلفة لونها أبيض إلى أصفر شاحب مرمزة بالرمز  (CLV 625) على جهة واحدة.

كلافودار 1 غم أقراص بيضاوية مغلفة لونها أبيض إلى أصفر شاحب مرمزة بالرمز (CLV 1000) على جهة واحدة.

كلافودار ٦۲٥ ملغم أقراص مغلفة: متوفرة في عبوات تحتوى  14 قرص او 20 قرص.

كلافودار 1 غم أقراص مغلفة: متوفرة في عبوات تحتوي 10 اقراص او 14 قرص.

قد لا تكون كل العبوات مسوقة


شركة دار الدواء للتنمية والإستثمار المساهمة المحدودة (عمان – الأردن)

هاتف. 132 27 57 (6 962 +)

فاكس. 776 27 57 (6 962 +)

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Clavodar® 625 mg Film Coated Tablets

Clavodar® 625 mg Film Coated Tablets: Each tablet contains 500 mg Amoxicillin (as amoxicillin trihydrate) and 125 mg Clavulanic Acid (as potassium clavulanate). For a full list of excipients see section 6.1

Clavodar 625 mg Film Coated Tablets are white to pale yellow oval film coated tablets coded (CLV 625) on one side.

Clavodar® is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults and children (see sections 4.2, 4.4 and 5.1):

·      Acute bacterial sinusitis (adequately diagnosed)

·      Acute otitis media

·      Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (adequately diagnosed)

·      Community acquired pneumonia

·      Cystitis

·      Pyelonephritis

·      Skin and soft tissue infections in particular cellulitis, animal bites, severe dental abscess with spreading cellulitis

·      Bone and joint infections, in particular osteomyelitis.

Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.

Doses are expressed throughout in terms of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid content except when doses are stated in terms of an individual component.

The dose of Clavodar® that is selected to treat an individual infection should take into account:

·      The expected pathogens and their likely susceptibility to antibacterial agents (see section 4.4)

·      The severity and the site of the infection

·      The age, weight and renal function of the patient as shown below.

The use of alternative presentations of Clavodar® (e.g. those that provide higher doses of amoxicillin and/or different ratios of amoxicillin to clavulanic acid) should be considered as necessary (see sections 4.4 and 5.1).

For adults and children ≥ 40 kg, this formulation of Clavodar® provides a total daily dose of 1500 mg amoxicillin/375 mg clavulanic acid, when administered as recommended below. For children < 40 kg, this formulation of Clavodar® provides a maximum daily dose of 2400 mg amoxicillin/600 mg clavulanic acid, when administered as recommended below. If it is considered that a higher daily dose of amoxicillin is required, it is recommended that another preparation of Clavodar® is selected in order to avoid administration of unnecessarily high daily doses of clavulanic acid (see sections 4.4 and 5.1).

The duration of therapy should be determined by the response of the patient. Some infections (e.g. osteomyelitis) require longer periods of treatment. Treatment should not be extended beyond 14 days without review (see section 4.4 regarding prolonged therapy).

Adults and children ≥ 40 kg

One 500 mg/125 mg dose taken three times a day.

Children < 40 kg

20 mg/5 mg/kg/day to 60 mg/15 mg/kg/day given in three divided doses.

Children may be treated with Clavodar® tablets, suspensions.

As the tablets cannot be divided, children weighing less than 25 kg must not be treated with Clavodar® tablets

The table below presents the received dose (mg/kg body weight) in children weighing 25 kg to 40 kg upon administering a single 500 mg/125 mg tablet.

Body weight [kg]





Single dose recommended [mg/kg body weight] (see above)

Amoxicillin [mg/kg body weight] per single dose (1 film-coated tablet)





6.67 - 20

Clavulanic acid [mg/kg body weight] per single dose (1 film-coated tablet)





1.67 - 5

Children aged 6 years and below or weighing less than 25 kg should preferably be treated with Clavodar® suspension.

No clinical data are available on doses of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 4:1 formulations higher than 40 mg/10 mg/kg per day in children under 2 years.


No dose adjustment is considered necessary.

Renal impairment

Dose adjustments are based on the maximum recommended level of amoxicillin.

No adjustment in dose is required in patients with creatinine clearance (CrCl) greater than 30 ml/min.

Adults and children ≥ 40 kg

CrCl: 10-30 ml/min

500 mg/125 mg twice daily

CrCl < 10 ml /min

500 mg/125 mg once daily


500 mg/125 mg every 24 hours, plus 500 mg/125 mg during dialysis, to be repeated at the end of dialysis (as serum concentrations of both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are decreased)

Children < 40 kg

CrCl: 10-30 ml/min

15 mg/3.75 mg/kg twice daily (maximum 500 mg/125 mg twice daily).

CrCl < 10 ml /min

15 mg/3.75 mg/kg as a single daily dose (maximum 500 mg/125 mg).


15 mg/3.75 mg/kg per day once daily.

Prior to haemodialysis 15 mg/3.75 mg/kg. In order to restore circulating drug levels, 15 mg/3.75 mg per kg should be administered after haemodialysis.

Hepatic impairment

Dose with caution and monitor hepatic function at regular intervals (see sections 4.3 and 4.4).

Method of administration

Clavodar® is for oral use.

Administer at the start of a meal to minimise potential gastrointestinal intolerance and optimise absorption of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid.

Hypersensitivity to the active substances, to any of the penicillins or to any of the excipients. History of a severe immediate hypersensitivity reaction (e.g. anaphylaxis) to another beta-lactam agent (e.g. a cephalosporin, carbapenem or monobactam). History of jaundice/hepatic impairment due to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (see section 4.8).

Before initiating therapy with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, careful enquiry should be made concerning previous hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins or other beta-lactam agents (see sections 4.3 and 4.8).

Serious and occasionally fatal hypersensitivity (anaphylactoid) reactions have been reported in patients on penicillin therapy. These reactions are more likely to occur in individuals with a history of penicillin hypersensitivity and in atopic individuals. If an allergic reaction occurs, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid therapy must be discontinued and appropriate alternative therapy instituted.

In the case that an infection is proven to be due to an amoxicillin-susceptible organisms(s) then consideration should be given to switching from amoxicillin/clavulanic acid to amoxicillin in accordance with official guidance.

This presentation of Clavodar® is not suitable for use when there is a high risk that the presumptive pathogens have reduced susceptibility or resistance to beta-lactam agents that is not mediated by beta-lactamases susceptible to inhibition by clavulanic acid. This presentation should not be used to treat penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae.

Convulsions may occur in patients with impaired renal function or in those receiving high doses (see section 4.8).

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid should be avoided if infectious mononucleosis is suspected since the occurrence of a morbilliform rash has been associated with this condition following the use of amoxicillin.

Concomitant use of allopurinol during treatment with amoxicillin can increase the likelihood of allergic skin reactions.

Prolonged use may occasionally result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms.

The occurrence at the treatment initiation of a feverish generalised erythema associated with pustula may be a symptom of acute generalised exanthemous pustulosis (AGEP) (see Section 4.8). This reaction requires Clavodar® discontinuation and contra-indicates any subsequent administration of amoxicillin.

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid should be used with caution in patients with evidence of hepatic impairment (see section 4.2).

Hepatic events have been reported predominantly in males and elderly patients and may be associated with prolonged treatment. These events have been very rarely reported in children. In all populations, signs and symptoms usually occur during or shortly after treatment but in some cases may not become apparent until several weeks after treatment has ceased. These are usually reversible. Hepatic events may be severe and, in extremely rare circumstances, deaths have been reported. These have almost always occurred in patients with serious underlying disease or taking concomitant medications known to have the potential for hepatic effects (see section 4.8).

Antibiotic-associated colitis has been reported with nearly all antibacterial agents and may range in severity from mild to life threatening (see section 4.8). Therefore, it is important to consider this diagnosis in patients who present with diarrhoea during or subsequent to the administration of any antibiotics. Should antibiotic-associated colitis occur, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid should immediately be discontinued, a physician be consulted and an appropriate therapy initiated. Anti-peristaltic medicinal products are contra-indicated in this situation.

Periodic assessment of organ system functions, including renal, hepatic and haematopoietic function is advisable during prolonged therapy.

Prolongation of prothrombin time has been reported rarely in patients receiving amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. Appropriate monitoring should be undertaken when anticoagulants are prescribed concomitantly. Adjustments in the dose of oral anticoagulants may be necessary to maintain the desired level of anticoagulation (see section 4.5 and 4.8).

In patients with renal impairment, the dose should be adjusted according to the degree of impairment (see section 4.2).

In patients with reduced urine output, crystalluria has been observed very rarely. During the administration of high doses of amoxicillin, it is advisable to maintain adequate fluid intake and urinary output in order to reduce the possibility of amoxicillin crystalluria. In patients with bladder catheters, a regular check of patency should be maintained (see section 4.9).

During treatment with amoxicillin, enzymatic glucose oxidase methods should be used whenever testing for the presence of glucose in urine because false positive results may occur with non-enzymatic methods.

The presence of Clavulanic acid in Clavodar® may cause a non-specific binding of IgG and albumin by red cell membranes leading to a false positive Coombs test.

There have been reports of positive test results using the Bio-Rad Laboratories Platelia Aspergillus EIA test in patients receiving amoxicillin/clavulanic acid who were subsequently found to be free of Aspergillus infection. Cross-reactions with non-Aspergillus polysaccharides and polyfuranoses with Bio-Rad Laboratories Platelia Aspergillus EIA test have been reported. Therefore, positive test results in patients receiving amoxicillin/clavulanic acid should be interpreted cautiously and confirmed by other diagnostic methods.

Oral anticoagulants

Oral anticoagulants and penicillin antibiotics have been widely used in practice without reports of interaction. However, in the literature there are cases of increased international normalised ratio in patients maintained on acenocoumarol or warfarin and prescribed a course of amoxicillin. If co-administration is necessary, the prothrombin time or international normalised ratio should be carefully monitored with the addition or withdrawal of amoxicillin. Moreover, adjustments in the dose of oral anticoagulants may be necessary (see sections 4.4 and 4.8).


Penicillins may reduce the excretion of methotrexate causing a potential increase in toxicity.


Concomitant use of probenecid is not recommended. Probenecid decreases the renal tubular secretion of amoxicillin. Concomitant use of probenecid may result in increased and prolonged blood levels of amoxicillin but not of clavulanic acid.


Mycophenolate mofetil

In patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil, reduction in pre-dose concentration of the active metabolite mycophenolic acid (MPA) of approximately 50% has been reported following commencement of oral amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. The change in pre-dose level may not accurately represent changes in overall MPA exposure. Therefore, a change in the dose of mycophenolate mofetil should not normally be necessary in the absence of clinical evidence of graft dysfunction. However, close clinical monitoring should be performed during the combination and shortly after antibiotic treatment.


Pregnancy category- B.

Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryonal/foetal development, parturition or postnatal development (see section 5.3). Limited data on the use of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid during pregnancy in humans do not indicate an increased risk of congenital malformations. In a single study in women with preterm, premature rupture of the foetal membrane it was reported that prophylactic treatment with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid may be associated with an increased risk of necrotising enterocolitis in neonates. Use should be avoided during pregnancy, unless considered essential by the physician.


Both substances are excreted into breast milk (nothing is known of the effects of clavulanic acid on the breast-fed infant). Consequently, diarrhoea and fungus infection of the mucous membranes are possible in the breast-fed infant, so that breast-feeding might have to be discontinued. Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid should only be used during breast-feeding after benefit/risk assessment by the physician in charge.

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. However, undesirable effects may occur (e.g. allergic reactions, dizziness, convulsions), which may influence the ability to drive and use machines (see section 4.8).

The most commonly reported adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting.

The ADRs derived from clinical studies and post-marketing surveillance with A amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, sorted by MedDRA System Organ Class are listed below.

The following terminologies have been used in order to classify the occurrence of undesirable effects.

Very common (≥1/10)

Common (≥1/100 to <1/10)

Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100)

Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Very rare (<1/10,000)

Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)

Infections and infestations

Mucocutaneous candidosis


Overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms

Not known

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Reversible leucopenia (including neutropenia)




Reversible agranulocytosis

Not known

Haemolytic anaemia

Not known

Prolongation of bleeding time and prothrombin time1

Not known

Immune system disorders10

Angioneurotic oedema

Not known


Not known

Serum sickness-like syndrome

Not known

Hypersensitivity vasculitis

Not known

Nervous system disorders





Reversible hyperactivity

Not known


Not known

Aeseptic meningitis

Not known

Gastrointestinal disorders


Very common







Antibiotic-associated colitis4

Not known

Black hairy tongue

Not known

Hepatobiliary disorders

Rises in AST and/or ALT5



Not known

Cholestatic jaundice6

Not known

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 7

Skin rash






Erythema multiforme


Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Not known

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

Not known

Bullous exfoliative-dermatitis

Not known

Acute generalised exanthemous pustulosis (AGEP)9

Not known

Renal and urinary disorders

Interstitial nephritis

Not known


Not known

1 See section 4.4

2 See section 4.4

3 Nausea is more often associated with higher oral doses. If gastrointestinal reactions are evident, they may be reduced by taking Clavodar® at the start of a meal.

4 Including pseudomembranous colitis and haemorrhagic colitis (see section 4.4)

5 A moderate rise in AST and/or ALT has been noted in patients treated with beta-lactam class antibiotics, but the significance of these findings is unknown.

6 These events have been noted with other penicillins and cephalosporins (see section 4.4).

7 If any hypersensitivity dermatitis reaction occurs, treatment should be discontinued (see section 4.4).

8 See section 4.9

9 See section 4.4

10 See sections 4.3 and 4.4


·         To report any side effects:

National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

o  Fax: + 966-11-205-7662

o  Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340

o  Toll free phone: 8002490000

o  Email: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o  Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Symptoms and signs of overdose

Gastrointestinal symptoms and disturbance of the fluid and electrolyte balances may be evident. Amoxicillin crystalluria, in some cases leading to renal failure, has been observed (see section 4.4).

Convulsions may occur in patients with impaired renal function or in those receiving high doses.

Amoxicillin has been reported to precipitate in bladder catheters. A regular check of patency should be maintained (see section 4.4).

Treatment of intoxication

Gastrointestinal symptoms may be treated symptomatically, with attention to the water/electrolyte balance.

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid can be removed from the circulation by haemodialysis.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Combinations of penicillins, incl. beta-lactamase inhibitors; ATC code: J01CR02.

Mode of action

Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic penicillin (beta-lactam antibiotic) that inhibits one or more enzymes (often referred to as penicillin-binding proteins, PBPs) in the biosynthetic pathway of bacterial peptidoglycan, which is an integral structural component of the bacterial cell wall. Inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis leads to weakening of the cell wall, which is usually followed by cell lysis and death.

Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by beta-lactamases produced by resistant bacteria and therefore the spectrum of activity of amoxicillin alone does not include organisms which produce these enzymes.

Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactam structurally related to penicillins. It inactivates some beta-lactamase enzymes thereby preventing inactivation of amoxicillin. Clavulanic acid alone does not exert a clinically useful antibacterial effect.

PK/PD relationship

The time above the minimum inhibitory concentration (T>MIC) is considered to be the major determinant of efficacy for amoxicillin.

Mechanisms of resistance

The two main mechanisms of resistance to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid are:

• Inactivation by those bacterial beta-lactamases that are not themselves inhibited by clavulanic acid, including class B, C and D.

• Alteration of PBPs, which reduce the affinity of the antibacterial agent for the target.

Impermeability of bacteria or efflux pump mechanisms may cause or contribute to bacterial resistance, particularly in Gram-negative bacteria.


MIC breakpoints for amoxicillin/clavulanic acid are those of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST)


Susceptibility Breakpoints (μg/ml)





Haemophilus influenzae1

≤ 1


> 1

Moraxella catarrhalis1

≤ 1


> 1

Staphylococcus aureus 2

≤ 2


> 2

Coagulase-negative staphylococci 2

≤ 0.25


> 0.25


≤ 4


> 8

Streptococcus A, B, C, G5

≤ 0.25


> 0.25

Streptococcus pneumoniae3

≤ 0.5


> 2




> 8

Gram-negative Anaerobes1

≤ 4


> 8

Gram-positive Anaerobes1

≤ 4


> 8

Non-species related breakpoints1

≤ 2


> 8

1 The reported values are for Amoxicillin concentrations. For susceptibility testing purposes, the concentration of Clavulanic acid is fixed at 2 mg/l.

2 The reported values are Oxacillin concentrations.

3 Breakpoint values in the table are based on Ampicillin breakpoints.

4 The resistant breakpoint of R>8 mg/l ensures that all isolates with resistance mechanisms are reported resistant.

5 Breakpoint values in the table are based on Benzylpenicillin breakpoints.

The prevalence of resistance may vary geographically and with time for selected species, and local information on resistance is desirable, particularly when treating severe infections. As necessary, expert advice should be sought when the local prevalence of resistance is such that the utility of the agent in at least some types of infections is questionable.

Commonly susceptible species

Aerobic Gram-positive micro-organisms

Enterococcus faecalis

Gardnerella vaginalis

Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible)£

Coagulase-negative staphylococci (methicillin-susceptible)

Streptococcus agalactiae

Streptococcus pneumoniae1

Streptococcus pyogenes and other beta-haemolytic streptococci

Streptococcus viridans group

Aerobic Gram-negative micro-organisms

Capnocytophaga spp.

Eikenella corrodens

Haemophilus influenzae2

Moraxella catarrhalis

Pasteurella multocida

Anaerobic micro-organisms

Bacteroides fragilis

Fusobacterium nucleatum

Prevotella spp.

Species for which acquired resistance may be a problem

Aerobic Gram-positive micro-organisms

Enterococcus faecium $

Aerobic Gram-negative micro-organisms

Escherichia coli

Klebsiella oxytoca

Klebsiella pneumoniae

Proteus mirabilis

Proteus vulgaris

Inherently resistant organisms

Aerobic Gram-negative micro-organisms

Acinetobacter sp.

Citrobacter freundii

Enterobacter sp.

Legionella pneumophila

Morganella morganii

Providencia spp.

Pseudomonas sp.

Serratia sp.

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Other micro-organisms

Chlamydophila pneumoniae

Chlamydophila psittaci

Coxiella burnetti

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

$ Natural intermediate susceptibility in the absence of acquired mechanism of resistance.

£All methicillin-resistant staphylococci are resistant to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid

1Streptococcus pneumoniae that are resistant to penicillin should not be treated with this presentation of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).

2 Strains with decreased susceptibility have been reported in some countries in the EU with a frequency higher than 10%.



Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, are fully dissociated in aqueous solution at physiological pH. Both components are rapidly and well absorbed by the oral route of administration. Absorption of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid is optimised when taken at the start of a meal. Following oral administration, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are approximately 70% bioavailable. The plasma profiles of both components are similar and the time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) in each case is approximately one hour.

The pharmacokinetic results for a study, in which amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (500 mg/125 mg tablets three times daily) was administered in the fasting state to groups of healthy volunteers are presented below.

Mean (± SD) pharmacokinetic parameters

Active substance(s) administered



Tmax *

AUC (0-24h)

T 1/2








500/125 mg



± 2.26




± 8.87


± 0.20

Clavulanic acid


500 mg/125 mg



± 0.83




± 3.86


± 0.12

AMX – amoxicillin, CA – clavulanic acid

* Median (range)

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid serum concentrations achieved with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid are similar to those produced by the oral administration of equivalent doses of amoxicillin or clavulanic acid alone.


About 25% of total plasma clavulanic acid and 18% of total plasma amoxicillin is bound to protein. The apparent volume of distribution is around 0.3-0.4 l/kg for amoxicillin and around 0.2 l/kg for clavulanic acid.

From animal studies there is no evidence for significant tissue retention of drug-derived material for either component. Amoxicillin, like most penicillins, can be detected in breast milk. Trace quantities of clavulanic acid can also be detected in breast milk (see section 4.6).

Both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have been shown to cross the placental barrier (see section 4.6).


Amoxicillin is partly excreted in the urine as the inactive penicilloic acid in quantities equivalent to up to 10 to 25% of the initial dose. Clavulanic acid is extensively metabolized in man and eliminated in urine and faeces and as carbon dioxide in expired air.


The major route of elimination for amoxicillin is via the kidney, whereas for clavulanic acid it is by both renal and non-renal mechanisms.

Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid has a mean elimination half-life of approximately one hour and a mean total clearance of approximately 25 l/h in healthy subjects. Approximately 60 to 70% of the amoxicillin and approximately 40 to 65% of the clavulanic acid are excreted unchanged in urine during the first 6 h after administration of single amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 250 mg/125 mg or 500 mg/125 mg tablets. Various studies have found the urinary excretion to be 50-85% for amoxicillin and between 27-60% for clavulanic acid over a 24 hour period. In the case of clavulanic acid, the largest amount of drug is excreted during the first 2 hours after administration.

Concomitant use of probenecid delays amoxicillin excretion but does not delay renal excretion of clavulanic acid (see section 4.5).


The elimination half-life of amoxicillin is similar for children aged around 3 months to 2 years and older children and adults. For very young children (including preterm newborns) in the first week of life the interval of administration should not exceed twice daily administration due to immaturity of the renal pathway of elimination. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function.


Following oral administration of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid to healthy males and female subjects, gender has no significant impact on the pharmacokinetics of either amoxicillin or clavulanic acid.

Renal impairment

The total serum clearance of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid decreases proportionately with decreasing renal function. The reduction in drug clearance is more pronounced for amoxicillin than for clavulanic acid, as a higher proportion of amoxicillin is excreted via the renal route. Doses in renal impairment must therefore prevent undue accumulation of amoxicillin while maintaining adequate levels of clavulanic acid (see section 4.2).

Hepatic impairment

Hepatically impaired patients should be dosed with caution and hepatic function monitored at regular intervals.

Nonclinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on studies of safety pharmacology, genotoxicity and toxicity to reproduction.

Repeat dose toxicity studies performed in dogs with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid demonstrate gastric irritancy and vomiting, and discoloured tongue.

Carcinogenicity studies have not been conducted with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid or its components.

Croscarmellose sodium, colloidal anhydrous silica, sodium stearyl fumarate, microcrystalline cellulose, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, diethyl phthalate and talc.

Not applicable

24 Months

Store in a dry place below 30°C.

Immediate packaging

Outer packaging

Aluminum foil


Silica gel bags

Cardboard box


Clavodar 625 mg tablets are available in pack of 14 and 20 tablets>

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.


Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co. Ltd. P.O. Box 9364 Na’ur – Jordan


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